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The Effect of Composition of Hydrocolloids On Properties of Gluten-Free Bread

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ACTA Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 6(3) 2007, 61-74



Halina Gambuś, Marek Sikora, Rafał Ziobro

Agricultural University of Cracow

Abstract. Sensory parameters of gluten-free bread depend on the amount and type of hy-
drocolloids used as gluten replacers, as this determines interactions between them and
starch, which is the main component of dough. The evaluation of gluten-free breads sup-
plemented with various amounts of guar gum, pectin and xanthan, proved that bread with
addition of xanthan has higher volume in comparison with pectin-guar standard. Higher
amount of xanthan resulted in a decrease of bread hardness on the day of baking and after
72 hours of storage. Bread baked with equal amounts of all hydrocolloids (recipe IV) dis-
played best quality parameters. The amount of free amylose in crumb extract depended on
the extent of starch gelatinisation, influenced by proportions of pectin, guar gum and xan-
than in the mixture of hydrocolloids.

Key words: gluten-free bread, xanthan, pectin, guar gum, coeliac disease


Coeliac disease similiarly to phenylketonuria and diabetes is a metabolic disorder, in

which there occurs a strict relation between intake of certain products and severe mal-
functions of the organism [Vincenzi et al. 1989, Thompson 2001]. Moreover, there is a
large number of persons with minimal or no symptoms, who are predisposed to long-
term complications caused by gluten intake [Mustalahti et al. 2002, Duggan 2004].
Gluten-free diet is the only efficient treatment in coeliac disease, and the results de-
pend on the rigorous discipline in its application, in many cases in the whole period of
life [Baldo and Wrigley 1984, Duggan 2004]. The food must be completely free of any
gluten, so all the products from wheat, rye, barley and oat must be replaced with corn,
rice, millet equivalents and various types of starch (corn, rice, potato) or appropriate
mixtures [Gambuś et al. 2001, Sanchez et al. 2002]. The formulation of new, better
recipes and technologies for gluten-free products is therefore a priority [Toufeili et al.
1994, McCarthy et al. 2005].

This study was supported by the Ministry of Science and Informatization, grant 2 P06T 079 26.

Corresponding author – Adres do korespondencji: Prof. dr hab. inż. Halina Gambuś, Department
of Carbohydrate Technology of Agricultural University of Cracow, Balicka 122, 30-149 Cracow,
Poland, e-mail: rrhgambu@cyf-kr.edu.pl
62 H. Gambuś ...

Gluten may be to some extent replaced by natural or synthetic raw materials, which
can significantly swell in water and form structural equivalent of gluten network in
wheat dough. The most commonly used are such hydrocolloids as pectin, guar gum,
arabic gum, egg albumin, galactomannans and methylcellulose. Hydrocolloids and their
mixtures impact rheology of the dough as well as its baking properties and the final
bread texture. Technical difficulties during gluten-free bread production (as well as
gluten-free pasta) were described by many authors [Ylimaki et al. 1991, Malcolmson et
al. 1993, Sanchez et al. 2002, Ahlborn et al. 2005, McCarthy et al. 2005]. Gluten free
bread, based on starch, is less tasty than traditional bread and has a high staling ten-
dency. The crumb which after baking is wet and sticking together, on the next day be-
comes dry, rough and crumbly. Because home-made gluten-free bread is prepared for
several days, it is very important to prevent sufficient organoleptic quality during the
storage [Ylimaki et al. 1991, Malcolmson et al. 1993, Gambuś et al. 2001, Sanchez et
al. 2002].
Many parameters of gluten-free bread depend on the amount and type of non-starch
hydrocolloids used as gluten replacers, as this determines interactions between them and
starch, which is the main component of dough. There are reports on the interactions
between starch and other polysaccharide hydrocolloids, such as pectin, guar gum and
xanthan gum [Funami et al. 2005, Eidam et al. 1995]. In the earlier studies on the qual-
ity of gluten-free bread the synergistic action of guar gum and pectin in the mixture with
corn starch was reported [Gambuś et al. 2001].
Xanthan gum is known to be compatible with many food components, such as pro-
teins, salts, acids and thickeners: starch, carrageenan, cellulose derivatives, gelatin and
alginates. Water solutions of xanthan gum are characterized by high viscosity, even at
low concentrations. They also exhibit significant viscoelasticity. These features are the
result of very stiff, rod-like conformation of xanthan gum in solution [Urlacher and
Noble 1997]. Weak gel matrix of xanthan gums inhibits agglomeration of fat and starch
retrogradation, improves structure, eating quality and appearance of food products
[Food... 1990, Gimeno et al. 2004].
The aim of the current research was to evaluate the optimum proportion of hydrocol-
loids: guar gum, pectin and xanthan gum that could be used for the production of glu-
ten-free bread.


