Noodle Sorghum
Noodle Sorghum
Noodle Sorghum
4, 2001 417
Noodle Quality as Related to Sorghum Starch Properties
Trust Beta
and Harold Corke
ABSTRACT Cereal Chem. 78(4):417420
Starch was extracted from 10 sorghum genotypes and physicochemical
properties (amylose content and pasting, textural, and thermal properties)
were evaluated. The amylose content was 2430%. DC-75 starch had the
highest peak viscosity (380 Rapid Visco Analyser units). Gelatinization
peak temperature occurred over a narrow range (6769C). Genotypes
Kasvikisire and SV2 produced white starches. Starches from other geno-
types were different shades of pink. The starch noodles prepared were,
accordingly, either white or pink. Cooking enhanced the pink coloration
of noodles. Cooking loss, noodle rehydration, and elasticity were evaluated.
Cooking loss was low (mean 2.4%). Noodle elasticity was highly corre-
lated with starch pasting properties of hot paste viscosity (HPV) (r =
0.81, P < 0.01) and cold paste viscosity (CPV) (r = 0.75, P < 0.01).
Noodle rehydration was significantly correlated to the initial swelling tem-
perature of starch (T
) (r = 0.91, P < 0.001) and gelatinization peak
temperature (T
) (r = 0.69, P < 0.05). The findings suggest a potential
area of food application for sorghum genotypes of different grain colors.
Evaluation of starch properties could be a good starting point for selec-
ting sorghum genotypes with superior noodle-making properties.
Sorghum proteins lack the gluten functionality found in wheat
that is essential for making such products as bread and flour-
based noodles. The use of sorghum in these products has largely
been as a supplement to wheat in composite flours (Dendy 1992;
Hugo et al 2000), with relatively small amounts of sorghum flour
being added to wheat flour. This usage is common in some coun-
tries, such as in tropical Asia and Africa, with climates that are
not suitable for wheat cultivation and which, therefore, rely on
costly wheat imports. Noodles are widely consumed in Asia. Asian
wheat noodles made from common wheat flour (hexaploid wheat
[Triticum aestivum] bread wheat) can be distinguished from starch
noodles prepared by mixing purified starch with pregelatinized
starch as a binder, mixing to a dough, and extruding into boiling
water (Corke and Bhattacharya 1999). The use of nonwheat cereals
for noodle production is a topic under active investigation (Bhatta-
charya et al 1999; Waniska et al 1999; Suhendro et al 2000). The
starch-related properties of flour are manipulated in nonwheat
cereals to enhance the noodle structure. The quality of noodles
made from sorghum flour is significantly affected by numerous
variables including flour particle size, method of heating to produce
pregelatinized starch, sequence and timing of starch gelatinization
and retrogradation, and method of drying (Suhendro et al 2000).
Mung bean starch has been reported as an excellent raw material
for starch noodles (Lii and Chang 1991). However, starch noodles
have been prepared from various other plant sources, including
red bean (Lii and Chang 1981), pigeon pea (Singh et al 1989),
potato (Kim and Wiesenborn 1996), and sweet potato (Collado
and Corke 1997). A potential novel use of sorghum starch is in the
manufacture of noodles, given the characteristic glossy, transparent
appearance of cooked starch noodles (Kim and Wiesenborn 1996),
coupled with the natural pink coloration of sorghum starch (Freeman
and Watson 1971; Norris 1971; Yang and Seib 1995). The objec-
tives of this study were to 1) develop a laboratory-scale method
for making sorghum starch noodles, 2) isolate starch from a range
of genotypes and determine variation in physicochemical proper-
ties, and 3) relate noodle quality to the starch properties.
Ten sorghum genotypes grown under uniform field conditions in
the 1996-97 season at Matopos, Zimbabwe (a semi-arid location
with sandveld soil) were used. The genotypes differed in polyphenol
content and structural characteristics (Beta et al 1999). The geno-
types Chirimaugute, Chibonda, Mutode, and DC-75 (a hybrid) were
tannin-containing. Katandanzara, Kasvikisire, Mukadziusaenda, Mu-
kadzidzoka, Tsveta, and SV2 (an improved cultivar) were tannin-free.
