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Encounter Tables-Letter-V2.pdf Version 1

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Encounter Tables

Combined Encounter Table

Roll 1d20 for what Level encounter this is. Then 1d20 for which table to roll on; then the appropriate dice for the result
Expanded Table
d20 1 d20 -> 1-12 13-18 19-20
+Rd 1st Level 2nd Level 3rd Level
1 Skeleton Armoured Skeletons(2) Armoured Skeletons(3)
2 Skeletons (2) Ghoul Ghoul
3 Armoured Skeleton Ghouls (2) Ghouls (2)
4 Zombie Wraith Ghouls (2)
5 Zombies (2) Bear Wraith
6 Ghoul Bear Wraith
7 Bear Boar Vampire
8 Boar Boar White Gorilla
9 Giant Rat Ice Spider White Gorilla
10 Giant Rats (2) Ice Spiders (2) Construct (Large)
11 Giant Rats (4) Snow Leopard Construct (Large)
12 Ice Spider White Gorilla Minor Demon
13 Snow Leopard Wolves (2) Minor Demon
14 Wild Dog Construct (Medium) Frost Giant
15 Wild Dogs (2) Minor Demon Snow Troll
16 Wolf Ice Toad Snow Troll
17 Wolves (2) Ice Toads (2) Snow Trolls (2)
18 Construct (Small) Snow Troll Werewolf
19 Imp Worm Worm
20 Ice Toad Werewolf Worm
21 Bile Hound Failing Wretches (2) Chilopendra
22 Foulborn Kaylakid Kaylakids (3)
23 Fire-Flinger Toravor Chilopendra (2)
24 Burning Skeleton Nullman Alchemical Monstrosity
25 Burning Skeletons (2) Granite Golem Devourer
26 Amplipede Wraith Minotaur
27 Small Vapour Snake Ballista II Construct Adult Dragon
28 Reaver Wight Hrut Large Vapour Snake
29 Barbarian Berserker Barbarian Berserker* Barbarian Berserkers(2)*
30 Failing Wretches (2) Grakyura Borock
31 Gnoll* Gnolls (2)* Gnolls (3)*
32 Magmite Manaworm Matriach
33 Hrut Hrut Gnolls (3)*
34 Mindshrike Blood Marken Adult Dragon
Gnoll Table Barbarian Table Hrut Table
d6 Result d6 Result d8 Result
1-3 Gnoll Thug 1-2 Berserk 1-2 Warrior
4 Gnoll Knight 3-4 Blood 3-4 Stinger
5-6 Gnoll Archer 5-6 Fang 5-6 Longhammer
7-8 Darter

