Brazing Ni-Cr-Si Alloy
Brazing Ni-Cr-Si Alloy
Brazing Ni-Cr-Si Alloy
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(Received 29 July 1994; revised version received 30 October 1994; accepted 10 January 1995)
1000 ‘C
i .l-
y3 .01- * + Cr,N -
lE-4 I I I I lE-4 I I I I
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(4 (b)
950 ‘C
Fig. 2. Calculated stability diagrams of nitride phases in various Ni-Cr alloys as a function of nitrogen fugacity: (a) at 1125”C,
(b) at lOOOT, and (c) at 950°C.
20 26
strates and heated at 10Wmin to 1200°C in a Fig. 3. Wetting behaviour of Ni-Cr-Si brazing alloys on
vacuum chamber evacuated to a pressure of less S&N, substrates at 1200°C (filled circles). The composition of
than 5 X lOa Pa. The samples were kept for 30 the alloys is given in Table 1. Also included are literature
data for BNi-5 (open squares) Ref. 9, for Ni-17P-Cr brazes
min at temperature and then cooled to room tem- (open triangles) Ref. 21 and for BNi-2, a Ni-13EHSi-7Cr-3Fe
perature at 1O”C/min. braze at 1150°C (open circles) Ref. 22.
After being used in the wetting or brazing
experiments, the samples were cross-sectioned,
polished with diamond paste and finished with a 120”,22but our observation of excellent wetting by
0.3 pm alumina slurry. The contact angles of wet- BNC5 confirms a literature report.’ Using the crite-
ting samples and the interfacial microstructures of rion of a maximum contact angle of 30” for effec-
brazed samples was characterized by optical tive wetting of a ceramic suggested by Moorhead
microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. and Keating,23 it can be seen that all the Ni-Cr-Si
Electron probe microanalysis, (EPMA), and X-ray brazes used in this study are adequate but some of
diffraction, (XRD), techniques were used to char- the other compositions are unsuitable.
acterise the micro-chemistry of braze seams. The
Vickers hardness of phases within the seams were 4.2 BNi-5 microstructure
derived using a 50 g load applied by Zeiss MHT4 Comparison of the quoted Ni-19Cr-18Si compo-
equipment. sition of BNi-5 with the phase stability diagrams
Nitridation of the Ni-Cr-Si alloys under total for both 1027 and 1127°C Fig. 1, reveals that it
gas pressures up to 100 bars, took place in a sin- lies within the solid-solid Ni,Si,-FCC Ni two
tering furnace (KCE, Germany). Temperature phase field, yet very close to the boundary of the
control was carried out with an optical pyrometer solid-solid-solid Ni,Si,-FCC Ni-Cr,Ni,Si, three
within +5”C accuracy. All experiments were car- phase field. It was surprising, therefore, that the
ried out in pure nitrogen (0, 5 10 ppm; H,O I 10 microstructure of the as received BNi-5 braze,
ppm). After nitridation under these conditions, shown in Fig. 4, contained three phases. These
formation of oxides was not detected at the sur- were: (1) a matrix labelled M with a hardness of
face of the samples. The surface of the alloys were HV463, (2) a substantial amount of a hard irregu-
examined after nitriding by XRD analysis with a lar phase labelled A, and (3) a small amount of a
cylindrical texture camera using nickel-filtered hard angular phase labelled B.
Cu-Ka radiation.
4.1 Wetting
The contact angles derived from the 1200°C wet-
ting studies are presented in Fig. 3. The commer-
cial BNi-5 braze wetted well with an angle of lo”,
while the laboratory produced braze alloys wetted
even better with contact angles of virtually zero.
Also included in the figure are some contact
angles reported for other Ni braze alloys.9,21,22It
can be seen that not all Ni brazes wet, the contact Fig. 4. Scanning electron micrographs of as-received BNi-5
angle for BNi-2 (Ni-13B-8Si-7Cr-3Fe) being microstructures.
Brazing of Si,N, with Ni-Cr-Si alloys 567
Table 2. Phases identified in BNi-5 foils and braze seams. (Compositions are given in at%). The stoichiometry of the Q-phase was
found to be NilSCr2,SisNs
The compositions of the phases in this and After brazing at 1200°C (Fig. 5) it was found
other cross-sections are summarised in Table 2. that the Vickers hardness of the braze matrix
Comparison of these compositions with the phase had been increased to about HV 1100
Ansara diagrams shown in Fig. 1 identifies the (Table 3) and that the composition of the braze
Ni-24Cr-15Si Matrix, M as a Cr and Si saturated seam had been changed (Table 2).
FCC Ni and the hard irregular Ni-26StlOCr The matrix became depleted in Cr but Fig. 6
phase A as a Cr enriched Ni,Si,. However, assign- shows that extending the brazing cycle caused the
ing an identity to the Ni-5 lCr-15Si-3.5N compo-
sition of the angular phase B is difficult. The
angular phase contains nitrogen and hence cannot
be identified validly as any of the ternary com-
pounds shown in the Ansara diagrams. Even if the
N content is ignored, the normalised composition
is not in accord with any of the phases shown in
Fig. 1 but lies within the two phase field between
Cr3Ni,Siz and the Cr,Ni,Si, or u, phase. Therefore,
it was decided somewhat arbitrarily for the mo-
ment, (it will be justified later on), to regard the
angular phase (B) as a quaternary compound, Q.
The microstructure of the BNi-5 foil was little
changed by subjecting it to a simulated brazing
cycle by melting in an A120, crucible and holding
at 1150°C for 15 min, Table 2. The microstructure
contained three phases; 53% of the Ni-based solid
solution matrix phase, 40% of Ni,Si, and 7% of
the quaternary Q-phase. However, major changes
occurred when the alloy was subjected to braze
cycles in contact with S&N,.
the large range of brazing conditions explored, the 5. Iwamoto, N., Kamay, M., Fujii, K. & Sato, N., ibid,
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Loo, J. F., to be published.
18. Ono, N., Kajihara, M. & Kikuchi, M., Metall. Trans.
Part of this work was carried out within the Com- 23A (1992) 1389.
mission Research and Development Programme. 19. Frisk, K., Ph. D. Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology,
It was also partially supported by the Innovative Stockholm, Sweden, (1990).
20. Lugscheider, E., Knotek, 0 & Klohn, K., Weld. J., Weld.
Programme for Technical Ceramics from the
Res. Suppl., 57 (1978) 319s.
Dutch Finance Ministry (Grant # 91.B230). 21. Nicholas, M. G. & Peteves, S. D., In Proc. of&h Znterna-
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