The ingredients and recipes for gluten-free bread baking are shown in Table 1. Corn
starch and corn meal were obtained from Dia-Cel, Lodz, potato starch (Superior) from
ZPZ Niechlow, non-starch hydrocolloids from Hortimex, oil “Kujawski” was produced
by ZT “Kruszwica”, instant yeast by Lesaffere, aminoacids were acquired from Waloch
and S-ka, Poland.
Laboratory bread baking was performed using simple procedure, which consisted of
the following stages:
– mixing of dough ingredients to obtain uniform consistency (approx. 10 min)
– putting balanced dough portions (250 g) into baking pans
– carrying out fermentation for about 40 min, at 40°C.

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Table 1. Gluten free-bread recipes used in the study

Tabela 1. Receptury na chleb bezglutenowy użyte w badaniach

Ingredients Receptury – Recipes


Potato starch – Skrobia ziemniaczana 120 120 120 120

Corn starch – Skrobia kukurydziana 432 432 432 432
Corn meal – Kaszka kukurydziana 48 48 48 48
Pectin – Pektyna 10.53 10 9 7
Guar gum – Guma guarowa 10.53 10 9 7.06
Xanthan gum – Guma ksantanowa – 1.06 3.06 7
Yeast – Drożdże 30 30 30 30
Sugar – Cukier 36 36 36 36
Salt – Sól 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
Oil – Olej 18 18 18 18
L-lysine – L-lizyna 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
L-threonine – L-treonina 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
Water – Woda 630 630 630 630

The loaves were baked in oven VIVA Meteor type MD 08/6511 at 230°C for half an
hour. Four loaves were obtained basing on each recipe. After cooling (1.5 hours) they
were weighted in order to calculate baking loss and bread yield [Analiza... 1983]. The
volume was measured in grainy material, by rape seed displacement. The loaves not
selected for analysis on the day of baking were stored in packages (used in bakery for
packing) at 23-24°C and 64% relative moisture content. The analyses were performed
on the day of baking and after 24 and 72 hours. Sensoric assessment was conducted on
the day of baking and included taste and smell, physical appearance, colour and thick-
ness of crust as well as elasticity and porosity of crumb. Bread quality class was estab-
lished basing on overall score [PN-A74108, 1996].
To study bread aging, the parameters described below were measured every day dur-
ing the whole storage period.
Texture profile was obtained using texture analyser TX-XTA with XTR1 software.
Two slices 30 mm thick were cut from the centre of the loaf. Each slice was compressed
to 15 mm at a plunger speed of 1. Plunger diameter was 24.9 mm and height – 30.55
mm. Hardness and cohesiveness were calculated.
Apparent amylose content in water extracts of crumb [Neukom and Rutz 1981] was
measured. To this end 10 g of crumb was extracted with water. In the extracts blue
value was measured as an indicator of amylose retrogradation [Morrison and Laignelet
1983]. Blue value is defined as absorbance of 10 mg iodine stained starch dissolved in
100 ml of water. It is calculated from the formula:
Bv = A × 10 mg/m

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A – absorbance at 635 nm,
m – carbohydrate content, established by anthrone method.
Size exclusion chromatography of the bread extracts [Gambuś 1997] was carried
out. Analysis of the obtained fractions included: total carbohydrate assessment with
anthrone method [Morris 1948] – iodine-staining at 640 and 525 nm [Praznik et al.
1983] pullulan standards were used for molecular weight calibration.
All analyses were done in duplicate.
The results (except chromatography data) were statistically analysed by one-factor
Anova (STAT Skierniewice). The significance of differences was calculated by Dun-
can’s test.


