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14th ICCCNT 2023 Paper 942

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IEEE - 56998

An NFNet-Based Approach for Enhanced Bearing

Fault Classification Using Vibrational Signal
Vidhi Jain Mayank Dixit Vihaan Misra
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Netaji Subhas University of Netaji Subhas University of Netaji Subhas University of
Technology Technology Technology
Delhi, India Delhi, India Delhi, India
vidhi.ee19@nsut.ac.in mayank.ee19@nsut.ac.in vihaan.ee19@nsut.ac.in

Geetansh Bhutani Vijander Singh

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Instrumentation and
Netaji Subhas University of Control Engineering
Technology Netaji Subhas University of
Delhi, India Technology
geetansh.ee19@nsut.ac.in Delhi, India

Abstract— The present work proposes a novel approach for shown great promise in various image and signal processing
detecting bearing faults in induction motors using vibrational tasks. NFNet is a type of deep neural network architecture
signals. The proposed method employs a Normalizer-Free that addresses some of the limitations of previous
ResNet (NFNet) architecture to extract relevant features from normalization techniques, such as Batch Normalization (BN)
2D image representations of raw vibration data and a [7] and Group Normalization (GN) [8]. Normalization
classification model to identify the presence of a fault. We
convert the vibrational signals into 2D images by applying the
techniques have been used in neural networks to stabilize
Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) technique, which offers training and accelerate convergence, but they can also
a time-frequency analysis of the signals. The proposed method introduce certain issues, like computational overhead,
improves accuracy over conventional approaches along with reduced representational capacity and the need for careful
reduced computational overhead by using high-performance hyperparameter tuning [9]– [11].
NFNet architecture for classification. The effectiveness of the The methodology presented in this paper employs
proposed method is evaluated on the Case Western Reserve the NFNet architecture, which offers significant advantages
University (CWRU) and Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS) in the context of bearing fault classification. NFNet
datasets of vibration signals from induction motors, effectively eliminates the need for normalization layers by
experiencing various bearing faults. The results indicate that the
suggested framework outperforms the existing methods in terms
utilizing the Adaptive Gradient Clipping (AGC) technique,
of accuracy and efficiency, achieving state-of-the-art results. resulting in improved performance and a reduced demand for
This method can be used for real-time monitoring of induction computational resources compared to traditional techniques.
motors to detect bearing faults and prevent potential equipment The AGC allows for stable training and faster convergence
failures, making it highly useful for industrial applications. without sacrificing representational capacity, making the
method more robust in the face of diverse operating
Keywords—Signal Processing, Bearing Faults, Computer conditions and bearing fault scenarios. Additionally, we
Vision convert vibrational signals into 2D images using the STFT
providing a time-frequency analysis of the data. This
transformation allows the subsequent use of the powerful
Induction motors are widely used in various NFNet-based image classification model, which has
industrial applications such as pumps, fans, compressors, and demonstrated state-ofthe-art performance on various image
conveyors. Detecting bearing faults in these motors is crucial recognition benchmarks. The NFNet-based classifier is then
to prevent potential equipment failures, which can lead to employed to detect the presence of a fault, outperforming
costly downtime and maintenance [1], [2]. Vibration analysis previous models and offering improved accuracy in bearing
is a widely used technique for detecting bearing faults in fault classification.
induction motors. However, existing methods involve use of To assess the efficacy of the proposed method, we
techniques such as the Envelope Analysis [3], the Wavelet conducted evaluations on four publicly accessible datasets:
Transform [4], and the Short-time Fourier Transform (STFT) the Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) Dataset [12],
[5], have proven to be limited in terms of accuracy and the Paderborn University Dataset [13], the Intelligent
efficiency. Maintenance Systems (IMS) Dataset [14], and the Condition
These methods are either sensitive to the choice of Based Maintenance Fault Database for Testing of Diagnostic
parameters or require a high computational cost. Recently, and Prognostics Algorithms (MFPT) Dataset [15]. Each
the Normalizer-Free ResNet (NFNet) architecture [6] has dataset encompasses a variety of operating conditions and

