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Educational Digital Media For Traditional Food of Kampung Adat Cireundeu: An Ethnopedagogy Perspective

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5 authors, including:

Sugeng Rifqi Mubaroq

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


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Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
Vol. 14, No. 5 (2019) 2540 - 2551
© School of Engineering, Taylor’s University




1Departemen Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, 40154, Indonesia
2Business and Management Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,

Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, 40154, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author: isma@upi.edu

This study was aimed at designing educational digital media for traditional food
in Kampung Adat Cireundeu, Indonesia. Cirendeu, one of Indonesia’s traditional
villages, was chosen since one of its uniqueness is its people’s staple food namely
rasi, a type of food made of cassava. The digital medium that is designed is an
application about Cireundeu’s traditional food. The media designing process
employed System/Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) waterfall model,
used node.js and electron.js framework, and HTML, CSS, javascript
programming language. Database of this application was created by using
SQLite. The application is then converted to get an offline application or desktop-
based application. The results showed that the application unveils the history of
Cireundeu traditional village, detailed information about rasi focusing on local
wisdom values aspect, various products from rasi, and its marketing process. The
application was tested by using notebook with Windows 10 and Windows 7
Operating System (OS) and it ran well. This application design is an attempt to
transform local culture along with its important cultural values into a more
interactive, interesting, and entertaining edutainment.
Keywords: Cireundeu traditional village, Educational digital media, Ethnopedagogy,
Rasi (traditional food).

2541 E. E. Nikmawati et al.

1. Introduction
Kampung Adat or often called a traditional village is a part of a region that is usually
a tourism site [1-3]. A traditional village is interesting and well known for its scenic
panorama, culture, buildings, arts, indigenous people, and its cuisine. Nowadays,
traditional village is included in a sustainable development program [4, 5]. This
traditional village becomes a part of the natural and cultural conservation district
that needs to be preserved since it will be a heritage for the next generation [6, 7].
Preserving and developing traditional village is also a part of traditional and
ecological knowledge [8], community-based rural development concept [9], and
further, it becomes a part of world cultural heritage [10].
Therefore, a traditional village with its diverse local wisdom aspects that are
full of educational values needs to be made as media for society’s education
(Ethnopedagogy). There are various ways to make the dreams come true, one of
which, is through a transformative sustainability pedagogy process. Burns [11]
mentioned that this transformation process could be conducted through a content
aspect, perspective, process, and contextual aspects. Students may learn about
their neighbourhood, their traditional village that has been integrated into their
learning process. According to Rahman et al. [7], students may also learn directly
from their environment or what is called the “living museum”. Although the
aforementioned ways seem to be strategic ways, another alternative needs to be
taken into consideration that is by creating an educational digital medium about
the traditional village.
The design of educational digital media is expected to have a wider scope, to
have longer storability, and to be a source of information that can be updated
adjusting their needs by inserting more various and informative contents [12, 13].
This educational digital media design is as an attempt to make a digital
transformation that has a socio-communication principle [13, 14], and to strengthen
identity and pride of young generation towards where they come from [15].
Educational digital media have a multi-voiced perspective and are able to enrich
the subject of educational content [16]. However, the development of this
educational digital media design needs to consider pedagogical guidelines [17] and
pedagogical and technological content knowledge [18]. Nowadays, the design of
this kind of application is regarded as a more strategic and effective way due to its
easy access, multiple modes, and its high reader-interaction [19].
This educational digital media design was created by focusing on Cireundeu
traditional village’s cuisines from ethno pedagogy perspective. Through this
application, many people are expected to get local wisdom value-based education.
Ethnopedagogy may derive from a community that has unique cultural values [20].
Cireundeu traditional village is a traditional community in a society that is located
in Cimahi Jawa Barat, Indonesia. The uniqueness lies on the way they consume
“rasi” as their staple food. Rasi is a kind of staple food that is made from pulps of
cassava dregs, instead of having rice for they staple food. Rasi is a symbol of their
food resilience. For that specification, Cireundeu traditional village is declared as
national resilient food village.
Considering the aforementioned facts and reasons, the existence of educational
digital media for learning about traditional food is necessary. Therefore, this paper
aims to design learning media for one of the traditional foods in Indonesia.

