Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning Approach for Vibration Signals Applications
Han-Yun Chen 1,2 and Ching-Hung Lee 3,4, *
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung City 402, Taiwan;
2 AU Optronics Corporation, Taichung 407, Taiwan
3 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University,
Hsinchu City 300, Taiwan
4 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu City 300, Taiwan
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +886-3-5712121 (ext. 54315)
Abstract: This study discusses convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for vibration signals analysis,
including applications in machining surface roughness estimation, bearing faults diagnosis, and tool
wear detection. The one-dimensional CNNs (1DCNN) and two-dimensional CNNs (2DCNN) are
applied for regression and classification applications using different types of inputs, e.g., raw signals,
and time-frequency spectra images by short time Fourier transform. In the application of regression
and the estimation of machining surface roughness, the 1DCNN is utilized and the corresponding
CNN structure (hyper parameters) optimization is proposed by using uniform experimental design
(UED), neural network, multiple regression, and particle swarm optimization. It demonstrates the
effectiveness of the proposed approach to obtain a structure with better performance. In applications
of classification, bearing faults and tool wear classification are carried out by vibration signals
analysis and CNN. Finally, the experimental results are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness and
performance of our approach.
Keywords: vibration signal; deep learning; convolutional neural network; hyper parameter; opti-
Citation: Chen, H.-Y.; Lee, C.-H. mization; short time Fourier transform
Deep Learning Approach for
Vibration Signals Applications.
Sensors 2021, 21, 3929. https:// 1. Introduction
Vibration signals can be applied for machine diagnosis and help discover problems
Academic Editor: Jongmyon Kim
during machining. By the signal processing methods, the signals can be decomposed and
transformed into different domains for analysis, e.g., fast Fourier transform, wavelet trans-
Received: 10 May 2021
Accepted: 3 June 2021
form, etc. [1–8]. Statistical features and other characteristics related to physical phenomena
Published: 7 June 2021
are then extracted for applications. Based on data analysis, machine learning approaches
model the relationship of features and physical phenomena. The corresponding features
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
are usually extracted by statistical analysis in time and frequency domains.
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
In mechanical systems, rolling element bearings (REBs) are one of crucial components
published maps and institutional affil- and the bearing failures can cause safety problems. A lot of the literature has proposed the
iations. diagnosis of bearings or building monitoring systems with machine learning models, e.g.,
support vector machines (SVMs), neural networks (NNs) [9–14]. Recently, deep learning
approaches were proposed to auto extract the characteristics of vibration signals for signals
analysis [9,12–14]. For signals analysis, methods of frequency spectra can also be used for
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
prediction or diagnosis [15,16]. The statistical features are usually utilized to be inputs of
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
machine learning for diagnosis model development [17–19]. Herein, the convolutional
This article is an open access article
neural network (CNN) discussed in this paper is also widely applied for bearing diagnosis
distributed under the terms and using raw signals or spectra of signals [20–26].
conditions of the Creative Commons The condition of machine tools affects the quality and the productivity directly. A
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// blunt tool can cause terrible quality since the magnitude of vibration during machining increases. Excessive tool wear can even lead to tool breakages. The diagnoses of tool status
4.0/). were proposed by on-line and off-line monitoring [27–31]. For off-line monitoring, the tools
are dismounted to measure the worn area. However, the machines need to stop in order
to measure tool wear. In the on-line approach, the status of a tool can be predicted using
vibration, acoustic emission, and force signals of vises and machine tools [27–29]. Due to
the improvement of photographic techniques, on-line monitoring can also be implemented
using high speed cameras in some machines [30,31]. In addition to the status of machines,
predicting the quality of products is a valuable topic for the industries. If the quality can be
estimated, the whole manufacturing process can be controlled easily. Predicting quality
using machining parameters is discussed in many studies. Machine learning algorithms
are applied to model the relation between machining parameters and quality; for instance,
fuzzy logic [32], response surface methodology [33], etc. The main disadvantage of using
machining parameters is that the statuses of tools and machines are not considered. Since
vibrations affect quality, the vibration signals can be analyzed and applied to estimate
quality [2,34,35]. Sensor fusion has also been proposed in other studies; for instance,
multiple vibration sensors [36–38], vibration with acoustic signals [39,40] or load cell [41],
etc. The sensors can be seen as evidence for fault detection. In other words, different types
of sensors can provide different symptoms when the components fail. Fusion in feature
domain and frequency domain are also discussed in other studies [42,43].
