Histopathologic & Cytologic Techniques
Histopathologic & Cytologic Techniques
Histopathologic & Cytologic Techniques
Introduction 2
Study Schedule 6
Lesson 1: Introduciton to Tissue Processing 8
Lesson 2: Fixation 22
Lesson 3: Decalcification 39
Lesson 4: Dehydration 52
Lesson 5: Clearing 58
Lesson 6: Infiltration and Embedding 64
Lesson 7: Sectioning and Adhesion of 82
Tissue Sections
Lesson 8: Staining 98
Lesson 9: Mounting and Labelling 116
Lesson 10: Cell Blocking 124
Lesson 11: Automated and Rapid Tissue 130
Lesson 12: Immunohistochemistry 141
Lesson 13: Exfoliative Cytology 149
Answers to Self-Assessment Activities 160
Endorsed by:
Course Code: HSTCYT1
Course Title: Histopathologic and Cytologic Techniques
Course Description:
HSTCYT1 is a professional subject with a 2-unit-lecture and 1-unit laboratory class. The
course deals with the of histologic and cytologic techniques essential in the production of tissue
and cytologic slides and smears for the diagnosis of diseases including special procedures and
other related techniques.
This learning module contains the different topics in histopathologic and cytologic
techniques which are presented comprehensively for your perusal. Each lesson includes
enrichment activities which are to be accomplished individually or in collaboration with your
assigned groupmates. You may submit your individual or group outputs via several ways:
(1)online through our Google classroom if you have a strong internet connectivity, (2)through
Facebook messenger or SMS if you have a weak connectivity, and if you have no connectivity at
all--(3)through courier services if you reside outside Baguio City, or (4) submit it personally at
the security office of the University of Baguio if you reside within Baguio City. In addition to
these, each lesson also includes activities for self-assessment to help you to review and prepare
for the summative assessments and for you to keep track of your progress in understanding the
different topics. Self-assessment activities will not be graded, however, you are required to
compile them as part of your journal which will be passed and evaluated every grading period.
Please take note that summative assessments will be given separately in the lecture and
laboratory class periods. All enrichment activities will be part of the coverage of the summative
assessments in the laboratory. The coverage of the summative assessments in the lecture will
be determined and communicated by your instructor. Periodical examinations will also be given
as part of individual student assessment.
Please follow the following format in accomplishing your reports and case analysis
outputs. For offline learners, you are required to accomplish all tasks individually regardless if it
is an Individual Task or a Group Task. This is to avoid any misunderstandings which may be
brought about by the limited ways by which you may communicate with your other classmates.
Individual and Group Reports/Case analysis:
1. References: Always indicate the reference(s) used for each question, immediately after the
corresponding answer.
a. Book or E-book: Title; Author; Edition; Page Number
Output contains Some labels were
-Completeness of all Some labels were Complete non
all necessary data left out and there
required illustrations left out but group drawing of a
required by the was no group
-Proper labelling result is present particular item
activity. result
Content was
correct, no errors More than 5
-Sequencing (for 1-3 errors were 4-5 errors were
were noted (e.g. errors were
procedural steps) noted noted
correct color of noted
samples / tubes)
• 1 point is given if all Technical aspects required by instructor is met
Technical Aspects • 1 point is given if there is organized arrangement of drawings submitted
(2pts) • No point (0) is given if any error in technical aspect required by instructor
is seen
NB: Total Score may vary depending on the number of required drawings/illustrations or as
deemed applicable by your instructor.
Rubrics for Individual/Group Research:
Criteria 1 2 3 4
Some data were Some data were Output contains all
Complete non
left out and left out or answers necessary data required
Completeness answering of a
there was no were complete but by the activity (ex. Label).
(4pts) particular
discussion of discussion was not The answer was complete
answer comprehensive and comprehensive
Output was Answers were Answers were Content was correct,
copied summarized summarized and concise yet important
verbatim; haphazardly; derived from details were seen;
Answers were some answers reliable sources but Answers were derived
copied from were copied a few errors in the from reliable sources;
unreliable from unreliable content of the there is evidence of
sources sources output were seen personal input
NB: Total Score may vary depending on the number of questions for research to be answered or
as deemed applicable by your instructor.
In the event when face-to-face classes will be allowed, a major requirement for this
course would be for you to perform manual tissue processing with your assigned groupmates.
At the end of this activity, you will be required to individually submit one paraffin block and one
H and E stained tissue slide together with the following evaluation forms containing the rubrics
which will be utilized to grade your outputs.
NAME: _____________________________________Class Schedule: ____________________
PARAFFIN (TISSUE/CELL) BLOCK: Proper preparation of paraffin block.
Type of specimen: ___________________________________
CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
Total Score:
Slide is properly
Labelling: Slide is INCOMPLETELY
labelled with the Slide is NOT in
Slide is properly labelled with: labelled with student’s
student’s complete any way
▪ Student’s complete name; and name only or with
name and type of labelled.
▪ Type of specimen specimen type only.
▪ Minimum of 2 IDENTICAL tissue Slide does NOT
Slide meets both Slide meets only one
sections are mounted on the slide. meet both
criteria. (1) of the criteria.
▪ Tissue sections are properly criteria.
ORIENTED on the slide (parallel).
▪ Cell’s nucleus appears blue/violet Slide does NOT
Slide meets both Slide meets only one
against pink cytoplasm. meet both
criteria. (1) of the criteria.
▪ Slide is thoroughly cleaned of excess criteria.
Slide does NOT
▪ Coverglass is fixed firm on the slide. Slide meets both Slide meets only one
meet both
▪ No bubbles are superimposed on the criteria. (1) of the criteria.
Tentative score X 2
Lecture Laboratory
Lesson 1: Introduction to *Online Discussion *Activity 1: Glasswares,
Histotechniques *Summative Assessment Equipment and Materials in
1 Histopathology
-Individual Task
*Summative Assessment
Lesson 2: Fixation *Online Discussion *Activity 2a: Fixation
2 *Summative Assessment -Group Task
*Summative Assessment
Lesson 3: Decalcification *Online Discussion *Activity 2a: Decalcification
3 *Summative Assessment -Group Task
*Summative Assessment
Lesson 4: Dehydration *Online Discussion *Activity 2a: Dehydration
4 *Summative Assessment -Group Task
*Summative Assessment
Lesson 5: Clearing *Online Discussion *Activity 2a: Clearing
5 *Summative Assessment -Group Task
*Summative Assessment
Coverage: Lessons 1 to 5
Lesson 6: Infiltration and *Online Discussion *Video Demonstration
Embedding Part I *Summative Assessment *Activity 2a: Manual Tissue
-Individual Task
-Group Task
*Summative Assessment
Lesson 6: Infiltration and *Online Discussion *Video Demonstration
Embedding Part II *Summative Assessment *Activity 2b: Manual Tissue
-Individual Task
-Group Task
*Summative Assessment
Lesson 7: Sectioning and *Online Discussion *Video Demonstrations
Adhesion of Sections *Summative Assessment *Activity 3: Trimming and
Cutting of Paraffin Blocks
*Activity 4: Sharpening of
Microtome Knives
*Activity 5: Adhesion and
Drying to Tissue Seions onto
the Slide
-Individual Task
-Group Task
*Summative Assessment
Lesson 8: Staining Part I *Online Discussion *Video Demonstration
& II *Summative Assessment *Activity 6: Hematoxyling
and Eosin Staining
-Individual Task
-Group Task
*Summative Assessment
Lesson 8: Staining Part III *Online Discussion
& IV *Summative Assessment
Lesson 9: Mounting and *Online Discussion *Video Demonstration
Labelling *Summative Assessment *Activity 7: Coverslipping
12 -Individual Task
-Group Task
*Summative Assessment
Coverage: Lessons 6 to 9
Lesson 10: Cell Blocking *Online Discussion *Video Demonstration
*Summative Assessment *Activity 8: Cell Block
-Individual Task
-Group Task
*Summative Assessment
Lesson 11: Automated *Online Discussion *Activity 9: Automation and
and Rapid Tissue *Summative Assessment Rapid Tissue Processing in
15 Processing HIstopathology
-Individual Task
*Summative Assessment
Lesson 12: *Online Discussion
Immunohistochemistry *Summative Assessment
Lesson 13: Exfoliative *Online Discussion *Video Demonstration
Cytology *Summative Assessment *Activity 10: Papanicolaou
Staining Technique
-Individual Task
-Group Task
*Summative Assessment
Coverage: Lessons 1 to 13
Across Down
3. dye used in fresh tissue preparation & 1. process that makes use of aromatic oils
examination 2. reagent used to preserve tissues
8. cutting embedded tissues into very thin slices 4. reagent for dehydration
9. process of replacing aromatic oil with paraffin 5. performed to provide optical differentiation
10. also known as blocking or casting 6. process of removing water from the tissue sample
7. first step in tissue processing
Lesson Proper
✓ preparation, processing and staining of tissue sections of tissue sections for
microscopic study to be interpreted by the pathologist
✓ study of disease at the tissue level
1. Autopsy Materials: examined to determine the cause of death
2. Surgical Materials: otherwise referred to as surgical or biopsy materials; examined to provide
a diagnosis
A. FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION: removal of cells from the area of abnormality
➢ considered as the simplest and least invasive method of collecting biopsy
➢ method of collection for fluid-containing tumors
B. CORE NEEDLE BIOSY: removal of cells and small amount of surrounding tissue
C. INCISIONAL BIOPSY: removal of cells with more surrounding tissue
D. EXCISIONAL BIOPSY: removal of the entire area in question
➢ Ensure complete removal of the lesion
➢ Confirm that the diagnosis is correct
E. PUNCH BIOPSY: removal of 3 to 4 mm cylindrical core of tissue samples
➢ small: 2mm; large: 4mm
➢ lesion should be at the center
F. SHAVE BIOPSY: removal of small fragments of tissue from a surface
G. CURETTINGS: removal of tissue or growths from body cavities
1. Specimen: 1 month to 1 year
2. Tissue Blocks: 3 to 10 years
3. Slides: Indefinite
4. Records (request and result forms): Permanent
✓ Observation of physiologic processes or protoplasmic activities (motion, mitosis,
phagocytosis and pinocytosis)
✓ Relatively simple and easy to perform
✓ Limited use
✓ Liable to develop changes observed after death (putrefaction and autolysis)
C. Tissue Processing
➢ Fixation
➢ Dehydration
➢ Clearing
➢ Infiltration
➢ Embedding
➢ Sectioning (+ Floating, Fishing-out, Drying)
➢ Staining
➢ Mounting
➢ Labelling
B. Research Laboratories
✓ Used to locate the presence and position of mineral elements in the tissue
✓ Two duplicate sections of alcohol-fixed tissues
✓ Injection of radioactive isotopes into organs
✓ Determines the relationship and location of the isotopes and cells to be studied
✓ Provides qualitative and quantitative information
Enrichment Activity
At the end of this activity, you are expected to:
1. acquaint oneself with the apparatuses and equipment used in the study of
histopathologic and cytologic techniques; and
2. know the function(s) and parts of these apparatuses and equipment.
Individual Task
Compile images/draw and indicate the use/s of the following glasswares, materials, and equipment
used in the histopathology laboratory. Label them accordingly.
Erlenmeyer flask Graduated cylinder
Compound Microscope
Other Materials
Slide box
Summing It Up
Histotechniques deals with the preparation, processing and staining of tissue
sections for microscopic study to be interpreted by the pathologist. This requires
medical laboratory scientists to have the skills and knowledge on the methods used
to prepare and process tissue samples for examination.
There are two general types of samples handled in the histopathology laboratory. These
include autopsy materials and surgical or biopsy materials. The purpose of processing these materials
also differs. Autopsy materials are processed to determine the cause of death. Surgical or biopsy
materials on the other hand are processed to provide a diagnosis of the patient’s condition. Surgical
specimens may be collected via fine needle aspiration, core needle, incisional, excisional, punch,
shave or curettage biopsies. As part of quality assurance, the laboratory is required to store
specimens for one month to one year, tissue blocks for three to ten years, slides are to be kept
indefinitely and records permanently.
Samples submitted to the laboratory are processed using any of the different methods of
tissue preparation and examination. There are three factors which are to be considered in choosing
the method to be performed: (1) structural and chemical components of the cells or tissues, (2)
nature and amount of the tissue sample to be evaluated, and (3) if there is a need to provide an
immediate diagnosis. In diagnostic laboratories, the methods which may be performed include fresh
tissue, preserved tissue and frozen section preparations. In research laboratories, the methods which
may be performed include microincineration and autoradiography.
Fresh tissue preparation and examination permits the observation of physiologic or
protoplasmic processes which include motion, mitosis, phagocytosis and pinocytosis. Since this
method does not involve the use of any fixative, immediate changes brought about by cell death and
tissue degradation are likely to occur. Specifically, the tissue sample undergoes autolysis and
putrefaction, thus, a fresh tissue preparation is not permanent and can only be utilized for a limited
period of time. Techniques under fresh tissue preparation and examination include teasing, crushing,
smear preparation (streaking, spreading, pull-apart and impression smear), and frozen section
Preserved tissue preparation and examination involves a series of sequential steps which
have to be performed with utmost care. Prior to the performance of this method, specimen
accessioning and gross examination have to be performed. The routine steps for preserved tissue
preparation and examination are fixation, dehydration, clearing, infiltration, embedding, trimming,
sectioning, staining, mounting and labelling. Decalcification is an additional step performed after
fixation and before dehydration in order to remove mineral deposits from tissue samples. Tissue
slides required for examination by the pathologist have to be of diagnostic quality.
Microincineration is a method that is performed to locate the presence and position of
mineral elements in the tissue. This involves the preparation of two duplicate sections of alcohol-
fixed tissues. One section is stained and the other one is incinerated which will produce an ash
pattern known as spodogram.
Autoradiography involved the injection of radioactive isotopes into organs or tissues. After
which, the organ or tissue is fixed and sections are produced. The sections are then mounted on
slides containing a photographic emulsion (silver halide) and stained. This method is utilized to
determine the relationship and location of the isotopes and cells to be studied.
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the activities, do not
go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the purpose of this portion
of the module. These activities will not be recorded but you are required to compile
them as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
2. method to be performed to remove a uterine 1. equipment used to prepare frozen sections
lesion 3. location of lesion in punch biopsies
5. recommended storage duration for 4. personnel who performs gross examination and
histopathology results sampling
7. method that gives qualitative and quantitative 6. purpose of processing and examining surgical
information materials
9. stain for fresh tissue processing 8. change that occurs after cells are removed from
the body
10. fixative used for microincineration
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
Summative Assessment
A. Get ready for summative assessments in the lecture and laboratory to be scheduled by your
B. Summative assessments will be given by the instructor via several modalities depending on
your connectivity status.
✓ If you have a strong internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via the online platform
✓ If you have a weak internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via Facebook
✓ If you have no internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via SMS/text message.
1. Allen, D., & Cameron, R.I. (2004). Histopathologic specimens: clinical, pathological and
laboratory aspects. USA: Springer
2. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Laboratory. Methods in histotechnology. Washington
DC: American Registry of Pathology
3. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (2012). Histopathologic techniques (2nd ed.). Philippines: Goodwill
Trading Co., Inc.
4. Raphael, S. (1983). Lynch’s medical laboratory technology (4th ed.). Philadelphia: W.B.
Saunders Co.
Desired Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. explain the importance of tissue fixation as well as the mechanisms involved in this process;
2. apply the different guidelines and precautions observed during tissue fixation;
3. identify the different factors that affect fixation, relate the how these factors affect fixation
and formulate steps or procedures in modifying these factors in order to carry out fixation
efficiently and optimally;
4. assess and recommend what fixative should be used for a given sample and explain why such
fixative is the most appropriate one; and
5. identify the hazards associated with the use of each of the different fixatives and know how
to avoid or mitigate such hazards.
