Grade 11 LO Exam MEMO Term 2 2018 Final 1
Grade 11 LO Exam MEMO Term 2 2018 Final 1
Grade 11 LO Exam MEMO Term 2 2018 Final 1
SECTION A: 20 Marks
1.1 A
1.2 D
1.3 B
1.4 C
1.5 C
2.2 Explain the difference between a short and a long term goal. (2)
Basically, the difference between a short term goal and long term goal is the time it takes to
accomplish each. Whilst a short term goal can take days or weeks to accomplish✓, a long
term goal can take months or even years.✓
2.3 Discuss the aim of SETAs. (2)
● To increase the skills of people who want to work in a specific industry or sector.✓
● To ensure the skills needed for every sector of the South African economy are
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● To ensure that training is available to provide for these skills needs.✓
● Any TWO of the above or any relevant answer for ONE mark each.
2.4 How often do the national and provincial elections take place in South
Africa? (1)
Every 5 years.
QUESTION 3: Definitions
3.1 values (in terms of goal-setting) (1)
Principles or standards of behaviour; one's judgement of what is important✓ in life.
SECTION B: 30 Marks
4.2 Deduce the possible outcomes and consequences for future generations
in a world consumed by social media usage. (3X2) (6)
● We will develop socially inept✓ generations only capable of some kind of meaningful
conversion through the use of technology.✓
● Loss of privacy✓ as social media encourages people to share everything going on in
their lives at any time of the day.✓
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5.2 Contrast and analyse bursaries and study loans as financial assistance options to
fund higher learning. (2X2) (4)
● Loans are awarded to applicants based on their need and family income.✓
● Loans are also always linked to interest rates.✓
● If you receive a loan you would be required to repay the loan in full as well as the
accumulated interest.✓
● Bursaries vary in amounts and professions and are given to students in order to
further their studies.✓
● In return for funding your studies, the company may require you to repay them by
signing a work contract with them.✓
● Another type of bursary is a donor bursary (a bursary awarded to a deserving
candidate in a specific field of study or in recognition for his/her work in a
specific field of study).
● Any TWO of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.
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● It does not necessarily yield results.✓ “Vena says that many residents have lost
confidence in public participation processes, because it hasn't yielded any results when
it comes to issues of land or housing.”✓
● Any TWO of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.
6.3 Produce a plan of action, which all South African citizens can follow to
ensure that they are involved in public participation in the correct manner. (2X2) (4)
● Call a community meeting✓ to discuss grievances✓
● Join civil and political organisations✓ to protest or share grievances✓
● Vote during elections✓ to make voice heard/ count. ✓
● Stand for election✓ and take actively part in operating services✓
● Paying taxes to ensure obligatory participation✓ to improve services✓
● To write a petition✓ and make people aware of the problem✓
● Any TWO of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.
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SECTION C: 30 Marks
Only answer TWO (2) of the THREE (3) following questions. Please read all instructions
as these can affect your marks to some extent.
Construct an essay in which you:
7.1 Argue the importance of goals and values and explain how they relate to one
another. (2)
● Values are the personal beliefs that guide the way you live your life. Makes your life
more meaningful ✓
● If your goals are not aligned to your values they will feel meaningless.✓
● This will result in you not feeling happy and fulfilled in life.✓
● It will also impact your motivation to achieve the goals.✓
● Any THREE of the above or any other for ONE mark each. (2)
7.2 Critique the SMART method of goal setting and evaluate its effectiveness. (3)
Goals are often not achieved✓ because they are not specific enough and do not include
enough detail. ✓
If you not realistic in your dreams✓ can results in them being unrealistic dreams that we
consider but we do not really know how to work towards achieving them.
