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99L20 054 DF115BG - 140BG

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DF115BG __
DF140BG __


IMPORTANT • Become thoroughly familiar with all operat-
ing and handling characteristics of your
V WARNING/ V CAUTION/ NOTICE/ NOTE boat and motor. Practice at low and moder-
Please read this manual and follow its instruc- ate speeds until you are competent at han-
tions carefully. To emphasize special informa- dling the boat and motor. Do not attempt to
tion, the symbol V and the words WARNING, operate at maximum performance until you
CAUTION, NOTICE and NOTE have special are completely familiar with all of these
meanings. Pay special attention to the mes- characteristics.
sages highlighted by these signal words. • Carry boating safety and emergency equip-
ment. This important equipment includes;
V WARNING flotation aids for each person (plus one
throwable buoyant cushion in any boat 16
Indicates a potential hazard that could result
feet or longer), fire extinguisher, sound sig-
in death or serious injury.
naling device, visual distress signals,
anchor, bilge pump, bucket, compass,
V CAUTION emergency starter rope, extra fuel and oil,
Indicates a potential hazard that could result first aid kit, flashlight, food and water, mir-
in minor or moderate injury. ror, paddles, tool kit, and transistor radio.
Be sure you are carrying the equipment
appropriate for your trip before launching.
NOTICE • Never start the engine or let it run indoors
Indicates a potential hazard that could result or where there is little or no ventilation.
in damage to the motor or boat. Exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, a
gas that is colorless and odorless and can
NOTE: cause death or severe injury.
Indicates special information to make mainte- • Instruct your passengers on how to operate
nance easier or instructions clearer. the boat, how to deal with emergencies, and
how to operate safety and emergency
This symbol appears in various locations on • Do not hold onto the motor cover or any
your Suzuki product to refer you to important other parts of your outboard motor while
information in the owner’s manual. getting on or off your boat.
• Ensure that everyone wears a PFD (Per-
sonal Flotation Device) on board.
• Never operate the boat while under the
influence of alcohol or other drugs.
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO • Distribute all weight load evenly in the boat.
OWNERS • Have all scheduled maintenance performed.
Consult your authorized Suzuki marine
dealer as required.
V WARNING • Do not modify or remove any outboard
motor standard equipment. To do so may
Failure to take the proper precautions may make the motor unsafe to use.
increase the risk of death or severe injury to • Learn and obey all applicable navigation
you and your passengers. rules.
• Pay attention to all weather forecasts. Do
• Prior to first-time use of your outboard not set out if weather is unsettled.
motor, familiarize yourself thoroughly with • Use extreme caution when purchasing
the contents of this owner’s manual. Be replacement parts or accessories. Suzuki
aware of all outboard motor features and all strongly recommends that you use only
safety and maintenance requirements. genuine Suzuki replacement parts/accesso-
• Inspect the boat and motor before each trip. ries or their equivalent. Inappropriate or
See the INSPECTION BEFORE BOATING poor quality replacement parts or accesso-
section for important items. ries can create unsafe operating conditions.

• Never remove the flywheel cover (except for
when emergency starting).
Thank you for choosing a Suzuki outboard
motor. Please read this manual carefully and
review it from time to time. It contains important
Mounting radio transceiver or navigational
information on safety, operation, and mainte-
equipment antennae too close to the engine
nance. A thorough understanding of the infor-
cowling can cause electrical noise interference.
mation presented in this manual will help you
Suzuki recommends that antennae be mounted
experience safe, enjoyable boating.
at least one meter (40 inches) away from the
engine cowling.
All information in this manual is based on the
latest product information available at the time
This manual should be considered a per- of publication. Due to improvements or other
manent part of the outboard motor and changes, there may be discrepancies between
should remain with the outboard motor this manual and your outboard motor. Suzuki
when resold or otherwise transferred to a reserves the right to make changes at any time
new owner or operator. Please read this without notice.
manual carefully before operating your
new Suzuki and review the manual from
time to time. It contains important infor-
mation on safety, operation, and mainte-

TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBMERGED MOTOR ....................... 85
STORAGE PROCEDURE ................... 86
IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AFTER STORAGE ............................... 87
LOCATION.............................................. 5
TROUBLESHOOTING ........................ 87
FUEL AND OIL....................................... 5
SPECIFICATIONS ............................... 91
LOCATION OF PARTS....................... 10 EC – DIRECTIVE ................................. 91
MOTOR MOUNTING.......................... 12 FLOWCHART OF OIL CHANGE
BATTERY INSTALLATION .............. 12 REMINDER SYSTEM.......................... 92
ACCESSORIES ..................................... 14
START SYSTEM) .................................... 15
INSTALLATION................................... 19
ADJUSTMENT...................................... 20
MULTI-FUNCTION GAUGE ............. 24
CAUTION SYSTEM ............................. 35
SYSTEM................................................. 40
DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM ...................... 45
SYSTEM................................................. 45
SYSTEM................................................. 48
SYSTEM................................................. 48
SYSTEMS............................................... 48
BREAK-IN ............................................. 52
OPERATION ......................................... 53
TRANSPORTING ................................. 70
TRAILERING........................................ 71
MAINTENANCE................................... 72
PASSAGES............................................. 83

IDENTIFICATION Suzuki recommends that you install a water-
separating fuel filter assembly between your
NUMBER LOCATION boat’s fuel tank(s) and outboard motor(s). Fuel
filtration systems of this type will help prevent
The model and identification numbers of your water that may be present in your boat’s fuel
outboard motor are stamped on a plate tank(s) from contaminating your motor’s elec-
attached to the clamp bracket. It is important to tronic fuel injection system. Water contamina-
know these numbers when you place a parts tion can cause poor engine performance and
order or if your motor is stolen. can also cause damage to the electronic fuel
injection system components.
Your Authorized Suzuki Marine Dealer can pro-
vide you advice about water-separating fuel fil-
ter systems and installation.

Gasoline/Ethanol Blends
Blends of unleaded gasoline and ethanol (grain
alcohol), also known as “GASOHOL”, are com-
mercially available in some areas. Blends of this
type may be used in your outboard motor if they
are no more than 10% ethanol. Make sure this
gasoline-ethanol blend has octane ratings no
lower than those recommended for gasoline.

Use the recommended gasoline which

FUEL AND OIL conforms to the following labels.

Suzuki highly recommends that you use alco-
hol-free unleaded gasoline whenever possible, or
with a minimum octane rating of 91 (Research
method). However, blends of unleaded gasoline
and alcohol with equivalent octane content may 78RB0900*
be used, provided the guidelines that follow are
met. Pump Labeling for Gasoline/Alcohol
In some states, pumps that dispense gasoline/
NOTICE alcohol blends are required to be labeled for the
type and percentage of alcohol content, and
Use of leaded gasoline can cause engine dam- whether important additives are present. Such
age. Use of improper or poor quality fuel can labels may provide enough information for you
affect performance and may damage your to determine if a particular blend of fuel meets
motor and fuel system. the requirements listed above. In other states,
pumps may not be clearly labeled as to the con-
Use only unleaded gasoline. Do not use fuel tent or type of alcohol and additives. If you are
having lower than the recommended octane, not sure that the fuel you intend to use meets
or fuel that may be stale or contaminated by these requirements, check with the service sta-
dirt/water etc. tion operator or the fuel suppliers.

Oxygenated fuels are fuels which contain oxy-
gen-carrying additives such as alcohol.

If you are not satisfied with the operation or fuel
economy of your outboard motor when you are
using gasoline/alcohol blends, you should Gasoline kept in the fuel tank for long periods
switch back to unleaded gasoline containing no of time will produce varnish and gum, which
alcohol. can damage the engine.
Be sure that any gasoline/alcohol blend you use
has octane ratings of at least 91 octane Always use fresh gasoline.
(Research method).
If engine pinging is experienced, substitute NOTICE
another brand as there are differences between
Unleaded gasoline will extend spark plug life. Fuels containing alcohol can cause paint
damage, which is not covered under the New
Outboard Motor Limited Warranty.
Be careful not to spill fuel containing alcohol
Gasoline is extremely flammable and toxic. It while refueling. If fuel is spilled, wipe it up
can cause a fire and can be hazardous to peo- immediately.
ple and pets.
Always take the following precautions when The fuel tank supplied with this motor is its ded-
refueling: icated fuel reservoir and should not be used as
• Never permit anyone other than an adult to a fuel storage container.
refill the fuel tank.
• If you use a portable fuel tank, always stop
the motor and remove the fuel tank from the
boat to refill it.
• Do not fill the fuel tank all the way to the top
or fuel may overflow when it expands due to
heating by the sun.
• Be careful not to spill fuel. If you do, wipe it
up immediately.
• Do not smoke, and keep away from open
flames and sparks.


Use of poor quality engine oil can adversely

affect engine performance and life.

Suzuki recommends that you use Suzuki

Marine 4-Cycle Engine Oil or its equivalent.

Oil quality is a major contributor to your

engine’s performance and life. Always select
good quality engine oil.
Suzuki recommends the use of SAE 10W-40 or
OIL is not available, select a NMMA certified
FC-W oil or good quality 4-cycle motor oil from
the following chart according to the average
temperatures in your area.

API Classification SAE Viscosity Grade

˚C –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40
˚F –4 14 32 50 68 86 104

In very cold weather (below 5°C (41°F)), use
SAE (or NMMA FC-W) 5W-30 for easier start-
ing and smooth operation.

Suzuki recommends the use of SUZUKI OUT-
BOARD MOTOR GEAR OIL. If it is not avail-
able, use SAE 90 hypoid gear oil which is rated
GL-5 under the API classification system.

Read and follow all of the labels on your out- Keep the labels on your outboard motor or fuel
board motor or fuel tank. Make sure you under- tank. Do not remove them for any reason.
stand all of the labels.


• Fuel can leak creating a fire hazard if

you lay motor on its side. Drain fuel
completely from vapor separator or
carburetor before laying motor on its side.
• See owner’s manual for details.

• Le carburent risque de fuir et de

présenter un danger d’incendie si le
moteur est placé sur le côté.
Vidanger entièrement le carburant du
séparateur de vapeurs ou du
carburateur avant de procéder.
• Pour plus de détail, voir le manuel
du propriétaire.

Label symbol meanings : Engine start

These symbols mean as follows;
: Hazard caused by fire
: General warning symbol
(Caution or Warning) : Hazard caused by laying
the motor on its side
: Read owner’s manual carefully
: Remote control lever/gear shift
lever operation-two direction;


Motor cover

Power trim and tilt

(P.T.T.) switch

Clamp bracket
Flush plug
release screw

Pilot water hole Anti-cavitation

Engine oil
drain plug

Gear oil level plug
Trim tab

Gear oil drain plug

Water intake hole

Flush plug (No.2)


Power trim and tilt (P.T.T.) switch Shift lock button

Remote control handle

Throttle only switch Throttle only switch

Select switch Select switch


Emergency stop switch

Type A Type B

Priming bulb


Do not use deep cycle batteries and gel-cell
batteries for starting engines.
Overpowering your boat can be hazardous. Use a 12 Volt starting-type lead acid battery
Excessive horsepower will have an adverse that meets the specifications shown below.
effect on hull safety and may cause operating/
handling difficulties. The boat may also sus- 650 Marine Cranking Amps (MCA)/ABYC,
tain stress and hull damage. or 512 Cold Cranking Amps (CCA)/SAE
or 160 Reserve Capacity (RC) Minutes/SAE
Never install an outboard motor with horse- or 12 Volt, 100 AH
power exceeding the manufacturer’s recom-
mended maximum horsepower listed on the NOTE:
boat’s “Certification Plate”. Contact your • The specifications listed above are the mini-
authorized Suzuki marine dealer if you are mum battery rating requirements for starting
unable to locate the hull “Certificate Plate”.
the engine.
• When connecting batteries in parallel, they
Suzuki strongly recommends that you have must be of the same type, capacity, manufac-
your outboard motor, controls and gauges turer, and of similar age. When replacement
installed by an authorized Suzuki Marine
is necessary, they should be replaced as a
Dealer. He has the tools, the facilities and the
set. Consult your Suzuki dealer for proper
battery installation information.
• If your boat application requires additional
V WARNING battery loads, it is recommended that an aux-
iliary battery or batteries be installed. Consult
Failure to have your outboard motor and asso- your Suzuki dealer for proper battery installa-
ciated controls and gauges properly installed tion information.
can result in personal injury or damage.

Suzuki strongly recommends that you have

your outboard motor, controls and gauges
installed by your authorized Suzuki marine
dealer. He has the tools, the facilities, and the
know-how to do the job correctly.

Secure the battery in a dry area of the boat,
away from vibration.
If you place the battery near the fuel tank, a
NOTE: spark from the battery may ignite the gaso-
• It is recommended that the battery be line, causing a fire and/or an explosion.
installed in an enclosed battery case.
Do not place the fuel tank in the same com-
• When connecting batteries, hexagon-nuts
partment/area as the battery.
must be used to secure battery leads to bat-
tery posts.
To hook up the battery, first connect the red
lead from the motor to the positive battery ter- Batteries produce flammable hydrogen gas
minal, then connect the black lead to the nega- and may explode if they are near flames or
tive battery terminal. sparks.
Red lead Never smoke or cause sparks when working
Sub battery near the battery. Keep the battery away from
cable open flames. To avoid creating a spark when
charging the battery, connect the battery char-
ger cables to the proper terminals before turn-
ing the charger on.

White lead
Battery acid is poisonous and corrosive. It
can cause severe injury and can damage
painted surfaces.

Avoid contact with eyes, skin, clothing, and

painted surfaces. If battery acid comes in con-
tact with any of these, flush immediately with
large amounts of water. If acid contacts the
Hexagon-nut eyes or skin, get immediate medical attention.

To remove the battery, first disconnect the black
lead from the negative terminal, then discon- The electrical system or its components may
nect the red lead from the positive terminal. be damaged if proper battery precautions are
not followed.
Suzuki recommends that you install the termi-
nal cap on the positive battery terminal to pre- • Be sure to attach battery leads correctly.
vent an accidental short circuit of battery • Do not disconnect battery leads from the
terminals. battery while the engine is running.
If a terminal cap is required, contact your autho-
rized Suzuki marine dealer.

The sub battery cable 1 is used to supply volt-
age to the engine control system. In the midst ACCESSORIES
of the cable, a 30 A fuse 2 is provided to pro-
tect the control circuit. The amount of power (DC12V) available for
If the sub battery cable is not correctly con- accessories, however, depends on the operat-
nected to the battery, engine cannot be started. ing condition of the motor. For getting a detailed
information, please inquire of your authorized
Suzuki Marine Dealer.

Use of too much power for electrical accesso-
ries under certain operating conditions can
cause the battery to discharge.

