AldrinKnopp 2008 MatEval FinalRevC
AldrinKnopp 2008 MatEval FinalRevC
AldrinKnopp 2008 MatEval FinalRevC
26 1,032
2 authors, including:
John C. Aldrin
Computational Tools
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Forward Models for Extending the Nondestructive Evaluation Capability of Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy View project
Imaging and characterization of fatigue cracks around fastener holes View project
All content following this page was uploaded by John C. Aldrin on 28 November 2017.
Modeling and simulation provide the NDT practitioner with the capability to better understand the
physics of complex inspection problems necessary for improved NDT technique development. The
state-of-the-art on NDT modeling and simulation is presented with emphasis on ultrasonic and eddy
current testing. The practical advantageous and challenges for various numerical methods such as the
finite element method are also discussed. To highlight the potential value of models in NDT, two case
studies are presented for aerospace structural applications. The finite element method is used to provide
insight into the complex interaction and scattering of ultrasonic waves around fastener sites with radial
cracks in three dimensions. A demonstration is also presented of the potential for numerical simulations
to assist in the evaluation of the probability of detection (POD) for an eddy current inspection technique.
The model-assisted POD results were found to be in good agreement with experimental POD results.
Lastly, future research and development of modeling tools for wider use within the NDT community is
aerospace structures, eddy current, finite element method, nondestructive evaluation, ultrasonic
Although empirical approaches have been successful in the past, existing trends have made the
development of new inspection techniques more difficult. Such trends include an increase in the use of
advanced materials, aging aircraft and infrastructure requiring the testing of components not designed
for inspection, the need for damage characterization, the goal to reduce inspector variability through
automation, and greater cost scrutiny. Given this environment, improving existing nondestructive
techniques and developing new techniques requires a better understanding of the physics of NDE
measurement techniques.
An NDT measurement model functions to predict the measurement response of a material under test
for an NDT technique using the appropriate physics. NDT simulation is defined as the operation of the
NDT model across the measurement domain of interest, for example in the time, frequency and/or
spatial domains. The components of an NDT technique model are shown in Figure 1 for the case of an
ultrasonic technique. A complete system model encompasses three major components: a source, a
sample, and a receiver. The source component of the model defines the incident field in the sample
through representation of the input signal, source hardware, electrical connection, source transducer, and
the transducer interface condition with the sample. Given the incident field, the scattered field can be
calculated by the sample component model, given the material properties, sample geometry and
significant material properties can include elastic properties, electrical conductivity, thermal
conductivity and density. Sample geometry including domain size (finite or infinite) guides the
selection of the appropriate model. Discontinuity characteristics include type (cracks, voids, porosity,
corrosion, disbonds), geometry, and condition (such as the interface condition between crack faces).
The reception component transforms the scattered field into measurement data through a relationship
defined by the transducer interface condition, receiver transducer, electrical connections and data
acquisition hardware. The model for each component is typically designed in order to provide the most
Models can produce significant benefits at several stages of the NDT technique development process
(Figure 2). First, models can be used to aid in the interpretation of raw measurement data. With this
understanding, modeling can be beneficial in selecting the appropriate features of the measurement for
evaluation and classification. The inspection design including for example, ultrasonic transducer
characteristics and eddy current coil parameters can greatly benefit from parametric studies using
accurate measurement models. For the development of automated inspection techniques, models can
expand the training data set, thus reducing sample costs. Models can also be directly incorporated into
automated signal classifiers through inverse methods. During the validation process, models can be
used to verify the robustness of the classification technique while again reducing sample costs. Model-
assisted probability of detection (MAPOD) procedures have the potential to evaluate the reliability of an
NDT technique at a lower cost with respect to conventional POD studies. Lastly, concerning the
transition of a new technique to a practical application, models can be quite beneficial in displaying a
fundamental understanding of the inspection problem to project sponsors and helpful during the
In this paper, the state-of-the-art on NDT modeling and simulation is presented with emphasis on
numerical models for ultrasonic testing and eddy current testing. The practical advantages and
challenges for various numerical methods such as the finite element method are also discussed. To
highlight the potential value of models in NDT design, two case studies are presented for aerospace
structural applications. The finite element method was used to evaluate the complex interaction and
scattering of ultrasonic waves around fastener sites with radial cracks in three dimensions. Lastly, a
demonstration is presented of the potential for numerical simulations to assist in the evaluation of the
A critical initial step in NDT modeling concerns the determination and evaluation of the critical
characteristics of the inspection problem that must be accurately represented in the model. This
evaluation will determine how each model component can be practically solved, by either analytical,
asymptotic, numerical or empirical methods. Analytical approaches evaluate the exact solution to
approximate the solution to problems where exact solutions are unavailable. Numerical modeling
approaches are applied to complex problems to transform the model space to a series of coupled
fundamental problems that can be efficiently solved by a computer. Numerical methods like the finite
element method are particularly powerful since they can more easily address NDT simulations for
complex part geometries and unique material constitutive relationships. This overview of modeling for
ultrasonic and eddy current techniques also highlights simulation tools that provide a complete NDT
measurement model.
