Organization of Neuropil Donald M. Maynard 1962
Organization of Neuropil Donald M. Maynard 1962
Organization of Neuropil Donald M. Maynard 1962
Department of Zoology, The University of Michigan
Most complex nervous systems consist of cell bodies into the neuropil, from the neu-
central ganglia connected with outlying ropil to the origin of peripheral nerves, and
sensory organs and effectors by peripheral from neuropil to neuropil as connectives or
nerves. Information moves to and from the commissures. The fibers of the tracts are
ganglia in the nerves in coded form, as a either axons or extended, unbranched por-
spatial-temporal pattern of all-or-none im- tions of the dendritic arborizations. 4) The
Several important conclusions can be dense in neuropil areas. In fish, for ex-
drawn from these observations. 1) Neuron ample, the glomeruli of the olfactory lobe
interaction in caterpillar ganglia, if depend- and nucleus rotundus are heavily vascular-
ent upon close anatomical contact, seems to ized. This often correlates with concentra-
be confined to the neuropil. 2) Some junc- tions of mitochondria or oxidative enzymes
tions in the neuropil are similar to the clas- (Scharrer, 1945; Friede, I960) suggesting
sical synapse; one may therefore anticipate that neuropil is a region of unusually high
similar properties of synaptic transmission. physiological activity. Even in the lobster
3) Several forms of fiber junction occur, and crayfish, which are generally consid-
suggesting the possibility of more than one ered to have an open circulatory system, the
erator or synaptic potentials. In the latter FIC. 11. Epsp. Intracellular recording from unit
process in diffuse neuropil of spiny lobster brain
case, they tend to be smallest in those units (tracing). Input via homolateral antennular nerve
with the largest epsp. This suggests that with increasing stimulus strengths from bottom
they may originate some distance from the trace up. Strongest stimulus evokes an action po-
tential whose peak is not shown. Time mark, 2
site of the synaptic junction and do not in- millisecond intervals; voltage calibration, 10 milli-
vade the junctional regions. Elements may volts.
I I I 1 I M 1 11
T T I r
potentials (Furshpan and Potter, 1959a). not appear as the final output of the neu-
Jf so, they provide a mechanism of intra- ron unless capable of exciting the efferent
cellular interaction in extensively branched axon itself. Our records indicate that this
neurons (Spencer and Kandel, 1961; Pres- does not always occur (Fig. 14), and, if our
ton and Kennedy, 1960). The propagated hypothesis is correct, that synaptic poten-
impulse would occur in stretches of the den- tials initiating a propagated impulse in one
drite connecting separate arborizations, and portion of a single neuron's arborizing proc-
esses may ultimately fail because of failure
of the impulse at some dendrite-axon junc-
tion. This implies that the single neuron
may be analogous to a two-neuron chain,
and the point of potential spike failure or
lowest safety factor is analogous to a synap-
tic junction. Possibly the extensively
branched neurons often found in the ar-
thropod neuropil (see Fig. 5) should not be
regarded as functional units. They may
embody in one morphological structure
two or more functional elements and may
be, in fact, similar to a synaptic chain of
FIG. 14. Various spike potentials in one unit. Re- several less ramifying neurons. One may re-
cording as in Fig. 11. Unit responds in different call that many invertebrates have remark-
manner to each of four different inputs: LLB, lat- ably few neurons in their nervous system
eral bundle of left antennular nerve: LMB, medial and yet are capable of much complex, adap-
bundle of left antennular nerve; RLB, lateral bun-
dle of right anlciinular nerve; RMB, medial bundle tive behavior.
of right antennular nerve. Note synaplic potential
following RMB stimulation and smaller spikes fol- AsyitapUc in term: I ion
lowing RLB. Under other conditions, these smaller
spikes were capable of initialing the larger spike.
The observations reported above indicate
Small spikes never appeared upon stimulation of that at least some of the integrative activity
bundles of the left antennular nerve. of the neuropil involves synaptic transmis-
sion. There is evidence from other prepa- ropil. They also suggest correlations be-
rations, however, that synapses may not be tween the morphology and the physiology
the only means of significant interaction be- of specific neuropils.
tween neurons; non-synaptic, electronic in-
fluences may exist (Watanabe, 1958; Ben- Connectivity in diffuse neuropil
nett, I960). Unlike synaptic potentials, the From anatomy one might presume that
electrotonic influence does not occur as dis- in diffuse neuropil each element connects
crete events, but appears in the second unit with almost every other, in an unorganized
as an attenuated and distorted reflection of fashion. Preliminary electrical recordings
prolonged potential changes originating in from single elements in the lobster brain do
ent strata of the inner plexiform layer, each required for neural integration in visual
collecting from a different set of bipolar ter- systems.
Complex Patterning in Neuropil
Only two functional classes of tectal cells
have been described, "newness" detectors The last section pointed out that many
and "sameness" detectors. It is not neces- units in afferent neuropil may act as event
sary to go into their detailed properties at detectors. Such neurons tell whether or not
this time, but only to indicate that their re- a pre-determined complex sensory input is
ceptive fields are larger than that of any present, but do not describe that input in
ganglion cell, and that their optimal stimu- the patterns of their own activity. One may
rhythm of the vertebrate cortex is perhaps tegrative neural activity. The mechanisms
the best known example, but analogous si- of such interaction, however, are not lim-
nusoidal oscillations have been recorded ited to those we know from peripheral junc-
from olfactory bulb, cerebellum, optic gan- tions and nerve processes. They also involve
glia of insects, and recently, the ocelli of other properties, many as yet inadequately
some insects (see Gerard and Young, 1937; studied. Indeed, it seems likely that specific
Crescitelli and Jahn, 1942; Bullock, 1945b; forms of neuropil may have their own
Bum and Catton, 1956; Ruck, 1961). The unique functional characteristics.
structures giving rise to the above oscilla-
tions differ rather markedly in general ap-
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