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Bran Analysis

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J. Trop. Agric. and Fd. Sc. 35(1)(2007): 99– 105 A. Rosniyana, M.A. Hashifah and S.A.

Shariffah Norin

The physico-chemical properties and nutritional composition of

rice  bran produced at different milling degrees of rice
(Ciri fiziko-kimia dan kandungan nutrien bagi dedak beras yang dihasilkan daripada
pengilangan berbeza)

A. Rosniyana*, M.A. Hashifah* and S.A. Shariffah Norin*

Key words: rice bran, physico-chemical, nutritional composition, milling degrees

Rice bran was produced by milling the paddy variety MR 220 at different milling
degrees (MD) namely 2, 4, 6 and 8%. The proximate content and the effect of
different MD on nutritional content and physico-chemical properties of rice bran
were studied. The chemical composition of rice bran was significantly affected by
the milling process. Among the samples evaluated, rice bran produced at 8% MD
had the lowest protein, fat and crude fibre contents. Mineral content was highest
for rice bran produced at 6% MD, while the highest vitamin content was found in
rice bran produced at 2% MD. The study also indicated that all types of rice bran
offer healthier benefits.

Introduction distribution of chemical constituents,

The utilization of commercial rice bran thickness of anatomical outer layers, size
and its potential food values is recognized and shape of grains and resistance of grains
and it has recently been increased with the to breakage.
development of highly promising processes The machinery, processing and milling
and products. The quality and quantity of conditions are factors associated with the
bran produced at the mill are key factors milling process. Friction-type mills produce
in the utilization of the by-products (Kent bran of higher fat content, because they are
1983). Improvement in the quality of more effective in removing the aleurone
bran can be achieved by identifying and layer. However, the abrasive-type mills
correcting inadequate milling machinery remove starchier endosperm at equivalent
and/or improving their performances. degrees of milling (Barber 1979).
Removal of the small broken rice grains and Rice kernel layers at various depths
the husk particle passing along with bran is differ greatly in chemical composition
essential. (Resurreccion et al. 1979). As the percentage
One of the factors determining the removal of bran may range from 2 to 12,
potential use of bran for food uses is its the degree of milling greatly influences the
chemical composition (Juliano and Bechtel composition of commercial bran. Generally,
1985). The chemical composition of rice the differences are small and not great to
bran depends on several factors associated justify the segregation at the mill site of
with the grain itself and the milling process. the individual bran fractions as distinct
Major factors associated with the rice grain commercial products.
are varietal and environmental variability,
*MARDI Station, Bukit Raya, P.O. Box 1, 06707 Pendang, Kedah, Malaysia
Authors’ full names: Rosniyana Ahmad, Hashifah Mohd Ali and Shariffah Norin Syed Abdullah
E-mail: rosa@mardi.my
©Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute 2007

