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- is the study of past Name Date Time
- It came from the Spanish word “Historia” which
means inquiry or research, it refers to accounts or
inquiries of events that happened in the past aqnd 2. Where does the information came from?
narrated in Chronological order  Personal Experience
 Eye witness accounts
Historian - they seek to understand the present by  Report written by others
examining what went before  Conclusion based on a single piece of
evidence or have many sources.
“History is a learning inquiry about the past of
mankind” - E.H CARR
“History is a never ending dialogue of events PRIMARY SOURCES TO THE HISTORY OF THE
between the past and the present” - Herodotus FILIPINO PEOPLE

“The more you know about the past, the better Section 1: Customs of the Tagalogs, Juan de
prepared you are for the future” - Theodore Plasencia
Juan de Plasencia
Relevance of History  Friar of the Franciscan order
1. Helps us understand people and societies  Performed missionary and sacerdotal duties in
2. Helps us understand change and how the numerous towns in Luzon
society we live in came to be.  He wrote the Customs of the Tagalogs in 1589
3. History contributes to moral understanding  He is credited for printing the first book
4. History provides identity “Doctrina Christiana”
5. Studying history is essential for good citizenship
6. Is useful in the world of work Doctrina Christiana
 First printed book in the Philippines
 “Doctrina Christiana” means the teachings of
Section 1: Distinction Between Primary the church
Secondary Sources  The primary goal of the book is to propagate
Christian teaching across the Philippine
Primary Source - A primary source is a first - hand Archipelago
or contemporary account of an event or topic. They
are the most direct evidence of a time or event (4) Social Classes
because they were created by people or things that 1. Datu
were there at the time or event. - The title for chiefs, sovereign princes, and monarchs
throughout the Philippine Archipelago
Secondary Source - Is a work that interprets or - He exercises all function of government within his
analyzes an historical event or phenomenon. It is community
generally at least one step removed from the event 2. Maharlika
is often based on primary sources. - Noble People (Free People)
- Servants and trained warriors of Datu
Section 2: Evaluation of Primary Source and 3. Aliping Namamahay
Secondary Source - Common People
- Refers to slaves that had their own houses, which
Defining Question was usually built on the property of their masters.
1. How does the author know these details?
Aliping Saguiguilid
- Refers to slaves that have no rights 3. Tausug
- Lowest of the low
(2) Economic System  Barko at Bangka
1. Barter System - the exchange of goods and
services between two or more parties without the use
of money.
2. Gold Tiles

Laws/Political System  Maritime Skills

1. Death Penalty
2. Election
 Age
 Knowledge
 Skills
 Blood Relation

Concept of Marriage and Dowry Weapons

1. Marriage - a wedding ceremony held for three  Moro Kris
days and was officiated by a babaylan, a tribal priest
or priestess. After announcing their love for each
other three times, they were fed by the priest with
cooked rice coming from a single container.
2. Divorce - we had divorce-like practices before the
Spaniards colonized us. These practices are
mentioned in several pieces of literature on pre-  Kalis
colonial Philippines. In fact, such are still being
practiced by some of our indigenous peoples.
3. Dowry - is a payment, such as property or money,
paid by the bride’s family to the groom or his family at
the time of marriage.

Religious Activities  Kampilan

1. Pagsamaba sa Kalikasan
2. Pagsamba sa Gods and Goddesses

Section 2: Raiders of the Sulu Sea

Background of the Producer

 Produced by Oak3 Films in 1996
founded by Lim Suat Yen and Zaihirat Codeli Slave Raiding
 Televised by Discover Channel and The purpose of capturing people and bringing
History Channel in 2008 them from the raid area to serve as slaves.

Raiders of the Sulu Sea Section 3: Kartilya ng Katipunan by Emilio Jacinto

 Raiders of the Sulu Sea (2008) depicts
the slave-raiding activities perpetrated by the Emilio Jacinto
Muslim Tribes under the command of the Sultanate  He was born at Tondo, Manila
 Economic Activities  Born on: December 15, 1875
Muslim Tribes Death: April 16, 1899 (23 years old)
1. Samal Balangingi Sta. Cruz Laguna
2. Ilanun
 His Father is Mariano Jacinto and her to Spain. The inscriptions of “Viva la Independencia
mother is Josefa Dizon Filipina” can also be referred as term for the cry. This
 His wife is Catalina De Jesus was literally accompanies by patriotic shouts.
 He attended San Juan de Letran
College, and later transferred to the University of Triangle System
Santo Tomas to study law.
 At the age of 19, he joined the secret
society called Katipunan
 He became the advisor on fiscal
matters and secretary to Andres Bonifacio. He was Bayani With a password of: Rizal
later known as “UTAK NG KATIPUNAN”
 Wrote for the Katipunan newspaper With a password of:
called kalayaan and used his pen name Dimasilaw Kawal GomBurZa

