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Torbay Cuff Protocol

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Guidelines for the Physiotherapy Rehabilitation of Patients with

Massive, Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears – The Torbay Programme

Principles of the programme

The aim of the programme is to improve shoulder function which is achieved

through the following objectives:

• Patient education
• Posture correction
• Re-education of muscle recruitment
• Strengthening
• Stretching
• Improving proprioception
• Adaptation

Patient education
Patients should be given a thorough explanation of what has happened to
their shoulder and why their function is impaired. Time should be spent re-
assuring the patient that whilst pain in the shoulder does not correlate with
harm, there is little to be gained by using the shoulder to the extent that it
becomes more irritable. Patients should also be made aware of the goals of
the rehabilitation programme because no progress will be made if the patient
fails to engage with the process. Realistic and achievable goals should be

Posture correction
Posture correction is felt to be important in order to optimise glenoid position
and sub-acromial space. Many of these patients have stiff, kyphotic thoracic
spines and so expectations must be realistic.

Re-education of muscle recruitment

Spend time trying to adjust and normalise timing of muscle contractions and
encouraging recruitment of compensating muscles.

Strengthening of the anterior portion of deltoid and the teres minor muscle are
a critical element of the rehabilitation programme.

Disuse and degenerative changes frequently lead to stiffness in the shoulder
and so gentle stretches within the limits of pain should be encouraged.

Improving proprioception
Activities that encourage weight bearing through the limb are important as
there is usually proprioceptive deficit.

Bobby Ainsworth Torbay Cuff Rehabilitation Programme

Activities which improve function without increasing pain should be taught.
These include activities such as using short arm levers to gain elevation and
discouraging using long arm levers.

Progression of the Programme

Depending on the level of disability experienced by the patient, the
programme usually start with the patient lying in supine. They are taught to
flex the humerus to 90 degrees (ie vertical position) with the scapula
stabilised. The patient always starts and ends the manoeuvre with a bent
elbow (ie. short lever). Particular attention is paid to control on the eccentric
(ie lowering) phase. Different patients require different angles of abduction
and rotation in this position in order to be able to accomplish it with the
minimum of discomfort and so finding the optimum arc can be a case of trial
and error. When the patient has good control going to the vertical and back
then they begin do controlled swaying movements. The sways go through an
arc of approximately 20 degrees from cephalad to caudad. When they have
achieved this, then they repeat these manoeuvres using weights (about 1kg).
After the patients have achieved these exercises in supine the plinth is
gradually inclined until they can elevate the arm in a sitting position. When
they can tolerate the exercises with a 45degree incline, they start wall slides.
This is performed by pushing a duster up the wall and then eccentrically
controlling the arm on the way down. Some patients need minimal assistance
to gain elevation in sitting. There is often a point at about 70 degrees of
flexion that they struggle to get through. Using assistance at this point to gain
elevation, and then concentrating on overhead control (ie raising and lowing in
an elevated position down to 90 degrees with control) is a useful technique.
Some patients are able to get through this “sticking” point by using momentum
i.e. the elevation phase is done as quickly as possible. The patients also work
to strengthen lateral rotation with yellow theraband, carry out self stretches to
improve joint range and work on proprioception and posture. Manual
techniques are also used to facilitation timing of co-contraction of muscle
Position Activity
1 Supine Shoulder flexion to 90 degrees (ie. vertical)
starting and ending the exercise with a bent elbow
2 Supine External rotation with yellow theraband
3 Supine 20 degree sways with arm straight
4 Supine Flexion with progressive weights
5 Incline Activities 1 -4 with progressive inclination of the
6 Standing Wall slides with eccentric control
7 Sitting Elevation through flexed elbow
8 Sitting Raising and lowering hand in elevation
9 Sitting External rotation with yellow theraband
10 Sitting/standing Proprioceptive activities

Bobby Ainsworth Torbay Cuff Rehabilitation Programme 2

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