Bio 1010 Midterm 2
Bio 1010 Midterm 2
Bio 1010 Midterm 2
Lauren Skipps
1) The Plasma Membrane of a cell is both a FLUID and a MOSAIC. OUTLINE how
each of these terms applies to the membrane. (2 points)
The Structure of the cell membrane is a mosaic of sugar chains attached to proteins
and lipids that help the structure remain fluid so that molecules can be transferred
in and out of the cells. The structure is mosaic so that the membrane can be fluid.
2) Describe the OSMOTIC challenges faced by things that live in the ocean and
contrast that with the challenges faced by those that live in freshwater lakes. (3 points)
Since osmosis affects the cells shape and stability the cells in the ocean have adapted
to have a concentrated gradient that allows the cell to remain isotonic in such a high salty
solution and vice versa.
3) EXPLAIN why cells benefit from pumping ions across their membranes. (2 points)
When the cells pump ions into the cell and out of the cell new charges and molecules are
created that benefit the needs of cell to function properly.
b) a piece of bread
potential energy because the energy is being stored
7) Why would your muscle cells make lactic acid when they dont need it ? (2 points)
8) Cars harvest only 25 percent of the energy from gasoline. Your cells harvest 40
percent of the energy from sugars. Why are cells more efficient? (2 points)
because of our three step aerobic catabolism system that helps us harvest
more potential energy.
b) water
helps convert with carbon dioxide to produce energy for the plant.
c) oxygen
Photosynthesis waste product