Deep learning approaches provide automatic feature extractions; for instance, a con-
volutional neural network (CNN) [40]. Applications of a CNN in vibration signals are
discussed in lots of research, including bearing faults diagnosis, tool wear classification
and machining roughness estimation. By employing convolutional operation, the fea-
tures can be extracted automatically [44–48]. One-dimensional CNNs (1DCNN) and
two-dimensional CNNs (2DCNN) are used in the domain of REB signals prediction. For
1DCNN applications, the inputs are raw signals or other one-dimensional data [20,25].
If 2DCNN is utilized, the inputs should be chosen as time-frequency spectra or other
two-dimensional data or images [21,26,49,50].
In this study, CNNs for vibration signals analysis are discussed. Firstly, 1DCNN with
sensor fusion in parallel structure is introduced for machining roughness estimation. The
model structure (hyper parameters) optimization of the CNN is proposed by experimen-
tal design, data acquisition, neural network modeling, and particle swarm optimization.
Subsequently, CNNs for bearing faults classification and tool wear classification are dis-
cussed later. According to the results of applications, the conclusions for utilizing CNNs in
vibration signals analysis can be presented.
In the rest of paper, the applied techniques are introduced in Section 2, prediction using
CNNs and structure optimization are introduced in Section 3, CNNs for classifications are
discussed in Section 4, and the conclusion of the study is presented in Section 5, finally.
2. Theoretical Background
Herein, techniques utilized in the study are introduced, including short-time Fourier
transform, convolutional neural networks and particle swarm optimization.
Figure 1. Structure
Figure1. Structure of
network. Reprinted
first, thelayers, the important
convolutional layer features
is introduced,are reserved,
and theand inputs the are number of features
convolved are
by filters
to obtain the corresponding features. The convolutional operation of single filter can as
by a max-pooling operation. The operation of a single filter can be represented be
represented as
zkl q,r+1 . . .
zk zkl q,r+ L
k l q,r P
= ( ∗ + ) k (1)
zl .. z l q+1,r + L P
k .
pl q,r = max (2)
.. × ..
operation; ∈
where * represents the convolutional
. denotes . the
and fc de-
notes the activation function zof k convolution z k layer; b and . . . z are
k the bias and correspond-
l q+WP ,r l q + W P ,r + 1 l q+WP ,r + L P
ing kernel of the lth filter, respectively; denotes the corresponding output feature map.
Herein, kernel matrix
where q and r are the row and column index of features after pooling, L Pthe
are obtained by training and l = 1, …, N is andselected kernel
WP represent
the length and width of filters in pooling layers.
In pooling
The feature layers, the important
maps after featuresare
feature extraction areflattened
reserved,into andathe number of features
one-dimension array andare
reduced into
inputted by a fully
connected operation.
layers. The Thefeedforward
operation ofoperation a single filter can beneuron
of a single represented
in fullyas
connected layers is represented as
, ! ,
= max y = f f,
∑ wa ha +
, (2)
a =1
, ,
where h a is the input of the neuron, wa is weight of h a , a = 1, 2, . . . , n, b is the bias, f f is the
where and
activation r are of
function thethe
row and column
neuron index
in the fully of features
connected after
layer, y ispooling,
the output of andthe CNN. rep-
resent the length and width of filters in pooling layers.
2.2. Short-Time Fourier
The feature mapsTransform (STFT)
after feature extraction are flattened into a one-dimension array
Discrete Fourier
and inputted transform
into fully (DFT)
connected is widely
layers. applied to generate
The feedforward operation frequency spectra
of a single neuronof sig-
fully However,
connectedfrequency spectra do not
layers is represented as contain the information of time domain. In order
to present time domain and frequency domain at the same time, STFT is employed [8,52].
In STFT, signals are divided into short-time segments firstly, and frequency distributions
of segments are computed by DFT. Finally, = +
the time-frequency spectra of signals can be (3)
obtained by stacking the frequency spectra of segments. STFT can be represented as
convolutional neural networks, which is introduced in the following section. Note that the
axes of spectra are removed when input into the model.