KEYLESS START SYSTEM) Radio waves from the keyless control unit
may interfere with the operation of electrical
This system allows you to start the engine by medical equipment such as pacemakers. Fail-
means of communication between the keyless ure to take the precautions listed below can
fob and the keyless control unit when you have increase the risk of severe injury or death due
the keyless fob with you, instead of using the to radio wave interference.
mechanical key.
The engine can be started when the distance Anyone who uses electrical medical equip-
between the keyless fob and the keyless control ment such as a pacemaker should consult the
unit is within the communication range of 1 m medical equipment supplier to inquire if radio
(40 in). waves from the keyless control unit can inter-
In this system, the keyless fob and the keyless fere with the medical equipment.
control unit uses radio communication to check
if the keyless fob ID is registered in the Keyless
Start System. KEYLESS FOB
If the keyless fob ID is not registered, the sys- Two (2) keyless fobs are supplied with the Key-
tem prevents the engine from starting using the less Start System.
keyless fob.

Keyless fob

Keyless control unit

Please consult with a Suzuki Marine Dealer for
the installation of the Keyless Start System. The keyless fob emits radio waves that may
interfere with aircraft operations.
Also refer to the “Keyless Start System Instruc-
tion Manual” supplied with the product for Do NOT operate the buttons on the keyless
detailed operating instructions. fob while you are in flight. When putting the
keyless fob in a bag, etc., protect the buttons
from accidently being pressed.
In this system, the keyless fob and the keyless NOTE:
control unit uses radio communication to check The keyless fob falls under the category of
if the keyless fob ID is registered in the Keyless restricted electronic devices for use in flight.
Start System.
If the keyless fob ID is not registered, the sys-
tem prevents the engine from starting using the
keyless fob.

• Do NOT erase or tamper with the confor-
mance certification mark.
The radio waves emitted from the keyless fob • A maximum of six (6) keyless fobs can be
may cause interference with other wireless registered in one keyless control unit.
communication devices such as mobile • The battery life of the keyless fob is about two
phones and remoter controllers. (2) years, which can vary depending on use.
• The keyless fob is always in transmission
Do not operate the buttons on the keyless fob
mode in order to communicate with the key-
more than necessary.
less control unit. For this reason, the battery
may run down quickly if it receives strong
V CAUTION radio waves from televisions or personal
computers, etc.
Attempting to disassemble (except for battery
replacement), repair, or modify the keyless fob NOTE:
may cause ignition, electric shock, or injury. • If the keyless fob is lost, immediately contact
your authorized Suzuki Marine Dealer.
Do NOT attempt to disassemble (except for • The keyless fob uses a weak radio wave that
battery replacement), repair, or modify the is susceptible to external influences when it
keyless fob. communicates with the keyless control unit.
For this reason, it may not operate properly
NOTICE under the following use environment.
– There is a nearby facility that emits strong
radio waves such as a television tower,
The keyless fob is comprised of sophisticated
electric power plant, or broadcasting sta-
electronic components that can become dam-
aged and may fail to function properly if you tion, etc.
do not take proper precaution. – The keyless fob is held close to other wire-
less communication devices such as
• Do NOT leave it in places that may reach a mobile phone, radio equipment or a laptop
high temperature. personal computer.
• Do NOT apply a strong impact, such as – The keyless fob is in contact with or cov-
dropping it. ered with a metallic object.
• Do NOT bring it close to any magnetic
• Do NOT place it near any electro-magnetic
devices such as a television or audio equip-
• Do NOT place it near any electric medical
equipment (microwave therapy equipment,
low frequency therapy equipment, etc.), or
receive medical treatment with the keyless
fob in your pocket, etc.

Switching the communication mode of V CAUTION
the keyless fob
Press and hold the lock button 1 on the key-
less fob for more than one second to switch There is a danger of explosion if the battery is
between ON mode and OFF mode. replaced with an incorrect type.

ON mode: Only replace the battery with the same or

The Keyless Start System can be used. equivalent type.


The Keyless Start System cannot be used.

NOTE: Do not expose Hand Unit to excessive heat

If the lock button is pressed briefly while in com- such as from sunlight or fire.
munication ON mode, the LED 2 on the key-
less fob briefly flashes once. NOTICE

To prevent damage to the keyless fob, be care-

ful when replacing the battery.

• Install the lithium disc-type battery with the

electrodes facing the proper direction.
• Do NOT touch the internal circuit of the key-
less fob when replacing the battery.

IIf the keyless fob battery runs low, “Keyless

FOB Battery Low” appears on the gauge, which
indicates the battery should be replaced.


This product contains a coin/button cell bat-

tery. If swallowed, the coin/button cell battery
can cause severe internal burns in just 2
hours and may lead to death.


think batteries might have been swallowed
or placed inside any part of the body, seek
immediate medical attention.
• Keep new and used batteries away from
children. If the battery compartment cannot
be closed securely, stop using this product
and keep it away from children.

To replace the keyless fob battery: 3. Insert a flat blade screwdriver into the slot at
1. Insert a flat blade screwdriver in the slot of the mark on the cover to remove the bat-
the keyless fob and remove the cover. tery.

2. Remove the O-ring 1. 4. Replace the battery so its + terminal faces

the cover side as shown in the illustration.
Lithium disc type battery: CR2025 or equiva-
Confirm that the O-ring is placed in position
on the body side.

The O-ring may be fitted on the cover side.

5. Reinstall the cover.
If the O-ring is damaged, the waterproof per-
formance deteriorates, which can cause the
keyless fob to malfunction.

Be careful not to damage the O-ring when

removing it.

It is essential to use a propeller on your out- Failure to take proper precautions when
board motor that is properly matched to your installing or removing the propeller can result
boat’s operating characteristics. The speed of in severe personal injury.
the engine when you operate your boat at full
throttle depends on the propeller you use. When installing or removing the propeller:
Excessive engine speed can seriously damage • Always shift into “Neutral” and remove the
the motor, while low engine speed at full throttle emergency stop switch lock plate so that
will adversely affect the performance. Your the motor cannot be started accidentally.
operating load will also affect propeller selec- • Wear gloves to protect hands, and “lock”
tion. Smaller loads generally require larger- the propeller by placing a block of wood
pitch propellers; larger loads generally require between the blades and the anti-cavitation
smaller-pitch propellers. Your authorized Suzuki plate.
Marine Dealer will assist you in selecting a suit-
able propeller for your boat. To install a propeller on your outboard motor,
use the following procedure:

Installing a propeller with either too much or

too little pitch will cause incorrect maximum
engine speed, which may result in severe
damage to the motor.

Ask your authorized Suzuki marine dealer to

assist you in selecting a suitable propeller for
your boat.

You can determine if your propeller is appropri- 1. Coat the propeller shaft splines 1 liberally
ate for use with your boat by using a tachome- with Suzuki water resistant grease to help
ter to measure engine speed when operating prevent corrosion.
your boat at full throttle, under minimum load 2. Place the stopper 2 on the shaft.
conditions. If you are using an appropriate pro- 3. Align the propeller 3 with the propeller shaft
peller, the engine speed will be within the fol- splines and slide the propeller onto the shaft.
lowing range: 4. Place the spacer 4 and washer 5 on the
5000 – 6000 5. Install the propeller nut 6 and tighten it with
Full throttle DF115BG a torque wrench to 50 – 60 N·m (5.1 – 6.1
r/min. (min–1)
operating kgf-m/37 – 44 lbf-ft).
range 5700 – 6300
DF140BG 6. Insert the cotter pin 7 and bend it so that it
r/min. (min–1)
can’t come off.
If the engine speed is not within this range, con-
To remove the propeller, reverse the above pro-
sult your authorized Suzuki Marine Dealer to
determine which propeller size is best for you.

Trim angle greatly affects steering stability. If
To help maintain steering stability and good
the trim angle is too small, the boat may
performance, always maintain the proper trim
“plow” or “bow steer”. If the trim angle is too
angle as shown in the illustration. The appropri-
large, the boat may “chine walk” from side to
ate trim angle varies depending on the combi-
side or “porpoise” up and down. These condi-
nation of the boat, engine, and propeller, as well
tions, which result in loss of steering control,
as operating conditions.
can cause occupants to be thrown overboard.

Always maintain proper trim angle based on

the combination of your boat, engine, and pro-
peller, as well as operating conditions.

• Trim angle too small (Boat tends to “plow”)
When the motor is tilted beyond the maximum
trim position, the swivel bracket will not have
side support from the clamp bracket and the
tilt system will be unable to cushion the
engine if the lower unit strikes an obstruction.
This could lead to occupant injury.

Do not operate the engine above 1500 r/min or

• Trim angle too large (Boat tends to “porpoise”) operate the boat in a planing attitude with the
motor tilted beyond the maximum trim posi-


If you operate the boat with the motor trimmed

beyond the maximum trim position, the water
• Proper trim angle intake holes may be above the water line,
causing severe engine damage due to over-

Never operate the boat with the motor

trimmed beyond the maximum trim position.

Make a test run in the boat to determine if the

trim angle needs to be adjusted. Adjust the trim
angle using the Power Trim and Tilt system.
Tilt range Refer to the POWER TRIM AND TILT section.
Trim range
If you still cannot achieve good performance,
there may be a problem with engine mounting
height. Consult your dealer for assistance.

Automatic trim angle adjusutment CONTROL HANDLE ADJUSTMENT
This outboard motor is equipped with automatic The control handle friction and control handle
trim angle adjustment function. The function detent force can be adjusted to suit operator’s
automatically adjusts the trim angle appropri- preference. The control handle friction adjust-
ately. Refer to Auto Trim in METER (OPTION) ment will change the overall effort to move the
MULTI-FUNCTION GAUGE section. control handle. This will help prevent undesired
movement of the control handle in rough water
conditions. Consult your authorized Suzuki
TRIM TAB ADJUSTMENT marine dealer to adjust the control handle fric-
This adjustment is used to compensate for the tion and detent force.
possible tendency of your boat to veer slightly
to port or starboard. This tendency could be Type A
due to such things as propeller torque, motor
mounting position, etc.

To adjust the trim tab:

1. Loosen the bolt A that holds the trim tab in

Type B

2. If the boat tends to veer to port, move the THROTTLE


rear end of the trim tab toward the port side.

If the boat tends to veer to starboard, move
the starboard side.

Type Adjustable item

A Friction and detent force
B Friction


The idle speed has been factory adjusted
between 650 – 750 r/min in neutral.

3. Tighten the bolt that holds the trim tab in
If idle speed cannot be set within the specified
range, contact your authorized Suzuki Marine
After adjusting the trim tab, check to see if the
boat still tends to veer to one side. If necessary,
readjust the trim tab.

SETTING OF TILT UPPER LIMIT POSITION 3. Make sure that remote control handle is in
If the outboard motor contacts the motor well of “NEUTRAL”.
the boat during full tilt up operation, the upper 4. Confirm the select LED lights, if not, depress
limit setting should be reset. the select switch on the remote control box.
Perform this set-up after the current position Depress the “THROTTLE ONLY” button 3.
setting has been canceled, as explained in the
following procedure.


1. If equipped with Keyless Start System:
Press and hold the engine switch 1 for more
than two seconds to turn on the power. ONLY

5. Move the control handle forward until the

caution buzzer sounds one time.
At this time, the message of “Set Limit
Angle” will appear on the gauge screen.
Press the “UP” side of the PTT switch for
three seconds and the buzzer will sound
twice briefly indicating the setting has been
If not equipped with Keyless Start System:
Turn the ignition key to the “ON” position. UP



6. Return the throttle to the fully closed posi-

2. Pull out the emergency stop switch lock
1. If equipped with Keyless Start System:
Press and hold the engine switch for more
than two seconds to turn on the power.
If not equipped with Keyless Start System:
Turn the ignition key to the “ON” position.
2. Press the “UP” side of the PTT switch so that
the optimum full tilt up position for the boat
can be obtained.
3. Pull out the emergency stop switch lock

4. Make sure that remote control handle is in MOTOR COVER FASTENING
5. Confirm the select LED lights, if not, depress If you feel motor cover fastening is loose or too
the select switch on the remote control box. tight when locking the levers, adjust as follows:
Depress the “THROTTLE ONLY” button.
6. Move the control handle forward until the 1. Loosen the bolts 1, 2 and 3.
caution buzzer sounds one time. 2. Adjust the position of brackets 4, 5 and 6.
7. Press the “UP” side of PTT switch three To increase the fastening, move the brackets
times within three seconds. The buzzer will to the direction A. To decrease the fasten-
sound one time briefly indicating the setting ing, move the brackets to the direction B.
has been accepted. 3. Tighten the bolts.
8. Return the throttle to the fully closed position
and install the lock plate on the emergency Motor cover
switch. Operate the full tilt up and full down
operations several times by pressing the
PTT switch and check that the setting of the
tilt upper limit is properly set.


Setting of the tilt upper limit position will not

prevent the outboard motor from tilting fully
up and contacting the motor well if the
motor’s lower unit hits an object at high
speed. Such tilting could damage your motor
and boat and injure the boat occupants.

Keep all occupants away from the motor when

operating at high speed.

The multi-function gauge has four buttons:

This gauge is multifunctional gauge that dis-

plays the various information through digital
communication with the engine.
Information displayed are engine speed, shift
position, fuel level, fuel consumption, etc.

The function of each button is as follows.

The [MENU] button gives you access to the
menu screen.

Pressing and holding the [MENU] button can
NOTE: transfer the mode to the TROLL mode.
There is information that cannot be displayed
depending on the model and equipment. Use the [ ] and [ ] buttons to move the
selection cursor, select sub information, and
NOTE: adjust information input.
Consult your authorized Suzuki marine dealer
for setting up the multi-function gauge. NOTE:
Press and hold either the [ ] or [ ] button to
NOTE: reset the trip time, trip distance, average fuel
For details the proper handling of the multi- consumption, and total fuel consumption in the
function gauge, refer to “OPERATION sub information simultaneously.
INSTRUCTION MANUAL” packed in the gauge. The [SET] button is used to decide the select-
able item.
The navigation data on this gauge should be NOTE:
used only for your reference. When exact navi- Pressing and holding the [SET] button, can
gation information is required, use nautical change the illumination for the gauge screen to
charts and/or accurate navigation instruments that for the daytime or nighttime.
together with the multi-function gauge.

Day Night

SCREEN SELECTION 1. Engine Speed Display Screen
The multi-function gauge can select the display The engine speed 1, shift position 2, trim
screen from the following choices. position 3, time 4, engine position 5 and
sub information 6 are displayed.
• Engine Speed The sub information display can be switched
• Ground Speed/Fuel Information by pressing the [ ] or [ ] buttons.
• Fuel Information This screen can be selected between digital
• All Items Display Screen (Full Item) and analog display. (Refer to the MENU
To select the display screen:
Press the [SET] button and select the desired
display screen.
Digital Analog
Every time the [SET] button is pressed, the dis-
play screen switches in the following sequence.

Engine Speed Display Screen

Speed/Fuel Information Display

2. Speed/Fuel Information Display Screen
The speed 1, fuel level 2, sub information
Fuel Information Display Screen 3 and time 4 are displayed.
The sub information display can be switched
by pressing the [ ] or [ ] buttons.
This screen can be selected between digital
All Items Display Screen
and analog display. (Refer to the MENU

Digital Analog
Screens that had been set to “OFF” in the dis-
play setting are not displayed and the display
skips to the next screen. (Refer to the MENU

3. Fuel Information Display Screen
This screen indicates the remaining fuel lev- Digital
els of each tank installed, along with sub
The sub information display can be switched
by pressing the [ ] or [ ] buttons.
This screen indicates only in digital mode.

