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Response of Skirted Strip Footing Resting On Layered Granular Soil Using 2 D Plane Strain Finite Element Modeling

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Geotech Geol Eng (2023) 41:2185–2200



Response of Skirted Strip Footing Resting on Layered

Granular Soil Using 2‑D Plane‑Strain Finite Element
Rana Acharyya · Arindam Dey

Received: 30 March 2021 / Accepted: 29 December 2022 / Published online: 3 January 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023

Abstract A two-dimensional plane-strain finite ele- bearing capacity by providing additional confinement
ment analysis based study is conducted to investigate to the soil beneath the footing.
the overall response of skirted strip footing resting on
layered soil media comprising a loose sand layer over- Keywords Skirted strip footing · Load carrying
laying a dense sandy stratum. The influence of differ- capacity · Embedment depth · Layered soil · Friction
ent parameters associated with the foundation system, angle
namely the skirt depth, embedment depth of footing,
depth of overlying soil layer and its friction angle,
are inspected on the load carrying capacity of skirted 1 Intoduction
strip footing. The displacement mechanism beneath
the skirted strip footing is also investigated for differ- Skirted foundations have fetched the attention of the
ent depths of overlying soil layer. Finally, the gener- geotechnical researchers and engineers, in which the
ated axial forces and bending moments in the skirt are desirable load carrying capacity of shallow strip foot-
analysed for various cases. It is observed that the load ings is likely to be enhanced by providing skirts on
carrying capacity, total displacement and shear stress the footing edges. Such skirting may be considered
of skirted strip footing are negligibly affected by the for different types of shallow foundations namely,
underlying dense sandy layer as its depth is super- strip footing, circular footing, square footing, rec-
seded by the thickness of the overlying layer. It is also tangular footing, and even raft foundation. Skirts act
found that the load carrying capacity of skirted strip as a reinforcement within the soil and provides pas-
footing increased by 34% per 5° increase in the fric- sive resistance against failure through their confin-
tion angle of the overlying layer. Increase in the skirt ing action. Furthermore, the load carrying capacity
depth also exhibited reasonable increase in the load is enhanced due to the tip resistance and shear resist-
ance offered by the skirts.
Various researchers have conducted numerical and
R. Acharyya experimental large penetration and bearing capacity
Department of Civil Engineering, DIT University,
tests on skirted circular footing resting on nonhomo-
Dehradun, India
e-mail: rana.acharyya@dituniversity.edu.in geneous offshore soil to decipher the effect of depth
and roughness of the skirt (Hu et al. 1999; Micic
A. Dey (*) et al. 2003; Bransby and Yun 2009; Gourvenec and
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute
Randolph 2010; Bienen et al. 2012; Li et al. 2014).
of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam 781039, India
e-mail: arindam.dey@iitg.ac.in Large penetration tests were performed with the aid