Pi (t + 1) = Pi (t) + Vi (t + 1) (6)
respectively, where Vi is the direction of the ith particle, t represents the index of itera-
tion, w is the weight of inertia, c1 is the weight representing how much Ppbest affects the
optimization, c2 is the weight representing how much Pgbest affects the optimization, Pi (t)
represents the location of the ith particle at the tth iteration. Finally, while reaching the
set maximum of the iteration or the fitness of Pgbest remains the same, the optimization is
complete and Pgbest is the optimized result. In this study, the minimized mean absolute per-
centage error (MAPE) of prediction is adopted to be the objective function for optimization
of hyper parameters.
Optimization Procedure
Step 1. Parameter selection of CNN: Select the main structure (convolution filter size,
pooling, fully connected nodes), the optimized hyper parameters, and levels.
Step 2. Design experiments using UED: Choose the appropriate uniform layout (UL)
of model structure according to the parameter selection and design experiments.
Step 3. Data acquisition: Complete the experiments. The model with the above
structure is trained and the corresponding hyper parameters/trained MAPE are collected
as input/output data.
Step 4. Model development: Modeling the function between hyper parameters and
performance using neural network. The performance applied in this study is MAPE.
Step 5. Optimization: Obtain the hyper parameter combination with better perfor-
mance using PSO. In this study, the goal of optimization is to minimize the MAPE of
the CNN.
Step 6. Verification: Verify the performance of the optimized result.
Sensors 2021, 21, 3929 5 of 17
Sensors 2021, 21, x In this study, a simple neural network is applied for the model and particle swarm
5 of 18
optimization (PSO) is adopted for optimization to compare with MR and the full-factorial
searching algorithm [54].
MAPE = ( , , , , , ) (7)
Sensors 2021, 21, 3929 According to UED [49], four levels are selected for all factors and the corresponding 6 of 17
uniform layout applied here is (4 ), as shown as Table 2. The final experimental de-
sign is introduced in Table 3. The corresponding combinations of parameters and trained
the (average
same. testing MAPE
The performance of of
model is assumed experimental CNNs)
as a function ofare alsoparameters,
hyper introduced.
Every structure has been
which is represented as tested three times and the average MAPEs are computed. The
maximum epoch of each model is 700. In order to reduce the needed time for experiments,
an early stop criterion is set=upf MAPE
MAPE according
( FC , Fto
P , testing
NC1 , NC2experiences:
, NF1 , NF2 )if the loss has not de-
creased for 15 epochs, the training process is stopped.
Figure 3. The
Figure 3. The sensors
sensors fusion
fusion structure
structure for
for machining
machining surface
surface roughness
roughness estimation.
Layers Filter Size Stride Number of Filters or Nodes
Conv. 1 (X, Y, Z) FC (16~25) 2 NC1 (11~20) ReLU
Pool. 1 (X, Y, Z) FP (11~20)
Conv. 2 (X, Y, Z) FC (16~25) 2 NC2 (11~20) ReLU
Pool. 2 (X, Y, Z) FP (11~20)
Fully connected 1 NF1 (10~100) ReLU
Fully connected 2 NF2 (10~100) ReLU
Output 1 None
Experiment Factors
Index FC FP NC1 NC2 NF1 NF2
1 1 3 2 3 4 3
2 4 4 3 2 4 2
3 2 3 3 3 3 2
4 1 2 1 4 4 2
5 2 2 3 1 2 3
6 1 4 1 1 1 3
7 3 1 3 4 2 1
8 3 3 3 1 1 4
9 1 2 3 2 1 1
10 3 4 2 2 2 3
11 4 2 4 2 3 3
12 2 1 1 3 1 3
13 4 1 3 4 4 3
14 2 4 4 1 4 1
15 1 1 4 3 2 2
16 3 1 1 2 1 2
17 3 2 1 1 3 4
18 4 3 4 1 2 2
19 1 3 4 4 3 4
20 4 4 1 3 3 4
21 4 2 2 3 2 4
22 4 3 2 4 1 1
23 3 2 4 3 4 1
24 2 3 1 2 2 1
25 2 1 2 2 4 4
26 1 1 2 1 3 1
27 3 4 2 4 3 2
28 2 4 4 4 1 4
After the experiments, the function between hyper parameters and average testing
MAPE is modeled using MR and NN for comparison. The performance of models, op-
timization results, and verifications are compared as follows. The data are normalized
before modeling.