Analog1 Analog2


When the Engine Speed, Ground Speed/Fuel
Information or Fuel Information screen is dis-
played, press the [ ] or [ ] button to switch
No.1 the sub Information display in the following
No.2 sequence.

No.4 Total operating hours

Trip time

Trip distance
4. All Items Display Screen
This screen displays all the general indica-
Battery voltage/Cooling water temperature
tion items for this gauge.
This screen can be selected between digital,
analog1 and analog2 display. (Refer to the Instantaneous fuel flow
Total Instantaneous fuel flow

Instantaneous fuel economy

Average fuel economy

Total fuel used


NOTE: 4. Battery Voltage/Cooling Water Tempera-
Press and hold either the [ ] or [ ] button to ture
reset the trip time, trip distance, average fuel The cooling water temperature and battery
consumption, and total fuel consumption in the voltage are displayed.
sub information simultaneously. All other items
are also reset simultaneously, in addition to the
displayed item.

1. Total Operating Hours

The total operating hours from brand-new
engine are displayed.

5. Instantaneous fuel flow

This screen indicates the instantaneous fuel
flow of each outboard motor.

2. Trip Time
This screen indicates the trip time since it
was reset last time.

6. Total Instantaneous fuel flow

This screen indicates the total instantaneous
fuel flow of all outboard motors installed.

3. Trip Distance
This screen indicates the trip distance since
it was reset last time.

7. Instantaneous fuel economy

This screen indicates the total instantaneous
fuel economy of all outboard motors

8. Average fuel economy MENU INFORMATION SELECTION
This screen indicates the total average fuel The menu screen is displayed when the MENU
economy of all outboard motors installed. button is pressed while any screen is displayed.
While the menu screen is displayed, press the
MENU button to return to the previous screen.
The MENU has four items of [Illumination],
[Diagnosis], [Display], and [Initial Setting].

Press the [ ] or [ ] button to select a menu


9. Total fuel used
This screen indicates the total fuel used of
all outboard motors installed. Auto Trim ON OFF
Device List

1. Illumination
Press the [ ] or [ ] button to select “Illu-
mination” and then press the [SET] button to
display the Illumination selection menu.
10. Latitude/Longitude
The latitude and longitude of current boat Brightness
position are displayed. The screen brightness can be adjusted in 10
Press the [ ] or [ ] button to select “Bright-
ness” and press the [SET] button. Next, adjust
the brightness using the [ ] or [ ] button and
then press the [SET] button.

NOTE: Day or Night Day Night

If the “Latitude/Longitude” are not displayed,
confirm the connection of the GPS receiver and Sync ON OFF
confirm the radio wave receiving condition.

Day or Night 2. Auto Trim
Press the [ ] or [ ] button to select “Day or Sets the Auto Trim mode.
Night”. Next, select “Day” or “Night” using the Set the outboard motor to the full trim down
[SET] button. position. Use the [ ] or [ ] buttons to select
“Auto Trim”, and press the [SET] button.
Next, press the [SET] button to select either
“ON” or “OFF”.
When the Auto Trim mode is ON, an “A” is dis-
played on the multifunction gauge screen.

Sync ON OFF Menu

Auto Trim ON OFF
Device List
Day Night Ver.

Auto Trim ON OFF
Sync Display
The “Brightness” setting is synchronized with Device List
the “Day or Night” setting for the two or more Ver.

gauges where “ON” has been selected in the

“Sync” setting.
Press the [ ] or [ ] button to select “Sync”.
Next, select “ON” (synchronous) or “OFF”
(asynchronous) using the [SET] button.

Day or Night Day Night


NOTE: Data Output
• “ A” is not displayed if the trim position does NOTE:
not appear on the multifunction gauge For details the proper handling of the multi-
screen. function gauge, refer to “OPERATION
• The PTT switch operations take priority, even INSTRUCTION MANUAL” packed in the gauge.
when the Auto Trim mode is set “ON”.
• If the PTT switch is operated when the Auto Press the [ ] or [ ] button to select “Data
Trim mode is set “ON”, the Auto Trim mode is Output” and then press the [SET] button to dis-
interrupted and the “ A” flashes on the dis- play the Data Output selection menu.
play. Auto Trim mode engages again when
the engine speed is reduced to 1500 r/min or
below or the outboard motor is set in the full Data Output
trim down position.
Create Data
3. Diagnosis Log
Press the [ ] or [ ] button to select “Diag-
nosis” and then press the [SET] button to
display the Diagnosis selection menu.

Current Code Create Data:
Data Output The “Create Data” items (engine oil change fre-
quency, total operation hours, etc.) can be

The “Create Data” items (engine oil change fre-
quency, total operation hours, etc.) obtained
and saved before, can be checked.
Current Code
Press the [ ] or [ ] button to select “Current 4. Display
Code” and, then press the [SET] button to dis- While [Display] is selected, press the [SET] but-
play the diagnostic code and/or caution mes- ton to display the selection menu for Digital indi-
sage that are currently activated. cation “D”, Analog indication “A”, and indication
Select the display item using the [ ] or [ ]
button. Then, press the [SET] button to select
Current Code
“A1”, “A2”, “D” or “OFF”.
As the “Fuel” screen displays only in digital
mode, the available selection is either “ON” or

(Refer to the CAUTION SYSTEM and DIAG-


Display Device List CAN 2
Tacho A D OFF 34200-96L41 0
Speed & Fuel A D OFF 33920-98L20 0
Fuel ON OFF 33920-98L20 1
34200-96L40 1
All A1 A2 D OFF
34200-96L40 10

When the indication is set to “OFF”, the display Use the [ ] or [ ] buttons to select “EXTER-
screen for that item is skipped and the next NAL” and press the [SET] button to display the
screen is displayed. (Refer to the SCREEN multifunction gauge serial number and informa-
SELECTION section) tion about the devices connected to the NMEA
line (such as the GPS module).
It is not possible to set all the display items to
OFF (hidden). Please set at least one (1) dis- Device List
play item to be displayed.

5. Device list CAN 2

Displays a list of the devices connected to the
multifunction gauge. External
Use the [ ] or [ ] buttons to select “CAN2”
and press the [SET] button to display the multi-
function gauge information and information
about the devices connected to the multifunc-
tion gauge (such as other multifunction
Device List External

Device List Serial No. 00000CB8


6. Keyless Passcode appears once the [SET] button is
You can display the Keyless Start System pass- pressed after you have entered all 6 digits.
code. You can also change the passcode. (2) If you do not have the keyless fob
(1) If you have the keyless fob When the keyless start system starts up,
• Confirm the keyless fob is within the com- enter your passcode, and you can change it
munication range of the Keyless Start within 1 minute after unlocking.
• Confirm that the keyless fob is in commu- 7. Initial Setting
nication ON mode. (Refer to “Switching Items in the Initial Setting include important
the communication mode of the keyless items for initial setting. Therefore, the confirma-
fob” section.) tion screen “Revise initial setting?” is displayed
• Press the [ ] or [ ] button to select when you select “Initial Setting” in the menu
“Keyless” and then press the [SET] button screen and press the [SET] button. To change
to display the Keyless selection menu. the Initial Setting, select “Yes” using the [ ] or
[ ] button and press the [SET] button to dis-
play the Initial Setting menu screen.

Revise initial setting?


“Initial Setting” contains eight (8) menus.

Select the Initial Setting menu using the [ ] or
[ ] button, and then press the [SET] button to
display the setting screen.
The passcode appears.
Initial Setting
Passcode Setting
Press the [SET] button. Language
Enter a 6-digit passcode. Unit
Use the [ ] or [ ] buttons to select a number Time
for each digit.
Press the [SET] button to move to the next digit. Position
Press the [MENU] button to return to the previ- Component Setting
ous digit.

Sets the display language.
Use the [ ] or [ ] button to select the display
language, and press the [SET] button.

Quantity: set the unit for fuel quantity.
Press the [SET] button to select the unit.
Deutsch Quantity L G (US) G(IMP)
Italiano Speed Scale LOW HIGH
Econ D/Q Q/D I/100km

The confirmation message appears.

To change the display language, use the [ ] or
[ ] button to select “YES”, and press the
[SET] button. If you do not want to change the Speed Scale: setting for the speed scale.
language, select “NO”, and press the [SET] but- The setting of Speed Scale is reflected only on
ton. the analog screen display.
Press the [SET] button to select the scale to be
Change Language?

Quantity L G (US) G(IMP)
Unit Speed Scale LOW HIGH
Setting for the following units.
Distance: set the unit for distance. Econ D/Q Q/D I/100km
Press the [SET] button to select the unit.

Econ: set the unit for fuel economy.

Press the [SET] button to select the unit.

Quantity L G (US) G(IMP)

Speed Scale LOW HIGH
Econ D/Q Q/D I/100km
Quantity L G (US) G(IMP)
Speed Scale LOW HIGH
Econ D/Q Q/D I/100km

Time NOTE:
Setting for the time indication. If the “Timezone” is not displayed, confirm the
connection of the GPS receiver.
Clock: setting for display/non-display of the If a GPS receiver is not installed, the screen
clock. displays “--:--”.
Press the [SET] button to select “ON” or “OFF.”

12h or 24h: select 12-hour or 24-hour display. Setting for the gauge and engine position.
Press the [SET] button to select “12h” or “24h.” Consult your authorized Suzuki marine dealer
for setting change of “Position”.

Component Setting
Settings for component.
Consult your authorized Suzuki marine dealer
for setting change of “Component Setting”.

Setting for fuel tanks.
Consult your authorized Suzuki marine dealer
for setting change of “Tank”.

Keyless Setting
Timezone: set the time zone. Setting for Keyless.
This gauge can be set the time by entering the Consult your authorized Suzuki marine dealer
time difference from the standard time (Green- for setting change of “Keyless Setting”.
wich time). After the time difference is entered,
it is not required to enter it again. Demo Mode Setting
Time can be set in the range of +14:00 from Setting for Demo Mode.
–12:00. Consult your authorized Suzuki marine dealer
for setting change of “Demo Mode Setting”.
Press the [SET] button to activate the input
position, and adjust the time difference using
the [ ] or [ ] button.
Press the [ ] or [ ] button briefly to change
the time in 15-minute increment. Press and
hold the button to change the time continuously
by 15 minutes.

Alarms alert the user of an operating condition
that requires action. If an alarm occurs, the The caution systems are designed to alert you
gauge screen will display the caution message to certain situations which may cause damage
and the caution alarm icon immediately. to your outboard motor.

The caution message clears when any of the

buttons are pressed on the gauge. However,
the caution alarm icon is displayed until elimi-
nating the cause. The buzzer sound also stops Your outboard motor may become damaged if
when the cause is eliminated. you rely on the Caution System to alert you to
any malfunction that may occur or to give you
an indication of the need for maintenance.

To avoid damage to your outboard motor, reg-

ularly inspect and maintain it.


Continuing to operate your outboard motor

with the Caution System activated can result
in severe damage to your outboard motor.
Caution message Caution alarm icon
If the Caution System activates while you are
operating your outboard motor, stop the
motor as soon as possible and correct the
problem or consult your authorized Suzuki
marine dealer for assistance.

If equipped with Keyless Start System:
Each time you press and hold the engine switch
for at least 2 seconds to turn on the system, the
alarm buzzer sounds for 2 seconds.


If the Caution System is not working properly,

you may not be alerted to a condition that can
cause damage to your outboard motor.

If the buzzer does not sound when the Key-

less Start System has been turned to ON state
by operating the engine switch, the buzzer
may be broken or a failure may exist in the
system circuit. Consult your authorized
Suzuki marine dealer.

If not equipped with Keyless Start System: The “Over Revolution” indication clears when
Each time the ignition key is turned to the “ON” any of the button is pressed in the gauge.
position, the alarm buzzer will sound for 2 sec-
onds. This system must be reset by moving the throt-
tle to the idle position for about one second to
NOTICE restore full engine operation.

If the Caution System is not working properly,

you may not be alerted to a condition that can
cause damage to your outboard motor. If the Over-Revolution Caution System acti-
vates at recommended maximum throttle and
If the buzzer does not sound when the ignition you are sure that the propeller pitch is suffi-
key is turned to the “ON” position, the buzzer cient and there are no factors like “over-trim-
may be broken or a failure may exist in the ming” or “ventilation”, there may be a
system circuit. Consult your authorized problem with the Over-Revolution Caution
Suzuki marine dealer. System.

Consult your authorized Suzuki marine dealer

OVER-REVOLUTION CAUTION SYSTEM if the Over-Revolution Caution System acti-
This system is activated when engine speed vates for no apparent reason.
exceeds maximum recommended speed for
more than 10 seconds. In addition, “Rev Limit”
is displayed on screen. OIL PRESSURE CAUTION SYSTEM
This system operates when the engine lubricat-
ing oil pressure drops below the correct level.

If this system activates, the “Low Oil Pressure”

and caution alarm icon are displayed on
screen, and the buzzer sounds. In addition,
when this system is activated at 1000 r/min. or
higher, engine speed will automatically be
reduced to approximately 1000 r/min.
If you continue to run, the engine will automati-
cally stop 3 minutes after beginning of the
above CAUTION system activation.
If you continue to run, engine speed will auto- NOTE:
matically be reduced to approximately 3000 r/min, In case that the engine is automatically stopped
simultaneously the buzzer sounds. Then the due to the CAUTION system, the engine can be
display will be changed into “Over Revolution”. started again.
However the CAUTION system will repeatedly
activate until eliminating the cause.

This system is activated when the cylinder wall
temperature is too high due to insufficient water

The overheat caution system will not detect
high combustion chamber temperature caused
by, for example, an oil system malfunction, poor
quality fuel, or spark plugs with an incorrect
heat range.

If this system activates, the “Overheat” and cau-

The “Low Oil Pressure” indication clears when
tion alarm icon are displayed on screen, and
any of the button is pressed in the gauge. How-
the buzzer sounds. In addition, when this sys-
ever, the caution alarm icon is displayed until
tem is activated at 2000 r/min. or higher, engine
eliminating the cause.
speed will automatically be reduced to approxi-
mately 2000 r/min.
If this system activates, stop the engine imme-
If you continue to run, the engine will automati-
diately, if wind and water conditions make it safe
cally stop 3 minutes after beginning of the
to do so.
above CAUTION system activation.
Check the oil level and add oil if necessary. If
the oil level is correct, consult your authorized
In case that the engine is automatically stopped
Suzuki Marine Dealer.
due to the CAUTION system, the engine can be
started again.
NOTICE However the CAUTION system will repeatedly
activate until eliminating the cause.
Your engine may become severely damaged If
you rely on the Oil Pressure Caution System
to indicate the need to add engine oil.

Check the engine oil level periodically and add

oil as necessary.


