Fullpaper MLandDLinNDT
Fullpaper MLandDLinNDT
Fullpaper MLandDLinNDT
Article in Harbin Gongcheng Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Engineering University · November 2023
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1 author:
Samira Gholizadeh
University of Cape Town
All content following this page was uploaded by Samira Gholizadeh on 06 December 2023.
Blast Impact and Survivability Research Unit (BISRU), Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of
Cape Town, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7701, South Africa, Email: ghlsam002@myuct.ac.za
Abstract— There has been considerable evidence of the effectiveness of machine learning (ML) and artificial
intelligence (AI) algorithms as numerical tools; some of their applications include computational fluid dynamics,
control and automation, signal processing, and materials engineering. Recent advances in ML and AI can directly
benefit non-destructive testing, one of the most important industrial applications. With AI, data analysis can be
improved and better harnessed. NDT uses electromagnetic waves or material-based methods to acquire information
from a specimen. ML algorithms can interpret multiple signals or images to analyze, inspect, and examine the
integrity of the materials structure. An overview of the foundations and current applications of ML techniques in
advanced NDT is presented in this paper. In addition to explaining ML techniques, the most recent advances in ML
and AI, including deep learning, are also discussed.
Index Terms— Deep learning, Machine learning, Non-destructive testing, NDT
Journal of Harbin Engineering University Vol 44 No. 11
ISSN: 1006-7043 November 2023
Table 1: Category of NDT methods based on the between datasets. In particular, it is a method of
detecting factors [2, 3] automatically detecting patterns in data and then
Inspection Type NDT Method
predicting future data, or making other decisions under
Residual stresses in Ultrasonic Testing [4,
materials 5] uncertain conditions based on the uncovered patterns
Aircraft composites Shearography [6] and [23]. There are many ways in which uncertainty can
assessment Thermographic
present itself in ML, such as determining the best model
Health monitoring of Testing [7, 8],
aerospace composite Vibration Methods [7, for explaining some data; or based on past data, what is
structures 9] the best prediction for the future. It is common for NDT
Ultrasonic Testing, specialists to make mistakes during interpretation of
Renewable energy and Thermography,
industrial assets Acoustic emission signals and analysis of large amounts of data, resulting
[10] in defects being missed, and the sizing of the defect
Rebound Hammer being incorrect, or the defect not being identified. In
Evaluation of compressive (RH) and Ultrasonic
any NDT technique, consistency and reliability of the
strength in the structure Pulse Velocity (UPV)
[11, 12] results are strongly influenced by the personnel
Structural Health Ultrasonic Testing [13, conducting the inspections and evaluating the results.
Monitoring (SHM) 14]
With AI, data analysis can be improved and better
Optical (laser, LED) ,
Penetrant inspection, harnessed. By addressing the challenges posed by large
Ultrasonic testing , data analysis and processing, this innovation will
Acoustic emission reduce the amount of time that advanced NDT
Additive manufacturing methodologies must invest in a single analysis. The role
Electromagnetic of NDT becomes ever more important as industrial
techniques work and discovery increases and materials are used
beyond their physical limits. Thus, testing methods
techniques [15, 16]
Auto-detection of impact themselves are evolving [24].
damage in carbon fiber Thermographic
composites Testing [17, 18]
Characterizing damage in Radiography [19] ML ALGORITHMS CATEGORIES
CFRP structures
Impact damage in Each ML algorithm develops a model that is
glass/epoxy with equivalent to a set of experiences. The following five
Thermography [20]
manufacturing defects categories can be used to categorize ML algorithms:
Multiple Cracks Detection Neutron Radiography
[21] [21]
a. Supervised Learning Algorithms: Labeled data is
ML is a subset of AI and computer science based on a used to train the algorithm. Supervised learning
set of statistical tools that focus on developing models algorithms are used when both predictors (inputs X)
with data learning and training that can predict new data and outcomes (outputs Y) are present in the training
in the future. In general, ML is a set of related data set.
algorithms and processes that create relationships
Journal of Harbin Engineering University Vol 44 No. 11
ISSN: 1006-7043 November 2023
Journal of Harbin Engineering University Vol 44 No. 11
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Machine Learning
maintenance [36].
