10 11648 J Ijnfs 20160501 15
10 11648 J Ijnfs 20160501 15
10 11648 J Ijnfs 20160501 15
Email address:
saif.emon04@gmail.com (M. Saifullah)
Abstract: Coconut flour is an excellent source of unique taste and aroma and rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers,
which might have potential application in baking products and human nutrition. The study is aimed to investigate the effect of
sugar and baking powder on the plain cake incorporated with different levels of coconut flour. The coconut fleshes were dried
by mechanical dryer for 6 hr and grinded to coconut flour. Four types of cake such as, S1=0%, S2=10%, S3=20% and S4=30%
of coconut flour incorporation were investigated and S3 is found more acceptable in terms of physicochemical properties of
cake. S3 cake secured the highest score in color, texture and overall acceptability. The sugar added (20-100%) increased the
cake weight and decreased the moisture of cake, in which the cake volume and specific volume increased up to 80% sugar
addition in cake dough. In contrast, the increase of baking powder (1-8%) decreased the cake weight and moisture, but
increased the cake volume and specific volume up to 7% baking powder addition. However, S3 cake revealed the maximum
output and better acceptability at 80% sugar and 7% baking powder addition.
Keywords: Coconut Flour, Cake, Sugar, Baking Powder, Baking Quality
source for incorporation of different nutritionally rich (50 g), sugar (40 g), oil (40 g), baking powder (3.5 g) and
ingredients for their diversification [7]. Various types of egg (35 g). The replacements of wheat flour in the
nutritious cakes have been prepared by fortifying the wheat formulations are made with 10%, 20% and 30% coconut
flour with coconut residue, and received popularity being flour followed by [12] and recognized as S1=control cake
nutritionally rich in protein and vitamins [8]. (without coconut flour), S2=cake containing 10% coconut
Nowadays, emerging beneficial oil that comes in picture of flour, S3=cake containing 20% coconut flour and S4=cake
world is virgin coconut oil [9]. The major difference between containing 30% coconut flour. Sugar was also added at the
coconut oil and virgin coconut oil is the method of rate of 20 to 100% and baking powder was added at the rate
extraction. The general common method for the preparation of 1.0 to 8.0% on the wheat-coconut flour weight basis. The
of coconut oil is drying and later extraction of oil from kernel wheat flour, coconut flour and other ingredients for each cake
in general called copra. On the other hand, virgin coconut oil were weighed accurately and the sugar and shortening were
is extracted from fresh coconut (not copra) Kernel or meat by mixed in a mixing machine for 20 minutes to produce a
mechanical or natural means under controlled temperature. cream. In later stages, half of the water, egg and other
Usually, meal obtained after the extraction of oil, have been ingredients and finally the flour were mixed using a mixer at
found in animal use feed like poultry, fish and swine industry. low speed (145 rpm) for 10 minutes to ensure even
However, meal obtained after oil extraction still possess good distribution of the components. The bowl was scrapped and
nutritional properties which could be utilized for value batter was mixed for an additional two minutes at medium
addition of various processed foods. Dairo, [10] has reported speed (250 rpm). The remaining water was added and the
the protein quality indices of sun dried coconut oil meal; batter mixed at low speed for two minutes. After the bowl
oven dried coconut oil meal and fermented coconut oil meal was scrapped, the batter was mixed an additional two
on rats. However, data on the use of Virgin coconut meal in minutes at medium speed. Portion of batter weighing 150 g
the development of various processed foods are scanty. was scaled into pre-greased cake pan. All cakes were baked
The consumer of Bangladesh is seeking convenience food in national forced convection oven for 40 minutes at 170ºC.
items in the market due to their higher income and active life
style. Thus, cakes could be processed by incorporating 2.4. Analysis of Coconut Cake Properties
coconut flour with wheat flour that gave better physical, Moisture content was determined adopting AOAC, [13].
chemical and nutritional properties than plain cake. About 5 g sample was taken in a pre-weighted crucible, which
Therefore, the study is aimed to investigate the effect of was previously heated to 130ºC. The sample was dried for 1
sugar and baking powder on the plain cake incorporated with hour in an air oven 130 ± 3ºC. The loss of weight from sample
different levels of coconut powder. was determined and calculated the moisture content. Protein,
ash, fat and crude fiber were determined using AOAC, [13].
