Schmidt 1996
Schmidt 1996
Schmidt 1996
The organization of the motor nuclei of the glossopharyngeal, vagal, occipital, first spinal
and second spinal nerves of Typhlonectes natans (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Caeciliaidae:
Typhlonectinae) was studied by using horseradish peroxidase reaction staining. Each nucleus
has discrete patterns of cytoarchitecture and of topography. Nuclei are elongate and some
overlap anteroposteriorly. The brainstem is elongate, with no distinct demarcation of brain-
stem from spinal cord. The occipital nerve emerges through a separate foramen from that for
the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves in the species studied, is distinct from both, and its
nucleus is more similar to spinal nuclei in cytoarchitecture. The occipital nerve fuses with
spinal nerves 1 and 2 to contribute to the hypoglossal trunk. A spinal accessory nerve is
absent. o 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The neuroanatomy of the gymnophione amphibians (cae- oblongata. Motor nuclei of spinal nerves are constituted of
cilians) has received little attention, especially in compari- medial and lateral motor columns. In salamanders, there is
son to the extensive work published on salamanders and extensive overlap of adjacent motor nuclei. Spinal nuclei of
frogs. Waldschmidt (1887) briefly described the anatomy of bolitoglossine salamanders are constituted of only a medial
the brain and cranial nerves in four species of caecilians; motor column, (Roth and Wake, 1985; Roth et al., 1988;
Burckhardt (1891) compared the brains of the salamander Wake et al., 1988). Caecilians also have a more reduced
Triturus and the caecilian Ichthyophis. Norris and Hughes brain morphology than do frogs. However, studies on the
(1918) examined the cranial and anterior spinal nerves of tectum mesencephali in caecilians (Schmidt and Wake,
several species of caecilians; Kuhlenbeck (1922) described 1991) suggest that these animals represent an “intermedi-
the brain, concentrating on Siphonops annulatus. Laub- ate” degree of morphological complexity, between that of
mann (1927) examined morphogenesis of the brain of frogs and salamanders. Modes of feeding and locomotion in
Hypogeophis, and Krabbe (1962) compared gross brain caecilians are markedly different from those of salamanders
development in three species of salamanders and three of and frogs. However, to date, nothing is known about the
caecilians, each in different families. While none of these organization of the caecilian brainstem and the cervical
authors considered details of brain organization in caecil- spinal cord and its relation to feeding and locomotion in
ians, their studies are the point of departure for our work. caecilians. Therefore, on strict functionalist grounds, differ-
Recent studies on the motor nuclei of frogs (Szekely, ences in the neuroanatomy of medullary control regions are
1976; Matesz and Szekely, 1977, 1978; Stuesse et al., 1983, expected.
1984; Nikundiwe et al., 1982; Nikundiwe and Nieuwen- The aim of this study is to examine the topology and
huys, 1983; Oka et al., 1987) and salamanders (Roth and cytoarchitecture of motor nuclei in one species of caecilian,
Wake, 1985; Wake et al., 1988), and both (Szekely and Typhlonectes natans, and to make a general comparison
Matesz, 19931, revealed differences in the organization of
motor nuclei (number of motor columns, segregation of Accepted February 23,1996.
motor nuclei) between members of the two orders. Frogs Address reprint requests to Marvalee H. Wake, Department of Integrative
differ from salamanders in having a well-expressed topo- Biology, 3060 VLSB, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-3140.
graphic segregation of motor nuclei in the anterior medulla E-mail:
with the condition in salamanders and frogs to determine branches. HRP-reacted brains were also compared to seri-
whether differences in function are correlated with differ- ally sectioned, Palmgren’s stained heads in order to study
ences in neuroanatomical organization. This study estab- peripheral nerve patterns and central nervous system
lishes a baseline for further comparative work on the (CNS) tracts.
