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Fracture Test

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QUALIFICATION Wide Specimens. Where specimens wider

than 1-1/2 in [40 mm] are to be bent. the test jig mandrel
shall be at least 1/4 in [6 mm] wider than the specimen.

Acceptance Criteria-Bend Tests-Pipe The weld and HAZ of a transverse

specimen shall be completely

weld bend
within the bent portion of
PARTB AWS D1.2/D1.2M:2008

1/8 in [3 mm] in the greatest dimension for 1/4 in [6 mm]

thickness and greater. Also the sum of the greatest
dimensions of all inclusions and porosity shall not
exceed 112 in [12 mm] in each 2 in [50 mm] segment.

For material thinner than 1/4 in [6 mm] the fractured sur-

face of the tension specimen shall be visually examined.
The surface shall exhibit no discontinuity greater than
, AWS D1.2/D1.2M:2008

shall not exceed 3/4 in [20 mm] in each 4 in [100 mm]

segment. Option 2-Root

groove welds (see

Bend Test-Plate. The
specimen shall conform to the root bend criteria for

be used. the range of preheat and postweld heat treat-

ments, thicknesses, and other variables associated with
the welding process (see Annex 1:' for sample WPS).

3.12.3 Combination of WPSs. More than one WPS may

be used in a single production joint, provided each WPS
is qualified either separately or in combination with the
other WPS(s) within the thickness limits in Table 3.4 or
3.5, as applicable, for each of the WPSs.
the specimen after bending.
one half the base-metal thickness and the sum of the 3.11 Radio2raphic Examination
greatest dimensions shall be proportionally less than The convex surface of the bend test specimen allowed for the 1/4 in [6 mm] material. (RT shall be optional for performance qualification of
shall be visually examined for surface discontinuities. groove welds.) 3.13 Limits of Qualified Positions for
For acceptance, the surface shall not contain any discon- WPSs
3.11.1 Examination Procedure. The RT procedure
tinuities exceeding the following dimensions: 3.10 Soundness Tests-Fillet Welds and technique shall conform to Clause 5, part B.
To reduce the number of WPS qualifications that may be
(I) 1/8 in [3 mm] measured in any direction on the Exclude 1-1/4 in [32 mm] at each end of the weld from
3.10.1 Specimens required, qualification in certain positions also qualifies
surface. evaluation in the plate test. Welded test pipe or tubing
for other conditions as described in Table 3.3. Option I-Fillet Weld Fracture Test- 4 in [100 mm] in diameter or larger shall be examined
(2) 3/8in [10 mm]-for the sum of the greatest
Pipe and Plate. The dimensions and preparation of fillet for a minimum of one-half of the weld perimeter selected
dimensions of all discontinuities exceeding 1/32 in
weld test weldments shall conform to Figure 3.17 or to include a sample of all positions welded. (For exam-
[1 mm], but less than or equal to 1/8 in [3 mm]. This
3.18. The test weldment for plate (see Figure 3.17) shall ple, a test pipe or tube welded in the 5G or 6G position
3.14 Limitation of Essential
is based on a 1-112 in [40 mm] specimen width. For
other specimen widths, a proportional sum of the greatest
be cut to provide two 4 in [100 mm] center sections. The shall be radiographed from the top centerline to the bot- Variables- WPS Qualification
ends shall be retained for macroetch specimens. The test tom centerline on either side.) Welded test pipe or tubing
dimensions shall apply. Changes greater than the limits set in Table 3.1 shall be
weldment for pipe (see Figure 3.18) shall be cut into less than 4 in [100 mm] in diameter shall require 100%
eight sections, transverse to the welds. RT. considered essential changes in a WPS (see Annex !')
(3) 1/4 in [6 mm]-Maximum for a corner crack,
and shall require qualification of the altered WPS.
except when that corner crack resulted from a visible Option 2-Fillet Weld Root Bend Test- 3.11.2 Radiographic Examination-Acceptance Cri-
inclusion or other fusion-type discontinuities, then the
1/8 in [3 mm] maximum shall apply.

