Twisted Rules - E V 1.7
Twisted Rules - E V 1.7
Twisted Rules - E V 1.7
A word from the creators
It’s amazing to think of all of the people who have My great friends Seb TR and Sarah L did a marvellous
contributed to Twisted over the past few years – it’s job filming and editing our little Kickstarter video,
by Sebastian Archer quite a list! Seeing it printed here in the Twisted purely from the goodness of their own hearts. I’ll always
Rulebook is a good indication of how much work has be grateful for Seb’s incisive and intelligent advice
and Peter Overton gone into producing this wonderful game. Sincere which continues to be very valuable and has helped me
thanks to everyone who has contributed to Twisted and remain focussed. I want to sincerely thank him for being
had a hand in making our world a success! such a generous and good friend.
Illustrators and
Concept Designers There are some people who deserve special mention: My wife Erika deserves a special thank you for the
Craig Clark’s incredibly creative work designing the unwavering encouragement she’s given me over the
Nicolas Amoroso past few years. There have been times when I felt like I
terrain came largely from his own enthusiasm for the
Owen Matthew Aurelio Twisted world, and his creations have enriched Twisted wanted to throw in the towel, but Erika has always been
Thomas Brissot more than he knows. I don’t think we could have there to help keep me motivated with her belief in me
Alexandre Chaudret achieved the same success without Craig’s input. Craig and her unquestioning support.
Craig Clark has also been the source of many a kooky concept with Finally, the most important person I want to thank is
some very imaginative sketches – keep it up, Craig! my partner in Twisted, Peter Overton. Twisted has been
Brendon Deboy quite a (steam-powered?) voyage of discovery, and one
Wade Dyer and James Griffiths were very generous
Macs Gallo with their advice on launching our Kickstarter, both of the best parts has been getting to know Peter. Peter
Cassandra James of them having run very successful campaigns with is scrupulously honest, resolutely good-natured and
Nico Kopf Fragged Empire and Infamy respectively. Thanks for generous to a fault, and his unwavering sense of calm
giving us your time, guys. has kept me sane through some of the difficult times.
Konrad Langa Peter is the true creative mind behind the Twisted
Lily McDonnell Nicolas Amoroso, Owen Aurelio and Mitchell Nolte universe, and none of this would have been possible
have been the three key artists responsible for truly
Mitchell Nolte developing and enriching the visual world of Twisted,
without his enduring passion and enthusiasm for
Karel Swanepoel Twisted (not to mention his immense amounts of hard
taking our ideas and turning them into something really work!). Heartfelt thanks to you Peter as the best partner
special. Thanks for putting up with all our tweaks and one could hope for, and for being such a true friend.
Miniature Sculptors corrections – your hard work has turned Twisted into
something visually stunning!
David ‘Anakron’ Ayral
Stéphane Camosseto
Chris Hardham Sebastian Archer
Patrick Masson
Luc ‘Lux Thantor’ Pinganaud
When we started out creating Twisted we wanted to I have really enjoyed my time working with all our
Jin Vi
produce exactly the game we’d like to play. artists. You guys, as Sebastian said, bring Twisted to life
Valentin Zak and without your contribution it would be a much less
This simple statement has formed the basis of
everything we have done and has informed every interesting world.
Rules & IP Consultant decision we have made along the way. I will also pass on my congratulations to our esteemed
Jake Thornton From the detail and fun built into the rules to the sculptors. The thrill I get when I first handle a real
incredible miniatures Sebastian and our team of artists miniature I had a hand in designing is one of the great
pleasures in a hobbyists life. You all do fantastic work.
Editor and sculptors have created it is just exactly what I’d
hoped we’d end up with. To Robert and Melissa at Maroondah Printing. I cannot
Alan Graham
It’s been a long road, and at times hard and fraught, but thank you enough for your generosity of spirit and
every moment has been worth it if we have produced support. You guys, not to put to fine a point on it, rock.
Rules Advice something that brings fun and excitement to gaming To all our backers in the Kickstarter - you have my
Matthew Majarucon tables around the world. eternal thanks and appreciation. To me the people who
There are so many people who deserve my thanks and play Twisted make the game and, be assured, I will
Production Partners I’m rather afraid there isn’t room to name everyone who always work to please you.
Eureka Miniatures has helped and supported me in some way through the One person who deserves my thanks more than
creation of Twisted. anyone is my lovely wife, Jenny. She has supported me
Maroondah Printing throughout this project and has put up with me being
The simple smile and a few words of approval from
Miniature Scenery sequestered in my study for days on end.
a fellow hobbyist when I showed a sneak peek at a
SC International Printing sculpt or concept were invaluable. The sense I got Her constant creativity amazes me and it is her drive to
Valiant Enterprises from everyone who I spoke to about Twisted was of create wonderful and beautiful things that has inspired
support and offers of help, if required, were never in me to constantly do my best.
Miniature Painters short supply. The advice of Derek Osborne during the I thank you Jenny and love you dearly.
Kickstarter was particularly appreciated. Finally thanks to my partner in Demented Games -
Jamie Downward
Sebastian has already named many people who I feel Sebastian. Never has a man had a partner in business
Meg Maples are well deserving of the credit he has given but I shall that is so easy to work with and such a delight to spend
single out Craig Clark again. Craig’s work has been time with. Your ability to push every ounce of creativity
Contributors amazing and there will be many a character who will out of an idea is astounding. Without you Twisted would
Edward Jones come to inhabit the world of Twisted that has sprung be much less of a glowing and lively world.
from his insanely creative mind. It’s rare to find someone with whom one shares a set
Adam Weller
To Jake Thornton - you helped enormously and I cannot of values so closely and I am always grateful for the
Kyle Morgan
express my gratitude sufficiently. Your sage advice and fact we seem, so often, to be precisely on the same
most perceptive comments have truly made Twisted the wavelength. You, Sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
Special Thanks game it is today. Our chats were always a highlight.
All gaming mat images My special appreciation also goes to Alan Graham
used in this book are the without whose help this book would be filled with rather
Deep Cut Studio Cobblestone more typographical errors and mistakes than it really
gaming mats. should be.
We thank them for the I’ve also got to thank all who helped me playtest
provision of the mats and Twisted. There are so many of you that I ran through Peter Overton
permission to reproduce their games at various shows, conventions and stores - many
designs in this book. of you whose names I’m afraid I neglected to note down.
Be assured though if you played Twisted with me I will always value your contribution.
Table of Contents
What is Twisted?.........................................................3 The Taking.................................................................... 42
The Beginning...............................................................4 Magister McTavish’s Tome
of Alchemantic Mysteries................................... 44
What you will need....................................................6 Alchemantic Invocations..............................................45
The Basics of Twisted............................................... 7 Table of Alchemantic Invocations.......................... 50
Basic Concepts.......................................................................7 The Meeting................................................................. 52
Standard Terms.................................................................... 8
Setting up a game...............................................................11 Madame Moon’s
The Turn Sequence............................................................11 Grimoire of Goals..................................................... 54
The Reckoning.............................................................12 Setting up a game of Twisted.....................................54
Building Your Company.................................................55
Mrs Bertrand’s Primer
Dr Disraeli’s Directory
in Personality and Power......................................14
Character Play Cards...................................................... 14 of Diverse Delights..................................................57
Character Activation Cards........................................ 15 Table of Delights................................................................58
Pass Cards.............................................................................. 15 The Turning.................................................................60
The Everpresent and The Twisted Table................................................... 62
All Seeing Eye of The Engine............................16
What is The Engine.......................................................... 16 Madame Moon’s
The Favour of The Engine..............................................17 Mission Matrix........................................................... 63
The Eye of The Engine.................................................... 19 Generating a Mission......................................................63
Tempting Fate.......................................................................21 Deployment Types.............................................................63
Mission Objectives........................................................... 66
The Telling.................................................................... 22 The Tarot of Taxing Tasks............................................67
The Fine Art of Acting First.............................. 24 Master Kirkwood’s
Determining Priority........................................................24
Fascinating Features.............................................. 76
The Delicate Distinction
Campaign: The Dangers
Between Activation and Action...................... 26
Activation Phase................................................................26
of Undue Alchemancy........................................... 87
Character Special Abilities..........................................27 Sgt Clark’s Notebook
Character Conditions......................................................27
of Preeminent Persons....................................... 100
The Taming.................................................................. 28 The Dickensians Characters.....................................101
The Servants of The Engine Characters............ 113
The Gentleman’s Guide
to Elegant Movement............................................30 Professor Pridham’s
Portfolio of Powers................................................ 127
The Biggin and Weller
Manual of Gainful Gunplay............................... 34 The Ingenious Index............................................146
The Engine
It is the late 19th century, and the world is changed. This is an alternative
reality; a world that may have been. Here, the rules have been broken, and
things that should not be possible are now reality. This world is Twisted...
The world of Twisted is one of steam-powered machines, driven by forces beyond our knowledge; a
clockwork world where the mysteries of Alchemancy and the forces of nature are used in mysterious
ways. There is a force behind this world: one driven by its own goals and desires. It strives to create the
ideal world it wishes - a world it sees as harmonious, equitable and immaculate. But the world it wants is
not the world of man.
This entity is known by many names: The Difference Engine, the Serenity Engine, the Engine of the
Gods... to us, it is simply – The Engine.
Quite what The Engine wants is obscure to human minds, even to those few who know of its existence.
Part machine, part flesh and part god, The Engine melds the world to its own inscrutable desires. Precisely
where those desires may lead is not certain. What is certain, is that its power over all things is supreme
and unchallenged for now.
The Engine tirelessly works out possibilities and probabilities of things to come, and uses these results –
or ‘premonitions’ – to steer mankind down the path it believes is best. The vast majority of the populace
know naught of The Engine and its machinations, content to work at their lives in the world it has built
around them. In recent times, learned scholars have found hidden references to The Engine and have
discerned its influence. The location of the actual Engine itself is a complete mystery; what is known,
is that a network of Nodes exist all over the world. Each major populous city has grown up around one
of these Engine Nodes, but the main body of the entity is carefully concealed, hidden away from prying
This knowledge has not come without cost. As rumour spread of its existence, a whisper through dark
halls and great libraries, other groups less intent on knowledge and more bent on power have become
aware of The Engine. Whilst the learned alchemancers and scholars wish to study The Engine and divine
the arcane method of its processes, interlopers wish only to use the great powers of The Engine for
nefarious ends. It was believed that following clues secretly hidden at each Node would uncover the vast
network and lead to The Engine itself. But no one knew where to begin.
No one had any idea where to search for the much-revered ‘starting’ Node, the first Node in the sequence
that would unlock the mystery of the journey to the Engine. But its location has now been discovered:
it is located in London – or more precisely, the grimy, filth-laden underworld most commonly known as
The Den of Thieves.
The Engine itself has become aware that these factions have laid plans to locate the source of its power;
it knows they are getting closer and closer to solving the mystery of its location. The Engine knows it is
in danger – but it will protect itself. It will do what it must to preserve its integrity, regardless of cost. To
that end, The Engine has drawn together a group of Servants to stave off the attentions of the factions
that seek it. These people, drawn from the past, present, and future and even from alternative realities are
pawns in The Engine’s great master plan.
The massive strain of drawing together these beings from throughout space and time is weakening The
Engine’s power, twisting the fabric of the world around it. Mostly this effect is impossible to discern;
however, the closer one gets to a Node, the more pronounced these effects become, time can dilate and
shift whilst strange and unnatural effects become more common.
The Servants of The Engine are brought together by The Engine’s will but the great demand on its
powers means they are not fully under its thrall and, whilst they work to achieve its ends, some rail
against the control it wishes to have over them.
One thing is certain - The Engine is under threat and it will do what it must to defend itself...
What is Twisted?
Number of Players
Twisted is designed for two or more players. Some rules
change slightly if more than two players are involved.
The Game
Twisted is a game that uses detailed miniatures and
wonderful terrain to simulate the fight taking place to
determine the fate of the world.
Each group, or Company as it is known in Twisted, consists
of around 6-10 Characters of various power.
Some of these are mighty warriors or skilled Alchemancers,
some are great and monstrous opponents, and some are
mere fodder for the fight.
There are a myriad of options that can be played out using
these rules. You can build a Company to suit your play style
and take advantage of the abilities of these Characters to
develop new and deadly tactics to confound your opponent.
You might choose to focus your Company on savage hand
to hand combat or build a more ranged combat focussed
The mysteries of Alchemancy should not be discounted
and these powerful, magic like abilities, can be immensely
powerful in both bolstering your own Characters or
hampering your foes.
The ever present Eye of The Engine is central to Twisted.
The Engine has great interest in the battles that currently
flow through the streets of London and it will aid those it
favours whilst working against those it perceives as a threat
to its plans.
The Engine always has a plan but its machinations can
appear strange to the observer. Its schemes span centuries
and it will sometimes aid those who threaten it so they
rise, only to be brought low when The Engine wishes it to
Even if you work for The Engine you are not guaranteed to
be in its favour at any moment in time.
The Beginn ing
“This” But before he could touch the control his mechanical arms
took on a life of their own, turning dials and pushing buttons
Bill Psyches glanced at Feygin menacingly, hefting his cudgel
faster than Feygin could follow. The chamber filled with an
with the implicit menace of a painful reproach.
indescribable noise as the Node seemed to grow and fill the
“Yes, Bill my darling, this is the device — the Engine Node, if you room, and yet simultaneously — somehow — remain precisely
will.” The decrepit pickpocket crept back a pace, just beyond the size it had started. Feygin staggered back, diving behind a
Bill’s reach. “The book I pilfered says it ‘as great power. Imagine brickwork bastion as rays streamed from hidden portals around
what we could do with such power, Bill... just imagine it!” the chamber, great slashes of piercing light cutting through the
Behind Feygin, Ollyver, Dodger and the lads chattered excitedly,
keen to explore the uncharted tunnels they had passed on Abruptly silence and darkness returned to the room, broken
the way. Beside them Nancy, as ever, kept a solicitous eye on only by a sputtering lantern Dodger had dropped in the chaos.
Ollyver. The lad was delicate, without the stomach for Feygin’s Feygin tentatively emerged from his hiding place, stepping over
shady endeavours, let alone the more visceral work in which Bill his fallen lads to recover the lamp. He held it up and surveyed
delighted. the room, the narrow yellow beam falling on a familiar face —
that of young Ollyver.
“But ’ow does it work, you old fool?”
“Yer alive, me boy! Thank ‘eavens!” Feygin exclaimed. But the
Feygin’s small manipulator arms twitched nervously. The
words died in his mouth as his relief turned to horror. What had
mechanical harness had been very handy: the arms were
once been Ollyver — meek, delicate Ollyver — reared itself up on
stronger, faster than his own, responding deftly to his slightest
two huge arms, roaring an inhuman cry. The mild young boy had
thought. He was almost the skilful cutpurse he’d been in his
been transfigured, transformed, into a misshapen terror which
youth. When he’d found the harness and the tome he somehow
now stormed towards Feygin with murderous rage!
knew his life would never be the same. And now he hoped
desperately that he’d read the instructions properly and that the The old man stumbled backwards, madly scrambling over the
change would be for the better. wet stone. He noticed, almost idly, that one of his manipulator
arms waved a hitherto unknown knife at the thundering Ollyver,
“It’s this knob ‘ere, Bill!” Feygin indicated a large filigreed dial
almost of its own volition. But Feygin had no time to muse over
surrounded by intricate markings. “I’m sure it’s just a matter of
whence the knife had come, as the berserk monstrosity leaped,
getting a good ‘ead of steam up an’ ‘aving a fiddle.”
smashing aside stone and iron pipework in its fury.
“If this don’t work, Feygin, I’ll be givin’ you a bloody good fiddle.”
Just as he closed his eyes, expecting a swift, bloody demise,
Bill moved closer to the Node, peering suspiciously at its arcane
there came a great shout. A monstrous cudgel crashed into
markings. At a nod from Feygin, Dodger moved to the boiler
Ollyver’s chest, knocking him into the far wall. “’e’s not dying
and shut the furnace door. He released the main valve and a
‘less I kill ‘im!” hissed Bill, his voice lower, even more diabolical,
steady rising note emanated from the assembly. The room
than it had been before. He stalked across the chamber in two
started rattling as pipes and valves began opening and closing.
great strides of what appeared to be metal, hoofed legs. Bill had
With a hiss and a sputter, a small green light blinked to life on
been dangerous before: now he looked like an incarnation of the
what Feygin took to be the main control panel. The old man
devil himself.
approached the machine and, for a chilling moment, had the
feeling the contraption was... watching him. Feygin knew something had gone wrong. Terribly wrong.
“It’s just a machine.” he told himself, but he couldn’t shake the All around Feygin the lads were recovering from the blast. But
uneasy sense of silent vigilance. With a hand that shook a little they were different, somehow... twisted. “Nancy,” Feygin thought.
more than the pickpocket was accustomed to, Feygin reached for “Nancy’ll know what to do.” His old eyes found her form slowly
the dial he hoped was the control. “Gawd — let me be right”, he rising from a darkened recess. A metallic tentacle made a
thought. “Bill will ‘ave me ‘ide if I’m wrong.” chilling sound as it rasped in a gentle, almost loving, caress
across a fallen lad’s face... but only cold emanated from the
shadows. Feygin’s eyes widened in fear as her sinister new form
was revealed by the lantern’s light. “Nancy....!”
What You Will Need
Basic Concepts
Dice Rolls The Engine
Most rolls in Twisted are D20 checks of one kind or another. The Engine is a mysterious and secretive intellect, a device
This might be to see whether Launcelot can land a blow on that wishes to control the world over which it has mastery.
a lowly Urkin or whether Dodger can steal an item as he zips Some Engine Scholars suggest that The Engine is the
past Tesla. work of an ancient culture, long since gone from the world,
In some cases there is a set target number, or Difficulty. In some suggest that it has always been present whilst others
these checks this number needs to be equalled or beaten. posit that it is a link to the deities that mankind has long
Some checks are Opposed Rolls where both players roll a worshipped.
dice and add modifiers (as noted in the appropriate rules) What is sure is that The Engine has a great deal of influence
and the highest roll wins. In the case of a tie the player who on the world. It is capable of great changes in the very fabric
holds the Favour of The Engine becomes the winner (see of reality should it desire but its power is not without limit.
page 17) It can bring people into being who previously never existed
Bill and Launcelot are involved in Close Combat, the or it can snuff out life in an instant. These kinds of great
Dickensians hold the Favour of The Engine. alterations take a toll on it however so it does not call on
Bill has attacked and so rolls a D20 plus his Close Combat these powers lightly.
Attack Bonus of 6. He rolls a 14 so his Attack score is 20 (14+6). It tends to favour more focussed changes, small shifts in
Launcelot tries to defend himself. He rolls a 14 and his time or the careful guidance of the actions of a person it
Close Combat Defence Bonus is 6. He also ends up with a feels is of use to its overall plans.
Defence score of 20. The Engine can, to some extent, foresee the future and it
As the result of the Opposed Roll is a draw the Favour of uses this knowledge to guide humanity on the path it sees
The Engine means Bill’s blow strikes home! as best. What it perceives as best may not align with the
In the case of numbers to be divided any fractional result is interests of the populace of any given region and it is not
always rounded down unless specified otherwise. beyond starting wars and causing strife in order to cleanse
an area of an influence it sees as malign.
When rolling a D20 based check a roll of 1 is always a
miss or failure regardless of bonuses and a 20 is always a The main body of The Engine is concealed beyond the
success or a hit regardless of penalties. reach of those it controls both warded by physical and
Alchemantic barriers. Its location is not known by even the
Measurement greatest of Engine Scholars.
Where a distance between two miniatures must be Wherever a large population springs up The Engine will
determined it is always measured from the edge of the create a Node, a kind of extension of itself that it can use to
attacker’s base to the nearest edge of the defender’s base. better discern the goings on in the area. It uses these Nodes
Where the target is a point on the table simply measure and the Tendrils they create to both spread its influence and
from the edge of your base to the desired point. gather information for its cogitations.
You may pre-measure before you decide on a particular Strange things sometimes happen close to the Nodes of
course of action. The Engine. The Engine has many things to consider and
sometimes its focus is elsewhere but sometimes it focusses
on the efforts of one or other of the factions currently
engaging each other.
The view it takes of events can sometimes appear odd at
2.5 inches first glance but always remember The Engine has a plan,
sometimes you fit into its plan and sometimes you don’t!
The Engine is represented in Twisted by the Eye of the
Engine deck and the important Favour of The Engine. See
In this instance Nouveau is 2.5 inches from the Urkin he Page 17
wishes to shoot at. He is within the 5” short range of his You can strategise all you like but if The Engine is against
Controller Riot Pistol so suffers no penalty to his shot. you then your schemes may come to naught or you may be
He would only need 2.5” of movement to engage in Close favoured and your plans may succeed beyond your wildest
Combat, simply move the required distance and bring expectations!
him into base to base contact. A good rule of thumb is to plan for the worst and hope it
doesn’t come to pass!
Standard Terms Character
There are a few terms that are used frequently in the rules Individual models in a game of Twisted are referred to as
for Twisted. These are listed below with notes on how they Characters. It does not matter whether they are a named
are to be defined in the game. Character, such as Nightingale, or a lowly unnamed Urkin.
They are still referred to as Characters.
Each Character in Twisted has two Actions per turn. Any
mention of a particular event requiring the use of an Action Characteristic refers to the numbers that define the
will use one of these two Actions up. Character. Speed, Strength, Finesse, Attack and Defence
values, Armour and Alchemancy are all Characteristics.
Sometimes the term Action will be combined with a Various effects can alter some or all of these.
description of the type of Action (e.g. a Move Action or
Ranged Attack Action). This is simply a note as to the type <Characteristic> Check
of Action to which the rule refers. Throughout these rules you will find mentions of Finesse
For example when a Character shoots his or her weapon it Checks, Strength Checks and other checks based on one
is a Ranged Attack Action, when a Character travels any Characteristic or another.
distance using an Action it becomes a Move Action. More The Characteristic mentioned in the check is used as a
examples are provided on page 26. bonus to a D20 roll. A Finesse Check for example, would
Some areas of gameplay, such as Close Combat, are not be a D20 roll plus the Finesse Characteristic of the relevant
Actions but the result of Actions. When a Character moves Character.
into base to base contact (see page 38) Close Combat is This bonus to a roll is always the current value of the
fought but it is not an Action to do so. Characteristic. If a Characteristic is affected by the Character
The rules will note whether a particular event does, or does being Wounded, under the influence of an Alchemantic
not, require an Action to be used. Invocation or any other effect the modified value is used for
See page 26 for more information on Actions and their use. the check.
In some cases these are Opposed Checks where both
Activation players roll a D20 and add the relevant Characteristic and
This term refers to a Character in Twisted beginning his in other cases there may be a set number, or Difficulty, that
or her set of two Actions. In each turn there will likely be need to be achieved.
multiple Activations of Characters by each player (unless Gretel wishes to jump a 4” gap between two buildings.
things are going very poorly for you!)
This is a Difficulty 12 Finesse Check. Gretel must roll a
Area Effect D20 and add her Finesse of 7.
Area Effect refers to the Blast and Cone templates Should she roll a 5 or more she will succeed and clear
representing the area affected by explosions, invocations or the gap. If she rolls below a 5 she will fall and it may end
some ranged attacks. poorly for her...
This means that Characters completely within the area are When a Characteristic is altered by one effect or another
affected and may not avoid the effect but those partially it is a good idea to use a fine erasable marker to note the
covered have a chance to leap clear and avoid whatever change on the card sleeve so it is easy to remember what
nastiness the effect may bring into being. See page 37. has altered. Don’t write directly on the card however.
Close Combat Round Immediate
Once a Character enters Close Combat the attack and Any rule or effect that is noted as being Immediate is
defence rolls are made immediately for the two combatants. applied as soon as the event is triggered.
This series of rolls is known as a Close Combat Round. It It is applied along with all its effects before any other event
is possible for a Character to be involved in more than one can come into force.
Close Combat Round a turn. It is possible to have one Immediate event trigger another
Sowerberry moves into base to base contact with Gretel Immediate event. If the two Immediate effects are in
and his attack, combined with her defence forms a Close opposition they will simply cancel one another out.
Combat Round. For example Bill Psyches lands a solid blow on
Should Gretel choose to remain in base to base contact a Nightingale and stuns her (which is an Immediate
further Close Combat Round is fought in her Activation. effect). She holds a Charm of the Stout Servant which
If an Urkin then joins the Melee then his movement activates Immediately when a Character is hurt.
into base to base contact with Gretel will trigger a third Nightingale Immediately is Stunned but the effect is then
Close Combat Round for the beleaguered Servant of The Immediately nullified so the net result is a cancellation
Engine. of the stunned effect.
Company Melee
A Company in Twisted is the group of Characters you have This term is used to describe a situation in Close Combat
decided to take to fight an individual skirmish (see Building where a number of Characters are engaged in one larger
your Company on page 55). fight. See page 39 for more details.
This is a subset of the Faction unless you are fighting a very Opposed Roll
large pitched battle! Any reference to an Opposed Roll refers to the fact that both
players roll a Dice and the player with the highest score
This term is used to describe any effect that causes a loss of
These are most often a roll of a D20 plus modifiers as noted
Life from a Character.
in the particular rule.
Dodger shoots Nightingale and causes 10 damage.
These rolls are generally based on one Characteristic or
Taking her Armour of 6 into account she then loses 4 Life.
another. Where this is called for, you always use the current
End of Turn value of the Characteristic at hand - not the base one printed
An event that occurs at the End of a Turn comes into effect on the card. Any bonuses or penalties from damage taken,
after all phases have been resolved but before the start of a being Wounded, Alchemantic Invocations, Eye of The
new turn. Engine Cards or other effects are taken into account.
All events during the Maintenance Phase should be applied For example Nouveau wishes to engage Nancy in Close
before any “End of Turn” events. Combat. Nancy has the Disturbing ability which calls
for an Opposed Life check.
Faction Nouveau is currently on 15 Life and Nancy is on 10, both
This term refers to the overall grouping of like-minded having been wounded earlier.
Characters. For example “The Servants of The Engine” is a Each rolls a D20 and adds their current Life.
Faction dedicated to keeping the Nodes of The Engine from Nouveau rolls a 12, ending up with a total of 27 and
prying eyes. Nancy rolls a 15 giving a total for her of 25.
“The Dickensians” on the other hand are generally Nouveau has won the check and is not bothered by the
concerned with controlling the Nodes for their own power vile aura of death that follows the evil Alchemancer.
and the accumulation of vast wealth by nefarious means!
Any tie in an Opposed Roll will be won (or determined) by
the player who currently holds The Favour of The Engine so
it is important to gain or keep this if you can! See Page 17
for more details.
Out of Action Wounded
A Character is Out of Action when they are reduced to 0 This refers to a Character losing sufficient Life to place him
Life. They may not act and are removed from the table. or her in the boxes shown in red on the Character Card.
This does not necessarily mean they are dead - just unable A Character is not considered Wounded until the first of the
to fight on in any way. boxes shown in red on the card is marked off.
Their card remains in the Activation Deck of the relevant Being Wounded reduces all Characteristics by 2 with the
player if they have not yet Activated. It is removed during exception of Armour.
the Maintenance Phase. Being Wounded can reduce a Characteristic to less than 0
so, in effect, it is a penalty to the base D20 roll.
Threatened Area
An area 1” all around the base of a Character that is
X Number of Turns
considered to be Threatened by that Character. Movement When an effect is noted as lasting for multiple turns it ends
through this area may cause Close Combat to ensue! See in the Maintenance Phase the specified number of turns
page 30. later. Each Maintenance Phase after the effect’s generation
it will lose one turn of duration.
Start of Turn This duration includes the turn in which it was generated.
Any reference to an event happening at the Start of the Nancy calls the Alchemantic Invocation “Deaths
Turn means that the effect comes into play before any of Door” upon Dodger who is involved in a dire fight with
the Phases as noted in The Turn Sequence on page 11. Nouveau. The Invocation has a duration of 3 turns.
Size It therefore ends in the third Maintenance Phase after
Occasionally the size of a particular Character becomes the Invocation was called.
important. It is a good idea to place a small dice near the affected
Any Character whose miniature is on a 30mm base is model or its Character Card with the number appropriate
considered Regular size unless otherwise noted. to the number of Maintenance Phases required facing
up. Simply turn the die each Maintenance Phase to
Characters who are on a 40mm base are considered Large
reflect the duration.
and this affects attempts to Squeeze Past them and has a
bearing on the results of some Special Abilities.
Setting up a Game The Turn Sequence
Each turn in Twisted runs along the same series of events
Number of Players as shown below. Sometimes The Eye of The Engine Cards
Twisted can be played by 2 or more players. may alter these but in general this is how the turn plays out.
If you have more players than Factions divide the Characters More information on these Phases can be found later in this
up as you wish but one player should never control book.
Characters from more than one of the Factions. 1 Sorting Phase
Where more than 2 players are involved some changes Sort your Character Activation cards into the order in
are made to the way some rules are handled but in general which you wish them to be played. (see page 15)
the game is played the same as it is with 2 players. These Also sort out Pass Cards if required and place them on
changes are noted with the relevant rules later in this book. the table. See Page 15 for more details on this.
There are also some changes to rules when 3 or more 2 The Eye of The Engine Draw
Factions are present on the table. Each player draws 1 Eye of The Engine Card and keeps
Preparing for a Game it for later use during the turn. The player who has the
Favour of the Engine may draw an extra card and choose
There are a few basic steps you need to follow to set up a
which to keep.
game of Twisted. Full guidelines are given for these on page
See page 19 for more details.
54 in Madame Moon’s Grimoire of Goals. A basic rundown
is presented below for your information. 3 Activation Phase
Build your Company The player whose Company has Priority activates his or
her first Character. Once that Character’s actions are
The first step in setting up a game is to decide which Faction complete then the Activation passes to their opponent
you wish to control and the Characters you will bring to the who activates their first Character. Activation passes
skirmish at hand. See page 55 for more information. back and forth in this manner until all Characters on the
Determine a Mission table have activated.
You can either choose the Campaign, a single mission See page 26 for more information on Activation and how
from the Campaign or generate a unique Mission using it is handled with more than two players.
the guidelines provided in Madame Moon’s Mission Matrix 4 Maintenance Phase
from page 63 for your Companies to fight over. All effects that expire this turn finish now, remove any
Set up Terrain tokens or markers for the effects that end this turn from
the table. Effects that last multiple turns have their
Follow the rules for setting up terrain and buildings as duration marked off. Out of Action Characters have their
shown on page 62 or as given in the specific Mission you cards removed from the Activation decks, the Eye of The
wish to play. Engine deck is shuffled and you may try and Break an
Draw Tarot of Taxing Tasks Objectives Invocation or Invocation Backfire.
Draw Tarot of Taxing Tasks cards to give your Company Once all these phases have been played the turn is over
unique objectives for the game. See page 67. and a new turn starts with the Sorting Phase and Activation
Decks being rebuilt afresh.
Determine Favour of The Engine and Priority
A game of Twisted ends when either a set number of
One Faction will be in The Engine’s good graces at the start
turns expires or when certain Mission conditions are met.
of the game, the other will act first. See Page 17 on the great
Madame Moon’s Mission Matrix lists these conditions
benefits you gain from holding Favour of The Engine.
for each mission, both in the mission generator and the
Deploy your Characters campaign missions.
Place the miniatures representing your Characters on the When the game ends add up the Victory Points earned and
table following the rules given in the mission setup rules the player with the highest total is the winner unless other
on page 63. conditions are specified.
Start the Game Should this be a draw then a Sudden Death turn may be
played. See Madame Moon’s Mission Matrix for more
Once you have your Company selected, the Mission
parameters determined and your miniatures on the table
you are ready to start the first turn of the game.
Each turn follows the sequence of events as shown on this
The R eckon ing
A single guttering lantern lit the dilapidated room with a sickly “’Ere it is, Bill,” the small figure squeaked, proffering the goods.
light. Bill Psyches sat on a ragged armchair, which bowed and
Bill upended the flagon a took deep draught, then with a enraged
groaned under his monstrous weight. His eyes were fixed on the
roar sprayed the room with beer. The Urkin cowered, knowing
strange device on the far side of the chamber. He glared at it
his end was mere moments away should Bill turn on him.
and, if his impression was correct, the machine stared back. At
the back of his mind the voices whispered. “’E calls this ‘is best? This unadulterated Shite!” he bellowed.
“Get back up top an’ bring ‘im ‘ere - take Ollyver if you ‘ave to,
The voices had been there ever since the fateful day Feygin had
but I want that fool ‘ere quicksharp!”
triggered the device. Quiet voices, that suggested dark deeds.
Bill saw dim figures in the smoke of the burners that drove his The voices whispered to Bill as the Urkin left. They whispered
new legs — he hated them, and he was sure they hated him, too. things Bill wished they wouldn’t, but these things, they assured
He’d always been filled with grim determination to do whatever him, were necessary. Bill sat unmoving, listening, as time passed
benefited him; but now he no longer cared about anything, until the sounds of struggle heralded the arrival of Reilly,
with the exception of this infernal device. He would beat it into innkeeper of The Grey Goose, in the company of four Urkin and
submission, as he had beaten everything in his hard, cold life. Feygin.
He would control it and then he’d show London what real power
“My Lads ‘ave brought ‘im as you asked, Bill,” wheedled the old
man. “No need to ‘urt them, eh?”
The door creaked open and the hunched figure of an Urkin –
“No, Feygin. No need...” Bill’s voice trailed off darkly, leaving
one of Feygin’s twisted young pickpockets – entered the dank
Feygin desperately wishing he’d not come to plead their case.
chamber. Bill glowered and the ragged form cowered away from
Still, if he hadn’t come, he’d like as not be short four lads.
him, seeking refuge just out of his reach.
“Bill...” Reilly snivelled haltingly, “I’m sorry Bill...”
“Feygin said ye’ wanted summink?” the Urkin croaked.
“Sorry be buggered!” Bill glowered, leaning forwards and
“Go topside an’ fetch me beer from The Grey Goose,” Bill growled
looming over the man before him. Even seated Bill was taller
darkly, “an’ tell that fool Reilly I want ‘is best stuff, mind - not the
than the portly merchant. “Since when did Old Brickery become
rot ‘e sells to the ‘arlots.” Bill’s every word carried a threat of
your best ale, eh?”
imminent violence. Even the simplest instruction could chill the
soul. Reilly shuffled and stammered.
Bullseye lay dormant by Bill’s chair. What had been a simple “It’s not yer best, is it?” Bill continued, talking over the terrified
dog was now the size of a wild boar, paws sporting razor talons, innkeeper. He reached into his overcoat and drew forth his great
tongue long and sinuous. It growled and shifted, making the pistol. The barkeep staggered back as the immense muzzle
Urkin flinch sideways, almost out the door. swung up, pleading fearfully for his life. The bore
of the gun, fully an inch and a half across,
“’Ow should I... pay ‘im?” the Urkin asked haltingly, expecting
seemed cavernous.
pain at any moment.
“IT’S NOT YER BEST!” Bill roared again. In
“’Is payment is not getting’ a visit from Nance - tell ‘im
his mind a whispering voice gave the command,
that!” barked Bill.
and Bill pulled the trigger at point-blank range,
Relieved to have escaped physical harm the a hideous grin spreading across his scarred
lad scuttled off to find some help on his face.
errand; he’d need assistance in case the
When the smoke cleared, the chamber
Bobbies or Peelers were about up top. If
resembled a charnel-house, every
he was lucky he’d be accompanied by a
surface – including the terrified
Tall Boy - it was a job for Bill after all, so
Urkin – dappled with deep red drops.
Feygin would have to send his best.
What remained of the unfortunate
Bill settled back moodily in the chair, considering Reilly lay unrecognisable on the
the little creature as it scurried off. There’d floor.
been a number of strange losses of Urkin
Bill leant forward to pick up the
lately. Only the day before, Feygin had sent a
flagon, a thin veil of Mr Reilly now
scavenging party down the east tunnel; none
floating on the brew’s surface. With
but Dodger had returned, spinning tales of a
a smirk, Bill took a swig. “Now that’s
group of punters with weapons - he’d have to
improved the flavour,” he muttered to
look into that. But first there was the matter
himself. Then, “Feygin!” he said sharply,
of this Node, Bill mused, as he continued his
without looking up. “Send Dodger up top to
silent contemplation of the device.
explain our arrangement to the new owner of
Before long the Urkin returned, bearing a The Goose...”
leather flagon and a brass plate piled with
golden pastry.
Mrs Bertrand's Pr imer in
Personality and Power
A relative measure of how This symbol denotes
Each character in a game of Twisted is represented by a powerful the Character is. a Character that may only
miniature, a Character Play Card which gives you their This is used when building be taken once in any Company.
statistics and an Activation Card which is used when Companies for Twisted.
deciding what order the Characters act in.
The Character Play Card is double sided. The front details
the various physical characteristics and notes special All the statistics
needed to play Bill Spd 4
abilities (if any) and weapons whilst the rear gives notes in the game. These Str 6
on these abilities. Notes on each Character may be found detail how strong, Fin 3
in this book from page 100. In addition see Professor fast or clever Bill is. Att 6/4
How good he is in a Def 6/3
Pridham’s Portfolio of Powers on page 127 for a list of all
fight and how hard Arm 8
Special Abilities and Weapon Properties used in Twisted. he is to hurt. Alc 0
Shown to the right is the card for Bill Psyches - the leader of LIFE: Life: 28
the Dickensians, the Faction who currently seek the power
Here we see
of the Engine Node. He’s an evil fellow, quite strong and Weapons
how tough Bill Cudgel: D10+2+Str (Stun)
dangerous but not terribly fast or clever. is. He has 28 Large Bore Pistol: D12+5
The abilities of every model in the game are: Life but when Range: 6 / 8 / 10 / 12
he gets down to Special Abilities:
Speed How quickly the Character moves and how fast the the red markers Ammunition
(Spd) Character is at reacting to situations. This number he is considered Threaten
The Ever pr esent and All Seeing
Eye of The Engine
What is The Engine?
The Engine is an ancient entity that controls and
influences the world of Twisted. Some scholars posit that
it has always been whilst others suggest it is the creation
of a civilisation that ruled the world many aeons ago.
What is sure however is that The Engine has great
power to affect change in the world. It has an intellect
both great and capricious. Its intentions and designs are
difficult to determine - it can appear to favour those who
work against it at times only to have a grand, overarching
plan whereby they rise only to fall at a later time as The
Engine’s schemes come to fruition.
The Engine remained hidden for millennia, carefully
shaping the world to its designs. Only in recent times
have those people, learned in both the arcane and the
sciences, discerned its presence and its influence on the
The first discovery was a tome in the Great Library of
London which alluded to a hidden power in the universe.
This lead to a series of linked texts that, to those with
the desire to follow the obscure and elusive clues, allowed
access to the mysteries of Alchemancy.
This is a kind of magic that draws on the latent power of
The Engine combined with base elements of creation to
invoke strange and powerful effects.
Few can truly master this art and even fewer survive
when The Engine determines that their influence has
become too great.
The Engine’s tendrils spread wide, it has Nodes in almost
every major city throughout the world and through these
Nodes it spreads its influence. The main body of The
Engine is hidden beyond the reach of men but it knows
the Nodes can lead those who discover them back to its
In recent times Feygin, master of a gang of street thieves
accidentally stumbled across a Node of The Engine and
sought to use its power to his benefit. This wrought great
and ruinous changes amongst his companions and,
more importantly, alerted The Engine to the fact it had
been discovered.
The Engine now works to stop further intrusion into
its secrets and has summoned its Servants to defend
it. What it could not foresee is that the influence of the
Node would give the Dickensian thieves great power of
their own.
The Engine has a plan however and for those that can
gain its favour it can be an important ally. For those
out of favour with The Engine things can go very poorly
The Engine is represented in Twisted by The Favour The Engine’s Blessing
of The Engine rules and The Eye of The Engine cards. The Engine assists those it Favours. Do not fail it however...
These cards represent The Engine taking an interest Once per turn a Character in the Company who holds the
in events that unfold on your gaming table. Favour of The Engine may re-roll any one dice at any time,
even after you have seen the results of the first roll.
The Favour of The Engine is a useful and sometimes
You may not re-roll a dice once any subsequent dice has
powerful ally in the desperate struggles through the been rolled. You cannot, for example, re-roll your Defence
streets and alleys of London. If you can gain and Check once damage has been determined.
hold The Favour of The Engine you will find that your
You may use this effect to re-roll a dice that has already been
plans are somewhat easier to achieve. re-rolled due an ability or effect. The results of this new roll
must be taken however and may not be re-rolled by any
The Engine can appear to be fickle however and its
favour can change in an instant. You may swiftly find
yourself on the receiving end of its ire if you fail in its Gretel is firing a shot from her Duelling Pistol at Bill
Psyches. She rolls a 12 and adds her Ranged Attack
service or Tempt Fate once too often...
value of 5 and, as she is 8” from Bill subtracts 2 for range.
The final figure is therefore 15.
The Favour of The Engine Bill rolls a 16 and adds his Ranged Defence value of 3 for
a total of 19 and avoids the shot.
The Engine always has a plan!
It is constantly considering all the Gretel decides to re-roll using The Engine’s Blessing
possible futures it can perceive and and rolls a 14. Adding her modifiers this comes up to
acting in a way that it feels will best 17. Although her new roll was better than the original
achieve its ends. one she still missed and has now lost The Favour of The
Engine for her Company! (See Losing the Favour of The
It is not beyond intervening
to assist one faction or another
in order to facilitate the results it Should the Favour of The Engine change mid turn this
desires. The Engine might favour The Favour of The re‑roll may be used a second time by the new owner of the
them momentarily, only to have them Engine counter Favour of The Engine. It may only be used once per turn by
fail at a crucial moment when The any one Company regardless of how many times the Favour
Engine feels they have outlived their of The Engine might change hands.
usefulness to it. The Engine’s Aid
This is represented in part by the Favour of The Engine and The Engine will help those it Favours more reliably than
in part by the Eye of The Engine cards (and the rather risky those it does not.
Tempting Fate).
When drawing Eye of The Engine cards the Company who
The Favour of The Engine is represented by the counter holds the Favour of The Engine may draw a second card and
with the image of The Engine Eyecon on it. This should be choose which card to keep for the turn.
taken by the player who currently holds Favour and possibly
This does not include Tempting Fate where only a single
brandished in a haughty and slightly annoying manner at
card may be drawn unless other special rules affect the draw.
your opponent!
The Engine’s Intervention
Determining the Favour of The Engine at the Small adjustments to the world by The Engine can
start of a game. sometimes tip events in your favour!
When you start a game of Twisted, the Favour of The Engine Any tied results in Opposed Rolls will be resolved as a win
is determined by each player rolling a D20 and subtracting for the Character from the Company that holds the Favour
the number of Characters in their Company from the roll. of The Engine.
The player who ends up with the higher result begins the
game with the Favour of The Engine. The player who rolled The Favour of The Engine is unpredictable however and
lower is given Priority for the first turn and may choose is liable to change at any moment!
which deployment zone to use.
More information on Priority can be found on page 24.
Deployment rules are given on page 63 in Madame Moon’s
Mission Matrix.
In the event of a tied roll the player with less Characters
may choose whether to take the Favour of The Engine or
Priority. If this should also be a tie simply roll again.
Losing the Favour of The Engine Favour of The Engine with multiple players
The Engine is a powerful ally but it does not stay on your The Engine will only ever Favour a Company as a whole.
side forever! It might decide that you no longer suit its If one Company is split between two players then the effects
purposes. There are a number of ways you can lose the of The Favour may be used by either player but The Engine’s
Favour of The Engine... Blessing and The Engines Aid may still only be used once
Failed Re-roll per turn. You may choose who uses The Engine’s Blessing or
The Engine’s Aid and when.
The Engine does not look favourably upon those to fail it
when it has given them great power. Should there be three or more Companies on the table then
any loss of Favour by one Company causes the Favour of The
When you use the Favour of The Engine to re-roll a dice you
Engine to be held over until the next turn and reassigned at
risk losing Favour.
that time to the player who wins priority.
Should the result of the second roll be worse than the first or
Should this loss be caused by another player (e.g. playing
not result in you succeeding at the task you attempted you
a The Eye is Elsewhere card) then that player claims the
immediately lose the Favour of The Engine.
Favour of The Engine immediately.
Hand the Favour Counter over to your opponent and they
now have The Engine’s blessing! The Engine’s Intervention and multiple Companies.
Should the game at hand have more than two Companies
Tempting Fate once to often!
present then the player with Favour of The Engine
When you attract the attention of The Engine you risk it determines the winner should the other players achieve a
viewing your use of its power poorly. drawn result.
The Eye of The Engine cards are also used when Tempting A game of Twisted is taking place with The Servants of
Fate (see page 21). On each card is printed a green or red The Engine fighting against two separate Companies of
Engine Eyecon. Dickensians, each controlled by a different player.
If you Tempt Fate and the card drawn has a red Eyecon on One of the two Dickensians Companies holds the Favour
it you immediately lose Favour with The Engine and the of The Engine.
results of the Tempt Fate draw come into play. If the Card
Gretel, of the Servants of The Engine, is attacked by Bill
has a green Eyecon the results of the card still come into
Psyches and neither player involved in the combat holds
play but you retain the Favour of The Engine.
the Favour of The Engine.
If you have a redraw of the Tempt Fate Card available for
Should their Opposed Close Combat Attack and Defence
some reason you may redraw before losing Favour of The
Scores be a draw then the player who holds the Favour of
The Engine chooses the winner.
These icons are only used when Tempting Fate. They do not
In this case it would likely be the
apply when playing Eye of The Engine cards drawn at the
other Dickensian Company
start of the turn.
but betrayal amongst the
The Eye is Elsewhere Dickensians is not uncommon...
If your opponent plays The Eye Favour of the Engine and Priority
is Elsewhere Eye of The Engine with multiple players
Card, which cancels out an Eye of
The player who holds the Favour of
The Engine Card you have played
The Engine has a hand in determining
then the Favour of the Engine
Activation order in games with more
changes hands immediately.
than 2 players (see page 24).
The Eye is Elsewhere Eye of
The Engine card can be
played to change the Favour
of The Engine even if your
opponent does not play their Eye of
The Engine card.
You can play a The Eye is
Elsewhere card
in response to
the same card
being played
by your opponent
to swap the Favour back.
The Eye of The Engine Using Eye of The Engine Cards
These cards detail the strange and sometimes malicious When you have drawn your Eye of The Engine cards you
power of The Engine and can be used to benefit your may play them as you wish (or indeed not at all!).
Characters or hamper your foes. A well played Eye of The Each card gives the effects of the attention of The Engine
Engine card can be the making or breaking of your plans! and also shows when it may be played.
There are a number of different play phases listed:
The Eye of The Engine Draw
Each Turn, during this phase of Twisted, each Faction draws Pre-Activation: The card is played before any Activations
one Eye of The Engine card. You may look at the card and take place but after the phases before the
then place it face down on the table. Activation phase.
The Faction who has the Favour of The Engine may draw Activation: The card is played during the Activation
one additional Eye of The Engine card and choose which phase. It can be played at any time one of
one to keep for the turn. your Characters or one of your Opponents
Some Characters in Twisted can affect the drawing of Eye of Characters Activates and the subject of
The Engine Cards. This is noted on their card under Special the effect will be the Character that caused
Abilities. the card to be played unless otherwise
Drawing Eye of The Engine cards with multiple players
The Card must be played at the start of
In the event that a single Company is controlled by more the Character’s Activation before any
than one player then only a single Eye of The Engine card Actions are taken.
is drawn for the Company overall. Either player may use it
when allowed by the rules on the card. If the Company holds Maintenance: The card may only be played in the
the Favour of The Engine then the second card may be Maintenance phase. Its effects and
drawn as noted above but only a single card is still available duration are listed on the card.
for the Company to use overall. Special: Some Eye of The Engine Cards are
Where more than two Factions, or separate Companies of played as noted on the card. “The Eye
the same Faction, are involved in a game of Twisted then is Elsewhere” is an example of this in
each draws an Eye of The Engine card. that it can be played at any time, even in
response to another Eye of The Engine
card being played.
The effects, as noted on the Eye of The Engine card, are
immediately applied and are applied separately to any
other effect.
Ey e of Th e Engin e In the case of an effect where a bonus or penalty from an
When a Character is existing Alchemantic Invocation or other source is in play
affected by an Eye of the effects of the Eye of The Engine card may either add to
The Engine card Leaden Feet or subtract from this effect. Take all pre-existing effects into
A great weight seems
it’s wise to place The Engine has decide
to descend you. account before adding or subtracting the effects of an Eye
the Eye of The 31 Gr etel & Hanseld you should stay put
Phase: Pre-Activati
... of The Engine Card.
Engine card under Choose an opposing
Gretel is currently affected by a “Quagmire” Invocation
the Character’s Spd 6 This Character has
his or her Speed from Nancy which halves her movement.
play card so you Str 4 halved and may not
Fin 7
Any Finesse checks She Activates and plays the “Elegant Movement” card.
know easily who is that need to be made
avoid effects are also to
Att 5/5 taken at -2. This gives her +2 to her Speed.
affected. Try and Def 5/6 Te mp t Fate:
leave the name of Arm 6
The Character that dre
w this card
Simply halve Gretel’s normal movement, rounding down
the card poking Alc 0 (6)
is affected as above. and then add 2 inches to it.
out to remind you Life: 20 As mentioned any effects noted on the Eye of the Engine
what the effect is. card come into play immediately and supersede any other
Hand of Hansel: D8+3+Str
(Thrust) Range: 4
Dueling Pistol: D8+6
The card drawn notes that a model must move D6
Wands: Range: 5 / 8 / 10 / 15 inches in a random direction. This is a mystical effect of
Special Abilities:
Linked Finesse
The Engine and allows movement that would normally
Witch Hunter be against the rules. See “The Gentleman’s Guide to
Wands Elegant Movement” from page 30. The model is simply
moved the distance indicated.
Once a card is played leave it face up so it may be referred to Shuffling the Deck
during the turn. It’s a good idea to place the card under the Unless otherwise noted all cards, used or unused, are placed
affected Character’s play card so you know who is under the back in the deck during the Maintenance Phase and the
influence of The Engine. deck is shuffled. This happens every turn so there is always
Most Eye of The Engine cards remain in effect for the current a chance of the same card being drawn again!
turn only. Unless otherwise noted they are placed back in Persistent Cards remain on the table until used or cancelled
the deck during the Maintenance Phase of each turn. by some means.
A few of the Eye of The Engine cards remain in play
until used. This is noted on the card when appropriate. Choosing a Random Character
A Character under the effects of one of these “persistent”
Some Eye of The Engine cards affect a random Character
Eye of the Engine cards cannot be affected by another Eye
in a Company. When this is called for simply count the
of The Engine card used by the player who controls him or
number of Characters in the relevant Company and choose
her until the first card is used.
a dice that most closely matches that number.