Katipon With a password of: Anak

Andres Bonifacio
ng Bayan
 Date of Birth: November 30, 1863 at
Tondo, Manila
 Death: May 10, 1897 Maragondon, Kartilya ng Katipunan
Cavite  Kartilya ng Katipunan is written on 1892 by Emilio
 Bonifacio and others officially Jacinto
“Founded” the Katipunan, or in full, Kataas-taasang  It was made mainly for the katipuneros. Upon
Kagalang-galangan Katipunan Anak ng Bayan. joining to be one of the katipuneros, members are
 He wrote the sampung utos ng mga required to read the kartilya and cling to its code of
Anak ng Bayan and later on he adopted Emilio conducts.
Jacinto’s Kartilya ng Katipunan  To change the Philippines for the better. Early
 He is known as the “Ama ng katipuneros believes that changing the way Filipino
Himagsikang Pilipino”, “Ang Dakilang Maralita” and thought and acted was the most important things to
“Ama ng Katipunan” be considered.
 He wrote the “Pag ibig sa Tinubuang
Lupa” using his pen name Agapito Bagumbayan (14) Kartilya ng Katipunan
1. The life that is not consecrated to a lofy and
Katipunan reasonable purpose is a tree without a shade, if not a
 KKK or Kataastaasan, poisonous weed.
Kagalanggalangan Katipunan ng mga Anak ng 2. To good for personal again and not for its own sake
Bayan is not virtue
 As a Philippine revolution society 3. It is rational to be charitable and love one’s fellow
founded by Anti-Spanish namely: Teodoro Plata, creature and to adjust one’s conduct, acts and words
Valentin Diaz, Ladislao Diwa, Jose Dizon to what is in itself reasonable
 Filipinos in Manila in 1892, whose 4. Whether our skin be black or white, we are all born
primary aim was to gain independence from equal: superior in knowledge, wealth and beauty are to
Spanish through revolution be understood but nor superiority by nature
 Objectives 5. The honorable man prefers honor to personal gain;
 Political the scoundrel, gain to honor
 Moral 6. The honorable man, his word is sacred
 Civic 7. Do not waste thy time; wealth can be recovered but
not time lost
Sigaw ng Pugad Lawin 8. Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor
Originally the term cry referred to the first clash before the law or in the field.
between the Katipuneros and the Civil Guards 9. The prudent man is sparing in words and faithful in
(Guardia Civil). The cry could also refer to the tearing keeping secrets
up of community tax certificates (cedulas personales) 10. On the thorny path of life, man is the guide of
in defiance of their allegiance woman and the children, and if the guide leads to the
precipice, those whom he guides will also go there.  Escuela de Bella’s Arts De San Fernando - a
11. Thou must not look woman as a mere plaything, school in Madrid where in a years time he won the
but as a faithful companion who will share with thee only academia prize of the school
the penalties of life; her weakness will increase thy  Alejo Vera - famous contemporary painter teacher
interest in her hand and she will be remind thee of of Luna
the mothers who bore thee and reared thee.
12. What do not desire done unto thy wife, children, Later Years of Luna’s Life
brothers and sisters that do not unto the wife,  September 16, 1896 - he was arrested and
children, brothers and sister of thy neighbors confined for complicity the Katipunan revolt
13. Man is worth more because he is a king, because  May 27, 1897 - he performed during the birthday
his nose is aquiline, and his color white, not because of King Alfonso XIII
he is a priest, a servant of God, nor because of the  1898 - the executive board of the Philippine
high prerogative that he enjoys upon earth, but he is revolutionary government appointed him as a
worth most who is a man of proven and real value member of the Paris delegation which was working
who does good, keeps his word, is worthy and for the diplomatic recognition of the Philippine
honest; he who does or oppress nor consent to being Replublic
oppressed, he who loves and cherishes his  Died in Hongkong at the age of 41 on December
fatherland though he born in the wilderness. 7, 1899 due to heart attack: a great loss to Philippine
14. When these rules of conduct shall be known to Arts.
all, the longed-for sun of Liberty shall rise brilliant
over this most unhappy portion of the globe and its Fernando Amorsolo
rays shall diffuse everlasting joy among the  Born on May 30 in Paco, Manila
