03 02 Chords For Mohanam and Bilahari
03 02 Chords For Mohanam and Bilahari
03 02 Chords For Mohanam and Bilahari
We will find the chords for Mohanam based on the chords of the Major scale. Find all the major scale
chords possible for each swara of Mohanam.
In the section about major scale chords, we have seen that G7 can be used instead of B dim.
B dim notes: B D F
G7 notes: G B D F (Pa Ni Ri Ma)
G7 has all the notes of the B dim chord + the Pa note.
When finding chords for Mohanam phrases, use the above table, find which chords are possible for
the notes in the phrase.
To find chords for the second part ‘A G C C’, we can try chords with ‘notes A & C’ or notes ‘G and C’.
A and C notes are present in these chords: F major, A minor
G and C notes are present in the C major chord.
Try the three chords F, Am and C over the ‘A G C C’ part.
|A C B A| has A in the beginning and end. Using a chord with the note A emphasized may sound
good. C and A notes are present in these chords: A minor, F major