Module 1 Readings in Philippine History Reviewer
Module 1 Readings in Philippine History Reviewer
Module 1 Readings in Philippine History Reviewer
organization that envisioned (1) a united nation that will revolt against the Spaniards for (2) the total
independence the country from Spain.
In the conduct of their struggle, Katipunan created a complex and a defined value system that will guide
DIFFERENT TYPES OF SOURCES the organization as an aspiring for a single goal.
Primary sources are those sources produced at the same time the event. period, or subject being One of the most important Katipunan document was the Kartilya ng Katipunan.
studied. The original title of the document Manga -Aral Nang - Katipunan ng mga A.N.B. or Lessons
For example, if a historian wishes to study the, Commonwealth Constitution Convention of of the organization of the sons of country’.
1935, his primary sources can include the minutes of the convention, newspaper clippings, The document was written by Jacinto in the year 1896.
Philippine Commission reports of the US Commissioners, records of the convention, the draft Jacinto was only 18 years old when he joined the movement. He was a law student in the
of the Constitution, and even photographs of the event. Eyewitness accounts of convention University of Santo Tomas. Despite his youth, Bonifacio recognized the value and intellect of
delegates and their memoirs Can also be used as source for historical study. Jacinto seeing Jacinto’s Kartilya was much better than the Decalogue he willingly favored that
Archival documents. artifacts, memorabilia. letters, census. and government records, the Kartilya to be distributed to their fellow Katipunero Jacinto became the secretary of the
among others are the most common examples of primary sources. organization and took charge short-lived printing press Of the Katipunan.
On 15 April 1897, Bonifacio appointed Jacinto as a commander Of the Katipunan in Northern
Secondary sources are those sources which were produced by an author who used primary sources Luzon. Jacinto was 22 years old. Jacinto died Of Malaria at young age of 24in the town of
to produce the material. In other words, secondary sources are historical sources which studied a Magdalena. Laguna.
certain historical subject
The Kartilya can be treated as the Katipunan’s code of conduct.
For example. on the subject of the Philippine Revolution Of 1896, students can read It contained fourteen rules that instruct the way a Katipunero should behave, and which
Agoncillo’s Revolt Of the Masses: The Story Of Bonifacio and the Katipunan published specific values should he uphold.
originally in 1956. The Philippine Revolution happened in the last years Of the 19th century
Generally, the rules that are contained in the Kartilya can be classified into two.
while Agoncillo published his work in 1956, which makes the Revolt Of the Masses a
The first group contains the rules that will make the member an upright individual and the
secondary source. More than this, in writing the book, Agoncillo used primary sources with his
second group contains the rules that will guide the way he treats his fellow men.
research like documents of the Katipunan interview with the veterans of the revolution,
and correspondence between and among Katipuneros. Kartilya ng Katipunan
ni Emilio Jacinto
1. Ang buhay na hindi ginugugol sa isang malaki at banal na kadahilanan ay kahoy nawalang
Using primary sources in historical research entails two criticism. The first one is the external criticism, lilim, kundi damong makamandag.
and the second one internal criticism. 2. Ang gawang magaling na nagbuhat sa paghahambog o pagpipita sa sarili, at hindi talagang
nasang gumawa ng kagalingan, ay di kabaitan.
External criticism examines the authenticity document or the evidence being used. This is important in
3. Ang tunay na kabanalan ay ang pagkakawang-gawa, ang pag-ibig sa kapwa at ang isukat ang
ensuring primary source is not fabricated.
bawat kilos, gawa’t pangungusap sa talagang Katuwiran.
Internal criticism type of criticism that examines the truthfulness of thecontent of the evidence 4. Maitim man o maputi ang kulay ng balat, lahat ng tao’y magkakapantay; mangyayaring ang
However, this criticism requires not just the act establishing and/or accuracy but also the examination of isa’y hihigtan sa dunong, sa yaman, sa ganda..., ngunit di mahihigtan sa pagkatao.
the primary sources in terms of the context of its production. For example, a historian would situate the 5. Ang may mataas na kalooban, inuuna ang puri kaysa pagpipita sa sarili; ang may hamak na
document in the period of its production, in other words, it should be recognized that facts are existing in kalooban, inuuna ang pagpipita sa sarili kaysa sa puri.
a vacuum nor produced from a blank slate. These are products of the time and of the people. 6. Sa taong may hiya, salita’y panunumba.
