s12889 021 10472 X
s12889 021 10472 X
s12889 021 10472 X
Introduction: Zambia is among the countries with the highest HIV burden and where youth remain disproportionally
affected. Access to HIV testing and counselling (HTC) is a crucial step to ensure the reduction of HIV transmission. This
study examines the changes that occurred between 2007 and 2018 in access to HTC, inequities in testing uptake, and
determinants of HTC uptake among youth.
Methods: We carried out repeated cross-sectional analyses using three Zambian Demographic and Health Surveys
(2007, 2013–14, and 2018). We calculated the percentage of women and men ages 15–24 years old who were tested for
HIV in the last 12 months. We analysed inequity in HTC coverage using indicators of absolute inequality. We performed
bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses to identify predictors of HTC uptake in the last 12 months.
Results: HIV testing uptake increased between 2007 and 2018, from 45 to 92% among pregnant women, 10 to 58%
among non-pregnant women, and from 10 to 49% among men. By 2018 roughly 60% of youth tested in the past 12
months used a government health centre. Mobile clinics were the second most common source reaching up to 32%
among adolescent boys by 2018. Multivariate analysis conducted among men and non-pregnant women showed higher
odds of testing among 20–24 year-olds than adolescents (aOR = 1.55 [95%CI:1.30–1.84], among men; and aOR = 1.74
[1.40–2.15] among women). Among men, being circumcised (aOR = 1.57 [1.32–1.88]) and in a union (aOR = 2.44 [1.83–
3.25]) were associated with increased odds of testing. For women greater odds of testing were associated with higher
levels of education (aOR = 6.97 [2.82–17.19]). Education-based inequity was considerably widened among women than
men by 2018.
(Continued on next page)
* Correspondence: mmatsui@nagasaki-u.ac.jp
Department of Global Health, Nagasaki University School of Tropical
Medicine and Global Health, Sakamoto 1-12-4, Nagasaki 852-8523, Japan
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Heri et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:456 Page 2 of 18
Background point of this cascade of HIV care and the means through
HIV/AIDS remains a leading cause of death in low- and which the first step of the 90–90-90 UNAIDS goal can
middle-income countries (LMICs), with around 663,000 be achieved [18–20]. Unfortunately, the use of HTC ser-
deaths estimated in 2019 [1, 2]. In the sub-Sahara African vices has generally been reported to be low among youth
region, home to more than two-thirds (25.7 million) of in Zambia, and several barriers to accessing these ser-
people living with HIV globally, HIV/AIDS is the fourth vices have been highlighted [21–24]. In alignment with
leading cause of death [2]. The remarkable scale-up of ac- the UNAIDS fast-track strategy, the Zambian govern-
cess to HIV prevention and care services made in the past ment launched the HTC Implementation Plan (2014–
two decades, through multiple global health initiatives 16), which aimed to achieve by 2015 50% HTC coverage
such as the Global Fund to Fight Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, among adults for testing and receipt of the results in the
and Malaria (GFATM), and the United States President’s last 12 months, to guarantee that the country remains
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) [3], has led to on track with the 2020 targets [25]. The ongoing current
a significant reduction in morbidity and mortality due to National AIDS Strategic Framework (NASF) 2017–2021
HIV/AIDS in affected populations [2]. Despite the overall remained aligned with the UNAIDS 90–90-90 global
progress, only minor declines in new HIV infections have strategy and integrated the priority given to adolescents
been observed among young people in high-burden coun- and young people [10]; such that the related HTC guide-
tries, especially for adolescent girls and young women [4, lines recommended for adolescents (10–19 years) and
5]. Youth (15–24 years) still account for over 30% of new adults who are sexually active or with unknown HIV sta-
HIV infections each year globally [6]. tus to undertake a serological HIV test at first contact
Zambia faces a generalised HIV epidemic with an esti- with health services, 3 months later if they were negative
mated prevalence of 11% among adults (15–49 years), for the first test, and repeat the test every 6 months [26,
which ranks it among the ten most affected countries 27].
globally [7, 8]. Among 48,000 estimated new infections To our knowledge, no study has investigated
in 2018, 39% were youth; of which more than two-thirds changes in HTC uptake among youth in Zambia after
were women [9]. National data show that around 90% of the launch of the 90–90-90 fast track targets and
these HIV infections are the result of unprotected het- youth-specific global initiatives (“ALL IN Initiative”
erosexual intercourse [10]. Individual and contextual and “THREE fast-track”), which were launched to
drivers are thought to be among the main contributors boost the HIV response toward this population [28,
of transmission including biological, behavioural, cul- 29]. Moreover, the uncertainty around achieving the
tural, socio-economic, and legal factors [10–14]. HIV 2020 goals for HIV/AIDS-related morbidity and mor-
prevention programs that comprehensively address these tality among youth reflects the challenges in accessing
drivers are required to achieve substantial change in the HIV prevention and treatment services and highlights
incidence of infection, with a cascade HIV care approach the importance of understanding who is, and who is
being key to the reduction of HIV transmission [15, 16]. not accessing the first step of the cascade of HIV care
In 2014, UNAIDS launched a fast-track global strategy - HTC - and associated factors, to help refine control
to end the HIV epidemic by 2030, central to which is strategies and maximise the impact of future interven-
the 90–90-90 cascade goals; namely, aiming to ensure tions [6].