neuroanatomy of caecilians, and elucidates several new
questions that we expect to consider through experiments
employing a wider range of techniques. RESULTS
External morphology
MATERIALS AND METHODS The caecilian brainstem contrasts markedly with that of
The brains of 17 Typhlonectes natans (Amphibia: Gymno- frogs and salamanders in having a sharp ventral bend at the
phiona: Caeciliaidae: Typhlonectinae, Hedges et al., 1993) level of the posterior end of the greatly enlarged hypothala-
were prepared for examination of the posterior cranial and mus, similar to that in many mammals. The bend distorts
anterior spinal nerves, and their motor nuclei (see Figs. 1, the brainstem.
2). Twelve animals were used to stain cranial nerves IX, X,
the occipital nerve, and spinal nerves 1 and 2 by the Motor pathways and nuclei
horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method. Five animals were Glossopharyngeus (ZX). There are two distinct but very
prepared as wholemount, cleared and Sudan black B- small rootlets that orient rather sharply posteriorly when
stained specimens (according to modifications of the tech- they enter the brainstem. The motor rootlets of the glosso-
niques of Filipski and Wilson, 1984 and Nishikawa, 1987; pharyngeus are well-separated from and cranial to those of
see Wake, 1992). the vagus. The motor nucleus of the glossopharyngeus is
Under tricaine methane sulfonate (MS 222) anaesthesia well-separatedfrom the motor nucleus of the vagus (Fig. 1).
(1:lOO w/v solution), various combinations of the glossopha- It is small and compact (Figs. 1, 3B), and lies entirely in
ryngeus (1x1, vagus (XI, occipitalis, spinal 1, and spinal 2 front of the obex. Motor neurons of the glossopharyngeus
were severed on the left and right sides of the animals. are found in the periventricular zone.
Nerves were identified according to Wake (1992); opera- Vagus (X). The vagus enters the brain by way of three
tional definitions of the occipital and the spinal accessory motor branches, each composed of two rootlets. The motor
nerves are provided there and in the Discussion. HRP nucleus of the vagus is relatively large (Figs. 1,2,4A,B) and
tracing and reactions were performed according to Fritzsch extends ventrolaterally from a point between the entrances
et al. (1984). Brains were then dehydrated in a series of 4 of the glossopharyngeus and the vagus in front of the obex
ethanols (70-100%) for 30 minutes, then cleared and stored posteriorly to a point between the entrances of the occipital
in 100% methyl salicylate. In order to make serial recon- nerve and the first spinal nerve, well behind the obex (Fig.
structions of the motor nuclei and neurons, wholemounts 4). Cells lying in the dorsal part of the ventrolateral column
were returned to alcohol, embedded in Epon, and cut at 60 of motor neurons are characterized by horizontal dendritic
pm. Brains so prepared were compared with five specimens arborizations that extend laterally and anteriorly, and
macerated in trypsin, bulk-stained with Sudan black B and constitute a lateral neuropil (Fig. 4D).
alizarin red S, cleared in glycerine, and stored in 100% Occipitalis. The occipital nerve is exclusively motor and
glycerine to which thymol crystals were added to prevent lacks a dorsal root. It enters the brain via two branches
fungal growth (see Wake, 1992, for protocol and compara- between the vagus and spinal 1, somewhat nearer the
tive material). Sudan black B staining of intact animals vagus. The anterior branch consists of two rootlets and the
permits examination of peripheral nerves and their posterior branch of four rootlets. The motor nucleus ex-
Organization of amphibian motor nuclei
There are differences in the organization of motor nuclei
B among members of the three orders of amphibians regard-
ing the organization of motor columns, cytoarchitecture,
and the pattern of segregation of motor nuclei (Matesz and
Szekely, 1978; Stuesse et al., 1983, 1984; Nikundiwe et al.,
1982;Nikundiwe and Nieuwenhuys, 1983; Oka et al., 1987;
Roth and Wake, 1985; Roth et al., 1988; Wake et al., 1988;
R. hypo
Szekely and Matesz, 1993; Wake, 1993). The motor nuclei
of frogs are more widely separated than are those in
salamanders. The organization of the brainstem in sala-
Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of the skeletal elements (A) and manders is characterized by extensive overlapping of motor
peripheral nerve roots (B) associated with the posterior cranial and nuclei. In caecilians, the internal organization of the motor
anterior spinal nerves. A is a drawing of the rear of the skull, the atlas,
and the first spinal (second)vertebra, not drawn to scale, but to accent
nuclei (i.e., the formation of different motor columns) is
the foramina through which the nerves exit. Cranial nerves IX and X more similar to that of frogs, but the pattern of overlap
exit together through the large foramen in the skull, the occipital more closely resembles that of salamanders (compare Fig. 1
through the smaller posterior foramen. Spinal 1 exits through the with Fig. 6 in Roth et al., 1990).