Operating the engine with the Oil Pressure

Caution System activated can result in severe
engine damage.
The “Overheat” indication clears when any of
If the Oil Pressure Caution System activates, the button is pressed in the gauge. However,
stop the engine as soon as possible and add the caution alarm icon is displayed until elimi-
engine oil, if necessary, or otherwise correct nating the cause.
the problem.
If the overheat caution system activates when
operating, reduce engine speed immediately
and check if water is being discharged from the
pilot water hole. If no water is seen, follow the
procedures outlined below.

Water and wind conditions permitting, stop the CHECK THERMOSTAT ALERT SYSTEM
engine, tilt it out of the water and remove any This ALERT SYSTEM activates when the ther-
debris like seaweed, plastic bags or sand that mostat breaks down and the engine tempera-
may have blocked the water intakes. ture does not rise up to the proper temperature
Lower the engine into the water, being sure that after engine start-up.
water intakes are immersed, and restart it.

Check (A) that water discharges from the pilot

hole and (B) that “Overheat” is not displayed on
Be aware that “Overheat” is displayed on
screen again if engine temperature rises abnor-
mally. If either of the above situations arises,
your authorized Suzuki Marine Dealer must be
consulted as soon as possible.

If pilot hole water discharge is sufficient, buzzer
and display on screen may still operate until If this system activates, the “Check Thermostat”
engine temperature decreases. Run engine in and caution alarm icon (the color of the icon is
NEUTRAL only until the caution systems are blue) are indicated on the screen.
The “Check Thermostat” indication clears when
NOTICE any of the button is pressed in the gauge. How-
ever, the caution alarm icon is displayed until
the eliminating the cause.
Operating the engine with the Overheat Cau-
tion System activated can result in severe In order to cancel this ALERT SYSTEM, quickly
engine damage. stop the engine and consult with SUZUKI
marine dealer.
If the Overheat Caution System activates, stop
the engine as soon as possible, wind and
water conditions permitting, and inspect the
engine according to the above instructions.
Consult your authorized Suzuki marine dealer
if you cannot correct the problem.

Remember that the overheat caution system
cannot detect overheating caused by, for exam-
ple, an oil system malfunction, poor quality fuel,
or incorrect spark plugs.

If the engine is operated beyond the maximum
trim position, the water intake holes may be
above the water line. In this situation, the over-
heat caution system may activate.

This system is activated when the battery volt- • A marginal battery may have enough power
age deficiency which could impair your motor’s to start your engine, yet may still cause this
performance occurs. caution system to activate whenever engine
or boat accessory use places a high current
If this system activates, the “Low Battery Volt- demand on the battery.
age” and caution alarm icon are indicated on
• If equipped with Keyless Start System:
screen and the buzzer sounds.
If a message “Low Battery Voltage” is dis-
played and the engine stops while the Key-
less Start System is in ON state, check the
If not equipped with Keyless Start System:
If a message, “Low Battery Voltage” is dis-
played while the ignition key is in the “ON”
position and the engine stops, check follow-
– The battery switch is in the “ON” position.
– The battery is connected correctly.
– The battery is in sound condition.
The “Low Battery Voltage” indication cleares • If this caution system activates continuously,
when any of the button is pressed in the gauge. even after you have stopped using engine or
However, the caution alarm icon is displayed boat accessories, contact your authorized
until eliminating the cause. Suzuki Marine Dealer.

This system will be canceled automatically

when the battery voltage restores to the proper
voltage level. Refrain from using any electrical
equipment such as P.T.T. system, hydraulic trim
tabs, hydraulic jack plate, etc.


Failure to take proper precautions when

inspecting or servicing the battery can be haz-

Do not attempt to inspect or service the bat-

tery without first reading the warnings, cau-
tions, and instructions in the “BATTERY
INSTALLATION” section of this manual.

This system is activated in the event of an error
THROTTLE AND SHIFT in the control system of the 2nd station.
If this system activates, the “Check 2nd Station”
SYSTEM and caution alarm icon are displayed on
screen, and the buzzer sounds. If this system is
CONTROL UNIT COMMUNICATION activated, the engine cannot be controlled any
CAUTION SYSTEM more from the 2nd station but can be controlled
This system is activated in the event of an error from the 1st station.
in the control system of the electronic throttle
and shift systems.

If this system activates, the “Check Control Unit

C.” and caution alarm icon are displayed on
screen, and the buzzer sounds.

The “Check 2nd Station” indication clears when

any of the button is pressed in the gauge. How-
ever, the caution alarm icon is displayed until
eliminating the cause.

The “Check Control Unit C.” indication clears
when any of the button is pressed in the gauge. If this system activates for no apparent rea-
However, the caution alarm icon is displayed son, there may be a problem with the system.
until eliminating the cause.
Consult your authorized Suzuki marine dealer.

If this system activates for no apparent rea-

son, there may be a problem with the system.

Consult your authorized Suzuki marine dealer.

This system is activated in the event of an error This system is activated in the event of an error
of the control system of the electronic throttle. of the control system of the electronic shift.

If this system activates, the “Check Throttle If this system activates, the “Check Shift Con-
System” and caution alarm icon are displayed trol” and caution alarm icon are displayed on
on screen, and the buzzer sounds. In addition, screen and the buzzer sounds.
the engine highest rpm is restricted to 2000

If this system is activated, the engine speed or

shift cannot be controlled by operating the
The “Check Throttle System” indication clears remote control lever but the engine can be
when any of the button is pressed in the gauge. operated at the idle speed.
However, the caution alarm icon is displayed By shifting the remote control lever to the neu-
until eliminating the cause. tral position and pressing the throttle only
switch 1, the engine speed can be adjusted
NOTICE from the idle speed to approximately 2000 r/
min. with the remote control lever.
If this system activates for no apparent rea-
son, there may be a problem with the system.

Consult your authorized Suzuki marine dealer.


While the message, “Check Shift Control”, is
displayed, the clutch cannot be shifted to the
Forward, Neutral or Reverse position.

The “Check Shift Control” indication clears

when any of the button is pressed in the gauge.
However, the caution alarm icon is displayed
until eliminating the cause.

This system is activated when the TROLL mode
If this system activates for no apparent rea- operation is started on the gauge screen of the
son, there may be a problem with the system. cockpit, where the TROLL Mode operation is
not available.
Consult your authorized Suzuki marine dealer.
If this system activates, the “Check Station Set-
ting” is displayed on screen.
This system activates when there is a commu-
nication error of the gauge.

If this system activates, the “Check Gauge C.”

is indicated on the screen.

Identify the cockpit where the SELECT LED 1

on the remote control box is turned ON and per-
form the TROLL Mode operation from the
gauge screen of that cockpit where the
SELECT LED is turned ON.

The “Check Gauge C.” indication clears when

any of the buttons are pressed on the gauge.

If this system activates for no apparent rea-
son, there may be a problem with the system.

Consult your authorized Suzuki marine dealer.

On the gauge screen where the TROLL Mode
operation is available, is displayed.

The “Check Station Setting” indication clears

when any of the button is pressed in the gauge.

This system activates when the mode cannot
be transferred to the TROLL Mode. CAUTION SYSTEM
If this system activates, the “Check Troll Condi- SYSTEM)
tion” is displayed on screen.
The caution system is activated when keyless
fob identification error.

If this system activates, the “Check Keyless

FOB” and caution alarm icon are indicated on
the screen.

Make sure that the remote control lever has

been shifted into forward or reverse and the
engine throttle has been fully closed.
Refer to the Setting the Troll Mode section.

The “Check Troll Condition” indication clears

when any of the button is pressed in the gauge.
The “Check Keyless FOB” is cleared when any
of the buttons are pressed on the gauge. How-
TROLL SYSTEM CAUTION SYSTEM ever, the caution alarm icon is displayed until
The current ECM and BCM of your outboard the cause is addressed.
motor does not applicable to the troll mode sys-
tem. NOTE:
• If the message “Check Keyless FOB” is dis-
If this system activates, the “Check Troll Sys- played, check the following:
tem” is displayed on screen. – The keyless fob is within the communica-
tion range of the keyless control unit.
– The keyless fob is in communication mode.
(Refer to “Switching the communication
mode of the keyless fob” section.)
– There is no object interfering with the radio
wave between the keyless fob and the key-
less control unit.
– The keyless fob battery has sufficient
– The correct keyless fob has been authenti-
cated by the Keyless Start System.
• If this caution system activates continuously,
contact your authorized Suzuki Maine Dealer.
The “Check Troll System” indication clears
when any of the button is pressed in the gauge.
If this system activates, consult your authorized
Suzuki Maine Dealer.

The caution system is activated when keyless This system is activated when the 12 volt bat-
fob battery voltage drops to a point which could tery voltage to the keyless control unit drops to
impair keyless fob performance. a point which could impair the keyless control
unit performance.
If this system activates, the “Keyless FOB Bat-
tery Low” and caution alarm icon are indicated If this system activates, the “Keyless Unit Bat-
on the screen. tery Low” and caution alarm icon are indicated
on the screen.

The “Keyless FOB Battery Low” is cleared

when any of the buttons are pressed on the The “Keyless Unit Battery Low” is cleared when
gauge. However, the caution alarm icon is dis- any of the buttons are pressed on the gauge.
played until the cause is addressed. However, the caution alarm icon is displayed
until the cause is addressed.
If this system activates, replace the battery of NOTE:
keyless fob. (Refer to KEYLESS FOB BAT- • If the message “Keyless Unit Battery Low” is
TERY REPLACEMENT section.) displayed, check the following:
– The 12 volt battery is in sound condition.
– Contact failure of the battery terminal.
• If this caution system activates continuously,
consult your authorized Suzuki Maine Dealer.

If abnormal conditions exist in any sensor sig-
nal being input to the control unit, the self-diag-
This system informs the operator of the time for
nostic system warns of the abnormal condition.
replacing engine oil on the basis of the mainte-
nance schedule.
If this system activates, the “Check Engine X –
The system is designed to register the total
X” and check engine icon are displayed on
operating hours of the outboard motor and
screen, and the buzzer sounds.
function its operation when the preprogrammed
hours have reached.
NANCE section and the last page.)

When the total operating hours have reached
the preprogrammed hours, the “Change Oil” is
displayed on screen, and the buzzer sounds.
This indication will repeat until you cancel the
system activation.

The “Check Engine X – X” is cleared when any

of the buttons are pressed in the gauge. How-
ever, the check engine icon is displayed until
the cause is addressed.

Also incorporated is a fail-safe provision that

allows the operation at a restricted speed even
under such a failure condition.

• If equipped with Keyless Start System:
This diagnostic code is designed to appear
while the Keyless Start System is in ON
If not equipped with Keyless Start System:
This diagnostic code is designed to appear
while the ignition key is turned on.
• The buzzer sound with diagnostic system
activating will be canceled by pushing the
ignition key in.


If the diagnostic system activates while you

are operating your outboard motor, there is an
abnormal condition in one of the sensor sig-
nals of the control system.

Consult your authorized Suzuki marine dealer

for repair of the control system.

CANCELLATION 4. If equipped with Keyless Start System:
For the single engine: Press and hold the engine switch 1 for more
1. If equipped with Keyless Start System: than two seconds to turn off the power.
Press and hold the engine switch 1 for more
than two seconds to turn on the power. NOTE:
The power can also be turned off by pressing
the lock button on the keyless fob.

If not equipped with Keyless Start System:

Turn the ignition key to the “ON” position.
If not equipped with Keyless Start System:
Turn the ignition key to the “OFF” position.




2. Pull out the emergency stop switch lock

plate 2.
3. Pull up the emergency stop switch knob 3 5. Set the plate 2 in the original position.
three times within 10 seconds. A short beep
will be heard if the cancellation is success- For the multiple engines:
fully finished. 1. If equipped with Keyless Start System:
Press and hold the engine switch 1 for more
than two seconds to turn on the power.

If not equipped with Keyless Start System: If not equipped with Keyless Start System:
Turn the ignition key to the “ON” position. Turn the ignition key to the “OFF” position.



2. Pull out the emergency stop switch lock 5. Set the plate 2 in the original position.
plate 2.
3. Push the start & stop switch 3 three times in NOTE:
10 seconds. A short beep will be heard if the • Canceling of the system activation is possible
cancellation is successfully finished. regardless of whether or not the engine oil
has been replaced. Once the system has
operated, however, Suzuki strongly recom-
mends that the engine oil be replaced before
canceling the system activation.
• Even if the engine oil has been replaced with
the system not operating, it is still necessary
to perform the cancellation.

4. If equipped with Keyless Start System:

Press and hold the engine switch 1 for more
than two seconds to turn off the power.

The power can also be turned off by pressing
the lock button on the keyless fob.

This system informs the operator when the POWER TRIM AND TILT
motor stalls while it is operating. The “Power Trim and Tilt” is operated by press-
When the engine stalls for any reason, the cau- ing the switch. To tilt the motor up, press the
tion buzzer sounds three times. upper part of the switch. To tilt the motor down,
press the lower part of the switch.



This engine is equipped with an integral fuel fil-

ter/water separator and associated alert sys-

The alert system will activate if water separated

from the fuel exceeds a specific volume.

If this system activates, the “Water in Fuel” and UP

caution alarm icon will display at all the time DOWN
and a buzzer will sound when the engine is in
neutral only.

If equipped with Keyless Start System:


The power trim and tilt (PTT) switch on the

side cover can be accidentally activated when
the Keyless Start System is in OFF state,
The “Water in Fuel” indication clears when any resulting in injury.
of the button is pressed in the gauge. However,
the caution alarm icon is displayed until the Keep all persons away from the outboard
eliminating the cause. motor to help prevent accidental activation of
the PTT system.
If this system activates, stop the engine imme-
diately, if wind and water conditions are safe to
do so, and check the fuel filter/water separator
for water. Or consult your authorized Suzuki
marine dealer.

For inspection and cleaning of the fuel filter,


If not equipped with Keyless Start System: V CAUTION
The motor is very heavy. When you tilt it man-
ually, you could injure your back or slip and
The power trim and tilt (PTT) switch on the fall causing injury.
side cover can be accidentally activated when
the ignition key is off, resulting in injury. When you tilt the motor manually, ensure that
your grip and footing are secure and that you
Keep all persons away from the outboard are able to support the weight of the engine.
motor to help prevent accidental activation of
the PTT system.
NOTE: The Tilt Lock Lever is provided so you can sup-
If equipped with Keyless Start System: port the motor in a tilted position for non-moving
The PTT switch on the remote control lever engine support.
cannot be activated when the keyless start sys-
tem is in OFF state. To set the Tilt Lock Lever:
If not equipped with Keyless Start System: 1. Tilt the motor all the way up by pressing the
The PTT switch on the remote control lever can Power Trim and Tilt “UP” switch.
not be activated when the ignition key is off. 2. Pull down the Tilt Lock Lever as shown in the
NOTE: 3. Lower the motor by pressing the Power Trim
Repeated operation of the power trim and tilt and Tilt “DOWN” switch, until the motor is
(PTT) causes the overheating of the PTT motor supported by the Tilt Lock Lever.
and the protection circuit may stop the opera-
tion of the motor. While the protection circuit
activated, the PTT switch is inoperative. This
inoperative condition of the system is cancelled
once the overheating is resolved.

