Acceptability and Effectiveness of Using Mobile Applications To Promote HIV and Other STI Testing Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Barcelona, Spain
Acceptability and Effectiveness of Using Mobile Applications To Promote HIV and Other STI Testing Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Barcelona, Spain
Acceptability and Effectiveness of Using Mobile Applications To Promote HIV and Other STI Testing Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Barcelona, Spain
STI Online First, published on April 6, 2018 as 10.1136/sextrans-2017-053348
Digital communications and sexual health
Original article
Servei d’Epidemiologia, Abstract HIV transmission, and improving morbidity and
Agència de Salut Pública de Objective To evaluate the acceptability and mortality rates,1 2 with a strong impact on the inci-
Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, effectiveness of a pilot intervention programme using dence of HIV infection at the community level.3
Barcelona, Spain gay geosocial mobile applications (apps) to offer rapid However, late diagnosis of HIV infection is esti-
Servei de Programes i HIV and other STI tests to men who have sex with men mated to occur in 47% of patients in the European
Intervencions Preventives, (MSM) in Barcelona between December 2015 and March Union (EU), and as many as 17% of infected indi-
Agència de Salut Pública de viduals are unaware of their serological status.4 In
Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Centro de Investigación Methodology We offered rapid HIV, syphilis and 2015, late diagnosis of HIV accounted for 46.5%
Biomédica en Red de hepatitis C testing by sending private messages on apps and 39% of cases in Spain and Barcelona, respec-
Epidemiología y Salud Pública for sexual and social encounters. Acceptance was defined tively.5 6
(CIBERESP), Barcelona, Spain as the proportion of users who favourably responded Since 2005, the principal cause of HIV trans-
to the message and effectiveness was defined as the mission in the EU has been sexual relations among
Correspondence to men who have sex with other men (MSM). In
proportion of users who attended our facilities among
Dr Miguel Alarcón Gutiérrez,
Servei d’Epidemiologia, Agència those who were interested in attending. To identify 2015, 42% of new HIV cases occurred in MSM,
de Salut Pública de Barcelona, variables associated with the response to the messages, the only group that showed an increase.7 During
Barcelona 08023, Spain; multivariate logistic regression was used. Adjusted the same year in Spain, 53.6% of new HIV cases OR (ORa) and 95% CIs were calculated. We collected were attributed to MSM,5 and this proportion
Received 12 July 2017 information on sociodemographics, sexual behaviours was even greater in large cities such as Barcelona
Revised 19 February 2018 and app usage from the contacted user profiles and from (72.6%).6
Accepted 12 March 2018 users who attended our facilities. A descriptive analysis HIV diagnostic testing outside the typical health-
was carried out. care circuit is a valuable strategy for reducing HIV
Results 2656 individual messages were sent. Overall, diagnosis delay in high-risk groups such as MSM.8
a 38.4% response rate was obtained, 83.0% of them Since 2009, a rapid HIV test has been offered by
found it acceptable to receive the unsolicited message, pharmacies in Catalonia, with 9344 tests conducted
and 73.2% effectiveness was obtained. Responders by 2014 (of which 1.0% were positive). In 2014,
had higher odds of being 45 years or older (ORa=1.48; community centres in Catalonia conducted 10 868
95% CI 1.06 to 2.08), being connected at the moment HIV tests with a 2.0% incidence of new cases.
the message was sent or during the previous hour Moreover, the Barcelona’s Public Health Agency
(ORa=1.92; 95% CI 1.38 to 2.68), having a profile photo (ASPB) has a programme that offers rapid HIV and
not exposing bare chest or abdomen (ORa=1.44; 95% CI syphilis tests in gay saunas for the MSM collective,
1.07 to 1.92) and using the Grindr app (ORa=1.39; 95% performing 463 tests between 2012 and 2013, with
CI 1.12 to 1.73). Of those who were tested and took the an annual incidence of 4.7% and 6.1% per year,
survey (n=77), 45.5% had not taken an HIV test in over respectively.9
a year, 24.7% had had a previous STI diagnosis, 51.4% The MSM population has pioneered the use
had reported anal sex without condom and 52% had of social networks and the internet to search for
consumed alcohol or drugs for sex. information about sexual health, arranging dates
Conclusions The response rate, acceptance and and sexual encounters, and looking up pornog-
effectiveness observed in this study indicate that this raphy.10 In addition, smartphone use has boosted
strategy could be a useful tool for promoting STI testing the development of applications (apps) intended
among high-risk MSM population. for sex encounters. Most of these apps use the
To cite: Alarcón Gutiérrez M, global positioning system (GPS) to provide infor-
Fernández Quevedo M,
mation about the geographical proximity of users,
Martín Valle S, et al.
