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The 4th International Agronursing Conference

“Optimizing The Role of Nursing and Health Professionals to Enhance

Health Care Quality in The New Normal Era”
Faculty of Nursing, University of Jember, Ph (0331) 323450 Email: ianc@unej.ac.id


Aninda Maris Sustika1, Arista Maisyaroh2, Eko Prasetya Widianto3, Laili Nur Azizah4
Nursing Diploma, Nursing Faculty, Jember University
Corresponding author: rizekifibriansari@unej.ac.id

Background: Stroke patients by 80% experience hemiparesis (partial paralysis on one side of
the body). Muscle contractions are influenced by the body's motion system in stroke patients
who experience weakness. Range of Motion is a muscle strength training given to increase
muscle mass and muscle tone to increase the normal and complete perfection of joint motion.
Most of the current research focuses on increasing muscle strength in stroke patients.
Objectives: literature review aims to determine the effectiveness of Range of Motion there is
an increase in muscle strength stroke patients. Method: In preparing the Literature review using
the PRISMA checklist and PICOS in the selection determine the inclusion criteria. Secondary
data obtained from reputable journals both national and international with a predetermined
discussion. Results: The results of several articles on Range of Motion therapy to increase the
range of joint motion in patients with stroke. Effective at least 2 times a day within 5-15 minutes
for 8 days in 2 weeks can affect the increase in range of motion in the upper and lower extremity

Keywords: Range Of Motion, Stroke

BACKGROUND diameter or even complete blockage of the

Stroke is a clinical sign that develops rapidly blood vessels due to local blood clots. (Lili
due to local or overall brain disorders with Indrawati, 2016). The death of clogged blood
signs that occur for 24 hours or more which vessels due to lack of oxygen and nutrients
can result in death without any other obvious will affect some neurons. So that stroke
cause but vascular (Wahyuningsih, 2017). In sufferers can experience impaired
the world, the incidence of stroke is close to coordination and balance of movement,
200 per 100,000 people for 1 year in decreased muscle strength, making it
Indonesia, it is estimated that 500,000 people difficult to carry out daily activities (Hartono,
have a stroke each year, of the 500,000 2011).
people have a stroke, it is estimated that Range Of Motion is a muscle strength
stroke patients who die reach 125,000 people training given to increase muscle mass and
and others have mild disabilities muscle tone to improve the perfection of
(Wahyuningsih, 2017). normal and complete joint motion. Most of
Blood vessels whose elasticity is reduced and the current research focuses on increasing
stiff or arteriosclerosis causes narrowing of muscle strength in stroke patients (Bakara &
the blood vessels. Arteriosclerosis can occur Warsito, 2016)
because of the accumulation of fat on the
walls of the arteries, the deposits of fat in the METHODS
arteries can damage the walls of the blood The method used in the preparation of the
vessels and cause an injury that causes the literature review uses the PRISMA checklist
platelets to release enzymes that clot blood in to determine the selection of studies and uses
the arteries. There is a narrowing of the the PICOS format. The data used are
secondary. Data collection methods using articles. The researcher then conducted a
electronic databases include NATURE, screening based on the title (n = 309), abstract
EBSCO, SCIENCE DIRECT, LINK, Scholar. (n = 53), and full text (n = 19) which were by
In the initial search, you get 437 articles that following the theme of the literature review.
match the keywords. The search results This assessment was carried out based on the
obtained were then checked for duplications eligibility and exclusion criteria, which
and found that there were 128 similar articles resulted in 19 articles that could be used in the
so they were excluded and the remaining 309 review literature.