14th ICCCNT IEEE Conference

July 6-8, 2023
IIT- Delhi, Delhi, India
IEEE - 56998

Figure 1: Our proposed framework

bearing faults. Our findings reveal that the proposed method outperformed conventional machine learning methods.
surpasses existing techniques in terms of both accuracy and Researchers employed Convolutional Neural Networks
efficiency, thereby achieving state-of-the-art results. (CNN) to detect bearing faults, which exclusively accept
vibration signals as input data [21]. Traditional ML methods
This work introduces a versatile framework (Fig. 1) predominantly consist of shallow models, rendering the
that delivers high performance in terms of accuracy and
computational efficiency. This method is suitable for real-
time monitoring of induction motors to detect bearing faults extraction of non-linear and non-stationary features from
and prevent potential equipment failures, making it valuable vibration signals a challenge [22]. In one particular
for industrial applications. Additionally, it allows easy investigation, researchers implemented a 1D CNN as direct
integration with existing monitoring systems, providing a input for raw temporal signals to accomplish end-to-end
comprehensive solution for real-time supervision of bearing defect identification, achieving impressive diagnostic
induction motors. The suggested approach can be extended to accuracy inspite of noise and varying operational loads [23].
other types of rotating machinery by using appropriate Numerous studies have introduced multiscale CNNs for
datasets and fine-tuning the pre-trained model accordingly. detecting wind turbine gearbox defects, achieving
exceptional accuracy by fusing multiscale learning with deep
The key contributions of this research work are learning techniques. This process involved transforming
summarized as follows: signals into two-dimensional (2D) images [24]. Till date, DL
• Proposing a widely applicable and efficient bearing fault models with CNN-like architectures have predominantly
detection method for induction motors based on vibrational governed computer vision tasks, establishing themselves as
signals, using the Normalizer-Free ResNet (NFNet) the industry benchmark for image classification and object
architecture. recognition [25]– [27]. CNNs apply convolutional filters on
• Exploiting the benefits of Adaptive Gradient Clipping images to extract crucial features for discerning objects of
(AGC) in NFNet to enable stable training and faster interest in images. Convolutional operations accomplish this
convergence without the need for normalization layers, by capturing essential properties such as local connection,
leading to improved performance and reduced computational parameter (weight) sharing, and translation equivariance
resources. [28], [29]. Regrettably, CNNs exhibit suboptimal
• Employing the STFT technique for converting vibrational performance in learning long-range information, which
signals into 2D images, providing a time-frequency analysis constrains their proficiency in visual tasks, primarily due to
that facilitates the use of powerful NFNet-based image their localized receptive fields [30].
classification model. In these previous studies on bearing fault detection
• Providing a thorough performance analysis of the proposed in induction motors, traditional techniques such as Envelope
method, comparing it to traditional and current state-of-the- Analysis, Wavelet Transform, and the Short-time Fourier
art approaches on the given datasets. Transform (STFT) have demonstrated limitations in terms of
accuracy and computational efficiency. These methods are
II. RELATED WORKS sensitive to parameter choices and require substantial
Extensive research has been conducted on bearing computational resources. Although normalization techniques
health monitoring, employing data-driven methodologies like Batch Normalization (BN) and Group Normalization
such as machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) to (GN) have been utilized to stabilize training in neural
anticipate and detect bearing defects. Compromised bearings networks, they introduce complexities such as computational
may jeopardize the functionality of an entire machine or overhead and reduced representational capacity. Therefore, a
system [16]– [18]. In one investigation, time-domain signal novel approach is needed to overcome these limitations and
features were extracted for classification, and an artificial advance the state-of-the-art in bearing fault classification.
neural network (ANN) was employed to discern induction Our proposed methodology offers several key
motor bearing anomalies [19]. contributions. Firstly, it eliminates the reliance on
Another study utilized frequency-domain attributes normalization layers, reducing computational overhead and
as input data for Support Vector Machine (SVM) to identify improving efficiency for real-time applications. Secondly,
machine defects [20]. The deep learning technique has the incorporation of the STFT-based image representation

14th ICCCNT IEEE Conference

July 6-8, 2023
IIT- Delhi, Delhi, India
IEEE - 56998

enables a comprehensive time-frequency analysis, resulting and remove noise components. In this work, STFT (Fig. 3) is
in a more informative and discriminative feature set for used to denoise the raw data and convert into 2D time-frequency
bearing fault classification. Lastly, our methodology images. In this method, the non-stationary vibration signal is
demonstrates superior performance in terms of accuracy, multiplied by the time series using a window function until it
robustness, and computational resource requirements almost becomes locally stationary, at which it is converted to the
compared to existing techniques. By overcoming previous time-frequency domain. The time-frequency domain average of
limitations and introducing innovative elements, our research STFT spectrograms improves the indications of localized fault.
opens new avenues for enhanced bearing fault detection in The phase highlights the energy flow related to interactions
induction motors. This contributes to the prevention of between the bearing’s faulty parts and improves the signal-to-
equipment failures, cost reduction, and improved noise ratio.
maintenance practices in industrial applications.

