Journal Presentation Model
Journal Presentation Model
Journal Presentation Model
Name of the Student
I Semester MPT
Name of the Faculty, Designation
Name of the Faculty, Designation
Indexed: SCOPUS
Group Description
Both Group Also received ADL training for 30 min (dressing, transfers), bicycle
ADL Training dynamometer training for 15 min, hand function training for 30
min, and electrotherapy for 30 minutes.
The treatments were performed daily over 5 days a week for a
total of 6 weeks
Both Group All outcome assessments were completed by a physician or
Assessments physiotherapist at baseline (T0) and post-intervention (T1). The
evaluators were blinded to the study aim and participants
Methodology: Intervention
Methodology: Statistical Analysis
SPSS 22.0 was employed for all data analyses.
Descriptive statistics are presented as Mean & SD for continuous
parameters and frequency for categorical parameters.
Baseline inter-group differences were examined via ‘t’ test for
continuous data, and Chi-square tests for dichotomous variables.
The Mann-Whitney test was used for inter-group comparison of
non-normally distributed variables.
The ANCOVA analyses were conducted to compare the primary
and secondary outcomes after intervention, adjusting for baseline
scores, and the magnitude of inter-group differences were
The muscle strength gains of hemiplegic limbs from baseline to
post-intervention (T1-T0), the effect size were calculated via
Cohen’s d to assess the clinical importance of the measured
changes. Significance levels were set at P<0.05.
Results and Interpretation
Strength Weakness
The study focuses on the Study included the stroke
training of NHS in contrary to patients within 6 weeks of onset
the HS. but the selection criteria are not
Researcher clearly described
enough to indicate the condition
the results of both primary
and secondary objectives in of the samples.
the discussion. Sampling design is not indicated
Random allocation with in terms of probability or non-
blinded assessor to prevent probability methods.
the study bias.
The randomization process is
not described in terms of
NIHSS values are included in
the baseline statistical analysis
but not stated in the selection
Critical Appraisal Tool