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M2 2023 - Isnin (27.3.2023)

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Daily Lesson Plan 5D

Lesson: 1 Week: 2 Day : Monday Date: 27/3/2023

Time : 9.00 - 10.00 am Class : 5 Dinamik Subject : English language
Theme: Word of Self, Family and Friends Topic : STARTER UNIT : FREE TIME
Language Focus : Present simple: affirmative and negative; Possessive adjectives e.g. my
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Reading
Content Standard: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and
familiar contexts non-linear print and digital texts by using
appropriate reading strategies
Learning standard: 1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple
of longer simple texts on a range of familiar texts of one or two paragraphs
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
Objectives 1) Understand with support the main idea of longer simple texts on a range of familiar topics
2) Understand the main idea of simple texts of one or two paragraphs
Pupils can:
Success Criteria/
1) listen and point out 15 vocabulary on the topic “Free Time”.
Can do statements
2) read and complete a text by writing 7 correct answers in the blanks provided.
Teaching aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
CCE : Language Values HOTS: Application
Differentiation Strategies: Time 21st CL : Round Robbin
Pupils play vocabulary game on the topic “Free Time”. Pupils stand in a circle and take turns
Pre Lesson
clockwise to say a noun, adjective, or verb about free time.
1. Follow instructions in Teacher’s Book, p.18, Exercise 1 (CD Track 1-02). Pupils then look at
Student’s Book, p.4, Activity 1 and find words they said in Step 1. Teacher finds out with a
show of hands if listening to words about free time is easy or hard. Teacher asks what helped
them to understand the words (pictures, words written in box).
2. Pupils look at words in Activity 2. Read them aloud to check meaning and pronunciation.
Teacher helps pupils to notice the stress in the word “photography”.
3. Pupils read about a girl’s free time in Activity 2 then with a partner, guess which words go in
Lesson Development
the gaps.
4. Pupils listen to CD Track 1-03 to check answers.
5. Teacher asks related questions. For e.g. Why is it important to be careful when chatting online?
6. PBD - Listening skill

Post Lesson Pupils review the vocabulary about free time.

Assessment Task
PBD Listening skill
Main Skill
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-
Complementary Skill
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Daily Lesson Plan 5D

Lesson: 2 Week: 2 Day : Monday Date: 27/3/2023

Time : 11.00 am - 12.00 pm Class : 5 Dinamik Subject : English language
Theme: Word of Self, Family and Friends Topic : STARTER UNIT : FREE TIME
Present simple: affirmative and negative; Subject pronouns e.g. I, you;
Language Focus :
Possessive adjectives e.g. my, our
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Writing
Content Standard: 2.1 Communicate simple information 4.2 Communicate basic information
intelligibly intelligibly for a range of purposes in print
and digital media
Learning standard: 2.1.1 Give detailed information about 4.2.1 Give detailed information about
themselves themselves
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
Objectives 1) Give detailed information about themselves (speaking)
2) Give detailed information about themselves (writing)
Pupils can: talk about their interests
Success Criteria/
1) Talk about their interests
Can do statements
2) Write six sentences about their hobbies and interests.
Teaching aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
CCE : Language Values HOTS: Application
Differentiation Strategies: Time 21st CL: Role Play
Teacher says sentences about hobbies and interests. Pupils stand up if the sentence is true for them.
Pre Lesson For example: You like ___. You don’t like ___. Your favourite hobby / interest is ___. Pupils then
say sentences about your hobbies and interests. Sit down if not true, stand up if true
1. Teacher writes on board 1–9. Pupils look at sentence starters in p.4, Activity 3 and say a
2. Pupils listen to CD track 1-04 and complete sentences.
3. Pupils do Activity 4 on p.4. They write six sentences about their hobbies and interests.
4. Teacher chooses two pupils to read speech bubbles in Activity 5. Pupils work with a different
Lesson Development partner and repeat dialogue substituting hobbies and interests with theirs.
5. Pupils do p. 5, Activities 1, 2 and 4 to remind them about subject pronouns and possessive
adjectives. If there’s time, they should check in pairs first. Teacher checks with the whole class
6. PBD - Speaking skill

Play Is it true, is it false? Pupils write in capital letters TRUE and FALSE on two pieces of paper.
Post Lesson They take turns to say or make up a hobby or interest that a member of their family has. Then ask:
Is it true? Is it false?
Assessment Role play
PBD Speaking skill
Main Skill
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given.
Complementary Skill
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-

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