They may be affected by an Eye of The Engine card played
If a Dickensians Company is to be affected by a Wither and
by an opponent however and additionally he or she may still
Die Eye of the Engine card and they have 7 Characters on
Tempt Fate (see page 21).
the table simply use a D8 and disregard a roll of 8.
You may not discard an unused persistent card. It remains
You should always count out the Characters and
in effect until used. The Engine’s will is supreme!
nominate which is number each is given before you roll
Persistent Eye of The Engine cards can be cancelled by so your opponent knows before you roll who is affected
your opponent playing “The Eye is Elsewhere” card on the by each number.
relevant Character.
Bill Psyches is controlled by player A and has had the
“Deadly Destiny” Eye of The Engine card played upon
him. Player A Tempts Fate with Bill and draws “The
Engine’s Hammer” this may effect Bill whilst he is
affected by the earlier card.
Player B plays “Wither and Die” and is lucky enough to
have Bill selected as the target. Even though Bill is under
the influence of an Eye of The Engine card, this card,
played by the opposing player, may affect him too.
Tempting Fate Some Characters can affect the Tempt Fate draw. This is
noted on their cards under Special Abilities.
All Characters in Twisted are somehow closely linked to
In the case of effects that are opposite to one another a
The Engine. They either serve it directly or seek its power
card drawn due to Tempting Fate card will always take
and have knowledge of its presence.
precedence, even over other Eye of The Engine cards. The
The Engine has great interest in their deeds and their Engine’s will is indomitable and it is likely to change its
actions feature prominently in its plans. plans at any moment!
The Tempt Fate mechanic represents the Character You may also Tempt Fate whilst under the influence of a
attracting the attention of The Engine deliberately. Persistent Eye of The Engine card.
The Engine, being capricious, inscrutable and possibly You should take care when Tempting Fate if you hold the
malicious cannot be guaranteed to favour those who Favour of The Engine. Remember if you draw a card that
attract its gaze. Sometimes you fit into its plans and has a red Eyecon on it you will immediately lose the Favour
sometimes you don’t. If you do then The Engine may of The Engine!
assist you greatly but woe betide those it currently has
Once an Eye of The Engine card has been used in Tempting
no use for.
Fate then it is placed back in the Eye of The Engine deck
A Character may Tempt Fate at any time when they are and the deck is shuffled immediately.
affected in the game. For example you may Tempt Fate
during your Activation, when you are attacked by an
opponent’s Character or affected by an Alchemantic Ey e o f T h e
You can see two Eye E ng in e
Invocation - as long as the Character is somehow involved
of The Engine cards
in the turn at that point in the game they may Tempt Fate.
shown to the right.
When you Tempt Fate simply draw the top card from the All Is Da
A great sh
udder ru
deck of Eye of The Engine cards and its effects come into The first one
lights flic
generato r and dim as gre
ns throug
h the eart
rs g at st h,
play immediately. Each card shows how the effect of the illustrates the and dies rind to a halt. All eam powered
as an un li g
natural d hting spu
card is altered when Tempting Fate. difference between arkness
tt ers
Phase: P s.
You must declare your intention to Tempt Fate as soon as the card when drawn The imm
ediate vi ation
cinity of
the event that triggers the opportunity occurs. You may not as a standard Eye For the n
thrown in
to darkn
the skirm
ish is
ext turn ess.
Tempt Fate after an event has been resolved. of The Engine card made an
d line of
no ranged
sight is li attacks may be
You may only draw one Tempt Fate card at a time. You may or when drawn as a Tempt F
mited to
6 inches
Tempt Fate card. Your visi a te :
not keep drawing cards for the same event. All attack
on dims
and defen
and becom
es blurry.
and you ce rolls ar
An unfortunate Urkin finds himself charged by Nouveau. The second card
may not
run unti
e made at
ance phas e next
He realises he has little chance of survival and so decides is what is known e.
to Tempt Fate to see if his odds improve. as a “persistent”
He declares that he will attempt this as soon as Nouveau Eye of The Engine card
moves into base to base contact. Once an attack roll is in that it remains in play Ey e o f T h e
made it is too late to Tempt Fate! until used unless it is E ng in e
The Urkin is lucky enough drawn as a Tempt Fate
to draw “Might of The card. Elemen
Engine” and gains +3 tal Heali
Your han
d glows ng
You can also see the Water Ele blue with the pow
to his Strength for this ment. You er
r touch he of the
turn. He still may not red and green Eyecons Phase: A
Choose ctivation
survive the fight but in the top right hand Healing
a Charac
effect, th r to gain the Ele
if he gets the chance corner of these two this card
effect of
is in pla
card is p
a healing y, treat any roll fo hilst
to attack he might cards. maximu
m value,
on called the
e. g. a D6 ro to be
be able to inflict a nasty The Char
acte ll will be the
to heal 2D r can choose to a 6.
6 Life on use an A
wound on The Engine’s Characte
r they ar
es or
Discard e in conta another
Servant! this card
when eith ct with.
er effect
Tempt F is used.
Unless otherwise noted all The Char ate:
acter wh
Tempt Fate effects end in the is healed od
of 2D6 L raws this card
ife immed
Maintenance Phase following iately.
their generation.
Tesla, the
brilliant scientist
and engineer
responsible for the
development of the
Gentlefolk. 21
The Telling
The sewer grate lifted an inch or two and a long, leathery snout The Grey Goose was only two doors down from the sewer
poked out, gingerly sniffing at the foggy night air. Below, in the entrance. Feygin and Dodger had painstakingly mapped every
foetid tunnels, stood a small group of short, ragged figures, tunnel and exit in the Den of Thieves, and they knew the area
each clutching a wickedly-shaped knife or axe. Some held short, like the back of their hands. You always knew the best way out
crudely made guns which they waved about carelessly, to the when you were a pickpocket; at least you did, if you were smart...
consternation of their companions. and wanted to live to see the next sunrise.
At the base of the sewer shaft stood Dodger, his engine humming Dodger trundled over to the door of the pub and pushed it open,
gently as he anxiously rocked back and forth on his mono-wheel allowing greasy light and raucous laughter to spill out into the
lower half. He was always a touch jittery before a big job, and dark alley. At this time of night the place was crowded, full of
the task ahead of him was of some significance. harlots, smoke and the reek of cheap gin. Few patrons threw the
strangely agile, semi-mechanical form of Dodger more than a
Dodger hadn’t been there when Bill had blasted Reilly the
glance – most of them knew Dodger from before the Twisting,
barkeep back to his maker. But he’d seen the urkin come back,
and they all knew that Dodger worked for Bill...
shaking with terror and covered in gore. “Best not to ponder
too much,” Dodger muttered to himself “’Ow Bill ‘andles ‘imself Weaving through the crowd, Dodger drew up to the bar and
haint none of my business.” shouted for the barmaid. “’Ere, wench!” he piped loudly, “Fetch
the guv’nor!” But instead the woman shot Dodger a meaningful
At Bill’s command, Dodger was going up top to speak to whoever
glance, motioning to the door with the slightest nod of her head.
was now in charge of their local watering hole and make sure
Dodger, catching the subtle message, was immediately on high
Reilly’s replacement understood the “arrangements” Bill had
alert. “Must be Rozzers,” he thought in dismay. “Damn that
put in place, and maintained a steady flow of victuals and ale.
Ratcatcha - ‘e was wrong this time!”
Deep down, when push came to shove and things turned nasty,
A disturbance at the back of the room drew Dodger’s attention.
the truth was that Dodger wasn’t entirely comfortable with
Angry cries and the sound of breaking glass pierced the smoky
violence. Sure, it had its place; but he never enjoyed it – certainly
haze, as tables overturned and tankards smashed. Rising from
never delighted in it like Bill or the urkin. “Besides,” he thought
the chaos of fallen revellers and fleeing strumpets was a figure:
to himself, “the punters up top need to be frightened, but not so
a very tall, very dangerous-looking figure. At first glance, Dodger
terrified they’s willin’ to call the Peelers.”
thought he was looking at a toff – but instead of expensive cloth,
There was a hiss of steam as long, telescoped stilts retracted, his topcoat and elegant hat appeared to be wrought from fine
bringing the Urkin, who had been peeking out of the opening steel. Yet there was less a clank than a whisper as he moved, his
above back to Dodger’s level. “No sign o’ Rozzers, Dodge,” the every motion fluid and full of deadly intent.
Urkin said, his voice muffled by the leather mask with its beak-
“Time to scarper,” Dodger thought as, from the corner of his
like snout. “Couldn’t smell a one of ‘em - an’ you knows ‘ow good
eye he saw a long weapon come to bear. The muzzle of the rifle
I smells ‘em, Dodge”
was fully six foot from the stock, its lines long, graceful and
“Right then,” Dodger called, “let’s get going, lads.” There was a deadly. The mixture of straw and beer on the cobbled floor
flurry of activity as half a dozen urkin clambered up the shaft caused Dodger’s wheel to spin and slip as he wildly accelerated,
into the foggy alley above. With practised skill they erected a tipping him forwards abruptly. A deafening report rang out, and
makeshift gantry, and within minutes Dodger was hauled up to as Dodger slid sideways a great shell ripped through the room,
street level. roaring with blue flame before thudding into a wooden beam
that exploded in a shower of splinters. As Dodger glanced back
This was Dodger’s sole regret about his new “legs”: since his
he noted that the smoking hole in the oak support was just where
transformation during the Twisting, he could barely climb an
his head had been, only moments before. He looked towards the
inch. He could whip in and out of a crowd and be gone with a
steel-clad gentleman and saw, to his horror, a trail of red ruin cut
sack full of wallets before anyone knew he was there, and in a
through those unfortunate patrons unlucky enough to have been
chase the Peelers stood no chance; but his wheeled lower-half
in the shell’s path. Everywhere people screamed and moaned,
meant there were some things he could no longer manage,
clutching at bloody stumps or great, penetrating wounds.
climbing a ladder amongst them.
Hastily Dodger found his balance and roared towards the “’oo’ever you are,” Dodger shrieked back over his shoulder, “Bill
door, oblivious to anyone who lay in his path. The mysterious will ‘ave yer ‘ide for this!”
armoured figure leapt through the crowd, drawing an imposing
The gentleman replied in a condescending voice, which cut the
sword. The door was mere feet away when Dodger risked another
air like a blade: “I am Launcelot. Inform Bill he is on my list.”
furtive glance: McGuigan, the blacksmith, had risen up to throw
a huge, anvil like fist towards the sword-wielding nightmare. With that Dodger dropped into the shaft and the safety of the
But the blow never landed; with a whip-like movement the cold, sewer.
Bill was not going to be happy... not happy at all...
courtly figure brought up his sword and, with a smug grin, drove
the blade firmly through the wide chest of the smith.
As he sped out the door, Dodger grabbed the two urkin standing
watch outside and shoved them into the room behind him. “That
oughter slow ‘im up a touch,” Dodger thought. But as he motored
away down the alley the steel gentleman emerged from The
Grey Goose, smoke and carnage in his wake.
The Fine Art of
Acting First
Determining Priority
In any conflict the initiative tends to fall to the side Priority with more than two players and/or
having the greater measure of success. The more you Factions
wrong foot and damage your opponent the more likely
you are to be able to drive home your advantages! Should you be playing a game of Twisted where a Company
is split between two players then Priority is won for the
Company overall. It operates in the same way as with a
Priority for the first turn of the game single player controlling the Company.
Included on the sheet of counters in this
If your game has more than two Factions then initial Priority
box is a Priority Token. This sits in
goes to the player with least Characters from the remaining
front of the player that currently has
Factions other than the one that holds the Favour of The
the upper hand in the skirmish.
Priority for the first turn of the game
Should this number be tied the player who holds Favour
is given to the player that doesn’t
of the Engine may determine which Faction gets first turn
start with the Favour of The Engine
Priority other than him or herself.
(see page 17).
The Priority The Priority Token changes hands in the same way as
Which side has Priority at the start of the
Token normal, and works in the same way to define which Faction
game also affects deployment (see page
takes the first Activation in each turn following the first.
The Faction with Priority always has the first Activation in
any turn. Player order after that is chosen by the player who
Determining Priority during the game
has the Favour of The Engine. This is decided at the start of
After the first turn of the game, Priority is determined by each turn, and applies throughout that turn. It may change
how well you are doing. If a player achieves one of the from turn to turn, but not within a single turn.
following conditions, they take the Priority Token (if they
A game of Twisted is taking place where three Factions
don’t have it already).
are present on the table. Faction A has won Priority due
Achievement Description to some success during the turn but Faction B holds the
Wounding Reduce an opposing Character to the Favour of The Engine.
Wounded state. See page 27 The player controlling Faction B who holds the Favour of
Taking a foe Out Take an opposing Character out of Action The Engine may determine in which order he and player
of Action by reducing them to 0 Life. C activate.
See Page 27. For the purposes of these rules
Achieving an Achieve a mission objective or one of separate Companies from the
Objective the Tarot of Taxing Tasks objectives. See same Faction count
Madame Moon’s Mission Matrix as different Factions.
If, for example,
If you currently hold the Priority Token and manage one of there is a three
these feats then there are no additional effects (other than player game in
earning some bragging rights… ). progress with
three separate
The Priority Token can change hands several times during
200 point companies
the turn. This has no immediate effect. All that matters is
engaged and two of these
who holds it at the start of the new turn.
are Dickensians then each
The player that holds the Priority Token at the start of a turn Dickensian Company counts
has Priority for that turn and is the first to Activate one of as different Faction for the
his or her Characters. purposes of determining
The Delicate Distinction between
Activation and Action
Activation Phase Actions and Eye of The Engine Cards
Using an Eye of The Engine card or Tempting Fate is
Activation Basics not considered an action and does not use up one of a
Characters Activate in an alternating manner during the Characters two actions. If the Eye of The Engine card affects
Activation Phase of the turn. The player who holds Priority another action the action is used up as normal.
turns the top card of his or her Activation Deck face up and If Dodger draws “The Engine Guides My Aim” Eye of
the Character as shown begins his or her two Actions. The Engine card he gets a bonus on a ranged attack. He
Activation of Characters switches between Companies on must, however, make the attack as normal, using up one
a Character by Character basis. Once the player who holds of his actions.
Priority has completed the two Actions for his or her first Some Eye of The Engine cards may give Characters extra
Character then the first Character of the opposing Company Actions or cause an action to be carried out immediately.
is Activated. Whether this uses one of the Character’s actions or is in
If more than two Companies are involved all must Activate addition to it is noted on the card in question.
one Character before Activation returns to the first player in
Activation order. Actions and Close Combat
Once the last player to Activate has activated his or her first Close Combat is not an Action but ensues as the result of
Character then activation returns to the player who holds Actions. As soon as two opposing Characters come into
Priority who Activates the second Character in his or her base to base contact a Round of Close Combat (an exchange
Activation Deck. of attack and defence rolls) is fought.
Character Activations continue in this manner until all Close Combat is always considered to be fought after
Characters on the table have been Activated for the turn. all Actions for the turn have been taken by the relevant
Example: Player A Activates the first Character from Character. You cannot fight a round of Close Combat and
their deck and runs through the two actions for that then take your two Actions.
model. The turn then passes to player B who Activates Trying to move past an opponent within 1” of them can
the first Character from their deck and so on until all also trigger a Close Combat attack but even in this case
cards are played. the attack is not counted against the Characters two Action
When you Activate a Character you should give your allotment for the turn.
opponent a moment to play any Eye of The Engine cards You may never make more than one Close Combat attack
before proceeding with your first Action. per turn unless an Alchemantic Invocation, Special Ability
Each Character in Twisted may perform two actions per or Eye of The Engine card specifies otherwise!
Turn. These actions might be: If your Character is engaged in Close Combat before he
Move: You may move up to your Speed value in inches as a or she activates then your options when your turn comes
single action or you may choose to charge or run by using around become somewhat limited. See Captain Kopf’s
both Actions for the turn. You may also climb or jump Techniques of Discrete Bloodletting on page 39.
as a Move Action (see the Gentleman’s Guide to Elegant
Movement from page 30). Out of Action Before Activation
Ranged Attack: Fire your weapon at your foe (see The In the event that a Character is reduced
Biggin and Weller Manual of Gainful Gunplay - page 34). to 0 Life and taken Out of Action or
You may make two Ranged Attacks per turn by using both removed from the game in some other
Actions to shoot unless your weapon specifies otherwise. manner before he or she Activates
Interact: You may interact with a person or object. then his or her Activation Card
This includes things such as opening doors, searching remains in the Activation Deck
barrels, passing an item to an ally or using one of and is turned over as normal.
Dr Disraeli’s Delights that requires an Action to be spent. This causes the player who has
Some missions require you to Interact with objects or other suffered the unfortunate loss to
Characters. More information on this can be found in effectively miss an Activation.
Madam Moon’s Grimoire of Goals. The Activation Card is turned
Use Ability: You can use an Active ability (see page 27). over and immediately
discarded with play then
Alchemancy: You may choose to channel an Alchemantic
passing to the next player
Invocation, break a Backfire or restore some of your
to Activate a Character.
Alchemantic Essences. You may call two Alchemantic
Invocations per turn if you have sufficient Essences available
to you! See Magister McTavish’s Tome of Alchemantic
Mysteries - page 44.
Character Character Conditions
Special Abilities There are a number of Conditions that can affect a
Character in Twisted. These affect the way they move, fight
Each Character in Twisted has a number of Special Abilities and interact with objects.
that he or she may use during their Activation.
These Abilities fit into one of two categories. Active and Stunned
Passive Abilities. When a Character becomes Stunned their movement
is halved and they may not attack. They may defend
Active Abilities themselves but may not attempt to attack and wound an
opponent. In addition any Finesse checks taken to avoid
Active Abilities are Bil l Psyche s area affects are at -2.
marked on a Characters
play card in Red. Weapon Properties Special Abilities
Any attempt to disengage from Combat is also at -2 on the
Stun: Lumber: D20 roll and a Stunned Character does not threaten the area
These are ones that • 6 or more final damage • Must be
• Target makes Finesse
around their base (see page 30).
with a Move or Charge
must be used as part check v 5 + final Damage. Action.
• If Check fails target • Difficulty 13 Strength Stunned Alchemancers are at -4 to call any Invocations and
of a Character’s two stunned until next check to move through
Maintenance Phase. may not focus to regain Essences.
action turn. They Ammunition:
an opposing Character.
• Difficulty 17 if model is
take the place of one
• Action to change ammo. large (40mm base).
• Regular Ammo: as card • Opponent scattered 1”
Stunned Characters recover in the Maintenance Phase of
of the two actions • Incendiary: D4 using g renade template. the turn in which they were stunned unless otherwise noted.
Range: 5 / 7 / 9 / 13 • If check fails Close
that a Character may Bypasses armour.
Comba t ensues .
Burns for 2 turns. Target Threaten:
perform. subtracts damage taken • Range 6 inches
from D20 rolls. • Opposed Strength A Prone Character may use a move Action to rise. You
They cannot be used • Wall Breaker: D8+6
Range: 4 / 6 / 8 / 12
• If Bill wins target must may fire ranged weapons from the prone position or call
if the Character has Target may not claim
cover from this attack.
make a run move away
Alchemantic Invocations. You may also move at half speed
from Bill.
already performed whilst Prone or change facing as usual.
two actions and may
If a Character is engaged in Close Combat whilst Prone
not be used twice in
they are at -2 to any Defence Roll and at -2 to Attack.
the same turn.
In addition if they try to rise whilst engaged their opponent
You may, however, use two Active Abilities in sequence, one
gets an immediate free attack against them. The Character
after the other in place of your two normal actions for the
attempting to rise may defend as normal with no penalty.
If the Character is the subject of an effect that requires a
Bill, for example, may move and use his Threaten ability
Finesse check to avoid it the check is taken at -4.
on an opponent. Alternatively he could stay put, change
the ammunition in his pistol using the Ammunition Wounded & Out of Action
ability and then Threaten a foe. When a Character reaches the Life marked in red on their
Some Active Abilities may require the use of both of a card they are considered Wounded. All Characteristics,
Characters Actions for the turn. This is noted in the ability’s with the exception of Armour are reduced by 2 until the
description. Character is healed to above the Wounded state.
This can reduce a Characteristic to less than 0 so, in effect,
Passive Abilities it becomes a penalty to the base D20 roll.
Passive Abilities are marked on a Character’s Play card in Any Character that is brought to 0 Life is Out of Action and
Green. removed from the game.
These Abilities may be combined with another action as Incapacitated
noted in their rules or may simply be constantly active. They
do not count towards a Characters two action allotment for Certain effects render a Character Incapacitated and unable
a turn. to act. The duration of the Incapacitation is noted in the
rules of the effect that caused it.
Not all Passive abilities may be combined with all actions.
The Character may take no actions but is placed in the
Some must be performed alongside certain actions.
activation deck as normal. If attacked whilst Incapacitated
Due to his huge bulk Bill may combine his Lumber make an unopposed attack against a Difficulty of 11.
ability with a Move Action. He may not, however, Any Finesse check to avoid an effect will always be
combine it with a ranged attack - it may only be used considered to fail if a Character is Incapacitated.
during his movement.
An Incapacitated Character does not threaten the area
His Stun weapon property is constantly active and around their base and can be moved past freely.
simply comes into play any time Bill does sufficient
Some effects render a Character both Incapacitated and
damage to an opponent with his cudgel!
Prone in which case, even when the Incapacitation ends the
Character enters active play in the Prone condition. 27
The Taming
The heavy chain pulled taut as the stonework groaned and Nancy smiled slightly, a cold smile that suggested she enjoyed
cracked, splinters of rock falling from the ceiling of the dank the idea of the carnage. Feygin frowned. The pickpocketing
chamber. Ollyver was stirring. children, of whom he had once been quite fond, had become
something that worried him more than he cared to admit.
On the other side of the rusted cell door, the urkin wrenched
“Still,” he mused, “they’re better thieves than ever.” The loot was
open the small hatch and chanced a glance inside, knowing that
certainly flowing in.
if the brute spied him it would almost certainly end in blood.
Reassured that Ollyver was still shackled within his cell, the Meanwhile, the terrified urkin gingerly reached for the locks on
urkin scuttled away to fetch Feygin. the Ollyver’s small, boyish legs. With a speed that – to Feygin’s
trained eye – surpassed even Dodger’s, Ollyver reacted. With
Within a minute – so far as time can be measured near a Node
a metallic shriek and clatter of broken masonry, the chain
of The Engine – the ragged form of the urkin returned, trailed
restraining his left arm gave way, and with a squeal the urkin
by the rat-faced old pickpocket, and the disturbingly sensual
was snatched off his feet. The great block of stone connected to
metallic slither that heralded the approach of the Alchemancer,
the chain pulled free and swung like a flail, smashing brickwork
from the doorframe and taking the great iron portal off its
“’Ave you ‘ad any luck controlling young Ollyver?” Feygin asked. hinges, along with the head of an urkin who’d strayed too close.
Nancy laughed and clapped, her tentacled lower-half turning
“Not as yet, Feygin. I’ve tried a number of formulations and
her on the spot like a devilish ballerina.
nothing has had a marked effect,” replied the witch in her
strange, disembodied voice. Since the incident at the Node, The urkin in Ollyver’s great metal fist struggled and begged.
Nancy had changed, perhaps more than anyone else. Her gentle, He’d always been a friend to young Ollyver, before the change
caring nature had been replaced by something ice-sharp and – that was why Feygin had chosen him to watch over the berserk
frigid. Her desire to help Feygin’s boys had vanished, replaced monster. But it mattered not; there was no room for sentiment in
by a penchant for the mysteries of Alchemancy and the seeking the mind of the twisted Ollyver, and with a flick of his wrist the
of dark things best left undiscovered. great steel fingers closed...
Feygin opened the hatch in the cell door and peered into the The urkin scattered, fleeing headlong into the darkness as
gloom. At the slight creak of the hinges there was a great sound: Ollyver took hold of his remaining restraint with both hands.
what should have been a human cry was instead a bestial howl, The wall stood no chance and gave like chalk: Ollyver was free!
coming from a throat far too young to emit such noises. The old Feygin’s eyes widened in dismay as the hulking form stalked
rogue took an involuntary step back as the great iron fetters towards him, growling like an angered beast. There was malice,
holding Ollyver strained and creaked. Corded shoulder muscles there was intent, there would be payback and, if Ollyver had his
heaved against the relentless metal. Incredibly, the links held way, there would be blood. Nancy licked her lips in anticipation.
and, after a short while, Ollyver settled back, scowling at the
As he stepped backward despairingly, Feygin’s foot ran into
faces intruding on his insanity.
something warm and hard. Glancing down, he saw a fallen
“’Ello there, Ollie,” Feygin cooed soothingly. “Ol’ Feygin is a pot of gruel at his feet. Before he even had time to think, one of
comin’ in to ‘ave a squiz at ya. Be a good lad an’ all.” With that, his mechanical arms scooped up the bowl of grey, lumpy broth
he carefully slid back the bolts and entered the room. and deftly spun it across the floor where it twirled to a halt at
Ollyver’s feet.
At the doorway a group of urkin gathered, one or two carrying
pots of steaming gruel earmarked for their evening repast. As suddenly as he had sprung to life, the monstrous figure
Feygin motioned one forward and handed him a ring of keys. stopped dead, staring at the steaming bowl. With a grunt he sat,
lifted the bowl, and began to slurp noisily at the gruel. Panting
“Unlock ‘is legs. ‘E looks like ‘e need a stretch, poor lad.”
with relief, Feygin leant on the door, keeping a wary eye on
The urkin crept forwards, taking the rusted keys from the old Ollyver who was now emitting a strange guttural purr.
man’s hand. Fearfully, the small creature – once one of Feygin’s
“Well, Nance,” he offered breathlessly, “that seems to ‘ave done
thieving children, but now twisted by The Engine into a gutter-
the trick.”
running urkin – approached Ollyver, taking care to stay low and
quiet. “Indeed Feygin, it has,” she replied, slithering forwards as she
studied both Ollyver and the old man with her penetrating
Feygin turned to another of his Twisted boys. “What ‘as you been
glance. “It seems you are something of an Alchemancer
a-feedin’ ‘im, lad?” he asked. Nancy’s chilling gaze also turned
yourself.” With that, she turned her back and in her strange,
to the nervously shuffling group. The urkin looked quickly at his
sinuous manner, moved away down the corridor. Her voice
companions. “We’s bin feedin’ ‘im rats - big uns.”
floated back to Feygin. “One day, you may even be great enough
“Rats - just rats?” queried Feygin. to challenge me.”
“Yes, Boss!” piped up another. “We bin takin’ bets on ‘ow long Feygin smiled wanly in the dim light, unsure whether to take
they survive – an’ besides, once we opens the ‘atch they just Nancy’s parting comment as a compliment or a veiled threat.
scurries in. Samuel lost ‘is ‘and last week when we tried cheese He’d need to be careful – more careful than in the past...more
with Ollie.” careful than ever before.
The Gentleman 's Guide to
Elegant Movement
The Basics Going Prone
All movement in Twisted is measured in Inches. A Character may choose to go Prone as an Action. This
means they are considered to occupy the area of their base
A model with a Speed value of 4 may move both in height and area. This can affect line of sight for
4” in a single Move Action. Ranged Attacks but woe betide you if an opponent manages
Facing to engage you in Close Combat whilst you aren’t on your
feet! Just use the base provided with the model - don’t
Moving Past Friendly Models Climbing
Characters that are on the same side do not Threaten one Characters may climb walls or other terrain elements.
another (well... Bill would but that’s another story). Climbing is considered a Move Action.
They may move freely past one another given sufficient A Character climbs at half the rate at which they move. You
space. may not end your move halfway up a wall or terrain element.
You may also Squeeze Past a friendly Character - see below! You may use a double move to Climb a tall object, making a
single Climb Check for both Actions.
Squeezing Past Simply measure the height and make a Finesse or Strength
Whilst a static miniature will block the passage of another it check (you choose which to use) versus a Difficulty of 12.
is reasonable to assume that two human sized people could If you make the check you succeed and the Character is
squeeze past one another with some shuffling and general placed atop the surface climbed.
awkwardness. If you fail the check by up to 5 you simply make no progress
To represent this a Character may move through a friendly but use the appropriate number of actions you decided to
Character only if there is no other viable means of getting use in the attempt.
around him or her and neither model is in the threatened If you fail by more than 5 you fall and suffer the effects of
area of a opponent at the start or end of the move. Falling (see below). The height of your fall is equal to half
This “squeeze past” move uses two inches of movement and the height you attempted to climb.
may only occur between two Characters that have 30mm If the climb is only a single action in height (e.g. less than
bases. 3 inches for a Character with a Speed of 6) you may use a
Large Characters on 40mm bases or bigger may not be second action to attempt the climb again if you have one
squeezed past and they may not squeeze past another available.
model. Ladders or similar modelled onto the terrain require no
check - you may simply ascend them at half your Speed
Characters Occupying The Same Space value.
In no circumstances may two models occupy the same area Any movement left over after a successful climb has been
- even if one is flying, insubstantial or otherwise logically made may be taken as normal.
able to do so. An Urkin is trying to climb a building to a walkway 4”
Any movement or effect that would see this event occurring above. This will require both Actions to be used as the
will end at the point where contact begins in the case of a Urkin’s Speed is 4 so he climbs 2” in a single Action. He
deliberate move. fails his Climb Check and so is considered to have fallen
If the movement is unwilling, by some Alchemantic Effect at the 2” midpoint of his ascent.
or other ability (even falling onto them!) then the final area He must now make a Difficulty 12 Finesse Check
a model comes to rest in is determined randomly using a D8 (10 + 2) or land heavily, suffering some damage.
(see Grenade Scatter Effects on page 36). The Character’s
new position is in base to base contact with the Character Falling
whose space they would otherwise occupy. If you fall from any height you must make a Finesse check
This can initiate Close Combat. against a Difficulty of 10 plus the height of the fall.
Dodger is unlucky enough to be pushed from a walkway
Handing Off by Gretel’s “Thrust” Ability. The walkway is 4” tall so the
If, for some reason, you wish to give another Character an Difficulty of the Finesse check would be 14.
item you hold it is counted as one of your actions for the If you fail this check you take 1D4 damage +1 damage for
turn. every inch of the fall over 3”, bypassing armour and in
You may not hand off an object to another Character if either addition you are considered Prone.
you or the other Character are engaged in Close Combat. If you pass the check then you suffer no ill effects but end
There are no dice rolls involved, simply transfer the item up standing in a position directly below where the fall was
from one Character to the other. The new owner may make initiated.
use of the item in the usual fashion during his or her turn. If another Character is in the position onto which you fall
Characters may not hand off the weapons printed on their you scatter 1” using the Grenade template and in addition
cards. the Character onto which you fell must make a Finesse
You must be in base to base contact with the relevant check with the same Difficulty as that of your fall. Failure
Character to Hand Off an item to them. of this check means that he or she will suffer 1D4 Damage,
bypassing armour as you land heavily upon them.
Jumping Jumping into Close Combat
A Character may attempt to jump gaps, drop off walkways, If you successfully jump into Close Combat you are
leap nimbly from building to building or dive down to considered to have Charged but you gain an additional +1
attack a foe. to your Attack roll.
Jumping is considered part of a Move Action and the
distance of the jump is taken into account as part of the Movement and Terrain
Action. Should the distance jumped be less than the Speed You may not move through terrain under most
of the Character then further movement is possible after a circumstances. Walls and other solid objects are impassable
successful Jump and a second Action may then be taken. and must be moved around or climbed over.
If the distance jumped is greater than the Speed of the Buildings are generally impassable but in certain cases you
Character in question then the Jump is considered to be may move through them although it can be dangerous...
a Run Action and no further Actions may be taken. Any
excess movement available to your Character may be taken. Walls & Low Terrain
You may not attempt a horizontal jump should you not have To climb over a wall or any other terrain over an inch in
sufficient movement available to you to clear the gap. height simply make a climb check as noted earlier and then
make a jump check to get down safely.
You may attempt to jump down a greater distance than you
can move as long as the horizontal distance covered is no You include both vertical and horizontal distances in your
greater than you could move in normal circumstances. In movement for the Action used.
these instances no further movement is possible. A wall which is 1 ½” high and ½” deep will require 3 ½”
Gretel, whose Speed is 6, moves 7” to the edge of a inches of movement to negotiate.
building and jumps down 6” to the ground. This means Any remaining movement may be taken once you have
the total distance moved is 13” so she may move no successfully negotiated the obstacle.
further or take any Actions should she land safely. Lower terrain such as barrels and boxes up to 1” in height
Measure the distance to be jumped including any vertical may be clambered over without a check they are simply
distances and compare it to the table below and make a designated as Difficult Terrain (see page 33).
Finesse check. You need to equal or beat the listed difficulty. You may end your move on top of these kinds of obstacles
(assuming the model can balance there safely). In this case
Distance Difficulty Distance Difficulty
you may not claim cover from them against any Ranged
Up to 2” 6 Up to 3” 10 Attacks.
Up to 4” 12 Up to 6” 15
You may not jump any further than 6”
When a fight breaks out in the streets of London the
As part of a jump you may leap upwards no more than 2” locals take cover and lock their doors and windows,
as long as you cover some horizontal distance in the jump. leaving the streets to the opposing factions.
You may not make directly vertical jumps upwards. These In most cases buildings are impassable and must be moved
are considered to be Climb Checks. around or climbed.
An Urkin Slasher wishes to jump a 5” gap to a nearby If a building has doors modelled on more than one side you
rooftop which is 1” higher than his current location. He may attempt to break into the building and move through it
rolls a D20 and adds his Finesse of 3. He rolls a 12 and To break into a building you must first either pick the lock
as the Difficulty of the check is 15 he just makes it safely. or simply bash in the door.
As the distance Jumped is greater than the Urkin’s To open most doors in Twisted is a Difficulty 15 check using
Speed of 4 he may not take a second Action but he can either Strength or Finesse. It is an Action to attempt this.
continue with the remaining 3” of his 8” run move. Some missions may specify other Difficulties to open
Had Dodger attempted the same jump and succeeded certain doors.
he could have then moved an extra 2” and taken a shot Once the door is open you may attempt to move through
with his gun as the 5” jump was less than his Speed of 7. the building. You must have sufficient movement available
A failure of the Finesse check indicates a fall. In the case to you to clear the entire building in one Activation.
of a vertical jump the fall height is the same as the vertical You may not end your Activation partway through a
distance of the attempted jump. building.
If you are attempting a horizontal jump (between two The move is measured in a direct line from one door to the
buildings for example) you fall at the midpoint of the jump if other including any vertical distance.
you fail and the height of the fall is calculated to the nearest
solid surface beneath you.
Once inside the building the doors leading out may be Difficult Terrain
opened freely and do not require the use of an Action to Some areas of the tabletop may be denoted as Difficult
pass through them. Terrain.
In any attempt to move through a building a Difficulty 14 Areas such as marshy ground, rubble and other hindrances
Finesse check is required to avoid the indignant and rather can affect your ability to move freely.
defensive owners of the property. If you fail this check you Cover such as barrels, crates and low walls, less than 1” in
take D4 damage bypassing armour as you receive a rather height also count as Difficult Terrain.
nasty wound from an angry householder wielding a carving
knife or well aimed pan. Movement through such areas, or over low cover, requires
2” of movement for every 1” travelled.
Once a door has been opened it is considered to be
immediately locked again or otherwise barred by the Gretel wishes to move over a low stack of crates 1½” deep
residents of the property once any Character has moved and 2” from her. Her Speed is 6 so she moves 2” to the
through. Any subsequent Character wishing to enter the crates then spends 3” of movement to clamber over them.
building must again attempt to break in. She has 1” of movement remaining once she has cleared
the crates.
It is possible for one Character to open a door and have
another Character move through it in their Activation. If she entered an area of Difficult Terrain with only 3” of
movement left she would move 1 ½” and stop.
The residents of the property take a rather dim view of
random folk holding their doors open Some Missions or Fascinating Features will specify areas
and all doors will automatically of Difficult Terrain. You can, or course, decide with your
be considered shut and locked in opponent if any terrain elements on your table count as
the Maintenance Phase Difficult Terrain.
after which they are See page 76 for more information on Fascinating Features.
Gretel wishes to
make a rather
sneaky move
through a shop in
order to foil an
Urkin’s plans.
She spends
one Action
and breaks
in successfully.
The distance to
the door on an
upper balcony
is 5”.
As her Speed is 6
she can now use
a second Action
to move through
the building.
She attempts the move but rolls poorly getting a D20
result of 3 on her Finesse check. She adds her Finesse of
7 for a total of 10.
There is a loud thump as a heavy cooking pot is lobbed
at her and she takes 2 damage in the attempt.
The Biggin & Weller Manual of
Gainful Gunplay
Ranged Combat Line of Sight
If a Character is free of Close Combat he or she may To shoot at an opponent you need to be able to see them.
choose to fire a ranged weapon to wound or kill a foe from You may fire at any target that you can see within the 180
afar. degree front arc of your Character. In order to fire at a target
Ranged combat involves any weapon that is fired, shot, behind your Character the model must turn around which
thrown or generally lobbed from a distance at the enemy. counts as a move action for the turn.
You may only fire a single weapon per Action unless It is wise to consider which enemy Characters you wish to
otherwise noted on the Character’s Card or you are under the shoot at when you move your Character.
effect of an Alchemantic Invocation that allows more than If you cannot see an opposing Character due to terrain or
one shot per Action. other obstructions you may not shoot at them.
A Character may not use their ranged weapon when engaged A Character on the table does not block Line of Sight to
in Close Combat unless otherwise noted. another Character but does provide cover. You may fire
There are a few simple steps to follow to resolve a ranged through the occupied area.
1. Determine Range, Line of Sight and potential Cover
If any terrain element, Character Model, other obstruction
2. Attacker rolls to hit using D20 plus attack modifiers
is between you and your target, yet you can draw a line of
3. Target Rolls a D20 plus defence modifiers to avoid the sight to part of the model they are considered to have cover
shot from you.
4. Apply Damage and any effects. The Character is partially concealed and the Ranged Attack
is more difficult than normal. Cover gives the target of the
Range attack a +2 bonus on their Defence roll.
To determine the range of the attack simply measure the There are some exceptions to this rule (see Launcelot’s
distance between you and your target, from base edge to Rifle “The Lance” for example which has the Penetrating
base edge. You may measure the range before deciding property).
whether or not to take the shot.
Once you have the range compare this to the range bands of Character A is the target of Ranged
Attacks from Characters B, C & D.
the weapon as printed on the Character’s Play Card.
B cannot draw a Line of Sight due to the
There are 4 range bands printed in this order: terrain and so may not take a shot.
Short / Medium / Long / Extreme. Once you measure C can draw a Line of Sight however A
the range and compare it to the values printed on your can claim Cover from the terrain.
Character’s card the penalty for range is given on the table A D D has a clear shot to A with no Cover.
Range Band Penalty
Line of sight should be drawn to the main body of the
Short Range 0 miniature, not to any extended guns, swords or other objects
Medium Range -2 (wings etc.).
Long Range -4 A Character may choose to go prone to hide themselves
Extreme Range Ur kin Shooter
-6 behind cover. When in this state Characters are considered
to occupy the height and area of their base. In this state you
Some weapons have a value printed as “–” in the Extreme need to be able to draw line of sight to the Character’s base
Spd 4
Range band. This means they are ineffective at ranges any or some portion of it.
Str 3
further than Long Range. When drawing line of sight to a Prone Character only
Fin 3
No weapon isAtteffective
2/4 beyond its extreme range. consider the base with which the model was provided - not
An Urkin wants to fire his Dodgy Gun at Launcelot. The
Def 3/3 any scenic elements that may have been added to it.
Knight is 5Arm
5 from the twisted wee lad. The first
printed range
Alc band
0 of a Dodgy Gun is 4 so the Urkin Running Characters
must take a -2 penalty on the shot as the shot is now Characters who are running can claim an additional
Life: 10
within the second range band. +1 to their Ranged Defence roll on top of any cover or other
Weapons bonuses.
Pointy Things: D6+2+Str See The Gentleman’s Guide to Elegant Movement for more
Dodgy Gun: D8+5 information.
Range: 4 / 7 / 9 / –
34 Special Abilities
Rolling to Hit An Urkin Shooter fires his Dodgy Gun at Launcelot. He’s
Once you have determined the Range, Line of Sight and within 4 inches at Short Range but Launcelot has cover
Cover you then Resolve the Shot. This is an Opposed roll. from a large barrel.
Your Character’s Card shows two numbers next to your The D20 Roll is a 15. The Urkin ends up with a Ranged
Attack Characteristic and two next to your Defence Attack score of 19
Ranged Attack Bonus
Characteristic. The second of these numbers are your 15 +4 = 19
Ranged Attack Bonus and your Ranged Defence Bonus. D20 Roll
An Urkin Shooter has an Attack Characteristic of 2/4. The Launcelot now rolls a D20 and adds +6 (his Ranged
2 is his Close Combat Bonus, the 4 is Ranged Attack Bonus. Defence Bonus plus cover). He gets a 12 + 6 = 18 and the
Launcelot has a Defence Characteristic of 6/4. The 6 is shot from the sneaky wee lad has hit home.
his Defence Bonus for Close Combat, the 4 is his Ranged Ranged Defence Bonus
Defence Bonus. 12 +4 +2 = 18 Cover
D20 Roll
L au nce lo t
14 U r k in Sho ot er Spd 4
Str 6 If the shot hits the target then damage must be applied.
Spd 4
Fin 4
Str 3
Att 7/5
All ranged weapons have a Damage Value printed on the
Fin 3
Att 2/4
Def 6/4 Characters Card. Roll the appropriate dice and add modifiers
as shown. This gives you the Damage the shot has caused.
Def 3/3
Alc 0
Arm 5
Alc 0 Life: 25 The Target then subtracts his Armour Value from the
Life: 10 Damage. Any points left over are applied as actual harm to
Sword: D8+3+
the Character.
Pointy Things: D6+ Str (Bleed)
Special Abilit
/ 12 / 22
a 4 so the total Damage caused is 9 points.
s ies:
Special Abilitie
By The Engine
’s Will Launcelot is heavily protected by his steel coat and has
an Armour Value of 9. If we take 9 from 9 we end up with
Explosions and Area Effects
Alchemantic Invocations, Grenades or other weapons that
use the Blast or Cone Templates also follow these rules.
Splash Damage: Any Character within an inch of the spot
where Splash Damage effect is generated must make a
Finesse Check to avoid taking damage from the effect. The
Difficulty for this check is 12.
Splash Damage is a secondary effect to the main damage
the weapon or Invocation causes. A Character at the point
where the effect lands takes full damage as listed for the
weapon. Those who are adjacent and fail their Finesse
Checks take half the damage rolled, rounded down.
Explosive Damage: Grenades and Alchemantic Invocations
that have a more powerful explosive effect use either the
2” or 4” Blast Template or the 6” or 9” Cone Template
supplied. This will be noted in the Weapon or Alchemantic
Invocation’s rules.
The template is placed with the central marker over the final
point where the blast occurs. Any Character completely
under the template takes full damage from the attack with
no chance to avoid the effect.
Characters that are partially under the template must make
a Finesse check against a Difficulty of 15. If they pass this
check they have leaped clear and suffer no damage. They
are immediately moved to a clear space outside the area of
effect. This move is restricted to a single inch of movement.
Model A is targeted
with an Alchemantic
C Invocation with a 4”
diameter. Models A and
B are completely within
C C A the Effect and cannot
C B Models C and D are only
partially covered and so,
D D if they make their Finesse
Checks, may move one
D D D inch to get clear.
Captain Kopf's Techn iques of
Discr ete Blood letting
Close Combat Rolling to Hit
Combat in the Twisted world is brutal and rather bloody. Your Close Combat Characteristics are the first of the
Fights can last moments as an expert sword blow two numbers listed next to Attack and Defence on your
beheads a lowly Urkin or two mighty warriors might Character card.
battle on for what seems an eternity... To strike your opponent in Close Combat you roll a D20
and add your Close Combat Attack Bonus as printed on the
Entering Close Combat Character Card. This is an Opposed roll.
In order to enter Close Combat with another character your In addition there may be modifiers as listed below.
model must move into base to base contact with your foe.
Situation Bonus or Penalty
This movement must be the result of a regular move action
Charging +1 to Hit
or a charge. You may not Run into Close Combat.
+1 Damage
Once contact is made during the Activation Phase of the -1 Defence 1
turn a Round of Close Combat is then fought immediately. Jumping into Combat +2 to Hit
It is not an Action to fight in Close Combat. +1 Damage
A Close Combat round uses the following steps: -1 Defence 1
1. Attacker rolls a D20 plus their Close Combat Attack Opponent is Outnumbered +1 to Hit
Characteristic and any other situational modifiers Opponent is Flanked +1 to Hit
2. Defender rolls a D20 plus their Close Combat Defence Attacking from the rear +1 to Hit 2
Characteristic 1
The -1 penalty applies to the attacker’s Defence until the
3. If the Attacker beats the Defender’s total score then a next Maintenance Phase
blow is landed 2
Initial round of Close Combat only
4. Apply Damage and any effects
Other things, such as some Special Abilities, Alchemantic
Base to Base Contact Invocations, Eye of The Engine Cards, Dr Disraeli’s Delights
A Character is considered in base to base contact with an or Weapon Features may also affect the roll.
opponent when his or her movement allows the outer edge The final total of the D20 and all relevant modifiers is your
of the base supplied with the miniature to touch that of the Close Combat Score. Modifiers are cumulative so if, for
opposing miniature. example you manage to Charge, Outnumber, Flank and
You are not in base to base contact if you simply touch an attack from the rear at the same time you receive +4 to hit.
outstretched sword, tail, wing or other extended part of the Your opponent then rolls a D20 and adds his or her Close
miniature. Combat Defence Bonus and any modifiers applicable.
You may rotate the opposing miniature slightly if any of If you beat your opponent’s Score then you have landed a
these extended portions of your foe are preventing you blow.
making base to base contact. This rotation should be as
In the event that the totals of the Close Combat Attack and
slight as possible to allow base to base contact to be made.
Close Combat Defence rolls are equal then the Character
If these extended portions of a miniature make Flanking from the Company that currently holds the Favour of The
difficult simply place the miniature as close as possible to Engine is considered the winner!
the position in which it should be placed. In the chaos of
Close Combat nothing is perfect. If there are more than two Companies involved in the game
and neither of the two involved in the drawn combat hold
See page 40 for more details on Flanking a foe. Favour of The Engine then the player that does hold the
Charging & Jumping into Close Combat Favour decides who is the winner.
You may enter Close Combat on a Run Move Action only as Two Urkin are attacking Launcelot. One activates and
a special Charge Action. strikes.
This movement must be in a straight line and must end in His D20 roll is a 12 and adds his Close Combat Bonus
base to base contact with an opponent. of 3 for a total of 15. As the two Urkin are both in combat
Launcelot is outnumbered so a further +1 is added
When you Charge you gain a +1 bonus to both your Attack bringing the total to 16.
roll and your Damage roll representing the ferocity of the
attack. You also suffer a -1 penalty to your Defence until the Launcelot rolls a 9 and, as his Close Combat Defence is
following Maintenance Phase as your Charge leaves you a 6 the total is 15. The Urkin has beaten Launcelot’s Score
little more open to the attacks of your foes. and landed a blow. Whether the blow is powerful enough
to hurt Launcelot is another matter...
You may also Jump into Close Combat which is considered
a Charge with an extra +1 to hit.
Attacking from the Rear Disengaging
If you attack an opponent from the rear, outside of their 180 To Disengage from Close Combat roll a Finesse Check
degree line of sight arc then you gain a +1 to your attack in using a Difficulty of 10 plus the Close Combat Attack value
the first round of Combat. The opposing Character is turned of the foe you are in base to base contact with. If you beat
to face you during that round of Combat. the value then you may make a move action away from the
The Character may then be attacked from the rear again by combat.
another Character later in the turn and this bonus may then You must move away from the Character who engaged
stack with the Flanking bonus as shown on this page. you and may not move past them. All the normal rules of
You do not retain the +1 bonus for attacking in the rear for movement apply.
any other round of combat other than the initial contact. If you fail to disengage you stay engaged in Close Combat
If you are already engaged in Close Combat when attacked and your opponent gains an immediate free attack against
from the rear you turn but your initial opponent is not you. You defend yourself normally against this free attack.
then considered to be attacking from the rear should they Having failed to Disengage you may then choose to attack
activate after this has occurred. the opponent normally or spend your remaining Action in
some manner and then attack.
Being Engaged Before you Activate You may not, however, attempt to Disengage twice in the
If your Character is engaged in Close Combat and has same turn.
not yet acted they retain their two actions but the options If you are in a Melee with multiple foes in base to base
available to you are somewhat limited. contact with you then the Disengagement check is taken
You can simply choose to fight another round of Close against the highest Close Combat value with an additional
Combat if you wish, forgoing other Actions. +1 for each opponent other than the first.
You may also try and call an Alchemantic Invocation
although this is more difficult than normal unless the Melee Situations
Invocation is designed for Close Combat (See page 46). When more than two Characters are in base to base contact
Additionally some Special Abilities are usable in Close this is known as a Melee. It doesn’t matter who is attacking
Combat so Actions can be spent on these too. who - if the base to base contact is continuous then a Melee
is formed.
You may not make a Ranged Attack against a foe or attempt
to interact with any object whilst engaged. Each individual in the Melee still attacks in Close
Combat when they Activate but for some effects such as
You can, however use one of Dr Disraeli’s Delights if desired.
Outnumbering (see below) and Blaze Away firing into
Details of these are given in Madame Moon’s Grimoire of
Close Combat (see page 36) who is involved in a Melee can
Goals on page 57.
be important.
You may spend both Actions and still attack in Close
Combat. Here is a Melee situation of 5
Characters. Although B, C2 and C3
Should you decide to stay in Close Combat and fight a round B
are on the edge of the Melee they are
of combat you only get a single attack, even still involved as a continuous line of
if you have more Actions available to you. A C1 base to base contact can be drawn.
You may choose which of the opponents Further to this A and B are
in base to base contact you wish to
strike should there be more than one
C3 considered Outnumbered as they
have more opponents in the Melee
than allies!
engaging you.
Alternatively you may try and
Disengage from the Close Combat Outnumbering
Melee using a single Move Action - see
Whenever you are in a Melee with more opponents than
allies then you are considered Outnumbered and each
Close Combat is always considered to opponent gains a +1 to hit.
happen after your Actions are spent.
