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Temperature Measurement
Flow Measurement
Level Measurement
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6,75$16,4 SITRANS IQ
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Pressure Measurement
Siemens FI 01 · 2021
© Siemens 2020
Pressure Measurement
Siemens FI 01 · 2021
© Siemens 2020
Pressure Measurement
Product overview
■ Overview
Application Description Software for
SITRANS P Single-range transmitters for general applications
Two or three-wire transmitters SITRANS P200 1/6 –
for measuring gauge and • Single-range transmitters for gauge and absolute
absolute pressure pressure
• Ceramic measuring cell
• For general applications
SITRANS P210 1/12 –
• Single-range transmitters for gauge pressure
• Stainless steal measuring cell
• For low-pressure applications
SITRANS P220 1/17 –
• Single-range transmitters for gauge pressure
• Stainless steel measuring cell, fully welded
• For high-pressure applications and refrigeration
Two-wire transmitter for mea- SITRANS LH100 1/23 –
suring hydrostatic levels • For measuring liquid levels in wells, tanks, channels,
dams etc.
• With ceramic diaphragm, Ø 23.4 mm
Two-wire transmitter for mea- SITRANS LH300 1/28 –
suring hydrostatic levels • For measuring liquid levels in wells, tanks, channels,
dams etc.
• With ceramic diaphragm, Ø 30 mm
• Suitable for small measuring ranges
Transmitters for gauge and SITRANS P Compact 1/34 –
absolute pressure for food, • Single-range transmitters in two-wire system
pharmaceuticals and biotech-
nology • Hygiene-based design with various aseptic connec-
tions according to EHEDG, FDA and GMP recom-
Pressure Measurement
Product overview
Pressure Measurement
Product overview
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P200 for gauge and absolute pressure
1 ■ Overview ■ Design
Device structure without explosion protection
The pressure transmitter consists of a piezoresistive measuring
cell with a diaphragm installed in a stainless steel enclosure. It
can be used with a connector per EN 175301-803-A (IP65), a
device plug M12 (IP67), a cable (IP67) or a Quickon cable quick
screw connection (IP67) connected electrically. The output sig-
nal is between 4 and 20 mA or 0 and 10 V.
Device structure with explosion protection
The pressure transmitter consists of a piezoresistive measuring
cell with a diaphragm installed in a stainless steel enclosure. It
can be used with a connector per EN 175301-803-A (IP65) or a
device plug M12 (IP67) connected electrically. The output signal
is between 4 and 20 mA.
■ Function
The pressure transmitter measures the gauge and absolute
pressure of liquids and gases as well as the level of liquids.
The SITRANS P200 pressure transmitter measures the gauge
and absolute pressure of liquids, gases and vapors. Mode of operation
• Ceramic measuring cell
• Gauge and absolute measuring ranges 1 to 60 bar (15 to
1000 psi) U
• For general applications const.
■ Benefits p I I0, UB
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P200 for gauge and absolute pressure
■ Technical specifications
Application Electromagnetic compatibility • acc. IEC 61326-1/-2/-3
Gauge and absolute pressure Liquids, gases and vapors • acc. NAMUR NE21, only for
measurement ATEX versions and with a max.
measuring deviation 1 %
Mode of operation
Measuring principle Piezo-resistive measuring cell
(ceramic diaphragm) Weight Approx. 0.090 kg (0.198 lb)
Measured variable Gauge and absolute pressure Process connections See dimension drawings
Inputs Electrical connections • Connector per
EN 175301-803-A Form A with
Measuring range cable inlet M16x1.5 or ½-14 NPT
• Gauge pressure or Pg 11
- Metric 1 … 60 bar (15 … 870 psi) • Device plug M12
- US measuring range 15 … 1000 psi
• 2 or 3-wire (0.5 mm2) cable
• Absolute pressure ( 5.4 mm)
- Metric 0.6 … 16 bar a
- US measuring range (10 … 232 psi apsi a) • Quickon cable quick screw con-
10 … 300 psi a nection
Step response time T99 < 5 ms Lloyd‘s Register of Shipping (LR)1) 12/20010
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P200 for gauge and absolute pressure
■ Selection and ordering data Article No. Order code
SITRANS P 200 pressure transmitters for pressure and absolute pressure for general applications 7M F 1 5 6 5 - 7 7 7 7 7 - 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Characteristic curve deviation typ. 0.25 %
Wetted parts materials: Ceramic and stainless steel + sealing material
Non-wetted parts materials: stainless steel
Click on the Article No. for the online configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Measuring range Overload limit Burst pressure
Min. Max.
For gauge pressure
0 ... 1 bar (0 ... 14.5 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 2.5 bar (36.26 psi) > 2.5 bar (> 36.3 psi) 3 BA
0 ... 1.6 bar (0 ... 23.2 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 4 bar (58.02 psi) > 4 bar (> 58.0 psi) 3 BB
0 ... 2.5 bar (0 ... 36.3 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 6.25 bar (90.65 psi) > 6.25 bar (> 90.7 psi) 3 BD
0 ... 4 bar (0 ... 58.0 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 10 bar (145 psi) > 10 bar (> 145 psi) 3BE
0 ... 6 bar (0 ... 87.0 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 15 bar (217 psi) > 15 bar (> 217 psi) 3 BG
0 ... 10 bar (0 ... 145 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 25 bar (362 psi) > 25 bar (> 362 psi) 3 CA
0 ... 16 bar (0 ... 232 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 40 bar (580 psi) > 40 bar (> 580 psi) 3 CB
0 ... 25 bar (0 ... 363 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 62.5 bar (906 psi) > 62.5 bar (> 906 psi) 3 CD
0 ... 40 bar (0 ... 580 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 100 bar (1450 psi) > 100 bar (> 1450 psi) 3CE
0 ... 60 bar (0 ... 870 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 150 bar (2175 psi) > 150 bar (> 2175 psi) 3 CG
Other version, add Order code and plain text: Measuring range: ... up to... bar (psi) 9 AA H1Y
For absolute pressure
0 ... 0.6 bar a (0 ... 8.7 psi a) 0 bar a (0 psi a) 2.5 bar a (36.26 psi a) > 2.5 bar a (> 36.3 psi a) 5 AG
0 ... 1 bar a (0 ... 14.5 psi a) 0 bar a (0 psi a) 2.5 bar a (36.26 psi a) > 2.5 bar a (> 36.3 psi a) 5 BA
0 ... 1.6 bar a (0 ... 23.2 psi a) 0 bar a (0 psi a) 4 bar a (58.02 psi a) > 4 bar a (> 58.0 psi a) 5 BB
0 ... 2.5 bar a (0 ... 36.3 psi a) 0 bar a (0 psi a) 6.25 bar a (90.65 psi a) > 6.25 bar a (> 90.7 psi a) 5 BD
0 ... 4 bar a (0 ... 58.0 psi a) 0 bar a (0 psi a) 10 bar a (145 psi a) > 10 bar a (> 145 psi a) 5BE
0 ... 6 bar a (0 ... 87.0 psi a) 0 bar a (0 psi a) 15 bar a (217 psi a) > 15 bar a (> 217 psi a) 5 BG
0 ... 10 bar a (0 ... 145 psi) 0 bar a (0 psi a) 25 bar a (362 psi a) > 25 bar a (> 362 psi a) 5 CA
0 ... 16 bar a (0 ... 232 psi) 0 bar a (0 psi a) 40 bar a (580 psi a) > 40 bar a (> 580 psi a) 5 CB
Other version, add Order code and plain text: Measuring range: ... up to ... mbar a (psi a) 9 AA H2Y
Measuring ranges for gauge pressure
0 ... 15 psi -14.5 psi 35 psi > 35 psi 4 BB
3 ... 15 psi -14.5 psi 35 psi > 35 psi 4 BC
0 ... 20 psi -14.5 psi 50 psi > 50 psi 4 BD
0 ... 30 psi -14.5 psi 80 psi > 80 psi 4BE
0 ... 60 psi -14.5 psi 140 psi > 140 psi 4BF
0 ... 100 psi -14.5 psi 200 psi > 200 psi 4 BG
0 ... 150 psi -14.5 psi 350 psi > 350 psi 4 CA
0 ... 200 psi -14.5 psi 550 psi > 550 psi 4 CB
0 ... 300 psi -14.5 psi 800 psi > 800 psi 4 CD
0 ... 500 psi -14.5 psi 1400 psi > 1400 psi 4CE
0 ... 750 psi -14.5 psi 2000 psi > 2000 psi 4CF
0 ... 1000 psi -14.5 psi 2000 psi > 2000 psi 4 CG
Other version, add Order code and plain text: Measuring range: ... up to ... psi 9 AA H1Y
Measuring ranges for absolute pressure
0 ... 10 psi a 0 psi a 35 psi a > 35 psi a 6 AG
0 ... 15 psi a 0 psi a 35 psi a > 35 psi a 6 BA
0 ... 20 psi a 0 psi a 50 psi a > 50 psi a 6 BB
0 ... 30 psi a 0 psi a 80 psi a > 80 psi a 6 BD
0 ... 60 psi a 0 psi a 140 psi a > 140 psi a 6BE
0 ... 100 psi a 0 psi a 200 psi a > 200 psi a 6 BG
0 ... 150 psi a 0 psi a 350 psi a > 350 psi a 6 CA
0 ... 200 psi a 0 psi a 550 psi a > 550 psi a 6 CB
0 ... 300 psi a 0 psi a 800 psi a > 800 psi a 6 CC
Other version, add Order code and plain text: Measuring range: ... up to ... psi a 9 AA H2Y
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P200 for gauge and absolute pressure
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P200 for gauge and absolute pressure
1 ■ Dimensional drawings
36 (1.42)
10.7 (0.42)
51 (2.0)
M12x1/Fixcon M16x1.5
1/2-14 NPT M20 x 1.5 G1/2 G1/4
25.5 (1.0)
max. 30 Nm max. 20 Nm
30.2 (1.19)
24 (0.94) nGGGGGGGQ
Cable gland
with cable
SITRANS P200, electrical connections, dimensions in mm (inch)
max. 30 Nm
1/2-14 NPT
max. 30 Nm
7/16-20 UNF
7/16-20 UNF
max. 20 Nm
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P200 for gauge and absolute pressure
■ Schematics
Connection: 1 (+), Connection: 1 (+UB),
1+ IO + 2 (-) 1+ + 2 (-),
1 1
2- RL UB
IO Output current 3 3+ RL UB 3 (+UO)
2 2
RL Load UO Output voltage
2- RL Load
UB Power supply
UB Power supply
Connection with current output and connector per EN 175301 Connection with voltage output, ratiometric output and plug according to
EN 175301
Connection: 1 (+),
1+ IO + 3 (-) Connection: 1 (+UB),
3 UB IO Output current
1+ UO + 3 (-),
1 3- 4 3 UB 4 (+UO)
RL Load RL
1 4+ UO Output voltage
UB Power supply
RL Load
3- UB Power supply
Connection with current output and connector per EN 175301 (Ex) Connection with current output and device plug M12x1 (Ex)
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P210 for gauge pressure
1 ■ Overview ■ Design
Device structure without explosion protection
The pressure transmitter consists of a piezoresistive measuring
cell with a diaphragm installed in a stainless steel enclosure. It
can be used with a connector per EN 175301-803-A (IP65), a
device plug M12 (IP67), a cable (IP67) or a Quickon cable quick
screw connection (IP67) connected electrically. The output sig-
nal is between 4 and 20 mA or 0 and 10 V.
Device structure with explosion protection
The pressure transmitter consists of a piezoresistive measuring
cell with a diaphragm installed in a stainless steel enclosure. It
can be used with a connector per EN 175301-803-A (IP65) or a
device plug M12 (IP67) connected electrically. The output signal
is between 4 and 20 mA.
■ Function
The pressure transmitter measures the gauge pressure of liquids
and gases as well as the level of liquids.
The pressure transmitter SITRANS P210 measures the gauge
pressure of liquids, gases and vapors. Mode of operation
• Stainless steal measuring cell
• Measuring ranges 100 to 600 mbar (1.45 to 8.7 psi) relative
• For low-pressure applications U
■ Benefits p
I I0, UB
• High measuring accuracy
• Rugged stainless steel enclosure
• High overload withstand capability
• For aggressive and non-aggressive media
• For measuring the pressure of liquids, gases and vapors SITRANS P210 pressure transmitters (7MF1566-...), functional diagram
• Compact design
The stainless steel measuring cell has a thin-film resistance
bridge to which the operating pressure p is transmitted through
■ Application a stainless steel diaphragm.
The pressure transmitter SITRANS P210 for gauge pressure is The voltage output from the measuring cell is converted by an
used in the following industrial areas: amplifier into an output current of 4 to 20 mA or an output voltage
• Mechanical engineering of 0 to 10 V DC.
• Shipbuilding The output current and voltage are linearly proportional to the in-
• Power engineering put pressure.
• Chemical industry
• Water supply
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P210 for gauge pressure
■ Technical specifications
Application Design
Gauge measurement Liquids, gases and vapors Weight Approx. 0.090 kg (0.198 lb)
Mode of operation Process connections See dimension drawings
Measuring principle Piezoresistive measuring cell Electrical connections • Connector per
(stainless steel diaphragm) EN 175301-803-A Form A with
cable inlet M16x1.5 or ½-14 NPT
Measured variable Gauge pressure or Pg 11
Inputs • Device plug M12
Measuring range • 2 or 3-wire (0.5 mm2) cable
( 5.4 mm)
• Gauge pressure 100 … 600 mbar
(1.5 … 8.7 psi) • Quickon cable quick screw con-
Wetted parts materials
Current signal 4 ... 20 mA
• Measuring cell Stainless steel, mat.-No. 1.4435
• Load (UB - 10 V)/0.02 A
• Process connection Stainless steel, mat. No. 1.4404
• Auxiliary power UB DC 7 ... 33 V (10 ... 30 V for Ex) (SST 316 L)
Voltage signal 0 ... 10 V DC • Gasket • FPM (Standard)
• Load 10 k • Neoprene
• Auxiliary power UB 12 ... 33 V DC • Perbunan
• Power consumption < 7 mA at 10 k • EPDM
Ratiometric output 0 ... 90 % Non-wetted parts materials
• Load 10 k • Enclosure Stainless steel, mat. No. 1.4404
• Auxiliary power UB 5 V DC 10 % (SST 316 L)
• Power consumption < 7 mA at 10 k • Rack Plastic
Characteristic curve Linear rising • cables PVC
Measuring accuracy Certificates and approvals
Error in measurement at limit setting • Typical: 0.25 % of measuring Classification according to pressure For gases of fluid group 1 and liq-
incl. hysteresis and reproducibility span equipment directive uids of fluid group 1;
• Maximum: 0.5 % of measuring (PED 2014/68/EU) meets requirements as per article
span 4, paragraph 3 (good engineering
Step response time T99 < 5 ms
Lloyd‘s Register of Shipping (LR)1) 12/20010
Long-term stability
• Lower range value and measuring 0.25 % of measuring span/year Germanischer Lloyd (GL)1) GL19740 11 HH00
span American Bureau of Shipping ABS_11_HG 789392_PDA
Influence of ambient temperature (ABS)1)
• Lower range value and measuring • 0.25 %/10 K of measuring span Bureau Veritas (BV)1) BV 271007A0 BV
span • 0.5 %/10K of measuring span Det Norske Veritas (DNV)1) A 12553
for a measuring range
Drinking water approval (ACS)1) ACS 15 ACC NY 360
100 … 400 mbar
• Influence of power supply 0.005 %/V EAC1) № TC RU C-DE.ГБ05.В.00732
Operating conditions
Underwriters Laboratories (UL)1)
Process temperature with gasket
made of: • for USA and Canada UL 20110217 - E34453
• FPM (Standard) -15 ... +125 °C (+5 ... +257 °F) • worldwide IEC UL DK 21845
• Neoprene -35 ... +100 °C (-31 ... +212 °F) Explosion protection
• Perbunan -20 ... +100 °C (-4 ... +212 °F) Intrinsic safety "i" Ex II 1/2 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga/Gb
(only with current output) Ex II 1/2 D Ex ia IIIC T125 °C
• EPDM -40 ... +125 °C (-40 ... +257 °F),
usable for drinking water Da/Db
Ambient temperature -25 ... +85 °C (-13 ... +185 °F) EC type-examination certificate SEV 10 ATEX 0146
Storage temperature -50 ... +100 °C (-58 ... +212 °F) Connection to certified intrinsically- Ui 30 V DC; Ii 100 mA;
safe resistive circuits with maxi- Pi 0.75 W
Degree of protection (to EN 60529) • IP 65 with connector per mum values:
EN 175301-803-A
• IP 67 with device plug M12 Effective internal inductance and Li = 0 nH; Ci = 0 nF
capacity for versions with plugs per
• IP 67 with cable EN 175301-803-A and M12
• IP 67 with cable quick screw
connection 1) For variants with output signal 0 ... 5 V and ratiometric output available
Electromagnetic compatibility • acc. IEC 61326-1/-2/-3
• acc. NAMUR NE21, only for
ATEX versions and with a max.
measuring deviation 1 %
Mounting position upright
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P210 for gauge pressure
■ Selection and ordering data Article No. Order code
SITRANS P 210 pressure transmitters for gauge pressure for low pressure applications 7M F 1 5 6 6 - 7 7 7 7 7 - 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Accuracy typ. 0.25 %
Wetted parts materials: Stainless steel + sealing material
Non-wetted parts materials: stainless steel
Click on the Article No. for the online configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Measuring range Overload limit Burst pressure
min. max.
For gauge pressure
0...100 mbar (1.45 psi) -400 mbar (-5.8 psi) 400 mbar (5.8 psi) 1 bar (14.5 psi) 3 AA
0...160 mbar (2.32 psi) -400 mbar (-5.8 psi) 400 mbar (5.8 psi) 1 bar (14.5 psi) 3 AB
0...250 mbar (3.63 psi) -800 mbar (-11.6 psi) 1000 mbar (14.5 psi) 2 bar (29.0 psi) 3 AC
0...400 mbar (5.8 psi) -800 mbar (-11.6 psi) 1000 mbar (14.5 psi) 2 bar (29.0 psi) 3 AD
0...600 mbar (8.7 psi) -1000 mbar (-14.5 psi) 2000 mbar (29.0 psi) 3 bar (43.5 psi) 3 AG
Other version, add Order code and plain text: 9 AA H1Y
Measuring range: ... up to ... mbar (psi)
Output signal
4 ... 20 mA; two-wire system; power supply 7 ... 33 V DC (10 ... 30 V DC for ATEX versions) 0
0 ... 10 V; three-wire system; power supply 12 ... 33 V DC 10
0 ... 5 V; 3-wire system; auxiliary power 7 ... 33 V DC 20
Ratiometric 10 ... 90 %; 3-wire system; auxiliary power 5 V DC ± 10 % 30
Explosion protection (only 4 ... 20 mA)
None 0
With explosion protection Ex ia IIC T4 1
Electrical connection
Connector per DIN EN 175301-803-A, stuffing box thread M16 (with coupling) 1
Device plug M12 per IEC 61076-2-101 2
Connection via fixed mounted cable, 2 m (not for type of protection "Intrinsic safety i") 0 3
Quickon cable quick screw connection PG9 (not for type of protection "Intrinsic safety i") 0 4
Connector per DIN EN 175301-803-A, stuffing box thread 1/2"-14 NPT (with coupling) 5
Connector per DIN EN 175301-803-A, stuffing box thread PG11 (with coupling) 6
Fixed mounted cable, length 5 m 0 7
Special version 9 N1Y
Process connection
G½" male per EN 837-1 (½" BSP male) (standard for metric pressure ranges mbar, bar) A
G½" male thread and G1/8" female thread B
G¼" male per EN 837-1 (¼" BSP male) C
7/16"-20 UNF male D
¼"-18 NPT male (standard for pressure ranges inH2O and psi) E
¼"-18 NPT female F
½"-14 NPT male G
½"-14 NPT female H
7/16"-20 UNF female J
M20x1.5 male P
G1/4" to DIN 3852 Form E Q
G1/2" to DIN 3852 Form E R
Special version Z P1Y
Sealing material between sensor and enclosure
Viton (FPM, standard) A
Neoprene (CR) B
Perbunan (NBR) C
Special version Z Q1Y
Standard version 1
Further designs
Supplement the Article No. with "-Z" and add Order code.
Quality test certificate, 5-point factory calibration (IEC 60770-2) C11
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P210 for gauge pressure
■ Dimensional drawings
36 (1.42)
10.7 (0.42)
51 (2.0)
M12x1/Fixcon M16x1.5
1/2-14 NPT M20 x 1.5 G1/2 G1/4
25.5 (1.0)
max. 30 Nm max. 20 Nm
30.2 (1.19)
24 (0.94) nGGGGGGGQ
Cable gland
with cable
SITRANS P210, electrical connections, dimensions in mm (inch)
max. 30 Nm
1/2-14 NPT
max. 30 Nm
7/16-20 UNF
7/16-20 UNF
max. 20 Nm
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P210 for gauge pressure
1 ■ Schematics
Connection: 1 (+), Connection: 1 (+UB),
1+ IO + 2 (-) 1+ + 2 (-),
1 1
2- RL UB
IO Output current 3 3+ RL UB 3 (+UO)
2 2
RL Load UO Output voltage
2- RL Load
UB Power supply
UB Power supply
Connection with current output and connector per EN 175301 Connection with voltage output, ratiometric output and plug according to
EN 175301
Connection: 1 (+),
1+ IO + 3 (-) Connection: 1 (+UB),
3 UB IO Output current
1+ UO + 3 (-),
1 3- 4 3 UB 4 (+UO)
RL Load RL
1 4+ UO Output voltage
UB Power supply
RL Load
3- UB Power supply
Connection with current output and connector per EN 175301 (Ex) Connection with current output and device plug M12x1 (Ex)
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P220 for gauge pressure
■ Overview ■ Design
Device structure without explosion protection
The pressure transmitter consists of a piezoresistive measuring
cell with a diaphragm installed in a stainless steel enclosure. It
can be used with a connector per EN 175301-803-A (IP65), a
device plug M12 (IP67), a cable (IP67) or a Quickon cable quick
screw connection (IP67) connected electrically. The output sig-
nal is between 4 and 20 mA or 0 and 10 V.
Device structure with explosion protection
The pressure transmitter consists of a piezoresistive measuring
cell with a diaphragm installed in a stainless steel enclosure. It
can be used with a connector per EN 175301-803-A (IP65) or a
device plug M12 (IP67) connected electrically. The output signal
is between 4 and 20 mA.
■ Function
The pressure transmitter measures the gauge pressure of liquids
and gases as well as the level of liquids.
The pressure transmitter SITRANS P220 measures the gauge
pressure of liquids, gases and vapors. Mode of operation
• Stainless steel measuring cell, fully welded
• Measuring ranges 2.5 to 1000 bar (36.3 to 14500 psi) relative
• For high-pressure applications and refrigeration technology U
division const.
■ Benefits p I I0, UB
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P220 for gauge pressure
1 ■ Technical specifications
Application Design
Gauge pressure measurement Liquids, gases and vapors Weight Approx. 0.090 kg (0.198 lb)
Mode of operation Process connections See dimension drawings
Electrical connections • Connector per
Measuring principle Piezoresistive measuring cell EN 175301-803-A Form A with
(stainless steel diaphragm) cable inlet M16x1.5 or ½-14 NPT
Measured variable Gauge pressure or Pg 11
Inputs • Device plug M12
• 2 or 3-wire (0.5 mm2)
Measuring range cable ( 5.4 mm)
• Gauge pressure • Quickon cable quick screw con-
- Metric 2.5 … 1000 bar nection
(36 … 14500 psi) Wetted parts materials
- US measuring range 30… 14500 psi • Measuring cell Stainless steel, mat.-No. 1.4016
Output • Process connection Stainless steel, mat. No. 1.4404
Current signal 4 ... 20 mA (SST 316 L)
Non-wetted parts materials
• Load (UB - 10 V)/0.02 A
• Enclosure Stainless steel, mat. No. 1.4404
• Auxiliary power UB DC 7 ... 33 V (10 ... 30 V for Ex) (SST 316 L)
Voltage signal 0 ... 10 V DC • Rack Plastic
• Load 10 k • cables PVC
• Auxiliary power UB 12 ... 33 V DC Certificates and approvals
• Power consumption < 7 mA at 10 k Classification according to pressure For gases of fluid group 1 and liq-
equipment directive uids of fluid group 1; complies
Ratiometric output 0 ... 90 % (PED 2014/68/EU) with requirements of article 4,
• Load 10 k paragraph 3 (sound engineering
• Auxiliary power UB 5 V DC 10 % Lloyd‘s Register of Shipping (LR)1) 12/20010
• Power consumption < 7 mA at 10 k Germanischer Lloyd (GL)1) GL19740 11 HH00
Characteristic curve Linear rising American Bureau of Shipping ABS_11_HG 789392_PDA
Measuring accuracy (ABS)1)
Bureau Veritas (BV)1) BV 271007A0 BV
Error in measurement at limit setting • Typical: 0.25 % of measuring
incl. hysteresis and reproducibility span Det Norske Veritas (DNV)1) A 12553
• Maximum: 0.5 % of measuring Drinking water approval (ACS)1) ACS 15 ACC NY 360
span EAC1) № TC RU C-DE.ГБ05.В.00732
Step response time T99 < 5 ms OC НАНИО «ЦСВЭ»
CRN2) 0F18659.5C
Long-term stability
Underwriters Laboratories (UL)1)
• Lower range value and measuring 0.25 % of measuring span/year
span • for USA and Canada UL 20110217 - E34453
Influence of ambient temperature • worldwide IEC UL DK 21845
Explosion protection
• Lower range value and measuring 0.25 %/10 K of measuring span
span Intrinsic safety "i" Ex II 1/2 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga/Gb
(only with current output) Ex II 1/2 D Ex ia IIIC
• Influence of power supply 0.005 %/V T125 °C Da/Db
Operating conditions EC type-examination certificate SEV 10 ATEX 0146
• Process temperature -40 ... +120 °C (-40 ... +248 °F) Connection to certified intrinsically- Ui 30 V DC; Ii 100 mA;
safe resistive circuits with maxi- Pi 0.75 W
• Ambient temperature -25 ... +85 °C (-13 ... +185 °F) mum values:
• Storage temperature -50 ... +100 °C (-58 ... +212 °F) Effective internal inductance and Li = 0 nH; Ci = 0 nF
• Degree of protection (to EN 60529) • IP 65 with connector per capacity for versions with plugs per
EN 175301-803-A EN 175301-803-A and M12
• IP 67 with device plug M12 CSA2) 70006348
• IP 67 with cable Class I, Division I,
Groups A, B, C and D;
• IP 67 with cable quick screw
connection Class II, Division 1,
Groups E, F and G,
Electromagnetic compatibility • acc. IEC 61326-1/-2/-3 Class III
• acc. NAMUR NE21, only for Class I, Division 2,
ATEX versions and with a max. Groups A, B, C and D;
measuring deviation 1 % Class II, Division 2,
Groups F and G,
Class III
A/Ex ia IIC T4 Ga/Gb
A/Ex ia IIIC T125°C Da/Db
1) For variants with output signal 0 ... 5 V and ratiometric output available soon.
2) See ordering data for available versions.
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P220 for gauge pressure
■ Selection and ordering data Article No. Order code
SITRANS P 220 pressure transmitters for gauge pressure, high-pressure and refrigeration 7M F 1 5 6 7 - 7 7 7 7 7 - 7 7 A 07 7 7 7
applications, fully-welded version
Accuracy typ. 0.25 %
Wetted parts materials: stainless steel
Non-wetted parts materials: stainless steel
Click on the Article No. for the online configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Measuring range Overload limit Burst pressure
Mini- Max.
For gauge pressure
0 ... 2.5 bar (0 ... 36.3 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 6.25 bar (90.7 psi) 25 bar (363 psi) 3 BD
0 ... 4 bar (0 ... 58 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 10 bar (145 psi) 40 bar (870 psi) 3BE
0 ... 6 bar (0 ... 87 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 15 bar (217 psi) 60 bar (522 psi) 3 BG
0 ... 10 bar (0 ... 145 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 25 bar (362 psi) 60 bar (870 psi) 3 CA
0 ... 16 bar (0 ... 232 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 40 bar (580 psi) 96 bar (1392 psi) 3 CB
0 ... 25 bar (0 ... 363 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 62.5 bar (906 psi) 150 bar (2176 psi) 3 CD
0 ... 40 bar (0 ... 580 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 100 bar (1450 psi) 240 bar (3481 psi) 3CE
0 ... 60 bar (0 ... 870 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 150 bar (2175 psi) 360 bar (5221 psi) 3 CG
0 ... 100 bar (0 ... 1450 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 250 bar (3625 psi) 600 bar (8702 psi) 3 DA
0 ... 160 bar (0 ... 2320 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 400 bar (5801 psi) 960 bar (13924 psi) 3 DB
0 ... 250 bar (0 ... 3625 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 625 bar (9064 psi) 1500 bar (21756 psi) 3 DD
0 ... 400 bar (0 ... 5801 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 1000 bar (14503 psi) 2400 bar (34809 psi) 3DE
0 ... 600 bar (0 ... 8702 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 1500 bar (21755 psi) 3600 bar (52200 psi) 3 DG
0 ... 1000 bar (0 ... 14500 psi) -1 bar (-14.5 psi) 1500 bar (21755 psi) 5000 bar (72520 psi) 3 EA
Other version, add Order code and plain text: 9 AA H1Y
Measuring range: ... up to... bar (psi)
Measuring ranges for gauge pressure
0 ... 30 psi -14.5 psi 75 psi 360 psi 4BE
0 ... 60 psi -14.5 psi 150 psi 580 psi 4BF
0 ... 100 psi -14.5 psi 250 psi 580 psi 4 BG
0 ... 150 psi -14.5 psi 375 psi 870 psi 4 CA
0 ... 200 psi -14.5 psi 500 psi 1390 psi 4 CB
0 ... 300 psi -14.5 psi 750 psi 2170 psi 4 CD
0 ... 500 psi -14.5 psi 1250 psi 3481 psi 4CE
0 ... 750 psi -14.5 psi 1875 psi 5220 psi 4CF
0 ... 1000 psi -14.5 psi 2500 psi 5220 psi 4 CG
0 ... 1500 psi -14.5 psi 3750 psi 8700 psi 4 DA
0 ... 2000 psi -14.5 psi 5000 psi 13920 psi 4 DB
0 ... 3000 psi -14.5 psi 7500 psi 21750 psi 4 DD
0 ... 5000 psi -14.5 psi 12500 psi 34800 psi 4DE
0 ... 6000 psi -14.5 psi 15000 psi 34800 psi 4DF
0 ... 8700 psi -14.5 psi 21755 psi 52200 psi 4 DG
0 ... 14500 psi -14.5 psi 21755 psi 72520 psi 4 EA
Other version, add Order code and plain text: Measuring range: ... up to ... psi 9 AA H1Y
Output signal
4 ... 20 mA; two-wire system; power supply 7 ... 33 V DC (10 ... 30 V DC for ATEX versions) 0
0 ... 10 V; three-wire system; power supply 12 ... 33 V DC 10
0 ... 5 V; 3-wire system; auxiliary power 7 ... 33 V DC 20
Ratiometric 10 ... 90 %; 3-wire system; auxiliary power 5 V DC ± 10 % 30
Explosion protection (only 4 ... 20 mA)
None 0
With explosion protection Ex ia IIC T4 1
Electrical connection
Connector per DIN EN 175301-803-A, stuffing box thread M16 (with coupling) 1
Device plug M12 per IEC 61076-2-101 2
Connection via fixed mounted cable, 2 m (not for type of protection "Intrinsic safety i") 0 3
Quickon cable quick screw connection PG9 (not for type of protection "Intrinsic safety i") 0 4
Connector per DIN EN 175301-803-A, stuffing box thread 1/2"-14 NPT (with coupling) 5
Connector per DIN EN 175301-803-A, stuffing box thread PG11 (with coupling) 6
Fixed mounted cable, length 5 m 0 7
Special version 9 N1Y
Order code E21 required for complete configuration with CRN and cCSAus Ex approval.
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P220 for gauge pressure
1 ■ Selection and ordering data Article No. Order code
SITRANS P 220 pressure transmitters for gauge pressure, high-pressure and refrigeration 7M F 1 5 6 7 - 7 7 7 7 7 - 7 7 A 7 7 7 7
applications, fully-welded version
Accuracy typ. 0.25 %
Wetted parts materials: stainless steel
Non-wetted parts materials: stainless steel
Process connection
G½" male per EN 837-1 (½" BSP male) (standard for metric pressure ranges mbar, bar) A
G½" male thread and G1/8" female thread B
G¼" male per EN 837-1 (¼" BSP male) C
7/16"-20 UNF male D
¼"-18 NPT male (standard for pressure ranges inH2O and psi) E
¼"-18 NPT female F
½"-14 NPT male G
½"-14 NPT female (Only for measuring ranges 60 bar (870 psi)) H
7/16"-20 UNF female J
M20x1.5 male P
G1/4" to DIN 3852 Form E Q
G1/2" to DIN 3852 Form E R
Special version Z P1Y
Standard version 1
Further designs
Supplement the Article No. with "-Z" and add Order code.
Quality test certificate, 5-point factory calibration (IEC 60770-2) C11
(not possible for measuring ranges > 0 ... 600 bar/0 ... 8 702 psi)
Oxygen version, free of oil and degreased (not in conjunction with explosion protection version) E10
With CRN and cCSAus Ex approval (only for measuring ranges 0 ... 30 psi bis 0 ... 8 700 psi) E21
Order code E21 required for complete configuration with CRN andcCSAus Ex approval..
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P220 for gauge pressure
■ Dimensional drawings
36 (1.42)
10.7 (0.42)
51 (2.0)
M12x1/Fixcon M16x1.5
1/2-14 NPT M20 x 1.5 G1/2 G1/4
25.5 (1.0)
max. 30 Nm max. 20 Nm
36 (1.42)
24 (0.94) nGGGGGGGQ
Cable gland
Quickon with or without cable
SITRANS P220, electrical connections, dimensions in mm (inch)
max. 30 Nm
1/2-14 NPT
max. 30 Nm
7/16-20 UNF
7/16-20 UNF
max. 20 Nm
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P220 for gauge pressure
1 ■ Schematics
Connection: 1 (+), Connection: 1 (+UB),
1+ IO + 2 (-) 1+ + 2 (-),
1 1
2- RL UB
IO Output current 3 3+ RL UB 3 (+UO)
2 2
RL Load UO Output voltage
2- RL Load
UB Power supply
UB Power supply
Connection with current output and connector per EN 175301 Connection with voltage output, ratiometric output and plug according to
EN 175301
Connection: 1 (+),
1+ IO + 3 (-) Connection: 1 (+UB),
3 UB IO Output current
1+ UO + 3 (-),
1 3- 4 3 UB 4 (+UO)
RL Load RL
1 4+ UO Output voltage
UB Power supply
RL Load
3- UB Power supply
Connection with current output and connector per EN 175301 (Ex) Connection with current output and device plug M12x1 (Ex)
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS LH100 Transmitter for hydrostatic level
■ Overview ■ Function
EM 2
p I
To measured- To trans-
value mitter
processing 7MF1572
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS LH100 Transmitter for hydrostatic level
1 ■ Technical specifications
Pressure transmitter SITRANS LH100 (submersible sensor)
Mode of operation
Measuring principle piezo-resistive
Measured variable Hydrostatic level
Measuring range Max. permissible operating pressure
• 0 ... 3 mH2O (0 ... 9 ftH2O) • 1.5 bar (21.8 psi) (corresponds to
15 mH2O (45 ftH2O))
• 0 ... 4 mH2O (0 ... 12 ftH2O) • 1.5 bar (21.8 psi) (corresponds to
15 mH2O (45 ftH2O))
• 0 ... 5 mH2O (0 ... 15 ftH2O) • 1.5 bar (21.8 psi) (corresponds to
15 mH2O (45 ftH2O))
• 0 ... 6 mH2O (0 ... 18 ftH2O) • 1.5 bar (21.8 psi) (corresponds to
15 mH2O (45 ftH2O))
• 0 ... 10 mH2O (0 ... 30 ftH2O) • 3.0 bar (43.5 psi) (corresponds to
30 mH2O (90 ftH2O))
• 0 ... 20 mH2O (0 ... 60 ftH2O) • 5.0 bar (72.5 psi) (corresponds to
50 mH2O (150 ftH2O))
• 0 ... 0.3 bar • 1.5 bar
• 0 ... 0.4 bar • 1.5 bar
• 0 ... 0.5 bar • 1.5 bar
• 0 ... 0.6 bar • 1.5 bar
• 0 ... 1 bar • 3.0 bar
• 0 ... 2 bar • 5.0 bar
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA
Measuring accuracy According to IEC 60770-1
Measuring point setup, generally with junction box 7MF1572-8AA and
7MF1572-8AB cable hanger Error in measurement at limit setting 0.3% of upper range value (typical)
including hysteresis and reproducibil-
Measuring range
• 0 ... 3 mH2O 0.5 % of upper range value (typical)
(0 ... 9 ftH2O bzw. 0 ... 0.3 bar) 1.0% of upper range value (maxi-
• For all other measuring ranges 0.3 % of upper range value (typical)
0.6% of upper range value (maxi-
Influence of ambient temperature
Measuring range Zero and span
• 3 mH2O (9 ftH2O or 0.3 bar) 0.5 %/10 K of upper range value
• 4 ... 6 mH2O 0.45 %/10 K of upper range value
(12 ... 18 ftH2O or 0.4…0.6 bar)
• 6 mH2O 0.3 %/10 K of upper range value
( 18 ftH2O or 0.6 bar)
Long-term stability
Measuring range Zero and span
• 3 mH2O (9 ftH2O or 0.3 bar) 0.4 % of upper range value/year
• 4 ... 6 mH2O 0.25% of upper range value/year
(12 ... 18 ftH2O or 0.4…0.6 bar)
• 6 mH2O 0.2 % of upper range value/year
( 18 ftH2O or 0.6 bar)
Operating conditions
Ambient conditions
• Process temperature -10 ... +80 °C (14 ... 176 °F)
• Storage temperature -40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
Degree of protection according to IP68
IEC 60529
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS LH100 Transmitter for hydrostatic level
Design Junction box
Weight Application for connecting the transmitter cable
• Pressure transmitter 0.2 kg ( 0.44 lb) Design
• Cable; maximum cable length 100 m 0.025 kg/m ( 0.015 lb/ft)
(330 ft) Weight 0.2 kg (0.44 lb)
Electrical connection Cable with 3 conductors, vent pipe Electrical connection 2 x 3-way (28 to 18 AWG)
and integrated humidity filter Cable entry 2 x Pg 9
Material Enclosure material polycarbonate
• Seal diaphragm Al2O3 ceramic, 96%
• Enclosure Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4404/316L Vent valve for atmospheric pressure
• Gasket FPM (standard) Operating conditions
EPDM (optional) Degree of protection according to IP65
• Connecting cable PE-HD (standard) IEC 60529
PE-LD (in the case of versions with Cable hanger
EPDM seal, suitable for drinking
water) Application for mounting the transmitter
Auxiliary power Design
Terminal voltage on pressure transmit- 10 ... 33 V DC Weight 0.16 kg (0.35 lb)
ter UB 10 ... 30 V DC for transmitter with Material Galvanized steel, polyamide
intrinsic safety explosion protection
Certificates and approvals
Drinking water approval (ACS) 15 ACC NY 360
EAC № TC RU C-DE.ГБ05.В.00732
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 2014-11-17 - E344532
The transmitter is not subject to the
pressure equipment directive (PED
Explosion protection
• Intrinsic safety "i" IECEx SEV 14.0003
SEV 14 ATEX 0109
- Marking II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
• EAC Ex TC RU C-DE.AA87.B.00324
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS LH100 Transmitter for hydrostatic level
1 Selection and ordering data Article No. Order code Selection and ordering data Article No. Order code
Pressure transmitter 7 MF 1 5 7 2 - 77A77 777 Pressure transmitter 7 MF 1 5 7 2 - 77A77 777
SITRANS LH100 (submersible sensor) SITRANS LH100 (submersible sensor)
For measurement of the hydrostatic For measurement of the hydrostatic
level through submersion, level through submersion,
two-wire system, 4…20 mA, enclosure two-wire system, 4…20 mA, enclosure
material mat. no. 1.4404 (316L), mea- material mat. no. 1.4404 (316L), mea-
suring cell Al2O3 ceramic, suring cell Al2O3 ceramic,
with permanently mounted PE cable with permanently mounted PE cable
Click on the Article No. for the online Sealing material between sensor and
configuration in the PIA Life Cycle enclosure
Portal. • FPM (Standard) 1
Measuring range Cable length • EPDM (for drinking water applica- 2
0 ... 3 mH2O1) 10 m 1C tions)
0 ... 4 mH2O 10 m 1D Explosion protection
0 ... 5 mH2O 10 m 1E • without 0
0 ... 6 mH2O 10 m 1F • With ATEX II1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga and 1
0 ... 10 mH2O 20 m 1H IECEx Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
0 ... 20 mH2O 30 m 1K Additional versions Order code
0 ... 9 ftH2O1) 33 ft 2C Quality test certificate, 5-point factory C11
0 ... 12 ftH2O 33 ft 2D calibration (IEC 60770-2), add "-Z" to
0 ... 15 ftH2O 33 ft 2E article no. and add order code.
0 ... 18 ftH2O 33 ft 2F Indication of measuring range (only at Y01
0 ... 30 ftH2O 66 ft 2H special cable lengths) in
0 ... 60 ftH2O 98 ft 2K "... to ... mH2O" or "... to ... ftH2O"
or "... to ... bar"
0 ... 0.3 bar1) 10 m 3C
Accessories/spare parts Article No.
0 ... 0.4 bar 10 m 3D
0 ... 0.5 bar 10 m 3E Junction box 7MF1572-8AA
0 ... 0.6 bar 10 m 3F for connecting the transmitter cable
0 ... 1 bar 20 m 3H
Cable hanger 7MF1572-8AB
0 ... 2 bar 30 m 3K
for securing the pressure transmitter
Special versions:
Measuring ranges for special versions Protective caps as spare parts 7MF1572-8AD
between (10-pack)
0 ... 3 mH2O and 0 ... 30 mH2O or Humidity filters as spare parts 7MF1572-8AE
0 ... 9 ftH2O and 0 ... 100 ftH2O or (10-pack)
0 ... 0.3 bar and 0 ... 3 bar possible. 1) Approvals pending.
Special cable lenght/Special measur- 9A H. .
ing range +
Please add „-Z" to Article No. and Y01
specify Order code and plain text.
Note: Indication of measuring range
Y01 is always necessary.
For evaluation of the maximum possible
cable length following data have to be
Ci = 0 µF, Li = 0 µH
Ck = 0.19 nF per meter cable
Lk = 1.5 µH per meter cable
The maximum permitted data of the
transmitter’s power supply have to be
3 m (10 ft) H1A
5 m (16 ft) H1B
7 m (23 ft) H1C
10 m (33 ft) H1D
15 m (49 ft) H1E
20 m (66 ft) H1F
25 m (82 ft) H1G
30 m (98 ft) H1H
40 m (131 ft) H1J
50 m (164 ft) H1K
60 m (198 ft)1) H1L
70 m (231 ft)1) H1M
80 m (264 ft)1) H1N
90 m (297 ft)1) H1P
100 m (330 ft)1) H1Q
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS LH100 Transmitter for hydrostatic level
6 5 4
52 (2.05) 37 (1.46)
3 (0.07)
= density of medium
g = local acceleration due to gravity
H = maximum level
48 (1.9)
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS LH300 Transmitter for hydrostatic level
1 ■ Overview ■ Function
EM 2
p I
The pressure transmitter SITRANS LH300 is a submersible sen- SITRANS LH300 pressure transmitter, mode of operation and connection
sor for hydrostatic level measurement with cap made of PPE diagram
(left), stainless steel (mid) and ETFE (right). On one side of the sensor (1), the diaphragm (5) is exposed to
The pressure transmitter measures the liquid levels in tanks, the hydrostatic pressure which is proportional to the submersion
containers, channels and dams. The SITRANS LH300 pressure depth. This pressure is compared with atmospheric pressure.
transmitters are available for various measuring ranges and with Pressure compensation is carried out using the vent pipe (3) in
explosion protection as an option. the connecting cable. The vent pipe is equipped with a humidity
filter which prevents the build-up of condensation in the vent
A junction box and a cable hanger are available as accessories pipe.
for simple installation.
The hydrostatic pressure of the liquid column acts on the dia-
phragm of the sensor and transmits the pressure to the Wheat-
■ Benefits stone resistance bridge in the sensor.
• Compact design
The output voltage of the sensor is applied to the electronic cir-
• Simple installation cuit where it is converted into an output current of 4 to 20 mA.
• Small error in measurement (0.15 % typical) The protective conductor connection/equipotential bonding (4)
• Degree of protection IP68 is connected to the enclosure.
■ Application ■ Integration
SITRANS LH300 pressure transmitters are used in the following It is generally recommended that the connecting cable of the
branches, for example: SITRANS LH300 transmitter is connected to the cable box,
• Shipbuilding which can be ordered separately, and secured with an anchor-
ing clamp, also available separately. The cable plug is to be in-
• Water/waste water supply stalled near the measuring point, but outside the medium.
• Drinking water facilities
Likewise, in the case of media other than water the compatibility
• For use in unpressurized/open vessels and wells with the specified materials of the transmitter, cable and seal
• Desalination plants must be checked.
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS LH300 Transmitter for hydrostatic level
■ Technical specifications
Pressure transmitter SITRANS LH300 (submersible sensor)
Mode of operation
Measuring principle Piezo-resistive
Measured variable Hydrostatic level
Measuring range Max. permissible operating pressure
• 0 ... 1 mH2O (0 ... 3 ftH2O) • 1.5 bar (21.8 psi) (corresponds to
15 mH2O (45 ftH2O))
• 0 ... 2 mH2O (0 ... 6 ftH2O) • 1.5 bar (21.8 psi) (corresponds to
15 mH2O (45 ftH2O))
• 0 ... 3 mH2O (0 ... 9 ftH2O) • 1.5 bar (21.8 psi) (corresponds to
15 mH2O (45 ftH2O))
• 0 ... 4 mH2O (0 ... 12 ftH2O) • 2 bar (29 psi) (corresponds to
20 mH2O (60 ftH2O))
• 0 ... 5 mH2O (0 ... 15 ftH2O) • 2 bar (29 psi) (corresponds to
20 mH2O (60 ftH2O))
• 0 ... 6 mH2O (0 ... 18 ftH2O) • 2 bar (29 psi) (corresponds to
20 mH2O (60 ftH2O))
• 0 ... 10 mH2O (0 ... 30 ftH2O) • 5 bar (72.5 psi) (corresponds to
50 mH2O (150 ftH2O))
• 0 ... 20 mH2O (0 ... 60 ftH2O) • 10 bar (145 psi) (corresponds to
100 mH2O (300 ftH2O))
• 0 ... 40 mH2O (0 ... 120 ftH2O) • 20 bar (290 psi) (corresponds to
200 mH2O (600 ftH2O))
Special measuring ranges
• Up to 100 mH2O (300 ftH2O) • 20 bar (290 psi) (corresponds to
200 mH2O (600 ftH2O))
• Up to 160 mH2O (480 ftH2O) • 24 bar (348 psi) (corresponds to
Measuring point setup, generally with junction box 7MF1575-8AA and 240 mH2O (720 ftH2O))
7MF1575-8AB cable hanger Measuring range
• 0 ... 0.1 bar • 1.5 bar
• 0 ... 0.2 bar • 1.5 bar
• 0 ... 0.3 bar • 1.5 bar
• 0 ... 0.4 bar • 2 bar
• 0 ... 0.5 bar • 2 bar
• 0 ... 0.6 bar • 2 bar
• 0 ... 1 bar • 5 bar
• 0 ... 2 bar • 10 bar
• 0 ... 4 bar • 20 bar
Special measuring range
• Up to 10 bar • 20 bar
• Up to 16 bar • 24 bar
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA
Measuring accuracy According to IEC 60770-1
Error in measurement at limit setting 0.15 % of upper range value (typi-
including hysteresis and reproducibility cal)
0.3 % of upper range value (maxi-
Influence of ambient temperature 0.05 %/10 K of upper range value
(zero and span)
Long-term stability 0.15 % of upper range value/year
(zero and span)
Operating conditions
Ambient conditions
• Process temperature -10 ... +80 °C (14 ... 176 °F)
• Storage temperature -20 ... +80 °C (-4 ... +176 °F)
Degree of protection according to IP68
IEC 60529
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS LH300 Transmitter for hydrostatic level
1 Design Junction box
Weight Application For connecting the transmitter cable
• Pressure transmitter 0.4 kg ( 0.88 lb) Design
• Cable 0.08 kg/m ( 0.059 lb/ft)
Weight 0.2 kg (0.44 lb)
Maximal freely suspended length 300 m (990 ft)
Electrical connection 2 x 3-way (28 to 18 AWG)
Electrical connection Cable with 2 conductors, vent pipe
and integrated humidity filters Cable entry 2 x PG 13.5
Material Enclosure material Polycarbonate
• Seal diaphragm Al2O3 ceramic, 99.6 % Vent valve for atmospheric pressure
• Enclosure Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4404/316L
and 1.4539/904L (sea water applica- Operating conditions
tions) respectively Degree of protection according to IP65
• Gasket FPM (standard) IEC 60529
EPDM (optional) Cable hanger
• Connecting cable PE (standard/drinking water applica-
tions) Application For mounting the transmitter
FEP (for aggressive media) Design
• Cap Stainless steel, PPE or ETFE Weight 0.16 kg (0.35 lb)
Auxiliary power Material Galvanized steel, polyamide
Terminal voltage on pressure trans- 10 ... 33 V DC for transmitter without Terminal area For cable with a diameter of
mitter UB explosion protection 5.5 ... 9.5 mm
10 ... 30 V DC for transmitter with
intrinsic safety explosion protection
Certificates and approvals
Drinking water approval (ACS) 17 ACC NY 055
EAC TC N RU Д-DE.ГА02.B.05092
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) ML File No. E344532, issued
Shipbuilding approval (LR) LR_18/20074
Shipbuilding approval (DNV/GL) TAA00000CE
Shipbuilding approval (BV) 56926/A0 BV
Shipbuilding approval (ABS) HG1881314_P
Shipbuilding approval (RINA) ELE067319XG
Pressure equipment directive The transmitter is not subject to the
pressure equipment directive
(PED 2014/68/EU)
Explosion protection
• ATEX SEV 16 ATEX 0121
• IEC Ex IEC Ex SEV 16.0003
• EAC Ex TC RU C-DE.AA87.B.00324
• Intrinsic safety "i"
- Marking II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS LH300 Transmitter for hydrostatic level
Selection and ordering data Article Order Selection and ordering data Article Order
No. code No. code
Pressure transmitter 7MF 1 5 7 5 - Pressure transmitter 7MF 1 5 7 5 -
SITRANS LH300 (submersible sensor) SITRANS LH300 (submersible sensor)
77777 777 77777 777
For hydrostatic level measurement,
submersible transmitter, two-wire connection, PE cable for general purpose and drinking
4 … 20 mA, enclosure material see Order water applications
option, measuring cell Al2O3 ceramics Special cable length 9X H. .
(99.6 % purity), with fixed mounted cable, Please add „-Z" to Article No. and specify +
material of protective cap at PE cable: Order code and plain text: Y01
PPE (colour black) Y01: Cable length ..........
material of protective cap at FEP cable:
PPE (colour white) 3 m (10 ft) H1A
Note: junction box and cable hanger have to 5 m (16 ft) H1B
be ordered separately. 7 m (23 ft) H1C
Click on the Article No. for the online con- 10 m (33 ft) H1D
figuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. 15 m (50ft) H1E
Measuring range Cable length 20 m (65 ft) H1F
(PE cable) 25 m (80 ft) H1G
0 ... 1 mH2O 5m 1A 30 m (100 ft) H1H
0 ... 2 mH2O 5m 1B 40 m (130 ft) H1J
0 ... 3 mH2O 10 m 1C 50 m (160 ft) H1K
0 ... 4 mH2O 10 m 1D 60 m (200 ft) H1L
0 ... 5 mH2O 10 m 1E 70 m (230 ft) H1M
0 ... 6 mH2O 10 m 1F 80 m (265 ft) H1N
0 ... 10 mH2O 20 m 1H 90 m (295 ft) H1P
0 ... 20 mH2O 30 m 1K 100 m (330 ft) H1Q
0 ... 40 mH2O 50 m 1L 125 m (410 ft) H1R
0 ... 3 ftH2O 5 m ( 15 ft) 2A 150 m (495 ft) H1S
0 ... 6 ftH2O 5 m (15 ft) 2B 175 m (575 ft) H1T
0 ... 9 ftH2O 10 m (30 ft) 2C 200 m (650 ft) H1U
0 ... 12 ftH2O 10 m (30 ft) 2D 225 m (740 ft) H1V
0 ... 15 ftH2O 10 m (30 ft) 2E 250 m (820 ft) H 1W
0 ... 18 ftH2O 10 m (30 ft) 2F 275 m (900 ft) H1X
0 ... 30 ftH2O 20 m (60 ft) 2H 300 m (990 ft) H2A
0 ... 60 ftH2O 30 m (90 ft) 2K 350 m (1150 ft) H2B
0 ... 120 ftH2O 50 m (150 ft) 2L 400 m (1320 ft) H2C
0 ... 0.1 bar 5m 3A 450 m (1480 ft) H2D
0 ... 0.2 bar 5m 3B 500 m (1650 ft) H2E
0 ... 0.3 bar 10 m 3C 550 m (1815 ft) H2F
0 ... 0.4 bar 10 m 3D 600 m (1980 ft) H2G
0 ... 0.5 bar 10 m 3E 650 m (2145 ft) H2H
0 ... 0.6 bar 10 m 3F 700 m (2310 ft) H2J
0 ... 1 bar 20 m 3H 750 m (2475 ft) H2K
0 ... 2 bar 30 m 3K 800 m (2640 ft) H2L
0 ... 4 bar 50 m 3L 850 m (2800 ft) H2M
Special versions: 900 m (2970 ft) H2N
Measuring ranges for special versions 950 m (3135 ft) H2P
between 1000 m (3300 ft) H2Q
0 ... 1 mH2O and 0 ... 160 mH2O or Other special cable length 9X H1Y
0 ... 3 ftH2O and 0 ... 530 ftH2O or Please add „-Z" to Article No. and specify +
0 ... 0.1 bar and 0 ... 16 bar possible. Order codes and plain text: Y01
H1Y: Cable length ..........
Y01: Measuring range ..........
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS LH300 Transmitter for hydrostatic level
1 Selection and ordering data Article Order Selection and ordering data Article Order
No. code No. code
Pressure transmitter 7MF 1 5 7 5 - Pressure transmitter 7MF 1 5 7 5 -
SITRANS LH300 (submersible sensor) SITRANS LH300 (submersible sensor)
77777 777 77777 777
FEP cable for aggressive media Enclosure Material of
material protective cap
Special cable length 9X H. .
Please add „-Z" to Article No. and specify + Stainless steel 316L Protective capability A
Order code and plain text: Y01 (1.4404) made of PPE (recom-
Y01: Cable length .......... mended for PE cable)
Stainless steel 316L Protective cap made B
3 m (10 ft) H5A (1.4404) of ETFE (standard with
5 m (16 ft) H5B FEP cable)
7 m (23 ft) H5C Stainless steel 316L Stainless steel 316L C
10 m (33 ft) H5D (1.4404) (1.4404)
15 m (50ft) H5E Stainless steel 904L Protective cap PPE D
(1.4539) for sea water
20 m (65 ft) H5F applications
25 m (80 ft) H5G Stainless steel 904L Protective cap ETFE E
30 m (100 ft) H5H (1.4539) for sea water
40 m (130 ft) H5J applications
50 m (160 ft) H5K Stainless steel 904L Stainless steel 904L F
(1.4539) for seawater (1.4539) for seawater
60 m (200 ft) H5L applications applications
70 m (230 ft) H5M
Sealing material between sensor and
80 m (265 ft) H5N enclosure
90 m (295 ft) H5P FPM (Standard) 1
100 m (330 ft) H5Q EPDM (for drinking water) 2
125 m (410 ft) H5R Explosion protection
150 m (495 ft) H5S without 0
175 m (575 ft) H5T With ATEX II1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga, 1
200 m (650 ft) H5U IECEx Ex ia IIC T4 Ga and EAC Ex (only pos-
225 m (740 ft) H5V sible for cable length 300 m (990 ft)
250 m (820 ft) H 5W Additional versions Order code
275 m (900 ft) H5X Quality test certificate, 5-point factory calibra- C11
300 m (990 ft) H6A tion (IEC 60770-2)
350 m (1150 ft) H6B
Accessories/spare parts Article No.
400 m (1320 ft) H6C
Junction box 7MF1575-8AA
450 m (1480 ft) H6D
500 m (1650 ft) H6E Cable hanger 7MF1575-8AB
550 m (1815 ft) H6F Protective caps, PPE, as spare part 7MF1575-8AD
600 m (1980 ft) H6G (10-pack)
650 m (2145 ft) H6H Protective caps, ETFE, as spare part 7MF1575-8AE
700 m (2310 ft) H6J (10-pack)
750 m (2475 ft) H6K Humidity filters as spare part 7MF1575-8AF
800 m (2640 ft) H6L (10-pack)
850 m (2800 ft) H6M Protective cap, stainless steel 316L 7MF1575-8AG
900 m (2970 ft) H6N (1.4404) for waste water applications
950 m (3135 ft) H6P Protective cap, stainless steel 904L 7MF1575-8AH
1000 m (3300 ft) H6Q (1.4539) for sea water applications
Other special cable length 9X H5Y
Please add „-Z" to Article No. and specify +
Order codes and plain text: Y01
H1Y: Cable length ..........
Y01: Measuring range ..........
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS LH300 Transmitter for hydrostatic level
■ Dimensional drawings
Sensor with protective cap (PPE, ETFE)
1 2 3
~161 (6.34)
Ø30 (1.18)
190 (7.5)
10.5 (0.41) 5 4
7 48 (1.9)
18.2 (0.72) 5 4
52 (2.05) 37 (1.46)
3 (0.07)
H r
98 (3.86)
86 (3.39)
17 = density of medium
64 (2.52) (0.07)
g = local acceleration due to gravity
H = maximum level
1 Fastening hole
2 Vent valve
3 Cable gland Pg 13.5, cable diameter 6 ... 12 (0.23 ... 0.47)
Medium: Water, = 1 000 kg/m3
Acceleration due to gravity: 9.81 m/s2
Lower range value: 0 m
Junction box, dimensions in mm (inch) Maximum level: 6.0 m
Cable length: 10 m
p = 1 000 kg/m3 x 9.81 m/s2 x 6.0 m
p = 58 860 N/m2
p = 589 mbar
Transmitter to be ordered:
Plus, if required, junction box 7MF1575-8AA and cable hanger
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P Compact for gauge and absolute pressure
1 ■ Overview ■ Application
The SITRANS P Compact pressure transmitter is designed for
the special requirements of the food, pharmaceutical and bio-
technology industries.
The use of high-grade materials guarantees compliance with hy-
giene regulations.
The SITRANS P Compact pressure transmitter is available in
many versions. Exact adaptation of the pressure transmitter to
conditions at the place of use is thus possible
■ Design
The electronics is potted to protect it against moisture, corrosive
atmospheres and vibration.
Notes on operating the pressure transmitter
Compensation of internal atmospheric pressure
Compensation of the internal atmospheric pressure of the
SITRANS P Compact pressure transmitters is performed as fol-
• in the plug versions by means of the screwed gland (IP65)
• in the field enclosures by means of an integral sintered filter
(IP65) or a vented cable (IP67)
The SITRANS P Compact pressure transmitter is designed for • in versions with cable outlet by means of a vented cable (IP67)
the special requirements of the food, pharmaceutical and bio-
technology industries. In the absolute pressure range there is no need for compensa-
tion with respect to atmospheric pressure.
The use of high-grade materials guarantees compliance with hy-
giene regulations. Note: These degrees of protection are only achieved under the
following conditions:
Particular value has been placed on a high surface quality. The
system can be electropolished in addition. • if the pressure transmitter is installed correctly
A further important feature is the hygiene-based design of the • if the screwed glands are securely tightened
process connection by means of various aseptic connections. • if the cable diameters agree with the nominal diameters of the
gaskets in the enclosure
The completely welded stainless steel enclosure can be de-
signed up to degree of protection IP67. Note: The integral EMC measures are only effective if the earth
connection is made correctly.
Using appropriate thermal decouplers, the SITRANS P Compact
pressure transmitter can be used for process temperatures up to CE marking
200 °C (392 °F). The CE marking of the pressure transmitter certifies compliance
with the guidelines of the European Council (9/336/EC), the EMC
■ Benefits law (13.11.1992), as well as the applicable generic standards.
• Measuring ranges from 0 to 160 mbar (0 to 2.32 psi) to 0 to Interference-free operation in systems and plants is achieved
40 bar (0 to 580 psi) only if the specifications for shielding, earthing, cable routing
• Linearity error including hysteresis < +0.2 % of the end value and electrical isolation are observed during installation and as-
• Piezo-resistive measurement system, vacuum-proof and over-
load-proof Hazardous areas
• Hygiene-based design according to EHEDG, FDA and GMP Note: Electrical equipment in hazardous areas must only be in-
recommendations stalled and operated by trained personnel.
• Material and surface quality according to hygiene require-
Modifications to units and connections result in cancellation of
the explosion protection and guarantee.
• Wetted parts made of stainless steel; completely welded
With intrinsically-safe circuits, make sure that equipotential
• Signal output 4 to 20 mA (0 to 20 mA as option) bonding exists throughout the complete cabling inside and out-
• Stainless steel enclosure with degree of protection IP65 (IP67 side of the hazardous area. The limits specified in the ATEX ap-
as option) proval must be observed.
• Process temperature up to 200 °C (392 °F)
• Explosion protection II 2G Ex [ib] IIC T6 to ATEX
• Easy and safe to clean
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P Compact for gauge and absolute pressure
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P Compact for gauge and absolute pressure
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code
SITRANS P Compact pressure trans- 7MF 8 0 1 0 - SITRANS P Compact pressure trans- 7MF 8 0 1 0 -
mitters for pressure and absolute mitters for pressure and absolute
pressure with diaphragm flush at front pressure with diaphragm flush at front
2-wire system 1 7777 - 7777 777 2-wire system 1 7777 - 7777 777
Process temperature up to 140 °C (284 °F) Process temperature up to 140 °C (284 °F)
Accuracy: 0.2 % of upper range value Accuracy: 0.2 % of upper range value
Output 4 ... 20 mA Output 4 ... 20 mA
Click on the Article No. for the online Diaphragm seal
configuration in the PIA Life Cycle with aseptic connection
Portal. Aseptic screwed gland to DIN 11864-1,
Diaphragm seal form A, with slotted union nut
with quick-release clamp • 1 inch PM
Milk pipe union to DIN 11851 with • 1½ inch PN
slotted union nut • 2 inch PP
• DN 25 AD • 2½ inch PQ
• DN 32 AE Aseptic screwed gland to
• DN 40 AF DIN 11864-1, form A
• DN 50 AG with threaded socket
• DN 65 AH • 1 inch QM
Milk pipe union to DIN 11851 with • 1½ inch QN
threaded socket • 2 inch QP
• DN 25 BD • 2½ inch QQ
• DN 32 BE Aseptic screwed NEUMO
• DN 40 BF with slotted union nut1)
• DN 50 BG • DN 25 RD
• DN 65 BH • DN 32 RE
Clamp connection to DIN 32676 • DN 40 RF
• DN 25 CD • DN 50 RG
• DN 40 CF Aseptic screwed NEUMO
with threaded socket1)
• DN 50 CG
• DN 25 SD
Clamp connection to ISO 2852
• DN 32 SE
• 1 inch DM
• DN 40 SF
• 1½ inch DN
• DN 50 SG
• 2 inch DP
Aseptic screwed NEUMO
• 2½ inch DQ with clamp connection, form R1)
IDF standard with slotted union nut • DN 25 TD
• 1 inch EM • DN 32 TE
• 1½ inch EN • DN 40 TF
• 2 inch EP • DN 50 TG
IDF standard with threaded socket Aseptic screwed NEUMO
• 1 inch FM with clamp connection, form V1)
• 1½ inch FN • DN 25 UD
• 2 inch FP • DN 32 UE
SMS standard with slotted union nut • DN 40 UF
• 1 inch GM • DN 50 UG
• 1½ inch GN Male thread DIN 3852 Form A
• 2 inch GP • G½", min. meas. span 1.6 bar (23.2 psi) XA
SMS standard with threaded socket • G¾", min. meas. span 1 bar (14.5 psi) XB
• 1 inch HM • G1", min. meas. span 0.4 bar (5.8 psi) XC
• 1½ inch HN • G1½", min. meas. span 0.25 bar XD
• 2 inch HP (3.63 psi)
DRD flange, without welding-type flange • G2", min. meas. span 0.16 bar XE
• DN 50, PN 40 JH (2.32 psi)
Varivent connection (Tuchenhagen) Special version ZA J1Y
• D = 50, for Varivent enclosure DN 25 KF (add Order code and plain text)
and 1 inch Filling liquid
• D = 68, for Varivent enclosure KL Food oil, FDA-listed 3
DN 40 ... DN 125 and 1½ ... 6 inch Special version 9 L1Y
Special version ZA J1Y (add Order code and plain text)
(add Order code and plain text)
Output signal
Filling liquid 4 ... 20 mA 1
Food oil, FDA-listed 3
Special version 9 L1Y Special version 9 M1 Y
(add Order code and plain text) (add Order code and plain text)
1) Please specify as well:
Output signal
4 ... 20 mA 1 Connections for pipes: R01, R02 or R03, see table "Further designs" on
next page
Special version 9 M1 Y
(add Order code and plain text)
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P Compact for gauge and absolute pressure
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code
SITRANS P Compact pressure trans- 7MF 8 0 1 0 - SITRANS P Compact pressure trans- 7MF 8 0 1 0 -
mitters for pressure and absolute mitters for pressure and absolute
pressure with diaphragm flush at front pressure with diaphragm flush at front
2-wire system 1 7777 - 7777 777 2-wire system 1 7777 - 7777 777
Process temperature up to 140 °C (284 °F) Process temperature up to 140 °C (284 °F)
Accuracy: 0.2 % of upper range value Accuracy: 0.2 % of upper range value
Output 4 ... 20 mA Output 4 ... 20 mA
Enclosure design (stainless steel mat. Measured range Overload
No. 1.4404/316L) / electr. connection pressure
Enclosure with angled plug to 1 (continued)
DIN 43650, IP65
-1 ... +9 bar 60 bar GA
Enclosure with device plug M12, IP65, 2 (-14.5 ... +130.5 psi) (870 psi)
union nut made of polyamide -1 ... +15 bar 60 bar GB
Enclosure with device plug M12, IP65, 3 (-14.5 ... +217.6 psi) (870 psi)
union nut made of stainless steel 0 ... 1 bar a 3 bar a HA
Stainless steel field enclosure (small) 4 (0 ... 14.5 psi a) (43.5 psi a)
with cable gland, IP65 0 ... 1.6 bar a 10 bar HB
(0 ... 23.2 psi a) (145 psi)
Stainless steel field enclosure (small) 5 0 ... 2.5 bar a 10 bar a HC
with cable gland, IP67 (0 ... 36.3 psi a) (145 psi a)
Internal ventilation for measuring ranges
< 16 bar (< 232 psi) 0 ... 4 bar a 10 bar a HD
(0 ... 58 psi a) (145 psi a)
Measured range Overload pressure 0 ... 6 bar a 60 bar a HE
0 ... 160 mbar 1 bar BB (0 ... 87 psi a) (870 psi a)
(0 ... 2.32 psi) (14.5 psi)
0 ... 10 bar a 60 bar a JA
0 ... 250 mbar 1 bar BC (0 ... 145 psi a) (870 psi a)
(0 ... 3.63 psi) (14.5 psi)
0 ... 400 mbar 3 bar BD Special version ZA P1Y
(0 ... 5.8 psi) (43.5 psi) (add Order code and plain text)
0 ... 600 mbar 3 bar BE Explosion protection
(0 ... 8.7 psi) (43.5 psi) without 1
0 ... 1 bar 3 bar CA with, to ATEX 100a, II 2 G, Ex ib IIC T6 2
(0 ... 14.5 psi) (43.5 psi)
Further designs Order code
0 ... 1.6 bar 10 bar CB
(0 ... 23.2 psi) (145 psi) Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify
0 ... 2.5 bar 10 bar CC Order code
(0 ... 36.3 psi) (145 psi) Hygiene version P01
0 ... 4 bar 20 bar CD Roughness of process connection:
(0 ... 58 psi) (290 psi) Foil Ra < 0.8 µm (3.15·10-8 inch);
0 ... 6 bar 60 bar CE Welded seams Ra < 1.5 µm
(0 ... 87 psi) (870 psi) (5.9·10-8 inch)
0 ... 10 bar 60 bar DA Integral cooling element K01
(0 ... 145 psi) (870 psi) Process temperature max. 200 °C
0 ... 16 bar 60 bar DB (392 °F) instead of 140 °C (284 °F)
(0 ... 232 psi) (870 psi)
0 ... 25 bar 60 bar DC Connections for pipe
(0 ... 363 psi) (870 psi) Pipes to DIN 11850 R01
0 ... 40 bar 100 bar DD ISO pipes to DIN 2463 R02
(0 ... 580 psi) (1450 psi) Pipes to O. D. Tubing "BS 4825 Part 1" R03
-160 ... 0 mbar 1 bar EB Certificates
(-2.32 ... 0 psi) (14.5 psi) Quality test certificate, 5-point factory C11
-250 ... 0 bar 1 bar EC calibration (IEC 60770-2)
(-3.73 ... 0 psi) (14.5 psi) C12
Inspection certificate to EN 10204-3.1
-400 ... 0 bar 3 bar ED
(-5.8 ... 0 psi) (43.5 psi) Use of FDA-listed remote seal filling C17
liquids certified by factory certificate
-600 ... 0 bar 3 bar EE according to EN 10204-2.2
(-8.7 ... 0 psi) (43.5 psi)
-1 ... 0 bar 3 bar FA Roughness depth measurement Ra C18
(-14.5 ... 0 psi) (43.5 psi) certified by tactory certificate according
to EN 10204-3.1
-1 ... 0.6 bar 10 bar FB
(-14.5 ... 8.7 psi) (145 psi) Certification to EHEDG for inline seals C19
-1 ... 1.5 bar 10 bar FC with aseptic screwed gland to DIN 11864
(-14.5 ... 21.8 psi) (145 psi)
-1 ... 3 bar 20 bar FD
(-14.5 ... 43.5 psi) (290 psi)
-1 ... 5 bar 20 bar FE
(-14.5 ... 72.5 psi) (290 psi)
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P Compact for gauge and absolute pressure
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code
SITRANS P Compact pressure trans- 7MF 8 0 1 0 - SITRANS P Compact pressure trans- 7MF 8 0 1 0 -
mitters for pressure and absolute mitters for pressure and absolute
pressure with inline seal pressure with inline seal
2-wire system 2 7777 - 7777 777 2-wire system 2 7777 - 7777 777
Process temperature up to 140 °C (284 °F) Process temperature up to 140 °C (284 °F)
Accuracy: 0.2 % of upper range value Accuracy: 0.2 % of upper range value
Output 4 ... 20 mA Output 4 ... 20 mA
Click on the Article No. for the online Inline seal with aseptic connection
configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Aseptic screwed gland to
Portal. DIN 11864-1, form A
Inline seal (screwed gland at both with threaded socket
ends) with quick-release clamps • 1 inch QM
Milk pipe union to DIN 11851 with • 1½ inch QN
threaded socket • 2 inch QP
• DN 25 AD Aseptic screwed NEUMO
• DN 32 AE with threaded socket1)
• DN 40 AF • DN 25 SD
• DN 50 AG • DN 32 SE
• DN 65 AH • DN 40 SF
Clamp connection to DIN 32676 • DN 50 SG
• DN 25 CD • DN 65 SH
• DN 32 CE Aseptic screwed NEUMO
• DN 40 CF with clamp connection, form R1)
• DN 50 CG • DN 25 TD
• DN 65 CH • DN 32 TE
Clamp connection to ISO 28521) • DN 40 TF
• 1 inch DM • DN 50 TG
• 1½ inch DN Aseptic screwed gland SÜDMO
with threaded socket W 501 1)
• 2 inch DP
• 1 inch VM
• 2½ inch DQ
• 1½ inch VN
Special version ZA J1Y
(add Order code and plain text) • 2 inch VP
Aseptic screwed gland SÜDMO
Filling liquid with clamp connection W 601 1)
Food oil, FDA-listed 3 • 1 inch WM
Special version 9 L1Y • 1½ inch WN
(add Order code and plain text)
• 2 inch WP
Output signal Special version ZA J1Y
4 ... 20 mA 1 (add Order code and plain text)
Special version 9 M1 Y Filling liquid
(add Order code and plain text) Food oil, FDA-listed 3
1) Medicinal white oil 2
Please note the internal diameter of the pipe. Please specify pipe classes
(see "Further designs") Special version 9 L1Y
(add Order code and plain text)
Output signal
4 ... 20 mA 1
Special version 9 M1 Y
(add Order code and plain text)
1) Please specify as well:
Connections for pipes: R01, R02 or R03, see table "Further designs" on next
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P Compact for gauge and absolute pressure
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code
SITRANS P Compact pressure trans- 7MF 8 0 1 0 - SITRANS P Compact pressure trans- 7MF 8 0 1 0 -
mitters for pressure and absolute mitters for pressure and absolute
pressure with inline seal pressure with inline seal
2-wire system 2 7777 - 7777 777 2-wire system 2 7777 - 7777 777
Process temperature up to 140 °C (284 °F) Process temperature up to 140 °C (284 °F)
Accuracy: 0.2 % of upper range value Accuracy: 0.2 % of upper range value
Output 4 ... 20 mA Output 4 ... 20 mA
Enclosure design (stainless steel mat. Measured range Overload pressure
No. 1.4404/316L) / electr. connection (continued)
Enclosure with angled plug to 1
DIN 43650, IP65, union nut made of poly- -1 ... 9 bar 60 bar GA
amide (-14.5 ... 130.5 psi) (870 psi)
Enclosure with device plug M12, IP65, -1 ... 15 bar 60 bar GB
2 (-14.5 ... 217.6 psi) (870 psi)
union nut made of polyamide
Enclosure with device plug M12, IP65, 3 0 ... 1 bar a 3 bar a HA
union nut made of stainless steel (0 ... 14.5 psi a) (43.5 psi a)
Stainless steel field enclosure (small) 4 0 ... 1.6 bar a 10 bar HB
with cable gland, IP65 (0 ... 23.2 psi a) (145 psi)
0 ... 2.5 bar a 10 bar a HC
Stainless steel field enclosure (small) 5 (0 ... 36.3 psi a) (145 psi a)
with cable gland, IP67 0 ... 4 bar a 10 bar a HD
Internal ventilation for measuring ranges (0 ... 58 psi a) (145 psi a)
< 16 bar (< 232 psi)
0 ... 6 bar a 60 bar a HE
Measured range Overload pressure (0 ... 87 psi a) (870 psi a)
0 ... 160 mbar 1 bar BB 0 ... 10 bar a 60 bar a JA
(0 ... 2.32 psi) (14.5 psi) (0 ... 145 psi a) (870 psi a)
0 ... 250 mbar 1 bar BC
(0 ... 3.63 psi) (14.5 psi) Special version ZA P1Y
0 ... 400 mbar 3 bar BD (add Order code and plain text)
(0 ... 5.8 psi) (43.5 psi) Explosion protection
0 ... 600 mbar 3 bar BE without 1
(0 ... 8.7 psi) (43.5 psi) with, to ATEX 100a, II 2 G, Ex ib IIC T6 2
0 ... 1 bar 3 bar CA Further designs Order code
(0 ... 14.5 psi) (43.5 psi)
0 ... 1.6 bar 10 bar CB Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify
(0 ... 23.2 psi) (145 psi) Order code
0 ... 2.5 bar 10 bar CC Hygiene version P01
(0 ... 36.3 psi) (145 psi) Roughness of process connection:
0 ... 4 bar 20 bar CD Foil Ra < 0.8 µm (3.15·10-8 inch);
(0 ... 58 psi) (290 psi) Welded seams Ra < 1.5 µm
0 ... 6 bar 60 bar CE (5.9·10-8 inch)
(0 ... 87 psi) (870 psi) Integral cooling element K01
0 ... 10 bar 60 bar DA Process temperature max. 200 °C
(0 ... 145 psi) (870 psi) (392 °F) instead of 140 °C (284 °F)
0 ... 16 bar 60 bar DB Connections for pipe
(0 ... 232 psi) (870 psi)
Pipes to DIN 11850 R01
0 ... 25 bar 60 bar DC
(0 ... 363 psi) (870 psi) ISO pipes to ISO 2463 R02
0 ... 40 bar 100 bar DD Pipes to O. D. Tubing "BS 4825 Part 1" R03
(0 ... 580 psi) (1450 psi) Certificates
-160 ... 0 mbar 1 bar EB Quality test certificate, 5-point factory C11
(-2.32 ... 0 psi) (14.5 psi) calibration (IEC 60770-2)
-250 ... 0 bar 1 bar EC Inspection certificate to EN 10204-3.1 C12
(-3.73 ... 0 psi) (14.5 psi) Use of FDA-listed remote seal filling C17
-400 ... 0 bar 3 bar ED liquids certified by factory certificate
(-5.8 ... 0 psi) (43.5 psi) according to EN 10204-2.2
-600 ... 0 bar 3 bar EE
Roughness depth measurement Ra C18
(-8.7 ... 0 psi) (43.5 psi)
certified by tactory certificate according
-1 ... 0 bar 3 bar FA to EN 10204-3.1
(-14.5 ... 0 psi) (43.5 psi)
-1 ... 0.6 bar 10 bar FB Certification to EHEDG for inline seals C19
(-14.5 ... 8.7 psi) (145 psi) with aseptic screwed gland to DIN 11864
-1 ... 1.5 bar 10 bar FC
(-14.5 ... 21.8 psi) (145 psi)
-1 ... 3 bar 20 bar FD
(-14.5 ... 43.5 psi) (290 psi)
-1 ... 5 bar 20 bar FE
(-14.5 ... 72.5 psi) (290 psi)
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P Compact for gauge and absolute pressure
1 ■ Dimensional drawings
»8 (0.3)
39 (1.53) For cable diam.
ø 50 For cable diam.
(diam. 1.97) 4.5 ... 10 (0.18 ... 0.39) 4 ... 10 (0.18 ... 0.39)
» 50 (1.97)
38.5 (1.52)
9 (0.35)
» 132 (5.2)
124.5 (4.9)
107.5 (4.23)
30 (1.18)
94 (3.7)
74.5 (2.93)
74.5 (2.93)
74.5 (2.93)
74.5 (2.93)
Thermal decoupler
for process temperature
up to 200 °C (392 °F)
mm (inch) 1" 40 21 (0.83) 1"
Milk pipe union to DIN 11851 with threaded socket 1" 40 21 (0.83) 1"
25 40 - Rd. 52 x 1/6"
G SMS standard with slotted union nut
32 40 20 (0.79) Rd. 58 x 1/6"
40 40 20 (0.79) Rd. 65 x 1/6"
mm (inch)
SMS standard with threaded socket
mm (inch) mm (inch)
25 16 14 (0.55) 50.5 (2)
mm (inch)
DRD flange, without welding-type flange
mm (inch) mm (inch)
1" 16 14 (0.55) 50.5 (2)
mm (inch) mm (inch)
1½" 16 12 (0.47) 50.5 (2)
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P Compact for gauge and absolute pressure
D G½A 26 17.5 27 14 27
40 ... 25/10 19 (0.75) 68 (2.68) (1.02) (0.69) (1.06) (0.55) (1.06)
125 dM
G¾A 32 22.6 31 16 32
Diaphragm seal with aseptic connection G (1.26) (0.89) (1.22) (0.63) (1.26)
Aseptic screwed gland to DIN 11864-1, form A, with slotted union d G1A 39 27 33 18 51
nut (1.54) (1.06) (1.30) (0.71) (2.01)
DN PN H G G1½A 55 40 40 22 55
mm (inch) (2.17) (1.57) (1.57) (0.87) (2.17)
DN PN H G 25 40 110 (4.33) Rd 52 x 1/6"
mm (inch) L
32 40 110 (4.33) Rd 58 x 1/6"
mm (inch)
25 16 110 (4.33) 50.5 (2)
25 16 15 (0.59) M 42 x 2 L
32 16 110 (4.33) 50.5 (2)
G 32 16 15 (0.59) M 52 x 2
40 16 110 (4.33) 50.5 (2)
40 16 15 (0.59) M 56 x 2
50 16 110 (4.33) 64 (2.52)
50 16 15 (0.59) M 68 x 2
65 10 110 (4.33) 91 (3.58)
Aseptic screwed NEUMO BioConnect with threaded socket
Clamp connection to ISO 2852
mm (inch) DN PN L D
mm (inch) mm (inch)
25 16 20 (0.79) M 42 x 2
G 1" 16 110 (4.33) 50.5 (2)
32 16 20 (0.79) M 52 x 2 L
1½" 16 110 (4.33) 50.5 (2)
40 16 20 (0.79) M 56 x 2
2" 16 110 (4.33) 64 (2.52)
50 16 20 (0.79) M 68 x 2
2½" 16 110 (4.33) 91 (3.58)
Aseptic screwed NEUMO BioConnect with clamp connection, Inline seal with aseptic connection
form R
Aseptic screwed gland to DIN 11864-1, form A, with threaded
DN PN H D socket
mm (inch) mm (inch)
Aseptic screwed NEUMO BioConnect with clamp connection, Aseptic screwed NEUMO BioConnect with threaded socket
form V
DN PN H D mm (inch)
mm (inch) mm (inch)
25 16 110 (4.33) M 42 x 2
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
Single-range transmitters for general applications
SITRANS P Compact for gauge and absolute pressure
1 Aseptic screwed NEUMO BioConnect with clamp connection,
form R
mm (inch) mm (inch)
■ Schematics
Field enclosure Angled plug Cable connection Round plug
4 black
Two-wire brown
system yellow
24 V green
24 V 1 brown 2 white
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
■ Overview
The SITRANS P300 is a digital pressure transmitter for relative It can be used for the following measurement types:
and absolute pressure. The conventional thread versions are • Gauge pressure
available as process connections, as are flush-mounted ver-
sions. A large number of the flush-mounted versions are suitable • Absolute pressure
for food and pharmaceutical applications, and satisfy the With appropriate parameter settings, it can also be used for the
EHEDG and 3A hygiene requirements. following additional measurement types:
The output signal is a load-independent direct current from 4 to • Level
20 mA or a PROFIBUS PA or FOUNDATION signal, which is lin- • Volume
early proportional to the input pressure. Communication is via
HART protocol or PROFIBUS PA interface. Convenient buttons • Mass
for easy local operation of the basic settings of the pressure The "intrinsically-safe" Ex version of the transmitter can be in-
transmitter. stalled in hazardous areas (zone 1). The transmitters are pro-
The SITRANS P300 has a single-chamber stainless steel enclo- vided with an EC type examination certificate and comply with
sure. The pressure transmitter is approved with "intrinsically the respective harmonized European standards of ATEX.
safe" type of protection. It can be used in zone 1 or zone 0. Gauge pressure
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
1 ■ Design ■ Function
The device comprises: Operation of electronics with HART communication
• Electronics
• Enclosure 9
• Measuring cell
2 3 4 5
HART interface
1 6
1 Display 2 pe Measuring cell
2 Process connection
3 Cable gland
1 Measuring cell sensor
4 Nameplate 2 Instrument amplifier
5 Screw cover 3 Analog-to-digital converter
4 Microcontroller
5 Digital-to-analog converter
Perspective view of SITRANS P300 6 One non-volatile memory each in the measuring cell and
The enclosure has a screw-on lid (5) and, depending on the ver- 7 HART interface
sion, is with or without an inspection window. The electrical ter- 8 Three input keys (local operation)
minal enclosure, the buttons for operation of the device are lo- 9 Digital display
cated under this lid and, depending on the version, the display. 10 Diode circuit and connection for external ammeter
The connections for the auxiliary power UH and the shield are in IA Output current
the terminal enclosure. The cable gland is mounted on the side UH Power supply
of the enclosure. The measuring cell with the process connec- Pe Input variable
tion (2) is located on the bottom of the enclosure. The measuring
cell with the process connection may differ from the one shown
in the diagram, depending on the device version. Function diagram of electronics
Example of attached measuring points sign The input pressure is converted into an electrical signal by the
sensor (1). This signal is amplified by the measuring amplifier (2)
Y01 or Y02 and digitalized in an analog-to-digital converter (3). The digital
= max. 27 char. .... to .... mbar signal is analyzed in a microcontroller (4) and corrected accord-
Y15 = max. 16 char. ing to linearity and thermal characteristics. In a digital-to-analog
Measuring point number (TAG No.)
converter (5) it is then converted into the output current of 4 to
Y99 = max. 10 char. 1234
Y16 = max. 27 char. Measuring point text 20 mA. A diode circuit provides reverse polarity protection. You
can make an uninterrupted current measurement with a low-ohm
ammeter at the connection (10). The data specific to the measur-
ing cell, the electronic data and parameter settings are stored in
two non-volatile memories (6). The first memory is linked to the
measuring cell, the second to the electronics.
The buttons (8) can be used to call up individual functions, so-
called modes. If you have a device with a display (9), you can
use this to track mode settings and other messages. The basic
mode settings can be changed with a computer via the HART
modem (7).
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
Operation of electronics with PROFIBUS PA Operation of electronics with FOUNDATION Fieldbus 1
communication communication
9 9
8 8
M 00 M
2 3 4 5 7 2 3 4 5 7
μC μC
interface interface
Foundation Fieldbus
Power supply Power supply
10 10
Power Power
EEPROM supply EEPROM supply
6 unit 6 unit
Coup- Coup-
ler ler
Electronics Electronics
1 6 12 Master 1 6
Sensor Sensor
Measuring cell Measuring cell
1 Measuring cell sensor 8 Three input keys 1 Measuring cell sensor 8 Three input keys
2 Instrument amplifier (local operation) 2 Instrument amplifier (local operation)
3 Analog-to-digital converter 9 Digital display 3 Analog-to-digital converter 9 Digital display
4 Microcontroller 10 Power supply 4 Microcontroller 10 Power supply
5 Electrical isolation 11 DP/PA coupler or link 5 Electrical isolation
6 One non-volatile memory 12 Bus master 6 One non-volatile memory pe Input variable
each in the measuring cell each in the measuring cell
and electronics pe Input variable and electronics
7 PROFIBUS-PA interface 7 FF interface
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
1 Measuring cell for gauge pressure Measuring cell for gauge pressure, front-flush diaphragm
2 2
1 Reference pressure
3 2 Measuring cell
3 Process connection
4 Seal diaphragm 1 Reference pressure
5 Filling liquid 2 Measuring cell
6 Relative pressure sensor 3 Seal diaphragm
pe pe Pressure as input 4 Filling liquid
variable 5 Relative pressure sensor 3
pe Pressure as input variable
Measuring cell for gauge pressure, function diagram
The input pressure (pe) is transferred to the gauge pressure sen-
sor (6) via the seal diaphragm (4) and the filling liquid (5), dis-
Measuring cell for gauge pressure, front-flush diaphragm, function
placing its measuring diaphragm. The displacement changes diagram
the resistance value of the four piezo resistors in the measuring
diaphragm in a bridge circuit. The change in the resistance The input pressure (pe) is transferred to the gauge pressure sen-
causes a bridge output voltage proportional to the input pres- sor (6) via the seal diaphragm (4) and the filling liquid (5), dis-
sure. placing its measuring diaphragm. The displacement changes
the resistance value of the four piezo resistors in the measuring
Transmitters with measuring spans 63 bar ( 926.1 psi) mea- diaphragm in a bridge circuit. The change in the resistance
sure the input pressure compared to atmospheric, transmitters causes a bridge output voltage proportional to the input pres-
with measuring spans of 160 bar ( 2352 psi) compared to a sure.
Transmitters with measuring spans 63 bar ( 926.1 psi) mea-
Measuring cell for absolute pressure sure the input pressure compared to atmospheric, transmitters
with measuring spans of 160 bar ( 2352 psi) compared to a
Measuring cell for absolute pressure, front-flush diaphragm
3 4
1 Measuring cell
2 2 Process connection
3 Seal diaphragm 3
4 Filling liquid
5 Absolute pressure sensor
pe Pressure as input
pe variable
1 Measuring cell
2 Seal diaphragm
Measuring cell for absolute pressure, function diagram 3 Filling liquid
4 Absolute pressure sensor
The input pressure (pe) is transferred to the absolute pressure
pe Pressure as input variable 2
sensor (5) via the seal diaphragm (3) and the filling liquid (4),
displacing its measuring diaphragm. The displacement
changes the resistance value of the four piezo resistors in the pe
measuring diaphragm in a bridge circuit. The change in the re-
sistance causes a bridge output voltage proportional to the input
Measuring cell for absolute pressure, front-flush diaphragm, function
pressure. diagram
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
The input pressure (pe) is transferred to the absolute pressure Adjustable parameters on SITRANS P300 with HART 1
sensor (5) via the seal diaphragm (3) and the filling liquid (4), communication
displacing its measuring diaphragm. The displacement
Parameters Input keys HART
changes the resistance value of the four piezo resistors in the communication
measuring diaphragm in a bridge circuit. The change in the re-
sistance causes a bridge output voltage proportional to the input Lower range value x x
pressure. Upper range value x x
Parameterization Electrical damping x x
Depending on the version, there are a range of options for pa- Lower range value without applica- x x
rameterizing the pressure transmitter and for setting or scanning tion of a pressure ("Blind setting")
the parameters. Upper range value without applica- x x
tion of a pressure ("Blind setting")
Parameterization using the input buttons (local operation)
Zero adjustment x x
With the input buttons you can easily set the most important pa-
rameters without any additional equipment. Current transmitter x x
Fault current x x
Parameterization using HART communication
Disabling of buttons, write protection x x1)
Parameterization using HART communication is performed with
a HART communicator or a PC. Type of dimension and actual x x
Input of characteristic x
+ Freely-programmable LCD x
Diagnostic functions x
SITRANS P 230 ... 1100 Ω Power supply 1) Cancel apart from write protection
Diagnostic functions for SITRANS P300 with HART
HART communication
• Zero correction display
• Event counter
• Limit transmitter
Communication between a HART communicator and a pressure
transmitter • Saturation alarm
When parameterizing with the HART communicator, the connec- • Slave pointer
tion is made directly to the 2-wire cable. • Simulation functions
• Maintenance timer
+ Available physical units of display for SITRANS P300 with HART
Table style: Technical specifications 2
SITRANS P 230 ... 500 Ω Power supply
transmitter Physical variable Physical dimensions
PC or Pressure (setting can also be Pa, MPa, kPa, bar, mbar, torr, atm, psi,
HART laptop made in the factory) g/cm2, kg/cm2, inH2O, inH2O (4 °C),
modem mmH2O, ftH2O (20 °C), inHg, mmHg
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
1 Parameterization through PROFIBUS PA interface Physical dimensions available for the display
Fully digital communication through PROFIBUS PA, profile 3.0, is Physical variable Physical dimensions
particularly user-friendly. The PROFIBUS connects the Pressure (setting can also MPa, kPa, Pa, bar, mbar, torr, atm, psi,
SITRANS P300 PA to a process control system, e.g. be made in the factory) g/cm2, kg/cm2, mmH2O, mmH2O (4 °C),
SIMATIC PSC 7. Communication is possible even in a potentially inH2O, inH20 (4 °C), ftH2O (20 °C), mmHg,
explosive environment. inHg
For parameterization through PROFIBUS you need suitable soft- Level (height data) m, cm, mm, ft, in, yd
ware, e.g. SIMATIC PDM (Process Device Manager). Mass g, kg, t, lb, Ston, Lton, oz
Parameterization through FOUNDATION Fieldbus interface Volume m3, dm3, hl, yd3, ft3, in3, US gallon, lmp.
gallon, bushel, barrel, barrel liquid
Fully digital communication through FOUNDATION Fieldbus is
particularly user-friendly. Through the FOUNDATION Fieldbus volume flow m3/s, m3/min, m3/h, m3/d, l/s, l/min, l/h, l/ d,
the P300 is connected to a process control system. Communica- Ml/d, ft3/s, ft3/min, ft3/h, ft3/d, US gallon/s,
tion is possible even in a potentially explosive environment. US gallon/min, US gallon/h, US gallon/d,
bbl/s, bbl/min, bbl/h, bbl/d
For parameterization through the FOUNDATION Fieldbus you Mass flow g/s, g/min, g/h, g/d, kg/s, kg/min, kg/h,
need suitable software, e.g. National Instruments Configurator. kg/d, t/s, t/min, t/h, /t/d, lb/s, lb/min, lb/h,
lb/d, STon/s, STon/min, STon/h, STon/d,
Adjustable parameters for SITRANS P300 with PROFIBUS PA
LTon/s, LTon/min, LTon/h, LTon/d
and FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Total mass flow t, kg, g, lb, oz, LTon, STon
Adjustable parameters Input PROFIBUS PA and
keys FOUNDATION Temperature K, °C, °F, °R
Fieldbus interface
Miscellaneous %
Electrical damping x x
Hygiene version
Zero adjustment (correction of posi- x x
tion) In the case of the SITRANS P300 with 7MF812.-... front-flush di-
Buttons and/or function disabling x x
aphragm, selected connections comply with the requirements of
the EHEDG or 3A. You will find further details in the order form.
Source of measured-value display x x Please note in particular that the seal materials used must com-
Physical dimension of display x x ply with the requirements of 3A. Similarly, the filling liquids used
must be FDA-compliant.
Position of decimal point x x
Bus address x x
Adjustment of characteristic x x
Input of characteristic x
Freely-programmable LCD x
Diagnostic functions x
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
■ Technical specifications
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
Gauge pressure input
Measured variable
Measuring span (infinitely adjustable) or nominal measuring HART PROFIBUS PA/
range, max. operating pressure (in accordance with FOUNDATION
2014/68/EU Pressure Equipment Directive) and max. test Fieldbus
pressure (pursuant to DIN 16086)
Measuring span Nominal measur- Max. operating Max. perm.
(for oxygen measurement, max. 100 bar/10 MPa/1450 psi ing range pressure MAWP test pressure
and 60 °C (140 °F) ambient temperature/temperature of (PS)
8.3 ... 250 mbar 250 mbar 4 bar 6 bar
0.83 ... 25 kPa 25 kPa 400 kPa 600 kPa
0.12 ... 3.6 psi 3.6 psi 58 psi 87 psi
0.01 ... 1 bar 1 bar 4 bar 6 bar
1 ... 100 kPa 100 kPa 400 kPa 600 kPa
0.15 ... 14.5 psi 14.5 psi 58 psi 87 psi
0.04 ... 4 bar 4 bar 7 bar 10 bar
4 ... 400 kPa 400 kPa 0.7 MPa 1 MPa
0.58 ... 58 psi 58 psi 102 psi 145 psi
0.16 ... 16 bar 16 bar 21 bar 32 bar
16 ... 1600 kPa 1600 kPa 2.1 MPa 3.2 MPa
2.3 ... 232 psi 232 psi 305 psi 464 psi
0.63 ... 63 bar 63 bar 67 bar 100 bar
63 ... 6300 kPa 6300 kPa 6.7 MPa 10 MPa
9.1 ... 914 psi 914 psi 972 psi 1450 psi
1.6 ... 160 bar 160 bar 167 bar 250 bar
0.16 ... 16 MPa 16 MPa 16.7 MPa 2.5 MPa
23 ... 2321 psi 2321 psi 2422 psi 3626 psi
4 ... 400 bar 400 bar 400 bar 600 bar
0.4 ... 40 kPa 40 kPa 40 MPa 60 MPa
58 ... 5802 psi 5802 psi 5802 psi 8700 psi
Lower measuring limit
(for 250mbar/25 kPa/3.6 psi measuring cells, the lower mea-
suring limit is 750 mbar a/75 kPa a/10.8 psi a. The measuring
cell is vacuum-resistant up to 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a.)
• Measuring cell with silicone oil 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a
• Measuring cell with inert filling liquid 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a
Upper measuring limit 100 % of max. measuring span
(for oxygen measurement max. 100 bar/10 MPa/1450 psi
and 60 ° (140 °F) ambient temperature/temperature of medium)
Absolute pressure input
Measured variable Absolute pressure
Measuring span (infinitely adjustable) or nominal measuring HART PROFIBUS PA/
range, max. operating pressure (in accordance with FOUNDATION
2014/68/EU Pressure Equipment Directive) and max. test Fieldbus
pressure (pursuant to DIN 16086)
Measuring span Nominal measur- Max. operating Max. perm.
ing range pressure MAWP test pressure
8.34 ... 250 mbar a 250 mbar a 1.5 bar a 6 bar a
0.83 ... 25 kPa a 25 kPa a 150 kPa a 600 kPa a
3.35 ... 100 inH2O a 100 inH2O a 21.8 psi a 87 psi a
0.13 ... 3.63 psi a
43.34 ... 1300 mbar a 1300 mbar a 2.6 bar a 10 bar a
4.33 ... 130 kPa a 130 kPa a 260 kPa a 1 MPa a
17.42 ... 522.4 inH2O a 525 inH2O 37.7 psi a 145 psi a
0.63 ... 18.86 psi a
0.17 ... 5 bar a 5000 mbar a 10 bar a 30 bar a
17 ... 500 kPa a 500 kPa a 1 MPa a 3 MPa a
2.43 ... 72,5 psi a 72.5 psi a 145 psi a 435 psi a
1 ... 30 bar a 30 bar a 45 bar a 100 bar a
0.1 ... 3 MPa a 3 MPa a 4.5 MPa a 10 MPa a
14.6 ... 435 psi a 435 psi a 653 psi a 1450 psi a
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
1 SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
Lower measuring limit
• Measuring cell with silicone oil 0 mbar a/0 kPa a /0 psi a
• Measuring cell with inert filling liquid
- for temperature of medium -20 °C < +60 °C 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a
(-4 °F < +140 °F)
- for temperature of medium 30 mbar a + 20 mbar a . (- 60 °C)/°C
60 °C < +100 °C (max. 85 °C for measuring cell 30 bar) 3 kPa a + 2 kPa a . (- 60 °C)/°C
(140 °F < +212 °F (max. 185 °F for meas. cell 435 psi)) 0.44 psi a + 0.29 psi a . (- 140 °F)/°F
Upper measuring limit 100 % of max. measuring span
(for oxygen measurement max. 100 bar/10 MPa/1450 psi und 60 °C (140 °F)
ambient temperature/temperature of medium)
Lower range value Between the measuring limits (fully adjustable)
Input of gauge pressure, with front-flush diaphragm
Measured variable Gauge pressure, front-flush
Measuring span (infinitely adjustable) or nominal measuring HART PROFIBUS PA/
range, max. permissible operating pressure and max. test FOUNDATION
pressure Fieldbus
Measuring span Nominal measur- Max. operating Max. perm.
ing range pressure MAWP test pressure
0.01 ... 1 bar 1 bar 4 bar 6 bar
1 ... 100 kPa 100 kPa 400 kPa 600 kPa
0.15 ... 14.5 psi 14.5 psi 58 psi 87 psi)
0.04 ... 4 bar 4 bar 7 bar 10 bar
4 ... 400 kPa 400 kPa 0.7 MPa 1 MPa
0.58 ... 58 psi 58 psi 102 psi 145 psi
0.16 ... 16 bar 16 bar 21 bar 32 bar
16 ... 1600 kPa 1600 kPa 2.1 MPa 3.2 MPa
2.3 ... 232 psi 232 psi 305 psi 464 psi
0.63 ... 63 bar 63 bar 67 bar 100 bar
63 ... 6300 kPa 6300 kPa 6.7 MPa 10 MPa
9.1 ... 914 psi 914 psi 972 psi 1450 psi
Lower measuring limit
• Measuring cell with silicone oil filling 100 mbar a/10 kPa a/1.45 psi a
• Measuring cell with inert filling liquid 100 mbar a/10 kPa a/1.45 psi a
• Measuring cell with Neobee 100 mbar a/10 kPa a/1.45 psi a
Upper measuring limit 100% of max. measuring span
Input of absolute pressure, with front-flush diaphragm
Measured variable Absolute pressure, front-flush
Measuring span (infinitely adjustable) or nominal measuring HART PROFIBUS PA/
range and max. permissible test pressure FOUNDATION
Measuring span Nominal measur- Max. operating Max. perm.
ing range pressure MAWP test pressure
43 ... 1300 mbar a 1300 mbar a 2.6 bar a 10 bar a
4.3 ... 130 kPa a 130 kPa a 260 kPa a 1 MPa a
17 ... 525 inH2O a 525 inH2O a 37.7 psi a 145 psi a
160 ... 5000 mbar a 5000 mbar a 10 bar a 30 bar a
16 ... 500 kPa a 500 kPa a 1 MPa a 3 MPa a
2.32 ... 72.5 psi a 72.5 psi a 145 psi a 435 psi a
1 ... 30 bar a 30 bar a 45 bar a 100 bar a
0.1 ... 3 MPa a 3 MPa a 4.5 MPa a 10 MPa a
14.5 ... 435 psi a 435 psi a 653 psi a 1450 psi a
Depending on the process connection, the measuring span may differ from these values
Lower measuring limit 0 mbar a/0 kPa a/0 psi a
Upper measuring limit 100 % of max. measuring span
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA Digital PROFIBUS PA or FOUNDATION
Fieldbus signal
Physical bus - IEC 61158-2
Protection against polarity reversal Protected against short-circuit and polarity reversal.
Each connection against the other with max. supply voltage.
Electrical damping (step width 0.1 s) Set to 2 s (0 ... 100 s)
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
Measuring accuracy for gauge pressure According to IEC 60770-1
Reference conditions • Increasing characteristic
• Lower range value 0 bar/kPa/psi
• Stainless steel seal diaphragm
• Measuring cell with silicone oil
• Room temperature 25 °C (77 °F)
Measuring span ratio r (spread, Turn-Down) r = max. measuring span/set measuring span or nominal measuring range
Error in measurement at limit setting incl. hysteresis and
• Linear characteristic
- 250 mbar/25 kPa/3.6 psi r 1.25 : 0.075 %
1.25 < r 30 : (0.008 r + 0.065) %
- 1 bar/100 kPa/14.5 psi r5: 0.075 %
4 bar/400 kPa/58 psi 5 < r 100 : (0.005 r + 0.05) %
16 bar/1.6 MPa/232 psi
63 bar/6.3 MPa/914 psi
160 bar/16 MPa/2321 psi
- 400 bar/40 MPa/5802 psi r3: 0.075 %
3 < r 10 : (0.0029 r + 0.071) %
10 < r 100 : (0.005 r + 0.05) %
Influence of ambient temperature
(in percent per 28 °C (50 °F))
• 250 mbar/25 kPa/3.6 psi (0.16 r + 0.1) %
• 1 bar/100 kPa/14.5 psi (0.07 r + 0.08) %
4 bar/400 kPa/58 psi
16 bar/1.6 MPa/232 psi
63 bar/6.3 MPa/914 psi
160 bar/16 MPa/2321 psi
400 bar/40 MPa/5802 psi
Long-term stability (temperature change ±30 °C (±54 °F))
• 250 mbar/25 kPa/3.6 psi (0.25 r) % per year
• 1 bar/100 kPa/14.5 psi (0.25 r) % in 5 years
4 bar/400 kPa/58 psi
• 16 bar/1.6 MPa/232 psi (0.125 r) % in 5 years
63 bar/6.3 MPa/914 psi
160 bar/16 MPa/2321 psi
400 bar/40 MPa/5802 psi
Effect of mounting position 0.05 mbar/0.005 kPa/0.000725 psi per 10° inclination
(zero point correction is possible with position error compensation)
Effect of auxiliary power supply 0.005 % per 1 V
(in percent per change in voltage)
Measuring value resolution for PROFIBUS PA and 3 10-5 of the nominal measuring range
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
1 SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
Measuring accuracy for absolute pressure According to IEC 60770-1
Reference conditions • Increasing characteristic
• Lower range value 0 bar/kPa/psi
• Stainless steel seal diaphragm
• Measuring cell with silicone oil
• Room temperature 25 °C (77 °F)
Measuring span ratio r (spread, Turn-Down) r = max. measuring span/set measuring span or nominal measuring range
Error in measurement at limit setting incl. hysteresis and
• Linear characteristic
- r 10 0.1 %
- 10 < r 30 0.2 %
Influence of ambient temperature
(in percent per 28 °C (50 °F))
• 250 mbar a/25 kPa a/3.6 psi a (0.15 r + 0.1) %
• 1300 mbar a/130 kPa a/18.8 psi a (0.08 r + 0.16) %
5 bar a/500 kPa a/72.5 psi a
30 bar a/3000 kPa a/435 psi a
Long-term stability (temperature change ±30 °C (±54 °F)) (0.25 r) % in 5 years
Effect of mounting position (in pressure per change in angle) 0.05 mbar/0.005 kPa/0.000725 psi per 10° inclination
(zero point correction is possible with position error compensation)
Effect of auxiliary power supply 0.005 % per 1 V
(in percent per change in voltage)
Measuring value resolution for PROFIBUS PA and 3 10-5 of the rated nominal measuring range
Measuring accuracy for gauge and absolute pressure, According to IEC 60770-1
with front-flush diaphragm
Reference conditions • Increasing characteristic
• Lower range value 0 bar/kPa/psi
• Stainless steel seal diaphragm
• Measuring cell with silicone oil
• Room temperature 25 °C (77 °F)
Measuring span ratio r (spread, Turn-Down) r = max. measuring span/set measuring span or nominal measuring range
Error in measurement at limit setting incl. hysteresis and
• Linear characteristic Gauge pressure, with front-flush Absolute pressure, with front-flush
diaphragm diaphragm
- r5 0.075 % -
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
Operating conditions
Installation conditions
Ambient temperature Observe the temperature class in areas subject to explosion hazard.