Across Down
5. shape of nucleic acids 1. storage form of carbohydrates in humans
6. examples are stomach, uterus and gallbladder 2. protein fiber that provides tensile strength in
8. portion of the brain that contains the Circle of hard tissues
Willis 3. organelle that contains proteolytic enzymes
9. microscope used in studying ultrastructures 4. colloid-containing gland responsible in
10. soluble in organic solvents and serves as the producing calcitonin
second source of energy 7. biomolecule known as the body's building block
Lesson Proper
Part I: Overview of Fixation
✓ first and most critical step in tissue processing
✓ fixing or preserving fresh tissue for examination
✓ should be done immediately to preserve cellular and tissue morphology
Fixative agents
✓ capable of forming cross-links between proteins
➢ stabilizes tissue components making them insoluble to lysosomal enzymes
Types of Fixative:
1. Additive: becomes part of the cross-link itself
2. Non-Additive: facilitates the removal of water in order for cross-links to form
✓ capable of inactivating lysosomes
• Increase in size and thickness • Presence of blood
• Presence of mucus • Decrease in temperature
• Presence of fats
✓ Decrease in size and thickness
✓ Presence of agitation
✓ Presence of heat
✓ pH: 6 to 8 ✓ Osmolality
✓ Temperature: ▪ Light microscopy: slightly
▪ Routine Manual: Room Temp (20 to 22oC) hypertonic (400-450 mOsm)
▪ Routine Automated: 40 oC ▪ Electron Microscopy: more or
▪ Electron Microscopy: 0 to 4oC less isotonic (340 mOsm)
▪ Formalin at 60 oC: very urgent biopsies ✓ Concentration
▪ Formalin at 100 oC: diagnosis of ▪ Formaldehyde: 10%
tuberculosis ▪ Glutaraldehyde: 3%
▪ DNA: 65 oC ✓ Volume
▪ RNA: 45 oC ▪ Routine: 10 to 25 times the
✓ Size and Thickness volume of the specimen
▪ Light Microscopy: 2cm2 by 0.4cm thick ▪ Museum: 50 to 100 times the
▪ Electron Microscopy: 1 to 2 mm2 volume of the specimen
▪ Lung Edema: 1 to 2 cm thick
Tissue/Organ Preparations:
1. Air-filled Lungs
✓ Cover with several layers of gauze
2. Hollow Organs
✓ Dilate with cotton soaked in fixative
✓ Completely open specimen
3. Brain
✓ Fix first before sampling
✓ Suspended by a cord tied under the Circle of Willis
✓ Intravascular perfusion using Ringer’s lactate
4. Eyes
✓ Fixed whole
✓ Inject formol-alcohol
5. Hard Tissues
✓ Lendrum’s Method: washed out with running water overnight and immersed in
4% aq. phenol solution for 1-3 days
6. Muscles
✓ Stretched with sutures on each end
✓ Laid flat in a moist filter paper
I. According to Composition
1. Simple Fixatives: made up of only one component substance
2. Compound Fixatives: made up of two or more fixatives
I. According to Action
1. Microanatomical Fixatives:
➢ permit general microscopic study of tissue structures and normal
intercellular relationship of tissues
2. Cytological Fixatives:
➢ preserve specific cellular components
A. Nuclear Fixatives:
✓ preserve nuclear structures
• 10% Formol saline • Heidenhain’s SuSa • Helly’s • 10% Formol saline
• 10% Neutral buffered • Newcomer’s • Orth’s • Absolute ethanol
formalin • Bouin’s • Regaud’s/Muller’s • Newcomer’s
• Heidenhain’s SuSa • Flemming’s • Flemming’s • Acetone
• Formol sublimate/corrosive • Carnoy’s • Formalin with
• Zenker’s solution post-chroming
• Zenker-formol/Helly’s
• Bouin’s solution
• Brasil’s solution
Summing It Up
Fixation is considered as the first and most critical step in tissue
processing. There are two purposes of fixation: (1) preservation and (2)
protection of the tissue sample. Preservation is the primary purpose of fixation
and this allows maintaining the morphology and architectural pattern of tissue
constituents in as life-like manner as possible. Protection is the secondary purpose of fixation
and this is achieved by adequately hardening the tissue sample in order to protect it from the
damaging effects of reagents used in the subsequent steps in tissue processing.
The rate at which fixation takes place is an important consideration in this step.
Generally, the rate of fixation should be high in order to adequately fix even the internal
portion of tissue samples. The rate of fixation is retarded by an increase in the size and
thickness of the tissue sample, presence of mucus, fats and/or blood, and a decrease in
temperature. In contrast, the rate of fixation is enhanced by a decrease in the size and
thickness of the tissue sample, presence of agitation and heat.
Factors that affect fixation include the temperature, size and thickness of the tissues
sample, duration of fixation, pH, osmolality, concentration and volume of the fixative. In
addition to these factors, specific organs require additional considerations and preparations in
order for these to be fixed properly and adequately. These organs include air-filled lungs,
hollow organs, brain samples, eyes, hard tissues and muscles.
The fixatives used in histopathology may be classified based on different criteria.
Fixatives may be classified according to composition. Simple fixatives are those that contain
only one active component, while compound fixatives are those that contain two or more
active components. Another basis of classification is according to action. Microanatomical
fixatives are those that preserves all components and thus, permits the general study of
structures and normal intercellular relationship. Cytological fixatives are those that allows a
certain tissue component to be fixed. This type includes nuclear and cytoplasmic fixatives.
Nuclear fixatives are those that fix the nucleus and its associated structures. These fixatives
contain glacial acetic acid which has a high affinity to nuclear chromatin but tends to destroy
organelles such as mitochondria and Golgi bodies. On the contrary, cytoplasmic fixatives are
those that fix the cytoplasm as well as the organelles. These fixatives do not contain glacial
acetic acid. Histochemical fixatives are those that preserve the biochemical components of
tissues. Biochemical components of tissues include lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. Specific
solutions may be utilized depending on the solubility characteristics of the biochemical
component to be fixed.
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the activities,
do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the purpose of
this portion of the module. These activities will not be recorded but you are
required to compile them as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
6. diagnosis of this requires the use of 1. reagent that differentiates nuclear from
formalin heated at 100 deg C cytoplasmic fixatives
9. mixture of glutaraldehyde or formaldehyde 2. chemical component that is fixed using
10. organelle destroyed by nuclear fixatives Baker's formol-calcium
3. solution that can act as a microanatomical
and nuclear fixative
4. reagent used in Lendrum's method
5. secondary purpose of fixation
7. fixatives with only one active component
8. effect of the presence of blood in the tissue
sample to the rate of fixation
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
1. Formaldehyde (Formalin)
▪ gas produced by the oxidation of methyl alcohol
▪ buffered at ph 7 to 8
→ hypoxia in tissues leads to acidity which favors the formation of
Formalin heme pigments (black, polarizable deposits)
▪ Pure Stock: 40% formalin
▪ Dilution: 1:10 (10% solution); 1:20 (5% solution)
▪ Concentration for fixation: 10% formalin
▪ Paraformaldehyde: white precipitate due to prolonged storage
→ may be removed by filtration or addition of 10% methanol
2. 10% Formol-Saline
▪ central nervous tissues and general post-mortem tissues for histochemical
▪ ideal with most stains including silver impregnation
▪ duration of fixation: more than 24 hours (slow fixative)
3. 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin
▪ preservation and storage of surgical, post-mortem and research specimens
1. Mercuric Chloride
✓ most common metallic fixative
✓ tissue photography
✓ tissues contain black precipitates of mercury (except Susa)
A. Zenker’s Fluid
✓ fixing small pieces of liver, spleen, connective tissues fibers and nuclei
De-zenkerization: removal of mercuric deposits in tissues
B. Zenker-formol
✓ pituitary gland, bone marrow and blood containing organs (spleen and
C. Heidenhain’s Susa Solution
✓ for tumor biopsies
D. B-5 Fixative
✓ for bone marrow biopsies
2. Chromate Fixatives
A. Chromic Acid
✓ preserves carbohydrates
B. Potassium Dichromate
✓ preserves lipids and mitochondria
C. Regaud’s Fluid
✓ demonstration of chromatin, mitochondria, mitotic figures, Golgi bodies,
RBC and colloid-containing tissues
D. Orth’s Fluid
✓ study of early degenerative processes and tissue necrosis
✓ demonstrates Rickettsia and other bacteria
3. Lead Fixatives
✓ demonstration of acid mucopolysaccharides
1. 95 % Ethanol
▪ Preserves but does not “fix” glycogen granules
2. Methanol
▪ For dry and wet smears, blood and bone marrow samples
3. Isopropyl alcohol (95%)
▪ for touch preparations
4. Carnoy’s fluid
▪ most rapid fixative
▪ for chromosomes, lymph glands, urgent biopsies and brain tissue for the
diagnosis of rabies
5. Newcomer’s
▪ demonstration of mucopolysaccharides and nucleoproteins
6. Gendre’s fixative
1. Flemming’s (chrome-osmium HAc)
▪ Permanently fixes fats and recommended for fixing nuclear structures
2. Flemming’s w/o acetic acid
▪ For cytoplasmic structures
✓ may also be used as a weak decalcifying agent
✓ use at cold temperature (-5 to 4oC)
✓ fixation of brain tissues for rabies diagnosis
Summing It Up
Formaldehyde Routinely used fixative
Glutaraldehyde Used for electron microscopy
10% Formol-Saline For enzymes, nucleoproteins, fats and mucins
10% Neutral Buffered Formalin Best for frozen sections, iron pigments and elastic fibers
Formol Corrosive/Sublimate For lipids, especially neutral fats and phospholipids
Gendre’s For immunoperoxidase activity, glycogen, microincineration & sputum
Mercuric Chloride-Based
Zenker’s For small pieces of liver, spleen, connective tissue fibers & nuclei
Zenker-Formol For pituitary, bone marrow and blood-containing organs
Heidenhain’s SuSa For tumor biopsies of the skin
B-5 For bone marrow biopsies
Chromic Acid For carbohydrates
Potassium dichromate For lipids and mitochondria
Regaud’s For chromatin, mitochondria, mitotic figures, Golgi bodies, RBC and
colloid-containing tissues
Orth’s For early degenerative processes, tissue necrosis, Rickettsiae and
other bacteria
4% Basic Lead acetate For acid mucopolysaccharides
Bouin’s For embryos and pituitary biopsies
Brasil’s Alcoholic Picroformol For glycogen
95% Ethanol For glycogen
100% Methanol For dry and wet smears, blood and bone marrow samples
95% Isopropyl alcohol For touch preparations
Carnoy’s For chromosomes, lymph glands, urgent biopsies and brain fixation for
rabies diagnosis
Newcomer’s For mucopolysaccharides and nuclear proteins
Flemming’s with HAc For fats and nuclear structures
Flemming’s without HAc For cytoplasmic structures
Glacial Acetic acid For nuclear structures
Trichloroacetic acid For dense fibrous tissues
Acetone For brain fixation for rabies diagnosis and water-diffusible enzymes
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and comprehension
regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the activities, do not go back to
the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the purpose of this portion of
the module. These activities will not be recorded but you are required to
compile them as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
2. fixative that penetrates the worst 1. removal of black mercuric deposits using
6. for colloid-containing tissue samples alcoholic iodine
7. aka osmium tetroxide 3. used to fix dry and wet smears
8. white precipitate of formaldehyde 4. formaldehyde-containing solution that does
not require washing
11. su in Haidenhein's
5. alcoholic formalin
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
2. 50 – 70 % Alcohol
✓ Picric acid (Bouin’s solution)
3. Alcoholic iodide
✓ Mercuric fixatives
Enzyme Histochemistry
1. 4% formaldehyde or formol-saline
2. Frozen sections: acetone or formaldehyde
✓ Chemical fixation is avoided
✓ Recommended for histochemical studies
➢ Rapid freezing of tissue blocks to allow instant cessation of cellular activities
Freezing Agents
1. Liquid Nitrogen
2. Isopentane
3. Pentane
4. Propane
5. Dichlorodifluoromethane
➢ Rapid freezing: tissue plunged in isopentane or propane-isopentane
(-160 to -180 OC)
➢ Desiccation: removal of tiny ice crystals by sublimation in a vacuum
(-30 to -40 OC)
➢ Similar with freeze-drying
➢ Instead of dehydration in a vacuum, tissue blocks are:
✓ Fixed in Rossman’s fluid or 1% acetone
✓ Dehydrated with abs. alcohol
Enrichment Activity
Group Task: Let’s Collaborate
Work with your assigned groupmates and answer the following questions for
research. Make sure to understand the concepts being asked in each question.
1. What are the different methods of fixation? Discuss each method.
Summing It Up
Post-fixation procedures are performed in order to enhance the initial
fixation process. One post-fixation procedure is referred to as secondary
fixation. Depending on the specific procedure performed, secondary fixation
can improve the demonstration of certain substances (double fixation) or
improve the staining characteristics of tissue constituents (post-mordanting).
Another post-fixation procedure is the washing of the fixed tissue sample. There are
two purposes of washing-out after fixation. One is to remove excess fixative and another is to
remove precipitates and pigments from the tissue sample. Washing solutions to remove
excess fixatives include tap water, 50 to 70% alcohol and alcoholic iodine. Examples of
solutions used to remove precipitates and pigments include 10% methanol, alkaline picrate,
Lenoir’s solution, Langeron’s iodine, potassium permanganate, pyrogallic acid, hydrogen
peroxide, and absolute alcohol.
In addition to the different chemical fixatives, there are also physical methods
particularly the use of high temperatures, which may be performed to carry-out the fixation
of tissue samples. Heat fixation is a simple fixation method which is often times performed to
easily fix smears. Microwave fixation is another special physical method that may also be
performed in the laboratory. It is often times employed in conjunction with the use of
formaldehyde-based fixatives.
There are also special techniques which may be performed in the laboratory when
there is a need to avoid chemical fixation such as in the case of histochemical studies. These
special techniques include freeze-drying and freeze substitution. Both of these techniques are
based on the concept of rapid freezing or quenching. Tissue constituents are fixed using very
low temperatures. This environmental condition needed to perform quenching is achieved
using freezing agents such as carbon dioxide and liquid nitrogen. Freeze-drying involves the
desiccation of water molecules from the tissue sample in a vacuum. Freeze-substitution on
the other hand involves the replacement of water molecules by solutions such as Rossman’s
fluid or osmic acid.
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the activities,
do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the purpose of
this portion of the module. This activity will not be recorded but you are
required to compile it as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
2. purpose of post-chromatization is the 1. secondary fixation using potassium
enhancement of this dichromate
4. used to remove formaldehyde 3. used to remove picric acid fixatives
5. pigment that is reduced by pyrogallic acid 6. alcohol present in Schaudinn's solution
8. rapid freezing 7. Lenoir's solution is used to remove this type
9. fixation procedure for electron microscopy of fixative
10. physical fixation that makes use of
formaldehyde fixatives
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your performance
before the scheduled summative assessments.
Summative Assessment
A. Get ready for summative assessments in the lecture and laboratory to be scheduled by
your instructor.
B. Summative assessments will be given by the instructor via several modalities depending
on your connectivity status.
✓ If you have a strong internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via the online
platform Quizziz.
✓ If you have a weak internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via Facebook
✓ If you have no internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via SMS/text
1. Allen, D., & Cameron, R.I. (2004). Histopathologic specimens: clinical, pathological
and laboratory aspects. USA: Springer
2. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Laboratory. Methods in histotechnology.
Washington DC: American Registry of Pathology
3. Bancroft, Layton, Suvarna. (2012) Bancroft’s theory and practice of histological
techniques. (7th ed.). Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier
4. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (1974). Histopathologic techniques. (1st ed.). Philippines:
Trading Co., Inc.
5. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (2012). Histopathologic techniques. (2nd ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
6. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (2016). Histopathologic techniques. (3rd ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
7. Finkbeiner, W.E. et.al. (2009). Autopsy pathology: a manual and atlas (2nd ed.). USA:
8. Raphael, S. (1983). Lynch’s medical laboratory technology. (4th ed.). Philadelphia:
W.B. Saunders Co.