that 90% of people living with HIV know their status, The objectives of this study were to examine changes
90% of those in HIV care are initiated on antiretroviral in uptake of HTC among youth between 2007 and 2018,
therapy (ART), and 90% of those on ART achieve viral to explore inequity in testing uptake over time, and to
load suppression by 2020 [17]. HIV testing and counsel- identify the determinants of HTC among young women
ling (HTC) services are therefore critical for the reduc- and men ages 15–24 years-old in Zambia.
tion of new infections because they constitute the entry
Heri et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:456 Page 3 of 18
Fig. 1 Adapted Andersen Behavioural Model of utilization of HIV testing and counselling services
Heri et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:456 Page 4 of 18
Potential determinants (listed in Fig. 1) of HTC uptake tested at a GHC in 2018. GHCs accounted for a much
were examined using the most recent survey dataset smaller percentage among men in 2007 but increased
(2018). We first described respondent characteristics, considerably in 2013, and by 2018 became the source for
then conducted bivariate analyses to identify those asso- more than 50% of HIV tests among men. Moreover, the
ciated with the primary outcome; specifically, HIV test- percentage getting tested in mobile clinics (MC) almost
ing in the last 12 months with receipt of results. After doubled in all four groups between 2013 and 2018,
checking for collinearity and excluding variables with reaching 32% among adolescent boys. The increase in
missing values for the outcome, all variables associated the percentage of youth tested in either GHCs or MCs
with the primary outcome (with p < 0.05) were consid- masks considerable increases in the absolute number of
ered for inclusion in the multivariate logistic regression tests performed through these sources, due to the overall
models. The main models were run separately for men increase in the percentage of youth, as shown in Fig. 3b.
and non-pregnant women. Considering that 90% of HIV For GHCs the estimated number of tests performed for
infections are reported to be transmitted through het- youth increased substantially from roughly 163,000 in
erosexual intercourse in Zambia [10], a sub-group ana- 2007 to 1.3 million in 2018. For MC sources, the overall
lysis restricted to men and non-pregnant women estimated number of tests reached approximately 400,
reported being sexually active was also conducted to 000 in 2018 compared to 41,000 in 2007.
identify specific determinants associated with HTC up-
take in this population. Determinants of HIV testing uptake in the 2018 DHS
STATA SE version 16.1 (Stata Corporation, Ltd. Characteristics of the target population in the 2018 DHS
Texas, USA) was used for analysis, and all analyses con- dataset are shown in Table 1.
sidered clustering, weighting, and stratification using the In the multivariate models, the ages 20–24 were com-
svyset command. monly associated with high odds of HIV testing among
both non-pregnant women (adjusted odds ratio = 1.74,
Results 95%CI:1.40–2.15) and men (aOR = 1.55, 95%CI:1.30–
Changes in HIV testing uptake 1.84) (Tables 2 and 3). Among women the odds of test-
Overall, an improvement in HIV testing was observed ing increased with the level of education attained (aOR =
between 2007 and 2018, with the percentage tested and 6.97; 95%CI:2.82–17.19, for higher education compared
receiving the results in the last 12 months increasing to no education). Among men high HIV testing uptake
from 17 to 65% among young women, and from 10 to was mainly predicted by being circumcised (aOR = 1.57;
49% among young men (Fig. 2a). These increases, ob- 95%CI:1.32–1.88) and currently being in a union (aOR =
served in both genders and age groups (ages 15–19 and 2.46, 95%CI:1.85–3.28, compared to never in union).
20–24), were more pronounced between the period Among men and non-pregnant women who reported
2007–2013 than 2013–2018, and the absolute increase previous sexual experience, condom use at last inter-
was higher among women than men (Fig. 2b). The test- course was not associated with HIV testing uptake
ing rate among pregnant women, tested as part of ANC, among women but was a predictor of testing among
increased considerably from 2007 to 2013 and nearly men (aOR = 1.64, 95%CI: 1.32–2.04) (Tables S2 and S3
reached universal coverage for both age groups, with al- in SM). Other predictors of testing were like the main
most no change between 2013 and 2018. Figure 2b also models, except for not reporting HIV-related stigma
shows that HIV testing uptake among non-pregnant manifestation which was associated with higher odds of
women was much lower in all age groups than among testing among non-pregnant sexually active women
women who received a test as part of ANC. Moreover, (aOR = 1.59, 95%CI:1.14–2.21, compared to those
women not recently pregnant had almost the same test- reporting about stigma) (Tables S2); while having a dis-
ing coverage as men between 2007 and 2013, for both criminatory attitude was no longer a predictor for
age groups. Nevertheless, a small difference between among men.