If you are unable to tilt the motor using the
“Power Trim and Tilt” because of an electrical
problem or some other problem, you can move
the motor manually. To tilt the motor up or
down, turn the manual release valve A two 4. For DF140BG:
turns counterclockwise, move the motor to the Continue to operate the Power Trim and Tilt
desired position, then retighten the release “DOWN” switch until the trim rods are com-
screw. pletely retracted.



NOTICE If not equipped with Keyless Start System:

If you do not retract the trim rams completely
when mooring, they may become deteriorated
or corroded. The remote Power Trim and Tilt switch will
work when the ignition key is off. If someone
Be sure to retract the trim rams completely activates the switch while you are moving the
when mooring. tilt lock lever, your hand could be injured.

To release the Tilt Lock Lever, tilt the motor all Keep all persons away from the remote Power
the way up using the Power Trim and Tilt “UP” Trim and Tilt switch while you are moving the
switch, and pull up the Tilt Lock Lever. tilt lock lever.

If equipped with Keyless Start System: NOTICE

V CAUTION Damage can occur if you use the tilt lock lever
other than when the boat is moored or is oth-
The remote Power Trim and Tilt switch will erwise stationary.
work when the Keyless start system is off. If
someone activates the switch while you are The tilt lock lever relieves pressure from the
moving the tilt lock lever, your hand could be power trim and tilt and should only be used
injured. when the boat is stationary. Do not use the tilt
lock lever when trailering your boat and
Keep all persons away from the remote Power motor. Refer to the TRAILERING section of
Trim and Tilt switch while you are moving the this manual.
tilt lock lever.


Damage can occur if you use the tilt lock lever

other than when the boat is moored or is oth-
erwise stationary.

The tilt lock lever relieves pressure from the

power trim and tilt and should only be used
when the boat is stationary. Do not use the tilt
lock lever when trailering your boat and
motor. Refer to the TRAILERING section of
this manual.

INSPECTION BEFORE 2. Pull out the oil dipstick and wipe oil off with a
clean cloth.

Failure to inspect your boat and motor before

beginning a trip can be hazardous.

Before boating, always perform the inspec-

tions described in this section.

It is important to make sure that your boat and

motor are in good condition and that you are NOTE:
properly prepared for an emergency. If the engine oil is contaminated or discolored,
Always perform the following checks before you replace with fresh engine oil (Refer to Inspec-
begin boating: tion and maintenance/engine oil section).
• Make sure that you have enough fuel for 3. Insert the dipstick all the way into the engine,
the intended run. then remove it again.
• Check the level of engine oil in the sump.


Running the engine with an insufficient

Upper Limit
amount of oil can cause serious engine dam-

Always check the oil level before each trip and Lower Limit
add oil if necessary.
The oil on the dipstick should be between
To check the oil level:
the upper and lower limits shown on the dip-
stick. If the oil level indication is near the
lower limit, add enough oil to raise the level
To avoid an incorrect assessment of engine oil
to the upper limit.
level, check the level only when the engine has
To fill the engine oil:
1. Remove the oil filler cap.
1. Place the motor in a vertical position, then
2. Fill the recommended engine oil to the upper
remove the motor cover 1 by unlocking the
lever 2 and 3.

Proper operation during this break-in period will
Running the engine with an excessive amount help ensure maximum life and performance
of oil can damage the engine. from your engine. The following guidelines will
explain proper break-in procedures.
Do not overfill the engine with oil.
3. Tighten the oil filler cap securely.

• Check the battery solution level. Failure to follow the break-in procedures
The level should be kept between the MAX described below can result in severe engine
and the MIN level lines at all times. If the damage.
level drops below the MIN level line, refer
to MAINTENANCE section. Be sure to follow the engine break-in proce-
dures described below.
• Make sure that the battery leads are
securely connected to the battery termi- Break-in period: 10 hours
Break-in procedure
• Visually check the propeller to make sure 1. For the initial 2 hours:
it is not damaged. Allow sufficient idling time (about 5 minutes)
for the engine to warm up after cold engine
• Make sure that the motor is securely starting.
mounted to the transom.
• Check for proper operation of the Power
Trim and Tilt.
Running at high speed without sufficient
warm-up may cause severe engine damage
• Make sure that the tilt pin is securely
such as piston seizure.
installed in the proper position.
Always allow sufficient idling time (5 minutes)
• Make sure you have the boating safety
for the engine to warm-up before running at
and emergency equipment on board.
high speed.
• Make sure that the emergency stop switch
operates properly. After warming up, run the engine at idling
speed or the lowest in-gear speed for about
• Make sure the obstacle is not attached to 15 minutes.
water intake hole. During the remaining 1 hour and 45 minutes,
if safe boating conditions permit, operate the
engine in gear at less than 1/2 (half) throttle
(3000 r/min.).

You may throttle up beyond the recommended
operating range to plane your boat, then imme- ENGINE SWITCH (OPTION)
diately reduce the throttle to the recommended Use this switch if equipped with Keyless Start
operating range. System.
• Quickly press the engine switch to start and
2. For the next 1 hour: stop all engines. (The buzzer sounds once.)
Safe boating conditions permitting, operate • Press and hold the engine switch for at least
the engine in gear at 4000 r/min. or at three- 2 seconds to set the Keyless Start System
quarter throttle. Avoid running the engine at ON state and OFF state. (The buzzer sounds
full throttle. once.)
3. Remaining 7 hours:
Safe boating conditions permitting, operate
the engine in gear at desired engine speed.
You may occasionally use full throttle; how-
ever do not operate the engine continuously
at full throttle for more than 5 minutes at any


Running continuously at full throttle for more

than 5 minutes at a time during the last 7
hours of break-in operation may cause severe
engine damage such as seizure. IGNITION SWITCH (OPTION)
Use this switch if not equipped with Keyless
During the last 7 hours of break-in operation, Start System.
do not operate at wide open throttle for more • Turn until the ignition key is in the “ON” posi-
than 5 minutes at a time. tion.
• Turning the ignition key to the “START” posi-
tion automatically starts all engines.



CONTROL PANEL (OPTION) Start & Stop Switch
This is a switch to start and stop the engine.
The engine can be started with the remote con-
trol handle at the neutral position.

For dual engine For triple engine

[ ] (UP) & [ ] (DOWN)

For quadruple engine (PORT) For quadruple engine (STBD) The “Power Trim and Tilt” is operated by press-
For quintuple engine (STBD) ing the switch. To tilt the motor up, press the
[ ] switch. To tilt the motor down, press the
[ ] switch.

The tilt up and tilt down switches cannot be acti-
vated when the power off.

For quintuple engine (PORT) For sextuple engine (PORT)

For sextuple engine (STBD)

• On a boat equipped with quadruple engines,
use control panel for quadruple engine
(PORT) and control panel for quadruple
engine (STBD).
• On a boat equipped with quintuple engines,
use control panel for quintuple engine
(PORT) and control panel for quintuple
engine (STBD).
• On a boat equipped with sextuple engines,
use control panel for sextuple engine (PORT)
and control panel for sextuple engine

• When selecting the THROTTLE ONLY mode,
continue to push the THROTTLE ONLY
switch until the buzzer sounds one short
• If the THROTTLE ONLY mode cannot be
selected, turn off the power and wait for 20
seconds, and then turn on the power again.
• Consult your authorized Suzuki marine
dealer if the THROTTLE ONLY mode can not
be selected.



Single top mount Flush mount

remote control box remote control box

Station Select Switch

This switch control between driving stations on
boats equipped with more than one driving sta-
When pushing the select switch to select sta-
tion, SELECT LED at the driving station
selected comes on, and the SELECT LED at
the driving station not selected goes out.
Dual top mount remote control box This switch is enabled only when the remote
control handle at the 1st and 2nd driving sta-
Throttle Only Switch tions are at the neutral position.
This switch holds the shift position in neutral,
thereby allowing operation the throttle without NOTE:
changing the shift position. When the shift posi- • When turn on the power, the 1st driving sta-
tion is hold in neutral, the THROTTLE ONLY tion is automatically selected.
LED comes on and when the switch is • By operating this switch with the remote con-
released, the THROTTLE ONLY LED goes out. trol handle in positions other than the neutral,
The throttle only switch is only enabled when the SELECT LED blinks and the buzzer
the remote control handle is in the neutral posi- sounds at the same time.

If this switch is operated with the remote control
handle in a position other than neutral, the
THROTTLE ONLY LED blinks and a buzzer
sounds at the same time.

• When pushing the SELECT switch to select ENGINE
station, continue to push SELECT switch until 1. The motor has been lowered into the water.
the buzzer sounds one short beep. 2. The fuel hose is securely connected to the
• If failed to switch from the 2nd station to the fuel tank and the motor.
1st station, turn off the power and wait for 20
seconds, and then turn on the power again.
• Consult your authorized Suzuki marine
dealer if the station can not be selected.

Fuel hose
SELECT 3. Direct the pilot water hole to the position you

1 Lever Switch (Dual top mount remote

control box only)
This switch allows to control all engines with the
PORT side handle.
When all engines can be controlled by PORT
side handle, the 1 LEVER LED comes on.
When PORT engine group and STBD engine
group can be controlled by each handle, the 1
LEVER LED goes out.
The 1 LEVER switch is only enabled when the
all remote control handle is in the neutral posi- 4. Ensure that the boat fuel tank is correctly
tion. vented and that any in-line filters are free of
dirt etc. If fuel tank filler cap has a manual
NOTE: vent, be sure that it is fully open.
• When turn on the power, 1 lever control mode
is automatically canceled.
• By operating this switch with the remote con-
trol handle in positions other than the neutral,
the buzzer sounds.


5. Make sure that the motor is in “NEUTRAL”. V WARNING

Failure to properly attach the emergency stop

switch cord or to take proper precautions to
help ensure that the emergency stop switch
works as intended may result in serious injury
or death to the operator or passengers.

Always take the following precautions:

• Make sure that the emergency stop switch
cord is fastened securely to the operator’s
wrist or to an appropriate clothing area (belt
6. Make sure the lock plate is in place and etc.).
attach the emergency stop switch cord to a • Ensure that no obstructions impede or
part of your body. restrict emergency stop switch operation.
• Be careful not to pull the stop switch cord
or knock out the lock plate during normal
operation. The motor will stop abruptly, and
the loss of forward motion may unexpect-
edly throw occupants forward.

A spare plastic lock plate is provided for tempo-
rary use only. Remove it from the cord and
place it in a safe place on board your boat. If
you lose or break the emergency stop switch
cord/lock plate assembly, replace it as soon as
possible so that you can resume normal use of
the emergency stop switch.

STARTING THE ENGINE (3) To start each engine individually, press and
hold the engine switch for at least 2 seconds
V WARNING to set Keyless Start System to ON state
(buzzer sounds once). Then press the con-
Exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, a trol panel start/stop switch to start each
dangerous gas that is difficult to detect engine individually.
because it is colorless and odorless. Breath-
ing carbon monoxide can cause death or
severe injury.

Never start the engine or let it run indoors or

where there is little or no ventilation.

If the emergency stop switch lock plate is not in
position, the starter motor cannot operate.

1. Squeeze the fuel line priming bulb several If not equipped with Keyless Start System:
times until you feel resistance. Turn until the ignition key is in the “ON” posi-
Turning the ignition key to the “START” posi-
tion automatically starts all engine.

After returning the ignition key to “ON” posi-

tion from “START” one, starter motor con-
tinue to turn for 4 seconds until engine start.


2. If equipped with Keyless Start System:

(1) Confirm that the keyless fob is in communi-
cation ON mode (Refer to the “Switching the START
Communication mode of the keyless fob”
section.) Check that the keyless fob is within
communication range with the keyless con-
trol unit.
(2) Quickly press the engine switch to set Key-
less Start System to ON state (buzzer NOTICE
sounds once) and automatically start all
If you hold the ignition key at the “START”
position to start the engine, the starter system
can be damaged.

Turn the ignition key to the “START” position

once and release it to start the engine. The
engine will crank continuously for 4 seconds
or until the engine starts.

To start each engine individually, turn the igni- 4. Warm up the engine for about 5 minutes.
tion switch to the “ON” position. Then press the
control panel start/stop switch to start each NOTICE
engine individually.
Operating the engine at high RPM or “wide
open throttle” immediately after starting the
OFF engine without allowing the engine to warm
ON up may cause engine failure.

Always allow the engine to warm up suffi-

START ciently before operating it at high speeds.

Cooling water check

As soon as the engine starts, water should
spray out of the pilot water hole 1, indicating
that the water pump and cooling system are
working properly. If you notice that water does
not spray out of the pilot water hole, stop the
engine as soon as possible and consult your
authorized Suzuki Marine Dealer.

If equipped with Keyless Start System:
The communication range is a distance of 1 m
(40 in) between the keyless fob and the keyless
control unit.
If the Keyless Start System fails to turn ON, the
buzzer emits one (1) long sound and three (3)
short sounds. NOTICE
In this case, repeat the procedure again.
Never operate your outboard motor when
NOTICE there is no water coming out of the pilot water
hole, or severe damage can result.
If “Low Oil Pressure” is displayed on the After starting the engine, check to make sure
screen of the meter while operating the out- that there is water coming out of the pilot
board, the oil level may be low enough to dam- water hole.
age the engine.

Stop the engine and check the oil level. V WARNING

NOTE: Operating the boat when the emergency stop

The continuous operating time of the starter switch is not operating properly can be haz-
motor is set at four seconds. ardous.
When this time is exceeded, the starter motor
will automatically stop. Before starting off, check to make sure that
If the motor stops, wait about ten seconds for the emergency stop switch operates properly.
the motor to cool down and try again.

If equipped with Keyless Start System: 3. Enter a 6-digit passcode.
Use the [ ] or [ ] buttons to select a num-
EMERGENCY START ber for each digit.
If the keyless fob cannot be used due to a dead Press the [SET] button to move to the next
keyless fob battery or other issue, you can start digit. Press the [MENU] button to return to
the engines without the keyless fob by entering the previous digit.
the passcode in the multi-function gauge.

Use the following procedure to start engines

without using keyless fob.

1. Pressing engine switch causes “Check Key-

less FOB” to appear on the screen. The
buzzer will be triggered with one long beep
followed by 3 short beeps.

4. If the entered digits matches the 6-digit

passcode, pressing the [SET] button will dis-
play the normal screen appears and starts
the engines.
The system returns to the screen from step
2 if the entered digits do not match the pass-
code. (Enter the passcode correctly.)

2. “Enter Passcode?” appears when any button

in the gauge is pressed.
To enter the passcode, use the [ ] or [ ]
button and then select “Yes”. Then, press the
[SET] button to proceed to the “Enter Pass-
code” entry screen. (Selecting “NO” turns
the system off.)

• If you select yes for [Enter Passcode?], you
must complete the entry within 5 minutes.
After 5 minutes, the power turns off.
• If the collation is NG, the "Enter Passcode?"
screen reappears.
• If you enter the wrong passcode 5 times in a
row, the keyless start system automatically
powers down the keyless start system and
does not accept a passcode for 30 seconds.