Desired Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. explain the basic concepts, principles that govern the decalcification process as well as
the different factors that affect it;
2. identify the most appropriate reagent or method to be used when decalcifying a given
3. discern the various plausible causes of an improperly decalcified sample;
4. explain the different tests to determine complete decalcification and to utilize the
result of the test as a guide in performing the decalcificaiton process; and
5. identify the toxicities involvd with the use of decalcifying solutions and how to prevent
or mitigate the exposure to such toxicities.
Across Down
2. commercial name of the sodium salt of this 1. examples of this are inorganic acids such as nitric and
anticoagulant is versene sulfuric acid
5. bone is what type of tissue? 3. negatively-charged electrode
9. type of bone tissue found in the ends of long 4. process by which anticoagulants sequesters Ca2+
bones 6. type of bone tissue found in flat bones
10. tissue component made up of substances and 7. positively-charged electrode
8. examples are organic acids such as formic and citric acids
Lesson Proper
Part I: Overview of Decalcification and Acid Decalcifying Agents
✓ process that entails the removal of calcium or lime salts from tissue
samples after fixation
✓ this process is also known as demineralization
2. Duration
➢ Ideal: 24-48 hours
➢ Dense Cortical Bone: 14 days
3. Temperature and Heat
✓ Required temperature: 18-30 degrees Celsius
✓ Heat enhances destructive action of acids on matrices
✓ 37 degrees Celsius: impairs nuclear staining with Van Gieson’s
→ reduced effectiveness of Trichrome and PAS
✓ 55 degrees Celsius: tissues will undergo complete digestion within 24-48 hrs
4. Solution Used
❖ Concentration of Solutions
➢ Directly proportional to the rate of decalcification
❖ Strong Acids
➢ Affects the antigenicity of cells and tissue components
5. Presence of Additives
❖ Protect tissues but slows down decalcification
6. Fluid Access
❖ Tissues are to be suspended in the upper portion of the jar/container
7. Changing of the Solution
❖ Once or twice a day
8. Volume
❖ Optimum: 20 times the volume of the tissue
9. Agitation
❖ Mechanical agitation or moving of tissue in the solution which influences fluid
❖ Gentle fluid agitation: low speed rotation, rocking, mechanical stirrer, bubbling
air into the solution
❖ Vigorous agitation: sonication
10. Removal of Decalcifying Solution
❖ Washing-out or neutralization after decalcification and/or prior to staining
11. Microwave and Electrolytic Methods
DECALCIFYING METHODS: use of acids, use of chelating agents, ion exchange resins and
electrical ionization
✓ most common and fastest
✓ 5 to 10% is the recommended concentration when used as a simple solution
✓ rapid decalcifying agent: may inhibit nuclear stains and damage tissues
✓ formaldehyde or alcohol and chromic acid may be added as additives
✓ Washing of tissue: acid removed by 3 changes of 70-90% ethanol
✓ Washing slide: brought to water and placed in 1% aq. lithium carbonate for 1
hour→wash for 15 min
✓ causes spontaneous yellow discoloration
➢ impairs staining reaction of the tissue
➢ IF PRESENT IN TISSUES: neutralize with 5% NaSO4 → wash in running tap
water (at least 12 hours)
➢ IF PRESENT IN SOLUTION: add 0.1% urea to pure conc. nitric acid
✓ gentler on tissues
✓ post-mortem research tissues
✓ concentrated reagent: 90%
➢ Aqueous Formic Acid: formic acid, formalin
➢ Formic Acid-Sodium Citrate
❖ WASHING: neutralize with 5% sodium sulfate
✓ slower action, with greater distortion
✓ provides good nuclear staining
✓ surface decalcification: 1% HCl with 70% alcohol
✓ cannot be measured by chemical testing
1. Von Ebner’s Fluid: 36% saturated aqueous NaCl, concentrated HCl
✓ for teeth and small pieces of bones
1. Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA)
✓ for minute samples
✓ provides good nuclear staining
✓ does not require washing-out
✓ very slow and weak decalcifying acid
2. Flemming’s Fluid
✓ also for minute samples
✓ fixative and decalcifying agent
3. Citric Acid-Citrate Buffer
✓ provides excellent nuclear and cytoplasmic staining
✓ does not produce distortion
4. Sulfurous Acid
✓ very weak decalcifying agent, thus it is recommended for very minute samples
Summing It Up
Decalcification, also known as demineralization, is the process that involves the
removal of mineral deposits (commonly calcium salts) from tissue samples.
Improperly performing decalcification or if it is not performed at all presents
consequences that will affect the subsequent steps in tissue processing.
Notable effects include (1) poor cutting of tissue sections, (2) possible damage to the
knife edge and (3) the presence of bone dust and other cellular debris which might
obscure microanatomic details. Similarly, performing decalcification presents
unavoidable consequences that will likewise affect the subsequent steps in tissue
processing. Effects of performing decalcification includes (1) failure of tissue sections
to stain properly and (2) washing-out of sections during the staining process.
Bones, tuberculous organs, atherosclerotic vessels, teratomas, teeth and
microcalcified samples have to be decalcified. These samples contain high amounts
of mineral deposits that have to be removed before proceeding to the next steps in
tissue processing.
In order to properly perform decalcification, several factors have to be
considered. These factors include the thickness of the specimen, duration of
decalcification, temperature, the solution to be used, presence of additives, fluid
access, changing of the solution, volume of the decalcifying agent, presence of
agitation, removal of decalcifying solution and the use of microwave and electrolytic
There are four decalcifying methods which may be performed: (1) the use of
decalcifying agents, (2) the use of chelating agents, (3) electrophoresis, and (4) ion-
exchange resin. Each method involves the use of a decalcifying agent which could
either be an acid or a chelating agent.
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the activities,
do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the purpose of
this portion of the module. These activities will not be recorded but you are
required to compile them as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
3. sample that requires partial or complete 1. material used to cut calcified samples
decalcification prior to sampling 2. recommended stain for acid decalcification
5. acid for very minute samples 4. HCl-containing fluid
8. presence of these in decalcifying solutions 6. reagent used to remove nitrous acid from
retards the process tissues
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
➢ 1 to 3 weeks: small specimens
➢ 6 to 8 weeks: dense cortical bone
✓ pH: very important factor
➢ pH 3: inhibits calcium binding
➢ pH 8: optimum binding
➢ pH 7.0 to 7.4: allows binding and does not destroy tissue components
✓ positively charged calcium ions are attracted to a negative electrode
✓ uses heat and electrolytic reaction
✓ dependent on electricity for the removal of calcium
✓ temperature: 30 to 45 degrees Celsius
✓ uses 90%/88% formic acid and concentrated HCl as the acid solution
✓ Simple, reliable and convenient method for routine purposes
➢ Aliquot 5 ml of used reagent.
➢ Alkalinize with ammonia water
→ (+) precipitate = (+) for calcium = INCOMPLETE
→ if clear, proceed to the next step
➢ Add 0.5 ml ammonium oxalate or 1% sodium oxalate
➢ Stand for 15 to 30 minutes
→ (+) cloudiness or precipitate = (+) for calcium =
❖ Water Rinsing
➢ 30 minutes for small samples
➢ 1 to 4 hours for larger samples
➢ quick rinsing and blotting for small needle biopsies
❖ 2% Lithium Carbonate
❖ 5 to 10% Aqueous Sodium Bicarbonate
❖ thorough washing in water
❖ storage in any of the following:
➢ formol saline with 15% sucrose
➢ phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with 15 to 20% sucrose at 4 degrees
❖ wash in water NEVER IN ALCOHOL
❖ storage in formol-saline or PBS overnight
1. Perenyi’s Fluid
✓ surface blocks submerged for 1 to 2 hours
✓ tissues immersed for 12 to 24 hours
2. 4% Aqueous Phenol
3. Molliflex
✓ may cause swelling or make tissues soapy
4. 2% HCl
5. 1% HCl in 70% alcohol
Enrichment Activity
Group Task: Let’s Collaborate
Work with your assigned groupmates and answer the following questions for
research. Make sure to understand the concepts being asked in each question.
1. What are the precautionary measures and guidelines observed in
decalcifying tissues?
2. What are the different ways of assessing the degree or extent of
decalcification? Make a schematic diagram of the steps performed in
3. Discuss tissue softening emphasizing on its importance in relation to
Summing It Up
In addition to the use of acids, other methods of decalcification include
the use of chelating agents, electrophoresis and ion exchange resin. The most
commonly used chelating agent in histopathology is ethylenediaminetetraacetic
acid (EDTA) particularly the sodium salt (commercially known as versene). EDTA
is considered as an excellent bone decalcifying agent for immunohistochemistry. Another
method is ion exchange resin. This method involves the use of ammonium-sulfonated
polysterene and formic acid. Lastly, electrophoresis may also be performed to remove mineral
deposits from tissues. This process makes use of electrodes, formic and hydrochloric acids for
In performing decalcification, it is important to evaluate whether the process is
already complete. This is to avoid undue contact between the tissue sample and the
decalcifying acid solution. Take note that acid solutions are particularly injurious to the tissues
matrices and prolonged contact may lead to the distortion and breakdown of tissue
components. There are three ways by which extent of decalcification may be evaluated: (1)
physical test, (2) radiologic test, and (3) chemical test.
Once decalcification is complete, removal of the decalcifying solution is done via
washing-out using water or alcohol. This may also be performed via neutralization using
alkaline solutions like lithium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate. Unduly hard tissue samples
may require tissue softening in order to prevent any damage to the microtome during
sectioning. Tissues softening is performed using Perenyi’s fluid, 4% phenol, 2% HCl, 1% HCl in
70% alcohol or Molliflex.
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the activities,
do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the purpose of
this portion of the module. These activities will not be recorded but you are
required to compile them as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
1. acid used for resin reactivation
2. frequency of changing EDTA solution during
3. appearance of calcifications in the X-ray
the final stage of decalcification
5. EDTA that requires pH adjustment
4. involves touching or bending of decalcified
7. requires storage in PBS with sucrose samples
8. indicates presence of calcium ions in the 6. weak acid used in electrophoresis
chemical test
10. used to remove excess EDTA from tissues
9. tissues appear swollen and soapy in this
11. enzyme inhibited by EDTA
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
Summative Assessment
A. Get ready for summative assessments in the lecture and laboratory to be scheduled by
your instructor.
B. Summative assessments will be given by the instructor via several modalities depending
on your connectivity status.
✓ If you have a strong internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via the online
platform Quizziz.
✓ If you have a weak internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via Facebook
✓ If you have no internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via SMS/text
1. Allen, D., & Cameron, R.I. (2004). Histopathologic specimens: clinical, pathological
and laboratory aspects. USA: Springer
2. Bancroft, Layton, Suvarna. (2012) Bancroft’s theory and practice of histological
techniques. (7th ed.). Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier
3. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (2012). Histopathologic techniques. (2nd ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
4. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (2016). Histopathologic techniques. (3rd ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
5. Raphael, S. (1983). Lynch’s medical laboratory technology. (4th ed.). Philadelphia:
W.B. Saunders Co.
Desired Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. have a clear understanding of the different concepts and factors that affect the
dehydration process;
2. discriminate the uses of the different reagents-how and when to use these reagents;
3. identify the toxicities attributed to the use of dehydrating agents and how to prevent
or mitigate the exposure to such toxicities.
Across Down
5. eye inflammation 1. carboxylic acid formed from methanol
7. means no water 2. solvent for organic molecules
8. solvent for water 3. in between cells
9. 100% alcohol 4. aka soluble
10. simplest tertiary alcohol 6. effect of a higher concentration gradient on
the rate of diffusion of molecules
Lesson Proper
➢ Removal of fixative and intercellular and extracellular water from tissues
in preparation for infiltration
➢ Increasing strengths of the dehydrating agent is used to prevent
distortion of tissue structures by diffusion currents (flow of molecules)
1. Type of Tissue
✓ DELICATE TISSUES (eg. embryo): start with 30% ethanol up to 70%
✓ NORMAL TISSUES: start with 70% up to 95% or Absolute alcohol
2. VOLUME: 10X the volume of tissue
3. Prolonged Immersion
✓ High Concentrations: tissues become hard and brittle
✓ Low Concentrations: tissues become macerated
4. Temperature
✓ 37 deg Celsius: increases rate of dehydration and used for tissues that require
urgent examination
5. Agitation
✓ Accelerates diffusion of molecules increasing the rate of dehydration
**Anhydrous copper sulfate: ¼ inch at the bottom of the container to facilitate the removal
of water molecules from the dehydrating fluid
✓ Substitute for ethanol
✓ Also referred to as wood alcohol
✓ Toxic dehydrating agent (methanol is converted to formaldehyde and can be
further converted to formic acid: both formaldehyde and formic acid are toxic
to the body)
✓ for blood & tissue films and smear preparations
✓ Slow-acting
✓ For plants & animals
✓ Also recommended for tissues which do not require rapid processing
✓ May be used in combination with ethanol
✓ Used to dehydrate slides after staining
✓ cheap, rapid and used for most urgent biopsies
✓ duration: 30 minutes to 2 hours
✓ removes lipids from tissues
✓ penetration is poor and causes brittleness
THF (Tetrahydrofuran)
✓ May be used as dehydrating and clearing agent
✓ Can dissolve fats in tissues
✓ Vapors cause nausea, dizziness, headache and anesthesia
✓ Skin and eye irritant
✓ Offensive odor; may cause conjunctivitis during prolonged exposure
✓ May be used to dehydrate sections and smears after staining
✓ 4% phenol: added to 95% alcohol to soften tissues
✓ Glycerol-alcohol mixture and Molliflex: used to soften hard tissues
Enrichment Activity
Group Task: Let’s Collaborate
Work with your assigned groupmates and answer the following questions for
research. Make sure to understand the concepts being asked in each question.
1. What are the properties of a good dehydrant?
2. What are the precautionary measures, guidelines and conditions
required for dehydration?
Summing It Up
Dehydration involves the removal of the fixative, intercellular end
extracellular water from tissues in preparation for infiltration. Since water is not
miscible in paraffin, it is essential to remove and replace water molecules
present in tissues with a solvent that is compatible with paraffin.
Dehydration is carried out by first immersing the tissue sample in increasing strengths
of the dehydrating agents-starting with lower concentrations and moving to higher
concentrations. This is to facilitate the smooth diffusion of molecules, thereby preventing the
distortion of tissue components.
The dehydration process is affected by several factors including the type of tissue
sample, volume of the dehydrating agent, duration of the process, temperature and presence
of agitation.
The most commonly used dehydrating agents are alcohols. Ethanol is considered to be
the best dehydrating agent for routine processing. Substitutes for ethanol are isopropyl
alcohol and butyl alcohol. Butanol can also be used for the dehydration of plant and animal
tissues. Since it is a slow-acting dehydrant, it causes less shrinkage and hardening which are
common disadvantages associated with other dehydrating agents. Methanol is another
alcohol which can be used for dehydration. However, its use in the laboratory is limited to
blood and tissue smears only. This is due to its toxic nature since it is metabolized inside the
body to harmful substances, particularly formaldehyde and formic acid.
Non-alcohol-based dehydrants are also available. These include acetone, cellosolve,
dioxane, tetrahydrofuran and triethyl phosphate. Proper precautionary measures should be
strictly observed when using these dehydrants due to their various hazardous nature. Acetone
is an extremely volatile and flammable substance. Cellosolve is toxic to the human body by
inhalation, skin contact and ingestion, Dioxane is highly toxic and extremely dangerous due to
the possible formation of explosive peroxides. Tetrahydrofuran causes nausea, dizziness,
headache and anesthesia. It is also considered as a skin and eye irritant.
Since dehydration can cause hardening of tissue samples, tissue softening is often
times performed as a remedy to this. Additives to dehydrants that may be used to soften
tissues include 4% phenol, glycerol-alcohol mixture and Molliflex. These additives are
incorporated in the last concentration of alcohol used for dehydration.
