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Deshpande2022 Article EffectOfGrindingTechniquesAndS

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J Food Sci Technol



Effect of grinding techniques and supplementation of quinoa

on the carbohydrate profile of tortillas
Rohan H Deshpande1 • Ashwin Kumar1 • Manish Katare1 • Suresh D Sakhare1 •

Aashitosh A Inamdar1

Revised: 15 December 2021 / Accepted: 10 January 2022

Ó Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India) 2022

Abstract With an aim of studying the implication of the Keywords Carbohydrate digestive profile  Glycaemic
milling interventions and supplementation of non-wheat index  Quinoa  Tortillas
grains on the effect of the carbohydrate digestive profile of
wheat flour the present study was conducted. Quinoa grain
was selected for the study due its higher protein content Introduction
and better amino acid profile than that of cereal grains.
Milling of grains to produce atta (whole wheat flour) was Wheat and maize tortillas are contemplated as staple foods
carried out using traditional method of stone chakki mill for the occupants of Mexico and Central America. Wheat
and the other method of separation and recombination of tortillas were first developed after influx of the Spaniards
different stream using roller mill. The atta flour was then who came with wheat to Mexico. Maize tortillas were
supplemented with the quinoa flour in different combina- headed down from the Aztecs. Wheat tortillas are being
tions and the physico-chemical, rheological and product developed from whole as well as refined wheat flour, which
making characteristics were studied. The milling technique are then mixed with water, shortening, baking powder, and
has an impact on the damaged starch with the difference of other ingredients. This will produce a gluten-developed
around 6% across the flour samples which further impacted dough that can be divided into balls and formed into flat
the water absorption capacity and the gelatinization tem- sheets. These sheets are baked on both sides to yield tor-
perature of the flour. Carbohydrate digestive profile of the tillas. Both corn and wheat flour tortillas are mainly used as
prepared tortillas have shown significant difference when wraps to produce tacos, burritos, and related products and
the atta from roller mill substituted with quinoa flour upto greatly influence the nutritional status of their consumers.
15%. Starch digestibility index of stone chakki atta was Quinoa is endemic in all countries of the Andean region.
higher SDI (78.71) than that of roller milled quiooa sup- Quinoa cultivation is spreading and now occurs in more
plemented flours (38.52 and 36.74). The rapidly digestible than 70 countries. The world quinoa production in 2017 is
sugar decreased and the slow digestible sugar increased as about 193 thousand metric tons. Chenopodium quinoa is
compared to stone chakki atta tortillas which combinedly is good for vegetarians as it has good protein profile and a
responsible for lower glycaemic index. In the commercial total protein level of about 12-18%. Quinoa seeds contain
point of view this will open a new avenue for food man- essential amino acid like lysine and good quantities of
ufacturer to produce value added and healthy products calcium, iron, phosphorus, dietary fibre and magnesium
from quinoa. (Ruales and Nair 1992). The lipid content is higher than the
cereals and is mainly located in embryo. The oil of quinoa
seed is rich in polyunsaturated acid (linoleic and linolenic)
& Aashitosh A Inamdar and oleic acid (Alvarez et al. 2009). Its seeds range in color
aainamdar@cftri.res.in from ivory to pink,brown to red or almost black depending
1 on the variety. There are about 120 species of Chenopo-
Flour Milling, Baking and Confectionery Technology
Department, CSIR-Central Food Technological Research dium but only three varieties are cultivated.
Institute, Mysore 570020, India

J Food Sci Technol

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the one of the important (D). Flours produced were packed in air tight container and
cereal crop for the majority of world’s population and 750 stored at room temperature for further use.
million metric tons is produced annually (Sakhare and
Inamdar 2014). Wheat is most important staple food of Whole wheat flour chemical characterisation
about two billion people (36% of the world population).
Tortillas are gaining popularity and are been widely Flours were tested as per methods approved American
accepted in many countries globally. Current study deals Association of Cereal Chemist (AACC 2000) for moisture
with the interventions of milling technology and replace- (method 44-15), damaged starch (76-30 A), ash (method
ment of wheat flour by quinoa flour in order to improve the 08-01), protein (method 46-13) and fat (method 30-10).
nutritional characteristics and develop a product having Dietary fibre was estimated according to method 991.43 of
low carbohydrate digestibility. AOAC, 1999.