genders was noted from 2013 to 2018 within each age
group, and more pronounced among young adults. Inequity in HIV testing uptake
We analysed inequities in HIV testing uptake for a test
Source of HIV test taken and results received in the last 12 months for age,
Figure 3a shows the proportions of HIV tests received residence, education level, household wealth, and regions
through each testing source between 2007 and 2018. at each time point among men and young non-pregnant
Government health centres (GHC) accounted for more women. The results suggested an overall improvement
than half of HIV tests for adolescent girls and young in testing coverage between 2007 and 2018 in each sub-
women in 2007, and their proportion increased over group for all inequality qualifiers (Fig. 4). However, by
time, with more than 60% in each age group getting 2018 the absolute inequity in coverage widened between
Heri et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:456 Page 5 of 18
Percent tested
2007 2013-14 2018
Percent tested
2007 2013-14 2018
Fig. 2 Changes in HIV testing uptake in Zambia, from 2007 to 2018: a. Among adults and youth tested in the last 12 months and receiving the
result, b. among youth tested in the last 12 months and receiving the result
sub-groups for both genders. Less well covered were regions increased among women (increase in the
those age 15–19 years-old, living in rural areas, less edu- mean difference from the best-covered region from
cated, and the poorest (Figs. 4a-d). Education-based in- 4% in 2007 to 17% in 2018) (Fig. 5). Among men,
equity was more considerable by 2018 among women however, an opposite trend was observed between
(54% absolute difference between no education and 2007 and 2018; specifically, a reduction in the mean
higher education) than men (31%) (Fig. 4c). Regarding difference from the best-covered region from 21% in
regions, by 2018 the disparities in testing coverage across 2007 to 9% in 2018.
Heri et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:456 Page 6 of 18
Proportion of test
2007 2013/14 2018 2007 2013/14 2018 2007 2013/14 2018 2007 2013/14 2018
(N=212) (N=1387) (N=1613) (N=320) (N=1932) (N=2090) (N=109) (N=792) (N=1026) (N=157) (N=1137) (N=1229)
Adolescent girls 15-19 Women 20-24 Adolescent boys 15-19 Men 20-24
Government Hospital Government Health Center Private health hacility Mission health facility
Estimated number of tested
2007 2013/14 2018 2007 2013/14 2018 2007 2013/14 2018 2007 2013/14 2018
Adolescent girls 15-19 Women 20-24 Adolescent boys 15-19 Men 20-24
Fig. 3 Changes in the source of reception of HIV tests between 2013 and 14 and 2018, for tests conducted in the last 12 months. a. The
proportion of tests conducted through each source, b. estimated number of youths tested through each source of testing
Table 1 Respondent characteristics of young women (N = 5799) and men (N = 4846), Zambia 2018 DHS
Characteristics Women Men
N Percent (%) 95% CI N Percent (%) 95% CI
15–19 3112 52.3 [50.8–53.9] 2852 57.8 [55.9–59.3]
20–24 2687 47.7 [46.1–49.2] 1994 42.2 [40.4–44.1]
Education level
No education 237 3.6 [2.9–4.4] 133 3.0 [2.3–4.0]
Primary 2313 39.0 [37.0–41.0] 1933 38.2 [36.0–40.4]
Secondary 3118 54.8 [52.8–56.8] 2666 55.9 [53.9–57.8]
Higher 131 2.6 [1.9–3.5] 114 2.9 [2.1–3.9]
Household wealth quintile
Poorest 1186 17.9 [16.4–19.6] 849 15.1 [13.6–16.8]
Poorer 1132 17.5 [16.0–19.2] 961 17.3 [15.6–19.0]
Middle 1153 18.2 [16.5–20.1] 1073 20.8 [18.9–22.8]
Richer 1103 22.3 [19.5–25.4] 936 22.8 [19.2–26.7]
Richest 1225 24.1 [21.2–27.3] 1027 24.0 [20.8–27.7]
Relationship status
Never in union 3681 63.1 [60.8–65.3] 4296 89.1 [87.8–90.3]
Currently in union 1879 32.7 [30.5–35.0] 514 10.2 [9.1–11.4]
Formerly in union 239 4.2 [3.6–4.9] 36 0.7 [0.5–1.0]
Urban 2335 46.0 [43.1–48.9] 1812 44.1 [40.7–47.4]
Rural 3464 54.1 [51.2–57.0] 3034 56.0 [52.6–59.3]
Central 612 8.9 [7.9–9.9] 533 8.9 [7.9–10.1]
Copperbelt 683 16.2 [13.8–19.0] 558 15.3 [13.3–17.5]
Eastern 661 12.0 [10.6–13.5] 574 13.1 [11.7–14.7]
Luapula 599 7.8 [6.8–9.0] 530 8.1 [7.1–9.4]
Lusaka 688 18.6 [16.3–21.1] 547 17.5 [15.2–20.2]
Muchinga 501 5.6 [4.8–6.7] 435 5.6 [4.9–6.3]
Northern 542 8.0 [7.0–9.1] 422 7.6 [6.4–9.1]
North western 485 5.9 [4.7–7.5] 391 5.3 [4.4–6.5]
Southern 572 11.1 [9.0–13.7] 489 12.8 [9.5–17.2]
Western 456 5.9 [5.1–6.8] 367 5.6 [4.7–6.6]
Ever had sex
No 1741 30.2 [28.4–32.0] 1732 36.8 [34.9–38.7]
Yes 4058 69.9 [68.0–71.7] 3114 63.2 [61.3–65.1]
Age at first sexual intercourse
Before 16 years 1740 41.8 [39.7–43.8] 1425 44.1 [41.7–46.4]
At 16 years and above 2318 58.3 [56.2–60.3] 1689 55.9 [53.6–58.3]
Number of sexual partners in the last 12 months
None/never had sex 2354 40.2 [38.2–42.3] 2384 50.3 [48.3–52.3]
One 3350 58.1 [56.1–60.1] 1934 39.1 [37.2–41.1]
Two or more 95 1.7 [1.3–2.1] 528 10.6 [9.4–11.8]
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Table 1 Respondent characteristics of young women (N = 5799) and men (N = 4846), Zambia 2018 DHS (Continued)