In Table 2 the results of the impact of hydrocolloids and recipe on baking and qual-
ity scores of gluten-free bread are collected. Recipe I, containing equal amounts of guar
gum and pectin was used as standard, because such a composition proved to be opti-
mum in the system containing two hydrocolloids and starch [Gambuś et al. 2001].

Table 2. Baking characteristics and quality of gluten-free bread

Tabela 2. Parametry wypiekowe i jakość chleba bezglutenowego

b ab a
Weight after cooling, g – Masa po ochłodzeniu, g 216 215 212 215ab

Volume, cm3 – Objętość, cm3 550a 585b 685d 660c

Baking loss, % – Strata wypiekowa, % 14.1b 14.5b 145b 13.5a

Bread yield, % – Wydajność pieczywa, % 180a 178a 179a 181a

d c a
Crumb moisture, % – Wilgotność miękiszu, % 51.7 50.9 49.5 50.2b

Organoleptic score – Ocena organoleptyczna 39a 39a 39a 40a

Quality class – Klasa jakościowa I I I I

Values followed by a common letter within the same row are not significantly different (P < 0.05).
Wartości oznaczone jednakowymi literami w tym samym rzędzie nie różnią się istotnie (P < 0,05).

All loaves with the addition of xanthan gum had higher volumes than standard. The
highest volume was observed in case of recipe III, with 3 g of guar gum, but the yield
and baking loss were in this case comparable with standard. The increase in the amount
of xanthan gum (7 g, recipe IV) resulted in slight increase in volume in comparison to
standard but the highest yield and consequently lowest baking loss. At the same time,
the bread reached best organoleptic scores. Moisture of the crumb on the day of baking
did not differ statistically between the recipes with xanthan gum (II, III, IV), but higher
value was measured for standard.

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Texture profile analysis demonstrated, that the incorporation of xanthan gum into
the mixture positively impacted hardness (Fig. 1) and cohesiveness (Fig. 2) of the
crumb – two parameters which are most difficult to optimize for gluten-free bread
[Toufeili et al. 1994, Gambuś et al. 2001, Sanchez et al. 2002]. On the day of baking the
lowest hardness was observed for crumb with the smallest addition of xanthan gum
(recipe II), but after three days of storage the change was comparable to standard.
Loaves with higher amounts of xanthan gum (recipe III and IV) remained less hard
during the period of storage, despite of the similar moisture (Table 3). The most pro-
nounced difference in hardness between standard and recipes with higher amounts of
xanthan gum was observed after three days of storage.
The least positive impact on cohesiveness of the crumb was found for recipe III,
with 3 g of xanthan gum. Although on the day of baking crumb cohesiveness was much
better than in standard (similarly as for other recipes with xanthan gum; Fig. 2) but after
three days of storage the loaves were most crumbly of all the samples.
Hardness, kG – Twardość, kG

Bread sample – Próbka chleba

Fig. 1. Changes in crumb hardness of gluten free breads (I-IV) during storage (0-3 days)
Rys. 1. Zmiany twardości miękiszu chleba bezglutenowego (I-IV) podczas przecho-
wywania (0-3 doby)
Cohesiveness – Spójność

Bread sample – Próbka chleba

Fig. 2. Changes in crumb cohesiveness of gluten free breads (I-IV) during storage (0-3 days)
Rys. 2. Zmiany spójności miękiszu chleba bezglutenowego (I-IV) podczas przecho-
wywania (0-3 doby)

