Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs
Position Preference
Position Preference
Recruiting Year (year in which your 2024
internship/program begins)
Select programs in the Americas are opening March 15th 2023 with all remaining global programs opening between July 1st and August 15th 2023.
You may apply to programs in up to three different location and business combinations by clicking the Add button below. Individual Candidates
should not apply multiple times with multiple email addresses.
The business selections below are determined by the location you select. Depending on the business(s) you select, you may also have the option
to select a sub-business to further indicate your area of preference.
In order for your application to be reviewed in a timely manner, you will not be able to add additional location and business combinations or amend
your location or business preferences once your application is submitted UNLESS you are applying to a program that has not yet opened, in which
case you will be able to add that program to your existing application starting July 1st.
*Engineering is reflective of Technology & Strats/Quant
Please select a location Bengaluru
Please select a business Engineering
Please select a sub-business General
Please note that you will not be able to add or edit your applications after you submit. You will be invited to take HackerRank only once per
recruiting year.
Work Authorization
Goldman Sachs would like to understand your current/future work authorization status.
Please read the following question(s) carefully and answer to the best of your knowledge. Any inaccurate information or omission(s) could result in
the withdrawal of an offer of employment or, if discovered after your employment has started, could result in the termination of your employment.
Contact Information
Title Mr
First Name (Please input your legal name as per your Bhavik
identity document)
Middle Name/Initial
Last/Family Name Mangla
Preferred First Name Bhavik
Do you have other names and/or full names in non- No
English (native alphabet) characters?
Chosen Pronouns He/Him
Primary Email
Secondary email: if primary email is school email,
please provide a secondary email that you will have
access to following graduation 1/5
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Education - Current
University / Grande Ecole / School Manipal Institute of Technology(MIT)
Expected Graduation Date 1 June 2025
Grade / GPA
University / Grande Ecole / School - Please enter your cumulative GPA as recognized by the school in which you are currently enrolled and as
reflected on your most recent academic transcript. Do not combine or average multiple GPAs. Inaccurate information or omission may prejudice an
offer of employment, lead to withdrawal of such an offer or lead to termination of employment. If you do not have a GPA, please select “N/A”.
Country of Study India
Cumulative GPA
Grading System GPA/Grade (out of 10)
Grade / Mark / GPA 7.9
Language English
Spoken Proficiency Fluent
Written Proficiency Intermediate
Language Skills
For each language in which you have a level of knowledge, please select the language and the spoken and written proficiency that best matches
this level of knowledge from the drop-downs below. Then click on the Add button. Please be sure include your native or primary language as well.
Note! If you are interested in working in the Frankfurt, Zurich, or Paris offices, please note that your level of the local language, as well as English,
must be of a level appropriate to conduct business. Please provide your spoken and written proficiency levels in both. If you are applying to Tokyo,
please indicate your spoken and written proficiency level in Japanese. 2/5
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Language Hindi
Spoken Proficiency Native Speaker
Written Proficiency Intermediate
Technical Skills
Technical Skill Python
Proficiency Intermediate
Technical Skills
Technical Skill SQL/Database Programming
Proficiency Intermediate
Technical Skills
Technical Skill Big Data/Machine Learning
Proficiency Basic
Technical Skills
Technical Skill Other
Proficiency Intermediate
If 'Other', please specify Flutter
Technical Skills
Technical Skill C/C++
Proficiency Intermediate
Please Note: All references to Goldman Sachs include Archon Group, L.P. and its affiliates. For clarifying text or additional definitions related to the
following questions, you may hover your cursor over the help icons below. Please review the questions carefully as certain definitions may change.
Have you previously interned or worked at Goldman Sachs?
Are you a current or former intern/employee of PricewaterhouseCoopers, Diamond Management & Technology Consulting, or Strategy &
(formerly Booz & Co.)?
Do you currently hold, or have you held in the past five years, a position with a government or regulatory entity?
Government or regulatory entity includes, but is not limited to, national, state, municipal and local governments; their agencies, departments,
and divisions; self-regulatory organizations; state and local pension plans and independent authorities (e.g., highway, port); and any entity
with regulatory, supervisory or enforcement authority in the financial services industry.
Do you have a family member who, currently or in the past five (5) years, has held a position with a Government or Regulatory Entity in which
they were involved in making decisions regarding (a) selecting, procuring, or awarding business to financial services providers (including but
not limited to the selection or remuneration of investment advisors), and/or (b) regulatory approvals or enforcement actions in the financial
services area?
Government or Regulatory Entity includes, but is not limited to, national, state, municipal, provincial and local governments; their agencies,
departments, divisions and instrumentalities; self-regulatory organizations; state and local pension plans and independent authorities (e.g.,
highway, port, airport); and any entity with regulatory, supervisory or enforcement authority in the financial services industry.
Other than relationships disclosed in the prior question, do you have a family member who, currently or in the past 12 months, held any
position with a Government Entity?
Are you or a family member a current or prospective Goldman Sachs client?
Are you or a family member involved in selecting, procuring, or awarding business to financial services providers (including but not limited to
the selection or remuneration of investment advisors) for a current or prospective Goldman Sachs client?
No 3/5
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Do you or an immediate family member have any other relationship that could give rise to an actual or perceived conflict of interest?
Examples might include you or your Family Member (i) being a Goldman Sachs client, potential client, vendor or regulator; (ii) being employed
by a Goldman Sachs client, vendor or regulator; or (iii) otherwise having a close connection with a Goldman Sachs client, potential client,
vendor or regulator that could create an actual or perceived conflict of interest. (Clients, potential clients, and vendors can include, but are
not limited to, large corporations and financial institutions (including but not limited to private equity firms and hedge funds).
Do you have a Family Member who is or do you reside in the same household as an Executive Officer or member of the Board of Directors of
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. ('GS Inc.')?
Do you have a family member who is a Goldman Sachs employee, or do you have a romantic relationship or reside in the same household
with a Goldman Sachs employee?
Self - Identification
Please answer the questions below regarding demographic data, reviewing the information provided in the hyperlinked materials before responding.
If you do not want to provide this information, please select the “I prefer not to say” option in the drop downs. Your responses to these questions
will not affect your application for employment with Goldman Sachs.
Gender Male
Please indicate your Ethnicity/Race Asian
Indicate your race details Asian - Indian
Please indicate your military experience No military experience / No obligation
Programs / Partnerships
Have you attended any Goldman Sachs events prior No
to this application?
Resume / CV
For helpful tips on resume / CV writing best practices and hints about what we look for when reviewing an applicant's resume click here
Resume / CV must be in the following format:
Recommended file type is PDF.
Please ensure the files are not in use by any application while they are being uploaded. Additionally, any resume / CV loaded in a format other than
the accepted types noted above cannot be processed by our system and therefore will not be reviewed. (If you wish to upload your resume / CV at
a later date prior to application submission, please use the progress tracker to go back to a page in the application form.)
Please note: Resumes and CVs must not contain any information that is confidential or proprietary to a third party (including former employers) and
must not contain Confidential Supervisory Information or any other government-related information that is proprietary or confidential. Please delete
any such information from your resume or CV before submitting it to Goldman Sachs.
Resume / CV – KB 4/5
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