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the activities,
do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the purpose of
this portion of the module. These activities will not be recorded but you are
required to compile them as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
3. toxic alcohol dehydrant 1. method that uses pure dioxane and
6. other name of cellosolve anhydrous calcium oxide
8. dehydrant with an offensive odor 2. type of tissue that is first immersed in 30%
9. non-alcohol-based dehydrant that removes
lipids 4. expensive and may form explosive peroxides
10. effect of prolonged immersion of tissues in 5. best dehydrating agent for routine
low concentrations of dehydrants processing
7. purpose of additives to dehydrants
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
Summative Assessment
A. Get ready for summative assessments in the lecture and laboratory to be scheduled by
your instructor.
B. Summative assessments will be given by the instructor via several modalities depending
on your connectivity status.
✓ If you have a strong internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via the online
platform Quizziz.
✓ If you have a weak internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via Facebook
✓ If you have no internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via SMS/text
1. Allen, D., & Cameron, R.I. (2004). Histopathologic specimens: clinical, pathological
and laboratory aspects. USA: Springer
2. Bancroft, Layton, Suvarna. (2012) Bancroft’s theory and practice of histological
techniques. (7th ed.). Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier
3. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (2012). Histopathologic techniques. (2nd ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
4. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (2016). Histopathologic techniques. (3rd ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
5. Finkbeiner, W.E. et.al. (2009). Autopsy pathology: a manual and atlas (2nd ed.). USA:
6. Raphael, S. (1983). Lynch’s medical laboratory technology. (4th ed.). Philadelphia:
W.B. Saunders Co.
Desired Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. explain the various concepts and effects of factors that affect clearing;
2. identify the most appropriate clearing agent when processing a given specimens;
3. discern the different plausible causes and identify steps to prevent and remedy
improperly cleared tissue samples; and
4. identify toxicities and hazards attributed to the use of clearing agents and how to
prevent or mitigate the exposure to such toxicities.
Across Down
1. otherwise referred to as fluidity 2. substances that cause malignancy
3. benign overgrowth usually composed of 5. combustible
muscle tissue and fibers 7. cyclic organic compounds
4. benzene ring with two methyl groups
6. methyl benzene
8. CHCl4
9. CCl4
10. C6H6
Lesson Proper
✓ Removal of dehydrating agent from the tissues and replacing it by a
solvent → transparent & translucent tissue
✓ Not all dealcoholizing agents act as clearing agents
✓ Clearing agents only: glycerin, gum syrup and Brun’s solution
✓ Dealcoholizing agents only: chloroform and carbon tetrachloride
Applications of Clearing
1. Clearing in Embedding:
➢ Done after dehydration & before infiltration
➢ Solvent: dealcoholize and act as solvent of paraffin
➢ Agents: xylene, toluene, dioxane and chloroform
2. Clearing in Mounting
➢ Done after staining & before mounting
➢ microscopic preparations transparent (use of solvents with high refractive
➢ Agents must be solvents of the Mounting media: xylene, toluene, terpineol,
3. For the purpose of making the tissues transparent so that their internal structure is
demonstrable to the naked eye.
➢ Refractive index of clearing agents: approximately equal to that of the tissues
✓ Most rapid (15 - 30 mins/ 30 min – 1 hr)
✓ Excellent clearing agent but tends to make tissues excessively hard & brittle.
✓ Turns milky when dehydration is not complete
✓ Rapid agent (15 – 60 mins)
✓ Carcinogenic, causes aplastic anemia
✓ Similar to xylene but does NOT harden tissues nearly so much
✓ Slower than xylene or benzene (1 – 2 hrs)
✓ Not carcinogenic but emits toxic fumes
✓ For nervous tissues, lymph nodes & embryos
✓ Tissue do not become translucent
✓ Best for large specimens (up to 1cm thick) and tough tissues
✓ Toxic to the liver on prolonged inhalation
✓ Tissues tend to float: remedy → wrap tissues with absorbent cotton gauze
Cedarwood oil
✓ Recommended for CNS, smooth muscles & skin
✓ Slow (2 – 3 days); minimal shrinkage
✓ For both celloidin and paraffin sections
✓ Tissue floats – use Absolute alcohol to prevent drying out of tissues
✓ Must be followed by immersion in xylene or benzene to remove oil from tissues
✓ Turns milky on prolonged storage
Carbo - Xylene ✓ For materials that are difficult to clear (eg. Thick mucinous
Papanicolaou smears)
✓ Should be thoroughly rinsed in xylene prior to mounting
✓ Oil of bergamot
✓ Phenol in alcohol
✓ Creosote
Newer Clearing agents
✓ Based on limonene: a volatile oil found in citrus peels
✓ Clearite - Long chain aliphatic HC
Enrichment Activity
Group Task: Let’s Collaborate
Work with your assigned groupmates and answer the following questions for
research. Make sure to understand the concepts being asked in each question.
1. What are the precautionary measures and guidelines observed in
clearing tissues?
2. Enumerate and describe clearing agents that may partially act as
Summing It Up
Clearing, also referred to as dealcoholization, involves the removal of
the dehydrating agent and replacing it with a solvent that is miscible in paraffin.
Another purpose of clearing is to render transparency to the tissue sample.
Take note that not all clearing agents are dealcoholizing agents and vice versa.
Some reagents used for this procedure are only able to remove alcohol but do not make
tissue samples transparent. Examples of these are chloroform and carbon tetrachloride. On
the other hand, some reagents are only capable of making tissues transparent but do not
remove alcohol. Examples of these are glycerin, gum syrup and Brun’s solution.
There are three applications of clearing: (1) clearing in embedding, (2) clearing in
mounting, and (3) to render transparency to the tissue sample. Factors that affect clearing
include boiling point, viscosity and refractive index of the reagent. The reagent that is used for
clearing will affect the subsequent process which is infiltration. The following table shows the
different commonly used reagents for this procedure:
Xylene Most commonly used and most rapid clearing agent
Benzene Rapid-acting and clears tissues without causing hardness or brittleness
Causes aplastic anemia
Toluene Used as a substitute for xylene and benzene
CHCl3 and CCl4 Versatile reagents as they can be used for different types of tissues
Used for delicate as well as tough tissue samples
Cedarwood oil Recommended for CNS, smooth muscle and skin tissues
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the activities,
do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the purpose of
this portion of the module. These activities will not be recorded but you are
required to compile them as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
4. organ affected by chloroform toxicity 1. BP of chloroform compared to xylene
7. factor that does not affect clearing rate 2. anemia caused by benzene
8. turns milky if dehydration is incomplete 3. clearing agent that is prone to adulteration
10. clearing in _______; reagent should be 5. also known as artificial oil of lilac
miscible in the stain 6. turns milky on prolonged storage
9. aromatic oil used for insects
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
Summative Assessment
A. Get ready for summative assessments in the lecture and laboratory to be scheduled by
your instructor.
B. Summative assessments will be given by the instructor via several modalities depending
on your connectivity status.
✓ If you have a strong internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via the online
platform Quizziz.
✓ If you have a weak internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via Facebook
✓ If you have no internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via SMS/text
1. Allen, D., & Cameron, R.I. (2004). Histopathologic specimens: clinical, pathological
and laboratory aspects. USA: Springer
2. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Laboratory. Methods in histotechnology.
Washington DC: American Registry of Pathology
3. Bancroft, Layton, Suvarna. (2012) Bancroft’s theory and practice of histological
techniques. (7th ed.). Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier
4. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (1974). Histopathologic techniques. (1st ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
5. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (2012). Histopathologic techniques. (2nd ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
6. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (2016). Histopathologic techniques. (3rd ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
7. Finkbeiner, W.E. et.al. (2009). Autopsy pathology: a manual and atlas (2nd ed.). USA:
8. Raphael, S. (1983). Lynch’s medical laboratory technology. (4th ed.). Philadelphia:
W.B. Saunders Co.
Across Down
2. water-fearing 1. substance used to soften hard tissues
7. temperature at which a solid substance 3. direction of the plane of cut in transverse
liquefies section
8. plane of cutting is at an angle 4. plane of cut is parallel to the longest
9. histological section in which the lumen & dimension of the organ
layers of hollow organs are observed 5. equipment used to float sections
10. water-loving 6. substance that hastens a reaction
Lesson Proper
Part I: Overview of Impregnation & Embedding, and Paraffin Processing
✓ to fill all natural cavities, spaces & interstices of the tissues
✓ to give tissue samples a firm consistency
✓ impregnated tissue is placed into a precisely arranged position in a mold
containing a medium which is then allowed to solidify
1. Remove clearing agent
2. Fill cavities, spaces and interstices
3. Render firm consistency to the tissue to facilitate easy cutting and handling
4. Allows storage of processed tissue samples
Infiltration/Embedding media
➢ substance used to infiltrate, support and enclose tissue specimen
➢ should be the same for infiltration and embedding
➢ most important characteristic: convertible from liquid to solid form
➢ mechanisms of solidification:
→evaporation of the solvent
✓ Simplest, most common & best embedding medium
1. Laboratory Temperature
✓ 20-24 OC (Room Temp): 54 – 58 OC
✓ 15-18 OC: 50-54 OC
2. Hardness of the Tissue sample
3. Temperature during Infiltration
✓ Paraffin oven: 2 – 5 OC higher than the MP of the wax
✓ Beyond 60 OC: deleterious to the tissue
4. Number of changes
✓ Minimum requirement: at least 2 changes
5. Nature and Size of the Tissue sample
✓ larger and denser: longer and more frequent changes
6. Clearing Agent Used
✓ xylene/benzene vs chloroform/cedarwood oil
✓ Very thin sections may be obtained with ease
✓ Permits many staining procedures
o Prolongation – excessive shrinkage & hardening
o Inadequate Infiltration
- soft & shrunken
- crumbling of tissue blocks
- breaking up of sections
❖ 2 – 3 changes with agitation
❖ At least 3 OC higher than the MP of the wax
❖ negative atmospheric pressure (400-500 mmHg)
❖ Heat & vacuum
❖ 3 changes
❖ 2 - 4 OC above MP of wax
❖ ADV: Effects of heat are prevented
❖ Applications in the lab: urgent biopsies, dense and fibrous tissues, delicate
Paraffin Embedding
✓ Melted paraffin: 5-10 OC above the MP of wax
✓ Cooling
➢ Ref at -5 OC
➢ immerse in cold water
➢ Tissue Tek with cold plate
❖ Carbowax Processing
➢ 70 % (30 min) → 90% (45 min) → 100% (2 changes for 1 hr each) at 56 OC
➢ Blocking at 50 OC →rapidly cooled at ref temp
➢ Applications: histochemical and enzyme studies; for the demonstration of
neutral fats and lipids
➢ DISADVANTAGE: hygroscopic reagent
→ Add soap or 10% polyethylene glycol 900 in waterbath
→ Use floating solutions: Pearse solution or
Blank and McCarthy solution
Enrichment Activity
At the end of this activity, you are expected to:
1. identify the various steps in tissue processing;
2. exercise systematic and time-controlled sequence of the procedure; and
3. understand the principle involved in each step of the procedure.
The histologic technician is concerned with the preparation, processing and staining of
tissue sections from surgical or autopsy material for microscopic study and interpretation by
the pathologist. Conscientious handling of tissue and care in producing the best possible slides
can substantially affect and improve the accuracy of the diagnosis. Thus, quality
histopathology depends on quality histotechnology.
A video demonstration showing the different procedures will be presented by your
instructor. Make sure to listen attentively and take note of the important concepts and
principles which will be applied in performing the different steps in preserved tissue
After the tissue has been identified, grossly examined and sampled:
1. Wrap the pieces of the cut tissues with gauze and tie up securely with a label or tag, or
place in a tissue cassette with label.
2. Fix the wrapped tissues by immersing them in 10% formalin for 2 - 6 hours.
3. After fixation, wash the wrapped tissues in running water for about 30 minutes to 1
4. Drain the wrapped tissues and transfer to the succeeding solutions of increasing
grades of ethyl alcohol, changes of xylene and melted paraffin, following a designated
time schedule.
Note: The specimens are usually obtained from the anatomic pathology department of
hospitals. Be sure to obtain information on the source and type of the specimens. The
specimens have been fixed or preserved in 10% formalin, thus, the procedure on fixation
then may be omitted and processing shall start with dehydration after an overnight
washing in running water.
70% Ethyl Alcohol (2 changes) 1 hr in each reagent _____________
80% Ethyl Alcohol 1 hour _____________
95% Ethyl Alcohol (2 changes) 1 hr in each reagent _____________
Xylene ( 2 changes) 30 min each reagent _____________
▪ The time of processing may vary depending on the type and size of tissue.
▪ The temperature setting of the paraffin oven should be at least 5 – 10O higher than the
melting point of the medium being used.
Individual Task
Copy and paste images from reliable sources or draw the following:
1. Preparation of tissues for processing (step no. 1 of Part II procedure)
2. Procedural steps in tissue processing (fixation, washing, dehydration & clearing – indicate
3. Infiltration (in a paraffin oven)
Preparation of tissues for processing
Summing It Up
Impregnation involves the process of completely removing the clearing
agent from the tissue and replacing it with a medium to completely fill the
tissue cavities. An impregnated tissue sample will then be embedded using the
same medium used in infiltration. Embedding is a process wherein an
impregnated tissue is placed precisely in a mold with a medium. Both of these procedures
allow easier handling and sectioning of the tissue sample.
There are four general types of media used in histopathology. These are paraffin,
celloidin, gelatin and plastic. An embedding medium must be capable of being converted
readily from liquid to its solid form via any of the following mechanisms: (1) crystallization, (2)
evaporation of the solvent, or (3) polymerization.
Paraffin processing is considered as the simplest, most common and best method for
routine purposes. Factors that affect this type of processing include the nature and size of the
tissue sample, clearing agent used, temperature and the number of changes required. Paraffin
impregnation may be performed via manual, automatic or vacuum techniques. Manual
technique is performed at a temperature 2-5 OC higher than the melting point of the wax with
4 changes. Automatic technique is carried out at a temperature of at least 3 OC higher than
the melting point of the wax, 2-3 changes with constant agitation. Vacuum technique requires
a temperature that is 2-4 OC higher than the melting point of the wax with 3 changes at a
negative pressure.
Paraffin embedding requires the use of a melted paraffin with a temperature of 5 to
10 C above the melting point of the wax. After which, paraffin blocks are cooled via (1)
refrigeration at -5 OC, immersion in cold water or with the use of a cold plate.
Substitute media for paraffin may also be utilized. Examples are paraplast, embeddol,
bioloid, tissue mat, ester wax or water-soluble waxes. Ester wax has a lower melting point
than paraffin but it is harder, thus, it requires the use of heavy-duty microtomes during
sectioning. Ester wax is also soluble in 95% ethanol and as such, the clearing procedure may
be omitted. Water-soluble waxes, the most common of which is carbowax, have the
advantage of being miscible in water. Since it is already miscible in water, the dehydration and
clearing procedures may be omitted. The disadvantage of water-soluble waxes is their
hygroscopic nature. Tissues embedded in these media should never come in contact with
water or even ice and this becomes a problem during flotation of sections. In order to remedy
this, soap or 10% polyethylene glycol 900 may be added to the waterbath or floating solutions
such as Pearse or Blank & McCarthy solutions may be utilized.
