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8. In the fiscal year 2015-2016, Nescarto, an African balance of pay-
country, imported goods worth $18 million and export- ments surplus
ed goods worth $20 million. It also borrowed $40 mil-
lion from other countries. In this scenario, Nescarto
had a _____ during 2015-2016.
11. In foreign licensing, licensors run the risk that uneth- True
ical licensees may become their competitors, using
information that they gained from the licensing agree-
15. In the context of the strategies for reaching global a. The foreign
markets, which of the following is a disadvantage of company needs to
foreign outsourcing? pay high wages to
the workers. b. The
adherence to eth-
ical standards by
foreign producers
is at risk. c. The
cost of production
becomes irrecov-
erable. d. The re-
turns on invest-
ment are dimin-
23. Wichasha, an African country, exports barley and cot- the balance of
ton worth $100 million to Illema, a European coun- trade
try, and it imports sugarcane worth $25 million from
Illema. As such, the total value of Wichasha's exports
is higher than the total value of its imports. This dif-
ference between the value of Wichasha's exports and
imports is known as _____.
27. In the context of international trade, which of the fol- An Asian com-
lowing companies is facing the barrier of legal differ- pany that can
ences? only import a lim-
ited amount of
crude oil from an
Arab country be-
cause of interna-
tional trade restric-
28. In the context of the strategies for reaching global It is the most ba-
markets, which of the following statements is true of sic level of interna-
exporting? tional market de-
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33. __________refers to selling products in foreign na- Exporting
tions that have been produced or grown domestically
36. Nessi Bru, an American construction firm, and West a joint venture
Brook Inc., a Canadian construction firm, collaborated
on an infrastructure project to build a railway track
from Regina in Canada to Minneapolis in the United
States. They shared their resources, risks, and profits,
but they still functioned as two independent firms.
In this scenario, Nessi Bru and West Brook Inc. were
most likely involved in _____.
40. Tanya Williams, the chief executive officer of Willister foreign franchising
Computers, believes that the firm is currently best
equipped to enter the market of Troyesna, a fast-devel-
oping country. The firm offers a small-scale producer
in Tryoesna the right to produce and market its goods
based on a set of specific operating functions and
requirements. This scenario of Willister Computers il-
42. Which of the following countries has a trade surplus? An Asian country
whose total value
of exports exceeds
its total value of
45. Neminski, an Arab country, is renowned for its rich oil exporting
reserves. It earns approximately $1.3 billion annually
by selling crude oil to other countries. Given this in-
formation, Neminski is most likely involved in _____
48. Despite their huge populations, China and India repre- False
sent a much smaller opportunity in terms of size and
economic growth.
49. The basic mission of the _____ is to promote global international Mon-
economic cooperation and stable growth etary Fund
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52. Despite the growth rates in many high-population False
countries being weak, most of these nations remain
ahead of the United States in terms of development
and prosperity.
57. Nessi Bru, an American construction firm, and West joint venture
Brook Inc., a Canadian construction firm, collaborated
on an infrastructure project to build a railway track
from Regina in Canada to Minneapolis in the United
States. They shared their resources, risks, and profits,
but they still functioned as two independent firms.
In this scenario, Nessi Bru and West Brook Inc. were
most likely involved in _____.
63. In the context of global trade, which of the following It includes for-
statements is true of balance of payments? eign borrowing
and lending.
64. In the context of international trade, India, China, and they have a large
the Philippines attract multibillion-dollar investments cohort of techni-
because: cally skilled uni-
versity graduates
who work for about
one-fifth the pay of
comparable Amer-
ican workers.
65. Compared to the United States, China and India have: higher gross do-
mestic product
growth rates.
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is a reason behind Vertiaplume's ability to maintain its
overall profits?
69. In the context of the strategies for reaching global Involvement of so-
markets, which of the following is a key risk of foreign cial responsibility
73. Which of the following countries exemplifies the con- An Asian country
cept of opportunity cost? that increases its
production of sug-
ar by decreasing
its production of
74. False
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Companies that choose to export products to a for-
eign country spend more to enter that market than
companies that choose to build their own factories.
75. Quezi, an East Asian country, borrows $300 million Balance of pay-
from Muranico, a North American country, to fund ments
its infrastructure projects. Quezi exports petroleum
worth $700 million to Muranico and other countries.
Besides this, Quezi provides foreign aid worth $40
million. In this scenario, this flow of money into and
out of Quezi can be measured by _____.
78. Prost was the first automobile company in the world Inflow of innova-
to introduce child safety locks in its vehicles. This tion
feature soon became a major selling point for con-
sumers all over the world. As a result, other automo-
bile companies began providing a similar feature in
their vehicles. In this scenario, which of the following
is most likely to have influenced other companies to
install child safety locks?
81. Who among the following is most likely to benefit Ron is an Ameri-
when the dollar is strong and the euro is weak? can who is touring
84. Romernia, an Asian country, imported goods and ser- the balance of
vices worth $700 million in the last fiscal year. It ex- trade
ported goods worth $400 million in the same year.
The difference in the value of Romernia's imports and
exports is known as _____.
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