The nutritional composition and physico-chemical properties of rice bran

In industrial practice, bran from Physical analysis

successive whitening cones is combined The bulk density of rice bran was
into a single product. However, bran with determined by pouring the sample into
sharp differences in composition could a 25  ml volumetric flask by shaking and
be produced, which may be attractive to lightly tapping the bottom of flask on a
specific markets (Webb 1985). In addition plastic pad (Chastril 1990). The flask was
to that, it is necessary to develop food grade filled up to the mark with rice bran, weighed
bran and standards to ensure that dependable and bulk density of rice bran was calculated.
high-quality bran reaches the user and For each type of bran, the bulk density was
consumer. A variable quantity of the carried out in triplicate.
subaleurone layer of the endosperm material The rice bran (500 g) was separated
normally shows up in the bran fraction, into particle-size fractions by retention
depending upon the severity of milling. above 20, 30, 50 and 80 mesh screens.
Breakage of white rice kernel during Fractionation was repeated on three samples
milling also results in small fragments of from each type of bran on Rotap device
the endosperm becoming part of the bran which was shaken for 5 min (Randall et
fraction. Thus, the amount of starch and al. 1985). Colour was measured using a
other nutrients in the bran are functions of Chroma meter CR300 (Minolta Camera
the degree of milling. Co.) based on the CIE 1976 L*a*b* colour
The main objective of this study was to rotation system. Colour determination was
assess the physical, chemical and nutritional conducted on 10 samples for each type of
content of rice bran produced at different bran and the results averaged.
milling degrees. These findings are useful
as the properties obtained will be related to Chemical analysis
the quality and appearance attributes of food Samples of rice bran were taken and
products prepared from rice bran. analysed for moisture, protein, crude
fibre, fat, ash, phosphorous, potassium,
Materials and methods sodium, calcium, iron, thiamine, niacin and
Production of rice bran riboflavin. Moisture, protein, fat and ash
A 2-tonne rice milling plant situated at were determined using standard AOAC
MARDI Station, Bukit Raya, Kedah was methods (AOAC 1990). Protein was
used to process rice bran on a commercial determined by Kjeldahl nitrogen method
basis. The paddy used was the locally using Kjeltec system 1026 (Tecator 1978).
developed rice variety MR 220 obtained Fat was determined by Soxhlet extraction
from MARDI Station at Tanjung Karang. and ashing was done at 550 °C to constant
Paddy (1,000 kg) at a moisture content weight.
of 14% (w.b.) was dehusked by a rubber roll Crude fibre was determined by Weende
huller (model Satake, Japan). The mixture method using fibertec system (Tecator 1978).
comprising brown rice and paddy was Minerals and vitamins were analysed by an
separated by a paddy separator. Brown rice accredited company Edtech Associates Sdn.
(approximately 750 kg) obtained from the Bhd. according to the method by AOAC
paddy separator was milled by a horizontal (1993). Each analysis was carried out in
abrasive whitener (model Satake, Japan.) duplicate. Carbohydrate was calculated by
Through adjustments of a steel weight-load subtracting the values of moisture, protein,
and flow rates, rice bran at 2, 4, 6 and 8% crude fibre, fat and ash, from 100.
milling degrees (MD) were produced (Wahid
et al. 1997). Physical and chemical analyses Experimental design and data analysis
from four types of bran were carried out. Bran produced at 2, 4, 6 and 8% milling
was carried out in two replicates. All

A. Rosniyana, M.A. Hashifah and S.A. Shariffah Norin

determinations were statistically analysed indicated that bran, which had visually
by the analysis of variance and mean values darker colour, contained mostly seed coat
are presented. The Duncan Multiple Range and aleurone layers while those of much
Test was used to detect differences between lighter colour, consisted mostly of cell wall
treatments (Gomez and Gomez 1984). material of the endosperm.
Bulk density of bran significantly
Results and discussion increased as the degree of milling increased.
Physical properties The bulk density is determined by particle
The bran had a characteristically uniform geometric forms, porosity, starch and protein
light brown colour. Bran produced at 6% structures, moisture content, particles
and 8% MD (milling degree) had the distribution and cell wall structure
lightest colour compared with other bran. (Chastril 1990). When all particles are small,
This was reflected by the higher L* values the bulk density of the powder is higher and
obtained (Table 1). This bran was also more vice versa. Results suggested that the highest
red and more yellow and this was reflected bulk density (0.45 g/ml) of bran was due to
by the higher a* and b* values. According the presence of smaller particles. This was
to Symons and Dexter (1991), the L* value also supported by the particle size of bran
of flour was highly related to pericarp and produced at 8% MD which had the highest
aleurone fluorescence. They also found that value for the smallest particle size
a* and b* values were sensitive to moisture (Table 2).
content and flour particle size, whereas L* Generally particle distribution and
values were slightly sensitive to particles average particle size between bran produced
size only. at different MD differed significantly
It was suggested that the colour of (Table 2). Increased in MD resulted in
bran depends on the degree of milling increase of weight fraction of smaller
which involved gradual removal of bran particles. Weight fraction of smallest
layer and germs from the rice endosperm. particles was higher than the other fraction
Klamczynaki and Czuchajowska (1999), in all types of bran. Bran produced at 8%
Table 1. ����������������������������������������������������������������������
Physical properties of rice bran produced at different milling degrees

Milling degree (%)