7. Huwag mong sayangin ang panahon; ang yamang nawala’y mangyayaring magbalik; ngunit
PEOPLES AND DOCUMENTS OF KKK panahong nagdaan ay di na muli pang magdadaan.
8. Ipagtanggol mo ang inaapi; kabakahin ang umaapi.
Kartilya ng Katipunan 9. Ang mga taong matalino'y ang may pag-iingat sa bawat sasabihin; matutong ipaglihim
The Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Bayan (KKK) or Katipunan is arguably the ang dapat ipaglihim.
most important formed organization in Philippine history. While anti-colonial movements, efforts, 10. Sa daang matinik ng buhay, lalaki ang siyang patnugot ng asawa at mga anak; kung ang
organizations have already been done centuries prior to the foundation Katipunan, it was only this umaakay ay tungo sa sama, ang pagtutunguhan ng inaakay ay kasamaan din.
11. Ang babae ay huwag mong tingnang isang bagay na libangan lamang, kundi isang katuwang There are four iterations of the texts of this retraction:
at karamay sa mga kahirapan nitong buhay; gamitin mo nang buong pagpipitagan ang
kanyang kahinaan, at alalahanin ang inang pinagbuharan at nag-iwi sa iyong kasanggulan. The first was published in La Voz Espafiola and Diario de Manila on the day of the execution,
12. Ang di mo ibig gawin sa asawa mo, anak at kapatid, ay huwag mong gagawin sa asawa, anak 30 December 1896.
at kapatid ng iba. The second text appeared in Barcelona, Spain, on the magazine La Juventud.
13. Ang kamahalan ng tao’y wala sa pagkahari, wala sa tangus ng ilong at puti ng mukha, wala sa A few months after the execution, 14 February 1897, from an anonymous writer who was later
pagkaparing kahalili ng Dios wala sa mataas na kalagayan sa balat ng lupa; wagas at tunay na on revealed to be Fr. Vicente Balaguer.
mahal na tao, kahit laking gubat at walang nababatid kundi ang sariling wika, yaong may However, the "original" text was only found in the archdiocesan archives on 18 May 1935, after
magandang asal, may isang pangungusap, may dangal at puri; yaong di napaaapi’t di almost four decades of disappearance.
nakikiapi; yaong marunong magdamdam at marunong lumingap sa bayang tinubuan. Doubts on the retraction document abound. especially because only one eyewitness account
14. Paglaganap ng mga aral na ito at maningning na sumikat ang araw ng mahal na Kalayaan dito Of the writing of the document exist—that Of the Jesuit friar Fr. Vicente Balaguer. According to
sa kaabaabang Sangkalupuan, at sabugan ng matamis niyang liwanag ang nangagkaisang his testimony, Rizal woke up several times, confessed four times, attended a mass, received
magkalahi’t magkakapatid ng ligaya ng walang katapusan, ang mga ginugol na buhay, pagud, communion, and prayed the rosary, all Of which seem out Of character. But since it is the only
at mga tiniis na kahirapa’y labis nang natumbasan. Kung lahat ng ito’y mataruk na ng nagiibig testimony of allegedly a "primary" account that Rizal ever wrote a retraction document, it has
pumasuk at inaakala niyang matutupad ang mga tutungkulin, maitatala ang kaniyang ninanasa been used to argue the authenticity of the document.
sa kasunod nito. The retraction of Rizal remains to this day, a controversy, many scholars, however, agree that
the document does not tarnish the heroism of Rizal. His relevance remained solidified to
MODULE 2 Filipinos and pushed them to-continue the revolution which eventually resulted to
independence in 1898.