Ultrasonic Testing
The basis for ultrasonic NDT modeling is the elastodynamic equations of motion derived from the
theory of elasticity,
where u is the displacement vector, λ and µ are the Lame constants, and ρ is density. Although this
equation can be reduced to two wave equations for longitudinal and shear waves, the challenge in
modeling ultrasonic wave propagation originates from their coupling at the boundaries. For example,
the interaction of ultrasonic waves between parallel surfaces and at corners will produce complex guided
wave modes and diffracted waves respectively. Research into ultrasonic NDT measurement models has
concentrated on two fundamental components, 1) the ultrasound source (i.e. the transducer model), and
2) the propagation and scattering of waves in a specimen for a variety of material properties, sample
nondestructive evaluation can be found in the following works: Achenbach (1973, 1992), Thompson
and Thompson (1985), Gray et al. (1989), Schmerr (1998, 1999), and Spies (1999).
A straightforward means of representing elastic wave propagation is through ray theory. Thus, the
direction of propagation of disturbances corresponds to the direction along rays. The theory for
modeling waves in elastic solids as rays can be found in the text by Achenbach et al. (1982). Many
software packages have been implemented based upon ray theory, the geometric of diffraction and
paraxial beam models (Schmerr, 1998). The Kirchhoff approximation and asymptotic approaches such
as geometric theory of diffraction have been found to be useful models for many crack inspection
problems. Several NDT simulation packages based on these approaches include: CIVA (Champ-Son,
Méphisto) by CEA (Lhémery, 1999), UTSIM by CNDE of Iowa State University (Schmerr, 1999),
Dept. of Mechanics - University of Chalmers, Continuum Ultrasonic Modeler by Acoustic Ideas Inc.,
A variety of numerical methods have been developed and applied to address more complex
ultrasonic inspection problems including the scattering of surface and Lamb waves. The finite-
difference time-domain (FDTD) method solves the elastodynamic differential equation of motion by
approximating the derivatives with finite differences. The FDTD formulation is quite straightforward in
implementation but can have difficulty in accurately modeling irregular geometries and complex
boundary conditions. The local interaction simulation approach (LISA) is similar to FDTD but allows
for implementation of nonlinear contact models and representing heterogeneous media (Delsanto, P. P.
and Scalerandi, 1996). The finite element method (FEM) has been a workhorse for ultrasonic NDT
modeling over the years due to its ability handle problems with awkward geometries, inhomogeneous
media and nonlinear materials. A few examples of the numerical formulation of FEM with applications
to ultrasonic testing can be found in Lord et al (1988) and Wojcik et al (1993). For certain problems
with localized boundaries or domains that extend to infinity, formulations such as the boundary element
method (BEM) or boundary integral equation method (Niwa et al, 1986, Aldrin, 2001) and
elastodynamic finite integration technique (EFIT) (Schuhmacher et al., 1994) can provide significant
computational advantages. Hybrid approaches combining multiple solution methods for reduced
computational time and memory requirements have also been developed for ultrasonic NDT application
(Liu and Datta, 1993; Chang and Mal, 1999). Hybrid methods often employ numerical methods like
FEM for the solution of the local scattering problem while applying semi-analytical solutions to obtain
the far-field response. Packages that both employ numerical methods and have been designed to
simulate NDT measurements include: Wave2000/Wave3000 by CyberLogic using the FDTD (Kaufman
et al., 1999), and PZFlex by Weidlinger Associates Inc. using FEM (Wojcik, 1993).
