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6 Badac

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Albay
Office of the Punong Barangay
Barangay No. 31 Centro-Baybay
City of Legazpi


Series of 2023



WHEREAS, the Constitution mandates that the government shall promote the quality of life of the

WHEREAS, Section 2 of the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act or Republic Act 9165 declares that
it is the policy of the State to safeguard the integrity of its territory and the well-being of its citizenry
particularly the youth, from the harmful effects of dangerous drugs on their physical and mental well-being,
and to defend the same against acts or omissions detrimental to their development and preservation;

WHEREAS, DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2015-63, dated June 16, 2015 and DILG-DDB JMC
2018-01 dated May 21, 2018 were issued to emphasize to local authorities especially barangay officials their
principal responsibilities in support of overall government efforts to maintain peace and order particularly to
curb illegal drugs and other substances and to provide guidelines on the functionality and effectiveness of Local
Anti-Drug Abuse Councils

Pursuant to DILG Memorandum Circulars Nos. 98-227, 99-226, 2001-90, 2003-131, 2004-07, 2012-
094, 2015-63, DILG-DDB Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2018-01, and DDB Board Regulation No. 3, series
of 2017 all pertaining to the creation, reorganization, strengthening and revitalization of local anti-drug abuse
councils in all levels of the government, the Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council (BADAC) of Barangay No. 31
Centro-Baybay, Legazpi City, is hereby constituted as follows:

Section 1. Composition of the BADAC – The Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council (BADAC) shall be
composed and reorganized of the following:


1. Teresita L. Empig Punong Barangay Chairperson

Barangay Kagawad, Chair

2. Nestor N. Logronio of Committee on Peace and Vice-Chairperson

Barangay Kagawad, Chair

3. Narlina B. San Miguel of Committee on Women Member
and Family

4. Braddy D. Romero SK Chairman Member

Public School Principal /

5. Dr. Maria P. Grollo Member

6. Ramil A. Armero Barangay Chief Tanod Member

7. Cherie L. Alparce CSO Representative Member

8. Madilyn G. Priel CSO Representative Member

Faith-based Organization
9. Glynda J. Araojo Member

10 City Chief of Police /

Representative Adviser
. PLTCOL Dennis B Balla

Section 2. Powers and Functions of the BADAC – The BADAC shall have the authority and
responsibility to perform the following:

1. Plan, strategize, implement and evaluate programs on drug abuse prevention in the barangay;
2. Organize the BADAC Auxiliary Team and orient them of their roles and functions in formulating a
plan of action to address the drug problem;
3. Equip Barangay Tanods and BADAC Auxiliary Team on their roles and functions in the campaign
against street level illegal drug trade thru seminars or trainings;
4. Coordinate and collaborate with other institutions implementing programs and projects on drug
abuse prevention at the barangay level;
5. Conduct information, education and communication campaign activities on illegal drug demand
6. Conduct regular and consultative meetings at least once a month and call for special meetings with
organizations in the barangay;
7. Strengthen the family in the barangay by promoting family affairs and conduct values formation on
parental care and guidance in coordination with other peoples’ organization and concerned agencies;
8. Determine and maintain a record of the names and other personal information of actual residents of
the barangay, likewise, gather and update all drug related incidents and its effects on the peace and
order situation in the barangay including listings of suspected drug users/dependents and pushers;
9. Identify drug affected house clusters, work places, streets, puroks and sitios where there are
violations of RA 9165 and immediately report the same to PNP or PDEA;
10. Conduct an inventory of drug personalities who were identified to be involved in illegal drug
activities and identify who were brought to both government and/or private facility/center and
community-based rehabilitation centers;
11. Refer suspected drug users and dependents who voluntarily surrendered to the barangay duty officer
to CADAC for proper assessment;
12. Conduct periodic monitoring of those undertaking facility/center and community-based
rehabilitation program;
13. Empower and encourage the community in reporting drug-related cases through an
award/commendation system;
14. Extend assistance to law enforcement agencies during the conduct of drug clearing operations at the
barangay level;
15. Enact local ordinances, policies and other legislative measures to support the barangay drug clearing
16. Set quarterly targets to reduce level of drug affectation and ultimately, to achieve and maintain drug-
cleared status;
17. Submit monthly report to the CADAC/MADAC copy furnished DILG city field office on the
progress of the barangay drug clearing program;
18. Monitor the progress and disposition of drug-related cases filed with courts;
19. Ensure the safety of the community and extend such other necessary assistance to the operating units
during the conduct of anti-drug operations; and
20. Perform other related functions.
Section 3. Reorganization of BADAC Committees on Operation and Advocacy. The BADAC
Committees on Operation and Advocacy shall be reorganized with the following composition:

Committee on Operation


Barangay Kagawad
1. Nestor N. Logronio Chairman Committee on Team Coordinator
Peace and Order

2. Ramil A. Armero Chief Tanod Assistant Coordinator

3. Eleno J. Madre, Jr. Deputy Tanod Member

4. Albert C. Villaranda Barangay Tanod Member

5. Jose Jonathan D. Altiche Barangay Tanod Member

6. Jefrey Sallan Barangay Tanod Member

7. Jason B. Lachama Barangay Tanod Member

8. Alex A. Datiles Barangay Tanod Member

9. Rogelio B. Madrideo, Jr. Barangay Tanod Member

10. Rommel B. Madrideo Barangay Tanod Member

Committee on Advocacy


Barangay Kagawad
Chairman Committee on
1. Narlina B. San Miguel Team Coordinator
Social Services and Family

SK Chairman
2. Braddy D. Romero Committee on Youth Assistant Coordinator

School Head
3. Dr. Maria P. Grollo Legazpi Port Elementary Member

Barangay Kagawad Member

4. Christian Bernard L. Lee Chairman Committee on
Education, Arts and Culture

CSO Representative Member

5. Bonifacio N. Panuelos

6. Juliet B. Santillan Child Development Worker Member

CSO Representative Member

7. Chester A. Lopez
Section 4.a. Roles and Functions of the BADAC Committee on Operation. The members of the
BADAC Committee on Operation shall perform the following duties and responsibilities:

1. Identify and report to BADAC drug dependents suspected drug personalitiywa, illegal drug
laboratories and dens within their respective areas;
2. Prepare and maintain a confidential list of suspected users, pushers, financiers, and protectors of
illegal drug trade found in the barangay to be submitted to the CADAC copy furnished the PNP
Anti-Illegal Drug Special Operations Task Force;
3. Establish rehabilitation or referral desks and process applications for rehabilitation of drug
4. BADAC Operation consists of the following activities from the pre-operation, operation and post-
operation phases:
a. Pre-Operation
i. Conduct basic drug prevention and control seminars, giving emphasis to collection
and analysis of drug-related information and prevention education;
ii. Support the local PNP Unit in the determination of priority drug affected streets or
iii. Establish a Rehabilitation and Referral Desk;
b. Operation
i. Assist and coordinate with oversight agencies for the drug clearing operation;
ii. Submit requirements or repports as means of verification as required by oversight
c. Post-Operation
i. Implement support projects for PWUDs who surrendered, their families and the
community as a whole and prepare the barangay for reintegration of drug
ii. Mobilize Auxiliary Teams to ensure sustainability of the status of the barangay as
iii. Conduct seminar and implement measures towards drug abuse prevention.

Section 4.b. Roles and Functions of the BADAC Committee on Advocacy. The members of the
BADAC Committee on Advocacy shall perform the following duties and responsibilities:

1. Assist in the conduct of IEC and help facilititate in the preparation and distribution of information
materials in collaboration with the school, neighborhood association and others;
2. Report existing community-based rehabilitation programs;
3. Conduct neighborhood activities to prevent drug addiction;
4. Perform other related functions as prescribed by the rules and regulations.