• Measuring cell with silicone oil -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
• Measuring cell with Neobee oil (FDA-compliant, with flush- -10 ... +85 °C (14 ... +185 °F)
mounted diaphragm)
• Measuring cell with inert liquid -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
• Display readable -30 ... +85 °C (-22 ... +185 °F)
• Storage temperature -50 ... +85 °C (-58 ... +185 °F)
(for Neobee: -20 ... +85 °C (-4 ... +185 °F))
(for temperature oil: -10 ... + 85 °C (14 ... +165 °F))
Climatic class
Condensation Relative humidity 0 ... 100 %
Condensation permissible, suitable for use in the tropics
Degree of protection
• according to EN 60529 IP65, IP68
• according to NEMA 250 IP65, IP68, Type 4X, enclosure cleaning, resistant to lyes, steam to 150 °C (302 °F)
Electromagnetic Compatibility
• Emitted interference and interference immunity Acc. to IEC 61326 and NAMUR NE 21
Medium conditions
Temperature of medium
• Measuring cell with silicone oil -40 ... +100 °C (-40 ... +212 °F)
• Measuring cell with silicone oil (FDA-compliant, with flush- -40 ... +150 °C (-40 ... +302 °F)
mounted diaphragm)
• Measuring cell with Neobee oil "Measuring cell with Neobee -10 ... +150 °C (-14 ... +302 °F)
oil (FDA-compliant, with flush-mounted diaphragm)
• Measuring cell with silicone oil, with temperature decoupler -40 ... +200 °C (-40 ... +392 °F)
(only for gauge pressure version with flush-mounted dia-
• Measuring cell with Neobee oil, with temperature decoupler -10 ... +200 °C (14 ... +392 °F)
(only for gauge pressure
version with flush-mounted diaphragm)
• Measuring cell with inert liquid -20 ... +100 °C (-4 ... +212 °F)
• Measuring cell with high-temperature oil (only for gauge pres- -10 ... +250 °C (14 ... 482 °F)
sure version with flush-mounted diaphragm)
Design (standard version)
Weight (without options) Approx. 800 g (1.8 lb)
Enclosure material Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4301/304
Material of parts in contact with the medium
• Connection shank Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4404/316L or Hastelloy C276, mat. no. 2.4819
• Oval flange Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4404/316L
• Seal diaphragm Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4404/316L or Hastelloy C276, mat. no. 2.4819
• Measuring cell filling • Silicone oil
• Inert filling liquid
Process connection • G½B to EN 837-1
• Female thread ½-14 NPT
• Oval flange PN 160 (MAWP 2320 psi) with fastening thread:
-7/16 -20 UNF to IEC 61518/DIN EN 61518
- M10 as per DIN 19213
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
1 SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
Design (version with front-flush diaphragm)
Weight (without options) approx. 1 ... 13 kg (2.2 ... 29 lb)
Enclosure material Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4301/304
Material of parts in contact with the medium
• Process connection Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4404/316L
• Seal diaphragm Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4404/316L
• Measuring cell filling • Silicone oil
• Inert filling liquid
• FDA compliant fill fluid (Neobee oil)
Process connection • Flanges as per EN and ASME
• F&B and pharmaceutical flanges
Surface quality touched-by-media Ra-values 0.8 µm (32 µ-inch)/welds Ra) 1.6 µm (64 µ-inch)
(Process connections acc. to 3A; Ra-values 0.8 µm (32 µ-inch)/welds Ra 0.8 µm
(32 µ-inch)
Terminal voltage on transmitter 10.5 ... 42 V DC
for intrinsically safe operation:
10.5 ... 30 V DC
Power supply - Supplied though bus
Separate supply voltage - Not necessary
Bus voltage
• Without Ex - 9 ... 32 V
• With intrinsically-safe operation - 9 ... 24 V
Current consumption
• Max. basic current - 12.5 mA
• Start-up current basic current - Yes
• Max. fault current in the event of a fault - 15.5 mA
Fault disconnection electronics (FDE) available - Yes
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
Certificates and approvals HART PROFIBUS PA/ FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Classification according to PED 2014/68/EU For gases of fluid group 1 and liquids of fluid group 1; complies with requirements of
Article 4, paragraph 3 (sound engineering practice)
Water, waste water Pending
Explosion protection
Intrinsic safety "i" PTB 05 ATEX 2048
• Marking II1/2 G Ex ia llC/llB T4/T5/T6 Ga/Gb
• Permissible ambient temperature
- Temperature class T4 -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
- Temperature class T5 -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
- Temperature class T6 -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
• Connection To certified intrinsically-safe circuits with To certified intrinsically-safe circuits with
peak values: peak values:
Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, FISCO supply unit:
Pi = 750 mW, Ri = 300 Ui = 17.5 V, Ii = 380 mA, Pi = 5.32 W
Linear barrier:
Ui = 24 V, Ii = 250 mA, Pi = 1.2 W
• Effective inner capacitance: Ci = 6 nF Ci = 1.1 nF
• Effective internal inductance: Li = 0.4 mH Li 7 H
Explosion protection to FM for USA and Canada (cFMUS)
• Identification (DIP) or (IS); (NI) Certificate of Compliance 3025099
CL I, DIV 1, GP ABCD T4 ... T6; CL II, DIV 1, GP EFG; CL III; CL I, ZN 0/1 AEx ia IIC
T4 ... T6; CL I, DIV 2, GP ABCD T4 ... T6; CL II, DIV 2, GP FG; CL III
• Identification (DIP) or (IS) Certificate of Compliance 3025099C
CL I, DIV 1, GP ABCD T4 ... T6; CL II, DIV 1, GP EFG; CL III; Ex ia IIC 4 ... T6; CL I,
Dust explosion protection for zone 20/21/22 PTB 05 ATEX 2048
• Marking II 1 D Ex ia lllC T120 °C Da
II 1/2 D Ex ia lllC T120 °C Da/Db
II 2 D Ex ib lllC T120 °C Db
• Permissible ambient temperature
- Temperature class T4 -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
(in the case of mineral glass windows only -20 ... +85 °C (-4 ... +185 °F))
- Temperature class T5 -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
(in the case of mineral glass windows only-20 ... +70 °C (-4 ... +158 °F))
- Temperature class T6 -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
(in the case of mineral glass windows only -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F))
• Connection To certified intrinsically-safe circuits with To certified intrinsically-safe circuits with
peak values: peak values:
Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 750 mW Ui = 24 V, Ii = 380 mA, Pi = 5.32 mW
• Effective inner capacitance: Ci = 6 nF Ci = 5 nF
• Effective internal inductance: Li = 0.4 H Li = 10 H
Type of protection Ex nA/nL/ic (Zone 2) PTB 05 ATEX 2048
• Marking II 2/3 G Ex ic llC/llB T4/T5/T6 Gb/Gc
II 2/3 G Ex nA llC T4/T5/T6 Gb/Gc
• Permissible ambient temperature
- Temperature class T4 -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
(in the case of mineral glass windows only -20 ... +85 °C (-4 ... +185 °F))
- Temperature class T5 -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
(in the case of mineral glass windows only -20 ... +70 °C (-4 ... +158 °F))
- Temperature class T6 -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
(in the case of mineral glass windows only -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F))
• Ex nA/nL connection To certified intrinsically-safe circuits with To certified intrinsically-safe circuits with
peak values: Um = 45 V peak values: Um = 32 V
• Ex ic connection To certified intrinsically-safe circuits with To certified intrinsically-safe circuits with
peak values: Ui = 45 V peak values:Ui = 32 V
• Effective inner capacitance: Ci = 6 nF Ci = 5 nF
• Effective internal inductance: Li = 0.4 mH Li = 20 H
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
1 HART Communication FOUNDATION Fieldbus
HART communication 230 ... 1100
Function blocks 3 function blocks analog input,
Protocol HART Version 5.x 1 function block PID
Software for computer SIMATIC PDM • Analog input
PROFIBUS PA communication - Adaptation to customer-specif- Yes, linearly rising or falling
Simultaneous communication with 4 ic process variables characteristic
master class 2 (max.) - Electrical damping, adjustable 0 ... 100 s
The address can be set using Configuration tool or - Simulation function Output/input (can be locked
local operation within the device with a bridge)
(standard setting Address 126)
- Failure mode parameterizable (last good
Cyclic data usage value, substitute value, incorrect
• Output byte 5 (one measured value) or
10 (two measured values) - Limit monitoring Yes, one upper and lower warn-
ing limit and one alarm limit
• Input byte 0.1 or 2 (totalizer mode and respectively
reset function for dosing)
- Square-rooted characteristic Yes
• Internal preprocessing for flow measurement
Device profile PROFIBUS PA Profile for Pro- • PID Standard FOUNDATION Field-
cess Control Devices Version bus function block
3.0, class B
• Physical block 1 resource block
Function blocks 2
Transducer blocks 1 transducer block Pressure with
• Analog input calibration, 1 transducer block
- Adaptation to customer-specif- Yes, linearly rising or falling
ic process variables characteristic • Pressure transducer block
- Electrical damping adjustable 0 … 100 s - Can be calibrated by applying Yes
two pressures
- Simulation function Input /Output
- Monitoring of sensor limits Yes
- Failure function parameterizable (last good
value, substitute value, incorrect - Simulation function: Measured Constant value or over parame-
value) pressure value, sensor tem- terizable ramp function
perature and electronics tem-
- Limit monitoring Yes, one upper and lower warn-
ing limit and one alarm limit
• Register (totalizer) Can be reset, preset, optional
direction of counting, simulation
function of register output
- Failure mode parameterizable (summation
with last good value, continuous
summation, summation with
incorrect value)
- Limit monitoring One upper and lower warning
limit and one alarm limit respec-
• Physical block 1
Transducer blocks 2
• Pressure transducer block
- Can be calibrated by applying Yes
two pressures
- Monitoring of sensor limits Yes
- Specification of a container Max. 30 nodes
characteristic with
- Simulation function for mea- Constant value or over parame-
sured pressure value and sen- terizable ramp function
sor temperature
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Article No.
SITRANS P300 pressure transmitters for rela- SITRANS P300 pressure transmitters for rela-
tive and absolute pressure, single-chamber mea- tive and absolute pressure, single-chamber mea-
suring enclosure, rating plate inscription in English suring enclosure, rating plate inscription in English
4 ... 20 mA/HART 7MF 8 0 2 3 - 4 ... 20 mA/HART 7MF 8 0 2 3 -
PROFIBUS PA 7MF 8 0 2 4 - PROFIBUS PA 7MF 8 0 2 4 -
FOUNDATION Fieldbus (FF) 7MF 8 0 2 5 - FOUNDATION Fieldbus (FF) 7MF 8 0 2 5 -
Click on the Article No. for the online configura- 77777 - 7777 77777 - 7777
tion in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. Display
Measuring cell filling Measuring cell cleaning • Without display, with keys, closed lid 1
Silicone oil normal 1 • With display and keys, closed lid11) 2
Inert liquid Cleanliness level 2 to 3 • With display and keys, lid with polycarbonate disc 4
DIN 25410
• (setting on HART devices: mA,
Measuring span (min. ... max.) with PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus
8.3 ... 250 mbar (0.12 ... 3.63 psi) A equipment: pressure units)11)
0.01 ... 1 bar (0.145 ... 14.5 psi) B • With display and keys (setting acc. to specifica- 5
0.04 ... 4 bar (0.58 ... 58 psi) C tions, Order code "Y21" or "Y22" required), lid with
0.16 ...16 bar (2.32 ... 232 psi) D polycarbonate disc11)
0.63 ... 63 bar (9.14 ... 914 psi) E • With display and keys, lid with glass pane (setting 6
1.6 ... 160 bar (23.2 ... 2320 psi) F on HART devices: mA, with
4 ... 400 bar (58 ... 5802 psi) G PROFIBUS and FOUNDATION Fieldbus equip-
ment: pressure units)11)
8.34 ... 250 mbar a (0.13 ... 3.63 psi a) Q • With display and keys (setting acc. to specifica- 7
43.34 ... 1300 mbar a (0.63 ... 18.86 psi a) S tions, Order code "Y21" or "Y22" required), lid with
0.17 ... 5 bar a (2.43 ... 72.5 psi a) T glass pane11)
1 ... 30 bar a (14.6 ... 435 psi a) U Power supply units see Chap. 7 "Supplementary Components".
Wetted parts materials A quick-start guide is included in the scope of delivery of the device.
Seal diaphragm Measuring cell
1) When also ordering the quality test certificate (factory calibration) accord-
Stainless steel Stainless steel A ing to IEC 60770-2 for transmitters with mounted diaphragm seals:
Hastelloy Stainless steel B Order this certificate only together with the remote seals.
Hastelloy Hastelloy C The measuring accuracy of the total combination is certified here.
2) If the inspection certificate 3.1 is ordered for the transmitter with mounted
Version for diaphragm seals in conjunction with Y
process connector "female thread ½-14 NPT" diaphragm seals this certificate must also be ordered with the respective
(recommended version)1) 2) 3) 4) 5) remote seals.
3) The diaphragm seal is to be specified with a separate order number and
Process connection must be included with the transmitter order number, for example
• Connection shank G½B to EN 837-1 0 7MF802.-..Y..-.... and 7MF4900-1...-.B
• Female thread ½-14 NPT 1 4) The standard measuring cell filling for configurations with remote seals (Y)
• Stainless steel oval flange with process connec- is silicone oil.
tion (Oval flange has no female thread) 6) 5) Remote seal for direct mounting only available in combination with pro-
- Mounting thread 7/16-20 UNF to 2 cess connection ½-14 NPT.
IEC 61518/DIN EN 61518 6) M10 fastening thread:
- Mounting thread M10 to DIN 19213 3 Max. measuring span 160 bar (2320 psi)
- Mounting thread M12 to DIN 19213 4 7/16-20 UNF and M12 fastening thread:
Max. measuring span 400 bar (5802 psi)
• Male thread M20 x 1.5 5 7) Only available together with electrical connection option A
• Male thread ½ -14 NPT 6
8) Only available together with electrical connection options B, C or G.
Non-wetted parts materials 9) Only together with HART electronics.
• Stainless steel, deep-drawn and electrolytically 4 10) Without
polished cable gland.
11) Display cannot be turned.
• Standard versions 1
Explosion protection
• None A
• With ATEX, Type of protection:
- "Intrinsic safety (Ex ia)" B
• Zone 20/21/227) C
• Ex nA/nL (Zone 2)8) E
• with FM "intrinsic safety" (cFMUS) M
Electrical connection / cable entry
• Screwed gland M20x1.5 (polyamide)9) A
• Screwed gland M20x1.5 (metal) B
• Screwed gland M20x1.5 (stainless steel) C
• Device plug M12 (stainless steel), G
without cable socket)
• Screwed gland ½-14 NPT metal thread 10) H
• Screwed gland ½-14 NPT stainless steel thread J
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Article No.
SITRANS P300 pressure transmitters for relative SITRANS P300 pressure transmitters for relative
and absolute pressure with front-flush mem- and absolute pressure with front-flush mem-
brane, single-chamber measuring enclosure, rat- brane, single-chamber measuring enclosure, rat-
ing plate inscription in English ing plate inscription in English
4 ... 20 mA/HART 7MF 8 1 2 3 - 4 ... 20 mA/HART 7MF 8 1 2 3 -
PROFIBUS PA 7MF 8 1 2 4 - PROFIBUS PA 7MF 8 1 2 4 -
FOUNDATION Fieldbus (FF) 7MF 8 1 2 5 - FOUNDATION Fieldbus (FF) 7MF 8 1 2 5 -
Click on the Article No. for the online configura- 77777 - 7777 77777 - 7777
tion in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Measuring cell filling Measuring cell cleaning • Without display, with keys, closed lid 1
Silicone oil normal 1 2
• With display and keys, closed lid7)
Inert liquid 3
• With display and keys, lid with polycarbonate disc 4
FDA compliant fill fluid
• Neobee oil normal 4 (setting on HART devices: mA, with PROFIBUS PA
and FOUNDATION Fieldbus equipment: pressure
Measuring span (min. ... max.) units)7)
0.01 ... 1 bar (0.15 ... 14.5 psi) B • With display and keys (setting acc. to specifica- 5
0.04 ... 4 bar (0.58 ... 58 psi) C tions, Order code "Y21" or "Y22" required), lid with
0.16 ... 16 bar (2.32 ... 232 psi) D polycarbonate disc7)
0.63 ... 63 bar (9.14 ... 914 psi) E • With display and keys, lid with glass pane (setting 6
43.34 ... 1300 mbar a1) (0.63 ... 18.86 psi a)1) S on HART devices: mA, with PROFIBUS PA and
FOUNDATION Fieldbus equipment: pressure
0.17 ... 5 bar a1) (2.43 ... 72.5 psi a)1) T
1 ... 30 bar a1) (14.6 ... 435 psi a)1) U
• With display and keys (setting acc. to specifica- 7
Wetted parts materials tions, Order code "Y21" or "Y22" required), lid with
Seal diaphragm Measuring cell glass pane7)
Stainless steel Stainless steel A Power supply units see Chap. 7 "Supplementary Components"
Hastelloy2) Stainless steel B
A quick-start guide is included in the scope of delivery of the device.
Process connection
1) Not with temperature decoupler P00, not for process connections R01,
• Flange version with Order code M.., N.., R.. or Q.. 7
R02, R04, R10 and R11, and can only be ordered in conjunction with sili-
(see "Further designs")
cone oil.
Non-wetted parts materials 2) Only available for flanges with options M.., N.. and Q..
• Stainless steel, deep-drawn and electrolytically 4 3) Only together with electrical connection option A.
polished 4) Only available together with electrical connection options B, C or G.
Version 5) Only together with HART electronics.
• Standard versions 1 6) Without cable gland.
Explosion protection 7) Display cannot be turned.
• None A
• With ATEX, Type of protection:
- "Intrinsic safety (Ex ia)" B
• Zone 20/21/223) C
• Ex nA/nL (Zone 2)4) E
• with FM "intrinsic safety" (cFMUS) M
Electrical connection / cable entry
• Screwed gland M20x1.5 (polyamide)5) A
• Screwed gland M20x1.5 (metal) B
• Screwed gland M20x1.5 (stainless steel) C
• Device plug M12 (stainless steel), G
without cable socket)
• Screwed gland ½-14 NPT metal thread 6) H
• Screwed gland ½-14 NPT stainless steel thread 6) J
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs HART PA FF Further designs HART PA FF
Add "-Z" to Article No. and Add "-Z" to Article No. and
specify Order code. specify Order code.
Pressure transmitter with mounting A02 Sanitary process connection according
bracket (2 shackles, 4 nuts, 4 U-plates, DIN 11851 (Dairy connection with slotted
1 angle) made of: union nut)
made completely of stainless steel, for wall or • DN 50, PN 25 N04
pipe mounting • DN 80, PN 25 N06
Cable socket for device plugs M12 Tri-Clamp connection according
• Stainless steel A51 DIN 32676/ISO 2852
Rating plate inscription 3A compliant6)
(instead of English) • DN 50/2", PN 16 N14
• German B10 • DN 65/2.5", PN 10 N15
• French B12 • Clamp 2" ISO 2852 PN 16 N22
• Spanish B13 • Clamp 3" ISO 2852 PN 16 N23
• Italian B14 Varivent connection
3A and EHEDG compliant6)
English rating plate B21
• Type N = 68 for Varivent enclosure N28
Pressure units in inH20 and/or psi DN 40 ... 125 and 1½" ... 6", PN 40
Quality test certificate, 5-point C11 Temperature decoupler up to 200 °C7) P00
factory calibration (IEC 60770-2)1)
for front-flush diaphragm version
Inspection certificate2) C12
Acc. to EN 10204-3.1 Sanitary process connection to DRD
• DN 50, PN 40 M32
Factory certificate C14
Acc. to EN 10204-2.2 SMS threaded socket
• 2" M73
Degree of protection IP65/IP68 D12 • 2½" M74
(only for M20x1.5 and ½-14 NPT)
• 3" M75
Degree of protection IP6k9k D46
(only for M20x1.5) Sanitary process connection to NEUMO
Bio-Connect screw connection
CRN approval Canada E22 3A and EHEDG compliant6)
(Canadian Registration Number) • DN 50, PN 16 Q05
Export approval Korea E11 • DN 65, PN 16 Q06
• DN 80, PN 16 Q07
Ex-protection Ex ia according to EAC Ex E80
(Russia) • DN 100, PN 16 Q08
• DN 2", PN 16 Q13
Ex Approval Ex ia/ib NEPSI E55
• DN 2½", PN 16 Q14
Only for SITRANS P300 with front-flush • DN 3", PN 16 Q15
diaphragm (7MF81..-...) • DN 4", PN 16 Q16
Flange to EN 1092-1, Form B1 Sanitary process connection to NEUMO
• DN 25, PN 403) M11 Bio-Connect S flange connection
• DN 40, PN 40 M13 • DN 2", PN 16 Q72
• DN 40, PN 100 M23
• DN 50, PN 16 M04
• DN 50, PN 40 M14
• DN 80, PN 16 M06
• DN 80, PN 40 M16
Flanges to ASME B16.5
• 1", class 1504) M40
• 1½", class 150 M41
• 2", class 150 M42
• 3", class 150 M43
• 4", class 150 M44
• 1", class 3004) M45
• 1½", class 300 M46
• 2", class 300 M47
• 3", class 300 M48
• 4", class 300 M49
Threaded connector to DIN 3852-2, form A,
thread to ISO 228
• G ¾"-A, front-flush4) R01
• G 1"-A, front-flush4) R02
• G 2"-A, front-flush R04
Tank connection5)
Sealing is included in delivery
• TG 52/50, PN 40 R10
• TG 52/150, PN 40 R11
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
1 Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs HART PA FF Additional data HART PA FF
Add "-Z" to Article No. and Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify
specify Order code. Order code(s) and plain text.
Aseptic threaded socket to DIN 11864-1 Form A Measuring range to be set Y01 8)
3A compliant6) Specify in plain text (max. 5 characters):
• DN 50, PN 25 N33 Y01: ... up to ... mbar, bar, kPa, MPa, psi
• DN 65, PN 25 N34 Stainless steel tag plate and entry in Y15
• DN 80, PN 25 N35 device variable (measuring point descrip-
• DN 100, PN 25 N36 tion)
Max. 16 characters, specify in plain text:
Aseptic flange with notch to DIN 11864-2 Y15: ...........................................
Form A
3A compliant6) Measuring point text (entry in device vari- Y16
• DN 50, PN 16 N43 able)
• DN 65, PN 16 N44 Max. 27 characters, specify in plain text:
Y16: ...........................................
• DN 80, PN 16 N45
• DN 100, PN 16 N46 Entry of HART TAG Y17
Aseptic flange with groove to DIN 11864-2 Max. 8 characters, specify in plain text:
Form A Y17: ...........................................
3A compliant6) Setting of the display in pressure units Y21
• DN 50, PN 16 N43 + Specify in plain text (standard setting: bar):
P11 Y21: mbar, bar, kPa, MPa, psi, ...
• DN 65, PN 16 N44 + Note: The following pressure units can be
P11 selected:
• DN 80, PN 16 N45 + bar, mbar, mm H2O*), inH2O*), ftH2O*),
P11 mmHG, inHG, psi, Pa, kPa, MPa, g/cm2,
• DN 100, PN 16 N46 + kg/cm2, Torr, ATM or %
P11 *) ref. temperature 20 °C
Aseptic clamp with groove to DIN 11864-3 Setting of the display in non- Y22 +
FormA pressure units9) Y01
3A compliant6) Specify in plain text:
• DN 50, PN 25 N53 Y22: ..... up to ..... l, m3, m, USg, ...
(specification of measuring range in
• DN 65, PN 25 N54 pressure units "Y01" is essential, unit with
• DN 80, PN 16 N55 max. 5 characters)
• DN 100, PN 16 N56
Preset bus address Y25
(possible between 1 ... 126)
Specify in plain text:
Y25: .....................
Factory mounting of valve manifolds, see accessories.
Only Y01, Y15, Y16, Y17, Y21, Y22 and Y25 can be factory preset
= available
Ordering example
Item line: 7MF8023-1DB24-1AB7-Z
B line: A02 + Y01 + Y21
C line: Y01: 1 ... 10 bar (14.5 ... 145 psi)
C line: Y21: bar (psi)
1) When also ordering the quality test certificate (factory calibration) accord-
ing to IEC 60770-2 for transmitters with mounted diaphragm seals:
Order this certificate only together with the remote seals.
The measuring accuracy of the total combination is certified here.
2) If the inspection certificate 3.1 is ordered for the transmitter with mounted
diaphragm seals this certificate must also be ordered with the respective
remote seals.
3) Special seal in Viton included in the scope of delivery
(FKM; temperature range -20 ... +200 °C (-4 ... +392 °F))
4) Cannot be combined with Order code P00. Can only be ordered with sili-
cone oil measuring cell filling.
5) The weldable socket can be ordered under accessories.
6) 3A compliance ensured only when 3A compliant sealing rings are used.
7) Conformity according to 3A and EHEDG. The maximum permissible tem-
peratures of the medium depend on the respective cell fillings (see
medium conditions).
8) Measuring accuracies for PROFIBUS PA transmitters with Option Y01 are
calculated in the same way as for HART devices.
9) Preset values can only be changed over SIMATIC PDM.
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
■ Dimensional drawings
ø 91 (3.58)
approx. 66 (2.6)
approx. 28 (1.1)
approx. 78 (3.07)
H1 = approx. 120 (4.72)
H2 = approx. 80 (3.15)
approx. 69 (2.72)
approx. 125 (4.92)
approx. 41 (1.61)
Ø 50...60 (1.97...2.36)
approx. 131 (5.16)
72 (2.83)
90 (3.54)
SITRANS P300, process connection M20 x 1.5, with mounted mounting bracket, dimensions in mm (inch)
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
Ø 91 (3.58)
66 (2.6)
26 (1.02)
69 (2.72)
H1 = approx. 120 (4.72)
26,5 (1.0
Temperature decoupler
50 (1.97)
H2 = approx. 49 (1.93)
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
Flanges according to EN and ASME NuG and pharmaceutical connections 1
Flange according to EN Connections to DIN
EN 1092-1 DIN 11851 (milk pipe union with slotted union nut)
Order DN PN D H2 Order DN PN D H2
code code
M13 40 40 150 mm (5.9") 52 mm (2") N06 80 25 127 mm (5.0") 52 mm (2")
M23 40 100 170 mm (6.7")
M04 50 16 165 mm (6.5")
M14 50 40 165 mm (6.5")
M06 80 16 200 mm (7.9") Tri-Clamp nach DIN 32676
M16 80 40 200 mm (7.9") Order DN PN D H2
Flanges according to ASME
N14 50 16 64 mm (2.5") Approx.
ASME B16.5 52 mm (2")
N15 65 10 91 mm (3.6")
Order DN PN D H2
45 mm
R02 1" 60 48 mm (1.9") Approx.
D 47 mm
R04 2" 60 78 mm (3.1") Approx.
52 mm (2")
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 for gauge and absolute pressure
1 Tank connection TG 52/50 and TG52/150
Order DN PN D H2
R10 25 40 63 mm (2.5") Approx.
63 mm
R11 25 40 63 mm (2.5") Approx.
D 170 mm
N43 50 16 94 Approx.
N44 65 16 113 52 mm (2")
N45 80 16 133
N46 100 16 159
P11 52 mm (2")
N44 + 65 16 113
D P11
N45 + 80 16 133
N46 + 100 16 159
N54 65 25 91 52 mm (2")
N55 80 16 106
N56 100 16 130
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 Accessories/Spare parts
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Article No.
Spare parts / Accessories Documentation
Mounting bracket and fastening parts kit The entire documentation is available for
made of stainless steel 7MF8997-1AA download free-of-charge in various languages
Lid without window processinstrumentation/documentation
gasket not included 7MF8997-1BA
Compact operating instructions
Lid with glass window • English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, A5E03434657
gasket not included 7MF8997-1BD Dutch
NBR enclosure sealing 7MF8997-1BG Certificates (order only via SAP)
instead of Internet download
Measuring point label
unlabeled 7MF8997-1CA • hard copy (to order) A5E03252406
Cable gland • on DVD (to order) A5E03252407
• metal 7MF8997-1EA HART modem
• plastic (blue) 7MF8997-1EB
with USB interface 7MF4997-1DB
Weldable sockets for PMC connection
Power supply units see Chap. 7 "Supplementary Components".
• PMC Style Standard: Thread 1½" 7MF4997-2HA
• PMC Style Minibolt: front-flush 1" 7MF4997-2HB
Gaskets for PMC connection
(packing unit = 5 units)
• PTFE seal for PMC Style Standard: 7MF4997-2HC
Thread 1½"
• Gasket made of Viton for PMC Style Minibolt: 7MF4997-2HD
front-flush 1"
Weldable socket for TG 52/50 and
TG 52/150 connection
• TG 52/50 connection 7MF4997-2HE
• TG5 2/150 connection 7MF4997-2HF
Seals for TG 52/50 and TG 52/150 made of 7MF4997-2HG
Seals for flange connection with front-flush
Material FKM (Viton); temperature range:
-20 ... +200 °C (-4 ... +392 °F), 10 units
• DN 25, PN 40 (M11) 7MF4997-2HH
• 1", class 150 (M40) 7MF4997-2HK
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 - Factory-mounting of valve manifolds on transmitters
1 ■ Overview ■ Selection and Ordering data
The SITRANS P300 transmitter for gauge and absolute pressure 7MF9011-4FA valve manifold on gauge and absolute
can be delivered factory-fitted with the following valve manifolds: pressure transmitters
• 7MF9011-4EA and 7MF9011-4FA valve manifolds for gauge Add -Z to the Article No. of the transmitter Order
pressure and absolute pressure transmitters and add Order codes code
■ Design 7MF802.-...1.-...
With process connection
The 7MF9011-4EA valve manifolds are sealed with PTFE gas- female thread ½-14 NPT
kets between the transmitter and the valve manifold as standard. in-sealed with PTFE sealing tape
Soft iron, stainless steel and copper gaskets are also available Delivery including high-pressure test certi-
for sealing purposes if preferred. fied by factory certificate according to
EN 10204-2.2
The 7MF9011-4FA valve manifolds are sealed with PTFE sealing
tape between the transmitter and the valve manifold. Further designs:
The complete unit is checked for leaks under pressure after as- Delivery includes mounting brackets and A02
mounting clips made of stainless steel
sembly (air pressure 6 bar (87 psi)) and certified with a factory
(instead of the mounting bracket supplied
certificate according to EN 10204 - 2.2. with the transmitter)
All valve manifolds should preferably be secured with the corre- Inspection certificate according to EN C12
sponding mounting brackets. The transmitters are mounted on 10204-3.1 supplied for transmitters and
the valve manifold and not on the unit itself. mounted valve manifold
If you order a mounting bracket when choosing the option "Fac- 7MF9011-4EA valve manifold on gauge and absolute
tory mounting of valve manifolds", you will receive a mounting pressure transmitters
bracket for the valve manifold instead of a bracket for mounting Add -Z to the Article No. of the transmitter Order
the transmitter. and add Order codes code
If you order an inspection certificate 3.1 to EN 10204 after SITRANS P300 T02
choosing the option "Factory mounting of valve manifolds", a 7MF802.-...0.-...
separate certificate is provided for the transmitter and for the with process connection
valve manifold. collar G½ A to EN 837-1
with gasket made of PTFE between valve
manifold and transmitter
Alternative sealing material:
• Soft iron A70
• Stainless steel, Mat. No. 14571 A71
• copper A72
Delivery including high-pressure test certi-
fied by factory certificate according to
EN 10204-2.2
Further designs:
Delivery includes mounting brackets and A02
mounting clips made of stainless steel
(instead of the mounting bracket supplied
with the transmitter)
Inspection certificate according to EN C12
10204-3.1 supplied for transmitters and
mounted valve manifold
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
SITRANS P300 - Factory-mounting of valve manifolds on transmitters
■ Dimensional drawings
Valve manifolds mounted on SITRANS P300
270 (10.6)
270 (10.6)
195 (7.7)
160 (6.3)
7MF9011-4EA valve manifold with mounted gauge pressure and abso- 7MF9011-4EA valve manifold with mounted gauge pressure and abso-
lute pressure transmitters lute pressure transmitters, dimensions in mm (inch)
270 (10.6)
270 (10.6)
180 (7.1)
160 (6.3)
7MF9011-4FA valve manifold with mounted gauge pressure and absolute 7MF9011-4FA valve manifold with mounted gauge pressure and absolute
pressure transmitters pressure transmitters, dimensions in mm (inch)
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P DS III and P300 with PMC connection - Technical description
1 ■ Overview ■ Benefits
• High quality and service life
• High reliability even under extreme chemical and mechanical
loads, e.g. abrasion.
• For aggressive and non-aggressive gases, vapors and liquids
• Extensive diagnosis and simulation functions
• Minimum conformity error
• Small long-term drift
• Wetted parts made of Hastelloy
• Infinitely adjustable measuring spans from 0.03 bar to 16 bar
(0.43 psi to 232 psi) for DS III with HART interface
• Nominal measuring range from 1 bar to 16 bar
(14.5 psi to 232 psi) for DS III with PROFIBUS PA and
FOUNDATION Fieldbus interface
• Infinitely adjustable measuring spans from 0.03 bar to 16 bar
(0.43 psi to 232 psi) for SITRANS P300 with HART interface
• Nominal measuring range from 1 bar to 16 bar
(14.5 psi to 232 psi) for SITRANS P300 with PROFIBUS PA in-
• High measuring accuracy
• Parameterization over control keys and HART Communica-
tion, or over PROFIBUS PA or FOUNDATION Fieldbus inter-
face (DS III only).
■ Application
The pressure transmitters of the DS III series, can be used in in-
dustrial areas with extreme chemical and mechanical loads.
Electromagnetic compatibility in the range 10 kHz to 1 GHz
makes the DS III pressure transmitters suitable for locations with
high electromagnetic emissions.
Pressure transmitters with type of protection "Intrinsic safety" and
The SITRANS P300 and DS III pressure transmitters have been "Explosion-proof" may be installed within potentially explosive at-
fitted with special process connections for the paper industry. mospheres (zone 1) or in zone 0. The pressure transmitters are
With the two process connection threads 1½" and 1" flush at the provided with an EC type examination certificate and comply
front, the SITRANS P300 and DS III transmitters can be used for with the corresponding harmonized European standards
all processes in the paper industry. (ATEX).
SITRANS P300 and SITRANS PDS III series pressure transmit- Pressure transmitters with the type of protection "Intrinsic safety"
ters are digital pressure transmitters featuring extensive user- for use in zone 0 may be operated with power supply units of cat-
friendliness and high accuracy. The parameterization is per- egory "ia" and "ib".
formed using control keys via HART, PROFIBUS-PA or
The transmitters can be equipped with various designs of re-
FOUNDATION Fieldbus interface.
mote seals for special applications such as the measurement of
Extensive functionality enables the pressure transmitter to be highly viscous substances.
precisely adapted to the plant’s requirements. Operation is very
The pressure transmitter can be operated locally over 3 control
simple in spite of the numerous setting options.
keys or programmed externally over HART or over
Transmitters with type of protection "Intrinsic safety" and "Explo- PROFIBUS-PA or FOUNDATION Fieldbus interface (only DS III).
sion-proof" may be installed within potentially explosive atmo-
spheres (zone 1) or in zone 0. The transmitters are provided with SITRANS P, DS III series
an EC type examination certificate and comply with the corre- Measured variable: Gauge pressure of aggressive and non-ag-
sponding harmonized European standards (ATEX). gressive gases, vapors and liquids.
Various versions of the pressure transmitters are available for Measuring span (infinitely adjustable)
For DS III with HART: 0.03 ... 16 bar (0.433 ... 232 psi)
• Gauge pressure
• Level Nominal measuring range
• Mass level For DS III with PROFIBUS PA or FOUNDATION Fieldbus:
1 ... 16 bar (14.5 ... 232 psi)
• Volume level
Measuring span (infinitely adjustable)
For DS III with HART: 0.03 ... 16 bar (0.433 ... 232 psi)
Nominal measuring range
1 ... 16 bar (14.5 ... 232 psi)
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P DS III and P300 with PMC connection - Technical description
The device comprises:
• Electronics
1 Plastic cover: access to
the input keys • Enclosure
2 Screw cover with • Measuring cell
viewing pane
3 Display
3 1
4 Locking screw 7
5 Process connection
6 Measuring point label 5
7 Nameplate 4
8 Inlet with cable gland
The enclosure is made of die-cast aluminium or stainless steel The enclosure has a screw-on lid (5) and, depending on the ver-
precision casting. A round cover is screwed on at the front and sion, is with or without an inspection window. The electrical ter-
rear of the enclosure. The front cover (2) can be fitted with a minal enclosure, the buttons for operation of the device are lo-
viewing pane so that the measured values can be read directly cated under this lid and, depending on the version, the display.
on the display. The inlet (8) for the electrical connection is lo- The connections for the auxiliary power UH and the shield are in
cated either on the left or right side. The unused opening on the the terminal enclosure. The cable gland is on the side of the en-
opposite side is sealed by a blanking plug. The protective earth closure. The measuring cell with the process connection (2) is lo-
connection is located on the rear of the enclosure. cated on the bottom of the enclosure. The measuring cell with
the process connection may differ from the one shown in the di-
The electrical connections for the power supply and screen are agram, depending on the device version.
accessible by unscrewing the rear cover. The bottom part of the
enclosure contains the measuring cell with process connection
(5). The measuring cell is prevented from rotating by a locking
screw (4). As the result of this modular design, the measuring
cell and the electronics can be replaced separately from each
other. The set parameter data are retained.
At the top of the enclosure is a plastic cover (1), which hides the
input keys.
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P DS III and P300 with PMC connection - Technical description
1 ■ Function
Operation of electronics with HART communication Operation of electronics with PROFIBUS PA
8 9
M 8
M 00
2 3 4 5
μC IA, UH 2 3 4 5 7
7 interface
Power supply
HART interface 10
EEPROM supply
6 6 unit
Electronics ler
1 6 Electronics
1 6 12 Master
pe Measuring cell
Measuring cell
1 Measuring cell sensor
2 Instrument amplifier
3 Analog-to-digital converter 1 Measuring cell sensor 8 Three input keys
4 Microcontroller 2 Instrument amplifier (local operation)
5 Digital-to-analog converter 3 Analog-to-digital converter 9 Digital display
6 One non-volatile memory each in the measuring cell and 4 Microcontroller 10 Power supply
electronics 5 Electrical isolation 11 DP/PA coupler or link
7 HART interface 6 One non-volatile memory 12 Bus master
8 Three input keys (local operation) each in the measuring cell
9 Digital display and electronics pe Input variable
10 Diode circuit and connection for external ammeter 7 PROFIBUS-PA interface
IA Output current
UH Power supply
Function diagram of electronics
Pe Input variable
The bridge output voltage created by the sensor (1, Figure
"Function diagram of electronics") is amplified by the measuring
Function diagram of electronics amplifier(2) and digitized in the analog-to-digital converter (3).
The digital information is evaluated in the microcontroller, its lin-
The bridge output voltage created by the sensor (1, Figure earity and temperature response corrected, and provided on the
"Function diagram of electronics") is amplified by the measuring PROFIBUS PA through an electrically isolated PA interface (7).
amplifier (2) and digitized in the analog-to-digital converter (3).
The digital information is evaluated in a microcontroller, its linear- The data specific to the measuring cell, the electronics data, and
ity and temperature response corrected, and converted in a dig- the parameter data are stored in the two non-volatile memories
ital-to-analog converter (5) into an output current of 4 to 20 mA. (6). The first memory is linked with the measuring cell, the sec-
ond with the electronics. This modular design means that the
The diode circuit (10) protects against incorrect polarity. electronics and the measuring cell can be replaced separately
The data specific to the measuring cell, the electronics data, and from one another.
the parameter data are stored in the two non-volatile memories Using the three input buttons (8) you can parameterize the pres-
(6). The one memory is coupled to the measuring cell, the other sure transmitter directly at the measuring point. The input but-
to the electronics. As the result of this modular design, the elec- tons can also be used to control the view of the results, the error
tronics and the measuring cell can be replaced separately from messages and the operating modes on the display (9).
each other.
The results with status values and diagnostic values are trans-
Using the 3 input keys (8) you can parameterize the pressure ferred by cyclic data transmission on the PROFIBUS PA. Param-
transmitter directly at the measuring point. The input buttons can eterization data and error messages are transferred by acyclic
also be used to control the view of the results, the error mes- data transmission. Special software such as SIMATIC PDM is re-
sages and the operating modes on the display (9). quired for this.
The HART modem (7) permits parameterization using a protocol
according to the HART specification.
The pressure transmitters with measuring measuring spans
63 bar (914 psi) measure the input pressure compared to atmo-
sphere, the transmitters with measuring measuring spans
160 bar (2320 psi) measure compared to vacuum.
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P DS III and P300 with PMC connection - Technical description
Operation of electronics with FOUNDATION Fieldbus Mode of operation of the measuring cell 1
communication Measuring cell for gauge pressure with front-flush diaphragm
2 3 4 5 7 4
μC 1 1 Measuring cell
Foundation Fieldbus
Power supply 2 Process connection
10 3 Seal diaphragm
Power 4 Filling liquid
EEPROM supply 5 Silicon pressure sensor
6 unit pe Pressure as input variable
ler 2
Electronics 3
1 6
Measuring cell for gauge pressure, with front-flush diaphragm for paper
USB/RS 232
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P DS III and P300 with PMC connection - Technical description
1 When parameterizing with a PC, the connection is made through Parameterization through PROFIBUS PA interface
a HART modem.
Fully digital communication through PROFIBUS PA, profile 3.0, is
The signals needed for communication in conformity with the particularly user-friendly. The PROFIBUS connects the DS III PA
HART 5.x or 6.x protocols are superimposed on the output cur- to a process control system, e.g. SIMATIC PSC 7. Communica-
rent using the Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) method. tion is possible even in a potentially explosive environment.
Adjustable parameter DS III with HART and P300 with HART For parameterization through PROFIBUS you need suitable soft-
ware, e.g. SIMATIC PDM (Process Device Manager).
Parameters Input keys HART
communication Parameterization through FOUNDATION Fieldbus interface
Lower range value x x Fully digital communication through FOUNDATION Fieldbus is
Upper range value x x particularly user-friendly. Through the FOUNDATION Fieldbus
the DS III with FOUNDATION Fieldbus is connected to a process
Electrical damping x x
control system. Communication is possible even in a potentially
Lower range value without applica- x x explosive environment.
tion of a pressure ("Blind setting")
For parameterization through the FOUNDATION Fieldbus you
Upper range value without applica- x x need suitable software, e.g. National Instruments Configurator.
tion of a pressure ("Blind setting")
Zero adjustment x x Adjustable parameters for DS III with PROFIBUS PA and
FOUNDATION Fieldbus, and P300 with PROFIBUS PA and
current transmitter x x
Fault current x x
Adjustable parameters Input keys PROFIBUS PA
Disabling of buttons, write protection x x1) and FOUNDA-
Type of dimension and actual dimen- x x TION Fieldbus
sion interface
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P DS III with PMC connection
■ Technical specifications
SITRANS P, DS III series for gauge pressure with PMC connection for the paper industry
Measured variable Gauge pressure
Measuring span (infinitely adjustable) or nominal measuring HART PROFIBUS PA/
range, max. operating pressure and max. test pressure FOUNDATION
Measuring span Nominal measuring Max. operating pres- Max. perm.
range sure MAWP (PS) test pressure
0.01 ... 1 bar 1 bar 4 bar 6 bar
1 ... 100 kPa 100 kPa 400 kPa 600 kPa
0.15 ... 14.5 psi 14.5 psi 58 psi 87 psi
0.04 ... 4 bar 4 bar 7 bar 10 bar
4 ... 400 kPa 400 kPa 0.7 MPa 1 MPa
0.58 ... 58 psi 58 psi 102 psi 145 psi
0.16 ... 16 bar 16 bar 21 bar 32 bar
16 ... 1600 kPa 1600 kPa 2.1 MPa 3.2 MPa
2.3 ... 232 psi 232 psi 305 psi 464 psi
Lower measuring limit 100 mbar a/10 kPa a/1.45 psi a
(For PMC-Style Minibolt no measuring span < 500 mbar
Upper measuring limit 100% of max. measuring span
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA Digital PROFIBUS PA and
FOUNDATION Fieldbus signal
• Lower limit (infinitely adjustable) 3.55 mA, factory preset to 3.84 mA -
• Upper limit (infinitely adjustable) 23 mA, factory preset to 20.5 mA or -
optionally set to 22.0 mA
• Without HART communication RB (UH - 10.5 V)/0.023 A in , -
UH: Power supply in V
• With HART communication RB = 230 ... 500 (SIMATIC PDM) or -
RB = 230 ... 1100 (HART-Communicator)
Physical bus - IEC 61158-2
Protection against polarity reversal Protected against short-circuit and polarity reversal. Each connection against the
other with max. supply voltage.
Electrical damping (step width 0.1 s) Set to 2 s (0 ... 100 s)
Measuring accuracy Acc. to IEC 60770-1
Reference conditions • Increasing characteristic
(All error data refer always refer to the set span) • Lower range value 0 bar/kPa/psi
• Stainless steel seal diaphragm
• Silicone oil filling
• Room temperature 25 °C (77 °F)
Measuring span ratio r (spread, Turn-Down) r = max. measuring span/set measuring span or nom. pressure range
Error in measurement at limit setting incl.
hysteresis and reproducibility
• Linear characteristic
- r5 0.075 %
- 5 < r 100 (0.005 r + 0.05) %
Influence of ambient temperature (in percent per 28 °C (50 °F)) (0.08 r + 0.16) %
Long-term stability (temperature change ±30 °C (±54 °F)) (0.25 r) % in 5 years
Effect of mounting position 0.1 mbar/0.01 kPa/0.00145 psi per 10° inclination
(zero point correction is possible with position error compensation)
Effect of auxiliary power supply 0.005 % per 1 V
(in percent per change in voltage)
Measuring value resolution for PROFIBUS PA and 3 10-5 of nominal measuring range
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P DS III with PMC connection
1 SITRANS P, DS III series for gauge pressure with PMC connection for the paper industry
Operating conditions
Degree of protection
• according to EN 60529 IP66 (optional IP66/IP68)
• according to NEMA 250 Type 4X
Temperature of medium -40 ... +100 °C (-40 ... +212 °F)
Ambient conditions
• Ambient temperature -20 ... +85 °C (-4 ... +185 °F)
- Transmitter -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
• Storage temperature -50 ... +85 °C (-58 ... +185 °F)
• Climatic class
- Condensation Relative humidity 0 ... 100 %
Condensation permissible, suitable for use in the tropics
• Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Emitted interference and interference immunity Acc. to IEC 61326 and NAMUR NE 21
Weight (without options) 1.5 kg ( 3.3 lb)
Enclosure material Low-copper die-cast aluminum, GD-AlSi12 or stainless steel precision casting, mat.
no. 1.4408
Wetted parts materials
• Gasket (standard) PTFE flat gasket
• O-ring (minibolt) FPM (Viton) or optionally: FFPM or NBR
Measuring cell filling Silicone oil or inert filling liquid
Process connection (standard) Flush-mounted, 1½", PMC Standard design
Process connection (minibolt) Flush-mounted, 1", minibolt design
Power supply UH
Terminal voltage on transmitter 10.5 ... 45 V DC -
10.5 ... 30 V DC in intrinsically-safe mode
Power supply - Supplied through bus
Separate supply voltage - Not necessary
Bus voltage
• Not Ex - 9 ... 32 V
• With intrinsically-safe operation - 9 ... 24 V
Current consumption
• Basic current (max.) - 12.5 mA
• Start-up current basic current - Yes
• Max. current in event of fault - 15.5 mA
Fault disconnection electronics (FDE) available - Yes
Certificates and approvals
Classification according to PED 2014/68/EU For gases of fluid group 1 and liquids of fluid group 1; complies with requirements of
article 4, paragraph 3 (sound engineering practice)
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P DS III with PMC connection
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P DS III with PMC connection
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Article No.
SITRANS P pressure transmitters for gauge 7MF 4 1 3 3 - SITRANS P pressure transmitter for gauge
pressure, with PMC connection pressure, with PMC connection
77777 - 7777
series DS III with HART DS III with PROFIBUS PA (PA) 7MF 4 1 3 4 -
Click on the Article No. for the online configu- DS III with FOUNDATION Fieldbus (FF) 7MF 4 1 3 5 -
ration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Click on the Article No. for the online configu- 77777 - 7777
Measuring cell filling Measuring cell- ration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Silicone oil normal 1 Measuring cell filling Meas. cell cleaning
Inert liquid grease-free to 3 Silicone oil normal 1
cleanliness level 2 Inert liquid grease-free to 3
cleanliness level 2
Measuring span (min. ... max.)
Nominal measuring range
0.01 ... 1 bar1) (0.15 ... 14.5 psi)1) B
1 bar1) (14.5 psi)1) B
0.04 ... 4 bar (0.58 ... 58 psi) C
4 bar (58 psi) C
0.1.6 ... 16 bar (2.32 ... 232 psi) D
16 bar (232 psi) D
Wetted parts materials
Wetted parts materials
Seal diaphragm Connection shank
Seal diaphragm Connection shank
Hastelloy Stainless steel B
Hastelloy Stainless steel B
Process connection Process connection2)
• PMC Style Standard: Thread 1½" 2 • PMC Style Standard: Thread 1½" 2
• PMC Style Minibolt: front-flush 1" (not with mini- 3 • PMC Style Minibolt: front-flush 1" (minimum mea- 3
mum measuring span: 500 mbar (7.25 psi) - ver- suring span: 500 mbar (7.25 psi), not available
sion "B") with
Non-wetted parts materials 1-bar-measuring cell (Option B))
• Enclosure made of die-cast aluminium 0 Non-wetted parts materials
• Enclosure stainless steel precision casting 3 • Enclosure made of die-cast aluminium 0
Version • Enclosure stainless steel precision casting 3
• Standard version, German plate inscription, 1 Version
setting for pressure unit: bar • Standard version, German plate inscription, 1
• International version, English plate inscription, 2 setting for pressure unit: bar
setting for pressure unit: bar • International version, English plate inscription, 2
• Chinese version, English plate inscription, 3 setting for pressure unit: bar
setting for pressure unit: Pascal • Chinese version, English plate inscription, 3
All versions include DVD with compact operating setting for pressure unit: Pascal
instructions in various EU languages. All versions include DVD with compact operating
Explosion protection instructions in various EU languages.
• None A Explosion protection
• With ATEX, Type of protection: • None A
- "Intrinsic safety (Ex ia)" B • With ATEX, Type of protection:
- "Explosion-proof (Ex d)" 2) D - "Intrinsic safety (Ex ia)" B
- „Ex nA/ic (Zone 2)"3) E - "Explosion-proof (Ex d)" 3) D
• FM + CSA intrinsic safe (is)4) F - „Ex nA/ic (Zone 2)"4) E
• With FM + CSA, Type of protection: • FM + CSA intrinsic safe (is)5) F
- "Intrinsic Safe and Explosion Proof (is + xp)"3)4) NC
• With FM + CSA, Type of protection:
- "Intrinsic Safe and Explosion Proof (is + xp)"3)5) NC
Electrical connection / cable entry
• Female thread M20 x 1.5 B Electrical connection / cable entry
• Female thread ½-14 NPT C • Female thread M20 x 1.5 B
• Device plugs M12 (stainless steel)5) 6) F • Female thread ½-14 NPT C
• Device plugs M12 (stainless steel)6) 7) F
• Without display 0 Display
• Without visible display (display concealed, 1 • Without display 0
setting: mA) • Without visible display (display concealed, 1
• With visible display (setting: mA) 6 setting: bar)
• With customer-specific display (setting as spec- 7 • With visible display (setting: bar) 6
ified, Order code "Y21" required) • With customer-specific display (setting as spec- 7
ified, Order code "Y21" required)
Power supply units see Chap. 7 "Supplementary Components".
Included in delivery of the device:
Included in delivery of the device: • Quick-start guide
• Quick-start guide • Sealing ring
• Sealing ring
1) Only with "PMC Style Standard"process connection
1) Only with "PMC Style Standard" process connection 2) Sealing is included in delivery.
2) Without cable gland, with blanking plug 3) Without cable gland, with blanking plug
3) Configurations with device plugs M12 are only available in Ex ic. 4) Configurations with device plugs M12 are only available in Ex ic.
4) Explosion protection acc. to FM/CSA: suitable for installations according to 5) Explosion protection acc. to FM/CSA: suitable for installations according to
NEC 500/505. NEC 500/505
5) Only in connection with Ex approval A, B, E or F. 6) Only in connection with Ex approval A, B, E or F.
6) M12 delivered without cable socket 7) M12 delivered without cable socket
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P DS III with PMC connection
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs HART PA FF Additional data HART PA FF
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify
code. Order code(s) and plain text.
Device plugs Measuring range to be set Y01 1)
• Angled A32 Specify in plain text (max. 5 characters):
• Han 8D (metal, gray) A33 Y01: ... up to ... mbar, bar, kPa, MPa, psi
M12 cable sockets (metal (CuZn)) A50 Stainless steel tag plate and entry in Y15
device variable (measuring point descrip-
Rating plate inscription tion)
(instead of German) Max. 16 characters, specify in plain text:
• English B11 Y15: ...........................................
• French B12 Measuring point text (entry in device vari- Y16
• Spanish B13 able)
• Italian B14 Max. 27 characters, specify in plain text:
• Cyrillic (russian) B16 Y16: ...........................................
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P DS III with PMC connection
1 ■ Dimensional drawings
15 143 (5.6) 4
(0.6) 74 (2.9) 53 (2.1) 29 (1.14) 84 (3.31)
50 (1.97)
3 6
min. 90 (3.54) 2)
1 Electronics side, local display
4 Cover over buttons
(longer overall length for cover with inspection window)1)
5 Blanking plug
2 Connection side 1)
In addition, allow approx. 20 mm (0.79 inch) for the thread length
92 mm (3.62 inch) minimum distance for rotating with indicator
SITRANS P DS III pressure transmitters for gauge pressure, with PMC connection, dimensions in mm (inch)
The diagram shows a SITRANS P DS III with an example of a
PMC Style standard
flange. In this drawing the height is subdivided into H1 and H2.
H1 = Height of the SITRANS P DS III up to a defined cross-sec-
tion 40.9 mm (1.6") approx.
36.8 mm
Ø 36,6 (1.44)
Ø 58,9 (2.32) 26.3 mm (1.0") approx.
33.1 mm
1) (1.3")
1) O-ring surface
(bore hole Ø 8 mm (0.3“) without burr)
PMC Style Standard (left) and PMC Style Minibolt (right) weldable
sockets, dimensions in mm (inch)
Material: Stainless steel, Mat. No. 1.4404/316L
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P300 with PMC connection
■ Technical specifications
SITRANS P300 for gauge pressure with PMC connection for the paper industry
Measured variable Gauge pressure (front-flush)
Measuring span (infinitely adjustable) or nominal measuring HART PROFIBUS PA/
range and max. permissible test pressuree FOUNDATION
Measuring span Nominal measuring Max. operating pres- Max. perm.
range sure MAWP (PS) test pressure
0.01 ... 1 bar 1 bar 4 bar 6 bar
1 ... 100 kPa 100 kPa 400 kPa 600 kPa
0.15 ... 14.5 psi 14.5 psi 58 psi 87 psi
0.04 ... 4 bar 4 bar 7 bar 10 bar
4 ... 400 kPa 400 kPa 0.7 MPa 1 MPa
0.58 ... 58 psi 58 psi 102 psi 145 psi
0.16 ... 16 bar 16 bar 21 bar 32 bar
16 ... 1600 kPa 1600 kPa 2.1 MPa 3.2 MPa
2.3 ... 232 psi 232 psi 305 psi 464 psi
Lower measuring limit 100 mbar a/10 kPa a/1.45 psi a
(For PMC-Style Minibolt no measuring span < 500 mbar
Upper measuring limit 100 % of max. measuring span
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA Digital PROFIBUS PA and
FOUNDATION Fieldbus signal
• Lower limit (infinitely adjustable) 3.55 mA, factory preset to 3.84 mA -
• Upper limit (infinitely adjustable) 23 mA, factory preset to 20.5 mA or -
optionally set to 22.0 mA
• Without HART communication RB (UH - 10.5 V)/0.023 A in , -
UH: Power supply in V
• With HART communication RB = 230 ... 500 (SIMATIC PDM) or -
RB = 230 ... 1100 (HART Communica-
Physical bus - IEC 61158-2
Protection against polarity reversal Protected against short-circuit and polarity reversal. Each connection against the
other with max. supply voltage.
Electrical damping (step width 0.1 s) Set to 2 s (0 ... 100 s)
Measuring accuracy Acc. to IEC 60770-1
Reference conditions • Increasing characteristic
• Lower range value 0 bar/kPa/psi
• Stainless steel seal diaphragm
• Measuring cell with silicone oil
• Room temperature 25 °C (77 °F)
Measuring span ratio r (spread, Turn-Down) r = max. measuring span/set measuring span or nominal measuring range
Error in measurement at limit setting incl. hysteresis and repro-
Linear characteristic
- r5 0.075 %
- 5 < r 100 (0.005 r + 0.05) %
Influence of ambient temperature (0.08 r + 0.16) %
(in percent per 28 °C (50 °F))
Long-term stability (temperature change ±30 °C (±54 °F)) (0.25 r) % in 5 years
Effect of mounting position 0.1 mbar/0.01 kPa/0.00145 psi per 10° inclination
(zero point correction is possible with position error compensation)
Effect of auxiliary power supply 0.005 % per 1 V
(in percent per change in voltage)
Measuring value resolution for PROFIBUS PA and 3 10-5 of nominal measuring range
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P300 with PMC connection
1 SITRANS P300 for gauge pressure with PMC connection for the paper industry
Operating conditions
Installation conditions
Ambient temperature Observe the temperature class in areas subject to explosion hazard.
• Measuring cell with silicone oil -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
• Display readable -30 ... +85 °C (-22 ... +185 °F)
• Storage temperature -50 ... +85 °C (-58 ... +185 °F)
Climatic class
Condensation Relative humidity 0 ... 100 %
Condensation permissible, suitable for use in the tropics
Degree of protection
• according to EN 60529 IP65, IP68
• according to NEMA 250 Type 4X, enclosure cleaning, resistant to lyes, steam to 150 °C (302 °F)
Electromagnetic Compatibility
• Emitted interference and interference immunity Acc. to IEC 61326 and NAMUR NE 21
Medium conditions
Temperature of medium
• Measuring cell with silicone oil -40 ... +100 °C (-40 ... +212 °F)
Weight (without options) Approx. 1 kg (2.2 lb)
Enclosure material Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4301/304
Material of parts in contact with the medium
• Seal diaphragm Hastelloy C276, mat. no. 2.4819
• Measuring cell filling Silicone oil
Surface quality touched-by-media Ra-values 0.8 µm (32 µ inch)/welds Ra 1.6 µm (64 µ inch)
Terminal voltage on transmitter 10.5 ... 42 V DC
for intrinsically safe operation:
10.5 ... 30 V DC
Power supply Supplied through bus
Separate supply voltage - Not necessary
Bus voltage
• Without Ex - 9 ... 32 V
• With intrinsically-safe operation - 9 ... 24 V
Current consumption
• Max. basic current - 12.5 mA
• Start-up current basic current - Yes
• Max. fault current in the event of a fault - 15.5 mA
Fault disconnection electronics (FDE) available - Yes
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P300 with PMC connection
SITRANS P300 for gauge pressure with PMC connection for the paper industry
Certificates and approvals HART PROFIBUS PA/ FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Classification according to PED 2014/68/EU For gases of fluid group 1 and liquids of fluid group 1; complies with requirements of
Article 4, paragraph 3 (sound engineering practice)
Explosion protection
Intrinsic safety "i" PTB 05 ATEX 2048
Marking II 1/2 G Ex ia llC/llB T4/T5/T6 Ga/Gb
Permissible ambient temperature
• Temperature class T4 -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
• Temperature class T5 -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
• Temperature class T6 -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
Connection To certified intrinsically-safe circuits with To certified intrinsically-safe circuits with
peak values: peak values:
Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, FISCO supply unit:
Pi = 750 mW, Ri = 300 Ui = 17.5 V, Ii = 380 mA,
Pi = 5.32 W
Linear barrier:
Ui = 24 V, Ii = 250 mA, Pi = 1.2 W
Effective inner capacitance: Ci = 6 nF Ci = 1.1 nF
Effective internal inductance: Li = 0.4 mH Li 7 H
Explosion protection to FM for USA and Canada (cFMUS)
• Identification (DIP) or (IS); (NI) Certificate of Compliance 3025099
CL I, DIV 1, GP ABCD T4 ... T6; CL II, DIV 1, GP EFG; CL III; CL I, ZN 0/1 AEx ia IIC
T4 ... T6; CL I, DIV 2, GP ABCD T4 ... T6; CL II, DIV 2, GP FG; CL III
• Identification (DIP) or (IS) Certificate of Compliance 3025099C
CL I, DIV 1, GP ABCD T4 ... T6; CL II, DIV 1, GP EFG; CL III; Ex ia IIC 4 ... T6; CL I,
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P300 with PMC connection
1 HART communication FOUNDATION Fieldbus
HART 230 ... 1100
Function blocks 3 function blocks analog input,
Protocol HART Version 5.x 1 function block PID
Software for computer SIMATIC PDM • Analog input
PROFIBUS PA communication - Adaptation to customer- Yes, linearly rising or falling
Simultaneous communication with 4 specific process variables characteristic
master class 2 (max.) - Electrical damping, adjustable 0 ... 100 s
The address can be set using Configuration tool - Simulation function Output/input (can be locked
Local operation within the device with a bridge)
(standard setting Address 126) - Failure mode parameterizable (last good
Cyclic data usage value, substitute value, incorrect
• Output byte One measured value: 5 bytes
- Limit monitoring Yes, one upper and lower warn-
Two measured values: 10 bytes ing limit and one alarm limit
• Input byte Register operating mode: respectively
1 bytes - Square-rooted characteristic Yes
Reset function due to metering. for flow measurement
1 bytes
• PID Standard FOUNDATION Field-
Device profile PROFIBUS PA Profile for Pro- bus function block
cess Control Devices
• Physical block 1 resource block
Version 3.0, class B
Transducer blocks 1 transducer block Pressure with
Function blocks 2
calibration, 1 transducer block
• Analog input LCD
- Adaptation to customer-specif- Linearly rising or falling charac- • Pressure transducer block
ic process variables teristic
- Can be calibrated by applying Yes
- Electrical damping 0 ... 100 s adjustable two pressures
- Simulation function Input /Output - Monitoring of sensor limits Yes
- Limit monitoring One upper and lower warning - Simulation function: Measured Constant value or over parame-
limit and one alarm limit respec- pressure value, sensor tem- terizable ramp function
tively perature and electronics tem-
• Register (totalizer) Can be reset and preset
Optional direction of counting
Simulation function of the regis-
ter output
- Limit monitoring One upper and lower warning
limit and one alarm limit respec-
• Physical block 1
Transducer blocks 2
• Pressure transducer block
- Monitoring of sensor limits Yes
- Specification of a container Max. 31 nodes
characteristic with
- Characteristic curve Linear
- Simulation function Available
• Transducer block "Electronic
Simulation function Available
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P300 with PMC connection
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Article No.
SITRANS P300 pressure transmitters with PMC SITRANS P300 pressure transmitters with PMC
connection, single-chamber measuring enclosure, connection, single-chamber measuring enclosure,
rating plate inscription in English rating plate inscription in English
with 4 ... 20 mA / HART 7MF 8 1 2 3 - with 4 ... 20 mA / HART 7MF 8 1 2 3 -
with PROFIBUS PA 7MF 8 1 2 4 - with PROFIBUS PA 7MF 8 1 2 4 -
with FOUNDATION Fieldbus (FF) 7MF 8 1 2 5 - with FOUNDATION Fieldbus (FF) 7MF 8 1 2 5 -
Click on the Article No. for the online configura- 77777 - 7777 77777 - 7777
tion in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Measuring cell filling Measuring cell cleaning • Without display, with keys, closed lid 1
Silicone oil normal 1 • With display and keys, closed lid 7) 2
Inert liquid Cleanliness level 2 to 3
DIN 25410 • With display and keys, lid with polycarbonate disc 4
(setting on HART devices: mA, with PROFIBUS PA
Measuring span and FOUNDATION Fieldbus equipment: pressure
1 bar1) (14.5 psi) B units)7)
4 bar (58 psi) C • With display and keys (setting acc. to specifica- 5
16 bar (232 psi) D tions, Order code "Y21" or "Y22" required), lid with
polycarbonate disc 7)
Wetted parts materials
• With display and keys, lid with glass pane (setting 6
Seal diaphragm Measuring cell on HART devices: mA, with PROFIBUS PA and
Hastelloy Stainless steel B FOUNDATION Fieldbus equipment: pressure
Process connection • With display (setting acc. to specifications, Order 7
• PMC Style Standard: Thread 1½" 2 code "Y21" or "Y22" required), lid with glass pan-
• PMC Style Minibolt: front-flush 1" (minimum mea- 3 el7)
suring span: 500 mbar (7.25 psi), not available
with 1-bar-measuring cell (Option B)) Power supply units see Chap. 7 "Supplementary Components".
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P300 with PMC connection
1 Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs HART PA FF Additional data HART PA FF
Add "-Z" to Article No. and Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify
specify Order code. Order code(s) and plain text.
Cable socket for device plugs M12 Measuring range to be set Y01 1)
• Stainless steel A51 Specify in plain text (max. 5 characters):
Y01: ... up to ... mbar, bar, kPa, MPa, psi
Rating plate inscription
(instead of English) Stainless steel tag plate and entry in Y15
• German B10 device variable (measuring point descrip-
• French B12
Max. 16 characters, specify in plain text:
• Spanish B13 Y15: ...........................................
• Italian B14
Measuring point text (entry in device vari- Y16
English rating plate B21 able)
Pressure units in inH20 and/or psi Max. 27 char., specify in plain text: Y16: ......
Quality test certificate, 5-point C11 Entry of HART address (TAG) Y17
factory calibration (IEC 60770-2) Max. 8 char., specify in plain text: Y17: .........
Inspection certificate C12 Setting of pressure indication in Y21
Acc. to EN 10204-3.1 pressure units
Specify in plain text (standard setting: bar):
Factory certificate C14 Y21: mbar, bar, kPa, MPa, psi, ...
Acc. to EN 10204-2.2 Note: The following pressure units can
Setting of the upper saturation limit of the D05 be selected:
output signal to 22.0 mA bar, mbar, mm H2O*), inH2O*), ftH2O*),
mmHG, inHG, psi, Pa, kPa, MPa, g/cm2,
Degree of protection IP65/IP68 D12 kg/cm2, Torr, ATM or %
(only for M20x1.5 and ½-14 NPT) *) ref. temperature 20 °C
Mounting Setting of pressure indication in non-pres- Y22 +
• Weldable sockets for standard 1½" P01 sure units2) Y01
threaded connection Specify in plain text:
• Weldable socket for minibolt connection 1" P02 Y22: ..... up to ..... l, m3, m, USg, ...
(incl. screw 5/16-18 UNC-2B and washer) (specification of measuring range in pressure
units "Y01" is essential, unit with max. 5 char-
Preset bus address Y25
possible between 1 and 126
Specify in plain text: Y25: .....................
Only "Y01" and "Y21" can be factory preset
= available
1) Measuring accuracies for PROFIBUS PA transmitters with Option Y01 are
calculated in the same way as for HART devices.
2) Preset values can only be changed over SIMATIC PDM.
Pressure Measurement
Pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure for the paper industry
SITRANS P300 with PMC connection
■ Dimensional drawings
Ø 91 (3.58)
66 (2.6)
26 (1.02)
69 (2.72)
H1 = approx. 120 (4.72)
26,5 (1.0
H 2 = approx. 36,8 (1.4)
SITRANS P300 pressure transmitters for gauge pressure, with PMC connection, dimensions in mm (inch)
The diagram shows a SITRANS P300 with an example of a
PMC Style Standard
flange. In this drawing the height is subdivided into H1 and H2.
H1 = Height of the SITRANS P300 up to a defined cross-section
40.4 mm (1.6") Approx.
H2 = Height of the flange up to this defined cross-section 36.8 mm
Only the height H2 is indicated in the dimensions of the flanges.
Ø 33,4 (1.31) D
M44 x 1,25
Ø 26,7 (1.05)
Ø 8 (0.3)
25,4 (1)
17,8 (0.7)
1) O-ring surface
(bore hole Ø 8 mm (0.3“) without burr)
PMC Style Standard (left) and PMC Style Minibolt (right) weldable sock-
ets, dimensions in mm (inch)
Material: Stainless steel, mat. No. 1.4404 / 316L
■ Design
Depending on the customer-specific order, the device comprises different parts.
8 2 15
3 14
4 12
1 Cover over buttons and nameplate with general information 9 Locking screw for the cover over the buttons
2 Cover (front) with glass pane (optional) 10 Cover (rear) for electrical terminal compartment
3 Display (optional) 11 Electrical terminal compartment
4 Safety catch (front) 12 Safety catch (back)
5 Locking screw for locking the enclosure 13 Ground terminal
6 Process connection 14 Nameplate with information on the remote seal
1 3
9 4
6 5
1 2 3 4 5
2 Type of protection
3 Group (gas, dust)
4 Maximum surface temperature (temperature class)
5 Device protection level
5 6
9 8 10 11
1 Diaphragm seals of sandwich type 7 Nominal diameter/pressure: 4 inch, 50 mm tube length, CLASS 600
3 Order supplement (options, order code) 9 Wetted materials: Diaphragm duplex, 1.4462
■ Technical specifications
SITRANS P320 / SITRANS P420 for gauge pressure (pressure series)
Measured variable Gauge pressure
Measuring span (infinitely adjustable) or measuring Measuring span Max. permissible operating pres- Maximum permissible test pres-
range, max. permissible operating pressure (in sure MAWP (PS) sure
accordance with Pressure Equipment Directive
2014/68/EU) and max. test pressure (pursuant to 8.3 ... 250 mbar 4 bar 6 bar
DIN 16086) (for oxygen measurement, max. 0.83 ... 25 kPa 0.4 MPa 0.6 MPa
100 bar/10 MPa/1450 psi and 60 °C (140 °F) ambient 0.12 … 3.6 psi 58 psi 87 psi
temperature/temperature of medium)
0.01 ... 1 bar 6 bar 9 bar
1 ... 100 kPa 0.6 MPa 0.9 MPa
0.15 … 14.5 psi 87 psi 130 psi
0.04 ... 4 bar 20 bar 30 bar
4 ... 400 kPa 2 MPa 3 MPa
0.58 … 58 psi 290 psi 435 psi
0.16 ... 16 bar 45 bar 70 bar
0.016 ... 1.6 MPa 4.5 MPa 7 MPa
2.3 … 232 psi 652 psi 1015 psi
0.63 ... 63 bar 80 bar 120 bar
0.063 ... 6.3 MPa 8 MPa 12 MPa
9.1 … 914 psi 1160 psi 1740 psi
1.6 ... 160 bar 240 bar 360 bar
0.16 ... 16 MPa 24 MPa 36 MPa
23 … 2321 psi 3481 psi 5221 psi
4 ... 400 bar 400 bar 600 bar
0.4 ... 40 MPa 40 MPa 60 MPa
58 … 5802 psi 5802 psi 8702 psi
7 ... 700 bar 800 bar 800 bar
0.7 ... 70 MPa 80 MPa 80 MPa
102 … 10153 psi 11603 psi 11603 psi
Measuring limits
• Low measuring limit For 250 mbar/25 kPa/3.6 psi measuring cells, the lower measuring limit is 750 mbar a/75 kPa a/10.8 psi
a. The measuring cell is vacuum-resistant up to 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a.
- Measuring cell with silicone oil filling 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a
- Measuring cell with inert oil 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a
- Measuring cell with FDA-compliant oil 100 mbar a/10 kPa a/1.45 psi a
• Upper measuring limit 100% of the max. measuring span (for oxygen measurement max. 100 bar/10 MPa/ 1450 psi and 60 °C
(140 °F) ambient temperature/temperature of medium)
• Lower range value Between the measuring limits (infinitely adjustable)
Output HART
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA
• Low saturation limit (infinitely adjustable) 3.55 mA, factory preset to 3.8 mA
• High saturation limit (infinitely adjustable) 22.8 mA, factory-set to 20.5 mA or optionally 22.0 mA
• Ripple (without HART communication) Ipp 0.5% of max. output current
Adjustable damping 0 … 100 s, continuously adjustable over remote operation
0 … 100 s, in increments of 0.1 s, adjustable over display
• Current transmitter 3.55 … 22.8 mA
• Failure signal 3.55 … 22.8 mA (factory preset to 3.55 mA)
Load Resistor R []
• Without HART communication R = (UH - 10.5 V)/22.8 mA,
UH: Power supply in V
• With HART communication R = 230 … 1100 (HART communicator (handheld))
R = 230 … 500 (SIMATIC PDM)
Characteristic curve • Linearly increasing or linearly decreasing
• Linear increase or decrease or according to the square root (only for differential pressure and flow)
Physical bus -
Polarity-independent -
HART communication
HART 230 ... 1100
Protocol HART 7
Software for computer SIMATIC PDM
Device plug Han 7D (metal, angled) A33 Worldwide (CE, RCM) except EAC, FM, CSA, KCC E00
Device plug Han 8D (plastic, straight) A34 Worldwide (CE, RCM, EAC, FM, CSA, KCC) E01
CSA (USA and Canada) E06
Device plug Han 8D (plastic, angled) A35
Device plug Han 8D (metal, straight) A36
FM E08
Device plug Han 8D (metal, angled) A37
Cable socket included
Export approval CPA (China) E12
Plastic, for device plug Han 7D and Han 8D A40
Explosion protection approvals
Metal, for device plug Han 7D and Han 8D A41
ATEX (Europe) E20
Device plug M12 mounted left
CSA (USA and Canada) E21
Stainless steel, without cable socket A62
FM (USA and Canada) E22
Stainless steel, with cable socket A63
IECEx (Worldwide) E23
Cable entry/connector mounting
EACEx (GOST-R, -K, -B) E24
2x sealing plugs M20 x 1.5, IP66/68 installed on both A90 INMETRO (Brazil) E25
KCs (Korea) E26
2x sealing plugs ½-14 NPT, IP66/68 installed on both A91
sides NEPSI (China) E27
Cable gland/connector mounted left A97 PESO (India) E28
Cable gland/connector mounted on right A99 UKR Sepro (Ukraine) E30
Inspection certificate (EN 10204-3.1) - Material of pres- C12 CRN approval Canada (Canadian Registration Number) E60
surized and wetted parts Special approvals
Factory certificate - NACE (MR 0103-2012 and MR C13 Oxygen application (with inert liquid, max. 100 bar E80
0175-2009)) (1 450 psi) at 60° C (140 °F))
Factory certificate (EN 10204-2.2) - Wetted parts C14 Dual seal E81
Inspection certificate (EN 10204-3.1) - PMI test of pres- C15 WRC / WRAS (drinking water); E83
surized and wetted parts only with pressure cap O-rings made of EPDM
Certificates for functional safety NSF61 (drinking water) E84
Functional safety (IEC 61508) - SIL2/3 C20 ACS (drinking water) E85
■ Dimensional drawings
approx. 96 (3.78) 17 (0.67)
3 4
27 (1.06)
2.6 74 (2.9) 61 (2.4) 24 (0.94) 27 (1.06) 84 (3.31)
1 (0.1)
52 (2.05)
Ø 81 (3.19)
117 (4.61)
158 (6.22)
183 (7.2)
237 (9.33)
SW 36
68 (2.68)
approx. 32
120 (4.72)
72 (2.8)
Space for
rotation of
In addition, allow approx. 22 mm (0.87 inch) for the thread length when removing the covers
Not with "flameproof enclosure" type of protection
Not with type of protection "FM + CSA" [is + XP]"
SITRANS P320/P420 pressure transmitter for gauge pressure (pressure series), dimensions in mm (inch)
HART communication
HART 230 ... 1100
Protocol HART 7
Software for computer SIMATIC PDM
Factory certificate - NACE (MR 0103-2012 and MR C13 CRN approval Canada (Canadian Registration Number) E60
Factory certificate (EN 10204-2.2) - Wetted parts C14
Inspection certificate (EN 10204-3.1) - PMI test of pres- C15
surized and wetted parts
Certificates for functional safety
Functional safety (IEC 61508) - SIL2/3 C20
3 4
Ø 81 (3.19)
139 (5.47)
172 (6.77)
2 7
273 (10.75)
12 min. 92 (3.6)
Space for rotation of
134 (5.28)
101 (3.98)
11 10
52 (2.05)
1.97 ... 2.36
Ø 50 ... 60
68 (2.7)
72 (2.83) 120 (4.7)
105 (4.1)
In addition, allow approx. 22 mm (0.87 inch) for the thread length when removing the covers
Not with "flameproof enclosure" type of protection
Not with type of protection "FM + CSA" [is + XP]"
SITRANS P320/P420 pressure transmitter for relative pressure (differential pressure series), dimensions in mm (inch)
■ Technical specifications
SITRANS P320 / SITRANS P420 for gauge and absolute pressure, with flush-mounted diaphragm
Input of gauge pressure, with flush-mounted dia-
Measured variable Gauge pressure
Measuring span (infinitely adjustable) or measuring Measuring span Max. permissible operating pres- Maximum permissible test pres-
range, max. operating pressure and max. test pres- sure MAWP (PS) sure
0.01 ... 1 bar Refer to the information on the nameplate of the pressure transmitter
1 ... 100 kPa and the data on the mounting flange1)
0.15 … 14.5 psi
0.04 ... 4 bar
4 ... 400 kPa
0.58 … 58 psi
0.16 ... 16 bar
0.016 ... 1.6 MPa
2.3 … 232 psi
0.6 ... 63 bar
0.063 ... 6.3 MPa
9.1 … 914 psi
Measuring limits
• Low measuring limit
- Measuring cell with silicone oil filling 100 mbar a/10 kPa a/1.45 psi a
- Measuring cell with inert oil 100 mbar a/10 kPa a/1.45 psi a
- Measuring cell with FDA-compliant oil 100 mbar a/10 kPa a/1.45 psi a
• Upper measuring limit 100% of max. measuring span
Input of absolute pressure, with flush-mounted
Measured variable Absolute pressure
Measuring span (infinitely adjustable) or measuring Measuring span Max. permissible operating pres- Maximum permissible test pres-
range, max. operating pressure and max. test pres- sure MAWP (PS) sure
43 … 1300 mbar a Refer to the information on the nameplate of the pressure transmitter
4.3 ... 130 kPa a and the data on the mounting flange1)
17 … 525 inH2O a
166 … 5000 mbar a
16.6 ... 500 kPa a
2.41 … 72.5 psi a
1 … 30 bar a
0.1 ... 3 MPa a
14.5 … 435 psi a
Depending on the process connection, the measuring span may differ from these values.
Measuring limits
• Low measuring limit
- Measuring cell with silicone oil filling 0 bar a/0 kPa a/0 psi a
• Upper measuring limit 100% of max. measuring span
Lower range value Between the measuring limits (infinitely adjustable)
Output HART
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA
• Low saturation limit (infinitely adjustable) 3.55 mA, factory preset to 3.8 mA
• High saturation limit (infinitely adjustable) 22.8 mA, factory-set to 20.5 mA or optionally 22.0 mA
• Ripple (without HART communication) Ipp 0.5% of max. output current
Adjustable damping 0 … 100 s, continuously adjustable over remote operation
0 … 100 s, in increments of 0.1 s, adjustable over display
• Current transmitter 3.55 … 22.8 mA
• Failure signal 3.55 … 22.8 mA
Load Resistor R []
• Without HART communication R = (UH - 10.5 V)/22.8 mA,
UH: Power supply in V
• With HART communication R = 230 … 1100 (HART communicator (handheld))
R = 230 … 500 (SIMATIC PDM)
Characteristic curve • Linearly increasing or linearly decreasing
• Linear increase or decrease or according to the square root (only for differential pressure and flow)
Physical bus -
Polarity-independent -
HART communication
HART 230 ... 1100
Protocol HART 7
Software for computer SIMATIC PDM
52 (2.04) (1.06)
74 (2.9) 61 (2.4) 27 84 (3.31)
50 (1.97)
rotation of enclosure
H 2 = approx.
55 (2.17)
Space for
min. 92 (3.6)
EN 1092-1 Order DN PN D H2
Order DN PN D H2
code P06 40 ... 125 40 84 mm (3.3") Approx.
52 mm (2")
M22 40 100 170 mm (6.7")
52 mm (2")
Flanges according to ASME
ASME B16.5
Order DN Clas D H2
code s Threaded connection G¾", G1" and G2" acc. to DIN 3852
Connections to DIN
Q01 25 40 63 mm (2.5") Approx.
DIN 11851 (milk pipe union with slotted union nut) 170 mm
Order DN PN D H2 D
N03 50 25 92 mm (3.6") Approx. SMS threaded socket
52 mm (2")
N05 80 25 127 mm (5.0") Order DN PN D H2
D Q28 2" 25 70 x 1/6 mm Approx.
52 mm (2.1")
Q29 2½" 25 85 x 1/6 mm
TriClamp according to DIN 32676 Q30 3" 25 98 x 1/6 mm
Order DN PN D H2
N14 50 16 64 mm (2.5") Approx.
52 mm (2")
N15 65 16 91 mm (3.6")
N22 2" 16 64 mm (2.5") Approx.
52 mm (2")
N23 3" 10 91 mm (3.6")
N34 65 25 95 x 1/6"
N35 80 25 110 x ¼"
N36 100 25 130 x ¼"
N54 65 25 91 (3.6'')
N55 80 16 106 (4.2'')
N56 100 16 130 (5.1'')
36.8 mm
■ Technical specifications
SITRANS P320 / SITRANS P420 for absolute pressure (pressure series)
Measured variable Absolute pressure
Measuring span (infinitely adjustable) or measuring Measuring span Max. permissible operating pres- Maximum permissible test pres-
range, max. permissible operating pressure (in sure MAWP (PS) sure
accordance with Pressure Equipment Directive
2014/68/EU) and max. test pressure (pursuant to 8.3 … 250 mbar a 4 bar a 6 bar a
DIN 16086) 0.83 ... 25 kPa a 0.4 MPa a 0.6 MPa a
3.3 … 100.5 inH2O a 58 psi a 87 psi a
43 … 1300 mbar a 6.6 bar a 10 bar a
4.3 ... 130 kPa a 0.66 MPa a 1 MPa a
17.3 … 522 inH2O a 95 psi a 145 psi a
166 … 5000 mbar a 20 bar a 30 bar a
16.6 ... 500 kPa a 2 MPa a 3 MPa a
2.41 … 72.5 psi a 290 psi a 435 psi a
1 … 30 bar a 65 bar a 100 bar a
0.1 ... 3 MPa a 6.5 MPa a 10 MPa a
14.5 … 435 psi a 942 psi a 1450 psi a
5.3 … 160 bar a 240 bar 380 bar a
0.53 ... 16 MPa a 24 MPa 38 MPa a
77 … 2321 psi a 3481 psi 5511 psi a
13.3 … 400 bar a 400 bar a 600 bar a
1.3 ... 40 MPa a 40 MPa a 60 MPa a
192 … 5802 psi a 5802 psi a 8702 psi a
23.3 … 700 bar a 800 bar a 800 bar a
2.3 ... 70 MPa a 80 MPa a 80 MPa a
337 … 10153 psi a 11603 psi a 11603 psi a
Measuring limits
• Low measuring limit
- Measuring cell with silicone oil filling 0 mbar a/kPa a/psi a
- Measuring cell with inert oil For temperature of medium -20-°C < ϑ +60 °C (-4 °F < ϑ +140 °F) 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a
For temperature of medium 60 °C < ϑ +100 °C (max. 85 °C for mea- 30 mbar a + 20 mbar a · (ϑ -
suring cell 30 bar) (140 °F < ϑ +212 °F (max. 185 °F for measuring 60 °C)/°C
cell 435 psi)) 3 kPa a + 2 kPa a · (ϑ - 60 °C)/°C
0.44 psi a + 0.29 psi a · (ϑ -
140 °F)/°F
• Upper measuring limit 100% of the max. measuring span (for oxygen measurement max. 100 bar/10 MPa/ 1450 psi and 60 °C
(140 °F) ambient temperature/temperature of medium)
• Lower range value Between the measuring limits (infinitely adjustable)
Output HART
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA
• Low saturation limit (infinitely adjustable) 3.55 mA, factory preset to 3.8 mA
• High saturation limit (infinitely adjustable) 22.8 mA, factory-set to 20.5 mA or optionally 22.0 mA
• Ripple (without HART communication) Ipp 0.5% of max. output current
Adjustable damping 0 … 100 s, continuously adjustable over remote operation
0 … 100 s, in increments of 0.1 s, adjustable over display
• Current transmitter 3.55 … 22.8 mA
• Failure signal 3.55 … 22.8 mA (factory preset to 3.55 mA)
Load Resistor R []
• Without HART communication R = (UH - 10.5 V)/22.8 mA,
UH: Power supply in V
• With HART communication R = 230 … 1100 (HART communicator (handheld))
R = 230 … 500 (SIMATIC PDM)
Characteristic curve • Linearly increasing or linearly decreasing
• Linear increase or decrease or according to the square root (only for differential pressure and flow)
Physical bus -
Polarity-independent -
3 4
27 (1.06)
2.6 74 (2.9) 61 (2.4) 24 (0.94) 27 (1.06) 84 (3.31)
1 (0.1)
52 (2.05)
Ø 81 (3.19)
117 (4.61)
158 (6.22)
183 (7.2)
237 (9.33)
SW 36
68 (2.68)
approx. 32
120 (4.72)
72 (2.8)
Space for
rotation of
In addition, allow approx. 22 mm (0.87 inch) for the thread length when removing the covers
Not with "flameproof enclosure" type of protection
Not with type of protection "FM + CSA" [is + XP]"
SITRANS P320/P420 pressure transmitter for absolute pressure (pressure series), dimensions in mm (inch)
■ Technical specifications
SITRANS P320 / SITRANS P420 for absolute pressure (differential pressure series)
Measured variable Absolute pressure
Measuring span (infinitely adjustable) and maximum Measuring span Max. permissible operating pres- Maximum permissible test pres-
operating pressure (pursuant to Pressure Equipment sure MAWP (PS) sure
Directive 2014/68/EU)
8.3 … 250 mbar a 160 bar a 240 bar a
0.83 ... 25 kPa a 16 MPa a 24 MPa a
3.3 … 100.5 inH2O a 2320 psi a 3481 psi a
43 … 1300 mbar a 160 bar a 240 bar a
4.3 ... 130 kPa a 16 MPa a 24 MPa a
17.3 … 522 inH2O a 2320 psi a 3481 psi a
166 … 5000 mbar a 160 bar a 240 bar a
16.6 ... 500 kPa a 16 MPa a 24 MPa a
2.41 … 72.5 psi a 2320 psi a 3481 psi a
1 … 30 bar a 160 bar a 240 bar a
0.1 ... 3 MPa a 16 MPa a 24 MPa a
14.5 … 435 psi a 2320 psi a 3481 psi a
5 … 100 bar a 160 bar a 240 bar a
0.5 ... 10 MPa a 16 MPa a 24 MPa a
76.9 … 1450 psi a 2320 psi a 3481 psi a
Measuring limits
• Low measuring limit
- Measuring cell with silicone oil filling 0 mbar a/kPa a/psi a
- Measuring cell with inert liquid For temperature of medium -20-°C < ϑ +60 °C (-4 °F < ϑ +140 °F) 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a
For temperature of medium 60 °C < ϑ +100 °C (max. 85 °C for mea- 30 mbar a + 20 mbar a · (ϑ -
suring cell 30 bar) (140 °F < ϑ +212 °F (max. 185 °F for measuring 60 °C)/°C
cell 435 psi)) 3 kPa a + 2 kPa a · (ϑ - 60 °C)/°C
0.44 psi a + 0.29 psi a · (ϑ -
140 °F)/°F
• Upper measuring limit 100% of the max. measuring span (for oxygen measurement max. 100 bar/10 MPa/ 1450 psi and 60 °C
(140 °F) ambient temperature/temperature of medium)
• Lower range value Between the measuring limits (infinitely adjustable)
Output HART
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA
• Low saturation limit (infinitely adjustable) 3.55 mA, factory preset to 3.8 mA
• High saturation limit (infinitely adjustable) 22.8 mA, factory-set to 20.5 mA or optionally 22.0 mA
• Ripple (without HART communication) Ipp 0.5% of max. output current
Adjustable damping 0 … 100 s, continuously adjustable over remote operation
0 … 100 s, in increments of 0.1 s, adjustable over display
• Current transmitter 3.55 … 22.8 mA
• Failure signal 3.55 … 22.8 mA
Load Resistor R []
• Without HART communication R = (UH - 10.5 V)/22.8 mA,
UH: Power supply in V
• With HART communication R = 230 … 1100 (HART communicator (handheld))
R = 230 … 500 (SIMATIC PDM)
Characteristic curve • Linearly increasing or linearly decreasing
• Linear increase or decrease or according to the square root (only for differential pressure and flow)
Physical bus -
Polarity-independent -
Measuring accuracy
Reference conditions • According to EN 60770-1
• Rising characteristic curve
• Lower range value 0 bar/kPa/psi
• Seal diaphragm stainless steel
• Measuring cell with silicone oil filling
• Room temperature 25 °C (77 °F)
HART communication
HART 230 ... 1100
Protocol HART 7
Software for computer SIMATIC PDM
Factory certificate - NACE (MR 0103-2012 and MR C13 CRN approval Canada (Canadian Registration Number) E60
Factory certificate (EN 10204-2.2) - Wetted parts C14
Inspection certificate (EN 10204-3.1) - PMI test of pres- C15
surized and wetted parts
Certificates for functional safety
Functional safety (IEC 61508) - SIL2/3 C20
■ Dimensional drawings
approx. 96 (3.78) 17 (0.67)
3 4
Ø 81 (3.19)
139 (5.47)
172 (6.77)
2 7
273 (10.75)
12 min. 92 (3.6)
Space for rotation of
134 (5.28)
101 (3.98)
11 10
52 (2.05)
1.97 ... 2.36
Ø 50 ... 60
68 (2.7)
72 (2.83) 120 (4.7)
105 (4.1)
In addition, allow approx. 22 mm (0.87 inch) for the thread length when removing the covers
Not with "flameproof enclosure" type of protection
Not with type of protection "FM + CSA" [is + XP]"
SITRANS P320/P420 pressure transmitter for absolute pressure (differential pressure series), dimensions in mm (inch)
For temperature of medium -20 °C < ϑ +60 °C (-4 °F < ϑ +140 °F) -100% of maximum measuring
range or
30 mbar a /3 kPa a /0.44 psi a
For temperature of medium 60 °C < ϑ +100 °C (max. 85 °C for mea- -100% of maximum measuring
suring cell 30 bar with PN 420) (140 °F < ϑ +212 °F (max. 185 °F for range or
measuring cell 435 psi)) 30 mbar a /3 kPa a /0.44 psi a
30 mbar a + 20 mbar a · (ϑ -
60 °C)/°C 3 kPa a + 2 kPa a · (ϑ -
60 °C)/°C0.44 psi a + 0.29 psi a
· (ϑ - 140 °F)/°F
- Measuring cell with FDA-compliant oil For temperature of medium -10 °C < ϑ +100 °C (-14 °F < ϑ -100% of maximum measuring
+212 °F) range or
100 mbar a /10 kPa a /14.5 psi a
• Upper measuring limit 100% of the max. measuring span (for oxygen measurement max. 100 bar/10 MPa/ 1450 psi and 60 °C
(140 °F) ambient temperature/temperature of medium)
• Lower range value Between the measuring limits (infinitely adjustable)
HART communication
HART 230 ... 1100
Protocol HART 7
Software for computer SIMATIC PDM
Cable gland/connector mounted left A97 EACEx (GOST-R, -K, -B) E24
Quality test certificate, 5-point factory calibration C11 ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) E53
(IEC 60770-2) RMR (Russian Maritime Register) E55
Inspection certificate (EN 10204-3.1) - Material of pres- C12 KR (Korean Register of Shipping) E56
surized and wetted parts
RINA (Registro Italiano Navale) E57
Factory certificate - NACE (MR 0103-2012 and MR C13
0175-2009)) CCS (China Classification Society) E58
Factory certificate (EN 10204-2.2) - Wetted parts C14 Country-specific approvals
Inspection certificate (EN 10204-3.1) - PMI test of pres- C15 CRN approval Canada (Canadian Registration Number) E60
surized and wetted parts
Certificates for functional safety
Functional safety (IEC 61508) - SIL2/3 C20
3 4
Ø 81 (3.19)
139 (5.47)
172 (6.77)
2 7
273 (10.75)
12 min. 92 (3.6)
Space for rotation of
134 (5.28)
101 (3.98)
11 10
52 (2.05)
1.97 ... 2.36
Ø 50 ... 60
68 (2.7)
72 (2.83) 120 (4.7)
105 (4.1)
In addition, allow approx. 22 mm (0.87 inch) for the thread length when removing the covers
Not with "flameproof enclosure" type of protection
Not with type of protection "FM + CSA" [is + XP]"
SITRANS P320/P420 pressure transmitter for differential pressure and flow, dimensions in mm (inch)
(0.1) 61 (2.4) approx. 96 (3.78) 17 (0.67) 27 (1.06) 84 (3.31) 6
Ø 81 (3.19)
135 (5.31)
3 4 3
min. 92 (3.6) 7
approx. 85 (3.35) 5)
In addition, allow approx. 22 mm (0.87 inch) for the thread length when removing the covers
Not with "flameproof enclosure" type of protection
Not with type of protection "FM + CSA" [is + XP]"
74 mm (2.9 inch) for PN ≥ 420 (MAWP ≥ 6092 psi)
91 mm (3.6 inch) for PN ≥ 420 (MAWP ≥ 6092 psi)
226 mm (8.9 inch) for PN ≥ 420 (MAWP ≥ 6092 psi)
SITRANS P320/P420 pressure transmitter for differential pressure and flow with process covers for vertical differential pressure lines (option "K81"),
dimensions in mm (inch)
HART communication
HART 230 ... 1100
Protocol HART 7
Software for computer SIMATIC PDM
Mounting flange
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure
• Acc. to EN 1092-1
- DN 80 PN 40
- DN100 PN 16, PN 40
• According to ASME B16.5
- 3 inch Class 150, class 300
- 4 inch Class 150, class 300
Factory certificate - NACE (MR 0103-2012 and MR C13 CRN approval Canada (Canadian Registration Number) E60
Factory certificate (EN 10204-2.2) - Wetted parts C14
Inspection certificate (EN 10204-3.1) - PMI test of pres- C15
surized and wetted parts
Certificates for functional safety
Functional safety (IEC 61508) - SIL2/3 C20
■ Dimensional drawings
27 84 (3.31)
29 146 (5.75)
(1.14) 74 (2.31) 61 (2.4)
Ø 81 (3.19)
172 (6.77)
135 (5.31)
Ø d5
Ø d4
rotation of enclosure
min. 92 (3.62)
54 (2.13) 108 (4.25)
Space for
n x d2
1 8
1 Electrical connection:
• M20 x 1,53) screw gland
• ½-14 NPT screw gland
• Han 7D/Han 8D2) 3) device plug
• M12 device plug2) 3
2 Cover over buttons and nameplate with general information
3 Blanking plug
4 Safety catch
(only for "flameproof enclosure" type of protection)
5 Connection side
7 Locking screw
8 Harting adapter
In addition, allow approx. 22 mm (0.87 inch)
for the thread length when removing the covers
Not with "flameproof enclosure" type of protection
Not with type of protection "FM + CSA" [is + XP]"
SITRANS P320/P420 pressure transmitter for level, including mounting flange, dimensions in mm (inch)
20K 20 (0.79) 200 (7.87) 23 (0.91) 132 (5.20) 76 (2.99) 65 (2.56) 85 (3.35) 2 160 (6.30) 8
40K 32 (1.26) 210 (8.27) 23 (0.91) 140 (5.51) 76 (2.99) 65 (2.56) 85 (3.35) 2 170 (6.30) 8
DN 100 10K 16 (0.63) 210 (8.27) 19 (0.75) 151 (5.94) 94 (3.7) 85 (3.35) 85 (3.35) 2 175 (6.89) 8
20K 22 (0.87) 225 (8.86) 23 (0.91) 160 (6.30) 94 (3.7) 85 (3.35) 85 (3.35) 2 185 (7.28) 8
40K 36 (1.42) 250 (9.84) 25 (0.98) 165 (6.50) 94 (3.7) 85 (3.35) 85 (3.35) 2 205 (8.07) 8
SITRANS P DS III pressure transmitters are digital pressure • Infinitely adjustable measuring spans from 0.01 bar to 700 bar
transmitters featuring extensive user-friendliness and high accu- (0.15 psi to 10153 psi) for DS III with HART interface
racy. The parameterization is performed using control keys or via • Nominal measuring range from 1 bar to 700 bar
HART, PROFIBUS-PA or FOUNDATION Fieldbus interface. (14.5 psi to 10153 psi) for DS III with PROFIBUS PA and
Extensive functionality enables the pressure transmitter to be FOUNDATION Fieldbus interface
precisely adapted to the plant’s requirements. Operation is very • High measuring accuracy
simple in spite of the numerous setting options. • Parameterization over control keys and HART or PROFIBUS
Transmitters with type of protection "Intrinsic safety" and "Explo- PA, or FOUNDATION Fieldbus interface.
sion-proof" may be installed within potentially explosive atmo-
spheres (zone 1) or in zone 0. The transmitters are provided with
an EC type examination certificate and comply with the corre-
■ Application
sponding harmonized European standards (ATEX). The pressure transmitters of the DS III series, can be used in in-
dustrial areas with extreme chemical and mechanical loads.
The transmitters can be equipped with various designs of re- Electromagnetic compatibility in the range 10 kHz to 1 GHz
mote seals for special applications such as the measurement of makes the DS III pressure transmitters suitable for locations with
highly viscous substances. high electromagnetic emissions.
Various versions of the DS III pressure transmitters are available Pressure transmitters with type of protection "Intrinsic safety" and
for measuring: "Explosion-proof" may be installed within potentially explosive at-
• Gauge pressure mospheres (zone 1) or in zone 0. The pressure transmitters are
• Absolute pressure provided with an EC type examination certificate and comply
with the corresponding harmonized European standards
• Differential pressure (ATEX).
• Level
Pressure transmitters with the type of protection "Intrinsic safety"
• Volume level for use in zone 0 may be operated with power supply units of cat-
• Mass level egory "ia" and "ib".
• Volume flow The transmitters can be equipped with various designs of re-
• Mass flow mote seals for special applications such as the measurement of
highly viscous substances.
■ Benefits The pressure transmitter can be programmed locally using the 3
• High quality and service life control buttons or externally via HART or PROFIBUS PA or
FOUNDATION Fieldbus interface.
• High reliability even under extreme chemical and mechanical
• For aggressive and non-aggressive gases, vapors and liquids
• Extensive diagnosis and simulation functions
• Separate replacement of measuring cell and electronics with-
out recalibration
• Minimum conformity error
• Good long-term stability
• Wetted parts made of high-grade materials (e.g. stainless
steel, Hastelloy, gold, Monel, tantalum)
9 9
8 8
00 00
2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 7
Power supply
HART interface
EEPROM supply
6 unit
Electronics Electronics
1 6 Bus-
1 6 12 Master
Sensor Sensor
pe Measuring cell pe
Measuring cell
2 3 4 5 7 4
μC interface 3
Foundation Fieldbus
1 1 Measuring cell
Power supply
2 Process connection
3 Seal diaphragm
supply 4 Filling liquid
6 unit 5 Silicon pressure sensor
pe Pressure as input variable
1 6
2 3 4
1 Seal diaphragm
5 2 O-ring
4 3 Overload diaphragm
1 4 Silicon pressure sensor
3 1 - +
1 Measuring cell 5 Process flange
1 5
2 Process connection 6 Body of measuring cell
3 Seal diaphragm 7 Filling liquid
4 Filling liquid 7 6
5 Silicon absolute pressure
pe Absolute pressure as input Measuring cell for differential pressure and flow, function diagram
2 variable
pe The differential pressure is transmitted through the seal dia-
phragms (1, Figure "Measuring cell for differential pressure and
flow, function diagram") and the filling liquid (7) to the silicon
Measuring cell for absolute pressure from the pressure series, function pressure sensor (4).
The absolute pressure pe is transmitted through the seal dia- The measuring diaphragm is flexed by the applied differential
phragm (3, Figure "Measuring cell for absolute pressure from pressure. This changes the resistance of the four piezo-resistors
pressure series, gauge pressure, function diagram ") and the fill- fitted in the diaphragm in a bridge circuit. This change in resis-
ing liquid (4) to the silicon absolute pressure sensor (5) whose tance results in a bridge output voltage proportional to the
measuring diaphragm is then flexed. This changes the resis- differential pressure.
tance of the four piezo-resistors fitted in the diaphragm in a An overload diaphragm is installed to provide protection from
bridge circuit. This change in resistance results in a bridge out- overloads. If the measuring limits are exceeded, the overload di-
put voltage proportional to the absolute pressure. aphragm (3) is flexed until the seal diaphragm rests on the body
Measuring cell for absolute pressure from differential pressure of the measuring cell (6), thus protecting the silicon pressure
series sensor from overloads.
Measuring cell for level
2 3 4 1 Reference vacuum
2 Overload diaphragm 3 4 5 6 7
3 Silicon pressure sensor
4 O-ring 2
5 5 Process flange 8
1 pe 6 Seal diaphragm +
6 7 Body of measuring cell -
8 Filling liquid
pe Absolute pressure as 1 10
8 7 input variable 9
HART Volume m3, dm3, hl, yd3, ft3, in3, US gallon, lmp.
communicator gallon, bushel, barrel, barrel liquid
Mass g, kg, t, lb, Ston, Lton, oz
volume flow m3/d, m3/h, m3/s, l/min, l/s, ft3/d, ft3/min,
Communication between a HART Communicator and a pressure transmitter ft3/s, US gallon/min, US gallon/s
When parameterizing with the HART Communicator, the connec- Mass flow t/d, t/h, t/min, kg/d, kg/h, kg/min, kg/s,
tion is made directly to the 2-wire cable. g/d, g/h, g/min, g/s, lb/d, lb/h, lb/min, lb/s,
LTon/d, LTon/h, STon/d, STon/h, STon/min
Temperature K, °C, °F, °R
Miscellaneous %, mA
SITRANS P 230 ... 500 Ω Power supply Parameterization through PROFIBUS PA interface
transmitter Fully digital communication through PROFIBUS PA, profile 3.0, is
PC or particularly user-friendly. Through the PROFIBUS the DS III with
HART laptop
PROFIBUS PA is connected to a process control system, e. g.
SIMATIC PSC 7. Communication is possible even in a potentially
explosive environment.
USB/RS 232
For parameterization through PROFIBUS you need suitable soft-
ware, e.g. SIMATIC PDM (Process Device Manager).