At first, modeling using stepwise MR is obtained as
The corresponding R-squared (R2 ) of MR model is 0.9061 and the normalized root
mean squared error (NRMSE) of MR is 0.0634. The objective function (fitness) is selected
as the MAPE of each structure. The optimization target is to minimize the fitness. The
hyper parameters combination optimized using the full-factorial searching algorithm are:
FC = 25, FP = 20, NC1 = 20, NC2 = 20, NF1 = 100, NF2 = 10. The testing MAPE prediction
of the MR model for the combination is 5.788%. The structure with the optimized hyper
parameters combination has been trained three times. The testing MAPEs are shown in
Table 4. The average MAPE is quite different to the prediction, with an error of 147.06%.
The combination does not perform better compared to the experiments.
Sensors 2021, 21, 3929 8 of 17
Table 3. Experimental design of CNN structure for estimating machining roughness and average testing MAPE of
corresponding experimental CNNs.
Table 4. Testing MAPEs of the optimized hyper parameters combination using MR model.
Test MAPE 1 Test MAPE 2 Test MAPE 3 Avg. MAPE Standard Deviation
15.74% 13.97% 13.19% 14.3% 1.090%
Then, an NN is applied to model the relation between factors and testing MAPE. The
structure of NN is shown in Table 5. The initial learning rate is 0.005, and the optimizer
is Adam. The R-squared (R2 ) of NN is 0.9999999996 and the normalized root mean
squared error (NRMSE) of the NN is 3.347 × 10−5 . The hyper parameters combination
optimized using the full-factorial searching algorithm are: FC = 25, FP = 11, NC1 = 18,
NC2 = 12, NF1 = 100, NF2 = 50. The testing MAPE prediction of the NN model for the
combination is 10.849%. The combination has also been trained three times. The testing
MAPEs are shown in Table 6. The error between the average MAPE and prediction of the
NN model is much smaller, with an error of 7.337%. The optimized structure improves
the performance by 11.3%. The results show that modeling using NN can also create a
better and more stable hyper parameters combination than the best hyper parameters set
in the experiments. However, the structure, learning rate, and normalization affect the
performance of modeling and optimized result a lot. A simple NN with a smaller learning
rate is recommended in this case. Normalization is also necessary.
Herein, PSO is applied for optimization to compare with the full-factorial searching
algorithm. Modeling using an NN is applied for comparison. The number of particles is
selected as 250, and the number of iterations is set to be 3000. The reason for choosing
this number of particles and iteration is to ensure the optimized result is the same as the
result using the full-factorial searching algorithm. The weights of updating velocity are
Sensors 2021, 21, 3929 9 of 17
adjusted shown in Table 7. If the fitness of Pgbest does not improve for 500 iterations, the
optimization is stopped.
Table 5. Structure of NN for modeling the function between factors and testing MAPE.
Table 6. Testing MAPEs of the optimized hyper parameters combination using NN model.
Test MAPE 1 Test MAPE 2 Test MAPE 3 Avg. MAPE Standard Deviation
11.04% 10.68% 8.44% 10.053% 1.150%
The fitness during optimizing using PSO is shown as Figure 4. The optimized result
is the same as the full-factorial searching algorithm. Moreover, PSO takes 45.435 s to
complete the process, while it takes 146.87 s for the full-factorial searching algorithm. If the
number of particles and iterations are reduced according to the testing results, the time
for optimization can be less than the previous experiment result. When the structure of
Sensors 2021, 21, x the optimized CNN is more complex, the computing time for PSO and other optimization 10 of 18
methods are much less compared to the time for the full-factorial searching algorithm.
4. Fault
Table Diagnosis details
7. Adjustment Applications
of weights while updating velocity.
4.1. Classification of CWRU Bearing Data
Weights of Updating Velocity Range of Values Adjustment of Weights
Bearing data of CWRU [56] are discussed in many other studies for bearing fault
w 0.1~2 Decrease while the iteration increases.
classification [57–59]. The signals discussed in the study are collected by the accelerometer
0.1~2 Decrease while the iteration increases.