Sex Transm Infect Epub ahead thereby facilitating personal encounters. The MSM
of print: [please include Day Introduction users of these apps have a high prevalence of risky
Month Year]. doi:10.1136/ Early diagnosis of HIV infection allows patients to sexual practices, and accordingly a high incidence
sextrans-2017-053348 undergo timely antiretroviral therapy, decreasing of STIs.11–17
Alarcón Gutiérrez M, et al. Sex Transm Infect 2018;0:1–6. doi:10.1136/sextrans-2017-053348 1
Copyright Article author (or their employer) 2018. Produced by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd under licence.
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We performed a descriptive analysis of the characteristics of the
contacted users, computing the prevalence of categorical vari-
ables and median (and IQR) of discrete quantitative variables.
The programme was defined as feasible if the investigators’
profiles remained active on the apps for longer than 1 week;
Figure 1 Flow chart of the 2656 contacted users of the application- this is because most of these apps could remove profiles who
based pilot intervention programme in Barcelona, Spain (2016). *From offer services. The response rate was calculated by dividing the
users who favourably rated the message, 258 users had recent testing number of users who responded to the private message by the
or regularly attended other testing programmes, and 480 did not total number of users contacted. Acceptance was defined as
mention reasons for not attending. **The stock of syphilis tests was the number of users who favourably responded to the private
depleted temporarily during the intervention period. message sent via the apps, divided by the number of users who
responded to the message. We classified user responses as posi-
tive if the user provided gratefulness, congratulation or interest
Some studies have shown that most users of these apps are response, negative if the user showed any kind of disagreement,
willing to participate in prevention measures advertised by the and indifferent if it was impossible to classify the response into
apps18 19; thus, these apps provide an opportunity to implement either one of these two categories. We calculated effectiveness
prevention strategies and promote sexual health.11 20–22 as the number of users who actually took the tests or got vacci-
The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility, nated, divided by the number of users who responded to the
response, acceptance and effectiveness of a pilot programme message showing an interest in doing so. Because variables were
offering rapid HIV and other STI tests to MSM who use apps categorical, we used the Pearson χ2 test to compare the profile
for sex encounters in the city of Barcelona. Furthermore, this of users who responded to the private message with that of
study allowed us to describe the epidemiological characteristics users who did not respond. To identify factors associated with
of the contacted users. user response, we performed a multivariate logistic regression
analysis using all possible equations method.23 Adjusted OR and
Methods 95% CIs were calculated.
We performed a community-based, cross-sectional study in A descriptive analysis of the characteristics of users who
Barcelona, Spain, between December 2015 and March 2016. We took the test or got vaccinated was performed. Also, we did a
contacted MSM users of apps for sexual and social encounters descriptive analysis of the satisfaction survey responses. For both
who were over the age of 18, and were either using the app at descriptive analyses we present proportions for categorical varia-
the time the message was sent or had used the app during the bles and the median (and IQR) for discrete quantitative variables.
previous 7 days. All statistical analyses were carried out using the Stata V.13
Process description
We created a blank user profile in the most commonly used apps Results
among MSM in Spain (Grindr, PlanetRomeo and Wapo).11 The The three investigator profiles created were active during the
user profile can provide basic demographic information and free entire study period, and contacted a total of 2656 app users
text. The launch screen of each app displays a photographic (1029 in Grindr, 768 in PlanetRomeo and 859 in Wapo). The
list of the users ordered by geographical proximity. The ASPB median age of these users was 32 years (IQR: 27–39). Of the
has two different geographical locations: Lesseps Square in the 1149 users whose profile caption indicated their reason for
north, and Drassanes Avenue in the inner city. As these apps using the app, 72.2% explicitly indicated they were looking for
use GPS, we decided to focus on the two locations available. a sexual encounter.