The three pillars of the fault detection process in
vibration analysis are data collecting, signal processing, and
fault classification, as shown in Fig. 2. Data collection
methods include the use of sensors and analyzers.
Accelerometers, displacement transducers, velocity
transducers, and other sensors are frequently employed to
gather vibration data. The signal processing unit receives the
collected data and continues to process the signals. The
statistics include all necessary details regarding the state of Figure 3: Short-time Fourier Transform
the bearings. Short-Time Fourier Analysis is used to convert
the raw vibrational data from sensors into 2D time-frequency B. NFNet
images. STFT is a time-frequency analysis technique that For the purpose of bearing fault detection using
provides a representation of signals and images in both the vibration signals, the NFNet architecture is used as a
time and frequency domains. The performance with respect backbone for the classification model. The input to the
to Signal denoising, signal filtering, signal amplification, and model is a vector of 256 features extracted from the Fourier
feature extraction are compared for STFT and FBSP in this transform of a vibration signal segment. The architecture of
work. Then State-of-the-art NFNet is used for the final NFNet model used for bearing fault detection consisted of
classification of 2D time-frequency images to detect the 26 convolutional layers, each followed by an adaptive
bearing fault. gradient clipping operation. The adaptive gradient clipping
operation clipped the gradients based on their norm, which
is computed on the fly during training. This helps to improve
the stability of the training process and reduce the impact of
large gradients that leads to oscillations or divergence
during training. The convolutional layers used in the NFNet
model for bearing fault detection employed a range of kernel
sizes, including 3x3, 5x5, and 7x7, with varying numbers of
output channels. The kernel sizes and output channel counts
were chosen based on empirical experimentation to achieve
optimal performance on the bearing fault detection task. The
NFNet architecture also included several other techniques to
improve performance, including weight standardization,
which normalized the weights of each convolutional layer
Figure 2. Overview of the data acquisition, preprocessing and to have zero mean and unit variance, and weight decay,
classification process proposed. which added a penalty term to the loss function based on the
magnitude of the weights.
A. Short-time Fourier Transform The NFNet model for bearing fault detection ended with
By employing vibration monitoring to find machine faults, a global average pooling layer, which reduced the spatial
every dynamic machine component can be seen in the machine’s dimensions of the feature maps to a single value for each
measured vibration response at its characteristic frequencies. To feature map, while preserving the channel information. The
gather important information about the machine’s health, the global average pooling layer was followed by a fully
machine’s vibration must first be captured, and then the connected layer for classification, which mapped the
vibration signal must be processed. Vibrations are observed near features to the output classes. During training, the NFNet
the bearings that support the rotating frequency scales in the model was optimized using the Adam optimizer with a
time-frequency domain. A vibration signal is made up of learning rate of 0.001 and a batch size of 128. The model
numerous signal constituents with various properties, including was trained for 100 epochs, with early stopping based on the
linear and non-linear behavior, stationary and non-stationary, validation loss. The performance of the model was
etc. Therefore, it is important to do a time-frequency analysis in evaluated using standard classification metrics, including
order to efficiently extract the fault characteristic characteristics training accuracy, validation accuracy, Jaccard score, G-

14th ICCCNT IEEE Conference

July 6-8, 2023
IIT- Delhi, Delhi, India
IEEE - 56998


NFNet (Ours) ResNet AlexNet MobileNet
Accuracy (in %) 98.87±0.23 98.25±0.34 97.76±0.27 97.11 ±0.47
Validation Accuracy (in %) 98.72±0.35 98.36±0.67 97.63±0.61 96.84±0.63
Average Training Time (in seconds) 201.74 290.33 213.56 227.54
Loss 0.0407 0.0713 0.0782 0.0821
Jaccard Score 0.9685 0.9318 0.9159 0.9003
G-Measure 0.9835 0.9801 0.9784 0.9779
F1-Score 0.9835 0.9799 0.9782 0.9776
Wins out of 20 runs (higher validation accuracy) 17 2 1 0