5. Make sure the motor is in “NEUTRAL”.

• Severe engine damage may occur if (a)

engine speed is not allowed to return to idle
and boat speed is not reduced when shift-
ing from “FORWARD” to “REVERSE” or
from “REVERSE” to “FORWARD”, or (b)
care is not taken when operating the boat in

• Always allow the engine speed to return to

idle before shifting. Exercise caution and
6. Make sure the lock plate is in place and the use minimal speed when operating the boat
emergency stop switch cord is fastened in reverse. Be sure the handle/shift lever is
securely to your wrist or appropriate clothing in the desired position before accelerating.
area such as your belt.
• On a boat equipped with triple engines, the
center engine and port engine are started
with port shift lever 1 to link the center
engine with the port engine.
• On a boat equipped with quadruple engines,
the two engines on port side are started with
shift lever 1 and the two engines on star-
board side are started with shift lever 2.
• On a boat equipped with quintuple engines,
the center engine, port center engine and
7. Quickly press the engine switch to turn the port engine are started with port shift lever 1
starter motor and start all engines. to link the center engine with the two engines
on port side and the two engines on star-
board side are started with shift lever 2.
• On a boat equipped with sextuple engines,
the three engines on port side are started
with shift lever 1 and the three engines on
starboard side are started with shift lever 2.


NOTE: A detent or notch is present on all Suzuki con-
• When the engine stops, the clutch moves to trol boxes to provide a “feel” for positions A, B,
the neutral position irrespective of the posi- and neutral. Always shift quickly and firmly from
tion of the remote control lever. neutral to position A or B to prevent abnormal
• The clutch cannot be changed over either to wear on the gear and clutch engagement sur-
Forward or Reverse by operating the remote faces.
control lever while the engine stops.
• If gear shifting is attempted while the engine NEUTRAL
speed is high, the buzzer sounds twice and 18˚ 18˚
the shift position indicator light “N” displayed
on the multi-function gauge, blinks. If this sys- REVERSE
tem activates, move the shift lever in to the
full closed position.

Speed control
To increase speed after you have shifted into
gear, continue moving the control handle for-
ward or rearward.


Shifting Since the same handle is used for shifting and

speed control it is possible to move the han-
dle past the detent and engage the throttle.
Type B remote control box
This can cause the boat to move suddenly
The type B remote control box has a lock mech-
resulting in personal injury or property dam-
anism to help prevent accidental moving from
neutral to forward or reverse. To release the
lock, push in the shift lock button before chang-
You must be careful not to move the control
handle too far forward or rearward when shift-
Shift lock button


Type B

To shift into “FORWARD”, move the control

handle forward to approximate position A, as
shown in the illustration.

To shift into “REVERSE”, move the control han-

dle rearward to approximate position B, as
shown in the illustration.

STOPPING THE ENGINE 4. Turn the Keyless Start System to OFF
NOTE: (locked) status by one of the following meth-
When it is necessary to stop the engine in an ods.
emergency, pull the emergency stop switch lock • Make sure that the keyless fob is within
plate by pulling the emergency stop switch the communication range of the keyless
cord. control unit.
Press and hold the engine switch for at
If equipped with Keyless Start System: least 3 seconds to set Keyless Start Sys-
To stop the engine: tem to OFF state. (The buzzer is triggered
1. Shift into “NEUTRAL”. for one short beep.)
2. After operating at full throttle, cool off the
engine a few minutes by allowing it to idle or
troll at low speed.
3. Quickly press the engine switch to shut off
all engines.

• While engines are running, press and hold
the engine switch for at least 2 seconds to
shut off all engines and set Keyless Start
System to OFF state.
To stop each engine individually, press the • Keyless Start System automatically changes
switch panel start/stop switch to shut off to OFF state 15 minutes after the engines are
each engine individually. shut off.

• While the keyless fob is within the commu-

nication range of the keyless control unit,
press the lock button 1 on the keyless
The buzzer sounds three times to notify
that the Keyless Start System has been
turned OFF (locked).

NOTICE If not equipped with Keyless Start System:
To stop the engine:
1. Shift into “NEUTRAL”.
If the Keyless Start System is in ON state 2. After operating at full throttle, cool off the
while the engine is not running, the battery engine a few minutes by allowing it to idle or
will be discharged. troll at low speed.

Always turn the Keyless Start System to OFF

state when the engine is not running.


Unauthorized use of your boat could lead to

an accident or damage to your boat.

To prevent unauthorized use of your boat, be

sure to remove the key and emergency stop
switch lock plate when the boat is unattended. 3. Turn the ignition key to the “OFF” position to
shut off all engines.
5. After stopping the engine, disconnect the
fuel line from the outboard motor if there is a
fuel connector.

If you leave the motor stopped for a long START

period of time with the fuel line connected,
fuel can leak out.

Disconnect the fuel line from fuel tank, if there

is a fuel connector, whenever you leave the 4. To stop each engine individually, press the
motor stopped for a long period of time. control panel start/stop switch to shut off
each engine individually.
6. Turn the air-vent screw on the fuel tank cap
clockwise to shut the vent (if equipped).

To make sure that the emergency stop switch
operates properly, stop the engine occasionally
by pulling out the lock plate, while operating the
engine at idling speed.


If the ignition key is left ON when the engine is Improperly securing your boat may cause
not running, the battery will discharge. damage to your boat or motor, or other prop-
erty damage.
Always turn the ignition key OFF when the
engine is not running. Do not allow your motor to rub against quay
walls, piers or other boats when the boat is
V WARNING tied up.

Unauthorized use of your boat could lead to

an accident or damage to your boat.
When operating your boat in shallow water, it
may be necessary to tilt the motor higher than
To prevent unauthorized use of your boat, be
sure to remove the key and emergency stop the normal trim angle. When you tilt the motor
switch lock plate when the boat is unattended. beyond the normal trim angle, however, you
should only operate the boat at slow speeds.
After returning to deep water, be sure to lower
5. After stopping the engine, disconnect the the motor to the normal trim angle.
fuel line from the outboard motor if there is a
fuel connector. To tilt the motor higher than the normal trim
angle, use the Power Trim and Tilt switch.
If you leave the motor stopped for a long
period of time with the fuel line connected, When the motor is beyond the maximum trim
fuel can leak out. position, the swivel bracket will not have side
support from the clamp bracket and the tilt
Disconnect the fuel line from fuel tank, if there system will be unable to cushion the engine if
is a fuel connector, whenever you leave the the lower unit strikes an obstruction. This
motor stopped for a long period of time. could lead to occupant injury. In addition,
beyond the maximum trim position, the water
6. Turn the air-vent screw on the fuel tank cap intake holes may be above the water line,
clockwise to shut the vent (if equipped ) which can result in severe engine damage
from overheating.
To make sure that the emergency stop switch Do not operate the engine above 1500 r/min
operates properly, stop the engine occasionally or operate the boat in a planing attitude with
by pulling out the lock plate, while operating the the engine beyond the maximum trim posi-
engine at idling speed. tion.

The motor should be tilted up out of the water
when you moor the boat in shallow water or if If the motor hits bottom, serious damage can
the motor will not be used for some time, to pro- occur.
tect it from damage by underwater obstacles at
low tide or corrosion from salt water. Do not allow the motor to hit bottom. If the
motor does strike bottom, inspect it immedi-
Refer to the TILT LOCK LEVER section for ately for damage.
details on how to tilt up the motor.

OPERATING THE TROLL MODE 3. When “YES” is selected:
MULTI-FUNCTION GAUGE When “YES” is selected and the [SET] but-
Switching to TROLL Mode ton is pressed, one beep sounds to show
Press and hold the [MENU] button during cruis- that it is now in TROLL Mode. At the same
ing operation at Trolling Speed (minimum time, the screen will change and display the
speed), and this will switch the operation to specific TROLL Mode screen, and
TROLL Mode. is displayed on the gauge screen. When the
For the Trolling Speed, the desired engine gauge screen displays “Engine Speed
speed can be set and maintained within the Screen” or “All Items Screen”, the engine
range from 700 r/min to 1200 r/min using the speed screen automatically changes from
[ ] or [ ] button. an analog to a digital display.

Please contact your authorized Suzuki Marine
Dealer for more information.

Setting the Troll Mode

1. Shift into forward or reverse gear and make
sure that the throttle is fully closed (in-gear
idle speed).
2. When the [MENU] button is pressed and
held in the Multi-Function Gauge screen, the
confirmation message “Start Troll Mode?” is

• This icon appears on the

screen of the Multi-Function
Gauge that was operated to
get into the troll mode, and
shows operatable Multi-Func-
tion Gauge of the troll mode.

• This icon appears on the

screen of the Multi-Function
Gauge(s) that did not be oper-
ated to get into the troll mode.
This icon appears on the
screen of the Multi-Function
Gauge(s) that cannot operate
the troll mode.

Example of the troll mode display on the Multi- NOTE:
Function Gauge that can operate the troll • This system will not function properly until
mode. engine is at normal operating temperature.
• If the [MENU] button is pressed and held
while the remote control lever is in neutral,
the mode will not switch to TROLL Mode.
• For the multiple engines:
– If the throttle of all engines are fully closed
and one of engines is in-gear, it shifts to
the troll mode when the [MENU] button is
– In-gear idle speed of all engines is con-
trolled at the same time.

When “No” is selected:

When “No” is selected and the [SET] button is
pressed, the display will return to the original
gauge screen.

Example of the troll mode display on the Multi-

Function Gauge that cannot operate the troll
Adjusting Trolling Speed
• When pressing the [ ] button, one short
beep sounds and the engine speed
increases by 50 r/min.
• When pressing the [ ] button, one short
beep sounds and the engine speed
decreases by 50 r/min.

NOTE: Setting the Troll Mode
• When pressing the [ ] button at the lower 1. Shift into forward or reverse gear and make
limit of trolling speed of all engines, the sure that the throttle is fully closed (in-gear
engine speed will not change and three long idle speed).
beeps will sound. 2. Press the “UP” or “DN” position of the troll
• When pressing the [ ] button at the upper mode switch, until you hear one beep. At the
limit of trolling speed of all engines, the same time, the Multi-Function Screen
engine speed will not change and three long switches over to the TROLL Mode specific
beeps will sound. screen and is displayed on the
• For the multiple engines: gauge screen. When the gauge screen dis-
plays “Engine Speed Screen” or “All Items
If the button is operated when one engine
Screen”, the engine speed screen automati-
has reached the adjustment limit of trolling
cally changes from an analog to a digital dis-
speed, while any other engine has not, one
short beep sounds and the rpm of engine
which has not reached the adjustment limit
• Shift operation and throttle control remain
operational, even in troll mode.

Cancelling the Troll Mode

The troll mode can be cancelled by shifting the
all remote control levers to the neutral position,
or by increasing the engine speed to 3000 r/min
or more. In both cases, two short beeps sound
when cancelling the troll mode.


Switching to TROLL Mode
Pressing and holding the “UP” or “DN” switch
while cruising at Trolling Speed (minimum
speed), will switch the mode to TROLL Mode.
For the Trolling Speed, the desired engine
speed can be set and maintained within the
range from 700 r/min to 1200 r/min using the
“UP” button or “DN” switch.


• This system will not function properly until
engine is at normal operating temperature.
• If the switch is pressed and held while the
remote control lever is set to neutral, the
mode will not switch to TROLL Mode.
• For the multiple engines:
Troll mode switch – Make sure that both PORT and STBD con-
trol handles are shifted into forward or
reverse at the fully closed throttle position
NOTE: (in-gear idle speed) before pressing the
Please contact your authorized Suzuki Marine troll mode switch.
Dealer for more information. – In-gear idle speed of all engines is con-
trolled at the same time.

• When pressing the “UP” switch, one short When operating your outboard motor in freez-
beep sounds and the engine speed ing temperatures, you should keep the lower
increases by 50 r/min. unit submerged in the water at all times.
• When pressing the “DN” switch, one short When taking motor out of the water, stand it up
beep sounds and the engine speed in a vertical position until the cooling system
decreases by 50 r/min. drains completely.

• When pressing the “DN” switch at the lower
limit of trolling speed of all engines, the If you leave your outboard motor out of the
engine speed will not change and three long water in freezing temperatures with water still
beeps will sound. in the cooling system, the water can freeze
• When pressing the “UP” switch at the upper and expand, causing severe damage to the
limit of trolling speed of all engines, the motor.
engine speed will not change and three long
beeps will sound. When your outboard is in the water in freezing
• For the multiple engines: temperatures, keep the lower unit submerged
If the switch is operated when one engine in the water at all times. When the motor is
has reached the adjustment limit of trolling stored out of the water in freezing tempera-
speed, while any other engine has not, one tures stand it up in the vertical position so
short beep sounds and the rpm of engine that the cooling system drains completely.
which has not reached the adjustment limit
• Shift operation and throttle control remain
operational, even in troll mode.

Cancelling the Troll mode:

The troll mode can be cancelled by shifting the
all remote control levers to the neutral position,
or by increasing the engine speed to 3000 r/min
or more. In both cases, two short beeps sound
when cancelling the troll mode.


After operating the motor in salt water, you
should flush the water passages with clean,
fresh water as outlined in the FLUSHING THE
WATER PASSAGES section. If you do not flush
the water passages, salt can corrode the motor
and shorten its life.

MOTOR REMOVAL AND (3) Pull the drain hose end 2 out.
(4) Loosen the vapor separator drain screw 3
TRANSPORTING and drain the gasoline into a suitable con-
If it is necessary to remove the outboard motor
from your boat, we recommend that you ask
your authorized Suzuki Marine Dealer to do the
work for you.

When transporting the motor, place the motor
either vertically or horizontally.

Vertical transport:
Attach the motor to the carrier by securing V WARNING
clamp bracket with two sets of transom bolt and
Never use display stand for transportation of the Gasoline is extremely flammable and toxic. It
motor. can cause a fire and can be hazardous to peo-
ple and pets.

Use a proper, safe container to store any gas-

oline drained from the outboard motor. Keep
gasoline away from sparks, flames, people,
and pets.


If spilled gasoline is just left on painted sur-

face, it may cause a stain or discoloration of
the surface coating.
Horizontal transport:
1. Drain the engine oil. Refer to the ENGINE Wipe off any spilled gasoline immediately with
OIL section. a soft cloth etc.
2. Drain the gasoline from the vapor separator
as follows:
(5) After draining, retighten the drain screw 3
(1) Remove the motor cover.
and install the motor cover.
(2) Remove the eight (8) bolts using a 8 mm box
wrench, then remove the starboard side
3. Rest the motor on a case protector with the
cover 1.
port side downwards as shown.

When trailering your boat with the motor
Spilled fuel or fuel vapor can cause a fire and attached, keep the motor in the normal operat-
is hazardous to health. ing position unless there is not enough ground
clearance. If you need more ground clearance,
Always take the following precautions: trailer the motor in a tilted position using a tran-
• Drain the fuel from the fuel line and fuel som saver bar or similar device to support the
vapor separator before transporting the weight of the motor.
boat/outboard motor and before removing
the motor from the boat.
• DO NOT lay motor on its side without drain-
ing fuel.
• Keep the motor away from open flames or
• Wipe up spilled fuel immediately.