Ancient Dragon: 3” radius, Fire +8, Destroyed if Inflicts Damage -

Acid Attack - Any opponent hit by a Poison Will 16. If creature does damage, is
glass spider receives -1 Armour removed from play and does not
(minimum 10). Bull Rush - - count as Killed for XP or any other
If the creature attacks in the reason.
Agile - Treat Difficult Terrain as same activation it moves into Drawn to Magic -
Normal Terrain Combat, it does +2 damage. Instead of moving randomly,
Nullmen move towards the
Animated Treasure Token - Burning - Any figure that loses a highest-level wizard within 18”, or
If killed, becomes a standard Treasure Fight with a Burning creature apprentice if there isn’t a wizard.
Token suffers +2 damage, even if none
was caused by the Fight roll Explosion -
Antlers - If destroyed by a magical attack,
Rangifers are never Unarmed, but fight Burrowing - May move through roll on this table; +4 if an
at -1 with just their antlers. terrain as part of Random Elementalist spell: 1-6 Nothing, 7-
Movement (only) as long as the 10 Figure in base contact with the
Breathe Weapon - Choose Fire or move takes it right through. Does Golem takes a +5 Shoot attack, 11-
Poison. not allow LOS through terrain. 15 Figures within 4” take a +5
Fire: choose any target within LOS. shooting attack, 16-20 Figures
Target, plus any figure within 2” of it Decaying Touch - Any living, non- within 4” take a +5 shooting
and in LOS of the dragon, suffers an demon figure that is in combat attack, figures between 4” and 8”
elemental magic shooting attack. with a Wretch when it activates take a +3 Shoot attack, 21-24
Poison: choose any target within LOS. loses 1 point of Health Figures within 8” take a +5 Shoot
Target, plus any figure within 2” of it immediately, before taking any attack.
and in LOS of the dragon, makes a Will actions.
roll, damage is the amount failed by. Explosive Demise - Shatters on
Dragon is immune to own breath. death, +0 Shooting Attack on all
Adult dragon: Fire +5, Poison Will 10 within 1”.
Old Dragon: Fire +6, Poison Will 12
activation. Adult Dragon 10, Old sight. The phase cat will use its
Fling Fire - Dragon 12. first action to attack this figure,
If within 6” of a warband figure, the and its second to move back into
flinger will throw a +3 elemental magic Huge Weapon - Add +2 to combat if it loses the fight.
Shoot. Damage. Otherwise, phase cats follow the
standard rules for uncontrolled
Flint Throwing Spear - Immaterial - can move through creatures.
Use once per game for a 12” Shoot terrain.
attack. Limited Spell Immunity
Immune to Magic - Creature is Starfire elementals are immune to
Flint Weapons - immune to any spells or magical the following spells: Mind Control,
as normal, but shatter on a 1. attacks, no figure in combat with Beauty, Invisibility, Monstrous
it may use any magic item, and Form, Bones of the Earth, and
Flying - any magical items temporarily Possess.
Ignore terrain and other obstacles lose all bonuses or effects ◦ Alchemical Monstrosities are
when moving immune to Beauty, Monstrous
Large - -2 to roll when defending Form and Invisibility.
Grasping Tentacles - against bow attacks.
A figure that wins a fight with the Marsh Gas Cloud -
Kaylakid but deals no damage cannot Lashing Tentacles - When killed, 15+ for cloud of gas;
step back out of combat. Any figure passing within 3” all that breathe and can be
draws a free +0 Shoot attack poisoned in 3” make Will 12,
Hate Undead - +1 Fight vs Undead and unless it ends its move more damage equals failed-by.
counts as magic attack, only if wood or than 3” away.
flint weapons. Multiple Heads -
Levitate - Never slowed by If fighting one opponent, Supports
Horns - difficult terrain or climbing. itself for +4; if two, +2. No model
If the creature attacks in the same fighting a Hydra can get a support
activation it moves into Combat, it Limited Teleportation - bonus.
does +2 damage. If there is any warband member
within 10” that is carrying a Never Attacks Spellcasters -
Horrific - treasure token, immediately Never forces combat with a
Any figure wishing to move into teleport the phase cat into spellcaster; if attacked, does no
combat with an dragon must make a combat with the closest such damage if victorious and steps
Will roll. Failure doesn’t lose the target. The warband member back. Spellcasters never gain
does not have to be in line of experience from killing one.
Shake Off Control - Two Heads - Attackers count as
Control Construct only lasts for having one fewer supporting
No Supporting Bonus - one activation. figure
Figures fighting the creature can’t
Support each other. Shriek - Wail - Every non-undead, non-
Any figure within 2” activates a construct creature within 6” must
Poisonous Spores - shriek; any figure within 8” makes roll vs Will TN 10; on failure take
If damaged in Combat, spews a cloud Will 12 or take 2 damage and lose damage equal to the amount
of spores. Any figure in combat with 1 action from next activation failed by.
the fungus takes Will 10 or be
poisoned. Teleport - If a figure is within 8” Pack Hunter - If more than one
of a Mimic at the start of the they move together
Possible Scroll - If killed, leave a Creature Phase, roll a die and
marker. When searched with an Action, move that many inches towards Powerful Jaws - Does 3 times
find a Scroll of Lost Magic on 11+ the furthest table edge. normal damage.