The Retraction of Rizal
Jose Rizal is identified as a hero of the revolution for his writings that center on ending colonialism and
liberating Filipino minds to contribute to creating the Filipino nation. The great volume of Rizal's lifework In the famous epic story of Maragtas, there was this mythical legal code called "The Code of Kalantiaw".
was committed to this end, particularly the more influential ones, Noli Me Tangere and El It was named after its supposed author, Datu Kalantiaw, who allegedly wrote it in 1433. Datu Kalantiaw
Filibusterismo. His essays vilify not the Catholic religion, but the friars, the main agents Of injustice in was a chief on the island of Negros. It was written about by Jose E. Marco in 1913 in his historical
the Philippine society. fiction "Las Antiguas Leyendes de la Isla de Negros" (The Ancient Legends of the Island of Negros). He
ascribed its source to a priest named Jose Maria Pavon.
It is understandable therefore, that any piece of writing from Rizal that recants everything he has written
against the friars and the Catholic Church in the Philippines could deal heavy damage to his image as a
The historian Josue Soncuya wrote about the Code of Kalantiaw in 1917 in his book "Historia
prominent Filipino revolutionary. Such document purportedly exists, allegedly signed by Rizal a few
Prehispana de Filipinas" (Prehispanic History of the Philippines) where he transferred the location of the
hours before his execution. This document, referred to as “The Retraction," declares Rizal's belief in origin of the Code from Negros to Panay because he contended that said Code may have been related
the Catholic faith, and retracted everything he has written against the Church. to the Binirayan festival.
Primary Source: Rizals Retraction
The story on this Code has been recognized through the ages by known authors. In 1968, however,
Source: Translated from the document found by Fr. Manuel Garcia c.M. on 18 May 1935 historian William Henry Scott called this a "hoax" in his book "Prehispanic Source Materials for the
Study of Philippine History". Consequently, Filipino historians agreed to expunge the Code of Kalantiaw
I declare myself a catholic and in this Religion in which I was born an educated I wish to live and die in future materials on Philippine history.
Although the said Code ceases to be part of the texts of Philippine history, however, many still believe
I retract with all my heart whatever in my words. writings. publications and conduct has been contrary to its validity.
my character as son of the Catholic Church. I believe and I confess whatever she teaches and I submit
to whatever she demands. I abominate Masonry. as the enemy which is of the Church. And as a ARTICLE I
Society prohibited by the Church. The Diocesan Prelate may, as the Superior Ecclesiastical Authority, You shall not kill, neither shall you steal, neither shall you do harm to the aged, lest you incur
make public this spontaneous manifestafion of mine in order to repair the scandal which my acts may the danger of death. All those who infringe this order shall be condemned to death by being
have drowned in the river, or in boiling water.
caused and so that God and people may pardon me. Manila 29 of December of 1896 You shall obey. Let all your debts with the headman be met punctually. He who does not obey
shall receive for the first time one hundred lashes. If the debt is large, he shall be condemned
- Jose Rizal to thrust his hand in boiling water thrice. For the second time, he shall be beaten to death.
ARTICLE III The fingers shall be cut-off: of all those who break idols of wood and clay in their alangans and
Obey you: let no one have women that are very young nor more than he can support; nor be temples; of those who destroy the daggers of the tagalons, or break the drinking jars of the
given to excessive lust. He who does not comply with, obey, and observe this order shall be latter.
condemned to swim for three hours for the first time and for the second time, to be beaten to ARTICLE XVII
death with sharp thorns. These shall be killed: who profane sites where idols are kept, and sites where are buried the
ARTICLE IV sacred things of their diwatas and headmen. He who performs his necessities in those places
Observe and obey; let no one disturb the quiet of the graves. When passing by the caves and shall be burned.
trees where they are, give respect to them. He who does not observe this shall be killed by ARTICLE XVIII
ants, or beaten to death with thorns. Those who do not cause these rules to be obeyed: if they are headmen, they shall be put to
ARTICLE V death by being stoned and crushed; and if they are agorangs they shall be placed in rivers to
You shall obey; he who exchanges for food, let it be always done in accordance with his word. be eaten by sharks and caymans.