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of centrifuge experiment for overconsolidated and between footings and embedment depth over the
normally consolidated soil. The comparison of the interfering efficiency factors were assessed. Based on
results from experimental and numerical simulations the results, for different friction angle of foundation
(finite element analysis and upper-bound analysis) soil, the critical spacing of skirted footing was deter-
exhibited agreeable match. Several researchers have mined beyond which the interfering effect was absent.
investigated the settlement and load carrying capacity It is revealed from the literature survey that mostly
of skirted strip footing resting on sand and figured out the research on the response of skirted shallow foun-
the influences of soil properties, interface character- dation is restricted to those in which the skirt is
istics and skirt properties (Al-Aghbari and Moham- embedded in a single layer soil. In practice, it is more
edzein 2004; EL-Wakil 2013; Eid 2013; Azzam common to encounter layered media in the soil sub-
2015; Zou et al. 2018; Klinkvort et al. 2019; Khatri strata. Thus, the present study attempts to decipher
and Kumar 2019; Al-Aghbari et al. 2021; Acharyya the overall response of skirted strip footing located on
2021). Based on the behavioural responses and the layered soil in which the skirt extends to the under-
experimental results, expressions were developed to lying stratum. The soil media considered in the pre-
assess the bearing capacity of skirted strip footing. In sent study comprises loose sand layer overlying a
general, the bearing capacity of the skirted strip foot- dense sand layer, which is quite common to find in
ing is observed to be three times that of a correspond- alluvial deposits in the riverbanks. In this regard, the
ing conventional strip footing, while a 30% reduction study brings out the influence of various contribut-
in settlement is achieved by the skirted strip footings. ing parameters (skirt depth, friction angle and depth
The horizontal and vertical load capacity of skirted of overlying soil, and embedment depth of footing)
square and circular footing resting on sand were also and the corresponding design charts are developed
experimentally investigated with the aid of centri- for their practical usage. In addition, the displacement
fuge tests to decipher the influence of soil density mechanisms occurring in the overlying soil layer
(Punrattanasin 2009; Al-Aghbari and Mohamedzein are identified, while the axial forces and bending
2020). It was observed that load capacity increased moments developed in the skirt are assessed, which
significantly as compared to the corresponding foot- would further guide the engineer to choose properly
ing without any skirting. Moreover, it was shown the skirting elements for practical purposes.
that irrespective of soil densities, the average hori-
zontal capacity of skirted foundation was 13% of
vertical capacity. Few researchers had investigated 2 Finite Element Based Numerical Modelling
the horizontal, uniaxial vertical and rotational capac-
ity of skirted circular footing resting on clay through In the present investigation, the overall response of
finite element analysis (Fu et al. 2017, 2018; Charl- skirted strip footing resting on loose sand overly-
ton and Rouainia 2017; Vulpe et al. 2017; Fiumana ing a dense sand stratum is numerically investigated
et al. 2019; Zografou et al. 2019). In the stated analy- through plane-strain finite element (FE) analysis
ses, the constitutive behaviour of the clayey soil was using the Plaxis 2D v2018 (Bringkgreve and Vermeer
represented by Modified Cam-Clay (MCC) or Tresca 1998). Following the published literature (Bowles
models. The undrained uniaxial capacity of skirted 1997; El-Sawwaf 2010; Ibrahim 2016), the elastic-
circular footing was examined for both surface and perfectly plastic Mohr–Coulomb (M-C) model is
embedded footings, and subsequently design charts chosen for the present study. M-C model is the sim-
were developed for predicting the undrained uniaxial plest constitutive model adopted to capture the elas-
capacity factors. It was shown that results obtained by tic-perfectly plastic behaviour of the soil. This model
considering MCC soil model were in close agreement is characterized by two stiffness parameters (elastic
with those obtained from Tresca model. Pal et al. modulus E and Poisson’s ratio ν) and three strength
(2017) had theoretically investigated the efficiency parameter (angle of internal friction φ, cohesion c
factors of interfering skirted strip footing located on and angle of dilation ψ) to model the stress–strain
sand with the aid of upper bound limit analysis while behaviour of soil. These parameters are popular in
considering multi-block failure criterion. In the inves- their usage as they can be very easily determined
tigation, the influence of soil friction angle, spacing and correlated through different types of laboratory

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investigation on the foundation soil material. How- that although hardening soil model represent a more
ever, the elastic-perfectly plastic material behaviour realistic behaviour of soil under compression, yet it
of soil (represented through the M-C model) has its requires more rigorous investigation techniques to
own shortcoming that it cannot model the evolution determine the parameters. In most of the cases, as the
of the nonlinear plastic behaviour of soil which is M-C model parameters are more popular in terms of
experienced during shearing of soil. The M-C model their estimation and usage in the practical applica-
also falls short in capturing the intricate mechanisms tions, the M-C model has been chosen for the present
experienced in a soil material such as the time- study to identify the response of the skirted shallow
dependent viscoelastic creep, stress path dependency foundation.
of stiffness, material anisotropy and post-peak soften- The soil parameters considered for loose and dense
ing. In reality, however, such behaviour can be more sand layers are shown in Fig. 1, where E is the elastic
suitably modelled through the Hardening Soil (HS) modulus, μ is the Poisson’s ratio, c is the cohesion, φ
model which can model the plastic straining and the is the friction angle of soil, ψ is the dilatancy angle
elastoplastic behaviour of soil through both elastic and γ is the unit weight of soil. For all the parameters,
and plastic hardening. However, as this model capture the subscript 1 and 2 denote the overlying and under-
more intricate phenomenon of the soil behavior, a dif- lying layer respectively. It is to be noted that the sand
ferent set of parameters are required to define its con- layers are considered to be wet for the model simu-
stitutive behaviour. In this model, the required param- lations. In the alluvial banks, it is nearly impossible
eters are exponential parameter m (that represents to get completely dry sand. In the simulation, owing
the stress dependent stiffness according to a power to the partial presence of moisture in the sandy soil
law), the Triaxial loading stiffness E50 (representing pores, the wet sand layers above the water table have
the plastic straining due to primary deviatoric load- been modelled such that their unit weight more than
ing), the Oedometer loading stiffness Eoed (represent- dry unit weight. Accordingly, the bulk unit weights
ing the plastic straining due to primary compression), of the sandy layers (γ1, γ2) are considered 17 kN/
the Triaxial unloading–reloading stiffness Eur (rep- m3 and 19 kN/m3, respectively, as per the informa-
resenting elastic unloading/reloading), and the usual tion in standard literature (El-Sawwaf 2010; Ibrahim
strength parameters (φ, c and ψ). It is understandable 2016). For inferring the influence of angle of internal