Eddy Current Testing
A variety of approaches have been developed over the years to model eddy current NDT
measurements. Fundamentally, eddy current NDT can be modeled by a diffusion partial differential
equation in terms of the magnetic vector potential derived from Maxwell’s equations,
∇2 A = µJ 0 + µσ + µ∇(1 / µ ) × (∇ × A ) , (2)
where A is the magnetic vector potential, J0 is the applied current density, σ is the electrical
conductivity and µ is the magnetic permeability. This equation can be solved analytically for canonical
geometries (Dodd and Deeds, 1968; Theodoulidis and Kriezis, 2006) or numerically for complex
domains and geometries containing cracks. Once the magnetic vector potential is determined, many
electromagnetic quantities such as coil impedance, magnetic fields, and current densities can easily be
calculated. Introductions to modeling of eddy current measurements can be found in works by Gray et
To practically address the solution for a variety of complex probe designs and test sample
configurations, several numerical methods have been developed to solve the field equations. Finite-
difference time-domain (FDTD) method solves the differential equation over a domain by
approximating the derivatives with a finite difference equivalent (Dodd and Deeds, 1967). This finite
difference relation is then applied at a grid of nodes that result in a system of algebraic equations to
solve. The primary advantage of the FDTD method is its simple efficient formulation. The numerical
formulation of FEM for eddy current NDT is well established in the literature (Palanisamy and Lord,
1979; Ida et al., 1983, 1985). The governing equations for each element are derived using either
Galerkin’s method or a variation approach. The resulting system of equations for the meshed domain is
then solved most often in terms of magnetic vector potential. The measurement model for an eddy
current coil can then be expressed in terms of changes in resistance and inductance associated with
dissipated energy in the region of the conductor and the stored energy in the whole solution domain
respectively. Advantages of the FEM model include the fact that the solution is valid and available in
the entire domain, and the ability to address problems with awkward geometries, inhomogeneous media
For certain problems such as domains extending to infinity, formulations such as the boundary
element method (BEM) and volume integral equation (VIE) method can be more efficient than FDTD
and FEM. The boundary element method (BEM) or boundary integral equation method solves an
integral form of Maxwell’s equations where only the boundary of the solution domain must be solved
through application of equivalent surface sources (Beissner, 1986). The volume integral equation (VIE)
or volume integral method (VIM) models anomalous regions as a fictitious current source, which is
directly related to departures in electrical conductivity and magnetic permeability in the host material .
Green’s functions for infinitesimal current sources in multi-layered materials are applied and the method
of moments (MoM) is used to solve the volume integral equation. The advantage of this formulation is
that only the region of the scatterer needs to be discretized. Because of the regular grid, the resulting
matrix has an advantageous structure, being Toeplitz (convolutional) and Hankel (correlational), where
very large problems can be solved efficiently using the conjugate-gradient method (Bowler et al., 1989,
Murphy et al., 1997). Note, both BEM and VIE can be difficult to apply to problems with large
complex structures.
Several software packages have been developed for simulation of eddy current measurements. They
include OPERA-3D by Vector Fields using FEM, ECSIM by CNDE at Iowa State University using
BEM, and VIC-3D by Victor Technologies and CIVA (MESSINE) by CEA using the MoM/VIE.