2 4 6 8
L* (lightness) 57.0a 56.7a 58.6b 58.4b
a* (red to green) +4.03c +0.26a +4.26c +3.46b
b* (yellow to blue) +32.8b +1.44a +34.4b +33.1b
Bulk density (g/ml)   0.33a   0.39b   0.41b   0.45c
Mean values in the same row with different letters are significantly different at p <0.05

Table 2. Percentage of different particle size of rice bran produced at different milling degrees

Mesh sieve Particle size Milling degree (%)

size (mm) 2 4 6 8
  20   0.85 0 0 0 0
  30   0.60 16.8 ± 0.5a 16.5 ± 0.2a 17.3 ± 0.2b 17.0 ± 0.1b
  50   0.30 32.4 ± 0.3a 34.5 ± 0.5c 33.7 ± 0.4b 31.0 ± 0.2a
  80   0.18   9.1 ± 0.1b   8.80 ± 0.1a   8.6 ± 0.2a   9.4 ± 0.1c
>80 <0.18 41.7 ± 0.3a 40.2 ± 0.5a 40.2 ± 0.4a 42.6 ± 0.2b
Mean values in the same row with different letters are significantly different at p <0.05

The nutritional composition and physico-chemical properties of rice bran

had the highest fraction of smallest size 1985). There seemed to be no significant
particle (42.6 %). Research by Klamczynaki difference in carbohydrate between bran
et al. (1998), showed that the outer part of produced at 2, 4 and 6% MD. However at
the grain kernel is more compact than the 8% MD, the bran had significantly higher
inner part and therefore, after removing the carbohydrate content than the other bran.
harder outer part by gradual milling, the Results suggested that the increase in starch
inner softer part produces very fine flour. content was due to endosperm breakage
The results suggested that bran during milling. It was also reported by
obtained at higher milling degree (8%) Saunders (1990) that carbohydrate content
would probably produce bran of smaller size varies according to the amount of breakage
particle as compared to bran produced at and milling degree and values of 10–20%
2–6% MD. In addition, other work showed could be expected.
that degree of milling may change the The crude fibre content of rice bran
pattern of particle size distribution and this varied with the degree of milling. Bran
may relate to the component present in the produced at 8% MD (11.29 ± 0.35%) had
bran (Chastril 1990). the lowest while bran at 2% MD (13.20
± 0.05%) had the highest. It was reported
Proximate and nutritional composition by Juliano (1985) that decrease in crude
The proximate composition of rice bran fibre was noted on removal of the first two
produced at 2, 4, 6 and 8% MD is shown in bran fractions, which represented the 6%
Table 3. In most cases, the effects of milling (by weight) of the outer layer.
degree on proximate composition were not Bran produced at 2% MD had
great. The unequal removal of bran layers as the highest value for protein content
a result of the irregular geometrical shape of (13.12 ± 0.20%). No significant difference
the caryopsis and of the rough and difficult- was observed in protein content of bran
to-control abrading or friction action in the produced at 2% and 4% MD. However,
whitening machine greatly contributes to there was a significant reduction in protein
composition differences (Resurreccion et al. content for bran produced at 6% and 8%
1979). MD. This observation suggested that more
Carbohydrate content of analysed rice protein was present in the aleurone and
bran ranged from 28.71 ± 0.75% to 33.54 ± outer layer of brown rice. Other study also
0.35%. The major carbohydrates in bran are indicated the differences in protein content
cellulose and hemicellulose which give the were evident in the polish and subaleurone
thick cell wall of the pericarp, the seed coat fraction (Juliano 1993).
and the aleurone layer (Juliano and Bechtel

Table 3. Proximate composition (% wet weight basis) of rice bran produced at different
milling degrees

Composition Milling degree (%)