ML and DL techniques have been highly successful
Deep learning is a subfield of ML that focuses on in extracting features, providing better performance
training and utilizing artificial neural networks with than many other techniques. Therefore, they are highly
multiple layers to learn and extract intricate patterns valued in many scientific fields. For example, Artificial
and representations from complex data. It is inspired by Neural Networks (ANNs) were employed to analyze
the structure and functioning of the human brain's fiber orientation in composite materials using neurons
neural networks. Deep learning models, also known as as connecting elements [37], a single hidden-layer
deep neural networks, are designed to automatically feedforward neural network (SLFN) was utilized for
learn hierarchical representations of data [31]. DL has defect classification [38], convolutional neural network
achieved remarkable success in various domains, (CNN) models were implemented for inner damage
including computer vision, natural language analysis and evaluation [39, 40], Support Vector
processing, speech recognition, and recommender Machine (SVM) automatic classification model was
systems. Its ability to automatically learn features and utilized to monitor microcracks using multi-sensor
representations from raw data, without the need for measurements [41], and k-means clustering method
manual feature engineering, has revolutionized many was used for automatic defect detection and classify
fields and led to breakthroughs in tasks such as image signal sources [42].
classification, object detection, machine translation, Other ML algorithms have been applied in various
and more. DL has various applications in NDT, offering fields, such as object recognition [43], speech
improved accuracy and efficiency in defect detection recognition [44], Probabilistic neural network (PNN)
[32, 33], classification [34, 35], and predictive [45], Least square support vector machines (LSSVM)
Journal of Harbin Engineering University Vol 44 No. 11
ISSN: 1006-7043 November 2023
the data through a process called training. Once trained, ML algorithms can be trained to automatically detect
the ML models can analyze new, unseen data and make and recognize defects in NDT data, such as images or
ML techniques can also classify and categorize effective generalization capability with a training
different types of defects or flaw patterns based on accuracy of 96.41% and testing accuracy 94.35%.
training data. This helps in accurately identifying and Risheh et al. [61] used K-means clustering algorithm
characterizing defects, improving the reliability of NDT for defect detection in thermal images of industrial
inspections. For example, ML can distinguish between materials, while Sophian et al. [62] utilized the same
different types of corrosion or classify different types of algorithms for defect detection using pulse eddy
surface cracks [54-58]. Such classification enables currents and Shrifan et al [63] used it in microwave
better understanding of defect types and facilitates NDT to detect defect.
appropriate remedial actions. For instance, K-means Similarly, in ultrasonic testing, ML can analyze
clustering was applied by Du et al. [59] to classify waveforms and identify specific flaw patterns [64, 65].
acoustic emission signals obtained from the analysis of Fei et al. [66] and Vaclav et al. [67] have demonstrated
stress-corrosion-cracking (SCC) on 304 stainless steel. the effectiveness of Support-Vector Machines (SVMs)
The authors conducted experiments with three clusters in classifying ultrasonic signals. Both shallow neural
(k = 3) that represented the types of damages networks and SVMs have achieved a high degree of
encountered in steel (crack propagation, pitting, and accuracy for A-scan. However, due to the necessity of
bubble break-up). Saenkhum et al. [60] classified feature engineering, these methods are not suitable for
corrosion using acoustic emission and Artificial Neural broader applications. Niu et al. [68] proposed the use of
Networks (ANNs). Testing phase of neural networks Surface Defect-Generation Adversarial Network
indicated very little misclassification rate and a very (SDGAN) for generating defect images to enhance
Journal of Harbin Engineering University Vol 44 No. 11
ISSN: 1006-7043 November 2023
deep-learning-based surface defect recognition, improves the classification accuracy of deep learning
addressing the limitations of insufficient and costly classifiers. A typical defect detection study and test
labeled defect data. The SDGAN is applied to expand method of comparative analysis is shown in Table 2.
the commutator cylinder surface defect image data sets,
B. Predictive Maintenance (PdM), Condition and
both with labeled data (CCSD-L) and without labeled
Real-time Monitoring
data (CCSD-NL). For anomaly recognition, an error
ML models can analyze historical NDT data, sensor
rate of 1.77% and a relative improvement (IMP) of
readings, and other relevant parameters to predict the
49.43% for the CCSD-NL defect data set was reported.
likelihood of future defects or failures, or the remaining
In terms of defect classification, an error rate of 0.74%
useful life of components or structures. By considering
and an IMP of 57.47% for the CCSD-L defect data set
patterns and trends in the data, ML algorithms can
were achieved. Munir et al. [69] utilized deep neural
estimate when and how defects or failures might occur.