Fig. 1  Geometrical and

geotechnical proper-
ties associated with the
attempted problem in the
present study

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friction of the overlying soil (φ1) on the response of foundation such that the stress and deformation trans-
the skirted footings, different magnitudes of the same ferred by a skirted foundation does not get affected
are considered for individual simulations, namely by the bottom boundary of the model domain. In this
φ1 = 15°, 20°, 25° and 30°. For each of the simula- regard, based on the elastic pressure bulb formation,
tions, the overlying soil is treated as a homogeneous soil layers beneath a depth of 2.5–3 times the foot-
medium. The underlying dense sandy layer is consid- ing width does not participate in the bearing or set-
ered having an angle of internal friction (φ2) of 45º. tlement response of the foundation (Murthy 2008). In
The modulus of elasticity of the underlying dense the current research, the aim is to evaluate the perfor-
sandy layer (E2) is considered 50 MPa in accordance mance of structural skirts in enhancing the load car-
to the published literature (Ibrahim 2016). Although rying capacity of strip footing in sandy soil through
the layered medium considered in the present study confinement action and load-transfer mechanism to
comprises primarily cohesionless soil, yet the consid- the underlying denser sand layer. Thus, considering
eration of moist soil and the requirement to evade any the significant depth of foundation, with an additional
numerical singularity arising from considering purely safety margin, the depth of bottom layer (H2) is taken
cohesionless media, a minimal magnitude of cohe- as 4B, and the same is maintained constant for all the
sion (c1,c2) of 1 kPa is used in the numerical model- simulations.
ling (Plaxis reference manual 2018). An interface is In the current research, skirted strip footing is con-
provided between the structural skirts and adjacent sidered for the buildings in the alluvial regions. Strip
soil. The strength parameters of interface material are footing is suitable for load bearing wall or where
estimated from the strength properties of the adjacent the columns are very closely placed in such a way
soil layers with the aid of expressions (Eq. 1): that their spread footings would have overlapped or
touched each other. These type of footings are also
⎡ tan 𝜑i = Rinter × tan𝜑s ≤ tan𝜑s ⎤ used for boundary walls. When placed in the sandy
⎢ For R ⎥
soils of the alluvial plains, in many instances, owing