This goal setting method provides a checklist for our goals✓ so that we are able to assess
whether or not it really is an achievable goal. ✓
If you use the SMART method can help you organize✓ and reach your goal one step at a
time. ✓
If you use the SMART method/principle it brings structure ✓ and it present a trajectory into
your goals✓
The SMART method also creates verifiable measures towards a certain objective/goal, ✓ with
clear indicators and an estimation of the goals attainability. (achievability) ✓
Any THREE of the above or any relative answer for ONE mark each. (3)
7.3 Advise your fellow learners on how to effectively implement the following personal
qualities to ensure success in setting their goals: (5X2) (10)
Define Perseverance: The determination to keep trying to do something difficult, continuing
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to do it despite the delay in achieving success ✓ So if life happens and you experience a
challenge in goal setting path, you must persevere.✓
Define Persistence: This principle helps you continue to do something even though it is
difficult, ✓ in goal setting to be persistent, even if it means to do things over again will make
success a greater possibility.✓
Define Prioritise: This quality means doing “first things first”.✓ So you will do things in
order of importance or urgency. If your goals are in line with priorities, your chances for
success are more.✓
Define Passion: a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing
something.✓ If you are excited about your goals you have a greater chance of achieving
Define Pride: a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own
achievements.✓ I you show pride and effort you will achieve more in what you do there is a
far greater chance of it coming to pass.✓ (5X2) (10)
Compose an essay that addresses the following:
8.1 Justify why there is still a need for vocational courses and not just stringent
academic degrees. (3)
● Vocational courses often focus on scarce skills ✓
● Many people struggle with pure academic learning. ✓
● Many learners in South Africa do not qualify for university studies. ✓
● Vocational courses are often shorter and less expensive, which makes it more
accessible for the low-income market of South Africa. ✓
● Unemployment is a big problem in South Africa. Vocational courses increase the
employability of people in specific fields. ✓
● Any THREE relevant answers for ONE marks each. (3)
8.2 Assess at least THREE (3) stigmas that are connected to vocational training and
formulate a solution for each of the mentioned stigmas. (3X2) (6)
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Those who attend vocational training are not Inform learners about the high-quality
able to perform academically. opportunities that vocational training
opens up.
Only people of a low economic background HEI must change their names to be more
study at vocational institutions. inclusive.
One will not earn a lot of money when Show examples of entrepreneurs and
pursuing a vocational job. successful vocational stories to
communities and learners.
Further Education and Training colleges’ Colleges should visit schools and inform
standard is below par. learners about their curriculum and
training methods.
Accept correct and relevant responses. Accept correct and relevant responses.
(3X2) (6)
8.3 Conclude with THREE (3) ways in which vocational training can combat
unemployment in South Africa. (3X2) (6)
● Vocational training increases employability of youth ✓ so less of people will be
unemployed. ✓
● Qualifications increase the self-confidence of people ✓ inspire people to find suitable
and specific employment. ✓
● Vocational training may allow one to become an entrepreneur ✓ and create even
further job opportunities. ✓
● Because vocational training is geared toward specific job opportunities ✓ it does not
lead to a disconnect between qualifications and job opportunities. ✓
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Compile a magazine article which considers and answers the following:
9.1 Evaluate THREE (3) ways sport can detract from nation building. (3X2) (6)
● Dis-unify the country ✓ which is in contrast of unity and cohesion and positive spirit.
● Bad behaviour from spectators and players are reported in the media ✓ and give us a
poor reputation internationally. ✓
● Violence at sports’ matches✓may lead to spectators staying away from matches and
sport events. ✓
● If participants behave bad (poor sporting behaviour) ✓ they set bad examples as role
models. ✓
● Any THREE of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.
(3X2) (6)
9.2 Recommend THREE (3) strategies that could be implemented to prevent fan
violence at large sport events. (3X2) (6)
● Larger police presence ✓ to ensure greater crowd control✓
● No alcohol or drugs on premises✓ should improve behaviour✓
● Keep referees in check ✓ to make sure they are not bias and ref at a high standard✓
● Ensure there are enough seats✓ to prevent fighting for space✓
● Any THREE of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.
(3X2) (6)
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9.3 Choose a major sporting event which South Africa has hosted and appraise the
extent to which sport is an effective mechanism for nation building. (1+2) (3)
1995 Rugby World Cup✓ / Cricket World Cup✓ / 2010 Soccer World Cup.✓ Any ONE
Two valid points commenting on the effectiveness of the event for nation building.✓✓ (1+2)
End of Paper
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