(4) Specimens with corner cracks exceeding 1/4 in

[6 mm], with no evidence of inclusions or other fusion-
Plate. The dimensions and preparation of the fillet weld
test specimens shall conform to the requirements in Fig-
ure 3.19. The backing material and reinforcement shall
be removed flush with the base metal.
t teria. When the RT option is used for performance qual-
ification, the acceptability shall be based on 5.15.1 and
5.15.2, as applicable.
3.15 Tests-WPS Qualification
3.15.1 The following are required tests for groove welds:
type discontinuities, may be disregarded and a replace- All M23 materials and all materials welded with F23 (1) Visual examination (see 3.6).
ment test specimen from the original weldment shall be
tested. filler metals shall have the face side removed to provide Part C (2) Macroetch test for soundness and weld size in
a 1/8 in [3 mm] thick bend specimen as shown in Figure
3.12 except as described in WPS Qualification PIP groove welds (see

(3) Tension test for strength (see 3.7).

3.9 Soundness Tests-Groove Welds 3.10.2 Fillet Weld Soundness-Test Procedures
3.12 General (4) Bend test for soundness and ductility, except cast-
in Castings Option I-Fracture Test-Pipe and Plate.
ings (see 3.8).
The specimen load shall be increased steadily or applied
3.9.1 Specimens. Nick-break fracture test specimens WPS qualification shall be conducted by the Contractor,
by repeated blows until it breaks or folds flat on itself. (5) When welding castings to other castings or
shall be removed from CJP groove welds of 3/16 in fabricator or manufacturer. The WPS qualification tests
wrought materials, the bend test for soundness and duc-
[~ mm] and thicker. They shall to conform to Figure Option 2-Root Bend Test-Plate. The required in Part C are devised to determine the strength
tility of groove welds and fillet welds shall be omitted. A
3.16. For plate welds the specimens shall be removed specimen shall be loaded in such a way that the root of and degree of soundness of welds made by a specific
nick-break fracture test shall be conducted (see 3.9).
from locations specified for face bend specimens in Fig- the weld becomes the convex surface of the bent speci- WPS. Results of these tests are used to establish proper
ure 3.20(A) or the center side bend specimens in Figure men. The testing procedure for fillet weld root bend welding variables and define the limitations of essential 3.15.2 The following are required tests for fillet welds:
3.19. For pipe welds, the specimens shall be removed specimens shall be the same as for groove welds in 3.8.2. variables applicable to production welding under this
code. (1) Visual examination for weld surface quality and
adjacent to the tension specimens and 1800 apart (see
'3.10.3 Fillet Weld Soundness,.-Acceptance Criteria dimensions (see 3.6).
Figures 3.21, 3.22, 3.23, and 3.24).
3.12.1 Procedure Qualification Record (PQR). The Option I-Fracture Test-Pipe and Plate. (2) Macroetch test for penetration and weld size (see
The notched specimen shall be broken by fixing one leg specific values of conditions involved in qualifying a
If the specimen folds flat on itself, the specimen shall
of the specimen in a vise and applying a force to fracture WPS shall be recorded in a form called the Procedure
have satisfactorily passed the test. If the specimen frac-
the specimen in the notched area. The exposed edges of Qualification Record (PQR). On this form shall be (3) Fracture test for soundness or root bend test for
the fracture shall be visually examined. tures, the broken surface shall be examined visually. To
recorded the essential variables for the specific welding soundness, except castings (see 3.10).
pass, it shall show complete fusion to the root of the
process (see Annex.E for sample PQR).
3.9.2 Groove Wel" Soundness-Acceptance Criteria. joint, and shall exhibit no inclusion or porosity larger 3.15.3 Plug and Slot Welds. Qualification of any groove
The fractured surface shall show complete fusion of the than 3/32 in [2 mm] in the greatest dimension. The sum :c.
;;;,. 3.12.2 WPS. The WPS shall list in detail the group num- or fillet weld procedure qualifies any WPS for making
joint and shall exhibit no inclusion or porosity larger than of the greatest dimensions of all inclusions and porosity bers of the base metals to be joined, the filler metal(s) to plug or slot welds.

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