Lastly, many numerical methods such as FEM require very fine meshes for an accurate solution to
problems with complex geometries that result in very large systems of equations to be solved. Research
has investigated meshless and hybrid methods to better address such problems. For example, the
element-free Galerkin model can be used to represent both the geometry and basis over a simple grid of
points. This meshless approach eliminates the need for fine meshing of complex geometries, improving
Due to the potential for catastrophic failure, fatigue cracks in aircraft structures are of significant
concern. Given inherent stress concentrations, fastener holes in aircraft structures are primary locations
for crack initiation. The early detection of cracks at maintenance intervals is necessary to maintain
safety and minimize repair cost. The bolt hole eddy current technique has the capability to detect small
cracks, but requires the removal of the fastener. Thus, the development of robust NDT techniques that
detect subsurface cracks and do not require the removal of the fastener are of particular interest. For this
inspection problem, numerical simulations are presented here to 1) explore the unique challenges of
detecting sub-surface cracks around fastener sites in multilayer structures using ultrasonic techniques
and 2) demonstrate the potential for model-assisted POD evaluation for validation of an eddy current
testing application.
Ultrasonic angle-beam shear wave inspections have been developed to address crack detection in
multilayer structures without fastener removal. Early work to develop a wide-area automated ultrasonic
technique for corrosion detection in the DC-9 wing box laid the foundation for future applications using
angle-beam shear waves. The first ultrasonic inspection procedure for the detection of cracks around
fasteners in multilayer structures was developed for the C-141 spanwise splice joint incorporating
automated scanning and imaging. This technique was validated through a probability of detection
(POD) study and implemented for regular depot maintenance (Mullins and MacInnis, 1997). However
for this case and other recently developed applications (Lindgren et al, 2006), full 360° coverage around
the hole was not required given a priori knowledge of the expected crack location due to deterministic
loading conditions. For inspection problems requiring full 360° coverage, several approaches have been
investigated including mechanical rotary scanners and 360° phased array transducers, but each require
careful centering around each fastener site. A linear phased array transducer with a single-axis linear
scanner has been used to improve the scan speed and coverage versus 2D raster scans of single element
transducer (Smith et al, 2005); however, the proposed approach does require six separate scans to ensure
To supplement traditional methods for crack detection based on the corner reflection signal and
diffraction at the crack tip and/or root, the concept of generating and detecting ‘spiral’ creeping waves at
a fastener site is proposed. A diagram of this concept is presented in Figure 3. The use of creeping
waves for the inspection of cracks around holes in vertical riser structures has been explored for empty
(weep) holes (Nagy et al, 1994; Aldrin et al, 2001), holes with coatings or filled with fluid (Aldrin and
Achenbach, 2003), and holes containing fastener with sealant (Aldrin et al, 2004). In Figure 3, a spiral
creeping wave is generated by an incident shear wave on a curved hole surface, which propagates in a
spiral direction to cracks located in the shadow region. Due to the curvature of the hole, any reflected
spiral creeping wave from a crack will leak away from the hole and can be measured in either pulse-
echo or pitch-catch modes. Recently, Michaels et al (2006) demonstrated the potential for in situ sizing
of cracks around fastener using an ultrasonic angle-beam method generates and detects creeping waves
around the hole. Potential benefits of the approach include greater sensitivity to cracks of varying
angular location and improved sensitivity to skewed cracks not perpendicular to the hole. Also, this
approach is expected to reduce inspection time, given the potential to eliminate scans with varying head
position (for linear scans) and single hole centering (for circumferential scans).
Although analytical and 2D BEM models have provided some insight into the nature of spiral
creeping waves as they propagate around a cylindrical hole (Aldrin et al, 2006), 3D models are essential
to fully study the physics of this complex ultrasonic scattering problem when fatigue cracks are present.
A 3D explicit FEM model is used here to solve the localized scattering from a crack located in the
shadow region of a fastener site with respect to the transducer location. This approach provides an
accurate measurement model that best addresses the complexity, speed, and memory requirements for
the 3D problem. The FEM package FEAP was used to solve the 3D explicit finite element method
problem (Taylor, 2007). Perfectly matched layers were implemented as absorbing boundary conditions
to help reduce the size of the meshed domain and thus minimize solution time. Model parameters for
the simulation are as follows. A 4.0 mm (0.16") by 4.0 mm square element transducer was modeled at
the surface with a shear wave angle of incidence of 45º and a center frequency of the ultrasonic pulse of
3.3 MHz. The material properties of aluminum were used for the part. The diameter of the hole was 5.0
mm (0.20") and the total thickness of the plate was 4.0 mm (0.16"). The corner crack was modeled as a
finite width notch with a square crack face of 2.0 mm (0.079") by 2.0 mm located at the bottom surface.