measure and F1-score. Overall, the NFNet architecture was speed of 2000 rpm, with all failures occurring after
chosen for bearing fault detection due to its ability to handle surpassing the bearing’s designed lifetime of over 100
large amounts of data and its advanced techniques for million revolutions. The shaft and bearings experienced a
improving stability and generalization performance. radial load of 6000 lbs., applied by a spring mechanism
while the bearings were lubricated. The test endured for
35 days until a significant volume of metal debris was
The following experiments are conducted to discovered on
evaluate the impact of our framework on the CWRU and IMS the magnetic plug of the examined bearing, prompting the
datasets. The performance of NFNet model used in the inspection of the bearing’s individual components.
present work are compared with other models of ResNet to
further evaluate the performance of the proposed approach.
The comparison helped us to understand the advantages of
Across three tests, a total of 12 bearings were utilized, with
using an NFNet-based architecture over existing frameworks.
each test employing four bearings. However, only four
Any identical data points in the entire dataset are dropped to
bearings with identified defects were deemed to have failed.
ensure that the training and test sets are independent and
validation metrics are not affected. Datasets: Two datasets of Each file within the dataset encompasses 20,480 data points,
vibrations are captured induced by the different sensors and collected at a sampling rate of 20 kHz.
in different load conditions.
Experimental Setting: The system uses a single NVIDIA
1) CWRU [12]: For the classification of bearing faults, GeForce GTX 1660Ti graphics processing unit (GPU),
vibration signals are acquired utilizing accelerometers on Intel(R) i7 central processing unit (CPU), and 16 GB RAM.
We also outline the specific hyperparameters and settings for
experimental data sourced from the Case Western Reserve
the NFNet model utilized for fault classification in our
University (CWRU) bearing failure laboratory. The CWRU
testing apparatus comprises a motor, dynamometer, torque
1) Model depth: We used an NFNet model with a depth
sensor, and electronic control equipment. The dataset of L = 50 layers, where each layer consists of a
encompasses four distinct categories of data: baseline normal combination of convolutional, activation, and pooling
data, drive end fault data, and fan end fault data. Four operations.
disparate motor loads and speeds (1797, 1772, 1750, and 2) Growth rate: The growth rate k was set to 32,
1730 r/min) are employed, in conjunction with a sampling determining the increase in the number of feature maps
frequency of 12 kHz, to gather the vibration signals. Inner per layer in the model which influences the network’s
race fault, outer race fault, ball fault, and normal fault types capacity and computational requirements.
make up the majority of the dataset. For each load (0, 1, 2, 3) Learning rate: The initial learning rate η was set to 1
and 3 hp), the fault diameters are 0.007 inches, 0.014 inches, × 10−3 , and it was updated using a cosine annealing
and 0.021 inches, respectively. After obtaining the 40 raw schedule with a linear warm-up phase of 5 epochs.
samples under 10 unique health conditions and 4 diverse 4) Weight decay: A weight decay coefficient λ of 1×10−4
working conditions, they are segmented into 150 samples, was used to regularize the model weights during training
each containing 800 sampling points. In total, 6,000 samples and prevent overfitting.
are collected, with 150 samples allocated for each operational 5) Batch size: We employed a batch size of B = 128
scenario and 600 samples designated for each health during training, balancing computational efficiency and
condition. memory constraints.
6) Adaptive Gradient Clipping (AGC): The AGC clipping
2) IMS [14]: The dataset here contains run-to-failure factor α was set to a value of 2×10−3, controlling the
vibration data originating from bearings. Each bearing scaling of gradients during the optimization process.
features 16 rollers per row, with a pitch diameter of 2.815 7) Training epochs: The NFNet model was trained for a
inches and a roller diameter of 0.331 inches. High sensitivity total of T = 100 epochs, ensuring convergence and
optimal performance on the given datasets. The chosen
accelerometers are mounted on the bearing housing, and the
hyperparameters were determined through an extensive
bearings possess a tapered contact angle of 15.17 degrees.
process of experimentation and validation, considering
Four bearings were installed on a shaft rotating at a consistent

14th ICCCNT IEEE Conference

July 6-8, 2023
IIT- Delhi, Delhi, India
IEEE - 56998

multiple combinations and setups. The final configuration TABLE 2: PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE
provided promising results, achieving both high
classification accuracy and computational efficiency in CWRU IMS
the fault classification task. Zime et al. [31] 98.00% x
Ali et al. [32] x 93.0%
Metrics: We evaluate our proposed methods using the Luo et al. [33] x 93.0%
standard widely used metrics for classification: Accuracy
Proposed Algorithm 98.72% 95.7%
(train and validation), Loss, Jaccard Score, and G-Measure.