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the activities,
do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the purpose of
this portion of the module. These activities will not be recorded but you are
required to compile them as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
4. mechanism of solidification of 1. microtome used for ester wax blocks
carbowax 2. paraffin wax substitute that contains rubber
7. characteristic of water-soluble waxes 3. paraffin substitute used for eye samples
9. mechanism of solidification of plastics 5. fastest paraffin impregnation technique
10. floating solution for ester wax 6. mold that contains a cold plate
8. dehydration and clearing are omitted with the use
of this medium
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
❖ for bones, teeth large brain sections & whole organs
❖ Fixation → Dehydration → Equal parts ether and alcohol (12-24 hours) → Thin
celloidin: 2-4 % (5-7 days) → Medium celloidin: 4-6 % (5-7 days) → Thick celloidin: 8-
12 % (3-5 days) → Embedding: fresh thick celloidin in a jar or desiccator (fingerprint no
longer leaves a mark on block surface) → Storage: 70-80% alcohol
❖ Same with wet method EXCEPT for the following steps
✓ Gilson’s mixture (chloroform + cedarwood oil) is added to the fresh thick
celloidin during embedding
✓ Storage in alcohol is contraindicated
❖ Provided superior results for light microscopic studies especially of hard tissues and
samples for high resolution microscopy
✓ Histochemical and enzyme studies
✓ Delicate specimens
✓ Frozen sections
✓ Water-soluble
✓ Low MP and does not overharden
❖ Fixation → washing → 10 % (24 hours) → 20 % (12 hours) → 20% until
impregnation and embedding are complete → 10 % formalin (12-24 hours)
**All gelatin reagents contain 1 % phenol
✓ Arranging the tissue in the mold: embedding
✓ Fixing the tissue block on the microtome: prior to sectioning
✓ Arranging the tissue ribbons on the slide: flotation
Enrichment Activity
At the end of this activity, you are expected to
1. know the different kinds of embedding media; and
2. acquaint yourself with the different kinds of molds used in embedding.
and produces much smoother sections. There must be an adequate margin (2mm
minimum) of embedding medium surrounding all sides of the tissue.
1. Tubular structures such as vas deferens, veins and fallopian tubes must be embedded
so that the knife cuts across/perpendicular to the long axis of the tube. Placement
should be as vertical as possible.
2. Tissues with a epithelial surface such as skin, intestines, gallbladder, urinary bladder
and uterus must be positioned so that the epithelial surface is at the top of the block
so that it will be cut last.
3. Multiple soft tissue fragments and lymph nodes should be place side by side with
space between them.
4. Multiple small rectangular tissues should be oriented with their long axis nearly
parallel to the knife edge to minimize pressure distortion and wrinkling.
5. Small bisected cysts have a dome shape. The cyst should be embedded with the cut
surface down so that the knife cuts through all layers of the cyst wall.
Note: Paraffin blocks may be stored for an indefinite period of time
Individual Task
Copy and paste images from reliable sources or draw the following:
1. Procedural steps in making a paper boat
2. Procedural steps in embedding
3. Different kinds of embedding molds
4. Proper orientation of tissues (tissue types 1 – 5)
Steps in making a paper boat
Embedding procedure
Multiple soft tissue fragments and lymph Multiple small rectangular tissues
Summing It Up
Other media which may be used for infiltration and embedding includes
celloidin, plastic and gelatin. Celloidin is a purified form of pyroxylin
nitrocellulose. It is available in three concentrations: (1) thin (2%), (2) medium
(4%) and thick (8%). Celloidin is utilized for specimens with large cavities and
hollow spaces which tend to collapse. It is also used for larger embryos, hard and dense tissue
specimens. Low-viscosity nitrocellulose is a type of celloidin that is preferred over ordinary
celloidin. The two types of celloidin processing are the wet and dry methods. The wet method
requires storage of celloidin blocks in 70-80% alcohol and is utilized for bones, teeth, large
brain sections and whole organs. On the other hand, the dry method does not require storage
in alcohol but incorporates Gilson’s mixture during the embedding procedure. The dry
method if used for whole eye samples.
Plastics provide superior results for light microscopic studies especially of hard tissues.
In addition to this, plastics are the ones which are used for electron microscopy. There are
three types of plastic media: (1) epoxy, (2) polyester and (3) acrylic. Polyester plastics were
once used for electron microscopic but have already been replaced by epoxy plastics (araldite,
glycerol-based and cyclohexene dioxide). Acrylic plastics (glycol methacrylate and methyl
methacrylate) on the other hand are used for high resolution light microscopy.
Gelatin medium is utilized for delicate specimens, frozen sections, histochemical and
enzymes studies. It has the advantage of being water-soluble, thus, dehydration and clearing
procedures may be omitted. However, due to the advent of better media, gelatin is rarely
used nowadays in tissue infiltration and embedding.
Orientation is a very important step in embedding. This involves properly arranging the
tissue sample in the mold in order to make suitable tissue sections. Depending on the
orientation of the tissue sample, a medical laboratory scientist may be able to produce cross,
longitudinal or oblique sections from the tissue block.
The embedding procedure requires the use of a mold in order to form tissue blocks.
Depending on the laboratory, several embedding molds are available for use. These include
Leuckhart’s embedding mold, compound embedding unit, peel-away mold, plastic ice trays,
paper boats, tissue tek system, plastic embedding rings and base molds.
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the activities,
do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the purpose of
this portion of the module. These activities will not be recorded but you are
required to compile them as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
2. acts as a catalyst in acrylic polymerization 1. acrylic that is hydrophilic
6. ideal medium for undecalcified bone 3. jar utilized in celloidin embedding
samples 4. slowest epoxy plastic
8. fastest epoxy plastic 5. mixture composed of CHCl3 & cedarwood oil
9. plasticizer added to LVN 7. reagent that prevents the growth of molds
10. hazardous solvent used in celloidin in gelatin medium
Lesson Proper
✓ a previously processed tissue, is trimmed and cut into uniformly thin
slices or sections
✓ this procedure is also referred to as microtomy
1. BLOCK HOLDER: where the embedded tissue is held in position
2. KNIFE CARRIER AND KNIFE: perform the actual cutting of tissue sections
proper position with the knife, adjust proper thickness
General Principle:
✓ A spring-balanced teeth (pawl) is brought in contact with, and turns a ratchet feed
wheel connected to a micrometer screw, which is in turn rotated, moving the tissue
block at a predetermined distance towards the knife for cutting sections at uniform
Microtome Thickness Inventor Characteristics
ROCKING 10-12 um Paldwell *simplest microtome
Trefall *for small and large paraffin-embedded blocks
*not for serial sections
ROTARY 4-6 um Minot *most common microtome
*for paraffin embedded blocks
SLIDING 4-9 um Adams *most dangerous
BASE-SLEDGE: hard and tough tissue blocks in all forms
of media
✓ rotary microtome inside a cold chamber
✓ temperature is maintained between -5 to -30 OC (ave. is -20 OC)
Enrichment Activity
At the end of this activity, you are expected to:
1. acquire the skill in cutting paraffin sections using the rotary microtome
and know the difficulties encountered during the cutting process, their
causes and possible remedies; and
2. develop the skills in flattening cut paraffin sections, “fishing-out” of
ribbons, and mounting of sections onto the slide.
A video demonstration showing the different procedures will be presented by your
instructor. Make sure to listen attentively and take note of the important concepts and
principles which will be applied in performing the different steps in trimming blocks and
A. Trimming
Unmold the paraffin blocks from the paper boat. Trim down the sides of the paraffin
block with scalpel or knife until it fits the block holder of the microtome. Make sure that
all the sides are parallel and even.
B. Cutting of Paraffin Sections
Orient the well-trimmed paraffin block on the block holder/chuck. Carefully adjust
the block and make certain that it is completely parallel to the knife edge. Fix the
microtome knife in its proper position, maintaining a correct clearance angle. Make sure
that the upper and lower edges of the paraffin block are parallel to knife edge. Adjust the
thickness scale to thicker cuts.
Unlock the handwheel and bring the block up to and immediately behind the knife
edge. Shave into the block, taking thin section cuts (approximately 10 – 25 micra) until the
outer layer of the paraffin is removed and the tissue is fully in contact with the knife edge.
Adjust now the thickness scale to about 4 – 6 micra. Start cutting and creating ribbons by
turning the handwheel at a slow and even speed (too rapid sectioning can cause sections
of unequal thickness). As each new section is cut, it duplicates the previous one. These
individual sections adhere to one another edge to edge to form a ribbon. As sections begin
to fold with the knife edge, lift the free end of the ribbon gently with forceps to draw it
towards you, taking care to avoid pulling the ribbon taut as it will break. When the ribbon
is about 6 – 8 inches, detach it from the microtome. Float on water bath or keep the thin
sections cut in small labelled boxes.
Note: Generally, a hard tissue is cut best with a firm, relatively rapid motion, a soft tissue is
best cut with a slow or gentle motion.
Individual Task
Copy and paste images from reliable sources or draw the following:
1. Cutting thin sections with the rotary microtome (show ribbon formation)
2. Relationship of tissue block with the microtome knife showing all the angles (bevel,
wedge, clearance and rake angles; indicate angle degrees)
3. Other Microtomes: Cambridge, Sliding and Freezing
Bevel angle:
Wedge angle:
Clearance angle:
Rake angle:
Cambridge microtome
Sliding microtome
Freezing microtome
✓ Cutting edge must be sharp & smooth
✓ Cutting edge must be thinner than the section to be cut
✓ Knife and its corresponding knife back should not be interchanged
✓ Honing and stropping
Enrichment Activity
At the end of this activity, you are expected to:
1. gain adequate knowledge and skills in proper sharpening techniques; and
2. gain adequate knowledge in the proper care for the microtome knife.
The hone is first wiped clean with soft cloth (moistened with xylene to remove loose
particles of stones and metals). The knife is fitted with its own back and laid obliquely on
the stone, edge forward. Gentle, even pressure is made on the knife with the thumbs or
forefingers, and the knife is drawn obliquely forward on the stone in an easy, steady
motion, “heel” (handle end) first, so that when the other end of the stone is reached, the
“toe” is on the stone.
The knife is then rotated on its back, so that the other cutting facet rests on the
stone, and the knife is drawn toward the operator, again from heel to toe direction. Such
sequence forms a double stoke, and about 20 to 30 such strokes on the medium-grain
stone and an equal number on the fine-grain stone until all the nicks in the knife edge
have been eradicated. The knife is then wiped clean with a rag moistened in xylene.
The edge may then be inspected under the microscope whether it is ready for
stropping. Occasional small nicks in the knife-edge may be left, as they will gradually be
honed out, and the knife can be set in the microtome so that the nicks can be avoided.
Large nicks demand regrinding of the edge, and this is best done at the factory.
▪ Excessive honing and excessive pressure may turn the edge or make the edge round
▪ Too little pressure on the blade results to inadequate honing
▪ Jerky motion leads to nicking
Theoretically, a perfectly honed knife does not require stropping, however, in
practice, some stropping is still required to remove “burrs” formed during honing. Strops
should be of best quality shell-horse leather made from the rump or thick part of the
horsehide. The leather or strop surface must be of good size (3 to 4 by 18 inches) and
should be mounted on a solid wooden block.
To strop, the knife is first fitted with its appropriate knife-back, then laid
obliquely on the strop and pushed backward and drawn forward (toe to heel), edge last
(the opposite of honing). About 40 to 120 double strokes are usually required. Finally,
when stropping is completed, the knife edge is oiled or greased to prevent rusting. The
knife is then placed in its suspension box and stored.
▪ Excessive stropping will turn the edge and may “burn” it (may produce localized dark
▪ The knife-edge must be wiped clean after each series of stropping, and before changing
from coarse to fine strop, so as not to carry over any particles.
Individual Task
Copy and paste images from reliable sources or draw the following:
1. Proper honing and stropping techniques
2. The different kinds of microtome knives.
(Indicate the knife description, type of tissue block and type of microtome the knife is
Honing (forward and backward strokes) Stropping (forward and backward strokes)
Used on:
Tissue block/s:
Plane-concave knife: ______________________
__________________________________________________ ______________________
__________________________________________________ ______________________
Used on:
Tissue block/s:
Biconcave knife: ______________________
__________________________________________________ ______________________
__________________________________________________ ______________________
__________ _____
Disposable blades
Enrichment Activity
At the end of this activity, you are expected to:
1. develop the skills of stretching tissue sections and mounting them onto
the glass slide; and
2. gain knowledge on the different adhesives used in mounting tissue
A video demonstration showing the different procedures will be presented by your
instructor. Make sure to listen attentively and take note of the important concepts and
principles which will be applied in performing the different steps in adhesion and drying of
tissue sections on slides.
1. Dip a clean glass slide into 95% ethyl alcohol and xylene. Wipe dry.
2. Thinly smear Mayer’s egg albumin on one side of the slide.
3. Carefully spread a selected strip of tissue ribbon onto the slide, arranging it to ensure
4. Add a drop of water on one edge of the tissue ribbon. By capillary action, the water
will spread throughout and underneath the tissue ribbon.
5. Place the slide on the warming plate or stretching table set at about 43 – 45 OC.
6. Carefully tease out the paraffin surrounding the tissue by pointed sticks and wipe off
with gauze pad (Do this carefully and cautiously so as not to damage the tissue
- or -
1. Float a strip of paraffin ribbon on the flotation bath. Visually select the best sections
and carefully tease these away from the other sections with a teasing stick or heated
2. Hold the selected ribbon and fish-out by slipping the slide directly under the ribbon.
3. Lift the slide from the bath, and let it stand upright for a few seconds to allow the
water to drain off.
4. Blot the end of the slide and transfer to warming plate.
Individual Task
Copy and paste images from reliable sources or draw the following:
1. Fishing-out of the paraffin ribbons from the water bath.
2. Transferring the paraffin sections (from the microtome) onto a slide.
3. Proper flattening and stretching of the paraffin ribbons/sections,
a. on a flotation bath
b. on a slide
Summing It Up
Sectioning, also known as microtomy, involves cutting of uniformly
thin slices or sections from a previously processed tissue block. Sectioning is
performed using a microtome which is an instrument capable of cutting
sections at a predetermined thickness by sliding the block into a cutting tool
(steel knife or blade).
There are several types of microtome which may be used in sectioning. The type of
microtome to be utilized is dependent upon the type of tissue sample, the medium used and
the type of microscope which will be used for examination. The rocking microtome is
considered as the simplest type. It is used produce sections that are 10-12um thick from
small and large paraffin embedded blocks. The rotary microtome is the most commonly
used both in routine and research laboratories. It is the type of microtome that is
incorporated in cryostats. It is used to produce sections that are 4-6um thick from paraffin
blocks. Sliding microtomes are heavy-duty microtomes often times used for hard tissues and
blocks. There are two types of sliding microtomes. The standard sliding microtome is used
for celloidin blocks, while the base-sledge sliding microtome is used for hard and tough
tissues blocks. Both types are capable of producing sections that are 4-9um thick. Ultrathin
microtomes are used for electron microscopy and is capable of producing sections that are
0.5um thick. The freezing microtome is used to produce frozen sections that are 10-15um
thick. It makes use of carbon dioxide as the freezing agent.
The type of microtome knife to be used during sectioning depends upon the type of
microscopic examination of be performed. Plane-concave, plane-wedge and biconcave
knives are used for light microscopy. Diamond-edge and glass knives are used for electron
microscopy. In addition to these knives, disposable and safety razor blades may also be used
in cutting tissue sections.
It is essential that regular sharpening is performed on the microtomes knives in order
to maintain its cutting edge. This involves honing and stropping the knives using hones and
horse leather respectively.
After microtomy, adhesion, flotation, orientation, deparaffinization and drying of
sections are performed in preparation for staining
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the
activities, do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the
purpose of this portion of the module. These activities will not be recorded
but you are required to compile them as part of your journal to be checked every grading
Across Down
2. heel-to-toe, edge first 1. microtome invented by Cambridge
6. freezing agent used in freezing microtome 3. knife that measures 120mm
9. substance that prevents the growth of 4. inventor of the rotary microtome
molds in Mayer's egg albumin 5. microtome referred to as the cold knife
11. angle of cutting 7. used for final polishing of glass knives
13. substance that prevents the growth of 8. removes burrs from knives for final
molds in 1%gelatin polishing
14. adhesive for immunohistochemistry 10. type of block sectioned by the plane side
15. angle between the edge of the knife and of a plane-concave knife
the tissue block 12. adhesive that is useful for cytospin
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
Summative Assessment
A. Get ready for summative assessments in the lecture and laboratory to be scheduled by
your instructor.
B. Summative assessments will be given by the instructor via several modalities
depending on your connectivity status.
✓ If you have a strong internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via the online
platform Quizziz.