0.1~2 Increase while the iteration increases.
mounted at the drive end of motor. The sampling frequency is 12 kHz. The bearing statuses
include normal bearings, bearings with inner ring faults, bearings with outer ring faults,
and bearings with ball faults, which are human-made using an electrical-discharge machine
(EDM). The statuses of bearings are labeled according to normal: 0; inner ring fault:1; outer
ring fault: 2; and ball fault: 3, respectively. There are 64 data in the original dataset. In
order to increase the number of data, sliding window is utilized to slice the signals into
one-second signals. The length and the stride of window are 12,000 data points (1 s) and
3000 data points, respectively. The length of window is selected after considering the
completeness of signals in the frequency domain and the testing results. Finally, there are
2368 data; 1657 data (70%) are chosen randomly as training data and the rest (30%) are
applied as testing data.
(a) Bearing Faults Classification Using Vibration Signals
Herein, we introduce the classification of bearing faults using 1DCNN with vibration
signals as inputs. The selected structure of 1DCNN is introduced in Table 8. The initial
learning rate is 0.001, and the optimizer is Adam. The average of training and testing
accuracy of the model are both 100% after testing three times using different training data.
The confusion matrix of the model predicting testing data is shown in Figure 5. The result
shows that 1DCNN can provide excellent performance using vibration signals as inputs
directly for classification. The classifying time of 1DCNN using NVIDIA Tesla V100 32 GB
GPU is 0.00133 s per data.
Table 8. Structure of 1DCNN for bearing faults classification using vibration signals.
Number of Activation
Layer Filter Size Stride
Filters or Nodes Function
Conv. 1 30 1 8 ReLU
Pool. 1 4
Conv. 2 30 1 16 ReLU
Pool. 2 4
Conv. 3 30 1 32 ReLU
Pool. 3 4
Conv. 4 30 1 64 ReLU
Pool. 4 4
Fully Conn. 1 128 ReLU
Fully Conn. 2 32 ReLU
Output 4 Softmax
Total parameters 388,488
(c) (d)
Figure time-frequencyspectra
bearing withinner
Number of Activation
Layer Filter Size Stride
Filters or Nodes Function
Conv. 1 4 ReLU
9×9 2×2
Conv. 2 8 ReLU
Pool. 2 4×4
Conv. 3 16 ReLU
4×4 2×2
Conv. 4 32 ReLU
Pool. 4 2×2
Fully Conn. 1 64 ReLU
Fully Conn. 2 32 ReLU
Sensors 2021, 21, x Output 4 Softmax13 of 18
Total parameters 63,622
Figure Confusionmatrix
The experimental setup is introduced in Figure 8; the tool
experimental setup is introduced in Figure 8; the toolwear
milling machine (CHMER HM4030L, Figure 8a) are applied in the study. Themachine
machine (CHMER HM4030L, Figure 8a) are applied in the study. The machine
blades,as asshown
diameter of the cutters is 6 mm. The work-pieces are S45C steel. The tri-axial accelerometer
diameter of the cutters is 6 mm. The work-pieces are S45C steel. The tri-axial accelerometer
mountedon onthe
acquired using DAQ NI PCIe-6361 with 100 kHz of sampling frequency. The toolwear
using DAQ NI PCIe-6361 with 100 kHz of sampling frequency. The tool wearisis
measured using a Deryuan RS-500 industrial camera with ImageJ and PhotoImpact for
measured using a Deryuan RS-500 industrial camera with ImageJ and PhotoImpact for
image processing. The tool worn criteria is selected as 0.4 mm according to ISO.
image processing. The tool worn criteria is selected as 0.4 mm according to ISO.
A 2DCNN with a small structure (shown in Table 10) is adopted for classifying tool
wear using STFT time-frequency spectra. The vibration signals are sliced using sliding
window to increase the size of data. The length and stride of window is 100,000 data points
(1 s) and 30,000 data points, respectively. The STFT time-frequency spectra using Y-axial
vibration signals of an unworn tool and a worn tool are shown in Figure 9. There are a
total of 742 data; half of the data are selected randomly as training data, and the rest are
testing data. Firstly, the classification model is trained. The initial learning rate is 0.001
with the Adam optimizer. The average training and testing accuracy are both 100% after
Sensors 2021,
Sensors 21,21,
2021, x 3929 13 of 17 14 of 18
(a) (b)
Figure 8.
Figure Experimental setup
8. Experimental setupforfor
tool wear
tool wearmonitoring, (a) CHMER
monitoring, HM4030L
(a) CHMER tri-axialtri-axial
HM4030L milling milling
ma- ma-
chine; (b) tungsten carbide milling cutter for the experiments; (c) setup of CTC AC230 on the
chine; (b) tungsten carbide milling cutter for the experiments; (c) setup of CTC AC230 on the spin-spindle.