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Educational Digital Media for Traditional Food of Kampung Adat . . . . 2542

2. Method
The design of educational digital media of traditional food of Cireundeu traditional
village was motivated by a will to transform its local wisdom values to wider
communities. This educational digital media design is also an attempt to grow
cultural identity values for a younger generation [15]. The digital medium was
created in the form of application that serves rich information about Cireundeu’s
traditional foods in digital contents. The information covers the history of
Cireundeu traditional village, information about ‘rasi’, various products made from
’rasi’, the typical food of Cireundeu, followed by its nutrition analysis, information
how to order the products, and contact information. The application was designed
in the form of offline application or desktop-based computer software.
The application design was conducted by employing methods using
System/Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) waterfall model, which can
be seen in Fig. 1.
Figure 1 shows steps to create the educational digital media of Cireundeu
traditional food started with the recruitment of the available tools to design
educational digital media, followed by a need analysis of the educational digital
media development to promote local wisdom values of Cireundeu traditional
village, design process, testing, and maintenance process of the application.

Fig. 1. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) waterfall model method.

The application was designed by using node.js and electron.js. Frameworks.

Node.js and electron.js are the types of the framework that are usually used to make
desktop cross-platform application such as Linux, Windows and MacOS by using

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2543 E. E. Nikmawati et al.

(JavaScript) web technology [21, 22]. Node.js framework is available to download

through its official website www.nodejs.org to be then installed (as shown in Fig.
2). The design process employed HTML, CSS, and javascript programming
language. After that, the application was then converted until the application is able
to be operated from the desktop (offline application). Meanwhile, the application
database was made by using SQLite, a database machine that is easy and flexible
to handle. SQLite becomes a good alternative for the database in developing
software [23].

Fig. 2. Node.js official website.

The making of educational digital media application of “Makanan Khas

Kampung Adat Cireundeu” can be seen in Fig. 3.
Figure 3 describes the flowchart of application development where users can
run the application through a certain procedure. Before using this application, the
users are required to log in using an account that has been registered before. After
the login process is successful, the users are shown some options of the primary
menu that has some sub-menus, such as Rasi menu, which has some sub-menus
that cover what rasi is, ingredients of rasi and procedure to make rasi.

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Fig. 3. Application development flowchart.

3. Results and Discussion

The digital medium of Cireundeu traditional food was created as an effort to
provide an educational medium for society, especially for the younger generation
to learn about local wisdom values of Cireundeu traditional village. The contents
of this educational digital media consist of various important information about
Cireundeu, such as rasi as their traditional or staple food made from cassava, a raw

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2545 E. E. Nikmawati et al.

material needed and procedure to make rasi, products made from rasi, and also rasi
products’ marketing aspect.
The making process of the application was conducted by primarily installing
electron.js. This tool was installed by using the command prompt by previously
creating a folder to save the programming file. The command that is used to install
electron.js can be witnessed in Fig. 4. Meanwhile, the making of application
database of this educational digital media application namely “Makanan Khas
Kampung Adat Cireundeu” can be seen in Fig. 5.

Fig. 4. Command for installing electron.js.

Fig. 5. Database of “Makanan Khas Kampung

Adat Cireundeu”educational digital media.

The use interface making was conducted by employing HTML, CSS, Jquery
and other plug-ins and Sublime Text 3 text editor. In Fig. 6, it is shown the codes
that were needed to make the user interface of this educational digital media
application “Makanan Khas Kampung Adat Cireundeu”. This is a portable
application that makes it is easy to be run. The testing step was conducted by using
a laptop with Windows 10 and Windows 7 operating systems and the application
run well using these two operating systems.

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Fig. 6. “Makanan Khas Kampung Adat Cireundeu” educational digital media codes.