Powerful - Treat as if using a 2-handed Throw Rock - Spit Larvae - If figure within 12” &
weapon, ie +2 damage. If a warband member is within LOS, spits acid; make a Shoot
10” and LOS, the Golem will attack. Any creature not in Magic
See Through Terrain - throw a rock at it, doing +2 Armour is treated as 10.
Nothing blocks creature’s Line of Sight. damage, then move towards it
whether or not it was killed. Static Discharge - Melee damage
Self-Preservation - is +2; +3 if opponent is wearing
If reduced to 8 Health or less, a dragon Trap Expert Abilities - All the mail armour.
will retreat off the board as quickly as abilities of a Trap Expert. Once
possible. per game, use a 2 Initiative to Venom - If damaged by creature
spring a trap. treat as if Poisoned.
Standard Encounter Table
1st d20 -> 1-12 13-18 19-20
nd st nd rd
2 d20 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level
1 Skeleton Armoured Skeletons(2) Armoured Skeletons(3)
2 Skeletons (2) Ghoul Ghoul
3 Armoured Skeleton Ghouls (2) Ghouls (2)
4 Zombie Wraith Ghouls (2)
5 Zombies (2) Bear Wraith
6 Ghoul Bear Wraith
7 Bear Boar Vampire
8 Boar Boar White Gorilla
9 Giant Rat Ice Spider White Gorilla
10 Giant Rats (2) Ice Spiders (2) Construct (Large)
11 Giant Rats (4) Snow Leopard Construct (Large)
12 Ice Spider White Gorilla Minor Demon
13 Snow Leopard Wolves (2) Minor Demon
14 Wild Dog Construct (Medium) Frost Giant
15 Wild Dogs (2) Minor Demon Snow Troll
16 Wolf Ice Toad Snow Troll
17 Wolves (2) Ice Toads (2) Snow Trolls (2)
18 Construct (Small) Snow Troll Werewolf
19 Imp Worm Worm
20 Ice Toad Werewolf Worm
Creature Reference
Base Rules
Creature M F S A W H Notes
Armoured Skeleton 6 2 0 12 0 1 Undead
Bear 6 4 0 10 0 14 Animal, Large
Boar 6 2 0 12 2 8 Animal
Construct, Large 4 3 0 13 0 14 Construct, Large
Construct, Medium 5 1 0 12 0 12 Construct
Construct, Small 6 0 0 11 0 10 Construct
Demon, Major 6 4 0 12 6 15 Demon, Large
Demon, Minor 6 3 0 11 4 12 Demon
Frost Giant 6 5 0 15 4 25 Large, Huge Weapon
Ghoul 6 2 0 10 2 10 Undead
Giant Rat 6 0 0 6 0 1 Animal, Pack Hunter
Giant Worm 7 4 0 10 5 2 Animal
Ice Spider 6 0 0 8 0 4 Animal, Venom
Ice Toad 3 2 0 10 0 5 Powerful Jaws
Imp 6 1 0 10 4 6 Demon
Skeleton 6 1 0 10 0 1 Undead
Snow Leopard 8 2 0 10 2 10 Animal
Snow Troll 4 4 0 14 2 16 Large, Huge Weapon
Vampire 7 4 0 12 4 14 Undead, Immune to non-magic
Werewolf 7 4 0 11 5 12 Agile
White Gorilla 6 4 0 12 8 14 Animal
Wild Dog 8 0 0 8 0 4 Animal, Pack Hunter
Wolf 8 1 0 10 0 6 Animal
Wraith 6 2 0 10 3 6 Undead, Immaterial, Immune to non-magic
Zombie 4 0 0 12 0 6 Undead

Forgotten Pacts
Creature M F S A W H Notes
Bile Hound 8 2 0 10 1 10 Demon, Acid Bile (creatures damaged suffer -4 armour)

Chilopendra 6 4 0 12 4 14 Demon, Horns, Poisonous

Failing Wretch 5 1 0 19 4 10 Demon, Decaying Touch. ?Dretch…
Kaylakid 5 1 0 12 0 12 Demon, Grasping Tentacles, Levitation, Static
Toravor 6 2 0 12 0 12 Demon, Burrowing, Two Heads