Characteristics Women Men
N Percent (%) 95% CI N Percent (%) 95% CI
Condom used during last sexual intercourseb
No 3429 84.1 [82.5–85.6] 2119 67.4 [65.2–69.5]
Yes 629 15.9 [14.4–17.5] 995 32.6 [30.5–34.8]
Heard about STI
No 115 1.8 [1.5–2.3] 43 0.8 [0.6–1.2]
Yes 5684 98.2 [97.7–98.5] 4803 99.2 [98.8–99.4]
History of STI
No 5735 99.0 [98.6–99.3] 4692 97.0 [96.3–97.6]
Yes 64 1.0 [0.7–1.4] 154 3.0 [2.4–3.7]
Heard about AIDS
No 189 3.0 [2.5–3.7] 76 1.5 [1.2–2.0]
Yes 5610 97.0 [96.3–97.5] 4770 98.5 [98.0–98.9]
Reported stigma
No 888 15.5 [14.1–17.0] 517 9.3 [8.3–10.5]
Yes 4048 69.6 [67.7–71.3] 3765 79.4 [77.7–80.9]
Don’t know 863 14.9 [13.7–16.3] 564 11.3 [10.1–12.7]
Discriminatory attitudes
No 3966 69.5 [67.9–71.1] 3401 70.1 [65.3–71.9]
Yes 1833 30.5 [28.9–32.1] 1445 29.9 [28.1–31.8]
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV
No 3269 55.2 [53.1–57.3] 2802 57.7 [55.8–59.6]
Yes 2530 44.8 [42.7–47.0] 2044 42.3 [40.4–44.2]
Knowledge of a place to get HIV testa
No 417 6.8 [6.0–7.7] 389 7.9 [6.9–8.9]
Yes 5382 93.2 [92.3–94.0] 4457 92.1 [91.1–93.1]
HIV Self testing
Never heard of HIV self-test Kit 4908 85.4 [83.7–87.0] 3926 80.3 [78.4–82.1]
Has tested with HIV self-test Kit 105 2.6 [2.0–3.5] 89 2.5 [1.8–3.4]
Knows self-test kits but never tested with 597 12.0 [10.8–13.2] 755 17.2 [15.7–18.9]
No 2952 62.6 [60.4–64.7]
Yes 1894 37.4 [35.3–39.6]
Exposure to television
Not at all 3582 56.7 [53.8–59.6] 2424 45.6 [42.9–48.3]
Less than once a week 341 6.0 [5.2–6.9] 565 11.9 [9.9–14.3]
At least once a week 1876 37.3 [34.6–40.1] 1857 42.5 [39.8–45.3]
Exposure to radio
Not at all 3307 55.2 [53.1–57.3] 1766 34.6 [32.5–36.8]
Less than once a week 721 13.6 [12.4–14.8] 697 15.0 [13.6–16.6]
At least once a week 1771 31.2 [29.3–33.1] 2383 50.4 [48.0–52.7]
Use of internet
Not at all 5123 87.3 [85.6–88.7] 3709 73.8 [71.5–76.1]
Less than once a week 118 2.1 [1.7–2.6] 234 5.3 [4.5–6.3]
Heri et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:456 Page 9 of 18
Table 1 Respondent characteristics of young women (N = 5799) and men (N = 4846), Zambia 2018 DHS (Continued)
Characteristics Women Men
N Percent (%) 95% CI N Percent (%) 95% CI
At least once a week 218 4.1 [3.4–4.9] 457 9.6 [8.4–11.0]
Almost everyday 340 6.5 [5.5–7.7] 446 11.2 [9.5–13.2]
Owns a mobile phone
No 3471 56.8 [54.6–58.9] 2313 46.1 [43.8–48.5]
Yes 2328 43.2 [41.1–45.4] 2533 53.9 [51.6–56.2]
HIV test in the last 12 months and received the result
No 2096 34.8 [33.1–36.6] 2591 51.2 [48.4–54.0]
Yes 3703 65.2 [63.4–67.0] 2255 48.8 [46.0–51.6]
Comprehensive knowledge is a composite of 4 questions to assess respondent understanding of HIV transmission (whether people reduce their chances of
getting the AIDS virus by having just one uninfected sex partner who has no other partners and if a healthy-looking person can have AIDS) and prevention
(whether a person can get the AIDS virus from mosquito bites and if a person can get the AIDS virus by sharing food with a person who has AIDS)
The frequency and percentage for the age at first sexual intercourse and use of condom are restricted to respondents who report prior sexual intercourse
found an improvement in testing coverage in each sub- and hard-to-reach youth. In addition to the latter, other
group of all inequality qualifiers by 2018, although the community-based strategies that are specific to youth
absolute difference in coverage was widened between the should be explored given their promising results, such as
sub-groups for both genders. Education-based inequity was adolescent-focused case finding implemented in Kenya
substantially increased among women than men by 2018. and home-based HTC [48, 49]. HIV self-testing (HST) is
The trend observed in this study for HTC uptake also part of interventions in Zambia and has shown some
among youth demonstrates a considerable improvement acceptance and the potential to improve access to HIV
over time in Zambia. Among pregnant women, the testing [50–53]. However, our study found that HST was
achievement could be related to the integration into unknown to most youth (85 and 80% among women and
ANC services since 2005 of a program of prevention of men, respectively). Its promotion, together with other
mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT), inten- community-based approaches, is to be encouraged given
sively promoted among pregnant women to ensure al- their potential to increase testing coverage, overcome
most universal access to HTC around 2013 [40, 41]. The stigma barriers, and contribute to reducing risky sexual
great level of attendance to ANC services among preg- behaviour [54–58]. Concerns regarding their linkage to
nant Zambian women was reported by the 2007 DHS care for HIV positive cases should be adequately ad-
(97% of women with at least one ANC visit) and main- dressed if chosen to be implemented at a large scale.