⎢ inter < 1, 𝜓i = 0 ⎥ (1)
⎢ For Rinter = 1, 𝜓i = 𝜓s ⎥ to the imbalanced lateral stresses generated from the
⎢ ⎥ adjacent building structure, the boundary walls are
⎣ ci = Rinter × cs ⎦
noticed to have an outward or rotational displace-
where, Rinter is the interface strength reduction fac- ment due to bearing failure. In such case, it is neces-
tor, φs, ψs and cs are the friction angle, dilation angle sary to increase the bearing capacity of such systems,
and cohesion of soil, while φi, ψi and ci are the fric- for which the skirted footing has been investigated.
tion angle, dilation angle and cohesion of interface The study can be further extended for other footing
material. shapes as well, for example, circular or square, which
For the present study, varying thickness of overly- is beyond the scope of the present study. The width
ing sandy layer (H1) is considered to assess its influ- (B) of the strip footing is taken as 2 m, which is main-
ence on the response of the skirted foundation. For tained constant throughout the analysis. The depth of
each corresponding simulation, the thickness of the skirt (Ds) and embedment depth (Df) of footing are
bottom layer (H2) is considered as 4B, where B is the varied in the present analysis. Following the adapta-
width of the footing. It is to be noted that numerous tions by earlier researchers (El-Sawaf 2010; Naderi
simulations could be done by varying the thickness of and Hataf 2014), the properties of footing and skirt
underlying layer to represent different field situations. are provided in Table 1. As shown in Fig. 1, the FE
In the current research, the main aim was to simulate
skirted foundations resting on the alluvial beds. In
general, the alluvial beds mostly comprise two-lay- Table 1  Parameters considered for modelling the footing and
ered sandy deposit, out of which the upper layer gen- skirt for FE analysis
erally remains in a relatively loose state in compari- Properties Footing Skirt
son to the underlying denser layer. Hence, although in
Material model Linear-elastic Linear-elastic
reality the underlying layer can have different thick-
Axial stiffness (EA) (kN/m) 4.2 × ­105 2.1 × ­106
nesses, it is reasonable to assume that the underly-
Flexural stiffness (EI) (kPa/m) 1500 4500
ing layer extends beyond the significant depth of the

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model developed for the present study utilizes only also adopted in localized regions of the models, espe-
one-half of the full model by defining the left verti- cially in the regions where various structures and soil
cal boundary as the axis of symmetry (Pal et al. 2017; interact with each other. 5-noded line elements are
Khatri and Kumar 2019). Qusk is the load carrying used to discretize the plate elements used for mod-
capacity of skirted strip footing expressed in kN/m. elling of the footing and skirt, while 15-noded trian-
Owing to the selection of only half of the model gular elements are utilized for discretizing the soil
for analysis, half of the load carrying capacity (i.e. domain, as shown in Fig. 2. Boundary conditions are
0.5Qusk) is applied on the skirted footing. implemented in various boundaries of the FE model.
In finite element models for geotechnical prob- Horizontal fixity is provided to vertical lateral bound-
lems, the initial stresses are generated to simulate the aries that restrains any horizontal deformation, while
in-situ stress conditions of the field before the con- the bottom boundary is restrained from displace-
struction of the actual structure. Depending on the ment in all the directions (Pal et al. 2017; Khatri and
geometry and stratification, either ‘K0 procedure’ or Kumar 2019; Acharyya 2021), as shown in Fig. 2. In
‘Gravity loading technique’ is used to produce the ini- the present FE investigation, prescribed maximum
tial stresses in the soil domain. ‘K0 procedure’ is con- permissible vertical displacement of 50 mm (as per
sidered where the ground surface and all other geo- IS-1904: 1986) is applied on the skirted strip footing
hydrological features are horizontal, while ‘Gravity for evaluating load carrying capacity and identifying
loading’ is used for any other configurations compris- the displacement mechanisms. Figure 3 demonstrates
ing non-horizontal features. In the present analysis, the flowchart of parametric variation that is consid-
the initial stresses are generated in soil layers with the ered for the present FE simulations, highlighting the
aid of ‘K0 procedure’. Based on this procedure, the magnitudes of the different parameters namely the
coefficient of earth pressure at-rest (K0) is estimated angle of internal friction of overlying soil (φ1), the
as per the following expression: depth of skirt (Ds), the embedment depth of footing