Frostgrave Folio
Creature M F S A W H Notes
Alchemical Monstrosity 5 4 0 13 6 2 Lashing Tentacles, Limited Spell Immunity,
0 Never Wounded, Immune to Criticals
Burning Skeleton 6 1 0 10 1 1 Undead, Burning
Fire-Flinger 5 1 3 12 0 12 Construct, Fling Fire
Foulborn 7 4 0 12 5 12 Horns
Granite Golem 6 4 2 13 6 16 Construct, Large, Throw Rock, Huge Weapon,
Shake Off Control, Explosion
Nullman 6 1 0 12 10 5 Drawn to Magic, Immune to Magic

Into the Breeding Pits

Creature M F S A W H Notes
Amplipede 5 -2 0 7 0 1 Animal, Poison
Basilisk 4 3 0 13 2 14 Large, Petrify within 12” & LOS (12)
Devourer 4 6 6 15 0 22 Burrowing, Large, Peaceful Until Hurt, Savage
= 2-Handed Weapon, Spit Larvae
Gnoll Chieftain 7 4 0 12 5 14 Hand Weapon, Shield, Leather Armour
Gnoll Shaman 6 1 0 11 5 12 Poison, Inspiring (all gnolls in 6” gain +2 Will)
Other gnolls as per soldiers
Hydra 5 3 0 14 4 16 Animal, Large, Multiple Heads, Savage = 2-
Handed Weapon, Rare Strains (below), 1 in 5
are poisonous.
Hydra, Serpent/Biped 4 3 0 14 4 16 Animal, Large, Multiple Heads, Savage = 2-
Handed Weapon
Hydra, Fire Breathing 4 3 0 14 4 16 Animal, Large, Multiple Heads, Savage = 2-
Handed Weapon, Breathe Fire 6” at +5
Hyena 7 0 0 10 3 6 Animal
Minotaur 6 3 0 12 4 14 Bull Rush, Large, Savage = 2-handed Weapon
Sewer Slime 4 2 0 20* 6 10 Immune to Criticals, Magic Vulnerability
(Armour 12 to Magic)
Two-Headed Troll 4 4 0 14 2 16 Large, Two Heads, Huge Weapon = 2-Handed
Vaplorphine 6 1 0 10 4 8 Extremely Fast (activates after Apprentices,
then again in Creature Phase)
Violent Fungus 4 0 0 10 6 6 Fungus, Immune to Poison, Poisonous Spores,
Spell Immunity (Beauty, Mind Control,
Monstrous Form, Reveal Death)

Maze of Malcor
Creature M F S A W H Notes
Acrisbird 6 3 0 12 0 8 Animal, Immune to Mind Control
Banshee 9 0 0 10 5 1 Undead, Immaterial, Immune to non-magic
weapons, Wail
Bloodwave 5 3 0 10 6 6 Immune to non-magic, Mind Control, Poison,
Criticals, Never Wounded, Uses Will to Fight,
Treat foes as Armour 10.
Bog Man 5 0 0 10 0 6 Undead, Marsh Gas Cloud
Coal Man 4 3 0 13 0 14 Construct, Large, +4 Armour vs Elemental
Magic or Fire
Collegium Porter 5 4 0 13 3 14 Construct, Never Attacks Spellcasters, Possible
Scroll, 3 Item Slots
Glass Spider 5 0 0 11 0 8 Construct, Acid Attack, Explosive Demise
Mantodeus 5 4 0 12 4 6 Animal, Powerful, Flying, No Supporting Bonus
Phase Cat 6 0 0 8 2 8 Animal, Limited Teleportation
Shrieking Wolf 1 1 0 15 4 18 Construct, Shriek
Starfire Elemental 5 7 0 6 5 1 Levitate, See Through Terrain, Immune to non-
magic weapons, Destroyed if inflicts Damage,
Limited Spell Immunity