tained in 2013–14 and 2018 (roughly 98% for both re- The positive changes in testing uptake highlighted
ports); and was likely a contributing factor for inclusion above among men and non-pregnant women have also
of young women regardless of their age [7, 24, 42]. been accompanied by a constant gap in the trend of HIV
Regarding men, the promotion of couple HIV counsel- testing coverage between genders, with men being gen-
ling and testing (CHCT) among partners of women at- erally less well covered than women. Similar differences
tending ANC might be a factor to consider, especially among youth were reported in Nigeria, Mozambique,
considering that multivariate analysis in our study showed and Uganda [59, 60]. The persistence of higher testing
a high odds of testing among men in a union [43–45]. In rates among non-pregnant women compared to men
our results the voluntary medical male circumcision may be due to their higher demand of HTC services,
(VMMC) as part of the main predictors of HIV testing caused by a greater perception of HIV risk resulting
among young men suggests a potential contribution of the from their vulnerability and frequent exposures to sexual
VMMC campaigns launched in 2012 in Zambia. These intercourse with older partners with whom they may
campaigns reached over 400,000 men by 2013, and in- have less control over condom use [10, 61]. Women of
cluded HIV testing and other preventive services in reproductive age are also generally reported to use pri-
addition to circumcision [46, 47]. Its scale-up in 2016, mary healthcare more often than men, either for them-
mainly through the mobile clinics, might explain the in- selves or for their children [62, 63]. As a result, non-
crease in the proportion of this source of delivery as pregnant women remain more likely to be suggested an
reflected in our results for adolescent boys in 2018 (32% HIV test whenever they interact with health services as
of testing through MC). The increasing proportion of HIV part of provider-initiated counselling and testing (PICT),
tests offered through MC observed in the study reflects an which is widely implemented in government health facil-
attempt of the Zambian government to reach underserved ities in Zambia [26, 46, 64]. Moreover, it is possible that
Heri et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:456 Page 10 of 18
Table 2 Determinants of HIV testing uptake among non-pregnant women ages 15–24, Zambia 2018 DHS (N = 4198)
Respondent characteristics N HTC coverage (%) Crude OR(95% CI) P-value Adjusted OR(95% CI) P-value
Age < 0.001 < 0.001
15–19 2484 45.8 1 1
20–24 1714 74.4 3.44 [2.98–3.98] 1.74 [1.40–2.15]
Education level < 0.001 < 0.001
No education 145 22.9 1 1
Primary 1521 47.0 3.00 [1.89–4.75] 3.14 [1.94–5.08]
Secondary 2418 65.5 6.41 [3.98–10.32] 5.52 [3.30–9.25]
Higher 114 77.3 11.49 [5.14–25.68] 6.97 [2.82–17.19]
Household wealth quintile < 0.001 0.04
Poorest 719 48.5 1 1
Poorer 730 50.9 1.10 [0.88–1.38] 0.99 [0.76–1.29]
Middle 790 56.3 1.37 [1.08–1.74] 1.02 [0.76–1.37]
Richer 858 68.4 2.30 [1.74–3.04] 1.41 [0.96–2.09]
Richest 1101 59.3 1.55 [1.23–1.96] 0.90 [0.59–1.38]
Relationship status < 0.001 0.04
Never in union 3185 53.0 1 1
Currently in union 850 73.5 2.46 [2.03–2.99] 1.33 [0.99–1.79]
Formerly in union 163 73.1 2.42 [1.58–3.68] 1.70 [1.04–2.78]
Residence < 0.001 0.23
Urban 1915 63.3 1 1
Rural 2283 52.5 0.64 [0.54–0.76] 0.85 [0.65–1.11]
Region < 0.001 < 0.001
Central 445 57.3 0.85 [0.62–1.16] 1.10 [0.78–1.54]
Copperbelt 549 61.3 1 1
Eastern 419 53.4 0.72 [0.52–1.01] 1.11 [0.76–1.62]
Luapula 414 41.5 0.45 [0.34–0.60] 0.66 [0.48–0.90]
Lusaka 560 63.8 1.11 [0.82–1.51] 1.00 [0.71–1.40]
Muchinga 363 41.7 0.45 [0.31–0.67] 0.68 [0.47–0.99]
Northern 371 46.1 0.54 [0.37–0.79] 0.90 [0.58–1.41]
North western 362 58.8 0.90 [0.62–1.32] 1.07 [0.73–1.58]
Southern 406 67.1 1.29 [0.91–1.82] 1.44 [0.98–2.11]
Western 309 73.0 1.71 [1.18–2.47] 2.48 [1.63–3.77]
Number of sexual partners < 0.001 < 0.001