Title Journal & Volume
Method Results
Author & Page,
Exercise Range Of 2016, Pre Experimental Method There is an increase in the range
Motion (ROM) volume with The One Group of motion before and after the
Passive To Increase VII & Pretest-Posttest Design. Range of motion in stroke
Joint Range Of Post- pages patients.
Stroke Patients 12 - 18
Derison Marsinova
Bakara, Surani
(Bakara & Warsito,
Range Of 2017 The research method used Range of motion cylindrical grip
Motionactive volume was a sampling technique, can increase muscle strength in
(Cylindrical Grip) On 001 namely purposive stroke patients
The Extremity Muscle Pages 0- sampling. This type of
Strength Of Non- 15 research is the pre-
Hemorrhagic Stroke experimental one-group
Patients pretest-posttest design
Isti Wahyuningsih,
Ismonah, Hendrajaya
(Wahyuningsih, 2017)
The systemic nonrandom
The Effect Of Giving 2017 sampling, the number of The results of the research
Rom Therapy (Range year samples was 10 conducted showed the effect of
Of Motion) On The Volume respondents and used the providing Range Of Motion for
Healing Of Stroke 2 Pages Paired t-test statistical test. healing in stroke
Disease Author: Adi 87 -
Didin Setyawan 90DOI:
Ani Rosita 10.1177
Nindy Yunitasari /088307
(Setyawan Et Al., 381877
2017) 6157
The Quasi Experiment method, There was an increase in muscle
Differences Of Muscle 2015 with One Post Pre-Post test strength in respondents with 5
Strength Before And year design. using univariate repetitions a day and performed
After Training (Mirror Volume and bivariate analysis. In a all 7 days. With the mean value
Therapy) In Ischemic 2 bivariate analysis using the of muscle strength before the
Stroke Patients With Wilcoxon test. intervention of 2.12 (0.45) in the
Hemiparesis In upper limb and 2.12 (0.45) in the
Dr.Hasan Sadikin lower extremities. The mean
Hospital, Bandung value after the intervention was
Author: Hendri 3.83 (0.56) in the upper limb and
Heriyanto, Anastasia the value of muscle strength was
Anna 4.00 (0.66) in the lower limb.
(Heriyanto & Anna,
Pengaruh Range Of The This study used the one There is a difference in muscle
Motion Terhadap 2020 group pretest-posttest strength before and after Range
Kekuatan Otot year method. The data was Of Motion is proven by the test
Padapasien Stroke Volume collected using results obtained, namely 0.000.
Iskemik Di Rumah 3 Pages questionnaires,
Sakit Umum Hkbp 278 - observations, and
Balige 282 interviews, and data testing
Penulis : was carried out using the
Rika Elvriede Wilcoxon test.
Muhammad Taufiq
Daniel Hasibuan
(Trust Et Al., 2020)
Nursing Actions The Descriptive research. Passive Range Of Motion
Training The Range 2018 Sample 1 respondent, the (ROM) measures were
Of Passive Motion year subject is NY. S, 62 years performed 2 times a day for 3
Engineering To Volume old, had weakness in his days with the help of nurses or
Reduce Physical 4 right arm and right leg for 1 independently, but Mrs. S has not
Mobility Barriers In Pages day. been able to lift his right arm and
Mrs. S With A Non 39 - 44 leg. Muscle strength in Mrs. S is
Hemorrhagic Stroke still on a scale of 2 and the
Author: Siswanto , muscle strength of the right leg is
Malikhaturrofi’ah Al still on a scale of 2, so there has
Mahfudhoh, Evy Tri been no change for 3 days.

The Effectiveness Of The qualitative research The result is that all respondents
The Range Of Motion 2018 methods with a descriptive experienced an increase in
(Rom) On Increasing year case study approach. muscle strength from 2 to 3 on a
Muscle Strength In Volume Review the data analysis, scale.
Stroke Suffers 7 Pages interview data, and
Author: 14 - 18 observation tests
Susana Nurtanti,
Widia Ningrum
(Nurtanti & Ningrum,
The Effect Of Range The Pre Experiment design There is an effect after doing
Of Motion Training 2018 method using one group Range of Motion on the range of
On The Extremity year pretest-posttest. Samples motion of the upper limb joints
Joint Movement Volume were taken using a non- with post-stroke patients with the
Range In Post-Stroke 3 probability sampling results of the alternative
Patients In Makassar Pages technique with a hypothesis value (Ha) is
Author: 97 - 105 consecutive sampling accepted and the null hypothesis
Fransiska Anita approach. Data were (H0) is rejected
Henny Pongantung analyzed using statistical
Putri Veni Ada tests, namely the Wilcoxon