The plate was truncated around the fastener site to a square region of 20 mm (0.79") by 20 mm in the x
and y-directions centered around the hole. In addition, 1.0 mm (0.039") thick perfectly matched layers
were implemented around the truncated plate and free boundary conditions were applied on the top and
bottom surfaces of the plate. A uniform mesh, which is typically used for explicit FEM simulations, was
not used here because the representation of the smooth curved boundary was deemed critical for the
spiral creeping wave model to avoid spurious diffractions that would be present with a truncated
uniform boundary. Instead, the domain was modeled using eight sections extending from the hole
surface to the truncated (square) edge with 9 node quadrilateral elements of varying dimension
providing a smooth surface of elements at the hole boundary. Future work is planned to fully explore
the differences between a uniform mesh truncated at the hole versus an irregular mesh that is smooth
mesh at the hole boundary on the propagation of creeping waves. The number of elements was set to
maintain at least 6 nodes per wavelength. For this problem, the shortest wavelength in the sample is
associated with the creeping wave that propagates around the hole (Aldrin et al, 2006) which is slower
than the Rayleigh wave speed in aluminum by a factor of approximately 0.92. Lastly, the maximum
time step was set according to the Courant stability criteria using the minimum grid spacing around the
Figure 4 presents the transient finite element response of an ultrasonic wave scattering around a
fastener site with a radial notch (representing a crack) in 3D. Presenting transient 3D responses with 2D
representations is inherently difficult. To provide an adequate perspective, the root mean square (RMS)
displacement response (for the three directions) is presented from several views and at three different
times-of-flight. The left column displays the RMS displacement response on the bottom surface, and the
center and right columns present the RMS displacement response around the hole surface. Three select
times-of-flight are also displayed: (a) the main shear wave incident at the hole surface, (b) the
propagating spiral creeping wave reflecting from the hole bottom edge and (c) the reflected spiral
creeping wave propagating upward from the far surface. The notch is located at the bottom surface and
positioned in the shadow region of the hole with respect to the transducer. This is the most severe
location for inspection, located 90º around the hole from the normal location for angled-beam shear
wave crack inspection. In Figure 4(a), the incident shear wave on the hole surface generates a surface
wave that both propagates around and leaks away from the hole. Although not clearly observed in
Figure 4(a) due to the saturation of the response, figures 4(b) and 4(c) more clearly present the reflection
and spiral propagation of the creeping wave with respect to time. In addition, the leaking of the wave is
observed in Figure 4(c) through both the decay in magnitude of the spiral wave (in the hole surface
view) and the leaky wave propagating away from the hole (in the bottom surface view). Another
interesting observation is the existence of a corner creeping wave that propagates around the bottom
hole corner and scatters from the crack. Clearly, the position of the transducer and selection of the angle
of incidence was not ideal for achieving a significant scattering of the spiral creeping wave by the crack
that would return to the transducer. Given that simulation time was on the order of several days for the
high frequency ultrasonic problem, only a few simulations have been run to date. Prior work has
demonstrated that these cracks are observable at locations with the angular crack shifted as much as 40°
from the normal position, where corner and diffraction effects are not the source for the measured
signals since the crack root and tip are located in the shadow region of the hole (Aldrin et al, 2006). As
observed here, beyond 40° from the normal position, signals are present but very difficult to measure
with respect to background measurement noise. Future work is planned to present more extensive
experimental studies and model comparisons for optimal incident angle, varying transducer location and
A second case study is presented on the application of numerical simulations to assist in the
validation of an eddy current technique for the detection of cracks around fastener holes in multilayer
structures. To validate the performance of new inspection techniques, probability of detection (POD)
studies can be performed. The preparation of POD samples with real fatigue cracks and the process to
acquire a statistically significant number of measurements is often very time consuming and expensive,
providing a significant burden for the validation of new inspection techniques. A model-assisted
strategy for the design and execution of POD studies has been proposed to help mitigate the validation