HART communication between a PC communicator and a pressure
Parameterization through FOUNDATION Fieldbus interface
When parameterizing with a PC, the connection is made through Fully digital communication through FOUNDATION Fieldbus is
a HART modem. particularly user-friendly. Through the FOUNDATION Fieldbus
the DS III with FOUNDATION Fieldbus is connected to a process
The signals needed for communication in conformity with the control system. Communication is possible even in a potentially
HART 5.x or 6.x protocols are superimposed on the output cur- explosive environment.
rent using the Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) method.
For parameterization through the FOUNDATION Fieldbus you
Adjustable parameters, DS III with HART need suitable software, e.g. National Instruments Configurator.
Parameters Input keys HART Adjustable parameters for DS III with PROFIBUS PA and
(DS III HART) communication FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Lower range value x x
Upper range value x x
Parameters Input PROFIBUS PA and
Electrical damping x x keys FOUNDATION Field-
Lower range value without applica- x x bus interface
tion of a pressure ("Blind setting")
Upper range value without applica- x x Electrical damping x x
tion of a pressure ("Blind setting") Zero adjustment (correction of posi- x x
Zero adjustment x x tion)
Current transmitter x x Buttons and/or function disabling x x
Fault current x x
Source of measured-value display x x
Disabling of buttons, write protec- x x1)
tion Physical dimension of display x x
Type of dimension and actual x x Position of decimal point x x
Characteristic (linear / square- x2) x2) Bus address x x
rooted) Adjustment of characteristic x x
Input of characteristic x
Freely-programmable LCD x Input of characteristic x
Diagnostic functions x Freely-programmable LCD x
1) Cancel apart from write protection Diagnostics functions x
2) Only differential pressure
■ Technical specifications
SITRANS P, DS III series for gauge pressure
Measured variable Gauge pressure
Measuring span (fully adjustable) or nominal measuring range, HART PROFIBUS PA/
max. operating pressure (in accordance with 2014/68/EU FOUNDATION
Pressure Equipment Directive) and max. test pressure (pursu- Fieldbus
ant to DIN 16086)
Measuring span Nominal measuring Max. operating pres- Max. perm.
(for oxygen measurement, max. 100 bar/10 MPa/1450 psi and range sure MAWP (PS) test pressure
60 °C (140 °F) ambient temperature/temperature of medium)
8.3 ... 250 mbar 250 mbar 4 bar 6 bar
0.83 ... 25 kPa 25 kPa 400 kPa 600 kPa
0.12 ... 3.6 psi 3.6 psi 58 psi 87 psi
0.01 ... 1 bar 1 bar 4 bar 6 bar
1 ... 100 kPa 100 kPa 400 kPa 600 kPa
0.15 ... 14.5 psi 14.5 psi 58 psi 87 psi
0.04 ... 4 bar 4 bar 7 bar 10 bar
4 ... 400 kPa 400 kPa 0.7 MPa 1 MPa
0.58 ... 58 psi 58 psi 102 psi 145 psi
0.16 ... 16 bar 16 bar 21 bar 32 bar
16 ... 1600 kPa 1600 kPa 2.1 MPa 3.2 MPa
2.3 ... 232 psi 232 psi 305 psi 464 psi
0.63 ... 63 bar 63 bar 67 bar 100 bar
63 ... 6300 kPa 6300 kPa 6.7 MPa 10 MPa
9.1 ... 914 psi 914 psi 972 psi 1450 psi
1.6 ... 160 bar 160 bar 167 bar 250 bar
0.16 ... 16 MPa 16 MPa 16.7 MPa 25 MPa
23 ... 2321 psi 2321 psi 2422 psi 3626 psi
4 ... 400 bar 400 bar 400 bar 600 bar
0.4 ... 40 MPa 40 MPa 40 MPa 60 MPa
58 ... 5802 psi 5802 psi 5802 psi 8702 psi
7 ... 700 bar 700 bar 800 bar 800 bar
0.7 ... 70 MPa 70 MPa 80 MPa 80 MPa
102 ... 10153 psi 10153 psi 11603 psi 11603 psi
Lower measuring limit
(for 250mbar/25 kPa/3.6 psi measuring cells, the lower mea-
suring limit is 750 mbar a/75 kPa a/10.8 psi a. The measuring
cell is vacuum-resistant upt to 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a.)
• Measuring cell with silicone oil filling 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a
• Measuring cell with inert filling liquid 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a
Upper measuring limit 100% of max. measuring span (max. 100 bar/10 MPa/1450 psi for oxygen measure-
ment) ambient temperature/temperature of medium 60 °C (140 °F)
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA Digital PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION
Fieldbus signal
• Lower limit (infinitely adjustable) 3.55 mA, factory preset to 3.84 mA -
• Upper limit (infinitely adjustable) 23 mA, factory preset to 20.5 mA or -
optionally set to 22.0 mA
• Without HART RB (UH - 10.5 V)/0.023 A in , -
UH: Power supply in V
• With HART RB = 230 ... 500 (SIMATIC PDM) bzw. -
RB = 230 ... 1100 (HART-Communicator)
Physical bus - IEC 61158-2
Protection against polarity reversal Protected against short-circuit and polarity reversal.
Each connection against the other with max. supply voltage.
Electrical damping (step width 0.1 s) Set to 2 s (0 ... 100 s)
• Male thread ½ -14 NPT 6 diaphragm seals this certificate must also be ordered with the respective
remote seals.
Non-wetted parts materials 5) The diaphragm seal is to be specified with a separate order number and
• Enclosure made of die-cast aluminium 0 must be included with the transmitter order number, for example
• Enclosure stainless steel precision casting7) 3 7MF403.-..Y..-.... and 7MF4900-1...-.B
6) The standard measuring cell filling of configurations with remote seals (Y)
Version is silicone oil.
• Standard version, German plate inscription, 1 7) Not in conjunction with Electrical connection "Device plug Han 7D".
setting for pressure unit: bar 8) Without cable gland, with blanking plug
9) With enclosed cable gland Ex ia and blanking plug
• International version, English plate inscription, 2
10) Configurations with device plugs Han and M12 are only available in Ex ic.
setting for pressure unit: bar
11) Only in connection with IP66.
• Chinese version, English plate inscription, 3
12) Explosion protection acc. to FM/CSA: suitable for installations according to
setting for pressure unit: Pascal
All versions include DVD with compact operat- NEC 500/505.
13) Only in connection with Ex approval A, B or E.
ing instructions in various EU languages. 14) M12 delivered without cable socket
Non-wetted parts materials must be included with the transmitter order number, for example
7MF403.-..Y..-.... and 7MF4900-1...-.B
• Enclosure made of die-cast aluminium 0 6) The standard measuring cell filling of configurations with remote seals (Y)
• Enclosure stainless steel precision casting 3 is silicone oil.
7) M10 fastening thread:
Max. measuring span 160 bar (2320 psi) 7/16-20 UNF and M12 fastening
• Standard version, German label inscription, 1 thread: Max. measuring span 400 bar (5802 psi)
setting of pressure unit: bar 8) Without cable gland, with blanking plug.
• International version, English label inscription, 2 9) With enclosed cable gland Ex ia and blanking plug.
setting of pressure unit: psi 10) Configurations with device plugs Han and M12 are only available in Ex ic.
• Chinese version, English label inscription, 3 11) Only in connection with IP66.
setting of pressure unit: kPa 12) Explosion protection acc. to FM/CSA: suitable for installations according to
All versions include DVD with compact operating NEC 500/505.
instructions in various EU languages. 13) M12 delivered without cable socket.
14) Only in connection with Ex approval A, B, E or F.
(0.6) 74 (2.9) 53 (2.1) 27 approx. 96 (3.78) 17 (0.67) 29 (1.14) 84 (3.31)
1 (1.1)
50 (1.97)
2 6
Ø80 (3.15)
117 (4.61)
3 4 3 7
176 (6.93)
237 (9.33)
171 (6.7)
SW 36
68 (2.68)
120 (4.72)
approx. 40
72 (2.8)
Allow approx. 20 mm (0.79 inch) thread length to permit unscrewing
Not with type of protection "Explosion-proof enclosure"
Not with type of protection "FM + CSA" [IS + XP]"
Minimum distance for rotating
■ Technical specifications
SITRANS P DS III series for gauge and absolute pressure, with front-flush diaphragm
Input of gauge pressure, with front-flush diaphragm
Measured variable Gauge pressure, front-flush
Measuring span (continuously adjustable) or nominal mea- HART PROFIBUS PA/
suring range, max. operating pressure and max. test pres- FOUNDATION
sure Fieldbus
Measuring span Nominal measur- Max. operating Max. perm.
ing range pressure MAWP test pressure
0.01 ... 1 bar 1 bar 4 bar 6 bar
1 ... 100 kPa 100 kPa 400 kPa 600 kPa
0.15 ... 14.5 psi 14.5 psi 58 psi 87 psi)
0.04 ... 4 bar 4 bar 7 bar 10 bar
4 ... 400 kPa 400 kPa 0.7 MPa 1 MPa
0.58 ... 58 psi 58 psi 102 psi 145 psi
0.16 ... 16 bar 16 bar 21 bar 32 bar
16 ... 1600 kPa 1600 kPa 2.1 MPa 3.2 MPa
2.3 ... 232 psi 232 psi 305 psi 464 psi
0.63 ... 63 bar 63 bar 67 bar 100 bar
63 ... 6300 kPa 6300 kPa 6.7MPa 10 MPa
9.1 ... 914 psi 914 psi 972 psi 1450 psi
Lower measuring limit
• Measuring cell with silicone oil filling 100 mbar a/10 kPa a/1.45 psi a
• Measuring cell with inert filling liquid 100 mbar a/10 kPa a/1.45 psi a
• Measuring cell with Neobee 100 mbar a/10 kPa a/1.45 psi a
Upper measuring limit 100 % of max. measuring span
Input of absolute pressure, with front-flush diaphragm
Measured variable Absolute pressure, front-flush
Measuring span (continuously adjustable) or nominal mea- HART PROFIBUS PA/
suring range, max. operating pressure and max. test pres- FOUNDATION
sure Fieldbus
Measuring span Nominal measur- Max. operating Max. perm.
ing range pressure MAWP test pressure
43.34 ... 1300 mbar a 1300 mbar a 2.6 bar a 10 bar a
4.33 ... 130 kPa a 130 kPa a 260 kPa a 1 MPa a
17 ... 525 inH2O a 525 inH2O a 37.7 psi a 145 psi a
160 ... 5000 mbar a 5000 mbar a 10 bar a 30 bar a
16 ... 500 kPa a 500 kPa a 1 MPa a 3 MPa a
2.32 ... 72.5 psi a 72.5 psi a 145 psi a 435 psi a
1 ... 30 bar a 30 bar a 45 bar a 100 bar a
0.1 ... 3 MPa a 3 MPa a 4.5 MPa a 10 MPa a
14.6 ... 435 psi a 435 psi a 653 psi a 1450 psi a
Depending on the process connection, the measuring span may differ from these values
Lower measuring limit 0 mbar a/0 kPa a/0 psi a
Upper measuring limit 100 % of max. measuring span
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA Digital PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDA-
TION Fieldbus signal
• Lower limit (infinitely adjustable) 3.55 mA, factory preset to 3.84 mA -
• Upper limit (infinitely adjustable) 23 mA, factory preset to 20.5 mA or option- -
ally set to 22.0 mA
• Without HART RB (UH - 10.5 V)/0.023 A in , -
UH: Power supply in V
• With HART RB = 230 ... 500 (SIMATIC PDM) or -
RB = 230 ... 1100 (HART Communicator)
Physical bus - IEC 61158-2
Protection against polarity reversal Protected against short-circuit and polarity reversal. Each connection against the
other with max. supply voltage.
Electrical damping (step width 0.1 s) Set to 2 s (0 ... 100 s)
Operating conditions
Installation conditions
Ambient temperature Observe the temperature class in areas subject to explosion hazard.
• Measuring cell with silicone oil -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
• Measuring cell with Neobee oil (with front-flush diaphragm) -10 ... +85 °C (14 ... +185 °F)
• Measuring cell with inert liquid -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
• Transmitter -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
• Display readable -30 ... +85 °C (-22 ... +185 °F)
• Storage temperature -50 ... +85 °C (-58 ... +185 °F)
(in the case of Neobee: -20 ... +85 °C (-4 ... +185/°F))
(for high temperature oil: -10 ... + 85 °C (14 ... 185 °F))
Climatic class
• Condensation Relative humidity 0 ... 100 %
Condensation permissible, suitable for use in the tropics
Degree of protection
• according to EN 60529 IP66 (optional IP66/IP68)
• according to NEMA 250 Type 4X
Electromagnetic Compatibility
• Emitted interference and interference immunity Acc. to IEC 61326 and NAMUR NE 21
Medium conditions The max. medium temperature of the front-flush process connections is to be taken
into account in accordance with the relevant connection standards (e. g. DIN 32676,
DIN 11851 etc.).
Temperature of medium
• Measuring cell with silicone oil -40 ... +100 °C (-40 ... +212 °F)
• Measuring cell with silicone oil (with front-flush diaphragm) -40 ... +150 °C (-40 ... +302 °F)
• Measuring cell with Neobee oil (with front-flush diaphragm) -10 ... +150 °C (14 ... 302 °F)
• Measuring cell with silicone oil, with temperature decoupler -40 ... +200 °C (-40 ... +392 °F)
(only for gauge pressure version with front-flush diaphragm)
• Measuring cell with Neobee oil, with temp. decoupler (only -10 ... +200 °C (14 ... 392 °F)
for gauge pressure version with flush-mounted diaphragm)
• Measuring cell with inert filling liquid -20 ... +100 °C (-4 ... +212 °F)
• Measuring cell with high-temperature oil (only for gauge -10 ... +250 °C (14 ... 482 °F)
pressure version with front-flush diaphragm)
Hygiene version
In the case of SITRANS P DSIII with 7MF413x front-flush diaphragm, selected connections comply with the requirements of EHEDG.
■ Dimensional drawings
15 143 (5.6) 15 4
(0.6) 74 (2.9) 53 (2.1) (0.6) 29 (1.14) 84 (3.31)
50 (1.97)
3 6
of enclosure
50 (1.97)
H 2 = approx.
55 (2.17)
Electronic side, digital display 4 Protective cover over keys
(longer overall length for cover with window)1) 5 Blanking plug
Terminal side1) 6 Screw cover - safety bracket (only for type of protection
Electrical connection: "Explosion-proof enclosure", not shown in the drawing)
Screwed gland M20 x 1,5 or screwed gland ½-14 NPT or 7 Process connection: see flange tables
M12 device plug
2) Allow approx. 20 mm (0.79 inch) thread length to permit unscrewing
92 mm (3.6 inch) for minimum distance to permit rotation with indicator
SITRANS P pressure transmitters, DS III series for gauge pressure, with front-flush diaphragm, dimensions in mm (inch)
The diagram shows a SITRANS P DS III with an example of a flange. In this drawing the height is subdivided into H1 and H2.
H1 = Height of the SITRANS P300 up to a defined cross-section
H2 = Height of the flange up to this defined cross-section
Only the height H2 is indicated in the dimensions of the flanges.
code Q06 65 16 105 mm (4.1") 52 mm (2")
Q07 80 16 115 mm (4.5")
code Q23 50 16 110 mm (4.3") Approx.
Q24 65 16 140 mm (5.5") 52 mm (2")
DIN 11851 (milk pipe union with slotted union nut) Q40 65 10 90.9 mm (3.6") 52 mm (2")
Order DN PN D H2 Q41 80 10 106 mm (4.2")
code Q42 100 10 119 mm (4.7")
N04 50 25 92 mm (3.6") Approx. Q48 2½" 16 90.9 mm (3.6")
N06 80 25 127 mm (5.0") 52 mm (2") Q49 3" 10 106 mm (4.2")
Q50 4" 10 119 mm (4.7")
Order DN PN D H2 45 mm
code (1.8")
R02 1" 60 48 mm (1.9") Approx.
N28 40 ... 125 40 84 mm Approx. D 47 mm
Tank connection TG 52/50 and TG52/150 Aseptic threaded socket to DIN 11864-1 Form A
Order DN PN D H2 Order DN PN D H2
code code
R10 25 40 63 mm (2.5") Approx. N33 50 25 78 x 1/6" Approx.
(2.5") N35 80 25 110 x ¼"
R11 25 40 63 mm (2.5") Approx. N36 100 25 130 x ¼"
D 170 mm
(6.7") D
M68 2½" 25 100 mm (3.9") N43 50 16 94 Approx.
M69 3" 25 114 mm (4.5") N44 65 16 113 52 mm (2")
D N45 80 16 133
N46 100 16 159
SMS threaded socket
Aseptic flange with groove to DIN 11864-2 Form A
Order DN PN D H2
code Order DN PN D H2
M73 2" 25 70 x 1/6 mm Approx.
52 mm (2")
H2 N43 + 50 16 94 Approx.
M74 2½" 25 85 x 1/6 mm P11 52 mm (2")
M75 3" 25 98 x 1/6 mm
N44 + 65 16 113
D P11
N45 + 80 16 133
IDF socket with union nut P11
Order DN PN D H2 N46 + 100 16 159
code P11
N54 65 25 91 52 mm (2")
IDF threaded socket N55 80 16 106
N56 100 16 130
Order DN PN D H2
M92 2" 25 64 mm (2.5") Approx.
■ Dimensional drawings
15 143 (5.6) 54 (2.13) 5
(0.6) 74 (2.9) 53 (2.1) 27 approx. 96 (3.78) 17 (0.67) 29 (1.14) 84 (3.31)
1 (1.1)
50 (1.97)
2 6
Ø80 (3.15)
117 (4.61)
3 4 3 7
176 (6.93)
237 (9.33)
171 (6.7)
SW 36
68 (2.68)
120 (4.72)
approx. 40
72 (2.8)
Allow approx. 20 mm (0.79 inch) thread length to permit unscrewing
Not with type of protection "Explosion-proof enclosure"
Not with type of protection "FM + CSA" [IS + XP]"
Minimum distance for rotating
SITRANS P DS III pressure transmitters for absolute pressure, from the pressure series, dimensions in mm (inch)
53 (2.1) 29 84 (3.31)
(1.14) 4)
50 (1.97)
Ø80 (3.15)
128 (5.04)
166 (6.54)
min. 90 (3.54) 5)
262 (10.3)
12 9
Space for rotation
of enclosure
134 (5.28)
96 (3.8)
52 (2.05)
approx. 96 (3.78) 17 (0.67)
3 4
72 (2.83) 68 (2.7)
105 (4.1) 120 (4.7)
In addition, allow approx. 20 mm (0.79 inch) for the thread length
Not with "flameproof enclosure" type of protection
Not for type of protection "FM + CSA" [is + XP]"
For Pg 13.5 with adapter, approx. 45 mm (1.77 inch)
92 mm (3.62 inch) minimum distance for rotating with indicator
SITRANS P DS III pressure transmitters for absolute pressure, from the differential pressure series, dimensions in mm (inch)
■ Technical specifications
SITRANS P, DS III for differential pressure and flow
Measured variable Differential pressure and flow
Measuring span (infinitely adjustable) or nominal measuring HART PROFIBUS PA/
range and maximum operating pressure (pursuant to FOUNDATION
2014/68/EU Pressure Equipment Directive) Fieldbus
Measuring span Nominal measuring Max. operating pressure MAWP (PS)
1 ... 20 mbar 20 mbar 32 bar
0.1 ... 2 kPa 2 kPa 3.2 MPa
0.4 ... 8 inH2O 8 inH2O 464 psi
1 ... 60 mbar 60 mbar 160 bar
0.1 ... 6 kPa 6 kPa 16 MPa
0.4 ... 24 inH2O 24.1 inH2O 2320 psi
2.5 ... 250 mbar 250 mbar
0.2 ... 25 kPa 25 kPa
1 ... 100 inH2O 100 inH2O
6 ... 600 mbar 600 mbar
0.6 ...60 kPa 60 kPa
2.4 ... 240 inH2O 240 inH2O
16 ... 1600 mbar 1600 mbar
1.6 ...160 kPa 160 kPa
6.4 ... 642 inH2O 642 inH2O
50 ... 5000 mbar 5000 mbar
5 ...500 kPa 500 kPa
20 ... 2000 inH2O 2000 inH2O
0.3 ... 30 bar 30 bar
0.03 ... 3 MPa 3 MPa
4.35 ... 435 psi 435 psi
2.5 ... 250 mbar 250 mbar 420 bar
0.2 ... 25 kPa 25 kPa 42 MPa
1 ... 100 inH2O 100 inH2O 6091 psi
6 ... 600 mbar 600 mbar (500 bar/50 MPa/7250 psi
0.6 ...60 kPa 60 kPa can be ordered optionally with Order
2.4 ... 240 inH2O 240 inH2O Code D56)
16 ... 1600 mbar 1600 mbar
1.6 ...160 kPa 160 kPa
6.4 ... 642 inH2O 642 inH2O
50 ... 5000 mbar 5000 mbar
5 ...500 kPa 500 kPa
20 ... 2000 inH2O 2000 inH2O
0.3 ... 30 bar 30 bar
0.03 ... 3 MPa 3 MPa
4.35 ... 435 psi 435 psi
Lower measuring limit
• Measuring cell with silicone oil filling -100 % of max. measuring span (-33 % with measuring cell 30 bar/3 MPa/435 psi)
or 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a
• Measuring cell with inert filling liquid
- for temperature of medium -20 °C < +60 °C -100 % of max. measuring span (-33 % with measuring cell 30 bar/3 MPa/435 psi)
(-4 °F < +140 °F) or 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a
- for temperature of medium 30 mbar a + 20 mbar a . (- 60 °C)/°C
60 °C < +100 °C (max. 85 °C for measuring cell 30 bar) 3 kPa a + 2 kPa a . (- 60 °C)/°C
(140 °F < +212 °F (max. 185 °F for measuring cell 0.44 psi a + 0.29 psi a . (- 140 °F)/°F
435 psi))
Upper measuring limit 100 % of max. measuring span
(for oxygen measurement max. 100 bar/10 MPa/1450 psi and 60 °C (140 °F)
ambient temperature/temperature of medium)
Lower range value Between the measuring limits (fully adjustable)
■ Dimensional drawings
15 143 (5.6)
(0.6) 69 (2.7) 5
53 (2.1) 29 84 (3.31)
(1.14) 4)
50 (1.97)
Ø80 (3.15)
128 (5.04)
166 (6.54)
min. 90 (3.54) 5)
262 (10.3)
12 9
Space for rotation
of enclosure
134 (5.28)
96 (3.8)
52 (2.05)
approx. 96 (3.78) 17 (0.67)
3 4
72 (2.83) 68 (2.7)
105 (4.1) 120 (4.7)
In addition, allow approx. 20 mm (0.79 inch) for the thread length
Not with "flameproof enclosure" type of protection
Not for type of protection "FM + CSA" [is + XP]"
For Pg 13.5 with adapter, approx. 45 mm (1.77 inch)
92 mm (3.62 inch) minimum distance for rotating with indicator
SITRANS P DS III pressure transmitters for differential pressure and flow, dimensions in mm (inch)
(0.6) 53 (2.1) approx. 96 (3.78) 17 (0.67) 29 (1.14) 4) 84 (3.31)
50 (1.97)
Ø80 (3.15)
128 (5.04)
3 4 3 7
min. 90 (3.54) 5) 8
approx. 85 (3.35) 7)
In addition, allow approx. 20 mm (0.79 inch) for the thread length
Not with "flameproof enclosure" type of protection
Not for type of protection "FM + CSA" [is + XP]"
For Pg 13.5 with adapter, approx. 45 mm (1.77 inch)
92 mm (3.62 inch) minimum distance for rotating with indicator
74 mm (2.9 inch) for PN ≥ 420 (MAWP ≥ 6092 psi)
91 mm (3.6 inch) for PN ≥ 420 (MAWP ≥ 6092 psi)
219 mm (8.6 inch) for PN ≥ 420 (MAWP ≥ 6092 psi)
SITRANS P DS III pressure transmitters for differential pressure and flow, with process covers for vertical differential pressure lines, optional "H03" ,
dimensional drawing, dimensions in mm (inch)
■ Technical specifications
SITRANS P DS III for level
Measured variable Level
Measuring span (infinitely adjustable) or nominal measuring HART PROFIBUS PA/
range and maximum operating pressure (pursuant to Pressure FOUNDATION
Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU) Fieldbus
Measuring span Nominal measuring Max. operating pressure MAWP (PS)
25 ... 250 mbar 250 mbar See "Mounting flange"
2.5 ... 25 kPa 25 kPa
10 ... 100 inH2O 100 inH2O
25 ... 600 mbar 600 mbar
2.5 ...60 kPa 60 kPa
10 ... 240 inH2O 240 inH2O
53 ... 1600 mbar 1600 mbar
5.3 ...160 kPa 160 kPa
21 ... 640 inH2O 642 inH2O
160 ... 5000 mbar 5000 mbar
16 ...500 kPa 500 kPa
2.32 ... 72.5 psi 72.5 psi
Lower measuring limit
• Measuring cell with silicone oil filling -100 % of max. measuring span or 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a
depending on mounting flange
• Measuring cell with inert filling liquid -100 % of max. measuring span or 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a
depending on mounting flange
Upper measuring limit 100 % of max. measuring span
Lower range value Between the measuring limits (fully adjustable)
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA Digital PROFIBUS PA and
FOUNDATION Fieldbus signal
• Lower limit (infinitely adjustable) 3.55 mA, factory preset to 3.84 mA -
- Limit monitoring One upper and lower warning - 3 inch class 150, class 300
limit and one alarm limit respec- - 4 inch class 150, class 300
• Physical block 1
Transducer blocks 2
• Pressure transducer block
- Can be calibrated by applying Yes
two pressures
- Monitoring of sensor limits Yes
- Specification of a container Max. 30 nodes
characteristic with
- Square-rooted characteristic Yes
for flow measurement
- Gradual volume suppression Parameterizable
and implementation point of
square-root extraction
- Simulation function for mea- Constant value or over parame-
sured pressure value and sen- terizable ramp function
sor temperature
3 5 6
1 4
166 (6.54)
min. 90
100 (3.93) 5)
(3.54) 4)
Ød 5
9 Øk
54 (2.1) 108 (4.25)
b f
1 8
1 Electrical connection:
Screwed gland M20 x 1,5 or Screwed gland ½-14 NPT or
Han 7D/8D device plug2) 3)
2 Protective cover over keys
3 Blanking plug
4 Screw cover - safety bracket (only for type of protection
"Explosion-proof enclosure", not shown in the drawing)
5 Terminal side1)
6 Electronic side, digital display
(longer overall length for cover with window)1)
7 Sealing screw with valve (option)
8 Harting adapter
9 Process connection of low pressure side ¼-18 NPT (IEC 61518)
Allow approx. 20 mm (0.79 inch) thread length to permit unscrewing
Not with type of protection "Explosion-proof enclosure"
Not with type of protection "FM + CSA" [IS + XP]"
92 mm (3.62 inch) for minimum distance to permit rotation with indicator
150 (5.9) with Order Code R15, 200 (7.87) with Order Code R20
SITRANS P DS III with HART pressure transmitters for level, including mounting flange, dimensions in mm (inch)
3 6 5
166 (6.54)
111 (4.37) 7)
100 (3.94) 6)
67 (2.64) 5)
54 (2.1)
n x d2 7
8 1
1 Electrical connection:
Screwed gland M20 x 1,5 or Screwed gland ½-14 NPT or
Han 7D/8D device plug2) 3)
2 Protective cover over keys
3 Blanking plug
4 Screw cover - safety bracket (only for type of protection
"Explosion-proof enclosure", not shown in the drawing)
5 Terminal side1)
6 Electronic side, digital display
(longer overall length for cover with window)1)
7 Sealing screw with valve (option)
8 Harting adapter
9 Process connection of low pressure side ¼-18 NPT (IEC 61518)
Allow approx. 20 mm (0.79 inch) thread length to permit unscrewing
Not with type of protection "Explosion-proof enclosure"
Not with type of protection "FM + CSA" [IS + XP]"
For Pg 13,5 with adapter approx. 45 mm (1.77 inch)
117 (4.61) with Order Code R15, 167 (6.57) with Order Code R20
150 (5.19) with Order Code R15, 200 (7.87) with Order Code R20
161 (6.34) with Order Code R15, 211 (8.31) with Order Code R20
SITRANS P DS III with HART pressure transmitters for level, including mounting flange, one sided-mounting, sealing surface below (order code H20),
dimensions in mm (inch)
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Article No.
Replacement measuring cell for pressure 7MF 4 9 9 0 - Replacement measuring cell for absolute 7MF 4 9 9 2 -
for SITRANS P DS III pressure for SITRANS P DS III (from the
7777 0 - 0 DB 0 7777 0 - 0 DB 0
pressure series)
Click on the Article No. for the online configura- Click on the Article No. for the online configura-
tion in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. tion in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Measuring cell filling Measuring cell cleaning Measuring cell filling Measuring cell cleaning
Silicone oil Normal 1 Silicone oil Normal 1
Inert liquid grease-free to 3 Inert liquid grease-free to 3
cleanliness level 2 cleanliness level 2
Measured span (min. ... max.) Measured span (min. ... max.)
8.3 ... 250 mbar (0.12 ... 3.6 psi) A 8.3 ... 250 mbar a (0.12 ... 3.63 psi a) D
0.01 ... 1 bar (0.15 ... 14.5 psi) B 43 ... 1300 mbar a (0.62 ... 18.86 psi a) F
0.04 ... 4 bar (0.6 ... 58 psi) C 0.16 ... 5 bar a (2.32 ... 72.5 psi a) G
0.16 ... 16 bar (2.32 ... 232 psi) D 1 ... 30 bar a (14.5 ... 435 psi a) H
0.63 ... 63 bar (9.14 ... 914 psi) E Wetted parts materials
1.6 ... 160 bar (23.2 ... 2 320 psi) F Seal diaphragm Process connection
4.0 ... 400 bar (58.0 ... 5 802 psi) G
7.0 ... 700 bar (102.0 ... 10 153 psi) J Stainless steel Stainless steel A
Hastelloy Stainless steel B
Wetted parts materials Hastelloy Hastelloy C
Seal diaphragm Process connection
Process connection
Stainless steel Stainless steel A • Connection shank G½B to EN 837-1 0
Hastelloy Stainless steel B • Female thread ½-14 NPT 1
Hastelloy Hastelloy C • Oval flange made of stainless steel,
Process connection max. measuring span 160 bar (2320 psi)
• Connection shank G½B to EN 837-1 0 - Mounting thread 7/16-20 UNF to 2
• Female thread ½-14 NPT 1 IEC 61518/DIN EN 61518
• Oval flange made of stainless steel, - Mounting thread M10 to DIN 19213 3
max. measuring span 160 bar (2320 psi) Further designs Order code
- Mounting thread 7/16-20 UNF to 2
IEC 61518/DIN EN 61518 Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify
Order code.
- Mounting thread M10 to DIN 19213 3
Inspection certificate C12
Further designs Order code
to EN 10204-3.1
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify
Order code.
Inspection certificate C12
to EN 10204-3.1
Mounting bracket for SITRANS P DS III, SITRANS P410 gauge and absolute pressure-transmitters, dimensions in mm
mounting bracket material: Sheet-steel Mat. No. 1.0330, chrome-plated, or stainless steel Mat. No. 1.4301 (304)
38 27
R6,5 3
Ø20 41,3
Mounting bracket for SITRANS P DS III and SITRANS P410 differential pressure transmitter, dimensions in mm
mounting bracket material: Sheet-steel Mat. No. 1.0330, chrome-plated, or stainless steel Mat. No. 1.4301 (304)
■ Dimensional drawings
Valve manifolds mounted on SITRANS P DS III
7MF9011-4EA valve manifold with mounted gauge pressure and abso- 7MF9011-4FA valve manifold with mounted gauge pressure and absolute
lute pressure transmitters pressure transmitters
7MF9011-4EA valve manifold with mounted gauge pressure and abso- 7MF9011-4FA valve manifold with mounted gauge pressure and absolute
lute pressure transmitters, dimensions in mm (inch) pressure transmitters, dimensions in mm (inch)
7MF9411-5BA valve manifold with mounted differential pressure trans- 7MF9411-5CA valve manifold with mounted differential pressure trans-
mitter mitter
192 (7.56)
244 (9.61)
215 (8.46)
7MF9411-5BA valve manifold with mounted differential pressure transmitter, dimensions in mm (inch)
190 (7.48)
245 (9.65)
256 (10.08)
7MF9411-5CA valve manifold with mounted differential pressure transmitter, dimensions in mm (inch)
■ Overview ■ Application
SITRANS P410 pressure transmitters can be used in industrial
areas with extreme chemical and mechanical loads. Electro-
magnetic compatibility in the range 10 kHz to 1 GHz makes the
P410 suitable for locations with high electromagnetic emissions.
Pressure transmitters with type of protection "Flameproof enclo-
sure" may be installed in hazardous areas (zone 1) or in zone 0.
The pressure transmitters are provided with an EC type exam-
ination certificate and comply with the corresponding harmo-
nized European standards (ATEX).
Pressure transmitters with the type of protection "Intrinsic safety"
for use in zone 0 may be operated with power supply units of cat-
egory "ia" and "ib".
The transmitters can be equipped with various designs of re-
mote seals for special applications such as the measurement of
highly viscous substances.
The pressure transmitter can be operated locally over 3 input
buttons or programmed externally over HART or over PROFIBUS
SITRANS P410 pressure transmitters are digital pressure trans- PA or FOUNDATION Fieldbus interface.
mitters with a high level of operating convenience. Technically, Pressure transmitter for gauge pressure
they are based on the SITRANS P DS III but offer an increased
measuring accuracy of 0.04%. This means the SITRANS P 410 Measured variable: Gauge pressure of aggressive and non-ag-
is perfectly suited for measuring tasks with increased accuracy gressive gases, vapors and liquids.
requirements. The parameterization is performed using input
Measuring span (infinitely adjustable)
buttons or via HART or via PROFIBUS PA or FOUNDATION Field-
for P410 with HART: 0.01 bar to 160 bar (0.15 psi to 2321 psi)
bus interface.
Nominal measuring range
The comprehensive functionality makes for precise adjustment
for P410 with PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus:
of the pressure transmitter to the requirements of the plant. Op-
1 bar to 160 bar (14.5 psi to 2321 psi)
eration is very simple, despite the variety of setting options.
Pressure transmitters with type of protection "Intrinsic safety" and Pressure transmitters for differential pressure and flow
"Explosion-proof" may be installed in hazardous areas (zone 1) Measured variables:
or in zone 0. The transmitters are provided with an EC type ex- • Differential pressure
amination certificate and comply with the respective harmonized
European standards (ATEX). • Small positive or negative pressure
The transmitters can be equipped with various designs of re- • Flow q ~ p (together with a primary differential pressure de-
mote seals for special applications such as the measurement of vice (see Chapter "Flow Meters"))
highly viscous substances. Measuring span (infinitely adjustable)
SITRANS P410 pressure transmitters are available in various ver- for P410 with HART: 1 mbar ... 30 bar (0.0145 ... 435 psi)
sions for measuring: Nominal measuring range
• Gauge pressure for P410 with PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus:
20 mbar ... 30 bar (0.29 ... 435 psi)
• Differential pressure
• Volume flow
• Mass flow
■ Benefits
• High quality and service life
• For aggressive and non-aggressive gases, vapors and liquids
• Extensive diagnostics and simulation functions
• Minimal conformity error
• Good long-term stability
• Wetted parts made of high-grade materials (e.g., stainless
steel, Hastelloy)
• Infinitely adjustable measuring spans from 0.01 bar to 160 bar
(0.15 psi to 2321 psi) for P410 with HART interface
• Nominal measuring ranges from 1 bar to 160 bar (14.5 psi to
2321 psi) for P410 with PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION
Fieldbus interface
• High measuring accuracy
• Parameterization over input buttons and HART, PROFIBUS PA
or FOUNDATION Fieldbus interface.
Front view
The transmitter consists of various components depending on
the order. The possible versions are listed in the ordering infor-
mation. The components described below are the same for all
The rating plate (7, Figure "Front view") with the Article No. is located
on the side of the enclosure. The specified number together with the
ordering information provide details on the optional design details
and on the possible measuring range (physical properties of built-in
sensor element).
The approval label is located on the opposite side.
The enclosure is made of die-cast aluminium or stainless steel
precision casting. A round cover (6) is screwed on at the front
and rear of the enclosure. The front cover can be fitted with a
viewing pane so that the measured values can be read directly
on the display. The inlet (8) for the electrical connection is lo-
cated either on the left or right side. The unused opening on the
opposite side is sealed by a blanking plug. The protective earth
connection is located on the rear of the enclosure.
The electrical connections for the power supply and screen are
accessible by unscrewing the rear cover. The bottom part of the
enclosure contains the measuring cell with process connection
(5). The measuring cell is prevented from rotating by a locking
screw (4). As the result of this modular design, the measuring
cell and the electronics can be replaced separately from each
other. The set parameter data are retained.
At the top of the enclosure is a plastic cover (1), which hides the
input keys.
Example for an attached measuring point label
Y01 or Y02
= max. 27 char. .... to .... mbar
Y15 = max. 16 char.
Measuring point number (TAG No.)
Y99 = max. 10 char. 1234
Y16 = max. 27 char. Measuring point text
■ Function
Operation of electronics with HART communication Operation of electronics with PROFIBUS PA communication
9 9
8 8
00 00
2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 7
Power supply
HART interface
EEPROM supply
6 unit
Electronics Electronics
1 6 Bus-
1 6 12 Master
Sensor Sensor
pe Measuring cell pe
Measuring cell
2 3 4 5 7 4
μC interface 3
Foundation Fieldbus
1 1 Measuring cell
Power supply
2 Process connection
3 Seal diaphragm
supply 4 Filling liquid
6 unit 5 Silicon pressure sensor
pe Pressure as input variable
1 6
Using the three input buttons (8) you can parameterize the pres- The measuring diaphragm is flexed by the applied differential
sure transmitter directly at the measuring point. The input but- pressure. This changes the resistance of the four piezo-resistors
tons can also be used to control the view of the results, the error fitted in the diaphragm in a bridge circuit. This change in resis-
messages and the operating modes on the display (9). tance results in a bridge output voltage proportional to the
differential pressure.
The results with status values and diagnostic values are trans-
ferred by cyclic data transmission on the FOUNDATION An overload diaphragm is installed to provide protection from
Fieldbus. Parameterization data and error messages are trans- overloads. If the measuring limits are exceeded, the overload di-
ferred by acyclic data transmission. Special software such as aphragm (3) is flexed until the seal diaphragm rests on the body
National Instruments Configurator is required for this. of the measuring cell (6), thus protecting the silicon pressure
sensor from overloads.
■ Technical specifications
SITRANS P410 for gauge pressure
Measured variable Gauge pressure
Measuring span (infinitely adjustable) or nominal measuring HART PROFIBUS PA/
range, max. operating pressure (in accordance with 97/23/EC FOUNDATION
Pressure Equipment Directive) and max. test pressure (pursu- Fieldbus
ant to DIN 16086)
Measuring span Nominal measuring Max. operating pres- Max. perm.
range sure MAWP (PS) test pressure
0.01 ... 1 bar 1 bar 4 bar 6 bar
1 ... 100 kPa 100 kPa 400 kPa 600 kPa
0.15 ... 14.5 psi 14.5 psi 58 psi 87 psi
0.04 ... 4 bar 4 bar 7 bar 10 bar
4 ... 400 kPa 400 kPa 0.7 MPa 1 MPa
0.58 ... 58 psi 58 psi 102 psi 145 psi
0.16 ... 16 bar 16 bar 21 bar 32 bar
16 ... 1600 kPa 1600 kPa 2.1 MPa 3.2 MPa
2.3 ... 232 psi 232 psi 305 psi 464 psi
0.63 ... 63 bar 63 bar 67 bar 100 bar
63 ... 6300 kPa 6300 kPa 6.7MPa 10 MPa
9.1 ... 914 psi 914 psi 972 psi 1450 psi
1.6 ... 160 bar 160 bar 167 bar 250 bar
0.16 ... 16 MPa 16 MPa 16.7 MPa 2.5 MPa
23 ... 2321 psi 2321 psi 2422 psi 3626 psi
Lower measuring limit
• Measuring cell with silicone oil filling 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a
Upper measuring limit 100 % of max. measuring span
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA Digital PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION
Fieldbus signal
• Lower limit (infinitely adjustable) 3.55 mA, factory preset to 3.84 mA -
• Upper limit (infinitely adjustable) 23 mA, factory preset to 20.5 mA or -
optionally set to 22.0 mA
• Without HART RB (UH - 10.5 V)/0.023 A in , -
UH: Power supply in V
• With HART RB = 230 ... 500 (SIMATIC PDM) or -
RB = 230 ... 1100 (HART Communica-
Physical bus - IEC 61158-2
Protection against polarity reversal Protected against short-circuit and polarity reversal. Each connection against the
other with max. supply voltage.
Electrical damping (step width 0.1 s) Set to 2 s (0 ... 100 s)
• with customer-specific display (setting as specified, Order code "Y21" or "Y22" required) 7
(0.6) 74 (2.9) 53 (2.1) 27 approx. 96 (3.78) 17 (0.67) 29 (1.14) 5) 84 (3.31)
50 (1.97)
Ø80 (3.15)
117 (4.61)
176 (6.93)
237 (9.33)
68 (2.68)
120 (4.72)
72 (2.8)
In addition, allow approx. 20 mm (0.79 inch) for the thread length
Not with "flameproof enclosure" type of protection
Not for type of protection "FM + CSA" [is + XP]"
4) Minimum distance for rotating
For Pg 13.5 with adapter, approx. 45 mm (1.77 inch)
■ Technical specifications
SITRANS P410 for differential pressure and flow
Measured variable Differential pressure and flow
Measuring span (infinitely adjustable) or nominal measuring HART PROFIBUS PA/
range and maximum operating pressure (pursuant to FOUNDATION
2014/68/EU Pressure Equipment Directive) Fieldbus
Measuring span Nominal measuring Max. operating pressure MAWP (PS)
2.5 ... 250 mbar 250 mbar 160 bar
0.2 ... 25 kPa 25 kPa 16 MPa
1 ... 100 inH2O 100 inH2O 2320 psi
6 ... 600 mbar 600 mbar
0.6 ... 60 kPa 60 kPa
2.4 ... 240 inH2O 240 inH2O
16 ... 1600 mbar 1600 mbar
1.6 ...160 kPa 160 kPa
6.4 ... 642 inH2O 642 inH2O
50 ... 5000 mbar 5000 mbar
5 ... 500 kPa 500 kPa
20 ... 2000 inH2O 2000 inH2O
0.3 ... 30 bar 30 bar
0.03 ... 3 MPa 3 MPa
4.35 ... 435 psi 435 psi
6 ... 600 mbar 600 mbar 420 bar
0.6 ... 60 kPa 60 kPa 42 MPa
2.4 ... 240 inH2O 240 inH2O 6091 psi
16 ... 1600 mbar 1600 mbar
1.6 ...160 kPa 160 kPa
6.4 ... 642 inH2O 642 inH2O
50 ... 5000 mbar 5000 mbar
5 ... 500 kPa 500 kPa
20 ... 2000 inH2O 2000 inH2O
0.3 ... 30 bar 30 bar
0.03 ... 3 MPa 3 MPa
4.35 ... 435 psi 435 psi
Lower measuring limit
• Measuring cell with silicone oil filling -100 % of max. measuring span (-33 % with measuring cell 30 bar/3 MPa/435 psi)
or 30 mbar a/3 kPa a/0.44 psi a
Upper measuring limit 100 % of max. measuring span
Lower range value Between the measuring limits (fully adjustable)
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA Digital PROFIBUS PA and
FOUNDATION Fieldbus signal
• Lower limit (infinitely adjustable) 3.55 mA, factory preset to 3.84 mA -
• Upper limit (infinitely adjustable) 23 mA, factory preset to 20.5 mA or -
optionally set to 22.0 mA
• Without HART RB (UH - 10.5 V)/0.023 A in , -
UH: Power supply in V
• With HART RB = 230 ... 500 (SIMATIC PDM) or -
RB = 230 ... 1100 (HART Communica-
Physical bus - IEC 61158-2
Protection against polarity reversal Protected against short-circuit and polarity reversal.
Each connection against the other with max. supply voltage.
Electrical damping (step width 0.1 s) Set to 2 s (0 ... 100 s)
53 (2.1) 29 84 (3.31)
(1.14) 4)
50 (1.97)
Ø80 (3.15)
128 (5.04)
166 (6.54)
min. 90 (3.54) 5)
262 (10.3)
12 9
Space for rotation
of enclosure
134 (5.28)
96 (3.8)
52 (2.05)
approx. 96 (3.78) 17 (0.67)
3 4
72 (2.83) 68 (2.7)
105 (4.1) 120 (4.7)
In addition, allow approx. 20 mm (0.79 inch) for the thread length
Not with "flameproof enclosure" type of protection
Not for type of protection "FM + CSA" [is + XP]"
For Pg 13.5 with adapter, approx. 45 mm (1.77 inch)
92 mm (3.62 inch) minimum distance for rotating with indicator
SITRANS P410 pressure transmitters for differential pressure and flow, dimensions in mm (inch)
15 143 (5.6)
(0.6) 53 (2.1) approx. 96 (3.78) 17 (0.67) 29 (1.14) 4) 84 (3.31)
50 (1.97)
Ø80 (3.15)
128 (5.04)
3 4 3 7
min. 90 (3.54) 5) 8
approx. 85 (3.35) 7)
In addition, allow approx. 20 mm (0.79 inch) for the thread length
Not with "flameproof enclosure" type of protection
Not for type of protection "FM + CSA" [is + XP]"
For Pg 13.5 with adapter, approx. 45 mm (1.77 inch)
92 mm (3.62 inch) minimum distance for rotating with indicator
74 mm (2.9 inch) for PN ≥ 420 (MAWP ≥ 6092 psi)
91 mm (3.6 inch) for PN ≥ 420 (MAWP ≥ 6092 psi)
219 mm (8.6 inch) for PN ≥ 420 (MAWP ≥ 6092 psi)
SITRANS P410 pressure transmitters for differential pressure and flow, with process covers for vertical differential pressure lines, optional "H03" ,
dimensional drawing, dimensions in mm (inch)
38 27
R6,5 3
Ø20 41,3
■ Overview
SITRANS P500 pressure transmitters are digital pressure trans- • Infinitely adjustable measuring spans of 1 mbar to 32 bar
mitters featuring extensive user-friendliness and which fulfil the (0.0145 to 465 psi; 0.4 to 12860 inH2O)
most stringent demands of accuracy, long-term stability, speed • Extremely good total performance and conformity error
and lots more. values with no loss of performance up to a turndown of 10
Extensive functionality allows you to set the pressure transmitter guaranteed.
specifically to your own requirements. Despite their many set- • Additional integrated sensor for static pressure
tings options, local set-up is easy. A multi-lingual menu with clear • Parameterization via on-site control keys or HART
text instructions guides you through the process. There are also
help texts available. • Short process flanges nable space-saving installation.
The innovative EDD with integrated QuickStart assistance is also
quick and easy to configure by computer using the HART proto- ■ Application
col. The SITRANS P500 pressure transmitters can be used in indus-
Extensive diagnostic functions, e.g. min/max pointer for pres- trial areas with extreme chemical and mechanical loads. Electro-
sure and temperature, or limit value indicator, make sure you al- magnetic compatibility in the range 10 kHz to 1 GHz makes them
ways have the process under control. You can also display ad- suitable for locations with high electromagnetic emissions.
ditional process values such as temperature or static pressure. Pressure transmitters with ratings "Intrinsic safety" and "Explo-
The simultaneous display of mass, resulting from a volume, is sion-proof" may be installed within potentially explosive atmo-
also easy. spheres (zone 1) or in zone 0. The pressure transmitter comes
The SITRANS P500 pressure transmitters can be configured to with a CE-declaration of conformity and fulfils the corresponding
measure: unified European directives (ATEX).
• Differential pressure Pressure transmitters with the type of protection "Intrinsic safety"
• Level for use in zone 0 may be operated with power supply units of cat-
egory "ia" and "ib".
• Volume
With newly designed measuring cell, it is possible to work with
• Mass
temperature of mediums of -40 to 125 °C (-40 to +257 °F)) with-
• Volume flow out having to use a remote seal.
• Mass flow The transmitters can be equipped with various designs of re-
mote seals for special applications such as the measurement of
■ Benefits highly viscous fluids.
• High measuring accuracy The pressure transmitter can be fully parameterized locally via
• Very fast response time the three operating keys and externally via HART.
• Extremely good long-term stability
• High reliability even under extreme chemical and mechanical
• For aggressive and non-aggressive gases, vapors and liquids
• Extensive diagnosis and simulation functions which can be
used both on site as well as via HART.
• Optional separate replacement of measuring cell and elec-
tronics without recalibration.
• Extremely low conformity error values
■ Design
7 2
View of transmitter
• The electronics enclosure is made of coated die-cast alumi- • Access to the terminal compartment for auxiliary power and
num. shielding by unscrewing the cover.
• The enclosure has round screwed covers front and back. • Beneath the electronic enclosure is the measuring cell with its
• Depending on the design the front cover is fitted with an in- process flanges at which the process connections are avail-
spection window. You can read off the measured value directly able. The modular design of the pressure transmitter lets you
from the optional display through the window. replace the measuring cell, electronics and connection board
as required.
• The inlet to the terminal compartment is located either on the
left or right side. The unused opening in each case is sealed • On the top of the enclosure you can see the screwed cover of
by a blanking plug. the three local pushbuttons of the transmitter.
• The PE/ground terminal is on the back of the enclosure.
■ Function
Operation of electronics with HART communication Mode of operation of the measuring cells
Measuring cell for differential pressure and flow
Ia 9 1
A μC μC D
D A UH R T 2
HART modem
Sensor Electronics
7 6 5 4
Communication between a HART Communicator and a pressure trans-
9 When parameterizing with the HART Communicator, the connec-
8 7
6 tion is made directly to the 2-wire cable.
1 Process flange with process connection -
2 O-Ring
3 Measuring cell body SITRANS P500 230 ... 500 Ω Power supply
4 Silicon pressure sensor transmitter
5 Overload diaphragm PC or
6 Filling liquid of the measuring cell HART laptop
7 Capillary tube with filling liquid of the mounting flange modem
8 Flange with optional tube
9 Seal diaphragm for mounting flange USB/RS 232
Measuring cell for level, function diagram HART communication between a PC communicator and a pressure
• The input pressure (hydrostatic pressure) acts hydraulically transmitter
on the measuring cell via the seal diaphragm on the mounting For configuring via PC a HART modem is used which connects
flange. the transmitter to the PC.
• The differential pressure applied to the measuring cell is trans-
mitted via the seal diaphragm and the filling liquid to the sili- The signals needed for communication in conformity with the
con pressure sensor. HART 6.0 protocols are superimposed on the output current us-
ing the Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) method.
• If the measuring limits are exceeded, the overload diaphragm
flexes until the seal diaphragm touches the body of the mea- The necessary device files are available for download on the In-
suring cell. This protects the sensor module from overload. ternet.
• The differential pressure causes the measuring diaphragm of SITRANS P500 configuration options
the silicon pressure sensor to flex.
The transmission offers you full configuring options both via
• The displacement changes the resistance value of the 4 piezo HART as well as in situ provided the optional display is available.
resistors in the measuring diaphragm in a bridge circuit.
• The change in the resistance causes a differential pressure For simple parameterizing we also offer the easy to understand
proportional to the input pressure. QuickStart function with guided commissioning.
SITRANS P500 diagnostic functions
Configuration of SITRANS P500 HART
• Maintenance timer
Depending on the version, there are a range of options for con-
figuring the pressure transmitter and for setting or reading the • Min/Max pointer (both resetable and non-resetable)
parameters. - Pressure (incl. time and temperature stamp)
- Static pressure (incl. time and temperature stamp)
Configuration using the pushbuttons (local operation) - Sensor temperature (incl. time stamp)
- Electronic temperature (incl. time stamp)
You can configure the transmitter in situ using the three keys pro-
vided a display is available. If you have no display, you can only • Limit monitor block
carry out zero adjustment. • Diagnostic warning
It is possible to retrofit a display. See accessories. • Diagnostic alarm
• Simulation functions
• Display of trends and histograms
• Operating hours meter
• Without HART communication RB (UH - 10.5 V)/0.023 A in , • At the lower range value
UH : Power supply in V (PKN)
• With HART communication - 50 mbar (20 inH2O) (0.1 . r) % per 70 bar (1015 psi) cor-
rection via zero point correction
- HART Communicator RB = 230 ... 1100
- 250 mbar (100 inH2O) (0.035 . r) % per 70 bar (1015 psi)
- HART modem RB = 230 ... 500 correction via zero point correction
Characteristic curve Linearly rising, linearly falling, square - 1250 mbar (502 inH2O) (0.007 . r) % per 70 bar (1015 psi)
rooted characteristic rising, bidirec- 6250 mbar (2509 inH2O) correction via zero point correction
tional square rooted characteristic 32 bar (465 psi)
and user-specific
• On the measuring span (PKS)
- 50 mbar (20 inH2O) 0.13 % per 70 bar (1015 psi)
- 250 mbar (100 inH2O) 0.03 % per 70 bar (1015 psi)
1250 mbar (502 inH2O)
- 6250 mbar (2509 inH2O) 0.09 % per 70 bar (1015 psi)
- 32 bar (465 psi) 0.05 % per 70 bar (1015 psi)
• 250 mbar (100 inH2O) 88 ms, contains a dead time of Stainless steel precision Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4404/316L
1250 mbar (502 inH2O) 45 ms cast enclosure
6250 mbar (2509 inH2O) Process connection screws Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4404/316L
32 bar (465 psi)
Mounting bracket Steel or stainless steel
Long-term stability (0.05 . r) % per 5 years mat. no. 1.4301
(0.08 . r) % per 10 years
Measuring cell filling Silicone oil
Influence of power supply 0.005 %/1 V
Process connection ¼-18 NPT female thread and flange
Operating conditions connection with M10 to DIN 19213 or
7/16-20 UNF mounting thread to
Mounting position Any IEC 61518/DIN EN 61518
Ambient conditions Electrical connection • Screw terminals
• Ambient temperature • Cable entry via the following
(Note: Observe the tempera- screwed glands:
ture class in areas subject to - M20 x 1.5
explosion hazard.) - ½-14 NPT
- Total device -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F) - Device plug Han 7D/Han 8D
- Readable display -20 ... +85 °C (-4 ... +185 °F) - Device plug M12
- Storage temperature -50 ... +90 °C (-58 ... +194 °F) Displays and controls
Climatic class Pushbuttons 3 for local programming directly on
• Condensation Relative humidity 0 … 100 %
(condensation permissible) Display • With or without integrated display
Degree of protection IP66/IP 68 and NEMA 4X (with corre- • Cover with or without window
(to IEC 60529) sponding cable gland) Auxiliary power supply
Electromagnetic Compatibility Terminal voltage on transmitter • DC 10.6 ... 44 V
• Emitted interference and inter- Acc. to IEC 61326 and NAMUR NE 21 • With intrinsically-safe operation
ference immunity DC 10.6 ... 30 V
Permissible pressures According to 2014/68/EU pressure
equipment directive
Temperature of medium
• Measuring cell with silicone oil -40 ... +125 °C (-40 ... +257 °F)
HART communication
Load with connection of
• HART communicator RB = 230 ... 1100
• HART modem RB = 230 ... 500
Cable 2 wire shielded: 3.0 km
(1.86 miles),
multiwire shielded: 1.5 km
(0.93 miles)
Protocol HART Version 6.0
PC/laptop requirements IBM compatible, RAM > 32 MByte,
hard disk > 70 MByte, depending
on modem type: RS 232-interface
or USB connection,
VGA graphics
Software for computer SIMATIC PDM 6.0
4 ... 20 mA, HART 3
Measuring cell filling Measuring cell cleaning
Silicone oil normal 1
Measuring span
1.00 ... 50 mbar (0.4 ... 20 inH2O) C
Quality test certificate, 5-point factory calibration C11 footnote 2). Remote seals see page 1/401.
7) The device plug Han 8D is identical with the former Han 8U version.
(IEC 60770-2)2)
8) For option B15, B16 and B17 the menu language default is english.
Inspection certificate according to EN 10204-3.13) C12 Otherwise the Option B80 (Asia language package) is necessary.
Inspection certificate (EN 10204-3.1); C15 9) Only in conjunction with process connection "Vent on side".
PMI test of parts in contact with medium 10) Not together with measuring span "G".
■ Dimensional drawings
139 4 5
87 approx. 30
58 (3.4)
(2.29 (approx. 1.2)
approx. 259
3 65
2 9
8 43
approx. 98
(approx. 3.82)
7 6 (2.6)
72 119
(2.83) (4.6)
SITRANS P pressure transmitter for differential pressure and flow, P500 series, measurements in mm (inch)
• Measuring cell with silicone oil -100 % of max. measuring span or - 1250 mbar (502 inH2O) (0.007 . r) % je 70 bar (1015 psi)
filling 500 mbar a (7.25 psi a) vacuum resis- 6250 mbar (2509 inH2O) correction via zero point correction
tance • On the measuring span
Also available as vacuum-resistant (PKS)1)
remote seal: 30 mbar a (0.44 psi a) - 250 mbar (100 inH2O) 0.03 % je 70 bar (1015 psi)
Upper range limit 100% of max. measuring span 1250 mbar (502 inH2O)
Lower range value Between measuring limits (freely - 6250 mbar (2509 inH2O) 0.09 % je 70 bar (1015 psi)
adjustable) Influence of power supply 0.005 %/1 V
Output Operating conditions
Output current signal 4 ... 20 mA Mounting position Defined by flange
• Lower current limit 3.55 mA, factory setting 3.8 mA Ambient conditions
(freely adjustable)
• Ambient temperature
• Upper current limit 23 mA, factory setting 20.5 mA (Note: Observe the tempera-
(freely adjustable) ture class in areas subject to
• Ripple (without HART commu- Ipp 0.4 of max. output current explosion hazard.)
nication) - total device -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
• adjustable damping 0... 100 s in steps of 0.1 s, factory set- - Readable display -20 ... +85 °C (-4 ... +185 °F)
ting 2 s - Storage temperature -50 ... +90 °C (-58 ... +194 °F)
• current transmitter 3.55 ... 23 mA Climatic class
• Failure signal Adjustable within limits: • Condensation Relative humidity 0 … 100 %
(condensation permissible)
• Lower: 3.55 … 3.7 mA (factory set-
ting 3.6 mA) Degree of protection IP66/IP68 and NEMA 4X (with corre-
• Upper: 21.0 … 23 mA (factory set- to IEC 60529 sponding cable gland)
ting 22.8 mA) Electromagnetic Compatibility
Load • Emitted interference and inter- Acc. to IEC 61326 and NAMUR NE 21
• Without HART communication RB (UH - 10.5 V)/0.023 A in , ference immunity
UH : Power supply in V Permissible pressures According to 2014/68/EU pressure
• With HART communication equipment directive
- Permissible Ambient Tem- Ta = T4: -40 ... +85 °C • HART modem RB = 230 ... 500
perature (-40 ... +185 °F) Cable 2 wire shielded:
- Entity parameters Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 750 mW, 3.0 km (1.86 miles),
Ri = 300 , Li = 400 µH, Ci = 6 nF multiwire shielded:
1.5 km (0.93 miles)
• Marking (NI/n) CL I, DIV2, GP ABCD T4/T6
CL II, III, DIV2, GP FG T4/T6 Protocol HART Version 6.0
Ex nA IIC T4/T6 PC/laptop requirements IBM compatible, RAM > 32 MByte,
AEx nA IIC T4/T6 hard disk > 70 MByte,
Ex nL IIC T4/T6 depending on modem type:
AEx nL IIC T4/T6 RS 232-interface or
- Permissible Ambient Tem- Ta = T4: -40 ... +85 °C USB connection,
VGA graphics
perature (-40 ... +185 °F)
Ta = T6: -40 ... +60 °C Software for computer SIMATIC PDM 6.0
(-40 ... +140 °F)
- NI/nA parameters According to "control drawing":
A5E02189134N, Um = 45 V
- nL parameters According to "control drawing":
A5E02189134N, Ui = 45 V,
Ii = 100 mA, Li = 400 µH,
Ci = 6 nF
4 ... 20 mA, HART 3
Measuring cell filling Measuring cell cleaning
Silicone oil normal 1
Measuring span (min. ... max.)
1.25 ... 250 mbar (0.5 ... 100 inH2O) D
6.25 ... 1250 mbar (2.5 ... 500 inH2O) E
31.25 ... 6250 mbar (12.54 ... 2509 inH2O) F
Wetted parts of the low-pressure side
(stainless steel process flanges)
Seal diaphragm Process connection
Stainless steel 1.4404/316L Stainless steel 1.4404/316L A
Hastelloy C276 Stainless steel 1.4404/316L B
Monel 400 Stainless steel 1.4404/316L C
Process connection of low-pressure side
Female thread ¼-18 NPT
• Sealing screw opposite process connection
- Mounting thread 7/16 - 20 UNF according to IEC 61518/DIN EN 61518 0
- Mounting thread M10 to DIN 19213 1
• Vent on side of process flange
- Mounting thread 7/16 - 20 UNF according to IEC 61518/DIN EN 61518 4
- Mounting thread M10 to DIN 19213 5
Wetted parts materials (high-pressure side)
Stainless steel 1.4404/316L 0
Hastelloy C276 mat. no. 2.4819 1
Monel 400 mat. no. 2.4360 2
Tantalum 3
PFA coated on stainless steel 4
PTFE on stainless steel 1.4404/316L (not in combination with an extension) 6A
Other version 9Y N1Y
Add Order code and plain text:
Material: ... ; Extension length: ...
Process connection on high-pressure side: Extension length
None A
50 mm (1.97 inch) B
100 mm (3.94 inch) C
150 mm (5.90 inch) D
200 mm (7.87 inch) E
Other version: See option "9" for "Wetted parts materials"
Process connection on high-pressure side: Nominal diameter/Nominal pressure
DN 50, PN 406) B
DN 80, PN 40 D
DN 100, PN 16 G
DN 100, PN 40 H
2", class 1506) L
2", class 3006) M
3", class 150 Q
3", class 300 R
4", class 150 T
4", class 300 U
Other version, add Z Q1Y
Order code and plain text:
Nominal diameter: ... ; Nominal pressure: ...
■ Dimensional drawings
appr. 30 178 (7)
139 (5.48)
(appr. 1.18) 87 (3.43) 58 (2.29) 74 (2.92)
1 3
154 (6.2)
appr. 30
7 (appr. 1.18)
70 (2.75)
54 (2.1) 108 (4.25)
n d2
98 (3.81) 4 2
1 Electrical connection:
• M20 x 1,53) or ½-14 NPT screw gland
• Han 7D/Han 8D2) 3) or M12 device plug
2 Cover over buttons
3 Screw-type blank cap
4 Connection side1)
5 Electronics side, local display1)
6 Process connection, negative side with valve (optional) or screwed joint (optional)
7 Screw lid - safety bracket
8 Process connection: negative side ¼-18 NPT (IEC 61518)
9 Electrical connection:
• Han 7D/Han 8D device plug2) 3) In addition, allow approx. 20 mm (0.79 inch) for
the thread length
10 Mounting flange as per EN 1092-1 or ASME B16.5 2)
Not with "flameproof enclosure" type of protection
11 Space for rotation of enclosure Not with type of protection "FM + CSA" [is + XP]"
SITRANS P pressure transmitter for filling level, P500 series, measurements in mm (inch)
Explanations of tables:
d: Internal diameter of gasket to DIN 2690
dM: Effective diaphragm diameter
d5: Diameter of extension
f: Milling edge
L: Extension length
1) 59 mm = 2.32 inch with tube length L=0.
2) 89 mm = 3½ inch with tube length L=0.
41,3 (1.63)
54 (2.13)
R6,56) 3 (0.12)
Ø 20
41,3 (1.63)
54 (2.13)
134 (5.28)
105 (4.13)
21 (0.83)
120 (4.72)
115 (4.53)
Ø 11 (0.43)
72 (2.83)
R30 )
52,5 (2.07)
72 (2.83)
Mounting bracket for SITRANS P pressure transmitter, P500 series, measurements in mm (inch)
Mounting bracket material: Sheet-steel Mat. No. 1.0330, chrome-plated, or stainless steel Mat. No. 1.4301 (304)
■ Overview ■ Design
The SITRANS P500 transmitter can be delivered factory-fitted The 7MF9411-5BA and 7MF9411-5CA valve manifolds are
with the following valve manifolds: sealed with PTFE gaskets between the transmitter and the valve
• Valve manifolds 7MF9411-5BA: Three valve manifold for differ- manifold.
ential pressure transmitter Once installed, the complete unit is checked under pressure for
• Valve manifolds 7MF9411-5CA: Three valve manifold for dif- leaks (compressed air 6 bar (2411 inH2O)) and is certified leak-
ferential pressure transmitter proof with a factory certificate to EN 10204 - 2.2.
All valve manifolds should preferably be secured with the corre-
sponding mounting brackets. The transmitters are mounted on
the valve manifold and not on the unit itself.
If you order a mounting bracket when choosing the option "Fac-
tory mounting of valve manifolds", you will receive a mounting
bracket for the valve manifold instead of a bracket for mounting
the transmitter.
If you order an inspection certificate 3.1 to EN 10204 after
choosing the option "Factory mounting of valve manifolds", a
separate certificate is provided for the transmitter and for the
valve manifold.
R 3 18)
232 (9.13)
215 (8.46)
Valve manifold 7MF9411-5BA with attached SITRANS P500 pressure transmitter for differential pressure and flow, measurements in mm (inch)
256 (10.1)
158 (6.22)
(1 3 0
233 (9.17)
Valve manifold 7MF9411-5CA with attached SITRANS P500 pressure transmitter for differential pressure and flow, measurements in mm (inch)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Technical description
1 ■ Overview However, the capillary influences the activation time and the
temperature response of the overall remote seal system. When
In many cases the pressure transmitter and the medium have to capillaries are used to connect a remote seal to a pressure trans-
be physically separated. It is then necessary to use a remote mitter for differential pressure, two capillaries of equal length
seal. must always be used.
Optionally, the remote seal with diaphragm extension (tube) can
The remote seals can be used with the SITRANS P320/420 pres-
be ordered.
sure transmitter series:
The remote seals in sandwich design are secured with a blank
• Pressure
• Absolute pressure
• Differential pressure and flow
Diaphragm seal
With diaphragm seals, the pressure is measured by means of a
When configuring your remote seal, be sure to read the informa- flat diaphragm which rests in a bed.
tion about transmission response, temperature error and re-
The following types of diaphragm seals exist:
sponse time to be found in the sections "Function" and "Technical
data". Only then will the remote seal work to optimum effect.
■ Benefits
• No direct contact between the pressure transmitter and the
• Individual configuration of the pressure transmitter for perfect
adaptation to the operating conditions
• Available in many versions
• Specially designed for difficult operating conditions
• Quick-release versions available for the food industry
■ Application Diaphragm seal of sandwich design without (left) and with a projecting
diaphragm (tube)
Remote seal systems should be used if a separation between • Sandwich design
the medium and the measuring instrument is essential or appro- • Sandwich design with projecting diaphragm (tube) to DIN or
priate. ASME which are secured using a dummy flange.
Examples of such cases:
• The temperature of the medium is outside the limits specified
for the pressure transmitter.
• The medium is corrosive and requires diaphragm materials
which are not available for the pressure transmitter.
• The medium is highly viscous or contains solids which would
block the measuring chambers of the pressure transmitter.
• The medium may freeze in the measuring chambers or pulse
• The medium is heterogeneous or fibrous.
• The medium tends towards polymerization or crystallization.
• The process requires quick-release remote seals, as neces- Diaphragm seal of flange design without (left) and with a projecting dia-
sary e.g. in the food industry for fast cleaning. phragm (tube)
• The process requires cleaning of the measuring point, e.g. in • Flange design
a batch process. • Flange design with projecting diaphragm (tube) to DIN or
ASME, secured using holes in the flange.
■ Design
A remote seal system consists of the following components.
• Pressure transmitter
• One or two remote seals
• Filling liquid
• Connection between pressure transmitter and remote seal
(direct mounting or by means of capillary)
The space for the medium is sealed off with a flat embedded
elastic diaphragm. Between the diaphragm and the pressure
transmitter is the filling liquid.
In many cases, a capillary must be connected between the re-
mote seal and the pressure transmitter in order, for example, to Quick-release diaphragm seal
reduce the temperature effects on the pressure transmitter when • Quick-release remote seals, e.g. to DIN 11851, SMS standard,
the measured medium is hot. IDF standard, APV RJF standard, clamp connection, etc.
• Miniature diaphragm seal with male thread for screwing into
tapped holes
• Remote seals with customer-specific process connections
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Technical description
■ Function
The measured pressure is transferred from the diaphragm to the
filling liquid and passes through the capillary to the measuring
chamber of the pressure transmitter. The interior of the dia-
phragm seal and of the capillary, as well as the measuring cham-
ber of the transmitter, are filled gas-free by the filling liquid.
Transmission response
The transmission response of a remote seal is characterized by
the following variables:
• Temperature error
Miniature diaphragm seal with diaphragm flush with front • Adjustment time
• Miniature diaphragm seals Temperature error
The quick-release remote seals are used above all in the food in- Temperature errors are caused by the change of volume of the
dustry. Their design means that the medium cannot accumulate filling liquid due to temperature variations. To select the right re-
in dead volumes. The quick-release clamp present on the re- mote seal you must calculate the temperature error.
mote seal means that quick dismounting is possible for cleaning.
Below you will find an overview of the factors which influence the
Inline seal size of the temperature error, as well as information on how to
calculate the temperature error.
The temperature error is dependent on the following variables:
• Rigidity of the diaphragm used
• Filling liquid used
• Influence of the filling liquid underneath the process flanges or
in the connection shank of the pressure transmitter
• Internal diameter of the capillary: The bigger the internal diam-
eter, the bigger the temperature error
• Length of the capillary: The longer the capillary, the bigger the
temperature error
Diaphragm rigidity
Inline seal with quick-release design (left) and for flange mounting
The rigidity of the diaphragm is of decisive importance. The big-
With inline seals, the pressure is first measured using a cylindri-
ger the diameter of the diaphragm, the softer the diaphragm and
cal diaphragm positioned in a pipe, and then transmitted to the
the more sensitively it reacts to temperature-induced changes in
pressure transmitter by means of the filling liquid.
volume of the filling liquid.
The inline seal is a special design for flowing media. It consists
The result is that small measuring ranges are only possible with
of a cylindrical pipe in which a cylindrical diaphragm is embed-
large diaphragm diameters.
ded. Since it is completely integrated in the process pipe, no tur-
bulences, dead volumes or other obstructions to the flow occur. Other factors apart from diaphragm rigidity which also play a
Furthermore, the inline seal can be cleaned by a pig. role:
The following types of inline seals exist: • Diaphragm thickness
• Quick-release inline seals, e.g. to DIN 11851, SMS standard, • Diaphragm material
IDF standard, APV/RJF standard, clamp connection etc. The • Coatings if present
quick-release facility attached to the remote seal enables the
seal to be removed quickly for cleaning purposes. Filling liquid
• Inline seals for flanging to EN or ASME. Every filling liquid reacts to temperature variations with a change
• Inline seals with customer-specific process connections. of volume. Temperature errors can be minimized by selecting a
suitable filling liquid, but the filling liquid must also be appropri-
Note: ate for the temperature limits and operating pressure. Further-
more, the filling liquid must also be physiologically harmless.
The pressure data on the transmitter and the remote seal must
be observed with regard to pressure/temperature behavior. Since the filling liquid is present under the diaphragm, in the
capillary and under the process flange of the pressure transmit-
ter (or in the connection shank), the temperature error must be
calculated separately for each combination.
A vacuum-resistant remote seal is recommended for continuous
low-pressure operation at 500 mbar a or below, including during
commissioning (see ordering data).
An example of a temperature error calculation can be found in
the section "Technical Specifications".
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Technical description
1 Response time Negative pressure service
The response time is dependent on the following factors: Liquids, such as silicone oils, inert or those suitable for food, are
• Internal diameter of the capillary: The bigger the internal diam- used in remote seal systems for transmission of the process
eter, the shorter the response time pressure to the pressure transmitter.
• Viscosity of the filling liquid The greater the viscosity, the lon- In each liquid, particles have the tendency to leave the liquid
ger the response time compound with increasing temperature (transition from liquid to
• Length of the capillary: The longer the capillary, the longer the gaseous aggregate state). This means the vapor pressure in-
response time creases with increasing temperature and is dependent on the
substance or mixture being present.
• Pressure in the pressure measuring system: The higher the
pressure, the shorter the response time The higher the temperature and the lower the associated pro-
cess pressure in the liquid, the more difficult it gets to guarantee
Recommendations the desired transmission properties of the fill fluid and therefore
The following should be observed to obtain an optimum combi- the measuring arrangement.
nation of transmitter and remote seal: Plus the sealing elements at the transmitter must be designed so
• Choose the biggest possible diameter for the remote seal. The that a diffusion of molecules from the atmosphere into the remote
effective diameter of the seal diaphragm is then bigger and seal system is prevented due to the constantly occurring nega-
the temperature error smaller. tive pressure.
• Choose the shortest possible capillary. The response time is In addition to the influencing variables process pressure and
then shorter and the temperature error smaller process temperature, the vapor pressure curve of the fill fluid at
• Choose the filling liquid with the least viscosity and the small- the remote seal end and the stiffness of the remote seal mem-
est coefficient of expansion. Make sure, however, that the fill- brane impact the functionality of the remote seal in the negative
ing liquid meets the process requirements with regard to pres- pressure range.
sure, vacuum and temperature. And ensure that the filling This means you have to pay special attention to the physical
liquid and the medium are compatible with one another. properties of fill fluids with applications in the negative pressure
• Note the following points for use in the vacuum range: range.
- The pressure transmitter must always be positioned below
the lowest spigot. There are three stages for the negative pressure resistance:
- The operating range of some filling liquids is very limited with • Standard design of the remote seal without additional protec-
regard to the permissible temperature of the medium. tive measures, suitable for the overpressure range and low
- A vacuum-proof seal is necessary for continuous operation negative pressure range. This design is identified with (1) in
in the low-pressure range. the diagrams below in section 3.
• Recommendations for the minimum measuring span can be • Negative pressure service with suitable seals and treated fill
found in the section "Technical data". fluid, identified with (2) in the diagrams below in section 3.
Here you select the order codes D81 or D83, depending on
Note the mounting type.·
The remote seals listed here are a selection of the most common • Extended negative pressure service with more extended
designs. On account of the large variety of process connections, treatment of the fill fluid and the remote seals, identified in the
certain remote seals which are not listed here may be available diagrams below. Here you select the order codes D85 or D88,
nevertheless. depending on the mounting type.
Other versions can be: There are two more areas in the diagrams. The area (4) identifies
• Other process connections, standards an area that has to be clarified with Technical Support prior to
placing the order. The area (5) describes the area in which the
• Aseptic or sterile connections remote seal fill fluid is permanently destroyed and the entire re-
• Other dimensions mote seal is therefore without function.
• Other nominal pressures
• Special diaphragm materials, including coatings
• Other sealing faces
• Other filling liquids
• Other capillary lengths
• Sheathing of capillaries with protective hose
• Calibration at higher/lower temperatures etc.
Please contact your local Siemens office for further informa-
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Technical description
Technical specifications of the remote seal filling liquids Note: For reasons of operational safety, the transmitter must not 1
exceed the height of the remote seal - with differential pressure
Filling liquid Num- Density Viscos- Suitable Suitable
ber in at 20°C ity at for nega- for applications, the height of the bottom remote seal - for measure-
the ments in the negative pressure range. The associated installa-
[kg/dm3] 20°C tive pres- extended
tion types B, C1, C2 or H are described at the end of this section
Arti- [mm2/s] sure negative
cle No. service pressure under the topic "Measuring arrangements".
Selection of the required negative pressure service
Silicone oil M5 1 0.914 4 x -
The procedure for determining the required negative pressure
Silicone oil M50 2 0.966 50 x x service is described below using the silicone oil M5 as fill fluid.
High-tempera- 3 1.070 57 x x The minimum existing process pressure of a fictitious process is
ture oil 200 mbarabs (2.9 psi) (at a maximum process temperature of
Halocarbon oil 4 1.968 14 x - 150 °C (302 °F)). This intersection is identified by an "✖" in the
diagram below. This means the negative pressure service D81
Food oil 7 0.920 10 x x or D83 (depending on the application) is sufficient in this exam-
(FDA-listed) ple.
The suitable negative pressure service is specified with the pres- The suitable negative pressure resistance is determined this
sure/temperature curves of the respective liquids described be- way for all other fill fluids.
Note the response times according to the table on page 1/336.
Silicone oil M5
Operating pressure [mbarabs]
210 ✖
-100 -50 0 50 100 150
Operating temperature [°C]
1 Operating range of the standard remote seal design without special measures.
2 Operating range for which the negative pressure service D81 or D83 is required.
Note: An extended negative pressure service is not possible for this fill fluid.
4 Please contact Technical Support for applications in this area.
Detailed information regarding application, process and ambient data are necessary.
5 Area in which you have to expect the destruction of the fill fluid.
A function of the remote seal is not specified here.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Technical description
Silicone oil M50
Operating pressure [mbarabs]
-100 0 100 200 300 400
Operating temperature [°C]
1 Operating range of the standard remote seal design without special measures.
2 Operating range for which the negative pressure service D81 or D83 is required.
3 Operating range for which the extended negative pressure service D85 or D88 is required
4 Please contact Technical Support for applications in this area.
Detailed information regarding application, process and ambient data are necessary.
5 Area in which you have to expect the destruction of the fill fluid.
A function of the remote seal is not specified here.
Permissible operating range:
Max. temperature limit: 300 °C
Min. temperature limit: -40 °C
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Technical description
High-temperature oil
Operating pressure [mbarabs]
3 4 5
-100 0 100 200 300 400
Operating temperature [°C]
1 Operating range of the standard remote seal design without special measures.
2 Operating range for which the negative pressure service D81 or D83 is required.
3 Operating range for which the extended negative pressure service D85 or D88 is required
4 Please contact Technical Support for applications in this area.
Detailed information regarding application, process and ambient data are necessary.
5 Area in which you have to expect the destruction of the fill fluid.
A function of the remote seal is not specified here.
Permissible operating range:
Max. temperature limit: 400 °C
Min. temperature limit: -10 °C
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Technical description
Halocarbon oil (inert fill fluid)
Operating pressure [mbarabs]
-100 0 100 200 300 400
Operating temperature [°C]
1 Operating range of the standard remote seal design without special measures.
2 Operating range for which the negative pressure service D81 or D83 is required.
Note: An extended negative pressure service is not possible for this fill fluid.
4 Please contact Technical Support for applications in this area.
Detailed information regarding application, process and ambient data are necessary.
5 Area in which you have to expect the destruction of the fill fluid.
A function of the remote seal is not specified here.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Technical description
Food oil (FDA-listed)
Operating pressure [mbarabs]
-100 0 100 200 300 400
Operating temperature [°C]
1 Operating range of the standard remote seal design without special measures.
2 Operating range for which the negative pressure service D81 or D83 is required.
3 Operating range for which the extended negative pressure service D85 or D88 is required
4 Please contact Technical Support for applications in this area.
Detailed information regarding application, process and ambient data are necessary.
5 Area in which you have to expect the destruction of the fill fluid.
A function of the remote seal is not specified here.
Permissible operating range:
Max. temperature limit: 230 °C
Min. temperature limit: -15 °C
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Technical description
1 ■ Technical specifications
Temperature error Diaphragm seals
Temperature errors of diaphragm seals when connected to pressure transmitters for pressure, absolute pressure, differential pres-
sure (single-sided) and level
Nominal diameter/ Diaphragm Temperature Temperature error of Temperature Recommended
design diameter error of remote capillary fCap error of process min. measuring
seal fRS flange/connec- spans (guidance
tion spigot fPF values, observe
temp. error)
mm (inch) mbar/ (psi/ mbar/ (psi/ mbar/ (psi/ mbar (psi)
10 K 10 K) (10 K mCap) (10 K mCap))) 10 K 10 K)
Sandwich DN 50 without tube 59 (2.32) 1.5 (0.022) 2 (0.029) 2 (0.029) 200 (2.90)
design or with
flange to DN 50 with tube 45 (1.89) 5 (0.073) 10 (0.145) 10 (0.145) 500 (7.25)
EN 1092-1 DN 80 without tube 89 (3.50) 0.2 (0.003) 0.2 (0.003) 0.2 (0.003) 100 (1.45)
DN 80 with tube 72 (2.83) 1 (0.015) 1 (1.015) 1 (1.015) 250 (3.63)
DN 100 without tube 89 (3.50) 0.2 (0.003) 0.4 (0.006) 0.4 (0.006) 100 (1.45)
DN 100 with tube 89 (3.50) 0.4 (0.006) 0.4 (0.006) 0.4 (0.006) 100 (1.45)
DN 125 without tube 124 (4.88) 0.2 (0.003) 0.1 (0.002) 0.1 (0.002) 20 (0.29)
DN 125 with tube 124 (4.88) 0.2 (0.003) 0.1 (0.002) 0.1 (0.002) 20 (0.29)
Sandwich 2 inch without tube 59 (2.32) 1.5 (0.022) 2 (0.029) 2 (0.029) 200 (2.90)
design or with 2 inch with tube 45 (1.89) 5 (0.073) 10 (0.145) 10 (0.145) 500 (7.25)
flange to
ASME B16.5 3 inch without tube 89 (3.50) 0.2 (0.003) 0.2 (0.003) 0.2 (0.003) 100 (1.45)
3 inch with tube 72 (2.83) 1 (0.015) 1 (1.015) 1 (1.015) 250 (3.63)
4 inch without tube 89 (3.50) 0.2 (0.003) 0.4 (0.006) 0.4 (0.006) 100 (1.45)
4 inch with tube 89 (3.50) 0.4 (0.006) 0.4 (0.006) 0.4 (0.006) 100 (1.45)
5 inch without tube 124 (4.88) 0.2 (0.003) 0.1 (0.002) 0.1 (0.002) 20 (0.29)
5 inch with tube 124 (4.88) 0.2 (0.003) 0.1 (0.002) 0.1 (0.002) 20 (0.29)
Remote seal DN 25 25 (0.98) 20 (0.290) 60 (0.870) 60 (0.870) 6000 (87)
with union nut to
DIN 11851 DN 32 32 (1.26) 8 (0.116) 25 (0.363) 25 (0.363) 4000 (58)
DN 40 40 (1.57) 4 (0.058) 10 (0.145) 10 (0.145) 2000 (29)
DN 50 52 (2.05) 4 (0.058) 5 (0.073) 5 (0.073) 500 (7.25)
DN 65 59 (2.32) 3 (0.044) 4 (0.058) 4 (0.058) 500 (7.25)
DN 80 72 (2.83) 1 (0.015) 1 (0.015) 1 (0.015) 250 (3.63)
Remote seal, DN 50 52 (2.05) 4 (0.058) 5 (0.073) 5 (0.073) 500 (7.25)
screwed gland
Remote seal DN 25 25 (0.98) 20 (0.290) 60 (0.870) 60 (0.870) 6000 (87)
with threaded
socket to DN 32 32 (1.26) 8 (0.116) 25 (0.363) 25 (0.363) 4000 (58)
DIN 11851 DN 40 40 (1.57) 4 (0.058) 10 (0.145) 10 (0.145) 2000 (29)
DN 50 52 (2.05) 4 (0.058) 5 (0.073) 5 (0.073) 500 (7.25)
DN 65 59 (2.32) 3 (0.044) 4 (0.058) 4 (0.058) 500 (7.25)
DN 80 72 (2.83) 1 (0.015) 1 (0.015) 1 (0.015) 250 (3.63)
Clamp connec- 1½ inch 32 (1.26) 8 (0.116) 25 (0.363) 25 (0.363) 4000 (58)
2 inch 40 (1.57) 4 (0.058) 10 (0.145) 10 (0.145) 2000 (29)
2½ inch 59 (2.32) 3 (0.044) 5 (0.073) 5 (0.073) 500 (7.25)
3 inch 72 (2.83) 1 (0.015) 1 (0.015) 1 (0.015) 250 (3.63)
Miniature dia- G1B 25 (0.98) 20 (0.290) 60 (0.870) 60 (0.870) 6000 (87)
phragm seal
G1½B 40 (1.57) 4 (0.058) 10 (0.145) 10 (0.145) 2000 (29)
G2B 52 (2.05) 4 (0.058) 5 (0.073) 5 (0.073) 500 (7.25)
• Values apply for the filling liquids silicone oil M5, silicone oil M50, high-temperature oil, halocarbon oil and food oil (FDA listed).
• Values apply to stainless steel as the diaphragm material.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Technical description
Temperature errors of diaphragm seals with connection to differential pressure transmitters (double-sided) 1
Nominal diameter/ Diaphragm Temperature error Temperature error of Temperature error Recommended
design diameter of remote seal fRS capillary fCap of process min. measur-
flange/connec- ing spans
tion spigot fPF (guidance val-
ues, observe
mm (inch) mbar/ (psi/ mbar/ (psi/ mbar/ (psi/ mbar (psi)
10 K 10 K) (10 K mCap) (10 K mCap)) 10 K 10 K)
Sandwich DN 50 without tube 59 (2.32) 0.3 (0.0043) 0.3 (0.0045) 0.3 (0.0045) 250 (3.626)
design or with
flange to DN 50 with tube 45 (1.89) 1.26 (0.018) 1.7 (0.025) 1.7 (0.025) 250 (3.626)
EN 1092-1 DN 80 without tube 89 (3.50) 0.05 (0.001) 0.05 (0.001) 0.05 (0.0007) 50 (0.725)
DN 80 with tube 72 (2.83) 0.24 (0.004) 0.17 (0.003) 0.17 (0.003) 100 (1.45)
DN 100 without tube 89 (3.50) 0.05 (0.001) 0.07 (0.001) 0.07 (0.001) 50 (0.725)
DN 100 with tube 89 (3.50) 0.1 (0.002) 0.07 (0.001) 0.07 (0.001) 50 (0.725)
DN 125 without tube 124 (4.88) 0.05 (0.001) 0.03 (0.0004) 0.03 (0.0004) 20 (0.29)
DN 125 with tube 124 (4.88) 0.05 (0.001) 0.03 (0.0004) 0.03 (0.0004) 20 (0.29)
Sandwich 2 inch without tube 59 (2.32) 0.3 (0.0043) 0.3 (0.0043) 0.3 (0.0045) 250 (3.626)
design with
flange to 2 inch with tube 45 (1.89) 1.26 (0.018) 1.7 (0.025) 1.7 (0.025) 250 (3.626)
ASME B16.5 3 inch without tube 89 (3.50) 0.05 (0.001) 0.05 (0.0007) 0.05 (0.0007) 50 (0.725)
3 inch with tube 72 (2.83) 0.24 (0.004) 0.17 (0.003) 0.17 (0.003) 100 (1.45)
4 inch without tube 89 (3.50) 0.05 (0.001) 0.07 (0.001) 0.07 (0.001) 50 (0.725)
4 inch with tube 89 (3.50) 0.1 (0.002) 0.07 (0.001) 0.07 (0.001) 50 (0.725)
5 inch without tube 124 (4.88) 0.05 (0.001) 0.03 (0.0004) 0.03 (0.0004) 20 (0.29)
5 inch with tube 124 (4.88) 0.05 (0.001) 0.03 (0.0004) 0.03 (0.0004) 20 (0.29)
Remote seal, DN 50 52 (2.05) 1 (0.015) 0.83 (0.012) 0.83 (0.012) 250 (3.626)
screwed gland
Remote seal DN 50 52 (2.05) 1 (0.015) 0.83 (0.012) 0.83 (0.012) 250 (3.626)
with union nut to
DIN 11851 DN 65 59 (2.32) 0.7 (0.010) 0.67 (0.010) 0.67 (0.010) 250 (3.626)
DN 80 72 (2.83) 0.24 (0.004) 0.17 (0.003) 0.17 (0.003) 100 (1.450)
Remote seal DN 50 52 (2.05) 1 (0.015) 0.83 (0.012) 0.83 (0.012) 250 (3.626)
with threaded
socket to DN 65 59 (2.32) 0.7 (0.010) 0.67 (0.010) 0.67 (0.010) 250 (3.626)
DIN 11851 DN 80 72 (2.83) 0.24 (0.004) 0.17 (0.003) 0.17 (0.003) 100 (1.450)
Clamp connec- 2 inch 40 (1.57) 1 (0.015) 2.5 (0.036) 2.5 (0.036) 2000 (29.01)
2½ inch 59 (2.32) 0.7 (0.010) 0.67 (0.010) 0.67 (0.010) 250 (3.626)
3 inch 72 (2.83) 0.24 (0.004) 0.17 (0.003) 0.17 (0.003) 100 (1.450)
• Values apply for the filling liquids silicone oil M5, silicone oil M50, high-temperature oil, halocarbon oil and food oil (FDA listed).
• Values apply to stainless steel as the diaphragm material.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Technical description
1 Temperature error inline seals
Temperature errors of inline seals when connected to pressure transmitters for gauge pressure and absolute pressure, and with sin-
gle-sided connection to pressure transmitters for differential pressure
Nominal diameter/ Temperature error of remote Temperature error of Temperature error of pro- Recommended min. mea-
design seal fRS capillary fCap cess flange/connection suring spans (guidance
spigot fPF values, observe tempera-
ture error)
mbar/10 K (psi/10 K) mbar/10 K (psi/10 K) mbar/10 K (psi/10 K) mbar (psi)
DN 25 (1 inch) 6.0 (0.0870) 8.5 (0.123) 8.5 (0.123) 1000 (14.5)
DN 40 (1½ inch) 4.5 (0.065) 4.5 (0.065) 4.5 (0.065) 250 (3.63)
DN 50 (2 inch) 4.0 (0.058) 3.0 (0.044) 3.0 (0.044) 100 (1.45)
DN 80 (3 inch) 9.5 (0.138) 5.0 (0.073) 5.0 (0.073) 100 (1.45)
DN 100 (4 inch) 8.0 (0.012) 3.0 (0.044) 3.0 (0.044) 100 (1.45)
Temperature errors of inline seals with double-sided connection to pressure transmitters for differential pressure
Nominal diameter/ Temperature error of remote Temperature error of Temperature error of pro- Recommended min. mea-
design seal fRS capillary fCap cess flange/connection suring spans (guidance
spigot fPF values, observe tempera-
ture error)
mbar/10 K (psi/10 K) mbar/10 K (psi/10 K) mbar/10 K (psi/10 K) mbar (psi)
DN 25 (1 inch) 2.3 (0.033) 1.8 (0.026) 1.8 (0.026) 1000 (14.5)
DN 40 (1½ inch) 0.8 (0.012) 0.3 (0.004) 0.3 (0.004) 250 (3.63)
DN 50 (2 inch) 0.3 (0.004) 0.1 (0.002) 0.1 (0.002) 100 (1.45)
DN 80 (3 inch) 3.0 (0.044) 0.5 (0.007) 0.5 (0.007) 100 (1.45)
DN 100 (4 inch) 1.0 (0.015) 0.1 (0.002) 0.1 (0.002) 100 (1.45)
• Values apply for the filling liquids silicone oil M5, silicone oil M50, high-temperature oil, halocarbon oil and food oil (FDA listed).
• Half the values apply to glycerin/water mixture as the filling liquid.
• Values apply to stainless steel as the diaphragm material.
• Diaphragm thickness 0.05 mm (0.002 inch) for DN 25/DN 40/DN 50 and 0.1 mm (0.004 inch) for DN 80/DN 100
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Technical description
Calculation of the temperature error Dependence of temperature error on diaphragm material 1
The following equation is used to calculate the temperature error: The temperature errors listed in the previous table are based on the
use of stainless steel as the diaphragm material. If other diaphragm
dp = (RS – Cal) fRS + (Cap – Cal) lCap fCap + (TR – Cal) fPF
materials are used, the temperature errors change as follows:
dp Additional temperature error (mbar) Diaphragm material Change in temperature
error of remote seal
RS Temperature on remote seal diaphragm (generally
corresponds to temperature of medium) Increase in values by
Cal Calibration (reference) temperature (20 °C (68 °F)) Stainless steel, Duplex, ... See previous tables
fRS Temperature error of remote seal Hastelloy C4, mat. No. 2.4602 50 %
Cap Ambient temperature on the capillaries Hastelloy C276, mat. No. 2.4819 50 %
lCap Capillary length Monel 400, mat. No. 2.4360 60 %
fCap Temperature error of capillaries Tantalum 50 %
TR Ambient temperature on pressure transmitter Titanium 50 %
fPF Temperature error of the oil filling in the process PTFE coating on stainless steel diaphragm 80 %
flanges of the pressure transmitter ECTFE coating or PFA coating on stainless 100 %
steel diaphragm
Example of temperature error calculation
Gold coating on stainless steel diaphragm 40 %
Existing conditions:
Inconel 50 %
SITRANS P pressure transmitter for fRS = 0.05 mbar/10 K
differential pressure, 250 mbar, set (0.039 inH2O/10 K) Incoloy 50 %
to 0 ... 100 mbar, with DN 100
remote seal diaphragms without Maximum temperature of medium
tube, diaphragm made of stainless Note:
steel, mat. No. 1.4404/316L When taking into account the maximum medium temperature,
Capillary length lCap = 6 m (19.7 ft) the application limits of the fill fluids and gaskets used as well as
the pressure/temperature limits of the respective process con-
Capillaries fitted on both sides fCap = 0.07 mbar/(10 K mCap)
(0.028 inH2O/(10 K mCap)) nections must also be taken into consideration.
Filling liquid silicone oil M5 fPF = 0.07 mbar/10 K
The following maximum temperatures of the medium apply de-
(0.028 inH2O/10 K) pending on the material of the wetted parts.
Process temperature RS = 100 °C (212 °F) Material Max. temperature Min./max. pressure
of medium
Temperature on the capillaries Cap = 50 °C (122 °F)
Stainless steel, 316L 400 °C (752 °F) No restriction
Temperature on pressure TR = 50 °C (122 °F) PTFE coating 200 °C (392 °F) < 0 bar (0 psi);
transmitter gauge pressure
Calibration temperature Cal = 20 °C (68 °F) 260 °C (500 °F) 0 bar (0 psi) ... 25 bar
(363 psi); gauge pressure
Required: 150 °C (302 °F) 25 bar (363 psi) ... 40 bar
Additional temperature error of remote seals: dp (580 psi); gauge pressure
50 °C (302 °F) 40 bar (580 psi) ... 60 bar
Calculation: (870 psi); gauge pressure
in mbar ECTFE coating 150 °C (302 °F) For pressures < 1 bar
(14.5 psi) on request
dp = (100 °C – 20 °C) 0.05 mbar/10 K + (50 °C – 20 °C) 6 m
PFA coating 200 °C (392 °F) < 0 bar (0 psi);
0.07 mbar/(10 K m) + (50 °C – 20 °C) 0.07 mbar/10 K
gauge pressure
dp = 0.4 mbar + 1.26 mbar + 0.21 mbar 260 °C (500 °F) 25 bar (363 psi)/40 bar
in inH2O (580 psi); gauge pressure
dp = (212 °F - 68 °F) · 0.039 inH2O/10 K + (112 °F - 68 °F) · 19.7 ft · 150 °C (302 °F) 40 bar (580 psi)/60 bar
0.028 inH2O/(10 K · 3.28 ft) + (112 °F - 68 °F) · (0.028 inH2O/10 K) (870 psi); gauge pressure
dp = 0.16 inH2O + 0.51 inH2O + 0.08 inH2O 50 °C (302 °F) For pressures < 1 bar
(14.5 psi) on request
Hastelloy C4, 400 °C (752 °F) No restriction
mat. No. 2.4602
Hastelloy C276, 400 °C (752 °F) No restriction
dp = 1.87 mbar (0.75 inH2O) mat. No. 2.4819
(corresponds to 2.27% of set measuring span)
Hastelloy C22, 400 °C (752 °F) No restriction
Note mat. No. 2.4602
The determined temperature error only applies to the error resulting Monel 400, 400 °C (752 °F) No restriction
from connection of the remote seal. mat. No. 2.4360
The transmission response of the respective transmitter is not included Tantalum 300 °C (572 °F) No restriction
in this consideration.
It must be calculated separately, and the resulting error added to the Duplex, 250 °C (482 °F) No restriction
error determined above from connection of the remote seal. mat. No. 1.4462
Titanium 150 °C (302 °F) No restriction
Inconel 400 °C (752 °F) No restriction
Incoloy 400 °C (752 °F) No restriction
Gold coating 400 °C (752 °F) No restriction
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Technical description
1 Maximum capillary length for diaphragm seals
(guidance values)
Nom. diam. Max. length of capillary
Diaphragm seal inline seal
m (ft) m (ft)
DN 25 (1 inch) 2.5 (8.2) 2.5 (8.2)
DN 32 (1¼ inch) 2.5 (8.2) 2.5 (8.2)
DN 40 (1½ inch) 4 (13.1) 6 (19.7)
DN 50 (2 inch) 6 (19.7) 10 (32.8)
DN 65 (2½ inch) 8 (26.2) 10 (32.8)
DN 80 (3 inch) 15 (49.1) 10 (32.8)
DN 100 (4 inch) 15 (49.1) 10 (32.8)
DN 125 (5 inch) 15 (49.1) - -
Response times
The values listed in the following table are the response times (in The response times are independent of the set measuring span
seconds per meter of capillary) for a change in pressure which within the range of the respective transmitter. The response
corresponds to the set measuring span. times are of insignificant importance for measuring spans above
10 bar (145 psi). The response times of the pressure transmitters
The listed values must be multiplied by the respective length of are not considered in the table.
the capillary, or with transmitters for differential pressure and flow
by the total length of both capillaries.
Filling liquid Density Temperature Response time in s/m (s/ft) with max. measuring span of pressure transmitter
on capillary
kg/dm3 (lb/in3) °C (°F) 250 mbar (101 inH2O) 600 mbar (241 inH2O) 1600 mbar (643 inH2O)
Silicone oil M5 0.914 (0.033) +60 (140) 0.06 (0.018) 0.02 (0.006) 0.01 (0.003)
+20 (68) 0.11 (0.034) 0.02 (0.006) 0.02 (0.006)
- 20 (-4) 0.3 (0.091) 0.12 (0.037) 0.05 (0.015)
Silicone oil M50 0.966 (0.035) +60 (140) 0.6 (0.183) 0.25 (0.076) 0.09 (0.027)
+20 (68) 0.61 (0.186) 0.26 (0.079) 0.1 (0.030)
- 20 (-4) 1.69 (0.515) 0.71 (0.216) 0.27 (0.082)
High-temperature oil 1.070 (0.039) +60 (140) 0.14 (0.043) 0.06 (0.018) 0.02 (0.006)
+20 (68) 0.65 (0.198) 0.27 (0.082) 0.1 (0.030)
-10 (14) 3.96 (1.207) 1.65 (0.503) 0.62 (0.189)
Halocarbon oil 1.968 (0.071) +60 (140) 0.07 (0.021) 0.03 (0.009) 0.01 (0.003)
+20 (68) 0.29 (0.088) 0.12 (0.037) 0.05 (0.015)
- 20 (-4) 2.88 (0.878) 1.2 (0.366) 0.45 (0.137)
Food oil (FDA listed) 0.920 (0.033) +60 (140) 0.75 (0.229) 0.33 (0.101) 0.17 (0.052)
+20 (68) 4 (1.220) 1.75 (0.534) 0.67 (0.204)
- 20 (-4) 20 (6.100) 8.5 (2.593) 3.25 (0.991)
Permissible data of filling liquids for pressure and temperature see diagrams on page 1/327 ff.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Technical description
■ More information
Specification of process conditions for selection and ordering data
Ambient temperature range Process temperature
As standard, the remote seal systems are optimized for an am- The standard optimization for the process temperature depends
bient temperature range of -10 to +50 ° C (14 to +122 ° F). on the filling liquid used:
Therefore, in the ordering options, the order code "D66" is pre-
set. Filling liquid Code Optimized temperature range as standard
Silicone M50 B -10 ... +200 °C (14 ... +392 °F)
If the range of the ambient temperature deviates from this, you
have the possibility to choose other ambient temperature High-temperature oil C -10 ... +300 °C (14 ... +572 °F)
ranges: Silicone oil M5 A -40 ... +140 °C (-40 ... +284 °F)
• With the order code D67, a range from -40 to +50 °C Food-grade oil (FDA E -10 ... +140 °C (14 ... +284 °F)
(-40 to +122 °F) grade)
• With the order code D68, a range from -10 to +85 °C (14 to Halocarbon oil D -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
+185 °F)
• If the process temperatures deviate from the temperature
In the case of a special version, which you can select with the ranges mentioned in the table above, we ask you to send the
order option Y99 in the device settings, it is possible to enter the process temperature with the order code Y50 along with the
ambient temperature as a numerical value. order.
• If the remote seal has a small diameter (< DN 50/2") or a long
capillary (> 4 m), we also ask you to provide the process data
with the following order code when ordering.
These entries are transmitted and ensure the correct functioning
of the remote seal systems.
Ambient temperature range Order code
• -10 ... +50 °C (14 ... +122 °F) preset D66
• -40 ... +50 °C (-40 ... +122 °F) D67
• -10 ... +85 °C (14 ... +185 °F) D68
Process temperature min. ... °C/(°F)/max. ... °C/(°F) Y50
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of sandwich design with flexible capillary
1 ■ Overview
■ Technical specifications
Diaphragm seals of sandwich design Sealing material in the process
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure
• For pressure transmitters, abso- Copper
Connecting standard EN 1092-1 lute pressure transmitters and
• DN 25, DN 40, DN 50, DN 65, PN 16 ... PN 400 low-pressure applications
DN 80, DN 100, DN 125 • For other applications Viton
Connecting standard ASME
Maximum pressure See above and the technical data of
• 1 inch, 1½ inch, 2 inch, 2½ inch, Class 150 ... class 2500 the pressure transmitters
3 inch, 4 inch, 5 inch
Tube length Without tube as standard (tube
Connecting standard J.I.S. available on request)
• DN 25, DN 40, DN 50, DN 65, 10K ... 63K Capillary
DN 80, DN 100, DN 125
• Length Max. 10 m (32.8 ft), longer lengths
Sealing surface on request
• For stainless steel, mat. No. To EN 1092-1, form B1 or • Internal diameter max. 2 mm (0.079 inch)
1.4404/316L ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA
• Minimum bending radius 150 mm (5.9 inch)
• For the other materials To EN 1092-1, form B2 or
ASME B16.5 RFSF Filling liquid Silicone oil M5
Materials Silicone oil M50
• Main body Stainless steel mat. no. 1.4404/316L High-temperature oil
• Wetted parts Stainless steel mat. no. 1.4404/316L Halocarbon oil (for measuring O2)
• Without coating Food grade oil (FDA listed)
• PTFE coating Permissible ambient temperature Dependent on the pressure trans-
• ECTFE coating (for vacuum on re- mitter and the filling liquid of the
quest) remote seal
More information can be found in
• PFA coating
the technical data of the pressure
Monel 400, mat. No. 2.4360 transmitters and in the section
Hastelloy C276, mat. No. 2.4819 "Technical data of filling liquid" in the
Technical description to the remote
Hastelloy C4, mat. No. 2.4602 seals
Hastelloy C22, mat. no. 2.4602 Weight Approx. 4 kg (8.82 lb)
Tantalum Certificate and approvals
Titanium, mat. no. 3.7035
Classification according to pres- For gases of fluid group 1 and liq-
Nickel 201 sure equipment directive uids of fluid group 1; complies with
Duplex 2205, mat. no. 1.4462 (DGRL 2014/68/EU) requirements of article 4,
paragraph 3 (sound engineering
Stainless steel 316L, gold plated, practice)
thickness approx. 25 m
• Capillary Stainless steel, mat. No.