Color measurement
Materials and methods
Measurement of color of flours was carried out by Hunter
Raw material selection Color Lab (Color Measuring Labscan XE system, Reston,
VA). Barium sulfate white board with 100% reflectance
Wheat and quinoa were purchased from local markets from was standard control. Reflectance of the samples placed in
Mysuru, India. They were cleaned and stored in closed the holder was auto-recorded for the wavelength between
containers in room temperature until used. 360 and 800 nm. The colors were differentiated as L*, a*
The glucose oxidase enzyme, Aspergillus niger and b* that indicated the degrees of darkness; redness and
(128,200 units/g solid, Cat.no G7141-50KU, Lot yellowness respectively.
SLBN8314V), amyloglucosidase (source Aspergillus niger,
C 300U/ml, Cat.no A7095, Lot SLBJ2506V), aamylase Dough mixing and pasting profile
(source Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (C 250 units/ g, Cat.no
A7595, Lot SLBK3763V), pancreatin (source porcine Dough mixing characteristics of the dough prepared from
pancreas (8 9 USP, Cat.no P7545, Lot SLBH7449V), different flours were determined by Brabender Farinograph
pepsin (source porcine gastric mucosa (C 250 units/mg, and pasting properties by using Micro-visco Amylograph
Cat.no P7000, Lot BCBF9832V), and peroxidase (source according to American Association of Cereal Chemist
horseradish (163 units/mg, Cat.no P8250, Lot Methods (AACC 2000).
SLBQ1119V), invertase (source bakers yeast, 355 units/mg
solid, Cat.no I4504, Lot 111K7480), pepsin (sourcs gastric Tortilla preparation
mucosa (1000 NF U/mg, Cat.no P7000, Lot BCBF9832V)
were purchased from Sigma Aldrich Ltd (St. Louis, MO, Ingredients included flour (1000 g), salt (15 g), sugar (5 g),
USA). Analytical grade chemicals, organic solvents and vegetable oil (70 g) sodiumbicarbonate (10 g), and water.
triple distilled water were used for all the study. All ingredients were scaled on the basis of 1000-g flour
weight. Different amounts of water for each flour blend
Grain processing for flour was added based on the water absorption data from the
Farinograph and dough handling properties if required, for
Cleaned raw wheat was ground for the production of whole the flour from different grinders to get the consistency
wheat flour using two grinding techniques, one with stone suitable for tortilla sheeting. Dough was rested for 10 min
chakki mill (Indica, Jumbo Model) having capacity of 3 kg before cutting into a piece of 40gm each and was sheeted
per hour and the gap between the stones kept at 0.3 mm. using a roller pin to a diameter of 15 cm. Electric hot plate
This flour was nomenclature as control. Other grinding was set at 225 °C and the sheeted dough sheet was baked
technique used was laboratory roller mill (Buhler, MLU on first side for 120 s and on the second side for 120 s. It
202) In this technique, flour from 3 break and 3 reduction was allowed to cool at room temperature.
rolls, fine and bran bran were obtained. The bran was finely
ground and mixed with all the flour streams thoroughly to Moisture estimation of tortilla at different time
obtained whole wheat flour. This was named as roller interval
milled atta (RA). Quinoa was ground in a hammer mill
(HM), (Nataraj, India). The control flour and the quinoa Moisture of tortilla was estimated by two stage method at
blended in a ratio of 95:5 (A); 90:10 (B); 85:15 (C); 80:20 0, 4, 8 and 12 h from the time of its preparation. In the first
stage 20 g of sample was taken in a clean dried petri plate