If you are not careful when resting the out-

board on its side and do not take proper pre-
cautions such as first draining the engine oil NOTICE
and cooling water completely, damage can
occur. Engine oil may enter the cylinder from
the sump, water may enter the cylinder If you use the tilt lock lever to hold the motor
through the exhaust port, or the outer casings in the fully tilted up position when trailering
may be damaged. the boat, towing motion or poor road surfaces
may cause unexpected tilt lock release, result-
Always drain the engine oil and cooling water ing in damage to the motor and the tilt lock
completely before laying the motor on its side, mechanism.
and be careful laying the motor down.
Never use the tilt lock lever to hold the motor
in the fully tilted up position when trailering
NOTICE the boat. Use a transom saver bar or similar
device to support the weight of the motor.
If you let the lower unit of your outboard sit
higher than the power head during transport-
ing or storing, water may trickle into the
power head, causing damage to the engine.

Never let the lower unit sit higher than the

power head when transporting or storing your

It is important to inspect and maintain your out- V WARNING
board motor regularly. Follow the chart below.
At each interval, be sure to perform the indi- Exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, a
cated service. Maintenance intervals should be dangerous gas that is difficult to detect
judged by number of hours or number of because it is colorless and odorless. Breath-
months, whichever comes first. ing carbon monoxide can cause death or
severe injury.

Never start the engine or let it run indoors or

where there is little or no ventilation.

Interval Every 100 hrs. Every 200 hrs. Every 300 hrs.
Initial 20 hrs.
or every or every or every
or 1 month 12 months 12 months 36 months
Item to be serviced
Spark plug I
Breather & Fuel line I I
Engine oil R R
Gear oil R R
Lubrication I I
Anodes (external) I I
* Anodes (internal cylin-
der block/cylinder head)
Bonding wire I I
Battery I I
* Engine oil filter R R
Low pressure fuel filter
Replace every 400 hours or every 2 years.
* Idle speed I I
* Valve clearance (lash) I
* Water pump I
* Water pump impeller I R
* Propeller nut & pin I I
* Bolts & Nuts T T
* Thermostat I
I: Inspect and clean, adjust, lubricate, or replace, if necessary T: Tighten R: Replace

Water-separating fuel filter
Replace the filter element every 12-months (or more frequently if recommended by the filter manu-

V WARNING • Frequent abrupt acceleration and decelera-
Improper maintenance or failure to perform • Frequent shift operation
recommended maintenance can be hazard- Failure to perform maintenance more fre-
ous. Poor maintenance or lack of maintenance quently could result in damage.
increases the chance of an accident or equip-
ment damage. Consult your authorized Suzuki marine dealer
regarding appropriate maintenance intervals
Be sure to have maintenance performed for your usage conditions. When replacing
according to the schedule in the above chart. parts on your outboard motor, Suzuki strongly
Suzuki recommends that only your authorized recommends that you use genuine Suzuki
Suzuki marine dealer or a qualified service parts or their equivalent.
mechanic perform maintenance on those
items in the chart above which are marked
with an asterisk (*). You may perform mainte- TOOL KIT
nance on the unmarked items by referring to A tool kit is provided with your outboard motor.
the instructions in this section if you have Keep the kit on board your boat and make sure
mechanical experience. If you are not sure that all of the items provided remain in the kit.
whether you can successfully complete any of The tool kit contains the following items:
the unmarked maintenance jobs, ask your 1 Tool bag
authorized Suzuki marine dealer to do the 2 8 mm Box wrench
maintenance for you. 3 16 mm Box wrench
4 8 × 10 mm Box wrench
V WARNING 5 10 × 12 mm Spanner
6 14 × 17 mm Spanner
The safety of you and your passengers 7 Combination screw driver
depends on how well you maintain your out- 8 Screwdriver handle
board motor. 9 Pliers
0 Hexagon wrench 8 mm
Follow all inspection and maintenance A Engine oil drain plug gasket (spare)
instructions carefully. If you do not have prior
mechanical experience, do not attempt to per-
form maintenance on your outboard motor.
You could be injured or may damage the


The maintenance intervals in the chart are

designed for normal usage of your outboard
motor. If your outboard motor is used under
severe conditions as outlined below, you may
need to perform maintenance more often than
indicated in the chart.
• Frequent full throttle operation
• Prolonged continuous operation at the
maximum speed
• Prolonged continuous operation at idling
speed or trolling speed
• Frequent operation in muddy, silty, sandy,
acidic or shallow water
• Operation without appropriate warmup

SPARK PLUG A normally operating spark plug is very light-
Remove the spark plugs as follows: brown in color. If the standard plug is not suit-
1. Remove the fuel hose guard 1. able for your operating, consult your authorized
Suzuki Marine Dealer.

2. Remove the bolt securing the ignition coil.

3. Pull out the ignition coil.
4. Loosen and remove the spark plug using the NOTICE
box wrench and spanner in the tool bag.
Use of improper spark plugs or improperly
tightening spark plugs can cause severe
engine damage.

• Do not experiment with other spark plug

brands unless you can determine that they
are directly equivalent to the specified
brand, or you may experience engine dam-
age which will not be covered under war-
ranty. Note that aftermarket cross-reference
charts may not be accurate.
• To install a spark plug; seat it as far as pos-
Your outboard motor comes equipped with the sible by hand, then use a wrench to tighten
following “standard” spark plug for normal it to either the recommended torque setting
usage. or the specified rotation angle.
Tightening torque
NGK LKR6E Standard
15 – 19 N·m
(1.5 – 1.9 kgf-m, 11 – 14 lbf-ft)
NOTICE Rotation angle
New plug 1/2 – 3/4 of a turn
Non-resistor types of spark plugs will inter- Re-use plug 1/12 – 1/8 of a turn
fere with the function of the electronic igni-
• Do not overtighten or cross-thread a spark
tion, causing misfiring, or causing problems
plug, as this will damage the aluminum
with other electronic boat equipment and
threads of the cylinder head.

Use ONLY resistor type spark plugs in your

outboard motor.

To maintain a strong spark, you should clean BREATHER AND FUEL LINE
and adjust the plugs at the intervals shown in Inspect the breather and fuel line for leaks,
the maintenance chart. Remove carbon depos- cracks, swelling, or other damage. If the
its from the spark plugs using a small wire breather and fuel line is damaged in any way, it
brush or spark plug cleaner, and adjust the gap must be replaced. Consult your authorized
according to the following chart: Suzuki Marine Dealer if it is necessary to
replace them.
0.8 – 0.9 mm
Spark plug gap Breather line
(0.031 – 0.035 in)

Fuel line

1. Excessive wear 2. Breakage 3. Melting
Fuel leakage can contribute to an explosion or
4. Erosion 5. Yellow deposits 6. Oxidation
fire, resulting in serious personal injury.
Have your authorized Suzuki Marine Dealer
If the spark plug condition is found as shown in
replace the fuel line if there is any evidence of
the illustration above, ensure it is replaced with
leaking, cracking or swelling.
new one. Otherwise, it will cause difficulty in
starting the engine, increase fuel consumption,
and result in engine troubles.

ENGINE OIL 3. Place a drain pan under the engine oil drain
Never perform any ENGINE OIL procedure
with the motor running, as serious injury can The engine oil temperature may be high
occur. enough to burn your fingers when the drain
plug is loosened.
The motor must be shut off before any
ENGINE OIL procedures are performed. Wait until the drain plug is cool enough to
touch with bare hands before removing it.
4. Remove the engine oil drain screw 1 and
Extended trolling can reduce oil life. Your gasket 2, then let the engine oil drain.
engine may be damaged if you do not change
engine oil more frequently under this type of

Change your engine oil more frequently if

your engine is used for extended trolling.

Engine oil change

The oil should be changed when engine is
warm so that the oil will drain thoroughly from
the engine.
5. After draining, secure the engine oil drain
To change the engine oil: screw with a new gasket.
1. Place the motor in a vertical position and
remove the motor cover.
2. Remove the oil filler cap.

A previously-used gasket may leak, resulting

in engine damage.

Do not re-use gaskets. Be sure to always use

new gaskets.

There are spare gaskets in the tool bag.

6. Fill with recommended engine oil to the

upper level.

Oil capacity: 5.5 L

7. Check the engine oil level. GEAR OIL
To check the gear oil level, remove the upper oil
level plug and look into the hole. The oil level
should be at the bottom edge of the hole. If the
oil level is low, add the specified gear oil until
the level reaches the bottom edge of the hole.
Then, reinstall and tighten the plug.
Upper Limit
To change the gear oil:
1. Make sure the motor is in an upright posi-
Lower Limit tion. Place a drain pan under the lower cas-
2. Remove the gear oil drain plug 1, then
NOTE: remove the gear oil level plug 2.
To avoid incorrect measurement of engine oil
level, check oil level only when the engine has

8. Reinstall the oil filler cap.


Engine oil can cause injury to people or pets.

Repeated, prolonged contact with used
engine oil may cause skin cancer. Even brief
contact with used oil may irritate skin. 3. After the oil has drained completely, inject
the specified gear oil into the lower drain
• Keep new and used oil away from children hole until it just starts to come out of the
and pets. upper level hole. Approximately 1.05 L (1.11/
• Wear a long-sleeve shirt and waterproof 0.92 US/lmp qt.) of oil will be required.
gloves when handling oil. 4. Reinstall and tighten the gear oil level plug
• Wash with soap if oil contacts your skin. 2, then quickly reinstall and tighten the gear
• Launder any clothing or rags that are wet oil drain plug 1.
with oil.
NOTE: To avoid insufficient injection of gear oil, check
Recycle or properly dispose of used engine oil. the gear oil level 10 minutes after doing the pro-
Do not throw it in the trash, or pour it on the cedure in the step 4. If the oil level is low, slowly
ground, down a drain, or into the water. inject the gear oil up to the correct level.

V WARNING The low pressure fuel filter must be replaced by
an authorized Suzuki Marine Dealer periodi-
Gear oil can cause injury to people or pets. cally.
Repeated, prolonged contact with used gear Replace low pressure fuel filter at every 400
oil may cause skin cancer. Even brief contact hours (2 years).
with used oil may irritate skin.
• Keep new and used oil away from children
and pets.
• Wear a long-sleeve shirt and waterproof Gasoline is extremely flammable and toxic. It
gloves when handling oil. can cause a fire and can be hazardous to peo-
• Wash with soap if oil contacts your skin. ple and pets.
• Launder any clothing or rags that are wet
with oil. Always take the following precautions when
servicing the fuel filter:
• Stop the motor before cleaning the fuel fil-
NOTE: ter.
Recycle or properly dispose of used gear oil. • Be careful not to spill fuel. If you do, wipe it
Do not throw it in the trash, or pour it on the up immediately.
ground, down a drain, or into the water. • Do not smoke, and keep away from open
flames and sparks.
If fishing line wraps around the rotating pro-
peller shaft, the propeller shaft oil seal can
become damaged and can allow water to enter Cleaning solvent is toxic and an irritant, and
the gear case causing severe damage. can cause injury to people and pets.

If the gear oil has a milky color, it is contami- Keep solvent away from children and pets.
nated with water. Immediately contact your Dispose of solvent properly when you are fin-
authorized Suzuki marine dealer for advice. ished.
Do not operate your outboard until the oil is
changed and the cause of the contamination Inspect and clean the fuel filter as follows:
is corrected.
1. Turn the engine off and allow it to cool.
2. If equipped with Keyless Start System:
Make sure that the keyless start system is in
OFF state.
If not equipped with Keyless Start System:
Make sure that the ignition key is in the OFF
3. Remove the fuel hose guard 1.

NOTICE 7. Drain the fuel and water in the filter cup into
a suitable container.

Improperly loosening the filter cup can cause NOTICE

sensor lead wire damage.

• Be careful not to twist the sensor lead wire If spilled gasoline is just left on painted sur-
when removing the filter cup. face, it may cause a stain or discoloration of
• Disconnect the lead wire connector before the surface coating.
removing the filter cup.
Wipe off any spilled gasoline immediately with
4. Push the connector lock tab “a”, then discon- a soft cloth etc.
nect the water sensor lead wire connector
2. 8. Pull out the filter element 5. Inspect the filter
element 5, O-ring 6 and seal ring 7 for
damage. If they are damaged, replace them.


5. Place a rag under the filter before removal to

catch any spilled fuel.
6. Separate the filter cup 3 from the cap 4 by 9. Wash the filter element with clean solvent
turning the filter cup counterclockwise. and dry it.
10. Reinstall the seal ring and filter element in
their original positions.
11. Verify that the O-ring is in place in the top of
the filter cup and screw the filter cup back
into place.
12. Connect the water sensor lead wire connec-
tor 2.
13. Reinstall the fuel filter with bracket by secur-
ing the bolt and nut.
14. Restart the engine and check that there are
no leaks around the fuel filter.

If any water exists in the fuel filter cup, remove
the cup and drain the water. Always dispose of
excess fuel safely. For questions, consult your
authorized Suzuki Marine Dealer.

Proper lubrication is important for the safe,
smooth operation and long life of each working
part of your outboard motor. The following chart
shows the lubrication points of your motor and
the recommended lubricant:


Shift link

Marine-grade Marine-grade
water resistant water resistant
grease grease
(Grease Gun)
Swivel bracket
Propeller shaft

Trim ram pad (DF140BG)

DF115BG transom “L”

Steering bracket

Before applying grease through the steering
bracket grease nipple, lock the motor in the fully
tilted up position.

Anodes Bonding wires are used to electrically connect
The motor is protected from exterior corrosion the engine components so they exist in a com-
by anodes. These pieces of anodes control mon ground circuit. This allows them to be pro-
electrolysis and prevent corrosion. The anodes tected against electrolysis by the anodes.
will corrode in place of the parts they are pro- These wires and their terminals should be
tecting. You should periodically inspect each of checked periodically to be sure they have not
the anodes and replace them when 2/3 of the been damaged.
metal has corroded away.


If anodes are not properly maintained, under-

water aluminum surfaces (such as the lower
unit) will suffer galvanic corrosion damage.

• Periodically inspect anodes to make sure

they have not become detached.
• Do not paint anodes, as this will render
them ineffective.
• Periodically clean anodes with a wire brush
to remove any coating which might
decrease their protective ability.

Consult your authorized Suzuki Marine Dealer
for inspection and replacement of internal
anodes attached to the cylinder block/cylinder

The battery solution level must be kept between The engine oil filter must be changed by autho-
the MAX and the MIN level lines at all times. If rized Suzuki Marine Dealer periodically.
the level drops below the MIN level line, add Replace engine oil filter with a new one at initial
DISTILLED WATER ONLY until the battery 20 hours (1 month).
solution level reaches the MAX level line. Replace engine oil filter with a new one at every
200 hours (12 months).

Battery acid is poisonous and corrosive, and

can cause severe injury.