✓ If you have a weak internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via Facebook
✓ If you have no internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via SMS/text
1. Allen, D., & Cameron, R.I. (2004). Histopathologic specimens: clinical, pathological
and laboratory aspects. USA: Springer
2. Bancroft, Layton, Suvarna. (2012) Bancroft’s theory and practice of histological
techniques. (7th ed.). Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier
3. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (2012). Histopathologic techniques. (2nd ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
4. Raphael, S. (1983). Lynch’s medical laboratory technology. (4th ed.). Philadelphia:
W.B. Saunders Co.
Desired Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. discuss and differentiate the various principles and methods of staining;
2. enumerate in the correct sequence the different reagents used in Hematoxylin &
Eosin staining technique and explain the purpose of each;
3. identify the appropriate special stain used to demonstrate a given tissue component
or organism as well as the respective color exhibited; and
4. explain the procedures performed in re-staining old sections and broken tissue slides.
Across Down
1. storage form of carbohydrates 2. iodine solution used to determine the
3. tests that utilizes Milton's reagent presence of starch
4. storage form of iron in macrophages 5. substance that bridges the tissue & the dye
7. storage form of lipids 6. type of fiber demonstrated by Taenzer-Unna
9. most abundant connective tissue fiber
8. deposits demonstrated by Von Kossa
10. structural protein present in chromosomes
Lesson Proper
Part I: Principles & Methods of Staining and H& E Technique
✓ process of applying dyes on the sections to see and study the
architectural pattern of the tissue and physical characteristics of the
✓ tissues and cells display varying affinities for most dyes and stains used
during the process
➢ Acidic structures—greater affinity for basic dyes
➢ Basic structures—greater affinity for acidic dyes
**Generally, two contrasting stains are used to facilitate differentiation of cellular structures
and constituents
✓ related procedure that makes use of heavy metal salts which are selectively
precipitated on certain cellular and tissue components
✓ used for silver staining of nervous tissue and demonstration of reticulin
✓ most commonly used agent: silver nitrate—may also be used as a staining agent
✓ tissue constituents are studied through chemical reactions that will permit
microscopic localization of a specific tissue substance
✓ Examples: Perl’s Prussian blue reaction for hemoglobin, Periodic Acid Schiff
staining for carbohydrates
✓ Enzyme histochemistry: active reagent serves as the substrate upon which the
enzymes act
➢ final opacity of coloration produced from the substrate rather than the
✓ combination of immunologic and histochemical techniques that allow
phenotypic markers to be detected and demonstrated
✓ process of giving color to the sections by using aqueous or alcoholic dyes
✓ process whereby action of dye is intensified by adding another reagent
(MORDANT) which serves as a link/bridge between tissue and dye making
staining reaction possible
MORDANT→may be applied to tissue before staining or may be included in the staining
process, or may be incorporated as part of the dye solution itself
Eg. potassium alum with hematoxylin in Ehrlich’s hematoxylin and iron in Weigert’s
ACCENTUATOR→ not essential to the chemical union of tissue and dye; does not participate
in the staining reaction, but merely accelerates or hastens the speed of staining reaction by
increasing the staining power and selectivity of the dye
Eg: potassium hydroxide in Loeffler’s methylene blue and phenol in carbol thionine and
carbol fuchsin
✓ process whereby tissue elements are stained in a definite sequence, and the
staining solution is applied for specific periods of time or until the desired
intensity of coloring of the different tissue elements is attained
✓ no decolorization or washing after the application of the dye
✓ tissue is first over stained to obliterate cellular details, and excess stain is
removed or decolorized from unwanted parts of the tissue, until the desired
intensity of color is obtained
DIFFERENTIATION/DECOLORIZATION: selective removal of excess stain from the tissue so
that a specific substance may be stained distinctly from surrounding tissues
✓ use of dyes which differentiate particular substances by staining them with a
color that is different from that of the stain itself (metachromasia)
✓ basic dyes belonging to the thiazine and triphenylmethane groups
Examples: methyl violet or crystal violet
Cresyl blue for reticulocytes
Bismarck brown
✓ application of a different color or stain to provide contrast and background to
the staining of structural components to be demonstrated
Cytoplasmic stains:
Red→ eosin Y, Eosin B, Phloxine B
Yellow→ piciric acid, orange G, Rose Bengal
Green→ light green SF, Lissamine green
Nuclear stains:
Red→ neutral red, safranin 0, carmine, hematoxylin
Blue→ methylene blue, toluidine blue, Celestine blue
✓ process where specific tissue elements are demonstrated, not by stains, but by
colorless solutions of metallic salts which are thereby reduced by the tissue,
producing an opaque, usually black deposit on the surface of the tissue
✓ agent is not absorbed by the tissue, but is held physically on the surface as a
precipitate or as a reduction product
✓ Examples: ammoniacal silver →reduced by argentaffin cells (melanin and
intestinal glands)
Gold chloride
✓ selective staining of living cell constituents, demonstrating cytoplasmic
structures by phagocytosis of the dye particle
**nucleus is resistant to staining
***if nuclear structures are demonstrated→death of cell already
✓ Examples: trypan blue→reticuloendothelial cells; Janus green→mitochondria
✓ done by injecting dye into any part of the body (intravenous, intraperitoneal or
subcutaneous), producing specific color
✓ Examples: lithium, carmine and India ink
✓ stain living cells immediately after removal from the living body
✓ Examples: neutral red, Janus green, trypan blue, etc.
Enrichment Activity
At the end of this activity, you are expected to:
1. properly perform the technique of routine Hematoxylin and Eosin
2. study the chemical basis of stains; and
3. understand fully the principles and purposes of staining.
Xylene 2 minutes
Xylene 2 minutes
Absolute alcohol 1 minute
Absolute alcohol 1 minute
95% Alcohol 1 minute
95% Alcohol 1 minute
70% Alcohol 1 minute
Running water then Rinse for 1 minute
Distilled Water Rinse briefly
Harris Hematoxylin 4 to 8 minutes
Tap Water 4 dips
Acid Alcohol 4 dips
Tap Water 4 dips
Ammonia Water 4 dips (or until blue)
Distilled Water 2 minutes
Eosin 2 minutes
95% Alcohol 1 minute
95% Alcohol 1 minute
Xylene 2 minutes
Xylene 2 minutes
Drain on filter paper and mount
Note: Slides taken from the oven should be allowed to cool first before staining,
otherwise, the tissue sections would be detached from the slide.
Individual Task
Copy and paste images from reliable sources or draw the following:
1. H & E procedure (Label the chronological order of reagents and stains)
2. H&E-stained tissue section - Show the macroscopic and Microscopic details (with
distinct nuclei, cytoplasm and basement membrane)
H & E procedure
Summing It Up
Staining allows the study of architectural pattern of the tissue. It
provides optical differentiation and makes microscopic examination easier.
The general rule in staining is that acidic structures have a greater affinity for
basic dyes. On the other hand, basic structures have a greater affinity for
acidic dyes. Impregnation is another technique that is utilized to demonstrate tissue
components. This involves the precipitation of heavy metals on specific tissue components.
There are three types of staining performed in the laboratory—histological,
histochemical and immunohistochemical. Histological staining involves a direct interaction
between the dye and the tissue. Histochemical staining involves a reaction to take place in
order that results to the coloration of tissue components. Immunohistochemical staining
involves the use of labels and antibodies that detect the presence of specific phenotypic
markers on tissue components.
Methods of staining include direct, indirect, progressive, regressive, metachromatic,
counterstaining, metallic impregnation and vital staining techniques.
Hematoxylin and Eosin staining technique is the recommended staining technique for
histological sections. It incorporates two methods of staining—regressive and
counterstaining. The major steps performed in H and E staining include: (1)
deparaffinization, (2) hydration, (3) nuclear staining, (4) differentiation, (5) bluing, (6)
counterstaining, (7) dehydration and (8) clearing.
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the
activities, do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the
purpose of this portion of the module. These activities will not be recorded
but you are required to compile them as part of your journal to be checked every grading
Across Down
5. color of proteins after H and E staining 1. Perl's Prussian blue technique is an
6. method that involves administration of the example of this type of staining
dye into the body 2. involves overstaining followed by
7. functions as the decolorizer in H and E decolorization of sections
8. silver staining of nervous tissue is an 3. method that involves staining after the
example of this removal of tissue from the body
10. purpose of ammonia water in H and E 4. method in which the color produced is
11. hastens the speed of staining different from the color of the dye
13. reagent that differentiates direct from 9. hematoxylin that requires 15-30 min of
indirect staining immersion
15. staining that involves antigen and 12. color produced by the cytoplasmic stain
antibody reaction rose Bengal
14. color produced by the nuclear stain
Level II: Modified True/False
Read and understand the statement and evaluate whether it is true or false. If the statement
is true, write/type “true” on the space provided before the number. If the statement is false,
underline the word/s that make/s the statement incorrect. After which, change or remove
the underlined word/s to make the statement correct. Write/Type the corrected statement
after the given statement.
__________ 1. A specific staining technique may involve more than one staining principle.
__________ 2. In H and E staining, hydration performed after the bluing step makes use of
ascending grades of acetone.
__________ 3. Regressive staining is less preferred than progressive staining due to the use
of a mordant.
__________ 4. Microanatomic stains are capable of directly interacting with tissue
constituents, thus, they are examples of histological staining.
__________ 5. Nuclei should have a blue to blue back color and the cytoplasm should have a
pale pink color after H and E staining.
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the
activities, do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the
purpose of this portion of the module. This activity will not be recorded but
you are required to compile it as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
7. synthetic dyes 1. process demonstrated by copper
8. AlCl3 + carmine hematoxylin
9. promotes color retention in synthetic 2. compound produced after oxidizing
dyes hematoxylin
10. oxidizing hematoxylin 3. oil soluble dyes
4. most sensitive oil soluble dye
5. oil soluble dye that colors neutral lipids red
6. color of lipids after osmic acid staining
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the
activities, do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the
purpose of this portion of the module. These activities will not be recorded
but you are required to compile them as part of your journal to be checked every grading
Across Down
4. used for metallic impregnation 1. used to differentiate dead from living cells
6. oldest stain 2. used to demonstrate the finest and most
7. method that makes use of Congo red to delicate skin fibers
stain elastic fibers 3. used to identify Ascaris eggs
8. demonstration of granules in phagocytes 5. demonstration of plasma cells
9. color of DNA in acridine orange
10. used to demonstrate hemoglobin
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
1. Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) Magenta Red
**PAS with Diastase Control Stain of choice for glycogen (red)
2. Best Carmine Selective and specific for glycogen (bright red)
3. Langhan’s Iodine Mahogany Brown
1. Alkaline-fast Green Histones and protamines (green)
2. Peracetic acid-Alcian blue Cystine and cysteine (blue-green)
3. Sakaguchi’s Test (Milton’s Arginine (orange-red)
1. Feulgen Technique Most reliable and specific stain for DNA
DNA: Red-purple
2. Methyl Green-Pyronin DNA: Green or Blue-green
RNA: Rose-red
3. Fluorescein Most widely-used fluorochrome
Apple green
4. Rhodamine Orange-red
5. Acridine Orange DNA: yellow-green
RNA: brick to orange-red
6. Acriflavine DNA: yellow
1. Gomori’s Silver Impregnation Black
1. Van Gieson’s Pink or Deep red
2. Masson’s Trichrome Blue
3. Mallory’s Aniline Blue Blue
1. Weigert’s Elastic Tissue Dark-blue or Blue-black
2. Taenzer-Unna Orcein Dark brown
3. Verhoeff’s Black
4. Krajian’s Bright red
1. Perl’s Prussian Blue Deep blue
✓ mount onto another clean xylene-moist slide with Clarite or Permount
✓ transfer to another slide if sections are still intact
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the
activities, do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the
purpose of this portion of the module. This activity will not be recorded but
you are required to compile it as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
5. color of glycogen PAS staining 1. protein demonstrated by Sakaguchi's test
7. color of collagen fibers after Van Gieson 2. color of fluorescence in fluorescein staining
staining 3. stains spirochetes black
8. color of hemosiderin in Perl's Prussian blue 4. color of histones and protamines after
10. stains argentaffin granules black alkaline-fast green staining
6. most specific stain for DNA
9. fiber stained black by Verhoeff's
Check the key answers provided at the back portion of this module. Assess
your performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
Summative Assessment
A. Get ready for summative assessments in the lecture and laboratory to be scheduled by
your instructor.
B. Summative assessments will be given by the instructor via several modalities
depending on your connectivity status.
✓ If you have a strong internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via the online
platform Quizziz.
✓ If you have a weak internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via Facebook
✓ If you have no internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via SMS/text
1. Allen, D., & Cameron, R.I. (2004). Histopathologic specimens: clinical, pathological
and laboratory aspects. USA: Springer
2. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Laboratory. Methods in histotechnology.
Washington DC: American Registry of Pathology
3. Bancroft, Layton, Suvarna. (2012) Bancroft’s theory and practice of histological
techniques. (7th ed.). Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier
4. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (1974). Histopathologic techniques (1st ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
5. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (2012). Histopathologic techniques (2nd ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
6. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (2016). Histopathologic techniques (3rd ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
7. Finkbeiner, W.E. etal.AUTOPSY PATHOLOGY A MANUAL AND ATLAS, 2nd edition,
8. Raphael, S. (1983). Lynch’s medical laboratory technology (4th ed.). Philadelphia:
W.B. Saunders Co.
Across Down
5. piece of glass that holds the sample during 1. used to clear frozen sections
microscopic examination 2. used to label frosted-end glass slides with
6. used to label plain glass slides containing tissue sections
tissue sections 3. solvent miscible in mountants for
8. thin sheet of glass that holds the sample in permanent slides
place 4. water-containing substance
7. prevents mold formation in gelatin
Lesson Proper
✓ after staining, the section is mounted under a coverslip using a suitable
✓ uses a syrupy fluid referred to as a mountant or mounting medium
Purposes of Mounting
• protects the specimen from physical injury
• protects the section from bleaching or deterioration due to oxidation
• preserves slides for permanent keeping
• facilitates easy handling and storage
▪ sealing margins of the coverslip
▪ uses Kronig cement
→ 2 parts paraffin + 4-9 parts powdered colophonium resin
Enrichment Activity
At the end of this activity, you are expected to:
1. discuss the proper mounting of stained sections; and
2. properly identify, label and store mounted slides.
Method A
1. Place small round drop of the mounting medium at the center of the lower extreme
edge of a clean coverslip.
2. Bring the slide up to the edge of the coverslip and invert the side so that the
mounting reagent just touches it.
3. Gently complete the inversion.
Method B
1. Place the slide flat on a clean paper. Place a round drop of mounting medium over
the tissue section.
2. “Roll” coverslip onto slide to expel trapped air by lowering it on one side first with
the other side following.
1. Work on a clean, flat surface, such as a lint-free, white, folded towel or paper.
2. The mounting medium should be of good spreading consistency not too thick, nor
too thin. It should drop readily off the rod. If the media is too thin the solvent will
evaporate, leaving air spaces. If it is too thick it will not spread evenly.
3. The size of the drop of mounting media must be sufficient to occupy the entire space
between the coverslip and slide and will vary slightly with the size of the coverslip
used. Experience is necessary to obtain complete film without excess.
4. Following application of the coverslip, excess mounting media must be cleaned from
the slide. The coverslip will not move as much if a few minutes drying time has
elapsed. Clean coverslip edges if necessary, with a camel’s hairbrush moistened with
xylene and gently wiped edges. A light touch is necessary so as not to disturb the
5. Do not allow tissue to dry out at any time during coverslipping or it may later become
6. Excess xylene, will mix with the mountant and form bubbles on the slide.
7. Too little mounting medium may cause improper setting of the coverslip.
8. Bubbles formed on the section could be teased out by gently pressing on the
coverslips with a mounting needle.
9. If bubbles cannot be easily removed, place the slide back into the xylene until the
coverslip drops off, rinse, and remount.