(Df) and the depth of overlying sandy layer (H1).
K0 = � (2)
3 Validation of the Numerical Model
where, σ’xx and σ’yy are the developed horizontal and
vertical effective stresses. For any numerical study to be acceptable, a valida-
An automatic robust triangulation scheme is used tion against groundwork experiment should be estab-
to generate the unstructured mesh for the model lished. The laboratory experimental work carried out
domain. Depending on the average element size (le), by Al-Aghbari and Mohamedzein (2004) for investi-
different mesh densities can be generated (namely, gating the settlement and bearing load of skirted strip
very fine, fine, medium, coarse and very coarse) by footing is taken into consideration for the validation
adopting discretization schemes, which govern the of developed FE model. In the experiment, the influ-
average element size (le) as expressed ence of different geometrical parameters such as the
√ skirt depth, skirt thickness and embedment depth of
(Xmax − Xmin ) × (Ymax − Ymin ) footing were checked over the bearing load. In the
le = (3)
nc experiment, a tank of dimension 2 m × 0.3 m × 1.4 m
is filled with dry sand. The average bulk unit weight
where, Ymax, Ymin, Xmax and Xmin are the maximum and angle of internal friction of soil were considered
and minimum model dimension, and nc is the element 16.54 kN/m3 and 47.5° respectively. A steel plate of
size factor (nc = 25, 50, 100, 200 and 400 for very 0.12 m width was utilized as footing resting at the
coarse, coarse, medium, fine and very fine meshing, middle of the tank over sand bed. The displacement
respectively). For any given FE problem, mesh con- loading on the footing was provided with the aid of
vergence study is required to identify the optimum crane.
mesh configuration for arriving at higher precision In the present validation study, skirted strip footing
solutions from the problem. Apart from global level having an embedment depth (Df) of 0.416B is consid-
discretization within the model, local refinement is ered. Two different validation have been attempted

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Fig. 2  Elements, Meshing (Medium) and Boundary conditions used for the FE modeling

elasticity, Poisson’s ratio and dilatancy angle, were

not mentioned in the research article (Al-Aghbari
and Mohamedzein 2004). Consequently, appropriate
values of modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio and
dilatancy angle are taken as 52 MPa, 0.3 and 17.50°
based on standard research materials (Nasr 2014;
Ibrahim 2016). A maximum displacement of 56 mm
is applied over the skirted footing. Figure 4 depicts
the model geometry, meshing and boundary condi-
tions considered for the analysis in the validation.
Figure 5 depicts the variation of bearing load
obtained for different meshing schemes. Non-dimen-
sional element size is the ratio of average element
size to the height of the model. It is perceived that
Fig. 3  Flowchart for parametric variations adopted in the pre- the magnitude of bearing load attains stability once
sent study
the medium mesh is achieved, and remains approxi-
mately same thereafter even with the reduction of
having skirt depths (Ds) of 0.454B and 0.833B and mesh size. As a result, ‘medium’ meshing scheme
skirt thicknesses (Bs) of 6 mm and 12 mm, respec- is considered as optimum mesh configuration for the
tively. The concept of plane of symmetry is con- present analysis, and the same is used for all the fur-
sidered and, as a result, only half of the total planar ther FE investigations.
model is simulated. In the numerical FE model for Figures 6a and b illustrate the comparison of the
the validation study, all the geotechnical and geo- applied stress induced normalized settlement plots
metrical properties are maintained identical to that (S/B, where S is the settlement at any particular applied
considered in the experimental investigation by Al- stress) from two different sets of experimental inves-
Aghbari and Mohamedzein (2004). However, it is tigations (Al-Aghbari and Mohamedzein 2004) and
to be noted that, few geotechnical parameters which the corresponding FE analysis carried out in the pre-
are required in the FE modelling, such as modulus of sent study. The plots exhibit an agreeable match in the

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Fig. 4  Model configuration and meshing (Medium) adopted in

validation study

Fig. 6  Comparison of pressure-settlement patterns for valida-

tion study

4 Results and Discussions

In the present numerical analysis, the results are

shown in terms of normalized load carrying capacity
(Qusk/c1B) of the skirted strip footing, axial force and
bending moment profiles of the skirt, and the associ-
ated displacement mechanism. The same is studied
to ascertain the influence of different contributing
parameters, which includes the friction angle ratio of
the soil layers (φ1/φ2), normalized skirt depth (Ds/B),
Fig. 5  Mesh convergence analysis for the validation study normalized embedment depth (Df/B), and the thick-
ness ratio of soil layers (H1/H2), as previously shown
in Fig. 3.