None 2255 45.5 1 1
One 1861 72.6 3.17 [2.72–3.70] 2.13 [1.74–2.61]
Two or more 82 67.2 2.45 [1.37–4.40] 1.61 [0.79–3.31]
History of STI 0.006 0.16
No 4161 57.9 1 1
Yes 37 87.1 4.90 [1.60–15.03] 2.63 [0.68–10.16]
Reported stigma < 0.001 < 0.001
No 607 63.2 1.08 [0.87–1.34] 1.26 [0.98–1.61]
Yes 2937 61.3 1 1
Don’t know 654 39.0 0.40 [0.32–0.52] 0.55 [0.42–0.72]
Heri et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:456 Page 11 of 18
Table 2 Determinants of HIV testing uptake among non-pregnant women ages 15–24, Zambia 2018 DHS (N = 4198) (Continued)
Respondent characteristics N HTC coverage (%) Crude OR(95% CI) P-value Adjusted OR(95% CI) P-value
Discriminatory attitudes 0.01 0.12
No 2957 59.7 1 1
Yes 1241 54.1 0.80 [0.67–0.95] 1.16 [0.96–1.39]
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV < 0.001 0.18
No 2311 53.1 1 1
Yes 1887 63.8 1.56 [1.32–1.83] 1.13 [0.95–1.35]
Exposure to television 0.007 0.17
Not at all 2368 55.8 1 1
Less than once a week 257 53.6 0.91 [0.69–1.22] 0.72 [0.51–1.01]
At least once a week 1573 61.5 1.27 [1.07–1.50] 0.88 [0.67–1.16]
Exposure to radio 0.003 0.21
Not at all 2311 56.1 1 1
Less than once a week 537 55.6 0.98 [0.76–1.25] 0.91 [0.69–1.18]
At least once a week 1350 62.3 1.29 [1.09–1.53] 1.13 [0.92–1.40]
Owns a mobile phone < 0.001 < 0.001
No 2400 45.5 1 1
Yes 1798 72.6 3.17 [2.71–3.70] 1.88 [1.52–2.33]
Use of internet < 0.001 0.24
Not at all 3609 56.0 1 1
Less than once a week 100 55.0 0.96 [0.60–1.54] 0.60 [0.34–1.05]
At least once a week 186 73.1 2.14 [1.42–3.21] 1.26 [0.80–1.98]
Almost everyday 303 72.2 2.04 [1.55–2.69] 0.98 [0.69–1.40]
existing interventions that target youth, such as youth- the testing targets set by the Zambian Ministry of Health for
friendly services (YFS), might be much more women- this year (70 and 50% for adolescent girls and boys, respect-
specific [65, 66]. Indeed, it has been shown that norms ively) [10]. A recent study in Zambia and several other
related to masculinity bring men to consider sexual countries from the SSA region have also reported lower
health as a woman’s domain, and therefore believe that odds of testing among adolescents [21, 33, 59, 60]. Most
it would be inappropriate for them [67]. A recent scop- supported the fact that older age is likely to confer more
ing review focusing on the sub-Sahara African (SSA) re- sexual experience and better knowledge of HIV, which may
gion highlighted several other barriers to uptake of HTC accordingly improve the perception of the risk and affect the
among men that might be important to consider even need for HIV testing [21, 60, 70]. Other barriers specific to
for youth [68, 69]. Among the most common, we find adolescents include the legal age of consent to HIV testing,
poor knowledge of HIV, fear of testing positive, lack of stigma, and sanctioning of sexual activity in adolescents; and
confidentiality, and other aspects related to the quality are important to be highlighted to ensure that they are
of services. Therefore, increasing uptake of testing targets of future interventions that aim to improve coverage
among young men will require the implementation of of testing among adolescents in Zambia [22, 71, 72]. The
interventions that are young men-driven, needs-based, ongoing mobilization in Zambia to revise the legal age of
and beneficiary responsive, including implementation of consent, currently at 16 years old, needs to be further sup-
decentralised service delivery models that capture young ported and accelerated [10, 65]. Lowering the age of consent
men in their safe spaces. below 16 years old is associated with increased testing for
Our results showed adolescent girls (non-pregnant) and adolescents (11% increase in national testing coverage,
boys having a lower HIV testing uptake by 2018 (46 and 95%CI:7.2–14.8%), as suggested in a systematic review that
38%, respectively), compared to young adults. The persist- included several high burden countries [73, 74].