A combination of the methods used by Perez et al (1993), Zhao
and Whistler (1994), and Wu et al (1995) was used for extracting
sorghum starch. Sorghum grain (100 g) was steeped in NaOH
(0.25% w/v) at 5C for 24 hr. After washing, the steeped grains
were ground with an equal volume of water in a Waring blender
at full speed for 5 min. The slurry was filtered through a sieve
with a 75-m opening. The grinding and filtering process was re-
peated on the material that remained on the sieve. The filtrate was
centrifuged at 760 g for 10 min. The gray-colored top protein
layer was removed with a spatula. The sample was resuspended in
water and centrifugation was repeated for 3 min. The latter was
repeated until the top starch layer was white or pink. The starch
was dried in an air oven at 40C for 24 hr. The starch color was
noted. Samples were stored at 5C before analyses.
An iodine-binding spectrophotometric method (Juliano et al 1981)
was used to determine amylose-amylopectin content.
A Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) model 3D; Newport Scientific,
Warriewood, Australia) was used to determine the pasting proper-
ties of starch. Sorghum starch (3 g, 14% moisture basis) was mixed
with 25 g of accurately weighed water in an aluminum canister. A
controlled heating and cooling cycle was used in which the mix-
ture was held at 50C for 1 min, heated to 95C in 7.5 min at the
rate of 6C/min, held at 95C for 5 min, then cooled to 50C in
7.5 min, and held at 50C for 1 min (Bhattacharya et al 1997). Peak
viscosity (PV), temperature at PV (P
), initial swelling temper-
ature (T
), hot paste viscosity (HPV) or holding strength, cool paste
viscosity (CPV) or final viscosity, breakdown (BD) or (PV HPV),
setback (SB) or (CPV HPV), and stability ratio (HPV/PV) were
recorded. Duplicates per sample were used.
The sample, after RVA testing, was allowed to stand for 24 hr at
room temperature (20C) for gelation to take place (Bhattacharya
et al 1997) inside the canister covered with parafilm wrap. A texture
analyzer (SMS model TA-TX2i, Stable Micro Systems, Godal-
ming, England), equipped with a Texture Expert software program
(v. 5.16) was then used to measure the textural properties of the
sorghum starch gels.
A standard two-cycle program was used to compress the gels
for a distance of 10 mm at a crosshead speed of 30 mm/min using
a 7-mm cylindrical probe with a flat end. The hardness (maxi-
mum force required to break the gel in cycle 1 of starch gels was
recorded in grams. Four repeat measurements were taken of each
of the duplicate gels per sample.
A differential scanning calorimeter (DSC-20, Mettler-Toledo AG
Instruments, Naenikon-Uster, Switzerland) was used to determine
the thermal properties of sorghum starches. Starch (2 mg, dwb)
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Iowa State University, 2312
Food Sciences Building, Ames, IA 50011.
Corresponding author. Department of Botany, University of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong. Fax: +852 2858 3477. E-mail:
Publication no. C-2001-0606-02R.
2001 American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
was weighed directly into a 40-L aluminum standard pan and
water added to give a final weight of 6.5 mg. The pan was covered
with the lid and hermetically sealed. After equilibration to room
temperature for at least 1 hr, the sample was heated from 30 to
120C at 10C/min. The gelatinization peak temperature (T
, C)
and gelatinization enthalpy (H, J/g) were determined. Duplicates
per sample were used.
Starch Noodles
Noodles were prepared using starch (30 g) and water (22 mL),
following a modification of the methods used by Kim and Wiesen-
born (1996) and Collado and Corke (1997). Raw and gelatinized
starch (90:10) were used. Gelatinized starch was obtained by
heating starch (3 g) and hot water (15 mL) while stirring constantly.
