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Nation and Nationalism

Nation Nationalism is the idea that every nation

has a claim to some land under its
A nation is a territory where control. The concept of nationalism
all the people are led by the holds that once a group has established Nationalism is an ideology
same government. The word itself as a country, they have a "natural that emphasizes loyalty,
“nation” can also refer to a right" to area required to live in and rule devotion, or allegiance to a
group of people who share a in. In short, a group of individuals who nation or nation-state and
history, traditions, culture share this sentiment are said to create a holds that such obligations
and, often, language—even if "nation." To put it another way, outweigh other individual or
the group does not have a nationalism is the idea that every group interests.
country of its own. country ought to have its own state.

State is a nation or territory
considered as an organized
political community under
one government.
A nation-state is an
Nation- State independent state which
According to scholars, the
FIRST PATH consists of people from one
process of becoming a nation- particular national group.
state involved the bureaucracy The capacity of one nation to
working to finally unite the be an independent without
citizens of the state in order to PRIMORDIALISM
being dependent for other state
create the nation state. On the notion that there is an
to rule. Hindsight, being a
unchanging core in everyone, one
nation-state can make the may be persuaded to assume that
people of that particular nation
SECOND In order to establish a nation- divides of "us" and "them" are
through embodiment of
PATH state, intellectuals and scholars organically established and that
nationalism from where they
first provided the groundwork for national identity has always been
devote their wholeheartedly
political recognition, which was and that nations have "ethnic
allegiance to their own state
later followed by diplomatic cores."
and nation.
A political project is nationalism.
Following the sequence of
decolonization that took place
Development It discusses that in pre-modern
cultures, strict social hierarchies
during World War II, groups that could accommodate linguistic and
had been under the rule of PATHS TAKEN TOWARDS cultural variety, in contrast to the
imperial powers began to THE FORMATION OF present, when fast change drives
establish their identity in order to NATION-STATES statehood and nationalism to
create a country and create their preserve social uniformity.
own state out of the pieces of the
severed colonial links.
FOURTH According to Benedict
PATH A group of individuals who could Anderson's 2003 thesis, countries
not or would not connect with the PRESENTATION OF are "imagined communities".
general populace created a nation, THEORIES ABOUT THE Studying the notion, the idea of a
proclaimed their independence, ROOTS OR THE ORIGINS nation arises in the minds of those
and demanded recognition. OF THE NATION who identify with it, without
them necessarily having to
physically see and get to know
every individual who belongs to
it.d nationalism to preserve social

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