4.1 Influence of Friction Angle Ratio (φ1/φ2)

trend and the magnitude, with a maximum difference
of 7%, thereby indicating the developed FE model, In the current FE simulation, the friction angle ratio
adopted numerical parameters and approach to be well (φ1/φ2) is varied from 0.34 to 0.67 in such a way
validated. that the overlying layer remains in a relatively loose

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Fig. 7  Influence of φ1/φ2 on Qusk/c1B for variation in (a) Ds/B ▸

(b) Df/B (c) H1/H2 (d) E1

state. This is adopted to check the impact of skirted

strip footing for different magnitudes of Ds/B, Df/B
and H1/H2 on the normalized load carrying capacity
(Qusk/c1B), as shown in Fig. 7. It is perceived from
Figs. 7a and b that the normalized ultimate load car-
rying capacity (Qusk/c1B) of skirted strip footing
increases significantly with the increase in friction
angle ratio (φ1/φ2). This is attributed to the increase
in the shear strength and confinement in the overly-
ing soil layer due to increase in soil friction angle. It
is identified that the load carrying capacity of skirted
strip footing has increased by 34% per 5° increase of
φ1. It is revealed from Fig. 7a that among the chosen
skirt depths, the maximum load carrying capacity
is obtained for the skirt depth (Ds) of 2B as it pro-
vides maximum contact with the confined soil and
helps to resist the prescribed displacement applied
on the footing. It is observed from Fig. 7c that for
H1 = 0.125H2 and 0.25H2, the impact of φ1/φ2 is
marginal on Qusk/c1B. This observation is attributed
to the fact that in these cases, the maximum depth
of skirt is embedded in the bottom layer and it gets
least affected by change in φ1. It may be noted that for
all the analyses, the elastic modulus of overlying soil
(E1) was maintained identical at 15 MPa. It may be
argued that for different friction angle of the overly-
ing soil, the elastic modulus might not remain same.
In this regard, the elastic modulus was also varied
along with friction angle, and the corresponding mag-
nitudes of normalized bearing load were investigated.
For φ1 = 15°, 20°, 25° and 30°, E1 values were chosen
as 9, 11, 13 and 15 MPa, respectively (as per Ibrahim
2016). The outcomes were compared to the scenarios
where the elastic modulus was maintained constant at
15 MPa. Figure 7d depicts that the impact of vary-
ing the modulus of elasticity (E1) over the normalized
bearing load remains insignificant, and the results are
nearly similar to the condition when the modulus of
elasticity is maintained at 15 MPa for all analyses. As
a result, in the rest of the simulations, a constant E1
value of 15 MPa is considered.

