Omd - Foreword
Omd - Foreword
Omd - Foreword
Version Number:
1.0 Version Date: 22-10-2020 Version Status: DRAFT
I Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal APPROVAL /
by: Sr. Capt. Deepu Raj Director, Operations
Managing Director
Approved by: Dim Prasad Poudel
The holders of this manual shall strictly abide by the following conditions:
1. This manual is the property of NEPAL AIRLINES CORPORATION and all holders of
this manual shall keep it in a good physical condition.
2. All copies issued to an individual person, departments, divisions, or stations are on return
basis. If for any reason, the holder leaves the corporation/department/division or a station
is closed or removed by the corporations, the respective copy must be returned to the
Operations Manager. Any electronic copies in such case shall be deleted. In the event of
changes in titles or positions or sections, Operations Manager shall be promptly notified
of the same in writing to enable amendments in the ‘Distribution List’.
3. Holders of this manual shall not edit its contents. Any holder found editing this manual
without prior written consent/ instruction from Operations Manager, shall be subjected to
disciplinary action.
4. The contents of this manual shall not be communicated in part or as a whole to any
person not employed by NAC without the prior consent of Dy. Director, Crew Training
5. The contents of the manual shall not supersede the CAAN regulations and mandatory
requirements of NAC policies and regulations. Any contravention, if found, shall
immediately be informed to the Operations Manager for necessary action.
If any information contained in the document contradicts with any CAAN rules and regulations,
the CAAN rules and regulations shall supersede this manual.
V Preface
This New Edition of OM-D describes the procedures relating to Cabin Operations for the Nepal
Airlines Corporation (NAC) in compliance with the existing requirements of International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN).
This new Edition of OM-D supersedes the all previous edition published, in its entirety and
incorporates relevant elements of the current Operations Manual Part –D, thus rendered obsolete
once this Edition comes into applicability after CAAN acceptance. This edition outlines the
procedure to more safety oriented training and assessment processes. Any changes to the
document shall be recorded under Document Information on cover page of the manual.
This OM-D constitutes the training principles that support NAC in objectively assess the
capabilities of its flight crew members and provide enhanced/additional trainings in the weaker
areas which ultimately enhances the safety standards of NAC Operations. It should be noted that
this manual should be used in conjunction with other appropriate guidance material including the
Manufacturer’s guiding document wherever applicable.
To support its goal to provide one of the safest and most efficient commercial air transportation
system in the world, the NAC continues revise its procedures to systematically enhance its
Dim Prasad Poudel
Managing Director
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Hard Copy Soft Copy
01 Director, Operations √ √