It doesn’t matter who’s actually attacking who. It’s the
Should you choose to fight the round
number of opponents in the overall Melee that makes the
of Close Combat and you take your
foe Out of Action you do not then get
to use any Actions afterwards. In the example above models A and B are Outnumbered
even if the only Character actually attacking model B is
Any unused Actions are
model C1.
considered used at this
Flanking Becoming Wounded
You can flank an opponent by getting models directly When a Character has taken sufficient damage to have a
opposite one another. mark placed in the area marked in red on the Life section
You must be able to trace a line that passes through the of the Character Card he or she is considered Wounded and
centre of the opponent’s base in order to claim the flanking takes a -2 penalty on all Characteristics with the exception
bonus of +1 to your attack. of Armour. When a Character’s Life is reduced to 0 he or she
is Out of Action and removed from the game.
Once again it doesn’t matter who your ally attacks. If they
are on the opposite side of a foe you are considered to be
flanking them. Attack Special Effects
Any special effects that a given attack may have are applied
Here is a differently configured immediately after Damage is done unless otherwise noted
in the effect’s rule
In this example both model
A and B are considered Critical Hits
Outnumbered so their foes get
If the Attack roll is a 20 before modification then it is an
C2 A C1 B +1 to hit them.
In addition model A is Flanked
automatic hit, regardless of modifiers and a critical hit has
C3 by models C1 and C2 so they
gain an extra +1 to attack. When a critical hit occurs in Close Combat no Defence
Models A and B Flank model Check is made by the target of the attack and their Armour
C1 and can claim + 1 to attack
him or her only.
Characteristic is halved (rounded down).
In addition the unfortunate Character must make a Finesse
Check with a Difficulty equal to 10 plus the final Damage
Stunned, Prone and Incapacitated dealt or be Stunned.
See Page 27 for details on how these affect Close Combat. Launcelot strikes back at the Urkin who had the temerity
to hit him. He is lucky enough to roll a 20 and score a
Critical Hit.
The Iron Gentleman’s Sword does D8+3+Str Damage
Once you have landed a blow in Close Combat it is time to
and his Strength is 6. He rolls a 3 for a total Damage of
determine the damage caused.
12 (3+3+6=12).
Each Close Combat Weapon has a damage value printed on
The Urkin’s Armour Value is normally 5.
the Character’s Card. Roll the appropriate dice and add the
As it is a Critical Hit the Armour Value is halved and is
basic bonus as printed on the card.
rounded down to 2.
To this figure also add the current Strength of the Character,
This means the Urkin takes 10
adding or subtracting points for Alchemantic Invocations,
points of damage, enough to
being Wounded or Eye of The Engine effects.
kill him outright. Whether or
The final number then has the Armour value of the target not he becomes stunned is now
subtracted from it. Any points left are applied as actual immaterial... had he survived the
damage to the character. attack he would have needed to
Mark off the squares under Life on the relevant Character’s roll above a 20 using a D20 plus
card starting from the top down. Should sufficient damage his Finesse Characteristic
be caused to mark off one of the squares indicated in red (Final damage of 10 plus 10)
then the Character is considered Wounded (see page 27). or have been Stunned until
In the earlier example the Urkin managed to hit the Maintenance Phase.
Launcelot in Close Combat.
An Urkin Slasher’s pointy weapon does D6+3+Str
damage. The Strength of an Urkin is normally 3 but, as
this one was Wounded earlier he is -2 to Strength.
The Roll comes up a 6 The final damage is therefore A Gentlefolk
6+3+1 = 10. Launcelot’s armour is 9 so 1 point of damage Blacksmith.
is caused. Built incredibly
tough these
automata can
Close Combat Damage
withstand powerful
Weapon dice + modifiers + Strength - Armour attacks before
sustaining damage.
The Taking
Bess sat quietly in her bedroom window watching the street The Seeker was right. Lurking in the shadows just around a
below. She idly plucked the stray leaves from a bunch of flowers corner there stood a tall, malicious-looking man in an ill-fitting
- they were always worth a few coppers more if the stems were coat. He stared intently at the street beyond, careful not to be
tidy. seen as he kept watch on a well dressed man disembarking
drunkenly from one of those damnable carriages.
She liked to sit in the window. For one thing the air was fresher,
especially later at night when the cacophony of merchants and
the clanking of those infernal steam coaches had died down.
Secondly, it made her privy to the entertainment provided by the Bess looked on as the gentleman staggered away from the
constant stream of punters and harlots leaving The Grey Goose carriage. With a hiss and a cloud of acrid steam the driver moved
tavern nearby. off, leaving the toff to his fumbling attempts at re-fastening his
purse. With morbid fascination, Bess watched Sam burst from
Down the street, Bess could see Samuel Munn lurking in a his hiding spot like a trapdoor spider and take the man around
darkened alley. Sam was known locally as ‘Sam the Slasher’, an the throat, pulling him roughly back into the shadows. The street
evil-tempered and vicious scoundrel if ever there was one. Sam’s was deathly quiet and she could just make out the startled cry of
latest routine was to wait for a nicely-sozzled gentleman to shock as Sam produced Gurty, his favourite blade, from beneath
leave The Goose and then dart out to drag his victim back into his heavy overcoat.
the shadows, taking his measure of the toff’s purse at knife-point.
Were there to be resistance then, at best, the toff could expect to “Give us yer cash,” she heard him hiss savagely, “lest Gurty here
leave with a jagged scar to remind him not to mess with ‘Sam takes a drink o’ yer guts.”
the Slasher’; but in all likelihood the fellow would never be seen “You shall havth no suzch thing!” the gentleman slurred back in
again and Sam would be sporting a new, expensive-looking defiance, wobbling unsteadily as he drew himself up, puffed out
coat. his chest and raised his fists in what could only be described as
Tonight Sam seemed even more furtive than usual. Bess had a parody of a true boxer’s stance.
seen several of those strange wee lads that served Bill skulking There was a brief flurry of action and within moments the toff
about earlier. That usually meant one of Bill’s unsettling visits was lying flat with his back against the cobbles, clutching his
was imminent, or perhaps that Dodger was making a trip to the stomach and moaning as Sam stood astride him brandishing
surface. Bess liked Dodger: he always smiled and waved and, on a bloodied blade in his rough hand. “Now I’ll ‘ave yer cash and
occasion, would toss her a coin from his latest filch. them posh boots,” Sam glowered triumphantly at the feebly
Bess glanced back along the darkening street towards the twitching man.
tavern and noticed a well-dressed gentleman alighting clumsily
from an ostentatious steam carriage, paying the driver with
coins groggily fumbled from a bulging purse. She glanced back M’Dusa accelerated. Now, whilst the potential host was
to the alleyway and saw Sam moving furtively into position. distracted, was her best chance. She cannoned into the man’s
“This is about to get dicey,” she thought. broad back, throwing him sharply into the wall. His head hit the
brickwork with a crack and his knees buckled slightly. M’Dusa
raised herself up and dropped squarely over the man’s head, her
cowl-shaped body settling down around his skull.
M’Dusa floated gently down the murky alley, making sure she
kept to the darkest shadows. She had sent out both her Seeker Her feeder lines drove into his neck and spine causing him to cry
snakes to find a new host; the last one had just fallen foul of out, as her claws encircled his neck and torso locking her into
that accursed steam carriage. M’Dusa was still surprised position. She could immediately discern his panicked mind as it
at the speed those hulking, cacophonous transports could desperately tried to make sense of what was happening.
“This one will be simple,” she thought to herself as she brushed
Something in M’Dusa’s mind insisted she find a host and get aside any resistance from his feeble self-consciousness.
to The Grey Goose. She wasn’t sure why but she knew it had to He wasn’t clever, and for all his aggression and violence his will
happen soon. was surprisingly weak. Within moments M’Dusa had complete
A Seeker returned, slithering fluidly along the cobblestones
and nestling itself back into the portal from whence it came.
M’Dusa’s metallic, hood-like body settled to the ground as the
information from the Seeker assimilated. Bess heard strange noises coming from the alley and, straining
her eyes to peer into the murk, could just make out something
There was a potential host nearby. very odd happening. In just a few short moments Samuel had
M’Dusa reactivated and drifted silently down the alley. The gone from having the gentleman at his mercy (of which there
new hosts were always twitchy to begin with, until she had fully was very little, it had to be said), to abruptly tumbling into the
subdued their will. It was much easier to assume control when shadows as though struck by a prize fighter. Then all at once
the host didn’t expect you; that first moment of surprise left a – right from where Sam had fallen – a woman arose, clad in
weak mind open for easy assault. strange yet beautiful clothes. “How very curious – even for this
town!” Bess thought, peering ever harder into the gloom.
Having taken possession of the man’s body, M’Dusa resumed
her accustomed appearance. Under her brass cowl the brutish
form of Samuel Munn had become an elegant, sinuous woman
clad in flowing silks.
M’Dusa glanced down at the wounded gentleman who was
weakly holding up a bloodied hand, appealing for help. She
knew that he was grievously injured; the large wound in his Realising she’d been spotted, Bess tried to duck out of sight –
abdomen bled freely onto the cobblestones. Reaching into her but she was too late. The woman raised her hand – there was a
cowl she drew forth a small phial that glowed eerily with aqua sudden flash of light – and before she knew what was happening,
light. A simple twist opened the lid with a ‘pop’, and M’Dusa Bess found herself lying on the wooden floorboards of her room.
inhaled the thick, slightly salty fumes that arose.
In a daze she raised herself to her knees and began picking up the
Reaching down and cradling the man’s head, she blew the fallen flowers that had scattered across the floor. “Best be more
essence into his mouth while softly whispering a phrase or two careful, you old duffer,” she thought dreamily, straightening her
of Alchemantic invocation. Immediately the man’s bleeding chair and resuming her usual seat by the window. She looked
was staunched and his wound rapidly began to close, the out into the street where all seemed quiet. “Funny...” she thought.
flesh knitting together under M’Dusa’s intense gaze. He’d be “I’ve not seen Sam tonight. Friday is always one of his nights...”
unconscious for a little while, but he would survive. With an absent-minded shrug, Bess went back to arranging her
posies for tomorrow.
Glancing up suddenly, M’Dusa met the eye of an old woman
watching her from a high window across the street.
M’Dusa stepped quickly along the cobblestones towards The
Grey Goose. She had made sure the woman from the window
Bess stared. She’d never seen the like of it before. Staring in
would remember nothing; M’Dusa was not ready to reveal
these parts often lead to trouble, but try as she might she could
herself just yet. That was not what The Engine wanted.
not take her eyes from the surreal scene unfolding below. The
top half of the strange woman’s face was sheathed in bronze, Of a sudden there came a great explosion from the direction of
punctuated by glowing lenses where her eyes should be. Slim the inn, followed by screams and shouts. Looking up, M’Dusa
snake-like tendrils waved gently in an elegant, hypnotic dance could see smoke billowing into the sky. “That will be Launcelot,”
from the sides of her great, intricately decorated hood. she thought, smiling quietly to herself as she picked up her pace.
Magister McTavish's Tome of
Alchemantic Myster ies
Alchemancy Alchemantic Essences
The mysteries of Alchemancy are known to only a few in On the Character Card of someone with Alchemantic ability
the Twisted world. These few have an inkling into how you will see a series of small boxes next to the name of the
The Engine controls the world and can tap into a small Schools of Alchemancy they posses.
measure of its power. The Engine does not take such These represent the
interference lightly and will, on occasion, take a special number of Essences of
interest in the activities of an Alchemancer. This can each element that the
34 Nancy
have dire consequences indeed... Alchemancer starts the Spd 4
Alchemancers in the Twisted World are individuals who game with. Str 3
Fin 4
have learned to tap into the energies of the world in a similar Essences can take the Att 4/4
way to The Engine itself. form of small vials of Def 4/5
Their powers, whilst sometimes great are but feeble efforts liquid or gas, small Arm 6
Alc 7
compared to the world altering abilities of even the weakest crystals or even intricate
of The Engine’s Nodes. metal containers that Life: 19
Actions Focussed Invocations
Once an Alchemancer has mastered the art of Alchemancy By using both Actions for a turn an Alchemancer can
it takes but a word or a simple gesture to generate most apply much more concentration and effort to any given
Invocations. It takes very little time but does use up a lot of Invocation.
the Alchemancer’s concentration for a few moments. Focussing an Invocation in this way gives the Alchemancer
Some Invocation can take quite a bit longer to generate and a +4 bonus on the Alchemancy roll to see if the effect is
require some sustained effort on behalf of the Alchemancer. called into being successfully.
Alchemantic Invocations are all generated during the You may not Focus an Invocation that already consumes 2
Alchemancer’s Activation. Each Invocation uses up a Actions to call.
number of Actions as noted in its description.
Nancy wishes to generate “Elegant Movement” to speed Breaking
up her movement. The Invocation is noted as using a Whilst Alchemantic Invocations can be deadly the strong
single Action. She now has one Action left so she may willed or strong of body can sometimes break free of their
choose to now zoom quickly across the table or, if she effects.
desires, take some other Action. When a Character is affected by an Invocation with
There is no roll to hit with Invocations unless noted. a duration he or she may try to Break the effect in the
Maintenance Phase of each turn. Invocations which can
Difficulty be broken have a target number listed next to the Breaking
A Difficulty is listed for each Alchemantic Invocation, an entry in their description. In brackets after the number is
Alchemancy Check must equal or exceed this number to the relevant ability which has its bonus applied to the D20
successfully call the effect into being. roll.
If the roll is a success the Invocation is generated and all the An Invocation with a dash shown in the Breaking entry may
Invocation’s effects come into play. not be broken (or is a positive effect so you’d not want to
end it!).
If the roll fails the Invocation is not generated and the
Alchemancer loses half the number of Essences the Any damage, movement or other immediate effect caused
Invocation would normally require, rounded down, with a by the Invocation cannot be reversed by a successful
minimum of 1. These losses come off the Essence which is Breaking roll.
the School of the Invocation first then alternate through the Attempting to break an Invocation is not an Action so
remaining Elements. Characters can have used their two Actions during the turn
Nancy wants to generate a Bone Wrack Invocation - it is and still attempt to break an Invocation.
a Difficulty 14 Invocation. Launcelot has been affected by “Bone Wrack” called by
She rolls a D20, getting a 6. She adds her Alchemancy Nancy earlier in the current turn. This Invocation has a
Bonus of 7 getting a total of 13 which means the duration of 3 turns, if not broken the effect would end in
Invocation has failed. the Maintenance Phase 2 turns after the current turn.
Bone Wrack requires 3 Earth and 2 Water Essences. This would effectively leave Launcelot seriously disabled
This means that Nancy now loses 2 Essences (5 x .5 = 2.5 for three of his activations (the current one plus 2 more).
rounded down to 2). The first loss MUST come from Earth He is wounded by the Invocation and may not act this
as the Invocation is from the Earth School. There is only turn but in the Maintenance Phase he may try and Break
one other loss so Nancy also loses 1 Water Essence. the effect.
Had Nancy lost a third Essence it would have again The Bone Wrack Invocation has a Breaking Difficulty
been Earth. shown as 16 (Str). This means he will need to make
Should the D20 roll be a 1 before modification then a a Strength Check against a Difficulty of 16 and as
Backfire has occurred. If the roll, before modification, is a 20 Launcelot’s Strength is 6 he will need to roll a 10 or more
then you have achieved a Perfect Invocation. on a D20 to end the effect early.
See page 48 for more information on these effects. He rolls a 12 in the Maintenance Phase and the
Invocation is broken. He may act normally next turn
Alchemancy in Close Combat however the damage he took earlier in the turn remains.
You can spend an Action to call an Invocation whilst in An Alchemancer who fails spectacularly when calling an
Close Combat but being involved in a fight can make Invocation suffers a Backfire. There are slightly different
concentrating on calling an Invocation more difficult. rules for Breaking the effects of an Invocation when it is the
result of a Backfire. See page 48 for more information.
Unless the range of the Invocation is listed as “0 (cc)” then
the Alchemancer suffers a -2 penalty when attempting to
call an Invocation whilst engaged in Close Combat.
Elemental Essences Area
All Alchemantic Invocations use Elemental Essences in This part of an Invocation’s description notes the size of the
their generation. area which is affected.
These are listed in the Invocation’s description. The This is sometimes one of the templates provided and
number in brackets after the Element name is the number sometimes the area is noted in inches.
of Essences consumed in generating the Invocation. Wall of Air, for example, is denoted as an area effect 6” long
If an Alchemancer has insufficient Essences the Invocation and 1” wide. This is not a template. Simply measure out the
cannot successfully be brought into being. relevant distances and mark the area with small dice or
counters so both you and your opponent understand what
Found Essences area is affected.
In some missions you may be able to find additional When using either the 2” or 4” Blast Templates place
Essences for your Alchemancers to use. the central marker over the point at which you wish the
An Alchemancer or other Character may carry as many of Invocation to come into being.
these found Essences as they desire and they may be carried The Cone Templates are positioned with the narrow end
in addition to any of Dr Disraeli’s Delights. See page 57 for touching the base of the Alchemancer unless otherwise
more information on Dr Disraeli’s Delights. specified.
These “Found Essences” are always consumed first when Effects do not expand to fill areas they don’t fit into. The
calling an Invocation whether it succeeds or fails but excess area is simply lost.
cannot be lost to any effect that drains Essences from an Elemental Explosion uses the 4” Blast Template. If cast
Alchemancer. into a 3” wide alley the excess that lies outside the 3” is
lost. The fire does not flow into other areas.
Range See Explosions and Area Effects on page 37 for more
The number shown here is the maximum number of inches information.
away from the Alchemancer the Invocation may be centred. Personal: Invocations listed as Personal only affect the
Its effects may exceed this distance but the central point or Character upon which they are called.
target of the Invocation must be within this Range.
In the case of Invocations that affect Characters directly the Duration
target must be visible to the Alchemancer who is calling the This description notes how long an Effect is in play. There
effect. Invocations that have area effects may be called into are a few variations:
being at any point on the table.
Instantaneous: The Effect flashes into existence and then
There is no roll to Hit with an Alchemantic Invocation unless disappears again immediately after its damage or effect has
otherwise specified. It is assumed that the Alchemancer been done.
simply wills the Invocation into being where he or she
X Turns: The Effect lasts through the number listed in turns.
The Invocation ends the number Maintenance Phases later
A Elemental Explosion Invocation has a 4” Diameter equal to the listed duration.
and a range of 12”. If aimed at a point 11” away from the
Nightingale calls “Confound” upon an Urkin. The
Alchemancer the final edge of the area of effect will be
Invocation lasts 2 turns. Nightingale was activated
13” from the caster. This is fine as long as the central
before the Urkin and therefore the Urkin is affected
point of the Effect is within 12”.
by the Invocation for the current turn and until the
Effects that call for a roll to hit obey all the usual rules for Maintenance Phase of the following turn. He may be
Ranged Attacks including those for cover unless otherwise lucky to survive this...
It is a good idea to keep a small 6 sided dice by a model
Invocations with a printed range of 0 may only be used by affected by a multi turn Effect. Simply leave the dice with
the Alchemancer who calls them and cannot be used on any the number matching the number of turns the effect has to
other Character. Additionally any Alchemantic Invocation run facing up. Change it each Maintenance Phase
with its range printed as 0 (cc) may be used in Close Combat
Where an Invocation has an effect each turn, such as
without penalty.
causing damage for example, this effect is applied in the
Maintenance Phase of each turn. The initial turn’s effect is
applied when the Invocation is first called however.
An Alchemancer may always choose to end an Alchemantic
Effect they have generated early should they so desire. It
does not require the use of an Action to end an Invocation
the Alchemancer has called.
Effect Backfire
This part of the description lists all the Effects damage and If the Alchemancy Roll to generate an Effect is a 1 before
other properties. modification then the Effect has gone critically wrong! Apply
Properties listed here override all other rules. Alchemantic the effects listed under Backfire for the Effect immediately.
Invocations can break the rules of nature and shatter time A backfire will also remove the full quota of Essences from
if done properly. the Alchemancer.
In the case of two conflicting properties from different In addition a backfire will nearly always attract the
Alchemantic Invocations they simply cancel one another attention of the Engine. Draw an Eye of the Engine Card
out. Any other effects of the Invocation come into play as and immediately apply its effects as if the Alchemancer had
normal. tempted fate.
If an Invocation does not apply a penalty to an ability but
instead causes a certain roll to “always fail” or stop one Breaking the effects of a Backfire
action or another completely then this effect will always In the event that a Backfire affects an Alchemancer he
override an Alchemantic Effect that simply alters a roll. or she may try and Break the Invocation in the following
Apply bonuses and penalties in the order in which they Maintenance Phase, using the initial difficulty of the
occur, noting them on the relevant Character’s card as the Invocation as the target number for success in shrugging
Invocations are called. off the effect.
In her turn Nancy generates an Air Step Effect which Make an Alchemancy Check as if you were trying to call the
increases an Urkin’s Move Action by 2”. Invocation normally however this time, should you succeed,
When she activates M’Dusa calls Iron Manacles which the Invocation ends.
halves the Speed of the Urkin. Trying to break a Backfire in the Maintenance Phase is not
The net effect of the two Alchemantic Effects is that an Action.
the Urkin ends up with a move for this Action of 3. It is also possible for an Alchemancer to try to break the
(4+ 2 = 6 ÷ 2 = 3) effects of a Backfire during their activation. This counts as
Had M’Dusa however generated a “Earthbound” Effect an Action.
that stopped all movement then the Urkin would not be You may not break an Invocation you have
able to move at all and the Air Step would be wasted. called in the same Activation Phase as it
was initially attempted. You must wait
Perfect Invocation until the Maintenance Phase of the turn
or your next Activation.
If the Alchemancy Roll to generate an Invocation is a 20
before modification then the Invocation has been called
very easily by the Alchemancer.
The number of Essences used is halved, rounded down to a
minimum of one and any dice roll the Invocation calls for is Nightingale,
the finest healer
considered to be at its maximum value.
available to
The first Essence used up in this case is always from the The Servants of
Element which is the School of the Invocation. Any extra The Engine.
Essences that are required may be chosen freely by the
Nancy calls “Bolster” Invocation and rolls a 20. She
would normally use 2 Fire, 1 Air and 1 Water to call this
The Perfect Invocation means she only uses 2 Essences
the first of which must be Fire as the Invocation is from
the Fire School. Additionally the Invocation also adds
the full 4 points of Strength and restores the maximum
6 Life to the target.
Table of Alchemantic Invocations
Presented here is a complete list of all Invocations and To randomise simply roll a D4 to select the school of the
brief notes on their effects. Invocation and then roll a D10 to select the individual
See the cards for more complete descriptions. Invocation to be used.
3: Air School Invocations
D10 Invocation Power Action Range Difficulty Breaking Duration Elements Effect
1 Air Step 1 1 12 11 – 2 turns Air (1) Extra 2” to a move action.
+1 to Finesse Checks to avoid effects.
2 Conduit 1 1 12 11 – 2 turns Air (2) Damage taken by target is reduced by
3. 1 point of that damage is transferred
to the Alchemancer.
3 Deflect 1 1 10 12 – 2 turns Earth (1) Air (1) +2 to Ranged Defence for the target.
4 Float 1 1 12 10 – Instant Fire (1) Air (1) Free 6” leap in any direction.
5 Elegant 2 1 12 13 – 2 turns Air (2) Increases target’s Speed by 2
6 Force Shield 2 1 6 13 – See Card Earth (1) Air (2) Adds 2 to Defence Scores and Armour
of the target.
7 Windwalker 2 1 10 13 – 3 turns Fire (1) Air (2) Target may move three times Speed as
a run Action.
8 Mist Move 3 1 8 14 – 2 turns Earth (2) Air (2) Target may move through terrain. 50%
chance to be unaffected by attacks.
9 Wall of Air 3 1 10 15 15 (Str) 3 turns Earth (1) Air (3) Wall prevents movement and makes
ranged attacks more difficult.
10 Cyclone 4 2 15 16 – Instant Earth (3) Air (3) 4” Blast Template. Scatters Characters
and small terrain.
The Meeting
The street filled with an acrid smoke. Amidst the panic of fleeing Apart from the expletives and cries from within the tavern the
customers the staff of The Grey Goose doused small fires with street went quiet. Launcelot sheathed his sword. He was not
damp bar cloths along with pitchers of beer and water. The ruin certain where to start looking for Bill, the highest priority target
Launcelot’s great rifle “The Lance” had left was clear, not least on his list but knew Dodger had vanished very quickly so the
of which was the shattered oaken beam and the enormous hole bolt hole couldn’t be far, even with the lad’s remarkable turn of
in the front wall of the inn. speed.
The floor, slick with gore, was strewn with moaning people all A figure emerged from the low pall of smoke. Instinctively
of whom clutched and grasped at great, penetrating wounds Launcelot’s hand snapped to the hilt of his sword but the
from the shell’s wicked flight in a futile attempt to stop their knight was now in control of himself and the motion was more
lives leaking away. In some cases they were assisted by friends for his own protection. M’Dusa stepped into the pale yellow
and acquaintances but a great many of them had fled when illumination of a gas lamp and held her hands up in front of
the weapon had been fired, leaving their companions to an her, showing no intent for harm. In Launcelot’s mind something
uncertain and probably rather painful fate. whispered and he knew this strangely garbed woman was an
ally in his quest.
In the doorway leading to the street stood Launcelot, casually,
almost mechanically, wiping blood from the blade of his sword “Dodger escaped” he said plainly
using a scrap of cloth. By his feet lay two Urkin, their wounds
“He did?” M’Dusa replied, slightly confused. Somehow she
indicating a quick, almost clinical end. The fleeing patrons
knew who the Iron Gentleman was talking about despite having
pushed past him with a curse, the Iron Gentleman swaying
spoken to no-one about this Dodger. “We’ll have to track him
slightly at the collisions from their headlong flight. His
down then” she continued. “First though, we need to get away
countenance remained impassive, barely registering the throng.
from this Inn, I think you may have left rather a mess”
At his waist fluttered a long strip of parchment. It emanated
“Indeed”. Launcelot hefted The Lance onto his shoulder and
from a device on his hip, printed upon it, in a strange, almost
turned. As he did so there was the shrill cry of a whistle and
spidery script was a list of sorts. Launcelot glanced down as
the clatter of hobnailed boots on cobbles. Two figures ran down
the device sprung to life with a gentle whir. The list drew back
the street, shouting and gesturing, their heavy blue coats flying
into the machine and emerged again moments later, a red mark
behind them. Peelers!
across two of the entries. “Will and Arthur” Launcelot thought.
The list was a string of names, each of whom Launcelot knew M’Dusa drew back into the smoke as Launcelot laid The Lance
he must kill. How he knew this even he was unsure of but he was down carefully and drew his sword in one fluid motion. The two
certain of it nonetheless. The two fallen Urkin were apparently Peelers drew themselves up at the sight of the blade, one tugging
Will and Arthur - now marked off his list. a large, heavy looking firearm from beneath his coat.
Launcelot hated the device. He hated the way it seemed to “Come on now Sir” said the larger of the two. His sleeve bore
whisper to him, he hated the way it controlled him and he the stripes of a watch Sergeant. “Put that away, there’s a good
hated the killing of innocents. He had no chap” Despite the steady deep tone of the man’s voice there
qualms in slaughtering those who deserved was uncertainty in his stance, he kept his distance and
it but the device gave him no choice. seemed ready to move away rapidly should the situation
Anyone who stood in the way of him getting require it.
to his target was expendable and, as much as
Launcelot lowered his blade.
it pained him, he slew them without mercy. The
regret always came later. The other Policeman took aim, stepping up and
covering Launcelot with the great, greasy muzzle of
The device went quiet. Launcelot staggered slightly
his blunt firearm. “Move a muscle matey and it will
as his own thoughts flooded back into his mind. The
go the poorer for ya!” he called.
Blacksmith he had slain lay in the bar along with the
score of patrons who’d not been quick enough to get There was a faint clatter and Launcelot
out of the line of fire when he took aim at Dodger. He stiffened slightly. The List shuddered as
was sure the Smith had been a decent man, just in the two new names emerged.
wrong place and too brave for his own good.
A mental fog seemed to grow from the base of Launcelot’s The List went quiet for a moment. Launcelot stopped.
skull, masking his own thoughts and replacing them with the
“Flee!” hissed M’Dusa over her shoulder “These matters do not
instructions of The Engine. Launcelot raised his sword and took
concern you. I have held him, I cannot stop him if you should
a step forwards, a low growl emerging from his lips. The Engine
remain!” The two policemen needed no encouragement and
was to brook no threat to its plan.
hurriedly gaining their feet and some of their composure they
“Harry!” the Sergeant cried “Get back you idiot!” He reached beat a very hasty, and somewhat unedifying, retreat.
forwards and tugged at the PC’s wide collar. The man tripped,
As the figures retreated The List sprang back to life. The two
his boot catching on an uneven cobblestone. He fell, his gun
names vanished back into the device and then reappeared,
clattering across the wet street.
marked in green.
As he tried to assist the unfortunate PC the older man brought his
Launcelot sagged. It very nearly happened again. He cursed
truncheon up in a futile defensive gesture. Launcelot advanced
the device - he could feel parts of his consciousness becoming
in an deliberate and deadly manner, The List chattering like a
ragged each time The List took him.
mad Jackdaw. Both Peelers knew things were about to get very,
very unpleasant for them. “That’s most interesting” M’Dusa remarked bending in to
inspect the device “I’ll have to try and find a way to stop that
Seemingly from out of nowhere M’Dusa appeared. She stood,
- can’t have you slaughtering the good folk of London now can
facing Launcelot, her hand raised and clutching a filigree
golden egg that seemed filled with a red mist. “Now now Lance”
she said “These folk have caused you no harm. Don’t make me She looked up and smiled slightly. The Iron Gentleman looked
hurt you” back and felt hope for the first time in days. He was sure that he
had to stop Bill, he just wanted to do it his way.
Madame Moon 's
Gr imoir e of Goals
Dodger moved quickly. Bill had sent him to gather up the payments from those who were under his “protection”. It was
wise to pay when Bill asked. He always took a dim view of those who refused and to be in Bill’s bad books would likely lead
to a painful and rather short life.
When Bill demanded a task be done Dodger had learned that it was best to do it quickly and efficiently. Recently this new
group of punters calling themselves The Servants of The Engine had been abroad and the young pickpocket desperately
hoped he would not run into them on this dark London night.
On top of that challenge there was the ever present risk of the Bobbies, the small Gentlefolk policemen that could give a
lad such as Dodger a perfectly valid reason to leave the area very quickly indeed.
As he scooted along the alley Dodger hoped things would go smoothly. After the events at The Grey Goose, Bill was
displeased and Dodger knew it was best not to annoy Bill further...
Twisted can be played in a number of different ways. You can 3. Set up Terrain
choose to use the Mission Generator to play a quick pick- Follow the rules given on page 62 for setting up the scenery
up “points match” or you can choose to play the Mission for your Mission. This will give you the world in which your
Campaign as a linked, narrative adventure. Characters will fight.
You can play the entire Campaign (or some portion of it) At this point you may also choose to generate a number of
for an immersive Twisted gaming experience where your Fascinating Features to add more interest and chaos to your
successes and failures have an impact on how the missions game.
play out.
You can also simply select one of the Campaign missions 4. Draw Tarot of Taxing Tasks Objectives
and play it as a pick-up game should you desire. At this point you and your opponent draw two cards each
from the Tarot of Taxing Tasks and keep these sub objectives
Character Selection
Certain Characters in Twisted have an Engine Eyecon on Engine Round
their Character Card. This indicates they are particularly Charm
closely linked to The Engine and may only be taken once in
any Company you might choose to build.
Potion of
If the card of a Character does not have this Eyecon then Pain Relief
you may select multiple instances of them in your Company Wallbreaker
freely. Burning Rounds
If two Companies are opposing one another and they are Bullet
the same Faction, a Dickensians vs Dickensians fight for
instance, it can be assumed that where the same Character
is in both Companies one or the other of them is actually an Eyeglasses of
impostor trying to “muscle in” on the action. Amulet Accuracy
In any case their abilities do
38 Ollyver not change - simply play the
game as normal. The victor
Spd 4 (5)
Str 7 (8)
may decide whether or not
Fin 3 he is the impostor...
Att 5/-
Def 4/3
Arm 7 Feather of
Gorget of Grace Vile Vial Finesse
Life: 30
Great Fist: D10+2+Str
(Rend) You can download a Company Record Sheet
Special Abilities: Ollyver’s Character from our website to help you in building your
Card showing the Company. It’s also very useful for making notes
Furious Charge Engine Eyecon in
Plough Through on during the game.
white in the top right
hand corner.
Example Company Selections
Shown below are a pair of around 200 point Companies. As As The Servants of The Engine are at 203 points and
you can see The Dickensians have selected 2 Urkin Shooters. the Dickensians are under 200 they have a number of
This is allowed as these Characters do not have the Engine Dr Disraeli’s Delights available to them.
Eyecon on their Cards.
The Dickensians
Character Points Dr Disraeli’s Delights Points
Bill Psyches 46 Manacles of Misery 3
Bullseye 16
Dodger 29 Wall Breaker Round 1
Nancy 34
Feygin 33 Lucky Rabbit’s Foot 1
Urkin Slasher 12
Urkin Shooter 14
Urkin Shooter 14
Total Points 198 5
Dr Disraeli's Dir ectory of
Diverse delights
Throughout the Twisted world there are a number of When you have distributed the items you will need to
purveyors of strange and wonderful items that can be note who is carrying which item. We have a record sheet
used to enhance one’s abilities or keep one safe on a available for download on our website which may help or
dark night in a less than salubrious neighbourhood. you can simply use a notepad of your own.
In London, Dr Disraeli, is famed for having the best If your dry erase marker is fine enough you may even be
selection available at prices that keep the riff-raff at bay. able to simply note it on the relevant Character’s play card
In his crowded shop you can find all sorts of interesting in a spare bit of space.
and useful items, some of which may save your life in the Delights are listed in the following pages by the Points
right circumstances! Value they have, their name, their effect and how and when
they are used.
Dr Disraeli’s Delights! The use of a Delight must be declared BEFORE any rolls
When you and your opponent have decided on a points are made.
value for a game of Twisted you then select the Characters The conditions of their use are as follows:
you each wish to play.
Action The item requires an Action to use. Some items
More often than not you won’t reach precisely the value
may require more than one Action. These can
nominated so you may then select items from Dr Disraeli’s only be activated during a Character’s Activation
shop to fill up the required value in points. - not in response to another Character’s actions.
When buying items from Dr Disraeli you must assign them Where a particular action is noted, such as
to Characters at the start of the game. Each Character can “Ranged Attack” for instance, the item is used
hold only one item at a time but you can swap them between as part of that action and no separate Action is
Characters during the game. required to use it.
Player A is building a Company of Dickensians for Constant The item is constantly active. No Action is
required to use it and it may be used in response
a game. The game is 200 points and she selects the
to the actions of opposing Character.
following Characters:
Conditional The item activates under certain conditions as
Bill Psyches: 46 points listed in the description. The Character holding
Bullseye: 16 points the item may decide not to use it if desired.
Dodger: 29 points
Nancy: 34 points Duration
Feygin: 33 points All of the Delights have a duration. Unless otherwise noted
2 x Urkin Shooter: 28 points the effect ends in the Maintenance Phase following its
1 x Urkin Slasher: 12 points activation. If a Duration is noted the Delight’s effects end
TOTAL: 198 points the listed number of Maintenance Phases later after its use.
In this case the force has fallen 2 points short of 200 so The “Vest of Vaulting” must be Activated to be used and
2 points may be spent on items from Dr Disraeli. This has a duration of 2 turns. Gretel wants to leap a large gap
could be any mix of items up to 2 points in value. and so activates the Vest prior to attempting her jump.
Some missions may require you to generate a random She remains affected by the Vest until the Maintenance
Delight. First roll a D4 to determine the points value of Phase of the following turn, should she be required to
the Delight then roll a D20 to determine which particular make a Finesse based Check during the following turn
Delight has been located. she would still have the +2 to her Finesse.
Unless otherwise specified a Delight is expended once used
Using the Delights and may not be used a second time. Constant items remain
Once you have decided on which items you wish to take active the whole game unless noted as single use only.
from Dr Disraeli you must assign the items to Characters Where a Delight used as part of a Ranged Attack shows the
in your Company. note of “1 shot” it applies to a single Ranged Attack only.
No Character may hold more than one item from If a Character has an ability that allows more than one
Dr Disraeli’s shop at any time shot to be combined in an Action (e.g. Dual Fire) then the
Many of the Delights are simply active all the time, some Delight may not be used to affect that attack.
must be used and whether this is an Action in itself or part Weapons capable of Penetrating attacks may also not be
of another Action is noted in the item’s description. affected by Delights if they are being fired in that mode.
As an optional rule you might like to have the items left
on the table when a Character falls in battle. Simply Handing Off
place a marker on the table and then any Character You may transfer a Delight from Character to Character by
can pick the item up by moving over it and expending using a single Handing Off Action. See page 31 for more
an Action. information.
1 Point Delights 2 Point Delights
These are the cheapest items Dr Disraeli offers. They have The items in the small black cabinet to the back of Dr
a good effect when used well but may not save you in the Disraeli’s counter contain items that are of more utility and
direst of circumstances. greater power. This does come at a price of course...
D20 Item Name Item Effect Usage & Duration D20 Item Name Item Effect Usage & Duration
1 Charm of +1 Armour Action 1 Bracelet of +2 to Close Combat All Close Combat
Warding Brandishment Attack Attacks - 1 round
2 Armband of +1 Strength Action 2 Nullifying +3 to Break an Constant - 1 use
Power Neckerchief Alchemantic Effect
3 Feather of +1 Finesse Constant - 3 Vest of Vaulting +2 Finesse Action - 2 turns
Finesse 1 Finesse Check
4 Burning Bullet +1D4 damage to ranged Ranged Attack
4 Bootstraps of +2 Speed Move Action attack (bypassing 1 shot
Speed armour)
5 Alchemancer’s +2 Alchemancy Alchemancy Action 5 Vile Vial Stuns Target Ranged Attack
Stone 4/–/–/–
6 Gorget of + 1 Close Combat Conditional when 6 Sheffield’s +1 Armour Action - 2 turns
Grace Defence attacked in Close Pronouncement
Combat - 1 round of
combat only 7 Kleinnebelgranate Creates 2” diameter Ranged Attack
area of thick smoke that 4/6/8/–
7 Lucky Rabbit’s +1 to any 1 roll. Constant - 1 use blocks line of sight Clears in
Foot May be used after your Maintenance Phase
opponent has rolled following use.
8 Staunching Recover 1D4+1 Life Action 8 Sebastian’s May ignore all cover Ranged Attack
Powder Superior Sights including other 1 shot
9 Potion of Ignore the Wounded Action
Pain Relief State penalties 9 Wyrd Rope Creates a 6” ladder up Action - 2 turns
any terrain
10 Automatic +1 damage in Close Close Combat Attack -
Whetstone Combat 1 round only 10 Mysterious May move through Constant - 1 use
Overcoat foes Threatened Area
11 Tracer Round +1 Ranged Attack Bonus Ranged Attack
without a Check
1 shot
11 Influential Immediately take the Action
12 Hollowpoint +2 Damage Ranged Attack
Stopwatch Priority Counter
Round 1 shot
12 Glue Trap Creates 2” Blast Ranged Attack
13 Wall Breaker Physical Cover is Ranged Attack
Template that prevents 4/6/8/–
Round negated (walls etc) 1 shot
all movement 1 turn
14 Bauble of Re-roll Breaking Check Constant
13 Fletcher Allows a door to be Constant - 1 use
Automatic opened without need for
15 Crampons of +2 to Move Action Lockpick a check or Action
Clambering Climb Checks 2 turns
14 Smelling Salts Recover from Stunned Action
16 Stink Bomb A Difficulty 12 Str Action effect immediately
Check must be made
15 Monocle of May shoot in any Ranged Attack -
to engage Character in
Momentary direction without 1 use
Close Combat
Marksmanship turning
17 Hobbler Round Target hit loses Ranged Attack -
16 Guarding Gorget +2 Armour Action
1 Action 1 shot
17 Pre-emptive No Finesse Check to Constant - 1 use
18 Remarkable Stand up from Prone Conditional -
Parachute land safely from a fall
Rebounder for free immediate when
knocked prone 18 Ingenious May not be targeted Action
Obscurer with Ranged Attacks
19 Fleetfoot Spats Provides the Bow Out Constant - 1 use
Ability 19 Timmerson’s If target hit make a Ranged Attack
Trip Trap Fin or Str Check (Diff 4/6/8/–
20 Clockwork May change facing for Constant - 1 use
14) or knocked Prone
Alerter free at any time
20 Elemental Removes D6 Essences Ranged Attack -
Discharger from a targeted 1 shot
Round Alchemancer if hit
3 Point Delights 4 Point Delights
These wondrous pieces are kept, squirrelled away in a Kept tucked in a strongroom in Dr Disraeli’s cellar these
locked trunk behind a heavy curtain. Dr Disraeli will only beauties are reserved for only the best and richest customers.
offer these to trusted clientele... These items are more than capable of saving you should
trouble be afoot...
D20 Item Name Item Effect Usage & Duration D20 Item Name Item Effect Usage & Duration
1 Fast Gait Gaiters May triple move as Move Action 1 Blacksmith’s +3 Strength Action
a Run Action Gauntlets
2 Young Duckro’s +3 to Close Combat Conditional - when 2 Iverson’s +4 on Alchemancy Alchemancy
Fistwraps Attack Charging only Improved check 1 Invocation
3 Großhandgranate 2” Explosion Ranged Attack
D10+2 Damage 4/8/–/– 3 Dr Disraeli’s +2 to any one ability Action
4 Tumbler Round +1D6 Damage Ranged Attack -
1 shot 4 Kaiser- 2” Explosion 2D8+4 Ranged Attack
Handgranate Damage 4/8/–/–
5 Chain of Cancels out 1 Conditional - when
Cancellation Alchemantic Backfire occurs 5 Eyeglasses of Reduces range Constant
Backfire Accuracy penalties by 2
6 Small Steam Surgeon Heals 2D4+2 Life Action 6 Hatband of the +4 to any one roll Constant. May be used
High Achiever AFTER rolling.
7 Engine Charm Redraw of a single Conditional -
Eye of The Engine immediate when Eye 7 Seeker Round Allows a Ranged Attack Ranged Attack
or Tempt Fate Card of The Engine or around corners 1 shot
Tempt Fate is drawn Target must be in line
of sight of an ally
8 The Marvellous Treat any one D20 Constant Use must
Averager roll as an 11 be declared BEFORE 8 Cornish Allows a single Conditional - when
rolling any dice and Combat immediate free Close attacked in Close
before either roll in Cummerbund Combat attack Combat
an Opposed Roll.
9 Vengeful Visor Allows a single free Constant - 1 use
9 Charm of the Stout Cancels Stunned Conditional - Close Combat attack
Servant effect & removes immediate when when taken Out of
Wounded state for stunned or brought to Action
1 turn Wounded state
10 Expeditious +1 Speed Constant
10 Hades Amulet Immunity to Fire Constant - 1 use Ensemble
based invocations
11 Cane of May change the order Constant - 1 use
11 Manacles of Misery Foes may not leave Action - 2 turns Authority of your Activation Deck
Close Combat at any time
12 Streetfighter’s May Charge on any Constant - 1 charge 12 Spectral May move through Move Action
Braces Run Move Sextant terrain
13 Terra Firma Tatting Immunity to Earth Constant - 1 use 13 Explosive +1D10 damage Ranged Attack -
based Invocations Round 1 shot
14 Automatic Allows an Constant - 1 use 14 Inestimable Restores 6 Elemental Constant - 1 use
Kickstarter additional Move Takes place after Elemental Essences used
Action normal Actions Energiser
15 Armour Piercing Target’s Armour is Ranged Attack 15 Sureshot Scope Negates any effect that Ranged Attack -
Round lowered by 3 points 1 shot only blocks line of sight. +4 1 shot
bonus to Ranged Attack
16 Hermetic Hat Immunity to Water Constant - 1 use
based Invocations 16 Anatomical Treat any attack roll of Constant - 1 use
Estimator 17-20 as a Critical Hit Use after rolling
17 Neckerchief of Immediate Constant - 1 use
Immediacy Activation of May Activate in place 17 The Alcock Heals D8+5 life if taken Conditional -
Character who has of any ally due to Emergency Out of Action immediate when taken
not Activated Activate Physician Out of Action
18 Grounding Gaiters Immunity to Air Constant - 1 use 18 Rapid Reloader Additional free Ranged Constant - 1 use
based Invocations Attack Action
19 Großenebelgranate Creates 4” diameter Ranged Attack 19 Ablative Negates 10 damage Constant - 1 use
area of thick smoke 4/6/8/– Cuirass from 1 attack
that blocks line of Clears in 20 Ms White’s Treat any 1 roll as a 20 Constant - 1 use
sight Maintenance Phase Perfector
following use.
20 Incendiary Round +1D4 Burning Ranged Attack
damage 1 shot
The Tur n ing
Feygin halted abruptly and listened, head cocked to one side, The wizened old pickpocket cleared his throat and Nancy
the sound of his footsteps echoing away through the dank, turned, languidly. Her malevolent expression shifted into
dreary corridor. He had begun to dread these visits to Nancy. a slightly sardonic smile as she saw Feygin standing in the
Not only did he find her sinister presence unsettling, but he was doorway.
appalled at what went on inside her subterranean chamber. Her
“Come to see the changing have you, Feygin?” she enquired
Alchemantic experiments were unnatural and disconcerting
and, as much as Feygin enjoyed the new-found wealth the Engine
Node and its changes had brought, at moments like these he still “Nance...” Feygin began, the small amount of self-confidence
wondered if he might not have been better off just entombing the he had summoned rapidly evaporating as he surveyed the
chthonic device underground, forever out of temptation’s reach. macabre chamber, “do you think this is right? I mean, turning
these lads n’ all.”
Nancy, once delicate and kind-hearted, was now a source of
great concern to Feygin. She seemed to be made of ice these “Right...?” Nancy glowered dismissively. “Are you still labouring
days, her heart frozen against any notion of compassion. The under such delusions of morality? We need these Urkin. Have
Engine Node seemed to have twisted her into a cruel parody you not seen how their numbers diminish, lately? We are under
of her former, tender self. Ever since the twisting she had spent attack, Feygin, in case you haven’t noticed.”
hours, days, weeks studying the enigmatic Node. Just recently
“I ‘ave noticed, Nance,” the old man continued persistently,
she had discovered how its arcane power could be harnessed
“but I still think we could sod off and leave ‘em to it, like what
to create the Urkin, and she delighted in the dreadful process.
we always done.” Feygin wished that the old days would return.
Before the Twisting, Feygin had cared for his rag-tag band Somehow, even with all its complications, hardships and
of pickpocket boys, in his way. They were surely expendable frequent run-ins with the law, the past had seemed simpler;
when arrested – it was their own fault and lack of skill if they and it certainly felt better than the protean, dream-like world in
got themselves caught – but he still wouldn’t have wished this which they now found themselves.
fate on even the worst of them. Nor would he have wished it
“I have had enough of running and hiding,” Nancy hissed
on the many other lads, street urchins and merchant children
fiercely. “The Engine has granted me a new perspective: my eyes
alike, who Nancy had transmogrified into the vile little slaves
have been opened; my true self awakens, and I see now that I
they now knew as Urkin. Still...since the attacks that had started
no longer need to run and hide. But enough: there is, at present,
of late the number of Urkin needed to be kept up, and they did
work to be done.”
make excellent robbers; it was hard to argue with
such piles of loot. Nancy turned back to the table and, dipping her sensual
finger into a vial of inky black fluid, drew a small rune
Eerie noises from Nancy’s chamber suggested she
on the child’s clammy forehead. “Your time has
was already at work. The faint hissing of steam lines
come, young one,” she murmured softly. “Time to
and staccato bubbling of alchemical vials provided
unlock that which sleeps within; that which has
a chaotic counterpoint to the uncanny, deeply
been ordained...” With that, she stepped back a
sibilant mechanical thrumming that indicated
pace and flipped open her notebook. Her voice
Nancy was harnessing some level of power
became a monotonous drone as she read from the
from the Node.
occult pages.
Feygin paused with his hand on
Feygin moved to the side, to allow himself a clear
the door, summoning a modicum
view of proceedings. As much as he loathed this
of confidence and self-possession
process, he found it strangely fascinating and
to his tired façade; taking a deep
hypnotic. The lad, strapped firmly to the steel
breath, he entered.
bench, struggled feebly against his bonds in a
As always, the chamber was rank last, desperate effort to get free as he sensed the
with odours, both indescribable and impending procedure. There was a rising,
grotesque, emanating from myriad whirring noise: a white noise that
steaming and bubbling flasks. The hinted at a thousand voices; a
centre of the room was dominated noise that sent shudders through
by a large surgical table, to Feygin and seemed to resonate
which was strapped the weakly within the very stone of the
struggling form of a young street walls. From beneath the table a
lad. Nancy stood over the prone series of mechanical clockwork
form, gently stroking the boy’s arms emerged, each tipped with
hair and whispering faint words ominously hooked blades and
that couldn’t be heard clearly by glinting syringes filled with various
Feygin. bubbling substances.
A cry of terror died on the boy’s lips. Then he sagged, and the Feygin suppressed a grimace; he wasn’t entirely sure this was
arms began their grisly work. With a speed unnatural and something he wanted. He knew it wouldn’t be good for him once
unnerving the arms moved like a spider over its prey, injecting Nancy had command of such power.... it wouldn’t be good for
and slicing at the now limp form. anyone.
“To have the power to mould and re-model... intoxicating – isn’t Suddenly, the newly-created Urkin leapt from the bench, hissing,
it, Feygin?” Nancy said effusively, leaning in close to carefully and took up a long, glinting surgical knife to slash at Nancy’s
study the procedure with a delight that could only be described back. With a lissome, almost effortless movement Nancy swept
as both psychopathic and despicable. Once the gruesome clear of the blow; her hand rose, palm outwards, and the Urkin
operation was complete and the spidery arms had retracted, was blasted squarely in the chest by a spectral orb of inky
what remained was no longer a boy, but a cruel parody of the blackness. He was lifted clear off his feet, slamming into the far
former self. Eyes had been replaced with a series of lenses, cogs wall in a shower of broken glass and spraying liquid, writhing
and gears whirred somewhere deep inside, and limbs had taken as his body dissolved into ash, a charred skeleton falling to the
on a slightly unsettling lack of proportion. It was an Urkin. floor.
Nancy smirked and loosened the straps. “Another success – “I thought you knew what you was doin’, Nance,” Feygin offered
more grist for your mill, Feygin,” she simpered. “Another soul to smugly.
be ground to dust, in exchange for more time.” Nancy turned to
“I did,” she replied darkly, turning back to Feygin with a bitter
face the aged thief. “And we need more time. We cannot afford
gaze. “He didn’t.”
any more interruptions. I have nearly broken the third code,” she
continued triumphantly. “Soon I will be in control, and the power Feygin felt a sudden chill to his core. He decided he had some
of this Node will be mine to do with as I will.” other place he needed to be. Somewhere; anywhere that wasn’t
The Twisted Table
Table Size
Twisted is designed to be played on a 36” x 36” table area.