J Food Sci Technol

and covered with sieve and incubated at room temperature done separately and its measurement in all the fractions
for overnight. The airdried samples are then powdered. was carried out by glucose oxidase-peroxidase method.
From the powdered sample 2 g is weighed into an alu-
minium dish and kept in oven at 130°C ± 1 for 1 h.
Results and discussion
Sensory evaluation of tortilla:
Grain characteristics
Tortillas were evaluated for appearance, tearing strength,
pliability, aroma, eating quality and overall quality. Eight The moisture, protein, fat and ash content of wheat grains
panellists were asked to give the scores between 0 and 20 are 10.6%, 10.63%, 1.80% and 1.76% respectively while
for eating quality and between 0 and 10 for all the other quinoa grains had 9.55% of moisture, 13.8% of protein,
parameters; desirable tortilla characteristics being the one 5.1% of fat and 3.4% of ash content. The protein content of
with higher score. quinoa is higher than that of wheat grains. The nutritional
values of wheat and quinoa are similar to those reported
Texture Studies earlier in literature by many researchers.

Tortillas were packed in polypropylene pouches (two tor- Composition of quinoa enriched whole wheat flour
tilla in each pouch for the study at different time interval),
heat sealed and stored in an atmosphere maintained at Results of various analysis carried out on the quinoa
temperature 25 °C and 45% RH throughout the texture enriched whole wheat flour are represented in Table 1. The
study. Analysis of the texture of tortillas was done using a grains were not conditioned thus the produced whole wheat
Texture analyzer (Loyal Instruments Ltd. LR-5 K) as per flour has lower moisture content. The moisture content of
the method described by Hemalatha et al. [12] with slight produced whole wheat flour and quinoa enriched flour is
adjustments to suit the study. 1KN load cell was set for 7.63%, 8.52%, 6.77%, 6.71%, 6.26% and 6.16% of control,
50 N and deflection of 26 mm. The Warner blade speed RA, A, B, C and D respectively. Damaged starch content of
was set at 100 mm/ min to compress the center of the control was also highest (16.48%) compared to other flour
Chapati and pita and the shear force was recorded. samples. Forces acting during grinding are higher com-
pared to the roller mill grinding resulting in the higher loss
Storage studies of quinoa enriched whole wheat of moisture and increased starch damage (Inamdar et al.
flour 2015). Sharma et al. (2008) observed severity of grinding
in stone chakki compared to other owing to the compres-
Storage studies of whole wheat flour were conducted only sion force along with the shear force resulting in higher
whole wheat flour C which have shown acceptable tortilla damaged starch in rice samples. The quinoa enriched whole
making qualities compared to control whole wheat flour wheat flour was analysed for ash content and it was found
tortillas. 0.5 kg quinoa whole wheat flour samples were that there was increase in ash content of produced sample.
packed in polypropylene pouches and stored at temperature This is owing higher mineral content in quinoa as reported
of 30o C and relative humidity of 65%. Flours were tested by Konishi et al. (2004). A significant difference was
for alcoholic acidity and moisture for a storage period of observed in the protein content of produced whole wheat
120 days at an interval of every 30 days. flours. It was found to be 10.14%, 10.18%, 11.5%,12.25%
,13.12% and 13.58% respectively for control, RA, A, B, C
Carbohydrate Digestive Profile and D respectively. The dietary fiber content of produced
whole wheat flour also shown an increasing trend on
Simulated gastro intestinal digestion procedure was used incorporation of quinoa grains flour. The dietary fiber
for the determination of carbohydrate digestive profile as content of control was found to be 9.20% while that of RA
mentioned by Englyst et al. (1999). Digestion of carbo- was also 9.21%. It was 10.28%,10.40%,11.21% and
hydrates and glucose release pattern at 20 min represents 11.36% for A, B, C and D respectively. The quinoa grains
rapidly available glucose (RAG), whereas subsequently at have higher protein and dietary fiber content compared to
100 min slowly available glucose (SAG). Total glucose wheat (Vega-Gálvez et al. 2010) and thus the increase was
(TG) was measured at 120 min after hydrolysis with obvious. Fat content of the produced whole wheat flour was
potassium hydroxide and complete enzymatic digestion. also increased because of incorporation of quinoa. The fat
Resistant Starch is the one which left undigested after content was increased from 1.73%(control) to 2.88% (D).
120 min of hydrolysis. Determination of free glucose was However higher levels of vit E in quinoa makes saturated
fatty acids stable to oxidation (Fleming and Galwey 1995).