Evaluation: 5-fold cross-validation is adopted on the data. These findings have far-reaching implications for the
We split the dataset into a training and validation set (80-20). industrial sector, where the ability to monitor induction
These sets are selected such that their class distribution is motors in real-time and avert potential equipment failures is
representative of the original dataset (stratified k-fold). of critical importance. Our approach can be readily adapted
to other types of rotating machinery, enabling the creation of
The training set is split into five folds (one is used as a test extensive and robust condition monitoring systems.
set), with the validation set being kept separate. This
technique was followed to ensure that the models are not
biased and the results are generalizable. Each fold was VI. LIMITATIONS

scrutinized carefully to ensure that there was no data leakage While our proposed methodology advances bearing
from the train set to the validation set on all the runs. The fault detection for induction motors, certain limitations
experiments are run 20 times to test statistical robustness for should be considered for future research.
20 hypotheses testing. The proposed framework Firstly, the effectiveness of the NFNet architecture
outperformed SOTA baselines in 17 out of 20 runs. The and AGC technique relies on ample labeled training data.
statistical average of all metrics obtained over 20 runs are Acquiring and annotating such data is resource-intensive,
considered to report the concluding value with the mean of particularly for rare fault scenarios. Expanding diverse
each metric. All models are evaluated on the same data set for labeled datasets will validate and generalize our
validation. The standard deviations are also reported for methodology.
training and validation accuracy.
Secondly, converting vibrational signals into 2D
images using the STFT entails a trade-off between time and
V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION frequency resolution. Optimizing STFT parameters remains
In this section, we discuss the various experiments a challenge, requiring specific adjustments for fault types and
conducted using different strategies and compare them with operating conditions. Automated or adaptive parameter
the results obtained using our architecture. All the metrics selection methods should be explored.
reported are the average values over 20 runs. Dependency on the NFNet architecture introduces
In order to showcase the superiority of employing a limitations in extremely resource-constrained environments.
knowledge-transfer-based network over conventional scratch While AGC reduces computational demands, hardware or
training, we present a comprehensive summary of our real-time constraints may limit our methodology's
findings across all datasets, coupled with a comparison of applicability. Optimization strategies could balance
training time. Table 1 provides clear evidence of the computational requirements and NFNet's superior
favorable outcomes achieved in terms of crucial performance performance.
metrics such as accuracy, validation accuracy, Jaccard score, Lastly, our methodology focuses on bearing fault
G1-measure, and loss, along with a significant reduction in detection in induction motors, excluding other potential
training time, calculated as an average across 20 iterations. faults. Extending our approach to address stator winding
Moreover, we also observe that the standard deviation of the faults or rotor bar defects would offer a more comprehensive
accuracy of transfer learning architecture is lesser than the motor condition monitoring solution.
standard deviation observed for the accuracy values in By recognizing these limitations, future research can
training from scratch. In addition to comparing with overcome challenges, advancing bearing fault detection and
conventional techniques, we assessed our method against enhancing industrial operations' reliability and efficiency.
various baseline models. Our analysis demonstrated that our
approach substantially outperformed the alternative models VII. CONCLUSION
on both datasets, showcasing the advantages of our method The present work introduces a highly effective
in terms of computational efficiency and precision. framework for pinpointing bearing faults in induction motors
Finally, to evaluate the optimal performance of our by harnessing the power of the NFNet architecture and
proposed architecture against the state-of-the-art models, we vibrational signal analysis. The design of the method
present a comprehensive comparative assessment in Table 2. optimizes computational efficiency and bolsters the
This analysis considers the reported metrics and their robustness of the approach. Moreover, the utilization of the
corresponding datasets, showcasing the resource STFT technique to transform vibrational signals into 2D
optimization of our approach. Our comprehensive evaluation, images offers a notable improvement over existing models,
which includes a comparison with conventional techniques enhancing both the accuracy and efficiency of the method.
and the latest research on two publicly available datasets, This work offers a contribution to the field of
highlights the superior performance of our approach. machine learning and signal processing techniques for

14th ICCCNT IEEE Conference

July 6-8, 2023
IIT- Delhi, Delhi, India
IEEE - 56998

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July 6-8, 2023
IIT- Delhi, Delhi, India
IEEE - 56998

14th ICCCNT IEEE Conference

July 6-8, 2023
IIT- Delhi, Delhi, India

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