Certain missions may use a smaller area or an oddly shaped
area but this is the default size you should use for any games
you may play.
Missions will specify the size of the play area and any
particular terrain or other features you might need.
Twisted is a detailed skirmish game. It is designed to be
played on a table with a fairly heavy coverage of terrain.
You should aim for about 50% of the table area to be
covered in terrain. This can be buildings, trees, walls,
boxes, barrels or other obstructions.
As the rules for Twisted allow for climbing, jumping
and even falling it is best if you have plenty of walkways, Here is a small Twisted layout. You can see it has plenty of small
balconies and raised areas for the characters to move hiding places and a lot of levels to make game play more interesting.
It also has a large open area that is broken up by smaller pieces of
around. The more levels and cool nooks and crannies your “scatter terrain”.
terrain has the more fun the game will be!
This Scatter Terrain adds a lot of character to your table
Some missions may specify how terrain is laid out for a
and serves to give characters some measure of cover in
game whether it’s a particular shape of streets or simply
open areas of the table. It allows characters somewhere to
a specification of how the players should handle placing
take cover when under fire and can help to impede free
terrain in that instance.
movement through larger open areas.
Place this in the same alternating manner as the larger
General Terrain rules
Certain Missions in Twisted may specify the placement of
Once you have used up all the terrain you have (or wish to
some terrain elements. For most terrain placement though
use) then it’s time to finish the remaining steps to setup the
follow the rules as outlined below.
game. See page 54.
Roll a D20 and add the highest speed value in your group
of characters. The player who achieves the highest number
Where to get Terrain
places a piece of terrain first.
There are lots of options available to you to source terrain
If more than two players are involved in the game simply
for your Twisted Table.
place terrain in the order of your rolls from highest to lowest.
Re-roll any drawn results. You can make your own terrain if you have the skills and
determination. There is also a range of laser cut MDF
Start with buildings and other large pieces of terrain,
terrain available on our webstore that is specially designed
working from the largest down to the smallest. Once the
for Twisted! Some of these kits come as basic buildings to
player who won the initial roll has placed the first piece of
which you can add detail to make them your own or you can
terrain the next player then places a piece. This continues
purchase the kits with all the details necessary to make a
with players taking turns to place terrain until all the
truly spectacular gaming table!
available terrain is used up.
There are also a number of other manufacturers of MDF
You can use buildings to divide up the table and create
kits and some who make kits from plastic or resin. To keep
streets and squares. These large pieces of terrain block line
in theme with Twisted the buildings should be in the style of
of sight for ranged combat and allow the characters to move
Victorian England - even medieval buildings will suit if you
about in relative safety.
add a few Steampunk details.
If you don’t have terrain that suits you can use whatever you
Scatter Terrain
have, it may require a bit more imagination but as long as it
After you have placed all the buildings, walkways and other works that’s the main thing.
large terrain start placing smaller pieces of “Scatter Terrain”.
Some players have even resorted to piles of books or other
Scatter terrain consists of smaller objects like piles of objects in order to get going quickly - this requires a fair
barrels or boxes, bushes, trees, even vehicles, carts, hedges suspension of disbelief but it can be quite effective.
or low walls.
Madame Moon 's
Mission Matr ix
Generating a Mission Deployment Types
Basic Guidelines 1. Opposite Corners
In order to generate a pick-up Mission for Twisted follow Nouveau knew the Dickensians were close. He arrayed
these rules which will give you a unique set of Objectives his servants in preparation for the fight to come...
and goals for your Characters to achieve.
There are up to 4 basic steps to build a Mission.
1. Roll for Deployment Zones
12” x 12” 12” x 12”
2. Determine the Primary Mission Objective
3. Generate Fascinating Features for the table if desired
after setting up terrain
4. Draw objectives from The Tarot of Taxing Tasks
Step 3 is optional. Both you and your opponent should agree
whether or not to use Special Features on the table. They
aren’t necessary at all but they do rather add to the fun!
Deployment Zones
The first step to generating a mission is to roll on the table 12” x 12” 12” x 12”
below to determine the deployment for each Company.
It is a good idea to mark the zones on your table with small
dice or other markers before beginning to place Characters In this deployment configuration all Characters from your
so that you don’t accidentally deploy outside of the zones. Company must deploy in a 12” x 12” square in one of the
D10 Deployment Type D10 Deployment Type four corners of the table. Your opponent must deploy in the
1 Opposite Corners 6 Pushing Out opposite corner to you in a second 12” x 12” square.
The player who deploys first may choose which corners are
2 Surrounded! 7 Ambush
3 Territory Borders 8 Incursion
4 Pitched Battle 9 Base Assault 2. Surrounded!
5 Toe to Toe 10 Reinforcements Nancy ducked into the alley motioning the Urkin to
follow her. The Servants had taken the bait and she now
The player who holds Priority may pick which deployment had them where she wanted them...
zone he or she wishes to use. In a two player game the
remaining zone goes to his or her opponent. 4”
Zones are Company based. If two players share a Company
they may deploy freely in any of the areas marked as theirs.
The images shown assume you are using a standard 36” x
36” table. If your table is smaller or larger just adjust the
measurements given appropriately.
The deployment zones are marked on the graphics shown in 4” 4”
12” x 12”
orange and green for two player games and you then add in
one or more of the purple zones for extra players if needed.
Deploy Characters one at a time starting with the player
who holds Priority and alternating from Faction to Faction
until all Characters are on the table.
Where a zone overlaps or touches no Character may be
deployed in base to base contact with a foe. 4”
18” x 18”
9” x 36”
9” x 36”
6” x 12”
18” x 18”
6” x 36”
6” x 18”
(up to three Characters)
6” x 18”
(up to three Characters) 12”
6” x 18”
6” x 24”
6” x 12”
6” x 6” 12” x 12” 6” x 6”
6” x 6” 6” x 6”
6” x 12”
either side of the table. Add more squares to accommodate additional Factions if
Where more zones are needed add two needed.
6” x 24”
zones at the top and bottom of the table
and shorten the existing zones to be 10. Reinforcements
6” x 24”. Once again where zones touch you may not deploy Events had moved fast. No sooner than Gretel had
a Character in base to base contact with any other Character seen Nancy battle was joined. Neither side had time to
organise their plans this would be close...
8. Incursion
With a gentle flap of her wings Nightingale flew up to 6” x 6” 6” x 6”
the rooftop. She could see the Urkin moving below her,
searching for her companions. They were in the heart of 6” x 6”
6” x 6”
Bill’s territory and well prepared for battle...
6” x 24”
6” x 6” 6” x 6”
6” x 24”
6” x 24”
6” x 6” 6” x 6”
More than two Companies present
Not all Primary Objectives are suitable for more than two
opposing Companies.
Use the table below should you have 3 or more Companies
present. There may be some alterations to some of the
Primary Objectives - these are indicated in italics - see the
mission description for more information.
D12 Primary Objective Original Objective
1 No Mercy 2
2 Territorial Dispute 3
3 The Boxes 5
4 Streetsweeper 6
5 Vengeance 7
6 Take & Hold 8
7 Passing Through 9
8 Rumble 10
9 Engine Tendrils 11
10 The Engine’s Presence 13
11 Raiding Party 16
12 Blood on the streets 20
In games that have more than two Companies involved
cards are drawn from the Tarot of Taxing Tasks as usual.
1. Assassinate 3. Territorial Dispute
“Feygin has been causing us too much trouble lately. See Nouveau’s unmoving gaze stared across the city’s slum
to it that he is removed from any of our future plans...” district. It was only a matter of time. Things would
Mission Details: change. The Engine’s will would be done.
Consult your opponent’s Company of Characters and select Mission Details:
the 4 most expensive Characters in terms of points (not Divide the table into six 12” x 12” squares.
including any of Dr Disraeli’s Delights). Each of these areas represents an area of the city that can
Roll a D4 to randomly select one of them as the target of be controlled by one or other of the Companies involved in
your Assassination attempt. the skirmish to come.
If you manage to take this Character out of the game you At the end of the game count the Characters from each
receive 4 bonus Victory Points. You receive an extra Victory Company in each area and you receive 1 Victory Point
Point if the Character is Out of Action by the third turn of should you have more of your Characters in a given area
the game. than your opponent or opponents. Separate Victory points
Game Length: 6 Turns are awarded for each area.
If, at the end of 6 turns, neither Character nominated to be You must have 2 Characters who are Insignificant for every
Assassinated has met an untimely end then the game is opponent in an area to claim the Victory Point.
extended until one or the other is eliminated. Game Length: 6 Turns
5. The Boxes 6. Streetsweeper
“I tells ya it’s there - in them crates” The Urkin pointed There were spies in the area, Nouveau was certain of it.
down the alley at a large stack of wooden boxes outside The Dickensians had a tendency, via bribes or threats,
the shop. “It’d better be” Bill growled and, with a wave to make the locals serve them and prying eyes were to
of his hand, the Dickensians moved quickly towards the avoided.
stash, unaware that Launcelot was watching... He would find the spy and remove the threat to the plans
Mission Details: of The Engine...
Place 6 items of scatter terrain around the table following Mission Details:
the rules for placing these items as given on page 62. For this mission you must decide which Company has the
Where possible these items should be placed outside of any spy on the table and which is hunting for him or her.
deployment zone. In any event no Character may deploy
Ideally you should represent the Spy with a miniature but a
within 6” of these terrain elements.
counter is provided that will do nicely.
These represent 6 stashes of valuable goods. Each one
When you have determined Favour of The Engine and
contains a random item of use to the Characters. For each
Priority the Company that ends up with Priority is the one
item gained by a Company and taken from the table they
that has a spy secreted somewhere on the table.
receive 3 Victory Points.
During the game the hunting Company must try and find
In order to take an item a Character must use two Actions to
the Spy and stop him or her getting off the table.
search the stash. This is a Finesse check with a difficulty of
12. If the check is failed it may be taken again by spending Any Character from the hunting Company within 2” of any
a further 2 Actions. building can spend an Action to try and spot the hiding Spy.
This is a Difficulty 15 Finesse Check.
You may not make this check if you are engaged in Close
Combat. Once the Spy is spotted he or she is placed in contact with
the building by the player who is not hunting and this new
Once a stash has been successfully searched place a marker
Character acts as described below.
on it and it may not then be searched again.
As soon as the Spy is discovered he will immediately make a
Items, once taken, may be transferred from Character to
single move Action away from the Character who discovered
Character using a Handing Off Action (see page 31). The
him. The Spy must now attempt to get off the table, through
item may not be dropped willingly, it must be Handed Off.
the deployment zone of his allies, unmolested.
If a Character is taken Out of Action whilst in possession of
If multiple deployment zones are applicable it will be the
an item it scatters 1” using the grenade template and may
most distant one from the Spy’s initial location.
be picked up by any Character who moves over it. This does
not require an Action other than the move. A Character Card representing the Spy is included in this
box - it gives all the statistics necessary to play him.
If an item is usable, such as one of Dr Disraeli’s Delights or
an Elemental Essence, then only 1 Victory Point is gained After this initial move the spy is activated in a unique
from it exiting the table if it is used up. manner. The only actions the spy can take are Move Actions,
one of these is used at the start of the Activation phase and
Use the table below to determine what item is discovered in
one is used at the end of the Activation Phase. The distance
each stash. Any Dr Disraeli’s Delight discovered should be
and direction of these moves are decided by the player that
generated randomly from the tables given on page 58.
controls the Spy.
D8 Item D8 Item Should the Spy leave the table then the Company that is in
1 D4 Fire Essences 5 D4 Air Essences control of the Spy gains 3 Victory Points. If the Spy is taken
Out of Action then the hunting Company gains 3 Victory
2 1 point Delight 6 3 point Delight
3 D4 Earth Essences 7 D4 Water Essences
If the Spy ends the game on the table but out of the
4 2 point Delight 8 4 point Delight Wounded state then the Company that controls him or her
gains 1 Victory Point. Should he or she be on the table and
Wounded then 1 Victory Point is gained the by the hunting
Game Length: 8 Turns
This mission will run for 8 turns unless all items exit the
table prior to this in which case the game ends immediately. Multi Company Variation
In games with more than two Companies the Spy is still
controlled by the Company with Priority but the Victory
Points are won by whichever company manages to Wound
or take the Spy Out of Action.
Game Length: 6 Turns
7. Vengeance 9. Passing Through
Blood had been spilled and Bill understood perfectly Dodger gunned the engine of his wheel. He would need
that a response was required. It had always been Bill’s all his speed to get out of this alive. He had to get the
theory that any offence committed against him should rum Bill wanted but The Servants had seen him and he
be repaid tenfold and this was no different. The slower was now cut off...
they died the better...
Mission Details:
Mission Details: Divide the table into four 18” squares. Place a piece of
At the start of the game each player randomly selects one scatter terrain such as a barrel, crate or chest in the centre
Character in the opposing Company with a value of at least of each quarter to serve as the objectives. A simple marker
25 points. This Character has done something that has or dice will do if you don’t have any appropriate terrain
greatly offended you and must be punished. elements.
For each instance in which you cause damage this Character Nominate each element placed with a number 1 through
you receive 1 bonus Victory Point. If they are taken Out of 4. If you are using dice simply place the dice with
Action in a single attack you receive 6 Victory Points! the appropriate number facing up or you can use the
Game Length: 8 Turns Fascinating Feature counters provided assuming they
aren’t being used otherwise for this game.
Should both selected Characters have fallen the player who
holds Priority may try and end the game early by sacrificing The aim of this game is to have Characters touch these
2 Victory Points. objectives. A Character may not touch the same objective
twice. It is wise to note which objectives Characters have
Roll an Opposed D20 with both you and your opponent
touched on their cards with your erasable marker.
subtracting the number of Characters you currently have
on the table. Characters may not touch the objectives nearest to their
deployment zone until they have touched at least one that is
The player with the highest result may choose whether or
further away. If all are equidistant then any may be touched.
not the game is to continue.
At the end of the game add up the number of touches you
have achieved and consult the table below.
8. Take and Hold
The library contained some very valuable and Touches Bonus Victory Points Earned
interesting tomes on the mysteries of The Engine. 1-5 1 Victory Point
M’Dusa desperately wanted to know what was said 5-10 2 Victory Points
in Professor Stinger-Bates’ treatise on the nodes. The
11-15 3 Victory Points
information would allow her to better understand what
Nancy was attempting. She needed some time alone in 15-20 4 Victory Points
the building but the Dickensians were abroad tonight... 20 or more 5 Victory Points
Mission Details: Insignificant Characters have their touches halved and
Before deployment of Characters the player who does not rounded down for the purposes of this mission.
hold Priority must nominate a single building on the table. Game Length: 8 Turns
This is the objective of both Factions. It should be outside of
both deployment zones if possible.
10. Rumble
In the event this is not possible simply place it as close to
Launcelot knew that the Dickensians were a fearsome
the edge of the offending zone as possible. No Character
foe if underestimated. He was also supremely confident
may deploy within 6” of this building in any circumstance.
he had their measure. He would show them they should
For each Character from either Company that is within 2” fear him and it was getting up close and personal that
of the building at the end of the game 2 Victory Points are this would best be achieved...
Mission Details:
Game Length: 8 Turns
For each opposing character brought to the Wounded
state in Close Combat you receive 1 bonus Victory Point.
For each opposing Character taken Out of Action in Close
Combat you receive 2 bonus Victory Points.
Game Length: 6 Turns
11. Engine Tendrils 12. Search and Destroy
The brickwork was split and beneath the surface could Gretel’s eyes glowed with the cherry-red fire from her
be seen a brassy shape that writhed slightly, seemingly wand. The tongue of flame quickly burned and began to
searching for something. Nancy knew this was one of eat away at the armoury. The witch hunter smiled with
The Engine’s tendrils and that it was through these it glee; Nancy would pay for her misuse of Alchemancy.
both perceived and controlled the world.
Mission Details:
Mission Details: In an area of contested city there are often objectives,
Place 4 markers around the table. The markers are placed documents or people that are important to the opposing
adjacent to a building or significant piece of terrain in the Factions.
same manner as scatter terrain but should be placed outside A Character may spend a single Action when in contact with
of any deployment zone. any building outside of a deployment zone to search it and
In the event this is not possible simply place it as close to the see if it contains information or assets that are important to
edge of the offending zone as possible. No Character may your foe. You may only search one building a turn.
deploy within 6” of one of the markers in any circumstance. For each building searched roll a D6, adding +1 for every
These markers represent exposed tendrils of The Engine. building searched previously.
A Character may try and gain control of a Tendril by moving On a 1-5 nothing is found. Place a marker near the building
into contact with it and spending two Actions. A Finesse to indicate that it has been searched and your Company
check with a difficulty of 15 is required to control a Tendril. may not search that building again. It may be searched by
You may not make this check if you are in Close Combat. your opponent however.
For each Tendril controlled Characters receive a small On a roll of 6 it proves to contain something of great value
insight into the machinations of The Engine. This allows to your opponent and is a prime target for arson!
the relevant Company a +2 bonus to any one roll of their Once this building has been located no further buildings
choosing each turn. You should declare the use of the bonus may be searched by your Company.
prior to making the roll. You may set the building alight by spending 2 Actions whilst
Once control of a Tendril is achieved the Character is free in contact with it. You may not set light to the building if
to move away and take other Actions and retain the benefits you are engaged in Close Combat.
of the control. For each turn the building burns after the turn it is set alight
Characters from an Opposing Faction may try and wrest you receive 1 Victory Point. Place a dice near the building
control of the Tendrils by moving into contact and spending with the appropriate number facing up to mark how many
two Actions as above. turns the building has burned for.
Once they seize control then they gain the benefits of the After 3 turns you may roll a D6 and add the number of turns
Tendril and these benefits are lost by their foe. the building has burned for. Should this number add up to
In addition you gain 2 Victory Points for each Tendril you more than 8 then the building collapses and is removed from
control at the end of the game. the table. Replace it with an area marker that represents
smoking rubble. This area may not be moved through.
Game Length: 8 Turns
Should the building you have lit collapse you receive 3
additional Victory Points!
Models from the opposing company may attempt to
extinguish the fire. A Character in contact with the burning
building may spend a single Action to make a Finesse
check with a difficulty of 12 to turn the dice back one
number. Should this reduce the total to less than 1 the fire is
extinguished and must be relit.
Game Length: 8 Turns
15. VIP If, for any reason, this base to base contact is lost the VIP will
Lord Cain-Pruis was frightened. That damnable Bill immediately make a single move action towards the nearest
Psyches had sent word that he was to pay his gambling Character from the escorting Company in an attempt to
debt or suffer the consequences. Luckily he possessed make base to base contact. If base to base contact is not
one of the few remaining copies of “Le machine et ses made by the next Maintenance Phase then the VIP is moved
mystères” and could use this to his advantage. These into the nearest cover and cowers until one Company or
impertinent Servants wanted the book and he would give other makes base to base contact.
it to them should they get him safely out of London... Should one of the Characters from the attacking Company
manage to get into base to base contact whilst the VIP is
Mission Details: free of his or her escorts then they may try and force the
For this mission you will need an additional miniature or VIP to move with them by making a Strength check with
counter to represent Lord Cain-Pruis (or some other notable a difficulty of 12. This check must be made each turn. If it
figure of your choice). fails then the VIP will break contact and immediately run
This VIP is of importance to both Factions and may not towards the nearest of his or her escorting Characters.
be attacked in any way. He or she is considered to have a Should the VIP be in contact with one of his escorts but
Speed of 4 for purposes of movement. not off the table at the end of the game 2 Victory Points are
The player who has Priority for the first turn is the one who earned. Should he or she leave the table 4 Victory Points are
is escorting the VIP. The VIP must leave the table from the earned.
edge opposite to where they started. In the case that this Should the VIP be in the possession of the attackers at the
could be multiple edges simply roll a dice to determine end of the game 4 Victory Points are earned. If he or she is
which edge is the objective. not in the possession of either side then the attackers earn
Place the VIP in base to base contact with one of your 2 Victory Points.
Characters no closer than 4” to the leading edge of your Multi Company Variation
deployment zone. When this Character moves the VIP will
move with them, remaining in base contact but the VIP may In a game with more than two Companies the 4 Victory
not exceed his or her Speed of 4. The VIP may run however Points for possessing the VIP goes to the Company that
if the Escort is faster. The escorting Character may not holds him should this not be the escorting Company.
willingly break base to base contact with the VIP. Should he be in the possession of no Company then 1
For example if the VIP is being escorted by Dodger with his Victory Point is earned by all Companies other than the one
Speed of 7 Dodger may make a single Move Action of 7” and whose job it was to escort him safely away.
the VIP will run 7” to keep up. Dodger may not, however, Game Length: 8 Turns
make a double move of 14” as the VIP could not keep up.
16. Raiding Party 18. Carriage of Justice
Ollyver pulled at the chains around his great shoulders, Nancy had been arrested. This was a problem Bill
dragging the seven Urkin who restrained him along the wanted solved - she knew too much and was too valuable
alley. Bill wanted Olly in on this fight - he wanted to to lose. The Catch Wagon would have to be stopped and
cause damage to The Servants - serious damage. The Nancy freed before it left his patch...
trick would be getting away unharmed...
Mission Details:
Mission Details: For this mission you will need a model or counter to represent
For this mission your objective is to reduce as many the Catch Wagon. This should be 2” x 3” approximately.
opponents to Wounded or Out of Action as possible whilst A counter is provided in this box that will do the job.
keeping your own Company in good condition and escaping
Roll a D6 at the start of this mission. The player who rolls
the scene.
higher is the defender of the wagon and the player who rolls
For each opposing Character reduced to the Wounded State lower is the attacker whose companion has been arrested.
or Out of Action by turn 5 you receive 1 bonus Victory Point
The Catch Wagon is driven by a bonded Gentlefolk Bobby
After turn 6 you get an additional bonus Victory Point for who may not leave it.
each of your Characters who leaves the table whilst not in
A Character card is provided that gives the statistics of the
the Wounded State.
Catch Wagon and allows you to track damage to it. It is
If you or your opponent have Characters with the treated as a large Character.
Insignificant ability then 2 such characters must be
The Catch Wagon starts at a table edge in the deployment
Wounded, Out of Action or leave the table to claim the
zone of the defender and must exit by a table edge opposite.
bonus Victory Points.
In the case that more than one table edge is applicable
Game Length: 8 Turns randomly choose an edge using an appropriate dice.
This mission will end early should the entirety of any one The Catch Wagon may not double move. It is considered
Company leave the table.. to Activate last in the defending players turn at all times
and may move as desired by that player. It may move freely
17. Defence through Threatened Areas and additionally cannot be
Launcelot knew the Dickensians were coming. He was locked in Close Combat due to its Retreat ability.
ready for them. None should pass the defences he had Any Character the Catch Wagon moves into or over is moved
initiated and if they did get through they would not immediately to be 1” clear of it by the shortest possible
survive long... route. If, for some reason, they cannot get clear then they
take D4 damage, bypassing armour, and are placed Prone.
Mission Details:
The attackers may temporarily stop the Catch Wagon by
Roll a D6 at the start of this mission. The player who rolls causing it damage. Any effect that causes more than 6
higher is the attacker and the player who rolls lower is the damage in a single attack will cause the Catch Wagon to
defender. halt for the current turn while the Gentlefolk Bobby goes
The defender nominates an area of the table 12” x 12” that into auto-repair mode.
includes at least part of his or her deployment zone. Mark It will act as normal in the following turn if it is not damaged
this area with small dice or other counters further.
The attacker receives 2 Victory Points for every Character The Catch Wagon will be disabled permanently if it loses
that is in this zone at the end of the game. all 35 of its Life.
The defender gets 1 bonus Victory Point for each opponent For each turn that the Wagon makes progress the defenders
in the zone who is in the Wounded State at the end of the gain 1 Victory Point. For each turn that it does not the
game and 1 bonus Victory Point for each Character taken attackers gain 1 Victory Point.
Out of Action whilst in the zone at any time during the
game. Should it leave the table the defenders gain 3 Victory
Points. Should the Wagon lose all its Life and be disabled
Game Length: 8 Turns the attackers gain 3 Victory Points. In any other result no
bonus points are gained.
Game Length: 8 Turns
This mission will end as soon as the
Catch Wagon leaves the table or is disabled.
19. Capture 20. Blood on the Streets
Feygin knew everything about Bill and his plans. Gretel There was a clatter of mechanisms as the Urkin
was keen to see the old man caught as the intelligence loaded and readied their guns, such as they were. They
he could give would be invaluable. Nouveau knew all crouched in doorways and behind bins and waited for
sorts of ways to make him talk - most of them rather The Servants to arrive. Tonight there would be blood and
unsavoury... for every drop spilled they knew Feygin would reward
them in tasty, tasty rats...
Mission Details:
At the start of this mission each player shuffles his or her Mission Details:
Activation Cards and places them face down on the table. This mission is all about doing damage to your opponent,
The top card is turned over and this Character as shown is plain and simple.
the target of a capture attempt by your opponent. Use the table below for bonus Victory Points awarded in
In order to capture the Character he or she must be taken addition to the normal ones for Wounding and taking foes
Out of Action and a friendly Character must move into base Out of Action. These bonus Victory Points are cumulative.
to base contact and a single Action spent to pick them up. For example if you manage to cause 11 damage to a foe and
When the relevant Character is taken Out of Action replace take them Out of Action you will get 6 Victory Points (1 for
the model with a small dice or marker that is more easily 5-9 damage, 1 for over 10 damage, 2 for taking a foe out in a
moved should he or she be picked up. single attack and 2 for taking them Out of Action as per the
general Victory Points)
In order to pick up the Character no opposing Character
may be in Close Combat with the Character attempting to Achievement Victory Points Earned
lift the limp form of his or her foe. Causing over 5 damage in 1 Victory Point
The unconscious foe must then be picked up and taken a single attack
from the table by any table edge. Incapacitating a foe by 1 Victory Point
It is an Action to pick up the unconscious Character. any means
The carrying Character may only make a single Move Action Causing over 10 damage 1 Victory Point
whilst carrying the limp form. Should two Characters be in in a single attack
base to base contact the move may be 1½ times the Speed Causing a Critical Hit 1 Victory Point
of the slowest Character. Should three be in contact a Run
Taking a foe Out of Action 2 Victory Points
Action may be taken at the Speed of the slowest Character. in a single Attack (see
All Characters carrying a captured foe are considered to below)
Activate at the same time as the Character who first picked Having the highest 3 Victory Points
up the unconscious Character. number of Characters on
Should any Character carrying the captured foe be taken the table at the end of the
Out of Action then the captured Character is dropped and game.
an Action must be spent as above in order to continue In order to claim the Victory Points for taking a foe Out of
movement. Action in a single attack the attack must have taken them
Should either captured Character leave the table the from outside the Wounded state to Out of Action.
Company that managed this feat receives 4 Victory Points.
Game Length: 8 Turns
If the captured character is in the possession of your
opponent but on the table they receive 2 Victory Points.
In any other result no Victory points are awarded.
Game Length: 8 Turns
Master Kir kwood's
Fascinating Featur es
Wherever The Engine’s influence is present in the world Placing the Fascinating Features
strange things tend to happen. Its efforts to control the The Fascinating Features are used only if all players involved
world can sometimes result in unexpected effects arising in a game of Twisted desire to use them.
and these are often rather deadly to those that stumble
across them. They are not integral to playing Twisted but they do add a
further element of fun to the game.
The streets of London are also full of barrels or crates of
goods that have been left out for collection or have simply To determine how many Fascinating Features are to be used
fallen from the back of an inattentive wagon driver’s roll a D6 and consult the following table:
load. Searching this street detritus can sometimes lead D6 Result Number of Fascinating Features
to lucky and rather useful finds...
1-4 1
To further enhance your games of Twisted you and your
5 2
opponent may like to include some interesting features or
effects to your tabletop. 6 3
Some of these are representations of The Engine’s failure Once you have the number of Fascinating Features
to completely control the world which it has created. With determined generate them using the table on page 77 and
so many things to consider sometimes even an entity as place them on the table following the rules as given in
powerful as The Engine will allow unexpected effects to be the text for each one. You may also agree on a number of
brought into being. Fascinating Features with your opponent rather than rolling.
In may cases these are fleeting effects and last no more than In general the Fascinating Features are generated and
a few hours but in that time they can wreak great havoc on placed on the table after all other terrain is placed but
the unwary folk of London. before the mission for the game at hand is decided. Some
The streets are also littered with the materials that make Fascinating Features may change this and it will be noted in
up the mercantile lifeblood of the city. Piles of barrels and their rules when this is the case.
crates dot the streets, often empty and left out for collection Some of the Fascinating Features are not placed on the table
but sometimes these contain rather valuable goods that but may appear under certain circumstances. Rules for their
have been accidentally left behind or that have perhaps appearance are given in the full description of each one.
fallen from the load of a fast moving Steam Charabanc. When placing the Fascinating Features generate the first
Of course a third option is merely that these effects are one and place it on the table if required before generating
mundane such as areas of loose cobblestones or detritus in the second or subsequent ones.
the street or perhaps collapsing sewers. Players take turns placing the Fascinating Features. Simply
All of these interesting and possibly dangerous features can follow the same sequence as used for placing terrain as
make the skirmish you are about to play more interesting noted under The Twisted Table.
and fun, adding to the chaos of the battle by aiding or Where a Fascinating Feature has more than one element
foiling your plans. to be placed each player places one element of it before
moving onto the next Fascinating Feature in the same order
as noted above.
The Fascinating Features on the table Generating Fascinating Features
There are a number of Fascinating Feature counters and When you have the number of Fascinating Features
templates provided in this box. determined you simply roll a D20 and the type of Feature
The Fascinating Features can be noted on the table using that comes into play is given on the table below.
these counters or templates when appropriate. Full rules for each Fascinating Feature are given on the
Some of the Fascinating Features simply affect terrain that following pages.
will have already been placed on the table. Just place a D20 Result Fascinating Feature
counter on the terrain or some other marker should you run
1 Rough Ground
out of counters.
Additionally some of the Fascinating Features are placed 2 Guy’s Gunpowder
and then may move or become part of the action of the game. 3 Errant Essences
Follow the rules for these as given in their full descriptions.
4 Sewer Slime!
As long as you and your opponent can clearly tell what is
5 Sinkholes
a Fascinating Feature and what is not then it will work just
fine. 6 Twisted Trees
Once all the Fascinating Features have been placed you 7 Leaking Gas Lamp
can continue with the first turn and they become part of 8 Dropped Delights
the game, following the rules as given for each Fascinating 9 Crumbling Architecture
10 Rats in the Ranks
You might like to create some terrain pieces to represent
11 Ungodly Stench
the Fascinating Features yourself to give the table some
more life and interest. 12 Angry Locals
13 Lesser Engine Tendrils
14 Demolition Crew
15 Slippery When Wet
16 Alchemantic Null Fields
17 Billowing Steam
18 Resistance!
19 Loose Carriage!
20 Timeskip Bubble
1. Rough Ground 3. Errant Essences
Through hard wear or poor maintenance there are Dr Disraeli’s latest shipment of Apprentice Alchemantic
sometimes areas of the streets and alleys of London Accoutrements has come adrift from the Steam
that have loose, uneven cobblestones or piles of dumped Charabanc that was transporting them through the
refuse. This makes safe navigation of these areas streets. They are now scattered about and may be
difficult... discovered by those with sharp eyes...
When placing this Fascinating Feature roll a D6 and consult When this Fascinating Feature is in effect any Character
the following table: may try to locate one of the lost sets of Accoutrements.
D6 Result Areas of Loose Cobblestones These small but elegant boxes generally contain a few
Alchemantic Essences, some appropriately arcane goggles
1-2 1
and, perhaps most importantly the instructions on how to
3-4 2 call an Alchemantic Invocation. Each kit is hand made so
5-6 3 the Invocation and Essences contained within are nearly
always unique.
For each area of Loose Cobblestones place a 2” x 2” square
These kits are small and difficult to spot amongst the
marker on the table. Place these markers after all other
detritus and straw that litter the streets and they rather tend
terrain has been placed but before generating the missions
to tuck themselves in awkward corners as lost things so
for the game.
often do.
Each of these areas represents Difficult Terrain and
When in base to base contact with any terrain element a
Characters may not run or charge through it.
Character may spend a single Action to search for fallen set.
The Loose Cobblestones may be placed anywhere on the
To find one is a Finesse Check against a Difficulty of 12.
When an Essence is located roll on the table below to
2. Guy’s Gunpowder determine what general kind of kit has been found:
A local lad with grand plans to unseat the Government D4 School of kit D4 School of kit
has stashed large amounts of gunpowder in barrels, 1 Fire 3 Air
crates and other hiding spots in the area. 2 Earth 4 Water
This Fascinating Feature affects all scatter terrain such as
Once you have determined the School of the kit roll an
barrels, boxes, carts or other non-architectural elements.
single Alchemantic Invocation using the tables on pages
Any Character who is claiming cover from such terrain on 50-51. The kit contains enough Essences to power the
the table may be subject to a rather nasty surprise as one of invocation.
Guy’s stashes detonates from a stray bullet.
These kits are designed for those interested in Alchemancy
This Fascinating Feature only affects loose scatter terrain so the instructions to call the Invocation are simplified and
and not buildings, walls or trees. easy to understand. This allows the Invocation found to be
If a Character is subject to a Ranged Attack whilst in cover called by any Character, even those with an Alchemancy
from any such items and is missed roll a D6. On a 6 there score of 0. This does not increase the Alchemancy score of
is a hidden stash of Guy’s gunpowder present and it is the Character however so it is just a straight D20 roll to call
detonated by the attack. the Invocation for such Characters.
The unfortunate Character takes D4 damage, bypassing Should the Character who finds the kit be an Alchemancer
armour as he or she is engulfed in flame and shrapnel. already he or she may immediately change one of the
This Feature can be triggered multiple times for any such Invocations selected for the game to the one he or she
terrain as the cunning Guy has often hidden more than one located, obeying all usual rules about how many he or she
such stash in each terrain element. may take.
You and your opponent should mark terrain that you denote The kit also contains enough Essences to power the
as possibly containing some of Guy’s gunpowder before Invocation.
starting the game. Each character may carry as many as these found Essences
as desired and may carry them in addition to any of Dr
Disraeli’s Delights he or she may hold.
These Elemental Essences can be used to power other
Alchemantic Invocations if the relevant Character has such
abilities. Follow the rules given on page 47 for this.
The found Essences may be transferred from Character
to Character using the rules for Handing Off as noted on
page 31.
4. Sewer Slime!
The sewers around London are home to many foul
creatures. The rats are reputed to be as big as a small
dog and well able to take your hand off. By far the
strangest of the denizens of this reeking abode however
are the Sewer Slimes.
These unearthly creatures are composed of a slimy, semi
liquid body, sporting sharp teeth and large bloodshot
eyes. Some posit that they are natural developments of
algae whilst others maintain they have come from the
foul Alchemantic labs in the cellars of some of London’s
less welcoming quarters. Some Engine Scholars also
suggest that the Sewer Slimes are brought into existence
by proximity to the Nodes and Tendrils of the Engine.
Whatever their source these dangerous creatures will
occasionally be seen in the alleys and streets above their
natural hunting grounds in search of larger prey than
When this Fascinating Feature is rolled you must then place
the four Sewer Grate Counters (numbered 1-4) provided in
this box around the table.
Place these in the same manner as other terrain using the
same order in which players placed the terrain earlier. They
can be placed anywhere on the table but must touch another
piece of terrain.
You cannot place a Sewer Grate in the open or in the centre
of a street or alley.
Once the Sewer Grates are placed they have no effect on
their own but the following rules apply to the game.
When a D20 is rolled during the game and the roll,
unmodified, is a 1 then a Sewer Slime emerges from the
depths below and begins hunting for food.
Roll a D4 and the number rolled is the Grate at which the
Sewer Slime appears. Take the Sewer Slime Token provided
and place it atop the appropriately numbered Sewer Grate.
A Character Card for the Sewer Slime is provided in this
The Slime acts in the Maintenance Phase of every turn,
including the one in which it appeared.
The Sewer Slime has two Actions like any other Character.
It is controlled by neither player but will move towards the
nearest Character and attempt to attack him or her. If it
cannot attack it will simply use both its Actions moving.
The Sewer Slime can be attacked in the normal way by
either player in their Activation.
If the Sewer Slime manages to take a Character Out of
Action it will retreat to the Sewers to digest its meal and is
removed from the table if it is not engaged in Close Combat.
There may only be one Sewer Slime on the table at any
given time but a second one may arrive if the first is taken
Out of Action or retreats.
5. Sinkholes 6. Twisted Trees
Poor maintenance or a leaking drain can cause the Nature is not immune to the twisting power of The
ground to become unstable and collapse into the maze Engine. When it becomes active The Engine will begin to
of tunnels and drains below. influence the world around it and not all of the results of
Entire carriages have been known to fall into the depths its handiwork are safe to be around...
of London’s underground network of sewers and drains This Fascinating Feature affects all trees, hedges or other
in the more extreme cases. plants on the table. If you have none place D3+1 markers to
No one can predict with any certainty where these might represent plants. To get a D3 use a D6 and read 1-2 as 1, 3-4
appear but the quick witted and agile can sometimes as 2 and 5-6 as 3.
detect the sound of one forming as cobblestones grind Follow the same order as used when setting up the table
and crack... if you need to place the Twisted Trees. If there are plants
There are a number of Sinkhole counters provided with this already on the table discuss with your opponent which
game, both 1” and 2” diameter. These are not placed on the might not be included (e.g. you may exclude the decorative
table but rather appear on the table during the game as the flowerbed outside a pub)
battle proceeds. These trees, hedges and other plants have become twisted,
Whenever Close combat ensues during the game there is infused with semi sentience by The Engine and they will
a chance that the combined weight of the combatants and defend themselves if approached.
their frantic activity may cause the ground to collapse. Any Character who moves within 2” of any plant or marker
Roll a D20 when the initial Close Combat round finishes. on the table may be subjected to a wildly lashing branch or
Take the Strength Characteristic of the strongest Character vine.
in the Melee and add 1 for each Character involved. Make a Finesse Check with a Difficulty of 14. If this Fails
Should the result of the D20 roll be less than this number then the plant in question makes a single Close Combat
then the ground collapses and a Sinkhole is formed. attack with an Attack Characteristic of 2.
Randomly determine under which Character in the Melee Should this attack hit then D8+4 damage is caused and the
the Sinkhole forms using an appropriate dice. Only one affected Character’s Activation ends immediately as he or
Sinkhole will form for any single Melee. she become ensnared briefly.
The unfortunate Character must make a Finesse Check Should the Finesse Check succeed then the plant ignores
with a Difficulty of 10 or fall into the Sinkhole taking D4 the Character until he or she leaves and then re-enters the
damage, bypassing Armour. The Character is removed from 2” area around it.
the table and replaced with a 1” Sinkhole counter. A Finesse Check must be made each turn a Character moves
Whilst in the Sinkhole the Character may not be attacked in or remains within the 2” reach of the plant. If a Character
any way unless a Character manages to target the Sinkhole Activates and chooses to move directly away from the plant
with a grenade attack of some kind. Characters adjacent to then the plant will not attack and they may move freely.
the Sinkhole can simply drop a grenade down it should they Should this movement take them through the 2” zone and
have one - no attack roll is required. not directly away from the plant then a further Finesse
No Finesse Check may be made to avoid the grenade’s Check is required to avoid further attacks.
effects by the poor soul down the hole. Plants cannot be attacked.
To get out of a Sinkhole a single successful Climb Check is
needed with a Difficulty of 12. The Character is then placed
standing next to the Sinkhole.
Should an opposing Character be in Base to Base contact
with the Sinkhole then he or she gets a single free attack
against the Character emerging which may be Defended
against as normal.
Any movement within 1” of a Sinkhole may cause it to
collapse further. Make a Finesse Check for the moving
Character with a Difficulty of 12. Should this check fail then
replace the 1” Sinkhole counter with the 2” one and any
Character touched by the new counter must make a Finesse The Marvellous
Check as above or tumble in as the ground gives way. Averager - one
Sinkholes cannot get larger than 2” diameter. of the wondrous
Delights sold by
Any Character who ends up touching a Sinkhole counter for Dr Disraeli!
whatever reason is also subject to the same Finesse Check
to avoid falling in.
7. Leaking Gas Lamps 8. Dropped Delights
A careless, or perhaps somewhat drunken lamplighter A robbery has occurred at Dr Disraeli’s shop. The thief,
has failed to close the No. 4 Safety Valve on a whole fleeing through the streets chased by Bobbies and the
section of gas lamps in the area. rather “persuasive” stock guards Dr Disraeli employs
This has created small pockets of gas that can burst into has dumped his ill-gotten gain in order to escape more
flames given the right circumstances. quickly and throw off his pursuers.
When this Fascinating Feature is generated note any lamps When this Fascinating Feature is in effect then, at any time
or lamp like structures on the table in consultation with a Character may spend 1 Action to search for one of the
your opponent. Dropped Delights.
If none are present place D3+1 markers on the table to Make a Finesse Check and consult the table below:
represent gas lamps. Check Result Delight Discovered
These lamps are leaking flammable gas and are dangerous 10 or less No Delight found
to be near. Should any Ranged Attack be made against a
11-17 1 Point Delight found
Character within 2” of a lamp and the attack misses roll a
D6. 18-20 2 Point Delight Found
On a 1-4 nothing happens on a 5-6 the errant shot strikes 21-23 3 Point Delight Found
something creating a spark and a fireball ensues.
23 or above 4 Point Delight Found
Place the 4” Blast Template over the lamp and each
Character affected takes D4 damage bypassing armour as The Delights discovered in this way may be used as
the flames and shards of flying cast iron engulf them. Any normal. Simply roll a D20 and consult the appropriate table
Character who takes 4 damage is also placed Prone. to determine which exact Delight is found when one is
The usual rules for template based attacks apply to these discovered.
explosions. The rule regarding Characters carrying no more than one
Once a lamp has exploded the auto shut off valves kick in of Dr Disraeli’s delights remains in force so a Character
below the street and the lamp is removed from the table. It already holding one may not search for another.
will not explode a second time,
9. Crumbling Architecture
The buildings of London are ancient in places, some
hundreds of years old. The often damp climate and the
effects of the rumbling machinery of the great factories
can lead to pieces of masonry falling into the streets and
alleys below, often with somewhat bloody and painful
An Urkin If this Fascinating Feature is rolled some of the buildings in
Dragoon, one of the area the skirmish is to take place have become a little
the specialised
Urkin who are both the worse for wear.
tougher and more Any time a Character starts his or her Activation within 1”
useful than their
of any building or other significant piece of terrain roll a D6.
demented kin.
On a result of a 1 a piece of masonry or heavy timber falls
from the structure onto the unfortunate Character below.
Make a Finesse Check with a Difficulty of 12. If the check
fails the Character is struck by the tumbling material and
takes D4 damage, bypassing armour.
Should the Character take 4 damage he or she is also knocked
Prone immediately. The Character affected retains his or
her two normal Actions should they not have Activated yet.
10. Rats in the Ranks 12. Angry Locals
Whether the result of a gas leak in the Sewers or the Mrs Lemke stood on the rickety balcony of her home.
release of outflow from one of London’s great effluent She could see the two factions moving through the streets
plants great swarms of angry, and rather ferocious rats below and she knew that something dire was about to
can sometimes emerge from the dank lower reaches of occur.
the undercity into the streets.
However it was washing day and should anyone get her
They swarm through the streets, attacking all those who good linen dirty they would feel her ire and quite possibly
happen to fall foul of their heaving mass... a good whack from a well aimed iron skillet...
When the game begins, and this Feature is in effect take the There is one thing that can be said about the residents
2” Rat Swarm counter provided and place the it as centrally of the rougher areas of London - they are tough. Even an
on the table as you can after terrain has been placed. accomplished street fighter can come a cropper at the
The Rat Swarm then acts in the Maintenance Phase of each hands of a disgruntled fishwife or miffed blacksmith should
turn. A Character Card is provided in this box to represent they cause upset of significant enough nature.
the roiling horde of rats. During a mission effected by Angry Locals any Character
The Rat Swarm moves randomly. Use the Grenade Scatter who makes a Ranged Attack from within 1” of any building
template, placed centrally over the swarm, aligning the 1 is subjected to the resident’s wrath as a heavy, and possibly
with the small arrow on the Rat Swarm counter. pointed object is lobbed from a window or door to discourage
The Rat Swarm has two Actions which may only be move further intrusion.
Actions. Roll separately using the Grenade Scatter template A single Ranged Attack is made by the indignant resident
for each Action. Both Actions will be taken unless the Rat with a no bonus to the D20 roll. This may be Defended
Swarm comes into base to base contact with any Character. against as normal.
When the Rat Swarm comes into base to base contact Should the attack hit 2 damage is caused, bypassing
with any Character that Character suffers an immediate armour. In addition make a Finesse Check vs a Difficulty
Close Combat Attack from the swarm. This attack may be of 10. Should this check fail the Character is immediately
Defended against as normal. Stunned.
The Rat Swarm does not stay engaged in Combat when it
Activates. It will move as normal in the Maintenance Phase 13. Lesser Engine Tendrils
and may leave Close Combat without the usual Finesse The Engine is constantly sending out Tendrils to perceive
Checks. The random movement may take it into Close the world it has created in order to see that its plans are
Combat with the same Character a second time. coming to fruition.
The Rat Swarm can be attacked as normal by any Character. The strong of will and sharp of eye can sometimes detect
Should it be taken Out of action it is removed from the table these Tendrils and, by dominating them harness a small
and takes no further part in the game. measure of The Engine’s power for their own ends...
Should the Rat Swarm’s random movement take it off the When this Fascinating Feature is in effect Characters may
table it is removed from play and takes no further part in try to locate the Lesser Engine Tendrils and dominate them
the game. to gain the benefits they provide.
Unlike the Greater Tendrils these tend to be hard to spot
11. Ungodly Stench so they are not marked on the table like the Tendrils in the
The #14 Vat at Gill’s Tannery has upended, spilling “Engine Tendrils” mission on page 71.
hundreds of gallons of Bating Liquid into the streets. The A Finesse Check may be made as a single Action to try and
reek of this vile liquid permeates the area. locate one when any character is in base to base contact
Doors are shut and windows closed but the malodorous with any building. The Difficulty of this check is 16.
reek cannot be so easily kept out... Should it succeed the Tendril is automatically dominated
The entire area of the table is shrouded in a miasma of evil by the Character and the Company to which they belong is
smelling air during a mission affected by this Fascinating allowed one re-roll of any one dice during the current turn
Feature. The noisome aroma is dispersed occasionally by only.
light breezes but settles into the enclosed areas and alleys The Engine will detect the intrusion shortly after the Tendril
like a blanket of rotting fish. is dominated and withdraw it so the re-roll expires in the
When any Character Activates roll a D6. On a roll of 1 Maintenance Phase of the turn if not used.
they are briefly overcome by the stench and are affected as Failure of the re-roll gained in this way will not lose a
though they are Wounded for the period of their Activation Company Favour of the Engine unlike failing a re-roll
only. gained due to The Engine’s Blessing (see page 17).
The effect ends when the Character finishes their Activation.
14. Demolition Crew 15. Slippery When Wet
Sometime Her Majesty’s Government sees fit to level London, particularly in Winter, is a cold and damp
certain of the less salubrious areas of London in order place. Even on the brightest of Summer days there can
to make may for the “New Model City”. As often as not be constant trickles of water or other effluent coming
the crews that are tasked with this work are seen off from leaking drains or cess pits.
by locals who are less than keen to see their somewhat Locals know to keep an eye out for the slicks that form
ramshackle, but much loved homes destroyed. where moss or algae thrive on damp cobblestones and
In their haste to escape the attentions of a rather sharp where icy patches exist in Winter. In the heat of battle
carving knife or skilfully wielded shovel in the hands these areas can become a real impediment to safe and
of a disgruntled resident they sometimes leave behind swift movement and an unwary combatant can “come a
caches of their explosive supplies. cropper” if due care is not taken.
Place 4 Fascinating Features counters on the table on top When this Fascinating Feature is rolled each player marks
of, or touching, pieces of scatter terrain such as barrels or out two areas 3” x 3” with small dice or other counters.
boxes. These represent areas of cobblestones or other ground that
Place these in the same manner, and following the same are particularly slick and slippery.
order you placed the main elements of terrain for the game. The areas may be placed wherever either player desires and
There is no restriction on where they must be placed other are placed in the same order as was used to place the other
than that they be on or near scatter terrain. terrain elements when setting up the table.
These represent stashes of explosives left behind when the These areas count as Difficult Terrain so all movement
workers fled from the locals who did not wish to be displaced through them costs 2” of Speed for every 1” travelled. See
by the “pressure of progress” as proposed by their rulers. page 33 for more information on Difficult Terrain.
Any Character in base to base contact with these scatter In addition any attempt to run through these areas will
terrain elements is considered to have an unlimited supply require a Finesse Check to be made with a Difficulty of 12.
of grenades which he or she can fling at their foes.
A Character is considered to be running when they spend
These grenades, either sticks of dynamite or satchels of more than one Action on movement in any given Activation.
other explosives can be thrown as a Ranged Attack with the
Should the Finesse Check fail then the Character is placed
following statistics:
Prone at the midpoint of the Action that triggered the check
Demolition Bomb as he or she slips over and slides through the muck.
Range: 4 / 6 / 8 / –
The midpoint of the move will be considered to be in a
2” Blast Template
straight line from the point at which the move started and
Damage: D10+6
in the direction of travel at the time the check
Once a Character moves away from the stash of was failed.
explosives he or she no longer has access to
It is possible that this can engage the
these grenades and may not throw them.
sliding Character in Close Combat and, in
Characters cannot take the grenades all likelihood, this will end poorly for them
away from the stashes for later
See page 27 for more information on
use, contact must be
what being Prone means for your
maintained with
the stash in
order to use
16. Alchemantic Null Fields Any Alchemantic effect that enters the Null Field ends at its
With the rise of Alchemancy it has become necessary edge and may resume when the Character leaves the field.
for certain organisations such as banks and jewellers Area effect Invocations (e.g. Elemental Explosion) will have
to devise methods of stopping wayward Alchemancers their effects ended at the edge of the Null Field.
from simply walking into their vaults. Dodger is affected by the Confound Invocation. He
The most common of these devices is the Webb & Toomey moves randomly under its effect and ends up in the
Alchemantic Abstractor. It is a small, discrete device Alchemantic Null Field. The Confound Invocation ends
that can be fitted easily to a building and protects it, and immediately and he may act normally.
its immediate surrounds, from any Alchemantic effect. He may choose to remain in the Null Field until the
After terrain for the game has been placed but before the Invocation expires.
first turn of the game each player denotes one building or Had he been the subject of a Bolster Invocation he would
structure each on the table as being fitted with a Webb & lose the bonus Strength on entering the Null Field but
Toomey Alchemantic Abstractor. not the damage that was healed by the Invocation when
These buildings or structures should have a footprint of no first called.
more than 7” in any one dimension. The Alchemantic Abstractor may be located as an Action
The Alchemantic Null Field created by the Abstractor with a Difficulty 17 Finesse Check by any Character within
affects an area 2” wide from all sides of the building and the Null Field. They are generally fitted in a very strong
includes the building itself. steel box or beneath the bricks of the building itself so are
hard to locate and difficult to damage.