• Sheath Spiral protective tube made of stain-
less steel, mat. No. 1.4404/316L
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of sandwich design with flexible capillary
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order
code code
Diaphragm seal Diaphragm seal
Sandwich type design, with flexible capillary Sandwich type design, with flexible capillary
tube, connected with flexible capillary tube tube, connected with flexible capillary tube
to a to a
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 0 0 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 0 0 -
pressure or absolute pressure pressure or absolute pressure
(only together with negative pressure ser- (only together with negative pressure ser-
vice), 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately vice), 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately
Scope of delivery: 1 off Scope of delivery: 1 off
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for abso- 7MF 0 8 0 1 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for abso- 7MF 0 8 0 1 -
lute pressure, 7MF03../7MF04.. order sepa- lute pressure, 7MF03../7MF04.. order sepa-
rately, Scope of delivery: 1 off rately, Scope of delivery: 1 off
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 8 0 2 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 8 0 2 -
ential pressure and flow, 7MF03../7MF04.. ential pressure and flow, 7MF03../7MF04..
order separately, Scope of delivery: 2 off order separately, Scope of delivery: 2 off
77777 - 0 777 777 77777 - 0 777 777
Click on the Article No. for the online con- 11 m (only for 7MF0802) 23
figuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. 12 m (only for 7MF0802) 24
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure 13 m (only for 7MF0802) 25
14 m (only for 7MF0802) 26
Connecting standard EN 1092-1
15 m (only for 7MF0802) 27
(DN 25, DN 40 and DN 50 recommended
only for pressure transmitters) Other version 98 L1Y
DN 25 PN 16 ... 400 0 BQ Add Order code and plain text
DN 40 PN 16 ... 400 0 DQ Filling liquid
DN 50 PN 16 ... 400 0 EQ Silicone oil M50 B
DN 65 PN 16 ... 400 0 FQ High-temperature oil C
DN 80 PN 16 ... 400 0 GQ Silicone oil M5 A
DN 100 PN 16 ... 400 0 HQ Food-grade oil (FDA listed) E
DN 125 PN 16 ... 400 0 JQ Halocarbon oil D
Connecting standard ASME B16.5 Other version Z P1Y
(1 inch, 1½ inch and 2 inch recommended Add Order code and plain text
only for pressure transmitters) Wetted parts materials
1 inch class 150 ... 2500 1KX
Stainless steel 316L
1½ inch class 150 ... 2500 1LX
• Without coating A
2 inch class 150 ... 2500 1 MX
• With PFA coating D
2½ inch class 150 ... 2500 1NX
• With PTFE coating E0
3 inch class 150 ... 2500 1PX
• With ECTFE coating F
4 inch class 150 ... 2500 1QX
Monel 400, 2.4360 G
5 inch class 150 ... 2500 1RX
Hastelloy C276, 2.4819 J
Connecting standard J.I.S. Tantalum K
(DN 25, DN 40 and DN 50 recommended Titanium, 3.7035 L0
only for pressure transmitters) Nickel 201 M0
DN 25 10K ... 63K 2 BW Diaphragm Duplex, 1.4462 Q
DN 40 10K ... 63K 2 DW Diaphragm plus flange Duplex, 1.4462 R
DN 50 10K ... 63K 2 EW Stainless steel 316L with gold coating S0
DN 65 10K ... 63K 2 FW Hastelloy C4, 2.4610 U0
DN 80 10K ... 63K 2 GW Hastelloy C22, 2.4602 V0
DN 100 10K ... 63K 2 HW
Other version Z 8 Q1Y
DN 125 10K ... 63K 2 JW Add Order code and plain text
Other version 9 AA H1Y Extension length
Add Order code and plain text
• without 0
Length of capillary • 50 mm (2") 1
1m 1 0 • 100 mm (4") 2
1,6 m 1 1 • 150 mm (6") 3
2m 1 2 • 200 mm (8") 4
2,5 m 1 3 • 250 mm (10") 5
3m 1 4 Z 8 Q1Y
Other version
4m 1 5 Add Order code and plain text
5m 1 6
6m 1 7
7m 1 8
8m 2 0
9m 2 1
10 m 2 2
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of sandwich design with flexible capillary
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order
code code
Diaphragm seal Diaphragm seal
Sandwich type design, with flexible capillary Sandwich type design, with flexible capillary
tube, connected with flexible capillary tube tube, connected with flexible capillary tube
to a to a
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 0 0 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 0 0 -
pressure or absolute pressure pressure or absolute pressure
(only together with negative pressure ser- (only together with negative pressure ser-
vice), 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately vice), 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately
Scope of delivery: 1 off Scope of delivery: 1 off
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for abso- 7MF 0 8 0 1 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for abso- 7MF 0 8 0 1 -
lute pressure, 7MF03../7MF04.. order sepa- lute pressure, 7MF03../7MF04.. order sepa-
rately, Scope of delivery: 1 off rately, Scope of delivery: 1 off
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 8 0 2 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 8 0 2 -
ential pressure and flow, 7MF03../7MF04.. ential pressure and flow, 7MF03../7MF04..
order separately, Scope of delivery: 2 off order separately, Scope of delivery: 2 off
77777 - 0 777 777 77777 - 0 777 777
Customer-specific extension length • Wetted parts Hastelloy C276
• Wetted parts stainless steel without coating Range Standard length
Range Standard length 20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") J1
(0.79 ... 1.97")
20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") A1
(0.79 ... 1.97") 51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") J2
(2.01 ... 3.94")
51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") A2
(2.01 ... 3.94") 101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") J3
(3.98 ... 5.91")
101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") A3
(3.98 ... 5.91") 151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") J4
(5.94 ... 7.87")
151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") A4
(5.94 ... 7.87") • Wetted parts Tantalum
201 ... 250 mm 250 mm (9.84") A5 Range Standard length
(7.91 ... 9.84")
20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") K1
• Wetted parts stainless steel with ECTFE (0.79 ... 1.97")
coating 51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") K2
Range Standard length (2.01 ... 3.94")
20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") F1 101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") K3
(0.79 ... 1.97") (3.98 ... 5.91")
51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") F2 151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") K4
(2.01 ... 3.94") (5.94 ... 7.87")
101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") F3
(3.98 ... 5.91")
151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") F4
(5.94 ... 7.87")
201 ... 250 mm 250 mm (9.84") F5
(7.91 ... 9.84")
• Wetted parts stainless steel with PFA coat-
Range Standard length
20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") D1
(0.79 ... 1.97")
51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") D2
(2.01 ... 3.94")
101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") D3
(3.98 ... 5.91")
151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") D4
(5.94 ... 7.87")
201 ... 250 mm 250 mm (9.84") D5
(7.91 ... 9.84")
• Wetted parts Monel 400
Range Standard length
20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") G1
(0.79 ... 1.97")
51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") G2
(2.01 ... 3.94")
101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") G3
(3.98 ... 5.91")
151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") G4
(5.94 ... 7.87")
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of sandwich design with flexible capillary
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Further designs
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code. Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
Factory certificates Sealing surface with recess to EN1092-1, form F
(wetted parts 316L only)
Quality inspection certificate (Five-step factory C11
calibration) to IEC 60770-2 • DN 25 M82
• DN 40 M83
Inspection certificate to EN 10204-3.1 - material of C12 • DN 50 M84
body and wetted parts
• DN 80 M85
Manufacturer's declaration acc. to NACE C13 • DN 100 M86
(MR 0103-2012 and MR 0175-2009)
• DN 125 M87
(only together with seal diaphragm made of Hastelloy
and stainless steel) Capillary connection
C15 (only for 7MF0800)
Inspection certificate (EN 10204-3.1) - PMI test of
pressure containing and wetted parts Single-side mounted at differential pressure transmit- S03
C17 ters at high-side
Certificate of FDA-approved fill oil (to EN10204-2.2)
Single-side mounted at differential pressure transmit- S04
Factory certificate functional safety (SIL2/3), devices C20 ters at low-side
suitable for use according to IEC 61508 and IEC 61511
(includes SIL conformity declaration) Capillary coating
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of sandwich design with flexible capillary
1 Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
PVC protective tube
1m S70
1,6 m S71
2m S72
2,5 m S73
3m S74
4m S75
5m S76
6m S77
7m S78
8m S79
9m S80
10 m S81
11 m (only for 7MF0802) S82
12 m (only for 7MF0802) S83
13 m (only for 7MF0802) S84
14 m (only for 7MF0802) S85
15 m (only for 7MF0802) S86
Customer-specific tube length
Customer-specific tube length (specify in plain text) Y44
Specification of process conditions1)
Ambient temperature range
• -10 ... +50 °C (14 ... +122 °F) preset D66
• -40 ... +50 °C (-40 ... +122 °F) D67
• -10 ... +85 °C (14 ... +185 °F) D68
Process temperature min. ... °C/(°F)/max. ... °C/(°F) Y50
1) See also "Specification of process conditions for selection and ordering
data", page 1/337.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of sandwich design with flexible capillary
■ Dimensional drawings
b D
Ø d5
Handhold Ø 16 (6.3)
dM b
Ø d5
Ø d5
Handhold Ø 16 (6.3)
Diaphragm seals of sandwich design (without flange) with flexible capillary for connection to SITRANS P320/420 pressure transmitters for absolute
pressure or differential pressure and flow, dimensions in mm (inch)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of sandwich design with flexible capillary
1 Connection to EN 1092-1
Nom. Nom. b D d5 dM dM l
diameter pres- with w/o
sure tube tube
mm mm mm mm mm mm
DN 25 PN 16 ... 20 68 24,5 22.6 27 100
PN 400
DN 40 20 88 38 30 40 100
DN 50 20 102 48.3 40 51 100
DN 65 20 122 48,3 40 65 100
DN 80 20 138 76 65 85 100
DN 100 20 158 94 85 85 100
DN 125 22 188 125 16 116 100
Connection to J.I.S.
Nom. Nom. b D D d5 dM dM I
diame- pres- 10K, 30K ... with w/o
ter sure 20K 63K tube tube
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
(inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch)
DN 25 10K ... 20 67 70 24.5 22.6 30 100
63K (0.79) (2.64) (2.76) (0.96) (0.89) (1.18) (3.94)
DN 40 20 81 90 38 30 36 100
(0.79) (3.19) (3.54) (1.5) (1.18) (1.42) (3.94)
DN 50 20 96 105 48.3 40 51 100
(0.79) (3.78) (4.13) (1.9) (1.57) (2.01) (3.94)
DN 65 20 116 130 48.3 40 65 100
(0.79) (4.57) (5.12) (1.9) (1.57) (2.56) (3.94)
DN 80 20 132 140 76 65 85 100
(0.79) (5.2) (5.51) (2.99) (2.56) (3.35) (3.94)
DN 100 20 160 160 94 85 85 100
(0.79) (6.3) (6.3) (3.69) (3.35) (3.35) (3.94)
DN 125 20 195 195 125 116 116 100
(0.79) (7.68) (7.68) (4.92) (4.57) (4.57) (3.94)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary
■ Overview Materials
• Main body Stainless steel
mat. no. 1.4404/316L
• Wetted parts Stainless steel
mat. no. 1.4404/316L
• Without coating
• PTFE coating
• ECTFE coating (for vacuum
on request)
• PFA coating
Monel 400, mat. No. 2.4360
Hastelloy C276, mat. No. 2.4819
Hastelloy C4, mat. No. 2.4602
Hastelloy C22, W.-Nr. 2.4602
Titanium, W.-Nr. 3.7035
Nickel 201
Duplex 2205, mat. no. 1.4462
Diaphragm seals of flange design Stainless steel 316L, gold plated,
thickness approx. 25 m
■ Technical specifications • Capillary Stainless steel, mat.
No. 1.4571/316Ti
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary
• Sheath Spiral protective tube made of
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure stainless steel, mat.
Connecting standard EN 1092-1 no. 1.4404/316L
• DN 25 PN 10/16/25/40/63/100/160/250 Sealing material in the process
• DN 40 PN 10/16/25/40/63/100/160
• DN 50 PN 10/16/25/40/63/100 • For pressure transmitters, absolute Copper
• DN 80 PN 10/16/25/40/100 pressure transmitters and low-
pressure applications
• DN 100 PN 10/16/25/40
• DN 125 PN 16/40 • For other applications Viton
Connecting standard ASME B16.5 Maximum pressure See above and the technical data
of the pressure transmitter
• 1 inch Class 150/300/600/1500
• 1½ inch Class 150/300/400/600/900/1500 Tube length Without tube as standard (tube
available on request)
• 2 inch Class 150/300/400/600/900/1500
• 3 inch Class 150/300/600/1500 Capillary
• 4 inch Class 150/300/400/1500 • Length Max. 10 m (32.8 ft), longer
• 5 inch Class 150/300/400 lengths on request
Connecting standard J.I.S. • Internal diameter 2 mm (0.079 inch)
• DN 50 10K • Minimum bending radius 150 mm (5.9 inch)
• DN 80 20K Filling liquid
• DN 100 40K
(for remote seals of sandwich and Silicone oil M5
Sealing surface flange design)
• For stainless steel, mat. To EN 1092-1, form B1 or Silicone oil M50
No. 1.4404/316L ASMR B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA
High-temperature oil
• For the other materials To EN 1092-1, form B2 or
ASME B16.5 RFSF Halocarbon oil (for measuring O2)
Food oil (FDA listed)
Permissible ambient temperature Dependent on the pressure trans-
mitter and the filling liquid of the
remote seal
More information can be found in
the technical data of the pressure
transmitters and in the section
"Technical data of filling liquid" in
the Technical description to the
remote seals
Weight Approx. 4 kg (8.82 lb)
Certificate and approvals
Classification according to pressure For gases of fluid group 1 and liq-
equipment directive uids of fluid group 1; complies
(DGRL 2014/68/EU) with requirements of article 4,
paragraph 3 (sound engineering
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order
code code
Diaphragm seal Diaphragm seal
Flange type design, with flexible capillary tube, Flange type design, with flexible capillary tube,
connected with flexible capillary tube to a connected with flexible capillary tube to a
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 1 0 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 1 0 -
pressure or absolute pressure pressure or absolute pressure
(only together with negative pressure ser- (only together with negative pressure ser-
vice), 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately vice), 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately
Scope of delivery: 1 off Scope of delivery: 1 off
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for abso- 7MF 0 8 1 1 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for abso- 7MF 0 8 1 1 -
lute pressure from differential pressure, lute pressure from differential pressure,
7MF03../7MF04.. order separately, Scope of 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately, Scope of
delivery: 1 off delivery: 1 off
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 8 1 2 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 8 1 2 -
ential pressure and flow, 7MF03../7MF04.. ential pressure and flow, 7MF03../7MF04..
order separately, Scope of delivery: 2 off order separately, Scope of delivery: 2 off
77777 - 0 777 777 77777 - 0 777 777
Click on the Article No. for the online con- Connecting standard J.I.S.
figuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. (DN 50 recommended only for pressure
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure transmitters)
DN 50 10 K 2ES
Connecting standard EN 1092-1
20 K 2ET
(DN 25, DN 40 and DN 50 recommended 40 K 2 EU
only for pressure transmitters)
DN 80 10 K 2GS
DN 25 PN 10/16/25/40 0 BD
20 K 2GT
PN 63/100 0BF
40 K 2 GU
PN 160 0 BG
DN 100 10 K 2HS
PN 250 0 BH
20 K 2HT
DN 40 PN 10/16/25/40 0 DD
40 K 2 HU
PN 63/100 0DF
Other version 9 AA H1Y
PN 160 0 DG Add Order code and plain text
DN 50 PN 10/16/25/40 0 ED
PN 63 0EE Transmitter connection
PN 100 0EF Connection via capillary tube
Length of capillary
DN 80 PN 10/16/25/40 0 GD
1m 10
PN 100 0GF
1,6 m 11
DN 100 PN 10/16 0 HB
2m 12
PN 25/40 0 HD
2,5 m 13
DN 125 PN 16 0 JB
3m 14
PN 40 0 JD
4m 15
Connecting standard ASME B16.5 5m 16
(1 inch, 1½ inch and 2 inch recommended 6m 17
only for pressure transmitters) 7m 18
1 inch class 150 1KL 8m 20
class 300 1 KM 9m 21
class 600 1 KN 10 m 22
class 1500 1KP 11 m (only for 7MF0812) 23
1½ inch class 150 1 LA 12 m (only for 7MF0812) 24
class 300 1 LB 13 m (only for 7MF0812) 25
class 400/600 1 LD 14 m (only for 7MF0812) 26
class 900/1500 1LF 15 m (only for 7MF0812) 27
2 inch class 150 1 MA Other version 98 L1Y
class 300 1 MB Add Order code and plain text
class 400/600 1 MD Filling liquid
class 900/1500 1MF Silicone oil M50 B
3 inch class 150 1 PA High-temperature oil C
class 300 1 PB Silicone oil M5 A
class 600 1 PD Food-grade oil (FDA listed) E
class 1500 1PF Halocarbon oil D
4 inch class 150 1 QA Other version Z P1Y
class 300 1 QB Add Order code and plain text
class 400 1 QC
class 1500 1QF
5 inch class 150 1 RA
class 300 1 RB
class 400 1 RC
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order
code code
Diaphragm seal Diaphragm seal
Flange type design, with flexible capillary tube, Flange type design, with flexible capillary tube,
connected with flexible capillary tube to a connected with flexible capillary tube to a
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 1 0 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 1 0 -
pressure or absolute pressure pressure or absolute pressure
(only together with negative pressure ser- (only together with negative pressure ser-
vice), 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately vice), 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately
Scope of delivery: 1 off Scope of delivery: 1 off
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for abso- 7MF 0 8 1 1 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for abso- 7MF 0 8 1 1 -
lute pressure from differential pressure, lute pressure from differential pressure,
7MF03../7MF04.. order separately, Scope of 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately, Scope of
delivery: 1 off delivery: 1 off
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 8 1 2 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 8 1 2 -
ential pressure and flow, 7MF03../7MF04.. ential pressure and flow, 7MF03../7MF04..
order separately, Scope of delivery: 2 off order separately, Scope of delivery: 2 off
77777 - 0 777 777 77777 - 0 777 777
Wetted parts materials • Wetted parts stainless steel with ECTFE
Stainless steel 316L
Range Standard length
• Without coating A
• With PFA coating D 20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") F1
• With PTFE coating E0 (0.79 ... 1.97")
• With ECTFE coating F 51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") F2
(2.01 ... 3.94")
Monel 400, 2.4360 G
101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") F3
Hastelloy C276, 2.4819 J (3.98 ... 5.91")
Tantalum K 151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") F4
Titanium, 3.7035 L0 (5.94 ... 7.87")
Nickel 201 M0 201 ... 250 mm 250 mm (9.84") F5
Diaphragm Duplex, 1.4462 Q (7.91 ... 9.84")
Diaphragm plus flange Duplex, 1.4462 R • Wetted parts stainless steel with PFA coating
Stainless steel 316L with gold coating S0 Range Standard length
Hastelloy C4, 2.4610 U0
20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") D1
Hastelloy C22, 2.4602 V0
(0.79 ... 1.97")
Other version Z 8 Q1Y 51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") D2
Add Order code and plain text (2.01 ... 3.94")
Extension length 101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") D3
• without 0 (3.98 ... 5.91")
• 50 mm (2") 1 151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") D4
(5.94 ... 7.87")
• 100 mm (4") 2
201 ... 250 mm 250 mm (9.84") D5
• 150 mm (6") 3 (7.91 ... 9.84")
• 200 mm (8") 4
• Wetted parts Monel 400
• 250 mm (10") 5
Range Standard length
Other version Z 8 Q1Y
Add Order code and plain text 20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") G1
(0.79 ... 1.97")
Customer-specific extension length 51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") G2
• Wetted parts stainless steel without coating (2.01 ... 3.94")
Range Standard length 101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") G3
(3.98 ... 5.91")
20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") A1 151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") G4
(0.79 ... 1.97") (5.94 ... 7.87")
51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") A2
(2.01 ... 3.94") • Wetted parts Hastelloy C276
101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") A3 Range Standard length
(3.98 ... 5.91") 20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") J1
151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") A4 (0.79 ... 1.97")
(5.94 ... 7.87") 51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") J2
201 ... 250 mm 250 mm (9.84") A5 (2.01 ... 3.94")
(7.91 ... 9.84") 101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") J3
(3.98 ... 5.91")
151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") J4
(5.94 ... 7.87")
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs
Diaphragm seal
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
Flange type design, with flexible capillary tube,
Factory certificates
connected with flexible capillary tube to a
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 1 0 - Quality inspection certificate (Five-step factory C11
pressure or absolute pressure calibration) to IEC 60770-2
(only together with negative pressure ser- Inspection certificate to EN 10204-3.1 - material of C12
vice), 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately body and wetted parts
Scope of delivery: 1 off
Manufacturer's declaration acc. to NACE C13
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for abso- 7MF 0 8 1 1 - (MR 0103-2012 and MR 0175-2009)
lute pressure from differential pressure, (only together with seal diaphragm made of Hastelloy
7MF03../7MF04.. order separately, Scope of and stainless steel)
delivery: 1 off
Inspection certificate (EN 10204-3.1) - PMI test of C15
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 8 1 2 - pressure containing and wetted parts
ential pressure and flow, 7MF03../7MF04..
order separately, Scope of delivery: 2 off Certificate of FDA-approved fill oil (to EN10204-2.2) C17
77777 - 0 777 777 Factory certificate functional safety (SIL2/3), devices C20
suitable for use according to IEC 61508 and IEC 61511
• Wetted parts Tantalum (includes SIL conformity declaration)
Range Standard length
20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") K1 Spark arrestor (for gauge and absolute pressure trans- D61
(0.79 ... 1.97") mitters)
51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") K2 Spark arrestor (for differential pressure and flow trans- D62
(2.01 ... 3.94") mitters)
101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") K3 Low-temperature version (for Silicon Oil M50 only) D67
(3.98 ... 5.91")
151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") K4 Negative pressure services
(5.94 ... 7.87") Negative pressure service (for gauge and absolute D81
pressure transmitters) (only for 7MF0810)
Negative pressure service (for differential pressure D83
Extended negative pressure service (for gauge and D85
absolute pressure transmitters) (only for 7MF0810)
Extended negative pressure service (for differential D88
pressure transmitters)
General product approvals without explosion proof
Oil-and grease-free cleaned version (for O2-appl. E80
including certificate EN10204-2.2
(only with fill fluid Halocarbon oil max. temperature
60 °C and max. pressure 50 bar)
Oil-and grease-free cleaned version (not for O2-appl. E87
including certificate EN10204-2.2
(only with fill fluid Halocarbon oil)
Sealing surface
Sealing surface smooth, form B2/EN1092-1 resp. M50
RFSF/ANSI B16.5 (wetted parts 316L only)
Sealing surface groove to EN1092-1, form D M54
(instead of sealing surface B1, wetted parts 316L only)
Sealing surface RJF (groove) to ASME B16.5 M64
(instead of sealing surface RF 125...250AA, wetted
parts 316L only)
Sealing surface with tongue to EN1092-1, form C
(wetted parts 316L only)
• DN 25 M70
• DN 40 M71
• DN 50 M72
• DN 80 M73
• DN 100 M74
• DN 125 M75
Sealing surface with spigot to EN1092-1, form E
(wetted parts 316L only)
• DN 25 M76
• DN 40 M77
• DN 50 M78
• DN 80 M79
• DN 100 M80
• DN 125 M81
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Further designs
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code. Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
Sealing surface with recess to EN1092-1, form F PVC protective tube
(wetted parts 316L only) 1m S70
• DN 25 M82 1,6 m S71
• DN 40 M83 2m S72
• DN 50 M84 2,5 m S73
• DN 80 M85 3m S74
• DN 100 M86 4m S75
• DN 125 M87 5m S76
Capillary connection 6m S77
7m S78
For 7MF0810
8m S79
Radial capillary pipe outlet (for single-side mounting S01 9m S80
and capillary connection only)
10 m S81
Single-side mounted at differential pressure transmit- S03 11 m (only for 7MF0802) S82
ters at high-side 12 m (only for 7MF0802) S83
Single-side mounted at differential pressure transmit- S04 13 m (only for 7MF0802) S84
ters at low-side
14 m (only for 7MF0802) S85
For 7MF0811 15 m (only for 7MF0802) S86
Radial capillary pipe outlet (for single-side mounting S01 Customer-specific tube length
and capillary connection only)
Customer-specific tube length (specify in plain text) Y44
For 7MF0812
Specification of process conditions1)
Radial capillary pipe outlet (for double-side mounting) S02
Ambient temperature range
Capillary coating
• -10 ... +50 °C (14 ... +122 °F) preset D66
PE protective tube • -40 ... +50 °C (-40 ... +122 °F) D67
1m S10 • -10 ... +85 °C (14 ... +185 °F) D68
1,6 m S11
2m S12 Process temperature min. ... °C/(°F)/max. ... °C/(°F) Y50
2,5 m S13 1) See also "Specification of process conditions for selection and ordering
3m S14 data", page 1/337.
4m S15
5m S16
6m S17
7m S18
8m S19
9m S20
10 m S21
11 m (only for 7MF0802) S22
12 m (only for 7MF0802) S23
13 m (only for 7MF0802) S24
14 m (only for 7MF0802) S25
15 m (only for 7MF0802) S26
PTFE protective tube
1m S40
1,6 m S41
2m S42
2,5 m S43
3m S44
4m S45
5m S46
6m S47
7m S48
8m S49
9m S50
10 m S51
11 m (only for 7MF0802) S52
12 m (only for 7MF0802) S53
13 m (only for 7MF0802) S54
14 m (only for 7MF0802) S55
15 m (only for 7MF0802) S56
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary
1 ■ Dimensional drawings
f dM
n x d2
100 (3.94)
Ø d4
Ø d5
Ø 16 (6.3)
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary for connection to SITRANS P320/420 pressure transmitters for pressure, dimensions in mm (inch)
Øk b
dM f
Ø 16 (6.3) 100 (3.94) 100 (3.94)
Handhold Ø 16 (6.3)
Bending radius
≥ 150 mm (5.9)
Bending radius
≥ 150 mm (5.9)
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary for connection to SITRANS P320/420 pressure transmitters for absolute pressure or for differ-
ential pressure and flow, dimensions in mm (inch)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary
Connection to EN 1092-1 1
Nominal Nominal b D d2 d4 d5 dM dM f k n L
diameter pressure with without
exten- exten-
sion sion
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
DN 25 PN 10/16/ 18 115 14 68 24.5 22.6 27 2 85 4 0, 50, 100,
25/40 150 oder
PN 63/100 24 140 18 68 24.5 22.6 27 2 100 4
0, 50, 100,
PN 160 24 140 18 68 24.5 22.6 27 2 100 4 150 oder
PN 250 28 150 22 68 24.5 22.6 27 2 105 4 200
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary
1 Connection to J.I.S
Nominal Nominal b D d2 d4 d5 dM dM f k n L
diameter pressure with without
exten- exten-
sion sion
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
(inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch)
DN 50 10K 14 (0.55) 155 (6.10) 19 (0.75) 96 (3.78) 48.3 (1.9) 40 (1.57) 51 (2.01) 2 120 (4.72) 4 0, 50,
20K 16 (0,63) 165 (6.50) 19 (0.75) 96 (3.78) 48.3 (1.9) 40 (1.57) 51 (2.01) 2 120 (4.72) 8 150
40K 26 (1.02) 165 (6.50) 19 (0.75) 105 (4.13) 48.3 (1.9) 40 (1.57) 51 (2.01) 2 130 (5.12) 8 oder
DN 80 10K 16 (0.63) 185 (7.28) 19 (0.75) 126 (4.96) 76 (2.99) 65 (2.56) 85 (3.35) 2 150 (5.91) 8
(0, 2,
20K 20 (0.79) 200 (7.87) 23 (0.91) 132 (5.20) 76 (2.99) 65 (2.56) 85 (3.35) 2 160 (6.30) 8 3.94,
40K 32 (1.26) 210 (8.27) 23 (0.91) 140 (5.51) 76 (2.99) 65 (2.56) 85 (3.35) 2 170 (6.30) 8 oder
DN 100 10K 16 (0.63) 210 (8.27) 19 (0.75) 151 (5.94) 94 (3.7) 85 (3.35) 85 (3.35) 2 175 (6.89) 8 7.87)
20K 22 (0.87) 225 (8.86) 23 (0.91) 160 (6.30) 94 (3.7) 85 (3.35) 85 (3.35) 2 185 (7.28) 8
40K 36 (1.42) 250 (9.84) 25 (0.98) 165 (6.50) 94 (3.7) 85 (3.35) 85 (3.35) 2 205 (8.07) 8
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly on transmitter
■ Overview Materials
• Main body Stainless steel, 1.4404/316L
• Wetted parts Stainless steel, 1.4404/316L
• Without coating
• PTFE coating
• ECTFE coating (for vacuum
on request)
• PFA coating
Monel 400, mat. No. 2.4360
Hastelloy C276, mat. No. 2.4819
Hastelloy C4, mat. No. 2.4602
Hastelloy C22, mat No. 2.4602
Titanium, mat. No. 3.7035
Nickel 201
Duplex 2205, mat. no. 1.4462
Stainless steel 316L, gold plated,
thickness approx. 25 m
Diaphragm seals of flange design, directly fitted on a pressure transmitter • Capillary Stainless steel, 1.4404/316L
for pressure • Sealing material at the transmitter Copper
■ Technical specifications Maximum pressure See above and the technical data
Diaphragm seals (flange design) for pressure and absolute pres- of the transmitter
sure, directly fitted on a transmitter Tube length • Without tube
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure • 50 mm (1.97 inch)
Connecting standard EN 1092-1 • 100 mm (3.94 inch)
• DN 25 PN 10/16/25/40/63/100/160/250 • 150 mm (5.91 inch)
• DN 40 PN 10/16/25/40/63/100/160 • 200 mm (7.87 inch)
• DN 50 PN 10/16/25/40/63/100 Capillary
• DN 80 PN 10/16/25/40/100
• Length Max. 10 m (32.8 ft), longer
• DN 100 PN 10/16/25/40
lengths on request
• DN 125 PN 16/40
• Internal diameter 2 mm (0.079 inch)
Connecting standard ASME B16.5
• Minimum bending radius 150 mm (5.9 inch)
• 1 inch Class 150/300/600/1500
• 1½ inch Class 150/300/400/600/900/1500 Filling liquid • Silicone oil M5
• 2 inch Class 150/300/400/600/900/1500 • Silicone oil M50
• 3 inch Class 150/300/600/1500 • High-temperature oil
• 4 inch Class 150/300/400/1500 • Halocarbon oil (for measuring
• 5 inch Class 150/300/400 O2)
Connecting standard J.I.S. • Food oil (FDA listed)
• DN 50 10K Max. recommended temperature of 170 °C (338 °F)
• DN 80 20K medium
• DN 100 40K Permissible ambient temperature Dependent on the pressure trans-
mitter and the filling liquid of the
Sealing surface remote seal.
• For stainless steel, mat. No. To EN 1092-1, form B1 or ASME More information can be found in
1.4404/316L B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA the technical data of the pressure
• For the other materials Smooth to EN 1092-1, form B2 or transmitters and in the section
ASME B16.5 RFSF "Technical data of filling liquid" in
the Technical description to the
remote seals.
Weight Approx. 4 kg (8.82 lb)
Certificate and approvals
Classification according to For gases of fluid group 1 and liq-
pressure equipment directive uids of fluid group 1; complies
(DGRL 2014/68/EU) with requirements of article 4,
paragraph 3 (sound engineering
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly on transmitter
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order
code code
Diaphragm seal Diaphragm seal
Flange type design, directly mounted to a Flange type design, directly mounted to a
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 1 0 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 1 0 -
pressure or absolute pressure pressure or absolute pressure
(only together with negative pressure ser- (only together with negative pressure ser-
vice), 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately vice), 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately
Scope of delivery: 1 off Scope of delivery: 1 off
77777 - 0 777 777 77777 - 0 777 777
Click on the Article No. for the online con- Transmitter connection
figuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. Without capillary tube, direct mount straight 00
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure connection (for gauge pressure)
Without capillary tube, direct mount connec- 01
Connecting standard EN 1092-1 tion via 90°-bow (for gauge pressure)
DN 25 PN 10/16/25/40 0 BD
Filling liquid
PN 63/100 0BF
Silicone oil M50 B
PN 160 0 BG
High-temperature oil C
PN 250 0 BH
Silicone oil M5 A
DN 40 PN 10/16/25/40 0 DD
Food-grade oil (FDA listed) E
PN 63/100 0DF
Halocarbon oil D
PN 160 0 DG
Other version Z P1Y
DN 50 PN 10/16/25/40 0 ED Add Order code and plain text
PN 63 0EE
PN 100 0EF Wetted parts materials
DN 80 PN 10/16/25/40 0 GD Stainless steel 316L
PN 100 0GF • Without coating A
DN 100 PN 10/16 0 HB • With PFA coating D
PN 25/40 0 HD • With PTFE coating E0
DN 125 PN 16 0 JB • With ECTFE coating F
PN 40 0 JD Monel 400, 2.4360 G
Connecting standard ASME B16.5 Hastelloy C276, 2.4819 J
1 inch class 150 1KL Tantalum K
class 300 1 KM Titanium, 3.7035 L0
class 600 1 KN Nickel 201 M0
class 1500 1KP Diaphragm Duplex, 1.4462 Q
1½ inch class 150 1 LA Diaphragm plus flange Duplex, 1.4462 R
class 300 1 LB Stainless steel 316L with gold coating S0
class 400/600 1 LD Hastelloy C4, 2.4610 U0
class 900/1500 1LF Hastelloy C22, 2.4602 V0
2 inch class 150 1 MA Other version Z 8 Q1Y
class 300 1 MB Add Order code and plain text
class 400/600 1 MD Extension length
class 900/1500 1MF • without 0
3 inch class 150 1 PA • 50 mm (2") 1
class 300 1 PB • 100 mm (4") 2
class 600 1 PD • 150 mm (6") 3
class 1500 1PF • 200 mm (8") 4
4 inch class 150 1 QA • 250 mm (10") 5
class 300 1 QB Z 8 Q1Y
Other version
class 400 1 QC Add Order code and plain text
class 1500 1QF
5 inch class 150 1 RA
class 300 1 RB
class 400 1 RC
Connecting standard J.I.S.
DN 50 10K 2ES
20K 2ET
40K 2 EU
DN 80 10K 2GS
20K 2GT
40K 2 GU
DN 100 10K 2HS
20K 2HT
40K 2 HU
Other version 9 AA H1Y
Add Order code and plain text
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly on transmitter
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order
code code
Diaphragm seal Diaphragm seal
Flange type design, directly mounted to a Flange type design, directly mounted to a
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 1 0 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 1 0 -
pressure or absolute pressure pressure or absolute pressure
(only together with negative pressure ser- (only together with negative pressure ser-
vice), 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately vice), 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately
Scope of delivery: 1 off Scope of delivery: 1 off
77777 - 0 777 777 77777 - 0 777 777
Customer-specific extension length • Wetted parts Hastelloy C276
• Wetted parts stainless steel without coating Range Standard length
Range Standard length 20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") J1
(0.79 ... 1.97")
20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") A1
(0.79 ... 1.97") 51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") J2
(2.01 ... 3.94")
51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") A2
(2.01 ... 3.94") 101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") J3
(3.98 ... 5.91")
101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") A3
(3.98 ... 5.91") 151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") J4
(5.94 ... 7.87")
151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") A4
(5.94 ... 7.87") • Wetted parts Tantalum
201 ... 250 mm 250 mm (9.84") A5 Range Standard length
(7.91 ... 9.84")
20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") K1
• Wetted parts stainless steel with ECTFE (0.79 ... 1.97")
coating 51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") K2
Range Standard length (2.01 ... 3.94")
20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") F1 101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") K3
(0.79 ... 1.97") (3.98 ... 5.91")
51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") F2 151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") K4
(2.01 ... 3.94") (5.94 ... 7.87")
101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") F3
(3.98 ... 5.91")
151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") F4
(5.94 ... 7.87")
201 ... 250 mm 250 mm (9.84") F5
(7.91 ... 9.84")
• Wetted parts stainless steel with PFA coating
Range Standard length
20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") D1
(0.79 ... 1.97")
51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") D2
(2.01 ... 3.94")
101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") D3
(3.98 ... 5.91")
151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") D4
(5.94 ... 7.87")
201 ... 250 mm 250 mm (9.84") D5
(7.91 ... 9.84")
• Wetted parts Monel 400
Range Standard length
20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") G1
(0.79 ... 1.97")
51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") G2
(2.01 ... 3.94")
101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") G3
(3.98 ... 5.91")
151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") G4
(5.94 ... 7.87")
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly on transmitter
1 Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Further designs
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code. Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
Factory certificates Sealing surface with recess to EN1092-1, form F
(wetted parts 316L only)
Quality inspection certificate (Five-step factory C11
calibration) to IEC 60770-2 • DN 25 M82
• DN 40 M83
Inspection certificate to EN 10204-3.1 - material of C12 • DN 50 M84
body and wetted parts
• DN 80 M85
Manufacturer's declaration acc. to NACE C13 • DN 100 M86
(MR 0103-2012 and MR 0175-2009)
• DN 125 M87
(only together with seal diaphragm made of Hastelloy
and stainless steel) Capillary connection
Inspection certificate (EN 10204-3.1) - PMI test of C15 Elongated pipe, S05
pressure containing and wetted parts 150 mm instead of 100 mm,
max. medium temperature 300 °C (572 °F), observe the
Certificate of FDA-approved fill oil (to EN10204-2.2) C17 max. permissible media temperature of the fill liquid.
Factory certificate functional safety (SIL2/3), devices C20 Elongated pipe, S06
suitable for use according to IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 200 mm instead of 100 mm,
(includes SIL conformity declaration) max. medium temperature 300 °C (572 °F), observe the
max. permissible media temperature of the fill liquid.
Accessories Elongated pipe elbow, S07
Spark arrestor (for gauge and absolute pressure transmit- D61 200 mm instead of 130 mm,
ters) max. medium temperature 300 °C (572 °F), observe the
Low-temperature version (for Silicon Oil M50 only) D67 max. permissible media temperature of the fill liquid.
Negative pressure services Cooling element, S08
max. medium temperature 300 °C (572 °F), observe the
Negative pressure service (for gauge and absolute D81 max. permissible media temperature of the fill liquid.
pressure transmitters)
Customer-specific tube length
Extended negative pressure service (for gauge and D85
absolute pressure transmitters) (only for 7MF0810) Customer-specific tube length (specify in plain text) Y44
General product approvals without explosion proof Specification of process conditions1)
Ambient temperature range
Oil-and grease-free cleaned version (for O2-appl. E80 D66
including certificate EN10204-2.2 • -10 ... +50 °C (14 ... +122 °F) preset
(only with fill fluid Halocarbon oil max. temperature • -40 ... +50 °C (-40 ... +122 °F) D67
60 °C and max. pressure 50 bar) • -10 ... +85 °C (14 ... +185 °F) D68
Oil-and grease-free cleaned version (not for O2-appl. E87 Process temperature min. ... °C/(°F)/max. ... °C/(°F) Y50
including certificate EN10204-2.2
(only with fill fluid Halocarbon oil) 1) See also "Specification of process conditions for selection and ordering
data", page 1/337.
Sealing surface
Sealing surface smooth, form B2/EN1092-1 resp. M50
RFSF/ANSI B16.5 (wetted parts 316L only)
Sealing surface groove to EN1092-1, form D M54
(instead of sealing surface B1, wetted parts 316L only)
Sealing surface RJF (groove) to ASME B16.5 M64
(instead of sealing surface RF 125...250AA, wetted
parts 316L only)
Sealing surface with tongue to EN1092-1, form C
(wetted parts 316L only)
• DN 25 M70
• DN 40 M71
• DN 50 M72
• DN 80 M73
• DN 100 M74
• DN 125 M75
Sealing surface with spigot to EN1092-1, form E
(wetted parts 316L only)
• DN 25 M76
• DN 40 M77
• DN 50 M78
• DN 80 M79
• DN 100 M80
• DN 125 M81
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly on transmitter
■ Dimensional drawings
178 (7.02)
b L
211 (8.31)
211 (8.31) f Cooling element
65 (2.56)
n x d2
33 (1.3)
n x d2
Ø d5
Ø d4
L b
Ø d5 Tube length L
Ø d4 see ordering data
Diaphragm seals of flange design, direct connection to a SITRANS P320/420 pressure transmitter (process connection vertical (top) and horizontal
(bottom)), dimensions in mm (inch)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly on transmitter
1 Connection to EN 1092-1
Nominal Nominal b D d2 d4 d5 dM dM f k n L
diameter pressure with without
exten- exten-
sion sion
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
DN 25 PN 10/16/ 18 115 14 68 24.5 22.6 27 2 85 4 0, 50, 100,
25/40 150 oder
PN 63/100 24 140 18 68 24.5 22.6 27 2 100 4
PN 160 24 140 18 68 24.5 22.6 27 2 100 4
PN 250 28 150 22 68 24.5 22.6 27 2 105 4
DN 40 PN 10/16/ 16 150 18 88 38 30 42 2 110 4
PN 63/100 24 170 22 88 38 30 42 2 125 4
PN 160 26 170 22 88 38 30 42 2 125 4
DN 50 PN 10/16/ 18 165 18 102 48.3 40 51 2 125 4
PN 63/100 26 195 26 102 48.3 40 51 2 145 4
PN 160 28 195 26 102 48.3 40 51 2 145 4
DN 80 PN 10/16/ 22 200 18 138 76 65 85 2 160 8
PN 100 30 230 26 138 76 65 85 2 180 8
DN 100 PN 10/16 18 220 18 158 94 85 85 2 180 8
PN 25/40 22 235 22 162 94 85 85 2 190 8
DN 125 PN 16 20 250 18 188 127 85 116 2 210 8
PN 40 24 270 26 188 127 85 116 2 220 8
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly on transmitter
Connection to J.I.S 1
Nominal Nominal b D d2 d4 d5 dM dM f k n L
diameter pressure with without
exten- exten-
sion sion
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
(inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch)
DN 50 10K 14 (0.55) 155 (6.10) 19 (0.75) 96 (3.78) 48.3 (1.9) 40 (1.57) 51 (2.01) 2 120 (4.72) 4 0, 50,
20K 16 (0,63) 165 (6.50) 19 (0.75) 96 (3.78) 48.3 (1.9) 40 (1.57) 51 (2.01) 2 120 (4.72) 8 150
40K 26 (1.02) 165 (6.50) 19 (0.75) 105 (4.13) 48.3 (1.9) 40 (1.57) 51 (2.01) 2 130 (5.12) 8 oder
DN 80 10K 16 (0.63) 185 (7.28) 19 (0.75) 126 (4.96) 76 (2.99) 65 (2.56) 85 (3.35) 2 150 (5.91) 8
(0, 2,
20K 20 (0.79) 200 (7.87) 23 (0.91) 132 (5.20) 76 (2.99) 65 (2.56) 85 (3.35) 2 160 (6.30) 8 3.94,
40K 32 (1.26) 210 (8.27) 23 (0.91) 140 (5.51) 76 (2.99) 65 (2.56) 85 (3.35) 2 170 (6.30) 8 oder
DN 100 10K 16 (0.63) 210 (8.27) 19 (0.75) 151 (5.94) 94 (3.7) 85 (3.35) 85 (3.35) 2 175 (6.89) 8 7.87)
20K 22 (0.87) 225 (8.86) 23 (0.91) 160 (6.30) 94 (3.7) 85 (3.35) 85 (3.35) 2 185 (7.28) 8
40K 36 (1.42) 250 (9.84) 25 (0.98) 165 (6.50) 94 (3.7) 85 (3.35) 85 (3.35) 2 205 (8.07) 8
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly and with capillary
1 ■ Overview Materials
• Main body Stainless steel, 1.4404/316L
• Wetted parts Stainless steel, 1.4404/316L
• Without coating
• PTFE coating
• ECTFE coating (for vacuum on
• PFA coating
Monel 400, mat. No. 2.4360
Hastelloy C276, mat. No. 2.4819
Hastelloy C4, mat. No. 2.4602
Hastelloy C22, W.-Nr. 2.4602
Titanium, W.-Nr. 3.7035
Nickel 201
Duplex 2205, mat. no. 1.4462
Stainless steel 316L, gold plated,
thickness approx. 25 m
• Capillary Stainless steel, mat.
No. 1.4571/316Ti
• Sheath Spiral protective tube made of
Diaphragm seal of flange design for pressure transmitters for differential stainless steel, mat. No.
pressure, fixed connection and with flexible capillary 1.4404/316L
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly and with capillary
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order
code code
Diaphragm seal Diaphragm seal
Flange type design, direct connected at Flange type design, direct connected at
high-side and with flexible capillary tube at high-side and with flexible capillary tube at
low-side to low-side to
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 8 1 3 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 8 1 3 -
ential pressure and flow, ential pressure and flow,
7MF03../7MF04.. order separately 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately
Scope of delivery: 2 off Scope of delivery: 2 off
77777 - 0 777 777 77777 - 0 777 777
Click on the Article No. for the online con- Length of capillary tube at low-side
figuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. 1m 10
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure 1,6 m 11
2m 12
Connecting standard EN 1092-1
2,5 m 13
DN 40 PN 10/16/25/40 0 DD
3m 14
PN 63/100 0DF
4m 15
PN 160 0 DG
5m 16
DN 50 PN 10/16/25/40 0 ED
6m 17
PN 63 0EE
7m 18
PN 100 0EF
8m 20
DN 80 PN 10/16/25/40 0 GD
9m 21
PN 100 0GF
10 m 22
DN 100 PN 10/16 0 HB
Other version 98 L1Y
PN 25/40 0 HD Add Order code and plain text
DN 125 PN 16 0 JB
PN 40 0 JD Filling liquid
Silicone oil M50 B
Connecting standard ASME B16.5 High-temperature oil C
1½ inch class 150 1 LA Silicone oil M5 A
class 300 1 LB Food-grade oil (FDA listed) E
class 400/600 1 LD Halocarbon oil D
class 900/1500 1LF Other version Z P1Y
2 inch class 150 1 MA Add Order code and plain text
class 300 1 MB
class 400/600 1 MD
class 900/1500 1MF
3 inch class 150 1 PA
class 300 1 PB
class 600 1 PD
class 1500 1PF
4 inch class 150 1 QA
class 300 1 QB
class 400 1 QC
class 1500 1QF
5 inch class 150 1 RA
class 300 1 RB
class 400 1 RC
Connecting standard J.I.S.
DN 50 10K 2ES
20K 2ET
40K 2 EU
DN 80 10K 2GS
20K 2GT
40K 2 GU
DN 100 10K 2HS
20K 2HT
40K 2 HU
Other version 9 AA H1Y
Add Order code and plain text
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly and with capillary
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order
code code
Diaphragm seal Diaphragm seal
Flange type design, direct connected at Flange type design, direct connected at
high-side and with flexible capillary tube at high-side and with flexible capillary tube at
low-side to low-side to
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 8 1 3 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 8 1 3 -
ential pressure and flow, ential pressure and flow,
7MF03../7MF04.. order separately 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately
Scope of delivery: 2 off Scope of delivery: 2 off
77777 - 0 777 777 77777 - 0 777 777
Wetted parts materials • Wetted parts stainless steel with PFA coating
Stainless steel 316L Range Standard length
• Without coating A 20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") D1
• With PFA coating D (0.79 ... 1.97")
• With PTFE coating E0 51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") D2
• With ECTFFE coating F (2.01 ... 3.94")
Monel 400, 2.4360 G 101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") D3
(3.98 ... 5.91")
Hastelloy C276, 2.4819 J
151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") D4
Tantalum K (5.94 ... 7.87")
Titanium, 3.7035 L0 201 ... 250 mm 250 mm (9.84") D5
Nickel 201 M0 (7.91 ... 9.84")
Diaphragm Duplex, 1.4462 Q
• Wetted parts Monel 400
Diaphragm plus flange Duplex, 1.4462 R
Range Standard length
Stainless steel 316L with gold coating S0
Hastelloy C4, 2.4610 U0 20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") G1
(0.79 ... 1.97")
Hastelloy C22, 2.4602 V0
51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") G2
Other version Z 8 Q1Y (2.01 ... 3.94")
Add Order code and plain text 101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") G3
Extension length (3.98 ... 5.91")
• without 0 151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") G4
• 50 mm (2") 1 (5.94 ... 7.87")
• 100 mm (4") 2 • Wetted parts Hastelloy C276
• 150 mm (6") 3 Range Standard length
• 200 mm (8") 4 20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") J1
• 250 mm (10") 5 (0.79 ... 1.97")
Other version Z 8 Q1Y 51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") J2
Add Order code and plain text (2.01 ... 3.94")
101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") J3
Customer-specific extension length (3.98 ... 5.91")
• Wetted parts stainless steel without coating 151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") J4
Range Standard length (5.94 ... 7.87")
20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") A1 • Wetted parts Tantalum
(0.79 ... 1.97") Range Standard length
51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") A2 20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") K1
(2.01 ... 3.94") (0.79 ... 1.97")
101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") A3 51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") K2
(3.98 ... 5.91") (2.01 ... 3.94")
151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") A4 101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") K3
(5.94 ... 7.87") (3.98 ... 5.91")
201 ... 250 mm 250 mm (9.84") A5 151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") K4
(7.91 ... 9.84") (5.94 ... 7.87")
• Wetted parts stainless steel with ECTFE
Range Standard length
20 ... 50 mm 50 mm (1.97") F1
(0.79 ... 1.97")
51 ... 100 mm 100 mm (3.94") F2
(2.01 ... 3.94")
101 ... 150 mm 150 mm (5.91") F3
(3.98 ... 5.91")
151 ... 200 mm 200 mm (7.87") F4
(5.94 ... 7.87")
201 ... 250 mm 250 mm (9.84") F5
(7.91 ... 9.84")
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly and with capillary
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Further designs
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code. Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
Factory certificates Capillary coating
Quality inspection certificate (Five-step factory C11 PE protective tube
calibration) to IEC 60770-2 1m S10
Inspection certificate to EN 10204-3.1 - material of C12 1,6 m S11
body and wetted parts 2m S12
Manufacturer's declaration acc. to NACE C13 2,5 m S13
(MR 0103-2012 and MR 0175-2009) 3m S14
(only together with seal diaphragm made of Hastelloy 4m S15
and stainless steel) 5m S16
Inspection certificate (EN 10204-3.1) - PMI test of C15 6m S17
pressure containing and wetted parts 7m S18
Certificate of FDA-approved fill oil (to EN10204-2.2) C17 8m S19
9m S20
Factory certificate functional safety (SIL2/3), devices C20
suitable for use according to IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 10 m S21
(includes SIL conformity declaration) PTFE protective tube
Accessories 1m S40
Spark arrestor (for differential pressure and level transmit- D62 1,6 m S41
ters) 2m S42
Low-temperature version (for Silicon Oil M50 only) D67 2,5 m S43
Negative pressure services 3m S44
Negative pressure service (for differential pressure D83 4m S45
transmitters) 5m S46
Extended negative pressure service (for differential D88 6m S47
pressure transmitters) 7m S48
General product approvals without explosion proof 8m S49
approvals 9m S50
10 m S51
Oil-and grease-free cleaned version (for O2-appl. E80
including certificate EN10204-2.2 PVC protective tube
(only with fill fluid Halocarbon oil max. temperature 1m S70
60 °C and max. pressure 50 bar) 1,6 m S71
Oil-and grease-free cleaned version (not for O2-appl. E87
2m S72
including certificate EN10204-2.2
(only with fill fluid Halocarbon oil) 2,5 m S73
3m S74
Sealing surface
4m S75
Sealing surface smooth, form B2/EN1092-1 resp. M50 5m S76
RFSF/ANSI B16.5 (wetted parts 316L only) 6m S77
Sealing surface groove to EN1092-1, form D M54 7m S78
(instead of sealing surface B1, wetted parts 316L only)
8m S79
Sealing surface RJF (groove) to ASME B16.5 M64 9m S80
(instead of sealing surface RF 125...250AA, wetted 10 m S81
parts 316L only)
Customer-specific tube length
Sealing surface with tongue to EN1092-1, form C
(wetted parts 316L only) Customer-specific tube length (specify in plain text) Y44
• DN 25 M70 Specification of process conditions1)
• DN 40 M71
Ambient temperature range
• DN 50 M72
• DN 80 M73 • -10 ... +50 °C (14 ... +122 °F) preset D66
• DN 100 M74 • -40 ... +50 °C (-40 ... +122 °F) D67
• DN 125 M75 • -10 ... +85 °C (14 ... +185 °F) D68
Sealing surface with spigot to EN1092-1, form E Process temperature min. ... °C/(°F)/max. ... °C/(°F) Y50
(wetted parts 316L only) 1) See also "Specification of process conditions for selection and ordering
• DN 25 M76 data", page 1/337.
• DN 40 M77
• DN 50 M78
• DN 80 M79
• DN 100 M80
• DN 125 M81
Sealing surface with recess to EN1092-1, form F
(wetted parts 316L only)
• DN 25 M82
• DN 40 M83
• DN 50 M84
• DN 80 M85
• DN 100 M86
• DN 125 M87
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly and with capillary
1 ■ Dimensional drawings
D b
dM f
n x d2
100 (3.94)
Bending radius
Ø d4
≥ 150 mm (5.9)
Ø 16 (6.3)
Tube length L
see ordering data
L b
Ø d4
Ø d5
100 (3.94) 1)
150 (5.9) with option R15, 200 (7.87) with option R20
n x d2
Diaphragm seals of screwed design with flexible capillary, fixed connection, for connection to a SITRANS P320/420 pressure transmitter for differential
pressure, dimensions in mm (inch)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly and with capillary
Connection to EN 1092-1 1
Nominal Nominal b D d2 d4 d5 dM dM f k n L
diameter pressure with without
exten- exten-
sion sion
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
DN 40 PN 10/16/ 16 150 18 88 38 30 42 2 110 4 0, 50, 100,
25/40 150 oder
PN 63/100 24 170 22 88 38 30 42 2 125 4
PN 160 26 170 22 88 38 30 42 2 125 4
DN 50 PN 10/16/ 18 165 18 102 48.3 40 51 2 125 4
PN 63/100 26 195 26 102 48.3 40 51 2 145 4
PN 160 28 195 26 102 48.3 40 51 2 145 4
DN 80 PN 10/16/ 22 200 18 138 76 65 85 2 160 8
PN 100 30 230 26 138 76 65 85 2 180 8
DN 100 PN 10/16 18 220 18 158 94 85 85 2 180 8
PN 25/40 22 235 22 162 94 85 85 2 190 8
DN 125 PN 16 20 250 18 188 127 85 116 2 210 8
PN 40 24 270 26 188 127 85 116 2 220 8
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly and with capillary
1 Connection to J.I.S
Nominal Nominal b D d2 d4 d5 dM dM f k n L
diameter pressure with without
exten- exten-
sion sion
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
(inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch)
DN 50 10K 14 (0.55) 155 (6.10) 19 (0.75) 96 (3.78) 48.3 (1.9) 40 (1.57) 51 (2.01) 2 120 (4.72) 4 0, 50,
20K 16 (0,63) 165 (6.50) 19 (0.75) 96 (3.78) 48.3 (1.9) 40 (1.57) 51 (2.01) 2 120 (4.72) 8 150
40K 26 (1.02) 165 (6.50) 19 (0.75) 105 (4.13) 48.3 (1.9) 40 (1.57) 51 (2.01) 2 130 (5.12) 8 oder
DN 80 10K 16 (0.63) 185 (7.28) 19 (0.75) 126 (4.96) 76 (2.99) 65 (2.56) 85 (3.35) 2 150 (5.91) 8
(0, 2,
20K 20 (0.79) 200 (7.87) 23 (0.91) 132 (5.20) 76 (2.99) 65 (2.56) 85 (3.35) 2 160 (6.30) 8 3.94,
40K 32 (1.26) 210 (8.27) 23 (0.91) 140 (5.51) 76 (2.99) 65 (2.56) 85 (3.35) 2 170 (6.30) 8 oder
DN 100 10K 16 (0.63) 210 (8.27) 19 (0.75) 151 (5.94) 94 (3.7) 85 (3.35) 85 (3.35) 2 175 (6.89) 8 7.87)
20K 22 (0.87) 225 (8.86) 23 (0.91) 160 (6.30) 94 (3.7) 85 (3.35) 85 (3.35) 2 185 (7.28) 8
40K 36 (1.42) 250 (9.84) 25 (0.98) 165 (6.50) 94 (3.7) 85 (3.35) 85 (3.35) 2 205 (8.07) 8
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seal, screwed design, directly mounted or/and with capillary
■ Overview
Diaphragm seal, screwed gland design with inside diaphragm for gauge, Process connection, open measuring flange
absolute and differential pressure for direct mounting
■ Technical specifications
Diaphragm seal, screwed gland with inside diaphragm • Sealing material on the process Viton or copper (in the case of
connection vacuum-free version)
Process connection Nominal pressure
• Sealing material between top and Viton (FKM) (standard)
• Open flange EN1092-1 bottom section Teflon (PTFE)
- DN 15 PN 10/16/25/40/63/100/160/250 metal spring ring (silver-coated)
- DN 20 PN 10/16/25/40 Capillary
- DN 25 PN 10/16/25/40/63/100/160/250 • Length Max. 10 m (32.8 ft)
• Open flange ASME B16.5 • Internal diameter 2 mm (0.079 inch)
- ½ inch, ¾ inch, 1 inch Class 150/300/600/1500 • Minimum bending radius 150 mm (5.9 inch)
• Thread to EN 837-1 • Sheath Stainless steel protective tube,
- G¼"B, G½"B, G¾"B, G1"B PN 100/250 mat. No. 1.4301/304
• Thread ASME B1.20.1 Filling liquid • Silicone oil M5
- ¼" NPT-M, ¼" NPT-F Class 1500/3675 • Silicone oil M50
- ½" NPT-M, ½" NPT-F Class 1500/3675 • High-temperature oil
- ¾" NPT-M, ¾" NPT-F Class 1500/3675 • Halocarbon oil
- 1" NPT-M, 1" NPT-F Class 1500/3675 (for measuring O2)
• Food oil (FDA listed)
Sealing surface for open measure-
ment flange Max. recommended temperature of 170 °C (338 °F)
• For stainless steel, mat. no. To EN 1092-1, form B1 or medium
1.4404/316L ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA Permissible ambient temperature Dependent on the pressure
Materials transmitter and the filling liquid
of the remote seal
• Lower section (in the case of pro- Stainless steel, Mat. no.
More information can be found in
cess connection thread) 1.4404/316L
the technical specifications of the
• Diaphragm Stainless steel, Mat. no. pressure transmitters and in the
1.4404/316L section "Technical data of filling
• No coating liquid" in the introduction to the
remote seals
• With PTFE coating
Weight Approx. 1.5 kg (3.3 lb)
Monel 400, mat. no. 2.4360
Certificates and approvals
Hastelloy C276, mat. no. 2.4819
Classification according to For gases of fluid group 1 and liq-
Hastelloy C4, mat. no. 2.4602
pressure equipment directive uids of fluid group 1; complies
Tantal (PED 2014/68/EU) with requirements of article 4,
Stainless steel 316L, gold plated, paragraph 3 (sound engineering
thickness approx. 25 m practice)
• Top section (process connection Stainless steel, mat. no.
in the case of an open measure- 1.4404/316L
ment flange)
• Capillary Stainless steel 1.4404/316L
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seal, screwed design, directly mounted or/and with capillary
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order
code code
Diaphragm seal threaded design Diaphragm seal threaded design
With inside diaphragm, directly connected or With inside diaphragm, directly connected or
connected via flexible capillary tube to a connected via flexible capillary tube to a
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 4 0 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 4 0 -
pressure or absolute pressure (only togeth- pressure or absolute pressure (only togeth-
er with negative pressure service), er with negative pressure service),
7MF03../7MF04.. order separately 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately
Scope of delivery: 1 off Scope of delivery: 1 off
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 8 4 2 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 8 4 2 -
ential pressure and flow, ential pressure and flow,
7MF03../7MF04.. order separately, 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately,
Scope of delivery: 2 off Scope of delivery: 2 off
77777 - 0 77 0 777 77777 - 0 77 0 777
Click on the Article No. for the online con- Transmitter connection
figuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. Without capillary tube, direct mount straight 00
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure connection (for gauge pressure)
Open flange, connecting standard EN 1092-1 Connection via capillary tube
Length of capillary
DN 15 PN 10/16/25/40 0 AD
1m 10
PN 63/100 0AF
1,6 m 11
PN 160 0 AG
2m 12
PN 250 0 AH
2,5 m 13
DN 20 PN 10/16/25/40 0 AM
3m 14
DN 25 PN 10/16/25/40 0 BD
4m 15
PN 63/100 0BF
5m 16
PN 160 0 BG
6m 17
PN 250 0 BH
7m 18
Open flange, connecting standard
ASME B16.5 8m 20
½ inch class 150 1 KA 9m 21
class 300 1 KB 10 m 22
class 600 1 KC Other version 98 L1Y
Add Order code and plain text
class 1500 1 KD
¾ inch class 150 1KF Filling liquid
class 300 1 KG Silicone oil M50 B
class 600 1 KH High-temperature oil C
class 1500 1KJ Silicone oil M5 A
1 inch class 150 1KL Food-grade oil (FDA listed) E
class 300 1 KM Halocarbon oil D
class 600 1 KN Other version Z P1Y
class 1500 1KP Add Order code and plain text
Process connection thread EN 837-1 Wetted parts materials
G¼"B PN 100 3 SB Stainless steel 316L without coating A
G¼"B PN 250 3 SC Stainless steel 316L with PTFE-coating E
G½"B PN 100 3SF Monel 400, 2.4360 G
G½"B PN 250 3 SG Hastelloy C276, 2.4819 J
G¾"B PN 100 3 SK Tantalum K
G¾"B PN 250 3SL Stainless steel 316L with gold coating S
G1"B PN 100 3SP Hastelloy C4, 2.4610 U
G1"B PN 250 3 SQ
Other version Z Q1Y
Process connection thread ASME B1.20.1
Add Order code and plain text
¼"-NPT-M Class 1500 5 TA
¼"-NPT-M Class 3675 5 TB
¼"-NPT-F Class 1500 5 TC
¼"-NPT-F Class 3675 5 TD
½"-NPT-M Class 1500 5TE
½"-NPT-M Class 3675 5TF
½"-NPT-F Class 1500 5 TG
½"-NPT-F Class 3675 5 TH
¾"-NPT-M Class 1500 5TJ
¾"-NPT-M Class 3675 5 TK
¾"-NPT-F Class 1500 5TL
¾"-NPT-F Class 3675 5 TM
1"-NPT-M Class 1500 5 TN
1"-NPT-M Class 3675 5TP
1"-NPT-F Class 1500 5 TQ
1"-NPT-F Class 3675 5 TR
Other version 9 AA H1Y
Add Order code and plain text
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seal, screwed design, directly mounted or/and with capillary
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Further designs
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code. Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
Factory certificates Capillary coating
Quality inspection certificate (Five-step factory C11 PE protective tube
calibration) to IEC 60770-2 1m S10
Inspection certificate to EN 10204-3.1 - material of C12 1,6 m S11
body and wetted parts 2m S12
Manufacturer's declaration acc. to NACE C13 2,5 m S13
(MR 0103-2012 and MR 0175-2009) 3m S14
(only together with seal diaphragm made of Hastelloy 4m S15
and stainless steel) 5m S16
Inspection certificate (EN 10204-3.1) - PMI test of C15 6m S17
pressure containing and wetted parts 7m S18
Certificate of FDA-approved fill oil (to EN10204-2.2) C17 8m S19
9m S20
Factory certificate functional safety (SIL2/3), devices C20
suitable for use according to IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 10 m S21
(includes SIL conformity declaration) PTFE protective tube
Accessories 1m S40
1,6 m S41
Low-temperature version (for Silicon Oil M50 only) D67
2m S42
Flushing port ¼"-18 NPT unsealed D70 2,5 m S43
Flushing port ¼"-18 NPT sealed with stainless steel plug D71 3m S44
4m S45
Sealing material between upper and lower enclosure D75
PTFE (instead of FKM viton) 5m S46
6m S47
Sealing material between upper and lower enclosure D76
7m S48
metal C-circlip (instead of FKM viton)
8m S49
PTFE coating for lower enclosure (only for G½B PN 100, D77 9m S50
DN 25 PN 10 ... 40, 1 inch Class 150/300)
10 m S51
Negative pressure services
PVC protective tube
Negative pressure service (for gauge and absolute D81 1m S70
pressure transmitters) 1,6 m S71
Negative pressure service (for differential pressure D83 2m S72
2,5 m S73
Extended negative pressure service (for gauge and D85
absolute pressure transmitters) 3m S74
Extended negative pressure service (for differential D88 4m S75
pressure transmitters) 5m S76
6m S77
General product approvals without explosion proof
approvals 7m S78
8m S79
Oil-and grease-free cleaned version (for O2-appl. E80 9m S80
including certificate EN10204-2.2
(only with fill fluid Halocarbon oil max. temperature 10 m S81
60 °C and max. pressure 50 bar) Customer-specific tube length
Oil-and grease-free cleaned version (not for O2-appl. E87
including certificate EN10204-2.2 Customer-specific tube length (specify in plain text) Y44
(only with fill fluid Halocarbon oil) Specification of process conditions1)
Capillary connection (only for 7MF0840) Ambient temperature range
Single-side mounted at differential pressure transmit- S03 • -10 ... +50 °C (14 ... +122 °F) preset D66
ters at high-side • -40 ... +50 °C (-40 ... +122 °F) D67
Single-side mounted at differential pressure transmit- S04 • -10 ... +85 °C (14 ... +185 °F) D68
ters at low-side
Cooling element S08 Process temperature min. ... °C/(°F)/max. ... °C/(°F) Y50
1) See also "Specification of process conditions for selection and ordering
data", page 1/337.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seal, screwed design, directly mounted or/and with capillary
1 ■ Dimensional drawings
65 (2.56)
Number of
39 (1.54)
SW 27
3 (0.12)
G½B or
Diaphragm seal, screwed gland with inside diaphragm, for gauge and absolute pressure, direct and attached directly to the transmitter with with cap-
illaries, dimensions in mm (inch)
Range D b b1 Number of
mm mm mm screws
up to 100 bar 98 14 16 6
up to 250 bar 98 14 20 12
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seal, screwed design, directly mounted or/and with capillary
of screws
SW 27
ØD Connection shanks
according to DIN EN 837-1
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Quick-release diaphragm seals
1 ■ Overview • Standard clamp DIN 32676,
row C Tri-clamp
- 1 inch, 1½ inch PN 25
- 2 inch, 2½ inch PN 16
- 3 inch PN 10
• Standard clamp DIN 32676,
row A metric
- DN 25/32/40 PN 25
- DN 50 PN 16
- DN 65 PN 10
• Varivent
- DN 25/32/40/50 PN 25
• DRD-flange
- DN 50 PN 40
Sealing surface
• For stainless steel, mat. No. To EN 1092-1, form B1 or
1.4404/316L ASME B 16.5RF 125 ... 250 AA
• For the other materials To EN 1092-1, form B2 or
Quick-release diaphragm seals, to DIN 11851 with slotted union nut
• Main body Stainless steel 316L
• Wetted parts Stainless steel 316L
• Capillary Stainless steel, mat.
No. 1.4571/316Ti
• Sheath Spiral protective tube made of
stainless steel, mat. No.
Maximum pressure See above and the technical data
of the pressure transmitter
Tube length Without tube
• Length Max. 10 m (32.8 ft), longer
lengths on request
Quick-release diaphragm seals, with clamp connection • Internal diameter 2 mm (0.079 inch)
Quick-release diaphragm seals are available for the following • Minimum bending radius 150 mm (5.9 inch)
SITRANS P pressure transmitter series:
• Sheath Spiral protective tube made of
• For pressure: P300, DS III with HART, DS III with PROFIBUS stainless steel, mat. No.
PA and DS III with FOUNDATION Fieldbus 1.4404/316L
• For differential pressure and flow: P500, DS III with HART, Filling liquid Food oil (FDA listed)
Permissible ambient temperature Dependent on the pressure trans-
• The quick-release remote seals are common designs in the mitter and the filling liquid of the
food industry. Their design means that the medium cannot ac- remote seal
cumulate in dead volumes. The quick-release clamp present More information can be found in
on the remote seal means that quick dismounting is possible the technical data of the pressure
for cleaning. transmitters and in the section
"Technical data of filling liquid" in
■ Technical specifications the Technical description to the
remote seals
Quick-release diaphragm seal
Weight Approx. 4 kg (8.82 lb)
Connection, nominal diameter Nominal pressure
Certificates and approvals
• Standard to DIN 11851 with nut
- DN 25/32/40 PN 40 Classification according to pressure For gases of fluid group 1 and liq-
- DN 50/65/80 PN 25 equipment directive uids of fluid group 1; complies
(DGRL 2014/68/EU) with requirements of article 4,
• Standard to DIN 11851 with thread paragraph 3 (sound engineering
- DN 25/32/40 PN 40 practice)
- DN 50/65/80 PN 25 EHEDG Complies with EHEDG recom-
• Standard clamp ISO 2852 mendations
- DN 25/38/51 PN 16
- DN 63.5/76.1 PN 10
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Quick-release diaphragm seals
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order
code code
Quick release diaphragm seal Quick release diaphragm seal
Flange type design, with flexible capillary tube Flange type design, with flexible capillary tube
or directly connected to a or directly connected to a
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 3 0 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 3 0 -
pressure or absolute pressure (only togeth- pressure or absolute pressure (only togeth-
er with negative pressure service), er with negative pressure service),
7MF03../7MF04.. order separately 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately
Scope of delivery: 1 off Scope of delivery: 1 off
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 8 3 2 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 8 3 2 -
ential pressure and flow, ential pressure and flow,
7MF03../7MF04.. order separately 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately
Scope of delivery: 1 off Scope of delivery: 1 off
77777 - 0 7A 0 777 77777 - 0 7A 0 777
Click on the Article No. for the online con- Transmitter connection
figuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. Without capillary tube, direct mount straight 00
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure connection (for gauge pressure)
Connection standard DIN 11851 with nut Connection via capillary tube
Length of capillary
DN 25 PN 40 0 BM
1m 10
DN 32 PN 40 0 CD
1,6 m 11
DN 40 PN 40 0 DM
2m 12
DN 50 PN 25 0 EK
2,5 m 13
DN 65 PN 25 0FL
3m 14
DN 80 PN 25 0 GK
4m 15
Connection standard DIN 11851 with thread 5m 16
DN 25 PN 40 1 BM 6m 17
DN 32 PN 40 1 CD 7m 18
DN 40 PN 40 1 DM 8m 20
DN 50 PN 25 1 EK 9m 21
DN 65 PN 25 1FL 10 m 22
DN 80 PN 25 1 GK
Other version 98 L1Y
Connection standard Clamp ISO 2852 Add Order code and plain text
DN 25 PN 16 2 BK Filling liquid
DN 38 PN 16 2 CQ Food-grade oil (FDA listed) E
DN 51 PN 16 2 FH
DN 63.5 PN 10 2FJ Other version Z P1Y
Add Order code and plain text
DN 76.1 PN 10 2GJ
Connection standard Clamp DIN 32676,
row C Tri-clamp
DN 1" PN 25 3KV
DN 1½" PN 25 3LV
DN 2" PN 16 3 MV
DN 2½" PN 16 3NV
DN 3" PN 10 3PV
Connection standard Clamp DIN 32676,
row A metric
DN 25 PN 25 4BL
DN 32 PN 25 4 CC
DN 40 PN 25 4DL
DN 50 PN 16 4EJ
DN 65 PN 10 4 FK
DN 25/32 PN 25 5CL
DN 40/50 PN 25 5 DK
DN 50 PN 40 6 EM
Other version 9 AA H1Y
Add Order code and plain text
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Quick-release diaphragm seals
1 Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Further designs
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code. Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
Factory certificates PVC protective tube
Quality inspection certificate (Five-step factory C11 1m S70
calibration) to IEC 60770-2 1,6 m S71
2m S72
Inspection certificate to EN 10204-3.1 - material of C12
body and wetted parts 2,5 m S73
3m S74
Inspection certificate (EN 10204-3.1) - PMI test of C15
4m S75
pressure containing and wetted parts
5m S76
Certificate of FDA-approved fill oil (to EN10204-2.2) C17 6m S77
Factory certificate functional safety (SIL2/3), devices C20 7m S78
suitable for use according to IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 8m S79
(includes SIL conformity declaration) 9m S80
Negative pressure services 10 m S81
Negative pressure service (for gauge and absolute D81 Customer-specific tube length
pressure transmitters)
Customer-specific tube length (specify in plain text) Y44
Negative pressure service (for differential pressure D83
transmitters) Specification of process conditions1)
Extended negative pressure service (for gauge and D85 Ambient temperature range
absolute pressure transmitters)
Extended negative pressure service (for differential D88 • -10 ... +50 °C (14 ... +122 °F) preset D66
pressure transmitters) • -40 ... +50 °C (-40 ... +122 °F) D67
• -10 ... +85 °C (14 ... +185 °F) D68
Capillary connection (only for 7MF0830)
Process temperature min. ... °C/(°F)/max. ... °C/(°F) Y50
Single-side mounted at differential pressure transmit- S03
ters at high-side 1) See also "Specification of process conditions for selection and ordering
Single-side mounted at differential pressure transmit- S04 data", page 1/337.
ters at low-side
Cooling element S08
Capillary coating
PE protective tube
1m S10
1,6 m S11
2m S12
2,5 m S13
3m S14
4m S15
5m S16
6m S17
7m S18
8m S19
9m S20
10 m S21
PTFE protective tube
1m S40
1,6 m S41
2m S42
2,5 m S43
3m S44
4m S45
5m S46
6m S47
7m S48
8m S49
9m S50
10 m S51
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Quick-release diaphragm seals
■ Dimensional drawings
212 (8.35)
65 (2.56)
dM dM
d1 DN
D G1 G1
Bending radius
≥ 150 mm (5.9)
dM dM
d1 DN
G1 G1
Ø 84
4 holes
Ø 50
Ø 65.5
ØA Ø 105
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Quick-release diaphragm seals
1 Connection to DIN 11851 with slotted union nut Clamp connection to DIN 32676 row C (Tri-Clamp) for pipes to
Nominal Ø dM ØD H G1
diameter Nominal Nominal dM d1 b D
mm mm mm mm
diameter pressure
DN 25 25 63 36 Rd 52x1/6 mm mm mm mm
(inch) (inch) (inch) (inch)
DN 32 32 70 36 Rd 52x1/6
1" PN 25 22.6 43.5 14 50.5
DN 40 40 78 36 Rd 65x1/6 (0.89) (1.71) (0.55) (1.99)
DN 50 52 112 36 Rd 78x1/6 1½" PN 25 34 43.5 12 50.5
(1.34) (1.71) (0.47) (1.99)
DN 65 65 112 36 Rd 95x1/6
2" PN 16 46 56.5 14 64
DN 80 72 127 36 Rd 110x1/6 (1.81) (2.22) (0.55) (2.52)
Connection to DIN 11851 with threaded socket 2½" PN 16 51 70.5 14 77.5
(2.01) (2.78) (0.55) (3.05)
Nominal Ø dM H G1
diameter 3" PN 16 65 83.5 14 91
mm mm mm (2.56) (3.29) (0.55) (3.58)
DN 25 25 36 Rd 52x1/6
Clamp connection to DIN 32676 row A (metric) for pipes to
DN 32 32 36 Rd 52x1/6 EN 10357 (DIN 11850)
DN 40 40 36 Rd 65x1/6 Nominal Nominal Ø dM d1 b D
DN 50 52 36 Rd 78x1/6 diameter pressure
mm mm mm mm
DN 65 65 36 Rd 95x1/6 DN 25 PN 25 22.6 43.5 14 50.5
DN 80 72 36 Rd 110x1/6 DN 32 PN 25 27 43.5 12 50.5
Clamp connection to ISO 2852 for pipes to ISO 2037 DN 40 PN 25 34 43.5 12 50.5
Nominal Nominal dM d1 b D DN 50 PN 16 46 56.5 14 64
diameter pressure
mm mm mm mm DN 65 PN 16 65 83.5 14 91
DN 25 PN 16 22.6 43.5 14 50.5 Varivent
DN 38 PN 16 34 43.5 12 50.5 Nominal diameter dM A D h
DN 51 PN 16 46 56.5 14 64 mm mm mm mm
DN 63.5 PN 10 51 70.5 14 77.5 (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch)
DN 76.1 PN 10 65 83.5 14 91 DN 25, DN 32, 1", 1¼" 40 66 50 19
(1.57) (2.6) (1.97) (0.75)
DN 40 ... 125, 1 ½" ... 6" 58 84 68 19
(2.28) (3.331) (2.68) (0.75)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Miniature diaphragm seals
■ Overview G Ø dM SW Ød L H
mm (inch) mm (inch) mm (inch) mm (inch) mm (inch)
G1B 25 (0.98) 41 (1.61) 39 (1.53) 28 (1.1) 56 (2.21)
G1½B 40 (1.57) 55 (2.17) 60 (2.36) 30 (1.18) 50 (1.97)
G2B 50 (1.97) 60 (2.36) 70 (2.76) 30 (1.18) 63 (2.48)
mm (inch) mm (inch) mm (inch) mm (inch)
1"-NPT 27 (1.06) 41 (1.61) 25 (0.98) 40 (1.57)
1½"-NPT 34 (1.34) 55 (2.17) 26 (1.02) 45 (1.77)
2"-NPT 46 (1.81) 65 (2.56) 26 (1.02) 45 (1.77)
dM: Effective diaphragm diameter
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Miniature diaphragm seals
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs
Miniature diaphragm seal
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
directly connected to a
Factory certificates
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 8 5 0 -
pressure or absolute pressure (only togeth- Quality inspection certificate (Five-step factory C11
er with negative pressure service), calibration) to IEC 60770-2
7MF03../7MF04.. order separately Inspection certificate to EN 10204-3.1 - material of C12
Scope of delivery: 1 off body and wetted parts
Click on the Article No. for the online con- 7 77 0 0 - 0 77 0 777 Manufacturer's declaration acc. to NACE C13
figuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. (MR 0103-2012 and MR 0175-2009)
Process connection (only together with seal diaphragm made of Hastelloy
and stainless steel)
Connection standard DIN 3852
G ½" PN 400 4ST Inspection certificate (EN 10204-3.1) - PMI test of C15
G ¾" PN 400 4 SU pressure containing and wetted parts
G 1" PN 400 4SV Certificate of FDA-approved fill oil (to EN10204-2.2) C17
G 1½" PN 400 4 SW Factory certificate functional safety (SIL2/3), devices C20
G 2" PN 400 4SX suitable for use according to IEC 61508 and IEC 61511
Connection standard ASME B1.20.1 (includes SIL conformity declaration)
½"-NPT-M class 5800 5TS Negative pressure services
¾"-NPT-M class 5800 5TT
Negative pressure service D81
1"-NPT-M class 5800 5 TU
Extended negative pressure service (for gauge and D85
1½"-NPT-M class 5800 5TV absolute pressure transmitters)
2"-NPT-M class 5800 5 TW
Capillary connection
Other version 9 AA H1Y
Add Order code and plain text Cooling element between transmitter and remote seal S08
Filling liquid Customer-specific tube length
Silicone oil M5 A Customer-specific tube length (specify in plain text) Y44
Food-grade oil (FDA listed) E
Specification of process conditions1)
Other version Z P1Y
Add Order code and plain text Ambient temperature range
• -10 ... +50 °C (14 ... +122 °F) preset D66
Wetted parts material
Stainless steel 316L without coating A • -40 ... +50 °C (-40 ... +122 °F) D67
Hastelloy C276, 2.4819 J • -10 ... +85 °C (14 ... +185 °F) D68
Process temperature min. ... °C/(°F)/max. ... °C/(°F) Y50
1) See also "Specification of process conditions for selection and ordering
data", page 1/337.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Inline seals in sandwich design
• Sealing surface to EN 1092-1 or ASME B16.5 • Sheath Spiral protective tube made of
stainless steel, mat. No.
• Connection to the transmitter directly or by means of a flexible 1.4301/316
capillary (max. 10 m long)
• See Technical data for details of materials used for the wetted
• Length Max. 10 m (32.8 ft)
• Material used for the capillary, the guard sleeve, the seal’s • Internal diameter 2 mm (0.079 inch)
main body and the measuring cell: Stainless steel, • Minimum bending radius 150 mm (5.9 inch)
mat.-No. 1.4571 Filling liquid Silicone oil M5
• Filling liquid: Silicone oil, high-temperature oil, halocarbon oil,
Silicone oil M50
food oil (FDA listed) or glycerin/water (not suitable for uses in
low-pressure range) High-temperature oil
Halocarbon oil
■ Function Food oil (FDA listed)
The measured pressure is transferred from the diaphragm to the Permissible ambient temperature See pressure transmitters, see fill-
filling liquid and passes either directly or through the capillary to ing liquid
the measuring chamber of the pressure transmitter. The interior Weight Approx. 4 kg (8.82 lb)
of the diaphragm seal and of the capillary, as well as the mea-
suring chamber of the pressure transmitter, are filled gas-free by Certificates and approvals
the filling liquid. Classification according to pressure For gases of fluid group 1 and liq-
equipment directive uids of fluid group 1; complies
Note: (DGRL 2014/68/EU) with the requirements of article 4,
When operating in the low-pressure range, also during commis- paragraph 1 (appendix 1);
sioning, it is recommended to use a vacuum-proof remote seal assigned to category III, confor-
mity evaluation module H by the
(see Selection and Ordering data). TÜV Nord
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Inline seals in sandwich design
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order
code code
Inline seal Inline seal
Sandwich type design, directly connected or Sandwich type design, directly connected or
connected with flexible capillary tube to a connected with flexible capillary tube to a
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 9 0 0 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 9 0 0 -
pressure or absolute pressure pressure or absolute pressure
(only together with negative pressure ser- (only together with negative pressure ser-
vice), 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately vice), 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately
Scope of delivery: 1 off Scope of delivery: 1 off
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 9 0 2 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for differ- 7MF 0 9 0 2 -
ential pressure and flow, 7MF03../7MF04.. ential pressure and flow, 7MF03../7MF04..
order separately, Scope of delivery: 2 off order separately, Scope of delivery: 2 off
77777 - 0 77 0 777 77777 - 0 77 0 777
Click on the Article No. for the online con- Filling liquid
figuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. Silicone oil M50 B
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure High-temperature oil C
Connecting standard EN 1092-1 Silicone oil M5 A
DN 25 PN 6 ... 100 0BP Food-grade oil (FDA listed) E
DN 40 PN 6 ... 100 0DP Halocarbon oil D
DN 50 PN 6 ... 100 0EP Other version Z P1Y
DN 65 PN 6 ... 100 0FP Add Order code and plain text
DN 80 PN 6 ... 100 0GP Wetted parts materials
DN 100 PN 6 ... 100 0HP Stainless steel 316L
DN 125 PN 6 ... 100 0JP • Without coating A
Connecting standard ASME B16.5 • With PFA coating D
1 inch class 150 ... 2500 1KX • With ECTFFE coating F
1½ inch class 150 ... 2500 1LX Monel 400, 2.4360 G
2 inch class 150 ... 2500 1 MX Hastelloy C276, 2.4819 J
2½ inch class 150 ... 2500 1NX Tantalum K
3 inch class 150 ... 2500 1PX Hastelloy C4, 2.4610 U
4 inch class 150 ... 2500 1QX Other version Z Q1Y
5 inch class 150 ... 2500 1RX Add Order code and plain text
Other version 9 AA H1Y
Add Order code and plain text
Transmitter connection
Without capillary tube, direct mount straight 00
connection (for gauge pressure)
Without capillary tube, direct mount connec- 01
tion via 90°-bow (for gauge pressure)
Connection via capillary tube
Length of capillary
1m 1 0
1,6 m 1 1
2m 1 2
2,5 m 1 3
3m 1 4
4m 1 5
5m 1 6
6m 1 7
7m 1 8
8m 2 0
9m 2 1
10 m 2 2
11 m (only for 7MF0900) 2 3
12 m (only for 7MF0900) 2 4
13 m (only for 7MF0900) 2 5
14 m (only for 7MF0900) 2 6
15 m (only for 7MF0900) 2 7
Other version 9 8 L1Y
Add Order code and plain text
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Inline seals in sandwich design
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Further designs
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code. Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
Factory certificates Sealing surface with recess to EN1092-1, form F
(wetted parts 316L only)
Quality inspection certificate (Five-step factory C11
calibration) to IEC 60770-2 • DN 25 M82
• DN 40 M83
Inspection certificate to EN 10204-3.1 - material of C12 • DN 50 M84
body and wetted parts
• DN 80 M85
Manufacturer's declaration acc. to NACE C13 • DN 100 M86
(MR 0103-2012 and MR 0175-2009)
• DN 125 M87
(only together with seal diaphragm made of Hastelloy
and stainless steel) Capillary connection
Inspection certificate (EN 10204-3.1) - PMI test of C15 For 7MF0900
pressure containing and wetted parts
Single-side mounted at differential pressure transmit- S03
Certificate of FDA-approved fill oil (to EN10204-2.2) C17 ters at high-side
Factory certificate functional safety (SIL2/3), devices C20 Single-side mounted at differential pressure transmit- S04
suitable for use according to IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 ters at low-side
(includes SIL conformity declaration) cooling element S08
Accessories Capillary coating
Spark arrestor (for gauge and absolute pressure transmit- D61 PE protective tube
1m S10
Spark arrestor (for differential pressure and level transmit- D62
1,6 m S11
2m S12
Low-temperature version (for Silicon Oil M50 only) D67
2,5 m S13
Negative pressure services 3m S14
Negative pressure service (for gauge and absolute D81 4m S15
pressure transmitters) 5m S16
Negative pressure service (for differential pressure D83 6m S17
transmitters) 7m S18
Extended negative pressure service (for gauge and D85 8m S19
absolute pressure transmitters)
9m S20
Extended negative pressure service (for differential D88
pressure transmitters) 10 m S21
11 m (only for 7MF0902) S22
General product approvals without explosion proof 12 m (only for 7MF0902) S23
13 m (only for 7MF0902) S24
Oil-and grease-free cleaned version (for O2-appl. E80 14 m (only for 7MF0902) S25
including certificate EN10204-2.2 15 m (only for 7MF0902) S26
(only with fill fluid Halocarbon oil max. temperature
60 °C and max. pressure 50 bar) PTFE protective tube
Oil-and grease-free cleaned version (not for O2-appl. E87 1m S40
including certificate EN10204-2.2 1,6 m S41
(only with fill fluid Halocarbon oil) 2m S42
Sealing surface 2,5 m S43
Sealing surface smooth, form B2/EN1092-1 resp. M50 3m S44
RFSF/ANSI B16.5 (wetted parts 316L only) 4m S45
Sealing surface groove to EN1092-1, form D M54 5m S46
(instead of sealing surface B1, wetted parts 316L only) 6m S47
Sealing surface RJF (groove) to ASME B16.5 M64 7m S48
(instead of sealing surface RF 125...250AA, wetted 8m S49
parts 316L only) 9m S50
Sealing surface with tongue to EN1092-1, form C 10 m S51
(wetted parts 316L only) 11 m (only for 7MF0902) S52
• DN 25 M70 12 m (only for 7MF0902) S53
• DN 40 M71 13 m (only for 7MF0902) S54
• DN 50 M72 14 m (only for 7MF0902) S55
• DN 80 M73 15 m (only for 7MF0902) S56
• DN 100 M74
• DN 125 M75
Sealing surface with spigot to EN1092-1, form E
(wetted parts 316L only)
• DN 25 M76
• DN 40 M77
• DN 50 M78
• DN 80 M79
• DN 100 M80
• DN 125 M81
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Inline seals in sandwich design
1 Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
PVC protective tube
1m S70
1,6 m S71
2m S72
2,5 m S73
3m S74
4m S75
5m S76
6m S77
7m S78
8m S79
9m S80
10 m S81
11 m (only for 7MF0902) S82
12 m (only for 7MF0902) S83
13 m (only for 7MF0902) S84
14 m (only for 7MF0902) S85
15 m (only for 7MF0902) S86
Customer-specific tube length
Customer-specific tube length (specify in plain text) Y44
Specification of process conditions1)
Ambient temperature range
• -10 ... +50 °C (14 ... +122 °F) preset D66
• -40 ... +50 °C (-40 ... +122 °F) D67
• -10 ... +85 °C (14 ... +185 °F) D68
Process temperature min. ... °C/(°F)/max. ... °C/(°F) Y50
1) See also "Specification of process conditions for selection and ordering
data", page 1/337.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Inline seals in sandwich design
■ Dimensional drawings
178 (7.02)
65 (2.56)
Inline seal for flange-mounting, connected to SITRANS P pressure transmitter, dimensions in mm (inch)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Inline seals in sandwich design
1 Connection to EN 1092-1
mm bar mm mm mm mm
25 6 ... 100 68 28.5 60 81
40 88 43.1 60 91
50 100 54.5 60 93
65 120 70.3 60 107
80 138 82.5 60 116
100 160 107.1 60 127
125 188 127 60 141
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Quick-release inline seals
■ Overview ■ Function
The measured pressure is transferred from the diaphragm,
mounted on the inner circumference of the inline seal, to the fill-
ing liquid and then passes through the capillary to the measur-
ing chamber of the pressure transmitter. The interior of the inline
seal and of the capillary, as well as the measuring chamber of
the pressure transmitter, are filled gas-free by the filling liquid.
When operating in the low-pressure range, also during commis-
sioning, it is recommended to use a vacuum-proof pressure
transmitter (see Selection and Ordering data).
■ Technical specifications
Quick-release inline seals for gauge pressure
Connection Nominal Nominal
diameter pressure
• Standard to DIN 11851 with DN 25/32/40 PN 40
Quick-release inline seals, to DIN 11851 with threaded socket DN 50/65/80 PN 25
• Standard Clamp ISO 2852 DN 25/38/51 PN 16
DN 63.5/76.1 PN 10
• Standard Clamp DIN 32676, 1, 1½ inch PN 25
row C Tri-clamp
2, 2½ inch PN 16
3 inch PN 10
• Standard Clamp DIN 32676, DN 25/32/40 PN 25
row A metric
DN 50 PN 16
DN 65 PN 10
• Main body Stainless steel 1.4404/316L
• Diaphragm Stainless steel 1.4404/316L
• Length Max. 10 m (32.8 ft)
• Internal diameter 2 mm (0.079 inch)
Quick-release inline seals, with clamp connection
• Minimum bending radius 150 mm (5.9 inch)
Quick-release inline seals for pressure are available for the fol-
lowing SITRANS P pressure transmitter series: • Sheath Spiral protective tube made of
stainless steel, mat. No.
• P300 1.4404/316L
• DS III with HART Filling liquid • Food oil (FDA listed)
• DS III with PROFIBUS PA Permissible ambient temperature Dependent on the pressure trans-
• DS III with FOUNDATION Fieldbus mitter and the filling liquid of the
remote seal
More information can be found in
■ Application the technical data of the pressure
transmitters and in the section
The quick-release inline seal is a special design for flowing and "Technical data of filling liquid" in
high-viscosity media. Because it is completely integrated in the the Technical description to the
process line, there are no turbulences, dead spaces or other ob- remote seals
stacles in the flow direction. The medium flows almost unhin- Weight Approx. 4 kg (approx. 8.82 lb)
dered through the inline seal and causes self-cleaning of the
sample chamber. The inline seal is also piggable. Certificate and approvals
Classification according to pres- For gases of fluid group 1 and liq-
■ Design sure equipment directive
(DGRL 2014/68/EU)
uids of fluid group 1; complies with
the requirements of article 4,
The quick-release clamp is available in two versions: paragraph 1 (appendix 1);
assigned to category III, confor-
• DIN 11851 with threaded socket mity evaluation module H by the
• Clamp connection TÜV Nord
The inline seal is connected to the pressure transmitter either di- EHEDG Complies with EHEDG recommen-
rectly or by way of a capillary.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Quick-release inline seals
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order
code code
Quick release inline-seal Quick release inline-seal
Flange type design, with flexible capillary tube Flange type design, with flexible capillary tube
or directly connected to a or directly connected to a
• SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 9 3 0 - • SITRANS P320/P420 transmitter for gauge 7MF 0 9 3 0 -
pressure or absolute pressure pressure or absolute pressure
(only together with negative pressure ser- (only together with negative pressure ser-
vice), 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately vice), 7MF03../7MF04.. order separately
Scope of delivery: 1 off Scope of delivery: 1 off
77777 - 0 7A 0 777 77777 - 0 7A 0 777
Click on the Article No. for the online con- Transmitter connection
figuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. Without capillary tube, direct mount straight 00
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure connection (for gauge pressure)
Connection standard DIN 11851 with thread Connection via capillary tube
Length of capillary
DN 25 PN 40 1 BM
1m 10
DN 32 PN 40 1 CD
1,6 m 11
DN 40 PN 40 1 DM
2m 12
DN 50 PN 25 1 EK
2,5 m 13
DN 65 PN 25 1FL
3m 14
DN 80 PN 25 1 GK
4m 15
Connection standard Clamp ISO 2852 5m 16
DN 25 PN 16 2 BK 6m 17
DN 38 PN 16 2 CQ 7m 18
DN 51 PN 16 2 FH 8m 20
DN 63,5 PN 10 2FJ 9m 21
DN 76,1 PN 10 2GJ 10 m 22
Connection standard Clamp DIN 32676, Other version 98 L1Y
row C Tri-clamp Add Order code and plain text
DN 1" PN 25 3KV
Filling liquid
DN 1½" PN 25 3LV
Food-grade oil (FDA listed) E
DN 2" PN 16 3 MV
Other version Z P1Y
DN 2½" PN 16 3NV Add Order code and plain text
DN 3" PN 10 3PV
Connection standard Clamp DIN 32676,
row A metric
DN 25 PN 25 4BL
DN 32 PN 25 4 CC
DN 40 PN 25 4DL
DN 50 PN 16 4EJ
DN 65 PN 10 4 FK
Other version 9 AA H1Y
Add Order code and plain text
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Quick-release inline seals
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Further designs
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code. Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
Factory certificates PVC protective tube
Quality inspection certificate (Five-step factory C11 1m S70
calibration) to IEC 60770-2 1,6 m S71
2m S72
Inspection certificate to EN 10204-3.1 - material of C12
body and wetted parts 2,5 m S73
3m S74
Inspection certificate (EN 10204-3.1) - PMI test of C15
4m S75
pressure containing and wetted parts
5m S76
Certificate of FDA-approved fill oil (to EN10204-2.2) C17 6m S77
Factory certificate functional safety (SIL2/3), devices C20 7m S78
suitable for use according to IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 8m S79
(includes SIL conformity declaration) 9m S80
Negative pressure services 10 m S81
Negative pressure service (for gauge and absolute D81 Customer-specific tube length
pressure transmitters)
Customer-specific tube length (specify in plain text) Y44
Extended negative pressure service (for gauge and D85
absolute pressure transmitters) Specification of process conditions1)
Capillary connection Ambient temperature range
Single-side mounted at differential pressure transmit- S03 • -10 ... +50 °C (14 ... +122 °F) preset D66
ters at high-side • -40 ... +50 °C (-40 ... +122 °F) D67
Single-side mounted at differential pressure transmit- S04 • -10 ... +85 °C (14 ... +185 °F) D68
ters at low-side
Process temperature min. ... °C/(°F)/max. ... °C/(°F) Y50
cooling element S08
1) See also "Specification of process conditions for selection and ordering
Capillary coating
data", page 1/337.
PE protective tube
1m S10
1,6 m S11
2m S12
2,5 m S13
3m S14
4m S15
5m S16
6m S17
7m S18
8m S19
9m S20
10 m S21
PTFE protective tube
1m S40
1,6 m S41
2m S42
2,5 m S43
3m S44
4m S45
5m S46
6m S47
7m S48
8m S49
9m S50
10 m S51
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Quick-release inline seals
1 ■ Dimensional drawings
178 (7.02)
65 (2.56)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Quick-release inline seals
Inline seals for pipes according to EN 10357 (DIN 11851) 1
Food connections
DIN 11851 DIN 32676
Length Inner diameter Connection Nominal Round thread Nominal Clamp connec-
height pressure connection to pressure tion to DIN
DIN 11851 32676
Nominal diameter L (mm) di (mm) h (mm) Thread Rd D (mm)
DN 10 96 10 27.5 PN 40 28 x 1/8" PN 16 34
DN 15 150 16 12 PN 40 34 x 1/8" PN 16 34
DN 25 110 26 21 PN 40 52 x 1/6" PN 16 50.5
DN 32 110 32 26 PN 40 58 x 1/6" PN 16 50.5
DN 40 110 38 28.5 PN 40 65 x 1/6" PN 16 50.5
DN 50 110 50 34 PN 25 78 x 1/6" PN 16 64
DN 65 110 66 42 PN 25 95 x 1/6" PN 10 91
DN 80 60 81 47.5 PN 25 110 x 1/4" PN 10 106
DN 100 60 100 60 PN 25 130 x 1/4" PN 10 119
Inline seals for pipes according to BS 4825 Part 3 and O.D. Tube (suitable for pipes according to ASME-BPE)
Food connection
IDF to ISO 2853 Clamp connection to ISO 2852
Length Inner diameter Connection Nominal IDF-Thread to Nominal Clamp connec-
height pressure ISO 2853 pressure tion to ISO 2852
Nominal diameter L (mm) di (mm) h (mm) IDF-thread (Tr) D (mm)
1 inch 25.4 mm 110 22.2 21 PN 40 37 x 3.175 PN 16 50.5
1½ inch 38 mm 110 34.8 28.5 PN 40 50 x 3.175 PN 16 50.5
2 inch 51 mm 110 47.8 34 PN 25 64 x 3.175 PN 16 64
1½ inch 63.5 mm 110 60.3 38 PN 25 77.5 x 3.175 PN 16 77.5
3 inch 76.1 mm 60 72.9 44.5 PN 25 91 x 3.175 PN 10 91
4 inch 101.6 mm 60 97.6 59.5 PN 25 118 x 3175 PN 10 119
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Flushing rings for diaphragm seals
1 ■ Overview ■ Technical specifications
Flushing ring for remote seals of sandwich and flange design
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure
• DN 50 PN 16 ... PN 100
• DN 80 PN 16 ... PN 100
• DN 100 PN 16 ... PN 100
• DN 125 PN 16 ... PN 100
• 2 inch Class 150 ... class 600
• 3 inch Class 150 ... class 600
• 4 inch Class 150 ... class 600
• 5 inch Class 150 ... class 600
Flushing ring Sealing surface
Flushing rings are required for flange-mounted and sandwich- • To EN 1092-1 Form B1
type remote seals (Article No. 7MF0800 ... 7MF0814) if the dan-
Form B2
ger exists that the process conditions and the geometry of the
connection could cause the medium to form deposits or block- Form D/Form D
ages. Form C/Form C
The flushing ring is clamped between the process flange and Form C/Form C
the remote seal.
Form E
Deposits can be flushed away from the diaphragm through the Form F
holes in the side, or the pressure volume can be vented. Different
nominal diameters and forms permit adaptation to the respec- • To ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA
tive process flange. RFSF
Process connection RJF ring groove
For flanges to EN and ASME: Flushing holes (2 off), female • G¼
DN 50, 80, 100, 125; PN 16 ... 100 or thread
• G½
DN 2 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch, 5 inch; Class 150 ... 600
• ¼-18 NPT
Standard design • ½-14 NPT
Material: CrNi-Stahl, mat. No. 1.4404/316L Material Stainless steel 1.4404/316L
Sealing faces and flushing holes: See Selection and Ordering
■ Design
point flange
Installation example
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Flushing rings for diaphragm seals
• 3 inch Class 300 ... 600 VR
• 4 inch Class 300 ... 600 WR
• 5 inch Class 300 ... 600 XR
Other version Z J1Y di
Add Order code and plain text:
Nominal diameter: ...; Nominal pressure: ... d4
Sealing surface
• EN 1092-1
Flushing ring; sealing surface (EN 1092-1), form B1 and form B2
- Form B1 A
- Form B2 C DN PN Thread d4 di h Weight
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Flushing rings for diaphragm seals
1 Form D/form C Form D/form D
Thread Thread
Flushing ring; sealing surface (EN 1092-1), form D/form C Flushing ring; sealing surface (EN 1092-1), form D/form D
50 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 102 (4.02) 62 (2.44) 35.5 1.46 50 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 102 (4.02) 62 (2.44) 40 (1.58) 1.65
(1.40) (3.22) (3.64)
80 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 138 (5.43) 92 (3.62) 35.5 2.36 80 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 138 (5.43) 92 (3.62) 40 (1.58) 2.66
(1.40) (5.2) (5.86)
100 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 162 (6.38) 92 (3.62) 35.5 3.96 100 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 162 (6.38) 92 (3.62) 40 (1.58) 4.47
(1.40) (8.73) (9.86)
125 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 188 (7.40) 132 (5.2) 35.5 4.00 125 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 188 (7.40) 132 (5.2) 40 (1.58) 4.50
(1.40) (8.82) (9.92)
50 16 … 100 ½ NPT 102 (4.02) 62 (2.44) 40.5 1.67 50 16 … 100 ½ NPT 102 (4.02) 62 (2.44) 40 (1.58) 1.65
(1.595) (3.68) (3.64)
80 16 … 100 ½ NPT 138 (5.43) 92 (3.62) 40.5 2.69 80 16 … 100 ½ NPT 138 (5.43) 92 (3.62) 40 (1.58) 2.66
(1.595) (5.93) (5.86)
100 16 … 100 ½ NPT 162 (6.38) 92 (3.62) 40.5 4.52 100 16 … 100 ½ NPT 162 (6.38) 92 (3.62) 40 (1.58) 4.47
(1.595) (9.97) (9.86)
125 16 … 100 ½ NPT 188 (7.40) 132 (5.2) 40.5 4.56 125 16 … 100 ½ NPT 188 (7.40) 132 (5.2) 40 (1.58) 4.50
(1.595) (10.05) (9.92)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Flushing rings for diaphragm seals
Form C/form C and form E DN PN Thread d4 di h x f3 Weight
mm bar Ø in Ø in Ø in Ø in Ø in kg (lb)
mm mm mm mm mm
A A (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch)
50 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 102 62 31 87 4.5 1.49
(4.02) (2.44) (1.22) (3.43) (0.18) (3.28)
80 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 138 92 31 120 4.5 2.40
(5.43) (3.62) (1.22) (4.72) (0.18) (5.29)
100 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 162 92 30 149 5 (0.2) 4.21
(6.38) (3.62) (1.18) (5.87) (9.28)
125 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 188 132 30 175 5 (0.2) 4.21
(7.40) (5.2) (1.18) (6.89) (9.28)
50 16 … 100 ½ NPT 102 62 31 87 4.5 1.49
(4.02) (2.44) (1.22) (3.43) (0.18) (3.28)
A–A 80 16 … 100 ½ NPT 138 92 31 120 4.5 2.40
(5.43) (3.62) (1.22) (4.72) (0.18) (5.29)
Form F
Thread di
DN PN Thread d4 di h x f3 Weight
mm bar Ø in Ø in Ø in Ø in Ø in kg lb)
mm mm mm mm mm
d4 (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch)
50 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 102 62 35 88 4 1.25
Flushing ring; sealing surface (EN 1092-1), form E (4.02) (2.44) (1.38) (3.46) (0.16) (2.76)
80 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 138 92 35 121 4 2.02
(5.43) (3.62) (1.38) (4.76) (0.16) (4.45)
100 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 162 92 35 150 4.5 3.11
(6.38) (3.62) (1.38) (5.91) (0.18) (6.86)
125 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 188 132 35 175 4.5 3.19
(7.40) (5.2) (1.38) (6.89) (0.18) (7.03)
50 16 … 100 ½ NPT 102 62 40 88 4 1.45
(4.02) (2.44) (1.58) (3.46) (0.16) (3.2)
80 16 … 100 ½ NPT 138 92 40 121 4 2.35
(5.43) (3.62) (1.58) (4.76) (0.16) (5.18)
100 16 … 100 ½ NPT 162 92 40 150 4.5 3.67
(6.38) (3.62) (1.58) (5.91) (0.18) (8.09)
125 16 … 100 ½ NPT 188 132 40 175 4.5 3.76
(7.40) (5.2) (1.58) (6.89) (0.18) (8.29)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Flushing rings for diaphragm seals
1 Connection according to ASME B 16.5
RFSF and RF 125 ... 250 AA RJF ring groove
Thread Thread
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Measuring setups
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Measuring setups with remote seals
1 ■ Dimensional drawings
Types of installation for pressure and level measurements (open vessels)
Pressure transmitter for absolute pressure always below the measuring point: H1 ≥ 200 mm (7.9 inch)
+ -
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Measuring setups with remote seals
Types of installation for level measurements (closed vessels) 1
Installation type E Installation type E
Lower range value: pMA = ρFL · g · HU - ρOil · g · HV
Upper range value: pME = ρFL · g · HO - ρOil · g · HV
pMA Lower range value to be set
pME Upper range value to be set
ρFL Density of medium in vessel
ρOil Density of filling oil in the capillary to
HV the remote seal
g Local acceleration due to gravity
HU Lower range value
HU HO Upper range value
HV Distance between the measuring
+ - points (spigots)
H1 - +
∆H H2
HO - +
+ -
Pressure transmitter for differential pressure below the lower measuring point between the measuring points, no vacuum
above the upper measuring point, no vacuum
H2 ≤ 7 m (23 ft), with halocarbon oil as filling Installation type for vacuum applications H2 ≤ 7 m (23 ft), with halocarbon oil as filling
liquid only H1 ≤ 4 m (13.1 ft) liquid only H2 ≤ 4 m (13.1 ft)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Measuring setups without remote seals
1 ■ Overview
Notes Also you must make sure that the level in the container is al-
• For the separation layer measurement, the separation layer ways above the top spigot.
has to be positioned between the two spigots. • When measuring density, make sure that the level of the medium
remains constant. The level should be above the top spigot
■ Dimensional drawings
Pressure transmitters for differential pressure, for flanging
Measuring setups for open containers
Level measurement
Upper range value Lower range value: pMA = ρ · g · HU
Upper range value: pME = ρ · g · HO
pMA Lower range value to be set
ρ pME Upper range value to be set
Lower range value
ρ Density of medium in vessel
g Local acceleration due to gravity
HU Lower range value
HO Upper range value
Density measurement
Lower range value: pMA = ρMIN · g · HO
Constant level
Upper range value: pME = ρMAX · g · HO
pMA Lower range value to be set
pME Upper range value to be set
HO ρ
ρMIN Minimum density of medium in vessel
ρMAX Maximum density of medium in vessel
g Local acceleration due to gravity
HO Upper range value in m
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Measuring setups without remote seals
Measuring setups for closed containers 1
Level measurement, Version 1
pressure Gas-filled negative Lower range value: ∆pMA = ρ · g · HU
pressure line Upper range value: ∆pME = ρ · g · HO
Maximum level
∆pMA Lower range value to be set
∆pME Upper range value to be set
Upper range value ρ Density of medium in vessel
g Local acceleration due to gravity
HU Lower range value
Lower range value
HO HO Upper range value
HU ρ
+ -
reference line
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
Measuring setups without remote seals
Level measurement, Version 3
pressure Lower range value: ∆pMA = PStat + ρ · g · HU - PStat
Transmitter 1 Transmitter 2
Upper range value: ∆pME = PStat + ρ · g · HO - PStat
Mamimum level
+ Transmitter 1 Transmitter 2
Transmitter 2 Legend
Upper range value (for pressure or ∆pMA Lower range value to be set
differential pressure)
∆pME Upper range value to be set
HV Lower range value ρ Density of medium in vessel
g Local acceleration due to gravity
HU ρ HU Lower range value
HO Upper range value
HV Distance between the measuring points (spigots)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Technical description
■ Overview
In many cases, a capillary must be connected between the re-
In many cases the pressure transmitter and the medium have to mote seal and the pressure transmitter in order, for example, to
be physically separated. It is then necessary to use a remote reduce the temperature effects on the pressure transmitter when
seal. the measured medium is hot.
