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FITT Goals Safety Aerobic and Strength Training in Focus ITNESS RELATED JOB OPPORTUNITIES

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mini bond squats How to observe personal safety protocol to avoid

FITT Goals: lesson5 squats to overhead press dehydration, overexertion, hypothermia, and
Aerobic and Strength training In Focus squat with front raise hyperthermia during MVPA participation
How to Set FITT Goals Based on Training Principles to squat with chest press
Achieve and/or Maintain HRF squat jack Dehydration or loss of fluids occurs in exercise through
Principles of training using squat jump sweat, breath, and urine, Dehydration will result in the loss
F.I.T.T. Formula split squat of coordination and of fatigue. To avoid dehydration,
F-FREQUENCY goble sumo squat students must drink fluids before, during, and after
Number of Meeting in a week split squate to shoulder raise exercise.
I-INTENSITY 7. Individualization Overexertion
The effort level of Exercise No one person is totally alike. Each individual has a Overexertion may come in the form of any exercise
T-TIME certain unique set of physical characteristics. Therefore, greater than the capacity of an individual to handle. As a
Period covered in an exercise session some training or exercise program are tailor made for general rule, to avoid overexertion, training must start from
T-TYPE certain individuals, especially for those with specific a low level of exertion before graduating to higher levels.
Kind of Exercise needs, strengths, or limitations and conditions.
Training in cold environment can lead to hypothermia, or
How to set FITT goals Based on training principles To 8. Maintinance the condition of low core body temperature. To prevent this
achieve and/or maintain HRF Exercise must be regular for fitness to be maintained. condition, one must layer clothes and cover parts of the
Effective training takes time and patience. If one adheres By following all the other principles above, taking into body with other types of clothing such as hats, mittens, ear
to the proper principles of training, result will definitely consideration the principle of FITT. One can maintain a covers, and face or nose covers.
be seen. Performance will be improved, and healthy level of fitness. Hyperthermia
physiological changes will occur as well. Hyperthermia, or heat illness, is a product of losing too
PRINCIPLES How to Set FITT Goals much water and heating up because of exercise. Three
1. Overload FITT goals very per individual. The best way is to fisrt know conditions may occur: heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and
Simply put, the oveload principle relies on the premise that your thresholds, or the limits of what you can do per type of heat stroke. To avoid hyperthermia, drink lots of fluids and
to improve the muscle must produce work at a level that iss activity. Check for personal limits in frequency, intensity, avoid overexertion. If you notice somebody experiencing
higher than its regular work load. With the need to cope with hyperthermia, do the following: stop the training session;
time and type of activity. From there, one can set targets or
the new level of work, the body adjust accordingly. bring the exerciser to a cooler environment.
increase in performance.
For a program to achieve more gains, it must be School and Community Resources in case of an
progressive. This means that as the body adapts to the Injury or Emergency LESSON7
initial overload, the overload must be adjusted and 1. Know where the school, classroom, and other venue exits Health – and Fitness Related Career Opportunities
increased gradually. are. Possible Careers in the Health and Fitness Sector:
3. Recovery
2. Familiarize yourself with the school; know where the open 1. Physical Education
An athlete needs rest and recuperation for the body to
adjust properly. Adaptation to physical activity occurs areas are. If you prefer to be engaged in more activities and games
gradually and naturally, but time must be allowed for the 3. Determine where the guardhouses are located. rather than classroom lectures, this career is for you
body to generate and build. 4. Find the location of the clinic 2. Sports Administration
4. Reversibility 5. Be aware of similar facilities that are nearest to the school. Work full-time in the sports field. If you enjoy competitive
All gains due to exercise will be lost if one does not 6. Have all emergency numbers ready sports, you can engage in the management side and be
continue the exercise. The body will not be able to maintain right in the middle of all the action.
Safety: Aerobic and Strength Training
levels of fitness without maintaining exercise. 3. Personal Training
5. Spicificity in Focus: lesson 6 Be flexible in your schedule. A personal trainer
The specificity principle states that each form of activity How to Analyze Physiological Indicators such as Heart manages his or her own time and schedule
would produce different result. This means that if one has Rate, Rate of Perceive Exertion, and Pacing Associated 4. Coaching
specific gains in mind, one must aptly plan and execute with MVPAS TO Monitor and/ or Adjust or Effort If at one point, you feel like experiencing being a
activities that would target those goals. Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity(MVPA) competitive athlete or a member of the varsity team or if
6. Variation you show interest in handling a team of your own, being
With moderate goals of fitness, one can train in the
Adaptation can be maximized by varying physical activity. a coach offers an exciting path for you.
moderate aerobic zone or the weight management
An athlete may hit plateau with a constant, unchanging zone. With vigorous goals of fitness, one can adjust to 5. Sport Research
routine. Sometimes, repetitive stress injuries might develop train in the aerobic fitness zone or even to the peak There is always something new in the fitness and health
out of the same routine performed over and over again. aerobic performance zone. field. Sports research and development is very dynamic
and offers a wide array of areas to work on.
How to Organize a Fitness event for a Target
Health Issue or Concern
1. Identify a goal, target, or health
issue to address
It is important to have a target in
mind in order to plan for a proper
2. Do your research
When having a health concern in
mind, do your research and learn
the basic terminologies and
aspects of that area.
3. Look for a location or venue
Having in mind your health
concern and being familiar with
your topic.
4. Build your team
Identify members of your team.
The team leader must delegate
tasks for efficiency and economy
5. Document
Before, during, and after the event,
it would be proper to have a

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