ence of this age-based gap in the trend analysis was observed Of the other determinants analysed, having reported
in both multivariate and inequity analysis among both non- HIV-related stigma was associated with lower odds of
pregnant women and men. The proportions achieved in HTC among non-pregnant sexually active women. The
testing coverage among adolescents in 2018 are still far from negative impact of stigma has been noted by several
Heri et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:456 Page 12 of 18
Table 3 Determinants of HIV testing uptake among men ages 15–24, Zambia 2018 (N = 4846)
Respondent characteristics N HTC coverage (%) Crude OR(95% CI) P value Adjusted OR(95% CI) P value
Age < 0.001 < 0.001
15–19 2852 37.5 1 1
20–24 1994 64.2 2.98 [2.58–3.45] 1.55 [1.30–1.84]
Education level < 0.001 < 0.001
No education 133 37.8 1 1
Primary 1933 37.1 0.97 [0.59–1.61] 1.02 [0.68–1.51]
Secondary 2666 56.4 2.13 [1.33–3.40] 1.51 [1.01–2.26]
Higher 114 68.8 3.63 [1.98–6.65] 1.41 [0.74–2.71]
Household wealth quintile 0.001 < 0.001
Poorest 849 39.8 1 1
Poorer 961 43.4 1.16 [0.93–1.44] 1.23 [0.95–1.59]
Middle 1073 49.7 1.49 [1.20–1.86] 1.36 [1.03–1.79]
Richer 936 56.8 1.99 [1.38–2.87] 1.37 [0.99–1.90]
Richest 1027 50.0 1.52 [1.21–1.90] 0.78 [0.53–1.15]
Relationship status < 0.001 < 0.001
Never in union 4296 45.8 1 1
Currently in union 514 74.0 3.37 [2.60–4.37] 2.46 [1.85–3.28]
Formerly in union 36 65.1 2.21 [0.97–5.04] 1.78 [0.74–4.27]
Residence < 0.001 0.06
urban 1812 54.6 1 1
rural 3034 44.2 0.66 [0.52–0.83] 0.72 [0.52–1.01]
Region < 0.001 0.002
Central 533 52.1 1.13 [0.84–1.51] 1.44 [1.00–2.06]
Copperbelt 558 49.2 1 1
Eastern 574 49.1 1.00 [0.74–1.34] 1.41 [0.97–2.05]
Luapula 530 39.8 0.68 [0.50–0.92] 0.96 [0.67–1.38]
Lusaka 547 52.4 1.12 [0.84–1.54] 1.10 [0.79–1.53]
Muchinga 435 33.3 0.51 [0.35–0.76] 0.76 [0.49–1.20]
Northern 422 41.6 0.73 [0.53–1.03] 1.12 [0.77–1.64]
North western 391 44.8 0.84 [0.60–1.17] 0.75 [0.51–1.10]
Southern 489 56.4 1.34 [0.70–2.54] 1.39 [0.75–2.58]
Western 367 55.1 1.27 [0.93–1.73] 1.45 [0.98–2.13]
Ever had sex < 0.001 0.14
No 1732 34.0 1 1
Yes 3114 57.4 2.62 [2.27–3.01] 1.19 [0.95–1.50]
Number of sexual partners < 0.001 < 0.001
None 2384 37.1 1 1
One 1934 61.2 2.67 [2.30–3.09] 1.79 [1.41–2.27]
Two or more 528 58.4 2.37 [1.84–3.06] 1.38 [0.99–1.91]
History of STI 0.26
No 4692 48.6 1 –
Yes 154 54.1 1.25 [0.85–1.82] –
Heri et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:456 Page 13 of 18
Table 3 Determinants of HIV testing uptake among men ages 15–24, Zambia 2018 (N = 4846) (Continued)
Respondent characteristics N HTC coverage (%) Crude OR(95% CI) P value Adjusted OR(95% CI) P value
Circumcised < 0.001 < 0.001
No 2952 43.8 1 1
Yes 1894 57.2 1.72 [1.46–2.02] 1.58 [1.32–1.89]
Reported stigma < 0.001 < 0.001
No 517 40.6 0.64 [0.50–0.81] 0.65 [0.50–0.84]
Yes 3765 51.8 1 1
Don’t know 564 34.3 0.49 [0.40–0.59] 0.61 [0.49–74]
Discriminatory attitudes < 0.001 0.02
No 3401 52.3 1 1
Yes 1445 29.8 0.63 [0.53–0.73] 0.80 [0.67–0.97]
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV < 0.001 0.14
No 2802 44.8 1 1
Yes 2044 54.2 1.46 [1.28–1.66] 1.13 [0.96–1.33]
Owns a mobile phone < 0.001 0.002
no 2313 36.8 1
yes 2533 59.0 2.47 [2.10–2.89] 1.32 [1.11–1.57]
Use of internet < 0.001 < 0.001
Not at all 3709 43.5 1 1
Less than once a week 234 57.8 1.78 [1.32–2.39] 1.41 [1.02–1.94]
At least once a week 457 63.0 2.21 [1.69–2.87] 1.53 [1.13–2.08]
Almost everyday 446 66.9 2.62 [2.04–3.37] 1.76 [1.32–2.35]
Exposure to television < 0.001 0.07
Not at all 2424 42.7 1 1
Less than once a week 565 57.9 1.85 [1.30–2.61] 1.38 [1.05–1.82]
At least once a week 1857 52.7 1.50 [1.29–1.73] 1.08 [0.85–1.38]
Exposure to radio < 0.001 0.04
Not at all 1766 43.9 1 1
Less than once a week 697 48.6 1.21 [1.00–1.47] 0.86 [0.69–1.07]
At least once a week 2383 52.2 1.40 [1.22–1.59] 1.12 [0.94–1.34]
other authors and remains a challenge for any HIV pro- The results from this study suggest some critical ac-
gram [75, 76]. However, it should be recognized that tions from programme implementers and researchers to
the scaling up of HIV prevention and treatment ensure better access to HTC for youth in Zambia. These
services, especially in a universal ‘test and treat’ ap- include the scaling-up of mobile testing and strengthen-
proach, could help reduce HIV-related stigma in the ing of alternative community-based approaches such as
community through several pathways and improve ac- HIV self-testing, which has shown some acceptance and
cess to these services [77, 78]. We also found strong potential to clients who are less easy to reach through
evidence of higher odds of HIV testing among the the government health facilities. The development of
most educated women, consistent with other studies gender-sensitive HTC services and less coercive strat-
on youth in the SSA region [21, 33, 59]. The egies to sustain the gain in testing uptake among men in
education-based inequity widened in the last survey, a union are also important to consider. Finally, the
mostly among non-pregnant women, indicating the warning about barriers associated with the access to sex-
need to reach the least educated youths. Other sub- ual health and HIV services through YFS in a recent
groups of disadvantaged young people who were iden- study from Brazil [79], and the scarcity of evidence sup-
tified from the inequity analysis require continual at- porting the progress made since their introduction in
tention to ensure improvement of the testing coverage Zambia, suggest that more research will help to demon-
among youth in Zambia. strate their contribution and yield.