2 4 6 8
Moisture   9.53 ± 0.05a 10.01 ± 0.15b 10.24 ± 0.2b 10.19 ± 0.10c
Protein 13.12 ± 0.25b 13.07 ± 0.55b 12.69 ± 0.35a 12.37 ± 0.15a
Fat 24.39 ± 0.01b 24.59 ± 0.75b 26.05 ± 0.25c 21.53 ± 0.10a
Carbohydrate* 29.23 ± 0.35a 28.75 ± 0.01a 28.71 ± 0.75a 33.54 ± 0.35b
Crude fibre 13.20 ± 0.05b 13.0± 0.05b 12.47 ± 0.55b 11.29 ± 0.35a
Ash 10.53 ± 0.01a 10.58 ± 0.05a 10.84 ± 0.75a 11.08 ± 0.75a
*Calculated by difference
Mean values in the same row with different letters are significantly different at p <0.05

A. Rosniyana, M.A. Hashifah and S.A. Shariffah Norin

High fat content was detected among is the principle salts of phytin, and located
the samples with mean values ranging in globoids in the aleurone protein bodies
from 21.5–26.05%. The fat content (Thompson and Weber 1981). Bran
for bran produced at 2% and 4% MD produced at 6% MD had the highest amount
differed significantly from that of bran of potassium and showed a significant
produced at 6% and 8% MD. The fat difference with other samples.
content started to decrease after 6% bran Phosphorous was present within a
fraction was removed and this was found range of 668 to 1,390 mg/100 g sample
to be a significant reduction. The lower fat and showed significant differences among
content of bran at 8% MD could be due to samples. As for magnesium, the content
endosperm contamination. ranged from 683 to 884 mg/100 g sample
According to Champagne et al. (1990) and results indicated that bran produced
that much larger percentages of lipid are at 4% and 8% MD had significantly lower
extracted from 1.3% MD than 9.1% MD magnesium content than bran produced at
of milled rice kernels. Thus the results 2% and 6% MD.
suggested that fat was more concentrated in The iron levels varied within a narrow
the outer surface of bran layer as most fat is range (5.30–5.90 mg/100 g sample). Bran
found in the aleurone layer. at 6% MD had significantly higher iron
The ash content ranged from content than other bran. The levels of
10.53–11.08%. The higher ash content in all calcium in the bran ranged from 47 to
types of bran contributed to its high mineral 54 mg/100 g sample. The calcium content
content. No significant difference was increased significantly from 4% to 6% MD
observed in ash content between all types of and deceased significantly after 6% bran
bran. fractions removed.
Generally results suggested that
Mineral composition the mineral contents in the bran varied
Rice bran is a good source of minerals according to the degree of milling which
(Table 4) which are present in varied indicated that the distribution of mineral
amounts. The mineral composition of constituents in the bran layers differed. The
rice grain depends considerably on the same trend was observed by Resurreccion
availability of soil nutrients during crop et al. (1979) and reported that the calculation
growth and generally present in higher of nutrient distribution in milling fractions
levels in the bran layer of rice kernel of brown rice confirms the uneven
(Juliano and Bechtel 1985). distribution of minerals in the various tissues
The major mineral in the samples was of rice caryopsis.
potassium which ranged from 1,030 to
1,160 mg/100 g sample (Table 4). Potassium

Table 4. Mineral composition (mg/100 g) of rice bran produced at different milling degrees

Composition Milling degree (%)

2 4 6 8
Calcium    49.00 ± 3.00b    49.41 ± 0.25b    54.00 ± 0.50c    47.00 ± 4.50a
Iron     5.30 ± 0.50a     5.45 ± 0.7b     5.90 ± 0.25c     5.30 ± 1.00a
Magnesium   718.00 ± 0.00b   683.00 ± 0.68a   884.00 ± 0.01c   689.00 ± 0.50a
Sodium    26.00 ± 1.00a    25.00 ± 0.20a    28.0 ± 0.10b    24.00 ± .900c
Potassium 1060.00 ± 0.25b 1050.00 ± 0.72b 1160.00 ± 0.10c 1030.00 ± 0.10a
Phosphorous 1390.00 ± 0.01d   892.00 ± 0.01b 1140.00 ± 0.25c   668.00 ± 0.02a
Mean values in the same row with different letters are significantly different at p <0.05

The nutritional composition and physico-chemical properties of rice bran

Table 5. Vitamin composition ( mg/100 g) of rice bran produced at different milling degrees

Composition Milling degree (%)

