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The Correlation between Self-confidence and Communication Skills of GAS 11 B

students in Oro Site High School


Self-confidence is one of the factors which play the important role in determining the
learners’ willingness to communicate of the speaking skill.1 Self-Confidence is the crucial part in
the speaking skill, because that can give enthusiasm, brave and stimulation to the learners.
Because that if the learners have high self-confidence, they will be achieve the best
performance in speaking skill fluently. In communication play, self-confidence has an important
role, exactly in the learners’ willingness to communicate. Because that, self-confident give an
effect to their abilities. High self-confidence can be positively correlated with oral performance.
Therefore, student who has higher self-confidence than the other students can communicate
Speaking skill is more difficult than the other skills, because in the speaking skill, is not
only needs pronounce words, but also arrangement of the word in the oral performance. 2 Beside
of that, according to Chafe, states that speaking is the activity of someone who use their part of
their body, such us lungs, throats, and mouths to produce voice which pass through the air and
strike to ears of the listener or the other people. 3 The difficulty in the speaking happened
because speaking skill was influenced by many aspects.

The Problem and Its Background

Speaking is a crucial part in second or foreign language. Despite its importance and
crucial many students still find any obstacle to speak a lot and more in class or in daily
communication. However, today's world requires that every student should brave to speak a lot,
because students can involve in global competition and development. In order to be able to
speak well, the student should learn about the factors that affect English speaking skills first.
There are lot of factors that affect English speaking skills, but the writer take interest with self-
confidence. One of the psychological factors that can influence the students’ speaking skill is
self-confidence. The heart of all learning is a person’s belief in his or her ability to accomplish
the task.
Self-confidence is an attitude that is characterized by a positive belief that you can take
control of your life and of your plans. It is a belief in your abilities. 4 People who are self-confident
are those who acknowledge their capacity to do something and then proceed to do these things.
They do not rely on the approval of other.
Students who have high self-confidence are not afraid to explore their ability. They are
usually active in the classroom and not afraid to make mistake in learning. Some students have
high level of self-confidence and low level of self- confidence. The students who have high level
of self-confidence are usually more active in 3 the class than the students who have low level of
self-confidence. The students who have high self-confidence are not afraid to ask questions or
to express their opinion. Asking questions or uttering opinion in the classroom requires certain
courage to stand up and interrupt the teacher to ask a question, and it requires self-confidence
to do that. Dealing with the speaking in front of class, the students having high self-confidence
will perform better than the students having low self-confidence. The reason is the most
important factor that determines the performance of students in school is neither intellect, nor
energy or talent, it is the amount of self-confidence a student has which decides how much he
will be able to use his talent, energy, and intellect. Self-confidence is a personal factor that pays
a supportive role in the achievement of foreign language learning.
Self-confidence has a very significant impact both on expressing yourself during
interpersonal relationship and making up relations with others. Acting without self-confidence
may lead to isolation or treatment of an individual from society. Because of that, therapist have
been very much concerned about self-confidence. Many people have difficulty in asserting in
their right and the main problem of this research is how self-confidence level affects the
communication skills of the GAS 11 B students in Oro Site High school.
This research investigates how communication skills affects the student on their
academic performance and how they should overcome to it. This also determines the relation
between communication and self-confidence on the GAS 11 B students in Oro Site High school.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine the correlation between self-confidence and
communication skills of the GRADE 11 students in Oro Site High School.
1. What is the socio-economic profile of the respondents along the following terms:
a. age?
b. sex?
c. parents’ educational attainment?
d. parents’ occupation?
e. number of members in the family?
f. reading references available at home?
g. language spoken at home?
2. What are the factors that affect the correlation between self-confidence and
communication skills of the GRADE 11 students in Oro Site High School along with the
following terms:
a. support at home?
b. prior linguistic knowledge?
c. learning environment?
d. teaching strategies?
3. What are the effects of the factors to the correlation between self-confidence and
communication skills of the GRADE 11 students in Oro Site High School along with the
following terms:
a. support at home?
b. prior linguistic knowledge?
c. learning environment?
d. teaching strategies?
4. What interventions could be proposed to develop self-confidence and communication
skills of the GRADE 11 students in Oro Site High School?