The remote seals can be used with the following SITRANS P However, the capillary influences the activation time and the
pressure transmitter series: temperature response of the overall remote seal system. When
• Gauge pressure capillaries are used to connect a remote seal to a pressure trans-
- P300 with HART, PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus mitter for differential pressure, two capillaries of equal length
- DS III with HART, PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus must always be used.
- P410 with HART, PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus Optionally, the remote seal with diaphragm extension (tube) can
• Absolute pressure be ordered.
- P300, DS III with HART The remote seals in sandwich design are secured with a blank
- DS III with PROFIBUS PA flange.
- DS III with FOUNDATION Fieldbus
• Differential pressure and flow Designs
- DS III with HART, PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus Diaphragm seal
- P500 with HART With diaphragm seals, the pressure is measured by means of a
flat diaphragm which rests in a bed.
The following types of diaphragm seals exist:
When configuring your remote seal, be sure to read the informa-
tion about transmission response, temperature error and re-
sponse time to be found in the sections "Function" and "Technical
data". Only then will the remote seal work to optimum effect.
■ Benefits
• No direct contact between the pressure transmitter and the
• Individual configuration of the pressure transmitter for perfect
adaptation to the operating conditions
• Available in many versions
• Specially designed for difficult operating conditions
• Quick-release versions available for the food industry Diaphragm seal of sandwich design without (left) and with a projecting
diaphragm (tube)
■ Design
A remote seal system consists of the following components.
• Pressure transmitter
• One or two remote seals
• Filling liquid
• Connection between pressure transmitter and remote seal
(direct mounting or by means of capillary)
The space for the medium is sealed off with a flat embedded
elastic diaphragm. Between the diaphragm and the pressure
transmitter is the filling liquid.
Quick-release diaphragm seal
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Technical description
1 • Quick-release remote seals, e.g. to DIN 11851, SMS standard,
■ Function
IDF standard, APV RJF standard, clamp connection, etc.
• Miniature diaphragm seal with male thread for screwing into The measured pressure is transferred from the diaphragm to the
tapped holes filling liquid and passes through the capillary to the measuring
• Remote seals with customer-specific process connections chamber of the pressure transmitter. The interior of the dia-
phragm seal and of the capillary, as well as the measuring cham-
ber of the transmitter, are filled gas-free by the filling liquid.
Transmission response
The transmission response of a remote seal is characterized by
the following variables:
• Temperature error
• Adjustment time
Temperature error
Temperature errors are caused by the change of volume of the
filling liquid due to temperature variations. To select the right re-
mote seal you must calculate the temperature error.
Miniature diaphragm seal with diaphragm flush with front
Below you will find an overview of the factors which influence the
• Miniature diaphragm seals size of the temperature error, as well as information on how to
The quick-release remote seals are used above all in the food in- calculate the temperature error.
dustry. Their design means that the medium cannot accumulate The temperature error is dependent on the following variables:
in dead volumes. The quick-release clamp present on the re-
mote seal means that quick dismounting is possible for cleaning. • Rigidity of the diaphragm used
• Filling liquid used
Inline seall
• Influence of the filling liquid underneath the process flanges or
in the connection shank of the pressure transmitter
• Internal diameter of the capillary: The bigger the internal diam-
eter, the bigger the temperature error
• Length of the capillary: The longer the capillary, the bigger the
temperature error
Diaphragm rigidity
The rigidity of the diaphragm is of decisive importance. The big-
ger the diameter of the diaphragm, the softer the diaphragm and
the more sensitively it reacts to temperature-induced changes in
volume of the filling liquid.
The result is that small measuring ranges are only possible with
Inline seal with quick-release design (left) and for flange mounting large diaphragm diameters.
With inline seals, the pressure is first measured using a cylindri- Other factors apart from diaphragm rigidity which also play a
cal diaphragm positioned in a pipe, and then transmitted to the role:
pressure transmitter by means of the filling liquid.
• Diaphragm thickness
The inline seal is a special design for flowing media. It consists
• Diaphragm material
of a cylindrical pipe in which a cylindrical diaphragm is embed-
ded. Since it is completely integrated in the process pipe, no tur- • Coatings if present
bulences, dead volumes or other obstructions to the flow occur. Filling liquid
Furthermore, the inline seal can be cleaned by a pig.
Every filling liquid reacts to temperature variations with a change
The following types of inline seals exist: of volume. Temperature errors can be minimized by selecting a
• Quick-release inline seals, e.g. to DIN 11851, SMS standard, suitable filling liquid, but the filling liquid must also be appropri-
IDF standard, APV/RJF standard, clamp connection etc. The ate for the temperature limits and operating pressure. Further-
quick-release facility attached to the remote seal enables the more, the filling liquid must also be physiologically harmless.
seal to be removed quickly for cleaning purposes.
Since the filling liquid is present under the diaphragm, in the
• Inline seals for flanging to EN or ASME. capillary and under the process flange of the pressure transmit-
• Inline seals with customer-specific process connections. ter (or in the connection shank), the temperature error must be
calculated separately for each combination.
The pressure data on the transmitter and the remote seal must
be observed with regard to pressure/temperature behavior. A vacuum-resistant remote seal is recommended for continuous
low-pressure operation at 500 mbar a or below, including during
commissioning (see ordering data).
An example of a temperature error calculation can be found in
the section "Technical Specifications".
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Technical description
Response time Negative pressure service 1
The response time is dependent on the following factors: Liquids, such as silicone oils, inert or those suitable for food, are
• Internal diameter of the capillary: The bigger the internal diam- used in remote seal systems for transmission of the process
eter, the shorter the response time pressure to the pressure transmitter.
• Viscosity of the filling liquid The greater the viscosity, the lon- In each liquid, particles have the tendency to leave the liquid
ger the response time compound with increasing temperature (transition from liquid to
• Length of the capillary: The longer the capillary, the longer the gaseous aggregate state). This means the vapor pressure in-
response time creases with increasing temperature and is dependent on the
substance or mixture being present.
• Pressure in the pressure measuring system: The higher the
pressure, the shorter the response time The higher the temperature and the lower the associated pro-
cess pressure in the liquid, the more difficult it gets to guarantee
Recommendations the desired transmission properties of the fill fluid and therefore
The following should be observed to obtain an optimum combi- the measuring arrangement.
nation of transmitter and remote seal: Plus the sealing elements at the transmitter must be designed so
• Choose the biggest possible diameter for the remote seal. The that a diffusion of molecules from the atmosphere into the remote
effective diameter of the seal diaphragm is then bigger and seal system is prevented due to the constantly occurring nega-
the temperature error smaller. tive pressure.
• Choose the shortest possible capillary. The response time is In addition to the influencing variables process pressure and
then shorter and the temperature error smaller process temperature, the vapor pressure curve of the fill fluid at
• Choose the filling liquid with the least viscosity and the small- the remote seal end and the stiffness of the remote seal mem-
est coefficient of expansion. Make sure, however, that the fill- brane impact the functionality of the remote seal in the negative
ing liquid meets the process requirements with regard to pres- pressure range.
sure, vacuum and temperature. And ensure that the filling This means you have to pay special attention to the physical
liquid and the medium are compatible with one another. properties of fill fluids with applications in the negative pressure
• Note the following points for use in the vacuum range: range.
- The pressure transmitter must always be positioned below
the lowest spigot. There are three stages for the negative pressure resistance:
- The operating range of some filling liquids is very limited with • Standard design of the remote seal without additional protec-
regard to the permissible temperature of the medium. tive measures, suitable for the overpressure range and low
- A vacuum-proof seal is necessary for continuous operation negative pressure range. This design is identified with (1) in
in the low-pressure range. the diagrams below in section 3.
• Recommendations for the minimum measuring span can be • Negative pressure service with suitable seals and treated fill
found in the section "Technical data". fluid, identified with (2) in the diagrams below in section 3.
Here you select the order codes V01, V03 or V04, depending
Note on the mounting type.·
The remote seals listed here are a selection of the most common • Extended negative pressure service with more extended
designs. On account of the large variety of process connections, treatment of the fill fluid and the remote seals, identified in the
certain remote seals which are not listed here may be available diagrams below. Here you select the order codes V51, V53 or
nevertheless. V54, depending on the mounting type.
Other versions can be: There are two more areas in the diagrams. The area (4) identifies
• Other process connections, standards an area that has to be clarified with Technical Support prior to
placing the order. The area (5) describes the area in which the
• Aseptic or sterile connections remote seal fill fluid is permanently destroyed and the entire re-
• Other dimensions mote seal is therefore without function.
• Other nominal pressures
• Special diaphragm materials, including coatings
• Other sealing faces
• Other filling liquids
• Other capillary lengths
• Sheathing of capillaries with protective hose
• Calibration at higher/lower temperatures etc.
Please contact your local Siemens office for further informa-
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Technical description
1 Technical specifications of the remote seal filling liquids Note: For reasons of operational safety, the transmitter must not
exceed the height of the remote seal - with differential pressure
Filling liquid Num- Density Visco- Suitable Suitable
ber in at 20°C sity at for nega- for exten- applications, the height of the bottom remote seal - for measure-
the ments in the negative pressure range. The associated installa-
[kg/dm3] 20°C tive pres- ded nega-
tion types B, C1, C2 or H are described at the end of this section
Article [mm2/s] sure tive
No. service pressure under the topic "Measuring arrangements".
Selection of the required negative pressure service
Silicone oil M5 1 0,914 4 x -
The procedure for determining the required negative pressure
Silicone oil M50 2 0,966 50 x x service is described below using the silicone oil M5 as fill fluid.
High-tempera- 3 1,070 57 x x The minimum existing process pressure of a fictitious process is
ture oil 200 mbarabs (2.9 psi) (at a maximum process temperature of
Halocarbon oil 4 1,968 14 x - 150 °C (302 °F)). This intersection is identified by an "✖" in the
diagram below. This means the negative pressure service V01,
Food oil 7 0,920 10 x x V03 or V04 (depending on the application) is sufficient in this ex-
(FDA-listed) ample.
The suitable negative pressure service is specified with the pres- The suitable negative pressure resistance is determined this
sure/temperature curves of the respective liquids described be- way for all other fill fluids.
Note the response times according to the table on page 1/413.
Silicone oil M5
Operating pressure [mbarabs]
210 ✖
-100 -50 0 50 100 150
Operating temperature [°C]
1 Operating range of the standard remote seal design without special measures.
2 Operating range for which the negative pressure service V01, V03 or V04 is required.
Note: An extended negative pressure service is not possible for this fill fluid.
4 Please contact Technical Support for applications in this area.
Detailed information regarding application, process and ambient data are necessary.
5 Area in which you have to expect the destruction of the fill fluid.
A function of the remote seal is not specified here.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Technical description
Silicone oil M50
Operating pressure [mbarabs]
-100 0 100 200 300 400
Operating temperature [°C]
1 Operating range of the standard remote seal design without special measures.
2 Operating range for which the negative pressure service V01, V03 or V04 is required.
3 Operating range for which the extended negative pressure service V51, V53 or V54 is required
4 Please contact Technical Support for applications in this area.
Detailed information regarding application, process and ambient data are necessary.
5 Area in which you have to expect the destruction of the fill fluid.
A function of the remote seal is not specified here.
Permissible operating range:
Max. temperature limit: 300 °C
Min. temperature limit: -40 °C
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Technical description
High-temperature oil
Operating pressure [mbarabs]
3 4 5
-100 0 100 200 300 400
Operating temperature [°C]
1 Operating range of the standard remote seal design without special measures.
2 Operating range for which the negative pressure service V01, V03 or V04 is required.
3 Operating range for which the extended negative pressure service V51, V53 or V54 is required
4 Please contact Technical Support for applications in this area.
Detailed information regarding application, process and ambient data are necessary.
5 Area in which you have to expect the destruction of the fill fluid.
A function of the remote seal is not specified here.
Permissible operating range:
Max. temperature limit: 400 °C
Min. temperature limit: -10 °C
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Technical description
Halocarbon oil (inert fill fluid)
Operating pressure [mbarabs]
-100 0 100 200 300 400
Operating temperature [°C]
1 Operating range of the standard remote seal design without special measures.
2 Operating range for which the negative pressure service V01, V03 or V04 is required.
Note: An extended negative pressure service is not possible for this fill fluid.
4 Please contact Technical Support for applications in this area.
Detailed information regarding application, process and ambient data are necessary.
5 Area in which you have to expect the destruction of the fill fluid.
A function of the remote seal is not specified here.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Technical description
Food oil (FDA-listed)
Operating pressure [mbarabs]
-100 0 100 200 300 400
Operating temperature [°C]
1 Operating range of the standard remote seal design without special measures.
2 Operating range for which the negative pressure service V01, V03 or V04 is required.
3 Operating range for which the extended negative pressure service V51, V53 or V54 is required
4 Please contact Technical Support for applications in this area.
Detailed information regarding application, process and ambient data are necessary.
5 Area in which you have to expect the destruction of the fill fluid.
A function of the remote seal is not specified here.
Permissible operating range:
Max. temperature limit: 230 °C
Min. temperature limit: -15 °C
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Technical description
■ Technical specifications
Temperature error Diaphragm seals
Temperature errors of diaphragm seals when connected to pressure transmitters for pressure, absolute pressure, differential pres-
sure (single-sided) and level
Nominal diameter/ Diaphragm Temperature Temperature error of Temperature Recommended
design diameter error of remote capillary fCap error of process min. measuring
seal fRS flange/connec- spans (guidance
tion spigot fPF values, observe
temp. error)
mm (inch) mbar/ (psi/ mbar/ (psi/ mbar/ (psi/ mbar (psi)
10 K 10 K) (10 K mCap) (10 K mCap))) 10 K 10 K)
Sandwich DN 50 without tube 59 (2.32) 1.5 (0.022) 2 (0.029) 2 (0.029) 200 (2.90)
design or with
flange to DN 50 with tube 45 (1.89) 5 (0.073) 10 (0.145) 10 (0.145) 500 (7.25)
EN 1092-1 DN 80 without tube 89 (3.50) 0.2 (0.003) 0.2 (0.003) 0.2 (0.003) 100 (1.45)
DN 80 with tube 72 (2.83) 1 (0.015) 1 (1.015) 1 (1.015) 250 (3.63)
DN 100 without tube 89 (3.50) 0.2 (0.003) 0.4 (0.006) 0.4 (0.006) 100 (1.45)
DN 100 with tube 89 (3.50) 0.4 (0.006) 0.4 (0.006) 0.4 (0.006) 100 (1.45)
DN 125 without tube 124 (4.88) 0.2 (0.003) 0.1 (0.002) 0.1 (0.002) 20 (0.29)
DN 125 with tube 124 (4.88) 0.2 (0.003) 0.1 (0.002) 0.1 (0.002) 20 (0.29)
Sandwich 2 inch without tube 59 (2.32) 1.5 (0.022) 2 (0.029) 2 (0.029) 200 (2.90)
design or with 2 inch with tube 45 (1.89) 5 (0.073) 10 (0.145) 10 (0.145) 500 (7.25)
flange to
ASME B16.5 3 inch without tube 89 (3.50) 0.2 (0.003) 0.2 (0.003) 0.2 (0.003) 100 (1.45)
3 inch with tube 72 (2.83) 1 (0.015) 1 (1.015) 1 (1.015) 250 (3.63)
4 inch without tube 89 (3.50) 0.2 (0.003) 0.4 (0.006) 0.4 (0.006) 100 (1.45)
4 inch with tube 89 (3.50) 0.4 (0.006) 0.4 (0.006) 0.4 (0.006) 100 (1.45)
5 inch without tube 124 (4.88) 0.2 (0.003) 0.1 (0.002) 0.1 (0.002) 20 (0.29)
5 inch with tube 124 (4.88) 0.2 (0.003) 0.1 (0.002) 0.1 (0.002) 20 (0.29)
Remote seal DN 25 25 (0.98) 20 (0.290) 60 (0.870) 60 (0.870) 6000 (87)
with union nut to
DIN 11851 DN 32 32 (1.26) 8 (0.116) 25 (0.363) 25 (0.363) 4000 (58)
DN 40 40 (1.57) 4 (0.058) 10 (0.145) 10 (0.145) 2000 (29)
DN 50 52 (2.05) 4 (0.058) 5 (0.073) 5 (0.073) 500 (7.25)
DN 65 59 (2.32) 3 (0.044) 4 (0.058) 4 (0.058) 500 (7.25)
DN 80 72 (2.83) 1 (0.015) 1 (0.015) 1 (0.015) 250 (3.63)
Remote seal, DN 50 52 (2.05) 4 (0.058) 5 (0.073) 5 (0.073) 500 (7.25)
screwed gland
Remote seal DN 25 25 (0.98) 20 (0.290) 60 (0.870) 60 (0.870) 6000 (87)
with threaded
socket to DN 32 32 (1.26) 8 (0.116) 25 (0.363) 25 (0.363) 4000 (58)
DIN 11851 DN 40 40 (1.57) 4 (0.058) 10 (0.145) 10 (0.145) 2000 (29)
DN 50 52 (2.05) 4 (0.058) 5 (0.073) 5 (0.073) 500 (7.25)
DN 65 59 (2.32) 3 (0.044) 4 (0.058) 4 (0.058) 500 (7.25)
DN 80 72 (2.83) 1 (0.015) 1 (0.015) 1 (0.015) 250 (3.63)
Clamp connec- 1½ inch 32 (1.26) 8 (0.116) 25 (0.363) 25 (0.363) 4000 (58)
2 inch 40 (1.57) 4 (0.058) 10 (0.145) 10 (0.145) 2000 (29)
2½ inch 59 (2.32) 3 (0.044) 5 (0.073) 5 (0.073) 500 (7.25)
3 inch 72 (2.83) 1 (0.015) 1 (0.015) 1 (0.015) 250 (3.63)
Miniature dia- G1B 25 (0.98) 20 (0.290) 60 (0.870) 60 (0.870) 6000 (87)
phragm seal
G1½B 40 (1.57) 4 (0.058) 10 (0.145) 10 (0.145) 2000 (29)
G2B 52 (2.05) 4 (0.058) 5 (0.073) 5 (0.073) 500 (7.25)
• Values apply for the filling liquids silicone oil M5, silicone oil M50, high-temperature oil, halocarbon oil and food oil (FDA listed).
• Values apply to stainless steel as the diaphragm material.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Technical description
1 Temperature errors of diaphragm seals with connection to differential pressure transmitters (double-sided)
Nominal diameter/ Diaphragm Temperature error Temperature error of Temperature error Recommended
design diameter of remote seal fRS capillary fCap of process min. measur-
flange/connec- ing spans
tion spigot fPF (guidance val-
ues, observe
mm (inch) mbar/ (psi/ mbar/ (psi/ mbar/ (psi/ mbar (psi)
10 K 10 K) (10 K mCap) (10 K mCap)) 10 K 10 K)
Sandwich DN 50 without tube 59 (2.32) 0.3 (0.0043) 0.3 (0.0045) 0.3 (0.0045) 250 (3.626)
design or with
flange to DN 50 with tube 45 (1.89) 1.26 (0.018) 1.7 (0.025) 1.7 (0.025) 250 (3.626)
EN 1092-1 DN 80 without tube 89 (3.50) 0.05 (0.001) 0.05 (0.001) 0.05 (0.0007) 50 (0.725)
DN 80 with tube 72 (2.83) 0.24 (0.004) 0.17 (0.003) 0.17 (0.003) 100 (1.45)
DN 100 without tube 89 (3.50) 0.05 (0.001) 0.07 (0.001) 0.07 (0.001) 50 (0.725)
DN 100 with tube 89 (3.50) 0.1 (0.002) 0.07 (0.001) 0.07 (0.001) 50 (0.725)
DN 125 without tube 124 (4.88) 0.05 (0.001) 0.03 (0.0004) 0.03 (0.0004) 20 (0.29)
DN 125 with tube 124 (4.88) 0.05 (0.001) 0.03 (0.0004) 0.03 (0.0004) 20 (0.29)
Sandwich 2 inch without tube 59 (2.32) 0.3 (0.0043) 0.3 (0.0043) 0.3 (0.0045) 250 (3.626)
design with
flange to 2 inch with tube 45 (1.89) 1.26 (0.018) 1.7 (0.025) 1.7 (0.025) 250 (3.626)
ASME B16.5 3 inch without tube 89 (3.50) 0.05 (0.001) 0.05 (0.0007) 0.05 (0.0007) 50 (0.725)
3 inch with tube 72 (2.83) 0.24 (0.004) 0.17 (0.003) 0.17 (0.003) 100 (1.45)
4 inch without tube 89 (3.50) 0.05 (0.001) 0.07 (0.001) 0.07 (0.001) 50 (0.725)
4 inch with tube 89 (3.50) 0.1 (0.002) 0.07 (0.001) 0.07 (0.001) 50 (0.725)
5 inch without tube 124 (4.88) 0.05 (0.001) 0.03 (0.0004) 0.03 (0.0004) 20 (0.29)
5 inch with tube 124 (4.88) 0.05 (0.001) 0.03 (0.0004) 0.03 (0.0004) 20 (0.29)
Remote seal, DN 50 52 (2.05) 1 (0.015) 0.83 (0.012) 0.83 (0.012) 250 (3.626)
screwed gland
Remote seal DN 50 52 (2.05) 1 (0.015) 0.83 (0.012) 0.83 (0.012) 250 (3.626)
with union nut to
DIN 11851 DN 65 59 (2.32) 0.7 (0.010) 0.67 (0.010) 0.67 (0.010) 250 (3.626)
DN 80 72 (2.83) 0.24 (0.004) 0.17 (0.003) 0.17 (0.003) 100 (1.450)
Remote seal DN 50 52 (2.05) 1 (0.015) 0.83 (0.012) 0.83 (0.012) 250 (3.626)
with threaded
socket to DN 65 59 (2.32) 0.7 (0.010) 0.67 (0.010) 0.67 (0.010) 250 (3.626)
DIN 11851 DN 80 72 (2.83) 0.24 (0.004) 0.17 (0.003) 0.17 (0.003) 100 (1.450)
Clamp connec- 2 inch 40 (1.57) 1 (0.015) 2.5 (0.036) 2.5 (0.036) 2000 (29.01)
2½ inch 59 (2.32) 0.7 (0.010) 0.67 (0.010) 0.67 (0.010) 250 (3.626)
3 inch 72 (2.83) 0.24 (0.004) 0.17 (0.003) 0.17 (0.003) 100 (1.450)
• Values apply for the filling liquids silicone oil M5, silicone oil M50, high-temperature oil, halocarbon oil and food oil (FDA listed).
• Values apply to stainless steel as the diaphragm material.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Technical description
Temperature error inline seals 1
Temperature errors of inline seals when connected to pressure transmitters for gauge pressure and absolute pressure, and with sin-
gle-sided connection to pressure transmitters for differential pressure
Nominal diameter/ Temperature error of remote Temperature error of Temperature error of pro- Recommended min. mea-
design seal fRS capillary fCap cess flange/connection suring spans (guidance
spigot fPF values, observe tempera-
ture error)
mbar/10 K (psi/10 K) mbar/10 K (psi/10 K) mbar/10 K (psi/10 K) mbar (psi)
DN 25 (1 inch) 6.0 (0.0870) 8.5 (0.123) 8.5 (0.123) 1000 (14.5)
DN 40 (1½ inch) 4.5 (0.065) 4.5 (0.065) 4.5 (0.065) 250 (3.63)
DN 50 (2 inch) 4.0 (0.058) 3.0 (0.044) 3.0 (0.044) 100 (1.45)
DN 80 (3 inch) 9.5 (0.138) 5.0 (0.073) 5.0 (0.073) 100 (1.45)
DN 100 (4 inch) 8.0 (0.012) 3.0 (0.044) 3.0 (0.044) 100 (1.45)
Temperature errors of inline seals with double-sided connection to pressure transmitters for differential pressure
Nominal diameter/ Temperature error of remote Temperature error of Temperature error of pro- Recommended min. mea-
design seal fRS capillary fCap cess flange/connection suring spans (guidance
spigot fPF values, observe tempera-
ture error)
mbar/10 K (psi/10 K) mbar/10 K (psi/10 K) mbar/10 K (psi/10 K) mbar (psi)
DN 25 (1 inch) 2.3 (0.033) 1.8 (0.026) 1.8 (0.026) 1000 (14.5)
DN 40 (1½ inch) 0.8 (0.012) 0.3 (0.004) 0.3 (0.004) 250 (3.63)
DN 50 (2 inch) 0.3 (0.004) 0.1 (0.002) 0.1 (0.002) 100 (1.45)
DN 80 (3 inch) 3.0 (0.044) 0.5 (0.007) 0.5 (0.007) 100 (1.45)
DN 100 (4 inch) 1.0 (0.015) 0.1 (0.002) 0.1 (0.002) 100 (1.45)
• Values apply for the filling liquids silicone oil M5, silicone oil M50, high-temperature oil, halocarbon oil and food oil (FDA listed).
• Half the values apply to glycerin/water mixture as the filling liquid.
• Values apply to stainless steel as the diaphragm material.
• Diaphragm thickness 0.05 mm (0.002 inch) for DN 25/DN 40/DN 50 and 0.1 mm (0.004 inch) for DN 80/DN 100
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Technical description
1 Calculation of the temperature error Dependence of temperature error on diaphragm material
The following equation is used to calculate the temperature error: The temperature errors listed in the previous table are based on
the use of stainless steel as the diaphragm material. If other dia-
dp = (RS – Cal) fRS + (Cap – Cal) lCap fCap + (TR – Cal) fPF
phragm materials are used, the temperature errors change as
dp Additional temperature error (mbar)
Diaphragm material Change in temperature error of
RS Temperature on remote seal diaphragm (generally remote seal
corresponds to temperature of medium)
Increase in values by
Cal Calibration (reference) temperature (20 °C (68 °F))
Stainless steel, Duplex, ... See previous tables
fRS Temperature error of remote seal
Hastelloy C4, mat. No. 2.4602 50 %
Cap Ambient temperature on the capillaries
Hastelloy C276, mat. No. 2.4819 50 %
lCap Capillary length
Monel 400, mat. No. 2.4360 60 %
fCap Temperature error of capillaries
Tantalum 50 %
TR Ambient temperature on pressure transmitter
Titanium 50 %
fPF Temperature error of the oil filling in the process
flanges of the pressure transmitter PTFE coating on stainless steel 80 %
Example of temperature error calculation
ECTFE coating or PFA coating on 100 %
Existing conditions: stainless steel diaphragm
SITRANS P pressure transmitter for fRS = 0.05 mbar/10 K Gold coating on stainless steel dia- 40 %
differential pressure, 250 mbar, set (0.039 inH2O/10 K) phragm
to 0 ... 100 mbar, with DN 100 Inconel 50 %
remote seal diaphragms without
tube, diaphragm made of stainless Incoloy 50 %
steel, mat. No. 1.4404/316L
Maximum temperature of medium
Capillary length lCap = 6 m (19.7 ft)
Capillaries fitted on both sides fCap = 0.07 mbar/(10 K mCap)
(0.028 inH2O/(10 K mCap)) When taking into account the maximum medium temperature,
Filling liquid silicone oil M5 fPF = 0.07 mbar/10 K the application limits of the fill fluids and gaskets used as well as
(0.028 inH2O/10 K) the pressure/temperature limits of the respective process con-
nections must also be taken into consideration.
Process temperature RS = 100 °C (212 °F)
The following maximum temperatures of the medium apply de-
Temperature on the capillaries Cap = 50 °C (122 °F) pending on the material of the wetted parts.
Temperature on pressure TR = 50 °C (122 °F)
Material Max. medium Min./max. Pressure
transmitter temperature
Calibration temperature Cal = 20 °C (68 °F) Stainless steel, 400 °C (752 °F) No restrictions
mat. no. 1.4404/31L
Required: PTFE coating 200 °C (392 °F) < 0 bar (0 psi); gauge pressure
Additional temperature error of remote seals: dp 260 °C (500 °F) 0 bar (0 psi) ... 25 bar (363 psi);
gauge pressure
Calculation: 150 °C (302 °F) 25 bar (363 psi) ... 40 bar
(580 psi); gauge pressure
in mbar 50 °C (302 °F) 40 bar (580 psi) ... 60 bar
dp = (100 °C – 20 °C) 0.05 mbar/10 K + (50 °C – 20 °C) 6 m (870 psi); gauge pressure
0.07 mbar/(10 K m) + (50 °C – 20 °C) 0.07 mbar/10 K ECTFE coating 150 °C (302 °F) For pressures < 1 bar (14.5 psi)
on request
dp = 0.4 mbar + 1.26 mbar + 0.21 mbar PFA coating 200 °C (392 °F) < 0 bar (0 psi); gauge pressure
in inH2O 260 °C (500 °F) 25 bar (363 psi)/40 bar
(580 psi); gauge pressure
dp = (212 °F - 68 °F) · 0.039 inH2O/10 K + (112 °F - 68 °F) · 19.7 ft ·
0.028 inH2O/(10 K · 3.28 ft) + (112 °F - 68 °F) · (0.028 inH2O/10 K) 150 °C (302 °F) 40 bar (580 psi)/60 bar
(870 psi); gauge pressure
dp = 0.16 inH2O + 0.51 inH2O + 0.08 inH2O 50 °C (302 °F) For pressures < 1 bar (14.5 psi)
on request
Hastelloy C4, 400 °C (752 °F) No restrictions
Result: mat. no. 2.4610
dp = 1.87 mbar (0.75 inH2O) Hastelloy C276, 400 °C (752 °F) No restrictions
(corresponds to 2.27% of set measuring span) mat. no. 2.4819
Hastelloy C22, 400 °C (752 °F) No restrictions
Note mat. no. 2.4602
The determined temperature error only applies to the error resulting Monel 400, 400 °C (752 °F) No restrictions
from connection of the remote seal. mat. no. 2.4360
The transmission response of the respective transmitter is not included Tantalum 300 °C (572 °F) No restrictions
in this consideration. Duplex, 250 °C (482 °F) No restrictions
It must be calculated separately, and the resulting error added to the mat. no. 1.4462
error determined above from connection of the remote seal. Titanium 150 °C (302 °F) No restrictions
Inconel 400 °C (752 °F) No restrictions
Incoloy 400 °C (752 °F) No restrictions
Gold coating 400 °C (752 °F) No restrictions
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Technical description
Maximum capillary length for diaphragm seals 1
(guidance values)
Nom. diam. Max. length of capillary
Diaphragm seal Inline seal
m (ft) m (ft)
DN 25 (1 inch) 2.5 (8.2) 2.5 (8.2)
DN 32 (1¼ inch) 2.5 (8.2) 2.5 (8.2)
DN 40 (1½ inch) 4 (13.1) 6 (19.7)
DN 50 (2 inch) 6 (19.7) 10 (32.8)
DN 65 (2½ inch) 8 (26.2) 10 (32.8)
DN 80 (3 inch) 15 (49.1) 10 (32.8)
DN 100 (4 inch) 15 (49.1) 10 (32.8)
DN 125 (5 inch) 15 (49.1) - -
Response times
The values listed in the following table are the response times (in The response times are independent of the set measuring span
seconds per meter of capillary) for a change in pressure which within the range of the respective transmitter. The response
corresponds to the set measuring span. times are of insignificant importance for measuring spans above
10 bar (145 psi). The response times of the pressure transmitters
The listed values must be multiplied by the respective length of are not considered in the table.
the capillary, or with transmitters for differential pressure and flow
by the total length of both capillaries.
Filling liquid Density Temperature Response time in s/m (s/ft) with max. measuring span of pressure transmitter
on capillary
kg/dm3 (lb/in3) °C (°F) 250 mbar (101 inH2O) 600 mbar (241 inH2O) 1600 mbar (643 inH2O)
Silicone oil M5 0.914 (0.033) +60 (140) 0.06 (0.018) 0.02 (0.006) 0.01 (0.003)
+20 (68) 0.11 (0.034) 0.02 (0.006) 0.02 (0.006)
- 20 (-4) 0.3 (0.091) 0.12 (0.037) 0.05 (0.015)
Silicone oil M50 0.966 (0.035) +60 (140) 0.6 (0.183) 0.25 (0.076) 0.09 (0.027)
+20 (68) 0.61 (0.186) 0.26 (0.079) 0.1 (0.030)
- 20 (-4) 1.69 (0.515) 0.71 (0.216) 0.27 (0.082)
High-temperature oil 1.070 (0.039) +60 (140) 0.14 (0.043) 0.06 (0.018) 0.02 (0.006)
+20 (68) 0.65 (0.198) 0.27 (0.082) 0.1 (0.030)
-10 (14) 3.96 (1.207) 1.65 (0.503) 0.62 (0.189)
Halocarbon oil 1.968 (0.071) +60 (140) 0.07 (0.021) 0.03 (0.009) 0.01 (0.003)
+20 (68) 0.29 (0.088) 0.12 (0.037) 0.05 (0.015)
- 20 (-4) 2.88 (0.878) 1.2 (0.366) 0.45 (0.137)
Food oil (FDA listed) 0.920 (0.033) +60 (140) 0.75 (0.229) 0.33 (0.101) 0.17 (0.052)
+20 (68) 4 (1.220) 1.75 (0.534) 0.67 (0.204)
- 20 (-4) 20 (6.100) 8.5 (2.593) 3.25 (0.991)
Permissible data of filling liquids for pressure and temperature see diagrams on page 1/404 ff.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of sandwich design with flexible capillary
1 ■ Overview
■ Technical specifications
Diaphragm seals of sandwich design Sealing material in the process
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure
• For pressure transmitters, abso- Copper
• DN 50 PN 16 ... PN 400 lute pressure transmitters and
• DN 80 PN 16 ... PN 400 low-pressure applications
• DN 100 PN 16 ... PN 400 • For other applications Viton
• DN 125 PN 16 ... PN 400
• 2 inch Class 150 ... class 2500 Maximum pressure See above and the technical data of
the pressure transmitters
• 3 inch Class 150 ... class 2500
Tube length Without tube as standard (tube
• 4 inch Class 150 ... class 2500 available on request)
• 5 inch Class 150 ... class 2500 Capillary
Sealing surface • Length Max. 10 m (32.8 ft), longer lengths
on request
• For stainless steel, mat. No. To EN 1092-1, form B1 or
1.4404/316L ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA • Internal diameter max. 2 mm (0.079 inch)
• For the other materials To EN 1092-1, form B2 or • Minimum bending radius 150 mm (5.9 inch)
Filling liquid Silicone oil M5
Silicone oil M50
• Main body Stainless steel mat. no. 1.4404/316L
High-temperature oil
• Wetted parts Stainless steel mat. no. 1.4404/316L
Halocarbon oil (for measuring O2)
• Without coating
Food oil (FDA listed)
• PTFE coating
Permissible ambient temperature Dependent on the pressure trans-
• ECTFE coating (for vacuum on re- mitter and the filling liquid of the
quest) remote seal
• PFA coating More information can be found in
Monel 400, mat. No. 2.4360 the technical data of the pressure
transmitters and in the section
Hastelloy C276, mat. No. 2.4819 "Technical data of filling liquid" in the
Hastelloy C4, mat. No. 2.4602 Technical description to the remote
Hastelloy C22, mat. no. 2.4602
Tantalum Weight Approx. 4 kg (8.82 lb)
Titanium, mat. no. 3.7035 Certificate and approvals
Nickel 201 Classification according to pres- For gases of fluid group 1 and liq-
sure equipment directive uids of fluid group 1; complies with
Duplex 2205, mat. no. 1.4462 (DGRL 2014/68/EU) requirements of article 4,
Stainless steel 316L, gold plated, paragraph 3 (sound engineering
thickness approx. 25 m practice)
• Capillary Stainless steel, mat. No.
• Sheath Spiral protective tube made of stain-
less steel, mat. No. 1.4404/316L
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of sandwich design with flexible capillary
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord.code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord.code
Diaphragm seal Diaphragm seal
Sandwich-type design, with flexible capillary Sandwich-type design, with flexible capillary
connected to a SITRANS P transmitter connected to a SITRANS P transmitter
(order separately): (order separately):
for pressure 7MF2033-...; 7MF403.-... and 7MF 4 9 0 0 - for pressure 7MF2033-...; 7MF403.-... and 7MF 4 9 0 0 -
7MF423.-... together with Order code "V01" 7MF423.-... together with Order code "V01"
(Negative pressure service) and 7MF802.-...1); (Negative pressure service) and 7MF802.-...1);
Scope of delivery (1 off) Scope of delivery (1 off)
for absolute pressure 7MF433.-...; 7MF 4 9 0 1 - for absolute pressure 7MF433.-...; 7MF 4 9 0 1 -
Scope of delivery (1 off) Scope of delivery (1 off)
for differential pressure and flow 7MF 4 9 0 3 - for differential pressure and flow 7MF 4 9 0 3 -
7MF243.-...;7MF443.-... and 7MF54..-...; 7MF243.-...;7MF443.-... and 7MF54..-...;
scope of delivery 2 off scope of delivery 2 off
Click on the Article No. for the online configu- 1 7777 - 7B 777 1 7777 - 7B 777
ration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Customer-specific tubus length
Nominal diameter and nominal pressure Specify customer-specific length with Y44, see
• DN 25 Z J0A Order Code
• DN 40 Z J0B • Wetted parts materials: Stainless steel without foil
• DN 50 PN 16 ... 400 A Range Standard length
(recommended only for pressure transmitters
for pressure) 20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") A1
• DN 80 PN 16 ... 400 B 51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") A2
• DN 100 PN 16 ... 400 C 101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") A3
• DN 125 PN 16 ... 400 D 151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") A4
201 ... 250 mm (7.91 ... 9.84") 250 mm (9.84") A5
• 2 inch Class 150 ... 2500 E
(recommended only for pressure transmitters • Wetted parts materials: Stainless steel coated
for pressure) with ECTFE
• 3 inch Class 150 ... 2500 H Range Standard length
• 4 inch Class 150 ... 2500 L 20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") F1
• 5 inch Class 150 ... 2500 N 51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") F2
Smooth sealing surface to EN 1092-1, form B1 101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") F3
or to ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA 151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") F4
Other version Z J1Y 201 ... 250 mm (7.91 ... 9.84") 250 mm (9.84") F5
Add Order code and plain text:
Nominal diameter: ...; Nominal pressure: ... • Wetted parts materials: Stainless steel coated
Sealing surface: see "Technical data" with PFA
Wetted parts materials Range Standard length
• Stainless steel 316L 20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") D1
- without coating A 51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") D2
- with PTFE coating2) E0 101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") D3
- with ECTFE coating 2) 3) 4) 151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") D4
201 ... 250 mm (7.91 ... 9.84") 250 mm (9.84") D5
- with PFA coating 2) 4) D
• Monel 400, mat. No. 2.4360 G • Wetted parts materials: Monel 400
• Hastelloy C276, mat. No. 2.4819 J Range Standard length
• Hastelloy C4, mat. No. 2.4602 U0 20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") G1
• Hastelloy C22, mat. No. 2.4602 V0 51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") G2
• Tantalum K 101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") G3
• Titanium, mat. No. 3.7035 (max. 150 °C L0 151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") G4
(302 °F))
• Wetted parts materials: Hastelloy C276
• Nickel 201 (max. 260 °C (500 °F)) M0
Range Standard length
• Duplex 2205, mat. no. 1.4462 Q
• Duplex 2205, mat. no. 1.4462, incl. main body R 20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") J 1
• Stainless steel 316L, gold plated, S0 51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") J 2
thickness approx. 25 m 101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") J 3
Tube length 151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") J 4
• without tube 0 • Wetted parts materials: Tantalum
Other version: Z8 K1Y Range Standard length
Add Order code and plain text:
Wetted parts materials: ..., 20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") K1
Tube length: ... 51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") K2
101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") K3
151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") K4
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of sandwich design with flexible capillary
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord.code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Diaphragm seal Further designs
Sandwich-type design, with flexible capillary Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order
connected to a SITRANS P transmitter code.
(order separately):
Customer-specific tubus length Y44
for pressure 7MF2033-...; 7MF403.-... and 7MF 4 9 0 0 -
7MF423.-... together with Order code "V01" Select range,
(Negative pressure service) and 7MF802.-...1); enter desired length in plain text
Scope of delivery (1 off) (No entry = standard length)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of sandwich design with flexible capillary
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Further designs
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order
code. code.
Sealing surface smooth, form B2 or RFSF J11 PE protective tube
(Stainless steel diaphragm) over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
previously DIN 2501, form E (color: white)
Sealing surface B1 or J12 1.0 m (3.28 ft) N20
ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA 1.6 m (5.25 ft) N21
instead of sealing surface B2 or RFSF 2.0 m (6.56 ft) N22
(only for wetted parts made of Hastelloy C276
(2.4819), tantalum and Duplex 2205 (1.4462) 2.5 m (8.20 ft) N23
and for nominal sizes 2", 3", DN 50 and DN 80) 3.0 m (9.84 ft) N24
Sealing surface groove, EN 1092-1, form D J14 4.0 m (13.12 ft) N25
instead of sealing surface B1 (only for wetted 5.0 m (16.40 ft) N26
parts made of stainless steel 316L) 6.0 m (19.69 ft) N27
Sealing surface RJF (groove, previously RTJ) J24 7.0 m (22.97 ft) N28
ASME B16.5 8.0 m (26.25 ft) N29
instead of sealing surface 9.0 m (29.53 ft) N30
ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA
(only for wetted parts made of stainless steel 10.0 m (32.81 ft) N31
316L) only for 7MF4903-...
Sealing surface with spring according to 11.0 m (36.09 ft) N32
EN 1092-1, form C, (previously DIN 2512, 12.0 m (39.37 ft) N33
form F) in stainless steel 316L
13.0 m (42.65 ft) N34
DN 25 J30
DN 40 J31 14.0 m (45.93 ft) N35
DN 50 J32 15.0 m (49.21 ft) N36
DN 80 J33 PTFE protective tube
DN 100 J34 over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
DN 125 J35 (color: transparent)
Sealing surface with male face according to 1.0 m (3.28 ft) N40
EN 1092-1, form E (previously DIN 2512, form 1.6 m (5.25 ft) N41
V13) in stainless steel 316L 2.0 m (6.56 ft) N42
DN 25 J40
2.5 m (8.20 ft) N43
DN 40 J41
3.0 m (9.84 ft) N44
DN 50 J42
4.0 m (13.12 ft) N45
DN 80 J43
DN 100 J44 5.0 m (16.40 ft) N46
DN 125 J45 6.0 m (19.69 ft) N47
7.0 m (22.97 ft) N48
Sealing surface with female face according to
EN 1092-1, form F (previously DIN 2512, form 8.0 m (26.25 ft) N49
R13) in stainless steel 316L 9.0 m (29.53 ft) N50
DN 25 J50 10.0 m (32.81 ft) N51
DN 40 J51
only for 7MF4903-...
DN 50 J52
DN 80 J53 11.0 m (36.09 ft) N52
DN 100 J54 12.0 m (39.37 ft) N53
DN 125 J55 13.0 m (42.65 ft) N54
14.0 m (45.93 ft) N55
15.0 m (49.21 ft) N56
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of sandwich design with flexible capillary
1 Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order
PVC protective tube
over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
(color: black)
1.0 m (3.28 ft) N60
1.6 m (5.25 ft) N61
2.0 m (6.56 ft) N62
2.5 m (8.20 ft) N63
3.0 m (9.84 ft) N64
4.0 m (13.12 ft) N65
5.0 m (16.40 ft) N66
6.0 m (19.69 ft) N67
7.0 m (22.97 ft) N68
8.0 m (26.25 ft) N69
9.0 m (29.53 ft) N70
10.0 m (32.81 ft) N71
only for 7MF4903-...
11.0 m (36.09 ft) N72
12.0 m (39.37 ft) N73
13.0 m (42.65 ft) N74
14.0 m (45.93 ft) N75
15.0 m (49.21 ft) N76
Negative pressure service
for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
• gauge and absolute pressure from the pressu- V01
re series
• differential pressure V03
Extended negative pressure service
for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
• gauge and absolute pressure from the pressu- V51
re series
• differential pressure V53
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of sandwich design with flexible capillary
■ Dimensional drawings
b dM dM b
Ød 5
Ød 5
Ød 5
Handhold Ø16 (6.3)
Ø16 (6.3)
(5. 150
≥ .9)
R (5
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary
1 ■ Overview
■ Technical specifications
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary • Sheath Spiral protective tube made of
stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4301/304
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure
Sealing material in the process
• DN 50 (recommendable only for PN 10/16/25/40, PN 100 flanges
pressure transmitters for pressure)
• For pressure transmitters, absolute Copper
• DN 80 PN 10/16/25/40, PN 100 pressure transmitters and low-
• DN 100 PN 10/16, PN 25/40 pressure applications
• DN 125 PN 16, PN 40 • For other applications Viton
• 2 inch (recommendable only for Class 150, class 300, Maximum pressure See above and the technical data
pressure transmitters for pressure) class 400/600, class 900/1500 of the pressure transmitter
• 3 inch Class 150, class 300, class 600 Tube length Without tube as standard (tube
available on request)
• 4 inch Class 150, class 300, class 400
• 5 inch Class 150, class 300, class 400
• Length Max. 10 m (32.8 ft), longer
Sealing surface lengths on request
• For stainless steel, mat. To EN 1092-1, form B1 or • Internal diameter 2 mm (0.079 inch)
No. 1.4404/316L ASMR B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA
• Minimum bending radius 150 mm (5.9 inch)
• For the other materials To EN 1092-1, form B2 or
ASME B16.5 RFSF Filling liquid
Materials (for remote seals of sandwich and Silicone oil M5
flange design)
• Main body Stainless steel
mat. no. 1.4404/316L Silicone oil M50
• Wetted parts Stainless steel High-temperature oil
mat. no. 1.4404/316L Halocarbon oil (for measuring O2)
• Without coating Food oil (FDA listed)
• PTFE coating Permissible ambient temperature Dependent on the pressure trans-
• ECTFE coating (for vacuum mitter and the filling liquid of the
on request) remote seal
• PFA coating More information can be found in
the technical data of the pressure
Monel 400, mat. No. 2.4360 transmitters and in the section
"Technical data of filling liquid" in
Hastelloy C276, mat. No. 2.4819
the Technical description to the
Hastelloy C4, mat. No. 2.4602 remote seals
Hastelloy C22, W.-Nr. 2.4602 Weight Approx. 4 kg (8.82 lb)
Tantalum Certificate and approvals
Titanium, W.-Nr. 3.7035 Classification according to pressure For gases of fluid group 1 and liq-
Nickel 201 equipment directive uids of fluid group 1; complies
(DGRL 2014/68/EU) with requirements of article 4,
Duplex 2205, mat. no. 1.4462 paragraph 3 (sound engineering
Stainless steel 316L, gold plated, practice)
thickness approx. 25 m
• Capillary Stainless steel, mat.
No. 1.4404/316L
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code
Diaphragm seal Diaphragm seal
Flange design, with flexible capillary, connected Flange design, with flexible capillary, connected
to a pressure transmitter to a pressure transmitter
SITRANS P (order separately): SITRANS P (order separately):
for pressure 7MF2033-...; 7MF403.-... and 7MF 4 9 2 0 - for pressure 7MF2033-...; 7MF403.-... and 7MF 4 9 2 0 -
7MF423.-... (absolute pressure (gauge pressure 7MF423.-... (absolute pressure (gauge pressure
series) together with Order code "V01" (Negative series) together with Order code "V01" (Negative
pressure service) and 7MF802.-...1); pressure service) and 7MF802.-...1);
scope of delivery: 1 off scope of delivery: 1 off
for absolute pressure (differential pressure 7MF 4 9 2 1 - for absolute pressure (differential pressure 7MF 4 9 2 1 -
series 7MF433.-...; scope of delivery: 1 off series 7MF433.-...; scope of delivery: 1 off
for differential pressure and flow 7MF 4 9 2 3 - for differential pressure and flow 7MF 4 9 2 3 -
7MF243.-...; 7MF443.-... and 7MF54..-...; 7MF243.-...; 7MF443.-... and 7MF54..-...;
scope of delivery: 2 off scope of delivery: 2 off
Click on the Article No. for the online configu- 1 7777 - 7B 777 1 7777 - 7B 777
ration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Wetted parts materials
Nominal diameter and nominal pressure • Stainless steel 316L
• DN 25 PN 10/16/25/40 Z J 0A - without coating A
PN 63/100/160 Z J 0B - with PTFE coating E0
• DN 40 PN 10/16/25/40 Z J 0C - with ECTFE coating2) 3) F
PN 63/100 Z J 0D - with PFA coating 3) D
PN 160 Z J 0E • Monel 400, mat. No. 2.4360 G
• DN 50 PN 10/16/25/40 A • Hastelloy C276, mat. No. 2.4819 J
PN 100 B • Hastelloy C4, mat. No. 2.4602 U
(DN 50 recommended only for pressure • Hastelloy C22, mat. No. 2.4602 V0
transmitters for pressure)
• Tantalum K0
• DN 80 PN 10/16/25/40 D • Titanium, mat. No. 3.7035 (max. 150 °C L
PN 100 E (302 °F))
• DN 100 PN 10/16 G • Nickel 201 (max. 260 °C (500 °F)) M0
PN 25/40 H • Duplex 2205, mat. no. 1.4462 Q0
• DN 125
• Duplex 2205, mat. no. 1.4462, incl. main body R
PN 10/16 J
• Stainless steel 316L, gold plated, S0
PN 25/40 K thickness approx. 25 m
• 1 inch Class 150 Z J 6A
Class 300 Z J 6B
Class 400/600 Z J 6C
Class 900/1500 Z J 6D
• 1½ inch Class 150 Z J 6E
Class 300 Z J 6F
Class 400/600 Z J 6G
Class 900/1500 Z J 6H
• 2 inch Class 150 L
Class 300 M
Class 400/600 N
Class 900/1500 P
(2 inch recommended only for pressure
transmitters for pressure)
• 3 inch Class 150 Q
Class 300 R
Class 600 S
• 4 inch Class 150 T
Class 300 U
Class 400 V
• 5 inch Class 150 W
Class 300 X
Class 400 Y
• JIS DN 50 10 K 316L Z J 7A
20 K 316L Z J 7B
• JIS DN 80 10 K 316L Z J 7C
20 K 316L Z J 7D
Smooth sealing surface to EN 1092-1, form B1
or to ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA
Other version Z J1Y
Add Order code and plain text:
Nominal diameter: ...; Nominal pressure: ...
Sealing surface: See "Technical data"
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code
Diaphragm seal Diaphragm seal
Flange design, with flexible capillary, connected Flange design, with flexible capillary, connected
to a pressure transmitter to a pressure transmitter
SITRANS P (order separately): SITRANS P (order separately):
for pressure 7MF2033-...; 7MF403.-... and 7MF 4 9 2 0 - for pressure 7MF2033-...; 7MF403.-... and 7MF 4 9 2 0 -
7MF423.-... (absolute pressure (gauge pressure 7MF423.-... (absolute pressure (gauge pressure
series) together with Order code "V01" (Negative series) together with Order code "V01" (Negative
pressure service) and 7MF802.-...1); pressure service) and 7MF802.-...1);
scope of delivery: 1 off scope of delivery: 1 off
for absolute pressure (differential pressure 7MF 4 9 2 1 - for absolute pressure (differential pressure 7MF 4 9 2 1 -
series 7MF433.-...; scope of delivery: 1 off series 7MF433.-...; scope of delivery: 1 off
for differential pressure and flow 7MF 4 9 2 3 - for differential pressure and flow 7MF 4 9 2 3 -
7MF243.-...; 7MF443.-... and 7MF54..-...; 7MF243.-...; 7MF443.-... and 7MF54..-...;
scope of delivery: 2 off scope of delivery: 2 off
1 7777 - 7B 777 1 7777 - 7B 777
Tube length Filling liquid
• without tube 0 • Silicone oil M5 1
Other version: Z8 K1Y • Silicone oil M50 2
Add Order code and plain text: • High-temperature oil 3
Wetted parts materials: ..., • Halocarbon oil (for measuring O2)4) 4
Tube length: ... • Food oil (FDA listed) 7
Other version 9 M1 Y
Customer-specific tubus length
Add Order code and plain text:
Specify customer-specific length with Y44, see Filling liquid: ...
Order Code
Length of capillary5)
• Wetted parts materials: Stainless steel without foil
• 1.0 m (3.28 ft) 2
Range Standard length • 1.6 m (5.25 ft) 3
20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") A1 • 2.5 m (8.20 ft) 4
51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") A2 • 4.0 m (13.1 ft) 5
101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") A3 • 6.0 m (19.7 ft) 6
• 8.0 m (26.25 ft) 7
151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") A4
• 10.0 m (32.8 ft) 8
201 ... 250 mm (7.91 ... 9.84") 250 mm (9.84") A5
Special lengths for capillaries
• Wetted parts materials: Stainless steel coated
with ECTFE • 2.0 m (6.56 ft) 9 N1C
Range Standard length • 3.0 m (9.84 ft) 9 N1E
• 5.0 m (16.40 ft) 9 N1G
20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") F1
• 7.0 m (23.97 ft) 9 N1 J
51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") F2
• 9.0 m (29.53 ft) 9 N1L
101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") F3
151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") F4 only for 7MF4923-...
201 ... 250 mm (7.91 ... 9.84") 250 mm (9.84") F5 • 11.0 m (36.09 ft) 9 N1N
• Wetted parts materials: Stainless steel coated • 12.0 m (39.37 ft) 9 N1P
with PFA • 13.0 m (42.65 ft) 9 N1Q
Range Standard length • 14.0 m (45.93 ft) 9 N1R
20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") D1 • 15.0 m (49.21 ft) 9 N1S
51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") D2 1) With 7MF802.-... and the measuring cells Q, S, T and U also order the
101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") D3 negative pressure service.
2) For vacuum on request.
151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") D4
3) Only for use in non-hazardous atmospheres.
201 ... 250 mm (7.91 ... 9.84") 250 mm (9.84") D5
4) Oil- and grease- free cleaning to DIN 25410, level 2 and packaging
• Wetted parts materials: Monel 400 included in the scope of delivery. Refer to "Further designs" C10 and E10.
Range Standard length 5) Max. capillary length, see section "Technical description".
20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") G1
51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") G2
101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") G3
151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") G4
• Wetted parts materials: Hastelloy C276
Range Standard length
20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") J1
51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") J2
101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") J3
151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") J4
• Wetted parts materials: Tantalum
Range Standard length
20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") K1
51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") K2
101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") K3
151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") K4
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Further designs
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order
code. code.
Customer-specific tubus length Y44 Sealing surface smooth, form B2 or RFSF J11
(Stainless steel diaphragm)
Select range,
enter desired length in plain text previously DIN 2501, form E
(No entry = standard length) Sealing surface groove, EN 1092-1, form D J14
Spark arrestor instead of sealing surface B1 (only for wetted
With spark arrestor for mounting on zone 0 parts made of stainless steel 316L)
(including documentation) for transmitters for Sealing surface with spring according to
• pressure and absolute pressure A01 EN 1092-1, form C, (previously DIN 2512,
form F) in stainless steel 316L
• differential pressure A02 DN 25 J30
Remote seal nameplate B20 DN 40 J31
Attached out of stainless steel, contains MLFB DN 50 J32
and order number of the remote seal DN 80 J33
Oil- and grease-free cleaned version C10 DN 100 J34
Oil- and grease-free cleaned and packed ver- DN 125 J35
sion, not for oxygen application, only in conjunc-
tion with halocarbon oil fill fluid, certified by Sealing surface with male face according to
certificate acc. to EN 10204-2.2 EN 1092-1, form E (previously DIN 2512, form
V13) in stainless steel 316L
Quality Inspection Certificate (5-point charac- C11 DN 25 J40
teristic curve test) according to IEC 60770-2 DN 40 J41
Inspection certificate C12 DN 50 J42
to EN 10204, section 3.1 DN 80 J43
2.2 Certificate of FDA approval of fill oil C17 DN 100 J44
Only in conjunction with "Food-grade oil" fill liq- DN 125 J45
uid (FDA listed)" Sealing surface with female face according to
Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2") to C20 EN 1092-1, form F (previously DIN 2512, form
IEC 61508 R13) in stainless steel 316L
(Only in conjunction with the Order code "C20" DN 25 J50
in the case of SITRANS P DSIII transmitter) DN 40 J51
Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2/3") to C23 DN 50 J52
IEC 61508 DN 80 J53
(Only in conjunction with the Order code "C23" DN 100 J54
in the case of SITRANS P DSIII transmitter) DN 125 J55
Certification acc. to NACE MR-0175 D07 Sealing surface B1 or J12
Includes inspection certificate 3.1 according to ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA
EN 10204 (only for wetted parts made of stain- instead of sealing surface B2 or RFSF
less steel 1.4404/316L and Hastelloy C276) (only for wetted parts made of Hastelloy C276
(2.4819), tantalum and Duplex 2205 (1.4462)
Certification acc. to NACE MR-0103 D08 and for nominal sizes 2", 3", DN 50 and DN 80)
Includes inspection certificate 3.1 according to
EN 10204 (only for wetted parts made of stain- Sealing surface RJF (groove, previously RTJ) J24
less steel 1.4404/316L and Hastelloy C276) ASME B16.5
instead of sealing surface
Oil- and grease-free cleaned version E10 ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA (only for wetted
Oil- and grease-free cleaned and packed ver- parts made of stainless steel 316L)
sion, only for oxygen application, only inert fill
fluid may be used. Max. temperature: 60 °C
(140 °F), max. pressure 50 bar (725 psi), only in
connection with halocarbon oil, certified by certi-
ficate acc. to EN 10204-2.2
Epoxy painting E15
(not possible with negative pressure service
and not for 7MF4921-...)
Color: transparent, coverage: front and rear of
the remote seal, capillary(ies) or connecting
tube, process connection of the transmitter.
With transmitters 7MF40.. and 7MF42.., only
possible with process connection G½B accord-
ing to EN 837-1.
One-sided mounting on differential pressure
(only for 7MF4920-...)
on high-pressure side H10
on low-pressure side H11
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary
1 Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs PVC protective tube
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
code. (color: black)
Radial capillary pipe outlet 1.0 m (3.28 ft) N60
for one-sided mounting K01 1.6 m (5.25 ft) N61
for two-sided mounting K03 2.0 m (6.56 ft) N62
PE protective tube 2.5 m (8.20 ft) N63
over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries 3.0 m (9.84 ft) N64
(color: white) 4.0 m (13.12 ft) N65
1.0 m (3.28 ft) N20 5.0 m (16.40 ft) N66
1.6 m (5.25 ft) N21 6.0 m (19.69 ft) N67
2.0 m (6.56 ft) N22 7.0 m (22.97 ft) N68
2.5 m (8.20 ft) N23 8.0 m (26.25 ft) N69
3.0 m (9.84 ft) N24 9.0 m (29.53 ft) N70
4.0 m (13.12 ft) N25 10.0 m (32.81 ft) N71
5.0 m (16.40 ft) N26 only for 7MF4923-...
6.0 m (19.69 ft) N27
7.0 m (22.97 ft) N28 11.0 m (36.09 ft) N72
12.0 m (39.37 ft) N73
8.0 m (26.25 ft) N29 13.0 m (42.65 ft) N74
9.0 m (29.53 ft) N30
10.0 m (32.81 ft) N31 14.0 m (45.93 ft) N75
15.0 m (49.21 ft) N76
only for 7MF4923-...
Negative pressure service
11.0 m (36.09 ft) N32 for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
12.0 m (39.37 ft) N33 • gauge and absolute pressure from the pressu- V01
13.0 m (42.65 ft) N34 re series
14.0 m (45.93 ft) N35 • differential pressure V03
15.0 m (49.21 ft) N36 Extended negative pressure service
PTFE protective tube for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries • gauge and absolute pressure from the pressu- V51
(color: transparent) re series
• differential pressure V53
1.0 m (3.28 ft) N40
1.6 m (5.25 ft) N41
2.0 m (6.56 ft) N42
2.5 m (8.20 ft) N43
3.0 m (9.84 ft) N44
4.0 m (13.12 ft) N45
5.0 m (16.40 ft) N46
6.0 m (19.69 ft) N47
7.0 m (22.97 ft) N48
8.0 m (26.25 ft) N49
9.0 m (29.53 ft) N50
10.0 m (32.81 ft) N51
only for 7MF4923-...
11.0 m (36.09 ft) N52
12.0 m (39.37 ft) N53
13.0 m (42.65 ft) N54
14.0 m (45.93 ft) N55
15.0 m (49.21 ft) N56
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary
■ Dimensional drawings
Connection to EN 1092-1
b D
Nom. Nom. b D d2 d4 d5 dM f k n
f dM diam. press. mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
n x d2 DN 50 PN 10/1 20 165 18 102 48.3 451) 2 125 4
PN 100 28 195 26 102 48.3 451) 2 145 4
100 DN 80 PN 10/1 24 200 18 138 76 722) 2 160 8
Ød 5
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary
D b
dM f
n x d2
100 100
Ø16 (6.3)
(3.94) (3.94)
Ød 5
Ød 5
(5. 150 Handhold
9) Ø16 (6.3)
(5. 150
Diaphragm seals of flange design with flexible capillary for connection to SITRANS P pressure transmitters for absolute pressure or for differential pres-
sure and flow, dimensions in mm (inch)
Connection to EN 1092-1 Connection to ASME B16.5
Nom. Nom. b D d2 d4 d5 dM f k n Nom. Nom. b D d2 d4 d5 dM f k n
diam. press. mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm diam. press.
DN 80 PN 10/16 24 200 18 138 76 721) 2 160 8 lb/ mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
PN 100 32 230 26 138 76 721) 2 180 8 (inch (inch) (inch (inch (inch (inch (inch (inch
DN 100 PN 10/16 20 220 18 158 94 89 2 180 8 3 inch 24.3 190 20 127 76 721) 2 152.5 4
PN 25/40 24 235 22 162 94 89 2 190 8 (0.96) (7.48) (0.79) (5) (3) (2.83) (0.08) (6)
DN 125 PN 16 22 250 18 188 125 124 2 210 8 29 210 22 127 76 721) 2 168.5 8
PN 40 26 270 26 188 125 124 2 220 8 (1.14) (8.27) (0.87) (5) (3) (2.83) (0.08) (6.63)
38.8 210 22 127 76 721) 7 168.5 8
(1.52) (8.27) (0.87) (5) (3) (2.83) (0.28) (6.63)
4 inch 24.3 230 20 158 94 89 2 190.5 8
(0.96) (9.06) (0.79) (6.22) (3.69) (3.50) (0.08) (7.5)
32.2 255 22 158 94 89 2 200 8
(1.27) (10.04) (0.87) (6.22) (3.69) (3.50) (0.08) (7.87)
42 255 26 158 94 89 7 200 8
(1.65) (10.04) (1.02) (6.22) (3.69) (3.50) (0.28) (7.87)
5 inch 24.3 255 22 186 125 124 2 216 8
(0.96) (10.04) (0.87) (7.32) (4.92) (4.88) (0.08) (8.50)
35.8 280 22 186 125 124 2 235 8
(1.41) (11.02) (0.87) (7.32) (4.92) (4.88) (0.08) (9.25)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly on transmitter
■ Overview
■ Technical specifications
Diaphragm seals (flange design) for pressure and absolute pres- Maximum pressure See above and the technical data
sure, directly fitted on a transmitter of the transmitter
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure Tube length • Without tube
• DN 50 PN 10/16/25/40, PN 100 • 50 mm (1.97 inch)
• DN 80 PN 10/16/25/40, PN 100 • 100 mm (3.94 inch)
• 150 mm (5.91 inch)
• DN 100 PN 10/16, PN 25/40
• 200 mm (7.87 inch)
• 2 inch Class 150, class 300,
class 400/600, class 900/1500 Capillary
• 3 inch Class 150, class 300, class 600 • Length Max. 10 m (32.8 ft), longer
lengths on request
• 4 inch Class 150, class 300, class 400
• Internal diameter 2 mm (0.079 inch)
Sealing surface
• Minimum bending radius 150 mm (5.9 inch)
• For stainless steel, mat. No. To EN 1092-1, form B1 or ASME
1.4404/316L B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA Filling liquid • Silicone oil M5
• For the other materials Smooth to EN 1092-1, form B2 or • Silicone oil M50
ASME B16.5 RFSF • High-temperature oil
Materials • Halocarbon oil (for measuring
• Main body Stainless steel
• Food oil (FDA listed)
mat. no. 1.4404/316L
Max. recommended temperature of 170 °C (338 °F)
• Wetted parts Stainless steel
mat. no. 1.4404/316L
• Without coating Permissible ambient temperature Dependent on the pressure trans-
mitter and the filling liquid of the
• PTFE coating remote seal.
• ECTFE coating (for vacuum More information can be found in
on request) the technical data of the pressure
• PFA coating transmitters and in the section
"Technical data of filling liquid" in
Monel 400, mat. No. 2.4360 the Technical description to the
Hastelloy C276, mat. No. 2.4819 remote seals.
Hastelloy C4, mat. No. 2.4602 Weight Approx. 4 kg (8.82 lb)
Hastelloy C22, mat No. 2.4602 Certificate and approvals
Tantalum Classification according to For gases of fluid group 1 and liq-
Titanium, mat. No. 3.7035 pressure equipment directive uids of fluid group 1; complies
(DGRL 2014/68/EU) with requirements of article 4,
Nickel 201 paragraph 3 (sound engineering
Duplex 2205, mat. no. 1.4462 practice)
Stainless steel 316L, gold plated,
thickness approx. 25 m
• Capillary Stainless steel, mat.
No. 1.4404/316L
• Sealing material at the transmitter Copper
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly on transmitter
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code
Diaphragm seal 7MF 4 9 1 0 - Diaphragm seal 7MF 4 9 1 0 -
Directly fitted to a pressure transmitter 77777 777 Directly fitted to a pressure transmitter 77777 777
SITRANS P for pressure 7MF2033-...; SITRANS P for pressure 7MF2033-...;
7MF403.-... and 7MF423.-... together with Order 7MF403.-... and 7MF423.-... together with Order
code "V01" (Negative pressure service) and code "V01" (Negative pressure service) and
7MF802.-...1); must be ordered separately 7MF802.-...1); must be ordered separately
Click on the Article No. for the online configu- Wetted parts materials
ration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. • Stainless steel 316L
Process connection - without coating A
• Vertical (pressure transmitter upright) 0 - with PTFE coating E0
• Horizontal 2 - with ECTFE coating2) 3) F
Nominal diameter and nominal pressure - with PFA coating 3) D
DN 25 PN 10/16/25/40 Z J 0A • Monel 400, mat. No. 2.4360 G
PN 63/100/160 Z J 0B • Hastelloy C276, mat. No. 2.4819 J
DN 40 PN 10/16/25/40 Z J 0C • Hastelloy C4, mat. No. 2.4602 U
PN 63/100 Z J 0D • Hastelloy C22, mat. No. 2.4602 V0
PN 160 Z J 0E • Tantalum K
• DN 50 PN 10/16/25/40 A • Titanium, mat. No. (max. 150 °C (302 °F)) L0
PN 100 B • Nickel 201 (max. 260 °C (500 °F)) M0
• Duplex 2205, W.-Nr. 1.4462 Q
• DN 80 PN 10/16/25/40 D
• Stainless steel 316L, gold plated, S0
PN 100 E thickness approx. 25 m
• DN 100 PN 10/16 G Tube length
PN 25/40 H • Without tube 0
1 inch class 150 Z J 6A
Other version: Z8 K1Y
class 300 Z J 6B
Add Order code and plain text:
class 400/600 Z J 6C Wetted parts materials: ...,
class 900/1500 Z J 6D Tube length: ...
1½ inch class 150 Z J 6E
class 300 Z J 6F
class 400/600 Z J 6G
class 900/1500 Z J 6H
• 2 inch Class 150 L
Class 300 M
Class 400/600 N
Class 900/1500 P
• 3 inch Class 150 Q
Class 300 R
Class 600 S
• 4 inch Class 150 T
Class 300 U
Class 400 V
JIS DN 50 10 K 316L Z J 7A
20 K 316L Z J 7B
JIS DN 80 10 K 316L Z J 7C
20 K 316L Z J 7D
Smooth sealing surface to DIN 1092-01, form B1
or B2, or to ASME B16.5 125 ... 250 AA or RFSF
Other version Z J1Y
Add Order code and plain text:
Nominal diameter: ...; Nominal pressure: ...
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly on transmitter
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Diaphragm seal 7MF 4 9 1 0 - Further designs
Directly fitted to a pressure transmitter 77777 777 Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order
SITRANS P for pressure 7MF2033-...; code.
7MF403.-... and 7MF423.-... together with Order
code "V01" (Negative pressure service) and Customer-specific tubus length Y44
7MF802.-...1); must be ordered separately Select range,
Customer-specific tubus length enter desired length in plain text
(No entry = standard length)
Specify customer-specific length with Y44, see
Order Code Spark arrestor A01
• Wetted parts materials: Stainless steel without foil With spark arrestor for mounting on zone 0
(including documentation) for transmitters for
Range Standard length gauge pressure and absolute pressure
20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") A1 Remote seal nameplate B20
51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") A2 Attached out of stainless steel, contains MLFB
101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") A3 and order number of the remote seal
151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") A4 Oil- and grease-free cleaned version C10
201 ... 250 mm (7.91 ... 9.84") 250 mm (9.84") A5 Oil- and grease-free cleaned and packed ver-
• Wetted parts materials: Stainless steel coated sion, not for oxygen application, only in conjunc-
with ECTFE tion with halocarbon oil fill fluid, certified by
Range Standard length certificate acc. to EN 10204-2.2
20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") F1 Quality Inspection Certificate (5-point charac- C11
teristic curve test) according to IEC 60770-2
51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") F2
101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") F3 Inspection certificate C12
151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") F4 to EN 10204, section 3.1
201 ... 250 mm (7.91 ... 9.84") 250 mm (9.84") F5 2.2 Certificate of FDA approval of fill oil C17
• Wetted parts materials: Stainless steel coated with Only in conjunction with "Food-grade oil" fill liq-
PFA uid (FDA listed)"
Range Standard length Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2") to C20
20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") D1 IEC 61508
51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") D2 (Only in conjunction with the Order code "C20"
in the case of SITRANS P DSIII transmitter)
101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") D3
151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") D4 Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2/3") to C23
201 ... 250 mm (7.91 ... 9.84") 250 mm (9.84") D5 IEC 61508
(Only in conjunction with the Order code "C23"
• Wetted parts materials: Monel 400 in the case of SITRANS P DSIII transmitter)
Range Standard length
Certification acc. to NACE MR-0175 D07
20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") G1 Includes inspection certificate 3.1 according to
51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") G2 EN 10204 (only for wetted parts made of stain-
101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") G3 less steel 1.4404/316L and Hastelloy C276)
151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") G4 Certification acc. to NACE MR-0103 D08
• Wetted parts materials: Hastelloy C276 Includes inspection certificate 3.1 according to
Range Standard length EN 10204 (only for wetted parts made of stain-
less steel 1.4404/316L and Hastelloy C276)
20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") J 1 Oil- and grease-free cleaned version E10
51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") J 2
Oil- and grease-free cleaned and packed ver-
101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") J 3 sion, only for oxygen application, only inert fill
151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") J 4 fluid may be used. Max. temperature: 60 °C
• Wetted parts materials: Tantalum (140 °F), max. pressure 50 bar (725 psi), only in
connection with halocarbon oil, certified by certi-
Range Standard length ficate acc. to EN 10204-2.2
20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") K1 Epoxy painting E15
51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") K2 Not possible with negative pressure service
101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") K3
Color: transparent, coverage: front and rear of
151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") K4 the remote seal, capillary(ies) or connecting
Filling liquid tube, process connection of the transmitter.
• Silicone oil M5 1 With transmitters 7MF40.. and 7MF42.., only
possible with process connection G½B accord-
• Silicone oil M50 2 ing to EN 837-1.
• High-temperature oil 3
• Halocarbon oil (for measuring O2)4) 4
• Food oil (FDA listed) 7
Other version 9 M1 Y
Add Order code and plain text:
Filling liquid: ...
1) With 7MF802.-... and the measuring cells Q, S, T and U also order negative
pressure service.
2) For vacuum on request.
3) Only for use in non-hazardous atmospheres.
4) Oil- and grease- free cleaning to DIN 25410, level 2 and packaging
included in the scope of delivery. Refer to "Further designs" C10 and E10.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly on transmitter
1 Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Further designs
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order
code. code.
Sealing surface smooth, form B2 or RFSF J11 Elongated pipe R20
(Stainless steel diaphragm) 200 mm instead of 89 mm,
previously DIN 2501, form E max. medium temperature 300 °C, observe the
maximum permissible media temperature of the
Sealing surface groove, EN 1092-1, form D J14 filling liquid.
instead of sealing surface B1 (only for wetted
parts made of stainless steel 316L) Elongated pipe elbow R21
200 mm instead of 130 mm,
Sealing surface with spring according to max. medium temperature 300 °C, observe the
EN 1092-1, form C, (previously DIN 2512, maximum permissible media temperature of the
form F) in stainless steel 316L filling liquid.
DN 25 J30 Cooling element R22
DN 40 J31 max. medium temperature 300 °C, observe the
DN 50 J32 maximum permissible media temperature of the
DN 80 J33 filling liquid.
DN 100 J34 Negative pressure service
DN 125 J35 for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
Sealing surface with male face according to • gauge and absolute pressure from the pressu- V01
EN 1092-1, form E (previously DIN 2512, form re series
V13) in stainless steel 316L Extended negative pressure service
DN 25 J40 for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
DN 40 J41 • gauge and absolute pressure from the pressu- V51
DN 50 J42 re series
DN 80 J43
DN 100 J44
DN 125 J45
Sealing surface with female face according to
EN 1092-1, form F (previously DIN 2512, form
R13) in stainless steel 316L
DN 25 J50
DN 40 J51
DN 50 J52
DN 80 J53
DN 100 J54
DN 125 J55
Sealing surface B1 or J12
ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA
Instead of sealing surface B2 and RFSF
(Only for wetted parts in Hastelloy C276
(2.4819), Tantal and Duplex 2205 (1.4462) and
for sizes 2", 3", DN 50 and DN 80)
Sealing surface RJF (groove, previously RTJ) J24
ASME B16.5
instead of sealing surface
ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA
(only for wetted parts made of stainless steel
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly on transmitter
198 (7.8)
Cooling 48.3 451)
215 (8.46) 2)
PN 100 28 195 26 102 2 145 4
DN 80 PN 10/16/ 24 200 18 138 76 721) 2 160 8
95 (3.74)
Nom. Nom. b D d2 d4 d5 dM f k n
Ød 5 diam. press.
f 600
(1.28) (6.5) (0.79) (3.62) (1.9) (1.77)1) (0.28) (5)
900/ 45.1 215 26 92 48.3 451) 7 165 8
(1.78) (8.46) (1.02) (3.62) (1.9) (1.77)1) (0.28) (6.5)
3 inch 150 24.3 190 20 127 76 722) 2 152.5 4
(0.96) (7.48) (0.79) (5) (3) (2.83)2) (0.08) (6)
Ød 5
213 (8.39) 3) (1.14) (8.27) (0.87) (5) (3) (2.83)2) (0.08) (6.63)
248 (9.76) 4) 600 38.8 210 22 127 76 722) 7 168.5 8
(1.53) (8.27) (0.87) (5) (3) (2.83)2) (0.28) (6.63)
n x d2
4 inch 150 24.3 230 20 158 94 89 2 190.5 8
Horizontal process (0.96) (9.06) (0.79) (6.22) (3.69) (3.50) (0.08) (7.5)
connection 300 32.2 255 22 158 94 89 2 200 8
200 (7.9) with option R20, 278 (11.0) with cooling element opt. R22) (1.27) (10.04) (0.79) (6.22) (3.69) (3.50) (0.08) (7.87)
324 (12.8) with option R20, 326 (12.9) with cooling element opt. R22) 400 42 255 26 158 94 89 7 200 8
283 (11.14) with option R21
318 (12.52) with option R21 (1.65) (10.04) (1.02) (6.22) (3.69) (3.50) (0.28) (7.87)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly and with capillary
1 ■ Overview
■ Technical specifications
Diaphragm seals of screwed design for pressure transmitters for Sealing material in the process
differential pressure, fixed connection and with flexible capillary flanges
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure • For pressure transmitters, absolute Copper
pressure transmitters and low-
• DN 50 PN 10/16/25/40, PN 100 pressure applications
• DN 80 PN 10/16/25/40 • For other applications Viton
• DN 100 PN 10/16, PN 25/40 Maximum pressure See above and the technical data
• 2 inch Class 150, class 300, of the pressure transmitter
class 400/600, class 900/1500
Tube length Without tube
• 3 inch Class 150, class 300
50 mm (1.97 inch)
• 4 inch Class 150, class 300
100 mm (3.94 inch)
Sealing surface 150 mm (5.91 inch)
• For stainless steel, mat. To EN 1092-1, form B1 or 200 mm (7.87 inch)
No. 1.4404/316L ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA
• For the other materials To EN 1092-1, form B2 or Capillary
ASME B16.5 RFSF • Length Max. 10 m (32.8 ft), longer
lengths on request
• Internal diameter 2 mm (0.079 inch)
• Main body Stainless steel mat. no.
1.4404/316L • Minimum bending radius 150 mm (5.9 inch)
• Wetted parts Stainless steel mat. no. Filling liquid Silicone oil M5
1.4404/316L Silicone oil M50
• Without coating High-temperature oil
• PTFE coating Halocarbon oil (for measuring O2)
• ECTFE coating (for vacuum on Food oil (FDA listed)
Max. recommended temperature of 170 °C (338 °F)
• PFA coating medium
Monel 400, mat. No. 2.4360 Permissible ambient temperature Dependent on the pressure trans-
Hastelloy C276, mat. No. 2.4819 mitter and the filling liquid of the
remote seal
Hastelloy C4, mat. No. 2.4602
More information can be found in
Hastelloy C22, W.-Nr. 2.4602 the technical data of the pressure
Tantalum transmitters and in the section
"Technical data of filling liquid" in
Titanium, W.-Nr. 3.7035 the Technical description to the
Nickel 201 remote seals
Duplex 2205, mat. no. 1.4462 Weight Approx. 4 kg (8.82 lb)
Stainless steel 316L, gold plated, Certificate and approvals
thickness approx. 25 m
Classification according to pressure For gases of fluid group 1 and liq-
• Capillary Stainless steel, mat. equipment directive uids of fluid group 1; complies
No. 1.4571/316Ti
(DGRL 2014/68/EU) with requirements of article 4,
• Sheath Spiral protective tube made of paragraph 3 (sound engineering
stainless steel, mat. practice)
No. 1.4404/316L
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly and with capillary
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code
Diaphragm seal 7MF 4 9 1 3 - Diaphragm seal 7MF 4 9 1 3 -
Mounting flange (with tube as option) for 1 7777 - 7B 777 Mounting flange (with tube as option) for 1 7777 - 7B 777
direct mounting to high-pressure side and direct mounting to high-pressure side and
flanged remote seal without tube, fitted by flanged remote seal without tube, fitted by
means of capillary to low-pressure side of means of capillary to low-pressure side of
SITRANS P for differential pressure; SITRANS P for differential pressure;
SITRANS P DS III series and P410 (7MF443.-...) SITRANS P DS III series and P410 (7MF443.-...)
and SITRANS P500 (7MF54..-...) and SITRANS P500 (7MF54..-...)
Click on the Article No. for the online configu- Wetted parts materials
ration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. Smooth sealing surface to EN 1092-1, form B1
Flange, connection to EN 1092-1 or B2, or to ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA or
Nominal diameter and nominal pressure
• Stainless steel 316L
• DN 25 PN 10/16/25/40 Z J0A
- without coating A
PN 63/100/160 Z J0B
- with PTFE coating E0
• DN 40 PN 10/16/25/40 Z J0C
PN 63/100 Z J0D - with ECTFE coating1) 2) F
PN 160 Z J0E - with PFA coating 2) D
• DN 50 PN 10/16/25/40 A • Monel 400, mat. No. 2.4360 G
PN 100 B • Hastelloy C276, mat. No. 2.4819 J
• DN 80 PN 10/16/25/40 D • Hastelloy C4, mat. No. 2.4602 U
• DN 100 PN 10/16 G • Hastelloy C22, mat. No. 2.4602 V0
PN 25/40 H • Tantalum K
Flange, connection to ASME B16.5 • Titanium, mat. No. 3.7035 (max. 150 °C L0
(302 °F))
Nominal diameter and nominal pressure
• Nickel 201 (max. 260 °C (500 °F)) M0
• 1 inch Class 150 Z J6A
• Duplex, mat. no. 1.4462 Q
Class 300 Z J6B
• Duplex, mat. no. 1.4462, incl. main body R
Class 400/600 Z J6C
• Stainless steel 316L, gold plated, S0
Class 900/1500 Z J6D thickness approx. 25 m
• 1½ inch Class 150 Z J6E
Class 300 Z J6F
Class 400/600 Z J 6G
Class 900/1500 Z J6H
• 2 inch Class 150 L
Class 300 M
Class 400/600 N
Class 900/1500 P
• 3 inch Class 150 Q
Class 300 R
• 4 inch Class 150 T
Class 300 U
Flange acc. to JIS
Nominal diameter and nominal pressure
• JIS DN 50 10 K 316L Z J7A
20 K 316L Z J7B
• JIS DN 80 10 K 316L Z J7C
20 K 316L Z J7D
Other version Z J1Y
Add Order code and plain text:
Flange: ..., Nominal diameter: ...; Nominal
pressure: ...
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly and with capillary
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code
Diaphragm seal 7MF 4 9 1 3 - Diaphragm seal 7MF 4 9 1 3 -
Mounting flange (with tube as option) for 1 7777 - 7B 777 Mounting flange (with tube as option) for 1 7777 - 7B 777
direct mounting to high-pressure side and direct mounting to high-pressure side and
flanged remote seal without tube, fitted by flanged remote seal without tube, fitted by
means of capillary to low-pressure side of means of capillary to low-pressure side of
SITRANS P for differential pressure; SITRANS P for differential pressure;
SITRANS P DS III series and P410 (7MF443.-...) SITRANS P DS III series and P410 (7MF443.-...)
and SITRANS P500 (7MF54..-...) and SITRANS P500 (7MF54..-...)
Tube length Filling liquid
(for mounting flange on high-pressure side) • Silicone oil M5 1
• Without tube 0 • Silicone oil M50 2
Other version: Z8 K1Y • High-temperature oil 3
Add Order code and plain text: • Halocarbon oil (for measuring O2)3) 4
Wetted parts materials: ......, • Food oil (FDA listed) 7
Tube length: ...
Other version 9 M1 Y
Customer-specific tubus length Add Order code and plain text:
Specify customer-specific length with Y44, see Filling liquid: ...
Order Code Length of capillary4)
• Wetted parts materials: Stainless steel without foil • 1.0 m (3.28 ft) 2
Range Standard length • 1.6 m (5.25 ft) 3
20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") A1 • 2.5 m (8.20 ft) 4
51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") A2 • 4.0 m (13.1 ft) 5
101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") A3 • 6.0 m (19.7 ft) 6
151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") A4 • 8.0 m (26.25 ft) 7
201 ... 250 mm (7.91 ... 9.84") 250 mm (9.84") A5 • 10.0 m (32.8 ft) 8
• Wetted parts materials: Stainless steel coated Special lengths for capillaries
with ECTFE
• 2.0 m (6.56 ft) 9 N1C
Range Standard length
• 3.0 m (9.84 ft) 9 N1E
20 ... 50 mm (0.79 ... 1.97") 50 mm (1.97") F1 • 5.0 m (16.40 ft) 9 N1G
51 ... 100 mm (2.01 ... 3.94") 100 mm (3.94") F2 • 7.0 m (23.97 ft) 9 N1 J
101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91") 150 mm (5.91") F3 • 9.0 m (29.53 ft) 9 N1L
151 ... 200 mm (5.94 ... 7.87") 200 mm (7.87") F4
1) For vacuum on request.
201 ... 250 mm (7.91 ... 9.84") 250 mm (9.84") F5
2) Only for use in non-hazardous atmospheres.
• Wetted parts materials: Stainless steel coated 3) Oil- and grease- free cleaning to DIN 25410, level 2 and packaging
with PFA included in the scope of delivery. Refer to "Further designs" C10 and E10.
Range Standard length 4) Max. capillary length, see section "Technical description".
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly and with capillary
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Further designs
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order
code. code.
Customer-specific tubus length Y44 Sealing surface smooth, form B2 or RFSF J11
(Stainless steel diaphragm)
Select range,
enter desired length in plain text previously DIN 2501, form E
(No entry = standard length) Sealing surface groove, EN 1092-1, form D J14
Spark arrestor A02 instead of sealing surface B1 (only for wetted
With spark arrestor for mounting on zone 0 parts made of stainless steel 316L)
(including documentation) Sealing surface with spring according to
Remote seal nameplate B20 EN 1092-1, form C, (previously DIN 2512,
Attached out of stainless steel, contains MLFB form F) in stainless steel 316L
and order number of the remote seal DN 25 J30
Oil- and grease-free cleaned version C10 DN 40 J31
Oil- and grease-free cleaned and packed ver- DN 50 J32
sion, not for oxygen application, only in conjunc- DN 80 J33
tion with halocarbon oil fill fluid, certified by DN 100 J34
certificate acc. to EN 10204-2.2 DN 125 J35
Quality Inspection Certificate (5-point charac- C11 Sealing surface with male face according to
teristic curve test) according to IEC 60770-2 EN 1092-1, form E (previously DIN 2512,
Inspection certificate C12 form V13) in stainless steel 316L
to EN 10204, section 3.1 DN 25 J40
DN 40 J41
2.2 Certificate of FDA approval of fill oil C17 DN 50 J42
Only in conjunction with "Food-grade oil" fill liq- DN 80 J43
uid (FDA listed)"
DN 100 J44
Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2") to C20 DN 125 J45
IEC 61508
(Only in conjunction with the Order code "C20" Sealing surface with female face according to
in the case of SITRANS P DSIII transmitter) EN 1092-1, form F (previously DIN 2512,
form R13) in stainless steel 316L
Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2/3") to C23 DN 25 J50
IEC 61508
DN 40 J51
(Only in conjunction with the Order code "C23"
DN 50 J52
in the case of SITRANS P DSIII transmitter)
DN 80 J53
Certification acc. to NACE MR-0175 D07 DN 100 J54
Includes inspection certificate 3.1 according to DN 125 J55
EN 10204 (only for wetted parts made of stain-
less steel 1.4404/316L and Hastelloy C276) Sealing surface B1 or J12
ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA
Certification acc. to NACE MR-0103 D08
Instead of sealing surface B2 and RFSF
Includes inspection certificate 3.1 according to (Only for wetted parts in Hastelloy C276
EN 10204 (only for wetted parts made of stain- (2.4819), Tantal and Duplex 2205 (1.4462) and
less steel 1.4404/316L and Hastelloy C276) for sizes 2", 3", DN 50 and DN 80)
Oil- and grease-free cleaned version E10 Sealing surface RJF (groove, previously RTJ) J24
Oil- and grease-free cleaned and packed ver- ASME B16.5
sion, only for oxygen application, only inert fill instead of sealing surface
fluid may be used. Max. temperature: 60 °C ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA
(140 °F), max. pressure 50 bar (725 psi), only in (only for wetted parts made of stainless steel 316L)
connection with halocarbon oil, certified by certi-
ficate acc. to EN 10204-2.2
Epoxy painting E15
Not possible with negative pressure service.
Color: transparent, coverage: front and rear of
the remote seal, capillary(ies) or connecting
tube, process connection of the transmitter.
With transmitters 7MF40.. and 7MF42.., only
possible with process connection G½B accord-
ing to EN 837-1.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly and with capillary
1 Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Further designs
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order
code. code.
Radial capillary pipe outlet PVC protective tube
for one-sided mounting K01 over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
(color: black)
PE protective tube
over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries 1.0 m (3.28 ft) N60
(color: white) 1.6 m (5.25 ft) N61
1.0 m (3.28 ft) N20 2.0 m (6.56 ft) N62
1.6 m (5.25 ft) N21 2.5 m (8.20 ft) N63
2.0 m (6.56 ft) N22 3.0 m (9.84 ft) N64
2.5 m (8.20 ft) N23 4.0 m (13.12 ft) N65
3.0 m (9.84 ft) N24 5.0 m (16.40 ft) N66
4.0 m (13.12 ft) N25 6.0 m (19.69 ft) N67
5.0 m (16.40 ft) N26 7.0 m (22.97 ft) N68
6.0 m (19.69 ft) N27 8.0 m (26.25 ft) N69
7.0 m (22.97 ft) N28 9.0 m (29.53 ft) N70
8.0 m (26.25 ft) N29 10.0 m (32.81 ft) N71
9.0 m (29.53 ft) N30 Elongated pipe, distance from transmitter R15
10.0 m (32.81 ft) N31 process flange to flange is 150 mm instead of
100 mm,
PTFE protective tube max. medium temperature 250 °C, observe the
over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries maximum permissible media temperature of the
(color: transparent) filling liquid.
1.0 m (3.28 ft) N40 Elongated pipe, distance from transmitter R20
1.6 m (5.25 ft) N41 process flange to flange is 100 mm instead of
2.0 m (6.56 ft) N42 100 mm,
max. medium temperature 300 °C, observe the
2.5 m (8.20 ft) N43 maximum permissible media temperature of the
3.0 m (9.84 ft) N44 filling liquid.
4.0 m (13.12 ft) N45 Negative pressure service
5.0 m (16.40 ft) N46 for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
6.0 m (19.69 ft) N47 • differential pressure V03
7.0 m (22.97 ft) N48 Extended negative pressure service
8.0 m (26.25 ft) N49 for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
9.0 m (29.53 ft) N50 • differential pressure V53
10.0 m (32.81 ft) N51
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seals of flange design mounted directly and with capillary
R ≥ 150
DN 80 PN 10/16/ 24 200 18 138 76 722) 2 160 8
100 25/40
(3.94) PN 100 32 230 26 138 76 722) 2 180 8
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seal, screwed design, mounted directly or/and with capillary
1 ■ Overview
Diaphragm seal, screwed gland design with inside diaphragm for gauge, Process connection: open measurement flange
absolute and differential pressure for direct mounting
■ Technical specifications
Diaphragm seal, screwed gland with inside diaphragm Capillary
Process connection Nominal pressure • Length Max. 10 m (32.8 ft)
• Male thread G½B to EN 837-1 PN 100, PN 250 • Internal diameter 2 mm (0.079 inch)
• External thread ½-14" NPT-M PN 100, PN 250 • Minimum bending radius 150 mm (5.9 inch)
• open measurement flange • Sheath Stainless steel protective tube,
mat. No. 1.4301/304
- DN 25 PN 10 ... PN 40
Filling liquid • Silicone oil M5
- 1 inch Class 150, class 300
• Silicone oil M50
Sealing surface for open measure-
ment flange • High-temperature oil
• Halocarbon oil
• For stainless steel, mat. no. To EN 1092-1, form B1 or (for measuring O2)
1.4404/316L ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA
• Food oil (FDA listed)
Max. recommended temperature of 170 °C (338 °F)
• Lower section (in the case of pro- Stainless steel, Mat. no. medium
cess connection thread) 1.4404/316L
Permissible ambient temperature Dependent on the pressure
• Diaphragm Stainless steel, Mat. no. transmitter and the filling liquid
1.4404/316L of the remote seal
• No coating More information can be found in
the technical specifications of the
• With PTFE coating pressure transmitters and in the
Monel 400, mat. no. 2.4360 section "Technical data of filling
liquid" in the introduction to the
Hastelloy C276, mat. no. 2.4819 remote seals
Hastelloy C4, mat. no. 2.4602 Weight Approx. 1.5 kg (3.3 lb)
Tantal Certificates and approvals
Stainless steel 316L, gold plated, Classification according to For gases of fluid group 1 and liq-
thickness approx. 25 m pressure equipment directive uids of fluid group 1; complies
• Top section (process connection Stainless steel, mat. no. (PED 2014/68/EU) with requirements of article 4,
in the case of an open measure- 1.4404/316L paragraph 3 (sound engineering
ment flange) practice)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seal, screwed design, mounted directly or/and with capillary
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. Code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. Code
Remote seal, screwed gland with inside Remote seal, screwed gland with inside
diaphragm diaphragm
Mounted on SITRANS P pressure transmitter 7MF 4 9 3 0 - Mounted on SITRANS P pressure transmitter 7MF 4 9 3 0 -
for for
• gauge pressure • gauge pressure
7MF2033-...; 7MF403.-... and SITRANS P300, 7MF2033-...; 7MF403.-... and SITRANS P300,
7MF802.-... 7MF802.-...
• absolute pressure • absolute pressure
7MF423.-... and SITRANS P300, 7MF802.-... 7MF423.-... and SITRANS P300, 7MF802.-...
In conjunction with Order code "V01" (vacuum- In conjunction with Order code "V01" (vacuum-
proof design) proof design)
Mounted on either side of SITRANS P 7MF 4 9 3 3 - Mounted on either side of SITRANS P 7MF 4 9 3 3 -
pressure transmitter for pressure transmitter for
• differential pressure 7MF243.-...; 7MF443.-... • differential pressure 7MF243.-...; 7MF443.-...
and 7MF54..-... and 7MF54..-...
Click on the Article No. for the online configu- 77777 - 7B 777 77777 - 7B 777
ration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Sealing material between top and bottom
Type section
• no flushing hole 1 FKM (standard with diaphragm and 316L pro- 1
• with flushing hole 1x 1/8 NPT unsealed (only 2 cess connection)
with process connection 316L) PTFE (standard with custom material with max. 2
Other version, add 9 H1Y 260 °C (500 °F))
Order code and plain text: Metal C- circlip, silver coated for > 260 °C 3
Version: ... (500 °F)) incl. high temperature-resistant
screwed gland
Process connection version
Filling liquid
Lower flange Process Nominal diam-
material connection eter and pres- • Silicone oil M5 1
sure level • Silicone oil M50 2
• High-temperature oil 3
316L/1.4404 Thread G½B/PN100 B
316L/1.4404 Thread G½B/PN250 C • Halocarbon oil (for measuring O2)2) 4
316L/1.4404 Thread ½NPT-M/PN100 E • Food oil (FDA-listed) 7
316L/1.4404 Thread ½NPT-M/PN250 F Other version, add 9 M1 Y
316L/1.4404 Thread ½NPT-F/PN100 H Order code and plain text:
filling liquid: ...
316L/1.4404 Thread ½NPT-F/PN250 J
Capillary length3)
316L/1.4404 open measure- DN 25/ N
ment flange PN 10 ... 40 • none, direct mounting 0
316L/1.4404 open measure- 1"/Class 150 P • none, direct mounting with cooling element 1
ment flange (not in conjunction with transmitter for differen-
tial pressure)
316L/1.4404 open measure- 1"/Class 300 Q
ment flange • 1.0 m (3.28 ft) 2
• 1.6 m (5.25 ft) 3
PTFE1) Thread G½B/PN100 T • 2.5 m (8.20 ft) 4
PTFE1) open measure- DN 25/ U • 4.0 m (13.1 ft) 5
ment flange PN 10 ... 40
• 6.0 m (19.7 ft) 6
PTFE1) open measure- 1"/Class 150 V
ment flange • 8.0 m (26.25 ft) 7
PTFE1) open measure- 1"/Class 300 W • 10.0 m (32.8 ft) 8
ment flange Special lengths for capillaries
Other version, add Z J1Y • 2.0 m (6.56 ft) 9 N1C
Order code and plain text: • 3.0 m (9.84 ft) 9 N1E
Lower flange material: ...;
Process connection: ...; • 5.0 m (16.40 ft) 9 N1G
Nominal diameter/pressure level: ... • 7.0 m (23.97 ft) 9 N1J
• 9.0 m (29.53 ft) 9 N1L
Diaphragm material
1) Not in combination with flushing holes.
Stainless steel 316L A
316L stainless steel with PTFE film E Not together with the options for negative pressure service (V01 and
V03) and extended negative pressure service (V51 and V53).
Monel 400 G 2) Oil- and grease- free cleaning to DIN 25410, level 2 and packaging
Hastelloy C276 J included in the scope of delivery. Refer to "Further designs" C10 and E10.
3) Max. capillary length, see section "Technical description".
Hastelloy C4 U
Tantalum K
Stainless steel 316L, gold plated, S
thickness approx. 25 m
Other version, add Z K1Y
Order code and plain text:
Diaphragm material: ...
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seal, screwed design, mounted directly or/and with capillary
1 Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Further designs
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code. Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
Remote seal nameplate B20 PE protective tube
Attached out of stainless steel, contains MLFB over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
and order number of the remote seal (color: white)
Oil- and grease-free cleaned version C10 1.0 m (3.28 ft) N20
Oil- and grease-free cleaned and packed ver- 1.6 m (5.25 ft) N21
sion, not for oxygen application, only in conjunc- 2.0 m (6.56 ft) N22
tion with halocarbon oil fill fluid, certified by
certificate acc. to EN 10204-2.2 2.5 m (8.20 ft) N23
Quality Inspection Certificate (5-point charac- C11 3.0 m (9.84 ft) N24
teristic curve test) according to IEC 60770-2 4.0 m (13.12 ft) N25
Inspection certificate C12 5.0 m (16.40 ft) N26
to EN 10204, section 3.1 6.0 m (19.69 ft) N27
7.0 m (22.97 ft) N28
2.2 Certificate of FDA approval of fill oil C17
Only in conjunction with "Food-grade oil" fill liq- 8.0 m (26.25 ft) N29
uid (FDA listed)" 9.0 m (29.53 ft) N30
Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2") to C20 10.0 m (32.81 ft) N31
IEC 61508 PTFE protective tube
(Only in conjunction with the Order code "C20" over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
in the case of SITRANS P DSIII transmitter) (color: transparent)
Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2/3") to C23 1.0 m (3.28 ft) N40
IEC 61508 1.6 m (5.25 ft) N41
(Only in conjunction with the Order code "C23" 2.0 m (6.56 ft) N42
in the case of SITRANS P DSIII transmitter)
2.5 m (8.20 ft) N43
Certification acc. to NACE MR-0175 D07
3.0 m (9.84 ft) N44
Includes inspection certificate 3.1 according to
EN 10204 (only for wetted parts made of stain- 4.0 m (13.12 ft) N45
less steel 1.4404/316L and Hastelloy C276) 5.0 m (16.40 ft) N46
Certification acc. to NACE MR-0103 D08 6.0 m (19.69 ft) N47
Includes inspection certificate 3.1 according to 7.0 m (22.97 ft) N48
EN 10204 (only for wetted parts made of stain- 8.0 m (26.25 ft) N49
less steel 1.4404/316L and Hastelloy C276)
9.0 m (29.53 ft) N50
Oil- and grease-free cleaned version E10 10.0 m (32.81 ft) N51
Oil- and grease-free cleaned and packed ver-
sion, only for oxygen application, only inert fill PVC protective tube
fluid may be used. Max. temperature: 60 °C over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
(140 °F), max. pressure 50 bar (725 psi), only in (color: black)
connection with halocarbon oil, certified by certi- 1.0 m (3.28 ft) N60
ficate acc. to EN 10204-2.2
1.6 m (5.25 ft) N61
Epoxy painting E15 2.0 m (6.56 ft) N62
Not possible with negative pressure service.
2.5 m (8.20 ft) N63
Color: transparent, coverage: front and rear of 3.0 m (9.84 ft) N64
the remote seal, capillary(ies) or connecting
tube, process connection of the transmitter. 4.0 m (13.12 ft) N65
With transmitters 7MF40.. and 7MF42.., only 5.0 m (16.40 ft) N66
possible with process connection G½B accord- 6.0 m (19.69 ft) N67
ing to EN 837-1.
7.0 m (22.97 ft) N68
One-sided mounting on differential pressure
transmitters 8.0 m (26.25 ft) N69
(only for 7MF4930-...) 9.0 m (29.53 ft) N70
on high-pressure side H10 10.0 m (32.81 ft) N71
on low-pressure side H11 Negative pressure service
Sealing surface groove, EN 1092-1, form D J14 for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
instead of sealing surface B1 (only for wetted • gauge and absolute pressure from the pressu- V01
parts made of stainless steel 316L) re series
• differential pressure V03
Sealing surface RJF (groove, previously RTJ) J24
ASME B16.5 Extended negative pressure service
instead of sealing surface for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA (only for wetted • gauge and absolute pressure from the pressu- V51
parts made of stainless steel 316L) re series
Sealing surface with spring according to • differential pressure V53
EN 1092-1, form C, (previously DIN 2512,
form F) in stainless steel 316L
DN 25 J30
DN 40 J31
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Diaphragm seal, screwed design, mounted directly or/and with capillary
■ Dimensional drawings
95 (3.74)
Number of
b b1
Number of
(0.12) (0.79)
SW 27 screws
SW 27
G½B or
In case of connection shanks to DIN EN 837-1
Connection shanks to
Diaphragm seal, screwed gland with inside diaphragm, for gauge and ØD DIN EN 837-1
absolute pressure, direct and attached directly to the transmitter with with
capillaries, dimensions in mm (inch)
Range D b b1 Number of 6 Screws
mm mm mm screws Ø98
up to 100 bar 98 14 16 6
up to 250 bar 98 14 20 12
Ød4 Øk
ØD Number of holes
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Quick-release diaphragm seals
1 ■ Overview • Clamp connection
- 1½ inch PN 16
- 2 inch PN 16
- 2½ inch PN 16
- 3 inch PN 10
For differential pressure and flow
• To DIN 11851 with slotted union nut
- DN 50 PN 25
- DN 65 PN 25
- DN 80 PN 25
• To DIN 11851 with threaded socket
- DN 50 PN 25
- DN 65 PN 25
- DN 80 PN 25
• Clamp connection
- 2 inch PN 16
Quick-release diaphragm seals, to DIN 11851 with slotted union nut
- 2½ inch PN 16
- 3 inch PN 10
Sealing surface
• For stainless steel, mat. No. To EN 1092-1, form B1 or
1.4404/316L ASME B 16.5RF 125 ... 250 AA
• For the other materials To EN 1092-1, form B2 or
• Main body Stainless steel 316L
• Wetted parts Stainless steel 316L
• Capillary Stainless steel, mat.
No. 1.4571/316Ti
• Sheath Spiral protective tube made of
Quick-release diaphragm seals, with clamp connection stainless steel, mat.