Figure 7 shows the menu display from “Makanan Khas Kampung Adat
Cireundeu” educational digital media application, meanwhile in Fig. 8, it can be
seen displays of the running application.
Figure 7 presents the homepage display of the educational digital media
application that has been designed. This application starts giving information about
detailed information about Cireundeu traditional village that has been determined by
the government as a preserved district. Cireundeu traditional village is then declared
as a national prototype area due to its food resilient ability and independence. Alonso
et al. [24] reported that the food resilient level of an area is mostly affected by the
local culture and one of them is dealing with food taboo. Cireundeu traditional village
is regarded as an area that gives an alternative solution towards the rice scarcity
problems in Indonesia. Rasi that is originated from cassave becomes the most
possible alternative for rice since cassave is able to grow well in Indonesia and can
be carbohydrate-source food that is most likely be preferred by Indonesian people.
The most distinctive aspect of Cireundeu traditional village is the villagers’ habit
to make ‘rasi’ as their staple food, instead of rice. As we know that staple food of
most of the Indonesian people is rice, but in this area, it is a taboo to consume rice as
a staple food. Furthermore, Rasi also becomes a symbol of the long history of
Cireundeu villagers to survive and also to keep their pride as independent citizens.
Shariff et al. [25] reported that this is what attractive about traditional food when it is
not merely tradition, but it further becomes a symbol of their heritage, trademark, and
sustainable cultural values [25].
Figure 8 displays the educational digital media application showing information
about raw materials of rasi and procedure in making rasi. As previously mentioned,
rasi that is made from cassava, which is a natural resource from that area and it is
preserved really well by the villagers. Therefore, cassava fields in Cireundeu
traditional village become a preserved area and in fact, it becomes a ‘forbidden
area’. The cassava garden becomes an area that must be protected by all the
villagers since it is where their life begins. On the other hand, the procedure in
making rasi also has special ways, starting from the making and saving the process
of rasi that reflects the villagers’ respect for rasi as a staple food and food resilient
symbol in the areas. Rasi as a staple food of Cireundeu traditional village is an
authentic product that is most likely become one of the attractions of consumer
willingness [26].

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Fig. 7. Display menu of “Makanan Khas Kampung Adat Cireundeu”


Fig. 8. Display about (a) raw materials of rasi, (b) procedure in making rasi.

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These various rasi’ products become a local brand and local symbol that is
identical to Kampung Adat Cireundeu. Various rasi’ products cover egg roll and
kecipir cookies (Fig. 9).
The egg roll is a type of cookies that tastes slightly salty and made from the mix
of rasi and egg, which resembles a small pipe and made by a thread. Slightly
different from egg roll, kecipir is made from rasi, which looks like kecipir fruit
with jagged surface and edge.
These kinds of rasi products become the most wanted items when they visit
Cireundeu traditional village. In this context, traditional food plays an important
role to discuss food security and food policy aspects [27].
The use of educational digital media application in the context of introducing
local wisdom values in the form of traditional food from Cireundeu traditional
village is believed to be able to strengthen the younger generation’s identity and
pride towards this country. This is very possible since educational digital media
have taken part in developing interpersonal and intrapersonal experiences of the
users [15].
Painter et al. [28] mentioned that interesting educational digital media and user-
friendly platform towards internet technology and social media development have
their own attraction in delivering local wisdom values to society. The local wisdom
values of Cireundeu traditional village in the context of introducing history, culture,
and other local wisdom values can be put in a more interesting storytelling
educational digital media, especially for a younger generation [29].
The design of this educational digital media application becomes an effort of
etnopedagy, where local wisdom value-based education is practically integrated
into the learning process [30]. The local wisdom based-learning that is given in the
form of educational digital media 3D application may lead to improve spatial
competence and students’ learning motivation [31].


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Fig. 9. Display of “Makanan Khas Kampung Adat
Cireundeu” educational digital media application.

4. Conclusions
The design of this educational digital media was motivated by the strong will to
introduce local wisdom values of Cireundeu traditional village, especially its
traditional food namely rasi and various rasi products in a digital format. The
educational digital medium designed is in the form of application providing
information about Cireundeu traditional village, rasi and procedure how to make
it, as well as various rasi products. The educational digital medium is still an offline
application and the usage is limited only to students of culinary arts. However, this
educational digital medium has been set in the context of ethno pedagogy whose
content aspects, application interaction model, as well as application display are in
the platform to grow the local wisdom values of Cireundeu traditional village.
Therefore, the developed educational digital medium is considered effective. This
traditional village has so many potentials as a cultural tourism site for the wider
society. Based on the findings, it is recommended for future researchers to design
an online “Makanan Khas Kampung Adat Cireundeu” educational digital medium
application under the same topic

Authors also acknowledge RISTEK DIKTI (The Ministry of Research, Technology,
and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia) for funding the research through
PSN scheme in 2018.

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Journal of Engineering Science and Technology October 2019, Vol. 14(5)

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