The investigators sent a private picture message to all near users Of the 2656 users contacted by the investigators, 1019
through the ‘chat’ option, in order of proximity to at least 50 responded to the message and 846 responded favourably.
users, offering them the possibility to take rapid HIV, syphilis Thus, the global response rate was 38.4% (42.2% in Grindr,
and hepatitis C tests, as well as to be vaccinated against hepatitis 35.4% in PlanetRomeo and 36.4% in Wapo; P=0.005), and
A and B in one of our two centres. The message was sent in work the global acceptance was 83.0% (83.2% in Grindr, 81.3% in
days and schedules from the centres’ facilities (09:00–19:00), PlanetRomeo and 84.4% in Wapo; P=0.606). Of those who
2 Alarcón Gutiérrez M, et al. Sex Transm Infect 2018;0:1–6. doi:10.1136/sextrans-2017-053348
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Table 1 Associated factors of the message response of the 2656 users contacted with the application-based pilot intervention programme,
Barcelona 2016
Answered Unanswered
Variables n % n % Total, N OR P values* ORa† 95% CI P values
Age (years)
<25 129 36.1 228 63.9 357 1 1
25–34 381 38.6 605 61.4 986 1.11 0.403 1.14 0.88 to 1.47 0.326
35–44 248 38.5 396 61.5 644 1.11 0.408 1.19 0.90 to 1.57 0.213
45 or more 113 44.0 144 56.0 257 1.39 0.050 1.48 1.06 to 2.07 0.022
Time since last connection
Within the last hour 959 39.7 1456 60.3 2415 1.99 <0.001 1.93 1.38 to 2.69 <0.001
Over an hour ago 60 24.9 181 75.1 241 1 1
Profile photo
No photo 102 29.6 242 70.4 344 1 1
Bare chest or abdomen 295 29.0 511 31.2 806 1.37 0.023 1.21 0.89 to 1.66 0.216
Other (only face, dressed, 621 41.3 883 58.7 1504 1.67 <0.001 1.43 1.08 to 1.92 0.014
landscapes and others)
Application used
Grindr 434 42.2 595 57.8 1029 1.33 0.004 1.39 1.21 to 1.73 0.003
PlanetRomeo 272 35.4 496 64.6 768 1 1
Wapo 313 36.4 546 63.6 859 1.04 0.668 1.14 0.91 to 1.42 0.247
Schedule of sent message
08:00–14:00 283 35.8 507 64.2 790 1
14:00–17:00 387 40.6 567 59.4 954 1.22 0.043
17:00–19:00 349 38.3 563 61.7 912 1.11 0.298
Place attended for intervention
Lesseps 525 40.0 787 60.0 1312 1.14 0.084
Drassanes 494 36.8 850 73.2 1344 1
Total 1019 38.4 1637 61.6 2656
*Univariate logistic regression.
†Multivariate logistic regression, adjusted by age, time of last connection, type of photograph and application used.
ORa, adjusted OR.
responded favourably, 108 (12.8%) were interested in attending (7.8% and 6.5%, respectively). Of the 75 HIV tests performed,
the programme facilities, 258 (30.5%) stated they were going one 26-year-old man gave a positive result, representing 1.3%
to take the tests elsewhere or had already taken them, and the prevalence (95% CI 0.17 to 9.24). There were no reactive tests
remaining 480 (56.7%) provided no information (figure 1). for syphilis and hepatitis C. The characteristics of the users who
Among the 108 users who were interested in attending the facil- attended the intervention and took the survey are summarised
ities, 79 attended, which gives an effectiveness of 73.2% without in table 2.
differences between apps (P=0.920). Regarding sexual practices, 51.4% of survey respondents
who engaged in anal sex with casual partners claimed to have
Factors associated with user response had anal penetration without a condom during the previous 12
After multivariate adjustment, the following variables were asso- months, of whom 75.3% did not know the serological status of
ciated with user response: (1) being 45 years of age or older any of their casual partners. They had a median of 10 sexual
(adjusted OR (ORa)=1.48; 95% CI 1.06 to 2.08), (2) being partners in the previous 12 months (IQR: 6–20), and 72.7% had
connected at the moment the intervention message was sent or
met their last casual sex partner via an app. Approximately half
during the previous hour (ORa=1.92; 95% CI 1.38 to 2.68), (3)
(50.7%) of survey respondents said that they had used drugs,
having a profile photo not exposing a bare chest or abdomen
alcohol (≥4 standard units of alcohol) or sexual stimulants for
(ORa=1.44; 95% CI 1.07 to 1.92), and (4) using the Grindr app
their sexual encounters (table 2).