Quick-release diaphragm seals are available for the following
SITRANS P pressure transmitter series: Maximum pressure See above and the technical data
of the pressure transmitter
• For pressure: P300, DS III with HART, DS III with PROFIBUS
PA and DS III with FOUNDATION Fieldbus Tube length Without tube
• For differential pressure and flow: P500, DS III with HART, Capillary
DS III with PROFIBUS PA and DS III with FOUNDATION Fieldbus • Length Max. 10 m (32.8 ft), longer
• The quick-release remote seals are common designs in the lengths on request
food industry. Their design means that the medium cannot ac- • Internal diameter 2 mm (0.079 inch)
cumulate in dead volumes. The quick-release clamp present
on the remote seal means that quick dismounting is possible • Minimum bending radius 150 mm (5.9 inch)
for cleaning. • Sheath Spiral protective tube made of
stainless steel, mat. No.
■ Technical specifications 1.4301/316
Quick-release diaphragm seal Filling liquid Food oil (FDA listed)
Connection, nominal diameter Nominal pressure Permissible ambient temperature Dependent on the pressure trans-
mitter and the filling liquid of the
For pressure remote seal
• To DIN 11851 with slotted union nut More information can be found in
- DN 25 PN 40 the technical data of the pressure
- DN 32 PN 40 transmitters and in the section
- DN 40 PN 40 "Technical data of filling liquid" in
the Technical description to the
- DN 50 PN 25 remote seals
- DN 65 PN 25
- DN 80 PN 25 Weight Approx. 4 kg (8.82 lb)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Quick-release diaphragm seals
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code Selection and Ordering data Ord. code
Quick-release diaphragm seal 7MF 4 9 4 0 - Further designs
for SITRANS P pressure transmitters for 77 A 0 7 - 7B 777 Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order
pressure 7MF2033-...; 7MF403.-... and code.
7MF423.-... together with Order code "V01"
(Negative pressure service) and 7MF802.-...1); Remote seal nameplate B20
must be ordered separately Attached out of stainless steel, contains MLFB
Filling liquid: Food oil (FDA listed) and order number of the remote seal
Material: Stainless steel, mat. No. 1.4435 Quality Inspection Certificate (5-point charac- C11
Click on the Article No. for the online configu- teristic curve test) according to IEC 60770-2
ration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. Inspection certificate C12
Nom. diam. Nominal pressure to EN 10204, section 3.1
• Connection to DIN 11851 with slotted union nut 2.2 Certificate of FDA approval of fill oil C17
- DN 25 PN 40 1B Only in conjunction with "Food-grade oil" fill liq-
- DN 32 PN 40 1C uid (FDA listed)"
- DN 40 PN 40 1D
Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2") to C20
- DN 50 PN 25 1E IEC 61508
- DN 65 PN 25 1F (Only in conjunction with the Order code "C20"
- DN 80 PN 25 1G in the case of SITRANS P DSIII transmitter)
• Connection to DIN 11851 with screw necks
Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2/3") to C23
- DN 25 PN 40 2B IEC 61508
- DN 32 PN 40 2C (Only in conjunction with the Order code "C23"
- DN 40 PN 40 2D in the case of SITRANS P DSIII transmitter)
- DN 50 PN 25 2E One-sided mounting on differential pressure
- DN 65 PN 25 2F transmitters
- DN 80 PN 25 2G (only for 7MF4940-...)
• Tri-Clamp connection to DIN 32676/ISO 2852 on high-pressure side H10
- DN 40/1½ inch PN 16 4L on low-pressure side H11
- DN 50/2 inch PN 16 4M PE protective tube
- DN 65/2½ inch PN 16 4N over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
- DN 80/3 inch PN 10 4P (color: white)
Other version 1.0 m (3.28 ft) N20
Add Order codes and plain text: 1.6 m (5.25 ft) N21
Process connection: ..., Nominal diameter: ...; 9A H1Y 2.0 m (6.56 ft) N22
Nominal pressure: ...
2.5 m (8.20 ft) N23
Filling liquid
3.0 m (9.84 ft) N24
• Food oil (FDA listed) 7
4.0 m (13.12 ft) N25
Other version 9 M1 Y
Add Order code and plain text: 5.0 m (16.40 ft) N26
Filling liquid: ... 6.0 m (19.69 ft) N27
Connection to pressure transmitter 7.0 m (22.97 ft) N28
• direct 0 8.0 m (26.25 ft) N29
through capillary, length:2) 9.0 m (29.53 ft) N30
• 1.0 m (3.28 ft) 2 10.0 m (32.81 ft) N31
• 1.6 m (5.25 ft) 3 PTFE protective tube
• 2.5 m (8.20 ft) 4 over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
• 4.0 m (13.1 ft) 5 (color: transparent)
• 6.0 m (19.7 ft) 6 1.0 m (3.28 ft) N40
• 8.0 m (26.25 ft) 7 1.6 m (5.25 ft) N41
• 10.0 m (32.8 ft) 8 2.0 m (6.56 ft) N42
Special lengths for capillaries 2.5 m (8.20 ft) N43
• 2.0 m (6.56 ft) 9 N1C 3.0 m (9.84 ft) N44
• 3.0 m (9.84 ft) 9 N1E 4.0 m (13.12 ft) N45
• 5.0 m (16.40 ft) 9 N1G 5.0 m (16.40 ft) N46
• 7.0 m (23.97 ft) 9 N1 J 6.0 m (19.69 ft) N47
• 9.0 m (29.53 ft) 9 N1L 7.0 m (22.97 ft) N48
1) With 7MF802.-... and the measuring cells Q, S, T and U also order the 8.0 m (26.25 ft) N49
vacuum-tight version. 9.0 m (29.53 ft) N50
2) Max. capillary length, see section "Technical description"
10.0 m (32.81 ft) N51
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Quick-release diaphragm seals
1 Selection and Ordering data Ord. code
Further designs
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order
PVC protective tube
over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
(color: black)
1.0 m (3.28 ft) N60
1.6 m (5.25 ft) N61
2.0 m (6.56 ft) N62
2.5 m (8.20 ft) N63
3.0 m (9.84 ft) N64
4.0 m (13.12 ft) N65
5.0 m (16.40 ft) N66
6.0 m (19.69 ft) N67
7.0 m (22.97 ft) N68
8.0 m (26.25 ft) N69
9.0 m (29.53 ft) N70
10.0 m (32.81 ft) N71
Cooling element R22
max. medium temperature 300 °C, observe the
maximum permissible media temperature of the
filling liquid.
Negative pressure service
for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
• gauge and absolute pressure from the pressu- V01
re series
Extended negative pressure service
for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
• gauge and absolute pressure from the pressu- V51
re series
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Quick-release diaphragm seals
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Quick-release diaphragm seal 7MF 4 9 4 3 - Further designs
for SITRANS P pressure transmitters for pres- 77 A 0 7 - 7B 777 Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order
sure for differential pressure and flow, type code.
7MF243.-...; 7MF443.-... and 7MF54..-...;
order separately Remote seal nameplate B20
Filling liquid: Food oil (FDA listed) Attached out of stainless steel, contains MLFB
Material: Stainless steel, mat. No. 1.4435 and order number of the remote seal
Delivery unit: 2 off Quality Inspection Certificate (5-point charac- C11
Click on the Article No. for the online configu- teristic curve test) according to IEC 60770-2
ration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. Inspection certificate C12
Nom. diam. Nominal pressure to EN 10204, section 3.1
• Connection to DIN 11851 with slotted union nut 2.2 Certificate of FDA approval of fill oil C17
- DN 50 PN 25 1E Only in conjunction with "Food-grade oil" fill liq-
- DN 65 PN 25 1F uid (FDA listed)"
- DN 80 PN 25 1G
Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2") to C20
• Connection to DIN 11851 with threaded IEC 61508
(Only in conjunction with the Order code "C20"
- DN 50 PN 25 2E in the case of SITRANS P DSIII transmitter)
- DN 65 PN 25 2F
Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2/3") to C23
- DN 80 PN 25 2G
IEC 61508
• Tri-Clamp connection to DIN 32676/ ISO 2852
(Only in conjunction with the Order code "C23"
- DN 50/2 inch PN 16 4M in the case of SITRANS P DSIII transmitter)
- DN 65/2½ inch PN 16 4N
PE protective tube
- DN 80/3 inch PN 10 4P
over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
Other version (color: white)
Add Order codes and plain text:
1.0 m (3.28 ft) N20
Process connection: ..., Nominal diameter: ...; 9A H1Y
Nominal pressure: ... 1.6 m (5.25 ft) N21
2.0 m (6.56 ft) N22
Filling liquid
• Food oil (FDA listed) 7 2.5 m (8.20 ft) N23
Other version 9 M1 Y 3.0 m (9.84 ft) N24
Add Order code and plain text: 4.0 m (13.12 ft) N25
Filling liquid: ... 5.0 m (16.40 ft) N26
Connection to transmitter 6.0 m (19.69 ft) N27
through capillary, Length:1) 7.0 m (22.97 ft) N28
• 1.0 m (3.28 ft) 2 8.0 m (26.25 ft) N29
• 1.6 m (5.25 ft) 3 9.0 m (29.53 ft) N30
• 2.5 m (8.20 ft) 4 10.0 m (32.81 ft) N31
• 4.0 m (13.1 ft) 5 PTFE protective tube
• 6.0 m (19.7 ft) 6 over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
• 8.0 m (26.25 ft) 7 (color: transparent)
• 10.0 m (32.8 ft) 8
1.0 m (3.28 ft) N40
Special lengths for capillaries 1.6 m (5.25 ft) N41
• 2.0 m (6.56 ft) 9 N1C 2.0 m (6.56 ft) N42
• 3.0 m (9.84 ft) 9 N1E 2.5 m (8.20 ft) N43
• 5.0 m (16.40 ft) 9 N1G 3.0 m (9.84 ft) N44
• 7.0 m (23.97 ft) 9 N1 J 4.0 m (13.12 ft) N45
• 9.0 m (29.53 ft) 9 N1L 5.0 m (16.40 ft) N46
1) Max. capillary length, see section "Technical description"
6.0 m (19.69 ft) N47
7.0 m (22.97 ft) N48
8.0 m (26.25 ft) N49
9.0 m (29.53 ft) N50
10.0 m (32.81 ft) N51
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Quick-release diaphragm seals
1 Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order
PVC protective tube
over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
(color: black)
1.0 m (3.28 ft) N60
1.6 m (5.25 ft) N61
2.0 m (6.56 ft) N62
2.5 m (8.20 ft) N63
3.0 m (9.84 ft) N64
4.0 m (13.12 ft) N65
5.0 m (16.40 ft) N66
6.0 m (19.69 ft) N67
7.0 m (22.97 ft) N68
8.0 m (26.25 ft) N69
9.0 m (29.53 ft) N70
10.0 m (32.81 ft) N71
Negative pressure service
for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
• differential pressure V03
Extended negative pressure service
for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
• differential pressure V53
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Quick-release diaphragm seals
■ Dimensional drawings
147 (5.79)
116 (4.57)
dM DN dM
D D G1
dM DN dM
D D G1
Clamp connection (left) Connection to DIN 11851 with slotted Connection to DIN 11851 with
union nut (center) threaded socket (right)
40 (1½ inch) 32 (1.26) 50.5 (2) 35 (1.38) 25 25 63 36 Rd 52x1/6 25 25 36 Rd 52x1/6
50 (2 inch) 40 (1.57) 64 (2.52) 35 (1.38) 32 32 70 36 Rd 52x1/6 32 32 36 Rd 52x1/6
65 (2½ inch) 52 (2.05) 77.5 (3.05) 35 (1.38) 40 40 78 36 Rd 65x1/6 40 40 36 Rd 65x1/6
80 (3 inch) 72 (2.83) 91 (3.58) 35 (1.38) 50 52 112 36 Rd 78x1/6 50 52 36 Rd 78x1/6
65 65 112 36 Rd 95x1/6 65 65 36 Rd 95x1/6
80 72 127 36 Rd 110x1/6 80 72 36 Rd 110x1/6
25 25 63 36 Rd 52x1/6
dM Effective diaphragm diameter
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Miniature diaphragm seals
1 ■ Overview G Ø dM SW Ød L H
mm (inch) mm (inch) mm (inch) mm (inch) mm (inch)
G1B 25 (0.98) 41 (1.61) 39 (1.53) 28 (1.1) 56 (2.21)
G1½B 40 (1.57) 55 (2.17) 60 (2.36) 30 (1.18) 50 (1.97)
G2B 50 (1.97) 60 (2.36) 70 (2.76) 30 (1.18) 63 (2.48)
mm (inch) mm (inch) mm (inch) mm (inch)
1"-NPT 27 (1.06) 41 (1.61) 25 (0.98) 40 (1.57)
1½"-NPT 34 (1.34) 55 (2.17) 26 (1.02) 45 (1.77)
2"-NPT 46 (1.81) 65 (2.56) 26 (1.02) 45 (1.77)
dM: Effective diaphragm diameter
95 (3.74)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Miniature diaphragm seals
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Miniature diaphragm seals 7MF 4 9 6 0 - Further designs
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order
directly fitted to SITRANS P pressure transmitters 1 7 7 0 7 777
for pressure; type, 7MF2033-...; 7MF403.-... and
7MF423.-... together with Order code "V01" Remote seal nameplate B20
(vacuum-proof design) and 7MF802.-...1); must be Attached out of stainless steel, contains MLFB
ordered separately and order number of the remote seal
Material: Stainless steel, mat. No. 1.4404/316L
Nominal pressure, see "Pressure transmitters" Quality Inspection Certificate (5-point charac- C11
teristic curve test) according to IEC 60770-2
Click on the Article No. for the online configu-
ration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. Inspection certificate C12
to EN 10204, section 3.1
Process connection
• G1B C 2.2 Certificate of FDA approval of fill oil C17
• G1½B D Only in conjunction with "Food-grade oil" fill liq-
uid (FDA listed)"
• G2B E
• 1" - NPT K Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2") to C20
• 1½" - NPT L IEC 61508
• 2" - NPT M (Only in conjunction with the Order code "C20"
in the case of SITRANS P DSIII transmitter)
Other version, add Order code and plain text: Z J1Y
Process connection: ... Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2/3") to C23
IEC 61508
(Only in conjunction with the Order code "C23"
Remote seal enclosure Wetted parts materials in the case of SITRANS P DSIII transmitter)
Stainless steel Stainless steel A Certification acc. to NACE MR-0175 D07
mat. No. 1.4404/316L mat. No. 1.4404/316L Includes inspection certificate 3.1 according to
Hastelloy C276 Hastelloy C276 J EN 10204 (only for wetted parts made of stain-
less steel 1.4404/316L and Hastelloy C276)
Stainless steel Other version Z K1Y
mat. No. 1.4404/316L Add Order code and Certification acc. to NACE MR-0103 D08
plain text: Includes inspection certificate 3.1 according to
Wetted parts materials EN 10204 (only for wetted parts made of stain-
less steel 1.4404/316L and Hastelloy C276)
Wetted parts materials
• Stainless steel 316L A Cooling element R22
max. medium temperature 300 °C, observe the
Other version, add Order code and plain text: Z K1Y maximum permissible media temperature of the
Wetted parts materials: ... filling liquid.
Filling liquid Negative pressure service
• Silicone oil M5 1 for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
• Food oil (FDA listed) 7 • gauge and absolute pressure from the pressu- V01
Other version, add Order code and plain text: 9 M1 Y re series
Filling liquid: ...
Extended negative pressure service
1) With 7MF802.-... and the measuring cells Q, S, T and U also order the for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
vacuum-tight version. • gauge and absolute pressure from the pressu- V51
re series
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Inline seals in sandwich design
1 ■ Overview ■ Technical specifications
Inline seals for flange-mounting
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure
• DN 25 PN 6 ... PN 100
• DN 40 PN 6 ... PN 100
• DN 50 PN 6 ... PN 100
• DN 80 PN 6 ... PN 100
• DN 100 PN 6 ... PN 100
• 1 inch Class 150 ... class 2500
• 1½ inch Class 150 ... class 2500
• 2 inch Class 150 ... class 2500
• 3 inch Class 150 ... class 2500
• 4 inch Class 150 ... class 2500
Process connection Flange to EN 1092-1 or
ASME B 16.5
Inline seals for flange-mounting Sealing surface • for stainless steel mat. no.
1.4404/316L according to
The inline seal is completely integrated in the process line. It is EN 1092-1, form B1 or
particularly suitable for flowing and highly viscous media. ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA
• for all other materials according
The inline seal consists of a cylindrical jacket into which a thin- to EN 1092-1, form B2 or
walled pipe is welded. It is clamped directly between two ASME B16.5 RFSF
flanges in the pipeline.
• Inline seals for flange-mounting (flange design) to EN/ASME • Diaphragm Stainless steel 1.4404/316L
for SITRANS P pressure transmitters • Wetted parts Stainless steel 1.4404/316L
- For pressure: P300, DS III with HART, DS III with PROFIBUS • Without coating
PA and DS III with FOUNDATION Fieldbus
- For differential pressure and flow: DS III with HART, • ECTFE coating
DS III with PROFIBUS PA, DS III with FOUNDATION Fieldbus (for vacuum on request)
and P500 • PFA coating
• Sealing surface to EN 1092-1 or ASME B16.5 Monel 400, mat. No. 2.4360
• Connection to the transmitter directly or by means of a flexible Hastelloy C276, mat. No. 2.4819
capillary (max. 10 m long)
Hastelloy C4, mat. No. 2.4602
• See Technical data for details of materials used for the wetted
parts Tantalum
• Material used for the capillary, the guard sleeve, the seal’s • Capillary Stainless steel, mat.
main body and the measuring cell: Stainless steel, No. 1.4571/316Ti
mat.-No. 1.4571 • Sheath Spiral protective tube made of
• Filling liquid: Silicone oil, high-temperature oil, halocarbon oil, stainless steel, mat. No.
food oil (FDA listed) or glycerin/water (not suitable for uses in
low-pressure range) Capillary
• Length Max. 10 m (32.8 ft)
■ Function • Internal diameter 2 mm (0.079 inch)
The measured pressure is transferred from the diaphragm to the • Minimum bending radius 150 mm (5.9 inch)
filling liquid and passes either directly or through the capillary to
Filling liquid Silicone oil M5
the measuring chamber of the pressure transmitter. The interior
of the diaphragm seal and of the capillary, as well as the mea- Silicone oil M50
suring chamber of the pressure transmitter, are filled gas-free by High-temperature oil
the filling liquid.
Halocarbon oil
Food oil (FDA listed)
When operating in the low-pressure range, also during commis- Permissible ambient temperature See pressure transmitters, see fill-
sioning, it is recommended to use a vacuum-proof remote seal ing liquid
(see Selection and Ordering data).
Weight Approx. 4 kg (8.82 lb)
Certificates and approvals
Classification according to pressure For gases of fluid group 1 and liq-
equipment directive uids of fluid group 1; complies
(DGRL 2014/68/EU) with the requirements of article 4,
paragraph 1 (appendix 1);
assigned to category III, confor-
mity evaluation module H by the
TÜV Nord
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Inline seals in sandwich design
Selection and Ordering data Article No.Ord. code Selection and Ordering data Article No.Ord. code
Inline seal for flange-mounting for Inline seal for flange-mounting for
SITRANS P pressure transmitters SITRANS P pressure transmitters
for gauge pressure 7MF 4 9 8 0 - for gauge pressure 7MF 4 9 8 0 -
7MF2033-...; 7MF403.-... and 7MF423.-... 7MF2033-...; 7MF403.-... and 7MF423.-...
together with Order code "V01" (Negative pres- together with Order code "V01" (Negative pres-
sure service) and 7MF802.-...1); must be sure service) and 7MF802.-...1); must be
ordered separately, scope of delivery: 1 off ordered separately, scope of delivery: 1 off
for differential pressure and flow 7MF 4 9 8 3 - for differential pressure and flow 7MF 4 9 8 3 -
7MF243.-...; 7MF4433 or 7MF54..-...; 7MF243.-...; 7MF4433 or 7MF54..-...;
order separately, scope of delivery: 1 pair (set); order separately, scope of delivery: 1 pair (set);
Material: Completely of stainless steel, Material: Completely of stainless steel,
mat. No. 1.4404/316L; mat. No. 1.4404/316L;
Process connection to EN 1092-1 or ASME Process connection to EN 1092-1 or ASME
B16.5; sealing surface to EN 1092-1, form B1, B16.5; sealing surface to EN 1092-1, form B1,
or to ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA or to ASME B16.5 RF 125 ... 250 AA
Click on the Article No. for the online configu- 1 77 0 7 - 7B 777 1 77 0 7 - 7B 777
ration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Connection to transmitter
Nominal diameter and nominal pressure • direct (only for 7MF4980) 0
• DN 25 PN 6 ... 100 B through capillary, length:5)
• DN 40 PN 6 ... 100 D • 1.0 m (3.28 ft) 2
• DN 50 PN 6 ... 100 E • 1.6 m (5.25 ft) 3
• DN 80 PN 6 ... 100 G • 2.5 m (8.20 ft) 4
• DN 100 PN 6 ... 100 H • 4.0 m (13.1 ft) 5
• 1 inch Class 150 ... 2500 L • 6.0 m (19.7 ft) 6
• 1½ inch Class 150 ... 2500 M • 8.0 m (26.25 ft) 7
• 2 inch Class 150 ... 2500 N • 10.0 m (32.8 ft) 8
• 3 inch Class 150 ... 2500 P Special lengths for capillaries
• 4 inch Class 150 ... 2500 Q
• 2.0 m (6.56 ft) 9 N1C
Other version Z J1Y • 3.0 m (9.84 ft) 9 N1E
Add Order code and plain text: • 5.0 m (16.40 ft) 9 N1G
Nominal diameter: ...; Nominal pressure: ...
• 7.0 m (23.97 ft) 9 N1 J
Wetted parts materials
• 9.0 m (29.53 ft) 9 N1L
• Stainless steel 316L
- Without coating A only for 7MF4983-...
- With PFA coating 2) D • 11.0 m (36.09 ft) 9 N1N
- With ECTFE coating 2) 3) F • 12.0 m (39.37 ft) 9 N1P
• Monel 400, mat. No. 2.4360 G • 13.0 m (42.65 ft) 9 N1Q
• Hastelloy C276, mat. No. 2.4819 J • 14.0 m (45.93 ft) 9 N1R
• Hastelloy C4, mat. No. 2.4602 U
• 15.0 m (49.21 ft) 9 N1S
• Tantalum K
Other version Z K1Y 1) With 7MF802.-... and the measuring cells Q, S, T and U also order the
Add Order code and plain text: vacuum-tight version.
Wetted parts materials: ... 2) Only for use in non-hazardous atmospheres.
3) For vacuum on request.
Filling liquid 4) Oil- and grease- free cleaning to DIN 25410, level 2 and packaging
• Silicone oil M5 1 included in the scope of delivery. Refer to "Further designs" C10 and E10.
• Silicone oil M50 2 5) Max. capillary length, see section "Technical description"
• High-temperature oil 3
• Halocarbon oil (for measuring O2)4) 4
• Food oil (FDA listed) 7
Other version 9 M1 Y
Add Order code and plain text:
Filling liquid: ...
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Inline seals in sandwich design
1 Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Further designs
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order
code. code.
Spark arrestor PE protective tube
With spark arrestor for mounting on zone 0 over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
(including documentation) (color: white)
• Pressure and absolute pressure A01 1.0 m (3.28 ft) N20
• for differential pressure transmitters A02 1.6 m (5.25 ft) N21
Remote seal nameplate B20 2.0 m (6.56 ft) N22
Attached out of stainless steel, contains MLFB 2.5 m (8.20 ft) N23
and order number of the remote seal 3.0 m (9.84 ft) N24
Oil- and grease-free cleaned version C10 4.0 m (13.12 ft) N25
Oil- and grease-free cleaned and packed ver- 5.0 m (16.40 ft) N26
sion, not for oxygen application, only in conjunc-
tion with halocarbon oil fill fluid, certified by 6.0 m (19.69 ft) N27
certificate acc. to EN 10204-2.2 7.0 m (22.97 ft) N28
Quality Inspection Certificate (5-point charac- C11 8.0 m (26.25 ft) N29
teristic curve test) according to IEC 60770-2 9.0 m (29.53 ft) N30
Inspection certificate C12 10.0 m (32.81 ft) N31
to EN 10204, section 3.1 only for 7MF4983-...
2.2 Certificate of FDA approval of fill oil C17 11.0 m (36.09 ft) N32
Only in conjunction with "Food-grade oil" fill liquid 12.0 m (39.37 ft) N33
(FDA listed)" 13.0 m (42.65 ft) N34
Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2") to C20 14.0 m (45.93 ft) N35
IEC 61508 15.0 m (49.21 ft) N36
(Only in conjunction with the Order code "C20"
in the case of SITRANS P DSIII transmitter) PTFE protective tube
over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2/3") to C23 (color: transparent)
IEC 61508
1.0 m (3.28 ft) N40
Certification acc. to NACE MR-0175 D07
1.6 m (5.25 ft) N41
Includes inspection certificate 3.1 according to
EN 10204 (only for wetted parts made of stainless 2.0 m (6.56 ft) N42
steel 1.4404/316L and Hastelloy C276) 2.5 m (8.20 ft) N43
Certification acc. to NACE MR-0103 D08 3.0 m (9.84 ft) N44
Includes inspection certificate 3.1 according to 4.0 m (13.12 ft) N45
EN 10204 (only for wetted parts made of stainless 5.0 m (16.40 ft) N46
steel 1.4404/316L and Hastelloy C276)
6.0 m (19.69 ft) N47
Oil- and grease-free cleaned version E10 7.0 m (22.97 ft) N48
Oil- and grease-free cleaned and packed ver-
sion, only for oxygen application, only inert fill 8.0 m (26.25 ft) N49
fluid may be used. Max. temperature: 60 °C 9.0 m (29.53 ft) N50
(140 °F), max. pressure 50 bar (725 psi), only in 10.0 m (32.81 ft) N51
connection with halocarbon oil, certified by certi-
ficate acc. to EN 10204-2.2 only for 7MF4983-...
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Inline seals in sandwich design
Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order
PVC protective tube
over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
(color: black)
1.0 m (3.28 ft) N60
1.6 m (5.25 ft) N61
2.0 m (6.56 ft) N62
2.5 m (8.20 ft) N63
3.0 m (9.84 ft) N64
4.0 m (13.12 ft) N65
5.0 m (16.40 ft) N66
6.0 m (19.69 ft) N67
7.0 m (22.97 ft) N68
8.0 m (26.25 ft) N69
9.0 m (29.53 ft) N70
10.0 m (32.81 ft) N71
only for 7MF4983-...
11.0 m (36.09 ft) N72
12.0 m (39.37 ft) N73
13.0 m (42.65 ft) N74
14.0 m (45.93 ft) N75
15.0 m (49.21 ft) N76
Cooling element R22
max. medium temperature 300 °C, observe the
maximum permissible media temperature of the
filling liquid.
Negative pressure service
for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
• gauge and absolute pressure from the pres- V01
sure series
• differential pressure V03
Suffix "Y01" required with pressure transmitter
Extended negative pressure service
for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
• gauge and absolute pressure from the pres- V51
sure series
• differential pressure V53
Suffix "Y01" required with pressure transmitter
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Inline seals in sandwich design
1 ■ Dimensional drawings Connection to EN 1092-1
mm bar mm mm mm mm
25 6 ... 100 63 28.5 60 78.5
40 6 ... 100 85 43 60 89.5
50 6 ... 100 95 54.5 60 92.5
80 6 ... 100 130 82.5 60 112
Cooling 100 6 ... 100 150 107 60 122
Connection to ASME B16.5
95 (3.74)
DN Class D Mb L H
(inch) mm mm mm mm
(inch) (inch) (inch) (inch)
1 150 ... 2500 63 28.5 60 78.5
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Quick-release inline seals
■ Overview ■ Function
The measured pressure is transferred from the diaphragm,
mounted on the inner circumference of the inline seal, to the fill-
ing liquid and then passes through the capillary to the measur-
ing chamber of the pressure transmitter. The interior of the inline
seal and of the capillary, as well as the measuring chamber of
the pressure transmitter, are filled gas-free by the filling liquid.
When operating in the low-pressure range, also during commis-
sioning, it is recommended to use a vacuum-proof pressure
transmitter (see Selection and Ordering data).
■ Technical specifications
Quick-release inline seals for gauge pressure
Connection Nominal Nominal
diameter pressure
• To DIN 11851 with threaded DN 25 PN 40
Quick-release inline seals, to DIN 11851 with threaded socket DN 40 PN 40
DN 50 PN 25
DN 65 PN 25
DN 80 PN 25
DN 100 PN 25
• Clamp connection 1½ inch PN 40
2 inch PN 40
2½ inch PN 40
3 inch PN 40
• Main body Stainless steel 1.4404/316L
• Diaphragm Stainless steel 1.4404/316L
• Length Max. 10 m (32.8 ft)
• Internal diameter 2 mm (0.079 inch)
Quick-release inline seals, with clamp connection
• Minimum bending radius 150 mm (5.9 inch)
Quick-release inline seals for pressure are available for the fol-
lowing SITRANS P pressure transmitter series: • Sheath Spiral protective tube made of
stainless steel, mat. No.
• P300 1.4404/316L
• DS III with HART Filling liquid • Food oil (FDA listed)
• DS III with PROFIBUS PA Permissible ambient temperature Dependent on the pressure trans-
• DS III with FOUNDATION Fieldbus mitter and the filling liquid of the
remote seal
More information can be found in
■ Application the technical data of the pressure
transmitters and in the section
The quick-release inline seal is a special design for flowing and "Technical data of filling liquid" in
high-viscosity media. Because it is completely integrated in the the Technical description to the
process line, there are no turbulences, dead spaces or other ob- remote seals
stacles in the flow direction. The medium flows almost unhin- Weight Approx. 4 kg (approx. 8.82 lb)
dered through the inline seal and causes self-cleaning of the
sample chamber. The inline seal is also piggable. Certificate and approvals
Classification according to pres- For gases of fluid group 1 and liq-
■ Design sure equipment directive
(DGRL 2014/68/EU)
uids of fluid group 1; complies with
the requirements of article 4,
The quick-release clamp is available in two versions: paragraph 1 (appendix 1);
assigned to category III, confor-
• DIN 11851 with threaded socket mity evaluation module H by the
• Clamp connection TÜV Nord
The inline seal is connected to the pressure transmitter either di- EHEDG Complies with EHEDG recommen-
rectly or by way of a capillary.
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Quick-release inline seals
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Quick-release inline seal 7MF 4 9 5 0 - Further designs
for SITRANS P pressure transmitters for 77 A 0 7 - 7B 777 Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order
pressure code.
7MF2033-...; 7MF403.-... and 7MF423.-...
together with Order code "V01" (Negative pres- Remote seal nameplate B20
sure service) and 7MF802.-...1); must be Attached out of stainless steel, contains MLFB
ordered separately and order number of the remote seal
Filling liquid: Food oil (FDA listed) Quality Inspection Certificate (5-point charac- C11
Material: Stainless steel 316L teristic curve test) according to IEC 60770-2
Click on the Article No. for the online configu- Inspection certificate C12
ration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
to EN 10204, section 3.1
Nominal diameter Nominal pressure
2.2 Certificate of FDA approval of fill oil C17
• Connection to DIN 11851 with screw necks
Only in conjunction with "Food-grade oil" fill liq-
- DN 25 PN 40 2B uid (FDA listed)"
- DN 40 PN 40 2D
- DN 50 PN 25 2E Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2") to C20
IEC 61508
- DN 65 PN 25 2F
(Only in conjunction with the Order code "C20"
- DN 80 PN 25 2G in the case of SITRANS P DSIII transmitter)
- DN 100 PN 25 2H
Functional safety certificate ("SIL 2/3") to C23
• Clamp connection
IEC 61508
- 1½ inch PN 16 4L
(Only in conjunction with the Order code "C23"
- 2 inch PN 16 4M in the case of SITRANS P DSIII transmitter)
- 2½ inch PN 16 4N
One-sided mounting on differential pressure
- 3 inch PN 10 4P transmitters
Other version on high-pressure side H10
Add Order codes and plain text: on low-pressure side H11
Process connection: ..., Nominal diameter: ...; 9Z H1Y
Nominal pressure: ... PE protective tube
over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
Filling liquid (color: white)
• Food oil (FDA listed) 7
1.0 m (3.28 ft) N20
Other version 9 M1 Y
Add Order code and plain text: 1.6 m (5.25 ft) N21
Filling liquid: ... 2.0 m (6.56 ft) N22
Connection to transmitter 2.5 m (8.20 ft) N23
• Direct 0 3.0 m (9.84 ft) N24
4.0 m (13.12 ft) N25
Through capillary, length:2)
• 1.0 m (3.28 ft) 2 5.0 m (16.40 ft) N26
• 1.6 m (5.25 ft) 3 6.0 m (19.69 ft) N27
• 2.5 m (8.20 ft) 4 7.0 m (22.97 ft) N28
• 4.0 m (13.1 ft) 5 8.0 m (26.25 ft) N29
• 6.0 m (19.7 ft) 6 9.0 m (29.53 ft) N30
• 8.0 m (26.25 ft) 7 10.0 m (32.81 ft) N31
• 10.0 m (32.8 ft) 8
PTFE protective tube
Special lengths for capillaries over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
• 2.0 m (6.56 ft) 9 N1C (color: transparent)
• 3.0 m (9.84 ft) 9 N1E 1.0 m (3.28 ft) N40
• 5.0 m (16.40 ft) 9 N1G 1.6 m (5.25 ft) N41
• 7.0 m (23.97 ft) 9 N1 J 2.0 m (6.56 ft) N42
• 9.0 m (29.53 ft) 9 N1L 2.5 m (8.20 ft) N43
3.0 m (9.84 ft) N44
With 7MF802.-... and the measuring cells Q, S, T and U also order the
vacuum-tight version. 4.0 m (13.12 ft) N45
2) Max. capillary length, see section "Technical description" 5.0 m (16.40 ft) N46
6.0 m (19.69 ft) N47
7.0 m (22.97 ft) N48
8.0 m (26.25 ft) N49
9.0 m (29.53 ft) N50
10.0 m (32.81 ft) N51
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Quick-release inline seals
Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order
PVC protective tube
over the spiral protective tube of the capillaries
(color: black)
1.0 m (3.28 ft) N60
1.6 m (5.25 ft) N61
2.0 m (6.56 ft) N62
2.5 m (8.20 ft) N63
3.0 m (9.84 ft) N64
4.0 m (13.12 ft) N65
5.0 m (16.40 ft) N66
6.0 m (19.69 ft) N67
7.0 m (22.97 ft) N68
8.0 m (26.25 ft) N69
9.0 m (29.53 ft) N70
10.0 m (32.81 ft) N71
Cooling element R22
max. medium temperature 300 °C, observe the
maximum permissible media temperature of the
filling liquid.
Negative pressure services
for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
• gauge and absolute pressure from the pres- V01
sure series
Extended negative pressure service
for use in low-pressure range for transmitters for
• gauge and absolute pressure from the pres- V51
sure series
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Quick-release inline seals
1 ■ Dimensional drawings
151 (5.94)
95 (3.74)
. 9)
Connection to DIN 11851 with screw necks Clamp connection for pipes to BS 4825/3 and o.D. tubes
DN Ø D1 Ø D2 H L G1 d Ø D1 Ø D2 H L D
25 38 52 68 128 Rd 52x1/6 mm (inch) mm (inch) mm (inch) mm (inch) mm (inch) mm (inch)
40 55 65 74.5 160 Rd 65x1/6 22.2 (1) 38 (1.5) 50 (1.97) 67 (2.64) 114 (4.49) 50.5 (1.98)
50 68 78 81 170 Rd 78x1/6 34.9 (1½) 43 (1.69) 65 (2.56) 74.5 (2.93) 146 (5.75) 50.5 (1.98)
65 85 95 89.5 182 Rd 95x1/6 47.6 (2) 56 (2.2) 75 (2.95) 79.5 (3.13) 156 (6.14) 64 (2.52)
80 110 110 97 182 Rd 110x1/4 60.3 (2½) 68 (2.68) 77 (3.03) 80.5 (3.17) 156 (6.14) 77.5 (3.05)
100 130 130 107 182 Rd 110x1/4 73.0 (3) 82 (3.23) 91 (3.58) 87.5 (3.44) 156 (6.14) 91 (3.58)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Flushing rings for diaphragm seals
■ Design
point flange
Installation example
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Flushing rings for diaphragm seals
1 Selection and Ordering data Article No.Ord. code ■ Dimensional drawings
Flushing ring 7MF 4 9 2 5 -
Connection according to EN 1092-1
for remote seals 7MF4900 to 7MF4923 1 7777 777
Form B1 and form B2
Click on the Article No. for the online configu-
ration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Nom. diam. Nominal pressure
• DN 50 PN 16 ... PN 100 A
• DN 80 PN 16 ... PN 100 B
• DN 100 PN 16 ... PN 100 C
• DN 125 PN 16 ... PN 100 D
• 2 inch Class 150 ... 600 G
• 3 inch Class 150 ... 600 H
• 4 inch Class 150 ... 600 J
• 5 inch Class 150 ... 600 K
Only for RJF ring groove, 7MF4925-1*R....:
• 2 inch Class 150 NR
• 3 inch Class 150 PR A–A
• 4 inch Class 150 QR
• 5 inch Class 150 RR Thread
• 2 inch Class 300 ... 600 UR
• 3 inch Class 300 ... 600 VR
• 4 inch Class 300 ... 600 WR
• 5 inch Class 300 ... 600 XR
Other version Z J1Y di
Add Order code and plain text:
Nominal diameter: ...; Nominal pressure: ... d4
Sealing surface
• EN 1092-1
Flushing ring; sealing surface (EN 1092-1), form B1 and form B2
- Form B1 A
- Form B2 C DN PN Thread d4 di h Weight
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Flushing rings for diaphragm seals
Form D/form C Form D/form D 1
Thread Thread
Flushing ring; sealing surface (EN 1092-1), form D/form C Flushing ring; sealing surface (EN 1092-1), form D/form D
50 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 102 (4.02) 62 (2.44) 35.5 1.46 50 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 102 (4.02) 62 (2.44) 40 (1.58) 1.65
(1.40) (3.22) (3.64)
80 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 138 (5.43) 92 (3.62) 35.5 2.36 80 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 138 (5.43) 92 (3.62) 40 (1.58) 2.66
(1.40) (5.2) (5.86)
100 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 162 (6.38) 92 (3.62) 35.5 3.96 100 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 162 (6.38) 92 (3.62) 40 (1.58) 4.47
(1.40) (8.73) (9.86)
125 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 188 (7.40) 132 (5.2) 35.5 4.00 125 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 188 (7.40) 132 (5.2) 40 (1.58) 4.50
(1.40) (8.82) (9.92)
50 16 … 100 ½ NPT 102 (4.02) 62 (2.44) 40.5 1.67 50 16 … 100 ½ NPT 102 (4.02) 62 (2.44) 40 (1.58) 1.65
(1.595) (3.68) (3.64)
80 16 … 100 ½ NPT 138 (5.43) 92 (3.62) 40.5 2.69 80 16 … 100 ½ NPT 138 (5.43) 92 (3.62) 40 (1.58) 2.66
(1.595) (5.93) (5.86)
100 16 … 100 ½ NPT 162 (6.38) 92 (3.62) 40.5 4.52 100 16 … 100 ½ NPT 162 (6.38) 92 (3.62) 40 (1.58) 4.47
(1.595) (9.97) (9.86)
125 16 … 100 ½ NPT 188 (7.40) 132 (5.2) 40.5 4.56 125 16 … 100 ½ NPT 188 (7.40) 132 (5.2) 40 (1.58) 4.50
(1.595) (10.05) (9.92)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Flushing rings for diaphragm seals
1 Form C/form C and form E DN PN Thread d4 di h x f3 Weight
mm bar Ø in Ø in Ø in Ø in Ø in kg (lb)
mm mm mm mm mm
A A (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch)
50 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 102 62 31 87 4.5 1.49
(4.02) (2.44) (1.22) (3.43) (0.18) (3.28)
80 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 138 92 31 120 4.5 2.40
(5.43) (3.62) (1.22) (4.72) (0.18) (5.29)
100 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 162 92 30 149 5 (0.2) 4.21
(6.38) (3.62) (1.18) (5.87) (9.28)
125 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 188 132 30 175 5 (0.2) 4.21
(7.40) (5.2) (1.18) (6.89) (9.28)
50 16 … 100 ½ NPT 102 62 31 87 4.5 1.49
(4.02) (2.44) (1.22) (3.43) (0.18) (3.28)
A–A 80 16 … 100 ½ NPT 138 92 31 120 4.5 2.40
(5.43) (3.62) (1.22) (4.72) (0.18) (5.29)
Form F
Thread di
DN PN Thread d4 di h x f3 Weight
mm bar Ø in Ø in Ø in Ø in Ø in kg lb)
mm mm mm mm mm
d4 (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch)
50 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 102 62 35 88 4 1.25
Flushing ring; sealing surface (EN 1092-1), form E (4.02) (2.44) (1.38) (3.46) (0.16) (2.76)
80 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 138 92 35 121 4 2.02
(5.43) (3.62) (1.38) (4.76) (0.16) (4.45)
100 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 162 92 35 150 4.5 3.11
(6.38) (3.62) (1.38) (5.91) (0.18) (6.86)
125 16 … 100 ¼ NPT 188 132 35 175 4.5 3.19
(7.40) (5.2) (1.38) (6.89) (0.18) (7.03)
50 16 … 100 ½ NPT 102 62 40 88 4 1.45
(4.02) (2.44) (1.58) (3.46) (0.16) (3.2)
80 16 … 100 ½ NPT 138 92 40 121 4 2.35
(5.43) (3.62) (1.58) (4.76) (0.16) (5.18)
100 16 … 100 ½ NPT 162 92 40 150 4.5 3.67
(6.38) (3.62) (1.58) (5.91) (0.18) (8.09)
125 16 … 100 ½ NPT 188 132 40 175 4.5 3.76
(7.40) (5.2) (1.58) (6.89) (0.18) (8.29)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Flushing rings for diaphragm seals
Connection according to ASME B 16.5 1
RFSF and RF 125 ... 250 AA RJF ring groove
Thread Thread
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Measuring setups
1 ■ Overview Possible combinations of pressure transmitters and remote
This section shows examples of typical measuring setups for us- Type of installation Pressure trans- Remote seals
ing SITRANS P pressure transmitters with and without remote mitters
A/B 7MF2033 7MF4900
Equations for calculating lower range value and upper range 7MF4033 7MF4910
value are provided for each example. 7MF4034 7MF4920
Questionnaires are included to help you select the right combi- 7MF8023
nation of remote seal and pressure transmitter. 7MF8024
Installation C1 and C2 7MF4233 7MF4900
Remote seals of sandwich design are fitted between the con- 7MF4234 7MF4910
nection flange of the measuring point and a dummy flange. Re- 7MF4235 7MF4920
mote seals of flange design are fitted directly on the connection (negative pressure
flange of the measuring point. The respective pressure rating of service in each case)
the dummy flange or the flanged remote seal must be observed. 7MF4333 7MF4901
7MF4334 7MF4921
The pressure transmitter should be installed below the connec- 7MF4335
tion flange (and below the lower connection flange in the case of
differential pressure transmitters). This arrangement must be D 7MF2433 7MF4903
used in the low-pressure range. 7MF2434 7MF4923
When measuring at pressures above atmospheric, the pressure 7MF4433
transmitter can also be installed above the connection flange. 7MF4434
The capillaries between the remote seal and the pressure trans- 7MF4533
mitter should be as short as possible to obtain a good transmis- 7MF4534
sion response. 7MF4535
Offset of measuring range 7MF5413
If there is a difference in height between the two connection E 7MF2433 7MF4913
flanges when measuring with two remote seals, an additional dif- 7MF2434
ferential pressure will result from the oil filling of the remote seal 7MF4433
capillaries. This results in a measuring range offset which has to 7MF4434
be taken into account when you set the pressure transmitter. 7MF4435
An offset in the measuring range also occurs when combining a 7MF4534
remote seal with a transmitter if the remote seal is not installed at 7MF4535
the same height as the transmitter. 7MF5403
Pressure transmitter output
G, H and J 7MF2433 7MF4903
If the level, separation layer or density increase in closed ves- 7MF2434 7MF4923
sels, the differential pressure and hence the output signal of the 7MF2435
pressure transmitter also increase. 7MF4433
For an inverted relationship between the differential pressure 7MF4435
and the output signal, the lower range value and upper range 7MF4533
value of the SITRANS P must be interchanged. 7MF4534
With open vessels, a rising pressure is usually assigned to an in- 7MF5403
creasing level, separation layer or density. 7MF5413
Influence of ambient temperature
Temperature differences between the individual capillaries and
between the individual remote seals should be avoided.
Temperature variations in the area of the measuring setup cause
a change in volume of the filling liquid and hence measuring er-
• For the separation layer measurement, the separation layer
has to be positioned between the two spigots. Also you must
make sure that the level in the container is always above the
top spigot.
• When measuring density, make sure that the level of the me-
dium remains constant. The level should be above the top
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Measuring setups with remote seals
■ Dimensional drawings
Types of installation for pressure and level measurements (open vessels)
Pressure transmitter for absolute pressure always below the measuring point: H1 ≥ 200 mm (7.9 inch)
+ -
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Measuring setups with remote seals
1 Types of installation for level measurements (closed vessels)
H1 - +
∆H H2
HO - +
+ -
Pressure transmitter for differential pressure below the lower measuring point between the measuring points, no vacuum
above the upper measuring point, no vacuum
H2 ≤ 7 m (23 ft), with halocarbon oil as filling Installation type for vacuum applications H2 ≤ 7 m (23 ft), with halocarbon oil as filling
liquid only H1 ≤ 4 m (13.1 ft) liquid only H2 ≤ 4 m (13.1 ft)
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Measuring setups without remote seals
■ Overview
Notes Also you must make sure that the level in the container is al-
• For the separation layer measurement, the separation layer ways above the top spigot.
has to be positioned between the two spigots. • When measuring density, make sure that the level of the medium
remains constant. The level should be above the top spigot
■ Dimensional drawings
Pressure transmitters for differential pressure, for flanging
Measuring setups for open containers
Level measurement
Upper range value Lower range value: pMA = ρ · g · HU
Upper range value: pME = ρ · g · HO
pMA Lower range value to be set
ρ pME Upper range value to be set
Lower range value
ρ Density of medium in vessel
g Local acceleration due to gravity
HU Lower range value
HO Upper range value
Density measurement
Lower range value: pMA = ρMIN · g · HO
Constant level
Upper range value: pME = ρMAX · g · HO
pMA Lower range value to be set
pME Upper range value to be set
HO ρ
ρMIN Minimum density of medium in vessel
ρMAX Maximum density of medium in vessel
g Local acceleration due to gravity
HO Upper range value in m
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Measuring setups without remote seals
1 Measuring setups for closed containers
HU ρ
+ -
reference line
Pressure Measurement
Remote seals for pressure transmitters
SITRANS P300, P DS III, P410, P500
Measuring setups without remote seals
Level measurement, Version 3
pressure Lower range value: ∆pMA = PStat + ρ · g · HU - PStat
Transmitter 1 Transmitter 2
Upper range value: ∆pME = PStat + ρ · g · HO - PStat
Mamimum level
+ Transmitter 1 Transmitter 2
Transmitter 2 Legend
Upper range value (for pressure or ∆pMA Lower range value to be set
differential pressure)
∆pME Upper range value to be set
HV Lower range value ρ Density of medium in vessel
g Local acceleration due to gravity
HU ρ HU Lower range value
HO Upper range value
HV Distance between the measuring points (spigots)
Pressure Measurement
Technical description
1 ■ Overview Norm IEC 61518/DIN EN 61518
The flange connection between transmitter and valve manifold
All shut-off fittings can be secured onto walls, racks (72 mm grid) was modified in the new standard IEC 61518/DIN EN 61518.
and vertical and horizontal pipes. The only connection thread approved for use in the process
This offers the advantage when assembling a plant that the shut- flanges of the pressure transmitter is 7/16-20 UNF.
off fittings can be secured first and the lines for the medium and The valve manifolds for M12 screws, including the accessory
differential pressure connected to them. It is then possible to sets, have therefore been deleted.
check all connections for leaks and to blow out or flush the pipes
in order to remove dirt (welding residues, shavings etc.). Inspection certificate to EN 10204-3.
The measuring instruments can be screwed onto the shut-off fit- If an inspection certificate according to EN 10204-3.1 is required
tings right at the end when all piping has been completed. for ordering valve manifolds or shut-off fittings, be aware that one
certificate is sufficient for each valve type ordered. This means
If an instrument has to be removed for maintenance, the fittings that you will only be charged for one certificate in the cost calcu-
and pipes remain as they are. It is only necessary to close the lations.
valves – the instrument can then be removed, and refitted follow-
ing maintenance. Minimum/maximum operating temperatures
The maximum operating temperatures are given for each value
Classification according to pressure equipment directive or valve manifold.
(PED 2014/68/EU): The minimum operating temperatures depend on the material
For gases of fluid group 1 and liquids of fluid group 1; compli- used for the valves or valve manifold.
ance with requirements of article 4, paragraph 3 (sound engi- They are as follows:
neering practice). Material Minimum operating temperature
Brass -10 °C (-14 °F) according to EN 12516-4
Steel -10 °C (-14 °F) according to AD200-W10
Stainless steel -40 °C (-40 °F)
SITRANS P transmitter for gauge pressure with double shut-off valve, SITRANS P pressure transmitter for differential pressure, mounted in pro-
SITRANS P pressure transmitter with multiway cock or 3-spindle valve tective box (available on request)
SITRANS P transmitter for differential pressure with 3-way valve manifold, SITRANS P pressure transmitter mounted on valve combination "Mono-
3-spindle valve manifold or valve manifold combination DN 5/DN 8 flange" for direct connection to flanges (available on request)
Pressure Measurement
Selection aid
Pressure Measurement
Selection aid
1 Transmitters Shut-off valves for general Page Shut-off valves for Page
applications special applications
Differential pressure transmit- For 3/5-spindle valve manifold 1/479 3-way valve manifold 1/484
ter with process connection to DN 5 DN 5, forged version
IEC 61518/DIN EN 61518 7MF9411-5B. and 7MF9410-1..
e.g. 7MF9411-5C.
• SITRANS P 320/420
• SITRANS P DS III series 5-way valve manifold, 1/484
7MF443.-... and DN 5, forged version
7MF453.-... 7MF9410-3..
7MF443.-... C41;
7MF453.-... C41
7MF54..-... PN 100 multiway cocks 1/482
7MF9004-... 3-way valve manifolds 1/487
DN 8, forged version
7MF9416-1.. and
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for gauge and absolute pressure transmitters
Shut-off valves to DIN 16270, DIN 16271 and DIN 16272
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for gauge and absolute pressure transmitters
Shut-off valves to DIN 16270, DIN 16271 and DIN 16272
1 ■ Characteristic curves
Operating pressure
■ Dimensional drawings
Ø26 h11
120 ±5
120 ±5
approx. 90 approx. 85
Ø26 h11
120 ±5
SW 27
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for gauge and absolute pressure transmitters
Angle adapter
■ Characteristic curves
Operating pressure
0 100 200 300 400 °C
Operating temperature
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for gauge and absolute pressure transmitters
Shut-off valves/Double shut-off valves
1 ■ Overview ■ Dimensional drawings
The double shut-off valves DN 5 are suitable for pressure
gauges and pressure transmitters and available in 5 versions:
74 (2.91) open
• Sleeve-nipple
• Sleeve-sleeve A B
• Sleeve-collar
½-14 NPT
• Collar-collar
• Collar-sleeve
½-14 NPT
66 (2.6)
The valve packing material is PTFE.
0 25.5
0 100 200 300 400 °C
Operating temperature
Permissible operating pressure as a function of the permissible operating
Ø6.4 B 31.75
12 31 approx. 90
Selection and Ordering data Article No. 60
approx. 118
Shut-off valve DN 5
Material: X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 13 2
(W.-Nr. 1.4404/316L), max. permissible A Connection on device side: nipple to DIN 16284, G½, SW 27
operating overpressure 420 bar (6092 psi) B Connection on measurement side: ½-14 NPT
C Vent and test connection: ¼-18 NPT
• Sleeve-sleeve 7MF9011-3HA
Double shut-off valves DN 5 Double shut-off valve DN 5 (sleeve-nipple) 7MF9011-4EA,
Material: X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 13 2 (mat. No. dimensions in mm
1.4404/316L), max. permissible working
pressure 420 bar (6092 psi);
• Sleeve-nipple connection 7MF9011-4EA
• Sleeve-sleeve 7MF9011-4HA
• Sleeve-collar 7MF9011-4FA B A
max. open 163
• Collar-sleeve 7MF9011-4KA
Accessories 33 13,6
Factory certificate according to EN 10204–2.2 7MF9000-8AB C
Material inspection certificate EN 10204-3.1 7MF9000-8AD
Further designs Order code
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order 55
code. 44
Oil- and grease-free cleaning for oxygen S12
applications, max. pressure PN 100 (1450 psi) A Connection on device side : ½-14 NPT
and max. temperature 60 °C (140 °F) B Connection on measurement side: ½-14 NPT
NACE MR-0175-certified D07 C Vent and test connection: ¼-18 NPT
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for gauge and absolute pressure transmitters
Shut-off valves/Double shut-off valves
¼-18 NPT
½-14 NPT
½-14 NPT
approx. 71
½-14 NPT
½-14 NPT
max. open 163
A Connection on device side : ½-14 NPT
B Connection on measurement side: ½-14 NPT
C Vent and test connection: ¼-18 NPT
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for gauge and absolute pressure transmitters
Accessories for shut-off valves/double shut-off valves
1 ■ Overview ■ Overview
The mounting set is suitable for the double shut-off valves The instrument brackets are needed to mount the following units:
7MF9011-4.A and for wall, rack and pipe mounting. • Pressure gauges with threaded connection at the bottom
Selection and Ordering data Article No. • Shut-off valves to DIN 16270, DIN 16271 and DIN 16272
Mounting set for shut-off valves (7MF9401-7.. and 7MF9401-8..)
• 7MF9011-4DA and -4EA 7MF9011-8AB Selection and Ordering data Article No.
made of stainless steel, scope of delivery: Instrument bracket, form H, DIN 16281
1x mounting bracket,
2x hexagon screws M6x40, (e.g. for gauge)
1x mounting clip, made of aluminium alloy, painted black,
2x washers 8.4 to DIN 125; for wall mounting, screw-type bracket cover
2x hexagon nuts 8.4 to DIN EN 24032 • Projection length 60 mm M56340-A0046
• Projection length 100 mm M56340-A0047
• 7MF9011-4FA, -4GA, 4HA, -4KA and -3HA 7MF9011-8AC
made of stainless steel, scope of delivery: Instrument bracket, form A, DIN 16281
1x mounting bracket, (e.g. for transmitter) M56340-A0053
2x hexagon screws M6x10, made of annealed cast iron, galvanized and
1x mounting clip, primed for mounting on a wall or rack or or
2x washers 8.4 to DIN 125; on a sectional rail (horizontal/vertical);
2x hexagon nuts 8.4 to DIN EN 24032 Screw-type bracket cover
Instrument bracket, form A, DIN 16281
■ Dimensional drawings (e.g. for transmitter) M56340-A0079
made of annealed cast iron, galvanized and
Ø11 primed with pipe clamp for wall and pipe
mounting (horizotal/vertical)
Screw-type bracket cover
■ Dimensional drawings
25 SW 10 100
65 10 (160)
72 85
90 Ø60,3 100
Ø26 h11
SW 10
90 85 34
Ø60,3 100 91
Ø26 h11
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
2-, 3- and 5-spindle valve manifolds DN 5
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
2-, 3- and 5-spindle valve manifolds DN 5
1 Selection and Ordering data Order code Article No. ■ Accessories
Further designs1)
Accessory set for 2-, 3- and 5-spindle valve manifolds
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and
specify Order code. 2-spindle valve manifold DN 5
for valve manifolds 7MF9411-5B. • K35: 2 screws 7/16-20 UNF x 1¾ inch to ASME B18.2.1,
and -5C. 1 flat gasket
4x screws M10x45 to DIN EN 24014; K16 7MF9411-6BB • K15: 2 screws M10x45 to DIN EN 24014, 2 washers,
chromized steel 1 flat gasket
4x washers Ø 10.5 mm to DIN 125;
2x flat gaskets made of PTFE, 3-spindle and 5-way valve manifold DN 5
max. permissible 420 bar (6092 psi),
80 °C (176 °F)
• K36: 4 screws 7/16-20 UNF x 1¾ inch to ASME B18.2.1,
Flange connection with M10 screws 2 flat gaskets
only permissible up to PN 160. • K16: 4 screws M10x45 to DIN EN 24014, 4 washers,
4x screws M10x45 to DIN EN 24014; K26 7MF9411-6BC 2 flat gaskets
stainless steel Washers Ø 10.5 to DIN 125
4x washers Ø 10.5 mm to DIN 125,
stainless steel; Flat gaskets made of PTFE, max. 420 bar (6092 psi), 80 °C
2x flat gaskets made of PTFE, (176 °F)
max. permissible 420 bar (6092 psi),
80 °C (176 °F) Note: Flange connection with M10 screws only permissible up to
Flange connection with M10 screws PN 160!
only permissible up to PN 160.
Mounting plate
Mounting plate
• for valve manifold, made of Made of electrogalvanized sheet-steel
electrogalvanized sheet-steel • M11: For wall mounting or for securing on rack (72 mm grid)
- for wall mounting or for securing M11 7MF9006-6EA Scope of delivery:
on rack (72 mm grid), weight - 1 mounting plate with bolts for mounting on valve manifold
0.5 kg
Scope of delivery: • M12: For pipe mounting
1 mounting plate with bolts for Scope of delivery:
mounting on valve manifold - 1 mounting plate M11
- for pipe mounting, weight 0.7 kg M12 7MF9006-6GA - 2 pipe brackets with nuts and washers for pipes with max.
Scope of delivery: Ø 60.3 mm
1x mounting plate M11, 2x pipe
brackets with nuts and washers Valve manifold 100 bar, suitable for oxygen
(for pipe with max. Ø 60.3 mm) • S12: For 2-way valve manifold
and fastening screws for mount-
ing on valve manifold • S13: For 3-way valve manifold
• for valve manifold, made of • S14: For 5-way valve manifold
stainless steel 316L
- for wall mounting or for securing
on rack (72 mm grid), weight
M21 7MF9006-6EC ■ Characteristic curves
0.5 kg
Scope of delivery: bar
Operating pressure
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
2-, 3- and 5-spindle valve manifolds DN 5
■ Dimensional drawings
¼-18 NPT
½-14 NPT
A Ø11 Ø11.5
Ø12 31.75
A Process connection: ½-14 NPT
B Transmitter connection: Flange connection to IEC 61518, form B
C Vent / test connection: ¼-18 NPT
Valve design: external spindle thread
Mounting plate 7MF9006-6.. (M11, M12) for valve manifold,
2-spindle valve manifold DN 5 (7MF9411-5A.), dimensions in mm dimensions in mm
■ Schematics
½-14 NPT
¼-18 NPT
½-14 NPT
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
Multiway cocks PN 100
1 ■ Overview ■ Technical specifications
Multiway cocks PN 100
Medium Water, non-aggressive Aggressive liquids,
liquids and gases gases and vapors
Material P250GH, X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2,
mat. No.: 1.0460 mat. No. 1.4571/316Ti
Connections Steel, for pipe Stainless steel, for
Ø 12 mm, L series pipe Ø 12 mm, L
• Process connection 2 bulkhead glands
• Connection for blow- Pipe union with ferrule
ing out
Max. permissible 200 °C (392 °F)
working temperature
Max. permissible 100 bar (1450 psi) (up to max. 60 °C (140 °F))
working pressure
Weight 2.5 kg
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
Multiway cocks PN 100
• L15 (suitable for oxygen): 4 screws M10x25 to DIN EN 24017,
4 washers, 2 flat gaskets
Washers Ø 10.5 to DIN 125
Flat gaskets made of PTFE, max. permissible temperature 80 °C 88
≈ 98
(176 °F)
40 49
1 2
Multiway cock in oil-free and grease-free design
• S11 (only for aggressive liquids, gases and vapors
(7MF9004-1Q.)): Max. PN 63 (914 psi) (instead of PN 100
(1450 psi)), BAM-tested lubricant, gasket suitable for oxygen
Mounting brackets
• M13: Required for wall mounting or for securing on rack
(72 mm grid); made of electrogalvanized sheet-steel
■ Characteristic curves
≈ 170
3 4 Ø18
bar ≈ 75
Operating pressure
72 24
120 60
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
3-way and 5-way valve manifolds DN 5
1 ■ Overview ■ Function
• Shutting off the differential pressure lines
• Checking the pressure transmitter zero
• In addition, the five-way valve manifold permits blowing out of
the differential pressure lines.
■ Application Accessories
Factory certificate according to EN 10204–2.2 7MF9000-8AB
The 3-way and 5-way valve manifolds are available in versions
for aggressive and non-aggressive liquids and gases. Material inspection certificate EN 10204-3.1 7MF9000-8AD
■ Design
The process connection of the 3-way and 5-way valve manifolds
is a pipe union with ferrule.
Both valve manifolds have 2 flange connections for connecting
a pressure transmitter.
In addition, the five-way valve manifold has 2 blow-out connec-
Depending on the version the valve manifold has either 3 or 5
valves, each with an internal spindle thread.
Materials used
For non-aggressive liquids and For aggressive
gases liquids and gases
Component Material Mat. No. Material Mat. No.
Enclosure P250GH 1.0460 X 6 CrN- 1.4571/
iMoTi17 316Ti
Head parts C 35 1.0501 12 2
Spindles X 12 CrMoS 17 1.4104
Cones X 35 CrMo 17 hardened 1.4122
and tempered
Valve seats X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2 1.4571/
Packings PTFE - PTFE -
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
3-way and 5-way valve manifolds DN 5
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
3-way and 5-way valve manifolds DN 5
1 ■ Characteristic curves 0
Operating pressure bar
200 60
Ø11 Ø11.5
0 100 200 300 400 °C
Operating temperature
Permissible operating pressure as a function of the permissible operating
■ Dimensional drawings
Mounting plate 7MF9006-6.. (M11, M12) for valve manifold, dimensions
7 in mm
■ Schematics
A Process
22 connection
54 M10
41 B Transmitter
72 connection
108 C Vent/test
147 connection
A Process connection (e.g. on primary device): Pipe union with Three-way valve Five-way valve
ferrule, diameter 12 mm, S series to DIN 2353 manifold for manifold for liquids
B Transmitter connection: Flange connection to EN 61518, form A liquids and gases and gases or vapors
Valve design: internal spindle thread
C B B C 22
54 M10.8
72 2.4
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
3-way valve manifold DN 8
■ Overview ■ Function
The 3-way valve manifold DN 8 performs two functions as stan-
• Shutting off the differential pressure lines
• Checking the pressure transmitter zero
All versions are also available with a test connection, to which a
test device for checking the pressure transmitter characteristic
can be connected.
Selection and Ordering data Article No.
3-way valve manifold DN 8 7 MF 9 4 1 6 - 77A
Click on the Article No. for the online confi-
guration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
For flanging to pressure transmitters for differ-
ential pressure, max. working pressure
420 bar (6092 psi), (order accessory set and
mounting plate with Order code), without cer-
For non-aggressive liquids and gases
The 3-way valve manifold DN 8 (7MF9416-1../-2..) is for pressure procedss connection: Pipe union with ferrule
transmitters for differential pressure. It is used to shut off and Ø 12 mm
blow out differential pressure lines and to test the pressure trans- • without test connection 1B
mitter zero.
• with test connection 1C
In the designs with a test connection, a test device can be con-
For non-aggressive liquids and gases
nected to test the pressure transmitter characteristic. procedss connection: Welding pin Ø 14 x 2.5
■ Design
For the process connection on the version for non-aggressive
media it is possible to choose between a pipe union with ferrule
and welding pins.
The version for aggressive media always has a pipe union with
Both versions are available optionally with a test connection
The valves have an internal spindle thread.
Materials used
For non-aggressive liquids and For aggressive
gases liquids and gases
Component Material Mat. No. Material Mat. No.
Enclosure P250GH 1.0460 X 6 CrN- 1.4571/
iMoTi17 316Ti
Head parts C 35 1.0501 12 2
Spindles X 12 CrMoS 17 1.4104
Cones X 35 CrMo 17 hard- 1.4122
ened and tempered
Valve seats X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2 1.4571/316Ti
Packings PTFE - PTFE -
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
3-way valve manifold DN 8
1 Selection and Ordering data Order code Article No. ■ Accessories
Further designs1)
Accessory set for 3-way valve manifold DN 8 for flanging
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and
specify Order code. • B31: 4 screws 7/16-20 UNF x 21/8 inch to ASME B18.2.1,
2 flat gaskets
Accessory set to EN
(required for flanging, weight 0.2 kg)
• B34: 4 screws 7/16-20 UNF x 21/8 inch to ASME B18.2.1,
2 O-rings (FPM 90)
4x screws 7/16-20 UNF x B31 7MF9010-5CC • B11: 4 screws M10x55 to DIN EN 24014, 4 washers,
21/8 inch to ASME B18.2; 2 flat gaskets
chromized steel
2x flat gaskets made of PTFE, • B16: 4 screws M10x55 to DIN EN 24014, 4 washers,
max. permissible 420 bar (6092 psi), 2 O-rings (FPM 90)
80 °C (176 °F)
Washers Ø 10.5 to DIN 125
4x screws 7/16-20 UNF x B34 7MF9410-5CA
21/8 inch to ASME B18.2; Flat gaskets made of PTFE, max. 420 bar (6092 psi), 80 °C
chromized steel (176 °F)
2x O-rings to DIN 3771,
20 x 2.65 - S - FPM90, max. permiss- O-ring to DIN 3771, 20 x 2.65 – S – FPM90, max. 420 bar
ble 420 bar (6092 psi), 120 °C (6092 psi), 120 °C (248 °F)
(248 °F)
Note: M10 screws only permissible up to PN 160 (2320 psi)!
Accessory set to DIN2)
(required for flanging, weight 0.2 kg) Mounting plate
4x screws M10x55 to DIN EN 24014; B11 7MF9010-6AD Made of electrogalvanized sheet-steel
chromized steel • M11: For wall mounting or for securing on rack (72 mm grid)
4x washers Ø 10.5 mm to DIN 125;
2x flat gaskets made of PTFE, max.
Scope of delivery:
permissible 420 bar (6092 psi), - 1 mounting plate with bolts for mounting on valve manifold
80 °C (176 °F) • M12: For pipe mounting
4x screws M10x55 to DIN EN 24014; B16 7MF9010-6CC Scope of delivery:
chromized steel - 1 mounting plate M11
4x washers Ø 10.5 mm to DIN 125; - 2 pipe brackets with nuts and washers for pipes with max.
2x O-rings to DIN 3771, Ø 60.3 mm
20 x 2.65 - S - FPM90, max. permiss-
ble 420 bar (6092 psi), 120 °C
(248 °F) ■ Characteristic curves
Mounting plate
For valve manifold, made of bar
Operating pressure
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
3-way valve manifold DN 8
■ Dimensional drawings
B 72
Ø11 Ø11.5
54 22
72 41
31,5 B B for liquids and gases
54 50 22
72 41
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
Valve manifold combination DN 5/DN 8
1 ■ Overview ■ Function
• Shutting off the differential pressure lines
• Blowing out the differential pressure lines
• Checking the pressure transmitter zero
As an option it is possible to order a version with a test connec-
tion, to which a test device for checking the transmitter charac-
teristic can be connected.
■ Benefits
Selection and Ordering data Order code Article No.
• Max. working pressure 420 bar (6092 psi)
Further designs1)
■ Application Please add "-Z" to Article No. and
specify Order code.
The valve manifold combination DN 5/DN 8 is designed for va- Accessory set to EN
pors. (required for flanging, weight 0.2 kg)
The valve manifold combination DN 5/DN 8 has a process con- chromized steel
nection with welding pins. 2x O-rings to DIN 3771,
20 x 2.65 - S - FPM90, max. permiss-
The connection for the pressure transmitter is designed as as ble 420 bar (6092 psi), 120 °C
flange connection, while the blow-out connection is designed as (248 °F)
a pipe union with ferrule. Accessory set to DIN2)
The manifold valves have an internal spindle thread, while the (required for flanging, weight 0.2 kg)
blow-out valves have an external spindle thread. 4x screws M10x55 to DIN EN 24014; B16 7MF9010-6CC
chromized steel
The optional test connections are M20x1.5. 4x washers Ø 10.5 mm to DIN 125;
Materials used 2x O-rings to DIN 3771,
20 x 2.65 - S - FPM90, max.
Valve manifold DN 5 Blow-out valves DN 8 permissble 420 bar (6092 psi),
120 °C (248 °F);Flange connection
Component Material Mat. No. Material Mat. No. to DIN 19213 only permissible up to
Enclosure P250GH 1.0460 16 Mo 3 1.5415 PN 160!
Head parts C 35 1.0501 21 CrMo V57 1.7709 1) When ordering accessory set together with the valve manifold combina-
tion, please use Order code; otherwise use Article No.
Spindles X 12 1.4104 X 20 Cr 13 1.4021
2) Flange connections to DIN 19213 only permissible up to PN 160 (2321 psi)
CrMoS 17
Cones X 35 1.4122 X 35 1.4122
CrMo 17 CrMo 17
and tem-
Valve seats X 6 CrNiMoTi 1.4571/316Ti X 20 Cr 13 1.4021
Packings PTFE - Pure -
Welding pins - - 16 Mo 3 1.5415
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
Valve manifold combination DN 5/DN 8
Washers Ø 10.5 to DIN 125
O-ring to DIN 3771, 20 x 2.65 - S – FPM90, max. 420 bar
(6092 psi), 120 °C (248 °F)
Note: M10 screws only permissible up to PN 160 (2321 psi)!
■ Characteristic curves 54
bar A A
Operating pressure
1 Valve manifold
400 2 Blow-out connection
300 1)
According to DIN 19210 the
200 design can be such that the
1) Ø11
temperatures for the
1 2 differential pressure line
can be set approx. 100 °C
0 (212 °F) lower than the
0 100 200 300 400 500 °C media temperature.
Operating temperature
Permissible operating pressure as a function of the permissible operating 170
temperature (200)
■ Schematics
A A A Process connection
B Transmitter connection
C Blow-out connection
D D D Test connection
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
Valve manifold combination DN 8
1 ■ Overview ■ Function
• Shutting off the differential pressure lines
• Blowing out the differential pressure lines
• Checking the pressure transmitter zero
As an option it is possible to order a version with a test connec-
tion, to which a test device for checking the pressure transmitter
characteristic can be connected.
Selection and Ordering data Article No.
Valve manifold combination DN 8 for 7 MF 9 4 1 6 - 77A
Click on the Article No. for the online confi-
guration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
for flanging to pressure transmitters for differ-
ential pressure, with mounting plate, max.
working pressure 420 bar (6092 psi), also
available in stainless steel on request (order
accessory set with Order code), without certif-
The valve manifold combination DN 8 (7MF9416-4..) is for pres- • without test connection 4C
sure transmitters for differential pressure. • with test connection M20 × 1.5 4D
It is used to shut off and blow out the differential pressure lines Accessories
and to check the pressure transmitter zero. Factory certificate according to EN 10204–2.2 7MF9000-8AB
In the designs with a test connection, a test device can be con- Material inspection certificate EN 10204-3.1 7MF9000-8AD
nected to check the pressure transmitter characteristic.
Selection and Ordering data Order code Article No.
■ Benefits Further designs1)
• Max. working pressure 420 bar (6092 psi) Please add "-Z" to Article No. and
specify Order code.
■ Application Accessory set to EN
(required for flanging, weight 0.2 kg)
The valve manifold combination DN 8 is designed for vapors.
4x screws 7/16-20 UNF x B34 7MF9410-5CA
■ Design 21/8 inch to ASME B18.2; chromized
The valve manifold combination DN 8 has a process connection 2x O-rings to DIN 3771,
with welding pins. 20 x 2.65 - S - FPM90,
max. permissble 420 bar (6092 psi),
The connection for the pressure transmitter is designed as as 120 °C (248 °F)
flange connection, while the blow-out connection is designed as Accessory set to DIN2)
a pipe union with ferrule. (required for flanging, weight 0.2 kg)
The manifold valves have an internal spindle thread, while the 4x screws M10x55 to DIN EN 24014; B16 7MF9010-6CC
blow-out valves have an external spindle thread. chromized steel
4x washers Ø 10.5 mm to DIN 125;
The optional test connection is M20x1.5. 2x O-rings to DIN 3771,
The valve manifold combination DN 8 is supplied with a mount- 20 x 2.65 - S - FPM90,
max. permissble 420 bar (6092 psi),
ing plate. 120 °C (248 °F)
Materials used Flange connection to DIN 19 213
only permissible up to PN 160!
Valve manifold Blow-out valves
1) When ordering accessory set together with the valve manifold combination,
Component Material Mat. No. Material Mat. No. please use Order code; otherwise use Article No.
2) Flange connections to DIN 19213 only permissible up to PN 160 (2321 psi)
Enclosure P250GH 1.0460 16 Mo 3 1.5415
Head parts C 35 1.0501 21 CrMo V57 1.7709
Spindles X 12 1.4104 X 20 Cr 13 1.4021
■ Accessories
CrMoS 17 Accessory set for valve manifold combination DN 8 for
Cones X 35 1.4122 X 35 1.4122 flanging
CrMo 17 CrMo 17 • B34: 4 screws 7/16-20 UNF x 21/8 inch to ASME B 18.2.1,
and tem-
2 O-rings (FPM 90)
pered • B16: 4 screws M10x55 to DIN EN 24014, 4 washers,
Valve seats X 6 CrNiMoTi 1.4571/316Ti X 20 Cr 13 1.4021 2 O-rings (FPM 90)
Packings PTFE - Pure - Washers Ø 10.5 to DIN 125
graphite O-ring to DIN 3771, 20 x 2.65 – S – FPM90, max. 420 bar (6092
Welding pins - - 16 Mo 3 1.5415 psi), 120 °C (248 °F)
Note: M10 screws only permissible up to PN 160 (2321 psi)!
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
Valve manifold combination DN 8
■ Dimensional drawings
160 Ø14
A 155 A 2,5
M20 x 1,5
B Ø12
72 38 approx. 119
Ø14 x 2,5
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
2-, 3- and 5-spindle valve manifolds for protective box
1 ■ Overview Selection and Ordering data Article No.
Valve manifolds DN 5 for mounting in 7 MF 9 4 1 2 - 77A
protective boxes
Click on the Article No. for the online confi-
guration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
for liquids and gases
for flanging to pressure transmitters for
absolute and differential pressure
Material: stainless steel, mat. No: 1.4404/316L
max. working pressure 420 bar (6092 psi)
(order accessory set with Order code),
without certificate
• 2-spindle valve manifold with rotatng sleeve 1B
• 2-spindle valve manifold with flange 1C
• 3-spindle valve manifold 1D
• 5-spindle valve manifold 1E
The 2-spindle, 3-spindle and 5-spindle valve manifolds Factory certificate according to EN 10204–2.2 7MF9000-8AB
(7MF9412-1..) are used to shut off the differential pressure lines Material inspection certificate EN 10204-3.1 7MF9000-8AD
and to check the transmitter zero point.
The 2-spindle and the 5-spindle valve manifolds also enable Selection and Ordering data Order code Article No.
venting on the transmitter side and checking of the pressure Further designs1)
transmitter characteristic.
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and
These valve manifolds are designed for installation in protective specify Order code.
boxes. However, using a mounting bracket, they can also be
Accessory set to EN
used for wall, frame or tube mounting.
(connection between valve manifold
SITRANS P DS III and SITRANS P500 transmitters can be oper- and pressure transmitter)
ated and read from the front if these valve manifolds are used.. for valve manifold 7MF9412–1C.
2x screws 7/16-20 UNF x 2 inch to F32 7MF9412-6CA
■ Application ASME B18.2.1; chromized steel
1x O-ring to DIN 3771,
The valve manifolds DN 5 are designed for liquids and vapors 20 x 2.65 - S - FPM90,
and for installing in protective boxes. max. permissble 420 bar
(6092 psi), 120 °C (248 °F)
Each is available in a version for oxygen on request
2x screws 7/16-20 UNF x F35 7MF9412-6DA
■ Design 2 inch to ASME B18.2.1; chromized
1x gasket made of PTFE,
All versions of the spindle manifolds have a process connection max. permissible 420 bar (6092 psi),
½-14 NPT. 80 °C (176 °F)2)
The connection for the pressure transmitter is always designed for valve manifold 7MF9412–1D and
as a flange connection to IEC 61518/DIN EN 61518, Form A. -1E.
The 2-spindle and the 5-spindle valve manifold have in addition 4x screws 7/16-20 UNF x F34 7MF9412-6GA
a vent and test connection ¼-18 NPT. 2 inch to ASME B18.2.1; chromized
The valves have an external spindle thread. 2x O-rings to DIN 3771,
20 x 2.65 - S - FPM90,
Materials used max. permissble 420 bar (6092 psi),
120 °C (248 °F)2)
Components Material Mat. No.
4x screws 7/16-20 UNF x F36 7MF9412-6HA
Enclosure X 2 CrNiMo 17 13 2 1.4404/316L 2 inch to ASME B18.2.1; chromized
Cones X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2 1.4571/316Ti steel
2x flat gaskets made of PTFE,
Spindles X 2 CrNiMo 18 10 1.4404/316L max. permissible 420 bar (6092 psi),
Head parts X 5 CrNiMo 18 10 1.4401/316 80 °C (176 °F)2)
Packings PTFE -
■ Functions
Functions of all valve manifolds:
• Shutting off the differential pressure lines
• Checking the pressure transmitter zero
Additional functions of the 2-spindle and 5-spindle valve mani-
folds through the vent and test connection:
• Venting on the transmitter side
• Checking the pressure transmitter characteristic
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
2-, 3- and 5-spindle valve manifolds for protective box
Selection and Ordering data Order code Article No. ■ Accessories
Further designs1)
Accessory set for 2-, 3- and 5-spindle valve manifolds
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and
specify Order code. (Connection between valve manifold and transmitter)
Accessory set to DIN 2-spindle valve manifold DN 5 with flange connection
(connection between valve manifold • F32: 2 screws 7/16 20 UNF x 2 inch to ASME B 18.2.1,
and pressure transmitter) 1 O Ring (FPM90)
For valve manifold 7MF9412–1C. • F35: 2 screws 7/16 20 UNF x 2 inch to ASME B 18.2.1,
2x screws M10x50 to DIN EN 24014; F12 7MF9412-6AA 1 flat-gasket
chromized steel
• F12: 2 screws M10x50 to DIN EN 24014, 2 washers,
2x washers Ø 10.5 mm to DIN 125;
1x O-ring to DIN 3771, 1 O-ring (FPM90)
20 x 2.65 - S - FPM90, max. • F15: 2 screws M10x50 to DIN EN 24014, 2 washers,
permissble 420 bar (6092 psi), 1 flat gasket
120 °C (248 °F)2)
3-spindle and 5-way valve manifold DN 5
2x screws M10x50 to DIN EN 24014; F15 7MF9412-6BA
chromized steel • F34: 4 screws 7/16 20 UNF x 2 inch toASME B 18.2.1,
2x washers Ø 10.5 mm to DIN 125; 2 O-rings (FPM90)
1x gasket made of PTFE,
max. permissible 420 bar (6092 psi),
• F36: 4 screws 7/16 20 UNF x 2 inch toASME B 18.2.1,
80 °C (176 °F)2) 2 flat-gaskets
For valve manifold 7MF9412–1D and • F14: 4 screws M10x50 to DIN EN 24014, 4 washers,
-1E. 2 O-rings (FPM90)
4x screws M10x50 to DIN EN 24014; F14 7MF9412-6EA • F16: 4 screws M10x50 to DIN EN 24014, 4 washers,
chromized steel 2 flat-gaskets
4x washers Ø 10.5 mm to DIN 125;
2x O-rings to DIN 3771, Washers Ø 10.5 to DIN 125
20 x 2.65 - S - FPM90, max.
permissble 420 bar (6092 psi), Flat-gaskets made of PTFE, max. 420 bar (6092 psi), 80 °C
120 °C (248 °F)2) (176 °F)
4x screws M10x50 to DIN EN 24014; F16 7MF9412-6FA O-ring to DIN 3771, 20 x 2.65 - S - FPM90; max.420 bar
chromized steel (6092 psi), 120 °C (248 °F)
4x washers Ø 10.5 mm to DIN 125;
2x flat gaskets made of PTFE, Note:
max. permissible 420 bar (6092 psi), Flange connections with M10 screws only permissible up to
80 °C (176 °F)2) PN 160 (2321 psi)!
Mounting bracket Mounting bracket for wall mounting or for securing to
required for wall mounting or for mounting rack
securing to mounting rack, with bolts
for mounting on valve manifold With bolds for mounting on valve manifold
• for valve manifolds 7MF9412-1B. M14 7MF9006-6LA • M14: For 2-spindle valve manifold DN 5
and -1C. • M17: For 3-spindle valve manifold DN 5
• for valve manifold 7MF9412-1D. M17 7MF9006-6NA • M18: For 5-spindle valve manifold DN 5
• for valve manifold 7MF9412-1E. M18 7MF9006-6PA
Mounting clips (2 off)
Mounting clip
• M16: For securing the mounting brackets M14, M17 and M18
2 off, to secure mounting bracket to M16 7MF9006-6KA to pipe
Valve manifold 100 bar, suitable for oxygen
Valve manifold 100 bar
• S12: For 2-spindle valve manifold DN 5
Oil- and grease-free cleaning for
oxygen applications, max. pressure • S13: For 3-spindle valve manifold DN 5
PN 100 (1450 psi) and max. tem- • S14: For 5-spindle valve manifold DN 5
perature 60 °C (140 °F)
• for valve manifolds 7MF9412-1B.
and -1C.
S12 ■ Characteristic curves
• for valve manifold 7MF9412-1D. S13
Operating pressure
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
2-, 3- and 5-spindle valve manifolds for protective box
1 ■ Dimensional drawings
A ½-14 NPT
C 88,9
15 B
M8 Ø12 B
½-14 NPT M8 10
¼-18 NPT 38
approx. 228
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
2-, 3- and 5-spindle valve manifolds for protective box
4 x Ø11
72 2,5
55 Ø60,3
Ø16 R4,5
C A Process connection
B Connection for pressure gauge or
transmitter for pressure or absolute
A C Vent/test connection
A Process connection
B Transmitter connection
76 C A A C
A Process connection
Mounting bracket (7MF9006-6NA)/(M17) for 3-spindle valve manifold, B Transmitter connection
dimensions in mm C Vent/test connection
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
3- and 5-spindle valve manifolds for vertical angular differential pressure lines
1 ■ Overview Selection and Ordering data Article No.
Valve manifolds for vertical differential 7 MF 9 4 1 3 - 77A
pressure lines
Click on the Article No. for the online confi-
guration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
for liquids and gases
for flanging to pressure transmitters for abso-
lute and differential pressure
Material: stainless steel, mat. No: 1.4404/316L
max. working pressure 420 bar (6092 psi)
(order accessory set with Order code),
without certificate
• 3-spindle valve manifold 1D
• 5-spindle valve manifold 1E
Factory certificate according to EN 10204–2.2 7MF9000-8AB
Material inspection certificate EN 10204-3.1 7MF9000-8AD
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
3- and 5-spindle valve manifolds for vertical angular differential pressure lines
■ Accessories
Accessory set (connection between valve manifold and Ø12
• K36: 4 screws 7/16-20 UNF x 1¾ inch to ASME B18.2.1, 2 flat
• K16: 4 screws M10x45 to DIN EN 24014, 4 washers, 2 flat
Washers Ø 10.5 to DIN 125 ¼-18 NPT
38 C ½-14 NPT
76 31,75
Flat gaskets made of PTFE, max. 420 bar (6092 psi), 80 °C A
(176 °F)
Note: Flange connection with M10 screws only permissible up to 242
PN 160 (2321 psi)!
Mounting bracket for wall mounting or for securing to 5-spindle valve manifold 7MF9413-1E. for vertical differential pressure
mounting rack lines, dimensions in mm
Mounting bracket for mounting on 2" standpipe
With bolts for mounting on valve manifold
• M19: For 3-spindle valve manifold 72
Mounting clips (2 off) Ø60,3
For securing the mounting brackets M17, M18 and M19 to pipe
Valve manifold 100 bar, suitable for oxygen
• For 3-spindle valve manifold
• For 5-spindle valve manifold 180
■ Characteristic curves
bar 38
Operating pressure
0 100 200 300 400 °C
Operating temperature
■ Dimensional drawings
B 38
M8 38 ½-14 NPT 76
76 31,75
Mounting bracket (7MF9006-6PA)/(M18) for 5-spindle valve manifold, di-
mensions in mm
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
3- and 5-spindle valve manifolds for vertical angular differential pressure lines
72 5
26 9
■ Schematics
A Process connection
B Transmitter connection
A Process connection
B Transmitter connection
C Vent/test connection
1/4-18 NPT
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
Low-pressure multiway cock
3 4 3 4 3 4
Operation Characteristic Zero test
Pressure Measurement
Shut-off valves for differential pressure transmitters
Low-pressure multiway cock
1 ■ Accessories ■ Options
Accessory set for low-pressure multiway cock Test connections
• L31: 4 screws 7/16-20 UNF x 1 inch, 2 flat gaskets • 2 sealing screws G3/8
• 2 quick-release couplings
• L11: 4 screws M10x25 to DIN EN 24017, 4 washers, 2 flat gas-
• L15 (suitable for oxygen): 4 screws M10x25 to DIN EN 24017,
■ Characteristic curves
4 washers, 2 flat gaskets bar
Operating pressure
Washers Ø 10.5 to DIN 125 40
■ Dimensional drawings
54 54
Ø12 Ø23 34 56,5 Ø12 Ø23 34 56,5
1 2 1 2
5 6 5 6
3 4 Ø12,5 3 4 Ø12
Ø18 61 Ø18 61
Ø25,2 Ø25,2
Low-pressure multiway cock 7MF9004-4CA/-4DA for direct flanging to pressure transmitters for differential pressure, dimensions in mm
19 6
72 24
120 60
Pressure Measurement
Oval flange
■ Dimensional drawings
Ø12 Ø11,8
31,6 -0,2
½-14 NPT
41,3 ±0,2
Pressure Measurement
1 ■ Overview SW 22
Adapters enable e.g. a transition from medium connections with
½-14 NPT
½-14 NPT
NPT thread to shut-off valves to DIN 16270 ... 16272 or pipes in
conjunction with a connection gland (e.g. 7MF9008).
■ Design
13,6 13,6
The adapters are made of X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2, mat. 20 20
No. 1.4571 and available in 3 versions 50
• Thread ¼-18 NPT and connection shank G½ to DIN EN 837-1
• Thread ½-14 NPT and connection shank G½ to DIN EN 837-1 Adapter with thread ½-14 NPT and thread ½-14 NPT (7MF9001-1DA), di-
mensions in mm
• Thread ½-14 NPT and thread ½-14 NPT
SW 22
Selection and Ordering data Article No.
½-14 NPT
M20 x 1,5
Max. operating pressure: 689 bar (10 000 psi),
Weight: 0.2 kg
with thread ¼-18 NPT – G½ 7MF9001-1AA
with thread ½-14 NPT – G½ 7MF9001-1CA 13,6
20 20
with thread ½-14 NPT – ½-14 NPT 7MF9001-1DA 55
with thread ½-14 NPT – M20 x 1.5 7MF9001-1EA
with pipe union with ferrule 12 S, Adapter with thread ½-14 NPT and connection shank M20 x 1.5
max. operating pressure 630 bar (9 100 psi), (7MF9001-1EA), dimensions in mm
12 mm – ½-14 NPT
• 9 SMnPb 28, mat. No. 1.0718 7MF9008-1CA SW 22 SW 24
• X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 122, mat. No. 1.4571 7MF9008-1CB
½-14 NPT
with pipe union with ferrule 14 S,
max. operating pressure 630 bar (9 100 psi),
14 mm – ½-14 NPT
• 9 SMnPb 28, mat. No. 1.0718 7MF9008-1CC 19,8
• X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 122, mat. No. 1.4571 7MF9008-1CD 34,5
Adapter with pipe union with ferrule 12 S, 12 mm and thread ½-14 NPT
■ Dimensional drawings (7MF9008-1CA and -1CB), dimensions in mm
SW 22 SW 24 SW 27
¼-18 NPT
½-14 NPT
20 15
48 54
Adapter with thread ¼-18 NPT and connection shank G½ (7MF9001- Adapter with pipe union with ferrule 14 S, 14 mm and thread ½-14 NPT
1AA), dimensions in mm (7MF9008-1CC and -1CD), dimensions in mm
SW 22
½-14 NPT
20 20
Pressure Measurement
Connection glands
■ Overview
Connection glands to connect medium or differential pressure
lines to collars G½ to DIN EN 837-1
• For rated pressures up to PN 630 (9137psi)
• For oxygen only up to PN 250 (3626 psi)
Selection and Ordering data Article No.
Connection screwed gland
for pipelines
(weight 0.2 kg)
Material Design
11SMn30 Standard 7MF9008-1GA
(mat. No. 1.0715)
X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2 Standard 7MF9008-1GB
(mat. No. 1.4571/316Ti)
X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2 Grease-free 7MF9008-1GC
(mat. No. 1.4571/316Ti)
■ Dimensional drawings
SW 27
M20 x 1,5
14 7,5
approx. 47
Pressure Measurement
Connection parts G 1/2
1 ■ Overview ■ Dimensional drawings
Connection parts G½ for pressure gauges and shut-off fittings
are available in 3 versions: G½
• Nipple connection
• Clamping sleeve
SW 27
• Collar connection piece
Selection and Ordering data Article No.
Adapters G½
for pressure gauges and shut-off fittings
Nipple connection G½ (M56340-A0001 to -A0003), dimensions in mm
Nipple connection
G½ to DIN 16284 (union nut with nipple and
gasket); max. working pressure 400 bar M20 x 1,5
(5802 psi); weight 0.1 kg; Ø7
connection: G½ to DIN EN 837-1;
Female thread G½ SW 27
Material Mat. No.
CuZn39Pb3 CW 614N M56340-A0001
Union nut M56340-A0002
9 SMn 28 k 1.0715 Ø14
RSt 37-2 1.0037
Nipple connection M20 x 1.5 (M56340-A0008), dimensions in mm
Union nut M56340-A0003
X 8 CrNiS 18 9 1.4305
X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2 1.4571/316Ti SW 27
Nipple connection
M20 x 1.5 to DIN 16284 (union nut with nipple
and gasket); max. working pressure 400 bar
(5802 psi); weight 0.1 kg;
connection: M20 x 1.5 to DIN EN 837-1;
Female thread M20 x 1.5 Clamping sleeve (M56340-A0004/-A0005), dimensions in mm
Clamping sleeve
Pressure Measurement
Water traps, Sealing rings to EN 837-1
■ Overview ■ Overview
Water traps protect pressure gauges and shut-off fittings from The sealing rings to EN 837-1 are required to seal measuring in-
heating up (e.g. by steam) by the water column produced by the struments for pressure with the process connection G½B.
water trap.
The max. working temperature is 120 °C (248 °F) at 100 bar ■ Dimensional drawings
(1450 psi), 300 °C (572 °F) at 80 bar (1160 psi) or 400 °C
(752 °F) at 63 bar (914 psi). If the temperature of the measured
medium is higher, a sufficiently long line has to be connected up-
stream of the trap to enable heat dissipation.
■ Design Ø17,5
■ Dimensional drawings
Ø20 56
Pressure Measurement
Pressure surge reducers
1 ■ Overview
The pressure surge reducer protects the pressure gauge
against damage, premature wear and tear and inaccurate/fluc-
tuating indications.
■ Application
The pressure reducer is used when pulsations occur in the mea-
sured medium (e.g. in slow-running vapor engines, piston
pumps and compressors), or if drastic fluctuations are likely to
occur in the measured medium (e.g. in hydraulic presses and
tensile testing machines).
■ Design
• Enclosure made of brass or stainless steel (mat. no. 1.4571)
• Adjustable nozzle
• Sleeve for connection to the measuring instrument
• Pin for connection to supply lead
■ Dimensional drawings
Sleeve for connection to
the pressure display
Pressure Measurement
Primary shut-off valves
■ Characteristic curves
Operating pressure
400 22 22
Shut-off valve 7MF9017–1A., dimensions in mm
200 Ø80
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 °C
Operating temperature
Shut-off valve 7MF9017-1.., permissible working pressure as a function
of the permissible working temperature
Shut-off valve 7MF9017-1B. and -2B., dimensions in mm
Ø12 (Ø14)
Ø12 (Ø14)
0 100 200 300 400 °C 0 100 200 °C
Operating temperature
Shut-off valve 7MF9017-2.. and -3.., permissible working pressure as a Shut-off valves 7MF9017-1C., -1D. and -2C., dimensions in mm
function of the permissible working temperature
Pressure Measurement
Primary shut-off valves
5 4,5
Pressure Measurement
Compensation vessels
A material inspection certificate A to EN 10204-3.1 is available
for the materials from which the compensation vessels are
■ Characteristic curves O
100 A
I Input (see Ordering data for dimensions)
O Output (see Ordering data for dimensions)
30 mm longer with 7MF9015-5A.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 °C
Operating temperature Compensation vessel 7MF9015-5.., dimensions in mm
Pressure Measurement
Connection parts
1 ■ Overview ■ Dimensional drawings
Connection parts are available in the following versions:
• Threaded flange pair G½ with stainless steel gasket
14 -1
• Nipple G½ form V to DIN 19207 Ø11,5
All connection parts are also available grease-free for oxygen. 50
Selection and Ordering data Article No.
Threaded flange pair G½
• with stainless steel gasket 7MF9007-4CA
Threaded flange 7MF9007-4CA/-4DA, dimensions in mm
• grease-free for oxygen, with stainless 7MF9007-4DA
steel gasket
Scope of delivery:
2x threaded flanges G½ to DIN 19207; material:
Ø17,5 -0,3
P250GH (mat. No. 1.0460)
4x hexagon screws M10x45 to DIN EN 24014;
Material: C35E (mat. No. 1.1181) 5
4x hexagon screws M10x50 to DIN EN 24032 2,5
1x gasket G½ (7MF9007-6BA) grooved,
to DIN 19207;
Material: X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2 Nipple G½ 7MF9007-4KA/-4LA, dimensions in mm
(mat. No. 14571/316Ti)
Only for 7MF9007-4CA!
1x gasket G½ (7MF9k007-6CA), grease-free for
oxygen, grooved, to DIN 19207;
Material: X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2
(mat. No. 14571/316Ti) 30
Only for 7MF9007-4DA!
Nipple G½ Union nut G½ 7MF9007-4MA/-4NA, dimensions in mm
to DIN 19207
• Material: 16 Mo 3 (mat. No. 1.5415) 7MF9007-4KA 1,5
Temperature Measurement
2/251 Further accessories for assembly, con-
nection and transmitter configuration
Siemens FI 01 · 2021
© Siemens 2020
Temperature Measurement
Product overview
■ Overview
Type Description Page Software for
SITRANS TS temperature sensors
Temperature Measurement
Product overview
Weld-in connection
Flange connection
Temperature Measurement
Product overview
Temperature Measurement
Product overview
SITRANS TH400 Zone 2, Zone 2, 2/142 SIMATIC PDM for TH 400 with
Transmitters for connection to zone 1, zone 1, PROFIBUS PA
resistance thermometers, resis- zone 0, zone 0,
tance-based sensors, thermocou- zone 21, zone 21,
ples and DC voltages zone 20, zone 20,
DIV 1, DIV 1,
• Fieldbus transmitters DIV 2 DIV 2
• FOUNDATION fieldbus
Temperature Measurement
Product overview
Temperature Measurement
Product overview
Temperature Measurement
Product overview
Multipoint temperature transmitter
Zone 0,
Zone 20
2/244 Via Ethernet with the supplied
parameter assignment software
for measuring temperatures and
temperature profiles with fiber-
optic multipoint measuring lances.
multipoint measuring lance
For measuring temperatures and
temperature profiles using fiber-
optic Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG).
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
■ Overview
Temperature sensors of the SITRANS TS100 series are cable
thermometers with different electrical connection options (e.g.
plug, soldered connection, connection cable). The SITRANS
TS200 series of compact thermometers is characterized by a
compact design. Both temperature sensor series are suitable
for: 2
• Measurements of temperatures of solids, where additional
thermowells are not required for replacements done during
ongoing operations, e.g. bearing bracket temperature.
• Measurements which are particularly critical with regard to re-
sponse times. The advantages offered by an additional ther-
mowell are intentionally omitted.
• Measuring points which must be easy to convert or relocate.
• Surface temperature measurements: The temperature sensor
is used in conjunction with a surface connection piece.
• Cost-effective transport: the mineral-insulated design of the
sensors allows for economical transport even over large
lengths. As of a length of 0.8 m, the sensors can be delivered
rolled or bent.
The temperature sensors of the SITRANS TS product family are
used for measuring temperatures in industrial plants. SITRANS TS300 temperature sensors for food, pharmaceuti-
cals and biotechnology
Siemens offers the following temperature sensors:
• SITRANS TS100 The temperature sensors of the SITRANS TS300 series are ther-
- General use mometers especially designed for measurements with high hy-
- Compact design with connection cable gienic demands, such as in the food, pharmaceutical and bio-
technology industries. The basic versions are:
- General use • Thermometers in modular design with replaceable measuring
- Compact design with plug/wire ends insert and process connections usual in the industry
• SITRANS TS300 • Clamp-on thermometers for measurement of the tube surface
- Use in food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology temperature without interrupting the process
- Modular or clamp-on design SITRANS TS500 temperature sensors as a module system
- General use Due to their modular design, temperature sensors of the SI-
- Modular design with connection head and thermowell TRANS TS500 series are well suited to a large number of appli-
■ Benefits The replaceable measuring insert makes it possible to conduct
maintenance work even during ongoing operations. These de-
The modular design makes it possible to customize the tempera- vices are used particularly frequently in pipes and tanks in the
ture sensor for most applications, while still being able to use following industries:
many standardized individual components. • Power stations
• Chemical industry
■ Application • Petrochemical industry
Depending on the specification, sensors can be combined with • General process engineering
different connection heads, extensions (neck tube) and process
connections. As a result, the sensors can be used in a large • Water, waste water
number of technical applications, e.g. in the following industries:
• Chemical industry
• Petrochemical industry
• Power engineering
• Basic material industry
• Pharmaceutical industry
• Biotechnology
• Food manufacturing
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
■ Design
The following figure shows the available versions of SITRANS The following figure shows the available versions of SITRANS
TS100 temperature sensors. TS200 temperature sensors.
U (1.59)
U (5.91)
U (1.57)
(0.39) 2
U (1.41)
(0.39) 3
U (1.97)
SITRANS TS100, mineral-insulated (MIC) 5
Degree of protection: (0.20) 4
• Plug-in connection type: see table
• Transition sensor/cable IP68 (2h/2.5 m [98.5 inch])
for PVC and silicone cable, otherwise IP66 B
Version Degree of protection
U 65 (2.56)
Flying leads IP00
LEMO coupling 1S IP50 20
M12 device plugs IP54 (0.79) 5
Thermocouple coupling IP20
The following types of process connections can be imple- B Measuring insert length
mented: H Head height
U Insertion length
• Compression fitting
IP level IP level
• Spring-loaded compression fitting sensor terminals
• Soldering nipple 0 Basic sensor U=B IP65 IP00
• Direct soldering/welding in 1 Flying leads U = B + 10 (0.39) IP65 IP00
2 LEMO coupling 1S U = B - 10 (0.39) IP65 IP50
3 M12 device plugs U = B - 10 (0.39) IP65 IP54
4 Thermocouple coupling U = B - 5 (0.20) IP65 IP20
5 Mini connection head U = B - 20 (0.79) IP65 IP65
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
Ø 60 (2.36)
SITRANS TS300 modular design Cable gland
The resistance thermometer is intended for installation in vessels for cable Ø 3 ... 6.5
and pipes for hygienic requirements. (0.12 ... 0.26)
• Modular design consisting of thermowell, measuring insert,
connection head and optional transmitter for replacement 2
during operation.
• Hygiene version, design according to recommendations of
• Transmitter can be integrated (4 to 20 mA, PROFIBUS PA or
The following figure shows the available versions and compo-
nents of SITRANS TS300 temperature sensors in modular de-
B = N + H1
Ø 50.5
Ø D3
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
SITRANS TS300 Clamp-on
The temperature is recorded via a modified, fast-response Pt100
measuring element that is positioned and insulated by a pipe
collar made of temperature-resistant plastic.
The measuring insert contains a special temperature sensor
2 made of silver that is constantly pressed onto the pipe by a
A positively driven operation of the replaceable measuring insert
ensures a constant fit on the pipe and thus provides for a repro-
ducible measuring result.
1 Vibration-locking-screw
2 Mounting screws
3 Process pipeline
4 Temperature sensor
5 Thermal decoupling
6 Spring load
7 Electrical connection
M12 2
8 Replaceable measuring 1
9 Heat insulated pipe collar
Measuring insert • Special measuring insert made of
stainless steel; hygienic design
• Measuring element made of silver;
thermal decoupling by plastic insert
Measuring insert screwed into collar
with spring tension. Use thermo-lubri-
cant (see accessories) prior to
mounting the device.
Pipe collar
• Material Temperature-resistant, high-perfor-
mance plastic with integrated insula-
tion system in hygienic design
• Ambient temperature influence Approx. 0.2%/10 K
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
The following figure illustrates the available designs and components of the SITRANS TS300 temperature sensors in clamp-on design:
Ø60 (2.36) 2
Device plug
Device plug
51 (2.01)
94 (3.70)
~ 83.5 (3.70)
max. 29
Electrical connection 19
can be rotated by ± 170 ˚ (0.75)
Cable gland
M12x1.5 for cable
Ø3 ... 6.5 (0.12 ... 0.26)
Clamp-on, Clamp-on, clamping band installation (1.46)
clamping block installation with hose clamps
for pipes Ø4 ... 57 (0.16 ... 2.24) for pipes ≥ Ø10 ... ca. 300 Cable gland
(0.39 ... ca.11.81) M16x1.5 for cable
20 Ø4.5 ... 10 (0.18 ... 0.39)
(0.79) 36 (1.42)
Example Ø21 (4.76) (0.75)
Clamp-on, (0.79) Pipe diameter B C
latch fastener installation for pipes 6 ... 17.2 30 35
Ø4 ... 17.2 (0.16 ... 0.68) (0.24 ... 0.68) (1.18) (1.38)
18 ... 35 40 60
3 (0.12)
6 (0.24)
Pipe diameter A B C H
4 ... 17.2 20 30 35 79
(0.16 ... 0.68) (0.79) (1.18) (1.38) (3.11)
18 ... 36 30 40 70 99
(0.71 ... 1.42) (1.18) (1.57) (2.76) (3.90)
38 ... 57 40 50 85 119
(1.50 ... 2.24) (1.57) (1.97) (3.35) (4.68)
Standard version
SITRANS TS300 clamp-on design, device plug, field enclosure, cable gland, versions, dimensions in mm (inch)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
SITRANS TS500 7MC75xx The temperature sensors of the SITRANS TS500 series are avail-
able in three different versions:
The following figure illustrates the available designs and compo-
nents for SITRANS TS500 temperature sensors: Version Description Application Process
1 • Tubular ther- Minimal to • Connection with
2 mowell medium process
• Thermowell and requirements
thread or flange
• Thread is weld-
extension made ed on, or com-
from a pipe; pression fitting
closed at tip with
welded-in base
2 • Barstock ther- Medium to • Directly welded
mowell extreme process into pipe
• Barstock ther- requirements • With welded-on
mowell, tubular flange
extension; ex- • With male
tension screwed thread
into thermowell
3 • For installation in Process require- Screwed into an
existing ther- ments depending existing thermow-
mowell on the thermowell ell
• Tubular exten- design
1 2 3
■ Function
A complete measuring point consists of a measuring insert
which contains the sensor elements, the protective fitting and an
optional measured value processor (transmitter).
Basic sensors
The sensor elements are:
• Resistance thermometers:
Temperature measurement is based on the temperature de-
pendency of the installed measuring resistor.
• Thermocouples:
Temperature measurement is based on the Seebeck effect.
A thermocouple which subjected to a temperature drop pro-
duces thermoelectric voltage that can be measured.