A 2DCNN with a small structure (shown in Table 10) is adopted for classifying tool
wear using STFT time-frequency spectra. The vibration signals are sliced using sliding
window to increase the size of data. The length and stride of window is 100,000 data points
(1 s) and 30,000 data points, respectively. The STFT time-frequency spectra using Y-axial
vibration signals of an unworn tool and a worn tool are shown in Figure 9. There are a total
of 742 data; half of the data are selected randomly as training data, and the rest are testing
data. Firstly, the classification model is trained. The initial learning rate is 0.001 with the
Adam optimizer. The average training and testing accuracy are both 100% after testing three
times. The confusion matrix of the CNN model using testing data is shown in Figure 10.
The result shows that 2DCNN can be applied for not only bearing faults classification but
also other classified problems in vibration signals analysis.
(a) (b)
Figure 9. STFT time-frequency spectra of tools under different conditions, (a) an unworn tool; (b) a
worn tool.
Sensors 2021, 21, 3929 14 of 17
(a) (b)
Number of Activation
Layer Filter Size Stride
Filters or Nodes Function
Conv. 1 4 ReLU
9×9 2×2
Conv. 2 8 ReLU
Pool. 2 4×4
Conv. 3 16 ReLU
4×4 2×2
Conv. 4 32 ReLU
Pool. 4 2×2
Fully Conn. 1 (c) 64 ReLU
Fully Conn. 2 32 ReLU
Sensors 2021, 21, x Figure 8. Experimental setup for tool wear monitoring, (a) CHMER HM4030L tri-axial milling ma-
15 of 18
Output 2 Softmax
chine; (b) tungsten carbide milling cutter for the experiments; (c) setup of CTC AC230 on the spin-
Total parameters 28,360
5. Conclusions
In this study, vibration signals analysis using CNN has been discussed, including an
improved optimization method for the structure of a CNN, 1DCNN and 2DCNN with
raw signals and STFT images, respectively. The experimental results were introduced to
illustrate that the CNN can be applied for both prediction and classification. In regression
application, a 1DCNN with parallel feature extracting structure was applied to estimate
Sensors 2021, 21, 3929 15 of 17
5. Conclusions
In this study, vibration signals analysis using CNN has been discussed, including an
improved optimization method for the structure of a CNN, 1DCNN and 2DCNN with
raw signals and STFT images, respectively. The experimental results were introduced to
illustrate that the CNN can be applied for both prediction and classification. In regression
application, a 1DCNN with parallel feature extracting structure was applied to estimate
machining roughness. The optimization of the CNN structure was also introduced and
used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach to obtain a structure with
better performance. The most important factor in optimizing the structure of CNN is
to choose the correct method and level for the experimental design. The level can be
comprehended as the resolution experiments. If the level is too large, the number of
experiment results is too little to represent the real situation. On the other hand, the cost
of time will be enhanced due to the large number of experiments. Other experimental
design can also be applied; for instance, the Taguchi method. In classifications, 1DCNN
and 2DCNN are applied according to the inputs. Both 1DCNN and 2DCNN provide
excellent performance. The results also show that CNN can extract features in vibration
signals and time-frequency spectra automatically. While using raw signals as inputs, the
length of signal must be long enough to ensure the information of the signal is complete.
If time-frequency spectra are utilized as inputs, the resolution of STFT affects the model
since time-frequency spectra show the distribution of frequency with respect to time. If the
resolution is not appropriate, the information in the frequency domain will be reduced and
influence the performance of model.
Author Contributions: H.-Y.C. and C.-H.L. initiated and developed the ideas related to this research.
Both of them developed the presented novel methods, derived relevant formulations, and carried
out the performance analyses of simulation and experimental results. H.-Y.C. wrote the paper draft
under C.-H.L.’s guidance and Professor Lee finalized the paper. Both authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, under
contracts MOST-110-2634-F-009-024, 109-2218-E-005-015, and 109-2218-E-150-002.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The used data of bearing fault can be found in Case Western Reserve
University Bearing Data Center. Available online:
wel-come-case-western-reserve-university-bearing-data-center-website (accessed on 10 March 2019).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interests.
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