networks (autoencoder) to mechanize the ultrasonic
This enables proactive maintenance planning and
weldment defect classification system to identify and
minimizes the risk of unexpected equipment or
remove the noise from the counterbore, planer, and
component failures, scheduling repairs or replacements
volumetric weldment defect signals. Results revealed
before failures happen, and optimizing maintenance
that the autoencoder was successful in reducing noise
from ultrasonic weldment defect signals which in turn
Journal of Harbin Engineering University Vol 44 No. 11
ISSN: 1006-7043 November 2023
In predictive maintenance, diagnostics and algorithms [87] have been extensively used in
prognostics play an important role. Diagnostics and data-driven PdM in industrial manufacturing. A
prognostics fall into three categories: i) the reliability detailed description of the implementation process for
data-driven approach that consist of determining the the data-driven PdM can be found in [88], which
expected lifetime of the average component under follows the design methodology. In general, there are
historically average conditions [79], ii) Stress-driven four stages in the process: operational assessment, data
models that estimate the lifespan of components in a acquisition, feature engineering, and modeling (Figure
particular environments [80], iii) In Condition-based, 3).
the component's lifetime is determined based on its
operating environment [81, 82]. Figure 2 demonstrates
a broad spectrum of diagnostic and prognostic
techniques, as well as different steps in data driven
diagnostics and prognostics.
Journal of Harbin Engineering University Vol 44 No. 11
ISSN: 1006-7043 November 2023
Journal of Harbin Engineering University Vol 44 No. 11
ISSN: 1006-7043 November 2023
Journal of Harbin Engineering University Vol 44 No. 11
ISSN: 1006-7043 November 2023
(ARIMA), and Support Vector Regression (SVR) are predicted according to those vectors. Zhao et al. [124]
categorized as statistical models for anomaly detection Further, Zhao et al incorporated CNN and LSTM to
[81]. Sfar et al. [118] investigated SHM of a tube via formulate a more complicated deep learning model
ultrasonic guided waves by utilizing two models based called the Convolutional Bi-directional Long
on Empirical Mode Decomposition (EDM)- ARIMA to Short-Term Memory Network (CBLSTM). The robust
realize high-precision predictions, and predict local features of the sequential input were extracted
components; and Auto-Regressive Neural Networks with CNN, as shown in Figure 7. In the sequential
(ARNNET) technique to estimate functions based on a output of CNN, bi-directional LSTM was adopted to
huge volume of training data. EMD-ARIMA provides encode temporal information. The final step was to
better results than ARIMA for both modes. In the study predict the target value by adding fully-connected
by Hongzhan et al. [117], ARIMA was used to forecast stacked layers and using a linear regression. Compared
linear basic load, whereas SVMs were used to forecast with several baseline approaches, including
non-linear sensitive load, and a hybrid model of both. conventional LSTM models, the proposed model
The result showed that the hybrid ARIMA-SVMs excelled at tool wear tests. A LSTM-based
realized the mutual supplement with each other and encoder-decoder structure was developed by Malhotra
performed better than the two separate models of et al [125], in which a LSTM-based encoder
themselves with lowest error of 3.85%. transformed a multivariate input sequence to a
Deep learning has emerged as one of the most fixed-length vector, and then the LSTM decoder
popular techniques in the past years to detect anomalies produced the target sequence from the vectors. To
in time series data, delivering state-of-the-art results for predict RUL, their assumptions state that the model the
a range of unsupervised and supervised tasks due to its model can initially be trained unsupervised on raw
capability of learning high-level representations signals corresponding to normal behavior. After that,
automatically from data; its higher accuracy, greater the reconstruction error is used to calculate a health
flexibility, stronger generalization, and its lower index (HI) that can be used to estimate RUL.
dependency on domain knowledge [119]. long
short-term memory (LSTMs) and recurrent neural
networks (RNNs) are now the deep learning models of
choice for learning long-range patterns in sequential
and temporal data [120, 121].
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aeroengine fault diagnosis and prognostics, including
vanilla RNN, LSTM and GRU. The LSTM and GRU Figure 6: Illustrations of the proposed Convolutional
advanced RNN models outperformed vanilla RNNs. Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory Networks
et al. [123]. In the applied LSTM model, raw sensory in Numenta [126], Aggarwal et al [127-129]. A
data was encoded into vectors and tool wear was potential breakthrough developed by Numenta is
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Journal of Harbin Engineering University Vol 44 No. 11
ISSN: 1006-7043 November 2023
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