J Food Sci Technol

Table 1 Characteristics of quinoa enriched whole wheat flour

Atta Moisture (%) Damaged Starch Ash^ Acid Insoluble Ash^ Fat^ Dietary fiber^ Protein^

Control 7.63±0.08c 16.48?0.90 1.21±0.02a 0.028±0.003a 1.73±0.09a 9.20±0.17a 10.14±0.18a

d a a a a a
RA 8.52±0.08 10.31?0.51 1.21±0.08 0.027±0.001 1.74±0.05 9.21±0.15 10.18±0.18a
b a b a b b
A 6.77±0.12 10.41 ±0.12 1.32 ±0.03 0.032± 0.002 2.46±0.15 10.28±0.14 11.50±0.16b
b b a b b
B 6.71±0.15 10.43±0.15 1.34 ±0.02 0.038 ± 0.003 2.47±0.13 10.40±0.16 12.25±0.15c
a c a c c
C 6.26±0.13 10.51±0.13 1.37 ±0.04 0.038 ± 0.001 2.64±0.16 11.21±0.18 13.12±0.21d
a c a d d
D 6.16±0.09 10.51±0.09 1.42 ±0.03 0.032 ± 0.001 2.88±0.18 11.36±0.15 13.58±0.14e
Values are given as means ± standard deviation with sample size n=3
^: On dry basis
Values in the column with the same letter in superscript are not significantly different from each other at p B 0.05
Control: Stone Chakki Atta; RA: Roller flour mill atta; A: 5% quino and 95% RA; B: 10% quino and 90% RA; C: 15% quino and
85% RA; D: 20% quino and 80% RA

Repercussion of Quinoa flour on color of developed different flour samples (Fig. 1). Water absorption of con-
whole wheat flour and tortilla trol whole wheat flour was found to be 80% and 72.2% for
the RA as indicated by farinograph studies. WAC increased
Table 2 indicates the color of different flours as observed to 72.8, 73.5, 73.9% and 74.1% respectively for developed
in hunter color lab. The color of the food product plays a whole wheat flour A, B, C and D respectively. Higher
crucial role in determining consumer acceptance where damaged starch in the control flour is responsible for higher
substitution of the traditional raw material is to be carried water absorption in control samples as observed by Inam-
out for health and nutritional enhancements. Developed dar and Prabhasankar (2017). Further the increase in the
whole wheat flour samples shown lesser brightness with water absorption in the formulations was observed with
lesser L* values with increase in the percentage of the addition of quinoa flour which was in linear progression as
quinoa flour and ranged from 83.2 to 81.55 between control the protein and dietery fibre content in the formulations.
and D sample. Values for redness increased (a* value (Hallen et al. 2004) studied the effect of cowpea flour
2.12–2.38) and the yellowness increased (b* value addition on the rheological of wheat flour and reported
11.90–12.97). Similar results were observed in the tortilla similar results owing to higher protein content of cowpea
prepared from the developed flours. Crumb colour of tor- flours. The addition of 5% or 10% quinoa flour did not
tilla was found to be directly influenced by the formulation, change dough rheological properties with significance
because, with increased replacement whole wheat whole difference. The water absorption decreased by 2% from the
wheat flour by quinoa flour, the tortilla crumb tended to control. The gluten network which is formed in dough by
become darker (L* value 51.14–50.26) with lower reddish disulphide bonding of gluten was capable to the addition of
(a* 3.84–3.65) and higher yellowish (b* 16.83–19.03). 5, 10 and 15% quinoa flour without changing dough
Gewehr et al. (2017) and Pande et al. (2017) have reported Farinograph properties. It was found that incorporation of
decrease in the lightness and increase in a* and b* value in 20% quinoa affects the gluten network. There might be
bread and chapati on addition of quinoa flakes and non- possibility of formation of new bonds between the gluten
wheat grains respectively in wheat flour. and quinoa flour which decreased water absorption. The
addition of 20% quinoa flour had a positive effect on the
farinograph characteristics (Stikic R et al. 2011). Increase
Influenced of Quinoa flour on dough mixing in fibre content may increase the hydrogen bonding leading
and pasting profile to higher water absorption was observed by Englyst et al.
(1999). The DDT (3.8 to 3.45 min) and DS values were
The evaluation of dough behaviours against mixing at a (1.32 min to 1.19 min) were not consistent with the other
specific water addition and specific constant speed is parameters and these findings are in agreement with find-
resistance of the dough which is measured by farinograph. ings of Haridas Rao et al. (1989).
Water absorption capacity (WAC), dough development
time (DDT) and dough stability (DS) were compared for