Individual Task
Copy and paste images from reliable sources or draw the following:
1. Procedural steps in Method A
2. Procedural steps in Method B
Summing It Up
Mounting, otherwise referred to as coverslipping, is performed after
staining. This step is important in order to protect the tissue section from
damage especially during storage. A mounting medium/mountant is applied
between the section on a slide and the coverslip. This will set the section
firmly and prevent the movement of the coverslip.
The following table shows the different mounting media used in coverslipping with
their corresponding refractive indices and uses.
Water 1.33 For temporary mounting
Glycerin 1.46 For moist sections
Glycerin jelly 1.47 Standard mountant when dehydration and clearing with
xylene are not performed
Farrant’s medium 1.43 For temporary mounting
Apathy’s medium 1.52 For general purpose mounting and methylene blue-stained
nerve preparations
Brun’s fluid For frozen sections
Canada Balsam 1.524 For whole mounts and thick sections
DPX 1.532 For small tissue sections
XAM 1.52 For permanent mounting
Clarite 1.544 For permanent mounting
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the
activities, do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the
purpose of this portion of the module. This activity will not be recorded but
you are required to compile it as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
3. sealing margins of the coverslip 1. type of section mounted using Brun's fluid
4. mounting medium diluted with xylene 2. mortal sin in histopathology
5. recommended for small tissue sections 6. RI is 1.52 and preserves stains well
9. recommended for whole mounts 7. mounting medium that uses pure cane sugar
10. Kaiser's 1880 8. mountant that does not allow OIO
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
Summative Assessment
A. Get ready for summative assessments in the lecture and laboratory to be scheduled by
your instructor.
B. Summative assessments will be given by the instructor via several modalities
depending on your connectivity status.
✓ If you have a strong internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via the online
platform Quizziz.
✓ If you have a weak internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via Facebook
✓ If you have no internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via SMS/text
1. Bancroft, Layton, Suvarna. (2012) Bancroft’s theory and practice of histological
techniques. (7th ed.). Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier
2. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (1974). Histopathologic techniques (1st ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
3. Raphael, S. (1983). Lynch’s medical laboratory technology (4th ed.). Philadelphia:
W.B. Saunders Co.
Across Down
2. involves distortion and possible breakdown 1. process of bringing slides to water
of protein structure 3. solid portion formed at the bottom after
5. type of tissue that undergoes exfoliation centrifugation
7. routine embedding medium 4. fluid formed after centrifugation
8. fluid found in the peritoneal cavity 6. fluid surrounding the lungs
Lesson Proper
✓ involves the preparation of cells by histopathologic procedure
✓ used for diagnosis when cancer is suspected or to provide evidence
of metastatic disease
✓ performed in conjunction with Papanicolaou smear preparation
Gross Examination
▪ Describing the general characteristics of the sample and volume received
→ descriptive terms: blood-tinged, clear, yellow, amber, frothy, mucinous
Enrichment Activity
At the end of this activity, you are expected to:
1. learn the techniques on cell blocking; and
2. know how to handle specimens for cell blocking.
A. Preparing and processing a sputum
1. Fix sputum and sediments with Gendre’s fluid, Bouin’s fluid or Picric Acid Alcohol
solution made by dissolving Picric Acid 13 g in 70% ethyl alcohol.
2. Enwrap the sputum with gauze and place it in a small wire basket to be dehydrated. In
case of a fluid specimen, the sediment should be dehydrated in each step within
centrifuge tubes throughout the process to embedding as follows: Centrifugation at
1000 r.p.m. for 5 minutes – fixation of the buffy coat in a centrifuge tube containing the
fixative for about 10 minutes – 80% alcohol – absolute alcohol.
3. Embedding in paraffin (same embedding method as in manual tissue processing)
1. Place cell block in Zenker’s-formalin solution that has been neutralized by adding 2
grams of lithium magnesium carbonate to 500 ml of the Zenker’s formalin solution.
2. Leave cell block there for 2 hours.
3. Wash in running water 1 to 24 hours, and then prepare for embedding.
1. Deparaffinize and bring slides to water.
2. Stain with hematoxylin.
3. Wash in running water 5 to 10 minutes, then wash in distilled water 5 minutes.
4. Stain with eosin-azure overnight.
5. Differentiate in 95% ethyl alcohol 2 to 3 hours: The overall microscopic appearance
should be blue with slight green tinge.
6. Dehydrate, clear, and mount.
Individual Task
Copy and paste images from reliable sources or draw the following:
1. Preparation of specimen for cell block processing
2. A cell block
Summing It Up
Cell blocking is a technique involves processing of body fluids that
contains an adequate amount of cellular elements. Samples which are
processed using this technique include effusions, sputum and washings from
cavities or hollow organs. The use of an anticoagulant is recommended when
collecting samples. The samples will then be grossly examines taking note of its
appearance and volume. After which, samples are centrifuged for 10 to 15 minutes
to allow the cells to settle at the bottom (sediment) of the tube. The sediment
formed will then be processed following the routine steps in performing tissue
preparation from fixation up to staining.
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the activities,
do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the purpose of
this portion of the module. This activity will not be recorded but you are
required to compile it as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
4. role of 95% ethanol in staining cell block 1. instrument used to separate cells in cell block
sections samples
6. first step to be performed when staining 2. anticoagulant used for cell block samples
cell block sections 3. fixative used for sputum
8. duration of immersing sections of sputum 5. alcohol present in picric acid alcohol
cell block in eosin-azure
7. accumulation of fluid in body cavities or
10. smear preparation technique performed spaces
along with cell blocking
9. volume of anticoagulant per 100 ml of fluid
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
Summative Assessment
A. Get ready for summative assessments in the lecture and laboratory to be scheduled by
your instructor.
B. Summative assessments will be given by the instructor via several modalities depending
on your connectivity status.
✓ If you have a strong internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via the online
platform Quizziz.
✓ If you have a weak internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via Facebook
✓ If you have no internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via SMS/text
1. Allen, D., & Cameron, R.I. (2004). Histopathologic specimens: clinical, pathological
and laboratory aspects. USA: Springer
2. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Laboratory. Methods in histotechnology.
Washington DC: American Registry of Pathology
3. Bancroft, Layton, Suvarna. (2012) Bancroft’s theory and practice of histological
techniques. (7th ed.). Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier
4. Finkbeiner, W.E. etal.AUTOPSY PATHOLOGY A MANUAL AND ATLAS, 2nd edition,
5. Raphael, S. (1983). Lynch’s medical laboratory technology (4th ed.). Philadelphia:
W.B. Saunders Co.
Across Down
1. other name for cryostat 2. presence of this leads to consistent results in
7. freezing agent in freezing microtome automatic processors
9. step following clearing 3. type of pressure used in vacuum processing
10. also known as freezing microtome 4. step following fixation
5. layer of fatty tissue found under the dermis
6. microtome incorporated in cryostats
8. effect of heat on the diffusion of molecules
Lesson Proper
Part I
✓ makes use of an automatic tissue processing machine that fixes,
dehydrates, clears and infiltrates tissue
✓ decreases time (approximately 16 hours) and labor needed during tissue
processing → more rapid diagnosis with less technicality
▪ reagents and melted paraffin are moved sequentially into and out of the retort
chamber using vacuum and pressure
▪ each step is customized by adding time, temperature and/or vacuum/pressure
▪ employ alarm systems and diagnostic programs for trouble-shooting
instrumentation malfunction
✓ vacuum and heat can be applied at any stage
✓ customized schedules for tissue processing produced
✓ fluid spillage contained
✓ fumes eliminated
❖ Microwave Ovens
▪ Shortens processing time (hours → minutes)
▪ Diffusion of the solutions into the tissue is stimulated by increasing the
specimen’s internal heat
▪ Reagents: ethanol, isopropanol or proprietary alcohol mixtures, and paraffin
✓ Eliminates toxic fumes and the use of carcinogens
✓ Provides uncompromised morphology and antigenicity of specimens
✓ Increased efficiency
✓ Environmentally friendly reagents
✓ Greater profitability
X manual manipulation of solutions
X cost of laboratory-grade microwaves
X proper use of microwave requires calibration and monitoring
❖ Continuous Input Rapid Tissue Processor
▪ Enclosed processor that uses microwave technology, vacuum infiltration and
“molecular-friendly” proprietary reagents
▪ Tissue cassettes are moved through stations with the following reagents:
1. Acetone
2. Isopropanol
3. Polyethylene glycol
4. Mineral oil
5. Paraffin
▪ Microwaves and agitation accelerate the diffusion of solvents in the tissue
✓ Acceptance of tissues into the system at time intervals
✓ Reagents used are environmentally safe
✓ Morphology and quality of the specimens is consistent with that of
traditional tissue processing
X added cost of the processor
X grossing of the tissue samples requires standardized specimen dissection
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the activities,
do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the purpose of
this portion of the module. This activity will not be recorded but you are
required to compile it as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
3. moves the tissues from one reagent to 1. glassware used to hold reagents in automatic
another processors
5. clearing agent in continuous input rapid 2. fixative in continuous input rapid tissue
tissue processor processors
9. component that holds the reagent beakers 4. type of reagents used in continuous input rapid
and paraffin wax baths tissue processors
10. controls time intervals in tissue processing 6. frequency of changing dehydrants & clearants
7. type of fixative generally used in microwave
8. procedure that needs to be standardized in
continuous input rapid tissue processors
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
Part II
❖ Preparation of Frozen Sections
▪ Rapid production of sections for intraoperative diagnosis
▪ Diagnostic and research enzyme and non-enzyme histochemistry
▪ Immunofluorescent and Immunohistochemistry methods
▪ Specialized silver stains in neuropathology
X no serial sections
X structural details tend to be distorted during cutting and handling
X staining is rarely as satisfactory
X freezing artifact may be produced by inappropriate technique
✓ Fresh, unfixed tissue
✓ Previously fixed tissue
o 10% buffered formalin
o 10% formol calcium (4oC) for histochemistry and lipids
o Alcohol
o Mercuric chloride fixative
o Potassium dichromate
✓ Components
▪ An anti-fogging air-circulating system
▪ A drain for defrosting and sterilizing
▪ A shelf-metal block carriers
Enrichment Activity
At the end of this activity, you are expected to:
1. learn and understand the principle involved in the automated tissue
processing; and
2. familiarize oneself with the working principle and the working
mechanism/s of each machine.
Examine the charts or illustrations of the automated histopathologic equipment. Identify and
locate the functional parts of the equipment used.
Individual Task
Copy and paste images from reliable sources or draw the following equipment. Indicate the
working principle of each automated equipment
1. Automatic tissue processor
2. Cryostat
3. Microwave processor
Summing It Up
The use of instrumentation in tissue processing is becoming common
nowadays. With the advent of new machines and techniques, automation is
becoming more common especially in healthcare institutions that handle and
process a large number of tissue samples. This is due to the fact that
automation in histopathology decreases the time and labor needed in processing, thereby
increasing efficiency and improving the turnaround time.
Several tissue processors are currently available for use. The carousel-type processor
and the self-contained fluid exchange systems were the first automated tissue processors
used in the histopathology laboratory. Another type of tissue processor is the enclosed, self-
contained vacuum tissue processor which later became the mainstay in most laboratories.
Also, specially designed microwave ovens for tissue processing are now common. This
equipment shortens the processing time from hours to minutes, thereby further improving
the turnaround time. Recent advances in technology have led to the development of an
enclosed continuous input rapid tissue processor. This equipment makes use of microwave
and vacuum that significantly shortens the processing time.
Another type of rapid tissue processing is the preparation of frozen sections. This
technique is often times employed when the sample cannot be processed using the
conventional methods of tissue processing or in the presence of heat. There are two
procedures which may be performed to produce frozen sections: (1) cold knife procedure and
(2) cryostat procedure. Both procedures are based on the principle of quenching that involves
rapid freezing of the tissue sample.
Cold Knife Cryostat
Microtome Freezing microtome Rotary microtome
Freezing agent CO2 Liquid nitrogen
Thickness of sections 10 um 4-6 um
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the activities,
do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the purpose of
this portion of the module. This activity will not be recorded but you are
required to compile it as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
4. silver stained frozen sections are used in 1. temperature requirement for this is -40 to -
_____ 60 deg C
7. freezing agent in cryostat for intraoperative 2. temperature requirement for this tissue is -
procedures 35 deg C
8. temperature requirement for this is 0 to -10 3. fixative for lipids
deg C 5. type of specimen for frozen section
10. reagent in which mounted frozen sections preparation
are placed 6. type of tissue sample that uses albumin as
the mountant
9. thickness of frozen section in the cold knife
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
Summative Assessment
A. Get ready for summative assessments in the lecture and laboratory to be scheduled by
your instructor.
B. Summative assessments will be given by the instructor via several modalities depending
on your connectivity status.
✓ If you have a strong internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via the online
platform Quizziz.
✓ If you have a weak internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via Facebook
✓ If you have no internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via SMS/text
1. Allen, D., & Cameron, R.I. (2004). Histopathologic specimens: clinical, pathological
and laboratory aspects. USA: Springer
2. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Laboratory. Methods in histotechnology.
Washington DC: American Registry of Pathology
3. Bancroft, Layton, Suvarna. (2012) Bancroft’s theory and practice of histological
techniques. (7th ed.). Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier
4. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (2012). Histopathologic techniques (2nd ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
5. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (2016). Histopathologic techniques (3rd ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
6. Finkbeiner, W.E. etal.AUTOPSY PATHOLOGY A MANUAL AND ATLAS, 2nd edition,
7. Raphael, S. (1983). Lynch’s medical laboratory technology (4th ed.). Philadelphia:
W.B. Saunders Co.