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Table 3. Changes in moisture of gluten-free bread during storage

Tabela 3. Zmiany w wilgotności pieczywa bezglutenowego podczas przechowywania

Day of storage Recipe
Dzień przechowywania Receptura
0 I 51.70d
II 50.90c
III 49.50a
IV 50.20b

1 I 51.21b
II 49.11a
III 48.68a
IV 49.33a

2 I 50.90c
II 48.69a
III 48.58a
IV 49.15b

3 I 50.53c
II 48.30b
III 47.67a
IV 48.35b

Values followed by a common letter within the same row are not significantly different (P < 0.05).
Wartości oznaczone jednakowymi literami w tym samym rzędzie nie różnią się istotnie (P < 0,05).

It seems that the introduction of xanthan gum into the mixture of hydrocolloids used
as a gluten replacement significantly influenced hardness of the obtained gluten-free
breads and to the lesser extent their cohesiveness.
Because the above results demonstrated the varying impact of the composition of
hydrocolloids on bread quality, the following measurements were done to find out the
reason of different interactions between starch and hydrocolloids used for preparation of
gluten-free bread. To this end the composition of water extract of bread crumb was
checked with gel permeation chromatography, and blue value was measured during the
whole period of storage. The results gave the information about water soluble carbohy-
drates and free, unretrograded amylose in the crumb of the breads. It is well known that
the maximum absorbance of amylose-iodine complex ranges from 640-660 nm, and this
of amylopectin is shifted towards 520-540 nm [Polysaccharide... 1985]. The results of
Praznik et al. [1983] indicate that the presence of amylose in the solution may be proved
by high ratio of those values (A640/A520). In the presence of amylopectin the above
mentioned ratio is low and the absolute value of A525 significantly rises. Those values
should be therefore used as an indicator of starch branching in GPC fractions.
The characterisation of extract of standard bread on GPC columns is represented on
Figures 3 (day of baking) and 4 (after 72 hours of storage). The presence of high
amounts of soluble carbohydrates on the day of baking results from high gelatinisation
of starch. The water bound by guar gum during the formation of dough was freed during

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Absorbance – Absorbancja

Retention volume, ml – Objętość retencji, ml

Fig. 3. Total carbohydrate content and iodine staining of crumb water extract in fractions col-
lected from GPC columns on the day of baking of standard guar gum-pectin bread (recipe I)
Rys. 3. Zawartość węglowodanów ogółem i zdolność wiązania jodu we frakcjach wodnych ekstrak-
tów miękiszu uzyskanych z użyciem chromatografii żelowej w dniu wypieku standardowego chleba
zawierającego gumę guar i pektynę (receptura I)
Absorbance – Absorbancja

Retention volume, ml – Objętość retencji, ml

Fig. 4. Total carbohydrate content and iodine staining of crumb water extract in fractions col-
lected from GPC columns after 72 hours of storage of standard guar gum-pectin bread (recipe I)
Rys. 4. Zawartość węglowodanów ogółem i zdolność wiązania jodu we frakcjach wodnych eks-
traktów miękiszu uzyskanych z użyciem chromatografii żelowej po 72 godzinach przechowywa-
nia standardowego chleba zawierającego gumę guar i pektynę (receptura I)

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Absorbance – Absorbancja

Retention volume, ml – Objętość retencji, ml

Fig. 5. Total carbohydrate content and iodine staining of crumb water extract in fractions col-
lected from GPC columns on the day of baking of gluten-free bread (recipe II)
Rys. 5. Zawartość węglowodanów ogółem i zdolność wiązania jodu we frakcjach wodnych eks-
traktów miękiszu uzyskanych z użyciem chromatografii żelowej w dniu wypieku chleba bezglu-
tenowego (receptura II)
Absorbance – Absorbancja