It may be wise to mark the boundary of the Null Field with
small dice or other counters. The Abstractor may be attacked in Close Combat by any
Character in contact with the building or by a Character
A Character inside the Null Field may not call any with a Ranged Attack once it has been found by a member
Alchemantic Invocation, nor may any Alchemantic of his or her Company.
Invocation be called upon them.
The Abstractor has the following Characteristics:
Any Invocation which has its line of sight drawn through Defence: 5/5
the Null Field but its endpoint beyond it may still be called Armour: 6
but at a -2 penalty on the Alchemancy Check to successfully Life: 10
bring it into being.
Once enough damage is done to remove all the
Abstractor’s Life it is disabled and the field dissipates
17. Billowing Steam 19. Loose Carriage!
From time to time the great plants that generate the Throughout the streets of London many carriages and
power for local generators on each street need to let out carts can be seen transporting good and people from
excess steam from their cavernous brass boilers. place to place.
This can wreathe the streets in an impenetrable mist Whether due to panicked horses or a malfunctioning
that obscures vision and makes picking out foes difficult Gentlefolk driver sometimes these vehicles can career
at any distance. wildly through the streets.
When this Fascinating Feature is in play any Ranged The Steam Carriages and Charabancs that are also
Attack that is made at an longer than short range suffers an commonplace are capable of surprising speeds and,
additional -2 to hit. in the hands of a poor (or drunken) driver they can be
In addition line of sight for any effect, including Alchemancy dangerous to the unaware pedestrian.
cannot be drawn any further than 12”. For this Fascinating Feature place the counter that is used
Before each Activation Phase roll a D6 starting on turn to represent the Catch Wagon in the Carriage of Justice
2, adding the turn number to the roll. On a result of 8 the mission (see page 74) centrally on a randomly determined
great valves slam shut and the steam clears by the following table edge. Simply roll a D4 to select an edge, nominating
Maintenance Phase. which edge is which number before rolling.
For example on turn 3 you will roll a D6 and add 3 to the roll. This represents an out of control wagon or carriage that will
This means you will need a 5 or 6 for the Steam to clear in make its way across the table during the game.
the Maintenance Phase. The Loose Carriage will move 9” in the Maintenance Phase
of each turn. It will move in the most direct route possible,
18. Resistance! aiming to leave the table by the opposite table edge.
Whilst the locals are a testy bunch and likely to take Roll a D6 each Maintenance Phase. On a 1-3 the Player with
affront at the skirmishes happening in their streets there Favour of The Engine moves the Loose Carriage, on a 4-6 it
are sometimes organised bands of well armed folk who is moved by the player that holds Priority.
take it into their hands to try and see off the interlopers It must move in such a way that takes it closer to the
who choose their neighbourhood as a battlefield. opposite table edge should a route be available. If it cannot
One such group known as Kelly’s Lads are a small band get closer it will move in such a way that will allow it to move
of local criminals who take umbrage at any activity towards its goal in subsequent turns using the shortest
in their streets that might attract the attentions of the route possible.
authorities... It may not move less than 9” and must always move every
This Fascinating Feature represents a small group of skilled turn.
fighters who have taken up positions in windows and on Any Character that the Loose Carriage moves into base
rooftops around the area over which the Companies are due to base contact with must make a Finesse Check with a
to fight. Difficulty of 12.
They are perhaps soldiers who have retired and still hold Should this check fail then D8+4 damage is taken as the
onto their guns or local lads who have traded coin or favours Loose Carriage thunders into him or her. Should the
to get hold of firearms. Carriage’s movement take it over his or her base completely
Each turn, at the start of the Activation Phase, randomly the unfortunate Character is also placed Prone after the
select a Character on the table from either Faction. damage is taken.
This unfortunate soul has become the target of a sniper and Should the Finesse Check be passed move the Character
is subjected to a single Ranged Attack. out of the way of the Carriage, making a special 2” move.
This attack is made with a bonus of +2 to the D20 roll with The Loose Carriage continues with its move after this event.
no penalties for range. The sniper will wait for a good, clean The final placement of the moved Character is up to the
shot before firing! player who controls him or her but the Character’s base must
A Defence Check is made as normal for the target with an be clear of the counter representing the Loose Carriage or
assumption that no cover is applied. damage will be taken as above.
Should the shot hit D10+1 damage is caused. Often as not Should there be no clear area the Character can move into
the firearms are older model muskets with a large bore. within 2” then he or she is considered to fail the Finesse
Capable of great damage but often unable to penetrate Check in much the same way as the rules for Explosions are
stout protection. handled (see page 37).
The Resistance Fighters continue to fire every turn of the The Loose Carriage may not be stopped or attacked in any
game. way and is removed from play should it exit the table.
20. Timeskip Bubble The Bubble may move through terrain and may end its
The Engine is able to manipulate all things and time move in the middle of a piece of terrain. Simply place the
itself is not immune to its will. marker as close as possible to the final position indicated as
possible. It will not leave the ground however.
Sometimes The Engine’s interference in the world will
bring forth effects that it cannot control completely The marker is considered to be a dome 2” high and 2” in
and for a brief while some remarkably odd things can diameter. You can use the 2” Blast Template to estimate its
come to the fore. Time can speed up or slow down in footprint when needed.
some areas and people can find that they are suddenly Should the marker for the Timeskip Bubble come into contact
transported some distance away from where they stood with any Character roll a D8 and consult the following table:
mere moments before... D8 Effect
When this Fascinating Feature is rolled place a marker on Result
the table. This represents one of the more unusual of The 1 The Character phases out of existence briefly and may
Engine’s stray effects - a Timeskip Bubble. not act in the following turn. Nor is he or she placed in
This marker can be one of the small Fascinating Features the Activation Deck
counters or a dice. You may even like to model your own 2 The Character acts as normal but is restricted to
special Timeskip Bubble marker. 1 Action
These rents in reality appear as shimmering areas of air that 3 The Character is immediately moved D4” in a random
show misty hints of alternate realities within them. Ghostly direction. Use the Grenade Scatter template to indicate
forms can be seen within, representing people whose direction. This does not change the elevation of the
Character and may initiate a fall.
timelines are long gone or yet to be.
Should one come into contact with a Timeskip Bubble the 4 As above but the move is D8”.
results are unpredictable but always interesting. 5 1 is added to the Speed Characteristic of the
Character for the following turn.
When placing the Timeskip Bubble divide the table into
quarters and roll a D4, nominating before the roll which 6 1 is subtracted from the Speed Characteristic of the
quarter is represented by which number. Character for the following turn.
The Timeskip Bubble marker is then placed as close the 7 The Character gains 1 free Action which
centre of the table quarter as possible. must be taken immediately.
During the Maintenance Phase of each turn the Timeskip 8 The Character gains 2 free Actions which
must be used immediately.
Bubble will move 6” randomly. Place the Grenade Scatter
Template over the marker and roll a D8.
Should the Timeskip Bubble leave the table at any time it
The Timeskip Bubble will then immediately move 2”. pops out of existence and is removed from play.
After this initial move place the marker over the Timeskip
Bubble again with the arrow pointing in the direction it last
travelled and roll the D8 again, moving the Bubble a further
2”. Repeat this a third time for the final 2” of its move.
The dangers of
Undue Alchemancy
This Section of the rulebook details a 10
mission campaign that you can play as a
narrative storyline to get a more immersive
Twisted experience. You can also simply
select one of these missions to play as a single
pickup game or play one of the 3 mission sub
sections of the campaign should you desire.
A selection
of painted
Min iatur es.
General Campaign Rules Campaign Missions
Sub-campaign Mission Page
The Campaign missions are designed to be played in
sequence and are best when played that way. 1 1: First Fetching 90
Mission 1: First Fetching The Mission:
Dodger and the Urkin must try and break into Abbott
Duration: 6 turns & Gillard the Moneylenders and retrieve the cache of
Dodger lurked in the shadows. He could see the tall Alchemantic items. Once they have the cache they must try
form of Launcelot standing in the street. The knight was and exit the table through their own deployment zone.
speaking to one of those infernal Gentlefolk, apparently The Servants must either prevent the break in or stop the
instructing it on guarding the doorway. item from leaving the table.
That door, Dodger knew, was the only entry into the
Breaking in & the robbery:
Money Lenders Office. It was well locked and warded
but that was no concern to Dodger whose skilful fingers To break in to the Abbott & Gillard building a Dickensians
could have the lock open in moments and there were Character must be in contact with the building and spend
always the windows. a single Action, making a Finesse Check with a Difficulty
of 15.
The hulking Gentlefolk Blacksmith on the other hand
caused a larger problem. It was a problem that needed He or she must not be engaged in Close Combat or
to be solved however if Dodger were to gain access to the otherwise under the influence of any adverse effect.
safe that held the information Feygin wanted. He’d be Once a Character has broken in remove the relevant
needing some Urkin at least. Character from play until the next Maintenance Phase -
He waited until Launcelot moved off. “No time like the they are now inside and searching the building.
present” he thought as he gunned his engine lightly... At the start of the following turn place the relevant Character
back on the table in contact with the same point on the
In this mission Dodger and his accompanying Urkin building through which he or she entered. The robber is
must try and get into Abbott & Gillard, Moneylenders to considered to Activate last in this initial turn of placement
recover a cache of Alchemantic items given as surety on only.
a loan. This is rumoured to contain a copy of Howman’s
Place a marker on the Character’s base or play card to
Alchemantic Index and Feygin is rather keen to see the
indicate who is carrying the cache. The cache may be
book in Nancy’s possession before things get too out of
transferred from Character to Character using the normal
rules for Handing off (see page 31).
Characters Involved: Should a Character carrying the cache be taken Out of
Servants of The Engine Dickensians Action the cache is dropped and scatters 1” using the
Launcelot 47 pts Dodger 29 pts grenade scatter template. It may then be picked up by any
Blacksmith 26 pts Urkin Slasher x 2 24 pts Character moving over it and expending a single Action.
Urkin Shooter x 1 14 pts
Total 73 pts 67 pts Winning the Game:
In addition to the normal Victory Points awarded for
Set Up:
Twisted, bonus points are given at the end of the game as
Use a 24” x 24” table for 4” Dickensians detailed in the table below:
this mission. Divide the
Achievement Bonus VP
table into three 24” x 8”
areas. Dickensians exit the table with the cache Auto Win
Take a single building The game ends with the cache in possession 4
with a footprint of 8” of the Dickensians but on the table
around 4” square and The cache is on the table but in neither NIL
place it in one of the Companies possession
two zones at either end The game ends with the cache in possession 3
of the table. It should be A A of the Servants but on the table
& Gillard
placed centrally on the 2”
The Servants prevent the cache leaving Auto Win
table and 2” from the Abbott & Gillard
edge of the table.
The Blacksmith should be set up within 1” of this building. At the end of the Mission add up the Victory Points earned
Launcelot begins the game in either area marked A which for each side. The Company with the highest total is the
is 2” wide by 8” deep. winner of the game. If either of the Auto Win conditions are
met then that company is considered to have won regardless
Dodger and all Urkin begin play within 4” of the rearmost
of Victory Point totals.
edge of table third opposite to the Moneylender’s building.
See the Mission description for Mission 2: Transport for the
For this mission no Tarot of Taxing Tasks cards should be
changes that are made to the following mission depending
on the Victory Point totals of this mission.
Mission 2: Transport The Mission:
The Attacker must try to escape with the Alchemantic cache
Duration: 6 turns by moving off the table via the edge on which the defender
The robbery had gone smoothly and Dodger now cradled deployed. You must exit off the table edge marked in green
the elaborate brass box that contained the Alchemantic on the map.
Mission 1 Winner’s Bonuses:
It had been a near run thing though and he only just
The Company that won Mission 1 may select any mixture
escaped with his life, a brand new hole in his hat proved
of Dr Disraeli’s Delights to the value of 3 points. These are
how close the shell from the knight’s rifle had come to
in addition to any that can be taken due to differences in
ending him.
He felt a little guilty that the Urkin had come to rather
These bonus Delights are purchased separately to any other
messy ends but a few of them managed to slink away
Delights and the 3 bonus points may not be combined with
into the smog. Feygin had heard of his success and had
the points from any other source.
come to assist, bringing more Urkin, the cunning old man
would be very useful indeed - he knew these streets well. If the Dickensians won Mission 1 and are using the
Company shown opposite they will have 5 points to spend
The problem now was how to escape the area. The
on Delights, 3 from the win and 2 from the difference in
Servants had them cut off and, as fast as he was, Dodger
points. They may not purchase a 4 point Delight however
knew that bullets were faster. Care would have to be
as the two lots of points must be spent separately.
If The Servants won the previous Mission they get 3
The cache is now in the possession of either the Dickensians points to spend but this does not add to their overall
or The Servants of The Engine. Both Factions wish to get it points cost so the Dickensians do not gain 3 points as
clear of the area but have to find a way to negotiate the well.
streets and alleys of London whilst their opponents try to
The Cache:
stop them.
Place a marker on the Character’s base or play card to
Characters Involved: indicate who is carrying the cache. The cache may be
Servants of The Engine Dickensians transferred from Character to Character using the normal
Launcelot 47 pts Dodger 29 pts rules for Handing off (see page 31).
Gretel & Hansel 31 pts Feygin 33 pts Should a Character carrying the cache be taken Out of
Blacksmith 26 pts Urkin Slasher x 2 24 pts
Action the cache is dropped and scatters 1” using the
Gamekeeper 26 pts Urkin Shooter x 3 42 pts
Total 130 pts 128 pts
grenade scatter template. It may then be picked up by any
Character moving over it and expending a single Action.
Set Up: Should the cache scatter directly onto another Character he
Use a 36” x 36” table for Attacker or she may try and pick it up immediately without using an
this mission. Mark off 12” x 2” Action. Should the attempt fail the cache scatters again.
deployment zones as The Defender may not exit the table carrying the cache.
shown on the map.
The Attacker is the Winning the Game:
Company that won In addition to the normal Victory Points awarded for
the previous mission. Twisted bonus points are given at the end of the game as
The Defender is the detailed in the table below.:
Company that lost. 4” x 4” Achievement Bonus VP
All Attacker Characters Attacker exits the table with the cache 4 (Att)
must deploy in the A A A
The game ends with the cache in possession 2 (Att)
marked area. In addition of the Attacker but on the table
one of them must be noted as carrying the Alchemantic
Cache. The cache is on the table but in neither 2 (Def)
Companies possession
The Defender can deploy Characters freely in any or all of
The game ends with the cache in possession 4 (Def)
the three areas marked A that are 4” x 4” each.
of the Defender
You may use the Tarot of Taxing Tasks for this mission.
See the Mission description for Mission 3: Transfer for the
changes that are made to the following mission depending
on the Victory Point totals of this mission.
Mission 3: Transfer The powerful Alchemancers Nancy or Nightingale must
deploy in the red zone depending on which Faction is the
Duration: 8 turns Attacker. The deployment of the remaining Characters is
In the darkened alley Dodger worked at the lock on up to the Attacker and they may be positioned anywhere
the box. It was a tricky one and was proving rather a within either zone.
challenge. The Defender sets up all Characters in the zone marked in
Finally, with a click and a whir the lock activated and orange.
the latches holding the cache shut flicked open. Dodger You may use the Tarot of Taxing Tasks for this mission.
lifted the lid and there was a slight hiss as the pressure
The Mission:
within the container equalised with the foetid air in the
alley. The Attacker is attempting to get the cache into the hands
of their Alchemancer who can assess its contents properly.
Inside there were a number of books, each quite obviously
The Defender is trying to prevent this.
decades old but perfectly preserved. Some strange
glowing vials and brass containers were also nestled in Once the cache is handed over the Alchemancer must
the box, carefully cradled in velvet holders. attempt to escape by the table edge marked in red. Should
the Alchemancer be taken Out of Action then any other
Even to his trained thieve’s eye he couldn’t assess the
Character from the attacking Company may exit the table
value of these items. He flicked through one of the tomes
through the red deployment zone carrying it.
and he could make no sense of the text. His reading
was never good but he could generally understand of Mission 2 Winner’s Bonuses:
the written word however the scrawlings in these books The Company that won Mission 2 may choose to begin the
eluded him. game with Favour of The Engine or Priority.
He carefully lifted one of the brass containers. Its cage The Cache:
like form protecting a glass globe that glowed with a
greenish light. He could feel its power but had not one Again place a marker on the Character’s base or play card
clue about what to do with it. to indicate who is carrying the cache. The cache may be
transferred from Character to Character using the normal
He’d need to get this loot to Nancy but he was sure rules for Handing off (see page 31).
Feygin would like a peek first...
Should a Character carrying the cache be taken Out of
With the cache now open the contents need to be evaluated Action the cache is dropped and scatters 1” using the
for their importance. It is up to those carrying the box to grenade scatter template. It may then be picked up by any
reach their allies and have the items within assessed by Character moving over it and expending a single Action.
one skilled in the art of Alchemancy. The Defender may not exit the table carrying the cache.
Characters Involved: If the cache is transferred to either Nancy or Nightingale
the Alchemancer may immediately choose to change their
Servants of The Engine Dickensians
Launcelot 47 pts Dodger 29 pts selection of Alchemantic Invocations for the game. This
Gretel & Hansel 31 pts Feygin 33 pts change may only occur once when the cache is handed over.
Nightingale 31 pts Nancy 34 pts Winning the Game:
Blacksmith 26 pts Urkin Slasher x 3 36 pts
Gamekeeper 26pts Urkin Shooter x 2 28 pts In addition to the normal Victory Points awarded for
Total 161 pts 160 pts Twisted, bonus points are given at the end of the game as
detailed in the table below:
Set Up:
Attacker Achievement Bonus VP
Use a 36” x 36” table for
2” x 36” Cache leaves the table in possession of Auto Win
this mission. Mark off 12”
deployment zones as Defender Nancy or Nightingale
shown on the map. 2” x 36” Cache leaves the table in possession of 2 (Att)
another Attacker
The Attacker is the
Company that ended Cache does not leave the table 1 (Def)
Mission 2 in possession Cache is in the possession of any Character 3 (Def)
of the Alchemantic from the defending Company
See the Mission description for Mission 4: Essence of
A Character carrying Attacker
2” x 36”
Vengeance for the changes that are made to the following
the cache must be
mission depending on the Victory Point totals of this
deployed in the zone
mission and the overall winner of this sub-section of the
marked in green - you may assign the cache to a Character
after all other Characters have deployed for the game.
Mission 4: Essence of Vengeance The Mission:
The Attacker in this Mission is attempting to reach the
Duration: 8 turns building marked A and detonate the stash of Alchemantic
Nouveau glared at Launcelot. The Dickensians, despite Essences within.
his best efforts, now had the Alchemantic Index and he The Defender is trying to stop this occurring.
assumed Nancy was now in possession of the book.
Sub-Campaign 1 Winner’s Bonuses:
The Engine wanted Nancy dead. He knew this as surely
as he knew anything. He wondered slightly why if this The Company that won the first series of three Missions
were the case that she was allowed to come into contact begins this mission with Favour of The Engine and three 2
with a tome such as Howman’s Index with all the secrets point Delights from Dr Disraeli’s shop.
it contained. As ever though he assumed The Engine had The Stash:
a plan and he must act in accordance with its desires. The stash of Essences is secured in a building with a strong
The increase in power that the Index would allow door and a couple of guards. It is deep within the territory
Nancy to achieve was great but even the most powerful of the Defender so it’s less protected than might be ideal.
Alchemancer could do nothing without essences... Any Character from the Attacking Company can set a bomb
This mission focusses on the efforts of one of the Factions against the building by expending a single Action and
to destroy a stash of Alchemantic Essences held by the making a Finesse Check with a Difficulty of 10.
other. It will be no easy task and the race to the warehouse This represents the bomb being placed correctly and the
is on! timer set or fuse lit. Characters may attempt to set a bomb
again should their first attempt fail and they have sufficient
Characters Involved:
Actions available. Only one bomb may be set by any
For this mission there are no pre-determined Characters to Character in a single turn however.
be used. You may freely select Characters up to around 200
Once set place a marker touching the building in the
points for the game.
appropriate spot. Each Maintenance Phase roll a D10 and
Set Up: add the current turn number. Should the result be 10 or
Use a 36” x 36” table for higher the bomb detonates. For example the roll in turn 3
Attacker 4” x 36”
this mission. would be D10+3.
Place a single building When a bomb detonates it does 2D8+5 damage in a 2” blast
with approximately a template centred on the bomb’s location. The building is
4” x 4” footprint in the considered to have 10 Armour. Should more than 12 damage
centre of the table. This be caused in total during the game the building collapses
A and the stash is destroyed.
represents a warehouse
or safehouse in which Characters from the Defending Company may try and
the Defender has defuse the bombs by spending an Action when in base
secreted a large stash of contact with a marker and making a Finesse Check with a
Alchemantic Essences. Difficulty of 14.
Defender 4” x 36”
The Attacker is the No Character may place or defuse a bomb if he or she is
Company that lost engaged in Close Combat.
sub-campaign 1 consisting of missions 1, 2 & 3.
Winning the Game:
Should you be playing this Sub-campaign or Mission on its
In addition to the normal Victory Points awarded for
own then simply roll a D6 to determine which Faction is the
Twisted bonus points are given at the end of the game as
attacker and which is the defender. On a 1-3 the Dickensians
detailed in the table below:
are the Attacker on a 4-6 they are the Defender.
Achievement Bonus VP
The Attacker must deploy all of his or her Characters in the
4” x 36” area marked in red. The Defender also deploys in a Building survives undamaged 4 (Def)
similarly sized area however he or she may deploy up to 50 Building damaged but not collapsed NIL
points of Characters within 1” of the building marked A on Building destroyed 4 (Att)
the map above.
You may use the Tarot of Taxing Tasks for this mission. See the Mission description for Mission 5: Build Up for the
changes that are made to the following mission depending
on the Victory Point totals of this mission and whether or
not the stash of Essences survived.
Mission 5: Build Up The Mission:
The Companies are probing one another’s defences,
Duration: 6 turns assessing the strengths and weaknesses of their foes.
The blast had shaken the streets, shattering windows You must try and end the game in control of the table areas
and knocking loose great slabs of brickwork. As the as marked out by the dotted lines.
smoke cleared there remained bursts of Alchemantic
A zone is considered controlled when it is occupied by a
energy as the containers holding the essences burned
greater number of your Characters than your opponent’s.
and gave way.
In the case that this is a tie then the greater points value
Nouveau smiled. The plan had worked and Nancy was of Characters will be considered the winner. Should this
now hobbled by a distinct lack of that which she needed also be a tie then the zone is considered contested and no
to power her vile work. Victory Points are awarded for it.
The Engine whispered to him and he knew what must now Insignificant Characters follow all the usual rules in that
transpire. Battle should be brought to the Dickensians two of them count as a single Character. Their points are
while they were weakened. added up however in the case of a tie.
He motioned to Gretel and she walked to his side. Two Urkin Slashers occupy a zone that is contested
“Gather the Gentlefolk” he instructed “Time has come by a Gentlefolk Flower Seller. The Urkin count as one
to attack.” Character so the Character count in the zone is a tie.
With that Gretel nodded and quickly clambered up the The Urkin total 24 points (2 x 12 points) whilst the Flower
frontage of a nearby shop. She disappeared over the roof Seller is 23 points. The Urkin therefore control the zone.
to find more allies...
Mission 4 Winner’s Bonuses:
In this mission the two Factions are probing one another The Company that won Mission 4 may re-roll a single
in preparation for the battle to come. Both are gathering reinforcement roll during the game. See below for more
their forces in order to win the day. details.
Characters Involved: Reinforcements:
For this mission freely select up to around 200 points of During this mission the Characters kept in reserve will
Characters. You must divide your Company into two groups enter play as the game progresses.
of approximately 100 points. This need not be an exact In the Maintenance Phase of each turn players roll a D6
division, just as close as you can get. each. On a 4-6 a single Character from those in reserve
Set Up: may be brought into play. You may add +1 to the roll if no
Character arrived in the previous turn.
Use a 36” x 36” table for B3 A1
this mission. Mark out D6: 5-6 D6:1-2 Roll a further D6 to determine in which zone the Character
two 6” x 6” deployment arrives. Each company has three reinforcement points as
zones as shown on shown on the map in the relevant colour.
the map (A1 & B1) and You may freely choose which Character you bring into play
divide the table into six A2
D6: 3-4 D6: 3-4
and he or she will begin play touching the table edge in the
zones as shown by the area indicated. The reinforcing Character acts normally in
dotted lines. the following turn.
Also mark four areas Winning the Game:
2” x 2” as shown (A2, D6: 1-2 D6: 5-6
In addition to the normal Victory Points awarded for
A3, B2 & B3). B1 A3 Twisted bonus points are given to each Company based
As usual the Company on who controls the six zones which are the subject of this
that starts the game skirmish.
with Priority may choose which deployment zone he or she
For each zone your Company controls you gain 2 bonus
wishes to start the game in.
Victory Points. Contested zones where both Characters and
Deploy one of your two groups of Characters in the zones points values of Characters are equal give neither Company
marked A1 or B1. If one group is larger in points than the any bonus.
other then the larger group should deploy first.
See the Mission description for Mission 6: Explosive
Your opponent should deploy his or her Characters in the Violence for the changes that are made to the following
opposite zone following all the usual rules for deployment. mission depending on the Victory Point totals of this
The remaining Characters are kept off the table in reserve. mission.
You may use the Tarot of Taxing Tasks for this mission.
Mission 6: Explosive Violence The Mission:
In this mission the Attackers must try and get Characters
Duration: 8 turns into the 4” deep area opposite their deployment zone. This
The Dickensians had taken a beating. Nouveau was represents the Attacker punching through the defensive
pleased and smiled lightly even as his Servants gathered line of his or her foes and being free to move deeper into
their wounded. their territory. It is up to the Defenders to prevent this.
Tesla was busy repairing the damaged Gentlefolk, and Mission 5 Winner’s Bonuses:
there were plenty of them. Bill Psyches had proven that
The Company that won Mission 5 already starts with an
he was not to be trifled with and the way he took the head
advantage in points. He or she may also choose whether to
off that Blacksmith was quite a sight to behold.
start the game with Priority or Favour of The Engine.
Nightingale tended to Launcelot’s wounds. When he
went down under the roiling throng of Urkin Nouveau Mines:
thought he was dead but the knight again showed his This area has long been held by the Defending Faction.
mettle and rose to remove that particular threat from the They have seeded the area with Mines in an attempt to
streets in great sweeping arcs of his sword. make Attackers progress more difficult.
The Dickensians had suffered losses. Urkin lay all about Take 6 markers of some kind, each numbered 1 through 6.
and he had seen Ollyver retreat carrying the grievously Small dice make good markers or you can use the counters
wounded Dodger. He also understood however that the given in this box if they are not otherwise being used.
advantage must be pressed home. Of these 6 counters 4 are live Mines and 2 are dummies.
The brief pause had already given them a chance to Note on a piece of paper before the first turn which counter
organise defences and that just would not do. Nouveau is a Mine and which is a dummy.
understood that keeping the Dickensians on the run was A Mine is potentially detonated when any opposing
vital if he were to be able to capture or kill Nancy. If she Character moves within 1” of it. These are Stahlwerke
were given time to study the Alchemantic Index then the Reichenbach Schläferbombe which detonate when anyone
balance would most certainly shift... gets too close.
When a Character moves within 1” of any mine marker
One Faction now has the upper hand and is closing in on
reveal whether it is a real explosive mine or a dummy to
a safehouse of the other group. They outnumber their foes
your opponent.
but the area is in the heart of enemy territory and defences
have been put in place. If the mine should be a live one it explodes with a 2” blast
template doing 2D8+4 damage to anyone unfortunate
Characters Involved: enough to be caught in the blast. In addition any Character
The winner of Mission 5 begins this game with around 200 that takes more than 8 damage after Armour is taken into
points of Characters that may be selected freely. The loser account is considered prone.
of the previous mission has only 170 points of Characters as If the mine is a dummy there is no explosion and the
part of their force has been destroyed or dispersed. Character may continue his or her move freely.
Set Up: Attacker 4” x 36” Mines may not be targeted with any attack but if one is
Use a 36” x 36” table under any blast template or area effect that causes damage
for this mission. The 8” then it may detonate. A mine is considered to have an
Company that won Armour of 8 and should it take any damage it will explode.
Mission 5 is the Attacker Roll damage for the mine separately to any other damage.
and their opponents are Winning the Game:
the Defenders.
For each Character from the Attacking Company that ends
The Attackers deploy in the game in the green zone as marked 1 bonus Victory Point
the red area indicated. is awarded.
The Defenders deploy Defender 4” x 36”
For each Character taken Out of Action from the Attackers
in the orange area. 4” x 36” whilst in either the orange or green zones marked the
In addition a single Defenders get 1 bonus Victory Point.
Character from the Attacking company may deploy within
See the Mission description for Mission 7: Seize the
the 8” area shown above scouting ahead of the main force.
Alchemancer for the changes that are made to the following
The Defender has 6 Mines, 4 of which can be placed mission depending on the Victory Point totals of this
anywhere on the table outside of the Attacker’s deployment mission and the overall winner of this sub-section of the
zone, 2 must be placed within his or her deployment zone. Campaign.
See the notes on Mines following for more details.
You may use the Tarot of Taxing Tasks for this mission.
Mission 7: Before the game designate which Characters in your
company are carrying these items. These may be carried in
Seize the Alchemancer addition to any other of Dr Disraeli’s Delights.
Sub-Campaign 2 Winner’s Bonuses:
Duration: 8 turns
The Company that won the second series of three Missions
Bill raged. The tide had turned against him and if there may select up to 4 points of Dr Disraeli’s Delights in addition
were one thing Bill hated it was losing - at anything. to the Hobbler Rounds and Cuffs. These bonus Delights are
Nancy had the tome she so desired but she had gone purchased separately to any normally allowed.
up into the streets to source materials to make more In addition the winner may choose to start this Mission with
Alchemantic Essences. The explosion at the warehouse either Favour of The Engine or Priority.
had diminished her stockpile and she insisted she was in Abberline’s Alchemantic Null Cuffs:
dire need of the mysterious components. Developed by the brilliant Inspector Abberline of The Yard
The time had passed in which she said she would return these elaborate brass handcuffs have a built in Alchemantic
and now Bill was starting to get concerned. Not for the Null Field and a Consciousness Inhibitor to disable the
safety of the Witch but for the impact her loss might have offending Alchemancer.
on his efforts to utilise the power of the node. To apply the cuffs move into base to base contact and make
Gathering the best of the Urkin and summoning Dodger a single Close Combat attack. Should this attack hit then
he loaded his great pistol. His heavy footfalls echoed the Cuffs are applied but no damage is caused. Once Cuffed
the Alchemancer is considered Incapacitated.
in the dark corridor as he made his way to the surface.
Those Servants must not be allowed to interfere further... The Cuffs may be removed by another Character with a
Difficulty 18 Finesse Check when in base to base contact
This mission involves one Faction attempting to capture with the Alchemancer. Neither the Character attempting
an Alchemancer from the other. It is a tricky feat and to remove the Cuffs or the Alchemancer may be in contact
difficult to carry out successfully. with an opponent for the attempt to be made.
The Alchemancer:
Characters Involved:
The Alchemancer has been taken by surprise and will act
For this mission freely select around 200 points of last in his or her Company’s turn on the first turn of the
Characters. The Company that lost the last Sub-Campaign game only. After this he or she acts as normal and becomes
is the defender in this scenario and must take at least one part of the defender’s regular set of Activations.
Alchemancer. Should the Alchemancer be cuffed he or she may be carried
Attacker 3” x 36”
Set Up: by any Character towards a table edge. It is an Action to
pick up the Alchemancer.
Use a 36” x 36” table for
this mission. Divide the The Character may make a single Move Action only whilst
table into three 12” deep carrying the limp form. Should two Characters be in base
Alchemancer to base contact the move may be 1½ times the Speed of the
areas horizontally.
slowest Character. Should three be in contact a Run Action
The attackers and may be taken at the Speed of the slowest Character.
defenders set up in All Characters carrying a captured foe are considered to
areas that a 3” deep by Activate at the same time as the Character who first picked
36” wide on opposite up the cuffed Alchemancer.
sides of the table. Should the Alchemancer’s captor be Taken Out of Action or
Defender 3” x 36”
Take the most powerful otherwise have base to base contact broken the Alchemancer
Alchemancer in the defending Company and set him or her may be picked up by another Character as an Action.
up in a 2” x 2” square in the centre of the board touching the Winning the Game:
edge of the central 12” zone that is closest to the attackers. In addition to the normal Victory Points awarded for Twisted
You may use the Tarot of Taxing Tasks for this mission. the following bonus points are given:
The Mission: Achievement Bonus VP
The Alchemancer that is the focus of this Mission has Attacker escapes with Alchemancer Auto Win
found him or herself cut off and alone whilst gathering
Alchemancer is Captured but on table 2 (Att)
Alchemantic components.
Alchemancer is Cuffed but not in NIL
It is the objective of the attackers to try and capture the
possession of the attackers or Out of Action
Alchemancer and leave the table. It is the defender’s role to
try and prevent this. Alchemancer is free 2 (Def)
To aid in the capture attempt the attacker’s Company has See the Mission description for Mission 8: Rescue Mission
secured four Hobbler Rounds from Dr Disraeli and gotten for the changes that are made to the following mission
hold of a set of Abberline’s Alchemantic Null Cuffs. depending on the results of this mission.
Mission 8: Rescue Mission The Mission:
The attacker in this mission must try to get to the building
Duration: 6 turns that holds their companion and free them.
The plan had worked. Feygin was relieved as the mood The defender must try and prevent this or, if all else fails,
Bill was in currently was dangerous for anyone within ensure the prisoner does not survive unscathed.
reach of his cudgel or range of his pistol.
Mission 7 Winner’s Bonuses:
The diversionary attack had drawn many of the Servants
away from where Nancy was being held and there was The Company that won Mission 7 may choose whether
now a chance that she could be freed. to start the game with Priority or Favour of The Engine.
In addition they may take 6 Alchemantic Essences of any
Feygin smiled slightly at the thought of Nancy being
kind to be distributed amongst any Alchemancers in the
captured. He knew that Bill was furious with her and
Company. This represents Howman’s Alchemantic Index
that served his purposes rather well.
falling into their hands when the Alchemancer was captured.
All he had to do now was free her himself and she would
be in his debt. That was something more valuable than The Prisoner:
the lives of the Urkin that would no doubt be lost in the The Alchemancer is held in a secure building which has
attempt... a built in Alchemantic Null Field. No Alchemantic effect
will operate within 1” of the building. See page 84 for more
This mission focuses on the rescue of an ally from the information on Alchemantic Null Fields.
opposing Company. They have been wrong footed and are
The prisoner may be freed by opening or breaking down the
poorly positioned to protect their prize however.
door. Designate an entrance to the building as the relevant
Characters Involved: door. Any other doors on the building will be considered
Each player may select around 200 points of Characters for impassable.
this game. The attacking Company must include at least To open the door is a Difficulty 16 Finesse or Strength
one Character with Alchemantic ability. Check. Once the door is opened 2 Actions must be spent by
any Character in contact with the door to free the prisoner
Set Up:
Use a 36” x 36” table Attacker 2 areas 4” x 12”
The door may only be opened if no opponent is also in base
for this mission. The 18” to base contact with the door.
Company that won
Mission 7 are considered Prisoner
Once freed the prisoner is placed in contact with the door in
the defenders and their the Maintenance Phase and acts as normal in the following
foes the attackers. turns.
Place a single building Winning the Game:
with a footprint of In addition to the normal Victory Points awarded for Twisted
approximately 4” x 4” the following bonus points are given:
centrally on the table Defender 4” x 36”
Achievement Bonus VP
with one edge touching
the centre line of the table as shown. Prisoner is free 3 (Att)
The Attackers deploy in the two red areas indicated. One Prisoner is free but Wounded at end of game 2 (Att)
Character from the Company with a value of at least 25 Prisoner is free but Out of Action 1 (Def)
points and some Alchemantic ability must be designated as Prisoner remains locked up 2 (Def)
the prisoner that is the subject of this mission.
This Character is not deployed on the table but may come See the Mission description for Mission 9: Escape for the
into play as the game progresses. Simply place their changes that are made to the following mission depending
Character and Activation cards to one side until needed. on the results of this mission.
The Defenders deploy Characters with a total value of
no more than 50 points within 1” of the building with
the balance of the Company deployed in the orange area
You may use the Tarot of Taxing Tasks for this mission.
Mission 9: Escape Mission 8 Winner’s Bonuses:
The winner of Mission 8 begins this mission with a choice
Duration: 8 turns of Priority or Favour of The Engine and each Character in
They ran. The Servants were hot on their heels and their Company may take a single free Move Action before
Nancy knew that should she fall into their hands again the first turn of the game after all Characters have been
Bill would have no forgiveness. deployed.
She could almost feel the smugness emanating from Escape:
Feygin and that annoyed her greatly. The old man had In order to escape, the Character in question must move off
saved her, that was true, but she would find a way to the table through the 9” wide area marked in green on the
make him pay for undermining her status with Bill. map.
For the moment though it was of greater importance to This can be as part of a regular Move Action, a Run Action
get clear of the area. or any other effect that would see the Character carried off
For his part Feygin was revelling in Nancy’s discomfort. the table.
Dodger scouted ahead and he noted the particular way
the Urkin herded Nancy along. Bill must have ordered
them to escort her closely. Once all Characters have deployed but before the free
move Actions as noted above the defender may place 4 trap
Things were turning. The old man just was not sure how
markers on the table.
they might play out...
These may not be placed within 4” of the exit zone but may
In this mission one Company must try and escort the freed otherwise be placed as desired.
Alchemancer from the previous mission from the area Any Character moving within 1” of a trap counter must
whilst avoiding the attacks of those who wish to stop their make a Difficulty 17 Finesse check or trigger the trap.
When a trap is triggered roll a D6 and consult the table
Characters Involved: below:
For this mission freely Attacker 3” x 18” D6 Result Trap
select around 200 1-2 Trip Wire: Character who triggered the trap is
points of Characters. placed prone.
The attacker is
3-4 Teleporter Trap: Character is moved D4+1” in a
the Company who
direction chosen by your opponent.
attempted to free the Defender 8” x 36”
prisoner in Mission 5-6 Steel Mancatcher: D8+6 damage. Character may
not move until a Difficulty 15 Strength or Finesse
8. The Alchemancer
Check is made.
who was the subject
of that mission must Once a trap is triggered it is removed from play.
be selected in the Exit 9” wide
Company. Winning the Game:
In addition to the normal Victory Points awarded for Twisted
Should you be playing
the following bonus points are given:
this mission as a stand alone mission you may select any
Character with a value of at least 30 points as the person the Achievement Bonus VP
attackers are escorting. Alchemancer escapes table 3 (Att)
Set Up: Alchemancer is on table and 1 (Att)
not in Wounded State
Use a 36” x 36” table for this mission.
The attacker sets up all Characters in an area 3” x 18” as Alchemancer is on table and 1 (Def)
in Wounded State
marked in red. The defender sets up all Characters in an
area 8” x 36” in the centre of the table as indicated in orange. Alchemancer is taken Out of Action 3 (Def)
You may use the Tarot of Taxing Tasks for this mission. See the Mission description for Mission 10: Battle Royale
The Mission: for the changes that are made to the following mission
The attacking Company must try and get the Character depending on the results of this mission and the winner of
who is the subject of this mission, either the Alchemancer this, and the other, Sub-campaigns.
from Mission 8 or another Character as noted above off the
table through the 9” exit area on the opposite side of the
table as marked in green on the map.
The Defenders are not unprepared however and have set a
number of traps to stop the flight of their foes.
Mission 10: Battle Royale A zone is considered controlled when it is occupied by a
greater number of your Characters than your opponent’s.
Duration: 8 turns In the case that this is a tie then the greater points value
Bill stepped out into the empty square. The local folk had of Characters will be considered the winner. Should this
all fled or hidden themselves away as soon as the two also be a tie then the zone is considered contested and no
forces appeared in the area - not that Bill cared whether Victory Points are awarded for it.
they lived or died but if they were out of the way it made Insignificant Characters follow all the usual rules in that
picking your targets easier. two of them count as a single Character. Their points are
From an alley Nouveau emerged into the yellow light of added up however in the case of a tie.
a gas lamp, drawing his long sabre. In addition the highest points value Character in both
Bill let out a low chuckle and cocked his pistol. He looked Companies is a special “high value target” and bonus
forward to violence in general and the coming fight held Victory Points are awarded should he or she fall in battle.
particular pleasure for him. Here ended the interference Sub Campaign Winner Bonuses:
of these Servants of The Engine.
Sub Campaign 1: Missions 1-3
He’d show them who held the power, Engine or not.
The Company that won this sub-campaign may take 6
A shot rang out and with a squeal an Urkin fell from a Alchemantic Essences of the player’s choice and divide
nearby rooftop. Bill charged and battle was joined... them amongst the Alchemancers on the table as desired.
This mission is the final confrontation between the two In addition each Alchemancer may select two extra
Factions in this campaign. It will determine the winner Invocations that are kept in reserve. These may be “hot
of the campaign overall and whichever Faction should swapped” as an Action for any Invocation that is normally
emerge victorious will hold sway over the area - for now... taken for the game by any Alchemancer in the Company.
46 Bi ll Psyche s
B il l Psych e s
Spd 4
Str 6 Weapon Pro
Stun: Special Abilit
Fin 3 ies
• 6 or more Lumber:
Att 6/4
final damag
• Target ma e • Must b
kes Finesse e combined
Def 6/3 check v 5 + final
with a Move o
r Charge
• If Check Action
Arm 8
fails target
stunned until • Difficulty 1
next 3 Strength
Alc 0 Maintenance check to mov
Bill Psyches
Phase e through
Ammunition an opposing C
: haracter.
Life: 28 • Action to c
hange ammo.
• Difficulty 1
7 if model is
• Regular Am large (40mm
mo: as card • base)
Weapons • Incendia Opponent sca
ry: D4 tte
using grenad red 1”
There was silence in the alley as Bill stood listening. He had Cudgel: D10+2+Str
Range: 5 / 7 / 9
Bypasses arm
/ 13 • If check fai
ls C
e template.
Large Bore Pistol: our.
Combat ensue e
instructed Samuel Munn to meet him here and he knew that, Range: 6 / 8 / 10 /
12 Burns for 2 tu
subtracts da
rns. Target
mage taken
although the man was probably out robbing and killing he’d Special Abilities:
from D20 roll
• Wall Brea
• Range 6 in
• Opposed
ker: D8 Strength
respond to the “request”. Ammunition Range: 4 / 6 / 8 +6
/ 12
Threaten Target may no
t c
• If Bill win
s target must
cover from thi laim
The iron hooves that shod Bill’s new legs cracked the flagstones s attack.
make a run m
from Bill.
ove away
as he paced, his great bulk proving too much for the ancient
Out of the darkness emerged a single Urkin, the hunched form
moving cautiously forwards, taking care to stay just beyond a fondness for Ollyver, Dodger and the Urkin and
Bill’s reach. this makes him both useful and at the same time weak.
“Ees not abaht Bill” the Urkin croaked “We jus’ fahnd ‘is coat. As long as these two serve Bill’s purpose he is happy to let
Some punter must ‘ave dun ‘im over...” them act as they will. Should either of them fail him things
Bill knew that Samuel was too canny, strong and vicious for may have to change in a swift, and probably rather bloody,
that to happen easily. “Bobbies or those damned Servants” he manner.
thought, anger rising as the voices began to whisper again. Characteristics
With a stride he was upon the Urkin. Lifting the small form from Combining great strength with plain old brutality Bill
the ground he raised him up to eye level. Psyches is one of the most fearsome Characters in Twisted.
“That was bad news” he growled “I ‘ates bad news...” He can take on even the mighty Launcelot with a good
With a flick of his wrist, a small, almost delicate movement, the chance of success and will make a fair mess of lesser
Urkin’s neck snapped. Bill dropped the limp form and the voices Characters if he can close with them, raining mighty blows
went quiet. with his cudgel leaving them Stunned and open to further
A new informant must be found. Bill couldn’t have these Servants attacks.
wandering around his patch unobserved... He is not the best shot when it comes to Ranged Attacks but
should his huge pistol hit then carnage will surely follow.
Bill is a thug, plain and simple. He is concerned with nothing Weapon Features and Special Abilities
but the accumulation of wealth and power and he cares not Stun
how he gains one or the other. He uses Bill’s great cudgel can deliver mighty blows that leave the
threats and intimidation to keep opponent staggered and shocked.
his allies in line and control
the streets above his sewer Ammunition
lair. Since “The Twisting” Bill carries a number of special rounds
that Feygin initiated he has for his huge pistol which he must
become convinced that he is load manually. The first of these are
beset by demons that guide Illingworth Incendiary shells that set
his actions. This is simply the target alight in a blaze of white
The Engine using him as a phosphorus.
pawn in its machinations. Secondly the Hodge Hammerhead
Bill is prone to violence and, as Wallbreaker rounds he carries are high
often as not, the focus of this are explosive with a hardened tip, specially
those who displease him in some designed to penetrate stone and brick.
way - even allies or otherwise Lumber
useful minions. Bill is large and heavy. His steam powered legs
What Bill wants most is to see the allow him to move with an almost unstoppable
Servants of The Engine defeated so momentum, pushing those between him and
he can control the streets above his his foe out of the way.
sewer lair unchallenged. If the Node
of The Engine is a means to this end
Bill is particularly skilled in issuing threats
he is willing to allow Nancy the time
that carry the very real possibility of a rather
she needs to master it.
painful fulfilment. Any foe he takes a dislike
Bill views Feygin as perhaps more to is wise to move away from him at the
streetwise and cautious than fastest possible speed.
Nancy. He knows the old man has
34 Na ncy N a n cy
Weapon Pro
Spd 4 Entangle: Razor Sharp
• A Critical
Str 3
• If Close C hit is scored
ombat base
roll is 15-20 an on a 19 or 20.
Fin 4 attack hits she
d the
Special Abilit
may ies
Att 4/4 choose to try
entangle Disturbing:
the foe. • Opposed
Def 4/5 • Opposed • If attacke
Life Check.
Finesse r fails all
Arm 6 If target loses Check.
the Combat attack Close
not move or a y may • Re-check s are at -2.
Alc 7 are -2 on De
ttack and each round
fence & Engine Linke
Alchemancy r d:
• When Na
Life: 19 • Nancy m olls.
ay not move
ncy draws a
Te mpt Fate ca
when a foe is rd she
Weapons en tan gled. ma y c ho ose to draw a
• Entangle second card
r d foes take
Whip Shawl: D6+3+St damage each card must be
. T he second
turn as if
The laneway was sheathed in darkness, a single guttering gas (Entangle) Nancy had hi then taken.
6 t in Close Murderous:
Throwing Knife: D6+ Combat. • Addition
lamp flickered, illuminating the cobbles in a wan and uneven Elements:
Range 2 / 4 / 6 / 9
• To get free
is a Fi
or Strength ch nesse
al D6 Damag
on a Critical
(Razor Sharp)
Fire against a diffic
Special Abilities: ulty of 14.
From the shadows emerged four small, raggedly dressed Air
Engine Linked
forms. Their guttural voices were oddly high pitched and the
movements of this band of wastrels were almost silent as they
crept through the half light. She knows the foul creatures are less than ideal and she
Behind them a metallic slithering could be discerned, emanating constantly works to improve what remains of their ragged
from the tall and elegant woman who followed them. From the intellect after they are Twisted into their new forms.
bottom of her skirts a set of brass and iron tentacles propelled This work is causing friction between her and Feygin who,
her along with a strange gliding motion, almost like she were for all his selfishness, still cares for his young charges - even
floating. in their demented new state...
Nancy and the Urkin were on the hunt tonight. There had Characteristics
been losses lately and the numbers of Urkin were falling.
Nancy is one of the more powerful Alchemancers in Twisted.
Fresh subjects must be found for the Twisting.
She has access to all four Schools but her Water and Air
The group arrived at a doorway and one of the Urkin rapped on Essences are limited and must be carefully managed.
it quietly with a wickedly bladed axe. The door opened a crack She is relatively weak in combat but her Disturbing ability
and the face of a man peered out curiously.
can make her foes less capable when fighting against her.
With a movement almost too swift to see Nancy flung a small She is best kept out of harms way or well supported but she
glass orb which shattered, enclosing the head of the man in a can hold her own for a short while in a fight and, if she is
globe of green light. Nancy moved quickly and drove her knife lucky she may be able to Entangle an opponent, effectively
into the belly of the householder, twisting it as she did. disabling them to be finished off by an ally.
The man’s face distorted in a scream but no sound penetrated Care must be taken when doing this that Nancy herself
the Alchemantic globe. The Urkin took hold and dragged the doesn’t find that she is locked into a position that leads to
man to the cobblestones, a single blow from the wicked axe her demise!
stilled the struggling man as Nancy smiled lightly.
She knew there were children in this house - and to make Urkin Weapon Features and Special Abilities
she needed children...
Nancy’s shawl is a long affair with wicked blades on each
Personality end. She took this shawl from a gypsy woman whom
Once a kind and caring woman who looked after she captured for “experimentation” and keeps it as a
Feygin’s young gang of pickpockets Nancy has memento of her work as much as a weapon.
changed almost completely due to the effects of the
Engine Node during the Twisting. Disturbing
Nancy has cold, hard eyes and none can look at her
She is now consumed with a desire to control
without fearing what might become of them should
the Node and, whether by deep study or some
she have her way. She exudes an aura of evil that
kind of transference of knowledge she has
most folk find truly unsettling.
become an Alchemancer of great power
and is, quite rightly, to be feared. Engine Linked
She is a psychopath in the purest Nancy’s research into the Node has given her
sense of the word with no thought a measure of control over the influence of
for anyone or anything other The Engine. She can sometimes guide its
than the acquisition of power decisions or meld its desires with her own.
by any means. Murderous
She is content to follow Bill’s One thing Nancy loves is causing pain.
orders for the present, using his ferocity The more the better...
and reputation to keep her safe as she
Her vile research is currently
centred on the creation of Urkin
and the perfection of the process.