confederated brethren of the same rays, the lives of  Spent his childhood in Daet, Camarines Norte
those who have gone before, the fatigues and the  Apprentice of Don Fabian Dela Rosa
well-paid sufferings will remain. If he who desires to  2nd place in Bazaar Escolta
enter (the Katipunan) has informed himself of all this  He was declared as the First National Artist in
and believes he will be able to perform what will be Painting in 1972 and the so-called “Grand old man of
his duties, he may fill out the application for the Philippine Art”
admission.  First wife: Salud Jorge, Second wife: Maria del
Carmen Zaragosa
Section 4: The Works of Luna and Amorsolo  14 children
 Died on April 24, 1972 at the age of 79
Juan Luna
 Juan Luna de San Pedro y Novicio Amorsolo’s Educational Background
Ancheta  He earned a degree from the local Manila Art
 Born on October 24, 1857 in Badoc, School in 1909
Ilocos Norte  Entered university of the Philippines School of
 Third among the seven children of Fine Arts and graduated with honors from the UP in
Joaquin Luna de San Pedro and Laureana Novicio 1914
 Got study grand in Madrid
Education Background of Juan Luna
 He attended Ateneo Municipal (Ateneo Amorsolo’s Career Background
Municipal de Manila) and later attended escuela After graduating from the University of the
nautical de Manila Philippines, he worked as draftsman for the Bureau of
 He became an apprentice officer and the Public Works as a Chief Artist at the Pacific
traveled to various Asian parts in 1873 Commercial Company and as a part-time instructor at
 Don Lorenzo Guerrero - the first tutor the University of the Philippines (where he would work
of the young Luna, Luna’s parent persuaded to for 48 years)
send their son to Spain for advanced painting
 Luna left for Barcelona with his brother
Manuel, a violinist in 1877
(5) Artworks of Juan Luna
1. La Muerte de Cleopatra
 Also known as “The
death of Cleopatra” 5. Tampuhan
 An 1881 painting
 Meaning “sulking”
 First art exposition
 An 1985 classic oil on
 A silver canvas impressionist
medalist or second prize painting
winner during the 1881  It depicts a Filipino man
National Exposition of Fine Arts in Madrid and a Filipino woman having
(Exposition Nacional de Bellas Artes) a lovers quarrel
 After the painting competition, Luna
sold it for 5,00 Spanish pesetas, has the highest Artworks of Fernando Amorsolo (5)
price for a painting at the time 1. Dalagang Bukid
2. Spoliarium  1915
 Made in  24 cm x 32 cm
Rome year 1884  The aim of this image is to
 Won the gold represent and celebrate an
medal in the National ideal example of Filipino
Exposition of Fine Arts in womanhood
Madrid (Exposition  The physical featured of a
Nacional de Bellas Artes) Filipino woman are conveyed
 422 x 767.5 cm softly rounded face with clear
 In 1886, it was sold to the diputacion light brown-rose tainted complexion and a hint of a
provincial The Barcelona for 20,000 pesetas smile, framed with black hair.
 Took 8 months to finish (July 1883 to 2. Planting Rice
March 1884)  1922
3. El Pacto de Sangre  62 x 94 cm
 Also known  The planting rice is set on
as “The Blood Compact” a rice field wherein farmers,
 1886 regardless of their genders
 168 x 86 cm are on their usual works
 The Blood under a bright sunny day.
Compact portrays the  Its visual weight is light, no dark colors were used
1565 Sandugo (blood to produce a feeling of calm and peace, even though
impact ritual) between Datu Sikatuna of Bohol and rice planting is definitely a hard work, the painting
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi , surrounded by other made it look like the other way around.
conquistadors 3. Market Place Before a Church
 As proof of their friendship and trust,  1939
the two men made a toast with wine that was  51 x 63cm
mixed with drops of their own blood  In Baguio Market Place
4. The Parisan Life (Lot 539) Amorsolo presents
 Also known the bustling activity of a
as Interior d’un Cafi market scene and
(literally means Inside a showcases the variety of life
Cafe) in the Philippines. Evident here is the strength of
 An 1892 oil community, and the rich colors of the painting act to
canvas impressionist further convey the vitality of life found in the highland
painting communities of Baguio.
 57 cm x 79 cm 4. Defense of a Filipina Woman’s Honor
 Took a totalof 8 years to finish  1945
(October 1884 to February 1893)