Across Down
4. cartilage cell 1. type of epithelium that lines the urinary
5. substance produced by the immune system bladder
in the presence of an antigen 2. neuronal process that receives signals
7. phenotypic determinants found on cells, 3. pigment-producing integument cell
tissue components and microorganisms 6. other name for antibody
9. epithelial malignant tumor 8. cells that produce antibodies
10. support cells in nervous tissue
Lesson Proper
✓ routinely used for the identification of specific or highly selective cellular
epitopes or antigens in frozen or paraffin-embedded tissues
✓ detect organism in cytologic preparations (fluids, sputum samples & fine
needle aspirates)
**PRINCIPLE: antigen-antibody interactions
✓ disease diagnosis
✓ drug development
✓ biological research
1. Polyclonal Antibodies
▪ Antibody is produced by several clones of plasma cells
▪ Uses laboratory animals (rabbit, goat, pig, sheep, horse, guinea pig)
▪ Lab animal is immunized with a purified specific immunogen having the antigen
of interest
▪ Lab animal responds by producing humoral antibody against the antigen
▪ Immunoglobulin-rich serum is collected from the lab animal
2. Monoclonal Antibodies
▪ Antibody is produced by a single clone of plasma cells
▪ Used hybridoma and cloning techniques
▪ Uses mice as the laboratory animal
1. Proteolytic Enzyme Digestion
▪ Break down formalin cross-links to unmask and allow certain antigenic sites to
be exposed
▪ Useful for heavy chain immunoglobulins, complement and specific antigens
▪ Commonly used enzymes are trypsin (0.1% trypsin in 0.1% CaCl) and protease
(0.05 to 0.1% protease)
➢ pH of both are adjusted to 7.8 with NaOH and preheated to 37 oC
2. Microwave Antigen Retrieval
▪ Boiling to formalin-fixed deparaffinized sections
➢ 0.01 M citrate buffer (pH 6.0)
➢ EDTA (pH 8.0)
➢ Tris EDTA (pH 8 or 10.0)
▪ Optimal exposure to heat: 10 to 60 minutes
▪ Most satisfactory duration: 20 minutes
3. Pressure Cooker Antigen Retrieval
▪ Less time consuming
▪ More consistent antigen recovery
KERATIN: highly sensitive marker for epithelial cells
✓ Epithelial tumors (carcinoma)
✓ Non-epithelial tumors (mesotheliomas and non-seminomatous germ cell tumors)
▪ CK7 (cytokeratin 7): lung, breast, uterus and ovaries carcinomas
▪ CK20 (cytokeratin 20): colon and stomach carcinomas
▪ Positive for CK7 and CK20: bladder transitional cell carcinomas and mucinous
ovarian tumors
EMA (epithelial membrane antigen)
✓ High molecular weight protein that aids in determining the site of the tumor
✓ Positive in adenocarcinomas of the breast, lung and kidneys
✓ Nonreactive in hepatocellular, adrenal or embryonal carcinomas
✓ Negative in non-epithelial tumors (sarcomas, lymphomas, melanomas) and other
tumors (meningiomas, mesotheliomas, anaplastic large cell lymphomas and plasma
cell tumors)
CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)
✓ Oncofetal antigen present in GIT, pancreas, lung, breast, ovary, uterus and cervix
✓ Differentiates adenocarcinoma from mesothelioma
✓ Nonreactive in prostate, thyroid and renal carcinomas
TTF-1 (thyroid transcription factor-1)
✓ Distinguishes lung adenocarcinoma from mesothelioma
✓ Positive in thyroid, lung and neuroendocrine tumors (medullary thyroid carcinomas,
carcinoid tumors and small cell tumors of the lung)
PSA (prostate specific antigen)
✓ Extremely useful in the diagnosis of prostatic adenocarcinoma
✓ Positive in certain pancreatic and salivary gland tumors
✓ Contractile intermediate filament protein
✓ Sensitive marker for muscle differentiation
✓ Identify tumors derived from smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscle
✓ 57 kD intermediate filament in normal mesenchymal cells and their neoplastic
✓ Always positive in melanomas and Schwanommas
✓ 53 kD intermediate filament in smooth and striated muscles
✓ Highly specific for myogenic tumors including leiomyoma (smooth muscle) and
rhabdomyosarcoma (skeletal muscle)
✓ Demonstrate myogenic component of mixed tumors (carcinosarcomas or malignant
mixed mesodermal tumors)
✓ Enzyme labels
✓ Colloidal metal labels
✓ Fluorescent labels
✓ Radiolabels
✓ Traditional direct technique
▪ Primary antibody is conjugated directly to the label
▪ Direct interaction between the labeled antibody and antigen in the histological
or cytological preparation
✓ Two-step indirect technique
▪ Unconjugated primary antibody binds to the antigen
▪ Labelled-secondary antibody directed against the primary antibody is then
✓ Three-step indirect technique
▪ Another labelled-antibody is used directed against the labelled-secondary
Summing It Up
The recent introduction of prognostic and predictive markers in
immunologic techniques has made a tremendous impact on patient treatment
and management. This has been possible by the gradual development of
immunohistochemical and immunocytochemical methodologies over the past
years. These techniques allow the identification of specific and highly selective epitopes in
formalin-fixed paraffin-processed tissues with an antibody and appropriate labelling system.
Immunohistochemistry in particular is used for disease diagnosis, drug development
and biological research. It involves the use of polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies which are
allowed to react with antigens present in cells and tissue components. This is in conjunction
with the use of enzyme labels, colloidal metal labels, fluorescent labels or radiolabels.
There two steps employed in immunohistochemistry: (1) sample preparation and (2)
labelling techniques. Sample preparation involves the unmasking of antigens which might
have been hidden as a consequence of formalin fixation and paraffin processing. This will
allow antigens to be exposed to the antibodies used as reagents and permit antigen-antibody
interaction. The techniques used in sample preparation include proteolytic enzyme digestion,
microwave antigen retrieval and pressure cooker antigen retrieval.
The presence of antigens, particularly in abnormal cells, provides evidence for the
diagnosis of malignancies. Depending on the antigen detected, a specific malignancy is
correlated to it. An example is the detection of cytokeratin 7 and 20 (CK 7, CK20) in bladder
transitional cell carcinomas. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is extremely useful in the
diagnosis of prostatic adenocarcinoma. Detection of alpha fetoprotein on the other hand, is
useful in the diagnosis or embryonal carcinomas and teratomas. Many other highly specific
and selective antigens detected via immunohistochemistry are correlated with different
malignancies (please refer to the table in the Lesson Proper).
Labelling in immunohistochemistry are classified into three general techniques:
(1)traditional direct techniques, (2)indirect two-step technique and (3)indirect three-step
technique. The different types of technique provide varying degrees of sensitivity which is
determined by their ability to amplify signals that depends on the number of antigen-antibody
complexes formed.
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the activities,
do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the purpose of
this portion of the module. This activity will not be recorded but you are
required to compile it as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
1. (+)chromogranin, (-)keratin 2. positive in teratomas
3. indicative of neuronal or neuroendocrine 4. CNS glial cell that expresses GFAP
differentiation 5. type of antigen retrieval that provides more
7. skeletal muscle malignancy,(+) desmin consistent antigen recovery
8. used in microwave antigen retrieval with a 6. type of antibody derived from several plasma
pH of 8 or 10 cell lineages
9. cells that produce hCG 10. expresses CD15 and CD30
12. highly sensitive marker for epithelial cells 11. always positive in Schwanommas
14. (+)actin, desmin, myoglobin 13. technique in producing monoclonal
15. enzyme for proteolytic digestion antibodies
14. laboratory animal used in monoclonal
antibody production
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
Summative Assessment
A. Get ready for summative assessments in the lecture and laboratory to be scheduled by
your instructor.
B. Summative assessments will be given by the instructor via several modalities depending
on your connectivity status.
✓ If you have a strong internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via the online
platform Quizziz.
✓ If you have a weak internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via Facebook
✓ If you have no internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via SMS/text
1. Allen, D., & Cameron, R.I. (2004). Histopathologic specimens: clinical, pathological
and laboratory aspects. USA: Springer
2. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Laboratory. Methods in histotechnology.
Washington DC: American Registry of Pathology
3. Bancroft, Layton, Suvarna. (2012) Bancroft’s theory and practice of histological
techniques. (7th ed.). Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier
4. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (2012). Histopathologic techniques (2nd ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
5. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (2016). Histopathologic techniques (3rd ed.). Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
6. Finkbeiner, W.E. etal.AUTOPSY PATHOLOGY A MANUAL AND ATLAS, 2nd edition,
7. Raphael, S. (1983). Lynch’s medical laboratory technology (4th ed.). Philadelphia:
W.B. Saunders Co.
Across Down
3. staining characteristic of the nucleus 1. staining characteristic of the cytoplasm
5. otherwise referred to as cancer 2. anatomical term for the cheeks
7. type of tissue that undergoes desquamation 4. recommended stain in cytology
8. nucleic acid stain 6. hormone secreted by the corpus luteum
10. hormone primarily produced by the ovaries 9. connects the vaginal canal to the uterus
Lesson Proper
✓ branch of medicine which deals w/ the study of cells that are exfoliated
or scraped off from the lining epithelium & mucosa of different organs
✓ deals with cells that have been desquamated from epithelial surfaces.
1. CYTOPATHOLOGY – study of abnormal cells (e.g. CA cells)
2. CYTOTECHNIQUE – study of the different methods of preparing the cells for
microscopic examination
✓ Smears should be placed into the fixative immediately after preparation
✓ Common Fixatives:
➢ Equal parts of 95% ethyl alcohol and ether
➢ 95% ethyl alcohol
➢ Isopropyl alcohol with ethyl alcohol
➢ Acetone with glycol
➢ Carnoy’s fluid
➢ Delaunoy’s fluid
Papanicolaou staining
1. Harris Hematoxylin – nuclear stain / basophilic stain
2. OG 6 (Orange – Green 6) – made up of 0.5 – 1.0% solution of OG in 95% ethyl
alcohol & PTA (phosphotungstic acid)
✓ Counterstain for cytoplasm of mature superficial cells
3. EA (eosin azure) – 36 or EA – 50 - made up of light green SF, Bismarck brown, eosin
Y, PTA, lithium carbonate
✓ Counterstain for cytoplasm of immature cells (parabasal and intermediate
Advantages of Pap’s stain
1. Transparent blue stain of the cytoplasm; allows overlapped cells to be identified
2. Excellent nuclear details
3. Color range is predictable & of great value in identification & classification of cells
4. Valuable in comparing cellular appearances in smears
Specimen: scrapings from the buccal & vaginal mucosa
True sex is determined based on the presence of Barr bodies (inner aspect of
nuclear membrane)
Important in the field of genetics
4. Endometrial cells – slightly cylindrical w/ less basophilic cytoplasm; found during & 1-4
days after menstruation
5. Basal cells – small, round to slightly oval cells w/ relatively large nuclei
➢ Found before puberty & after menopause
✓ presence of a “palm leaf” pattern (arborization) on drying of the vaginal or cervical
secretions due to formation of salt crystals under the influence of estrogen
Criteria for cytologic diagnosis of normal pregnancy
1. Marked progesterone effect
2. At least 50% of intermediate cells in clusters
3. Some typical pregnancy cells present
4. Less than 30% superficial cells
5. Doderlein-filled “dirty” background
Other methods
1. Acridine Orange – binds with nucleic acids
➢ Under fluorescence microscope:
RNA – brick to orange red
DNA – green & yellow
Increased basophilia (RNA) – signifies growth
Increased acidophilia (DNA) – signifies malignancy
2. Phase – Contrast Microscopy – 2nd best choice after Pap’s staining
➢ Used for hormonal evaluation of gynecologic specimen & for CA detection
3. Interference Microscopy (IM) – determines dry weight of individual cells or cellular
➢ CA cell nucleus & cytoplasmic dry weight is LESS than that of normal cells
Enrichment Activity
At the end of this activity, you are expected to:
1. properly perform the Papanicolaou staining technique; and
2. gain adequate knowledge of the different sources of cytologic materials
prepared in Pap’s, their manner of collection and processing.
Smears must not be allowed to dry as this distorts the morphology and alters the
staining reactions of the cells. As soon as they have been made (unless otherwise
specified), and while still moist, smears are placed in the fixative.
Reagent Time
Nuclei - blue
Superficial (cornified cells) - pink
Intermediate (non-cornified) cells) - green
Candida (Monilia) - red
Trichomonads - grey-green
Parabasal cell cytoplasm - deep green
Red Blood Cells - orange
Individual Task
Copy and paste images from reliable sources or draw the following equipment.
1. Cells seen in cervico-vaginal smears
2. Lactobacilli on vaginal smear
Mature superficial cells Intermediate cells
Summing It Up
Exfoliative cytology deals with the microscopic study of cells that have
been desquamated from epithelial surfaces. Exfoliated cells may be found in
smears that have spontaneously been shed or physically removed from epithelial
surfaces and mucous membranes. Spontaneous exfoliation is observed in normal
cells due to constant growth and replacement with new cells and this is more readily observed
in malignant tumor cells.
The method of preparing and evaluating exfoliated cells developed by Papanicolaou has
become an important diagnostic adjunct in daily use in today’s pathology laboratory. The
primary purpose of the examination of a Papanicolaou smear is for the cytologic diagnosis of
cancer. However, this technique is also used to determine chromosomal sex, the effects of
hormones and the presence as well as the type of infection.
Cytology materials may be collected from various regions like vaginal, endocervical,
endometrial, gastric, bronchial, and body cavities. Other samples also include urine, sputum
and prostatic fluid. Once the sample arrives in the laboratory, it is then processed using the
following procedures: (1) smearing, (2) adhesion, (3) fixation and (4) staining. The prepared
smears will then be examined under the microscope for proper evaluation.
Other methods performed in cytology in addition to the preparation of Pap’s smear
include acridine orange technique, phase-contrast microscopy and interference microscopy.
Assessing Oneself
Accomplish the following activities in order to assess your knowledge and
comprehension regarding the lesson. Once you start answering the activities,
do not go back to the Lesson Proper notes as this would defeat the purpose of
this portion of the module. These activities will not be recorded but you are
required to compile them as part of your journal to be checked every grading period.
Across Down
5. cells stained by EA-36 or EA-50 1. structure observed in chromosomal sex
7. basis in comparing normal from determination
malignant cells in interference 2. specimen collection for the detection of
microscopy herpetic lesions
11. most commonly used fixative for 3. color of DNA in acridine orange
cytologic smears 4. indicated by increased basophilia
13. palm-leaf pattern 6. equipment for swab smear
14. increased in staining affinity 8. other term for acidophilia
15. important region for the detection of 9. appearance of mature superficial cell
cervical cancer nuclei
10. increase in the level of this hormone
indicates normal pregnancy
12. vaginal scrape is utilized for these
Check the key answers provided in Appendix A of this module. Assess your
performance before the scheduled summative assessments.
Summative Assessment
A. Get ready for summative assessments in the lecture and laboratory to be scheduled by
your instructor.
B. Summative assessments will be given by the instructor via several modalities depending
on your connectivity status.
✓ If you have a strong internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via the online
platform Quizziz.
✓ If you have a weak internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via Facebook
✓ If you have no internet connectivity, you may take the quiz via SMS/text message.
1. Bancroft, Layton, Suvarna. (2012) Bancroft’s theory and practice of histological
techniques. (7th ed.). Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier
2. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (1974). Histopathologic techniques (1st ed.). Philippines: Goodwill
Trading Co., Inc.
3. Bruce-Gregorios, J. (2012). Histopathologic techniques (2nd ed.). Philippines: Goodwill
Trading Co., Inc.
4. Finkbeiner, W.E. etal.AUTOPSY PATHOLOGY A MANUAL AND ATLAS, 2nd edition,
5. Raphael, S. (1983). Lynch’s medical laboratory technology (4th ed.). Philadelphia: W.B.
Saunders Co.
Lesson 1: Tapping Prior Knowledge
1. clearing 6. dehydration
2. fixative 7. fixation
3. supravital 8. sectioning
4. alcohol 9. infiltration
5. staining 10. embedding
Lesson 1: Assessing One’s Self
Level I: Easy Breezy
1. cryostat 6. diagnosis
2. curetting 7. autoradiography
3. center 8. autolysis
4. pathologist 9. differential
5. permanent 10. alcohol
Level II: Modified True/False
1. Test tubes are used to prepare samples for cell blocking.
2. True
3. Spreading/Touch preparation allows the examiner to view the intercellular relationship
of tissue components.
4. Tissue blocks should be stored for 3-10 years.
5. Coplin jars with stains are utilized to hold tissue slides in an upright position during
6. Curetting is performed to collect lesions on the inner surface of hollow organs.
7. Floating and fishing-out are important steps performed prior to staining with the use of
a water bath.
8. Smear preparation involves impression prep, streaking, spreading and pull-apart.
9. Leaded pencils are used to label frosted-end glass slides containing tissue sections or
10. Grossing performed by the pathologist involves the macroscopic evaluation of the
submitted sample.
5. protection 8. decrease
6. tuberculosis 9. acrolein
7. simple 10. mitochondria
Level II: Modified True/False
1. Routine fixation using a tissue processor requires a temperature of 40 oC.
2. For electron microscopy, sucrose is added to glutaraldehyde to achieve a low vehicle
3. True
4. Sampling brain tissues should be performed after fixation to ensure that the tissue
constituents remain intact.
5. True
Part II: Assessing Oneself
Level I: Easy Breezy
1. de-zenkerization 9. acetone
2. glutaraldehye 10. alcohol
3. methanol 11. sublimat
4. formol-corrosive 12. filtration
5. Gendre’s 13. phosphate
6. Regaud’s 14. Orth’s
7. osmic acid 15. Carnoy’s
8. paraformaldehyde
Level II: Master Column
1. B-5: B, D 6. Gendre’s fixative: A/F, J
2. Acetone: G, G 7. Orth’s fluid: C, E
3. Bouin’s solution: E, B 8. 95% Isopropyl alcohol: F, F
4. Heidenhain’s SuSa: B, I 9. Regaud’s fluid: C, C
5. Formaldehyde: A, A 10. Helly’s solution: C, H
Part III: Assessing Oneself
Level I Easy Breezy
1. post-chromatization 6. ethanol
2. staining 7. picric acid
3. alcohol 8. quenching
4. water 9. double fixation
5. melanin 10. microwave