Rangifer (Spellcaster 3)
Creature M F S A W H Notes
Rangifer Shaman 7 2 0 12 3 12 Complicated – see Spellcaster 3
Boar 6 2 0 12 2 8 10gc, Animal, Cannot Carry Items or Treasure
Rangifer Ambusher 7 2 0 12 3 12 20gc Hate Undead, Antlers, 2 Flint Daggers,
Trap Expert Abilities
Rangifer Charger 7 3 0 12 4 12 30gc Hate Undead, Antlers (no penalty)
Rangifer Herdsman 7 2 0 12 3 12 20gc Hate Undead, Antlers, Flint Hand
Rangifer Hewer 7 4 0 12 4 14 60gc Hate Undead, Antlers, Flint 2-handed
Rangifer Hurler 7 2 2 12 3 12 30gc Hate Undead, Antlers, Flint Throwing
Spear, Flint Hand Weapon
Rangifer Pack Deer 7 1 0 12 3 12 20gc Hate Undead, Antlers, Flint Hand
Weapon, 3 item slots, as per Pack Mule
Rangifer War-Leader 7 2 0 12 3 12 100gc Hate Undead, Antlers, as per Captain
Spellcaster 2
Creature M F S A W H Notes
Young Dragon 6 5 0 14 6 22 Large, Powerful, Immune to Poison +25xp
Adult Dragon 7 7 0 15 8 26 Large, Flying, Powerful, Immune to Poison,
Elemental Damage Resistance +2 Armour,
Breathe Fire or Spit Poison, Horiffic, Immune to
Criticals and Mind Control, Self-Preservation
Old Dragon 7 8 0 15 10 3 Large, Flying, Powerful, All Attacks Magic,
0 Immune to Poison, Elemental Damage
Resistance +3 Armour, Breathe Fire or Spit
Poison, Horiffic, Immune to Criticals and Mind
Control, Self-Preservation +100xp, Lair 8
Example Spells: Banish (8), Call Storm (10), Combat Awareness (12), Crumble (10), Explosive Rune (10), Fog (8), Mind Control (12), Reveal
Invisible (8), Spelleater (8), Steal Health (10), Wizard Eye (8)
Ancient Dragon 7 8 0 16 14 4 Large, Flying, Powerful, All Attacks Magic,
0 Immune to Poison, Elemental Damage
Resistance +4 Armour, Breathe Fire or Spit
Poison, Horiffic, Immune to Criticals and Mind
Control, Self-Preservation +300xp, Lair 20
Example Spells: Banish (5), Call Storm (5), Combat Awareness (7), Crumble (6), Explosive Rune (6), Fog (5), Mind Control (5), Reveal Invisible (5),
Spelleater (5), Steal Health (6), Wizard Eye (5)

Thaw of the Lich Lord

Creature M F S A W H Notes
Blood Crow 9 0 0 14 3 1 Animal, Flying
Death Cultist 6 0 0 10 5 10 Masked fanatics
Frost Wraith 6 2 0 10 3 6 Undead, Icy Grasp (+2 Fight vs Living
Spectre 9 0 0 10 10 8 Undead, Immaterial, Immune to non-magic
Wraith Knight 6 3 0 10 5 10 Undead, Immaterial, Immune to non-magic
weapons, Immune to Control Undead, Drain
Life Force (attacks do double damage)
Zombie Troll 4 4 0 14 2 10 Undead, Large, 2-Handed Weapon

Wizards’ Conclave
Creature M F S A W H Notes
Mimic 3 3 1 13 8 8 Magic Attack, Teleport, Animated Treasure
Token, Construct, Various Types
Chest Terrifying formidable mouth; bite does x2 damage
Table Long-legged dodge; +6 Fight for dodging Shoot attacks
Desk Big and sturdy; treat as Large, Armour 15 and 12 Health
Broom After teleporting, makes a +0 Shoot lightning attack on the nearest figure
within 24” & LOS
Cabinet Big and sturdy; treat as Large, Armour 15 and 12 Health. Before teleporting,
opens and releases an Imp in base contact with itself.
Bag Absorbs magic; each time it’s targeted with a spell, 10+ to cancel the spell and
heal any damage
Alembic Filled with dangerous and unstable liquid; any figure damaging it in melee is
sprayed for 3 damage
Chair Agile, fast but weak; Fight +6 but only does half damage
Grimoire Floats sparkling hypnotically; all within 8” roll Will 12 or reduced to 1 action
next activation
Bookcase Humanoid bookcase, stats as Large Construct. Does not teleport. Any caster
within 4” can spend an action 1/game to read pages for 20xp

Creature M F S A W H Notes
Skeleton Archer 6 0 2 11 0 1 Leather Armour, Bow, Undead

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