Raw starch (27 g) and cold water (7 mL) were added to the slurry
in increments. The mass was thoroughly mixed to obtain a smooth
dough. The starch dough was placed in a custom-made metal extru-
der fitted with a die (35-mm diameter) with four pores (3-mm
diameter), and slowly extruded into boiling water by applying steady
pressure with a piston. Noodles were cut to 20 cm during extru-
ding and then boiled for 3 min before transferring to cold water.
Noodle strands were hung separately for 4 hr to partially dry, placed
in plastic bags, then kept overnight at 5C. Noodles were dried at
40C to a moisture content of 89%. Color of noodles was noted.
Noodles (5 g) were presoaked for 30 min and cooked until the
white core disappeared (56 min), as determined by squeezing
the noodle between two Plexiglas pieces. The cooked noodles
were placed in cold water, drained, wiped using paper towels, and
kept covered in petri dishes until further analysis. The gain in
noodle weight after cooking was recorded as percentage rehydration.
Cooking loss was determined using the Approved Method 16-50
(AACC 2000), as modified by Kim and Wiesenborn (1996). The
texture analyzer, equipped with a spaghetti tensile using a 5-kg load
cell, was used to measure noodle elasticity. The cooked noodle
strand was wound two to three times around parallel rollers of a
spaghetti-noodle tensile grip analyzer using adhesive tape for
anchorage. The maximum force required to break the noodle
strand, an indication of sample resistance to breakdown (Smewing
1997) or tension, was recorded as elasticity. The noodles were
evaluated in duplicate.
Statistical Analysis
The general linear model procedure of the Statistical Analysis
System (v. 6.12; SAS Institute, Cary, NC) was used for data
analysis. Means were compared at the 5% significance level using
Fishers least square difference (LSD). Pearson correlation coeffi-
cients (r) were calculated among starch properties and noodle
quality using SAS Proc Corr (v. 6.12).
Starch Properties
Starches from two genotypes (Kasvikisire and SV2) were white
in color. Other genotypes gave starches with different shades of
pink. Sorghum starch color could influence acceptability in sensory
tests as found with noodles made from pigeon pea dhal starch
(Singh et al 1989). The genotypes were nonwaxy with amylose
content of 23.830.8% for DC-75 and Mukazidzoka, respectively
(mean 29.0%) (Table I). The importance of amylose on the struc-
ture of starch noodles has been established (Mestres et al 1988;
Jin et al 1994). The hardness of the starch gels was 28.063.3 g
for DC-75 and Chirimaugute, respectively (mean 51.9 g).
The pasting properties of starch from sorghum genotypes are
shown in Table I and Fig. 1. Lii and Chang (1981) defined an
ideal type of starch for noodle production as one with restricted
swelling (due to high amylose) and a Type C Brabender viscosity
curve, exhibiting no paste peak but rather a very high viscosity that
remains constant or continues to increase during the constant tem-
perature, constant shear cooking phase. The pasting profiles of
sorghum starches would be regarded as Type A, high swelling
starch characterized by high pasting peak followed by a high
degree of shear thinning (Schoch and Maywald 1968). The T
sorghum starches was 68.169.9C (mean 68.9C). The PV was
reached at 79.289.2C (mean 84.9C). DC-75 starch had the
lowest P
(79.2C), and starches from genotypes Kasvikisire
and Mukadzidzoka had the highest P
(89.2C). PV indicates
water-binding capacity of the starch and is often correlated with
final product quality and occurs at the equilibrium between swel-
ling and polymer leaching (Newport Scientific 1998). The mean
PV was 325 RVU. DC-75 starch had the highest PV (380 RVU),
and Chirimaugute starch had the lowest PV (292 RVU). HPV was
high (>124 RVU) in Chirimaugute and Mukadziusaenda starches.