Viola Hingham test with a significance
(Anita Et Al., 2018) level of = 0.05.
The Using a descriptive The results showed that there
Factors Related To 2020 correlation approach with a was a significant relationship
Range Of Motion year cross-sectional design between ROM training and an
(Rom) Training On Volume increased range of motion (P-
Improvement Rom 08 value 0.001 <0.05).
Ability In Post Stroke Pages
Hemiparage Patients 72 – 80
Author: DOI:
Naziyah Taufiq 10.3685
Dzafar, Yarni 8/jkds.v
(Dzarah Taufik 8i1.154
Naziyah, 2020)
Effects Of Virtual The using a single-blinded, All functional outcome measures
Reality-Based Planar 2019 randomized, and controlled (FMA, WMFT, and MBI)
Motion Exercises On year trial method. with 26 showed significant improvement
Upper Extremity Volume respondent stroke patients. results (p <0.05) in the SB and
Function, Range Of 16 CON groups on all functional
Motion, And Health- Pages 1 measuring devices (FMA,
Related Quality Of – 13 WMFT, and MBI)
Life: A Multicenter, DOI
Single-Blinded, :10.118
Randomized, 6/s1298
Controlled Pilot Study 4-019-
Author : 0595-8
Mina Park, Myoung
Hwan Ko, Sang Wook
Oh, Ji Yeong Lee,
Yeajin Ham, Hyoseok
Yi, Younggeun Choi,
Dokyeong Ha, Joon-
Ho Shin
(Park Et Al., 2019)
Effect Of The Regular ROM exercises The results of comprehensive
Comprehensive 2018 through educational videos posture instructions and ROM
Postural Instructions year for shoulder hemiplegia for exercises through educational
And Range Of Motion Volume 15 minutes twice a day for videos during hospitalization for
Exercises Via 41 5 days per week while in stroke patients can improve
Educational Videos Pages hospital. Instruments motor recovery and limit
On Motor Function 665 - assessed including the shoulder injuries in stroke
And Shoulder Injury In 671 presence and severity of patients with hemiplegia
Stroke Patients With pain, motor function, and
Hemiplegia: A sonography of the shoulder
Preliminary Study hemiplegia were assessed.
Author :
Yu-Chi Huang
Chien Yi Chuang
Chau Peng Leong
Ling Wang
Hsiao Lan Chen
Chia Wei Chiang

The Effect Of Early The This study uses a there was a significant increase
Passive Range Of 2019 randomized controlled trial in motor function of upper and
Motion Exercise On year method lower extremities in the first and
Motor Function Of Volume third periods The greatest
People With Stroke: A 8 increase was observed
Randomized Pages repeatedly from base to one
Controlled Trial 39 -44 month in the upper limbs, and
Author : DOI : bases to the first and first
Zahra-Sadat Hosseini 10.1517 months to the third month in the
Hamid Peyrovi, 1/jcs.20 lower limbs
Mahmoodreza Gohari. 19.006
(Hosseini Et Al., 2019)
Effects Of Ankle Joint The This method uses 30 knee extensor strength increased
Mobilization With 2016 participants with chronic significantly in the MWM and
Movement And year stroke divided into three WBE groups
Weight-Bearing Volume groups: MWM (n = 12), .
Exercise On Knee 39 WBE (n = 8), and control
Strength, Ankle Range Pages (n = 10). All groups
Of Motion, And Gait 348 - received physical therapy
Velocity In Patients 358 sessions 3 times a week for
With Stroke: A Pilot 5 weeks.
Author :
Chang-Man An, PT,
MS, Jong-I'm Won,
PT, Phd