J Food Sci Technol

Table 2 Moisture, texture; sensory characteristics of tortilla

Moisure(%) Sensory characteristics* Texture(Shear Force N)@
Tortilla 0h 4h 8h 12 h Appearence Tearing Pliability Aroma Eating Overall 0h 4h 8h 12 h
Sample (10) Strength (10) (10) Quality Quality
(10) (20) (60)

Control 31.6±0.1e 29.9±0.2f 28.8±0.1f 28.4±0.1f 8.0 ± 0.5c 8.0 ± 0.5b 8.0 ± 1.0ab 8.0 ± 16.2 ± 48.2± 14.6 ± 14.5 ± 11.5± 0.3d 7.7 ±
0.5b 0.5b 0.5c 0.2d 0.1e 0.3b
RA 28.6±0.1a 27.9±0.2a 27.8±0.1a 27.5±0.1a 8.0 ± 0.5c 7.0 ± 0.5b 8.0 ± 1.0ab 8.0 ± 16.2 ± 47.2± 14.1 ± 14.2 ± 11.2± 0.3d 7.1 ±
0.5b 0.5b 0.5c 0.2d 0.1e 0.3b
A 28.9±0.1b 28.6±0.1b 28.5±0.1b 27.9±0.2b 7.5 ± 1.0b 8.5 ± 0.5b 8.0 ± 0.5ab 8.0 ± 15.0 ± 47.0± 14.2 ± 0.4c 13.9 ± 11.12 ± 7.0 ±
0.5b 0.5b 0.5b 0.3d 0.2c 0.1c
B 30.2±0.2c 30.1±0.2c 30.1±0.2c 30.07±0.1c 7.5 ± 0.5b 8.5 ± 0.5b 8.0 ± 0.5ab 8.0 ± 15.5 ± 47.5± 14.4 ± 13.6 ± 10.6 ± 6.3 ±
1.0b 1.0b 0.5a 0.3b 0.1c 0.3b 0.1b
C 30.3±0.1d 29.4±0.2d 28.2±0.1d 26.1±0.1d 8.5 ± 0.5b 8.0 ± 0.5b 8.0 ± 0.5a 7.5 ± 15.0 ± 47.5± 14.56 ± 11.4 ± 9.8 ± 0.1b 6.2 ±
0.5b 0.5c 0.5a 0.3b 0.2c 0.2b
D 30.4±0.3d 28.9±0.2e 27.1±0.3e 25.1±0.1e 8.5 ± 0.5a 7.5 ± 0.5a 7.5 ± 0.5a 7.5 ± 15. ± 1.0a 46.0± 14.62 ± 10.1 ± 7.5 ± 0.1a 5.2 ±
0.5a 0.5a 0.2a 0.4a 0.2a
± SD (n=8*, 3#, 16@)
Values in the column with the same letter in superscript are not significantly different from each other at p B 0.05
Refer Table 1 for abbreviations