He who does not comply, shall be beaten for one hour, he who repeats the offense shall be
exposed for one day among ants. ASSASSINATION OF ANTONIO LUNA
ARTICLE VI Although they were not members of the Katipunan, Antonio, Juan, and their brother Jose were
You shall be obliged to revere sights that are held in respect, such as those of trees of all arrested and imprisoned in August 1896 when the Spanish learned that the organization
recognized worth and other sights. He who fails to comply shall pay with one month's work in existed. His brothers were interrogated and released, but Antonio was sentenced to exile in
gold or in honey. Spain and imprisoned in the Carcel Modelo de Madrid. Juan, by this time a famed painter,
ARTICLE VII used his connections with the Spanish royal family to secure Antonio's release in 1897.
These shall be put to death; he who kills trees of venerable appearance; who shoot arrows at After his exile and imprisonment, understandably, Antonio Luna's attitude toward Spanish
night at old men and women; he who enters the houses of the headmen without permission; colonial rule had shifted. Due to the arbitrary treatment of himself and his brothers and the
he who kills a shark or a streaked cayman. execution of his friend Jose Rizal the previous December, Luna was ready to take up arms
ARTICLE VIII against Spain.
Slavery for a doam (a certain period of time) shall be suffered by those who steal away the After his exile and imprisonment, understandably, Antonio Luna's attitude toward Spanish
women of the headmen; by him who keep ill-tempered dogs that bite the headmen; by him colonial rule had shifted. Due to the arbitrary treatment of himself and his brothers and the
who burns the fields of another. execution of his friend Jose Rizal the previous December, Luna was ready to take up arms
ARTICLE IX against Spain.
All these shall be beaten for two days: who sing while traveling by night; kill the Manaul; tear Luna was charged with illegal association and deported to Spain in 1897, and imprisoned at
the documents belonging to the headmen; are malicious liars; or who mock the dead. the Carcel Modelo (ABOVE, ca 1904) in Madrid.
ARTICLE X Luna had a volatile temper and sharp tongue. He was a strict disciplinarian and alienated
It is decreed an obligation; that every mother teach secretly to her daughters matters many officers and men in the ranks. He fought gallantly at battles in Caloocan, Manila,
pertaining to lust and prepare them for womanhood; let not men be cruel nor punish their Bulacan, Pampanga, and Nueva Ecija against better equipped U.S. forces. At Caloocan, the
women when they catch them in the act of adultery. Whoever shall disobey shall be killed by Kawit Battalion from Cavite refused to attack when given the order. The men told him they only
being cut to pieces and thrown to the caymans. took orders from General Emilio Aguinaldo, their townmate. He promptly disarmed them. He
ARTICLE XI believed the Filipinos had a chance against superior American firepower by waging a guerilla
These shall be burned: who by their strength or cunning have mocked at and escaped war. He asked the aid of Aguinaldo's advisor Apolinario Mabini as early as April 1899 to
punishment or who have killed young boys; or try to steal away the women of the elders. convince the leader to adopt guerilla warfare. Aguinaldo chose to fight with a regular army as a
ARTICLE XII sovereign nation would, only to revert to secret guerilla units beginning on Nov. 12, 1899.
These shall be drowned: all who interfere with their superiors, or their owners or masters; all Upon his release, he went to Belgium and studied military tactics and strategy under General
those who abuse themselves through their lust; those who destroy their anitos (idols) by Gerard Mathieu Leman (RIGHT, in WWI). He returned to the Philippines in July 1898. He was
breaking them or throwing them down. appointed by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo as Chief of War Operations on Sept 26, 1898 and
ARTICLE XIII assigned the rank of brigadier general. With President Aguinaldo's approval, he established a
All these shall be exposed to ants for half a day: who kill black cats during a new moon; or military academy at Malolos on Oct. 25, 1898.
steal anything from the chiefs or agorangs, however small the object may be. He was appointed commanding general of the Philippine Army on Jan. 23, 1899 and held that
ARTICLE XIV position until his assassination.
These shall be made slave for life: who have beautiful daughters and deny them to the sons of
chiefs, and with bad faith hide them away.
Concerning beliefs and superstitions; these shall be beaten: who eat the diseased flesh of
beasts which they hold in respect, or the herb which they consider good, who wound or kill the
young of the Manaul, or the white monkey.