Avoid contact with eyes, skin, clothing, and

painted surfaces. If battery acid comes in con-
tact with any of these, flush immediately with
large amounts of water. If acid contacts the
eyes or skin, get immediate medical attention.


If you are not careful when checking or servic-

ing the battery, you can cause a short circuit,
which could result in an explosion, fire, or cir-
cuit damage.

Disconnect the negative (black) cable when

checking or servicing the battery. Be careful
not to allow a metal tool or other metal object
to touch the battery’s positive terminal and
the motor at the same time.


Battery posts, terminals, and related accesso-

ries contain lead and lead compounds that
may be hazardous.

Wash hands after handling.


If you add diluted sulphuric acid to the battery

after it has been initially serviced, you will
damage the battery.

NEVER add diluted sulphuric acid to the bat-

tery after it has been initially serviced. Follow
the battery manufacturer’s instructions for
specific maintenance procedures.

Severe engine damage can occur in as little as
After operation in muddy, brackish, or salt 15 seconds if the engine is started without
water, you should flush the water passages and supplying water to the cooling system.
motor surface with clean, fresh water.
If you do not flush the water passages, salt can Never start the motor without supplying water
corrode the motor and shorten its life. Flush the to the cooling system.
water passages as follows.
1. Make sure that the motor is stopped.
2. Install the flushing attachment 1 so that the
ENGINE RUNNING – Vertical position – water intake holes are covered by the rubber
Suzuki recommends that you flush the water cups on the attachment.
passages by using this method. 3. Connect a garden hose to the flushing
attachment and turn on the water to obtain
To flush the water passages, you must obtain a enough flow so that plenty of excess water is
commercially available engine flush device. flowing out from around the rubber cups on
the attachment.

Exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, a

dangerous gas that is difficult to detect
because it is colorless and odorless. Breath-
ing carbon monoxide can cause death or
severe injury.

Never start the engine or let it run indoors or

where there is little or no ventilation.

V WARNING 4. Place the remote control handle in the

“NEUTRAL” position with the propeller
Failure to take proper precautions when flush- removed, start the motor and allow it to run
ing the water passages can be hazardous. at idle.
5. Readjust the water flow, if necessary, so that
When flushing the water passages, always there is still plenty of excess water flowing
take the following precautions: out from around the rubber cups.
• Make sure that the engine remains in NEU- 6. Allow the water to continue circulating for a
TRAL. If shifted into gear, the propeller few minutes.
shaft will turn and could cause severe per- 7. Stop the motor, then turn off the water.
sonal injury. 8. Remove the flushing attachment from the
• Make sure the motor is properly clamped to water intake hole.
a secure stand or boat, and remain in atten- 9. Clean the motor surface and apply a coat of
dance until flushing is completed. automotive wax on the external finish of the
• Keep children and pets away from the area, motor.
and stay clear of all moving parts.

ENGINE NOT RUNNING 4. Turn on the water to obtain a good water
– Vertical position – flow. Flush the engine for about five minutes.
1. Make sure that the motor is stopped. 5. Turn off the water.
2. Remove the plug A or C from the flushing 6. Remove the hose and connector (if used)
port. then reinstall the plug into the flushing port.
7. Leave the motor in a vertical position until
the engine is drained completely.


– Full tilt up position –
1. Raise the engine to the full tilt up position.
2. Follow the “ENGINE NOT RUNNING – Verti-
cal position” instructions.
3. Lower the motor to a vertical position until
the engine is drained completely.

3. Install garden hose by using a hose connec-

tor matched to flushing port thread B.
Thread B: 0.75 – 11.5 NHR (American stan-
dard hose coupling threads for garden hose

The hose connector (flushing attachment)
matched to the flushing point thread B is
included in the crate parts.

SUBMERGED MOTOR 7. Take the motor to your authorized Suzuki
Marine Dealer as soon as possible to be
A motor that has been accidentally submerged overhauled.
in water must be overhauled as soon as possi-
ble to prevent corrosion. In the event that your NOTICE
motor is accidentally submerged, take the fol-
lowing steps:
If the fuel supply is contaminated with water,
1. Get the motor out of the water as soon as
engine damage may occur.
2. Wash it thoroughly with fresh water to com-
If the boat’s fuel tank filler and vent were sub-
pletely remove all salt, mud, and seaweed.
merged, inspect the fuel supply to make sure
3. Remove the spark plugs. Drain the water
it is not contaminated with water.
from the cylinders through the spark plug
holes by manually turning the flywheel sev-
eral times.
4. Check if any water is evident in the engine
oil. If water is seen, remove the oil drain plug
and drain the oil. After draining, tighten the
oil drain plug.
5. Drain the fuel line.


Gasoline is extremely flammable and toxic. It

can cause a fire and can be hazardous to peo-
ple and pets.

Keep flames and sparks away from gasoline.

Dispose of unwanted fuel properly.

6. Pour engine oil into the engine through the

spark plug holes. Coat the engine inner
parts with oil by manually turning the fly-
wheel several times.


Severe engine damage may occur if you con-

tinue cranking the engine when you encounter
friction or resistance.

If you encounter friction or resistance while

cranking the engine, stop at once and do not
attempt to start the engine until you find and
correct the problem.

Severe engine damage can occur in as little as
When storing your motor for a long period of
15 seconds if the engine is started without
time (for example, at the end of the boating sea-
supplying water to the cooling system.
son), it is recommended that you take your
motor to your authorized Suzuki Marine Dealer.
Never start the motor without supplying water
However, if you choose to prepare the motor for
to the cooling system.
storage yourself, follow the procedure outlined
1. Change the gear oil as outlined in the
2. Change the engine oil as outlined in the 1. When the outboard motor will not be used
ENGINE OIL section. for a month or longer, remove the battery
3. Fill a fuel stabilizer to the fuel tank accord- and store it in a cool, dark place. Completely
ing to the instructions on the stabilizer can. recharge the battery before reusing it.
4. Flush the water passages in the motor thor- 2. If the battery will be stored for a long period
oughly. Refer to the FLUSHING THE of time, check the specific gravity of the bat-
WATER PASSAGES (Engine running) sec- tery solution at least once a month and
tion. recharge the battery when low.
5. Readjust the water flow, run the engine at
about 1500 r/min in neutral for five minutes V WARNING
to distribute the stabilized fuel through the
6. Stop the engine. Then turn off the water and
Failure to take proper precautions when
disconnect the flushing attachment.
charging the battery can be hazardous. Bat-
7. Lubricate all other specified parts. Refer to
teries produce explosive vapors that can
the LUBRICATION section.
ignite. Battery acid is poisonous and corro-
8. Wash the exterior of the engine with fresh
sive, and can cause severe injury.
water. After washing, the water remaining
on the engine should be wiped off with dry
• Do not smoke and keep battery away from
open flames and sparks.
High pressure washer should be used only
• To avoid creating a spark when charging
for washing exterior. And the nozzle of the
the battery, connect the battery charger
high pressure washer should be well away
cables to the proper terminals before turn-
from the engine.
ing the charger on.
9. Apply a coat of automotive wax on the
• Handle the battery with extreme care and
external finish of the motor. If paint damage
avoid skin contact with battery acid.
is evident, apply touch up paint before wax-
• Wear proper protective clothing (Safety
glasses, gloves, etc.)
10. Store the motor in an upright position in a
dry, well-ventilated area.


When the engine is running, there are many

moving parts that could cause severe per-
sonal injury.

When the engine is running, keep your hands,

hair, clothing, etc., away from the engine.

When taking your motor out of storage, follow This troubleshooting guide is provided to help
the procedure below to return it to operating you find the cause of common complaints.
1. Thoroughly clean the spark plugs. Replace NOTICE
them if necessary.
2. Check the gear-case oil level and if neces-
sary, add gear oil according to the procedure Failure to troubleshoot a problem correctly
outlined in the GEAR OIL section. can damage your outboard motor. Improper
3. Lubricate all moving parts according to the repairs or adjustments may damage the out-
LUBRICATION section. board motor instead or fixing it. Such damage
4. Check the engine oil level. may not be covered under warranty.
5. Clean the motor and wax the painted sur-
faces. If you are not sure about the proper action to
6. Recharge the battery before installing it. correct a problem, consult your Suzuki marine

Starter motor will not operate:

• Emergency stop switch lock plate is not in
• Starter relay fuse is blown out.
• Sub battery cable fuse is blown out.
• Control handle is not in NEUTRAL.
• Battery terminal connection is corroded or
• Battery power is lost.
• Starter motor is failed.
• If equipped with Keyless Start System:
Engine switch or start/stop switch is failed.
If not equipped with Keyless Start System:
Ignition switch or start/stop switch is failed.
• Electric wiring connection is loose.

Engine will not start (hard to start):

• Fuel tank is empty.
• Fuel is deteriorated.
• Engine starting procedure is mistaken.
• Fuel tank air vent is not opened.
• Fuel hose is not properly connected to
• Fuel hose is kinked or pinched.
• Fuel filter is clogged.
• Fuel pump is failed.
• Fuel tank filter is clogged.
• Spark plug is fouled.
• Ignition system is fouled.
• Electric wiring connection is loose.

Engine idles unstably or stalls: Engine vibrates excessively:
• Spark plug is fouled. • Propeller is damaged.
• Fuel hose is kinked or pinched. • Engine mounting bolts or clamp screws are
• Fuel hose is not properly connected to loose.
• Fuel is deteriorated. The Keyless Start System does not turn
• Fuel filter is clogged. ON even when the engine switch is oper-
• Fuel pump is failed. ated. The error sound (three short buzzer
• Ignition system is fouled. beeps) is NOT heard:
• Incorrect engine oil is used. (If equipped with Keyless Start System)
• Thermostat is failed. • Emergency stop switch lock plate is not in
• Electric wiring connection is loose. position.
• Battery terminal connection is corroded or
Caution system is activated (Caution lost.
buzzer sounds. Caution LEDs light.): • Battery power is lost.
• Cooling water passage is clogged. • Keyless control unit failure.
• Thermostat is failed. • Electric wiring connection is loose.
• Water pump is failed. • Engine switch panel failure.
• Oil change reminder system is activated.
• Engine oil level is not enough or deteriorated. The Keyless Start System does not turn
• Engine oil filter is clogged. ON even when the engine switch is oper-
• Oil pump is failed. ated. The error sound (three short buzzer
• Propeller is damaged. beeps) IS heard:
• Battery power is lost. (If equipped with Keyless Start System)
• Engine control sensor is failed. • Keyless fob is outside the operating range.
• Electric wiring connection is loose. • Keyless fob battery is dead.
• Keyless fob is in OFF mode.
Shift operation will not be activated: • The keyless fob is not authenticated.
• Electronic shift control system is failed. • Communication failure due to strong radio
wave or noise.
Propeller is not rotated: • Electric wiring connection failure between the
• Propeller bush is worn or damaged. keyless control unit and outboard motor.
• Drive shaft is damaged. • Authentication error between the keyless
• Propeller shaft is damaged. control unit and outboard motor.
• Abnormality exists in the electronic control
Engine speed will not increase: system of the engine.
• Propeller is damaged.
• Propeller is not clean. The Keyless Start System does not turn
• Propeller is not properly selected. OFF even when the engine switch is oper-
• Outboard motor is not correctly installed. ated:
• Trim angle is not properly adjusted. • Electric wiring connection is loose.
• Spark plug is fouled or incorrectly selected. • Engine switch panel failure.
• Fuel hose is kinked or pinched.
• Fuel filter is clogged.
• Fuel is deteriorated.
• Fuel pump is failed.
• Ignition system is failed.
• Electronic throttle system is failed.
• Heavy cargo is on the boat.
• Water has entered into the boat.
• Bottom of boat is not clean or damaged.

FUSE 4. Remove the sub battery cable fuse.
1. If equipped with Keyless Start System:
Turn the Keyless Start System OFF.
If not equipped with Keyless Start System:
Turn the ignition key to the “off” position.
2. Remove the motor cover.
3. Remove the fuse box cover and pull off the

Fuse box cover Sub battery cable

fuse case

5. Inspect the fuse and replace with new fuse if


Main fuse (60 A)/

Load fuse (60 A)

Normal fuse Blown fuse

Blade type fuse

Use the fuse puller at the back of fuse box
cover, when the fuse is pulled off and installed.

Normal fuse Blown fuse

If a fuse is blown, try to determine the root
cause and correct it.
If the cause is not corrected, the fuse may be
blown again.
Fuse puller

If you replace a blown fuse with a fuse having

a different amperage rating or with a substi-
tute such as aluminum foil or a wire, extensive
electrical system damage and a fire may

Always replace a blown fuse with a fuse of the

same type and rating.

NOTICE 1 Starter motor relay fuse: 30 A
2 Ignition coil/Injector/Engine control module:
30 A
If a new fuse blows in a short time after instal- 3 Throttle valve fuse: 15 A
lation, you may have a major electrical system 4 Shift actuator fuse: 15 A
problem. 5 PTT switch fuse: 10 A
6 Fuel pump fuse: 15 A
Consult your SUZUKI marine dealer. 7 Load fuse: 60 A
8 Main fuse: 60 A
9 Spare fuse: 60 A
0 Spare fuse: 30 A
A Spare fuse: 15 A
B Spare fuse: 10 A
C Spare fuse: 30 A
D Sub battery cable fuse: 30 A

Spare fuses 0, A and B are provided for the
back of fuse box cover.

Fuse box cover


Item DF115BG DF140BG

Engine Type 4 Stroke
Number of Cylinders 4
Bore and Stroke 86.0 × 88.0 mm (3.39 × 3.46 in)
Piston Displacement 2045 cm3 (124.8 cu. in)
Maximum output 84.6 kW (115PS) 103.0 kW (140PS)
Full Throttle Operating Range 5000 – 6000 5700 – 6300
r/min. (min–1) r/min. (min–1)
Ignition System Full-transistor
Engine Lubrication Trochoid pump pressure lubrication
Engine Oil Capacity 5.5 L (5.8/4.8 US/lmp. qt.)
Gear Oil Capacity 1.05 L (1.11/0.92 US/Imp. qt.)
Spark Plug NGK LKR6E
Spark Plug Gap 0.8 – 0.9 mm (0.031 – 0.039 in)
Valve Clearance (Lash) IN. : 0.23 – 0.27 mm (0.009 – 0.011 in)
EX.: 0.33 – 0.37 mm (0.013 – 0.015 in)
Fuel Type Alcohol-free unleaded gasoline
Minimum Fuel Octane Rating 91 (Research method)


(For European countries)

Sound Pressure Level

Regulation Sound pressure level limit
2013 / 53 / EU 75 dB(A)
Sound pressure level is measured according to ISO 14509-1:2018.

Starting operation
(*1) (*4)

Indication Cancellation
(*2) (*4)

Indication Cancellation
(*3) (*4)

Indication Cancellation
(*3) (*4)

Indication Cancellation *1: Lapse of initial 20 hour’s operation

*2: Lapse of 80 hour’s operation
*3: Lapse of 100 hour’s operation
*4: When performing cancellation before system activation


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