The mean HPV of sorghum starches was 115 RVU. Starches from
DC-75 and Mukadzidzoka showed a low HPV (<104 RVU). A
high HPV generally represents low cooking loss and superior eating
quality in noodles, whereas high final viscosity relates to high
resistance to shear (Jin et al 1994). Final viscosity (CPV) was
high in SV2 (258 RVU) and low in DC-75 (200 RVU) starch. The
mean CPV was 237 RVU. The mean BD, indicating the shear thin-
ning property of starch, was 209 RVU, ranging from 163 to 286
RVU for Chirimaugute and DC-75, respectively. A low BD sug-
gests that those starches are stable under hot conditions. BD is a
measure of susceptibility of cooked starch granules to disintegra-
tion, whereas SB is a measure of recrystallization of gelatinized
starch during cooling. The mean SB for sorghum starch pastes
was 121 RVU. DC-75 starch had low SB (106 RVU). SV2 starch
had high SB (141 RVU). The viscosity changes during cooling of the
Pasting and Swelling Properties of Starches Isolated from Zimbabwean Sorghum Genotypes
Katandanzara 69.1 84.9 319 116 237 203 121 0.364 29.9 59.3 68.0 9.3
Mutode 69.1 83.4 339 119 242 220 123 0.351 28.2 60.6 67.5 7.7
Chibonda 69.1 82.9 332 120 229 212 109 0.361 30.5 54.6 67.0 9.5
Chirimaugute 69.1 85.3 292 129 257 163 128 0.442 28.9 63.3 67.3 9.1
Kasvikisire 69.4 89.2 314 117 247 197 130 0.373 28.6 61.5 67.3 9.1
Mukadziusaenda 69.2 84.9 327 125 254 202 130 0.381 29.8 44.4 68.5 9.5
Mukadzidzoka 69.9 89.2 307 103 221 204 118 0.334 30.8 38.9 68.8 9.5
Tsveta 67.7 82.3 324 114 224 211 111 0.350 30.0 54.8 66.8 9.2
SV2 68.5 88.0 315 117 258 198 141 0.372 29.0 54.0 67.3 8.4
DC-75 68.1 79.2 380 94 200 286 106 0.247 23.8 28.0 68.0 9.0
Mean 68.9 84.9 325 115 237 209 121 0.358 29.0 51.9 67.6 9.0
0.43 1.09 5.27 5.25 5.3 5.53 7.29 0.015 0.75 2.63 0.5 2 0.67
= initial swelling temperature, Ptemp = temperature at peak viscosity, PV = peak viscosity, RVU = Rapid Visco Analyser units, HPV = hot peak viscosity, CPV
= cool paste viscosity, BD = breakdown (PV HPV), SB = setback (CPV HPV), STABR = stability ratio (HPV/PV), AC = amylose content, Hard = gel
hardness, Tp = peak gelatinization temperature, H = gelatinization enthalpy.
Least significant difference (P < 0.05).
Vol. 78, No. 4, 2001 419
starch paste are considered to be mainly due to amylose molecular
reassociation (Newport Scientific 1998). The variation in pasting
properties among sorghum genotypes is quite low compared with
some other sets of material such as rice flour (Bhattacharya et al
1999) or sweet potato starch (Collado and Corke 1997) previously
used to make noodles.
Gelatinization temperatures are associated with the loss of
birefringence characteristics of starch. Gelatinization peak temper-
ature (T
) occurred over a narrow range of 66.868.8C for Tsveta
and Mukadzidzoka starch, respectively (mean 67.6C) (Table I).
Mung bean and pigeon pea starches that are used to prepare
noodles had gelatinization temperature of 6172 and 6576C,
respectively (Mestres et al 1988). Those values were similar to
those of sorghum starches. The energy required for gelatinization
(H) ranged from 7.7 J/g (Mutode starch) to 9.5 J/g (Chibonda,
Mukadziusaenda, and Mukadzidzoka starches) (mean 9.0 J/g). In
gluten-free, pasta-like products, native starch structures disappear
and new crystalline organizations are found; amylose-based struc-
tures are more useful in noodle cooking quality (Mestres et al 1988).
