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AS 1432

 Introduction
 Problem Statement
 Objectives
 Material and Methodology
 Experiment Design
 Data Analysis
 Work Plan
 Reference

 Biscuit is the most commonly produced baking commodity in the world.

They are rich in sugars, fat and calories, but poor in fiber, vitamins, and
minerals rendering it unsafe for daily usage. (Mishra and Chandra, 2012)
 Bakery work has so far tried to create nutritious goods by integrating
different ingredients into biscuit mixes to enhance their nutritional and
textural qualities.(Klunklin and Savage,2018)
 Many developed countries have initiated projects to evaluate
the feasibility of alternative supplies for wheat flour
replacement of the shortage of wheat. (Prajapati et al., 2015)

 Mushrooms have great potential due to their high and high-

quality proteins (20–40% on a dry weight basis), vitamins
(Vitamin B- complex) and minerals.
 Thus, Mushrooms can be dried and converted into a powdered form

that can be used in baked products such as bread, biscuits, etc.

(Farzana and Mohajan 2015)

 Biscuit industry plays a major role which generates foreign exchange

for the country. In this industry, the low cost of production must be

maintained to generate profits. (Abayarathne et al., 2013)

 The key attributes of biscuits are texture, flavor, and appearance
which affect the acceptability of biscuits. (Klunklin and Savage, 2018)

 Biscuits are commonly consumed and are sometimes preserved for

long periods before use. (Reddy et al., 2005)

 Protein is the main part of the human diet because of the

protein is involving many activities in our body functions

The most severe deficiencies in children in developing

countries arising from under-nutrition are the various types
of protein-energy malnutrition. (Serrem et al., 2011)
As a solution
Composite flour production refers to the method of combining
various flours (Mushroom powder) to allow economical use of
the local raw material to manufacture high-quality food goods.
(Prajapati et al., 2015)

 To develop protein-enriched biscuits by using Mushroom

 To study the nutritional value, microbial safety and shelf life of
the product.
 To study the acceptability of the Biscuit by sensory evaluation.

 Process for making Biscuit divided to be three phases there are

a. Mixing process

Mixing process is all of material mix to be one and from dough.

Mixing creaming fat and sugar are mixed together and then put the Wheat-
flour and Mushroom powder mixed until homogeneous.
b. Molding process
Molding process is get Biscuits with same form and to increase the
attractiveness. Molding did by hand then cut with a knife.

c. Baking process
Baking process is the most important factor in making Biscuits because of
it can influence the quality of biscuits. Generally , temperature for Biscuit
is about 180 ℃ for 25 minutes in electric oven.
Weighing of ingredients

Creaming (sugar and margarine)

Mixing other ingredients (wheat flour and mushroom powder)

Dough making

Sheeting (3 mm diameter)

Cutting of shapes(5 mm diameter)

Baking 180℃ for 25 minutes in electric oven



 Experiment will be conducted as Complete

Randomized Design (CRD)

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Four treatment and four Replication
 T1= 100% Wheat flour 0% Mushroom powder
R1 T1R1 T2R1 T3R1 T4R1 T5R1
 T2= 95% Wheat flour 5% Mushroom powder

R2 T1R2 T2R2 T3R2 T4R2 T5R2
T3= 90% Wheat flour 10% Mushroom powder
 T4= 85% Wheat flout 15% Mushroom powder R3 T1R3 T2R3 T3R3 T4R3 T5R3
 T5= 80% Wheat flour 20% Mushroom powder R4 T1R4 T2R4 T3R4 T4R4 T5R4

 Physio-chemical analysis study will be analyze of variance(ANOVA)

(α= 0.05) and mean separation was done with Duncan's Multiple
Range Test (DMRT)

 Both physio- chemical and organoleptic analysis was done through

Statistical analysis system (SAS) Software statistical package.

 After preparation of biscuit with different percentage of Mushroom powder , sensory

evaluation will be conducted
 20 semi-trained panelists will be selected to do the organoleptic evaluation from
general consumers

 7- points hedonic test will be used to carried out the test

1. Dislike very much 5. Like slightly
2. Dislike moderately 6. Like moderately
3. Dislike slightly 7. Like very much
4. Neither like nor dislike
 Sensory parameters


Texture - Crispiness



Overall acceptability

 Turkey mean separation procedure will be used for sensory

 Physico chemical analysis

The following parameters will be analyzed

 Moisture content (%)

 Ash content (%)
 Fat content (%)
 Fiber content (%)
 Protein content (%)
Activity July August September October

(weeks) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Problem identification
Permission and approval
Material collection
Proposal presentation
Biscuit making and analysis
Data analysis
Preparation of Dissertation
 Abayarathne K.A.D.A.B., Prasantha , B.D.R. Samarasinghe, J.M.S.C. (2013). Improvement of the Productivity of Lemon
Puff Biscuit Plant through Process Modification First Annual Student Research Sessions, Dept. of Food Sci. & Tech.-
December 20, 41-47.
 Farzana,T and Mohajan, S (2015). Effect of incorporation of soy flour to wheat flour on nutritional and sensory quality of
biscuits fortified with mushroom Food Science & Nutrition 2015; 3(5): 363–369 doi: 10.1002/fsn3.228
 Klunklin,W. and Savage,G. (2018). Effect of Substituting Purple Rice Flour for Wheat Flour on Physicochemical
Characteristics, In Vitro Digestibility, and Sensory Evaluation of Biscuits Journal of Food Quality. 43: 56-61.
 Mishra, N. and Chandra, R. (2012). Development of functional biscuit from soy and rice bran flour. International Journal of
Agriculture and Food Science 2(1): 14-20.
 Rajmani, R., Suresh, C., Samsher, P., Chauhan, N., Singh, G. R. and Sandeep, K. (2015). Effect of incorporation of flours on
the functional properties of composite flours. South Asian Journal of Food Technology and Environment ISSN 2394-5168,

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