foramen of the atlas; the dorsal and ventral roots of spinal 2 exit The brainstem of TyphZonectesis similar to that of frogs,
separately, the dorsal through the small anterior foramen, the ventral and unlike that of salamanders, in having a clear segrega-
through the larger, more ventral foramen. B diagrams the nerves and
their associations to form the ramus hypoglossus (R. hypo.; other tion of the glossopharyngealand vagal nuclei. However, the
abbreviations as in Fig. 1). Closed dark circles indicate dorsal root posterior part of the medulla is characterized by an overlap-
ganglia. Open circles indicate exit foramina. Ventral components of ping of motor nuclei, as occurs in salamanders. We found
spinal nerves 1 and 2, and lhe solely ventral occipital nerve, compose extensive overlap among the motor nuclei of the occipitalis,
the ramus hypoglossus. A and B are aligned to indicate the extents of the vagus, and the rostral half of the first spinal nerves.
skeletal elements and nerve root configurations relative to each other.
Overlap of the nuclei of the vagus and spinal 1also has been
described in salamanders (Wake et al., 1988). Neither the
occipital motor nucleus nor its nerve occur in frogs or
tends forward to the level between the entrances of the salamanders, or in amniotes.
glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves and posterior to a level An apparent condensation of spinal 1, spinal 2, and the
between the entrances of the occipital and first spinal hypoglossal nerves has occurred in adult anurans. Spinal 1,
nerves (Figs. 2,4A,B). There is strong overlap with that of with dorsal and ventral roots and a ganglion, is present in
the vagus (Figs. 2,4A).Most motor neurons of the occipita- larval frogs (Gaupp, 1899). A complex of nerves emerges
lis are found in the ventral part of the lateral medulla. from the first vertebra in adult frogs, including those that
Dendritic arborizations of these cells project dorsad and form the hypoglossal ramus (Stuesse et al., 1983).However,
ventrad and appear to contact the lateral neuropil consti- there is no ganglion, and no clear dorsal root of spinal 1.
tuted by neurons of the vagus. A few cells lie medially and The rostral parts of the two distinct motor columns associ-
form a separate column, continuous with that of the medial ated with these nerves overlap the posterior half of the
column of more posterior nuclei. These cells are small and vagal nucleus in Bufo (Oka et al., 1987).