1 SITRANS TS500, tubular thermowell
The optional Siemens transmitters assume the following func-
2 SITRANS TS500, barstock thermowell
3 SITRANS TS500, for installation in an existing thermowell
• Optimum measurement processing
• Strengthening of weak sensor signals directly on site
SITRANS TS500 temperature sensors; the IP degree of protection de-
pends on the connection head • Transmit standardized signals
• Protect against electromagnetic interspersion
• Option to conduct measuring point diagnostics
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
■ Configuration
Components: Process connections
This catalog is limited to the standard versions. Special versions
are available on request. The technical data are provided to as-
sist the user. It is the responsibility of the ordering party to make
the correct selection of suitable devices.
Welding in
The welding in of the thermowell provides a permanent, secure
and highly resilient process connection, assuming a respective
welding quality. Spring-loaded compression fitting
K2 X
Cylindrical thread
Weld-in sockets
Tapered thread
Thread By contrast, tapered threads, such as the American "NPT"
Type of installation: screw-in thread thread, seal metallically in the thread. The relevant length infor-
mation in the catalog refers to the "fully-tightened point (hand-
Screw-in threads of different thread types and sizes are firmly tight)" of the thread, which cannot be defined exactly due to
welded to the thermowell. standard-related tolerances. However, the spring-load of the
measuring insert compensates for the differences in length.
K1 U
Screw-in thread
Type of installation: Compression fittings E
Compression fittings are available as accessories. They fit the
diameter of the thermowell and provide for flexible installation. NPT thread
The installation length can be selected on site. When installed Thread form E / E1 K1 K2
correctly, compression fittings are well suited for low and me-
dium pressure. Thermowells Cylindrical G ½" 15 27
Form 2G + 3G
G ¾" 16 34
The difference between the standard and spring-loaded version
is as follows: G1 30 46
M20 x 1.5 12 26
In the case of the spring-loaded compression fitting, the sensor
is pressed against the measured object or the base of the ther- M27 x 2 16 34
mowell. thus achieving particularly good heat contact. M33 x 2 18 36
Tapered NPT ½" 9 30
NPT ¾" 9 32.5
NPT 1" 10 40
Extensions Cylindrical G ½" 12 27
M14 x 1.5 12 23
M18 x 1.5 12 25
M20 x 1.5 12 25
Tapered NPT ½" 9 33
Compression fitting
X = extension length
U = installation length
E1 = Neck tube/process connection
K1 = Screw-in depth
K2 = Length of the process connection
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
Flanges The following table shows the dimensions of the different ther-
The different properties of the flanges are as follows:
• Standard series EN 1092, ASME 16.5,.. Tip Process connection
• Nominal pressure Inner Outer Inner Outer
mm (inch)] [mm (inch)] [mm (inch)] [mm (inch)]
2 • Nominal diameter
• Sealing surface
type, design
D1 D2 D3 D4
This information is also stamped into the flange, along with the 2N/2/2G/2F, 7 (0.28) 9 (0.35) 7 (0.28) 9 (0.35)
material code and batch number for "3.1 Material". For flange tube
thermowells made of expensive materials, wetted parts of the 2/2G/2F, tube 7 (0.28) 12 (0.47) 7 (0.28) 12 (0.47)
thermowell and the so-called flanged wheel are designed with
3/3G/3F, tube 6 (0.24) 9 (0.35) 7 (0.28) 12 (0.47)
the required material. The flanged wheel is welded in front of the Tolerances as
flange sealing surface in this case. Non-wetted parts are listed per
in 316L. DIN 43772
Industry-specific process connections 4/4F, barstock 7 (0.28) 12.5 (0.49) 7 (0.28) 24 (0.94)
Special process connections have become popular in different 4/4F, quick- 3.5 (0.14) 9 (0.35) 3.5 (0.14) 18 (0.71)
response, bar-
industries. For example, hygiene technology: clamp-on connec- stock
tions, dairy connections and others.
Components: Thermowell
Tubular or barstock thermowells fulfill two basic functions:
• They protect the measuring insert from corrosive media D3 D2
D4 D1
• They make it possible to replace units during ongoing opera-
This catalog is limited to the standard versions. Special versions
are available on request. The large number of available types
Dimensions of thermowells
can be classified as follows:
• Tubular thermowells Barstock thermowells according to ASME B40.9
Tubular thermowells are also described as "welded" or "multi- Thermowells according to ASME are distinguished by their form:
part" thermowells (not to be confused with "multi-part protec- Straight, reduced (staggered) or tapered along the entire instal-
tive fittings"). They are suitable for low to medium process lation length.
loads and can be manufactured on a cost-effective basis.
Coarse subdivisions can also be made in the type of process
connection: screwed design, for welding in, with flange, or with
- Form 2N similar to DIN 43772
the so-called Van Stone connection.
with straight tip and shortest possible extension length
non-adjustable connection head For the Van Stone connection, a small flange sealing surface ex-
- Form 2 as per DIN 43772 ists directly at the barstock thermowell. This prevents any weld-
with straight tip and extension ing seams in the area touching the media. The thermowell is
adjustable connection head fixed by a collar flange that presses the sealing surface against
Form 2: without process connection the plant-side flange. Another advantage of this design is the op-
Form 2G: Threaded connection timized spare parts inventory. A thermowell fits onto multiple
Form 2F: Flange connection connecting flanges; the only difference is in the collar flanges.
- Form 3 according to DIN 43772
Components: Extension (neck tube)
Version with tapered tip and extension
Adjustable connection head The extension is the section from the lower edge of the connec-
For these thermowells, the thermowell tip is tapered by rotary tion head to the fixed point of the process connection or ther-
swaging. This results in an excellent fit with the measuring in- mowell. There are a variety of terms for this component, e.g.
sert and very good response times. neck tube. For this reason the term extension has been selected
Analogous to forms 2, versions 3G/3F are also available for as a standardized term for the different designs. Function is the
form 3 deciding factor:
• Barstock thermowells according to DIN 43772 • Thermal decoupling of connection head from process tem-
Where process loads are too great, or where a thermowell perature
cannot have a welded seam, deep-hole drilled barstock ther- • Installation of connection head over existing insulation
mowells are used. Thermowells of form 4 according to
DIN 43772 are widely used. Forms D1-D5 of the previous • Simple standardization of measuring inserts: In general, the
standard DIN 43763 have been integrated into form 4 of length of the extension may be freely selected. However, when
DIN 43772: using standardized installation lengths, the option "Extension
as per DIN 43772" is recommended. This ensures that mea-
Design DIN 43763 Design 4 DIN 43772 suring inserts which are quickly available can be used. In the
invalid current case of special lengths, it is possible to standardize the mea-
L in mm U in mm suring insert length through a clever combination with the re-
spective special extension length. This allows customers to
D1 140 65
optimize their costs in purchasing and logistics.
D2 200 125
• For American-type sensors, the extension also undertakes the
D4 200 65 spring load of the measuring insert.
D5 260 125 • Depending on the version, the extension can also enable the
adjustment of the connection head
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
• The form of the extension depends on the form of the ther- Versions
- Tubular thermowell With regard to their function, extensions can be classified into
The extension and thermowell usually consist of one contin- two types:
uous pipe. The process connection is welded on (= one- • Adjustable/non-adjustable:
piece protective fitting). Function of the extension to align the connection head to the
- Barstock thermowells
Extension and the thermowell consist of two components
desired direction 2
• Integrated measuring insert spring load:
which are screwed together. The process connection is at- In the case of American-type sensors, the spring load of the
tached to the thermowell (= multi-piece protective fitting). measuring insert is integrated into the extension. Measuring
insert and extension form one unit.
Thermowell type X [mm (inch)] M [mm (inch)] Divisible
2G 129 (5.08) 145 (5.71) No European type European type Without extension
Adjustable, cylindrical Adjustable, tapered Without thread
2F 64 (2.52) 80 (3.15) No (optional sealing screw)
3G 131 (5.19) 147 (5.79) No
3F 66 (2.60) 82 (3.23) No
4 (only L=110) 139 (5.47) 155 (6.10) Yes
4 (others) 149 (5.87) 165 (6.50) Yes
European type European type European type
Non-adjustable, Non-adjustable, tapered Non-adjustable,
cylindrical Nipple (NIP)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
Components: Connection head
Connection head
the connection head protects the connection department. The Different connection heads are used depending on the applica-
connection head features sufficient room for mounting a clamp- tion and preference. Where cable glands and thread adapters
ing base or transmitter. are included in the scope of the order, they will be supplied with
2 the device.
Connection head Type Label Cable gland Degree of Transmitter Connection Explosion
Material protection installation height H1 protection
[corrosion protec- [mm (inch)] optional
tion correspond-
ing to ISO 12944-2]
BA0 aluminum Flange lid M20 x 1.5 IP65 Measuring insert 26 (1.02) Ex i
Not Ex: [C2, durability H;
Plastic C3, durability M]
Ex i/Ex n:
BB0 aluminum Hinged cover low M20 x 1.5 IP65 Measuring insert 26 (1.02) Ex i
Not Ex: [C2, durability H;
Plastic C3, durability M]
Ex i/Ex n:
BC0 aluminum Hinged cover high M20 x 1.5 IP65 Measuring insert 26 (1.02) Ex i
BC0 plastic Not Ex: [For aluminum: and/or hinged
Plastic C2, durability H; cover
Ex i/Ex n: C3, durability M]
Brass [For plastic: not
BM0 plastic Screw cover M20 x 1.5 IP54 Measuring insert 26 (1.02) Ex i
Not Ex: [For plastic: not
Plastic applicable]
Ex i/Ex n:
H1 Brass
BS0 stainless steel Screw cover M12 x 1.5 polyam- IP67 Measuring insert 26 (1.02) Ex i
ide [For stainless steel:
not applicable]
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
Connection head Type Label Cable gland Degree of Transmitter Connection Explosion
Material protection installation height H1 protection
[corrosion protec- [mm (inch)] optional
tion correspond-
ing to ISO 12944-2]
AG0 aluminum Screw cover, M20 x 1.5 IP66/68 Measuring insert 41 (1.61) Ex i, Ex d
AU0 stainless
steel AISI 316
heavy-duty not Ex: plastic
Ex i/Ex n: brass
(IP68: 1.5 m; 2 h)
(1.4401) Ex d: without cable [For aluminum: C2,
gland C3, C4, for stainless
steel: not applica-
H1 ble]
AH0 aluminum Screw cover, win- M20 x 1.5 IP66/68 Measuring insert 41 (1.61) Ex i, Ex d
AV0 stainless steel dow, heavy duty, not Ex: plastic (IP68: 1.5 m; 2 h)
AISI 316 (1.4401) with 4 ... 20 mA Ex i/Ex n: brass NEMA 4X
display Ex d: without cable [For aluminum: C2,
gland C3, C4, for stainless
steel: not applica-
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
Components: Measuring insert
Measuring insert SITRANS TH product family
The measuring insert of the temperature sensor is built into the For detailed technical data on the SITRANS TH transmitters,
protective fitting (thermowell, extension and connection head). please refer to this catalog.
The sensor element is located in the measuring insert, where it
2 is protected. The spring load of the Siemens measuring inserts
provide good thermal contact with the tip of the thermowell, and
• TH100 - the basic device
- Output: 4 ... 20 mA
- 1 x input Pt100
vibration resistance is significantly increased. Only highly resis- - Can be configured using simple software
tant mineral-insulated cables (so-called MIC or plastic-
sheathed) are used for the electrical connection between the • TH320 - the universal device
sensor element and connection head. The highly compacted in- - Output 4 ... 20 mA or:
sulation of magnesium oxide achieves excellent levels of vibra- - Output 4 ... 20 mA/HART
tion resistance. The following measuring insert designs are the - 1 x input resistance thermometer, thermocouples
most widely used on the world market: - Can be configured using simple software
• TH420 – Twice as safe
- Output 4 ... 20 mA/HART
- 2 x input resistance thermometer, thermocouples, hot
backup, drift detection, etc. can be achieved as a result
- Extended diagnostic functions
• TH400 - Fieldbus PA and FF
- 1 x input resistance thermometer, thermocouples
- Diagnostic functions
Installation types
All SITRANS-TH transmitters can be installed in type B connec-
tion heads. The following installation forms are used:
• Measuring insert installation
Our standard version offers the following advantages
- Small vibrating masses and compact design
- Measuring insert-transmitter unit can be replaced quickly
European type
European type measuring inserts can be replaced without hav-
ing to dismantle the connection head. The springs are located
either on the transmitter or the terminal block. This makes it pos-
sible to achieve a 8 to 10 mm spring range. If a transmitter is not
attached, a ceramic base is located at this position. Order option
G01 can be used to select a version with free wire ends instead
Installation of measuring insert
of the ceramic base for mounting of head transmitters.
• Hinged cover installation
American type - Standard for head type BC0 and BP0
American-type measuring inserts feature a large spring range. - Advantage: Measuring insert and transmitter can be re-
These measuring inserts are ideal for use with NPT threads that paired/maintained separately (recalibration).
feature high tolerances. In this configuration, the extension func-
tion is partially or fully integrated (nipple-union-nipple). More-
over, it is also possible to directly attach field devices, e.g.
Components: Transmitters
SITRANS TH head transmitters process weak, non-linear sensor
signals and transmit a stable and temperature-linear standard
signal. thereby minimizing sensor signal disruptions.
The transmitters permanently monitor the temperature sensors
and transmit diagnostic data to superordinate systems.
Because of the low energy feed of the SITRANS TH head trans-
mitters, self-heating of the temperature sensors is at a minimal
level. Hinged cover installation
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
Measuring technology: Basic sensors Measuring technology: Measuring accuracy
The diverse application spectrum for industrial temperature Resistance thermometer
measuring technology requires different sensor technologies.
The tolerance classes of the resistance thermometers corre-
Resistance thermometer spond to IEC 751/EN 60751:
Basic sensors made of other basic materials, with different basic
values or different underlying standards, are available on re-
Tolerance t 2
quest. Resistance thermometers can be classified as follows: Basic accuracy, Class B ± (0.30 °C +0.0050|t[°C]|)
0.54 °F +0.0050x|t[°F]-32|
• Basic design
The sensor element is built with thin layer technology. The re- Increased accuracy, Class A ± (0.15 °C +0.0020|t[°C]|)
sistance material is applied in the form of a thin layer on a ce- 0.27 °F +0.0020x|t[°F]-32|
ramic carrier material. High degree of accuracy, Class AA ± (0.10 °C +0.0017|t[°C]|)
• Versions featuring increased vibration resistance (1/3 B) ± 0.18 °F +0.0017x|t[°F]-32|
In addition to the basic design: Measures to improve vibration
resistance. The following tables provide an overview of the scope of these
• Versions with expanded measuring range tolerances. If the specified limits are exceeded with a resistance
Elements in wire-wound design. The wire winding is embed- thermometer, the values of the next lower accuracy class apply
ded in a ceramic body. permanently:
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
Other thermocouples, ignoble
Type Basic accuracy, Class 2 Increased accuracy, Class 1
T -40 °C ... 133 °C ±1 °C (-40 °F ... +271 °F ±1.8 °F) -40 °C ... +125 °C ±0.5 °C (-40 °F ... +257 °F ±0.9 °F)
133 °C ... 350 °C ±0.0075x|t[°C]| (271 °F ... 662 °F ±0.0075x|t[°F]-32|) 125 °C ... 350 °C ±0.004x|t[°C]| (257 °F ... 662 °F ±0.004x|t[°F]-32|)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
Measuring technology: Mounting depth Measuring technology: Connection types
Measuring insert For resistance thermometers, the type of sensor connection di-
rectly affects the level of accuracy:
Type Temperature-sensitive Non-bendable length
length (TSL) [mm (inch)] 2-wire connection
[mm (inch)]
Basic 50 (1.97) 30 (1.82)
The resistance of sensor lines are included in the measurement
result as an error. Adjustments are recommended in this case. 2
Increased vibration resis- 50 (1.97) 30 (1.82)
Expanded measuring 50 (1.97) 60 (2.36)
Thermocouple 20 (0.79) 5 (0.20)
Immersion depth/contact with medium
The "heat transfer error" arises depending on the ambient condi-
tions (temperature/weather/insulation) and the size of the ther-
mowell, process connection and pipe.
Pt100 2-wire connection
To prevent such an error, the immersion depth and diameter of
the thermowell are defined. The temperature-sensitive length 3-wire connection
(TSL) of the thermowell must also be taken into account. The fol-
lowing rule of thumb can be used: Line resistance is not included in the measurement result. Re-
quirements: all terminal and line resistances (corrosion) are at
• Water the same level, and terminals are at the same temperature level.
Immersion depth TSL + 5 x Ø of thermowell
• Air
Immersion depth TSL + 10 ... 15 x Ø of thermowell
• Recommendations
- Select largest possible submersion depth
- Select measuring location with higher flow velocity Pt100
- Insulate outer components of thermometer
- Smallest possible surface for outer components
- Insertion in tube bends
- Direct measurement without additional thermowell if no suit-
able solution can be found using other measures Pt100 3-wire connection
4-wire connection
Line resistance is not included in the measurement result. This
type of connection is the most secure and most accurate.
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
Temperature influence
At connection head TS500 1)
Without transmitter [°C With suitable transmit-
(°F)] ter [°C (°F)]
°C (°F)
60 (140)
Overtemperature in head B
50 (122)
40 (104)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
SITRANS TS300 Clamp-on Process load
Design Because of the large variety of possible applications and vari-
ables, it is not possible to make general binding statements re-
Measuring insert • Special measuring insert made of
stainless steel; hygienic design
garding the resilience of components which comes into contact
• Measuring element made of silver, with media. The load diagrams below can be used for common
thermal decoupling through plastic
applications. However, where operating conditions vary signifi-
cantly, please contact our technical support team. 2
Measuring insert screwed into collar
with spring tension. Use thermo-lubri- Load on the thermowell and remedies:
cant (see accessories) prior to
mounting the device. The process itself Correction options
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
Load diagrams
bar (psi)
Permissible pressure Pmax
2 250 (3626)
Steam pressure curve
200 (2901)
Form 2/2G/2N/2F Ø9x1 (0.35x0.04)
Material No. 1.4571
150 (2176)
U Speed v
140 (5.51) v W = 3 m/s
100 (1450) 315 (12.40) (9.84 ft/s)
510 (20.08)
50 (725) 140 (5.51) v L = 25 m/s
315 (12.40) (82.02 ft/s)
510 (20.08)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 °C
(32) (122) (212) (302) (392) (482) (572) (662) (752) (842) (932) (1022) (°F)
Temperature T
bar (psi)
Permissible pressure Pmax
250 (3626)
200 (2901)
Form 2/2G/2N/2F Ø12x2.5 (0.47x0.10)
Material No. 1.4571
150 (2176)
U Speed v
Steam pressure curve
140 (5.51) v W = 3 m/s
100 (1450) 315 (12.40) (9.84 ft/s)
510 (20.08)
50 (725) 140 (5.51) v L = 25 m/s
315 (12.40) (82.02 ft/s)
510 (20.08)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 °C
(32) (122) (212) (302) (392) (482) (572) (662) (752) (842) (932) (1022) (°F)
Temperature T
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
bar (psi)
Permissible pressure Pmax
250 (3626)
200 (2901)
Steam pressure curve Form 3/3G/3F Ø12x2.5 (0.47x0.10)
Material No. 1.4571
150 (2176)
U Speed v
140 (5.51) v W = 3 m/s
100 (1450) 315 (12.40) (9.84 ft/s)
510 (20.08)
50 (725) 140 (5.51) v L = 25 m/s
315 (12.40) (82.02 ft/s)
510 (20.08)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 °C
(32) (122) (212) (302) (392) (482) (572) (662) (752) (842) (932) (1022) (°F)
Temperature T
Thermowells Ø 12 x 2.5 mm (0.47 x 0.10 inch), Ø14 x 2.5 mm (0.55 x 0.10 inch), dimensions in mm (inch)
bar (psi)
Permissible pressure Pmax
200 (2901)
Form 4/4F Ø24 (0.94); C=65 (2.56)
Material No. 1.7335
150 (2176)
U Speed v
140 (5.51) v W = 5 m/s
100 (1450) 315 (12.40) (16.40 ft/s)
510 (20.08)
50 (725) 140 (5.51) v L = 40 m/s
315 (12.40) (131.20 ft/s)
510 (20.08)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 °C
(32) (122) (212) (302) (392) (482) (572) (662) (752) (842) (932) (1022) (°F)
Temperature T
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
bar (psi)
Permissible pressure Pmax
450 (6527)
200 (2901)
Form 4/4F Ø18 (0.71); C=65 (2.56)
Material No. 1.7335
150 (2176)
U Speed v
140/315 v W = 5 m/s
100 (1450) (5.51/12.40) (16.40 ft/s)
510 (20.08)
50 (725) 140 (5.51) v L = 40 m/s
315 (12.40) (131.20 ft/s)
510 (20.08)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 °C
(32) (122) (212) (302) (392) (482) (572) (662) (752) (842) (932) (1022) (°F)
Temperature T
bar (psi)
Permissible pressure Pmax
200 (2901)
Form 4/4F Ø24 (0.94); C=125 (4.92)
Material No. 1.7335
150 (2176)
U Speed v
140/315 v W = 5 m/s
100 (1450) (5.51/12.40) (16.40 ft/s)
510 (20.08)
50 (725) 140 (5.51) v L = 40 m/s
315 (12.40) (131.20 ft/s)
510 (20.08)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 °C
(32) (122) (212) (302) (392) (482) (572) (662) (752) (842) (932) (1022) (°F)
Temperature T
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
Thermowell calculation
Properly applied load diagrams will provide a sufficient degree Siemens can offer thermowell calculations according to the two
of safety for the thermowell dimensioning of most applications. recognized procedures upon request.
However, there are cases in which operating conditions deviate • Dittrich/Klotter method
too greatly from standard parameters. In this case, a customized • ASME PTC19.3-TW2016 method
thermowell calculation can be displayed. This method also takes into account turbulence formation on 2
Another reason for doing this calculation is the fact that flowing a mathematical level.
media can create turbulence at the tip of the thermowell under Both methods provide a high degree of safety with regard to
certain conditions. The thermowell will then vibrate and may thermowell configuration, however, they do not provide a guar-
even be destroyed if not configured correctly. This is the most antee against failures. A recalculation may be necessary in case
frequent cause of thermowell failure. of changes to the process parameters.
Material descriptions/Standards comparison Max. temperature Properties Applications
[°C (°F)] (unloaded)
Mat. No.: AISI/Trade name: EN 10028-2: Description
1.4404 or AISI 316 L X2CrNiMo17-12-2 Austenitic stainless 550 (1 022) Good acid resistance, resis- Chemical industry, waste
1.4435 steel tant against grain boundary treatment, paper and cellu-
corrosion lose industry, food industry
1.4571 AISI 316 Ti X6CrNiMoTi1712-2 Austenitic stainless 600 (1 112) Good acid resistance, resis- Chemical industry, textile
steel tant against grain boundary industry, paper and cellulose
corrosion (supported by TI industry, water supply, food
portion) and pharmaceuticals
1.5415 A 204 Gr.A 16Mo3 Carbon steel, high-alloy 500 (932) Resistant at higher tempera- Steam turbines, steam lines,
tures, well suited for welding water pipes
1.7335 A 182 F11 13CrMo4-5 Carbon steel, high-alloy 540 (1 004) Resistant at higher tempera- Steam turbines, steam lines,
tures, well suited for welding water pipes
1.4841 SS 314 X15CrNiSi25-20 Austenitic heat-resistant 1 150 (2 102) Resistant at high tempera- Flue gas, petrochemical
stainless steel tures, also resistant against industry, chemicals industry,
low-O2 gases and gases power plants
containing nitrogen.
1.4762 446 X10CrAl24 Ferritic heat-resistant 1 150 (2 102) Resistant at high tempera- Chemical industry, power
steel tures, in oxidizing and reduc- plants, steel industry, waste
ing sulfur-containing gas treatment
2.4819 Hastelloy C 276 NiMo16Cr15W Nickel-Chrome-Molyb- 1 100 (2 012) Resistant at high tempera- Chemicals industry, paper
denum alloy tures, in oxidizing and reduc- and cellulose industry, waste
ing atmosphere, resistant treatment, waste incinera-
against pitting and crevice tors, emissions controls,
corrosion, good corrosion shipbuilding and offshore
resistance after welding industry
2.4360 Monel 400 NiCu30Fe Nickel-copper alloy 500 (932) Excellent corrosion resis- Chemical industry, offshore
tance, particularly against industry, nuclear technol-
chloride-induced cold crack ogy, petrochemical industry
Similar to A105 Carbon steel 400 (752) Steam turbines, steam lines,
1.0305 water pipes
1.4410 Similar to A2507 X2CrNiMoN 22-7-4 Austenitic-ferritic super 300 (572) Excellent resistance espe- Chemical Industry and
duplex steel cially to chloride-related gap petroleum chemistry, seawa-
and pitting corrosion ter desalination plants,
paper pulp industry
1.4462 Similar to AISI 318 X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 Austenitic-ferritic 250 (482) Resistance especially to Chloride contaminated
LN duplex steel chloride-related gap and pit- water, acidic gas conditions,
ting corrosion petrochemicals, marine
Where cost-intensive materials are used with flange thermowells, cost savings can be achieved by using a so-called flanged wheel.
A thin disc of the material which comes into contact with media is applied prior to the flange (ordinary stainless steel).
Materials of sensor tube/measuring insert:
• SITRANS TSInsert, TS100, TS200
- Resistance thermometer Cr-Ni-Mo
- Thermocouple 2.4816/Inconel600
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
Vibration resistance of measuring insert, cable sensor Tests
Similar to the thermowell, the equipment also creates inner (Kar- In addition, statutory, standards-based or operating specifica-
man vortices) and outer vibration inducements which act on the tions also require additional testing. The results are attested in
measuring insert. For this reason, a special assembly of mea- certificates according to EN 10204:
surement elements is required. Other than a few exceptions for • According to EN 10204-2.1, order conformity (C35)
2 cable and compact thermometers, Siemens only produces sen-
sors with a mineral-insulated plastic-sheathed cable. Together
Certificate in which Siemens confirms that the delivered prod-
ucts correspond to the requirements of the order, without
with precautions taken when installing the measuring element, specification of test results. The testing does not have to be
the Siemens basic version already exceeds EN 60751 by more carried out on the delivered devices.
than a factor of 3. Pursuant to the measurement methods of this
standard, the following values are obtained (tip-tip): • According to EN 10204-3.1
Certificate in which Siemens confirms that the delivered prod-
• 10 g: Basic version and expanded measuring range ucts meet the requirements set out in the order, with indication
• 60 g: Increased vibration resistance and thermocouple of the specification of test results. Testing is carried out by an
organization which is independent of production. The inspec-
Bending ability of measuring insert/cable sensor tion certificate 3.1 replaces 3.1.B of the previous edition.
All Siemens SITRANS TSinsert measuring inserts are made with • Material certificate for parts which come into contact with me-
a mineral-insulated plastic-sheathed cable (MIC). The same ap- dia (C12)
plies to a portion of the cable and compact thermometer. In ad- This certificate confirms the properties of the material and
dition to the already described properties, another advantage of warrants traceability up to the melting batch.
the plastic-sheathed cable is its bending ability. This makes it
possible to install these thermometers even in difficult to access • Pressure test (C31)
areas. Ensure that the following minimum bending radius is ob- Hydrostatic pressure test on thermowell. Internal pressure for
served: thread and weld-in, external pressure for flange forms.
• Helium leak test (C32)
Ø MIC [mm] (inch) Rmax = 4x Ø MIC [mm] (inch) This test can be used to detect even the smallest leaks in ther-
3 (0.12) 12 (0.48) mowells and weld seams.
6 (0.24) 24 (0.95) • Dye-penetration-test (C33)
The color penetration method can detect tears and other sur-
Where a smaller bending radius is required due to installation face defects.
conditions, subsequent testing of the insulation resistance is • Comparative test (calibration) (Y33)
recommended. The test object is measured in one temperature direction
The bending ability of the mineral-insulated design allows for against a highly precise thermometer, and the measured val-
economical transport even of large lengths. As of a length of ues of test object and normal object are documented. How-
0.8 m, the sensors can be delivered rolled or bent. If slight ever, calibration requires the measuring insert to be of a cer-
bends have arisen due to mechanical loads during transport or tain minimum length. Measuring inserts can be calibrated
handling, the quality and function of the sensor are not impacted together with the associated transmitter. Calibration values
by this. The bends can easily be straightened. can be stored in the transmitter in order to increase the mea-
suring accuracy of the system.
Electrical stability
• According to EN 10204-3.2
Insulation resistance This type of acceptance certificate can be prepared on re-
quest, together with an acceptance representative of the or-
The insulation resistance between each measuring circuit and dering party or a representative indicated by official require-
the fitting is tested at a voltage of 500 V DC at room temperature. ments (e.g. TÜV). It confirms that the delivered products meet
Riso 100 M the requirements set out in the order; it also contains the test
Due to the property of the mineral-insulated cable, the insulation
resistance decreases as temperature increases. Because of the • Welding documentation
special production method, it is however possible to achieve documentation such as WPS and PQR are available on our
very good values even at high temperatures. website.
Wire resistance
For 2-wire connections, the wire resistance is considered in the
measurement result. The following rule of thumb can be used:
• Measuring insert 3 mm (0.12 inch) 5 /m or 12.8 °C (55.04 °F)
• Measuring insert 6 mm (0.24 in) 2.8 /m or 7.1 °C (44.78 °F)
Therefore, a 3 or 4-wire connection is urgently recommended.
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
Explosion protection
Due to the variety of requirements, all flameproof versions, as well as those complying with CSA and FM are supplied without cable
glands. The Ex markings can be found in the current manual A5E03920348, section "Certificates and approvals".
Designator Additional
Region Standard Type of protection For Zone For Division 2
TSinsert E00 EU/AU/NZ CE/RCM Without Ex protection -
TS100 E17 US/CA cCSAus -
TS200 E54 CN -
E80 EAC TR -
E01 EU/AU/NZ ATEX, IECEx Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS" 0…2/20…22 -
E18 US/CA cCSAus 0…2/20…22 1/2
E55 CN NEPSI 0…2/20…22 -
E81 EAC EACEx 0…2/20…22 -
TS500 E00 EU/AU/NZ CE/RCM Without Ex protection -
E10 US/CA cFMus -
E17 US/CA cCSAus -
E54 CN -
E80 EAC TR -
E01 EU/AU/NZ ATEX, IECEx Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS" 0*…2/20*…22 -
E18 US/CA cCSAus 0*…2/20*…22 1/2
E55 CN NEPSI 0*…2/20*…22 -
E81 EAC EACEx 0*…2/20*…22 -
E03 EU/AU/NZ ATEX, IECEx Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP" 0*…2/20*…22 -
dust protection through enclosure "t"/"DIP"
E13 US/CA cFMus only with connection heads code AG0, AH0, 1/21 1/2 (aluminum
(7MC750, AU0, AV0 head)
NPT only)
E14 (metric) US/CA cFMus 1/21 1/2 (aluminum
E20 (NPT) US/CA cCSAus 0*…2/20*…22 1/2
E21 (metric) US CSAus 0*…2/20*…22 -
E56 CN NEPSI 0*…2/20*…22 -
E82 EAC EACEx 0*…2/20*…22 -
E04 EU/AU/NZ ATEX, IECEx Non-sparking "ec" 2 -
E16 US/CA cFMus 2 -
E23 US/CA cCSAus Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" 2 2
E57 CN NEPSI 2 -
E83 EAC EACEx 2 -
AU = Australia; CA = Canada; CN = China; EAC = Eurasian Customs Union; EU = Europe; US = USA
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
■ Circuit diagrams
Resistance thermometer connection If a head transmitter is not installed, the sensor supply cable
consists of the appropriate extension or compensating cable.
SITRANS TSinsert measuring inserts are, unless otherwise men- The thermo line is made from the thermocouple material of the
tioned, designed as single Pt100 measuring inserts with a 4-wire relevant thermocouple, while the compensating cable uses a
2 connection. This makes it possible to implement all of the afore-
mentioned connection types.
cost-effective substitute material. The electrical behavior of the
compensating cable is similar to that of the thermo line within a
Double Pt100 measuring inserts (only possible with 6 mm out- limited temperature range of up to 200 °C.
side diameter) are designed as 3-wire connection. A wide spectrum of color coding exists for thermocouples on an
international level. This must be taken into account during the
1 x Pt100 2 x Pt100 connecting process.
Coun- International/ North America UK/Czech Republic
Red Red Black
try Germany
2-wire connection
- - -
Type + -
J Black White
K Green White
N Pink White
E Purple White
T Brown White
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
Device plugs Transmitter connection
In some cases, sensors are not connected directly but using device If SITRANS TH transmitters are used in the connection head of
plugs. The connection is made according to the figures below. the temperature sensor, connection takes place according to the
following pattern:
Lemo 1S coupling (SITRANS TS100/TS200)
Hole 1x Thermocouple
2 1
2x Thermocouple
1 2 2 3 1 4 3 6
2 3 + - 6
3 4 5
- + 4 - + - +
4 5
1x PT100 2x PT100
4-wire connection 2 3-wire connection
2 1 3 1
1 2 3 4 3 2 4 6 5 1
3 4 4 6
White Red 5 Red White Black Yellow
Resistance thermometer
M12 device plug for single sensors
(SITRANS TS100/TS200/TS500)
3 6
3 6
4 5+ -
1x Thermocouple 2x Thermocouple
2 4 5
4 1 4 1 2 3
1 + -
- + - + - +
Transmitters TH: + -
1x PT100 flying leads
3-wire connection
2 + -
3 SITRANS TS500 TH transmitter display
1 3 4 1 3
Red White Red White
Power entry 3 To measuring insert
M12 device plug for dual sensors (SITRANS TS100) 4
Display TH transmitter
2x PT100
3-wire connection
4 3
2 In addition, our transmitters also allow for a large number of
6 1 6 7 1 2 3 4 other possible connections (e.g. difference, mean value, 2 sen-
Red White Black Yellow sors). More information can be obtained at:
Han 7D device plug (SITRANS TS500)
1x Thermocouple 2x Thermocouple
8 6
3 4 3 4 7 8
2 1 5
3 4 - + - + - +
Transmitters TH:
1x PT100 2x PT100 flying leads
4-wire connection 3-wire connection
+ -
1 3 2 4 1 3 2 5 7 6 1 2
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Detailed product overview
■ Overview
Type TSinsert TS100 TS200
Description Measuring inserts Temperature sensors in cable version Temperature sensors in compact version
Application Replaceable Universal use Universal use
2 Version Mineral-insulated version Mineral-insulated version Mineral-insulated version
Type As European or For unfavorable space conditions For unfavorable space conditions
American type
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Detailed product overview
Type TS300 Modular TS300 Clamp-on
Description Temperature sensors for food, pharmaceuticals and bio- Temperature sensors for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnol-
technology ogy
Application Measurements submersed in medium (pipes and vessels) Clamp-on measurement of tube surface temperature
Version Thermowell similar to DIN 43772, type 2F and tapered Thermowell similar to DIN 43772, type 2F and tapered design
design 2
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Detailed product overview
Type TS500 for installation TS500 Type 2 TS500 Type 2N
Description Temperature sensors for the process Temperature sensors for the process indus- Temperature sensors for the process indus-
industry (pipes and vessels) try (pipes and vessels) try (pipes and vessels)
Application Temperature sensors for installation in Tubular thermowell for low to medium stress Tubular thermowell for low to medium stress
existing thermowells
2 Version Suitable for thermowells according to Thermowell according to DIN 43772, type 2, Thermowell type 2N similar to DIN 43772,
DIN 43772 as well as ASME B40.9-2001 without process connection screwed design
Type With extension • Without extension, plug-in Without extension
• European type • Use with moveable compression fittings
• American type
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Detailed product overview
Type TS500 Type 2G TS500 Type 2F TS500 Type 3
Description Temperature sensors for the process indus- Temperature sensors for the process indus- Temperature sensors for the process indus-
try (pipes and vessels) try (pipes and vessels) try (pipes and vessels)
Faster response than Form 2
Application Tubular thermowell for low to medium stress Tubular thermowell for low to medium stress Tubular thermowell for low to medium stress
Version Thermowell according to DIN 43772,
type 2G, screwed design
Thermowell according to DIN 43722,
type 2F with flange
Thermowell according to DIN 43722, type 3
without process connection, improved
response time
Type With extension With extension • Without extension, plug-in
• Use with moveable compression fittings
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Detailed product overview
Type TS500 Type 3G TS500 Type 3F TS500 Type 4/4F
Description Temperature sensors for the process Temperature sensors for the process Temperature sensors for the process industry
industry (pipes and vessels) industry (pipes and vessels) (pipes and vessels)
Faster response than Form 2 Faster response than Form 2 Fast-response version available
Application Tubular thermowell for low to medium stress Tubular thermowell for low to medium stress Barstock thermow. for medium to extreme stress
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Detailed product overview
Type TS Thermowell TS Thermowell TS Thermowell TS Thermowell TS Thermowell
7MT14... 7MT2.. 7MT3.. 7MT4.. 7MT5..
Description Thermowells for the process industry
Application Barstock thermowell for medium to extreme stress
Version Thermowell according to Thermowell according to ASME B40.9
DIN 43772 2
Type With flange connection or Screwed design For welding With flange connection Van Stone version
for welding in
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Ordering examples
■ More information
Ordering examples for SITRANS TS100/200 Ordering examples for SITRANS TS500
Required properties Ordering data Required properties Ordering data
Sensor diameter
Standard length 200 mm (sensor length range C Process connection 1E
101 ... 250 mm)
Thermowell form A
Sensor A1
Installation length U standard 250 mm (installation 12
Flying leads 1 length customer specific 220 mm)
Enclosed clamp connection A41 Extension X customer-specific 9
PVC cable, 10 m J10 Header C
TAG plate Y15: TTSA5458 Sensor A
Non-Ex requirements -Z E00 Number/precision of sensors 1
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Cable version, mineral-insulated
■ Dimensional drawings
Design of connection side
B = U + 10 (0.40)
60 (2.36)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Cable version, mineral-insulated
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Order code
SITRANS TS100 7MC7111- Further designs
Temperature sensors in cable version, uni- 77777 Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
versal use, mineral-insulated version, for
unfavorable space conditions Customer-specific length of sensor element B, Y44
effective length U = B-10
2 Click on the Article No. for the online confi-
guration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Select range, enter desired length in plain text
(No entry = standard length)
Sensor diameter Options
6 mm (0.24 inch) 6
Add "-Z" to Article No., add options, separate extensions
Length of sensor element B, effective with "+".
length U = B-10; see dimensional drawings
page 2/41 Connection cable, type and length
200 mm (7.87 inch) C Cable type = 1st letter,
500 mm (19.68 inch) D Length 1 ... 99 m (3.28 ... 324.80 ft) = 2nd + 3rd
750 mm (29.53 inch) E place
e.g.: 34 m (111.55 ft) connection cable PVC
Customer-specific length of sensor ele- (PVC code is J34)
ment B, effective length U = B-10; see with X meters connection cable (JJ) PVC/PVC, J01 ... J99
dimensional drawings page 2/41 Operating temperature (-10...+105°C) (14 ... 221 °F)
enter customer specific length with Y44, with X meters connection cable (SLFP) S01 ... S99
see Order codes below Silicone/Fluorpolymer, operating temperature
70 ... 100 mm (2.76 ... 3.94 inch) B -50 ... +180 °C (-58 ... +356 °F)
Initial: 100 mm (3.94 inch) with X meters connection cable (TGLV) PTFE/glass L01 ... L99
101 ... 250 mm (3.98 ... 9.84 inch) C fiber/reinforced with stainless steel), Operating tem-
Initial: 200 mm (7.87 inch) perature (-100...+205°C (148 ... 401°F))
251 ... 500 mm (9.88 ... 19.68 inch) D
1) Pt1000 versions are also available. To find these, please switch to Online
Initial: 500 mm (19.68 inch)
501 ... 750 mm (19.72 ... 29.53 inch) E Configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal:
Initial: 750 mm (29.53 inch)
751 ... 1 000 mm (19.72 ... 39.37 inch) F Additional configurations on page after next page!
Initial: 1 000 mm (39.37 inch) You find ordering examples on page 2/40.
1 001 ... 1500 mm (39.4 ... 59.00 inch) G
Initial: 1 500 mm (59.00 inch)
Special length: < 70 mm (2.76 inch) or X
> 1500 mm (59.00 inch)
Please note: The accuracy class range can
be lower than the measuring range. For more
information, see page 2/21
Pt100, basis, -50 ... +400 °C A
(-58 ... +752 °F)
Pt100, vibration-resitant, -50 ... +400 °C B
(-58 ... +752 °F)
Pt100, expanded range, C
-196 ... +600 °C (-320.8 ... +1 112 °F)
Thermocouple Type K, -40 ... +1 000 °C K
(-40 .... +1 832 °F)
Thermocouple Type J, J
-40 ... +750 °C (-40 ... +1 382 °F)
Sensor number/Accuracy
Pt 100 connection: 1 x 4-wire connection or
2 x 3-wire connection, see "Measuring tech-
nology: connection types", page 2/23
Single, basic accuracy 1
(Class 2/Class B)
Single, increased accuracy 2
(Class 1/Class A)
Single, highest accuracy 3
(Class AA)
Double, basic accuracy 4
(Class 2/Class B)
Double, increased accuracy 5
(Class 1/Class A)
Double, highest accuracy 6
(Class AA)
Design of connection side
Flying leads 1
LEMO coupling 1S 2
M12 device plug, not for double Pt100 3
Thermocouple coupling, from TC-material 4
(2xTC on request)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Cable version, mineral-insulated
Selection and Ordering data Order code
AF Options
Add "-Z" to Article No., add options, separate exten-
sions with "+".
42 (1.65)
Process connection
Soldering nipple G¼", enclosed A20 2
K1 Soldering nipple G½", enclosed A21
E Soldering nipple NPT½", enclosed A22
Soldering nipple M18x1.5, enclosed A23
Compression fitting, metric (A30, A31), dimensions in mm (inch) Compression fitting G¼", enclosed A30
Compression fitting G½", enclosed A31
ØD Compression fitting NPT ½", enclosed A32
Surface connection piece, aluminum, enclosed A50
(non Ex)
Explosion protection
42 (1.65)
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS1) according to ATEX and IECEx E01
(Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
Without explosion protection requirements E17
(USA, Canada), Basis CSA
Compression fitting NPT (A32), dimensions in mm (inch) Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to cCSAus E18
(USA, Canada)
ISO 9001 grease-free C51
(cleaned for e.g. oxygen applications)
Further options
Stainless steel TAG plate , Y15
Enter lettering in plain text
Soldering nipple NPT (A22), dimensions in mm (inch) Plant calibration per 1 point, enter temperature in Y33
plain text, Attention: For devices with built-in head
transmitters, select test points within the set mea-
50 surement range
Option not found?
Handling number special version Y99
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Compact version, mineral-insulated
■ Dimensional drawings
U (1.59)
2 B
U (5.91)
U (1.57)
(0.39) 2
U (1.41)
(0.39) 3
U (1.97)
(0.20) 4
U 65 (2.56)
(0.79) 5
IP level IP level
sensor terminals
0 Basic sensor U=B IP65 IP00
1 Flying leads U = B + 10 (0.39) IP65 IP00
2 LEMO coupling 1S U = B - 10 (0.39) IP65 IP50
3 M12 device plugs U = B - 10 (0.39) IP65 IP54
4 Thermocouple coupling U = B - 5 (0.20) IP65 IP20
5 Mini connection head U = B - 20 (0.79) IP65 IP65
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Compact version, mineral-insulated
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Order code
SITRANS TS200 7MC7212- Further designs
Temperature sensors in compact version, 77777 Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
universal use, mineral-insulated version,
for unfavorable space conditions Customer-specific length of sensor element B, Y44
effective length, U see dimensional drawing on
Click on the Article No. for the online confi-
guration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
page 2/44
Select range, enter desired length in plain text
Sensor diameter (No entry = standard length)
6 mm (0.24 inch) 6 1) Pt1000 versions are also available. To find these, please switch to Online
Length of sensor element B, effective Configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal:
length U see dimensional drawing on
page 2/44 Additional configurations on page after next page!
200 mm (7.87 inch) C You find ordering examples on page 2/40.
500 mm (19.68 inch) D
750 mm (29.53 inch) E
Customer-specific length of sensor ele-
ment B, effective length U see dimensional
drawing on page 2/44
enter customer specific length with Y44,
see Order codes below
70 ...100 mm (2.76 ... 3.94 inch) B
Initial: 100 mm (3.94 inch)
101 ... 250 mm (3.98 ... 9.84 inch) C
Initial: 200 mm (7.87 inch)
251 ... 500 mm (9.88 ... 19.68 inch) D
Initial: 500 mm (19.68 inch)
501 ... 750 mm (19.72 ... 29.53 inch) E
Initial: 750 mm (29.53 inch)
751 ... 1 000 mm (29.57 ... 39.37 inch) F
Initial: 1 000 mm (39.37 inch)
1 001 ... 1 500 mm (39.4 ... 59.00 inch) G
Initial: 1 500 mm (59.00 inch)
Special length: < 70 mm (2.76 inch) or X
> 1500 mm (59.00 inch)
Please note: The accuracy class range can
be lower than the measuring range. For more
information, see page 2/21
Pt100, basis, -50 ... +400 °C A
(-58 ... +752 °F)
Pt100, vibration-resistant, -50 ... +400 °C B
(-58 ... +752 °F)
Pt100, expanded range, C
-196 ... +600 °C (-320.8 ... +1 112 °F)
Thermocouple Type K, -40 ... +1 000 °C K
(-40 ... +1 832 °F)
Thermocouple Type J, J
-40 ... +750 °C (-40 ... +1 382 °F)
Pt 100 connection: 1 x 4-wire connection or
2 x 3-wire connection, see "Measuring tech-
nology: connection types", page 2/23
Single, basic accuracy 1
(Class 2/Class B)
Single, increased accuracy 2
(Class 1/Class A)
Single, highest accuracy 3
(Class AA)
Double, basic accuracy 4
(Class 2/Class B)
Double, increased accuracy 5
(Class 1/Class A)
Double, highest accuracy 6
(Class AA)
Design of connection side
Solid wire ends (sensor element) 0
Flying leads 1
LEMO coupling 1S 2
M12 device plug, not for double Pt100 3
Thermocouple coupling, from TC-material 4
(2xTC on request)
Mini connection head, aluminum, not for dou- 5
ble Pt100
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Compact version, mineral-insulated
Selection and Ordering data Order code
AF Options
Add "-Z" to Article No., add options, separate exten-
sions with "+".
42 (1.65)
Process connection
2 Soldering nipple G¼", enclosed A20
K1 Soldering nipple G½", enclosed A21
E Soldering nipple NPT½", enclosed A22
Soldering nipple M18x1.5, enclosed A23
Compression fitting, metric (A30, A31), dimensions in mm (inch) Compression fitting G¼", enclosed A30
Compression fitting G½", enclosed A31
ØD Compression fitting NPT½", enclosed A32
Surface connection piece, aluminum, enclosed A50
(non Ex)
Explosion protection
42 (1.65)
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS1) according to ATEX and IECEx E01
(Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
Without explosion protection requirements E17
(USA, Canada), Basis CSA
Compression fitting NPT (A32), dimensions in mm (inch) Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to cCSAus E18
(USA, Canada)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS300 for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
Modular design
■ Dimensional drawings
Ø 60 (2.36)
Cable gland
for cable Ø 3 ... 6.5
(0.12 ... 0.26) 2
B = N + H1
Ø 50.5
Ø D3
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS300 for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
Modular design
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order code
SITRANS TS300 7MC8005- SITRANS TS300 7MC8005-
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnol- for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnol-
7777 0 - 777 0 777 7777 0 - 777 0 777
ogy, modular design for installation in ogy, modular design for installation in
pipes and vessels pipes and vessels
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS300 for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
Modular design
■ Dimensional drawings
Conical connection with Tri-Clamp- Clamp- connection Ball weld sleeve
union nut according connection acc. to DIN 32676 Ball 30 x 40
acc. to DIN 11851 or ISO 2852 (1.18 x 1.58)
D6=30 2
G1A without dead space Varivent connection NEUMO BioControl Ingold connection Thermowell design based on
due to DN 25 with union nut DIN 43772
conical metal cone
SW 46 Similar to form 3
Form 2
tapered tip
O-ring EPDM
3 (0.12)
3 (0.12)
Øda Ø24.8
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS300 for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
Modular design
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS300 for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
Clamp-on design
■ Dimensional drawings
8 2
1 Vibration-locking-screw
2 Mounting screws
3 Process pipeline
4 Temperature sensor
5 Thermal decoupling
6 Spring load
7 Electrical connection
M12 2
8 Replaceable measuring 1
9 Heat insulated pipe collar
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS300 for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
Clamp-on design
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. code
SITRANS TS300 7MC8016- 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 SITRANS TS300 7MC8016- 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 7
for food, pharmaceuticals and biotech- for food, pharmaceuticals and biotech-
nology nology
Clamp-on design for the measuring of Clamp-on design for the measuring of
2 the pipe surface temperature
Click on the Article No. for the online con-
the pipe surface temperature
38.0 (1.49) Y2
figuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
38.1 (1.50) A3
Design 41.0 (1.61) B3
Acc. to IEC 60751, class A 1
[-40 ... +150 °C (-40 ... +302 °F)] 42.4 (1.67) C3
44.5 (1.75) D3
Type of connection
Device plug M12 x 1 A 48.3 (1.90) 90 x 85 x 20 E3
50.8 (2.00) (3.54 x 3.35 x 0.79) F3
connection head form B, stainless steel B
4 ... 20 mA compact transmitter C 53.0 (2.09) G3
SITRANS TH100slim (standard measuring 54.0 (2.13) H3
range 0 ... 100 °C (32 ... 212 °F))
57.0 (2.24) J3
Mounting with pipe collar
Always indicate external tube diameter Z0 K1 Y
Pipe outer-Ø Collar size for1):
mm (inch) mm (inch)
• Installation with pipe collar and deviating
4 (0.16) A1 external tube diameter (S11-S19)
6 (0.24) B1 • Securing with clamps (S21-S23)
• Clamping band installation (S31-S35)
6.35 (0.25) C1
1) Special sizes for pipe outer diameters: In order to process "Z0" special
8 (0.31) D1
sizes, the following two additional items of information are essential:
9.35 (0.37) E1 - the required diameter specified in plain text under "K1Y"
10 (0.39) F1 - Selection of the corresponding pipe collar, clamping band or clamping
bracket size (Order codes "S11" to "S35")
10.2 (0.40) 50 x 35 x 20 G1
(1.97 x 1.38 x 0.79) Recommended for all versions: Heat-conductive-compound, silicone-
10.3 (0.41) H1 free, syringe 3 g, Order code: L15 (see page 2/54)
12 (0.47) J1
12.7 (0.50) K1
13 (0.51) L1
13.5 (0.53) M1
13.7 (0.54) N1
14 (0.55) P1
15.88 (0.62) Q1
16 (0.63) R1
17.2 (0.68) S1
18.0 (0.71) A2
19.0 (0.74) B2
19.05 (0.75) C2
20.0 (0.79) D2
21.3 (0.84) E2
22.0 (0.87) F2
23.0 (0.90) G2
24.0 (0.94) H2
25.0 (0.98) J2
25.4 (1.00) K2
26.7 (1.05) L2
26.9 (1.06) M2
70 x 70 x 20
28.0 (1.10) (2.76 x 2.76 x 0.79) N2
29.0 (1.14) P2
30.0 (1.18) Q2
31.8 (1.25) R2
32.0 (1.26) S2
33.4 (1.31) T2
33.7 (1.33) U2
34.0 (1.34) V2
35.0 (1.38) W2
36.0 (1.42) X2
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS300 for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
Clamp-on design
■ Dimensional drawings
Ø60 (2.36)
Device plug
Device plug
51 (2.01)
94 (3.70)
~ 83.5 (3.70)
max. 29
Electrical connection 19
can be rotated by ± 170 ˚ (0.75)
Cable gland
M12x1.5 for cable
Ø3 ... 6.5 (0.12 ... 0.26)
Clamp-on, Clamp-on, clamping band installation (1.46)
clamping block installation with hose clamps
for pipes Ø4 ... 57 (0.16 ... 2.24) for pipes ≥ Ø10 ... ca. 300 Cable gland
(0.39 ... ca.11.81) M16x1.5 for cable
20 Ø4.5 ... 10 (0.18 ... 0.39)
(0.79) 36 (1.42)
Example Ø21 (4.76) (0.75)
Clamp-on, (0.79) Pipe diameter B C
latch fastener installation for pipes 6 ... 17.2 30 35
Ø4 ... 17.2 (0.16 ... 0.68) (0.24 ... 0.68) (1.18) (1.38)
18 ... 35 40 60
3 (0.12)
6 (0.24)
Pipe diameter A B C H
4 ... 17.2 20 30 35 79
(0.16 ... 0.68) (0.79) (1.18) (1.38) (3.11)
18 ... 36 30 40 70 99
(0.71 ... 1.42) (1.18) (1.57) (2.76) (3.90)
38 ... 57 40 50 85 119
(1.50 ... 2.24) (1.57) (1.97) (3.35) (4.68)
Standard version
SITRANS TS300 Clamp-on design, device plug, field housing, cable gland, variants, dimensions in mm (inch)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS300 for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
Clamp-on design
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Further Options
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code. Assignment marking, engraving instead of adhesive label L11
(Serial number and pipe diameter on plug and plastic
Explosion protection block)
2 Manufacturers declaration for intrinsically safe circuits
Built in head transmitter
E01 2 mm drain hole
Sensor 4-wire connection
Measuring range to be set must be specified with plain Heat-conductive-compound, silicone-free, syringe 3 g L15
text data "Y11".
SITRANS TH100, input 1 x Pt100, 4 ... 20 mA T12
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code and plain
SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, 4 ... 20 mA T24 text.
SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, HART T34 TAG plate made of stainless steel (specify TAG No. in plain Y15
SITRANS TH420, input 2 x universal, HART T35 text)
Test report at 0 %, 50 % and 100 % (specify the measuring Y33
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA T40 range in plain text)
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA, Ex T41 If optional head transmitters are integrated, please note
that all calibration points are located in the set measuring
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF T45 range. If the points are located outside the standard mea-
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF, Ex T46 suring range, a Y01 addition is always required.
Special version, specify in plain text Y98
Transmitter options
Process number for special version Y99
Transmitter, enter complete setting in plain text Y11
(Y11:+/-NNNN ... +/-NNNN C,F) Accessories, see page 2/251.
Enter measuring point (max. 8 characters) in plain text Y17 Ordering examples:
Transmitter, enter measuring point description Y23 Deviating tube diameter 28.5 mm:
(max. 16 characters) in plain text 7MC8016-1AZ00-Z K1Y+S12 {K1Y: 28.5 mm}
Transmitter, enter measuring point text Y24 Space-saving mounting, tube diameter 38 mm:
(max. 32 characters) in plain text
7MC8016-1AZ00-Z K1Y + S23 {K1Y: 38 mm};
Transmitter, enter bus address in plain text Y25 as of diameter 18 mm, we recommend using the clamping
Transmitter, fail-safe value 3.6 mA U36 band installation.
(instead of 22.8 mA) Clamping band installation, tube diameter 111 mm:
SITRANS TH320/420 transmitter with SIL2/3 certificate C20 7MC8016-1AZ00-Z K1Y+S32 {K1Y: 111 mm}
Transmitter test protocol (5 points) C11
Other cable gland (only for connection head)
Polyamide for cable diameter K02
4.5 … 10 mm (0.18 … 0.39 inch)
Stainless steel for cable diameter K03
3 … 6,5 mm (0.12 … 0.25 inch)
Device plug M12 x 1 K11
Deviating pipe; Collar size;
mm (inch) mm (inch)
4 … 17.2 (0.16 … 0.68) 50 x 35 (1.97 x 1.38) S11
18 … 38 (0.71 … 1.49) 70 x 70 (2.76 x 2.76) S12
38.1 … 57 (1.5 … 2.24) 90 x 85 (3.54 x 3.35) S13
Larger nominal diameters on request S19
Space-saving mounting (latch fastening)
Outer pipe; mm (inch):
4 … 17.2 (0.16 … 0.68) S21
18 … 35 (0.71 … 1.38) S22
(Clamping band version recommended, see below)
38 … 50.8 (1.45 … 2.00) S23
(Clamping band version recommended, see below)
Clamping band installation
Outer pipe; mm (inch):
10 ... 57 (0.39 ... 2.24) S31
58 ... 220 (2.28 ... 8.66) S32
Without clamping band S35
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2, without process connection
■ Dimensional drawings
Cable entry
B = N + H1
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2, without process connection
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Article No.
Tubular thermowell for low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777 Tubular thermowell for low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777
stress, according to DIN 43722, Type 2, stress, according to DIN 43722, Type 2,
without process connection, without without process connection, without
extension, plug-in or use with move- extension, plug-in or use with move-
2 able compression fittings able compression fittings
Click on the Article No. for the online 651 ... 700 mm (25.63 ... 27.56 inch) 34
configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Por- Initial: 700 mm (27.56 inch)
tal. 701 ... 750 mm (27.6 ... 29.53 inch) 35
Material, in contact with media Initial: 750 mm (29.53 inch)
316Ti (1.4571) 1 751 ... 800 mm (29.57 ... 31.50 inch) 36
316L (1.4404 or 1.4435) 2 Initial: 800 mm (31.50 inch)
Process connection 801 ... 850 mm (31.5 ... 33.47 inch) 37
Without process connection (for compres- 0N Initial: 850 mm (33.47 inch)
sion fitting) N=U 851 ... 900 mm (33.5 ... 35.43 inch) 41
Initial: 900 mm (35.43 inch)
Thermowell form
901 ... 950 mm (35.47 ... 37.4 inch) 42
2; 9 mm (0.35 inch) A
Initial: 950 mm (37.4 inch)
2; 12 mm (0.47 inch) B
951 ... 1 000 mm (37.44 ... 39.37 inch) 43
Insertion length U (=N), Standard Initial: 1 000 mm (39.37 inch)
160 mm (6.3 inch) 04 1001 ... 1 100 mm (39.4 ... 43.30 inch) 44
250 mm (9.84 inch) 12 Initial: 1 100 mm (43.30 inch)
400 mm (15.75 inch) 22 1 101 ... 1 200 mm (43.35 ... 47.24 inch) 45
Insertion length U (=N), Initial: 1 200 mm (47.24 inch)
customer-specific 1 201 ... 1 300 mm (47.28 ... 51.18 inch) 46
enter customer specific length with Y44, Initial: 1 300 mm (51.18 inch)
see Order codes on page 2/58 1 301 ... 1 400 mm (51.22 ... 55.11 inch) 47
80 ... 100 mm (3.15 ... 3.94 inch) 01 Initial: 1400 mm (55.11 inch)
Initial: 100 mm (3.94 inch) 1 401 ... 1 500 mm (55.15 ... 59.05 inch) 51
101 ... 120 mm (3.98 ... 4.72 inch) 02 Initial: 1 500 mm (59.05 inch)
Initial: 120 mm (4.72 inch)
121 ... 140 mm (4.76 ... 5.51 inch) 03 Extension X
Initial: 140 mm (5.51 inch) Standard length for Type 2 as per 0
DIN 43722 (without extension N=U)
141 ... 160 mm (5.55 ... 6.30 inch) 04
Initial: 160 mm (6.3 inch) Additional configurations on page after next page!
161 ... 180 mm (6.34 ... 7.09 inch) 05
Initial: 180 mm (7.09 inch) You find ordering examples on page 2/40!
181 ... 200 mm (7.13 ... 7.87 inch) 06
Initial: 200 mm (7.87 inch)
201 ... 220 mm (7.91 ... 8.66 inch) 07
Initial: 220 mm (8.66 inch)
221 ... 240 mm (8.7 ... 9.45 inch) 11
Initial: 225 mm (8.86 inch)
241 ... 260 mm (9.48 ... 10.24 inch) 12
Initial: 250 mm (9.84 inch)
261 ... 280 mm (10.28 ... 11.02 inch) 13
Initial: 280 mm (11.02 inch)
281 ... 300 mm (11.02 ... 11.81 inch) 14
Initial: 285 mm (11.22 inch)
301 ... 320 mm (11.85 ... 12.6 inch) 15
Initial: 315 mm (12.4 inch)
321 ... 340 mm (12.64 ... 13.39 inch) 16
Initial: 340 mm (13.39 inch)
341 ... 360 mm (13.43 ... 14.17 inch) 20
Initial: 360 mm (14.17 inch)
361 ... 380 mm (14.21 ... 14.96 inch) 21
Initial: 380 mm (14.96 inch)
381 ... 400 mm (15 ... 15.75 inch) 22
Initial: 400 mm (15.75 inch)
401 ... 420 mm (15.79 ... 16.54 inch) 23
Initial: 420 mm (16.54 inch)
421 ... 440 mm (16.57 ... 17.32 inch) 24
Initial: 440 mm (17.32 inch)
441 ... 460 mm (17.36 ... 18.11 inch) 25
Initial: 460 mm (18.11 inch)
461 ... 480 mm (18.15 ... 18.90 inch) 26
Initial: 465 mm (18.30 inch)
481 ... 500 mm (18.94 ... 19.68 inch) 27
Initial: 500 mm (19.68 inch)
501 ... 550 mm (19.72 ... 21.65 inch) 31
Initial: 510 mm (20.08 inch)
551 ... 600 mm (21.69 ... 23.62 inch) 32
Initial: 600 mm (23.62 inch)
601 ... 650 mm (23.66 ... 25.59 inch) 33
Initial: 650 mm (25.59 inch)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2, without process connection
Cable entry
75 (2.95)
Cable entry
131 (5.16)
°C 2
~50 (1.97) Connection head,
process entry
Connection head,
~65 (2.56)
process entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
117 (4.51)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2, without process connection
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Order code
SITRANS TS500 7MC751- Further designs
Tubular thermowell for low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777
stress, according to DIN 43722, Type 2, Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
without process connection, without Insertion length customer-specific Y44
extension, plug-in or use with move- Select range, enter desired length in plain text
2 able compression fittings (No entry = standard length)
Head Options
Aluminum head, BA0, flange cover, A Add "-Z" to Article No. and add options, separate
Standard extensions with "+".
Aluminum head, BB0, low hinged cover, B Built-in head transmitter
screw connection Measuring range to be set must be specified with
Aluminum head, BC0, high hinged cover, C plain text data "Y01".
screw connection SITRANS TH100, input 1 x Pt100, 4 ... 20 mA T12
Aluminum head, AG0, screw cover, G SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, 4 ... 20 mA T24
suitable for suitable for Ex d1)
SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, HART T34
Aluminum head, AH0, screw cover, suit- H
SITRANS TH420, input 2 x universal, HART T35
able for Ex d, display1)
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA T40
Plastic head, BM0, screw cover M
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA, Ex T41
Plastic head, BP0, high hinged cover, P
screw connection SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF T45
Stainless steel head, AU0, screw cover, U SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF, Ex T46
suitable for Ex d1) Explosion protection
Stainless steel head, AV0, screw cover, V Without explosion protection requirements E00
suitable for Ex d, display1) (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
Sensor2) Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS1) according to ATEX and IECEx E01
Please note: The accuracy class range (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
can be lower than the measuring range.
For more information, see page 2/21 Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E03
Pt100, basis, -50 ... +400 °C A through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to ATEX and
(-58 ... +752 °F) IECEx (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
Pt100, vibration-resistant, B Non-sparking "ec" according to ATEX and IECEx E04
-50 ... +400 °C (-58 ... +752 °F) (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
Pt100, expanded range, C Without explosion protection requirements E10
-196 ... +600 °C (-321 ... +1 112 °F) (USA, Canada) Basis FM
Thermocouple Type K, -40 ... +1 000 °C K
(-40 ... +1 832 °F) Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E14
Thermocouple Type J, -40 ... +750 °C J through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cFMus (USA,
(-40 ... +1 382 °F) Canada); other connections (M,G,R)
Thermocouple Type N, -40 ... +1 000 °C N Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cFMus E16
(-40 ... +1 832 °F) (USA, Canada)
Sensor number/Accuracy Without explosion protection requirements (USA, E17
Pt 100 connection: 1 x 4-wire connection Canada), Basis CSA
or 2 x 3-wire connection, see "Measuring
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to cCSAus E18
technology: connection types", page 2/23
(USA, Canada)
Single, basic accuracy 1
(Class 2/Class B) Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E21
Single, increased accuracy 2 through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cCSAus
(Class 1/Class A) (USA); other connections (M, G, R)
Single, highest accuracy (Class AA) 3 Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cCSAus E23
Double, basic accuracy 5 (USA, Canada)
(Class 2/Class B)
Without explosion protection requirements (China) E54
Double, increased accuracy 6
(Class 1/Class A) Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to NEPSI (China) E55
Double, highest accuracy (Class AA) 7 Flameproof enclosure "d"; dust protection through E56
1) Ex d in connection with Order code E03
housing "t"2) according to NEPSI (China)
2) Pt1000 versions are also available. To find these, please switch to Online Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to NEPSI (China) E57
Configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal: Without explosion protection requirements (EAC) E80
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to EACEx (EAC) E81
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E82
through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to EACEx
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to EACEx (EAC) E83
Marine approvals
Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd (DNV GL) D01
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2, without process connection
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2N, screwed design
■ Dimensional drawings
SITRANS TS500, temperature sensors for vessels and pipes, tubular thermowell for low to medium stress, type 2N similar to
DIN 43772, screwed design, without extension, non-adjustable connection head. For Ex-versions the maximum process temperature
is 100 °C.
30 (1.18)
G 1/2"
B = N + H1
9 (0.35)
NPT 1/2"
B = N + H1
9 (0.35) 9 (0.35)
Connection type "G", dimensions in mm (inch) Connection type "NPT", dimensions in mm (inch)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2N, screwed design
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Article No.
Tubular thermowell, low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777 Tubular thermowell, low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777
stress, Type 2N similar to DIN 43722, stress, Type 2N similar to DIN 43722,
screwed design, without extension screwed design, without extension
Click on the Article No. for the online
configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Por-
501…550 mm (19.72 ... 21.65 inch)
Initial: 510 mm (20.08 inch)
tal. 551…600 mm (21.69 ... 23.62 inch) 32
Material, in contact with media Initial: 600 mm (23.62 inch)
316Ti (1.4571) 1 601…650 mm (23.66 ... 25.59 inch) 33
316L (1.4404 or 1.4435) 2 Initial: 650 mm (25.59 inch)
651…700 mm (25.63 ... 27.56 inch) 34
Process connection Initial: 700 mm (27.56 inch)
G ½" (½"BSPP) 1C 701…750 mm (27.60 ... 29.53 inch) 35
½" NPT 1J Initial: 750 mm (29.53 inch)
Thermowell form 751…800 mm (29.57 ... 31.50 inch) 36
2N, 9 mm (0.35 inch) A Initial: 800 mm (31.50 inch)
Standard insertion length 801…850 mm (31.54 ... 33.46 inch) 37
100 mm (3.97 inch) 0 1 Initial: 850 mm (33.46 inch)
160 mm (6.30 inch) 0 4 851…900 mm (33.50 ... 35.43 inch) 41
230 mm (9.06 inch) 1 0 Initial: 900 mm (35.43 inch)
360 mm (14.17 inch) 2 0 901…950 mm (35.47 ... 37.40 inch) 42
Initial: 950 mm (37.40 inch)
510 mm (20.08 inch) 3 1
951…1 000 mm (37.44 ... 39.37 inch) 43
Customer-specific insertion length
Initial: 1 000 mm (39.37 inch)
enter customer specific length with Y44,
see page 2/63 Order codes 1 001…1 100 mm (39.41 ... 43.31 inch) 44
Initial: 1 100 mm (43.31 inch)
80 ... 100 mm (3.15 ... 3.94 inch) 01
Initial: 100 mm (3.94 inch) 1 101…1 200 mm (43.35 ... 47.24 inch) 45
Initial: 1 200 mm (47.24 inch)
101 ... 120 mm (3.98 ... 4.72 inch) 02
Initial: 120 mm (4.72 inch) 1 201…1 300 mm (47.28 ... 51.18 inch) 46
121 ... 140 mm (4.76 ... 5.51 inch) 03 Initial: 1 300 mm (51.18 inch)
Initial: 140 mm (5.51 inch) 1 301…1 400 mm (51.22 ... 55.12 inch) 47
Initial: 1400 mm (55.12 inch)
141 ... 160 mm (5.55 ... 6.30 inch) 04
Initial: 160 mm (6.30 inch) 1 401…1 500 mm (55.16 ... 59.05 inch) 51
Initial: 1 500 mm (59.05 inch)
161 ... 180 mm (6.34 ... 7.09 inch) 05
Initial: 180 mm (7.09 inch) Extension X
181 ... 200 mm (7.13 ... 7.87 inch) 06 without neck tube, (non-adjustable) 0
Initial: 200 mm (7.87 inch)
Additional configurations on page after next page!
201 ... 220 mm (7.91 ... 8.66 inch) 07
Initial: 220 mm (8.66 inch) You find ordering examples on page 2/40!
221…240 mm (8.70 ... 9.45 inch) 10
Initial: 230 mm (9.06 inch)
241…260 mm (9.49 ... 10.24 inch) 12
Initial: 250 mm (9.84 inch)
261…280 mm (10.28 ...11.02 inch) 13
Initial: 280 mm (11.02 inch)
281…300 mm (11.06 ... 11.81 inch) 14
Initial: 285 mm 11.22 inch)
301…320 mm (11.85 ... 13.00 inch) 15
Initial: 315 mm (12.40 inch)
321…340 mm (12.64 ... 13.39 inch) 16
Initial: 340 mm (13.39 inch)
341…360 mm (13.43 ... 14.17 inch) 20
Initial: 360 mm (14.17 inch)
361…380 mm (14.21 ... 14.96 inch) 21
Initial: 380 mm (14.96 inch)
381…400 mm (14.99 ... 15.75 inch) 22
Initial: 400 mm (15.75 inch)
401…420 mm (15.79 ... 16.54 inch) 23
Initial: 420 mm (16.54 inch)
421…440 mm (16.57 ... 17.32 inch) 24
Initial: 440 mm (17.32 inch)
441…460 mm (17.36 ... 18.11 inch) 25
Initial: 460 mm (18.11 inch)
461…480 mm (18.15 ... 18.90 inch) 26
Initial: 465 mm (18.30 inch)
481…500 mm (18.94 ... 19.69 inch) 27
Initial: 500 mm (19.69 inch)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2N, screwed design
Cable entry
75 (2.95)
Cable entry
131 (5.16)
2 °C
Connection head,
~65 (2.56)
process entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
117 (4.51)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2N, screwed design
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Order code
SITRANS TS500 7MC751- Further designs
Tubular thermowell, low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777
stress, Type 2N similar to DIN 43722, Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
screwed design, without extension, for Insertion length customer-specific Y44
maximum process temperatures of Select range, enter desired length in plain text
100 °C (No entry = standard length) 2
Head Options
Aluminum head, BA0, flange cover, A Add "-Z" to Article No. and add options, separate
Standard extensions with "+".
Aluminum head, BB0, low hinged cover, B Built-in head transmitter
screw connection Measuring range to be set must be specified with
Aluminum head, BC0, high hinged cover, C plain text data "Y01".
screw connection SITRANS TH100, input 1 x Pt100, 4 ... 20 mA T12
Aluminum head, AG0, screw cover, suit- G SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, 4 ... 20 mA T24
able for Ex d1)
SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, HART T34
Aluminum head, AH0, screw cover, suit- H
SITRANS TH420, input 2 x universal, HART T35
able for Ex d, display1)
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA T40
Plastic head, BM0, screw cover M
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA, Ex T41
Plastic head, BP0high hinged cover, P
screw connection SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF T45
Stainless steel head, AU0, screw cover, U SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF, Ex T46
suitable for Ex d1) Explosion protection
Stainless steel head, AV0, screw cover, V Without explosion protection requirements E00
suitable for Ex d, display1) (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
Sensor2) Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS1) according to ATEX and IECEx E01
Please note: The accuracy class range (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
can be lower than the measuring range. Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E03
For more information, see page 2/21 through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to ATEX and
Pt100, basis, -50 ... +400 °C A IECEx (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
(-58 ... +752 °F)
Non-sparking "ec" according to ATEX and IECEx E04
Pt100, vibration-resistant, B
(Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
-50 ... +400 °C (-58 ... +752 °F)
Pt100, expanded range, C Without explosion protection requirements (USA, E10
-196 ... +600 °C (-321 ... +1 112 °F) Canada) Basis FM
Thermocouple Type K, -40 ... +1 000 °C K Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E14
(-40 ... +1 832 °F) through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cFMus (USA,
Thermocouple Type J, -40 ... +750 °C J Canada); other connections (M,G,R)
(-40 ... +1 382 °F)
Thermocouple Type N, -40 ... +1 000 °C N Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cFMus E16
(-40 ... +1 832 °F) (USA, Canada)
Without explosion protection requirements (USA, E17
Sensor number/Accuracy Canada), Basis CSA
Pt 100 connection: 1 x 4-wire connection
or 2 x 3-wire connection, see "Measuring Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to cCSAus E18
technology: connection types", page 2/23 (USA, Canada)
Single, basic accuracy 1 Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E21
(Class 2/Class B) through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cCSAus
Single, increased accuracy 2 (USA); other connections (M, G, R)
(Class 1/Class A) Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cCSAus E23
Single, highest accuracy 3 (USA, Canada)
(Class AA)
Without explosion protection requirements (China) E54
Double, basic accuracy 5
(Class 2/Class B) Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to NEPSI (China) E55
Double, increased accuracy 6 Flameproof enclosure "d"; dust protection through E56
(Class 1/Class A) housing "t"2) according to NEPSI (China)
Double, highest accuracy (Class AA) 7 Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to NEPSI (China) E57
1) Ex d in connection with Order code E03 Without explosion protection requirements (EAC) E80
Pt1000 versions are also available. To find these, please switch to Online Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to EACEx (EAC) E81
Configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal: Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection through E82
housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to EACEx (EAC)
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to EACEx (EAC) E83
Marine approvals
Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd (DNV GL) D01
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2N, screwed design
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2G, screwed design, with extension
■ Dimensional drawings
K1 U
Cable entry
B = N + H1
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2G, screwed design, with extension
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. Code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. Code
Tubular thermowell, low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777 777 Tubular thermowell, low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777 777
stress, according to DIN 43722, Type stress, according to DIN 43722, Type
2G, screwed design, with extension 2G, screwed design, with extension
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2G, screwed design, with extension
Cable entry
75 (2.95)
Cable entry
131 (5.16)
°C 2
~50 (1.97) Connection head,
process entry
Connection head,
~65 (2.56)
process entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
117 (4.51)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2G, screwed design, with extension
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. Code Selection and Ordering data Order code
SITRANS TS500 7MC751- Further designs
Tubular thermowell, low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777
stress, according to DIN 43722, Type 2G, Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
screwed design, with extension Insertion length customer-specific Y44
Select range, enter desired length in plain text (No
2 Head
Aluminum head, BA0, flange cover, A entry = standard length)
Standard Extension X length customer-specific Y45
Aluminum head, BB0, low hinged cover, B Select range, enter desired length in plain text (No
screw connection entry = standard length)
Aluminum head, BC0, high hinged cover, C Options
screw connection Add "-Z" to Article No. and add options, separate
Aluminum head, AG0, screw cover, suit- G extensions with "+".
able for Ex d1)
Aluminum head, AH0, screw cover, suit- H Built-in head transmitter
able for Ex d, display1) Measuring range to be set must be specified with
Plastic head, BM0, screw cover M plain text data "Y01".
Plastic head, BP0high hinged cover, P SITRANS TH100, input 1 x Pt100, 4 ... 20 mA T12
screw connection SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, 4 ... 20 mA T24
Stainless steel head, AU0, screw ccon- U SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, HART T34
nection typesver, suitable for Ex d1) SITRANS TH420, input 2 x universal, HART T35
Stainless steel head, AV0, screw cover, V SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA T40
suitable for Ex d, display1) SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA, Ex T41
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF T45
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF, Ex T46
Please note: The accuracy class range
can be lower than the measuring range. Explosion protection
For more information, see page 2/21 Without explosion protection requirements E00
Pt100, Basis, -50 ... +400 °C A (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
(-58 ... +752 °F) Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS1) according to ATEX and IECEx E01
Pt100, vibration resistant, B (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
-50 ... +400 °C (-58 ... +752 °F)
Pt100, expanded range, C Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E03
-196 ... +600 °C (-321 ... +1 112 °F) through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to ATEX and
IECEx (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
Thermocouple Type K, -40 ... +1 000 °C K
(-40 ... +1 832 °F) Non-sparking "ec" according to ATEX and IECEx E04
Thermocouple Type J, -40 ... +750 °C J (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
(-40 ... +1 382 °F) Without explosion protection requirements (USA, E10
Thermocouple Type N, -40 ... +1 000 °C N Canada) Basis FM
(-40 ... +1 832 °F)
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E14
Sensor number/Accuracy through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cFMus (USA,
Pt 100 connection: 1 x 4-wire connection Canada); other connections (M,G,R)
or 2 x 3-wire connection, see "Measuring
technology: connection types", page 2/23 Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cFMus E16
(USA, Canada)
Single, basic accuracy 1
(Class 2/Class B) Without explosion protection requirements E17
Single, increased accuracy 2 (USA, Canada), Basis CSA
(Class 1/Class A) Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to cCSAus E18
Single, highest accuracy 3 (USA, Canada)
(Class AA)
Double, basic accuracy 5 Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E21
(Class 2/Class B) through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cCSAus
Double, increased accuracy 6 (USA); other connections (M, G, R)
(Class 1/Class A) Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cCSAus E23
Double, highest accuracy (Class AA) 7 (USA, Canada)
1) Ex d in connection with Order code E03 Without explosion protection requirements (China) E54
Pt1000 versions are also available. To find these, please switch to Online Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to NEPSI (China) E55
Configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal: Flameproof enclosure "d"; dust protection through E56
housing "t"2) according to NEPSI (China)
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to NEPSI (China) E57
Without explosion protection requirements (EAC) E80
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to EACEx (EAC) E81
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection through E82
housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to EACEx (EAC)
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to EACEx (EAC) E83
Marine approvals
Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd (DNV GL) D01
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2G, screwed design, with extension
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2F, with flange and extension
■ Dimensional drawings
Cable entry
B = N + H1
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2F, with flange and extension
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. Code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. Code
Tubular thermowell, low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777 777 Tubular thermowell, low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777 777
stress, according to DIN 43722, Type stress, according to DIN 43722, Type
2F, with flange, with extension 2F, with flange, with extension
Click on the Article No. for the online
configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
341…360 mm (13.43 ... 14.17 inch)
Initial: 360 mm (14.17 inch)
Material, in contact with media 361…380 mm (14.21 ... 14.96 inch) 21
316Ti (1.4571) 1 Initial: 380 mm (14.96 inch)
316L (1.4404 or 1.4435) 2 381…400 mm (14.99 ... 15.75 inch) 22
Initial: 400 mm (15.75 inch)
Process connection
401…420 mm (15.79 ... 16.54 inch) 23
Flange EN; DN 25 PN10 ... 40 B1 2A
Initial: 420 mm (16.54 inch)
Flange EN; DN 40 PN 40 B1 2B
421…440 mm (16.57 ... 17.32 inch) 24
Flange EN; DN 50 PN 40 B1 2C Initial: 440 mm (17.32 inch)
Flange ASME; 1.0" RF 150 2E
Flange ASME; 1.0" RF 300 2F 441…460 mm (17.36 ... 18.11 inch) 25
Flange ASME; 1.5" RF 150 2G Initial: 460 mm (18.11 inch)
Flange ASME; 1.5" RF 300 2H 461…480 mm (18.15 ... 18.90 inch) 26
Flange ASME; 2.0" RF 150 2J Initial: 465 mm (18.30 inch)
Flange ASME; 2.0" RF 300 2K 481…500 mm (18.94 ... 19.69 inch) 27
Flange ASME; 1.0" RF 600 2L Initial: 500 mm (19.69 inch)
Flange ASME; 1.5" RF 600 2N 501…550 mm (19.72 ... 21.65 inch) 31
Flange ASME; 1.5" RF 900 2R Initial: 510 mm (20.08 inch)
Flange ASME; 2.0" RF 600 2S 551…600 mm (21.69 ... 23.62 inch) 32
Flange ASME; 2.0" RF 900 2T Initial: 600 mm (23.62 inch)
Flange EN; DN 32 PN 40 B1 4A 601…650 mm (23.66 ... 25.59 inch) 33
Flange EN; DN 40 PN 100 B1 4B Initial: 650 mm (25.59 inch)
Flange EN; DN 50 PN 16 B1 4C 651…700 mm (25.63 ... 27.56 inch) 34
Flange EN; DN 80 PN 16 B1 4D Initial: 700 mm (27.56 inch)
Flange EN; DN 100 PN 16 B1 4E 701…750 mm (27.60 ... 29.53 inch) 35
Thermowell form Initial: 750 mm (29.53 inch)
2F, 9 mm (0.35 inch) A 751…800 mm (29.57 ... 31.50 inch) 36
2F, 12 mm (0.47 inch) B Initial: 800 mm (31.50 inch)
Insertion U standard 801…850 mm (31.54 ... 33.46 inch) 37
Initial: 850 mm (33.46 inch)
225 mm (8.86 inch) 11
851…900 mm (33.50 ... 35.43 inch) 41
315 mm (12.40 inch) 15
Initial: 900 mm (35.43 inch)
465 mm (18.31 inch) 26
901…950 mm (35.47 ... 37.40 inch) 42
Insertion length U customer-specific Initial: 950 mm (37.40 inch)
enter customer specific length with Y44,
951…1 000 mm (37.44 ... 39.37 inch) 43
see page 2/73 Order codes
Initial: 1 000 mm (39.37 inch)
80 ... 100 mm (3.15 ... 3.94 inch) 01
1 001…1 100 mm (39.41 ... 43.31 inch) 44
Initial: 100 mm (3.94 inch) Initial: 1 100 mm (43.31 inch)
101 ... 120 mm (3.98 ... 4.72 inch) 02 1 101…1 200 mm (43.35 ... 47.24 inch) 45
Initial: 120 mm (4.72 inch) Initial: 1 200 mm (47.24 inch)
121 ... 140 mm (4.76 ... 5.51 inch) 03
Initial: 140 mm (5.51 inch) 1 201…1 300 mm (47.28 ... 51.18 inch) 46
Initial: 1 300 mm (51.18 inch)
141 ... 160 mm (5.55 ... 6.30 inch) 04 1 301…1 400 mm (51.22 ... 55.12 inch) 47
Initial: 160 mm (6.30 inch) Initial: 1 400 mm (55.12 inch)
161 ... 180 mm (6.34 ... 7.09 inch) 05 1 401…1 500 mm (55.16 ... 59.05 inch) 51
Initial: 180 mm (7.09 inch) Initial: 1 500 mm (59.05 inch)
181 ... 200 mm (7.13 ... 7.87 inch) 06 Extension X
Initial: 200 mm (7.87 inch) Standard length for Type 2F DIN 43772 1
201 ... 220 mm (7.91 ... 8.66 inch) 07 (X=64 mm (2.52 inch))
Initial: 220 mm (8.66 inch) Extension length X - customer specific
221…240 mm (8.70 ... 9.45 inch) 11 enter customer specific length with Y45,
Initial: 225 mm (8.86 inch) see page 2/73 Order codes
241…260 mm (9.49 ... 10.24 inch) 12 75 ...150 mm (2.95 ... 5.91 inch) 9 N1D
Initial: 250 mm (9.84 inch) Initial: 150 mm (5.91 inch)
261…280 mm (10.28 ...11.02 inch) 13 151 ... 300 mm (5.95 ... 11.81 inch) 9 N2D
Initial: 280 mm (11.02 inch) Initial: 300 mm (11.81 inch)
281…300 mm (11.06 ... 11.81 inch) 14 301 ... 450 mm (11.85 ... 17.72 inch) 9 N3D
Initial: 285 mm 11.22 inch) Initial: 450 mm (17.72 inch)
301…320 mm (11.85 ... 13.00 inch) 15
Initial: 315 mm (12.40 inch) Additional configurations on page after next page!
321…340 mm (12.64 ... 13.39 inch) 16 You find ordering examples on page 2/40!
Initial: 340 mm (13.39 inch)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2F, with flange and extension
Cable entry
75 (2.95)
Cable entry
131 (5.16)
2 °C
Connection head,
~65 (2.56)
process entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
117 (4.51)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2F, with flange and extension
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Order code
SITRANS TS500 7MC751- Further designs
Tubular thermowell, low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777 777 Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
stress, according to DIN 43722, Type
2F, with flange, with extension Insertionlength customer-specific Y44
Select range, enter desired length in plain text (No
Aluminum head, BA0, flange cover, A
entry = standard length) 2
Standard Extension X length customer-specific Y45
Aluminum head, BB0, low hinged cover, B Select range, enter desired length in plain text (No
screw connection entry = standard length)
Aluminum head, BC0, high hinged cover, C Options
screw connection Add "-Z" to Article No. and add options, separate
Aluminum head, AG0, screw cover, suit- G extensions with "+".
able for Ex d1) Built-in head transmitter
Aluminum head, AH0, screw cover, suit- H Measuring range to be set must be specified with
able for Ex d, display1) plain text data "Y01".
Plastic head, BM0, screw cover M SITRANS TH100, input 1 x Pt100, 4 ... 20 mA T12
Plastic head, BP0high hinged cover, P SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, 4 ... 20 mA T24
screw connection SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, HART T34
Stainless steel head, AU0, screw cover, U SITRANS TH420, input 2 x universal, HART T35
suitable for Ex d1) SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA T40
Stainless steel head, AV0, screw cover, V SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA, Ex T41
suitable for Ex d, display1)
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF T45
Sensor2) SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF, Ex T46
Please note: The accuracy class range Explosion protection
can be lower than the measuring range.
For more information, see page 2/21 Without explosion protection requirements E00
Pt100, Basis, -50 ... +400 °C A (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
(-58 ... +752 °F) Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS1) according to ATEX and IECEx E01
Pt100, vibration resistant, B (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
-50 ... +400 °C (-58 ... +752 °F)
Pt100, expanded range, C Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E03
-196 ... +600 °C (-321 ... +1 112 °F) through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to ATEX and
IECEx (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
Thermocouple Type K, -40 ... +1 000 °C K
(-40 ... +1 832 °F) Non-sparking "ec" according to ATEX and IECEx E04
Thermocouple Type J, -40 ... +750 °C J (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
(-40 ... +1 382 °F) Without explosion protection requirements E10
Thermocouple Type N, -40 ... +1 000 °C N (USA, Canada) Basis FM
(-40 ... +1 832 °F)
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E14
Sensor number/Accuracy through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cFMus (USA,
Pt 100 connection: 1 x 4-wire connection Canada); other connections (M,G,R)
or 2 x 3-wire connection, see "Measuring
technology: connection types", page 2/23 Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cFMus E16
Single, basic accuracy 1 (USA,Canada)
(Class 2/Class B) Without explosion protection requirements E17
Single, increased accuracy 2 (USA, Canada), Basis CSA
(Class 1/Class A) Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to cCSAus E18
Single, highest accuracy (Class AA) 3 (USA, Canada)
Double, basic accuracy (Class 2/Class B) 5
Double, increased accuracy 6 Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E21
(Class 1/Class A) through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cCSAus
Double, highest accuracy (Class AA) 7 (USA); other connections (M, G, R)
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cCSAus E23
Ex d in connection with Order code E03 (USA, Canada)
2) Pt1000 versions are also available. To find these, please switch to Online Without explosion protection requirements (China) E54
Configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal:
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to NEPSI (China) E55
Flameproof enclosure "d"; dust protection through E56
housing "t"2) according to NEPSI (China)
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to NEPSI (China) E57
Without explosion protection requirements (EAC) E80
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to EACEx (EAC) E81
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection through E82
housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to EACEx (EAC)
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to EACEx (EAC) E83
Marine approvals
Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd (DNV GL) D01
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 2F, with flange and extension
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 3, fast response, without process connection
■ Dimensional drawings
Cable entry
BEuropean = N + H1 - 3
35 (1.34)
50 (1.97)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 3, fast response, without process connection
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Article No.
Tubular thermowell for low to medium stress, 7 - 77777 - 7777 Tubular thermowell for low to medium stress, 7 - 77777 - 7777
according to DIN 43722, Type 3, without pro- according to DIN 43722, Type 3, without pro-
cess connection, improved response time, cess connection, improved response time,
2 plug-in or use with moveable compression
plug-in or use with moveable compression
Click on the Article No. for the online configu- 381 ... 400 mm (15 ... 15.75 inch) 22
ration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. Initial: 400 mm (15.75 inch)
Material, in contact with media 401 ... 420 mm (15.79 ... 16.54 inch) 23
316Ti (1.4571) 1 Initial: 420 mm (16.54 inch)
316L (1.4404 or 1.4435) 2 421 ... 440 mm (16.57 ... 17.32 inch) 24
Initial: 440 mm (17.32 inch)
Process connection
441 ... 460 mm (17.36 ... 18.11 inch) 25
Without process connection (for compression 0N
Initial: 460 mm (18.11 inch)
joints) N=U
461 ... 480 mm (18.15 ... 18.90 inch) 26
Thermowell form Initial: 465 mm (18.30 inch)
3, 12/9 mm (0.47/0.35 inch) K 481 ... 500 mm (18.94 ... 19.68 inch) 27
Insertion length U (=N), Standard Initial: 500 mm (19.68 inch)
160 mm (6.3 inch) 04 501 ... 550 mm (19.72 ... 21.65 inch) 31
220 mm (8.66 inch) 07 Initial: 510 mm (20.08 inch)
280 mm (11.02 inch) 13 551 ... 600 mm (21.69 ... 23.62 inch) 32
Insertion length U (=N), customer-specific Initial: 600 mm (23.62 inch)
enter customer specific length with Y44, see 601 ... 650 mm (23.66 ... 25.59 inch) 33
page 2/78 Order codes Initial: 650 mm (25.59 inch)
121 ... 140 mm (4.76 ... 5.51 inch) 03 651 ... 700 mm (25.63 ... 27.56 inch) 34
Initial: 140 mm (5.51 inch) Initial: 700 mm (27.56 inch)
141 ... 160 mm (5.55 ... 6.30 inch) 04 701 ... 750 mm (27.6 ... 29.53 inch) 35
Initial: 160 mm (6.3 inch) Initial: 750 mm (29.53 inch)
161 ... 180 mm (6.34 ... 7.09 inch) 05 751 ... 800 mm (29.57 ... 31.50 inch) 36
Initial: 180 mm (7.09 inch) Initial: 800 mm (31.50 inch)
181 ... 200 mm (7.13 ... 7.87 inch) 06 801 ... 850 mm (31.53 ... 33.46 inch) 37
Initial: 200 mm (7.87 inch) Initial: 850 mm (33.46 inch)
201 ... 220 mm (7.91 ... 8.66 inch) 07 851 ... 900 mm (33.50 ... 35.43 inch) 41
Initial: 900 mm (35.43 inch)
Initial: 220 mm (8.66 inch)
901 ... 950 mm (35.47 ... 37.40 inch) 42
221 ... 240 mm (8.7 ... 9.45 inch) 11 Initial: 950 mm (37.40 inch)
Initial: 225 mm (8.86 inch)
241 ... 260 mm (9.48 ... 10.24 inch) 12 951 ... 1 000 mm (37.44 ... 39.37 inch) 43
Initial: 250 mm (9.84 inch) Initial: 1 000 mm (39.37 inch)
1 001 ... 1 100 mm (39.41 ... 43.31 inch) 44
261 ... 280 mm (10.28 ... 11.02 inch) 13 Initial: 1 100 mm (43.31 inch)
Initial: 280 mm (11.02 inch)
281 ... 300 mm (11.02 ... 11.81 inch) 14 Extension
Initial: 285 mm (11.22 inch) Standard length for Type 2 as per DIN 43722 0
301 ... 320 mm (11.85 ... 12.6 inch) 15 (without extension N=U)
Initial: 315 mm (12.4 inch) Additional configurations on page after next page!
321 ... 340 mm (12.64 ... 13.39 inch) 16
Initial: 340 mm (13.39 inch) You find ordering examples on page 2/40!
341 ... 360 mm (13.43 ... 14.17 inch) 20
Initial: 360 mm (14.17 inch)
361 ... 380 mm (14.21 ... 14.96 inch) 21
Initial: 380 mm (14.96 inch)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 3, fast response, without process connection
Cable entry
75 (2.95)
Cable entry
131 (5.16)
°C 2
~50 (1.97) Connection head,
process entry
Connection head,
~65 (2.56)
process entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
117 (4.51)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 3, fast response, without process connection
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Order code
SITRANS TS500 7MC751- Further designs
Tubular thermowell for low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777 Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
stress, according to DIN 43722, Type 3,
without process connection, improved Insertion length customer-specific Y44
Select range, enter desired length in plain text
2 response time, plug-in or use with
moveable compression fittings (No entry = standard length)
Head Options
Aluminum head, BA0, flange cover, A Add "-Z" to Article No. and add options, separate
Standard extensions with "+".
Aluminum head, BB0, low hinged cover, B Built-in head transmitter
screw connection Measuring range to be set must be specified with
Aluminum head, BC0, high hinged cover, C plain text data "Y01".
screw connection SITRANS TH100, input 1 x Pt100, 4 ... 20 mA T12
Aluminum head, AG0, screw cover, suit- G SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, 4 ... 20 mA T24
able for Ex d1) SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, HART T34
Aluminum head, AH0, screw cover, suit- H SITRANS TH420, input 2 x universal, HART T35
able for Ex d, display1) SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA T40
Plastic head, BM0, screw cover M SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA, Ex T41
Plastic head, BP0high hinged cover, P SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF T45
screw connection SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF, Ex T46
Stainless steel head, AU0, screw cover, U
Explosion protection
Ex d1)
Stainless steel head, AV0, screw cover, V Without explosion protection requirements E00
suitable for Ex d, display1) (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
Sensor2) Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS1) according to ATEX and IECEx E01
Please note: The accuracy class range (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
can be lower than the measuring range. Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E03
For more information, see page 2/21 through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to ATEX and
Pt100, basis, -50 ... +400 °C A IECEx (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
(-58 ... +752 °F) Non-sparking "ec" according to ATEX and IECEx E04
Pt100, vibration-resistant, -50 ... +400 °C B (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
(-58 ... +752 °F)
Without explosion protection requirements E10
Pt100, expanded range, C
(USA, Canada) Basis FM
-196 ... +600 °C (-321 ... +1 112 °F)
Thermocouple Type J, J Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E14
-40 ... +750 °C (-40 ... +1 382 °F) through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cFMus (USA,
Thermocouple Type K, -40 .. . +1 000 °C K Canada); other connections (M,G,R)
(-40 ... +1 832 °F) Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cFMus E16
Thermocouple Type N, N (USA, Canada)
-40 ... +1 000 °C (-40 ... +1 832 °F)
Without explosion protection requirements (USA, E17
Sensor number/Accuracy Canada), Basis CSA
Pt 100 connection: 1 x 4-wire connection
or 2 x 3-wire connection, see "Measuring Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to cCSAus E18
technology: connection types", page 2/23 (USA, Canada)
Single, basic accuracy 1 Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E21
(Class 2/Class B) through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cCSAus
Single, increased accuracy 2 (USA); other connections (M, G, R)
(Class 1/Class A) Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cCSAus E23
Single, highest accuracy (Class AA) 3 (USA, Canada)
Double, basic accuracy 5
(Class 2/Class B) Without explosion protection requirements (China) E54
Double, increased accuracy 6 Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to NEPSI (China) E55
(Class 1/Class A)
Flameproof enclosure "d"; dust protection through E56
Double, highest accuracy (Class AA) 7 housing "t"2) according to NEPSI (China)
1) Ex d in connection with Order code E03 Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to NEPSI (China) E57
2) Pt1000 versions are also available. To find these, please switch to Online Without explosion protection requirements (EAC) E80
Configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal:
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to EACEx (EAC) E81
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection through E82
housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to EACEx (EAC)
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to EACEx (EAC) E83
Marine approvals
Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd (DNV GL) D01
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 3, fast response, without process connection
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 3G, fast response, screwed design, with extension
■ Dimensional drawings
2 K1 U
BEuropean = N + H1 - 3
35 (1.38)
50 (1.97)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 3G, fast response, screwed design, with extension
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. Code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. Code
Tubular thermowell, low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777 777 Tubular thermowell, low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777 777
stress, according to DIN 43722, Type 3G, stress, according to DIN 43722, Type 3G,
screwed design, with extension screwed design, with extension
Click on the Article No. for the online
configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
501 ... 550 mm (19.72 ... 21.65 inch)
Initial: 510 mm (20.08 inch)
551 ... 600 mm (21.69 ... 23.62 inch) 32
Material, in contact with media Initial: 600 mm (23.62 inch)
316Ti (1.4571) 1 601 ... 650 mm (23.66 ... 25.59 inch) 33
316L (1.4404 or 1.4435) 2 Initial: 650 mm (25.59 inch)
Process connection 651 ... 700 mm (25.63 ... 27.56 inch) 34
Cylindrical: G½" (½" BSPP) 1C Initial: 700 mm (27.56 inch)
Cylindrical: G¾" (¾" BSPP) 1D 701 ... 750 mm (27.6 ... 29.53 inch) 35
Tapered: NPT½" 1J Initial: 750 mm (29.53 inch)
Tapered: NPT¾" 1K 751 ... 800 mm (29.57 ... 31.50 inch) 36
Tapered: NPT1" 1L Initial: 800 mm (31.50 inch)
Cylindrical: M20 x 1.5 1V 801 ... 850 mm (31.53 ... 33.46 inch) 37
Cylindrical: M27 x 2.0 1W Initial: 850 mm (33.46 inch)
Cylindrical: M33 x 2.0 1Y 851 ... 900 mm (33.50 ... 35.43 inch) 41
Initial: 900 mm (35.43 inch)
Thermowell form 901 ... 950 mm (35.47 ... 37.40 inch) 42
3G, 12/9 mm (0.47/0.35 inch) K Initial: 950 mm (37.40 inch)
Insertion length U standard 951 ... 1 000 mm (37.44 ... 39.37 inch) 43
160 mm (6.30 inch) 04 Initial: 1 000 mm (39.37 inch)
220 mm (8.66 inch) 07 Extension X
280 mm (11.02 inch) 13 Standard length for Type 2G DIN 43772 1
Insertion length U customer- (X=131 mm (5.08 inch))
specific Extension length - customer specific
enter customer specific length with Y44, enter customer specific length with Y45,
see page 2/83 Order codes see page 2/83 Order codes
121 ... 140 mm (4.76 ... 5.51 inch) 03 75 ...150 mm (2.95 ... 5.91 inch) 9 N1D
Initial: 140 mm (5.51 inch) Initial: 150 mm (5.91 inch)
141 ... 160 mm (5.55 ... 6.30 inch) 04 151 ... 300 mm (5.95 ... 11.81 inch) 9 N2D
Initial: 160 mm (6.30 inch) Initial: 300 mm (11.81 inch)
161 ... 180 mm (6.34 ... 7.09 inch) 05 Additional configurations on page after next page!
Initial: 180 mm (7.09 inch)
181 ... 200 mm (7.13 ... 7.87 inch) 06 You find ordering examples on page 2/40!
Initial: 200 mm (7.87 inch)
201 ... 220 mm (7.91 ... 8.66 inch) 07
Initial: 220 mm (8.66 inch)
221…240 mm (8.70 ... 9.45 inch) 11
Initial: 225 mm (8.86 inch)
241…260 mm (9.49 ... 10.24 inch) 12
Initial: 250 mm (9.84 inch)
261…280 mm (10.28 ...11.02 inch) 13
Initial: 280 mm (11.02 inch)
281…300 mm (11.06 ... 11.81 inch) 14
Initial: 285 mm 11.22 inch)
301…320 mm (11.85 ... 13.00 inch) 15
Initial: 315 mm (12.40 inch)
321…340 mm (12.64 ... 13.39 inch) 16
Initial: 340 mm (13.39 inch)
341…360 mm (13.43 ... 14.17 inch) 20
Initial: 360 mm (14.17 inch)
361…380 mm (14.21 ... 14.96 inch) 21
Initial: 380 mm (14.96 inch)
381…400 mm (14.99 ... 15.75 inch) 22
Initial: 400 mm (15.75 inch)
401…420 mm (15.79 ... 16.54 inch) 23
Initial: 420 mm (16.54 inch)
421…440 mm (16.57 ... 17.32 inch) 24
Initial: 440 mm (17.32 inch)
441…460 mm (17.36 ... 18.11 inch) 25
Initial: 460 mm (18.11 inch)
461…480 mm (18.15 ... 18.90 inch) 26
Initial: 465 mm (18.30 inch)
481…500 mm (18.94 ... 19.69 inch) 27
Initial: 500 mm (19.69 inch)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 3G, fast response, screwed design, with extension
Cable entry
75 (2.95)
Cable entry
131 (5.16)
2 °C
Connection head,
~65 (2.56)
process entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
117 (4.51)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 3G, fast response, screwed design, with extension
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Order code
SITRANS TS500 7MC751- Further designs
Tubular thermowell, low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777
stress, according to DIN 43722, Type 3G, Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
screwed design, with extension Insertion length customer-specific Y44
Select range, enter desired length in plain text
Aluminum head, BA0, flange cover, A (No entry = standard length) 2
Standard Extension length customer-specific Y45
Aluminum head, BB0, low hinged cover, B Select range, enter desired length in plain text
screw connection (No entry = standard length)
Aluminum head, BC0, high hinged cover, C Options
screw connection Add "-Z" to Article No. and add options, separate
Aluminum head, AG0, screw cover, suit- G extensions with "+".
able for Ex d1)
Aluminum head, AH0, screw cover, suit- H Built-in head transmitter
able for Ex d, display1) Measuring range to be set must be specified with
Plastic head, BM0, screw cover M plain text data "Y01".
Plastic head, BP0high hinged cover, P SITRANS TH100, input 1 x Pt100, 4 ... 20 mA T12
screw connection SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, 4 ... 20 mA T24
Stainless steel head, AU0, screw cover, U SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, HART T34
Ex d1) SITRANS TH420, input 2 x universal, HART T35
Stainless steel head, screw cover, V SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA T40
Ex d, display1) SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA, Ex T41
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF T45
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF, Ex T46
Please note: The accuracy class range
can be lower than the measuring range. Explosion protection
For more information, see page 2/21 Without explosion protection requirements E00
Pt100, basis, -50 ... +400 °C A (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
(-58 ... +752 °F) Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS1) according to ATEX and IECEx E01
Pt100, vibration resistant, -50 ... +400 °C B (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
(-58 ... +752 °F)
Pt100, expanded range, C Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E03
-196 ... +600 °C (-321 ... +1 112 °F) through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to ATEX and
IECEx (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
Thermocouple Type J, J
-40 ... +750 °C (-40 ... +1 382 °F) Non-sparking "ec" according to ATEX and IECEx E04
Thermocouple Type K, -40 .. . +1 000 °C K (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
(-40 ... +1 832 °F) Without explosion protection requirements E10
Thermocouple Type N, N (USA, Canada) Basis FM
-40 ... + 1000 °C (-40 ... +1 832 °F)
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E14
Sensor number/Accuracy through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cFMus (USA,
Pt 100 connection: 1 x 4-wire connection Canada); other connections (M,G,R)
or 2 x 3-wire connection, see "Measuring
technology: connection types", page 2/23 Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cFMus E16
(USA, Canada)
Single, basic accuracy 1
(Class 2/Class B) Without explosion protection requirements E17
Single, increased accuracy 2 (USA, Canada), Basis CSA
(Class 1/Class A) Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to cCSAus E18
Single, highest accuracy 3 (USA, Canada)
(Class AA)
Double, basic accuracy 5 Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E21
(Class 2/Class B) through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cCSAus
Double, increased accuracy 6 (USA); other connections (M, G, R)
(Class 1/Class A) Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cCSAus E23
Double, highest accuracy (Class AA) 7 (USA, Canada)
1) Ex d in connection with Order code E03 Without explosion protection requirements (China) E54
2) Pt1000 versions are also available. To find these, please switch to Online Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to NEPSI (China) E55
Configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal: Flameproof enclosure "d"; dust protection through E56
housing "t"2) according to NEPSI (China)
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to NEPSI (China) E57
Without explosion protection requirements (EAC) E80
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to EACEx (EAC) E81
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection through E82
housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to EACEx (EAC)
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to EACEx (EAC) E83
Marine approvals
Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd (DNV GL) D01
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 3G, fast response, screwed design, with extension
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 3F, fast response, with flange and extension
■ Dimensional drawings
Cable entry
BEuropean = N + H1 - 3
35 (1.38)
50 (1.97)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 3F, fast response, with flange and extension
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. Code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. Code
Tubular thermowell, low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777 777 Tubular thermowell, low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777 777
stress, according to DIN 43722, stress, according to DIN 43722,
Type 3F, with flange, with extension Type 3F, with flange, with extension
Material, in contact with media 551 ... 600 mm (21.69 ... 23.62 inch) 32
Initial: 600 mm (23.62 inch)
316Ti (1.4571) 1
601 ... 650 mm (23.66 ... 25.59 inch) 33
316L (1.4404 or 1.4435) 2 Initial: 650 mm (25.59 inch)
Process connection 651 ... 700 mm (25.63 ... 27.56 inch) 34
Flange EN; DN 40 PN 40 B1 2B Initial: 700 mm (27.56 inch)
Flange EN; DN 50 PN 40 B1 2C 701 ... 750 mm (27.6 ... 29.53 inch) 35
Flange ASME; 1.0" RF 150 2E Initial: 750 mm (29.53 inch)
Flange ASME; 1.0" RF 300 2F 751 ... 800 mm (29.57 ... 31.50 inch) 36
Flange ASME; 1.5" RF 150 2G Initial: 800 mm (31.50 inch)
Flange ASME; 1.5" RF 300 2H 801 ... 850 mm (31.53 ... 33.46 inch) 37
Flange ASME; 2.0" RF 150 2J Initial: 850 mm (33.46 inch)
Flange ASME; 2.0" RF 300 2K 851 ... 900 mm (33.50 ... 35.43 inch) 41
Flange ASME; 1.0" RF 600 2L Initial: 900 mm (35.43 inch)
Flange ASME; 1.5" RF 600 2N 901 ... 950 mm (35.47 ... 37.40 inch) 42
Flange ASME; 1.5" RF 900 2R Initial: 950 mm (37.40 inch)
Flange ASME; 2.0" RF 600 2S 951 ... 1 000 mm (37.44 ... 39.37 inch) 43
Flange ASME; 2.0" RF 900 2T Initial: 1 000 mm (39.37 inch)
Flange EN; DN 32 PN 40 B1 4A 1 001 ... 1 100 mm (39.41 ... 43.31 inch) 44
Flange EN; DN 40 PN 100 B1 4B Initial: 1 100 mm (43.31 inch)
Flange EN; DN 50 PN 16 B1 4C
Flange EN; DN 80 PN 16 B1 4D
Standard length for Type 3F DIN 43772 1
Flange EN; DN 100 PN 16 B1 4E (X=66 mm (2.60 inch))
Thermowell form Extension length - customer specific
3F; 12/9 mm (0.47/0.35 inch) K enter customer specific length with Y45,
Insertion length U standard see page 2/88 Order codes
225 mm (8.86 inch) 11 75 ...150 mm (2.95 ... 5.91 inch) 9 N1D
285 mm (11.22 inch) 14 Initial: 150 mm (5.91 inch)
345 mm (13.58 inch) 17 151 ... 300 mm (5.95 ... 11.81 inch) 9 N2D
Initial: 300 mm (11.81 inch)
Insertion length U customer-specific
enter customer specific length with Y44, Additional configurations on page after next page!
see page 2/88 Order codes
121 ... 140 mm (4.76 ... 5.51 inch) 03 You find ordering examples on page 2/40!