33 Feyg in F eyg in
Weapon Pro
Spd 4 Arcing: Special Abilit
C’mere lads:
Str 4
• Bolts can
arc and hit
opposing mod • Once per tu
Fin 8 els within rn may
2” of initial ta attempt to cal
rget if • Difficulty 1 l Urkin
Att 5/5 damage is cau
sed. 6 Finesse
• Roll a D6 Check
Def 5/5 for each
1 The bolt imm model • 1 Urkin appear
ediately s o
Arm 6 arcs again hit edge closest to n table
ting the • 1-4 Urkin Feygin.
next nearest t
Alc 4 friend or foe
arget, Slasher
5-6 Urkin Sh
. ooter
Life: 18
2-3 The Bolt
4-6 The Bolt
doesn’t arc
• Summon
ed Urkin
Activate the t
Until that time he must appear to be a subservient member
arcs. urn after
Apply dama
ge as
they arrive.
Bow Out:
of their company and keep in their good graces.
Knife: D6+3+Str • The effect • May make
Biggin & Weller Arc
Gun: any model take
ends when
s no
move to disen
a special 1”
gage from
He knows Nancy is suspicious but Bill is far too focussed
on the acquisition of power to notice the machinations of
D8+6 (Arcing) damage. Close Comb
at without
6 / 10 / – the normal o
Range 4 /
Elements: • May not
pposed roll.
Fire Special Abilities:
Charge foe in
the same turn. the old thief.
Earth C’mere lads Guard:
Water Bow Out
• Feygin m
flanked or ou
ay not be Feygin hoped to take as many of his lads with him as he
can when he leaves but when push comes to shove it is his
own hide that he must keep in one piece and free of Nancy’s
Feygin attentions.
The chamber, lit by a single lamp, glittered with a golden glow as Characteristics
the light reflected off shelves packed with gleaming silverware, Feygin is a solid Character with good combat Characteristics
gold statuettes and fine jewellery. and a truly impressive Finesse of 8. No lock can withstand
Feygin admired his treasure trove and put his hand upon the the old man’s attentions and, for all his frailty he is nimble
Urkin that stood by his side. and swift, belying his age.
“Well done lad” he said quietly. The last venture had brought in His Armour and relatively low Life Characteristics mean
some particularly fine items with a value that would see Feygin that whilst he can hold his own in combat he should not
kept in the manner to which he had become accustomed for take on a tough opponent unsupported.
years to come. Feygin has a measure of Alchemantic talent, drawn from
perusing Nancy’s notes when she is not watching, but
Feygin knew that the Twisting he had initiated had brought
great changes on his gang of young pickpockets yet he had he cannot call the more powerful Invocations so careful
to admit they were still possessed of all the skills they had selection of these at the Company Building is important.
Weapon Features and Special Abilities
The vicious and malicious edge they now had worried him but
he still hoped that he could find a way to reverse that particular Arcing
change. Nancy’s work was focussed on creating The Biggin & Weller Arc gun was found by Feygin when
more Urkin and increasing their psychopathic he first discovered the Engine Node along with the harness
tendencies and this was of more concern to the that has the two extra arms on it that Feygin finds so useful.
old man.
Being an older, experimental design it was never produced
He turned and saw a small band of the small forms in large numbers.
gathered at his door. “Fetch me Dodger” he said one of It is hard to control and Feygin is yet to master its use
the Urkin at the back turned and jogged away. but he finds that, on occasion, it is able to disable whole
Keeping Dodger updated with his plans was important. He crowds of foes.
needed allies should Bill or Nancy turn on him and Dodger
C’Mere Lads
was as reliable as ever.
Feygin’s special relationship with the Urkin means
Once Nancy has mastered the art of creating Urkin she that when the old man is in trouble they
would be unstoppable and Feygin understood that will rush to his aid.
things would then change, perhaps for the worse...
Bow Out
One thing that Feygin has
Personality is a perfectly honed sense of self
Feygin, as ever, is an avaricious and self preservation. He is able to sense when
centred man. things are going poorly for him and with
For all his failings he still holds a a single swift step he can extricate himself
special, almost fatherly concern for from danger.
the gang of young pickpockets, now
transformed into the vile Urkin.
The strange, almost sentient,
Of most regret to Feygin are the changes harness that Feygin discovered is
Ollyver has undergone. Along with Dodger able to act even more swiftly than the old
he is determined to find a way to change man to fend off incoming blows. It seems to sense
the young lad back and then, taking his danger before he is even aware of it and, on
vast stash of ill-gotten loot, he hopes to more than one occasion, Feygin has discovered
escape the thrall of both Nancy and Bill. a stolen item on his person that the harness
has pickpocketed without his knowledge!
29 Do dg er D od ge r
Weapon Pro
Spd 7 Scope: Sniper:
• Characte
Str 4
• By using rs canno
both Actions
for the turn Do claim cover fro t
Fin 7 dg
reduce all pen er may
Characters ag other
alties due ainst
Att 4/6 to range by 2 p
Dodger’s ran
ged attacks.
Special Abilit Pic kpocket:
Def 5/5 Scout:
• Replaces
CC attack
Arm 6 • Dodger ma • Opposed
y fire his D20+Fin rol
• May stea l
Alc 0 ranged weap
on at any •
l one item.
point during a May not steal e
Move. quipment
• This atta printed on a
Life: 19 ck still counts
as an Action. Card.
Both Dodger and Feygin want to
From the Willis Emporium of Steam emerged a tall man clad restore Ollyver to his previous form and Dodger is often
in a fine velvet jacket and top hat. On his shoulder perched a
employed by the old man to palm Nancy’s notes on the
small spider like device which twitched and puffed lightly
matter to assist in Feygin’s scheming.
scented steam. Dodger knew what it was - a Peerless Purposeful
Purificator - it kept one’s coat clean and tidy in the grimy street He is careful to reward those that help him and is quite
and the scented steam it emitted shielded a sensitive nose from willing to distribute his loot to the locals if it means they
the more “fruity” scents that were common in the befouled lanes keep him appraised of the movements of both the Peelers
of London. and indeed the other members of Bill’s crew.
Of more import to the pickpocket was the fact that the Purificator
was worth a full 10 guineas and Feygin would be rather pleased Characteristics
if he brought it home. Dodger is fast - very fast. Make use of this and his Scout
He gunned the motor of his wheel and shot out into the street. Ability to keep him safe from foes. He is a much better shot
With a surety from years of experience in crowds the young lad than he is in close combat so he is best kept at a distance
wove through the throng to cries and shouts of indignation. unless he needs to be up close to lift an item and make off
with it.
All the way to his target he lifted wallets and purses and,
finally catching his mark he stretched up and, with a deft hand,
purloined the Purificator, secreting its struggling form in his
Weapon Features and Special Abilities
bag. Scope
The man turned, drawing a small pistol from within his jacket. Dodger’s Archer Long Revolver is equipped with a powerful
Dodger turned and accelerated, heading for the safety of a scope that allows him to aim carefully at a distant target
nearby alley. A shot rang out, the bullet ricocheting off a brass before squeezing the trigger.
pipe in a gout of steam. Scout
“Not a bad shot” Dodger thought. “Best make myself scarce...” Speed isn’t everything, it’s the ability to take advantage of it
that makes Dodger special. He has honed his skills and can
As he entered the alley he spied an elderly woman nearby
make snap shots at foes on the run. This has saved him on
selling flowers. She smiled lightly at Dodger, shaking her head.
more than one occasion.
Dodger smiled back and, with a flick of his wrist, he tossed a
gold sovereign her way. Wheeled
“Keep the locals on your side” was his mantra and it had paid Dodger’s wheel is taken from
off on more than one one of the local Steam
occasion. Bobbies. He has spent long
hours upgrading the engine
and it is now much more
powerful and responsive
Dodger is the consummate than previously.
pickpocket. Not quite as
skilled as his master but Sniper
possessed of much greater Countless hours at practising firing on the
level of bravado. run and pickpocketing have given Dodger
the ability to pick his mark from a crowd and
He is fiercely loyal to Feygin and
take a shot at them with unerring accuracy.
a good friend to Ollyver, sharing
a special bond with the hulking Pickpocket
brute. Nothing is safe when Dodger takes a liking to it.
He can lift a purse and be gone before the mark, or
more importantly the Peelers, can react.
38 Ol ly ve r Ol ly v e r
Weapon Pro
Spd 4 (5) Rend: Furious Charg
Str 7 (8)
• If Close C • Must be c
ombat Attack ombined with
score is 5 po a Charge
Fin 3
ints higher •
than foes Defe Ma y move triple s
nc peed
Att 5/- then an additio e score • +3 to Attack o
na n a charge
damage is cau l D6 Plough Throu
Def 4/3 sed.
• Must be c
Special Abilit ombined with
Arm 7 Berserk:
ies a Charge
• Difficulty 1
Alc 0 • Bracketed
3 Strength
check to mov
apply when O e through
llyver is in an opposing C
Life: 30 the wounded s ha
Difficulty 17 if racter.
• All usual p tate. •
enalties apply • Difficulty 1 La rge Ollyver was once a sweet and considerate young lad, one of
Weapons to remaining 5 to move
Great Fist: D10+2+S
tr • When Be
rserk attacks
through terra
• Scatter sma
in. Feygin’s favourites and ill-suited to the life of a pickpocket.
the nearest C ll terr
(Rend) haracter, foes moved D4 ain &
Special Abilities:
friend or foe.
• Will not att Grenade Tem
” using
The Twisting wrought ruinous changes on Ollyver and he
ack Dodger. • Objects or C
• May only
stop at terrain
but may
is now an unthinking, raging beast with no desires but to
interact with fall off edges.
Furious Charge
Plough Through
doors. • May not
be combined kill and maim.
with Furious C
He has some self awareness, enough not to harm those who
feed him but when he is under stress even this breaks down
and he becomes pure bloodlust and virtually no-one is safe.
Ollyver He recognises Dodger and the friendship they once shared
The chains were drawn tight - Ollyver strained against the seems to make the young pickpocket immune from Ollyver’s
combined strength of ten Urkin who held him back. attentions - even when he is enraged.
His mind was blank, awash with barely restrained violence.
Dodger idled at his side, the young pickpocket’s touch calming Characteristics
the urges to rend and kill. In close combat Ollyver is a true monster, able to take on
the toughest opponents and cause them severe wounds.
The bulk and looming presence of Bill came to Ollyver’s notice.
He registered as someone to be careful around, Olly had run up He is rather vulnerable to ranged attacks and Alchemancy
against the power of Bill previously and come off second best however and should be kept protected until needed.
and he had learned not to anger the huge thug. If he should become Wounded and Berserk whilst near
Ollyver’s thoughts, such as they were, were interrupted by the allies things may go poorly indeed...
arrival of a Steam Charabanc. Its door opened up and a man,
dressed in a heavy coat alighted. Weapon Features and Special Abilities
He moved to the cargo racks at the rear of the vehicle and Rend
unloaded a large, brass bound trunk. It fell to the cobbles with a The iron fist which sheathes Ollyver’s left arm is capable of
heavy thud as the man dragged it from the iron racking. crushing or tearing apart foes. It can even shatter stone and
“That’s what we’s after...” Ollyver heard Bill growl. “Let ‘im off” bend iron like butter.
At that the chains fell loose and Dodger moved aside. Rage Berserk
and the desire to kill overtook Ollyver and he roared, standing When Ollyver becomes hurt
upright and raising his great iron fist in a hiss of steam. he loses all sense of himself
The figure at the carriage turned, drawing a and becomes a raging killing
short but powerful looking firearm as Ollyver machine that is unable to
thundered towards him. distinguish friend from foe.
Glide: mour.
Life: 20 Timestop:
• May not
• If Eyebite run or charg
Weapons causes • Cannot fal e
damage targe l or jump. .
ereal) • May glid
Shovel: D4+Str (Eth make a Fine
t must e u p or down at
Bert and Charlie rounded the corner. It had been a good day Eyebite: D6-3 (Tim
estop) • Difficulty 1
sse Check.
0 plus
normal speed
or jump check.
. No climb
Range: 4 / – / – / – damage dealt
so far and the win at the Grey Goose in old man Scratcher’s • If Check . Insubstanti
Elements: Special Abilities:
fails target is • May mov
e through
game was a rare and rather profitable bonus. Mind you - as Earth Aura of Death
until next
• Must clea
Glide r terrain in a
ever that profit rarely saw the door as the barmaids were Air
Water Insubstantial
single move A
• No Wound ction.
remarkably skilful at making sure your drinks got both larger ed state.
• Bullseye
Loyal: moves with
Arm 6 • Only Loya
• 1D4 dam
Alc 0
l to Bill age per turn
Psyches bypassing ar
• Bullseye mour in
must move Bullseye’s Acti
Life: 14 towards Bill
Activation to
in his • Can be rem vation.
oved by The chamber smelled of rust and rot. The stone walls were
assist if suc cessful oppose
Bill is engage
d in Close Strength check d
encrusted with a layer of filth consisting of thrown food, blood
Nasty Big Pointy Tee Combat. spending 2 A
• This doe
s not occur if • May let g
and mildew. In the centre of the chamber, surrounded by small,
Bullseye is a Ex
Special Abilities: Close Comb
lready in
• May take
any hit
scrabbling figures was a vast pile of detritus - a chaotic mixture
Latch On
directed at Bi
to base with a
ll if base of steel, wood and bone - garnered from the streets above.
Expendable attacks Bill in
foe who
The swarf of London’s industry was being put to good use by the
Urkin who bickered and fought over the enormous pile of scrap.
“ ‘ere that’s my bit!” one called. His shrill voice muffled by the
Bullseye lensed mask that concealed the ruined face beneath. A short
struggle ensued as his competitor for a large broken brass cog
Bullseye is Bill Psyche’s ever faithful dog. He is always first to
hissed a curse.
Bill’s side in a fight and his steel jaws can deliver a bite that can
break bone and shear through armour. The contest was abruptly ended as a larger Urkin stepped in
and, with sudden brutality, laid out both competitors with a
Personality heavy length of pipe. “It’s mine now...” he growled and, taking
Bullseye, once a simple dog, has been transformed by the the cog, he stalked off to slump in a corner and begin sharpening
Twisting into a ferocious beast the size of a wild boar. When the shattered edges of the soon to be blade.
not engaged in a fight of one sort or another he spends his Giggles and laughter filled the room at the sight of the
time sleeping by Bill’s chair, occasionally letting a visitor violence and the two fallen Urkin were quickly stripped of their
know when they have strayed too close. possessions by their comrades. There was no allowance for
weakness amongst the Urkin.
At the head of a flight of steps that lead from the room a door
Bullseye is a capable fighter in Close Combat but he is best opened and Feygin stepped in. Even a nose as accustomed to
when combined with Bill where the pair of them become the fruitier stenches in London as the old man’s wrinkled at the
dangerous indeed. very particular miasma that enshrouded the Urkin’s chamber.
Bullseye won’t survive long unsupported but his ability to
He surveyed the room from his elevated position. He counted
bite and stay attached to a foe is really able to make a mess twenty of the small forms scattered around the chamber. He
of any tactics your opponent might have planned. once knew all them by name but over the last few weeks many
had been lost whilst on jobs for Bill and, as they rarely removed
Weapon Features and Special Abilities the masks they wore now, he was no longer quite sure who was
This ability does somewhat limit Bullseye’s It saddened him more than he wished to think about for too long.
tactical use but it does ensure that He once sent these boys and girls out to thieve for him but he
his master is protected. always cared for them. More than that Nancy had always cared
for them too.
Latch On
She cared no longer. All she wanted now was control of the Node
Bullseye’s strong bite can make and her experiments on the young wastrels were producing ever
the life of an opponent just a more dangerous and psychopathic Urkin.
little harder by limiting their
movement and causing In a corner of the chamber an Urkin tinkered with what appeared
ongoing damage as his to be a kind of firearm, cobbled together from scrap and parts
garnered from the huge pile in the centre of the room.
teeth tear at exposed
flesh. Even the strongest She raised it to her shoulder and lining up the sights on a small
foe will be hampered form scrambling over the rubbish she pulled the trigger. There
by having the fierce dog was a fizz and a puff of smoke as the weapon misfired. The Urkin
attached to an errant limb - opened the breech and peered in just as the shell exploded.
at least briefly. When the smoke cleared the wall was splattered with a fresh
Expendable layer of blood and the laughter of the unfortunate girl’s
companions filled the room.
As a loyal dog Bullseye is
able to take blows directed Feygin sighed and closed the door as the Urkin ran to
at his master, leaping the fallen form, fighting and arguing over the spoils.
into the fray to keep his He would find a way to undo Nancy’s work but in
master safe from harm. the meantime there was work to do for Bill...
14 Ur k in Shoo t er U r k in Sho o t e
Weapon Pro
Spd 4 Ramshackle: Reinforce:
• When an
Str 3 • If opponen
ts rolls a 1 on Urkin is
Defence then d and at least on killed
Fin 3 doubled (roll t
amage is on the table r
e remains
wic e). oll a D6.
Att 2/4 • If a 1 is ro
lled whe 1-3 No R
attacking the w n ts
Def 3/3 eapon 4-5 1 Urkin
backfires causi 6 2 Urkin
ng double
Arm 5 damage to th
e Urkin. • For each Ur
kin that
Alc 0 Special Abilit
ies arrives roll a
Lurk: further D6
1-4 Urki
The Urkin are the young street thieves that formed Feygin’s Life: 10 • Single Ac
tion. M
hide and cann ay
n S lashe
5-6 Urkin Sho r
targeted with not be • They appear at a tab
gang of pickpockets that have been altered, twisted if you Weapons
2+Str attack more th
a ranged edge nearest t le
Pointy Things: D6+ an 3 o a
will, by the raw power of The Engine. Dodgy Gun: D8+5
inches away.
• Must be w
surviving Ur
act normally
kin and may
the t
(Ramshackle) terrain elem
ithin 1” of any
AFTER they a urn
When Feygin triggered the Node the changes it wrought Range: 4 / 7 / 9 / – ent. Insignifican
• 2 Urkin a
Special Abilities
were strongest amongst the youngest in the chamber at the Lurk
re required to
hold or take o
• May affect bjectives.
When one Urkin falls there is an unending stream of his 30 Bloodr age Ur ki n B l o o d r ag e U r k
or her comrades lurking nearby. Sometimes they find in
discretion is the better part of valour and they remain Spd 5
Weapon Pro
hidden but as often as not they emerge from the shadows Str 7 • 6 or more
• Target ma
final damag
• Damage ca
used i
reduced by D4 s
Fin 3
kes Finesse points for
or drains to both seek revenge and loot the fallen. Att 6/–
check v 5 + final
• If Check Da
fails target
ma ge. •
each attack.
This can redu
ce damage
stunned. to 0.
Def 5/3
Insignificant Arm 7
Special Abilit
• An addit
ional D4
Alc 0 (4)
damage is cau
Whilst the Urkin are useful to Bill they are essentially
• At the star
t of his sed on a
activation roll Close Comb
a D at Charge
the result is hi 20. If attack.
expendable and he will not pay much regard to their loss. Life: 17 the Bloodrage
gher than • Fo
’s current
e m ust make a
Feygin feels the losses more but still regards them as a Life then he t Finesse check
Weapons ransforms at
difficulty of 5 p a
r back into the
Bladed Club: D8+2+St Urkin lus final
useful tool even if he is more protective of their interests. Alchemancer. damage dealt
or be
(Stun) • He may ma knocked pron
ke a d e.
14 Alchemanc ifficulty • Large Characters
Special Abilities:
The opponents of the Dickensians have come to learn that Unstable
turn back wi
• The brac
y check to
+4 bonus on t
get a
he above
killing Urkin achieves little and they also pay little regard to Tough keted
Thundering Charge
the falling of one of the small forms. to this check.
the foe. rc of a foe
Def 4/4
deal an extra 2
• Opposed damage.
Finesse Check Lurk:
Arm 6 If target loses
• Single Ac
not move or a y may tion. Cannot
Alc 0 ttack and not be targete
The oldest of the Urkin, Ratcatcha is both cunning and are -2 on De
Alchemancy r
fence &
d w
ranged attack ith a
3 inches away. re than
Life: 17 • Ratcatcha m olls.
deadly. when a foe is
ay not move • Must be within
1” of any
Weapons • To get free entangled.
terrain elem
As one of the Tall Boys in Bill’s gang he spends much of Mancatcha: D8+3+St
or Strength ch
is a Finesse Swift Step:
eck • Single Ac
(Entangle) against a diffic tion. M
any free area ove to
his time hunting the sewers for interesting items washed Sewer Gun: D8+6
ulty of 14.
in Close Comb
around foe
Range: 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 at.
down from above and gathering food. He sports a long Special Abilities:
• May not
move through
other Characte
pair of stilt like legs that are relatively common in those Backstab
• May mov
e around
the base of an
y o
opponents in f the
who wander the sewers. Foul things dwell in the foetid Swift Step
base contact w
base to
ith him.
waters and if one can keep one’s feet out of the dark
depths then both disease and predation can be Ratcatcha is an Urkin
avoided. best suited to a support role in your
When not employed in gathering rats for the Companies of Dickensians.
Urkin cooking pots he is to be found lurking in His Characteristics are better than
the alleys above marking targets for the most Urkin but he is still vulnerable to the
other Urkin to mug and rob. attentions of a skilled foe. He can hamper even
Ratcatcha is both smart and wily, the best fighter with his Entangle ability but it is
Feygin often making use of him in his his Backstab and Swift Step abilities that make
own machinations when Dodger is not him most useful in a fight.
available. He serves as a scout and is Backstab ensures even rather heavily protected
well known for his ability to seemingly opponents will take damage from his attacks
smell the presence of both the human and Swift Step allows him to make best use
Peelers and Gentlefolk Bobbies in the of this ability in Melee situations.
streets above Bill’s lair.
His ability to Lurk helps keep him safe and
He is known to be a skilled street fighter and his Sewer Gun is a reasonable weapon for ranged
can be relied upon to take down foes with skill, attacks, especially compared to his Urkin
especially those that are being kept occupied Shooter comrades.
by the ferocious and less precise attacks of
the other Urkin.
23 Sh r ik e Sh r ik e
Shrike Spd 5
Weapon Pro
22 Rozz er R oz z e r 25 Dawg & Fl ea Dawg & F l e a
Weapon Pro
perties Weapon Pro
Spd 4 Wallop: Special Abilit
ies Spd 4 Slingshot Bo
Special Abilit
mb ies
Str 3
• May exch 4
ange actual Aim: Str • Choose typ s: Furious Charg
harm for a ch e of B e
Fin 4 ance to • +2 on Rang
ed Attacks if Fin 3 before rolling omb • Must be c
stun the targe no movemen • Count as G the attack. bined with
Att 3/4 • If a hit is sc t. t prior. a Charge
ored • One shot p
er turn. Att 5/4 Attacks.
• May mov
target must m e triple speed
Def 3/4
immediate Str
ake an Def 4/4 • Boomer:
D10+4 • +3 to Attac
k on a charg
ength or • Cannot be 2” Blast Tem e
Arm 5 Arm 6
flank Opportunit
Finesse check bonus for atta ed. No plate y Fir
overall damag the cking from • Fog Bom
b: • May fire in e:
Alc 0 before Armou
e done the rear. Alc 0 4” Blast Tem
plate without expen
any direction
r is taken Inconspicuous: Smoke din
into account o • May not Move Action t g a
• Sticky Bo
Life: 15 Stunned.
r be be targe Life: 17 mb:
o turn.
with a ranged ted 2” Blast Tem Sn ap Shot:
attack plate • May make
Weapons unless oppon
ent wins an Weapons Models hit a ranged
r opposed Fine r
re -2 t
Speed, Attack o attacks whilst i
Truncheon: D6+3+St sse Check. Iron Paws: D8+2+St an n Close
• 1 Action fo
r a +4 bonus Defence Chara d Combat.
(Wallop) to this check Slingshot Bombs: cteristics • -2 Pen
6 until next until the next alty on the sh
Police Revolver: D8+ 13 ot.
Activation. Range: 4 / 7 / 10 / Maintenance • May not
fire at a
Range: 6 / 8 / 10 / • If engaged • Pudding Phase. Character in
in Close Special Abilities: Bomb: D4+1 base to
Special Abilities: Combat or att 2” Blast Tem base contact.
be targeted as s may Furious Charge plate
Aim Burning dama
• Ability rese normal. Opportunity Fire ge
Awareness ts if he can Snap Shot
bypasses Arm
Inconspicuous get out of lin
e of sight of
all opponents
The Servants of The Engine Characters
The square was dark. The gas lamps that should have illuminated With a small motion of her hand Hansel, her small simian
it were not working and this made Nouveau suspicious. companion darted away into the darkness and she stepped
carefully out into the square, keeping low.
The Engine whispered to him. He knew it perceived the situation
through the series of lenses he wore and it instructed him to She had gone no more than ten paces when a shot rang out, the
clear the area of Dickensian influence. characteristic vaguely controlled explosion that heralded the
fire of an Urkin Shooter. The shell hit the cobblestones near her
Gretel moved up quietly beside him and spoke.
feet and ricocheted away into a nearby barrel.
“What now?” she asked in a manner that lead the servant of The
With a curse she ran for the cover of the damaged barrel,
Engine to shoot her a look of irritation. For all her skills Gretel
crouching and trying to spot her assailant.
was far too independent for Nouveau’s liking and, whilst she
had not failed him yet he kept a very close eye on her indeed. Nouveau stepped out of the alleyway and with a swift motion
brought up his long pistol. Two shots rang out in rapid
He surveyed the square briefly and, with a slight tilt of his head,
succession and from a nearby roof fell two Urkin, their crude
as though listening to voices only he could discern, he spoke.
weapons clattering on the stonework.
“See that doorway Gretel” he said in a voice level and almost
“My thanks for revealing the quarry Gretel” he said as the smoke
emotionless, indicating a large structure on the far side of the
cleared. “Don’t worry about that door...”
open plaza. “I am told the building contains information of
import to the task at hand - go and see if your skills are greater Gretel rose with a curse on her lips as Nouveau walked towards
than that of the locksmith who designed it.” the fallen foes. He shot her a sharp glance as he passed and the
curse was curtailed.
Gretel could see the great brass door was of the Stahlwerke
Reichenbach #75 type and she knew it would be a challenge. If
there was one thing Gretel enjoyed it was proving to Nouveau
that she was more capable than he thought. This great portal,
for all its complexity, would not defy her deft touch - or perhaps
that of Hansel if required.
45 Nou ve au Nou v e au
Weapon Pro
Dual Fire: Supernatur
Spd 5 • Fire two sh
al Sp
• May re-roll eed:
Str 5
ots in rapid
succession Rolls against R ce
Fin 5
• -4 to Ran Attacks.
ged Attack.
• Resolve bo Swift Step:
Att 6/5 one Attack Ro
th Attacks as
• May chang
ll e posi
Def 6/5 • Roll Dam
age t in Close Comb tion
• Weapon is wice. Action, mov
at as an
Arm 7 ‘Slow’ when du
treated as
free area arou
ing to any
al firing. nd the
Alc 4 Special Abilit
Servant of Th • May not
e Engine: move thr
Life: 20 other Characte ough
Blood spread on the cobbles in a thick red slick as the last • When Te
mpting F
draw two cards ate • May mov
e a
Weapons and
Urkin fell. Nouveau Pulled his sabre free and turned, wiping choose which
• When No to ap ply
the base of an
opponents in
y of the
Sabre: D8+3+Str uveau is in a base to
the blade on a fine silk handkerchief. “Controller” Riot
Pistol: group that ho
of the Engin
lds Favour
base contact w
ith him.
D8+6 (Dual Fire) draw a third Ey
e he may
Range: 5 / 7 / 10 /
Nearby Bill Psyches swung his huge iron shod cudgel, the head Elements: Engine Card
e of the
Special Abilities:
• This card
of a Gentlefolk Gamekeeper crumpling like gold leaf under the Fire
Earth Servant of The Eng
ine be taken.
, if drawn, must
Supernatural Speed
blow. The brass automaton folded up and fell to the street with Air
Swift Step
a clatter as Bill spied Nouveau, free of combat and with his
back to him.
He is not beyond sacrificing allies if it means the objectives
He grinned and drew his revolver from its holster, the great of The Engine are advanced and it is this somewhat cavalier
greasy muzzle coming to bear on the form of the leader of The attitude to their safety that rankles some of the other, more
Servants of The Engine. independent Servants of The Engine.
“Look aht ya poncy git” Bill growled to himself “ this is gunna Nouveau knows that some of the others under his command
hurt”. With that he pulled the trigger and in a cloud of smoke are less than obedient and is careful to ensure that, in so far
and shell shot away towards its target. as possible, his goals align with theirs to ensure that they
A single whispered word sounded in Nouveau’s head and he carry out the will of The Engine.
instantly knew a threat was afoot. He twisted, ducking slightly,
as the great projectile roared by, missing him by a mere inch and Characteristics
blasting a great hole in the door of an unfortunate resident’s Nouveau’s characteristics are almost all above average. This
abode. makes him a capable fighter in nearly all circumstances and
He spun to face Bill as the great gun fired again. The shell well able to take care of lesser foes and even challenge the
cleared the barrel of the pistol and spun towards Nouveau. He greatest fighters the Dickensians can muster with some
could see every detail of the great lead shot, the marks from the support.
rifling, the flying specks of cordite and the gout of roiling smoke. He is a capable Alchemancer and can, with careful selection
With almost idle interest he watched as the projectile flew of Invocations play a valuable support role or deal some
towards him, heading directly for his chest. At the last moment reasonably serious harm to his foes.
he turned the slightest amount and regarded the shell as it flew Nouveau has no real weaknesses but he should not be
past. left unsupported if particularly dangerous opponents
Bill, his face a mask of confusion, looked down at his gun are close.
and then back at Nouveau. “That’s bloody ridiculous!”
he snarled and, hefting his cudgel he charged, his iron Weapon Features
hooves striking sparks from the stone. and Special Abilities
Nouveau raised his pistol and fired, the shot taking Dual Fire
Bill in the shoulder. The impact slowed the great The Controller Riot Pistol Nouveau carries is
rogue not one whit and, as the lumbering
capable of firing rapidly for a devastating, if
figure loomed large he raised his sabre in
somewhat inaccurate fusillade.
a salute and prepared to fight.
Servant of The Engine
Personality The special link with The Engine
Nouveau is nominally the Nouveau has means that The
leader of The Servants of Engine will tend to favour him
The Engine. more often than not.
He has a direct connection to The Supernatural Speed
Engine through a series of lenses and The eyes of The Engine that Nouveau
sensors around his body and it is wears allow him to see incoming attacks
through these that The Engine and avoid them with an unearthly grace.
perceives the skirmishes its Swift Step
Servants engage in. The Engine also aids Nouveau in melee
Nouveau is cold and almost and the same predictive ability that
emotionless, he obeys the instructions makes him difficult to shoot allows him
The Engine gives him with complete to easily position himself to best effect in
certainty that they are correct in the chaos of close combat.
every way.
33 M'Dusa M'Dusa
Weapon Pro
Spd 5 (7) Seeker Snak Alchemantic
es: Proxy:
Str 3 (2) • Action to r
elease Seeke
• Invocatio
ns can be
• Speed 4, r. directed throu
Fin 5 (5) • May not
Defence 3
attack, flank or
Att 4/5 (4/0) outnumber. • Range: 1
Venom: • Range is ca
Def 4/5 (5/6) • Difficulty 1
Seeker’s posit ed from
5 Str c ion.
Arm 6 (5) avoid poisonin heck to Cowl Form:
• Foe’s Str & g.
Alc 7 (7) Fin are • Use bracket
ed statistics
reduced by 2 p when in the w
oints ounded
each for 1 tu state. Represen
Life: 19 • May not rn.
“He must be allowed his freedom” M’Dusa stated calmly. “The be poisoned
again whilst •
Form M’Dusa.
If M
ts Cowl
affected. ’Dusa is in b
thrall under which he is held is causing unwarranted harm to (Venom)
Special Abilit
base with an o
ase to
Seekers: D6+3+Str Awareness: taken Out of
innocents and that is attracting attention.” The Serpent: D8+5 • Cannot be
she regains 10
Life and
Range: 5 / 7 / 9 / 12 bonus for atta ed. No returns to he
r normal
M’Dusa from ng statistics.
Nouveau turned and regarded Launcelot who stood nearby, Elements: Special Abilities:
Dead Eye:
the rear. • Ma y not be heale
Wounded unle d whilst
cradling The Lance in the crook of his arm. Fire
Dead Eye
• Only -2 p
enalty t
hitting an ally o avoid
Eye of The En via an
Alchemantic Prox when gine card.
Air firing into clo
Cowl Form se combat.
“It is The Engine’s will he serves” he said, returning his gaze to Water
stance of Blee De termined:
Arm 9 applies at a t
d • If Launcelo
t takes an
Alc 0
opponent Ou
• Nominate t of Action
a target point immediately m
Distance to t . ake
a single free
Launcelot ran. He could hear the sounds of the fight and he Life: 25 the range.
hat point is
against anothe
• Shot pene r foe in
base to base
knew that Ollyver was involved - the roars and shouts that ed)
trates th
every model in rough Challenge
Sword: D8+3+Str (Ble • A separa its path.
• Range 6”
filled the air were most definitely in the rough voice of the The Lance: D10+5
te attack must
be rolled for
each target • Opposed Str Check
, Slow ) minus the ran
huge fiend.
• Foe MUS
22 ge penalty T move t
Range: 6 / 9 / 12 / for the final p attack Launcel o
• Shot ends oint. Close Comb
ot in
if any target is
Special Abilities: at.
The List whirred at his hip, producing a name. A mist By The Engine’s Wil
hit but takes
no damage. • Launcelot must only
attack that tar
Determined get.
descended over his consciousness and the knight knew that Challenge
• May only
fire once a turn • Ends in Maintenance
. Phase
killing Ollyver was now his only concern.
Rounding a large warehouse and entering a wide alley Personality
Launcelot could see Ollyver holding a portly man up against
Launcelot is first and foremost a knight. He has a strong
the wall by the throat. Nearby stood, or perhaps more correctly,
idled Dodger, his face locked in a grimace at what was to come.
sense of honour and justice and will brook no threat to his
“Yer didn’t pay yer bill” the young rogue said quietly “Now it’s
The Engine called Launcelot for his skills in combat and
time to pay up proper like - I’m sorry - Bill’s orders like”
it is through a device attached to the knight’s hip that it
Ollyver raised his great iron fist as Launcelot cried out. The communicates its desires. Once a name appears on The List
hulking form turned, dropping the flailing man to the street. Launcelot will work towards the unfortunate soul’s demise
Drawing his sword Launcelot charged, his boots splashing to the exclusion of all else. Even innocent bystanders are
through the film of effluent that coated the cobblestones. Ollyver expendable if, in some way, they intrude upon his efforts.
raised himself up and roared, an unearthly sound that had both This callous disregard for the lives of others is something
hints of monster and child within. that runs counter to every instinct Launcelot possesses and
In an instant the knight was upon his foe, his sword slashing each time The List takes control of him it drives the knight
through the air to strike home in a spray of gore. He ducked as into great pangs of guilt. He knows The Engine must be
the huge fist swung towards him, shattering stone and showering protected from the likes of Bill Psyches yet he wishes most
the street in debris. fervently that he could be free to do things his way.
He stabbed again, the blade biting deeply. Throwing his weight
behind the weapon Launcelot forced Ollyver to his knees. With
a groan the huge form sagged slightly, blood tricking from his Launcelot is one of the finest fighters in Twisted. He is
mouth. strong and has excellent attack Characteristics.
Launcelot prepared to drive the blade home as he was His Armour of 9 means that only the most powerful attacks
cannoned into by a rapidly accelerating Dodger. He fell have much chance of seriously hurting him. As the
sideways, his grip slipping from the hilt of his weapon. spearhead of any attack Launcelot can
be relied upon to take out almost any
“Run Olly!” he heard the lad cry. “This ‘aint worth it!” With opposing Character.
a grunt of assent the monstrous figure turned fled
accompanied by the roar of Dodger’s
engine. Weapon Features
and Special Abilities
Launcelot regained his feet
and picked up his fallen Bleed & Penetrating
blade. Launcelot’s wickedly sharp blade can
In a pace or two he
leave great slashes that bleed freely
was upon the fallen owner of the whilst his long rife, The Lance, fires great
warehouse. Taking a firm grip on rocket propelled shells that can rip through
the fine linen shirt of the man Launcelot pushed him multiple foes with ease.
against the wall, his blade pressed against the man’s By The Engine’s Will
ample belly. When The List gives a target to Launcelot
“I assume you know much of Bill Psyches” he hissed “tell that foe is doomed.
me now or I shall gut you like a fish...”
Inside the elegant steel helm Launcelot’s eyes widened. Immensely skilled in battle Launcelot is
The words were not his own yet his lips spoke them. able to make full use of the ebb and flow of
He had no desire to harm this unfortunate man yet combat to strike as foes quail.
he felt compelled to do so. With a great effort of will
he released his grip and the man sagged. Challenge
By sheer force of personality Launcelot can call
“Flee...” Launcelot growled. out his foes and make them present for combat.
31 N ig ht inga le N ig h t inga l e
Weapon Pro
Spd 5 Precision: Lamplight:
• May attemp
Str 3
• If Attack
is 5 points or t to dazzle
more higher th foe. Range 9”
Fin 5 Defence sco
an the • Opposed
Finesse Check
re then 3
Att 4/5 extra damage If target loses .
is caused. the
not make rang y may
Def 4/5 Special Abilit
ies ed attacks
until next tur
Elementalis n.
Arm 6 • May exch
t: • Passive: C
ange an within 1” to ign
Alc 6 element for an y effects that blo
y ck
other in order
to sight or preven line of
Cries and the sounds of battle filled the street. Down below Life: 18 generate Alch
emantic attacks.
t ranged
Invocations • Does not in
that heal. clude
Nightingale could see the fight in all its chaos. Launcelot was 3+Str
• May spend
2 Water Esse
an extra physical barrie
Surgical Knife: D6+ nces to Flit:
engaged with Bill Psyches and Nouveau stood toe to toe with (Precision)
maximise an
y Healing • Tw ice per game
Ladies Pistol: D8+
Feygin, the old man somehow avoiding the skilled attacks of the Range: 5 / 7 / 9 / 15
• As a sing
le action
make a double may
Elements: speed
leader of The Servants of The Engine. Earth Special Abilities:
move over int
objects or Cha ening
Air Elementalist • Measure rac ters.
Urkin lay all about, some dead, some grievously wounded. Tesla Water Lamplight
vertical dista
move includ
• Must lan
was engaged in trying to fix the motivator of a Gentlefolk Miner, d between Fl
Arm 7 7 Special Abilit Overload!
ies • All Chara
Curious Tin
Alc 0 kerer: cters within 2”
of Te sla take
• May re-roll D4 damage
Weapons checks when i sse bypassing ar
mour when
“Ach” muttered Tesla, his hand deep inside the steel skin Life: 19 r with items.
nteracting Te sla Activate
Plasma Staff: D8+3+St • If not deact s.
er, Slow) • +4 to Finess
Ranged: D10+3 (Tas ivated
of the Gentlefolk Blacksmith. “Ze secondary motivator has Range: 4 / 7 / 9 / 11 repair Gentl
• +2 to life re
e Check to
2 turns suit ex in
D10+10 dam
blown, zis machine will not walk properly again soon” nades: stored. age to Tesla
Experimental Gre Interference: (Splash D10+
D8+6 (2” Template) • Opposed
(Pigeons) • Deactiva
tion requires
4 / 6 / 8 / – Finesse
Range: in Close Comb Check a model to m
The loud report of Launcelot’s great rifle broke his Special Abilities: are at -2 to the
at foes
ir Attack
behind Tesla a
ove up
nd spend
an Action.
concentration and he looked up towards where the sound Curious Tinkerer
or Defence if t
he check • Suit may
not be
overcharged o
came from. There was a haze that could either be fire or some Overcharge Edison
• Check ea
ch round. overloaded.
nce it has
form of Alchemancy obscuring much of the laneway ahead.
By his side stood the elegant form of a Gentlefolk housemaid Personality
although this particular unit was clad in a thick leather coat
Tesla was the first of its servants The Engine called forth.
over a badly scorched uniform. Interestingly for a housemaid
she also sported a pair of long, well made pistols.
It recognised his intellect and talent and it planned to
use his abilities to create ever more complex and efficient
Tesla had heard of these so called “free Gentlefolk” but had Gentlefolk so that it could later harness them as an army of
never had the chance to inspect one closely. The idea that one of sorts should it see the need.
his creations could become free of the automatic programming
He is a brilliant and curious man with a very particular
fascinated him and, when time allowed, he would most certainly
enjoy both inspecting and talking to this unit.
talent for designing wonderful mechanical and clockwork
creations. He is not fond of combat but is willing to weigh in
For the meantime though there was a skirmish afoot and he and do his bit when required.
needed to try and get this Blacksmith, damaged by a shell from
Recognising this possibility he designed a special armoured
Bill Psyches’ great pistol, back into the fight in some fashion.
suit he nicknamed “Edison” that both protects him and
He again bent his concentration to the damaged automaton, enhances his strength. It is, however, a work in progress
reaching into one of the small hatches on Edison, his powered and it is wont to malfunction from time to time when under
suit, he draw forth a small device. stress.
The tool was short yet had many intricately manufactured Telsa has genuine affection for most of the other Servants
tendril like arms. He took a moment to wind a cog at its base of The Engine, particularly Gretel with whom he shares an
and, as the tendrils sprung to life, he placed it swiftly into the interest in devices and mechanisms.
open panel on the Blacksmith’s back. He is happy to work in the service of The Engine and hopes,
As the device disappeared into the darkness a panel, covered one day, to be able to inspect its workings more closely.
in brass buttons and dials, arose from one of his armoured
sleeves. Tesla’s fingers worked the panel and deep within Characteristics
the damaged Gentlefolk unit clicking and
Tesla is a moderately good fighter in his own
whirring could be heard as the device did
its work.
right and quite a close combat monster when he
chooses to Overcharge Edison. He is most useful
With a sudden jolt the Blacksmith when taken in a Company containing Gentlefolk
straightened up and its eyes lit up with as he can keep them fighting much longer than
the characteristic aqua glow common to otherwise would be the case.
most of his kind.
Tesla closed the hatch as the blacksmith Weapon Features
took a faltering step. Within moments the and Special Abilities
great construct was walking, albeit stiffly,
towards the battle ahead. Tesla knew it was Taser
still malfunctioning and that it may not survive Tesla’s Plasma Staff serves as both his Close Combat
but even a damaged #42 model Blacksmith and Ranged weapon. It can unleash bolts of energy
was not to be taken lightly in a fight. that cripple foes briefly.
Tesla smiled and gently stroked the intricate Overcharge Edison/Overload
brass pigeon on his shoulder. “Time for me to When the suit is Overcharged Tesla becomes
join ze fight old girl” he said quietly. With that stronger and faster. Beware though should a circuit
he flipped open a brass cover and depressed a fail!
small red button.
Edison whined as Tesla felt strength flow through Tesla has a special fondness for his flock of
him. He hoped the modifications to Edison would mechanical pigeons. He nearly always keeps one
hold but “What is experimentation without
with him and he has them programmed to be as
testing ones theories” he thought as he charged
annoying as possible to his opponents.
towards the melee ahead.
31 Gr et el & Ha nsel Gr et e l & H a ns
Weapon Pro
Spd 6 Thrust: Witch Hunte
• +2 on all at
Str 4 • Action to u
se. tacks against
• No attack r Characters wit
Fin 7
oll required. h
• Opposed Alchemantic a
Fine bilities
Att 5/5 • If Gretel w sse Check. • In addition
ins foe is an
moved D4 in Alchemancer
Def 5/6 • Characte
ches away. los
essences equa es
Linked Finesse
footed but seemed a bumbling fool compared to the monkey. Witch Hunter
adjacent to ob
Her right arm was sheathed in a long gauntlet made of brass Wands
Humans are still employed in many areas that Gentlefolk The Engine, knowing it has been discovered, has called
work but there are entire companies of miners and whole its Servants but the control of these heroes has put a
regiments of troops made up of the steam powered great burden on its resources. This would normally not
automatons. be a problem but the rise, worldwide, of groups seeking to
The first generation of Gentlefolk were little more than uncover and control the Nodes has meant The Engine now
preprogrammed machines, suited only to a dozen or so needs an army to defend itself. A few champions, no matter
relatively simple tasks. The newer models are fully capable how powerful, just won’t keep the never ending tide of those
of learning and to some extent reasoning, better able to who seek its secrets at bay.
respond to their masters wishes and more able to operate The Gentlefolk, developed under Tesla, proved to be just
independently. what The Engine desired. A band of fearless and tough
This increase in independence has lead to some interesting servants who will unquestioningly do its bidding.
and unexpected quandaries. In some cases the Gentlefolk Controlling the Gentlefolk is much less of a drain than
have developed enough independence to actually leave calling and keeping a human champion in line.
their employment and strike out on their own. The Gentlefolk, however, cannot be healed by normal
This is rare but not so uncommon that in some areas of means, even most Alchemantic Invocations won’t heal
London you’ll see the elaborate steel constructs selling them. Tesla, however, has developed a special affinity for
flowers on street corners or working as labourers. There his creations and can repair even the most badly damaged
are even instances of Gentlefolk becoming highwaymen or ones quite quickly.
robbers to make their living. Where ever a challenger appears to be closing on a Node
These “free” Gentlefolk are arrested and reprogrammed The Engine will take control of a number of the automata
when they can be caught but the strength and speed of nearby and bring a Champion or two to defend itself.
even the cheapest models makes this a difficult task for the This is The Engine’s new plan. It must defend itself and
Peelers. these Gentlefolk are an integral part of its strategy.
Most Gentlefolk are adorned with items of normal clothing Combined with its Champions it now has a force worthy of
that make their owners feel more at ease with them. This is calling itself The Servants of The Engine.
usually a simple hat, scarf or other clothing associated with
their trade, sometimes the livery of a butler or other servant. Characteristics
The “Free” gentlefolk tend to wear more human clothing Mechanical
to help conceal their true nature but remain fiercely proud
of their steel heritage and will always allow some of their All Gentlefolk are mechanised automatons that have
mechanical bodies to show. varying measures of self determination.
In the years since they were first developed the Gentlefolk Some are quite independent and able to make complex
are now a common sight throughout England and Europe. decisions whilst others are programmed to do repetitive
They work in all manner of tasks and their presence in simple tasks with unyielding effort.
almost any situation raises barely an What is common to all Gentlefolk is their Mechanical
eyebrow these days. nature. They are beings of brass and steel, driven by steam,
Since the discovery of the electricity, cogs and engines. When damaged they must be
Engine nodes there has been repaired manually and they will not heal on their own and
a great rise in the number of even the most powerful Invocations of Alchemantic healing
Gentlefolk “going rogue” as will achieve nothing when applied to them.
the Engine’s plan comes Their mechanisms, for all their complexity, are designed to
to fruition and it takes be rugged and relatively simple to maintain. Anyone with a
control of ever increasing modicum of technical skill can perform simple repairs and
numbers of them. resets to get a Gentlefolk which has been damaged back
into an operable state to some extent.
Massive damage can lead to them being rendered useless
until they can be taken for major repairs but even a
dismembered unit can eventually be restored to working
order given sufficient time and money.
There are circumstances where the body of a Gentlefolk is
shattered beyond repair but even in that case the central
Gentlefolk Gamekeepers are processing core can be transplanted into a new body
bespoke models built to
the specifications of their
keeping the training or “personality” of the original unit
purchasers. Each one is intact.
different in some way.
26 Bl acksm it h Bl acksm it h
Weapon Pro
Spd 3 Burning: Smoke:
• The Blac
Str 5 • Damage by
passes ksmith can
armour. emit smoke
Fin 2
as an action.
• Place the
Special Abilit 2” template
Att 4/3 Mechanical:
ies over the mod
• Blocks lin
Def 3/3 • May not e of sight
• Smoke is
be healed by static and
Arm 10
Invocations. clears in the n
• Finesse c
heck vs 7 plus maintenance
Alc 0 current lost li phase.
fe to heal Shatter:
D4+2 damage
. • 2 Actions to
Life: 17
The Stahlwerke Reichenbach #42 Knockback:
• Any Clos
Shatter an ob
• +6 to Finess
attempt to
Weapons e Combat
model is a large and very rugged Steam Hammer: D8+
Attack that ca
or more final d s 6
Check open
e or Strength
any door,
barrel or crat
unit. It is commonly used in heavy Hot Coals: D4 (Bur
knocks the fo
e back D4”. • If object
has wou
Range: (1x) 4 / 6 /
• Direction m or an Armour nds
industry where great heat is ust be
within 180° lin
e of sight.
halves its Arm re he
Special Abilities: • D4 dama our and
involved. Mechanical
ge bypa
armour if terra ssing
in is hit
adds 3 to any
Knockback and the targe
t is also
It has a specially hardened
chassis that resists all but
the most devastating blows
The Blacksmith can also tamp the burners in his belly
and it also sports some of the
most powerful servo motors
to emit great plumes of smoke and steam that obscure vision
available giving it great and can provide a useful element of cover for his allies.
strength. His powerful blows can Shatter doors or other items and
his Knockback ability can send a foe flying (hopefully into
The #42 can be manufactured
something rather hard and a bit pointy).
with a number of specialised
attachments or, as the case All in all the Blacksmith can form a solid and reliable front
with the Blacksmith, two line for you to build your plans around, safe in the knowledge
hands to add to its utility. that it will take some effort on the part of your opponent to
The Gentlefolk Blacksmith is a bulwark for The Servants dislodge him.
of The Engine. He is rather slow but incredibly difficult to
damage seriously.
His Close Combat attack is good and he can deal out rather
28 High way wom a n H ig h way wom a
a lot of damage under the right circumstances. In terms of n
a Ranged Attack he can fling hot coals from his burner for Weapon Pro
5 Dual Fire: Stand and De
a short ranged yet effective attack. The Burning property Spd
Str 3 • Fire two sh
ots in rapid
• May take
a single sho
these coals have means that even the toughest opponent Fin 4
• -4 to Ran
ged Attack.
at -2 to Range
at any foe wh
d Attack
o atta
Att 4/4 in Close Comb cks
will be singed by their touch.
• Resolve bo
th Attacks as at
one Attack Ro within her line from
Def 4/4 • Roll Dam ll • May not of sight.
age t be combined
Arm 6 • Weapon is wice. with Dual Fire
treate .