2. Materials and Methods Total carbohydrate content of the sample was determined as
total carbohydrate by difference, which is by subtracting the
2.1. Materials measured protein, fat, ash and moisture from 100 g [14]. The
Chemicals and solvent were AR grade use from the cake volume was determined by seed displacement method
laboratory stock, Department of Food Technology and Rural [15]. The weights and specific volume of baked cakes were
Industries, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), also measured. The symmetry and the characteristics of crust
Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Coconut, egg, sugar, powder and crumb of the cakes supplemented with coconut flour were
milk, baking powder, shortening (soybean oil) and other evaluated and recorded. Cakes were evaluated organoleptically
materials were procured from the local market. High density for color, flavor, texture and overall acceptability. A 1-9 point
polyethylene bags were used for storage of samples. hedonic rating test was also performed to assess the degree of
acceptability of cakes containing coconut flour. One slice from
2.2. Preparation of Coconut Flour each lot of cake was presented to 10 panelists as randomly
coded samples. The taste panelists were asked to rate the
Coconut flour was processed from the local variety of sample for color, flavor, texture and overall acceptability on a
coconuts, which were free from immature and field damage. 1- 9 point scale, where 1=dislike extremely; 2=dislike very
After de-husking and splitting the coconut, water was much; 3=dislike moderately; 4=dislike slightly; 5=neither like
drained. Then the kernel (meat) was collected and removed nor dislike; 6=like slightly; 7=like moderately; 3=like very
milk by crushing with hand crusher and dried by mechanical much; 9=like extremely.
dryer for 6 hours at 60ºC. The dried coconut was grinded to
produce flour. The coconut flour was packed in a high- 2.5. Statistical Analysis
density polyethylene, sealed and stored.
The data obtained were analyzed and interpreted by
2.3. Formulation of Cakes Incorporation with Coconut analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan's Multiple Range
Flour Test (DMRT) at a level of 5% of significance, using
Statistical Analysis System (SAS 9.3 TS L1M2, SAS
The basic formulation of plain cake (multi-stage mixing) Institute Inc., NC, USA).
[11] and composite flour cakes are wheat flour (100 g), water
International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 2016; 5(1): 31-38 33
Cake samples
Components (%)
S1 S2 S3 S4
Moisture 19 19.2 19.75 20.5
Protein 6.50 6.80 7.08 7.40
Fat 20.23 26.50 34.07 39.10
Ash 0.93 0.98 1.02 1.15
Crude fiber 0.52 1.05 1.42 1.80
Carbohydrate 52.82 45.47 36.66 30.05
(ii). Symmetry, bloom, crust and crumb characteristics Fig. 2. Physical appearance of plain cakes.
The crumb color of the cake supplementing by coconut lumps and harshness and have a smooth silky surface which
flour was generally more brownish than the control cake (S1). was obtained in the control cake (S1) and coconut flour cake
The increase in the levels of coconut flour substitution (S2) at 10% substitution level (Table 2). The acceptable
changed the crumb color of the coconut flour cakes from crumb odor (i.e. fresh, sweet, and natural appetizing) was
yellowish to deep gray yellow (Table 2). The crumb texture found in coconut flour both at 20.0% and 30% substituted
differences were observed between control and coconut flour coconut cake (S3 and S4) and control cake (S1). Crumb grain
cakes and these differences increased at the 30% substitution of cakes indicates to the shape, size and character of the cell
levels. The texture differences between control and coconut wall structure of crumb. Uniformity of size with thin walled
flour cakes were less perfect texture should be free from cell is the most desirable for crumb grain. Coarseness, thick
International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 2016; 5(1): 31-38 35
walled cells, uneven cell size and large holes are indicative of addition (20.0% or 30.0%), all the cake samples baked too
poor grain. The cake (S4) containing coconut flour at 30% early indicating less time requirement to set the cake in the
had coarser grain and the size and shape was non-uniform. oven. The top surface of the cake set before the center and
For the cake (S2 and S3) containing coconut flour at 10% expansion of the center portion was continued, which
and 20.0%, respectively, the crumb grain was equally accompanied with burst in the crust. The color of the crust
acceptable with the control cake (S1). This acceptability became pale at 20.0% or 30.0% levels of sugar addition. At
decreased for higher substitution level of 30% (Table 2). high levels of sugar addition (90.0% or 100.0%) a thicker
crust was formed on the cake and the lower half of the cake
3.2. Effect of Sugar Addition on Baking Quality crumb discolored. This might be due to the increasing rate of
3.2.1. Volume and Specific Volume caramelization of sugar during baking. At this level (90.0%
The increasing levels of sugar significantly affected the or 100.0%) of sugar addition, most of the cakes had crispy
volume of cakes. It was observed that the cake volume crust, leaving sugar particles on the surface of the cakes.
increased sharply up to the addition of sugar at 40% and Although 90.0% levels of sugar addition provided highest
thereafter the volume of the cake increased slowly until the volume in all types of cakes except control, the acceptable
addition of sugar at 80% and then fall the volume with quality cake was obtained at 60.0% levels of sugar addition
addition of 90-100% sugar (Table 3). However, the highest in terms of texture, cell structure, air holes, flavor, shape and
volume of S1 to S4 were achieved (210, 220, 225, 200 cc, size of the crumb grain, setting time and color of both crumb
respectively) at 80.0% sugar level, after which the cake and crust of the cakes.
volume decreased progressively. At the low levels of sugar
Table 3. Effect of sugar level on volume and specific volume of plain cakes.