Noodle Properties
All noodles appeared glossy despite the differences in physico-
chemical properties among sorghum starches. Noodles were either
white (from SV2 and Kasvikisire starches) or different shades of
pink (from starches of other genotypes). Presoaking for 30 min
before cooking was essential; otherwise, noodles disintegrated before
they were fully cooked. In starch noodles starch, rather than gluten,
functions as the network that maintains structure during cooking
(Mestres et al 1988). Complete degradation of this network probably
occurred after the release of the amylose. Sorghum starch noodles
were therefore allowed to hydrate slowly in cold water because rapid
swelling, solubilizing, and rupturing of starch granules led to higher
cooking losses in sweet potato starch noodles (Lii and Chang 1991).
The cooking time (56 min) after presoaking of starch noodles
was comparable to that of sorghum flour (Suhendro et al 2000) and
rice flour noodles (Bhattacharya et al 1999). The mean cooked
weight of the noodles was 14.1 g (Table II). Tsveta noodles had a
high cooked weight (15.0 g). Rehydration calculated from cooked
weight was high (>289%) in DC-75 and Tsveta starch noodles. The
mean rehydration was higher for sorghum (282%) compared to
sweet potato (226%) starch noodles (Collado and Corke 1997).
Sorghum flour noodles prepared by microwave gelatinization and
a two-stage drying technique had a lower rehydration (193%)
(Suhendro et al 2000). Rehydration after cooking was high (248
296%), indicating that the rice flour noodles had good cooking toler-
ance (Bhattacharya et al 1999). The mean cooking loss was 2.37%
but potato (Kim and Wiesenborn 1996) and sweet potato (Collado
and Corke 1997) starch noodles had even lower cooking losses
(mean <1.6%) than sorghum starch noodles. A high cooking loss
is undesirable because it represents high solubility of starch, resulting
in turbid cooking water, low cooking tolerance, and sticky mouth-
feel (Jin et al 1994). Cooking losses were lowest (<1.9 g) in Kas-
vikisire, but relatively high (>3.0 g) in Mukadzidzoka and Tsveta
noodles. Elasticity was similar to firmness in potato starch noodles,
with a high firmness score being more desirable (Kim and Wiesen-
born 1996). Elasticity (mean 31.6 g) was high (>40.7 g) in Mutode
and Mukadziusaenda sorghum starch noodles (Table II). DC-75
Fig. 1. Rapid Visco Analyser pasting profiles of starch from 10 genotypes:
1 = Katandanzara, 2 = Mutode, 3 = Chibonda, 4 = Chirimaugute, 5 =
Kasikisire, 6 = Mukadziusaenda, 7 = Mukadzidzoka, 8 = Tsveta, 9 =
SV2, and 10 = DC-75.
Cooking Quality and Elasticity of Sorghum Starch Noodles
Wt (g)
Loss (%)
Katandanzara 14.0 2.0 32.7 280
Mutode 14.0 2.2 40.8 279
Chibonda 14.1 1.9 34.5 281
Chirimaugute 14.3 2.0 32.6 286
Kasvikisire 13.9 1.8 29.4 278
Mukadziusaenda 13.5 2.6 44.5 271
Mukadzidzoka 13.6 3.3 24.9 271
Tsveta 15.0 3.1 26.1 300
SV2 14.3 2.1 32.9 286
DC-75 14.5 2.6 17.3 290
Mean 14.1 2.4 31.6 282
0.69 0.77 1.88 18.7
Least significant difference (P < 0.05).
