Module 4 - Semiconductor-03
Module 4 - Semiconductor-03
Module 4 - Semiconductor-03
Semiconductors are materials whose electronic properties are intermediate between those
of metals and insulators. These intermediate properties are determined by the crystal
structure, bonding characteristics and electronic enegy bands. In free atoms, discrete energy
levels are presents; but in solid materials, the available energy levels are so close that they
form a band. The energy band in which valence electrons are present is called valence
band. Just above the valence band, there is an empty band called conduction band. The
gap between these two bands is called forbidden gap or band gap, where no electronic states
are present and is the amount of energy that should be imparted to the electron in valence
band for its migration to the conduction band.
In good conductors such as metals the conduction band overlaps the valence band while
in insulators there is a large gap between valence band and conduction band. Semiconduc-
tors have a small energy gap between the valence and conduction band that allows thermal
excitation of electrons from the valence band to conduction band. At absolute zero temper-
ature, semiconductors behave like insulators. Semiconductors are classified into two types,
Intrinsic (pure) semiconductor and Extrinsic (doped) semiconductors
Intrinsic semiconductors
A semiconductor in its pure (i.e., without any impurities) form is known as intrinsic semi-
conductor. Germanium and silicon in the pure form are two examples of intrinsic semicon-
In an intrinsic semiconductors promotion of electrons from valence band to conduction
band create a vacancy in the valance band. This vacancy which carries a positive charge and
has a tendancy to attract electrons known as hole. In a semiconductors the current is due
to the flow of both free electrons and holes. In intrinsic semiconductor the concentration of
free electrons is equal to the concentration of holes. Electrons and holes are always created
in pairs. They are also called thermally generated carriers.
The electron concentration in the conduction band of an intrinsic semiconductor is given
2πm∗e kT
n=2 e−(EC −EF )/kT
Similarly, the hole concentration in the valence band of an intrinsic semiconductor is
given by,
2πm∗h kT
p=2 e−(EF −EV )/kT
Extrinsic semiconductors
The conductivity of intrinsic semiconductor is very small to be put into any pratical ap-
plication. In order to increase its conductivity certain impurity are added in very small
proportion. The resultant semiconductor is known as extrinsic semiconductor. The process
of adding impurity is called doping and the impurity is known as dopant. The impurity-
produced electrons are not temperature-dependent but are voltage-dependent. Extrinsic
semiconductors are widely used in fabricating devices, these devices are generally known
as solid-state electronic devices. There are two types of extrinsic semiconductors, n-type
semiconductor and p-type semiconductor.
n-type semiconductor
there are some thermally generated electron-hole pairs. As the concentration of the elec-
trons is more than that of holes, they are called majority charge carriers. Holes are called
minority charge carriers. As the current is mainly due to the free electrons, the resultant
semiconductors is known as n-type semiconductor.
p-type semiconductor
p-type semiconductor is obtained by adding a trivalent impurity such as boron or indium
to a pure crystal of silicon or germanium. Boron atom has three valence electrons, it forms
three covalent bonds with its neighbouring silicon atoms. In the fourth bond their is a
vacancy of the electron. Thus, additon of each boron or indium atoms create hole in the
crystal. This hole has a tendancy to attract the electrons from the neighbouring bonds.
Thus, the indium is known as an acceptor impurity, upon accepting the electrons it becomes
an negative acceptor ion. In addtion to the holes created by the impurity, there are few
thermally generated electron-hole pairs. As the number of holes more than the electrons,
holes are known as majority charge carriers and free electrons are called minority charge
carriers. As the current is mainly carried by the holes, the resultant semiconductors is
known as p-type semiconductor.
NC e−(EC −EF )/kT = NV e−(EF −EV )/kT
Taking logarithm on both sides, we get
(EC − EF ) NV (EF − EV )
− = ln −
kT NC kT
−EC + EF = kT ln − EF + EV
2EF = (EC + EV ) + kT ln
EC + EV 1 NV
EF = + kT ln
2 2 NC
3/2 3/2
2πm∗e kT 2πm∗h kT
NC = 2 and NV = 2
h2 h2
∗ 3/2
NV mh
NC m∗e
NV 3 mh
ln = ln
NC 2 m∗e
EC + EV 3 mh
EF = + kT ln
2 4 m∗e
If the effective mass of a free electron is assumed to be equal to the effective mass of a
hole, i.e.,
m∗h = m∗e
ln =0
EF =
EF = + EV
EF = + EV
If we denote the top of the valence band EV as zero level, i.e., EV = 0, then
EF =
The above result shows that in an intrinsic semiconductor the Fermi level lies in the
middle of the forbidden gap.
Figure 1: E − k graph of (a) Direct band gap semiconductor; (b) Indirect band gap semi-
semiconductors are called indirect semiconductors. In the energy bands of these semicon-
ductors there is a a displacement in k between the minimum upper and lower bands as
shown in figure (b), which impose an added restriction on the radiation transition. Indirect
band gap materials are not efficient radiators due to this restriction. Hence, indirect band
gap semiconductor such as silicon is successfully used in making miniature semiconductor
switches, for micro-electronic applications, which do not demand highly efficient radiative
characteristics. Examples are Si, Ge, AlAs etc.