Combination Of The This study uses a quasi- there were statistically

Hypnosis Therapy And 2018 experimental design of the significant differences in the
Range Of Motion year pretest-posttest control mean upper limb muscle strength
Exercise On Upper- Volume group. The paired t-test and in the experimental and control
Extremity Muscle 4 Independent t-test are used groups. Paired t-test obtained
Strength In Patients Pages for data analysis. the value of p = 0,000,
With Non- 104 -
Hemorrhagic Stroke 111
Author : DOI :
Chandra Irawan , 10.3354
Mardiyono, Suharto, 6/bnj.34
Aris Santjaka 7
(Irawan Et Al., 2018)
The Effectiveness Of The This study uses a semi- there were an increase in upper
Discharge Planning 2018 experimental method with a and lower limb muscle strength
And Range Of Motion year pre-posttest design. As in non - hemorrhagic stroke
(ROM) Training In Volume many as 34 respondents patients only 2 days after
Increasing Muscle 2 used cluster random treatment (pretest), and a
Strength Of Non - Pages sampling techniques, significant increase was
Hemorrhagic Stroke 57 - 62 respondents were divided observed until the 14th day.
Patients into two groups equally;
Author : the intervention group (N =
Mohamat Iskandar , 17) with stroke training and
Mardiyono , Hotma movement information
Rumahorbo (ROM), the control group
(Martina Et Al., 2018) (N = 17) received a

standard release plan
available at the hospital

Pengaruh Range Of The Menggunakan metode pra Terdapat peningkatan kekuatan

Motion Terhadap 2019 Eksperimental One-Group otot pada pasien stroke yang
Kekuatan Otot Pada year Pre-Post Test Design dilakukan latihan Range Of
Pasien Stroke Volume dengan analisa data Motion
Author : 4 Pages menggunakan statistik
Susanti 112 - wilcoxon sign rank test
Difran Nobel Bistara 117
(Susanti Et Al., 2019) DOI:10.
Effect Of Counseling 2018 The design of this study was The results of the pre-counseling
To Self Efficacy In year a pretest and posttest study were that most respondents
Exercise Range Of Volume design in this research (77.7%) had lower levels of self-
Motion (ROM) On 2 design was a pretest and efficacy, post-counseling
Stroke Patients In Pages posttest design in a group. provided that most of the
Work Area UPTD 485 - The independent variable is respondents (55.6%) had
Puskesmas Bendo 488 counseling while the moderate levels of self-efficacy.
Pare Kediri dependent variable is self - The result of Statistical tests
Author : efficacy in conducting shows Sig (ρ) = 0.016 <0.05 (a)
Linda Ishariani Range of Motion training that counseling is effective for
(Ishariani, 2018) with a sample of 9 improving self-efficacy in stroke
respondents. Purposive patients in ROM activity.
sampling technique Using a
ranking test formula
marked with Wilcoxon with
= 0.05.

The This research method uses There is an increase in muscle

The Effectiveness Of 2019 the Study Systematic strength in Range Of motion
ROM Exercises On year Review training 2 times per da
Increasing Muscle Volume
Strength In Stroke 3
Patients Pages
Author: 186 -
Wahdaniyah Eka 191
Pratiwi Syahrim DOI:
Maria Ulfah Azhar 10.1119
Risnah /1.2218
(Syahrim Et Al., 2019) 359
The Effect Of Monkey The using a visual analog scale there was a progressive increase
Chair And Band 2016 (VAS) score for pain and a in the VAS pain score and there
Exercise System On year modified motor assessment was a significant increase in the
Shoulder Range Of Volume scale (MMAS) for motor MMAS motor score
Motion And Pain In 28 assessment (Jeon et al., 2016)
Post-Stroke Patients Pages:
With Hemiplegia 2232 -
Author : 2237
Hyun-Ju Jeon, Phd DOI:
Sangjoon An, Phd 10.1589
Jinwoo Yoo