The following assumptions were the bases for the study:
1. There is a variation in the socio-economic profile of the 10 male students and 10
female students, a total of 20 respondents, GAS 11B Students of Oro Site High
2. There are factors affecting the correlation between self-confidence and
communication skills of the GRADE 11 students in Oro Site High School when
analyzed in terms of personal, family, school and community.
3. The level of correlation between self-confidence and communication skills of the
GRADE 11 students in Oro Site High School needs to be addressed in order for
them to cope with their classmates.
4. There exists a relationship between the factors affecting the correlation between
self-confidence and communication skills of the GRADE 11 students in Oro Site
High School.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to boost the self-confidence level and communication skills of the GAS
11 B students in Oro Site High School for the school year 2022-2023. The independent
variables in this study were limited to the personal profile of the students such as age, sex,
income of parents, and educational attainment of parents, and other factors associated with the
self-confidence and communication skills of the respondents such as study hours, perception
towards the teacher, extent of television viewing, text messaging, extent of use of online social
network and computer games, and reading frequency. This study used the descriptive
correlative research method. The data that were gathered were derived from the results of the
one-shot survey questionnaire constructed by the researchers.
The questionnaire consisted of as follows: Part I for the demographic profile of the
respondents, Part II for other factors associating with the English capability of the respondents,
and Part III for the English capability test. The administration of the test was done by the
researchers of this study, assisted by the teachers of the respondents, and the parents of the
respondents who helped in answering Parts I and II of the research instrument.


Self-confidence is a trait that reflects in every area of our lives be it educational life,
professional, and personal life. People talk about the importance of self-confidence all the time
but do not realize the extent of its importance. We only realize the importance of self-confidence
when there is a lack of self-confidence in a person and it affects negatively in different areas of
life, especially our communication skills. The result of this study will benefit the following:
Students. The students will be beneficiaries of whatever suggestions or
recommendations this study will present. Alongside with it, the teachers will then bring these
suggestions into consideration and improve (if lacking) or maintain (if good) their personal
qualities in teaching and their instructional competencies to improve instruction, which in turn
mean better educational results and boost more their self-confidence and enhance their
communication skills.
Community. People in the community will benefit from the development this study that
will take effect on the students, who are part of the community. They will take into consideration
the outcomes and recommendations of this study and will use these to determine ways on how
to encourage the students to learn the language.
Government. This study will further enhance the government’s knowledge on the
characteristics of students – citizens of the country – in terms of their background and interests
relating to their self-confidence and communication skills. They may incorporate the ideas of the
results of this study into the present and future curricula to further improve the students.
Parents. Parents will also find this study necessary because it will help them lead their
children into disciplined learning. They will also find means on how to encourage their children
to develop more their self-confidence and communication skills with the help of this study.
School heads and administrators. This research study, in some way, help them
increase their knowledge on the study. Such knowledge will enable them to explore ways on
how to improve the quality of their education, and to encourage their teachers to apply the
significant findings of this study to their classrooms.
Teachers. The results of this study will further aid the teachers in determining the best
teaching strategies in attaining a high capability level for their students.
Future researchers. Findings of this study may somehow provide future researchers
with information variables they will use in similar researches.
The Researchers: The researchers can also gain significance in this study. They would
improve their skills, strategy and knowledge in engaging research.

1 Utama., IM, Marhaeni, Permadi., I. Adi Jaya. Nyoman., A.A.I.N. Putra. (2018). The Effect of
Teaching Strategy to Students’ Self Confidence and Speaking Competency of The Scond
Grade Student of Smpn 6 Singaraja. Journal program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan
Ganesha (Vol.1 2018)

2 Bashir, Marriam. (2021). Factor Effecting Students’ English Speaking Skills. British Journal of
Arts and Social Sciences ISSN: 2046-9578, Vol.2 No.1

3 Chafe, Wallace: N.D. (2019) Discourse, Consciousness, And Time; The Flow And
Displacement Of Conscious Experience In Speaking And Writing. The University of Chicago
Press: Chicago & London

4 Burton & Pllats. (2019). Building Confident for Dummies. England : John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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