weakly stained; we suspect that our staining of these cells Glossopharyngealand vagal motor nuclei form a continu-
may be incomplete. The dendritic arborizations of these ous (salamanders: Roth et al., 1988), partially discontinu-
cells extend laterad (Fig. 4D). ous (caecilians), or discontinuous (frogs: Oka et al., 1987)
Spinal 1. The first spinal nerve has distinct, large dorsal single column of cell bodies, lying at the ventrolateral
and ventral roots, and a large dorsal root ganglion. The margin of the periventricular gray matter. The spinal
dorsal root is widely separated from the ventral root, and is motor nuclei include two columns, one medial and the other
posterior to it. The motor nucleus of the first spinal nerve ventrolateral, in salamanders (exceptfor the derived, simpli-
lies ventrolaterally. A few small pear-shaped cells are found fied condition in bolitoglossines; Wake et al., 1988). The
medially, forming a medial column. The ventrolateral col- occipital motor nucleus in TyphZonectes is more similar to
umn extends anteriorly to overlap the posterior portion of the more posterior spinal nuclei than to the more anterior
the nuclei of the vagus and occipitalis (Figs. 2, 4B), and glossopharyngeal and vagal nuclei, in that both medial and
posteriorly to a point anterior to the entrance of the second ventrolateral motor neurons are present. However, either
spinal nerve. Ventrolateral motor neurons arborize dorsolat- our staining of the medial column is incomplete, or this
erally. There are few large multipolar cells; they extend column is constituted by very few and very small cells in
dendrites in all directions. Typhlonectes.
Spinal 2. Motor branches enter the cord via two ante- Fetcho (1986, 1987) suggested distinct functions for the
rior rootlets. A few stained motor neurons lie anterior to spinal motor columns in amniotes. The medial column,
the entrance of the motor branches (Fig. 4E). The nucleus which arises early in ontogeny, was thought to innervate
extends anteriorly to the level of the midpoint between the axial musculature; the lateral column was considered re-
lated to limb musculature. Van Mier et al. (1985) showed the medial column innervates tongue musculature. Roth
that development of the lateral motor column inXenopus is and Wake (1985) suggest that the lateral column in both
correlated with development of the limbs. Such functions frogs and salamanders may be involved with neck and body
cannot be attributed to caecilians, for not only do they lack rather than with tongue movement. We found very few
limbs, but they also have lateral columns. Axial muscula- motor neurons lying medially in Typhlonectes, provided
ture therefore must be innervated by the lateral columns. that the small number is not a consequence of incomplete
Matesz and Szekely (1977) report that in Rana esculenta staining. The small number of medial motor neurons may
Fig. 4. A-E: Cranial nerve X (XI, occipital (OCC), spinal 1and spinal (arrow). We consider the latter cells part of the Xth nucleus, and the
2 (lSP, 2SP). A,B,C,E: Wholemounts. D: Transverse section of the ventrolateral and medial motor neurons are occipital. Motor neurons of
wholemount in A at the level of X and occipital. The anterior part of the spinal 1and of spinal 2 project dorsolaterally (thin arrows). Sensory
nucleus of spinal 1 and the posterior parts of the X and occipital nuclei projections of spinal 1 extend forward, beyond the obex (thick arrow).
overlap (B).In D, motor neurons are found in three positions: medial Scale bars = 250 Frn.
(star),ventrolateral (triangle), and in the dorsal part of the ventral horn
be related to a reduction of tongue comonents in these unexpected, given the profound secondary modification
animals (Wake, 1992). from a limbed to a limbless predator, and the extensive
association of anterior spinal nerves with the feeding
Occipital and/or spinal accessory nerves mechanism.
The presence of an exclusively motor occipital nerve and
its large nucleus in some species of caecilians long has been Caecilian vs. anuran and urodelan brainstem
known (Marcus, 1910; Norris and Hughes, 1918). Wake structure
(1992) reviewed the literature on occipital nerves, and Phylogenetic history. All living members of the Gymno-
concluded that the nerve in caecilians is appropriately so phiona lack limbs, girdles, and the associated musculature
designated for several reasons (see below). The occipitalis and innervation, including the absence of brachial and
apparently is involved only in the constitution of the ramus spinal plexuses. Concomitant to limb loss, the body of
hypoglossus. After leaving the brain and proceeding dis- caecilians has become very elongate (90-285 vertebrae;
tally, either through a common foramen with the glossopha- Taylor, 19681, though the tail is lost, or nearly so, in all
ryngeus and vagus (several other taxa; see Wake, 1992),or taxa. Limb loss and its correlates present a pattern of
through its own cranial foramen (as in the species reported morphology distinctly different from that of salamanders,
herein), the occipitalis fuses with spinal 1, which then joins even the elongate taxa, and of frogs. No members of the
spinal 2 (Norris and Hughes, 1918; Wake, 1992).We do not Anura or the Caudata have lost all of their limbs, though
yet have anterograde staining that would identify the they may be reduced (and hindlimbs lost) in salamanders;
innervation targets of the specific components of the ramus all retain the appropriate musculature and its innervation.