4.2 Influence of Skirt Depth

In the present FE analysis, the skirt depth (Ds) of

the strip footing is varied as 0.5B, B, 1.5B and 2B, to

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examine the influence over the load carrying capac- the influence of H1/H2 on Qusk/c1B for variations of
ity of the skirted strip footing for different combina- different contributing parameters, namely φ1/φ2, Df/B
tions of Df/B, H1/H2 and φ1/φ2. It is seen from ear- and Ds/B. It is noted that the load carrying capacity
lier studies that the pressure bulb underneath the strip of skirted strip footing reduced significantly with the
footing extends to a depth about 2B (Bowles 1997; increase in the thickness of the top layer. It portrays
Acharyya and Dey 2018). For this reason, the maxi- the fact that the influence of the underlying layer
mum depth of skirt is opted for the present study as comprising dense sand has profoundly decreased,
2B. Figure 8 illustrates that Qusk/c1B exhibited sig- thereby the reduced bearing load of the skirted foot-
nificant increment with the increase in the skirt ing is only due to the resistance offered by the overly-
depth. It is perceived that the skirt of the strip foot- ing thicker loose sandy layer.
ing provides passive resistance to the confined soil It is perceived from Fig. 9a that for skirt depth of
foundation system. Moreover, the resistance against 2B, the normalized bearing load Qusk/c1B reduced up
prescribed displacement increases due to increase of to H1/H2 = 1, and beyond the stated ratio, the observa-
depth of skirt. Hence, the load carrying capacity of tions remained unchanged. It describes the fact that
skirted strip footing is enhanced (as also observed in as the thickness of the top layer (H1) exceeds that of
Fig. 7b). It is noticed from Fig. 8a that for both sur- the underlying layer (H2), the load carrying capac-
face and embedded skirted footings, the normalized ity of skirted strip footing is completely governed by
bearing load Qusk/c1B improved by 18.5%, 23.5% and the loose sandy overlying layer. It is revealed from
34.4% for increasing the skirt depth from 0.5B to B, Fig. 9b that beyond top layer thickness of 0.5H2, same
B to 1.5B and 1.5B to 2B, respectively. It is revealed magnitudes of load carrying capacities are found
from Fig. 8b that the maximum and minimum for skirt depths from 0.5B to 1.5B. It is observed
Qusk/c1B are observed for H1/H2 = 0.125H2 and 1.5H2, from Fig. 9c that Qusk/c1B increased with increasing
respectively. This is attributed to the fact that in case embedment depth of skirted strip footing. It portrays
of the thickness of the overlying layer being 0.125H2, the fact that the confinement and passive resistance
some portion of the skirt is embedded in bottom layer increase significantly with increasing embedment
and the partial resistance is supplied from the dense depth of strip footing. Moreover, it is noted that for
sand as well. When the thickness of top soil layer is embedment depths, the obtained results (Qusk/c1B)
1.5H2, the skirted strip footing is completely resting remain nearly unchanged as the thickness of the over-
in the overlying loose sandy layer. This difference in lying layer exceeds that of the underlying soil.
the resistance developed due to the partial or incom-
plete embedment in the underlying denser layer, the 4.4 Displacement Mechanism
variation in the ultimate bearing load of the skirted
strip footing is observed. It is observed from Fig. 8c In the current analysis, the thickness of overlying
that for skirt depth of 2B, the differences in Qusk/c1B loose sand layer (H1) is varied with respect to thick-
diminishes for different values of φ1/φ2 as compared ness of underlying denser sandy layer (H2). The
to that observed for other skirt depths. This is attrib- thickness of bottom layer is maintained 8 m through-
uted to the fact that in case of skirt depth of 2B, the out this set of investigation. The loading is carried
tips of the skirt rest on the top of the bottom dense out through a displacement-controlled technique.
layer, thereby receiving resistance from both the top A maximum vertical displacement of 50 mm (IS-
as well as bottom layers. 1904: 1986) is applied on the skirted strip footing.
Figure 10 illustrates the total displacement and shear
4.3 Influence of the Thickness of Overlying Loose stress mechanism for different thicknesses of top layer
Soil Layer (H1). The total displacement is the representation of
the absolute displacements that are integrated from
In the present investigation, the influence of the depth the vertical and horizontal displacements. The typi-
of overlying layer (H1) is inspected on the load carry- cal distributions of total displacement mechanism and
ing capacity of skirted strip footing. In this regard, the the generated shear stress at the interface of skirt is
friction angle of top layer, skirt depth and the embed- shown in Fig. 10, for a specific case of surface foot-
ment depth of footing are varied. Figure 9 portrays ing having a skirt depth (Ds) of 2B, passing through

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Fig. 8  Influence of Ds/B on

Qusk/c1B for variation in (a)
Df/B (b) H1/H2 (c) φ1/φ2

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Fig. 9  Influence of H1/H2

on Qusk/c1B for contributing
parameters; a φ1/φ2 b Ds/B
c Df/B

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Fig. 10  Typical distributions of a Total displacement and b Shear stress for various thickness of overlying loose sandy layer

the overlying soil maintaining a friction angle ratio against prescribed vertical displacement is achieved
(φ1/φ2) of 0.67. from the underlying dense sand layer. In such a
In case of top layer thickness of 0.125H2, the case, the influence of overlying soil layer to the
maximum portion of the skirt is inserted within the bearing load of skirted footing is less. Furthermore,
underlying layer. As a result, sufficient resistance the total displacement contour is found to spread