No-Hyun Park, Phd /jpts.28.
Kyu Hoon Lee, Phd 2232

DISCUSSION brain to experience a lack of oxygen supply,

Respondents in this literature review were all and the delivery of the main pathways
stroke patients with a decreased range of between the spinal cord and the brain is
motion in Indonesia and other countries. In obstructed (Setyawan et al., 2017). From the
this study, the factors that influence strokes, results of the research conducted by
such as age, gender, education, and diet, have researchers, it was found that a significant
been mentioned. Respondents in this study increase in muscle strength before and after
were in the range of 30-80 years. Gender the action. This proves that the range of
characteristics in respondents are almost the motion has a great influence on muscle
same between men and women because the strength in stroke patients with muscle
study is comprehensive with various levels of strength of at least 3 (Trust et al., 2020).
education. In the study (Susanti et al., 2019)all
Stroke is a local, and global neurological respondents experienced an increase in
dysfunction, which appears suddenly, muscle strength after doing range of motion
quickly, and progressively and attacks the exercises for 10 - 15 minutes at least 2 times
brain. Non-traumatic circulatory disorders a day. Just like Penian (Syahrim et al., 2019),
can cause nerve function disorders in stroke. it was concluded that ROM training was
Unclear speech (pelo), paralysis of the face effective in increasing muscle strength. By
or limbs, speech is not fluent, visual giving exercises, namely at least 2x a day
disturbances, maybe changes in every morning and evening with a time of 15-
consciousness, visual disturbances, etc. are 35 minutes and carried out at least 4 times
symptoms that arise due to nervous disorders each movement. In a study (Trust et al.,
(Bakara & Warsito, 2016) 2020)on 30 respondents who carried out
Risk factors that affect stroke include a Range Of Motion, it affected increasing the
history of the disease. History of diseases that extreme muscle strength of the respondents.
affect stroke includes hypertension, diabetes In the study (Bakara & Warsito, 2016), 30
mellitus, history of heart disease, respondents for 6 months experienced
dyslipidemia, and obesity. Other risk factors hemiparesis doing Range Of Motion
that affect stroke are physical inactivity that exercises, there was an increase in the range
results in strokes and heart attacks, which is of motion of the joints in the extremities.
characterized by a buildup of fat, cholesterol,
calcium, and other elements that affect the Range Of Motion exercise
blood supply to the brain and heart muscle, Range of motion (ROM) is a muscle strength
which results in decreased blood flow to the training that is carried out to maintain or
brain and heart (Wayunah & Saefulloh, improve muscle tone and mass for the level
2017). High levels of triglycerides ≥ 200 of ability to move joints normally and
mg/dl are caused by consuming foods that completely (Wahyuningsih, 2017)The results
contain fat such as satay, meatballs, coconut of the analysis show that stroke patients
milk, and fried foods that can trigger a stroke undergoing Range Of Motion therapy can
(Susilawati & SK, 2018). increase the range of the joints, where during
Stroke patients account for 80% of the movement of the joint area that is
hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of suffering from paralysis there is stretching of
the body). Muscle contraction is influenced muscle fibers and an increase in blood flow
by the body movement system in stroke so that the range of motion of the joints in the
patients who experience weakness. The lack lower and upper extremities and large joints
of muscle contraction is caused by a lack of increases. . So that Range Of Motion is an
blood supply to the brain, which causes the alternative exercise to increase the range of
motion of joints in stroke patients (Bakara & exercises or other methods can significantly
Warsito, 2016)Based on research by (Anita et increase the range of motion of the upper and
al., 2018)Range of motion exercises will be lower limbs.
carried out at least 2 times a day for 5 - 10
minutes for 8 days in 2 weeks can affect the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
increase in the range of motion of the upper The authors express the deepest gratitude to
and lower limb joints. The range of motion all respondents who sincerely want to be
exercises can be done at 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 involved in this research, and to all who were
p.m. In the study (Trust et al., 2020). The actively engaged directly or indirectly to do
range of Motion affects increasing the range this research completed on time.
of motion of the respondent when done with
a frequency of twice a day with 10-15 REFERENCES
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