hypoglossus. Limb loss and secondary simplification of the tongue have
We do not find a spinal accessory nerve in Typhlonectes, been conjectured by Wake (1992) to provide conditions that
nor in other species prepared for study (Wake,unpublished permit morphological innovation, such as incorporation of
data), nor has one been reported in the literature for additional nerves (occipitalis, rami of the vagus and of
caecilians. Some have questioned the identification of the spinal 3) into the ramus hypoglossus.
occipitalis as such (personal communication to M. Wake), The brainstem of salamanders and frogs is not limited by
rather than as a spinal accessory, since the latter now has the end of the skull, but is confluent with the anterior
been found in salamanders (Roth et al., 1984; Roth and spinal cord (summarized by Roth et al., 1990). A similar
Wake, 1985; Wake et al., 1988) and frogs (Matesz and situation exists in caecilians, in which the brainstem ex-
SzBkely, 1977; Oka et al., 1987; Sz6kely and Matesz, 1993), tends well posterior to the foramen magnum. In fact, the
as well as many other vertebrate taxa. Location of its motor caecilian brainstem is more elongate than that of elongate
neurons suggests that the caecilian occipitalis might re- salamanders. We speculate that the combination of reduc-
semble a spinal nerve; however, as Wake (1992, 1993a,c) tion of morphological structure and overall body elongation
discussed, the occipitalis of caecilians is not homologous to has permitted the elongation of the brainstem as well. We
the spinal accessory nerve of salamanders. Therefore, caecil- cannot explain the presence of the occipital nerve, since it
ians are distinguished from their sister taxa by the presence may be either a retention of the ancestral condition, or a
of an occipital nerve in derived species, and by the apparent reacquisition. However, the constitution of spinal nerve 1
absence of a spinal accessory nerve. Consequently, the by dorsal and ventral roots and a dorsal root ganglion is
general conclusion that a spinal accessory nerve is present apparently a retention of the ancestral vertebrate condi-
in all amphibians (SzBkely and Matesz, 1993)does not apply tion, found in all caecilians examined, but lost in sala-
to caecilians, based on current information. manders and frogs. It is possible that reduction of both limb
The constitution of spinal nerve 1 in and tongue components otherwise innervated by spinal
nerve 1might “permit” retention of the ancestral condition
amphibians without specialization.
The first spinal nerve of adult salamanders typically is Ontogenetic history. Little is known about caecilian
composed of several ventral rootlets, and lacks a dorsal root development, especially that of the brain. The length of the
and ganglion. When the latter are present in embryos, they developmental period is known for only a few species.
are lost in adults (Roth and Wake, 1985). Spinal 1is strictly However, all indications are that time to metamorphosis or
motor and innervates tongue musculature via the ramus birth is protracted in caecilians, for the free-living larval
hypoglossus. The second spinal nerve has dorsal and ven- period is approximately one year (Ichthyophis glutinosus:
tral roots, and a dorsal ganglion; it innervates various Breckenridge and Jayasinghe, 1979; Breckenridge et al.,
throat, tongue, and neck muscles, as well as contributing a 1987;Philippine Zchthyophis spp.: Taylor, 1960).The gesta-
branch to the brachial plexus. In frogs, spinal nerve 1 is tion period in viviparous species is also long in the only taxa
present in tadpoles but disappears after metamorphosis for which there are data, 11 months in Dermophis mexica-
(Rana: Gaupp, 1899), and the contribution to the ramus nus and Gymnopis multiplicata, and 7-9 months in Typhlo-
hypoglossus emerges from the ventral ramus of the second nectes compressicauda (summarized in Wake, 1993b).