costs and to improve POD evaluation quality by addressing a wider array of inspection variables (Gray
et al, 1989; Thompson, 2001). Using computer and empirical models to address variables that cannot be
easily recreated in experimental samples is a significant opportunity. Two methodologies have been
proposed to perform model-assisted POD evaluations: the transfer function (XFN) approach and the
full-model assisted (FMA) approach. The transfer function approach transforms an existing POD model
for one inspection to address another similar inspection based on a limited number of new experimental
measurements studying a specific varying parameter. This approach has been successfully demonstrated
to transform POD results for EDM notch measurements in engine components (Smith et al, 2004) and
aircraft structures (Harding et al, 2007) to parts with real cracking conditions. The full-model assisted
approach uses advanced computer simulations to model the inspection process and determines the POD
for the inspection technique through a combination of experimental and simulated data. This study
investigates a FMA POD methodology incorporating computer simulation for the inspection of cracks
around fastener sites in a two layer aircraft structure inspection performed with an eddy current
For any POD study, all critical factors for the NDT technique, part material, part geometry, and
discontinuity characteristics that control signal and noise must be fully considered through expert
knowledge, experimental results and/or model-based studies. For example, the probe characteristic
response, lift-off, and scan resolution were identified as important factors concerning the NDT
measurement. The surface condition of the samples, thickness of the layers, type of fastener, fastener
fit, and distance between adjacent fasteners and edges were identified as significant factors related to
part geometry and material. Lastly, the dimensions, aspect ratio, location around fastener site, and
morphology of the crack were identified as important characteristics to be considered. Figure 5 shows a
diagram of the fastener crack inspection problem for both (a) corner and (b) through crack problems.
Evaluation of the quality of the NDT simulation is another critical step in applying the model-
assisted POD approach. Two numerical models were initially evaluated for the FMA study, the finite
element method implemented in Opera3D® (Carpenter, 2000) and the volume integral method (VIM)
implemented in VIC-3D® (Murphy et al, 1997). Additional details on experimental and simulated
comparison studies are presented in Knopp et al (2006). Comparisons between the experimental data
and simulated data for the two numerical methods for the fastener crack problem are presented in Figure
6. Good agreement between the experimental data and the two models was achieved in terms of the
magnitude, phase and general shape of the curves in the impedance plane. Given uncertainty in probe
parameters and noise in experimental measurements, these remains deviations are quite reasonable. For
the FMA study, the volume integral method (VIC-3D®) was chosen since (1) meshing was only
required for the hole and crack region resulting in significantly shorter solution times and (2) meshes are
regular in all three dimensions providing less numerical error when probes are scanned across a sample.
Simulated parametric studies were performed for varying crack size and type, considering both
through and corner crack geometries. Experimental measurements were also incorporated in the
MAPOD study to address noise in the eddy current measurement. Details on the sample characteristics
and eddy current measurements are as follows. The dimensions for the top and bottom layers measured
3.96 mm (0.156") and 2.54 mm (0.100") respectively. Conductivities of 1.87 x107 S/m for the
aluminum layers and 1.79 x106 S/m for the titanium fasteners were used in the model. The size of the
hole was set to a radius of 4.04 mm (0.159") respectively. The probe frequency was set to 600 Hz and
the permeability of 1000 was used for the ferrite cup core. The coil dimensions had a height of 6.0 mm
(0.236"), an inner radius of 3.0 mm (0. 118"), and an outer radius of 6.0 mm (0. 236"). Two crack
conditions were simulated: a through notch and a corner notch with the aspect ratio length to width to be
1:1. For this simulated study, all cracks were treated as notches of a finite width of 0.25 mm (0.010"),
so it was assumed that there is no electrical contact between crack faces. Crack lengths in the
experimental samples were available between 0.000" to 0.169" while notch lengths in the simulations
were run between 0.000" to 0.200". Additional information on the experimental and simulation studies
can be found in Knopp et al (2007). After the simulations were conducted, the feature extraction
technique described in Aldrin et al (2007) was used to extract the crack signal response.