Section 5. Composition of the BADAC Auxiliary Team – The following shall be designated as
members of the BADAC Auxiliary Team:


Barangay Kagawad, Vice-

1. Jesus S. Lachama Chairman of Committee on Team Coordinator
Peace and Order

2. Bremer D. Romero Barangay Secretary Assistant Coordinator

3. Cherie L. Alparce Barangay Clerk Member

4. Vina E. Madrona Desk Officer Member

5. Mary Grace A. Magalona SK Kagawad Member

6. Rafael A. Senias, Jr. CSO Representative Member

7. Bonifacio N. Panuelos CSO Representative Member

8. Dennish A. Datiles CSO Representative Member

9. Isauro M. Mapula BADAC Enforcer Member

10. Eleno J. Madre, Jr. Deputy Barangay Tanod Member

11. Nelly E. Madrona Barangay Nutrition Scholar Member

Barangay Service Point Member

12. Nelly D. Obido

13. Ma. Minda I. San Barangay Sanitary Aide Member


14. Xyrille G. Nadres NDEP Coordinator – LPES Member

15. Brenda D. Romero Teacher – LPES Member

16. Reymar L. Narito Teacher – LPES Member

17. Melody B. Daep Teacher – LPES Member

18. Ruben Baliwas Purok 1 Resident Member

19. Francis C. Balonzo Purok 1 Resident Member

20. Richard C. Villaranda Purok 1 Resident Member

21. Emelda C. Paguio Purok 1 Resident Member

22. Christopher B. Navales Purok 2 Resident Member


23. Cristina Y. Nuñez Purok 2 Resident Member

24. Chester A. Lopez Purok 2 Resident Member

25. Richard A. Datiles Purok 2 Resident Member

Section 6. Functions of BADAC Auxiliary Team – members of the BADAC Auxiliary Team shall
perform the following duties and responsibilities:

1. Identify and report to the BADAC suspected drug dependents, pushers, illegal drug laboratories, and
other illegal drug-related activities in their areas;
2. Assist in the conduct of information, education and communication campaign activities;
3. Help facilitate in the preparation and distribution information, education and communication
materials in collaboration with schools, neighborhood associations, etc.; and
4. Initiate the conduct of neighborhood activities to prevent drug abuse in their area of operation
especially among children and youth.
Section 7. Organization of Barangay House Clusters – The organization of Barangay House Cluster
shall be based on the number of streets in the Barangay and the following shall be designated as cluster leaders:

Cluster Cluster Leader

Don. B. Erquiaga St. 1. Edenita B. Lachama

E. Aguinaldo St. 2. Mersedita D. Gomez

E. Aguinaldo St. Extension 3. Mary Jane T. Bagunas

Ramon Santos St. 4. Ronald Garcia

Peñaranda St. 5. Ma. Salome Yanzon

Mabini St. 6. Angelo Mesias

Rizal St. Extension 7. Salvacion Madrideo

Northern Boulevard – Purok 2 8. Baby Jane P. Bonganay

Northern Boulevard – Purok 1 9. Joan V. Bongalbal

Section 8. Functions of Barangay Cluster Leaders – Designated cluster leaders shall perform the
following duties and responsibilities:

1. Attend BADAC regular meetings, upon instruction of the Punong Barangay;

2. Prepare and maintain list of individuals or residents in every household within the assigned cluster;
3. Immediately inform or report to the BADAC any illegal drug-related activities or cases occurring
within the assigned cluster; and
4. Perform other duties as may be assigned by the Punong Barangay.
Section 9. Effectivity – this Order shall take effect immediately.

Let copies hereof be furnished to all concerned for information, reference and guidance.

DONE this 27th of May, 2023 in Barangay No. 31 Centro-Baybay, Legazpi City, Albay.

Punong Barangay

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