Retention volume, ml – Objętość retencji, ml

Fig. 6. Total carbohydrate content and iodine staining of crumb water extract in fractions col-
lected from GPC columns on the day of baking of gluten-free bread (recipe II)
Rys. 6. Zawartość węglowodanów ogółem i zdolność wiązania jodu we frakcjach wodnych eks-
traktów miękiszu uzyskanych z użyciem chromatografii żelowej po 72 godzinach przechowywa-
nia chleba bezglutenowego (receptura II)

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baking which faciliated gelatinisation of starch granules [Michniewicz et al. 1995] and
the release of initially amylose and then amylopectin. After 72 hours, the extract con-
tained only the half of initial carbohydrates with high molecular weights, and signifi-
cantly less amylose (the shift of the peak towards larger molecules; Fig. 4), which is
known to retrograde several hours after baking [D’Appolonia and Morad 1981, Neukom
and Rutz 1981, Ghiasi et al. 1984, Gambuś 1997].
After addition of small amounts (1 g) of xanthan gum to the mixture of hydrocol-
loids (recipe II) crumb extract was much lower in total carbohydrates and amylose in
comparison to standard (Fig. 5). Because, as it was already mentioned, the hardness of
this bread on the day of baking was the lowest of all samples, it seems, that such values
were not the result of amylose retrogradation. It might be that amylose that leached
during baking was bound by xanthan gum present in the dough [Christianson 1982,
Katzbauer 1998]. The amounts of xanthan gum were too low for efficient self-
complexation of this hydrocolloid, thus amylose-xanthan gum cross-links were fa-
voured [Farkas 1974]. After three days of storage, the total content of carbohydrates
diminished. According to the theory of bread staling this is the consequence of stepwise
retrogradation of amylose and amylopectin during bread storage [Gambuś 1997].
The extract prepared from bread baked after the recipe III (Fig. 7), with 3 g of xan-
than gum, contained polysachharides at the same level as in case of recipe II. The pres-
ence of amylose was however much more visible. It proves, that the gelatinisation of
starch granules was not inhibited, and the leaching amylose was not complexed by xan-
than gum. This could be the effect of phase separation of xanthan gum, which occurs
when its molecules connect with each other. Under such circumstances the gelatinisation
Absorbance – Absorbancja

Retention volume, ml – Objętość retencji, ml

Fig. 7. Total carbohydrate content and iodine staining of crumb water extract in fractions col-
lected from GPC columns on the day of baking of gluten-free bread (recipe III)
Rys. 7. Zawartość węglowodanów ogółem i zdolność wiązania jodu we frakcjach wodnych eks-
traktów miękiszu uzyskanych z użyciem chromatografii żelowej w dniu wypieku chleba bezglu-
tenowego (receptura III)

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Absorbance – Absorbancja

Retention volume, ml – Objętość retencji, ml

Fig. 8. Total carbohydrate content and iodine staining of crumb water extract in fractions col-
lected from GPC columns on the day of baking of gluten-free bread (recipe III)
Rys. 8. Zawartość węglowodanów ogółem i zdolność wiązania jodu we frakcjach wodnych eks-
traktów miękiszu uzyskanych z użyciem chromatografii żelowej po 72 godzinach przechowywa-
nia chleba bezglutenowego (receptura III)
Absorbance – Absorbancja

Retention volume, ml – Objętość retencji, ml

Fig. 9. Total carbohydrate content and iodine staining of crumb water extract in fractions col-
lected from GPC columns on the day of baking of gluten-free bread (recipe IV)
Rys. 9. Zawartość węglowodanów ogółem i zdolność wiązania jodu we frakcjach wodnych eks-
traktów miękiszu uzyskanych z użyciem chromatografii żelowej w dniu wypieku chleba bezglu-
tenowego (receptura IV)