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in the bottom layer (Fig. 10a) and the maximum 4.5 Axial Forces and Bending Moments in the Skirt
shear stress of 155.97 kPa is attained (Fig. 10b).
For the top layer depth of 0.25H2, half of the skirt In the present investigation, the axial forces and bend-
depth rests in the bottom layer and other half in ing moment developed in the skirt are analysed for
the top layer. In this situation, the influence of the different thicknesses of the top layer (H1). The axial
underlying layer is reduced and the influence of forces and bending moment in the skirt are investi-
overlying layer is increased on the bearing load gated for a typical dataset where the skirt depth (Ds)
of footing as compared to the previous stated case is 2B, the footing is resting on the surface (Df = 0) and
of H1 = 0.125H2 (Figs. 10a and b). In the case the the angle of internal friction of top layer (φ1) is 0.34
thickness of overlying layer is 0.5H2, the tip of the times of φ2. Figure 11 depicts the distribution of axial
skirt is resting on the top of the underlying layer. force in the skirt for different thicknesses of top layer.
Therefore, only the tip resistance is generated from It is noted that the maximum axial force of 841.50
bottom layer while the load carrying capacity of kN/m is developed in the skirt when the thickness of
skirted strip footing is reduced as compared to pre- top layer is 0.125H2.
vious case of H1 = 0.25H2. For the cases with top In case the top layer thickness is 0.125H2, maxi-
layer depth being H2 and 1.5H2, the skirted strip mum length of the skirt is embedded in the dense
footing is totally resting within the top layer. As a sand and the maximum axial force is developed for
result, the load carrying capacity of skirted strip the given prescribed displacement. The magnitude of
footing is solely influenced by the loose sand layer generated axial force in the skirt is reduced signifi-
and the load carrying capacity is further reduced cantly with increasing thickness of top layer. It por-
compared to the case with H1 = 0.5H2. Further- trays the fact that the influence of underlying dense
more, the extreme shear stress is also reduced to sand layer on the load carrying capacity of skirted
30.87 kPa, while the magnitude and pattern of shear footing reduces with increasing depth of top layer.
stress is obtained nearly similar when the thickness Figure 12 illustrates the variation of maximum axial
of the overlying layer is H2 and 1.5H2. force in the skirt for different thicknesses of top layer.
It is noted that the obtained axial forces are mostly

Fig. 11  Distribution of
axial force in the skirt for
different thicknesses of
overlying layer

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is embedded in dense sand and as a result, the maxi-

mum resistance against the settlement of the footing
is provided by the skirt within the underlying layer.
The magnitudes of maximum bending moment are
reduced with the increasing thickness of the overly-
ing layer. It illustrates the fact that with increasing the
thickness of top layer, the embedment depth of skirt in
the underlying dense sand reduces and less resistance
is generated against penetration of skirt. Figure 14
demonstrates the variation of maximum bending gen-
erated in the skirt for various thickness of overlying
layer. It is noted that when the thickness of top layer
matches or exceeds the thickness of underlying layer,
the magnitudes of maximum bending moment attain
Fig. 12  Variation of axial force in the skirt for different thick- identical values. It depicts the fact that in such cases,
nesses of overlying layer the total length of skirt remains embedded within the
overlying loose sand and the skirt experiences lesser
identical when the top layer thickness matches or resistance against penetration. Moreover, the dense
exceeds the bottom layer thickness, thereby indicating sand of the underlying layer produces no effect on the
that the load carrying capacity of skirt is completely skirted strip footing in such cases.
controlled by the overlying layer for these cases.
Similarly, Fig. 13 shows the distribution of bend-
ing moment in the skirt for different thicknesses of 5 Conclusions
overlying layer. It is revealed that the maximum bend-
ing moment of 45.74 kN-m/m is generated when the The present study attempts to elucidate the response
skirt passes through a top layer depth of 0.125H2. It of skirted strip footing resting on layered cohesion-
depicts the fact that in case the top layer thickness less media. Finite element based numerical solution is
conforms to 0.125H2, most of the portion of the skirt adopted for this purpose. An optimized mesh is used

Fig. 13  Distribution of
bending moment in the skirt
for various thicknesses of
overlying layer

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remain unaffected beyond the critical condition of

H1 = H2.

Acknowledgements Not applicable

Funding Not applicable.

Data Availability Some or all data, models, or code that

support the findings of this study are available from the cor-
responding author upon reasonable request.


Conflict of interest On behalf of all authors, the correspond-

ing author states that there is no conflict of interest.

Fig. 14  Variation of bending moments in skirt for different

depths of top layer

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