‘Slow’ when du d as
Alc 0 al firing. Shifty:
Special Abilit • If the High
ies waywoman
Mechanical: is engaged in
There are many models of Life: 17 • May not a C
Combat Melee lose
Weapons be healed by sh
Invocations. freely leave the e may
Gentlefolk Servants. Some Fighting Knife: D6+
3+Str • Finesse c
heck vs 7 plus without a Fine
sse Check
Dueling Pistols: D8+ current lost li
designed to be simple maids, fe to heal should she n
ot be the
(Dual Fire) D4+2 damage only Charac
. ter from her
/ 15
some to be Footmen or Butlers Range: 6 / 8 / 10 Aim:
• +2 on Rang
Company inv
• May not olved.
re-enter the
Special Abilities: ed Attacks if
whilst others exist with more Mechanical
no movemen
• Once per tu
t prior.
Melee durin
g t he same
Mechanical: a second Ch
Arm 6 Close Comb
aracter in
• May not at.
be healed by
Alc 0 Invocations. • The seco
nd foe is
• Finesse c no t considered
heck vs 10 plu to be
Life: 19 Charged.
Early in the current lost L s
ife to heal Thun
D4 damage. dering Charg
Weapons • An addit
development of the Lance: D8+3+Str (Rea
Hard Targe
• If the Lanc
ional D4
damage is cau
sed on a
er is
Gentlefolk the military 4 Charge Atta
Cavalry Pistol: D8+ running then h
e a • Foe must
Range: 5 / 7 / 9 / 12 an additional 2 dds make a
commanders of a Special Abilities:
his Ranged Co
Defence Chara at
Finesse check
difficulty of 5 p a
lus final
number of countries took Mechanical
Hard Target
cteristic. damage dealt
knocked pron
or be
• Large Ch
great interest in the work of Run Through
Thundering Charge
on this check
aracters get +4
Flower Seller
immediate str end 1 Action
ike against
Arm 6 her foe at -4. in her turn to
Special Abilit herself a +4 bo e
Alc 0 ies nu
this check un s to
Mechanical: til her next
The numbers of “free” Life: 17
• May not
be healed by • If she is en
gaged in
Close Comb
Gentlefolk are growing as Weapons
Pruning Blades: D8+
• Finesse c
heck vs 7 plus
current lost li
at or
then this abilit attacks
y d
fe to heal apply and she oes not
The Engine takes control of (Razor Sharp)
D4+2 damage
Multi Strike
. targeted as no
may be
rm al.
Scorpion Shears: D6+ : • Ability is
ever increasing numbers of (Rear Defence)
• May attack
Close Comb
twice in
again if she ca d
n g et out
of line of sigh
them to bolster its forces in the Special Abilities: • One attack
with each opponents.
t of all
Mechanical weapon.
protection of its nodes. Multi Strike
Some are military models
but most are simple factory
workers or industrial units. The Flower Seller is a Close Combat focussed Character.
She has no ranged attack whatsoever but this is made up for
These Gentlefolk take to by her Inconspicuous ability that allows her to move across
the streets using the tools the tabletop largely unmolested by fire from her enemies.
which they were built with to
make a living either working She has a number of wicked blades built into her body, a
in secret for less discerning function of her previous work in a tannery. She can put
employers or finding a way these to very good use in a fight with her Multi Strike ability
to make money in the tough allowing her to attack twice in Close Combat.
lanes and alleys of London. The Razor Sharp main blades on her left arm can shear
They quickly become adept at through flesh with ease whilst the smaller blade mounted
blending into crowds and can on her back allows her to strike behind her with ease giving
sometimes fool an inattentive her a Rear Defence when attacked from behind.
passer by into thinking they are human. A simple flowergirl Used carefully she can take down a much tougher opponent
will hardly spare a second glance from a passing Peeler and than her points would suggest but if she is detected before
many a mugger has fallen afoul of an innocuous looking she manages to close the distance to reach Close Combat
person on the street who turns out to be sporting sharp she will likely fall to a fusillade of fire before she can do any
blades or a great steam driven fist. damage herself.
19 T each er T e ach e r
Weapon Pro
Spd 4 Pain: Stern:
• When an
Str 3
• Any Cha y damag
racter that
takes any dam taken roll a D2 e is
Fin 3 the Switch m
age from •
If the roll is lo
ust make wer than
Att 3/3 a Str Check. Di
fficulty 5
the current Lif
e of
plus final dam the Teacher
Def 4/3 age dealt then the
or be Stunne damage is red
Arm 6 Special Abilit
d. • This can re uced by 2.
ies du ce the
Mechanical: damage to 0.
Alc 0
• May not
be healed by Le ctu re:
Invocations. • As an Ac
Wealthy households and Life: 15 • Finesse c Lecture a Cha
tion may
heck vs 7 plus racter
Weapons current lost li within 6”
schools often employ Switch: D6+3+Str (Pai
n) D4+2 damage
fe to heal
• Opposed
D20 adding
Gentlefolk as teachers or Stop It You the current life
Darts: D8+4 Naughty Bo Teacher and t the
– • To attack t y!:
Range: 4 / 6 / 8 / he Teacher in • If T he foe.
matrons. They are easily Close Comb
at Foe must
eacher wins th
opponent los e
Special Abilities: make a Str C
heck with es all
programmed with the Mechanical
a Difficulty eq
ual to her
Actions for th
e turn.
Stop It You Naughty current Life.
knowledge they are to Stern • Failure end
s Activation.
impart to their young
charges and are known
to brook no misbehaviour. Her Switch doesn’t do a great deal of damage but its
These models are made strikes cause Pain which can stun a foe.
surprisingly tough in order She is quite a daunting figure on the tabletop with
to withstand the attentions of opponents having to weather the storm of a very firm
recalcitrant children and even the telling off in order to attack her. When she is engaged
most mischievous child will have a she is able to shrug off some damage using her Stern ability
difficult time causing any damage as the patented Discipline Module this model of Gentlefolk
whatsoever to their tutor or nanny comes with as standard kicks in.
and woe betide them should they try.
Those that are seen to be behaving badly in her sight may
The stern demeanour of these Gentlefolk can be the recipient of a rather unrelenting Lecture that may
cow even their masters from time to time and more than one make even the most determined attacker shuffle and bow
Lord of the Manor has been subjected to a “good telling off” their head like a naughty schoolboy.
for having more single malt whiskey than the rather strict tutor
considers a good example to her charges.
The Teacher is best used to foil your opponent’s plans. She 26 Gam ek ee pe r Gam e k e e p e r
isn’t powerful in combat but can restrict the options an
Weapon Pro
enemy Character has available to him or her. Spd 5 Blast:
• Action to la
Str 4
• No roll to
hit. y a trap.
• Follows all r • Trap plac
ed adjacent to
Fin 4
ules for
explosions. the Gamekee
Att 4/4
• Any mod
Special Abilit el moving wi
ies thin
Run ‘Em Down 1” of the trap
Def 4/4 • The Gam
: a Difficulty 17 F
mu st make
ekeeper inesse
Arm 6 may make a s check. Roll a D6
pecial 2” table below if ch the
Alc 0 move in additio
Many of the large estates around England his normal m
n to
ove if he
1-2 Bear Trap: D
eck fails:
10+ 5
intends to ma
and Europe employ Gamekeepers to both Life: 17 ke a r
attack against a anged
3-4 Snare: May
not move
un til an
keep watch on the hunting grounds they Character. Action is used
Weapons to make a Fine
3+Str Mechanical: sse
Skinning Knife: D6+ with a Difficult check
own and keep the borders of the estate Shotgun: D6+6 (Bla
• May not
be healed by
Invocations. 5-6 Badger Bo
y of 12.
mb: 2”
Range: 6” Cone Tem explosion D6
secure in general. • Finesse c
heck vs 7 plus
current lost li Prone if dam
+5 damage.
age taken.
Special Abilities: D4+2 damage
fe to heal Am mu nition:
Run ‘Em Down .
The wealthiest of these will Mechanical
• Action to c
• Bird Shot: a ge ammo.
s card
commission one or more bespoke Trapsetter
• Deer Slugs:
Range: (1x) 5
/7 /10 /15
Gentlefolk to act in this role. These
automatons are designed from
the ground up to the specific The Gamekeeper is a kind of area denial Character. Using
requirements of the client and are his Trapsetter ability he can restrict your opponent’s tactical
both useful servants and a mark options and the Blast from his shotgun makes bunching up
of prestige in polite society. a poor option when a Gamekeeper is nearby.
They are tireless in their work His Run ‘Em Down ability makes him more mobile and
and will not, unlike their useful, especially when combined with his good base Speed.
human counterparts, take a He can swap out the Ammunition in his gun for more
quiet nap under a shady tree targeted ranged attacks which extend the range of his gun
when they should be keeping greatly.
their master’s game safe The Gamekeeper has no particular weaknesses and, as such,
from poachers.
can form a reliable and sold cornerstone for any attack by
In addition they do not The Servants of The Engine.
respond with any sympathy to the tales of the poor locals who
simply seek a meal of pheasant or deer, their powerful shotguns
or cunning traps often giving a rather bloody answer to any
intrusion on the Lord’s land.
26 Sa ilor Sa ilo r
Weapon Pro
Slow: Ammunition
Spd 3 • The Canno • Action to C
Str 3
n may
fire once a turn only Ammunition
Fin 3 Special Abilit • Shell: As fro
ies nt of card.
Mechanical: Ma y be aimed at
Att 3/4 • May not on the table.
a point
be healed by Shot then
Def 4/3 Invocations. has a Difficult
y o
• Cannister: f 15 .
Arm 6
• Finesse c D8+6
heck vs 7 plus 9” Cone Temp
current lost li late
Alc 0 D4+2 damage
fe to heal No roll to hit.
Consolidatio Stand Firm:
Whilst press-gangs are still Life: 17 • At the end • As an Action the
Activation th
of his may plant his a Sailor
Weapons • Reduces pe nchor.
common throughout England, Cutlass: D8+3+Str
may make an
e Sailor
additional range by 2
nalty for
3” move.
gathering human sailors Cannon: D10+6 (2”
Blast) • He must en
d up closer
• May not
considered t
mo ve and is
(Slow) to an ally tha
for the Royal Navy there are Range: 6 / 10 / 15 / 20 started.
n when he Finesse Che
o fail any
ck to avoid
increasing numbers of Gentlefolk Special Abilities: • May not
be reposition
Mechanical by most effect ed
being manufactured to bolster the Consolidation • Moving w s.
ill end t
Ammunition Stand Firm eff he
crews of the great Steam Frigates Stand Firm
be healed by
Arm 6
Invocations. • Damage ca
• Finesse c used is
heck reduced by D4
Alc 0 current lost li vs 7 plus
fe t eac points for
D4+2 damage o heal • Ma h attack.
. y reduce dam
Many Gentlefolk see work in dangerous industries such as Life: 17 Plough Throu
• Must be c gh
to 0.
ombined with Shatter:
Mining or other forms of excavation. It is easier and simpler Weapons
a Charge
• Difficulty 1
• 2 Actions to
Mining Gear: D8+ 3 Stre Shatter an ob tempt to
check to mov ngth
for companies that control these kinds of projects to repair (Piercing)
e t
an opposing C hrough
• +6 to Finess ject.
Check open
e or Strength
Dynamite: D8+4 (2” haracter.
a badly damaged automaton than it is to send a rather
• Difficulty 1 an
– 7 if
• Difficulty 1 Large barrel or crat y door,
Range: 4 / 6 / 8 / 5 to m • If object e.
through terra ove has wounds
Special Abilities:
distressing letter to a bereaved family. Mechanical
in. or an Armour
halves its Arm re he
Plough Through adds 3 to any our and
Almost universally these models of Gentlefolk are tough Tough caused.
and well made to withstand the rigours of the work they
undertake. They are strong and powerful if somewhat less
agile and clever than might be necessary for more complex The skills he is programmed with allow the Miner
tasks. to tear through buildings and doors, burrowing
his way where most others cannot pass.
The tools they carry are incredibly effective should The
Engine wish to make use of them in its forces and they can He can Plough
wield them with skill against an opponent just as well as a Through terrain
rock wall. and Shatter
objects that
Many of them carry explosive charges to break through stand in his way
stubborn areas of stone and these can be used to great effect of reaching his
should they be lobbed towards a foe. foes.
The Miner is best at Close Combat. He does have the ability The Miner is a
to throw Dynamite but his attacks in this fashion are short useful addition to your
ranged and often inaccurate. Company should
As is common to this kind of Gentlefolk he is Tough and you be taking
hard to hurt but is relatively poorly made and will become on heavily
damaged easily if his stout outer casing is breached. armoured
Professor Pr idham's
Portfolio of Powers
Special Abilities Ammunition
It is wise to be prepared for all eventualities and
& Weapon Properties carry more than one type of ammunition for your gun.
All Characters in Twisted are possessed of remarkable Swapping the ammunition out does take a few moments
abilities far beyond that of normal people. They also but it is often worth the effort.
carry weapons of high quality or unusual design that A Character with this ability may take an Action to change
offer some very important benefits. the ammunition before his or her ranged weapon fires.
Some of these are unique to an individual Character The details of the various types of Ammunition carried are
and some are shared between a number of different given on the relevant Character’s card.
In all cases they make the Characters who fight for your Amorphous
Companies in Twisted far beyond the powers of the The Sewer Slime moved to the wall below the balcony
normal folk who otherwise populate London! on which Gretel stood. Without pausing it threw three
This section of the rulebook gives you a complete list of all tendrils upwards and began to ascend...
abilities presented for your Characters to use in Twisted. Amorphous Characters have bodies that are, or can become,
They are given in alphabetical order and more fully explain shapeless blobs of semi solid matter. They may also be
the rules that are given as point form reminders on the rear swarms of smaller creatures that form a kind of flowing
of each Character Card. mass.
More information is given on why each Character has Their movement is not hampered by any terrain element 1”
the relevant ability is given in Sgt Clark’s Notebook of high or less. They simply flow over or around it. In addition
Pre-eminent Persons from page 100. they are not affected by Difficult Terrain of any form and
can simply move through it at their normal Speed.
Aim Characters with this ability can also climb terrain at full
The Highwaywoman’s eyes narrowed as she looked speed and need not make any kind of check to ascend. As
along the barrel of her pistol. Any moment now Bill would usual they may not end their move partway up terrain.
move into just the right position. Her finger tightened on Their shapeless form also means they cannot be flanked or
the trigger and she awaited her moment... attacked from the rear and they have no 180° line of sight.
Any Character with this ability may claim a +2 bonus on They may attack in any direction at any time.
Ranged attacks should they not move before the shot takes
place. Arcing
An Aimed shot may only be taken once a turn and may not Feygin took aim at the Gentlefolk Miner. A bolt of energy
be combined with the Dual Fire ability. shot from the globular tip of his pistol and struck the
steel construct in the chest. It stiffened as the electrical
Alchemantic Proxy charge coursed through its workings.
Some Alchemancers have In the blink of an eye a stray bolt shot from the Miner’s
special links with Familiars or back and struck an Urkin lurking nearby. The foul little
other conduits. They can use lad squealed and fell to the flagstones..
these to channel their Invocations Weapons with the Arcing property fire bolts which can arc
greatly increasing the range of and hit Characters within 2” of initial target. The user has
their elemental powers. some control over the arcing by careful timing of the shot
Characters with an but this is difficult and prone to accident.
Alchemantic Proxy can direct If the initial target of the attack is hit and takes at least 1
their Invocations through damage then the bolt may arc.
the nominated conduit. The Roll a D6 to see what effect the arc has:
relevant Character Card will
1 The bolt immediately arcs again hitting the next nearest
specify any conditions that
target, friend or foe.
apply to this ability.
2-3 The Bolt doesn’t arc
Line of Sight and Range are
calculated from the position of 4-6 The Bolt arcs to an opposing Character only.
the Proxy. For each instance the bolt arcs you must roll a D6 as above
to see what occurs.
Feygin, the old rogue The arcing effect continues until any Character takes no
who leads and cares
for the Urkin. damage from the attack.
Assault Berserk
If you are about to attack a foe and you have a gun Unbridled fury is a dangerous and fickle ally...
handy it would be wise to shoot them as you charge... Characters that have this ability will normally have one
As part of a Charge Action a Character with this ability is or more Characteristics that change when they become
able to make a single Ranged Attack against the target of Berserk. These are noted on the Character Card.
the Charge. Also noted on the card will be the circumstances under
This attack is considered part of the move and does not which the Character may become Berserk.
require the use of a separate Action. Each instance of this ability is handled slightly differently
The shot is resolved as normal, calculating range from the so the relevant Character Card will describe the effects
start of the Charge move. An additional -4 penalty applies to more fully.
any penalties from the base range of the attack.
Aura of Death Some weapons fire great sprays of pellets or jets of fire
Gretel crouched in the alley, her pistol at the ready. that can cause harm to any in the area affected.
There was a whisper behind her and she turned to see A weapon with this property will use a template as defined
the wizened hand of the foul undertaker Sowerberry in its rules when employed in a ranged attack.
reaching for her. She tried to bring her gun to bear on No roll to hit is necessary, simply place the template
him but a strange sense of looming mortality clouded where desired and use the rules for template attacks and
her mind and her hand began to shake uncontrollably... explosions as given on page 37 under Explosions and Area
Roll a D10 BEFORE the start of each Close Combat round Effects.
for each foe in base to base contact with Sowerberry and Any Character under the template is affected, even allies of
consult the table below. the Character making the attack.
1-4 No Effect
5-6 -1 to foe’s Close Combat Characteristics Bleed
7-8 -2 to foe’s Close Combat Characteristics A wickedly sharp blade can bite deep and cause wounds
9-10 1D4 Immediate damage, bypassing Armour that can prove fatal if prompt aid is not forthcoming...
The effect of the Aura of Death is immediate and, with the A Character who takes damage from a weapon with this
exception of the damage result only lasts for the current property must make a Finesse check with a difficulty of 5
round of Close Combat. The effect must be re-rolled each plus the final damage dealt.
round. If the check is failed then the target takes 2 damage in the
Maintenance Phase of each turn until healing is applied.
Awareness Any successful healing will cause Bleed to cease effect
In combat it is wise to watch every direction at once. immediately
Attacks can come from unexpected directions at any Additional instances of Bleed attacks do not increase the
moment. loss of Life but you may be made to bleed again if you have
Characters with this ability cannot be flanked. Their been previously healed from an earlier instance of this
opponents also receive no bonus for attacking from the rear. property.
They may still be Outnumbered however. Bleed will not affect Characters with the Mechanical ability.
Launcelot strikes Bill Psyches and causes 12 damage.
Backstab Bill’s armour is 8 so 4 points of final damage is caused.
Those who are skilled in street-fighting can make great Bill must now make a Finesse check with a Difficulty
use of the exposed areas of an unwary opponent. of 9 (base 5 plus 4 damage) or lose 2 more Life in the
Characters with this ability cause an extra 2 damage Maintenance Phase.
should a Close Combat attack hit if they are attacking from
anywhere outside the 180° line of sight arc of their opponent. Bow Out
This bonus damage is in addition to damage gained from Knowing when to back out of a fight you cannot win is
charging or from any other source. important to victory.
Characters who have this ability may make a special 1” move
as an Action that disengages them from Close Combat
without the need for any opposed Finesse check.
Further Actions may be taken, however the Character who
has “Bowed Out” may not then Charge the same foe they
disengaged from.
Burning Consolidation
Great heat will penetrate even the stoutest of protections. The expression “keep your friends close and your
Weapons with the Burning property bypass the armour of enemies closer” is not wise advice to follow in the heat
the target. of battle...
Damage is done but the Armour of the target is not taken Characters with the Consolidation ability may make a
into account in the final total. special move at the end of their activation.
The distance moved and any conditions on this ability will
By The Engine’s Will be given on the relevant Character’s card.
The List clattered and a name emerged. Launcelot The one condition that is common to all instances of this
stiffened and drew his sword. Feygin would suffer today. ability is that the Consolidating Character must end his or
At the start of each mission choose a random Character from her movement closer to an ally than when he or she began
your opponent’s Company. Simply assign each Character a the Consolidation move.
number and roll an appropriate dice.
Launcelot receives a +2 on all attack rolls against that Cowl Form
opponent. This bonus does not apply to damage caused. The shock of the bullet hit M’Dusa like a steam train. She
glanced down at the host body and saw a gaping wound.
Challenge As the body gave way she separated from it and quickly
moved away into the relative safety of the darkened
Even in the hard edged streets of London it is sometimes
considered cowardly to refuse a direct offer of single
combat from an opponent. A new host would make itself available soon enough and
then the battle would continue...
As an Action a Character with this ability may issue a
Challenge to an opposing Character who is within 6”. If M’Dusa is reduced to the Wounded state then all her
Characteristics change to the ones in brackets as printed on
Once issued an Opposed Strength check is made. Should
her Character Card. These altered Characteristics represent
the Challenger win the foe must immediately make a single
M’Dusa in Cowl Form.
Move Action towards him or her and attempt to enter
Close Combat. This does not count towards the Challenged Whilst in this state M’Dusa may not be healed by any means
Character’s two Action allotment for the turn. other than an Eye of The Engine Card which is assumed to
regenerate her original host body.
If the Challenged Character cannot reach the challenger in
a single Move Action he or she will still move towards the If, whilst in Cowl Form, M’Dusa is in base to base contact
Challenging Character by the most direct route possible. with an opponent who is Taken Out of Action she regains
10 Life and can be healed as normal.
The challenger must only attack the opponent he or she has
challenged and you may not Challenge a Character who is This represents her taking the opportunity to possess a new
currently engaged in Close Combat. host body and rejoin the fight proper.
This effect ends in the Maintenance Phase following the
Challenge. Curious Tinkerer
Some people have a special affinity with mechanical or
C’mere Lads technological items.
Feygin whistled the signal. All his Urkin knew the notes and Characters with this ability may re-roll Finesse checks when
would quickly come to his aid if they were within earshot. interacting with objects such as doors, chests or Tendrils of
the Engine. Any device or structure that requires a Finesse
Some Characters in Twisted can call allies to their aid. This
check to interact with it will be able to be affected by this
is normally an Action to perform and can generally only be
ability. This re-roll may not be used on the Finesse check
used once a turn.
required to repair a Mechanical ally however.
The Difficulty of the check and Characteristic used are
Those with the ability can, however, take a +4 bonus to
given on the relevant Character’s card.
the Finesse check required to repair Characters with the
The Character Card will also give the results of the Mechanical ability. In addition a successful check heals an
successful use of the C’mere Lads ability. extra 2 points of damage.
Additional Characters summoned in this manner will
always appear on a table edge closest to the Character who
called them and will Activate in the turn following their
They may be attacked before they Activate if an opponent
is able to get to them.
Dead Eye Dodgy Grenades
Firing into the chaos of hand to hand combat can be Urkin take a strange pleasure in making explosive
dangerous for your allies. A skilled shooter can predict devices. They enjoy the noise, chaos and not least the
the movements of the combatants slightly and reduce carnage that the bombs sometimes create.
the risk to much more acceptable levels. Luckily for their opponents they aren’t terribly good at
The Dead Eye ability reduces the penalty for “Erring on the making the grenades and they never quite know what
side of caution” when firing into Close Combat from -4 to -2. will happen when the pin is pulled or the fuse lit...
See page 36 for more details on firing into Close Combat. When an Urkin throws a grenade roll D6 after determining
where the grenade has landed.
Determined The following table gives you the result of the Urkin’s
A skilled fighter can take advantage of the momentary bomb making efforts:
shock that is apparent when the ally of a foe falls... 1 Squib (no effect)
Should a Character with this ability take a foe Out of 2 Smoke 4” Template
Action he or she may immediately make a single free Close Clears in the Maintenance Phase 1 turn after the
Combat attack against a second foe who is also in base to grenade was thrown. Blocks Line of sight - see
base contact. Smoke ability on page 141 for more information.
Should this second foe also be taken Out of Action then an 3 Pop! Splash Damage
additional attack may be made should further opponents be D6+5 Damage
in base to base contact. Splash: D6
4-5 Bang! 2” Blast Template
No movement may be taken between these attacks. D8+6 Damage
6 Boom! 4” Blast Template
Disturbing D10+6 Damage
There are certain foes that are unsettling to fight. It
may be the terrible aura of death that follows a stone Dual Fire
cold killer, the sense that a being is not of this world or Some combatants carry more than one pistol or have a
perhaps it is the miasma of the otherworldly stench that weapon capable of firing rapidly. This can ensure quite
is common to the sewers of London that is worrisome. substantial damage is done quickly but the recoil can be
A Disturbing Character can difficult to manage.
cause his or her opponents A Character who has a weapon with this property may fire
to fight less effectively two shots in rapid succession or two shots at the same time
as they become shaken depending on whether they are wielding a rapid firing gun
by the vile aura that or a brace of single shot pistols.
surrounds them.
When making this type of attack both shots are resolved as
When engaging a one attack roll using only a single Action.
Character with the
Disturbing ability in There is a -4 penalty to the Ranged Attack in addition to any
Close Combat make penalties for range as usual.
an opposed Life Check. Should the shot hit home two lots of damage are rolled
Each Character rolls a separately and the target’s Armour is removed
D20 and adds his or her from each of the separate damage results.
current Life. The higher Any weapon is treated as Slow when dual
result wins. firing which means you may not Dual Fire
Should this check fail and then fire again in one Activation.
then the attacker suffers You may not use one of Dr Disraeli’s special
a -2 to hit for the Close bullets to affect a Dual Fire Ranged
Combat Round at hand. Attack.
This check is remade Any Dual Fire shots are considered
each time an attack is to be with the normal ammunition
attempted against the of the weapon in question.
Disturbing Character. No Alternate Fire or special
ammunition may be used.
Elemental Engine Linked
A few Alchemancers have mastered the art of firing Nancy ducked back into the doorway. Shots ricocheted
off small elemental bolts of energy. Some have also off the stonework around her. She gathered her
managed to find a way to imbue weapons with the very concentration and called the Invocation and, stepping
same energy. back into the street, she trusted The Engine would keep
Some Alchemancers can generate Alchemantic Bolts of her from harm...
energy that they can fire much like a weapon. For these When an Engine Linked Character chooses to Tempt Fate
kinds of attacks you must choose the kind of elemental he or she may draw a second card after having seen the first.
effect before making the attack. This second card must then be taken regardless of the result.
The same applies to weapons that use these rules. You must The first card is placed back in the Eye of The Engine deck
select the energy of the attack before making it. as normal.
On a base D20 result of 15-20 on the attack roll one of the
following effects is applied in addition to regular damage: Entangle
Fire: +1D4 Damage bypassing Armour. Only the bonus The tentacle snaked out of the sewer grate and grabbed
damage bypasses the Armour of the target. Any the Urkin. With a squeal the small lunatic was dragged
other damage takes Armour into account as from his feet...
normal. Any weapon or Character which has the Entangle property
Earth: The target is treated as being Wounded until the may, in the right circumstances, be able to hamper the
next Maintenance Phase movements of an opponent.
Air: The target becomes a ghostly form and may not If the base D20 attack roll is 15-20, and the attack hits, the
cause or receive damage from any physical attack attacker may choose to try and entangle the foe.
until the next Maintenance Phase Make an Opposed Finesse check. If the attacker wins the
Water: All dice rolls made by the target are reduced by 1 opponent is entangled and may not move or attack and all
until the next Maintenance Phase Defence rolls are at -2 if attacked.
Not all Alchemancers or Weapons can use all of the Entangled Characters must take an additional -2 penalty on
elemental effects. The card of the Character in question will any attempt to call an Alchemantic Invocation.
list which may be used. If the weapon which has the Entangle property is a Close
Combat weapon then the attacker may not move away from
Elementalist the Melee unless he or she chooses to end the Entangle
Some skilled Alchemancers are able to tap into the effect. Additionally the weapon which has been used to
energies of elements not normally associated with a Entangle a foe may not be used to attack a second opponent
certain Invocation and use them to power other types of whilst the first is Entangled.
Alchemancy. Ending the Entangle effect is not an Action. The relevant
Alchemancers with this ability can swap Elemental Essences Character simply declares the effect ended.
they hold for the Essences required to power certain types The entangled Character may attempt to break the effect in
of Invocations. his or her Activation my making a further Opposed check
The type of Elements that can be generated in this manner using either Strength or Finesse against a Difficulty of 14.
are given on the specific Character’s card. Some weapons or Characters also have additional affects
It is also possible that Characters with this ability may be that apply when they manage to successfully Entangle
able to spend more Essences when calling an Invocation to a foe. The relevant Character’s Card will list these where
ensure it operates at the maximum of any variable value. necessary.
Nightingale has the Elementalist ability. In her case she
is able to swap any Elemental Essence for any other in
order to generate an Alchemantic Invocation that heals
in any way.
She can also spend extra Water Essences above those
required in order to maximise the dice roll for any
healing Invocation.
Ethereal Flit
Sowerberry moved silently up behind Launcelot. He Nightingale brought her wings down swiftly. She shot
swung his shovel and the ghostly blade bit deeply, upwards and landed gently on the roof of a nearby
passing through the stout armour of the Knight as building. She had never quite managed to make full flight
though it were not there... with the wings but they allowed her to make astounding
Close Combat attacks from a weapon with the Ethereal leaps and this proved very handy indeed.
property ignore the Armour of the target. They may be As a single Action Characters that have the Flit ability may
Defended against as normal however. make a double speed move as a single Action.
Characters who have this ability may Flit a number of times
Expendable per game as shown on their Character Card.
Sometimes an ally is most useful as a sort of living This move takes them airborne to some degree and they
shield... may move over intervening objects or Characters. Opposing
This ability allows any damage from a Close Combat attack Characters that are moved over do not require the usual
directed at an ally who is in the same Melee as Expendable opposed Finesse check for moving near to a foe.
Character to be taken by that Character. Characters with Flit can also fly up to land on nearby
The Expendable Character must be in base to base contact structures.
with the Character whose damage is to be transferred. Any move is measured including vertical distances using a
The attack is resolved as normal using the Combat straight line from the point of origin for the move.
Characteristics of the original target of the attack but Characters with Flit may not end their move airborne nor
damage is calculated using the Armour of the Expendable can they Flit twice in a row without landing between the
Character and he or she will suffer any damage. two actions.
Whether or not this ability is to be used must be declared
before the damage from the attack is rolled. Furious Charge
In some cases Expendable applies to all allies and in some Ollyver roared and thundered down the alley towards
cases it is only a particular ally that may take advantage of Launcelot. The knight prepared to receive him knowing
this ability. that this would be painful indeed...
The Expendable Character’s card will note which is the case. This ability must be combined with a Charge Action.
Bill Psyches is in Close Combat with Gretel and is The Charge range for this ability is increased to triple the
attacked. Bullseye, who is Expendable, is also in base to Speed value of the Character. The Charge must still be in a
base contact with Gretel. straight line as normal.
Bill defends poorly and is struck a firm blow. It also increases the bonus to the Close Combat Attack from
Damage from the attack may then be applied to Bullseye, +1 to +3, representing the ferocity of the attack.
using Bullseye’s Armour Characteristic.
Eyebite Some beings do not obey gravity and can move with
Sowerberry’s gaze fell upon Nouveau. The Engine’s great freedom.
Servant felt an agonising pain tear through his body as A Character with the Glide ability may not run or charge,
part of his vitality was ripped away. they simply float where they will.
Sowerberry’s Eyebite attack is a single Action to use just Characters with this ability cannot fall or jump.
like any other ranged attack. It only has a range of 4” and If the Character moves off the edge of any terrain element
requires no roll to hit and may not be defended against. he or she glides down to the nearest solid surface. Measure
It ignores the target’s Armour, ripping at their very soul. movement including the vertical distance. The Character
Eyebite causes D6-3 Damage and Damage from the attack may continue with movement should any remain.
may be reduced to 0 by the penalty applied on the D6 roll. If the vertical distance is greater than the Character’s
Damage from the Eyebite attack bypasses Armour. movement allowance then no further actions may be taken.
In addition to the damage Eyebite may trigger the Timestop Characters with Glide may move upwards at normal speed.
ability. No climb check is required. They may not end their move
partway up any terrain element. They must always come to
rest on a solid surface.
Guard Insubstantial
A wary or cunning street-fighter knows to keep a careful The misty form moved to the wall and continued on its
watch on all opponents so as to avoid an unpleasant way unimpeded. Gretel leaped the wall nimbly but it was
surprise... too late the form had vanished...
Characters with this ability may not be flanked or Characters with this ability may move through terrain
outnumbered. An opponent still receives the +1 to hit if as long as they can clear it in a single move Action. They
attacking from the rear during the initial round of combat must have sufficient movement to end their move with their
however. entire base clear of the terrain.
Deeper terrain may not be moved through.
Hard Target
In addition Characters with the Insubstantial ability have
The Lancer emerged from the fog, thundering past
no Wounded state and will fight as effectively as if they were
Dodger. The young lad raised his pistol and fired but
unwounded until taken Out of Action.
at that very moment the Lancer jinked and the bullet
ricocheted off a nearby wall rather than striking home.
If a Character with this ability is the target of a Ranged
Attack after running then he or she may claim +2 on their Whether it be a particularly foul stench emanating from
Ranged Defence score in addition to the normal +1 for your foe or a flock of birds that follow him or her about
running. there are situations where your focus in the fight may be
The Character is considered to have stopped running
immediately that he or she spends an Action on anything When in Close Combat with a Character who has this
other than movement or engages in Close Combat. ability an Opposed Finesse check must be made each round
of Combat.
Inconspicuous If the check is won by the Character with Interference then
It is sometimes wise to move about the dangerous the opponent is at -2 to their Attack or Defence depending
streets of London appearing to be nothing more than an on which is appropriate.
innocent passer by or lurking carefully in the shadows.
This can fool foes into ignoring you or not noticing you Knockback
until an opportune moment to strike presents itself. Particularly powerful blows can take even the toughest
A Character with Inconspicuous may not be targeted with a opponent off their feet, sending them flying, preferably
ranged attack unless the attacker wins an opposed Finesse into something solid...
check. The attacker may choose a different target or engage Any Close Combat Attack from a Character with this ability
in some other Action if the attempt fails. Some Characters that causes 6 or more final damage after Armour is subtracted
may be able to take bonuses to this check by using Actions. may knock the foe back D4”.
If the Character with this ability engages in any form of The direction of the Knockback is chosen by the attacker
attack within line of sight of an opponent, or is engaged in but must be within the 180° line of sight arc. This must be
Close Combat then the ability is nullified and he or she may nominated before the distance is measured.
be targeted as normal. If the unfortunate Character that is knocked back hits any
Should the Inconspicuous Character leave the line of sight terrain element D4 damage is taken, bypassing armour and
of all opponents then the ability is re-triggered and ranged he or she is also considered prone.
attacks may not be made without the Finesse check once He or she may also be
again. knocked off the edge
Insignificant of terrain elements
which initiates a fall.
Weak opponents do not garner much respect. In numbers
however they should be taken note of. You may choose
not to Knockback
A Character with this ability cannot achieve much on his
your foe should
or her own. Two of them are required to take or hold an
you wish.
objective in any mission that requires Characters to hold
such things.
In addition they are not always considered to be of
significance to the objectives of their foes unless two of
them are involved.
See mission descriptions for more guidelines on how
Insignificant affects the battle at hand.
Lamplight Lecture
Nightingale raised her lamp, the bright light penetrating Bill raised his cudgel and prepared to strike the
the foggy gloom. The Urkin was illuminated, lurking Gentlefolk Teacher a mighty blow.
behind a water pipe and Launcelot took aim - the fog “ And what way is that for a young man to behave!” she
wouldn’t save him this time... remonstrated. Bill paused, something in her tone made
Lamplight is an unusual ability in that it may be both used even his vicious soul quail.
as an attack by spending an Action or it may be used in a “I shall be talking with your mother and then we shall see
passive manner. about you having no supper!” she continued. Bill, to his
As an Action Nightingale may attempt to dazzle a foe. This own surprise took a step back...
effect has a range of 9” and there is no roll to hit. As a single Action the Gentlefolk Teacher may Lecture
Make an Opposed Finesse check. If target loses they may another Character within 6” of her.
not make ranged attacks until after the next Maintenance Make an Opposed D20 check adding the current Life of
Phase. both the Teacher and the unfortunate soul who has earned
The passive version of Lamplight allows Nightingale and her ire.
Characters within 1” of her to ignore effects that block line Should the Gentlefolk Teacher win this roll the target of
of sight or prevent ranged attacks. her tirade loses all Actions for the turn. This effect lasts
This does not include physical barriers such as terrain or until the next Maintenance Phase.
other Characters.
Linked Finesse
Latch On The small form of Hansel skittered across the balcony
Some creatures are “rather bitey” and can clamp their and swiftly clambered up the door to where the great
jaws firmly on an errant limb... lock was situated. Gretel could almost see through
When a Character is hit in Close Combat by a foe with the Hansel’s eyes and the small, delicate movements of her
Latch On ability an opposed Finesse check is made. gauntleted hand were mirrored by the monkey whose
Should the attacker win this check then he or she has latched arm was sheathed in the gauntlet’s partner.
on and has a very firm grip on some part of the defender’s Within moments the lock clicked and the door opened.
body. Linked Finesse allows a Character to Interact with objects
This reduces the defender’s Speed by 2 and, in addition, such as doors, chests or Engine Nodes from up to 6” away.
should the defender move the attacker moves with them, The number of Actions required to interact is determined
maintaining the grip. by the object at hand. This is normally a single Action but
The defender takes 1D4 damage, bypassing armour, in each some complex devices may require more Actions to be
subsequent Activation of the attacker. spent.
The grip of the attacker can be broken with a There is no movement required, simply make the checks as
successful opposed Strength check though the Character making them was standing adjacent
by spending 2 Actions. to the relevant object.
Latch On negates any ability Should an opposing Character be in contact with the object
that allows a Character in question then the check is made with a -4 penalty.
to leave Close Combat
freely such as Bow Out Loyal
or Retreat. Bullseye saw Launcelot charge Bill. He growled and
A Character who has attacked - he would brook no assault on his master...
Latched On may A Loyal Character must always move to assist the object of
choose to let go at their Loyalty if he or she is engaged in Close Combat.
any time. This is
The relevant Character’s card will note to whom the Loyalty
not an Action. He
is owed.
or she may also use
Actions as normal This movement does not occur if the Loyal Character is
whilst in this already in Close Combat.
state. If the Loyal Character cannot reach the object of his or her
loyalty in a single Activation they will continue to move
towards them in subsequent Activations until contact is
made or the Close Combat that triggered the ability has
Lumber Multi Strike
With great bulk comes great momentum... Skilled fighters may be able to wield two weapons with
The Lumber ability must be combined with a Move or as much skill and surety as one.
Charge Action. Characters who have Multi Strike may attack twice in Close
It is a difficulty 13 Strength check to move through an Combat.
opposing Character. The difficulty becomes 17 if model is If the Character has more than one type of Close Combat
large (on a 40mm base). Weapon then each attack is considered to be with a different
Should the check succeed the opponent is scattered 1” weapon.
using the grenade template for direction and the Character The two attacks may be divided between two opponents or
with the Lumber ability may continue with his or her move. both attacks may be directed at the same foe.
If the check is failed then the Character attempting the In either case each attack is resolved separately including
Lumber move stops and is engaged in Close Combat with individual Attack and Defence rolls.
the Character he or she attempted to move through.
Lurk Nancy drove the knife home. She grinned as Nightingale
Sometimes being “all sneaky like” is the best defence... screamed and twisted the blade...
As a single Action a Character with this ability may hide If a Character with the Murderous ability manages to
in the shadows or a convenient niche and cannot not be achieve a Critical Hit then an additional D6 damage is
targeted with a ranged attack at a range any greater than 3 caused.
inches away.
Attacks from within 3 inches suffer no penalty however. Nimble
In order to Lurk a Character with this ability must be within If you react quickly enough you can avoid the worst
1” of any terrain element on the table. effects of explosions and clouds of noxious gas.
The Lurk counter stays in play until the Urkin spends an Those who possess the Nimble ability may re-roll Finesse
Action on anything other than Lurking. If an Urkin who checks to avoid effects that use a template such as grenades
Lurked in a previous turn takes no Action he or she is still or certain Alchemantic Invocations.
considered to be Lurking. The result of the second roll must then be taken unless
you have Favour of The Engine in which case The Engine’s
Mechanical Blessing may be used.
“Ach - this is serious damage” Tesla thought as he
assessed the Gentlefolk Gamekeeper. Opportunity Fire
A shot from Dodger had hit the automaton square in the Some folk have developed a fine sense of threat and
forehead and his articulation motivator had been bent can quickly and rather skilfully change position to take
badly out of shape. advantage of targets that present themselves from an
Taking a small tool from his pouch Tesla started work unexpected direction.
and within moments the Gamekeeper twitched back to This ability allows a Character to make a ranged attack in
life. any direction without expending a Move Action to turn
Characters with this ability may not be healed by around.
Alchemantic Invocations unless the Invocation specifies The model representing the Character does not change
otherwise. position and remains facing the direction he or she did
They may be repaired by allies who spend 2 Actions whilst before the shot was taken.
in base to base contact with the Character in question. This
is a Finesse check with a Difficulty of 7 plus the current life
lost. Mechanical Characters may not heal themselves.
A successful check will repair D4+2 damage.
Eye of The Engine and Tempt Fate cards will repair
Mechanical Characters should they be played upon them.
Any Mechanical Character who is taken
Out of Action may not be repaired.
Characters who have this ability are not
affected by the Bleed Weapon Property.
Overcharge Edison Pain
Tesla’s remarkable powered armour gleamed in the Some attacks cause great pain and can leave an
lamplight. He saw the swarm of Urkin around a nearby opponent shocked by the agony they inflict.
corner and touched a small enamelled button on his Any Character that takes any damage from a weapon
brass sheathed forearm. with the Pain property must make a Strength check with
Accompanied by a hum that began to build to a turbine a Difficulty of 5 plus the final damage dealt or be Stunned.
like howl the scientist charged... The Gentlefolk Teacher hits an Urkin with her Switch.
As an Action Tesla can choose to Overcharge Edison, his The attack causes 11 points of damage. From this we take
powered suit. Once activated it is also an Action to return the Urkin’s Armour of 5 leaving 6 final damage.
the suit to normal power which he may do at any time unless The Urkin therefore must make a Difficulty 11 Strength
the suit has Overloaded. check or be stunned (5 Base + 6 Damage = 11). The wee
Once Overcharged the Characteristics marked in brackets thug will need to roll an 8 or better on a D20 to avoid the
on Tesla’s Character Card are used. effect.
Whilst Edison is in the Overcharged state any roll of 1 or
2 on a D20 roll of any kind will cause the suit to go into Passing Strike
Overload! A swift and agile attacker can land a blow and be out
of range of retribution before his opponent can respond.
Overload! In order to perform a Passing Strike a Character with this
The Urkin stabbed and bashed at Tesla yet Edison ability must attempt to move past a foe within 1” of their
withstood their wicked blades and crude clubs. One base.
of the foul little psychopaths had found his way onto This is still subject to the Threatened Area rule on page 30.
Tesla’s shoulders and he stabbed down into the vents However the Character with Passing Strike receives a + 4
surrounding the grounding coil. bonus on the opposed Finesse check.
The suit began to shudder and the whine of the drive If this opposed check is won by the Character with Passing
unit became a howl as the limiters gave way... Strike he or she may make an immediate free Close Combat
Should Tesla roll a 1 or 2 on any D20 roll of any kind whilst attack against the Character they are moving past.
Edison is in the Overcharged state the suit will begin to This is not an Action but is a free bonus attack.
If the check is failed then the usual rules apply. The
All Characters within 2” of Tesla take D4 damage bypassing Character is immediately attacked and possibly drawn into
armour when Tesla Activates as the powered drive sends Close Combat.
out arcing bolts of uncontrolled plasma.
If Edison is not deactivated in 2 turns the suit explodes. Penetrating
This causes D10+10 damage to Tesla with splash damage
Particularly powerful guns can fire ammunition with
of D10+2 to any Character standing in base to base contact
such velocity that it can punch through multiple foes
with him. Armour is protection against these damage rolls,
before losing momentum.
both for Tesla and the adjacent Characters.
When firing a weapon with this property you can nominate
Deactivation of Edison requires a model to move up behind
a target point on the table. Distance to that point becomes
Tesla and spend an action to push the emergency stop
the range of the shot.
The attack may penetrate through every model in its path.
This Action can be performed when base to base contact is
made with any part of Tesla’s base that is out of the 180° line A separate Ranged Attack is rolled for each target minus
of sight arc and does not bring the relevant Character into the range penalty for the final point nominated.
base to base contact with any opponent. If any potential target is hit but takes no damage from the
Once Edison has Overloaded the suit may not then be attack then the shot ends at that point.
Overcharged for the remainder of the game. You may not use one of Dr Disraeli’s special bullets to affect
a Penetrating Ranged Attack.
You can choose to fire weapons that have this feature
normally, ignoring this weapon feature. In this instance the
shot is treated as a normal ranged attack and a Delight may
be used.
Pickpocket Larger terrain elements such as walls and buildings do
Stealing an item from an opponent and quickly “doing a not move and remain in play. It is assumed the rubble that
runner” is a skill that can take years to perfect. remains after the Character has broken through the terrain
is still an impediment to movement and provides cover.
To use the Pickpocket ability a Character must move into
base to base contact with an opponent. This ability may not be combined with Furious Charge.
Make an Opposed Finesse check and, should the pickpocket
win he or she may take any single item of his choice that the Precision
opponent holds. This attempt is not an Action, much like a It is possible, with care and training, to be able to pick
Close Combat attack. the weak points in an opponent’s armour.
You may not steal equipment printed on a Character’s Card. Precision applies when an opponent is struck by a weapon
Immediately after stealing the item the Pickpocket may with this property.
move away from the target of the theft should he or she have If the Attack Score is 5 points or more higher than the
an Action left to do so. There is no Opposed Finesse roll to Defence Score, then add 3 additional points to the damage
do this unlike a normal Close Combat disengagement. caused.
Should the initial Finesse check fail or the Pickpocket not
move away then Close Combat is initiated. Ramshackle
A Pickpocket will drop all stolen items he or she holds if Some weapons are poorly made or just cobbled together
any damage is taken. from all sorts of scrap metal. They are sometimes
ineffective and downright dangerous to use but on
When an item is dropped use the grenade scatter template
occasion even the least skilled gunsmith will happen
and the item is placed 1” away from the Pickpocket.
upon a remarkably effective (and somewhat lucky)
This dropped item may be picked up by any model who combination.
moves over it as an Action.
When firing a Ramshackle gun if the base D20 roll is a 1
Piercing when attacking the weapon backfires. This causes double
the normal amount of damage the weapon does to the
Some weapons or attacks are able to punch through shooter.
armour and other protections with ease.
Conversely if the opponent’s Defence roll before
Any attack with a weapon that has the Piercing property modification is a 1 the damage from the attack is doubled.
reduces the Armour Characteristic of the target by 2 if the In both cases roll damage twice, don’t simply double the
unmodified D20 roll is 15-20. damage from a single roll.
Plough Through Armour is subtracted from the overall doubled figure, not
from each roll separately.
Nothing will stop a huge and ferocious foe from getting to
you. Sometimes even a stout brick wall is no protection...
Razor Sharp
Plough Through must be combined with a Charge Action. It
allows the Character to move through opposing Characters Some blades are wickedly
and some terrain to reach their target. sharp and will slice through
flesh with ease.
It is a difficulty 13 Strength check to move through an
opposing Character. The difficulty becomes 17 if model is A weapon with this property
large (on a 40mm base). will cause a Critical Hit
on a base D20 roll of 19 or 20.
Moving through terrain requires a difficulty 15 Strength
check. The move must completely clear the terrain and the
Character who is “Ploughing Through” may not end his or
her movement partway through a terrain element.
Should the Charging Character fail either of the above
checks then movement is ended at the point of contact with
the opposing Character or terrain element.
This can initiate Close Combat.
Scatter terrain (less than 1” high) and foes that are
successfully “Ploughed Through” are moved back D4”
using Grenade Template for direction.
Objects or Characters moved in this fashion stop at terrain
but may fall off the edge of a raised area if they are unlucky
enough to be knocked in that direction.
Reach Rend
A long weapon or great size can allow you to attack an Getting a good grip on a foe and tearing them limb
opponent from behind or over another combatant. from limb is immensely satisfying to those of a ferocious
Reach allows a Close Combat attack to be made from behind mindset...
an ally who is already engaged in Close Combat. If a Character with this ability hits with a Close Combat
The Character with Reach must be in base to base contact Attack and the total Attack score is 5 points higher than
with the ally. the Defence score of their opponent then an additional D6
damage is caused as the attacker grabs hold, ripping and
Neither the Character attacked in this manner or the
tearing at the defender.
attacker are considered engaged in Close Combat with each
other however they are considered to be part of the same
Melee. Resist Element
A Reach attack is not considered a Charge even if the initial The Sewer Slime oozed towards Feygin. The old man
contact with the intervening Character is the result of a called a Fire Burst into being upon it and, after the
Charge Move. blast cleared, the foul creature came on, completely
Rear Defence Characters with this ability take less damage and are better
The Urkin crept up behind the flowergirl with robbery on able to break the effects on any Alchemantic Invocation or
his mind. “The should be easy” he thought as he readied attack that is keyed to the Elemental Schools as listed on
his blade for the attack. their card.
As he stepped up and raised his knife there was a The actual benefits vary from Character to Character but
whisper of steel on cloth as a blade on an elegant brass all Characters with this ability will take a certain amount
arm whipped out from beneath the flowergirl’s bodice. less damage when subjected to an attack that causes direct
harm to them. The damage reduction is taken into account
The Urkin fell, his life leaking into the gutter...
before armour is removed from the total.
If a Character with this ability is attacked from the rear he
They will also receive a bonus to the check to break an
or she gets an immediate attack against the foe at -4 to the
Alchemantic Invocation that is of the School as listed on
D20 roll.
their card. Again the actual bonus varies from Character
The Character who is the recipient of this special attack to Character.
may Defend themselves normally.
If the attack from Rear Defence does not take the foe Out of Retreat
Action then the Close Combat proceeds as normal. If you are outmatched it is best to leave the fight and get
to a safe distance before reconsidering your options.
Characters with this ability may leave Close Combat as part
Launcelot swung his sword in a long, elegant arc. Blood
of a Move Action with no need for a check of any kind. They
spattered onto the bricks of the warehouse as three Urkin
may simply move away from their opponent.
fell, their bodies collapsing to the wet cobbles.
They may not re-enter Close Combat with, or otherwise
Behind the knight a grating slid open and several more
attack the foe they have retreated from in the same turn.
Urkin leaped into the gaslight, readying their wicked
knives... Other than that they are unrestricted in the Actions they
may choose to undertake.
Some types of Character in Twisted are numerous and no
matter how many you kill more always seem to arrive.
Run ‘em Down
When a Character with this ability is taken Out of Action
but at least one other Character of the same general type Some folk who are rather keen on the hunt have learned
with the ability remains on the table roll a D6 and consult how to take advantage of the movements of the quarry
the table printed on the relevant Character’s card. to take a shot when one would not normally be possible.