J Food Sci Technol

Farinograph for blended flour

82 4

80 3.5 Tortilla Characteristics

76 Tortillas prepared form different formulations of whole
74 wheat flour are shown in Fig. 3. Sensory characteristics
evaluated by the panel of judges (Table 2) revealed that the
70 0.5
appearance of the control whole wheat flour tortilla was
68 0 better among all the tortillas, with the light brown colour
Control RA A B C D which uniformly distributed on tortilla. With the increase
WAC(%) DDT (min) DS(min) of the percentage of quinoa flour the colour of tortilla were
turning yellowish which is similar as that of corn tortilla.
Fig. 1 Farinograph Characteristics. WAC: Water Absorption Capac-
ity; DDT: Dough Development Time; DS: Dough Stability. Values The pliability changed in the final sample that is sample D
are given as means ± standard deviation with sample size n=3. Refer because of increase content in quinoa flour. Tearing
Table 1 for other abbreviations strength increased with increase in the percentage (5 and
10%) but at higher percentage it started to decrease and
Pasting properties studies of different flour samples are was lesser than control whole wheat flour tortilla. This may
shown in Fig. 2. Gelatinization temperature which is an be attributed to the dilution of the gluten protein and their
indication of the time required to cook in a given sample viscoelastic properties. Aroma of the control and B were
was found to be 62.64 and 62.32oC for control and RA similar but reduced for the tortilla of whole wheat flour C,
respectively. A noticeable decrease was observed in the D. A typical wheaty aroma was desirable for wheat tortilla
gelatinization temperature compared to RA with values of which was found in control whole wheat flour tortilla, but
63.30, 63.28, 63.18, and 62.81 °C for developed A, B, C, at higher level of incorporation of non-wheat flour it
and D respectively. This indicates a delay in the beginning became bland. As expected, overall eating quality of the
of the gelatinization temperature due to higher resistance of tortilla was found to be highest for control whole wheat
starch granules. Control atta had highest gelatinization flour tortilla. However, the tortilla’s with B (47.5) and C
temperature owing to the higher damaged starch that ren- (47.5) were nearer to the overall quality scores of tortillas
ders faster water binding which also is indicated by shorter from control whole wheat flour. It was found to be 46 for
dough development time of the same. The similar results blend D. It was found that incorporation of quinoa does not
were observed by Tulse et al. (2014). Hot Paste Viscosity affect the taste that much because of bland test of quinoa
(HPV) and Cold Paste Viscosity (CPV) of control whole grains.
wheat flour was higher compared to all other developed
whole wheat flour (Fig. 2). Jyotsna et al. (2014) reported a The estimated values of moisture content of tortilla from
decrease in the PV of the durum wheat semolina with the different whole wheat flour blends are given in Table 2.
incorporation of the green gram semolina and attributed it Moisture content of the tortilla at 0, 4, 8 and 12 h for
to the lesser water-binding capacities of the starches in control whole wheat flour and RA tortilla were found to be
them. Pasting properties are mostly influenced by starch 31.6 and 28.6% respectively. The moisture content of the
and higher starch content result in greater swelling during tortilla from quinoa enriched wheat flour A, B, C, and D at
gelatinization which is the peak viscosity (McWatters et al. 0 h were found to be 28.9, 30.2, 30.3 and 30.4% respec-
2004). tively. The blend C was having more moisture content than
that of other blends. The roller mill will produce less
800 63.4 damage starch than that of hammer mill because of less
700 exposure of wheat to the roller surface. This will lead to
600 formation of less damaged starches which will absorb less
63 water than that of hammer mill.
Hot Paste Viscocity
400 62.8 Results of the texture studies of tortilla conducted at
Cold Paste Vicocity
300 Gelanazaon Temp (°C)
various intervals are tabulated in Table 2. Shear force
200 require to tear the tortilla from control, RA, A, B, C, and D
100 whole wheat flour at 0 h was found to be 14.6, 14.1, 14.2,
0 62.2 14.4, 14.56 and 14.64 respectively. After 12 h the shear
Control RA A B C D
force is decreasing as found out that is for control it was
Fig. 2 Pasting Characteristics. Values are given as means ± standard found to be in the range of 5.2 to 7.2 N. The decrease in the
deviation with sample size n=3. Refer Table 1 for abbreviations shear force may be due to the development of brittleness