 A representative of Amorsolo’s World War II era
paintings Section 5: Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan, Emilio
 A Filipino man defends a Aguinaldo
woman who is either his wife or daughter, from being
raped by an unseen Japanese soldier Background of Emilio Aguinaldo
5. Afternoon Meal of the Rice Workers Born on March 22, 1869 in Kawit, Cavite
 Also known 7th of 8 children of Carlos Aguinaldo
as Noonday Meal of the and 7th of 8
Rice Workers children of Carlos Aguinaldo and Became wealthy
 Signed and when his father was appointed as Gobernadorcillo
dated 1958 (municipal governor) in their pueblo
 Oil on  Attended Colegio de San Juan de Letran in
canvas secondary school
 56cm x 76 cm  Assisted his mother for their agricultural holdings
 A first prize at the New York’s World  Became the 1st Capitan Municipal on Jan. 1, 1895
Fair at Cavite El Viejo (Kawit, Cavite)
 Became freemason in the same year (1895) with
Analysis of Juan Luna’s Artwork codename “Colon”
 Juan Luna’s artwork showed the  Joined Katipunan and used the nom de guerre
reformist perspective how Filipinos fought for “Magdalo” in honor of Mary Magdalene (1895)
democracy  1st youngest president of the first Philippine
 Luna’s works show more drama and Republic on Jan. 1, 1899
bravura  Died at the age of 94 on Feb. 6, 1964 because of
 A Filipino art critique spoke of Luna coronary thrombosis
thus: “Vigor and realism characterizes his art. In a
single brush stroke, he paints a fair of emotions Freemasonry
that feels the beholder with drama and tragedy of  Civic development advancing fraternity and good
his theme works.
 Luna sought inspiration not from his  Standard system of morality
contemporaries, the impressionists, but for the  Characterized by rituals and initiations
romantic Declaroix, Rembrandt and Daumier from  Called secret society
whom he learned imparting power and mysticism  Started 1717 in Britain
to his works.
Emilio Aguinaldo Shrine
Analaysis Fernando Amorsolo’s Artwork  A year before his death Emilio Aguinaldo donate
 Fernando Amorsolo’s painting depict his Kawit mansion and all its contents to the
what the Philippine society was in different eras government.
 He left behind a trail of legacies  It is now under the care of National Historical
around the world in the form of priceless paintings Commission of the Philippines and known as the
that depicted virtue showed the sense of optimism Emilio Aguinaldo Shrine.
 His oeuvre is characterized by sins of  Emilio Aguinaldo Shrine is all original and provides
a Filipinos countryside, harmoniously composed visitors with sense of how Aguinaldo spent his last
and richly colored, saturated with bright sunlight years.
and populated by beautiful, happy people; it is an
art of beauty, contentment, peace, and plenty Collections Inside the Shrine
which perhaps explains its enduring popularity in The Museo in Emilio Aguinaldo’s collection
the Philippines to this day covers a variety of museum objects. The ground level
 Amorsolo was committed to two of the house is a permanent exhibit on the role of
fundamental ideas in his art: the classical notion of Cavite during the revolution. The second level is the
idealism and the conservative concept of Filipino living space of the house. Similar to the traditional
National character as rooted in rural communities bahay na bato structure of the 19th century; the living
and the cycles of village life.
room, the bedrooms, dining area and kitchen can all be
found in this level.

Historical Background of Mga Gunita ng

 Between 1928 and 1946, he produced in long hand
the first volume of his memoirs, “Mga Gunita ng
Himagsikan (1964)”, translated from the original
Tagalog as “Memoirs of the Revolution” (1967).
In his preface Aguinaldo says the memoirs were
based on a diary he kept, documents he
preserved, and family lore gathered from his
The second volume would cover the resumption of
the Philippine Revolution against Spain and the
Philippine-American War. Aguinaldo wanted to
correct history by making reference to the
historian’s confused accounts on the beginning of
the Revolution.

Memoir - It is a written real account of somebody’s

life. It comes from the French word “mémoire,”
which suggests “memory,” or “reminiscence.” The
content is about the personal information and/or
encounters of the creator.

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