2 4 6 8
Thiamine   3.10 ± 0.10c   3.00 ± 0.25c   2.70 ± 0.01b   2.50 ± 0.05a
Riboflavin   0.32 ± 0.10b   0.31 ± 0.01b   0.32 ± 0.05b   0.27 ± 0.10a
Pyridoxine   4.30 ± 0.10b   3.40 ± 0.25a   3.70 ± 0.01a   3.70 ± 0.05a
Niacin 41.00 ± 0.10d 34.00 ± 0.01a 37.00 ± 0.05b 39.00 ± 0.10c
Mean values in the same row with different letters are significantly different at p <0.05

Vitamin composition considerable variations. Bran samples also

Vitamins found in the rice bran are shown contributed to differences in mineral and
in Table 5. It was reported by Juliano and vitamin contents. Rice bran produced at
Bechtel (1985) that more than 80% of 8% MD had the lowest protein, fat and
vitamin in rice kernel is found in the bran crude fibre contents. With the exception of
layer. The thiamine levels were varied from phosphorous, mineral content was highest
2.50 –3.10 mg/100 g sample. At 2% and for bran produced at 6% MD, while vitamin
4% MD, the bran had the highest thiamine content was found highest in bran produced
content and the levels were significantly at 2% MD. Rice bran is a nutritious product
decreased as the MD increased. Riboflavin as it contains substantial amount of protein,
was present in the range of 0.27 to 0.32 vitamins and minerals.
mg/100 g sample. The lowest riboflavin
content was found in bran produced at Acknowledgement
8% MD. No significant difference was The authors would like to thank Ms Meriam
observed for riboflavin contents between Harun and Ms Hadijah Bakar for technical
bran produced at 2, 4 and 6% MD. assistance.
However, there was a significant reduction
in riboflavin content for bran produced at References
8% MD. AOAC (1990). Official methods of analysis.
Pyridoxine was in the range of 3.40 15th ed. Washington, DC: Association of
Official Analytical Chemists
to 4.30 mg/100 g sample. Bran at 2% MD
–––– (1993). Methods of analysis for nutrition
had the highest pyridoxine content and labeling. (Sullivan, D.M. and Carpenter,
decreased significantly after 4% MD bran D.E.,  eds.) (Methods no. 985.29). Washington,
removal. Niacin was present within a range DC: AOAC International
of 34 to 41 mg/100 g sample and significant Barber, S. (1979). Rice bran as a potential source
differences among the samples were of food. In: Food Science and Technology,
p.  122–26. Tokyo
observed. No trend was shown between
Champagne, W.E., Marshall, W.E. and Goynes, W.R.
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whereby the highest and lowest values for removal on starch gelatinization in the brown
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by 2% MD and 4% MD respectively. Thus Chastril, J. (1990). Chemical and physicochemical
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temperatures. Journal of Cereal Chemistry:
fractions of bran reflects the degree of
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milling and possible hull contamination. Gomez, K.A. and Gomez, A.A. ( 1984). Statistical
procedures for agriculural research 2nd ed.,
Conclusion p. 208–15. New York: John Wiley
The chemical composition and physico-
chemical properties of rice bran produced
at different milling degrees showed

A. Rosniyana, M.A. Hashifah and S.A. Shariffah Norin

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Dedak beras telah dihasilkan dengan mengisar padi varieti MR 220 pada darjah
pengilangan berbeza (DP) iaitu 2, 4, 6 dan 8%. Kandungan proksimat serta
kesan DP terhadap kandungan nutrien dan ciri fisiko-kimia dedak beras telah
dikaji. Kandungan kimia dedak beras dipengaruhi dengan ketara oleh DP. Antara
dedak beras yang dinilai, dedak beras yang dihasilkan pada 8% DP mempunyai
kandungan protein, lemak dan serabut yang terendah. Kandungan galian tertinggi
diperoleh oleh dedak beras yang dihasilkan pada 6% DP, manakala kandungan
vitamin tertinggi terdapat pada dedak beras yang dihasilkan pada 2% DP. Kajian
juga menunjukkan dedak beras mempunyai nilai pemakanan yang tinggi.

Accepted for publication on 12 July 2006


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