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STD-AMS Db-2-ENGL 1997 mM O7A42L5 0507827 LAT mm
2.5.2 The minimum weld sizeof pail joiat penetration
12.53 Shop or working drawings andthe WPS shall spec-
ify the depth of preparation (S) applicable for the weld
size (E) required for the welding process andthe postion
‘of welding to be used.
254 Recommended details of partial joint pesetration
groove welds ia but, comer, and T-joats are given in
‘Annes B2,
2.6 Fillet Welds
2.6.1 The minimum filet weld size except foe fillet
‘welds used to reinforce groove welds, shall be as shown
jn Table 2.2,
CA) The thickness of the base metal, for metal less
than 144 in. (6mm) i thickness.
2) 116 in. (2 mm) Less than the thickness of base
‘metal, fo metal 1/4 in. (6 mm) or mane in thickness, un-
less the weld size is designated on the drawing or the
weld is designated on the drawing to-be built out 16
cobeain full throat thickness.
(3) The distance between the edge ofthe base metal
‘and toe ofthe weld may be less thas 1/16 in. (2 mm).
provided the edge is clearly visible mad the weld size
‘clearly vetfiable.
2.6.3 The minirmom length of an itermitent fillet weld
shallbe 1-1/2 in. G8 mm) or four times the nominal size,
bal aot less than 1-1/2 in,
Table 22
Minimum Filtet Weld Size (see 2.6.1)
Base Meal Thicknest of
‘Thicker Part Joined (7)
Mina Size
of Filer Wele*
Tsu <6 me be
WweTsi2 6
(Us ulin ‘Grea Prepaaon
‘RostOperiog | RoatFace | Groow Angle |. Suggeded Welding
% a o @ Postion Nees
v, 0 Tes or ro €
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Figure B1 (Continued)—Recommended Complete Penetration
Groove Welded Joints (Mitlimeters)
‘Seprright by the American Weldina Society ineSTD-AMS DL-2-ENGL 4997 mM O7842S 0507929 282 Mm
im SOPITIHE by the American Wellin Carters tae
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Figure B1 ‘(Continued)—Recommended Complete ‘Penetration
Groove Welded Joints (Millimeters) ~