J Food Sci Technol

Fig. 3 Tortilla’s prepared by

using different quinoa blends.
Refer Table 1 for abbreviations


over the period of time. Venkateswara Rao et al. (1986) Carbohydrate digestive profile
noted a decrease in the Warner Balde shear value when
chapati was stored in polyethylene pouch and attributed it The Starch digestibility index (SDI) of the samples were
to the staling of chapati and the chemical changes unre- studied as an index of glycemic index of sample. The
lated to moisture content. glycemic index of sample is important to get to know how
much glucose is absorbed in blood. The glycemic index
Storage studies of quinoa enriched whole wheat can be correlated with SDI. As the SDI of the sample
flour decreases the available glucose will decreases that lead to
reduction in glycemic index of sample. The total carbo-
Whole wheat flour, when stored for a long time, passes hydrate estimation was carried out by using enzymes which
through various types of deterioration, which in turn gives gives results for rapidly available glucose, slowly available
values for alcoholic acidity. The detect deterioration of glucose and total starch digestibility index. The roller
whole wheat flour alcoholic acidity is measured. Alcoholic milled samples were selected for carbohydrate profile
acidity was found to be gradually increased during storage analysis as roller milled sample produces less damaged
up to 60 days. from 0.09 to 0.15% for developed C. How- starch as compared to hammer mill thus available starch for
ever, it increased to 0.27% at the end of 120 days. A releasing glucose will be lesser. The results were shown in
moisture content of whole wheat flour significantly Fig. 4. The sample B and C got the highest sensory score
increased during the storage period. It was found that 6.5, among the given sample therefore they were selected for
7.5, 8.2 and 9.01 at 30,60,90 and 120 days respectively. A SDI determination and compared with control sample. The
moisture content of the incorporated whole wheat flour control sample was having higher SDI (78.71) than that of
with quinoa flour increased significantly during the storage sample B and C which were 38.52 and 36.74 respectively.
period of 90 days compared to 0 days. This shows that, the glycemic index of the sample B and

Fig. 4 Carbohydrate
digestibility Profile of Tortillas
on g/100 g on as is basis

J Food Sci Technol

sample C is lower than that of control. SDI of the sample B view this will open a new avenue for food manufacturer to
and sample C shows that the glycaemic index is lowered produce value added products from quinoa.
because of incorporation of quinoa. The quinoa flour helps
to decrease the glycaemic index of sample which can be
attributed to the nature of starches. The results are in Authors’ contributions AAI contributed to the conceptualisation of
the study and original manuscript, RH and AKMS conducted the
agreement with those of (Anika Wolter et al. 2013) experiments and statistical analysis, MK did data interpretation, SDS
wherein they observed with incorporation of quiona flour, did the table an figure designs, wrote the part of original manuscript
the glycaemic index of gluten free bread decreased. draft, and performing critical revision.

The RDS (rapidly digestible starch) was high in control Funding Not Applicable.
as compared to sample B and C. RDS of control atta was
Data availability All data generated or analysed during this study
37.63, B was 31.83 and C was found to be 30.1. The fig- are.
ures of RDS clearly shows that the post prandial glucose
level of sample B and C will be lowered. In case of roller Code availability Not applicable.
mill flour and quinoa enriched samples the RAG decreased
significantly as roller mill produces less damage starch thus
rapidly available glucose after consumption of food will be Conflict of interest Authors declare no conflict of interest.
decreased. Degree of starch damage is more in case of
control atta and hence more sugars are produced (Parimala Ethical approval Not applicable.
and Sudha 2015). The SAG (Slowly available glucose)
(5.48–7.45) and FSG (free sugar glucose) (2.22–3.3) also
shown increasing trend from control to C which shows that References
the GI of sample is decreasing and were. Pawar et al.
AACC (2000) Approved methods of the AACC, 10th edn. American
(2020) reported a decrease in the RAG with different Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN
milling interventions and increase in the flour with higher Analysis of AOAC International (AOAC) (2012) in official methods
protein and fibre content when added to wheat flour. Thus of AOAC, 19th edition
Englyst KN, Englyst HN, Hudson GJ, Cole TJ, Cummings JH (1999)
we can conclude that the samples prepared from roller mill
Rapidly available glucose in foods: an in vitro measurement that
and having higher protein and dietary fibre content has reflects the glycemic response. Am J Clin Nutr 69(3):448–454
significantly lowered the GI of product which is helpful for Fleming JE, Galwey NW (1995) Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa).
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