- is the study of past Name Date Time
- It came from the Spanish word “Historia” which
means inquiry or research, it refers to accounts or
inquiries of events that happened in the past aqnd 2. Where does the information came from?
narrated in Chronological order Personal Experience
Eye witness accounts
Historian - they seek to understand the present by Report written by others
examining what went before Conclusion based on a single piece of
evidence or have many sources.
“History is a learning inquiry about the past of
mankind” - E.H CARR
“History is a never ending dialogue of events PRIMARY SOURCES TO THE HISTORY OF THE
between the past and the present” - Herodotus FILIPINO PEOPLE
“The more you know about the past, the better Section 1: Customs of the Tagalogs, Juan de
prepared you are for the future” - Theodore Plasencia
Juan de Plasencia
Relevance of History Friar of the Franciscan order
1. Helps us understand people and societies Performed missionary and sacerdotal duties in
2. Helps us understand change and how the numerous towns in Luzon
society we live in came to be. He wrote the Customs of the Tagalogs in 1589
3. History contributes to moral understanding He is credited for printing the first book
4. History provides identity “Doctrina Christiana”
5. Studying history is essential for good citizenship
6. Is useful in the world of work Doctrina Christiana
First printed book in the Philippines
“Doctrina Christiana” means the teachings of
Section 1: Distinction Between Primary the church
Secondary Sources The primary goal of the book is to propagate
Christian teaching across the Philippine
Primary Source - A primary source is a first - hand Archipelago
or contemporary account of an event or topic. They
are the most direct evidence of a time or event (4) Social Classes
because they were created by people or things that 1. Datu
were there at the time or event. - The title for chiefs, sovereign princes, and monarchs
throughout the Philippine Archipelago
Secondary Source - Is a work that interprets or - He exercises all function of government within his
analyzes an historical event or phenomenon. It is community
generally at least one step removed from the event 2. Maharlika
is often based on primary sources. - Noble People (Free People)
- Servants and trained warriors of Datu
Section 2: Evaluation of Primary Source and 3. Aliping Namamahay
Secondary Source - Common People
- Refers to slaves that had their own houses, which
Defining Question was usually built on the property of their masters.
1. How does the author know these details?
Aliping Saguiguilid
- Refers to slaves that have no rights 3. Tausug
- Lowest of the low
(2) Economic System Barko at Bangka
1. Barter System - the exchange of goods and
services between two or more parties without the use
of money.
2. Gold Tiles