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Arnis Taekwondo Karatedo

Origin Arnis is the official Taekwondo is a martial This was later changed
national sport and the art independently to karate-do by Gichin
martial art of the developed over 20 Funakoshi who
Philippines. It is also centuries ago in Korea. adopted an alternate
known as "Kali" or he main feature of meaning for the
"Eskrima". These two Taekwondo is that it is Chinese character for
terms are used for the a free-fighting combat kara, ’empty’. From
traditional martial art of sport using the bare this point on the term
the Philippines (“Filipino hands and feet to karate came to mean
Martial Arts”, or “FMA”) repel the opponent. ’empty hand’. The Do
that focuses on weapon- Taekwondo literally in karate-do means
based fighting with means the way of ‘way’ or ‘path’, and is
knives, sticks, bladed kicking and punching. indicative of the
weapons and some discipline and
improvised weapons  philosophy of karate
with moral and
spiritual connotations.
Objective Arnis is a combat sport in 1. To develop an True Karate-do is this:
which two fighters appreciation for that in daily life, one's
compete against one Taekwondo as a sport mind and body be
another with the goal of and an art trained and developed
scoring more points by 2. To achieve physical in a spirit of humility;
lawfully striking the fitness through and that in critical
opponent with a stick. As positive participation times, one be devoted
a straightforward martial 3. To improve mental utterly to the cause of
art that focuses on self- discipline and justice.
defense with sticks, Arnis emotional equanimity
is supposed to help 4. To learn self-defense
people learn self-control skills
and discipline. 5. To develop a sense
of responsibility for
one self and others

Stances 1. Ready Stance 1. Attention stance 1. Kneeling stance

2. Attention Stance 2. Ready stance 2. Standing stance
3. Forward Stance 3. Walking stance 3. Closed leg stance
4. Oblique Stance 4. Front stance 4. Parallel stance
5 Straddle Stance 5. Back stance 5. Natural stance
6. Side Stance 6. Cat or Tiger stance 6. Horse stance
7. Back Stance 7. Horse-riding stance 7. Horse stance, open
8. Covered fist ready feet
stance 8. Three battle,
9. Forward cross hourglass stance
stance 9.Font stance
10. Rear cross stance 10. Half front- stance
11. Left side stance 11. Immovable stance
12. Right side stance 12. Back stance
13. Parallel stance 13. Cat stance
14. Two fist ready 14. Crane stance
stance 15. Cross stance
15. Crane stance
16. Inner knee stance
17. Fighting stance
18. Overlapped hand
19. Log pushing
20. Assisting stance

Events played Competitive arnis The Competition Area This event will
generally takes one of is composed of a showcase the art of
two forms: the Contest Area and a karatedo as a sport
performance-based anyo Safety Area. The that will characterize
model or the combative Contest Area and the discipline our
leban. Safety Area shall have members and players
a flat surface without have practiced all over
any obstructing the years. For this very
projections, and be reason, the event will
covered with a WT be open to the public.
recognized mat elastic The Japan Karate
and non-slippery mat. Association Junior will
hold its first ever
National Karate
Tournament in Cebu
Scoring Scoring is based on Points awarded for There are three
Quantity of strikes, punching techniques different categories of
Effectiveness of Strikes and additional points techniques that bring
and Ring Generalship. In awarded for turning points in a Karate
single stick competition, kicks are scored by match. Yuko is worth
disarms must be scored judges using manual one point, Wazari is
as part of the match as a scoring devices.The worth two points, and
mandatory point valid points are:One Ippon is worth three.
deduction; if three point for a valid punch Full contact isn’t
disarms occur, this will to the trunk allowed in most of the
result in a Technical protector.Two Points competitions, and
Knockout ("TKO"). In for a valid kick to the there are strict
contrast, in double stick trunk protector.Four sanctions for breaking
competition, a fighter points for a valid the rules in a match.
point will not be lost if turning kick to the
disarmed; they will trunk protector.Three
continue to fight with one points for a valid kick
weapon until the end of to the head.Five
the round. A fighter will points for a valid
unavoidably lose the fight turning kick to the
if they misplace both of head.One point
their weapons. awarded for every
penalty (known
as gam-jeom) given
against the opponent
Playing area The playing area is The sparring area can The competition area
a square measuring 26.2 vary depending on the is an 8m square with
4 feet (8 meters) on one style of taekwondo an additional 2m on all
side with 6.56 feet (2 and the type of sides as a safety area. 
meters) of minimum free tournament. A typical
zone drawn outside it. All sparring area is 8 A line half a metre
the lines of the playing meters square with a 2 long must be drawn
surface are 1.97 inch meter safety zone 2m from the centre of
(5.08 around the ring. the competition area
cm) in width and four Smaller regional for positioning the
lines mark tournaments may use Referee.
the boundary of the smaller rings, for
playing area. The two example 7 meters Two parallel lines each
lines of 3.28 feet (1 square with 1 meter one metre long and at
meter) long and 6.56 feet safety zones. There right angles to the
(2 meters) aside mark may be 4 judge around Referee’s line, are
the horizontal match the corners, or 3 drawn at a distance of
line. judges where (in the 1.5m from the centre
diagram below) judges of the competition
1 and 4 are combined area for positioning
into single sideline the competitors.
judge who sits near
the recorder (the
Equipment 1.Impact weapon 1. Dobok or a white 1. Karate uniform
(baston, rattan, Asian competition uniform 2. Belt
vine) 2. Trunk protector 3. Armour
2. Edged weapons (knife, 3. Head protector 4. Headgear
dagger, spear) 4. Shin guards 5. Gloves and
3. Head gear 5. Gloves Handgear
4. Body Armor 6. Sensing socks 6. Footwear
5. Leg Guard 7. Mouth guard 7. Mouth guard
6. Groin 8. Groin guard 8. Groin guard
7. Hand gloves
8. Arnis clothing
Officials 1.Tournament director 1. The referee 1. Tournament
2.Screening committee 2. The judges manager
3.Referees and Judge 3. The recorder 2. Referees
4.Timer 3. Judges
7.Flag Officials

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