spinal nerve (Stuesse et al., 1983). The second spinal nerve Development in caecilians is highly cephalized, with head
also has a dorsal ramus and dorsal root ganglion. A third morphology much advanced over that of the posterior part
state of the anteriormost spinal nerve occurs in caecilians. of the body early in gestation (see Wake and Hanken, 1982).
The first spinal nerve not only is present, but is composed of Comparative ontogenetic studies of amphibians suggest
dorsal and ventral roots and a dorsal root ganglion. The that heterochronic processes during development have a
main branch of the ventral root contributes to the ramus major influence on the degree of lamination, formation of
hypoglossus, together with a branch of the second spinal, nuclei, and number of migrated cells within the brain
and in some species the occipitalis, and/or a branch of the (Schmidt and Wake, 1991; Roth et al., 1993; Schmidt and
vagus, and/or a branch of spinal 3 (Wake, 1992). Retention Roth, 1993). During brain development, the lateral motor
of the presumed ancestral state of the first spinal nerve is column is constituted by cells that migrate from the
periventricular ependymal layer to the peripheral neuropil. Fetcho, J.R. (1987) A review of the organization and evolution of motoneu-
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there are only a few migrated cells in the superficial
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consequence of (1) a combination of phylogenetic con- and topological analysis. J. Comp. Neurol. 213:199-219.
straints, perhaps associated with limb loss and simplifica- Nikundiwe, A.M., R. de Boer-van Hiuzen, and H.J. ten Donkelaar (1982)
tion of the tongue, that are especially reflected in ontogeny, Dorsal root projections in the clawed toad (Xenopus laeuis) as demon-
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This study presents baseline data for one species of the Black B: Progressive vs. regressive methods. Copeia 1987t489-491.
Order Gymnophiona, and introduces a series of questions, Nishikawa, K.C., G. Roth, and U. Dicke (1991) Motor neurons and motor
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and ontogenetic biology).We propose to resolve these issues Oka, Y., H. Takeuchi, M. Satou, and K. Ueda (1987) Cobaltic lysine study of
the morphology and distribution of the cranial nerve efferent neurons
in the near future with a series of targeted experiments (motoneurons and preganglionic parasympathetic neurons) and rostral
utilizing a broader array of techniques and of taxa. spinal motoneurons in the Japanese toad. J. Comp. Neurol. 259:400-
Roth, G., and D.B. Wake (1985) The structure of the brainstem and cervical
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS spinal cord in lungless salamanders (Family Plethodontidae) and its
The research period in Berkeley in 1990 for A. Schmidt relation to feeding. J. Comp. Neurol. 241t99-110.
was facilitated by funds from the Deutsche Forschungsge- Roth, G., D.B. Wake, M.H. Wake, and G. Rettig (1984) Distribution of
meinschaft. M.H. Wake’s research on caecilian morphology accessory and hypoglossal nerves in the hindbrain and spinal cord of
lungless salamanders, Family Plethodontidae. Neurosci. Lett. 44:53-57.
is supported by the National Science Foundation, as is D.B.
Roth, G., K.C. Nishikawa, U. Dicke, and D.B. Wake (1988) Topography and
Wake’s work on salamander biology. We thank Karen Klitz cytoarchitecture of the motor nuclei in the brainstem of salamanders. J.
of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of Califor- Comp. Neurol. 278:181-194.
nia, Berkeley, for execution of the illustrations. Roth, G., K.C. Nishikawa, D.B. Wake, U. Dicke, and T. Matsushima (1990)
Mechanics and neuromorphology of feedingin amphibians. Neth. J. Zool.
40: 115-135.
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