(ORa=1.39; 95% CI 1.12 to 1.73) (table 1).
We found that 59.7% of survey respondents used these apps
on a daily basis (or on at least 6 days per week), and that 71.4%
Users who attended the intervention facilities
Of the 79 users who attended for testing or vaccination, 42.5% did so during the evening. Looking for sex was the main reason
did so on the same day or the day after the intervention message for connecting to the apps (44.2%), and 67.5% of respondents
was sent. Of the 77 individuals who took the survey, 46.7% claimed that their number of sexual partners had increased
were born abroad, 62.3% had a university-level education and since installing the apps. Grindr was the most widely used app
81.8% were employed. Of the users who took the HIV test, (62.3%) (table 3).
7.8% of them had never previously done so and 45.4% had not The satisfaction survey, taken by 70 users (90.9%), presented
taken one for over a year. Approximately 25% reported having an average score of 9.7 out of 10. All individuals (100%) who
an STI during the 12-month period prior to the test. The most took this survey stated they would recommend this service to
common infections were Pthirus pubis (crabs) and gonorrhoea friends and acquaintances.
Alarcón Gutiérrez M, et al. Sex Transm Infect 2018;0:1–6. doi:10.1136/sextrans-2017-053348 3
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Table 2 Characteristics of the 79 users who attended HIV and other STI testing facilities in the application-based pilot intervention programme,
Barcelona 2016
Variables Median IQR n % Variables n %
Sociodemographic characteristics Place where last non-steady partner was met
Age (years) 32 26–37 77 Web (chat) 4 5.2
Country of origin Application 56 72.7
Spain 41 53.3 Friends 4 5.2
Other 36 46.7 Sauna 2 2.6
City of residence Disco/bar 7 9.1
Barcelona 73 92.2 Other 4 5.2
Other 6 7.8 Drugs used for sex† (last 12 months)
Highest educational level Any drug 40 52.0
Primary 5 6.5 Used drugs (multiple selection)
Secondary 14 18.2 Erection enhancers 10 13.0
Professional training 10 13 Alcohol 21 27.3
University 48 62.3 Poppers 23 29.9
Employment status Cannabis/hash 12 15.6
In paid employment 63 81.8 Ecstasy/MDMA 2 2.6
Unemployed 5 6.5 Crystal methamphetamine 1 1.3
Retired/impairment 2 2.6 Amphetamines 2 2.6
Student 7 9.1 GHB/GBL 3 3.9
Sexual orientation Ketamine 2 2.6
Homosexual 59 76.6 LSD 2 2.6
Bisexual 15 19.5 HIV and STIs
Heterosexual 1 1.3 HIV previous serological status
NA 2 2.6 Negative 69 89.6
Steady sex partner (more than 2 months) Positive 2 2.6
Have steady partner 17 22.1 Unknown 6 7.8
Condomless anal sex in the last 12 months* 14 82.4 Results of HIV tests performed
Non-steady sex partners (last 12 months) Negative 74 98.7
Has had non-steady partner(s) 77 100 Positive 1 1.3
HIV status of non-steady partner(s) Time since last HIV test
Negative 6 7.8 Less than 6 months 22 28.6
Positive 13 16.9 6–11 months 20 26.0
Unknown 58 75.3 More than 1 year 35 45.4
Condomless anal sex in the last 12 months* 37 51.4 Any STI during the last 12 months 19 24.7
Number of sexual partners in the last month 2 1–4 77
Number of sexual partners in the last 12 months 10 6–10 77
*Both insertive and receptive, among users who reported to practise anal sex.
†Intentional drug use before or during sex.
NA: not answered. MDMA: 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine . GHB: gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid . GBL: gamma butyrolactone . LSD: Lysergic acid diethylamide .
These include:
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