Pearson Correlation Coefficients (r values) of Sorghum Starch Properties and Noodle Quality Parameters
H Hard CL Elast Rehyd
PV 0.76**
HPV 0.26 0.62
CPV 0.56 0.68* 0.87***
BD 0.67* 0.97*** 0.80** 0.81**
SB 0.70* 0.57 0.55 0.89*** 0.62
Ti 0.66* 0.48 0.24 0.32 0.45 0.30
AC 0.54 0.75** 0.54 0.43 0.75** 0.23 0.44
Tp 0.21 0.08 0.36 0.18 0.18 0.04 0.52 0.02
H 0.07 0.19 0.06 0.23 0.12 0.32 0.19 0.34 0.28
Hard 0.32 0.63 0.78** 0.69* 0.73* 0.44 0.15 0.47 0.61 0.28
CL 0.07 0.10 0.52 0.51 0.25 0.36 0.15 0.09 0.45 0.25 0.61
Elast 0.19 0.31 0.81** 0.75** 0.51 0.52 0.37 0.47 0.0004 0.23 0.51 0.37
Rehyd 0.54 0.23 0.16 0.29 0.24 0.33 0.91*** 0.33 0.69* 0.16 0.06 0.08 0.48
STABR 0.48 0.85** 0.93*** 0.87*** 0.95*** 0.61 0.33 0.61 0.29 0.042 0.78** 0.41 0.62 0.16
PV = peak viscosity, Ptemp = temperature at PV, HPV = hot paste viscosity, CPV = cool-paste viscosity, BD = breakdown (PV HPV), SB = setback (CPV
HPV), Ti = initial swelling temperature, STABR = stability ratio (HPV/PV), Hard = gel hardness, AC = amylose, T
= peak gelatinization temperature, H =
gelatinization enthalpy, CL = cooking loss, Elast = noodle elasticity, Rehyd = rehydration. ***, **, and * = P < 0.001, 0.01, and 0.05, respectively; n = 10.
starch gave noodles that had low elasticity (17.3 g). Noodle elas-
ticity was also low in Tsveta and Mukadzidzoka samples.
Correlations Among Starch and Noodle Properties
Correlations among starch properties and noodle quality param-
eters are shown in Table III. Starch pasting properties were sig-
nificantly correlated among themselves, as observed in other studies
using sweet potato starch (Collado et al 1999), coix starch (Li and
Corke 1999), and rice flour (Bhattacharya et al 1999). Starch amylose
content was highly correlated with PV (r = 0.75, P < 0.01), as
previously found with sweet potato starch (Collado and Corke
1997). Amylose content was also negatively correlated to BD (r =
0.75, P < 0.01). Starch gel hardness was positively correlated to
HPV (r = 0.78, P < 0.01) and CPV (r = 0.69, P < 0.05) but neg-
atively correlated to BD (r = 0.73, P < 0.05). Noodle elasticity
was highly correlated with HPV (r = 0.81, P < 0.01) and CPV (r
= 0.75, P < 0.01). PV was not correlated to textural, thermal, or
noodle quality parameters and therefore could not be used to predict
end-use related functionality in starch properties as previously ob-
served in other studies using wheat flour (Bhattacharya et al 1997).
Stability ratio (HPV/PV) was also not correlated to any of the noodle
quality parameters, including rehydration, in contrast with results
with sweet potato noodles (Collado and Corke 1997). Rehydra-
tion was highly correlated with T
(r = 0.91, P < 0.001) and T
= 0.69, P < 0.05).
The correlations between noodle elasticity and rehydration and
sorghum starch pasting properties of HPV, CPV, and T
, respec-
tively, provide further evidence that pasting characteristics could
provide information on the quality of noodles produced (Collado
and Corke 1997; Bhattacharya et al 1999). However, differences
are expected on specific pasting characteristics that could be used to
predict noodle quality depending on the starch source. For example,
according to Jin et al (1994), a high HPV generally represents low
cooking loss. In sorghum starch noodles, cooking loss was low and
not significantly correlated to starch properties.
Sorghum starch has potential for use in noodle preparation. The
variation in properties of starch from different sorghum genotypes
results in differences in noodle-making quality and indicates the
need to optimize the noodle-making procedure for each genotype.
Depending on consumer preferences for texture, different genotypes
may be optimal. This study, conducted on a limited number of sor-
ghum genotypes, showed that noodle elasticity varied considerably
among starches and was apparently correlated to pasting HPV and
CPV. These pasting properties can be useful in predicting noodle
We thank the University of Hong Kong Committee on Research and
Conference Grants and the Third World Academy of Sciences for
providing financial support for this work.
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[Received August 28, 2000. Accepted April 10, 2001.]