An Urkin Slasher, for example, may reinforce if an Urkin Characters who possess the ability may make a single free
Shooter remains on the table as they are both Urkin. 2” move in addition to a normal move Action if they intend
to make a Ranged Attack against an opponent.
This table will give you the number of reinforcing Characters
that arrive and also give you any other options that may be This special move may be taken only once per turn.
applicable in regards to the type of Character that arrives.
Reinforcing Characters arrive on a table edge nearest to a
surviving Character with the ability. If multiple Characters
are on the table with the ability simply randomly determine
which one the reinforcement appears nearest to.
Run Through Servant of The Engine
If you hit hard and fast you can strike a foe and take When you are a true Servant of The Engine you are more
advantage of the shock of your attack to press home your readily blessed by its power and can reliably call on it to
advantage. assist in your endeavours.
Should a Character with this ability Charge and the base Characters with the Servant of The Engine ability may draw
D20 attack roll be 15-20 he may elect to continue with his two Eye of The Engine cards when Tempting Fate and
move after the initial attack and, if desired engage a second choose which to apply.
Character in Close Combat. Additionally when a Company contains a Character with
There is no opposed Finesse check made to move past the Servant of The Engine and they hold the Favour of The
initial foe even if the attack results in no damage. Engine a third Eye of The Engine card may be drawn at the
The second Character who is engaged is not considered to start of each turn.
have been Charged however. This third card must be taken if drawn however.
Scope Shatter
Some guns come equipped with a powerful scope to Some blows are particularly powerful and can break
better target foes at a distance. stone or bend iron with relative ease.
By spending 2 Actions on a single shot a Character with this This ability allows a Character who possesses it to spend
ability may reduce all penalties due to range by 2 points. 2 Actions in an attempt to Shatter an object.
This ability may not be combined with Dual Fire. This gives a +6 bonus to a Finesse or Strength check to open
any door, barrel or crate.
Scout If an object has wounds or an Armour score the Armour is
If you are quick witted and fast you can often get a shot halved and 3 damage is added to the total inflicted.
off at your opponent as you whip nimbly between areas
of cover. Shifty
A Character with this ability may fire his or her ranged “Discretion is the better part of valour” as they say. It is
weapon at any point during a Move Action. possible to quickly take yourself out of danger whilst a
This attack still counts as an Action so, in effect the Move foe is distracted by an ally and make use of your abilities
Action is interrupted by the use of a second Action but elsewhere - preferably somewhere safer...
continues after the Ranged Attack is resolved. If involved in a Melee where other members of his or her
Company are present a Character with this ability is able to
Seeker Snakes leave the combat without the need for an opposed Finesse
With a single thought a slim brass snake emerged from check.
M’Dusa’s cowl. There was a sibilant hiss as the construct Use of the Shifty ability prevents the Character who has
dropped to the cobbles and slithered away. left the Melee re-entering it during the same Activation in
As an Action M’Dusa may release a single Seeker Snake which he or she left the fight.
from her Cowl. Place a marker in contact with her base,
representing the now independent Seeker. Slow
Seekers move during M’Dusa’s Activation with a Speed of 4. Some weapons hold only a single round of ammunition
They do not require an Action to be spent to move and are or are tricky to cock and prepare to fire. It is also possible
independent of M’Dusa’s 2 Actions for the turn. that you can expend a great deal of ammunition quickly
and find you need to reload.
Seeker Snakes may not run or attack in any way when
independent of M’Dusa, nor may they assist in Close Weapons with this property may only fire once a turn.
Combat to flank or outnumber an enemy. No Action is required to reload them it is assumed that they
M’Dusa may only have one Seeker Snake free of her at any are reloaded each turn.
A Seeker can be destroyed by any successful attack against
it. Seekers have a Defence of 3 in both Ranged and Close
Combat but due to their small size always count as being
Prone against ranged attacks when considering cover.
Should a Seeker be destroyed M’Dusa generates a fresh one
within her cowl and it must be released anew.
Smoke Stand and Deliver
Smoke is your friend when under fire and can make even If you hold your nerve it is possible to gun down an
the most skilled marksman useless. opponent as they charge to attack you.
Some Characters can make smoke in one form or another. Stand and Deliver allows a Character to take a single shot
This might be an ability they have or it may be a property of at any foe who attacks in Close Combat from within his or
a weapon they carry. her 180° line of sight.
When Smoke is an ability the Character’s card will note This is not an Action and does not count against the
whether or not an Action is required to generate it. Character’s allotment of two Actions for the turn.
Where it is the property of a weapon the usual rules for This shot is taken at a -2 penalty but is assumed to take place
using weapons of that type should be followed. at the edge of short range for the weapon in question should
Smoke is normally a template of one kind or another and the it become important to know where the attack took place.
relevant Character Card will give you the type of template Stand and Deliver May not be combined with Dual Fire.
to be used. Should the attack be template based it is always assumed
Smoke blocks line of sight when in place and Ranged to only partially cover the target and they get +2 to their
Attacks may not be made through it. Finesse Check to avoid the effect.
Smoke is generally static and clears in the next Maintenance
Phase unless specified otherwise. Stand Firm
The Sailor swung his anchor and it bit deeply into the
Snap Shot stonework of the doorway in which he stood. He turned
Sometimes in the roiling chaos of hand to hand combat slightly and pulled the lanyard that triggered the large
opportunities present themselves to fire your gun at a cannon mounted on his shoulder.
nearby target. He rocked backwards as the ball shot away from him but
Characters with this ability can fire their ranged weapons his anchor held him firm...
whilst engaged in Close Combat. It is an Action for a Character with the Stand Firm ability to
They suffer a -2 penalty to the shot and may not fire upon ready themselves for whatever shock is to come. This might
any Character that is in base to base contact with them. be the concussion of firing a great gun or the charge of a
mighty foe.
Sniper A Character who is Standing Firm reduces the range
A well timed shot allows you to pick off your desired penalties for any ranged attack by 2. This can reduce the
target regardless of how well they try to lurk behind their penalty to 0 but does not result in a bonus for short ranged
friends. attacks.
Cover cannot be claimed from other Characters between Once a Character has activated this ability he or she is
the target of the Ranged attack and the attacker when a considered to be Standing Firm until the Character chooses
Character with this ability fires his or her gun. to move.
Cover may still be claimed from other physical terrain Whilst Standing Firm a Character may not be repositioned
elements however. by any effect with the exception of an Eye of The Engine or
Tempt Fate card and is considered to fail any Finesse check
that may be required to avoid blasts or other area effects.
When push comes to shove sometimes it is best to make
ones self scarce. It is also wise to move fast in battle to
avoid leaving yourself exposed. A strong willed opponent seems able to shrug off all
but the most serious wounds as nothing but a minor
Characters with the Sprint ability may choose to add an
extra D4+1” to their total move when they run during their
activation. When a Character with the Stern ability takes any damage
roll a D20.
This extra movement is added after all normal movement is
taken and may not be taken if the relevant Character is in Should this roll be lower than the current life of the Character
an area of Difficult terrain. then the total of the damage is reduced by 2.
Should the Sprint move take the Character into Difficult Current Life is calculated including the damage just taken.
terrain the move will end at the edge of such an element. This can reduce damage from an attack to 0.
A Sprint move may not carry a Character into Close Combat.
Stop It You Naughty Boy! Swift Step
The Urkin scrambled from the sewer grate and saw the A certain lightness of foot and agility is needed to survive
brassy form of the Gentlefolk Teacher standing in the in the close confines of battle. Those skilled enough can
square nearby. move quickly to wrong foot their opponents and drive
He took a cudgel from his belt and crept towards her. their blade into a delicate area from an unexpected
Without turning her falsetto, yet strong voice rang out
into the night. “I see what you are doing young man - stop A Character who has this ability may spend an Action to
it immediately or there shall be consequences!” move around an opposing Character with whom they are in
Close Combat.
In order to engage the Gentlefolk Teacher in Close Combat
an opponent must make a Strength check with a Difficulty They may move to any free area around the opponent but
equal to her current Life. may not break base to base contact, nor may he or she move
through any other Character engaged in the melee.
If, for example, she is currently on 10 Life, having taken
some damage earlier, the Difficulty of the test is 10. It is also not possible for any other Character to be moved
out of the way of a Swift Stepping Character so an ally or
Should the attacker fail this test then the Close Combat
opponent less than the width of your Character’s base away
attack is not possible and the Activation of the Character
from the fight will also prevent movement.
in question ends immediately at the start of the move that
would have lead to the Close Combat occurring. If the Character is in base to base contact with two
opponents he or she may move to a point around the base
Should the Teacher initiate the Close Combat then no
of either opponent, breaking contact with one or the other
test is required for subsequent rounds of fighting and the
as desired.
opponent may attack normally.
Nouveau (N) is engaged in a melee
Stun G2 with an Urkin (U), Bill Psyches (B)
A solid blow from a heavy weapon can leave one B and two Gentlefolk(G1 & G2).
Using Swift Step Nouveau can shift to
rendered senseless briefly.
G1 U
a new position anywhere in the green
A weapon with this property has a chance to leave the target area - this would enable him to flank
the Urkin if he wished.
If the final damage after Armour is subtracted is 6 or more,
N He may not move into the red area as
other Characters are in his way.
the target must make a Finesse Check with a Difficulty of 5
plus the damage dealt.
If check fails target is stunned until the next Maintenance Taser
Phase. Some weapons deliver a powerful electrical shock when
they hit. This can disable those not strong enough to
Supernatural Speed resist.
Nouveau moved like lightning, he seemed to bend and Weapons that have this property can deliver a massive jolt
sway in response to the fusillade of bullets from the when they strike.
Urkin. Despite their best efforts not a shot hit home. The unfortunate target must make a Finesse check with a
A Character who has this ability may re-roll Defence Rolls Difficulty of 5 plus the final damage dealt after Armour is
against Ranged Attacks. accounted for. Failure renders the target Incapacitated until
The result of the second roll must then be taken unless the next Maintenance Phase.
you have Favour of The Engine in which case The Engine’s Any weapon with this property is treated as Slow when
Blessing may be used. firing in this manner. It still deals regular damage but the
greater charge has a chance to disable an opponent.
The weapon may be fired normally, ignoring the Taser
property and in that case the Slow property does not apply.
Threaten Thundering Charge
A fearsome or particularly dangerous looking foe can Large, heavy and carrying a very sharp weapon, the
make one rather less keen to engage in combat... charge of a Gentlefolk Lancer is to be feared...
As an Action a Character with this ability may attempt to If Character with this ability Charges into Close Combat
Threaten an opponent. and hits an additional D4 damage is caused for the initial
The range of this ability is noted on the relevant Character’s round of Close Combat only as the attack hits home with
Card. great power.
Make an Opposed Strength check and if the target of the In addition the defender must make a Finesse check at a
threat loses he or she must immediately make a run move, difficulty of 5 plus final damage dealt or be knocked prone.
fleeing directly away from the Threatening Character. Large Characters on a 40mm base may take a +4 bonus to
This does not count towards the affected Characters this check.
allotment of two Actions for the turn should he or she not For example a Gentlefolk Lancer charges in and hits
have Activated yet. Ollyver. He does 15 damage including the bonus D4.
This movement should be in as straight a line as possible Ollyver’s armour of 7 is taken from the total and 8
away from the Threatening Character but fleeing Characters damage is caused. This means Ollyver must now make
will divert around terrain. a Finesse check at +4 vs a difficulty of 13 or be knocked
Characters do not flee off the table but will stop at a table prone.
edge and move along it if the movement does not result in
them being closer to the Threatening Character. Timestop
If, for any reason, movement is blocked by an impassable Nouveau felt his spirit drain away as Sowerberry’s vile
object the fleeing Character will stop. gaze took hold. His limbs grew cold and stiff and, as his
vision dimmed he collapsed...
Thrust Any target that takes any damage from Sowerberry’s
Gretel sidestepped the blow from the Urkin, his wicked Eyebite attack must roll a Finesse check with a Difficulty of
blade tearing a hole in her jerkin. “That’s my favourite 10 plus the damage dealt or become Incapacitated until the
jacket!” she cursed and, raising her hand, she fired off a next Maintenance Phase as their soul is temporarily pulled
blast of elemental power. into the realm of death.
The Urkin tumbled backwards over a railing and with a
squeal dropped several yards to the cobblestones below... Tough
Weapons with the Thrust property can be used to generate The thick iron outer skin of a Gentlefolk Miner or the
a blast of elemental energy that is capable of forcing foes corded muscles of a huge monstrosity all serve the same
backwards. purpose - protection of one’s vital parts...
It is an Action to use Thrust but no attack roll is required. Damage caused is reduced by D4 points for each attack
As long as the opponent is within the range printed on the against a Character with this ability.
Character’s Card the Thrust attack hits. This can reduce damage to 0.
Make an Opposed Finesse check, if the attacker wins Attacks that cause two separate lots of damage in a single
the defender is moved D4 inches in a direction chosen attack such as Dual Fire lose a D4 damage from each
by the attacker. of the damage rolls.
This is a Thrust so the movement must be away Any other form of bonus damage is unaffected.
from the attacker and the defender may not end up For example you do not remove a D4 damage
closer to the attacker after the movement. from the bonus D6 that Ollyver’s Rend attack
Characters affected by a Thrust stop at any terrain provides.
over 1” in height but are forced back over lower
elements. Characters will also prevent Thrust
movement and the movement will stop should
any Character be in the way.
If a Character is moved into base to base contact
with a foe Close Combat is initiated but no
blows are struck until either Character involved
next activates.
Transform Unstable
A red light emanated from the dark dead end alley. The hulking Urkin prepared to charge M’Dusa. The
M’Dusa had seen the vile Urkin Alchemancer run in Bloodrage was on him and he wanted to tear her limb
there just moments before and she stood ready to fire from limb.
The Serpent, her crossbow, as soon as he emerged. He began to run but as he did so he felt the rage slipping
There came an unearthly roar from the misty darkness away. By the time he had taken a few steps he shrank and
and what came thundering out of the narrow byway was weakened, his mind clearing.
not the same small form that entered... M’Dusa raised her crossbow, The Serpent, and smiled
As a single Action a Character with this ability may attempt lightly...
to transform into an alternate form. A Character that has the Transform ability and the Unstable
The Difficulty of the check required and the Characteristic ability has some trouble maintaining their alternate form.
which affects the roll will be detailed on the relevant At the start of his or her Activation roll a D20. If the result
Character’s card. of this roll is higher than the current life of the Character
There may also be other circumstances under which the then he or she will immediately transform back into their
Transformation may occur. These are also detailed on the original form.
card of the Character in question. Some Characters may also attempt to turn back to their
When a Character Transforms replace the miniature of the original form willingly. See Transform for further details.
Character with that of the alternate form.
If the new form has a larger base than that of the original Unthinking
Character any Characters that are in base to base contact It takes a measure of clear thought to work machinery
are moved back to accommodate the larger base now in play. and pick locks.
They retain their relative positions in base to base contact. Characters with this ability may not Interact with any object
The reverse is true should the new base size be smaller other than Doors.
than the initial form. If any Characters do not fit around They may not work machinery, open barrels or crates or try
the smaller base and retain base to base contact place them and activate the arcane devices associated with The Engine.
as close as possible to the Transforming Character but the
Close Combat for the Characters that do not fit is broken. They may also not make use of any of Dr Disraeli’s Delights
that require an Action to use.
The player of the Characters who must move may choose
which Characters are considered in or out of base to base
contact in this instance.
Cunning foes, or those that are simply evil, may take
Trapsetter to smearing toxic substances on their blades to ensure
The Gamekeeper stood up and backed away slowly.
The trap was set with a hair trigger and any sudden When any damage is taken from a weapon with this property
movement might trigger it. a Strength check is required to avoid becoming poisoned.
He had concealed it carefully beneath the straw and the The Difficulty of this check and the effects of the venom
unfortunate soul who triggered it would soon find out are given on the Character Card or in the full rules for the
what a Gamekeeper did to those who encroached where Character in question.
they were not welcome. A poisoned Character may not be poisoned again whilst
As an Action a Character with this ability may lay a trap. affected.
Place a counter or marker of some kind on the table touching
the base of the Character.
Once set any Character, other than the one who placed the
trap, moving within 1” of the trap must make a Difficulty 17
Finesse check or trigger it.
Whilst the Character who set the trap does not trigger it he
or she may be affected if the trap is triggered and they are
close enough to suffer its effects.
The exact effect of the trap will depend on the specific
ability of the Character who laid it. Consult their Character
Card for details on the trap’s effects.
Once a trap is triggered it is removed from play.
Voodoo In some cases these are randomly generated and in some
The Urkin Alchemancer held the small doll lightly in his cases the Character may choose the Invocations much like
filthy hand. He stared intently at Gretel as she leaped an Alchemancer does.
nimbly across the nearby rooftops. If the Wands are random they can either be drawn from the
Taking a long needle from his jacket he jammed Alchemantic card deck or generated using the tables given
the blackened steel into the doll. Gretel stumbled in this book on pages 50-51.
immediately, clutching at her thigh.... Once a Wand is used the Invocation that was associated
It is a single Action for the a Character with this ability to with it is discarded and may not be used again.
bring it into effect. The Alchemancy Characteristic relevant to this ability will
The ability has a range of 10” and no roll to hit is required. be noted on the Character’s card. This may be the standard
Alchemancy Characteristic of the Character at hand or a
Make an opposed Finesse check. If the Character with special one given that applies only to the use of Wands.
Voodoo wins then the target is -1 to any one Characteristic
as chosen by the Character bringing the effect into play. Using a Wand is an Action and all usual Alchemancy rules
apply. No Elemental Essences are required to use a Wand.
Any loss of ability lasts until the next Maintenance Phase.
In the world of Twisted there are many beings that
There was a ruckus in the street and the shrill whistles of possess wheels rather than legs. Some are Gentlefolk
the small mechanical Bobbies could be heard loud and constructs, most notably the small Bobbies that patrol
clear as they scooted to the scene. the less salubrious areas of London.
The fight broke up and the various combatants fled. It is not all that uncommon to see wounded soldiers or
Long ago they had all learned the hard way that a those that have suffered terrible accidents being fitted
Bobbie’s truncheon was not something one wished to with similar technology however.
have applied to one’s self with any force...
A Character noted as being Wheeled may not climb but
Weapons that have the Wallop feature may be used to Stun may use stairs or jump as normal.
foes rather than harm them. A stout blow to even a well
armoured foe can leave their ears ringing and render them He or she may leap up a short distance given sufficient run
senseless briefly. up and an elevation of 3” may be achieved if the jump is part
of a run or charge.
When a hit is scored with such a weapon then, before the
damage is rolled, you must decide whether to try and cause
actual harm or stun your target.
Witch Hunter
Alchemancers are often distrusted and sometimes
If you choose to cause normal damage then the attack
rightly feared. There are those who have taken it upon
proceeds as usual.
themselves to keep the threat these powerful beings pose
Should you choose to try and Stun the foe then roll damage, in check.
adding Strength as usual but no damage is caused. Instead
Characters with this ability are at +2 on all attacks against
your opponent must make either a Strength or Finesse
opponents with an Alchemancy Characteristic of more than
check, whichever is better, against a Difficulty equal to the
0 and that have at least 1 Elemental Essence available to
overall damage caused. Armour is not taken into account.
them in normal circumstances.
For example should a hit with a Walloping weapon cause 11
In addition an Alchemancer loses Elemental Essences equal
damage then the Difficulty of the Strength or Finesse check
to half the final damage dealt after Armour is subtracted
would be 11.
from any damage caused.
Wands This is rounded down so 5 damage translates into the loss
of 2 Elemental Essences. The affected Alchemancer may
Bill charged, thundering down the alley with malice in choose which Essences are lost.
his eyes.
Gretel reached for one of the wands tucked in her belt
and raised it, speaking a single word of command. A bolt
of Elemental Energy struck the rampaging thug and he
staggered, falling against a steel gantry as his muscles
At the start of a game of Twisted a Character with this ability
may take a number of Alchemantic Invocations equal to the
number of Wands indicated on his or her card.
The Ingen ious
Actions........................................... 26 Blast Template......................................37 Urkin........................................................108 Elemental...............................................131
Action (Definition)..........................8 Blaze Away.............................................. 36 Urkin Alchemancer......................... 110 Elemental Essences.................... 47
Actions and Close Combat.26, 39 Bleed......................................................... 128 Urkin Dragoons................................. 110 Found Essences.............................. 47
Actions and Bow Out................................................. 128 Urkin Shooters...................................109
Eye of The Engine Cards.......... 26 Breaking a Backfire........................... 48 Urkin Slashers....................................109 Elementalist..........................................131
Climbing..............................................31 Breaking Invocations....................... 46 End of Turn (Definition)...................9
Characters occupying Engaged in Close Combat
Going Prone......................................30 Building your Company................. 55 the same space......................................31
Handing Off......................................31 Buildings – Movement.................... 32 before you Activate........................... 39
Charging.......................................... 30, 38 Engine Linked.....................................131
Jumping............................................. 32 Burning...................................................129 Choosing a random character....20
Using Dr Disraeli’s Delights... 57 By The Engine’s Will......................129 Entangle..................................................131
Climbing...................................................31 Entering Close Combat ................ 38
Using Actions.................................. 26 Campaign Missions.............. 87-99 Close Combat....................... 38 - 40 Err on the side of Caution............. 36
Activation Phase......................... 26 General Campaign Rules......... 89 Attacking from the Rear............ 39 Essences................................................... 44
Out of Action before Activation. Battle Royale...................................99 Base to Base Contact.................. 38 Ethereal................................................... 132
26 Build Up..............................................94 Becoming Wounded....................40 Example Companies........................ 56
Activation (Definition).................8 Escape.................................................98 Being Engaged before you Expendable........................................... 132
Activation of Characters.......... 26 Essence of Vengeance................ 93 Activate............................................... 39
Activation Phase Basics........... 26 Explosive Violence....................... 95 Explosions and Area Effects.....37
Close Combat Bonuses.............. 38 Explosions......................................... 37
Active Abilities............................... 27 First Fetching..................................90 Close Combat Round............. 9, 38
Passive Abilities............................. 27 Rescue Mission............................... 97 Explosive Damage....................... 37
Close Combat Round
Active Abilities.....................................27 Seize the Alchemancer..............96 (Definition)..........................................9 Extra Equipment................................. 55
Aim............................................................ 127 Transfer............................................... 92 Critical Hits.....................................40 Eyebite.................................................... 132
Transport............................................91 Damage..............................................40 Facing........................................................30
Alchemancy...........................44 - 51 Faction (Definition).............................9
Essences.............................................44 Captain Kopf’s Techniques Disengaging..................................... 39
of Discrete Bloodletting.............38 Entering Close Combat............. 38 Falling.........................................................31
Recovering Essences...................44
Schools................................................44 Card Sleeves.............................................6 Flanking..............................................40 Fascinating Features............ 76-86
Selecting Invocations.................44 Catch Wagon.........................................74 Jumping into Alchemantic Null Fields........... 84
Alchemancy Bonus......................44 Challenge..............................................129 Close Combat ..........................32, 38 Angry Locals ................................... 82
Character (Definition)........................8 Melee Situations....................... 9, 39 Billowing Steam............................. 85
Alchemantic Invocations.. 45 - 48 Outnumbering................................ 39 Crumbling Architecture.............81
Actions................................................46 Character Activation Cards.....15
Sorting Your Cards........................15 Rolling to hit..................................... 38 Demolition Crew............................ 83
Area....................................................... 47 Special Effects.................................40 Dropped Delights...........................81
Backfire............................................... 48 Sorting Activation Cards with
more than two players.................15 C’mere Lads.........................................129 Errant Essences.............................. 78
Breaking.............................................46 Generating Features................... 77
Difficulty.............................................46 Character Conditions.................27 Company (Definition)........................9
Cone Template......................................37 Guy’s Gunpowder.......................... 78
Duration............................................. 47 Incapacitated................................. 27 Leaking Gas Lamps......................81
Effect..................................................... 48 Out of Action......10, 26, 27, 35, 40 Consolidation.....................................129
Cover.......................................................... 34 Lesser Engine Tendrils............... 82
Elemental Essences..................... 47 Prone..................................................... 27 Loose Carriage............................... 85
Focused Invocations...................46 Stunned............................................... 27 Cowl Form.............................................129
Critical Hits....................................35, 40 Placing Fascinating Features.76
Found Essences.............................. 47 Wounded...................... 10, 27, 35, 40 Rats in the Ranks........................... 82
Perfect Invocation........................ 48 Character Play Cards .......................14 Curious Tinkerer..............................129
Representing Fascinating
Power.................................................... 45 Character Selection for a Game.55 Damage............................... 9, 35, 40 Features on the table.................. 77
Range................................................... 47 Character Special Abilities...........27 Damage – Close Combat..........40 Resistance!........................................ 85
School................................................... 45 Characteristic (Definition)..............8 Damage – Ranged Combat..... 35 Rough Ground................................. 78
Table of Invocations..............50-51 Characteristic Check (Definition).8 Damage (Definition)......................9 Sewer Slime...................................... 79
Alchemantic Proxy.......................... 127 Characters Dead Eye................................................130 Sinkholes............................................80
Ammunition........................................ 127 Bill Psyches..........................................102 Deployment Types..................... 63-65 Slippery When Wet...................... 83
Amorphous.......................................... 127 Bullseye..................................................108 Deployment - more than Timeskip Bubble............................86
Arcing...................................................... 127 Dawg & Flea..........................................112 two Companies.................................... 63 Twisted Trees..................................80
Area Effect (Definition).....................8 Dodger....................................................105 Deployment Zones............................ 63 Favour of The Engine..................17
Area Effects.............................................37 Feygin......................................................104 Determined..........................................130 Determining Favour
Assault.................................................... 128 Gentlefolk ............................................120 Dice................................................................6 at the Start of a game..................17
Attack Special Effects...............35, 40 Gentlefolk Blacksmith................... 122 Dice Rolls................................................... 7 Losing Favour of The Engine...18
Attacking from the rear.................. 39 Gentlefolk Flower Seller.............. 123 Difficult Terrain................................... 33 The Engine’s Aid............................17
Aura of Death..................................... 128 Gentlefolk Gamekeeper............... 124 Disengaging.......................................... 39 The Engine’s Blessing..................17
Awareness............................................. 128 Gentlefolk Highwaywoman....... 122 Disturbing.............................................130 The Engine’s Intervention.........17
Backfire..................................................... 48 Gentlefolk Lancer............................. 123 Dodgy Grenades...............................130
Breaking a Backfire..................... 48 Gentlefolk Miner.............................. 125 Firing into Close Combat ............ 36
Dr Disraeli’s Directory Flanking...................................................40
Backstab................................................. 128 Gentlefolk Sailor............................... 125 of Diverse Delights......................57
Gentlefolk Teacher.......................... 124 Flit.............................................................. 132
Backstories Duration............................................. 57 Focused Invocations......................... 46
Gretel & Hansel..................................119 Handing Off..................................... 57
The Beginning........................................4 Launcelot............................................... 116 Found Essences....................................47
The Reckoning......................................12 Table of Delights.....................58-59 Furious Charge.................................. 132
M’Dusa.....................................................115 Using the Delights........................ 57
The Taming........................................... 28 Nancy.......................................................103 Game Length........................................66
The Telling............................................. 22 Nightingale...........................................117 Drawn Victory Points......................66 Gaming Supplies...................................6
The Meeting.......................................... 52 Nouveau..................................................114 Dual Fire................................................130 Generating a Mission...................... 63
The Taking............................................. 42 Ollyver....................................................106 Duration - Glide......................................................... 132
The Turning...........................................60 Ratcatcha................................................ 111 Alchemantic Invocations...............47 Going Prone..........................................30
Base to Base Contact........................ 38 Rozzer.......................................................112 Duration – Grenade Scatter Template............ 36
Basic Concepts....................................... 7 Shrike........................................................ 111 Dr Disraeli’s Delights.......................57 Grenades.................................................. 36
Berserk.................................................... 128 Sowerberry...........................................107 Duration: X Number of Turns Guard....................................................... 133
Blast.......................................................... 128 Tesla...........................................................118 (Definition)............................................. 10 Handing Off...........................................31
Hard Target.......................................... 133 Entering Close Combat.............30 Rear Defence....................................... 138 The Basics of Twisted......................... 7
Immediate (Definition)......................9 Facing..................................................30 Recovering Essences........................ 44 The Biggin & Weller Manual
Incapacitated.........................................27 Falling...................................................31 Reinforce................................................ 138 of Gainful Gunplay..................... 34
Inconspicuous.................................... 133 Going Prone......................................30 Rend.......................................................... 138
Insignificant........................................ 133 Jumping............................................. 32 Resist Element................................... 138 The Dangers of
Insubstantial....................................... 133 Movement through Buildings.32 Retreat..................................................... 138 Undue Alchemancy.............. 87-99
Interference.......................................... 133 Moving past friendly models..31 Rolling to Hit.................................35, 38 The Dickensians..................101-112
Invocations – Selecting................... 44 Running....................................... 30, 34 Run ‘em Down.................................... 138 The Engine
Jumping................................................... 32 Squeezing Past................................31 Run Through.......................................140 Basic Concept....................................7
Jumping into Close Combat....... 32 Terrain................................................. 32 Running............................................ 30, 34 What is The Engine......................16
Knockback............................................ 133 Threatened Area...........................30 Schools of Alchemancy...........44, 45 The Engine’s Aid............................17
Lamplight.............................................. 134 Multi Strike.......................................... 135 Scope........................................................140 The Engine’s Blessing..................17
Latch On................................................ 134 Murderous............................................ 135 Scout.........................................................140 The Engine’s Blessing –
Lecture.................................................... 134 Nimble.................................................... 135 Seeker Snakes.....................................140 Failed Re-roll.....................................18
Line of Sight.......................................... 34 Number of Players.............................. 11 Servant of The Engine..................140 The Engine’s Intervention.........17
Linked Finesse................................... 134 Opportunity Fire............................... 135 Setting up a Game.............................. 11
The everpresent and all seeing
Losing Favour of The Engine....18 Opposed Roll (Definition)...............9 Setting up a Game of Twisted.... 54
Eye of The Engine .......................16
The Eye is Elsewhere....................18 Sewer Slime............................................ 79
Out of Action Choosing a random
Tempting Fate........................... 18, 21 Before Activation.......................... 26 Sgt Clark’s Notebook Character...........................................20
Loyal......................................................... 134 Character State.............................. 27 of Preeminent Persons.....100-125 Shuffling the Deck.........................20
Lumber.................................................... 135 Out of Action (Definition).........10 Shatter.....................................................140 The Eye of The Engine................19
Lurk........................................................... 135 Outnumbering..................................... 39 Shifty........................................................140 The Eye of The Engine Draw...19
Madame Moon’s Overcharge Edison..........................136 Sinkholes.................................................80 The Eye of The Engine Draw –
Grimoire of Goals....................... 54 Overload!...............................................136 Size (Definition).................................. 10 Multiple Players..............................19
Pain...........................................................136 Slow...........................................................140 Using Eye of
Madame Moon’s Smoke.......................................................141 The Engine Cards..........................19
Mission Matrix.......................63-75 Pass Cards......................................15
Pass Cards with more Snap Shot...............................................141 The Fine Art of Acting First..... 24
Maintenance Phase............................ 11 than two players.............................15 Sniper........................................................141
The Gentleman’s Guide
Master Kirkwood’s Passing Strike.....................................136 Special Abilities................. 127-145 to Elegant Movement................. 30
Fascinating Features............ 76-86 Passive Abilities...................................27 Active Abilities............................... 27
The Servants of
Measurement........................................... 7 Penetrating...........................................136 Passive Abilities............................. 27
The Engine........................... 113-125
Mechanical........................................... 135 Perfect Invocation.............................. 48 Splash Damage.....................................37
Melee (Definition)................................9 The Tarot of Taxing Tasks........ 67
Pickpocket............................................ 137 Sprint........................................................141
Melee Situations................................. 39 Piercing.................................................. 137 Spy...............................................................69 The Twisted Table....................... 62
Miniatures.................................................6 Plough Through................................ 137 Squeezing Past......................................31 Threaten................................................. 143
Mission Objectives............... 66-75 Points Values........................................ 55 Stand and Deliver.............................141 Threatened Area.................................30
Assassinate......................................68 Precision................................................ 137 Stand Firm.............................................141 Threatened Area (Definition)..... 10
Blood on the Streets......................75 Preparing for a game........................ 11 Standard Terms......................................8 Thrust...................................................... 143
Capture................................................75 Stern..........................................................141 Thundering Charge........................ 143
Priority........................................... 24
Carriage of Justice.......................74 Stop It You Naughty Boy!........... 142 Timeskip Bubble................................. 86
During the Game........................... 24
Defence................................................74 Stun........................................................... 142 Timestop................................................ 143
First Turn of the game................ 24
Engine Tendrils...............................71 Stunned.....................................................27 Tough....................................................... 143
Priority with more than
Kill or be killed................................68 Sudden Death Turn...........................66 Transform..............................................144
two players or Factions.............. 24
No Mercy............................................68 Supernatural Speed........................ 142 Trapsetter..............................................144
Professor Pridham’s Swift Step.............................................. 142 Turn Sequence...................................... 11
Passing Through............................ 70 Portfolio of Powers............ 127-145
Raiding Party...................................74 Table Size................................................ 62 Unstable.................................................144
Rumble................................................ 70 Prone...........................................................27 Unthinking...........................................144
Scouting Mission............................72 Going Prone as an Action........30 Using Eye of The Engine Cards.19
Alchemantic Invocations...50-51
Search and Destroy......................71 Ramshackle.......................................... 137 Venom.....................................................144
Dr Disraeli’s Delights...........58-59
Streetweeper....................................69 Victory Points.......................................66
Range Campaign Missions.................... 89
Take and Hold................................ 70 Victory Points – Drawn...................66
Alchemantic Invocations......... 47 Characteristics................................14
Territorial Dispute.......................68 Voodoo.................................................... 145
Range Penalties............................. 34 Close Combat Bonuses.............. 38
The Boxes..........................................69 Wallop..................................................... 145
Deployment Types........................ 63
The Engine’s Presence.................72 Ranged Combat........................... 34 Walls & Low Terrain.......................... 32
Fascinating Features.................. 77
Vengeance......................................... 70 Attack Special Effects................. 35 Wands...................................................... 145
Jumping............................................. 32
VIP..........................................................73 Explosions and Area Effects... 37 Weapon Properties..................127-145
Mission Objectives....................... 67
Cover..................................................... 34 What Is Twisted.....................................3
Missions Objectives suited to more
Critical Hits..................................... 35 Wheeled................................................. 145
Deployment Zones....................... 63 than two players............................ 67
Damage.............................................. 35 Winning the Game ..........................66
Generating........................................ 63 Priority................................................. 24
Explosive Damage....................... 37 Witch Hunter...................................... 145
Objectives suited to more Range Penalties............................. 34
Firing into Close Combat......... 36 Wounded........................... 10, 27, 35, 40
than two players............................ 67 Victory Points..................................66
Grenades............................................ 36 Wounded (Definition)..................... 10
Victory Points..................................66 Line of Sight..................................... 34 Tape Measure..........................................6
Movement............................. 30 - 33 Range................................................... 34 Taser......................................................... 142
Basics...................................................30 Rolling to Hit................................... 35 Templates & Counters........................6
Characters occupying the same Running............................................... 34 Tempting Fate...............................21
space......................................................31 Splash Damage.............................. 37 Tempting Fate – Losing Favour
Charging............................................30 Rat Swarm .............................................. 82 of The Engine............................. 18, 21
Climbing..............................................31 Razor Sharp.......................................... 137 Terrain – Movement...................32-33
Difficult Terrain............................. 33 Reach........................................................ 138 Terrain – Setting Up......................... 62
The Most Wondrous
backers of Twisted
A huge thank you goes out from us to all our Words cannot express how grateful we are.
backers. Without your support Twisted would Cheers
not be the game it is today and this rulebook Sebastian and Pete
would be a good long while away.
It is your faith and trust in us that had made our
dream of producing what we believe to be a high
quality and fun game a reality.
Grefven Simon Waugh Oliver Alexander Hayter Chris Hartford
Benjamin Smart Tidko Whitefire7 Chin-Kit Lai David Higgins
Sarah-Jane Bonney Warren Sistrom Scott Wilson stewart weir Stefano Liggeri
pandagm Mikael Astrom Antonio Nicholas Kager Idilio Santos
Jason Fulton Guindyloo Steven Berryessa Justin Bedford Iain McDonald
Michael Norman Robert Martin-Magee Mark Schuepstuhl Mitchell Thomas Frazer Barnard
acidfix Melanie Weatherson Jonathan Weightman Jonathan Brown Thomas Plocher
JurassicMatt AJ / NomadZeke Sylwester Klimowicz Steven Smith greg patterson
Derek ‘Angelic One’ Osborne Lynn Stephen Wilson Matthew Woods Jan Kuemmel
Sergey Peshkov Bryce Kane greywulf Vanderhagast Jennifer Linton
JoeK Minis Roger Asbury Jason Sheard Andreas Schlottke Uwe Schreiber
Chris Adam Bridger Juan Legaz Legaz Sebastian Schulte Marc letzner
D Kelly Arthur Dixon Doggo Tan Song Chuan Bert Kleijn
Dominic Read Ross Tasker Nicholas ‘Turelio’ Fletcher Stephen Miles Tomas Burgos TresTresOcho
Mad Hatter Nick H AJ Thornton Kevin Schwarz Boris Rothmund
Joakim Hellsten Matthew Townsend JLLongshore Mohd Hafizhu Rodzali Ray Miller
Barbara Pozniak Jason Rak Jean-Paul Kirkbride tan song chuan Conrad Mynett
Gray Tanner Shane Osborne Carter Brent Rob Schellens Andreas Maile
Matthew Beswick Richard Barrett Tony Pridham Schlothauer - Wischniowski David Colwell
Jason Durkin Djan Gian Holland Andrea Maki Jack Sweek
Peter Ed Zilla Mitchell Orlando_the_Technicoloured Raymond Banfield Paul Benfell
Geoff Smith - Aesir Rey Alex Archer Andrew P Brian Nichols Darrel Harmon
kuwanan Andrey Skidchenko Christoph Schrage Luca Rosadini Aaron Haney
Robbin Desmecht Tim Wyatt Leon Wragg Andrey Rudkov jr. Dirk Mayr
gamers pair a dice Maciej Michael Elliott Robin Cardwell Christopher J Kenna
Laurent M. Thomas Frolund Riley Thomas Diener Timothy Titsworth Gero Christoph Burgard
K-Bear Berit Larsen Sylvester Trapszo Richard Olthoff Jame Dalziel
Shauh Howell Hennirocks Arianne garrett Kerryann Pickering Jack Garley
Fantastipo Mario Iglesias Mark Addams Stephen Chandler Shaun Phillips
Ryan Delaney Martin Sugianto Paul Sutton Ship Naked Edward Farkhiev
Phildeb Fabian Sellin David Robertson holly benton Raphaël Vuillaume
Grayson Ijames Dawn M Lomax Peter Andrews Paul Whittaker Paul Graves
Sonny Bundgaard Przemyslaw Soltys Nate Parsons Paul Homer Liam Wilkinson
Giordano Vignoli Paul Gibson Marco S. Jacob Bliss Brian Robinette
Lars Starck Edouard Foraz Jacob Grant Kinsley Stephen Finlay
Slobodan Dragas Steven Maier Stephen Heller Graeme Rigg John Lamulle
mathieu therezien Rob Herring Becky Oates Steven Hutchinson john metzakis
Cianan Sims Michael Rivero WGCamp Patrik Severinsson Jean-Marc ‘Popidus’ Danty
James Wappel Joseph Figueroa Hedley Coppock Donal Murphy Brian Wolf
Outremer Publishing Mathieu Fontaine James Griffiths geoff strike Wendy Rafalski
William Koch Daniel Sebastian Masannek James Peake Janos Lacza
Cheol joo Lee Andrew Whirler Patrik Hurtig Piccini Jason
Flobojoe Roy Diprose PhineusPhule Andrew Lewis Matthew K Hudson
Michael Nunez Andrew Bebb Lars Gottlieb Ben Rantall Toby Leigh
Charles Southern Wade Dyer Quinton Shepherd Jussi-Pekka Korpela Jason Withers
Michael Holzapfel Samantha Clayton Anthony Dauphin Bryan Reukauf Andrew Williams
Chun Kwan Chan Rolljordan Breffni Murphy stephen stewart Mathew Holmes
Antonio Martinez Leland Martel Kenton Sheppard Alexander P Herbert Demicheli Maeva
Eric Sanford Harty Fabrizio Incerti Sebastian Mansow-Model Charles Lister
Paolo Lat Craig Clark Wilbert and Meow Galapon Kaitlyn Pickett Alex Moncur
super_crunch_bravo mtatarko Simon Mansfield Klara Suk Matthew J Lucas
Franz Gary Talaska HallowsEve(CNM) Brian Schoner Joey Mordecae Dimmock
David Godwin Skarsol Mark Johnson Christian Geerdts Mathieu Guibe
Alex Stratos Miquel Andolz Linares Alan Graham Olivier Darles Shane Lewin
Maximilian Schneider AJ Carruthers Linda Sandström Geoff Sims Paul Wellner
Nick Scherdnik Tammy Nicholls Phillip Moir-Riches Steven Gunnin John Doherty
Sammy Daniel Mullinix Ken Perry Jeff Terrill Trevor Tolhurst
Chris Parson Matthew Churchill Dawn McCormack Daniel Illingworth Travis Otani
Emmah Louvel Christopher Sheets Craig Patronsky Rand Eaton Thomas Off
niels jacob jensen Chris Danahy Shaun Talbot Jason Rush Federico Guridi
Artem Filatov Ryan McCauley Lee Mark Upton Aleksander Pala Aaron Lim
Jack R Wynn Korak Schoone paul clark Yoshifumi Hirano Travis Moule
Peter Freitag Nick Adams Eliot Kiang Robert T Best Raechel Coon
Scott Wallace Joshua Ng Kok Keong Stephan Werz Ben Jarvis juhana hirvonen
Mike Ingram Jordan S Kevin Jeremy Zipay Kenny Hibberds
Romaric Huron Marcia Johnston Lagoon Kai Pusch Sas Péter
JaggedToothGrin Michael Callmerabbi Sandal Christophe Van Rossom Richard Denny Aaron La
Chad Cox chrisitan halverson Jamie Heidenreich Ondrej Klbik Jennifer Creagh
Alex Davidson Ben Senior Mark Smith Alistair Carver Beau Moylan
Stephen Mason Peter Orrmalm Paul Fells Mark van der Upwich Peter Lyons
Andrew Nitins Rory Millott Tyler Michael Dean Kevin Cho Matthew Majarucon
Frank K Behrens Christopher Denton Phillip Kohrmann Brandon Dees Jon Martin
Steven Remington Théodore Georgescou Zach Kavanagh Stuart Lacy Luke Wilson
Harry Wolkwitz Jared Berman DUBOIS Julien Dennis Vogel Wojciech S Pukrop
Nathanael Hernandez darren hay n’Goarff Michael Bell David Diamondstone
Marcel Schneider Rominger Cedric Andoni Garrote Michael Kruley Aaron Peters
Branislav Babovic Riccardo Freguja Joanna Robson Connor Plas Ben Calvert-Lee
Torgeir Ådland Matthew Farley Tommaso Mazzoli Mercier Remi Joshua Nairn
René Hannig Alex Bowman Raath Bevan Davies Patrice Esmieu John Sheffield
Ollie Meads Alan Baxter Robert J. Lawrence Frank Uhrich Rachael
Keith Rudis Allen Emlet Massimiliano Gallo Mary Merhi Andreas Schlottke
Aaron MCay Jamin Moon Joshua Triplett Julien Kervazo Cedric Gros
Matthias Noeres David Levy Marcus Anderson Teddy Leguet Daniel Berndtsson
Christopher Fisk Waggerz Paul Murray Scott Porter Courtney Long
Ben Clapperton B. Timmermans Matias Frosterus Rick Boer Jeremy Bernhardt
Ryan Kirby Demicheli Cédric Nathan Nathan Pullen Adam Murakami
Craig Reichenbach Mark Balkham-smith Dan Baker Ewan Farish Denny Yan
Kanhead Timothy Davis Ralph Dula Christian Dohrn Markus Helmes
Mario Garcia Ben Chalker Aurelio Bueno Dieter Bernhardt Scott Vaughn
jason scott Richard Garfinkle Jack Cregan Kelly Andrew Khan Brian Ching
Kate Branner Angelos Angeli Christian Schmal Martin Ellermeier Denis Martin
François Lauzon Steven Marshall Tomaz Sussi John Meeks Raf Vervink
Jason Murdoch Edward Jones Michael Kroeker Philipp Sülflow Lou Yardley
Michael Chellew Dennis Smith Vincent Ha Arla Kean Olivier Perkins
Will Warington Manny Almeida Sam Thompson Lirazel Cowper Armand Maumet
Brett Haskell Maria Valdeolmillos Punzon Sandra L LaVigne Peter Hodgins James Rice
Chris Snyder Peter Blenkinsopp Andrew Sipes Michele Arko Alessandro Carrara
Bill Redifer Ken Fox Lee Agnew Thibault Secretand Mark Raadgever
Shay Wallace Thomas Fucke Ben Grant Dearness Matt Denholm
Guilhem Carmona Charlie St Clair Connor Truby Valena Robbins Jorge Ayora Castellano
Eden Janissen Darren Robertson Norman Ealand eric staeheli Damian Walker
Scott Butcher Kevin Allsworth Mark Mckinnon Marc Rudgley
andrew noakes Patrick Fremgen Dennis McNicholas Michael Jones
Mike Dodds David Chervanik Russell Scott Graham Robinson
Richard Bailey Daniel Gonzalez Randon Goble Jason DeForest
Daniel Adams Matthew Fowler Matthew McGrath Jason Flanzer
Sarah Smith Justin Bissett Clayton Guerry Philipp Standau
Jason ‘The 13th’ Grubb Sara Grocott Gary Poore Thomas Sudbrink
Luke Ingram Owen Matthew Aurelio Dave Kelly Timothy Young
maestro Miss Anna C Walton howard gibson Clarissa McCallister
Bradley Castles Patrick Byrne Patrick Chapman Olivia Lizra
Joshua Paulik James Helms Karen Collins Travis J Bentz
Tori Pearce Will Park Bill Suchecki KY Lu
Stuart Sim Tim Kline Oliver Haywood Ronny Heinz
Andrew Ready Honarius Glen Morris Deborah So
Francesc Massanes Chri Poynter Mike Schaefer Matthew Gray
Kara Nash Andrew Haidon Beverly and Scott Templeman Florian Tamm
Gregory Morse Eric Harlaux Leslie Goode Juan Manuel Moreno Rivera
Eran Boudjnah Katy Castle Markus Karl Michael Parkes
Tim Moore alexander mcsporran Vicky Wong Ben Kochskamper
Steve Baylus Kevin Mansell Carl Smith Matthew White
David Waldron Matt Paine Marta Martinez Mora Phillip Hartzog
Kevin M Beastall Jamie Downward Paolo Mulatti Will Betts
Leonardo Weyand Jonathan Doyle Ashley Leatherland Wayne Allen
Nicole Merkulovich Edwin Jones fernando monzo ramon Al & Jen Colbert
Leonardo Lee Brian Sobb Tobias Schleich Ian Philbey
Matt Lawrence Christian Nord Svend Andersen Alvar Laigna
Mitch McClelland Geoff Baker Shawn Kennedy Marvin Wayne Weddle
Jesse Heis Ian Stewart Tim Brian Maike Clemens
Guillaume Cortade Abba Elfman Jim Buchanan Lars Audun Ragnvaldjord
Romain Darmon Stuart Witcombe Stephen Bour David Karoski
Iain Davies Matthew King Dustin Zachmann Tom Lynch
Peter Thew Dave Gordon Gregory Morris Samuel Bryant
Kyle Bucknole Anthony Neville Darren Hale Lars Hellwig
Alex Barkley Murray Dahm Jonathan Buchanan Marcia Kane
Emanuel Voigt Lucy Briggs Andreas Monitzer Brandon Borgman
Zeno Saracino Cathy Winton Andrew Markell Jerry Weiler
Charlie Kirkpatrick Dan Lee Nathan Hargrave Stephen Shedden
Brendan Taylor Kristian Zirnsak Ramsett Wade Woelfle
rich erickson Steven Marek James Ko Neil Han Heng Pew
Sean Dooley Garreth Moreton Leander Gerhaher Andrew Gerber
Franz Georg Rösel Lefort Emmanuel Mads Hvidsteen Thomas Nash
Declan Ellery Jan Hulverscheidt Ulrike Luedtke Barry Mesrits
Ross Webb-Wagg Mathieu Stephane Roger Kalbusch Adam te Velde
Chin Fung Wong Steven Gaffney Andrew Abrook Tristan Cotterill
Matthew Cameron Tara Lea ben shultz Claas van Koeverden
Ashley Phillips Tony Oates Karsten Otto Elliott Cooper-Balis
Daniel Jürgens Peter Callan Boussioux Audrey Ryan Peacock
The Engine It is the late 19th century, and the world FEATURES OF TWISTED:
Knows that should not be possible are now reality. turn as a pre-determined
order of activation cards
This world is Twisted... is revealed.
The Engine Twisted is a detailed and immersive skirmish game set in • The Eye of the Engine.
Controls a Victorian Steampunk world dominated by the power of
The Engine, a world-altering device that guides the fate
A deck of cards representing
the influence of the Engine
of mankind. that add an element of
Fight for the Explore the mysteries of Alchemancy, a kind of elemental unpredictability, chaos and
excitement to the action.
magic, to confound your foes. Bring strange and powerful
Power of weaponry to bear as you work towards gaining mastery of • Lots of game options
the streets of London. Take part in detailed and intricate
The Engine! skirmishes as factions vie for the unfathomable power
for generating missions,
assigning hidden tasks,
The Engine can provide. deployment and terrain
The game is played with miniatures on a tabletop filled features to make each
with scenic terrain. This book contains all the base rules game unique.
necessary to play, background stories and artwork of the • Narrative Campaign.
world and the characters who inhabit it. Two factions are A 10 mission campaign
detailed within: storyline to more fully
The Servants of The Engine - defenders of the mysterious immerse you in the
device that permeates so much of the Twisted world. Twisted world.
This coalition of extraordinary people harness the
mechanical Gentlefolk to help protect The Engine and
keep its secrets safe.
The Dickensians - lead by the brutal Bill Psyches, this
group of street thieves, thugs and undesirables seek to
control the power of The Engine for their own benefit.
Woe betide anyone who gets in the way of Bill’s plans. G A M E S