Heri et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:456 Page 14 of 18
Fig. 4 Changes in inequities of testing uptake among men and young non-pregnant women tested and receiving the results in the past 12 months,
between 2007 and 2018. a. age-based inequalities, b. residence-based inequalities, c. education-based inequalities, d. wealth-based inequalities
Heri et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:456 Page 15 of 18
Fig. 5 Changes in testing coverage among men and non-pregnant women tested and receiving results in the past 12 months, between 2007
and 2018. Region-based inequalities
Conclusion Africa; STI: Sexually transmitted infection; UNAIDS: Joint United Nations
Overall, the improvement observed in HTC among programme on HIV/AIDS; UNICEF: United Nations children’s fund;
VCT: Voluntary counselling and testing; VMMC: Voluntary medical male
Zambian youth is encouraging, with 65% of women and circumcision; YFS: Youth-friendly services
49% of men knowing their status, although it is still far
from the 95% goal envisioned by the UNAIDS in 2030. Supplementary Information
Therefore, renewed efforts are needed to close the gaps The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.
observed among men in general, non-pregnant and less org/10.1186/s12889-021-10472-x.
educated adolescent girls, and young women. Sustaining
Additional file 1: Table S1. Details on variables used for the analysis;
the gains obtained from existing HTC services by ad- Table S2. Determinants of HIV testing uptake among sexually active
dressing barriers such as stigma and offering gender and non-pregnant young women aged 15–24, Zambia 2018 DHS (N = 2457);
adolescent-sensitive services is required, in addition to and Table S3. Determinants of HIV testing uptake among sexually active
young men aged 15–24, Zambia DHS 2018 (N = 3114).
the scaling up of most effective community-based testing
approaches. Despite the hope stemming from the recent
mobilization to prioritize adolescent health in the coun- We thank the DHS Program for providing access to the Zambian
try, much attention should be invested in rigorously Demographic Health surveys. A.B.H is benefited by a scholarship from the
tracking progress in access to HIV prevention and care Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of
Japan for his doctoral training at Nagasaki University. The first author wishes
services to ensure the reach, effectiveness, and sustain- to thank Associate Professor Lenka Benova for her contributions in the
ability of implemented strategies, as well as headway to- development of this study. We would like also to thank Dr. Thomas
ward ensuring that youth live free of HIV and can Templeton (http://templetoncopyediting.com) for English language editing.
contribute to the prosperity of the country.
Authors’ contributions
A.B.H. designed the research idea and protocol, conducted data analysis, and
Abbreviations prepared the manuscript. F.L.C. and M.M. provided input on the study
AGAPE: Adolescent girls accessing prevention and education; design, contributed to the data analysis, the interpretation of the results, as
AGYW: Adolescent girls and young women; AIDS: Acquired immune well as the revision of the manuscript. N.A. and M.M.M. contributed
deficiency syndrome; ANC: Antenatal care; aOR: Adjusted odds ratio; substantially to the interpretation of results and finalization of the
CI: Confidence interval; CHCT: Couple HIV counselling and testing; manuscript. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
cOR: Crude odds ratio; DHS: Demographic and health survey; DREA
MS: Determined, resilient, empowered, AIDS-free, mentored, and safe; GFAT Funding
M: Global fund to fight tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and malaria; GHC: Government This study did not receive funding.
health centres; HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus; HTC: HIV testing and
counselling; HST: HIV self-testing; LMIC: Low- and middle-income countries; Availability of data and materials
NASF: National AIDS strategic framework; MC: Mobile clinic; PEPFAR: United Required permission was obtained from the DHS programme to access the
States president’s emergency plan for AIDS relief; PICT: Provider-initiated data analysed for this study. All data and DHS-related materials used are
counselling and testing; SM: Supplementary materials; SSA: Sub-Saharan available from the website: https://dhsprogram.com/.
Heri et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:456 Page 16 of 18
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