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may even be enhanced [Funami et al. 2005], which would explain the presence of linear
and short branched starch molecules in the extract. After 72 hours the retrogradation of
both of these polymers lead to a dramatic decrease of these components.
The decrease of starch gelatinisation was found in the crumb of bread baked accord-
ing to the recipe IV, with equal amounts of hydrocolloids (Fig. 9). On the day of baking,
the level of carbohydrates in crumb extract was comparable with those, obtained for
other recipes after 72 hours (Fig. 10). Relatively high amounts of amylose in extract
indicate, that the gelatinisation process was retarded and the amylose that leached from
the starch granules did not retrograde in a considerable part. It is possible that the com-
position of hydrocolloids favoured the interactions between molecules of different
chemical structure. Such interactions might stabilize the whole system, as was observed
by Eidam et al. [1995] which would be manifested in the highest volume of the bread
(Table 2). The retardation of gelatinisation positively influenced hardening of bread
crumb, and thus extended its shelf-life [Gambuś 1997]. During three days of storage the
retrogradation of starch components was however visible, and led to the lowest values
of total carbohydrates in crumb extract (Fig. 10).
Absorbance – Absorbancja

Retention volume, ml – Objętość retencji, ml

Fig. 10. Total carbohydrate content and iodine staining of crumb water extract in fractions col-
lected from GPC columns on the day of baking of gluten-free bread (recipe IV)
Rys. 10. Zawartość węglowodanów ogółem i zdolność wiązania jodu we frakcjach wodnych
ekstraktów miękiszu uzyskanych z użyciem chromatografii żelowej po 72 godzinach przechowy-
wania chleba bezglutenowego (receptura IV)

The above mentioned changes in the level of free amylose, influenced by the propor-
tion between applied hydrocolloids were confirmed by blue values (Fig. 11). The rate of
amylose retrogradation was similar in all cases, so the changes in crumb were mainly
determined by the extent of starch gelatinisation.

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Blue value – Wartość niebieska

Day of storage – Dzień przechowywania

Fig. 11. Amylose retrogradation in crumb of gluten free breads, during storage
Rys. 11. Retrogradacja amylozy w miękiszu chlebów bezglutenowych pod-
czas przechowywania


1. All loaves with xanthan gum displayed better volume in comparison to standard.
2. Irrespective of the share of xanthan gum, its addition to the dough led to better
cohesiveness of bread on the day of baking.
3. Higher amounts of xanthan gum in mixture of hydrocolloids (3 g, 7 g) decreased
bread hardness on the day of baking and after 72 hours of storage.
4. The amount of free amylose in crumb extract depended on the extent of starch ge-
latinisation, and not on the rate of amylose retrogradation, which was comparable.
5. The degree of starch gelatinisation was influenced by proportions and interactions
of pectin, guar gum and xanthan gum in the mixture of non-starch hydrocolloids, used
as gluten replacers.


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Streszczenie. Parametry sensoryczne chleba bezglutenowego zależą od rodzaju i ilości

hydrokoloidów użytych jako zamienniki glutenu, gdyż decydują one o oddziaływaniach
pomiędzy nimi a skrobią, która jest głównym składnikiem ciasta. Badania na chlebach
bezglutenowych, wzbogaconych o różne ilości gumy guar, pektyny i ksantanu dowodzą,
że dodatek gumy ksantanowej wpłynął na większą objętość w porównaniu ze standardem
pektynowo-guarowym. Większy dodatek ksantanu wpłynął na ograniczenie twardości
chleba w dniu wypieku i po 72 godzinach przechowywania. Chleb wypieczony z równy-
mi ilościami wszystkich hydrokoloidów (receptura IV) wykazywał najlepsze parametry
jakościowe. Ilość wolnej amylozy w ekstraktach miękiszu zależała od stopnia skleikowa-
nia skrobi, na co miały wpływ proporcje pomiędzy pektyną, gumą guar oraz ksantanem
w mieszaninie hydrokoloidów.

Słowa kluczowe: chleb bezglutenowy, ksantan, pektyna, guar, celiakia

Accepted for print – Zaakceptowano do druku: 23.07.2007

For citation – Do cytowania: Gambuś H., Sikora M., Ziobro R., 2007. The effect of composition
of hydrocolloids on properties of gluten-free bread. Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 6(3), 61-74.

Acta Sci. Pol.

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