Figure 7 presents a comparison of the experimental and simulated data for varying crack length and
crack type. In general, there is good agreement between the two data sets with some error for select
experimental data points. In particular, there are a few weaker than expected responses for some of the
larger cracks that are likely lower due to differences in the crack aspect ratio or in some cases close
proximity to adjacent steel fasteners in the test samples. A Monte Carlo simulation was then performed
using the noise measurement distribution for the fastener sites with no cracks, the corner crack model,
and the through crack model, to populate the full-model assisted data sets for POD evaluation. The
Monte-Carlo study was performed using 5000 data points to generate the model-assisted POD data set
for statistical evaluation. Finally, the POD curves were fit for the experimental and model-assisted data
sets using the conventional maximum likelihood approach for hit-miss data. The confidence bounds
were determined using the loglikelihood ratio method. Figure 8 presents a comparison of the POD
results for the experimental and full-model assisted approaches. The curve generated with the MAPOD
approach is within the 95% confidence bounds of the empirical curve, demonstrating good agreement
between the two approaches. These results are very encouraging for the greater application of numerical
Models for nondestructive testing have reached a level of sophistication such that the study of a wide
variety of inspection problems can be addressed computationally. Two examples were introduced
highlighting the benefits of simulation in the design and validation of ultrasonic and eddy current
techniques respectively. However, it must be noted that the wide acceptance and everyday use of
modeling as a practical tool in NDT has not occurred throughout the industry. The following issues still
exist: 1) modeling tools for unique NDT applications require excessive development cost and time, 2)
accurate numerical simulations are often computationally intensive in terms of excessive time and
computing power, and 3) models lack consistent accuracy with experimental results due to known model
approximations and/or unknown experimental factors. To properly address these issues, a strategic
collaboration between the NDT leadership / funding organizations, the NDT research community, and
the NDT applications community over the long-term is needed to both address the key challenge
problems of the application community and transition simulation tools that can be used by NDT
practitioners. Simulation capability must also improve to better address advanced array transducers, in
situ sensing, scattering from complex discontinuities, composite materials, and emerging methods like
terahertz NDT. Lastly, the goal to move beyond detection and achieve quantitative discontinuity
characterization through the application of models in robust inverse method schemes should continue to
be pursued.
Original funding for work on computational methods in NDE has been provided by the Air Force
Office of Scientific Research and the Air Force Research Laboratory – NDE Branch, including support
and valuable discussions with Eric Lindgren, Kumar Jata, Gary Steffes, and Charlie Buynak. Recent
support and encouragement was provided by NASA including Don Roth, Bill Winfree, Bill Prosser and
Phillip Williams. The authors also thank Claudia Kropas-Hughes, Larry Dukate of AFRL and Dick
Martin of UDRI for prior acquisition of the eddy current experimental data.
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NDE Measurement Technique Model
NDE Measurement Technique Development Process
z z
y x
fastener site
transducer θ
corner crack
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the ultrasonic inspection of fastener sites for corner cracks in multilayer
structures using spiral creeping waves to detect corner cracks in the shadow region of the hole.
bottom surface around hole (near side) around hole (far side)
Figure 4. Simulated response of ultrasonic wave scattering around a fastener site with a notch in 3D
from several views (left column: bottom surface; center and right column; hole surface) and at select
times (a) main shear wave incident at hole surface, (b) spiral creeping wave reflecting from hole bottom
edge and (c) spiral creeping wave propagating upward with corner surface wave at scattering at notch.
eddy current fastener site
probe z
corner crack b
a (a)
through crack
a (b)
Figure 5. Diagram of fastener site model with (a) a corner crack and (b) a through crack.
10 VIM
Re(∆Z) (Ohms)
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
Im(∆Z) (Ohms)
Figure 6. Comparison of simulation and experimental results in the impedance plane for the case study
eddy current inspection problem.
transition (2nd layer
thickness = 0.10")
1.0E-01 a
8.0E-02 model
â (V)
2.0E-02 a
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
a (inches)
Figure 7. Comparison of experimental and simulated data for varying crack length and type.
Probability of Detection (
experimental POD curve
90/95% confidence bounds
Figure 8. POD evaluation results for experimental and full model-assisted POD studies.