Cake sample
Sugar level S1 S2 S3 S4
(%) Specific Specific Specific Specific
Volume (cc) Volume (cc) Volume (cc) Volume (cc)
volume (cc/g) volume (cc/g) volume (cc/g) volume (cc/g)
20 130 1.20 138 1.25 142 1.29 125 1.10
30 160 1.45 170 1.50 175 1.57 150 1.31
40 190 1.71 195 1.69 200 1.78 185 1.56
50 200 1.76 205 1.76 210 1.81 191 1.56
60 205 1.79 212 1.79 215 1.83 196 1.59
70 208 1.80 217 1.83 221 1.84 198 1.59
80 210 1.81 220 1.85 225 1.86 200 1.6
90 208 1.82 216 1.84 220 1.84 197 1.6
100 200 1.76 214 1.82 217 1.85 190 1.57
Table 4. Effect sugar level on weight and moisture content of plain cakes.
Cake samples
S1 S2 S3 S4
level (%)
Weight (g) Moisture (%) Weight (g) Moisture (%) Weight (g) Moisture (%) Weight (g) Moisture (%)
20 108 24 110 26 110 27 113 29
30 110 22 113 25 111 26 114 28
40 111 21 115 23 112 25 118 26
50 113 21 116 22 116 23 122 24
60 114 20 118 20.5 117 22 123 22
70 115 19.5 118 20 120 20 124 21
80 116 19 119 19.2 121 19.75 125 20.5
90 114 18 117 19 119 19.5 123 20
100 113 18 116 19 117 19.2 121 19.5
3.3. Effect of Baking Powder Addition on Baking Quality texture. The cakes obtained at this level of baking powder
addition (7%) resulted in adverse effects on the quality of the
3.3.1. Volume and Specific Volume cake such as weakens the cake structure by breaking the
The increasing levels (1-8%) of baking powder affected gluten network, creating larger cell and by resulting an acid
the cakes volume. In general, it is observed that the volume taste. The acceptable quality of cakes was obtained at 4 to
of the cake increased vigorously up to 4% of addition and 6% levels of baking powder addition in terms of texture, cell
after that the volume of the cakes increased at a slow rate structure, air holes, flavor, shape and size of the crumb grain
(Table 5). It could be seen that the highest volume resulted at and color of both crumb and crust of the cake (Table 5). In
7% addition of baking powder and afterwards decreased case of specific volume, all the cake samples with different
progressively in all types of cake. The cake S3 showed the levels of baking powder addition from 1% to 8%, the
highest cake volume among the samples at all levels of maximum specific volume (2.14cc/g) of the cake sample S3
baking powder addition. At low levels of baking powder attained at 7% baking powder addition, which was the
addition (1% or 2%) the cake of all samples showed not only highest among the samples. On the other hand, least specific
low volume but the cakes were also under aerated, heavy and volume (1.06cc/g) of the cake sample S4 attained at 1%
shrank on cooling. Although all the samples provided highest addition of baking powder that was lower than of all other
volume at 7% level of baking powder addition but also samples with control sample. It was found that sample S1
caused the cake to expand beyond the holding powers of the attained higher specific volume than all other samples except
structural ingredients (such as flour and egg) and resulted in S3 at 7% baking powder addition.
collapse structure giving a flat topped cake with an open
Table 5. Effect of various level of baking powder on volume and specific volume of plain cakes.
Cakes samples
S1 S2 S3 S4
Specific Specific Specific Specific
level (%) Volume (cc) Volume (cc) Volume (cc) Volume (cc)
volume (cc/g) volume (cc/g) volume (cc/g) volume (cc/g)
1.0 162 1.27 165 1.25 170 1.26 155 1.06
2.0 185 1.55 190 1.52 192 1.50 180 1.36
3.0 210 1.81 220 1.85 225 1.85 200 1.6
4.0 214 1.86 226 1.91 230 1.90 208 1.70
5.0 220 1.94 231 1.97 238 2.01 215 1.77
6.0 225 1.99 235 2.00 243 2.05 221 1.85
7.0 230 2.05 240 2.08 249 2.14 228 1.93
8.0 227 2.03 236 2.07 244 2.12 225 1.92
Table 6. Effect of various level of baking powder on weight and moisture content of plain cakes.
Cake samples
S1 S2 S3 S4
Moisture Moisture Moisture Moisture
level (%) Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g)
Content (%) Content (%) Content (%) Content (%)
1.0 128 22 132 23 135 23 140 24
2.0 120 20 125 21 128 22 132 23
3.0 116 19 119 19.2 122 19.75 125 20.5
4.0 115 19 118 19 121 19.5 123 19
5.0 113 18 117 18 118 19 121 18
6.0 113 17 117 17 118 18 119 18
7.0 112 18 115 18 116 17 118 17
8.0 111 16 113 17 115 18 117 17
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