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Table Tennis PT 1 Q2

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Name: Date:

Grade and Section:

Rubrics: Table Tennis
Criteria Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs Score
Satisfactory - Improvement
-1 (2-3) -
Forehand -racket is parallel to the -moves to meet -uses proper grip - Students do not
accurately demonstrate the
25pts. ground the ball after the -uses the correct side
proper forehand technique
-arm is bent in the bounce of the racket during the performance
elbow -steps into the -feet remain
-follow through above shot stationary
the opposite shoulder -racket is too
open (ball will go
out of bounds)
-racket is too
closed (ball will
hit the net)

Backhand -racket is parallel to the -moves to meet -uses proper grip - Students do not
accurately demonstrate the
25pts. ground the ball after the -uses the correct side
proper backhand
-stance is sideways to bounce of the racket technique during the
the target -steps into the -feet remain performance
-follow through above shot stationary
the opposite shoulder -racket is too
-able to vary speed open
-racket is too
-follow through
over shoulder

Serve -able to place the ball -able to place the -uses proper grip - Students do not
into the correct box ball in the front -able to get the ball accurately demonstrate the
25pts. proper hand technique
-able to vary speed or half of the court over the net during the service
depth -toss is proper -steps over the performance
-able to strategically height serving line
place the ball -does not cross -able to serve the ball
-able to serve the ball serving line into the correct box 2
into the correct box 7 -singles: stance is out of 10 times
out of 10 times close to the
middle line
-doubles: stance
is in the middle
of the serving
-able to serve the
ball into the
correct box 5 out
of 10 times

Gameplay -has knowledge of a -has some -has little knowledge - No effort

25pts. majority of the rules knowledge of the of the rules
-demonstrates excellent rules -demonstrates
sportsmanship (shake -demonstrates acceptable
opponents hand before good sportsmanship (says
and after the game, calls sportsmanship good luck to opponent
the shots in and out (shakes hand before the game, does
honestly, recognizes opponents hand not use foul language)
good performance from before the game,
partner (doubles) and does not boast
opponent). when a point is

Total: Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs

Satisfactory - Improvement
-1 (2-3) -

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