Initial: 140 mm (5.51 inch)
141 ... 160 mm (5.55 ... 6.30 inch) 04
Initial: 160 mm (6.3 inch)
161 ... 180 mm (6.34 ... 7.09 inch) 05
Initial: 180 mm (7.09 inch)
181 ... 200 mm (7.13 ... 7.87 inch) 06
Initial: 200 mm (7.87 inch)
201 ... 220 mm (7.91 ... 8.66 inch) 07
Initial: 220 mm (8.66 inch)
221 ... 240 mm (8.7 ... 9.45 inch) 11
Initial: 225 mm (8.86 inch)
241 ... 260 mm (9.48 ... 10.24 inch) 12
Initial: 250 mm (9.84 inch)
261 ... 280 mm (10.28 ... 11.02 inch) 13
Initial: 280 mm (11.02 inch)
281 ... 300 mm (11.02 ... 11.81 inch) 14
Initial: 285 mm (11.22 inch)
301 ... 320 mm (11.85 ... 12.6 inch) 15
Initial: 315 mm (12.4 inch)
321 ... 340 mm (12.64 ... 13.39 inch) 16
Initial: 340 mm (13.39 inch)
341 ... 360 mm (13.43 ... 14.17 inch) 17
Initial: 345 mm (13.58 inch)
361 ... 380 mm (14.21 ... 14.96 inch) 21
Initial: 380 mm (14.96 inch)
381 ... 400 mm (15 ... 15.75 inch) 22
Initial: 400 mm (15.75 inch)
401 ... 420 mm (15.79 ... 16.54 inch) 23
Initial: 420 mm (16.54 inch)
421 ... 440 mm (16.57 ... 17.32 inch) 24
Initial: 440 mm (17.32 inch)
441 ... 460 mm (17.36 ... 18.11 inch) 25
Initial: 460 mm (18.11 inch)
461 ... 480 mm (18.15 ... 18.90 inch) 26
Initial: 465 mm (18.30 inch)
481 ... 500 mm (18.94 ... 19.68 inch) 27
Initial: 500 mm (19.68 inch)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 3F, fast response, with flange and extension
Cable entry
75 (2.95)
Cable entry
131 (5.16)
°C 2
~50 (1.97) Connection head,
process entry
Connection head,
~65 (2.56)
process entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
117 (4.51)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 3F, fast response, with flange and extension
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. Code Selection and Ordering data Order code
SITRANS TS500 7MC751- Further designs
Tubular thermowell, low to medium 7 - 77777 - 7777 777
stress, according to DIN 43722, Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
Type 3F, with flange, with extension Insertion length customer-specific Y44
Select range, enter desired length in plain text
2 Head
Aluminum head, BA0, flange cover, A (No entry = standard length)
Standard Extension length customer-specific Y45
Aluminum head, BB0, low hinged cover, B Select range, enter desired length in plain text
screw connection (No entry = standard length)
Aluminum head, BC0, high hinged cover, C Options
screw connection Add "-Z" to Article No. and add options, separate
Aluminum head, AG0, screw cover, suit- G extensions with "+".
able for Ex d1)
Aluminum head, AH0, screw cover, suit- H Built-in head transmitter
able for Ex d, display1) Measuring range to be set must be specified with
Plastic head, BM0, screw cover M plain text data "Y01".
Plastic head, BP0high hinged cover, P SITRANS TH100, input 1 x Pt100, 4 ... 20 mA T12
screw connection SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, 4 ... 20 mA T24
Stainless steel head, AU0, screw cover, U SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, HART T34
Ex d1) SITRANS TH420, input 2 x universal, HART T35
Stainless steel head, screw cover, V SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA T40
Ex d, display1) SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA, Ex T41
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF T45
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF, Ex T46
Please note: The accuracy class range
can be lower than the measuring range. Explosion protection
For more information, see page 2/21 Without explosion protection requirements E00
Pt100, basis, -50 ... +400 °C A (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
(-58 ... +752 °F) Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS1) according to ATEX and IECEx E01
Pt100, vibration.resistant, -50 ... +400 °C B (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
(-58 ... +752 °F)
Pt100, expanded range, C Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E03
-196 ... +600 °C (-321 ... +1 112 °F) through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to ATEX and
IECEx (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
Thermocouple Type J, J
-40 ... +750 °C (-40 ... +1 382 °F) Non-sparking "ec" according to ATEX and IECEx E04
Thermocouple Type K, -40 .. . +1 000 °C K (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
(-40 ... +1 832 °F) Without explosion protection requirements E10
Thermocouple Type N, N (USA, Canada) Basis FM
-40 ... +1 000 °C (-40 ... 1 832 °F)
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E14
Sensor number/Accuracy through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cFMus (USA,
Pt 100 connection: 1 x 4-wire connection Canada); other connections (M,G,R)
or 2 x 3-wire connection, see "Measuring
technology: connection types" page 2/23 Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cFMus E16
(USA, Canada)
Single, basic accuracy (Class 2/Class B) 1
Single, increased accuracy 2 Without explosion protection requirements E17
(Class 1/Class A) (USA, Canada), Basis CSA
Single, highest accuracy (Class AA) 3 Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to cCSAus E18
Double, basic accuracy 5 (USA, Canada)
(Class 2/Class B) Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E21
Double, increased accuracy 6 through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cCSAus
(Class 1/Class A) (USA); other connections (M, G, R)
Double, highest accuracy (Class AA) 7 Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cCSAus E23
1) Ex d in connection with Order code E03 (USA, Canada)
2) Pt1000 versions are also available. To find these, please switch to Online Without explosion protection requirements (China) E54
Configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal: Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to NEPSI (China) E55
Flameproof enclosure "d"; dust protection through E56
housing "t"2) according to NEPSI (China)
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to NEPSI (China) E57
Without explosion protection requirements (EAC) E80
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to EACEx (EAC) E81
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection through E82
housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to EACEx (EAC)
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to EACEx (EAC) E83
Marine approvals
Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd (DNV GL) D01
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Tubular thermowells
Type 3F, fast response, with flange and extension
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Barstock thermowells
Type 4+4F, with extension
■ Dimensional drawings
SITRANS TS500, temperature sensors for vessels and pipes, barstock thermowell for medium to extreme stress, according to
DIN 43772..
BEuropean = N + H1 - 1
BEuropean = N + H1 - 1
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Barstock thermowells
Type 4+4F, with extension
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. Code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. Code
Barstock thermowell for medium to 7 - 77777 - 7777 777 Barstock thermowell for medium to 7 - 77777 - 7777 777
extreme stress, according to DIN 43722, extreme stress, according to DIN 43722,
Type 4, for welding in, Type 4F with Type 4, for welding in, Type 4F with
flange, with extension
Click on the Article No. for the online
flange, with extension
configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. Aluminum head, BA0, flange cover, A
Material, in contact with media Standard
316Ti (1.4571) 1 Aluminum head, BB0, low hinged cover, B
316L (1.4404 or 1.4435) 2 screw connection
1.7335 heat resistant, only for versions 3 Aluminum head, BC0, high hinged cover, C
without flange screw connection
1.5415 heat resistant, only for versions 4 Aluminum head, AG0, screw cover, suit- G
without flange able for Ex d1)
Aluminum head, AH0, screw cover, suit- H
Process connection able for Ex d, display1)
Without (for welding in) 0N Plastic head, BM0, screw cover M
Flange DN25 PN10 ... 40 B1 2A Plastic head, BP0high hinged cover, P
Flange 1"RF150 2E screw connection
Flange 1"RF300 2F Stainless steel head, AU0, screw cover, U
Flange 1.5"RF150 2G Ex d1)
Flange 1.5"RF300 2H Stainless steel head, AV0, screw cover, V
Thermowell form Ex d, display1)
For flanged types only: specify with Y44 in Sensor2)
plain text if insertion length "U" deviates Please note: The accuracy class range
from standard (U=L-70 mm (2.76 inch)). can be lower than the measuring range.
(Min: U = C; Max; U= L-50 mm (1.97 inch)) For more information, see page 2/21
Type 4/4F, A00 Pt100, basis, -50 ... +400 °C A
L=140 mm (5.51 inch), C=65 mm (-58 ... +752)
(3.74 inch), ØD=24 mm (0.95 inch), Pt100, vibration resistant, -50 ... +400 °C B
Ød=6 mm (0.24 inch) (-58 ... +752)
Type 4/4F, B00 Pt100, expanded range, C
L=200 mm (7.87 inch), C=65 mm -196 ... +600 °C (-321 ... +1 112)
(3.74 inch), ØD=24 mm (0.95 inch), Thermocouple Type K, -40 ... +1 000 °C K
Ød=6 mm (0.24 inch) (-40 ... +1 832)
Type 4/4F, D00 Thermocouple Type J, J
L=200 mm (7.87 inch), C=125 mm -40 ... +750 °C (-40 ... +1 382)
(4.92 inch), ØD=24 mm (0.95 inch), Thermocouple Type N, -40 ... +1 000 °C N
Ød=6 mm (0.24 inch) (-40 ... +1 832)
Type 4/4F, E00
L=260 mm (10.24 inch), C=125 mm Sensor number/Accuracy
(4.92 inch), ØD=24 mm (0.95 inch), Pt 100 connection: 1 x 4-wire connection
Ød=6 mm (0.24 inch) or 2 x 3-wire connection, see "Measuring
technology: connection types" , page 2/23
Extension X Single, basic accuracy (Class 2/Class B) 1
as per DIN 43772 1 Single, increased accuracy 2
(X=149 mm (5.87 inch)) (Class 1/Class A)
Extension X, customer-specific Single, highest accuracy (Class AA) 3
enter customer specific length with Y45, Double, basic accuracy (Class 2/Class B) 5
see page 2/93 Order codes Double, increased accuracy 6
75 ...150 mm (2.95 ... 5.91 inch) 9 N1D (Class 1/Class A)
Initial: 150 mm (5.91 inch) Double, highest accuracy (Class AA) 7
151 ... 300 mm (5.95 ... 11.81 inch) 9 N2D 1)
Initial: 300 mm (11.81 inch) Ex d in connection with Order code E03
301 ... 450 mm (11.85 ... 17.72 inch) 9 N3D 2) Pt1000 versions are also available. To find these, please switch to Online
Initial: 450 mm (17.72 inch) Configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal:
451 ... 600 mm (17.86 ... 23.62 inch) 9 N4D
Initial: 600 mm (23.62 inch) Additional configurations on page after next page!
601 ... 750 mm (23.66 ... 29.53 inch) 9 N5D
Initial: 750 mm (29.53 inch) You find ordering examples on page 2/40!
751 ... 900 mm (29.57 ... 45.43 inch) 9 N6D
Initial: 900 mm (45.43 inch)
901 ... 1 050 mm (45.47 ... 41.34 inch) 9 N7D
Initial: 1 050 mm (41.34 inch)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Barstock thermowells
Type 4+4F, with extension
Cable entry
75 (2.95)
Cable entry
131 (5.16)
2 °C
Connection head,
~65 (2.56)
process entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
117 (4.51)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TS500 - Barstock thermowells
Type 4+4F, with extension
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Certificates and approvals
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code. EN 10204-3.1 Inspection certificate for materials C12
coming into contact with media
Insertion length customer-specific Y44 EN 10204-3.1 Inspection certificate for hydrostatic C31
Select range, enter desired length in plain text Inser- pressure test
tion length U deviating from standard;
(Min: U = C; Max; U= L-50 mm (1.97 inch)),
EN 10204-3.1 Inspection certificate for helium leak
C32 2
no entry = standard length (U=L-70 mm (2.76 inch))
EN 10204-3.1 Inspection certificate for dye-penetra- C33
Extension length customer-specific Y45 tion-test
Select range, enter desired length in plain text EN 10204-3.1 Inspection certificate: visual, measure- C34
(No entry = standard length) ment and functional inspection
Options EN 10204-2.1: Declaration of compliance with the C35
Add "-Z" to Article No. and add options, separate order
extensions with "+". NACE Standard MR-01-75 compliance C50
ISO 9001 grease-free (cleaned for e.g. oxygen appli- C51
Built-in head transmitter cations)
Measuring range to be set must be specified with EN 10204-3.1 Acceptance test certificate On request
plain text data "Y01". "Positive Materials Identification" (PMI)
SITRANS TH100, input 1 x Pt100, 4 ... 20 mA T12
SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, 4 ... 20 mA T24 Designation, calibration
SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, HART T34 Stainless steel TAG plate , enter lettering in plain text Y15
SITRANS TH420, input 2 x universal, HART T35 Plant calibration per 1 point, enter temperature in Y33
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA T40 plain text
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA, Ex T41 Transmitter options
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF T45 Transmitter, enter complete setting in plain text Y01
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF, Ex T46 (Y01:+/-NNNN ... +/-NNNN C,F), marking on the
device when Order code "Y15" is selected
Explosion protection
Enter measuring point (max. 8 characters) in plain Y17
Without explosion protection requirements E00 text
(Europe, Australia, New Zealand) Transmitter, enter measuring point description Y23
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS1) according to ATEX and IECEx E01 (max. 16 characters) in plain text
(Europe, Australia, New Zealand) Transmitter, enter measuring point text (max. Y24
32 characters) in plain text
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E03 Transmitter, enter bus address in plain text Y25
through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to ATEX and Transmitter, fail-safe value 3.6 mA U36
IECEx (Europe, Australia, New Zealand) (instead of 22.8 mA)
Non-sparking "ec" according to ATEX and IECEx E04 SITRANS TH320/420 transmitter with SIL2/3 certificate C20
(Europe, Australia, New Zealand) Transmitter test protocol (5 points) C11
Without explosion protection requirements E10 Further options
(USA, Canada) Basis FM Connection form, flying leads G01
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E14 (for the direct transmitter assembly, delivery without
through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cFMus (USA, screws and springs)
Canada); other connections (M,G,R) Full penetration process connection for 316L/316TI G02
M12 device plug (in combination with transmitter, G12
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cFMus E16 Non-Ex and intrinsically safe, max. IP65/67)
(USA, Canada)
Han 7D device plug (Non Ex and intrinsically safe, G13
Without explosion protection requirements E17 without mating connector max. IP65/67)
(USA, Canada), Basis CSA Connection head with ½ NPT thread without cable G20
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to cCSAus E18 gland, for AU0 and AH0 only IP66
(USA, Canada) with outer earth screw for heads AG0, AH0, AU0 and A02
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E21 with inner earth screw for heads BC0, AG0, AH0, A03
through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cCSAus AU0 and AV0
(USA); other connections (M, G, R)
Option not found?
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cCSAus E23 Handling number special version Y99
(USA, Canada)
1) Please select Ex i version of the optional transmitter.
Without explosion protection requirements (China) E54
2) Only with connection heads code AG0, AH0, AU0, AV0, without cable
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to NEPSI (China) E55 gland (please select non-Ex version of the optional transmitter).
Flameproof enclosure "d"; dust protection through E56
housing "t"2) according to NEPSI (China) You find ordering examples on page 2/40.
Accessories, see page 2/251.
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to NEPSI (China) E57
Without explosion protection requirements (EAC) E80
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to EACEx (EAC) E81
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E82
through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to EACEx (EAC)
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to EACEx (EAC) E83
Marine approvals
Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd (DNV GL) D01
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
For installation in existing thermowells
■ Dimensional drawings
2 Ød2
Cable entry
BEuropean = N + H1 + 3 - F
BAmerican = U + 10 - F
Spring load european 6 (0.24); 3 (0.12) with transmiter
K1 Screw depth
N Nominal length
U Insertion length
X Extension length
Recommended spring-load:
European versions = inside length of the thermowell + 3 (0.12)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
For installation in existing thermowells
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. Code Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. Code
SITRANS TS500 7MC7500- SITRANS TS500 7MC7500-
Temperature sensors for installation in 77777 - 7777 777 Temperature sensors for installation in 77777 - 7777 777
existing thermowells, suitable for ther- existing thermowells, suitable for ther-
mowells according to DIN 43772 as well as mowells according to DIN 43772 as well as
ASME B40.9-2001 with extension ASME B40.9-2001 with extension
European or American types European or American types 2
Click on the Article No. for the online con- Extension X
figuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. Without extension 0
Model European type: X=65 (M=81 mm) (3.15 inch) 1
existing thermowells 1 adjustable
European type: X=139 mm (5.47 inch) 2
Thread type (M=155 mm (6.10 inch)) adjustable
G½" (½"BSPP) (not for American type) C (DIN standard length for L=110)
NPT½" J European type: X=149 mm (5.87 inch) 3
M14x1.5 (not for American type) T (M=165 mm (6.50 inch)) adjustable
M18x1.5 (not for American type) U American type: X=74 mm (2.91 inch) inte- 6
M20x1.5 (not for American type) V grated sensor spring, NIP, not adjustable
Without thread N (NPT½"), Umin = 100 mm
Special version Z J1Y American type: X=150 mm (5.91 inch) inte- 8
Insertion ength U free length, standard grated sensor spring NUN adjustable
lengths (NPT½")
110 mm (4.33 inch) B1 Extension X, customer-specific
140 mm (5.51 inch) B2 enter customer specific length with Y45,
200 mm (7.87 inch) C1 see page 2/98 Order codes
260 mm (10.24 inch) C2 75 ...150 mm (2.95 ... 5.91 inch) 9 N1
410 mm (16.14 inch) E1 Initial: 150 mm (5.91 inch)
151 ... 300 mm (5.95 ... 11.81 inch) 9 N2
Insertion U free length, customer-specific Standard: 300 mm (11.81 inch)
enter customer specific length with Y44,
301 ... 450 mm (11.85 ... 17.72 inch) 9 N3
see page 2/98 Order codes
Standard: 450 mm (17.72 inch)
30 ... 100 mm (1.18 ... 3.94 inch) A0
Special length < 45 mm (1.77 inch) or 9 N8
Initial: 100 mm (3.94 inch)
> 450 mm (17.7 inch)
101 ... 200 mm (3.98 ... 7.87 inch) B0
Initial: 200 mm (7.87 inch) Model
201 ... 300 mm (7.91 ... 11.81 inch) C0 European type (M24 adjustable) D
Initial: 300 mm (11.81 inch)
301 ... 400 mm (11.85 ... 15.75 inch) D0 Additional configurations on page after next page!
Initial: 400 mm (15.75 inch) You find ordering examples on page 2/40!
401 ... 500 mm (15.79 ... 19.68 inch) E0
Initial: 500 mm (19.68 inch)
501 ... 600 mm (19.72 ... 23.62 inch) F0
Initial: 600 mm (23.62 inch)
601 ... 800 mm (23.66 ... 31.50 inch) G0
Initial: 800 mm (31.50 inch)
801 ... 1 000 mm (31.54 ... 39.37 inch) H0
Initial: 1 000 mm (39.37 inch)
1 001 ... 1 250 mm (39.41 ... 49.21 inch) J0
Initial: 1 250 mm (49.21 inch)
1 251 ... 1 500 mm (49.25... 59.05 inch) K0
Initial: 1 500 mm (59.05 inch)
Special length < 30 mm (1.18 inch) or X0
> 1500 mm (59.00 inch)
Measurement tip diameter
6 mm (0.24 inch) 6
8 mm (0.31 inch) (with sleeve) 8
(with sleeve = not replaceable)
10 mm (0.39 inch) (with sleeve) 0
(with sleeve = not replaceable)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
For installation in existing thermowells
Cable entry
75 (2.95)
Cable entry
131 (5.16)
2 °C
Connection head,
~65 (2.56)
process entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
Cable entry
117 (4.51)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
For installation in existing thermowells
Cable Cable
entry entry
12 ± 1
(0.47 ± 0.039)
B = U + H1
B = U + H1
Ød Ød
B Measuring insert length B Measuring insert length
Ød Measuring insert outer diameter Ød Measuring insert outer diameter
H Head height H Head height
H1 Type Axx = 41 (1.61) H1 Type Axx = 41 (1.61)
Type Bxx = 26 (1.02) Type Bxx = 26 (1.02)
U Insertion length U Insertion length
Option G51: ½" NPT, with seal Option G53: ½" NPT, open
Cable Cable
entry entry
34 ± 1
(1.34 ± 0.039)
B = U + H1
B = U + H1
Ød Ød
B Measuring insert length B Measuring insert length
Ød Measuring insert outer diameter Ød Measuring insert outer diameter
H Head height H Head height
H1 Type Axx = 41 (1.61) H1 Type Axx = 41 (1.61)
Type Bxx = 26 (1.02) Type Bxx = 26 (1.02)
U Insertion length U Insertion length
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
For installation in existing thermowells
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Ord. Code Selection and Ordering data Order code
SITRANS TS500 7MC7500- Further designs
Temperature sensors for installation in 77777 - 7777 777
existing thermowells, suitable for ther- Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
mowells according to DIN 43772 as well as Insertion length customer-specific Y44
ASME B40.9-2001 with extension Select range, enter desired length in plain text
2 European or American types (No entry = standard length)
Head Extension length customer-specific Y45
Aluminum head, BA0, flange cover, A Select range, enter desired length in plain text
Standard (No entry = standard length)
Aluminum head, BB0, low hinged cover, B Options
screw connection Add "-Z" to Article No. and add options, separate
Aluminum head, BC0, high hinged cover, C extensions with "+".
screw connection
Aluminum head, AG0, screw cover, suitable G Built-in head transmitter
for Ex d1) Measuring range to be set must be specified with
Aluminum head, AH0, screw cover, suitable H plain text data "Y01".
for Ex d, display1) SITRANS TH100, input 1 x Pt100, 4 ... 20 mA T12
Plastic head, BM0, screw cover M SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, 4 ... 20 mA T24
Plastic head, BP0high hinged cover, screw P SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, HART T34
connection SITRANS TH420, input 2 x universal, HART T35
Stainless steel head, AU0, screw cover, U SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA T40
Ex d1) SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA, Ex T41
Stainless steel head, AV0, screw cover, Ex d, V SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF T45
display1) SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF, Ex T46
Sensor2) Explosion protection
Please note: The accuracy class range can Without explosion protection requirements E00
be lower than the measuring range. For more (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
information, see page 2/21
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS1) according to ATEX and IECEx E01
Pt100, Basis, -50 ... +400 °C A
(Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
(-58 ... +752 °F)
Pt100, vibration resistant, -50 ... +400 °C B Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection through E03
(-58 ... +752 °F) housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to ATEX and IECEx
Pt100, expanded range, Umin = 100 mm C (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
-196 ... +600 °C (-321 ... +1 112 °F) Non-sparking "ec" according to ATEX and IECEx E04
Thermocouple Type J, J (Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
-40 ... +750 °C (-40 ... +1 382 °F) Without explosion protection requirements E10
Thermocouple Type K, -40 .. . +1 000 °C K (USA, Canada) Basis FM
(-40 ... +1 832 °F)
Thermocouple Type N, N Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection through E13
-40 ... +1 000 °C (-40 ... +1 832 °F) housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cFMus (USA);
NPT connections at the enclosure are mandatory
Sensor number/Accuracy
Pt 100 connection: 1 x 4-wire connection or Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection through E14
2 x 3-wire connection, see "Measuring tech- housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cFMus
nology: connection types", page 2/23 (USA, Canada); other connections (M,G,R)
Single, basic accuracy 1 Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cFMus E16
(Class 2/Class B) (USA, Canada)
Single, increased accuracy 2 Without explosion protection requirements E17
(Class 1/Class A) (USA, Canada), Basis CSA
Single, highest accuracy 3
(Class AA) Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to cCSAus E18
(USA, Canada)
Double, basic accuracy 5
(Class 2/Class B) Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection through E20
Double, increased accuracy 6 housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cCSAus
(Class 1/Class A) (USA, Canada); NPT connections at the enclosure
Double, highest accuracy (Class AA) 7 are mandatory
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection through E21
Ex d in connection with Order code E03 housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cCSAus (USA); other
2) Pt1000 versions are also available. To find these, please switch to Online connections (M, G, R)
Configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal:
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cCSAus E23
(USA, Canada)
Without explosion protection requirements (China) E54
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to NEPSI (China) E55
Flameproof enclosure "d"; dust protection through E56
housing "t"2) according to NEPSI (China)
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to NEPSI (China) E57
Without explosion protection requirements (EAC) E80
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to EACEx (EAC) E81
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection through E82
housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to EACEx (EAC)
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to EACEx (EAC) E83
Marine approvals
Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd (DNV GL) D01
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
For installation in existing thermowells
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Measuring inserts for retrofitting and upgrading - European and American type
■ Dimensional drawings
European type American type Determination of the measuring insert length
Ø33 (1.30)
150 (5.90)
25 (0.99)
(1.66) X
Seal about
1 mm
NPT½ Spring-load
B = N + H1 + 3 - F
Ød Ød
Recommended spring-load:
B Measuring insert length K1 Screw depth European versions with ceramic base = 3 (0.12)
Ød Measuring insert outer diameter K2 Screw depth European versions with transmitter = 1 (0.04)
N Nominal length L/U Thermowell length American versions: 6.4 (0.25); round down to 6 (0.24)
U for Form 2*/ 3*/ 4F Example calculations
NBL Non-bending length
L for Form 4 European measuring insert (with ceramic base)
TSL Temperature-sensitive length Connection head BC0, Thermowell Form 2F, U = 225 mm, X = 64
H1 Type Axx = 41 (1.61)
F Floor strength Type Bxx = 26 (1.02) B = U + X + H1 + 3 – F
Type 2: 3 (0.12) B = 225 + 64 + 26 + 3 – 3 = 315
Type 3: 6 (0.24) American measuring insert
Type 4: 4 (0.16) Connection head AG0, Thermowell Form 4, L = 200 mm
ASME types: 6.4 (0.25); round down to 6 (0.24) B=L+6-F
B = 200 + 6 – 4 = 202
X Extension length
For the NTP thread, please take tolerances into consideration
and select a shorter sensor or use PTFE tape for mounting, for
example: -3 (0.12).
SITRANS TSinsert measuring inserts for temperature sensors, replaceable, mineral-insulated design
European type (DIN ceramic base), spring load approx. 6 mm (0.24 inch)/3 mm (0.12 inch) with transmitter
American type, spring load approx. 21 mm (0.83 inch); determination of measuring insert length, dimensions in mm (inch);
Cold End types: see drawings on page 2/102
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Measuring inserts for retrofitting and upgrading - European and American type
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Article No.
SITRANS TSinsert for temperature sen- 7MC701 7 - 7 7 7 7 7 SITRANS TSinsert for temperature sen- 7MC701 7 - 7 7 7 7 7
sors, replaceable, mineral-insulated sors, replaceable, mineral-insulated
design, European or American type design, European or American type
Click on the Article No. for the online Measuring insert length B,
configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Measurement tip diameter
specify length with Y44, s. page 2/93 2
6 mm (0.24 inch) 6 85 ... 100 mm (3.37 ... 3.94 inch) 11
Initial: 100 mm (3.94 inch)
8 mm (0.31 inch) (with sleeve) 8
101 ... 150 mm (3.98 ... 5.91 inch) 13
10 mm (0.39 inch) (with sleeve) 0
Initial: 145 mm (5.71 inch)
Type 151 … 200 mm (5.95 ... 7.87 inch) 15
European type - DIN ceramic base 1 Initial: 200 mm (7.87 inch)
European type - DIN flying leads, abso- 2 201 … 250 mm (7.91 ... 9.84 inch) 17
lutely necessary with built-on transmitter Initial: 205 mm (8.07 inch)
American type - ANSI (nipple spring) 5 251 … 300 mm (9.88 ... 11.81 inch) 21
Sensor1) Initial: 275 mm (10.83 inch)
Please note: The accuracy class range 301 … 350 mm (11.85 ... 13.78 inch) 23
can be lower than the measuring range. Initial: 315 mm (12.40 inch)
For more information, see page 2/21 351 … 400 mm (13.82 ... 15.75 inch) 25
Pt100, basis, -50 ... +400 °C A Initial: 375 mm (14.76 inch)
(-58 ... +752 °F) 401 … 450 mm (15.79 ... 17.72 inch) 27
Pt100, vibration-resistant, B Initial: 405 mm (15.94 inch)
-50 ... +400 °C (-58 ... +752 °F) 451 … 500 mm (17.76 ... 19.68 inch) 31
Pt100, expanded range, Umin = 100 mm C Initial: 500 mm (19.68 inch)
-196 ... +600 °C (-321 ... +1 112 °F) 501 … 550 mm (19.72 ... 21.65 inch) 33
Thermocouple Type J, -40 ... +750 °C J Initial: 525 mm (20.67 inch)
(-40 ... +1 382 °F) 551 … 600 mm (21.69 ... 23.92 inch) 35
Thermocouple Type K, -40 .. . +1 000 °C K Initial: 555 mm (21.85 inch)
(-40 ... +1 832 °F) 601 … 700 mm (23.66 ... 27.56 inch) 37
Thermocouple Type N, N Initial: 655 mm (25.79 inch)
-40 ... +1 000 °C (-40 ... +1 832 °F) 701 … 800 mm (27.60 ... 31.50 inch) 41
Initial: 735 mm (28.94 inch)
Sensor number/Accuracy 801 … 900 mm (31.54 ... 35.43 inch) 43
Pt 100 connection: 1 x 4-wire connection Initial: 825 mm (32.48 inch)
or 2 x 3-wire connection, see "Measuring 901 … 1 000 mm (35.47 ... 39.37 inch) 45
technology: connection types" page 2/23 Initial: 950 mm (37.40 inch)
Single, basic accuracy A 1 001 … 1 500 mm (39.41 ... 59.05 inch) 47
(Class 2/Class B) Initial: 1 250 mm (49.21 inch)
Single, increased accuracy B 1 501 … 2 000 mm (59.09 ... 78.74 inch) 48
(Class 1/Class A) Initial: 1 700 mm (66.93 inch)
Single, highest accuracy C
(Class AA) 1) Pt1000 versions are also available. To find these, please switch to Online
Double, basic accuracy D Configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal:
(Class 2/Class B)
Double, increased accuracy E
Additional configurations on page after next page!
(Class 1/Class A) You find ordering examples on page 2/40!
Double, highest accuracy F
(Class AA)
Measuring insert length B, standard
145 mm (6.89 inch) 1 3
205 mm (8.07 inch) 1 7
275 mm (10.83 inch) 2 1
315 mm (12.40 inch) 2 3
345 mm (13.58 inch) 2 4
375 mm (14.76 inch) 2 5
405 mm (15.94 inch) 2 7
435 mm (17.13 inch) 2 0
555 mm (21.85 inch) 3 5
585 mm (23.03 inch) 3 6
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Measuring inserts for retrofitting and upgrading - European and American type
33 (1.30)
28 (1.10)
European type:
cold end type, built-on transmitter, dimensions in mm (inch)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Measuring inserts for retrofitting and upgrading - European and American type
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Further designs Marine approvals
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code. Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd (DNV GL) D01
Measuring insert length B Y44 Designation, calibration
Select range, enter desired length in plain text Stainless steel TAG plate , enter lettering in plain text Y15
(No entry = standard length)
Plant calibration per 1 point, enter temperature in
plain text
Y33 2
Add "-Z" to Article No. and add options, separate Transmitter options
extensions with "+". Transmitter, enter complete setting in plain text Y01
Built-in head transmitter (Y01:+/-NNNN ... +/-NNNN C,F)
Measuring range to be set must be specified with Enter measuring point (max. 8 characters) in plain Y17
plain text data "Y01". text
SITRANS TH100, input 1 x Pt100, 4 ... 20 mA T12 Transmitter, enter measuring point description (max. Y23
SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, 4 ... 20 mA T24 16 characters) in plain text
SITRANS TH320, input 1 x universal, HART T34 Transmitter, enter measuring point text (max. Y24
SITRANS TH420, input 2 x universal, HART T35 32 characters) in plain text
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA T40 Transmitter, enter bus address in plain text Y25
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, PA, Ex T41 Transmitter, fail-safe value 3.6 mA U36
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF T45 (instead of 22.8 mA)
SITRANS TH400, input 1 x universal, FF, Ex T46 SITRANS TH320/420 transmitter with SIL2/3 certificate C20
Transmitter test protocol (5 points) C11
Explosion protection
1) Please select Ex i version of the optional transmitter.
Without explosion protection requirements E00 2)
(Europe, Australia, New Zealand) Only with connection heads code AG0, AH0, AU0, AV0, without cable
gland (please select non-Ex version of the optional transmitter).
Intrinsic safety"i"/"IS1)
according to ATEX and IECEx E01
(Europe, Australia, New Zealand) You find ordering examples on page 2/40.
For SITRANS TS500 in flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP E03 Accessories, see page 2/251.
type of protection; dust protection through housing
"t"/"DIP"2) according to ATEX and IECEx
(Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
For SITRANS TS500 in Non-sparking "ec" E04
according to ATEX and IECEx type of protection
(Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
Without explosion protection requirements E10
(USA, Canada) Basis FM
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection through E13
housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cFMus (USA);
NPT connections at the enclosure are mandatory
Flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP; dust protection E14
through housing "t"/"DIP"2) according to cFMus
(USA, Canada); other connections (M,G,R)
Non-sparking "nA"/"NI" according to cFMus E16
(USA, Canada)
Without explosion protection requirements E17
(USA, Canada), Basis CSA
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to cCSAus E18
(USA, Canada)
For SITRANS TS500 in flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP E20
type of protection; dust protection through housing
"t"/"DIP"2) according to cCSAus (USA, Canada);
NPT connections at the enclosure are mandatory
For SITRANS TS500 in flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP E21
type of protection; dust protection through housing
"t"/"DIP"2) according to cCSAus (USA);
other connections (M, G, R)
For SITRANS TS500 in non-sparking "nA"/"NI" type of E23
protection according to cCSAus (USA, Canada)
Without explosion protection requirements (China) E54
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to NEPSI (China) E55
For SITRANS TS500 in flameproof enclosure "d" type E56
of protection; dust protection through housing "t"2)
according to NEPSI (China)
For SITRANS TS500 in non-sparking "nA"/"NI" type of E57
protection according to NEPSI (China)
Without explosion protection requirements (EAC) E80
Intrinsic safety "i"/"IS"1) according to EACEx (EAC) E81
For SITRANS TS500 in flameproof enclosure "d"/"XP E82
type of protection; dust protection through housing
"t"/"DIP"2) according to EACEx (EAC)
For SITRANS TS500 in non-sparking "nA"/"NI" type of E83
protection according to EACEx (EAC)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TSthermowell
Thermowells according to DIN 43772
■ Dimensional drawings
Thermowells according to DIN 43772 - Form 4
7MT14, welded 7MT14, flange connection
2 E1 E1
Instrument Instrument
connection connection
L +2
L +2
U +2
C +2
C +2
Ø D3 Ø D3
min. 4
min. 4
Ø D2 Ø D2
Since March 2000, DIN 43772 replaces the retracted DIN 43763:
The name of the D sleeves is from the previous standard but still
used today. The table below shows the order information for the
corresponding successor products from DIN 43772.
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TSthermowell
Thermowells according to DIN 43772
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order code
Barstock thermowells according to DIN 43772 - Form 4 7 M T 7777 - 77777 - 7777 777
Click on the Article No. for the online configuration and configuration check in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Basic model
Process connection
Weld-in/flange connection
Form 4/4F 14 2
External diameter of root D External diameter of tip D2 Bore hole D3
24 mm 12.5 mm 7 mm 1
26 mm 12.5 mm 7 mm 2
32 mm 17 mm 11 mm 3
Thermowell length L
110 mm 0 1
140 mm 0 2
170 mm 0 3
200 mm 0 4
260 mm 0 5
410 mm 0 6
Thermowell material
316Ti / 1.4571 A
316L / 1.4404 B
Hastelloy C276 / 2.4819 E
1.7335 Heat-resistant S
1.5415 Heat-resistant T
PTFE coating (thermowell made of 316/TI/L) U
ECTFE (HALAR) (thermowell made of 316/TI/L) V
Stellite coating (thermowell made of 316/TI/L) W
Customer-specific thermowell 98 8N Y99
Process connection material
Without (Form 4 for welding) N
316Ti / 1.4571 A
316L / 1.4404 B
Hastelloy C276 / 2.4819 (flange with flanged wheel) E
1.7335 Heat-resistant S
1.5415 Heat-resistant T
PTFE coating (thermowell made of 316/TI/L) U
ECTFE (HALAR) (thermowell made of 316/TI/L) V
Stellite coating (thermowell made of 316/TI/L) W
Process connection
Without (Form 4 for welding) 00
Flange according DIN EN 1092-1 Sealing surface Initial: B1 for uncoated variants
• DN 40, PN 10 - 16 32
• DN 40, PN 25 - 40 33
• DN 50, PN 10 - 16 34
• DN 50, PN 25 - 40 35
Flansch according ASME B16.5 Sealing surface Initial: RF for uncoated variants
• 1.50 inch; Class 150 60
• 1.50 inch; Class 300 61
• 1.50 inch; Class 600 62
• 2.00 inch; Class 150 66
• 2.00 inch; Class 300 67
• 2.00 inch; Class 600 68
Customer-specific process connection Z88 K1Y
Installation length U
For welding (no process connection) 0N
130 mm 0A
190 mm 0B
340 mm 0C
Customer-specific installation length 8Y Y44
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TSthermowell
Thermowells according to DIN 43772
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order code
Barstock thermowells according to DIN 43772 - Form 4 7 M T 7777 - 77777 - 7777 777
Connection to thermometer E1 (female thread)
M18x1.5 Q
M20x1.5 R
2 M27x2.0 T
½-14 NPT U
G½ W
G¾ X
Special version Z Q1Y
Cone length C
Without (straight) 0
65 mm 2
73 mm 3
125 mm 4
133 mm 5
275 mm 6
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Options Surface treatment, options on request
Add "-Z" to Article No. and add options, separate Wetted parts stained, neutralized and passivated W01
extensions with "+". Wetted parts electropolished W02
Acceptance test certificate according to Additional flange sealing surfaces
EN 10204-3.1
FF-Flat Face according to ASME B16.5 A70
Material certificate for wetted parts C12
RTJ-Ring-Type Joint according to ASME B16.5 A71
PMI (positive material ident.) for wetted parts C15
Type B2 according to EN1092-1 A72
Pressure test C31
Type C according to EN1092-1 A73
Helium leak test C32
Type D according to EN1092-1 A74
Dye-penetration-test C33
Additional information
Visual, dimensional and functional check C34
Add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code.
Compliance with order C35
Additional information in plain text: K1Y
X-ray test concentricity of bore hole C47 Process connection (material, type)
Ultrasound test concentricity of bore hole C48 Additional information in plain text: Q1Y
MR-01-75 NACE conformity C50 Connection to thermometer E1
MR-01-03 NACE conformity C53 Customer specific production
Grease-free (cleaned for oxygen applications, for C51 Processing and quotation number of special version: Y99
example) specify in plain text
Additional options
Thread protection stainless steel plug and chain A55
Forged flange A76
Sealing surface with concentric lines A77
TAG-marking Y15
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TSthermowells
Thermowells according to ASME B40.9
■ Dimensional drawings
Thermowells according to ASME B 40.9
7MT21, screwed design, straight, 7MT21, screwed design, 7MT31, for welding, straight
tapered process connection cylindrical process connection
E1 E1 Head diam.
Head Head E1
diameter diameter
process Cylindrical
connection process
Ø D3 Ø D3 Ø D3
7MT22, screwed design, reduced, 7MT22, screwed design, reduced, 7MT32, for welding, reduced
tapered process connection cylindrical process connection
E1 E1 Head diam.
Head Head
diameter diameter
process Cylindrical
connection process
Ø D3 Ø D3
Ø D3
Ø D2 Ø D2 Ø D2
7MT23, screwed design, tapered, 7MT23, screwed design, tapered, 7MT33, for welding, tapered
tapered process connection cylindrical process connection
E1 E1 Head diam.
Head Head
diameter diameter
process Cylindrical
connection process ØD
Ø D3
Ø D3
Ø D3
Ø D2 Ø D2 Ø D2
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TSthermowells
Thermowells according to ASME B40.9
E1 E1
Ø D3 Ø D3
E1 E1
connection Process
Ø D3
Ø D3
Ø D2 Ø D2
Process Process
connection connection
Ø D3
Ø D3
Ø D2 Ø D2
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TSthermowells
Thermowells according to ASME B40.9
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order code
Barstock thermowells according to ASME 40.9 7 M T 7777 - 77777 - 7777 777
Click on the Article No. for the online configuration and configuration check in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Basic model
Process connection
Screwed design
Straight 2 1
ASME For welding Straight 3 1
ASME Flange connection Straight 4 1
ASME Van Stone type Straight 5 1
ASME Screwed design Reduced 2 2
ASME For welding Reduced 3 2
ASME Flange connection Reduced 4 2
ASME Van Stone type Reduced 5 2
ASME Screwed design Tapered 2 3
ASME For welding Tapered 3 3
ASME Flange connection Tapered 4 3
ASME Van Stone type Tapered 5 3
Connection to thermometer E1
M18x1.5 1
M20x1.5 2
½-14 NPT 5
G½ 7
Special version 9 Y99
Head diameter of the thermowell
Screwed design - width across flats For welding Flange connec- Van Stone head/
tion process connection
26.7 mm 0
H27 33.4 mm 28.6 mm 33.4 mm / 51 mm 1
48.3 mm 30 mm 48.3 mm / 73 mm 2
H32 32 mm 60.3 mm / 92 mm 3
H36 34 mm 4
H42 38 mm 5
Head length X1
Screw- Weld-in Flange Van
in Stone
25 ... 50 mm: Initial 38 mm (7MT2), 45 mm (7MT3/4) ✔ ✔ ✔ 0
51 ... 75 mm: Initial 64 mm ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 1
76 ... 101 mm: Initial 89 mm ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 2
102 ... 126 mm: Initial 114 mm ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 3
127 ... 151 mm: Initial 140 mm ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 4
152 ... 177 mm: Initial 165 mm ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 5
178 ... 202 mm: Initial 191 mm ✔ ✔ ✔ 6
Installation length U
25 ... 126 mm: Initial 25 mm A
127 ... 253 mm: Initial 127 mm B
254 ... 380 mm: Initial 254 mm C
381 ... 507 mm: Initial 381 mm D
508 ... 634 mm: Initial 508 mm E
635 ... 761 mm: Initial 635 mm F
762 ... 888 mm: Initial 762 mm G
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TSthermowells
Thermowells according to ASME B40.9
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order code
Barstock thermowells according to ASME 40.9 7 M T 7777 - 77777 - 7777 777
Thermowell material
Screw- Weld-in Flange Van
in Stone
2 316L / 1.4404
Carbon steel / A105
✔ B
Hastelloy C276 / 2.4819 (flange with flanged wheel) ✔ ✔ E
Hastelloy C22 / 2.4602 (flange with flanged wheel) ✔ ✔ F
304L / 1.4306 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ H
321 / 1.4541 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ K
Monel alloy 400 / 2.4360 (flange with flanged wheel) ✔ ✔ L
Tantalum (sleeve, thermowell, made of 316/TI/L) ✔ Q
Duplex / 1.4462 ✔ ✔ P
Super Duplex / 1.4410 ✔ ✔ R
PTFE coating (thermowell made of 316/TI/L) ✔ ✔ U
ECTFE (HALAR) (thermowell made of 316/TI/L) ✔ ✔ V
Stellite coating (thermowell made of 316/TI/L) ✔ ✔ W
Customer-specific thermowell (head diameter/X1/U/material) ✔ ✔ ✔ 9 8NN G1Y
External diamater of root D/tip D2
Straight thermowell form Reduced thermowell form Tapered thermowell form
D D D2 D D2
(L6 = 60.3 mm/
2.374 in)
0.50 in (12.7 mm) 00
0.625 in (15.9 mm) 0.625 in (15.9 mm) 0.5 in (12.7 mm) 0.625 in (15.9 mm) 0.5 in (12.7 mm) 01
0.75 in (19.1 mm) 0.75 in (19.1mm) 0.5 in (12.7 mm) 0.75 in (19.1mm) 0.5 in (12.7 mm) 02
1.00 in (25.4 mm) 1.00 in (25.4 mm) 0.5 in (12.7 mm) 03
1.25 in (31.8 mm) 1.25 in (31.8 mm) 0.5 in (12.7 mm) 1.00 in (25.4 mm) 0.50 in (12.7 mm) 04
1.50 in (38.1 mm) 1.50 in (38.1 mm) 0.5 in (12.7 mm) 1.00 in (25.4 mm) 0.75 in (19.1 mm) 05
1.25 in (31.8 mm) 0.50 in (12.7 mm) 07
1.25 in (31.8 mm) 0.75 in (19.1 mm) 08
D = 12 mm (0.47 in) 1.25 in (31.8 mm) 1.00 in (25.4 mm) 10
D = 14 mm (0.55 in) 11
D = 16 mm (0.63 in) 1.50 in (38.1mm) 0.50 in (12.7 mm) 12
D = 19 mm (0.75 in) 1.50 in (38.1 mm) 0.75 in (19.1 mm) 13
D = 22 mm (0.87 in) 1.50 in (38.1 mm) 1.00 in (25.4 mm) 14
D = 25 mm (0.98 in) 1.50 in (38.1 mm) 1.25 in (31.8 mm) 15
D = 27 mm (1.06 in) 16
12 mm (0.47 in) 9 mm (0.35 in) 3 1
14 mm (0.55 in) 9 mm (0.35 in) 3 3
16 mm (0.63 in) 9 mm (0.35 in) 3 6
16 mm (0.63 in) 13 mm (0.51 in) 3 7
16 mm (0.63 in) 14 mm (0.55 in) 38
19 mm (0.75 in) 9 mm (0.35 in) 41
19 mm (0.75 in) 13 mm (0.51 in) 42
19 mm (0.75 in) 14 mm (0.55 in) 43
22 mm (0.87 in) 9 mm (0.35 in) 46
22 mm (0.87 in) 13 mm (0.51 in) 47
22 mm (0.87 in) 14 mm (0.55 in) 48
22 mm (0.87 in) 16 mm (0.63 in) 50
25 mm (0.98 in) 9 mm (0.35 in) 53
25 mm (0.98 in) 13 mm (0.51 in) 54
25 mm (0.98 in) 14 mm (0.55 in) 55
25 mm (0.98 in) 16 mm (0.63 in) 56
25 mm (0.98 in) 19 mm (0.75 in) 57
27 mm (1.06 in) 9 mm (0.35 in) 61
27 mm (1.06 in) 13 mm (0.51 in) 62
27 mm (1.06 in) 14 mm (0.55 in) 63
27 mm (1.06 in) 16 mm (0.63 in) 64
27 mm (1.06 in) 19 mm (0.75 in) 65
27 mm (1.06 in) 22 mm (0.87 in) 66
32 mm (1.26 in) 9 mm (0.35 in) 70
32 mm (1.26 in) 13 mm (0.51 in) 71
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TSthermowells
Thermowells according to ASME B40.9
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order code
Barstock thermowells according to ASME 40.9 7 M T 7777 - 77777 - 7777 777
External diamater of root D/tip D2 (continued)
Straight thermowell form Reduced thermowell form Tapered thermowell form
D D D2 D D2
32 mm (1.26 in) 14 mm (0.55 in) 72 2
32 mm (1.26 in) 16 mm (0.63 in) 73
32 mm (1.26 in) 19 mm (0.75 in) 74
32 mm (1.26 in) 22 mm (0.87 in) 75
32 mm (1.26 in) 25 mm (0.98 in) 76
34 mm (1.34 in) 9 mm (0.35 in) 80
34 mm (1.34 in) 13 mm (0.51 in) 81
34 mm (1.34 in) 14 mm (0.55 in) 82
34 mm (1.34 in) 16 mm (0.63 in) 83
34 mm (1.34 in) 19 mm (0.75 in) 84
34 mm (1.34 in) 22 mm (0.87 in) 85
34 mm (1.34 in) 25 mm (0.98 in) 86
Customer-specific Customer-specific Customer-specific 90 L1Y
Process connection
Thread for 7MT2... (Screw-in thermowells)
• G½" 1A
• G¾" 1B
• G1" 1C
• R½" 1D
• R¾" 1E
• R1" 1F
• ½" NPT 1G
• ¾" NPT 1H
• 1" NPT 1J
• M20 x 1.5 1L
• M27 x 2 1M
• M33 x 2 1N
Flange according to EN 1092-1 for 7MT4... (Flange thermowells), Sealing surface Initial: B1 for uncoated
• DN 25, PN 10 - 16 2D
• DN 40, PN 10 - 16 2F
• DN 50, PN 10 - 16 2H
• DN 50, PN 25 - 40 2J
Flange according to ASME B16.5 for 7MT4... (Flange thermowells), Sealing surface Initial: RF for uncoated
• 1.00 inch; Class 150 3E
• 1.00 inch; Class 300 3F
• 1.00 inch; Class 600 3G
• 1.50 inch; Class 150 3K
• 1.50 inch; Class 300 3L
• 1.50 inch; Class 600 3M
• 2.00 inch; Class 150 3R
• 2.00 inch; Class 300 3S
• 2.00 inch; Class 600 3T
• 3.00 inch; Class 150 4C
• 3.00 inch; Class 300 4D
• 3.00 inch; Class 600 4E
• 4.00 inch; Class 150 4G
• 4.00 inch; Class 300 4H
• 4.00 inch; Class 600 4J
For 7MT3... and 7MT5... (Weld-in and Van Stone thermowells)
• Without (optional collar flange for Van-Stone see "Options") 0N
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
SITRANS TSthermowells
Thermowells according to ASME B40.9
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order code
Barstock thermowells according to ASME 40.9 7 M T 7777 - 77777 - 7777 777
Process connection material (identical to thermowell)
Screw- Weld-in Flange Van
in Stone
2 316L / 1.4404
Carbon steel / A105
✔ B
Hastelloy C276 / 2.4819 (Flange with flanged wheel) ✔ E
Hastelloy C22 / 2.4602 ✔ F
304L / 1.4306 ✔ ✔ H
321 / 1.4541 ✔ ✔ K
Monel alloy 400 / 2.4360 (Flange with flanged wheel) ✔ L
Tantal (sleeve, thermowell made of 316/TI/L) ✔ Q
Duplex / 1.4462 ✔ P
Super Duplex ✔ R
PTFE coating (thermowell made of 316/TI/L) ✔ U
ECTFE (HALAR) (thermowell made of 316/TI/L) ✔ V
Stellite coating (thermowell made of 316/TI/L) ✔ W
Customer-specific ✔ ✔ ✔ 9N N N1Y
Bore D3
D3 = 6.6 mm (0.260 in) 2
Customer-specific 9 R1Y
X-ray test concentricity of bore hole C47 Additional information in plain text: Bore hole D3: R1Y
MR-01-75 NACE conformity C50 Length options U: Specify special installation length Y44
(in spec. area)
MR-01-03 NACE conformity C53
Length options X1: Specify special length extension Y45
Grease-free (cleaned for oxygen applications, for C51 (in spec. area)
Processing and quotation number of special version: Y99
Additional options specify in plain text
Thread protection stainless steel plug and chain A55 Optional collar flanges 316L (Van Stone only)
Forged flange A76 1.00 inch, Class 150 sealing surface initial: RF B24
Sealing surface with concentric lines A77 1.00 inch, Class 300 sealing surface initial: RF B25
TAG-marking Y15 1.00 inch, Class 600 sealing surface initial: RF B26
Full penetration options 1.50 inch, Class 150 sealing surface initial: RF B29
Process connection welded G02 1.50 inch, Class 300 sealing surface initial: RF B30
Surface treatment, options on request 1.50 inch, Class 600 sealing surface initial: RF B31
Wetted parts stained, neutralized and passivated W01 2.00 inch, Class 150 sealing surface initial: RF B35
Wetted parts electropolished W02 2.00 inch, Class 300 sealing surface initial: RF B36
2.00 inch, Class 600 sealing surface initial: RF B37
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Temperature transmitters for mounting in the connection head
Programmable 2-wire temperature transmitter with HART com-
munication (4 to 20 mA), galvanic isolation. 2 sensor inputs for
resistance thermometers and thermocouples; therefore ex-
panded functions such as hot backup (redundancy) and drift
detection are possible.
Temperature transmitter with PROFIBUS PA or FOUNDATION
Fieldbus connection, electrical isolation for resistance thermom-
eters and thermocouple elements.
• SITRANS TH320/TH420/TH400 can be fitted in the high
hinged cover or instead of the terminal base. Retrofitting pos-
sible only in the high hinged cover.
• If using intrinsically-safe temperature sensors any installed
temperature transmitters must also be intrinsically-safe.
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Technical description
Calibration data for thermoelectric voltages and permissible
■ Design deviations
A thermocouple comprises The calibration data and the permissible deviations for com-
•The thermocouple element (sensor) and monly used thermocouples are defined isee Technical Data,
•The mounting and connection parts required in each case. Table "Calibration data for thermoelectric voltages and error
2 The thermocouple element is formed by two conductors of dis-
The thermocouples Cu-CuNi and Fe-CuNi to DIN 43710 are
similar metals or metal alloys which are soldered or welded to-
gether at one end, the measuring junction: used for replacement purposes. Thermocouples of class 2 are
supplied as standard. For more accurate measurements, ther-
mocouples are available with half the DIN tolerance or with a test
certificate. The tolerances only apply to the condition upon de-
°C livery.
lN Nominal length
The influence of temperature changes at the cold junction can
be balanced by means of a compensating circuit, e.g. a com-
1 Ceramic thermowell 9 Balancing resistor pensating box. The reference temperature is 0 (32 °F) or
2 Locating flange 10 Lead 20 °C (68 °F).
3 Support tube 11 Cold junction It is also possible to keep the cold junctions at a constant tem-
4 Retaining ring 12 Extension lead perature of 50, 60 or 70 °C (122, 140 or 158 °F) using a thermo-
5 Terminal 13 Connection point stat (for several measuring junctions).
6 Connection head 14 Thermocouple element with The connections from the cold junction to the measuring or pro-
7 Terminal block positive and negative legs cess instrument are made using copper leads. With energy-con-
suming instruments such as indicators or multipoint recorders,
8 Temperature sensor 15 Measuring junction
the complete measuring circuit (thermocouple, extension lead
and copper lead) must be balanced in the operating condition
Thermocouple element using a resistor. SITRANS T transmitters and process recorders
for connection to thermocouple elements have a built-in com-
■ Function pensating circuit for balancing the effect of the ambient tem-
perature on the cold junction. Lead balancing is not necessary
Measuring principle of the thermocouple element in this case because of the high input impedance.
If the measuring junction is exposed to a temperature different Protection fitting/Thermowells
from that at the free ends of the thermocouple, a voltage (the
The thermocouple can be protected against mechanical stress
thermoelectric voltage, Seebeck effect) is produced at these
and chemical attack by a ceramic or metal thermowell, which
free ends. The magnitude of the thermoelectric voltage depends
may be mounted using flanges, screwed glands or by welding
on the difference in temperature between the measuring junction
into the pipe or vessel. The thermocouple element terminates in
and the free ends, and on the combination of materials in the
the connection head.
thermocouple. Since a thermocouple always measures a tem-
perature difference, the free ends of the thermocouple must be Installation examples with specification of the recommended
connected to a reference junction (cold junction) and held con- thermocouples and thermowell materials can be found under
stant at a known temperature. "Integration" in the "Installation examples" table.
Owing to the different operating conditions, no guarantee can be
given for protective fittings. The manufacturer is responsible for
damages and measuring errors caused by wrong installation in
compliance with the General Terms of Delivery if the instruments
have been installed by the manufacturer and if the specifications
for the operating conditions furnished by the customer were cor-
rect and sufficiently detailed.
Thermocouple elements are very compatible since it is almost
always possible to adapt them in shape and size to the particular
problem. The temperature-responsive part is almost point-
shaped. Thermocouple elements are therefore particularly suit-
able for measuring rapidly changing temperatures.
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Straight thermocouples according to EN 50446, with connection head
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Straight thermocouples, individual parts and accessories
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Resistance thermometers
Temperature transmitters for mounting in the connection head
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Resistance thermometers
Flue gas resistance thermometers, with connection head
Measuring insert Replaceable, with measuring Process number for special version Y99
insert tube (8 mm diameter TAG plate made of stainless steel Y15
(0.31 inch)) made of stainless specify TAG No. in plain text
steel; terminal block with clamp-
ing springs Calibration carried out at one point, specify Y33
desired temperature in plain text (order
equivalent number of times for several cali-
■ Dimensional drawings bration points).
Accessories Article No.
Mounting flange 7 M C 2 9 9 8 - 5 CA
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Resistance thermometers
For damp rooms
The resistance thermometer for damp rooms is suitable for a Resistance thermometer for
temperature range from -30 to +60 °C (-22 to +140 °F). damp rooms
Stainless steel thermowell
bration points).
75 (3.0)
63 (2.5)
Pg 9
60 (2.4)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature sensors
Resistance thermometers
Accessories – connection heads
■ Dimensional drawings
Connection head type B for SITRANS TS500
≈ 50 (1.97) ≈ 65 (2.56)
2 M20 x 1.5
M20 x 1,5
M24 x 1,5
M20 x 1.5
≈ 114 (4.49 )
M24 x 1.5
≈ 41.5
Connection head, Type B, degree of protection IP54, made of aluminium,
with screw cover, dimensions in mm (inches)
M24 x 1.5
26 (1.02)
72 (2.83)
x 1.5
M24 x 1.5
≈ 100 (3.94)
83 (3.27)
53 (2.09)
≈ 65 (2.56)
M24 x 1.5
M20 x 1.5 Ø29
≈ 85 (3.35)
Article No.
M24 x 1.5
Degree of protection IP54
Connection head type: similar to BA0; aluminum; 7MC1907-1BA
Connection head, Type B, degree of protection IP65, made of aluminium, flange cover
with standard hinged cover, dimensions in mm (inches) Connection head type: similar to BM0; plastic; 7MC1907-1BK
screw cover
Degree of protection IP65
Connection head type: similar to BB0; aluminum; 7MC1907-1BF
small spring flap
Connection head type: similar to BC0; aluminum; 7MC1907-1BL
high spring flap
Connection head type: B-VA, stainless steel 7MC1907-1BV
Quick-release lock for connection heads BB0, BC0, 7MC1907-1BS
degree of protection of connection head reduced to
IP20, weight: 0.02 kg (0.04 lb)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH100 Slim (Pt100)
■ Overview ■ Benefits
• Transmitter in 2-wire system with M12 device plug for mount-
ing on compact thermometer.
• Solution for easy and space-saving temperature measure-
ments in a variety of industries.
• Programmable; as a result, the sensor connection, measuring
range and much more are programmable.
■ Application
The SITRANS TH100 Slim transmitter can be used in combina-
tion with Pt100 compact resistance thermometers for tempera-
ture measurement in all industries. Thanks to its compact de-
sign, it can be mounted to all kinds of designs.
The output signal is a load-independent direct current of 4 to
20 mA which is proportional to the temperature.
Parameterization is implemented over the PC using the parame-
terization software SIPROM T and the modem for
SITRANS TH100 Slim is particularly suited for the production of SITRANS TH100/TH200. If you already have a "Modem for
compact thermometers with integrated transmitter. SITRANS TK" (article number 7NG3190-6KB), you can continue
Its cylindrical stainless steel enclosure is simply welded to the to use this for parameterization of the SITRANS TH100.
basic body of the compact thermometer.
Its compact design makes the SITRANS TH100 Slim the ideal ■ Function
solution for manufacturers from a wide variety of industries.
Mode of operation
For the parameterization, the SIPROM T software is used in com- The measured signal supplied by a Pt100 resistance thermome-
bination with the modem for SITRANS TH100/TH200. ter (2, 3 or 4-wire connection) is amplified in the input stage. The
voltage, which is proportional to the input variable, is then con-
verted into digital signals by a multiplexer in an analog-to-digital
converter. They are converted in the microcontroller in accor-
dance with the sensor characteristic and additional parameters
(measuring range, damping, ambient temperature, etc.).
The signal prepared in this way is converted in an analog-to-dig-
ital converter into a load-independent direct current of 4 to
20 mA.
An EMC filter protects the input and output circuits against elec-
tromagnetic interferences.
Pt100 Resistance thermometer
EMC_1 Input level with protective components
IC Constant current source
MUX Multiplexer
A/D Analog-digital converter
5 Output
Pt100 EMC_1 D/A Digital-analog converter
MUX U/I Voltage transformers, current
transformers, constant voltage
μC and reference voltage source
EMC_2 Output level with protective components
Uaux Auxiliary power supply
Iout Output current
μC Linearization functions and storage
of all data
U EMC_2 4 ... 20 mA Uaux, Iout
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH100 Slim (Pt100)
■ Technical specifications
Input Software requirements for SIPROM T
Resistance thermometer PC operating system Windows ME, 2000 and XP; also Win-
dows 95, 98 and 98SE, but only in
Measured variable Temperature
2 Input type Pt100 according to IEC 60751 Factory setting:
connection with RS232 modem
Measuring range -60 ... +160 °C (-76 ... +320 °F) SITRANS TH100 Slim
temperature transmitters for Pt100
Measuring span 25 ... 220 °C (45 ... 396 °F) For welding to compact thermometers
2-wire system, 4 ... 20 mA, program-
Unit °C or °F mable, without galvanic isolation
Offset Programmable: • Without explosion protection 7NG3150-0NN00
-100 ... +100 °C (-180 ... +180 °F)
Wire resistance Max. 20 (total from feeder and
return conductor) Modem
Noise rejection 50 and 60 Hz Modem with USB interface and 7NG3092-8KN
SIPROM T software
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA, 2-wire
Auxiliary power 8.5 ... 36 V DC (30 V for Ex)
Max. load (Uaux – 8.5 V)/0.023 A
Overrange 3.6 ... 23 mA, infinitely adjustable
(factory setting: 3.84 ... 20.5 mA)
Error signal (in the event of sensor 3.6 ... 23 mA, infinitely adjustable
breakage) (factory setting: 3.6 mA or 22.8 mA)
Damping time 0 ... 30 s
Protection Against reverse polarity
Resolution 12 bit
Accuracy at 23 °C (73.4 °F) < 0.1% of measuring span
Temperature effect < 0.13 %/10 °C (0.13 %/18 °F)
Effect of auxiliary power < 0.02 % of span/V
Effect of load impedance < 0.055 % of max. span/100
Long-term drift • < 0.025% of the max. span in the
first month
• < 0.035% of the max. span after one
• < 0.05% of the max. span after 5
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature range -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
Storage temperature range -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
Relative humidity 98 %, with condensation
Electromagnetic compatibility According to EN 61326 and NAMUR
Weight 42 g
Dimensions See dimensional drawing
Material 316L stainless steel
Degree of protection according to
IEC 60529
• Enclosure IP67
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH100 Slim (Pt100)
Auxiliary power U
Transmitter housing 3 6 N. C. U-
68 U+ N. C.
4 5
3 (0.12)
2 (0.78)
Ø16,3 -0.1
3 6
(Ø0.64 )
4 5 4 5
Pt100 Pt100
3 6
4 5
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH100 (4 to 20 mA, Pt100)
■ Overview ■ Application
The SITRANS TH100 transmitter can be used for temperature
measurement with Pt100 resistance thermometers in all indus-
tries. Its compact size means that it can be installed in connec-
tion heads of type B or larger.
2 The output signal is a load-independent direct current of 4 to
20 mA which is proportional to the temperature.
Parameterization is implemented over the PC using the parame-
terization software SIPROM T and the modem for
SITRANS TH100/TH200. If you already have a "Modem for
SITRANS TK" (article number 7NG3190-6KB), you can continue
to use this for parameterization of the SITRANS TH100.
Transmitters of the "intrinsically safe" type of protection can be in-
stalled within potentially explosive atmospheres. The devices
meet the directive 2014/34/EU (ATEX) as well as the FM and CSA
The SITRANS TH100, which represents an economical alterna-
tive by dispensing with galvanic isolation and universal sensor
connection, is ideally suited for Pt100 measurements. ■ Function
For the parameterization, the SIPROM T software is used in com- Mode of operation
bination with the modem for SITRANS TH100/TH200. The measured signal supplied by a Pt100 resistance thermome-
Its compact design makes the SITRANS TH100 suitable for ret- ter (2, 3 or 4-wire connection) is amplified in the input stage. The
rofitting measuring points or replacing analog transmitters. voltage, which is proportional to the input variable, is then con-
verted into digital signals by a multiplexer in an analog-to-digital
The transmitter is available in a non-Ex version and in a version converter. They are converted in the microcontroller in accor-
suitable for use in hazardous areas. dance with the sensor characteristic and further parameters
(measuring range, damping, ambient temperature, etc.).
■ Benefits The signal prepared in this way is converted in an analog-to-dig-
• Transmitter with 2-wire system ital converter into a load-independent direct current of 4 to
• Mounting in connection head, type B or larger or on DIN rail 20 mA.
• Programmable; as a result, the sensor connection, measuring An EMC filter protects the input and output circuits against elec-
range and much more are programmable tromagnetic interferences.
• Intrinsically safe version for use in hazardous areas
Uref Input
Ic Pt100 Resistance thermometer
EMC_1 Input level with protective components
IC Constant current source
MUX Multiplexer
A/D Analog-digital converter
5 Output
Pt100 EMC_1 D/A Digital-analog converter
MUX U/I Voltage transformers, current
transformers, constant voltage
μC and reference voltage source
EMC_2 Output level with protective components
Uaux Auxiliary power supply
Iout Output current
μC Linearization functions and storage
Uref of all data
U EMC_2 4 ... 20 mA Uaux, Iout
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH100 (4 to 20 mA, Pt100)
■ Technical specifications
Input Certificates and approvals
Resistance thermometer Explosion protection ATEX
Measured variable Temperature EC type-examination certificate PTB 05 ATEX 2049X
Input type Pt100 according to IEC 60751 • "Intrinsic gas safety" type of protec- II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6/T4
tion II (1) 2 G Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6/T4 Gb
Characteristic curve Temperature-linear II (1) 3 G Ex ic [ia Ga] IIC T6/T4 Gc
II 3 G Ex ic IIC T6/T4 Gc
Type of connection 2, 3, 4-wire connection
• "Non-sparking" type of protection II 3 G Ex nA IIC T6/T4 Gc
Resolution 14 bit II 3 G Ex nA [ic] IIC T6/T4 Gc
Measuring accuracy • "Intrinsic dust safety" type of protec- II 1 D Ex ia IIIC T115 °C Da
• Span <250 °C (450 °F) < 0.25 °C (0.45 °F)
• Span >250 °C (450 °F) < 0.1% of measuring span Explosion protection: FM for USA
• FM approval FM 3024169
Repeatability < 0.1 °C (0.18 °F)
• Degrees of protection IS / Cl I, II, III / Div 1 / GP ABCDEFG
Measuring current approx. 0.4 mA T6, T5, T4
Cl I / ZN 0 / AEx ia IIC T6, T5, T4
Measuring cycle < 0.7 s NI / Cl I / Div 2 / GP ABCDFG T6, T5,
Measuring range -200 ... +850 °C (-328 ... +1562 °F) T4
NI / Cl I / ZN 2 / IIC T6, T5, T4
Measuring span 25 ... 1050 °C (77 ... 1922 °F)
Explosion protection to FM for Canada
Unit °C or °F (cFMUS)
Offset Programmable: • FM approval FM 3024169C
-100 ... +100 °C (-180 ... +180 °F) • Degrees of protection IS / Cl I, II, III / Div 1/ GP ABCDEFG
T6, T5, T4
Wire resistance Max. 20 (total from feeder and NI / Cl I / DIV 2 / GP ABCD T6, T5, T4
return conductor) NIFW / Cl I, II, III / DIV 2 / GP
Noise rejection 50 and 60 Hz ABCDFG T6, T5, T4
DIP / Cl II, III / Div 2 / GP FG T6, T5,
Output T4
Cl I / ZN 0 / Ex ia IIC T6, T5, T4
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA, 2-wire Cl I / ZN 2 / Ex nA nL IIC T6, T5, T4
Auxiliary power 8.5 ... 36 V DC (30 V with Ex ia and ib; Other certificates EAC Ex(GOST), NEPSI
32 V with Ex nL/ic; 35 V with Ex nA)
Software requirements for SIPROM T
Max. load (Uaux – 8.5 V)/0.023 A
PC operating system Windows ME, 2000, XP, Win 7 and
Overrange 3.6 ... 23 mA, infinitely adjustable Win 8; in connection with RS 232
(default range: 3.84 ... 20.5 mA) modem, also Windows 95, 98 and
Error signal (following sensor fault) 3.6 ... 23 mA, infinitely adjustable 98SE
(conforming to NE43) (default range: 3.6 mA or 22.8 mA) Factory setting:
Damping time 0…30 s (default value: 0 s) • Pt100 (IEC 751) in the 3-wire connection
• Measuring range: 0 ... 100 °C (32 ... 212 °F)
Protection Against reverse polarity • Fault current in the event of sensor breakage: 22.8 mA
Resolution 12 bit • Sensor offset: 0 °C (0 °F)
• Damping 0.0 s
Accuracy at 23 °C (73.4 °F) < 0.1% of measuring span
Temperature effect < 0.1 %/10 °C (0.1 %/18 °F)
Effect of auxiliary power < 0.01 % of span/V
Effect of load impedance < 0.025 % of max. span/100
Long-term drift • < 0.025% of the max. span in the
first month
• < 0.035% of the max. span after one
• < 0.05% of the max. span after 5
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
Storage temperature -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
Relative humidity < 98 %, with condensation
Electromagnetic compatibility According to EN 61326 and NAMUR
Weight 50 g
Dimensions See dimensional drawing
Material Molded plastic
Cross-section of cables Max. 2.5 mm2 (AWG 13)
Degree of protection according to
IEC 60529
• Enclosure IP40
• Terminals IP00
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH100 (4 to 20 mA, Pt100)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH100 (4 to 20 mA, Pt100)
3 6 3 6
20.8 (0.82)
3 6 3 6
4 5 4 5
4 5 4 5 2
Pt100 Pt100
44 (1.73) Internal diameter
Center hole 6.3 (0.25)
Mounting screw
M4x25 2-wire connection 3-wire connection
+ – (parameterizable line
1 2
3 6
4 5 -
3 6
3 6
4 5 4 5
4 5
33 (1.3) 1 SIEMENS 2
+ –
1 2
1(+) and 2(-) Auxiliary power supply Uaux, output current IOut
3, 4, 5 and 6 Pt100 sensor (for connection, see Pt100 6
sensor connection assignment)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH200 (4 to 20 mA, universal)
■ Overview ■ Application
SITRANS TH200 transmitters can be used in all industrial sec-
tors. Its compact size means that it can be installed in connec-
tion heads of type B or larger. The following sensors/signal
sources can be connected over their universal input module:
2 • Resistance thermometer (2, 3, 4-wire connection)
• Thermocouples
• Resistance-based sensors and DC voltage sources
The output signal is a direct current from 4 to 20 mA in accor-
dance with the sensor characteristic.
Transmitters of the "intrinsically safe" type of protection can be in-
stalled within potentially explosive atmospheres. The devices
meet the directive 2014/34/EU (ATEX) as well as the FM and CSA
■ Function
Ultra flexible - with the universal SITRANS TH200 transmitter
The SITRANS TH200 is configured over a PC. A USB or RS 232
• 2-wire device for 4 to 20 mA modem is linked to the output terminals for this purpose. The
• Mounting in the connection head of the temperature sensor configuration data can now be edited using the SIPROM T soft-
• Universal input for virtually any type of temperature sensor ware tool. The configuration data are then permanently stored in
the non-volatile memory (EEPROM).
• Configurable over PC
Once the sensors and power supply have been correctly con-
nected, the transmitter outputs a temperature-linear output sig-
■ Benefits nal and the diagnostics LED displays a green light. In the case
• Compact design of a sensor break, the LED flashes red, an internal device fault is
• Flexible mounting and center hole allow you to select your pre- indicated by a steady red light.
ferred type of installation The test socket can be used to connect an ammeter at any time
• Galvanic isolation for monitoring purposes and plausibility checks. The output cur-
rent can be read without any interruption, or even without open-
• Test sockets for multimeters ing the current loop.
• Diagnostics LED (green/red)
• Sensor monitoring
open circuits and short-circuits
• Self-monitoring
• Configuration status stored in EEPROM
• SIL2 (with order note C20), SIL2/3 (with C23)
• Expanded diagnostic functions, such as slave pointer, operat-
ing hours counter, etc.
• Special characteristic
• Electromagnetic compatibility to EN 61326 and NE21
μC1 μC2 4 ... 20 mA Uaux, Iout
(1) -2
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH200 (4 to 20 mA, universal)
■ Technical specifications
Input Thermocouples
Resistance thermometer Measured variable Temperature
Measured variable Temperature Sensor type (thermocouples)
Sensor type • Type B Pt30Rh-Pt6Rh acc. to IEC 584 2
• According to IEC 60751 Pt25 … Pt1000 • Type C W5%-Re acc. to ASTM 988
• Acc. to JIS C 1604; a = 0.00392 K-1 Pt25 … Pt1000 • Type D W3%-Re acc. to ASTM 988
• According to IEC 60751 Ni25 … Ni1000 • Type E NiCr-CuNi acc. to IEC 584
• Special type Via special characteristic (max. 30 • Type J Fe-CuNi acc. to IEC 584
points) • Type K NiCr-Ni acc. to IEC 584
• Type L Fe-CuNi acc. to DIN 43710
Sensor factor 0.25 ... 10 (adaptation of the basic
type, e.g. Pt100 to version • Type N NiCrSi-NiSi acc. to IEC 584
Pt25 ... 1000) • Type R Pt13Rh-Pt acc. to IEC 584
• Type S Pt10Rh-Pt acc. to IEC 584
Units °C or °F
• Type T Cu-CuNi acc. to IEC 584
Connection • Type U Cu-CuNi acc. to DIN 43710
• Standard connection 1 resistance thermometer (RTD) in 2-
wire, 3-wire or 4-wire connection Units °C or °F
• Averaging 2 identical resistance thermometers Connection
in 2-wire connection for generation of • Standard connection 1 thermocouple (TC)
average temperature
• Averaging 2 thermocouples (TC)
• Differentiation 2 identical resistance thermometers
• Differentiation 2 thermocouples (TC) (TC1 – TC2 or
(RTD) in 2-wire connection (RTD 1 –
TC2 – TC1)
RTD 2 or RTD 2 – RTD 1)
Response time 250 ms for 1 sensor with break
• 2-wire connection Line resistance can be configured
100 (loop resistance) Break monitoring Can be switched off
• 3-wire connection No trim necessary Reference junction compensation
• 4-wire connection No trim necessary • Internal With integrated Pt100 resistance ther-
Sensor current 0.45 mA mometer
• External With external Pt100 IEC 60751 (2-wire
Response time 250 ms for 1 sensor with break or 3-wire connection)
• External fixed Reference junction temperature can
Break monitoring Always active (cannot be switched off) be set as fixed value
Short-circuit monitoring Can be switched on/off (default value: Measuring range Assignable (see "Digital measuring
ON) error" table)
Measuring range Assignable (see "Digital measuring Min. measuring span Min. 40 ... 100 °C (72 ... 180 °F) (see
error" table) "Digital measuring error" table)
Min. measuring span 10 °C (18 °F) Characteristic curve Temperature-linear or special charac-
Characteristic curve Temperature-linear or special charac-
teristic mV sensor
Resistance-based sensor Measured variable DC voltage
Measured variable Actual resistance Sensor type DC voltage source (DC voltage
source possible over an externally
Sensor type Resistance-based, potentiometers connected resistor)
Units Units mV
Connection Response time 250 ms for 1 sensor with break
• Standard connection 1 resistance-based sensor (R) in 2- monitoring
wire, 3-wire or 4-wire connection
Break monitoring Can be switched off
• Averaging 2 resistance-based sensors in 2-wire
connection for averaging Measuring range -10 ... +70 mV
• Differentiation 2 resistance thermometers in 2-wire -100 … +1100 mV
connection (R1 – R2 or R2 – R1)
Min. measuring span 2 mV or 20 mV
Overload capability of the input -1.5 ... +3.5 V DC
• 2-wire connection Line resistance can be configured
100 (loop resistance) Input resistance 1 M
• 3-wire connection No trim necessary Characteristic curve Voltage-linear or special characteris-
• 4-wire connection No trim necessary tic
Sensor current 0.45 mA
Response time 250 ms for 1 sensor with break
Break monitoring Always active (cannot be switched
Short-circuit monitoring Can be switched on/off (default value:
Measuring range Assignable max. 0 ... 2200 (see
"Digital measuring error" table)
Min. measuring span 5 ... 25 (see "Digital measuring
error" table)
Characteristic curve Resistance-linear or special charac-
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH200 (4 to 20 mA, universal)
Output Certificates and approvals
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA, 2-wire Explosion protection ATEX
Auxiliary power 11 ... 35 V EC type-examination certificate PTB 05 ATEX 2040X
DC (to 30 V with Ex ia and ib; to 32 • "Intrinsic safety" type of protection II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6/T4
V with Ex nA/nL/ic) II 2 (1) G Ex ia/ib IIC T6/T4
2 Max. load (Uaux – 11 V)/0.023 A II 3(1) G Ex ia/ic IIC T6/T4
II 1D Ex iaD 20 T115 °C
Overrange 3.6 ... 23 mA, infinitely adjustable • "Non-sparking and energy-limited II 3 G Ex nL IIC T6/T4
(default range: 3.80 mA ... 20.5 mA) equipment" type of protection II 3 G Ex nA IIC T6/T4
Error signal (e.g. following sensor 3.6 ... 23 mA, infinitely adjustable Explosion protection: FM for USA
fault) (conforming to NE43) (default value: 22.8 mA) • FM approval FM 3024169
Sample cycle 0.25 s nominal • Degrees of protection IS / Cl I, II, III / Div 1 / GP ABCDEFG
T6, T5, T4
Damping Software filter 1st order 0 ... 30 s Cl I / ZN 0 / AEx ia IIC T6, T5, T4
(parameterizable) NI / Cl I / Div 2 / GP ABCDFG T6, T5,
Protection Against reverse polarity T4
NI / Cl I / ZN 2 / IIC T6, T5, T4
Galvanic isolation Input against output 2.12 kV DC
(1.5 kVrms AC) Explosion protection to FM for Canada
Measuring accuracy • FM approval FM 3024169C
Digital measuring error See "Digital measuring error" table • Degrees of protection IS / Cl I, II, III / Div 1/ GP ABCDEFG
T6, T5, T4
Reference conditions NI / Cl I / DIV 2 / GP ABCD T6, T5, T4
• Auxiliary power 24 V ± 1 % NIFW / Cl I, II, III / DIV 2 / GP
• Load 500 ABCDFG T6, T5, T4
• Ambient temperature 23 °C DIP / Cl II, III / Div 2 / GP FG T6, T5,
• Warming-up time > 5 min
Cl I / ZN 0 / Ex ia IIC T6, T5, T4
Error in the analog output (digital/ana- < 0.025 % of measuring span Cl I / ZN 2 / Ex nA nL IIC T6, T5, T4
log converter)
Other certificates EAC Ex(GOST), NEPSI, IEC, EXPO-
Error due to internal reference junction < 0.5 °C (0.9 °F) LABS
Effect of ambient temperature Software requirements for SIPROM T
• Analog measuring error 0.02 % of meas. span/10 °C (18 °F) PC operating system Windows ME, 2000, XP, Win 7 and
• Digital measuring error Win 8; in connection with RS 232
modem, also Windows 95, 98 and
- with resistance thermometers 0.06 °C (0.11 °F)/10°C (18 °F) 98SE
- with thermocouples 0.6 °C (1.1 °F)/10°C (18 °F)
Auxiliary power effect < 0.001 % of meas. span/V Factory setting:
Effect of load impedance < 0.002 % of meas. span/100 • Pt100 (IEC 751) in the 3-wire connection
Long-term drift • Measuring range: 0 ... 100 °C (32 ... 212 °F)
• In the first month • < 0.02 % of measuring span • Fault current: 22.8 mA
• After one year • < 0.2 % of measuring span • Sensor offset: 0 °C (0 °F)
• After 5 years • < 0.3 % of measuring span
• Damping 0.0 s
Rated conditions
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
Storage temperature -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
Relative humidity < 98 %, with condensation
Electromagnetic compatibility acc. to EN 61326 and NE21
Material Molded plastic
Weight 50 g (0.11 lb)
Dimensions See "Dimensional drawings"
Cross-section of cables Max. 2.5 mm² (AWG 13)
Degree of protection according to
IEC 60529
• Enclosure IP40
• Terminals IP00
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH200 (4 to 20 mA, universal)
Digital measuring error
Resistance thermometer Thermocouples
Input Measuring range Minimum Digital accuracy Input Measuring range Minimum Digital accuracy
measuring span measuring span
According to
°C (°F) °C (°F) °C (°F)
Type B
°C (°F)
100 ... 1820
IEC 60751 (212 ... 3308)
Pt25 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.3 (0.54) Type C (W5) 0 ... 2300 100 (180) 2 (3.60)
(-328 ... +1562) (32 ... 4172)
Pt50 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type D (W3) 0 ... 2300 100 (180) 12) (1.80)2)
(-328 ... +1562) (32 ... 4172)
Pt100 ... Pt200 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.1 (0.18) Type E -200 ... +1000 50 (90) 1 (1.80)
(-328 ... +1562) (-328 ... +1832)
Pt500 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type J -200 ... +1200 50 (90) 1 (1.80)
(-328 ... +1562) (-328 ... +2192)
Pt1000 -200 ... +350 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type K -200 ... +1370 50 (90) 1 (1.80)
(-328 ... +662) (-328 ... +2498)
According to Type L -200 ... +900 50 (90) 1 (1.80)
JIS C1604-81 (-328 ... +1652)
Pt25 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.3 (0.54) Type N -200 ... +1300 50 (90) 1 (1.80)
(-328 ... +1200) (-328 ... +2372)
Pt50 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type R -50 ... +1760 100 (180) 2 (3.60)
(-328 ... +1200) (-58 ... +3200)
Pt100 ... Pt200 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.1 (0.18) Type S -50 ... +1760 100 (180) 2 (3.60)
(-328 ... +1200) (-58 ... +3200)
Pt500 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type T -200 ... +400 40 (72) 1 (1.80)
(-328 ... +1200) (-328 ... +752)
Pt1000 -200 ... +350 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type U -200 ... +600 50 (90) 2 (3.60)
(-328 ... +662) (-328 ... +1112)
Ni 25 ... Ni1000 -60 ... +250 10 (18) 0.1 (0.18) 1)
(-76 ... +482) The digital accuracy in the range 100 to 300 °C (212 to 572 °F) is 3 °C
(5.4 °F).
Resistance-based sensor 2)
The digital accuracy in the range 1750 to 2300 °C (3182 to 4172 °F) is 2 °C
(3.6 °F).
Input Measuring Minimum Digital accuracy
range measuring span mV sensor
Input Measuring Minimum Digital accuracy
Resistance 0 ... 390 5 0.05 range measuring span
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH200 (4 to 20 mA, universal)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH200 (4 to 20 mA, universal)
■ Dimensional drawings
Mounting on DIN rail
Ø 44 (1.73)
33 (1.30) 2
4...20 mA
s t Te
Te s t
+ 2
3 6
+ -
3 6
(3) 4 5
4 5
(4) SITRANS TH200, mounting of transmitter on DIN rail
59.6 (2.35)
M4 x 30
1(+) and 2(-) Auxiliary power supply Uaux, output current IOut
3, 4, 5 and 6 Pt100 sensor (for connections, see sensor
connection assignment)
Test (+), Test (-) Measurement of the output current with a multimeter
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH200 (4 to 20 mA, universal)
■ Circuit diagrams
3 6 3 6 3 6
3 + - 6 3 + - 6 3 + - 6
4 5 4 5 4 5
4 5 4 5 4 5
+ TC -
3 6 3 6 3 6
3 + - 6 3 + - 6 + -
3 6
4 5 4 5 4 5
4 5 4 5 4 5
+ TC -
3 6
3 6 3 + - 6
+ - 3 6 4 5
3 6 + -
3 6
4 5 4 5
4 5
4 5 4 5
+ TC -
3 6 + -
4 5 4 5 3 4 3-W 5
4 5 4 5 4 5
3 6 3
+ -
6 + -
3 + - 6 3 6
4 5 4 5
st 4..20mA Te
Te s t
4 5 4 5
+ - R 1 SIEMENS 2
+ –
U 1 2
+ -
3 6
I 6
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH300 (4 to 20 mA, HART, universal)
■ Overview ■ Application
SITRANS TH300 transmitters can be used in all industrial sec-
tors. Its compact size means that it can be installed in connec-
tion heads of type B or larger. The following sensors/signal
sources can be connected over their universal input module:
• Resistance thermometer (2, 3, 4-wire connection) 2
• Thermocouples
• Resistance-based sensors and DC voltage sources
The output signal is a load-independent direct current of 4 to
20 mA corresponding to the sensor characteristic overlaid by
the digital HART signal.
Transmitters of the "intrinsically safe" type of protection can be in-
stalled within potentially explosive atmospheres. The devices
meet the directive 2014/34/EU (ATEX) as well as the FM and CSA
■ Function
Robust and durable HART - the universal SITRANS TH300 The SITRANS TH300 is configured over HART. This can be done
transmitter using a handheld communicator or even more conveniently with
a HART modem and the SIMATIC PDM parameterization soft-
• 2-wire device for 4 to 20 mA, HART ware. The configuration data are then permanently stored in the
• Mounting in the connection head of the temperature sensor non-volatile memory (EEPROM).
• Universal input for virtually any type of temperature sensor
Once the sensors and power supply have been correctly con-
• Configurable over HART nected, the transmitter outputs a temperature-linear output sig-
nal and the diagnostics LED displays a green light. In the case
■ Benefits of a sensor break, the LED flashes red, an internal device fault is
• Compact design indicated by a steady red light.
• Flexible mounting and center hole allow you to select your pre- The test socket can be used to connect an ammeter at any time
ferred type of installation for monitoring purposes and plausibility checks. The output cur-
• Galvanic isolation rent can be read without any interruption, or even without open-
ing the current loop.
• Test sockets for multimeters
• Diagnostics LED (green/red)
• Sensor monitoring
open circuits and short-circuits
• Self-monitoring
• Configuration status stored in EEPROM
• SIL2 (with order note C20), SIL2/3 (with C23)
• Expanded diagnostic functions, such as slave pointer, operat-
ing hours counter, etc.
• Special characteristic
• Electromagnetic compatibility to EN 61326 and NE21
μC1 μC2 4 ... 20 mA Uaux, Iout
(1) -2
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH300 (4 to 20 mA, HART, universal)
■ Technical specifications
Input Thermocouples
Resistance thermometer Measured variable Temperature
Measured variable Temperature Sensor type (thermocouples)
2 Sensor type • Type B Pt30Rh-Pt6Rh acc. to IEC 584
• According to IEC 60751 Pt25 … Pt1000 • Type C W5%-Re acc. to ASTM 988
• Acc. to JIS C 1604; a = 0.00392 K-1 Pt25 … Pt1000 • Type D W3%-Re acc. to ASTM 988
• According to IEC 60751 Ni25 … Ni1000 • Type E NiCr-CuNi acc. to IEC 584
• Special type Via special characteristic (max. 30 • Type J Fe-CuNi acc. to IEC 584
points) • Type K NiCr-Ni acc. to IEC 584
• Type L Fe-CuNi acc. to DIN 43710
Sensor factor 0.25 ... 10 (adaptation of the basic
type, e.g. Pt100 to version Pt25 ... • Type N NiCrSi-NiSi acc. to IEC 584
1000) • Type R Pt13Rh-Pt acc. to IEC 584
• Type S Pt10Rh-Pt acc. to IEC 584
Units °C or °F
• Type T Cu-CuNi acc. to IEC 584
Connection • Type U Cu-CuNi acc. to DIN 43710
• Standard connection 1 resistance thermometer (RTD) in 2-
wire, 3-wire or 4-wire connection Units °C or °F
• Averaging 2 identical resistance thermometers Connection
in 2-wire connection for generation of • Standard connection 1 thermocouple (TC)
average temperature
• Averaging 2 thermocouples (TC)
• Differentiation 2 identical resistance thermometers
• Differentiation 2 thermocouples (TC) (TC1 – TC2 or
(RTD) in 2-wire connection (RTD 1 –
TC2 – TC1)
RTD 2 or RTD 2 – RTD 1)
Response time 250 ms for 1 sensor with break
• 2-wire connection Line resistance can be configured
100 (loop resistance) Break monitoring Can be switched off
• 3-wire connection No trim necessary Reference junction compensation
• 4-wire connection No trim necessary • Internal With integrated Pt100 resistance ther-
Sensor current 0.45 mA mometer
• External With external Pt100 IEC 60751 (2-wire
Response time 250 ms for 1 sensor with break or 3-wire connection)
• External fixed Reference junction temperature can
Break monitoring Always active (cannot be switched off) be set as fixed value
Short-circuit monitoring Can be switched on/off (default value: Measuring range Assignable (see "Digital measuring
ON) error" table)
Measuring range Assignable (see "Digital measuring Min. measuring span Min. 40 ... 100 °C (72 ... 180 °F) (see
error" table) "Digital measuring error" table)
Min. measuring span 10 °C (18 °F) Characteristic curve Temperature-linear or special charac-
Characteristic curve Temperature-linear or special charac-
teristic mV sensor
Resistance-based sensor Measured variable DC voltage
Measured variable Actual resistance Sensor type DC voltage source (DC voltage
source possible over an externally
Sensor type Resistance-based, potentiometers connected resistor)
Units Units mV
Connection Response time 250 ms for 1 sensor with break
• Standard connection 1 resistance-based sensor (R) in 2- monitoring
wire, 3-wire or 4-wire connection
Break monitoring Can be switched off
• Averaging 2 resistance-based sensors in 2-wire
connection for averaging Measuring range -10 ... +70 mV
• Differentiation 2 resistance thermometers in 2-wire -100 … +1100 mV
Min. measuring span 2 mV or 20 mV
(R1 – R2 or R2 – R1)
Overload capability of the input -1.5 ... +3.5 V DC
• 2-wire connection Line resistance can be configured Input resistance 1 M
100 (loop resistance)
Characteristic curve Voltage-linear or special characteris-
• 3-wire connection No trim necessary tic
• 4-wire connection No trim necessary
Sensor current 0.45 mA
Response time 250 ms for 1 sensor with break
Break monitoring Always active (cannot be switched off)
Short-circuit monitoring Can be switched on/off (default value:
Measuring range Assignable max. 0 ... 2200 (see
"Digital measuring error" table)
Min. measuring span 5 ... 25 (see "Digital measuring
error" table)
Characteristic curve Resistance-linear or special charac-
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH300 (4 to 20 mA, HART, universal)
Output Certificates and approvals
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA, 2-wire with communica- Explosion protection ATEX
tion acc. to HART Rev. 5.9
EC type-examination certificate PTB 05 ATEX 2040X
Auxiliary power 11 ... 35 V • "Intrinsic safety" type of protection II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6/T4
DC (to 30 V with Ex ia and ib; to 32 II 2 (1) G Ex ia/ib IIC T6/T4
Max. load
V with Ex nA/nL/ic)
(Uaux – 11 V)/0.023 A
II 3(1) G Ex ia/ic IIC T6/T4
II 1D Ex iaD 20 T115 °C 2
• "Non-sparking and energy-limited II 3 G Ex nL IIC T6/T4
Overrange 3.6 ... 23 mA, infinitely adjustable equipment" type of protection II 3 G Ex nA IIC T6/T4
(default range: 3.80 mA ... 20.5 mA)
Explosion protection: FM for USA
Error signal (e.g. following sensor 3.6 ... 23 mA, infinitely adjustable • FM approval FM 3024169
fault) (default value: 22.8 mA)
(conforming to NE43) • Degrees of protection IS / Cl I, II, III / Div 1 / GP ABCDEFG
T6, T5, T4
Sample cycle 0.25 s nominal Cl I / ZN 0 / AEx ia IIC T6, T5, T4
NI / Cl I / Div 2 / GP ABCDFG T6, T5,
Damping Software filter 1st order 0 ... 30 s T4
(parameterizable) NI / Cl I / ZN 2 / IIC T6, T5, T4
Protection Against reverse polarity Explosion protection to FM for Canada
Galvanic isolation Input against output 2.12 kV DC (cFMUS)
(1.5 kVrms AC) • FM approval FM 3024169C
Measuring accuracy • Degrees of protection IS / Cl I, II, III / Div 1/ GP ABCDEFG
T6, T5, T4
Digital measuring error See "Digital measuring error" table NI / Cl I / DIV 2 / GP ABCD T6, T5, T4
NIFW / Cl I, II, III / DIV 2 / GP
Reference conditions ABCDFG T6, T5, T4
• Auxiliary power 24 V ± 1 % DIP / Cl II, III / Div 2 / GP FG T6, T5,
• Load 500 T4
• Ambient temperature 23 °C Cl I / ZN 0 / Ex ia IIC T6, T5, T4
Cl I / ZN 2 / Ex nA nL IIC T6, T5, T4
• Warming-up time > 5 min
Other certificates EAC Ex(GOST), NEPSI, IEC, EXPO-
Error in the analog output (digital/ana- < 0.025 % of measuring span
log converter)
Error due to internal reference junction < 0.5 °C (0.9 °F) Factory setting:
Effect of ambient temperature • Pt100 (IEC 751) in the 3-wire connection
• Analog measuring error 0.02 % of meas. span/10 °C (18 °F) • Measuring range: 0 ... 100 °C (32 ... 212 °F)
• Digital measuring error
• Fault current: 22.8 mA
- with resistance thermometers 0.06 °C (0.11 °F)/10°C (18 °F)
• Sensor offset: 0 °C (0 °F)
- with thermocouples 0.6 °C (1.1 °F)/10°C (18 °F)
• Damping 0.0 s
Auxiliary power effect < 0.001 % of meas. span/V
Effect of load impedance < 0.002 % of meas. span/100
Long-term drift
• In the first month < 0.02 % of measuring span
• After one year < 0.2 % of measuring span
• After 5 years < 0.3 % of measuring span
Rated conditions
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
Storage temperature -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
Relative humidity < 98 %, with condensation
Electromagnetic compatibility According to EN 61326 and NE21
Material Molded plastic
Weight 50 g (0.11 lb)
Dimensions See "Dimensional drawings"
Cross-section of cables Max. 2.5 mm² (AWG 13)
Degree of protection according to
IEC 60529
• Enclosure IP40
• Terminals IP00
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH300 (4 to 20 mA, HART, universal)
Digital measuring error
Resistance thermometer Thermocouples
Input Measuring range Minimum Digital accuracy Input Measuring range Minimum Digital accuracy
measuring span measuring span
2 According to
°C (°F) °C (°F) °C (°F)
Type B
°C (°F)
100 ... 1820
IEC 60751 (212 ... 3308)
Pt25 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.3 (0.54) Type C (W5) 0 ... 2300 100 (180) 2 (3.60)
(-328 ... +1562) (32 ... 4172)
Pt50 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type D (W3) 0 ... 2300 100 (180) 12) (1.80)2)
(-328 ... +1562) (32 ... 4172)
Pt100 ... Pt200 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.1 (0.18) Type E -200 ... +1000 50 (90) 1 (1.80)
(-328 ... +1562) (-328 ... +1832)
Pt500 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type J -200 ... +1200 50 (90) 1 (1.80)
(-328 ... +1562) (-328 ... +2192)
Pt1000 -200 ... +350 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type K -200 ... +1370 50 (90) 1 (1.80)
(-328 ... +662) (-328 ... +2498)
According to Type L -200 ... +900 50 (90) 1 (1.80)
JIS C1604-81 (-328 ... +1652)
Pt25 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.3 (0.54) Type N -200 ... +1300 50 (90) 1 (1.80)
(-328 ... +1200) (-328 ... +2372)
Pt50 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type R -50 ... +1760 100 (180) 2 (3.60)
(-328 ... +1200) (-58 ... +3200)
Pt100 ... Pt200 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.1 (0.18) Type S -50 ... +1760 100 (180) 2 (3.60)
(-328 ... +1200) (-58 ... +3200)
Pt500 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type T -200 ... +400 40 (72) 1 (1.80)
(-328 ... +1200) (-328 ... +752)
Pt1000 -200 ... +350 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type U -200 ... +600 50 (90) 2 (3.60)
(-328 ... +662) (-328 ... +1112)
Ni 25 ... Ni1000 -60 ... +250 10 (18) 0.1 (0.18) 1)
The digital accuracy in the range 100 to 300 °C (212 to 572 °F) is 3 °C
(-76 ... +482) (5.4 °F).
Resistance-based sensor The digital accuracy in the range 1750 to 2300 °C (3182 to 4172 °F) is 2 °C
(3.6 °F).
Input Measuring Minimum Digital accuracy mV sensor
range measuring span
Input Measuring Minimum Digital accuracy
range measuring span
Resistance 0 ... 390 5 0.05
mV mV V
Resistance 0 ... 2200 25 0.25
mV sensor -10 ... +70 2 40
mV sensor -100 ... +1100 20 400
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH300 (4 to 20 mA, HART, universal)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH300 (4 to 20 mA, HART, universal)
■ Dimensional drawings
Mounting on DIN rail
Ø 44 (1.73)
2 33 (1.30)
s t Te
Te s t
+ 2
3 6
+ -
3 6
(3) 4 5
4 5
(4) SITRANS TH300, mounting of transmitter on DIN rail
59.6 (2.35)
M4 x 30
1(+) and 2(-) Auxiliary power supply Uaux, output current IOut
3, 4, 5 and 6 Pt100 sensor (for connections, see sensor
connection assignment)
Test (+), Test (-) Measurement of the output current with a multimeter
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH300 (4 to 20 mA, HART, universal)
■ Circuit diagrams
3 6 3 6 3 6
3 + - 6 3 + - 6 3 + - 6
4 5 4 5 4 5
4 5 4 5 4 5
+ TC -
3 6 3 6 3 6
3 + - 6 3 + - 6 + -
3 6
4 5 4 5 4 5
4 5 4 5 4 5
+ TC -
3 6
3 6 3 + - 6
+ - 3 6 4 5
3 6 + -
3 6
4 5 4 5
4 5
4 5 4 5
+ TC -
3 6 + -
4 5 4 5 3 4 3-W 5
4 5 4 5 4 5
3 6 3
+ -
6 + -
3 + - 6 3 6
4 5 4 5
st HART® Te
Te s t
4 5 4 5
+ - R 1 SIEMENS 2
+ –
U 1 2
+ -
3 6
I 6
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH400, fieldbus transmitter
■ Overview ■ Application
• Linearized temperature measurement with resistance ther-
mometers or thermal elements
• Differential, mean-value or redundant temperature measure-
ment with resistance thermometers or thermal elements
2 • Linear resistance and bipolar millivolt measurements
• Differential, mean-value or redundant resistance and bipolar
millivolt measurements
■ Function
• Mounting in connection head, type B or larger
• Polarity-neutral bus connection
• 24-bit analog-digital converter for high resolution
• Galvanic isolation
• Intrinsically-safe version for use in potentially explosive areas
• Special characteristic
• Sensor redundance
SITRANS TH400 fieldbus transmitters With PROFIBUS PA communication
Versions: • Function blocks: 2 x analog
• For FOUNDATION fieldbus With FOUNDATION Fieldbus communication
• For PROFIBUS PA • Function blocks: 2 x analog and 1 x PID
The SITRANS TH400 Head transmitter is a small field bus trans- • Functionality: Basic or LAS
mitter for mounting in the connection head of form B. Extensive
functionality enables the Head transmitter to be precisely Mode of operation
adapted to the plant's requirements. Operation is very simple in
The following function diagram explains the mode of operation
spite of the numerous setting options. Thanks to its universal
of the transmitter.
concept it can be used in all industries and is easy to integrate
in the context of Totally Integrated Automation applications. The only difference between the two versions of the SITRANS
Transmitters of the "intrinsically safe" type of protection can be in- TH400 (7NG3214-... and 7NG3215-...) is the type of fieldbus
stalled within potentially explosive atmospheres. The devices protocol used (PROFIBUS PA or FOUNDATION Fieldbus).
meet the directive 2014/34/EU (ATEX) as well as the FM and CSA
Installing SITRANS TH400 in temperature sensors turns them
into complete, bus-capable measuring points; compact - and in
a single device.
Input 1
Input 2
Optional inputs: Mean value
- Resistance thermometer Terminal temperature
Engineering units
- Thermocouple Diagnostic functions
Table linearization
- mV sensor Polynomial linearization
- Resistance-based sensors Process calibration
Ex power circuit
Input 1 1
converter CPU Communication Bus connection
Input 2 3
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH400, fieldbus transmitter
System communication Thermocouple
According to IEC 584 Measuring range
• Type B 400 ... 1820 °C (752 ... 3308 °F)
• Type E -100 ... +1000 °C (-148 ... +1832 °F)
Output: • Type J -100 ... +1000 °C (-148 ... +1832 °F)
terminator PROFIBUS PA
• Type K
• Type N
-100 ... +1200 °C (-148 ... +2192 °F)
-180 ... +1300 °C (-292 ... +2372 °F)
• Type R -50 ... +1760 °C (-58 ... +3200 °F)
Segment • Type S -50 ... +1760 °C (-58 ... +3200 °F)
coupler • Type T -200 ... +400 °C (-328 ... +752 °F)
Line resistance per sensor cable Max. 50 Reference junction compensation ± 0.5 °C
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH400, fieldbus transmitter
Rated conditions Communication
Ambient conditions Parameterization interface
Ambient temperature -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F) • PROFIBUS PA connection
Storage temperature -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F) - Protocol Profile 3.0
- Address (for delivery) 126
2 Relative humidity
Insulation strength
98 %, with condensation • FOUNDATION Fieldbus connection
- Protocol FF protocol
• Test voltage 500 V AC for 60 s - Functionality Basic or LAS
Mechanical testing - Version ITK 4.6
• Vibrations (DIN class B) to IEC 60068-2-6 and IEC 60068-2-64 - Function blocks 2 x analog and 1 x PID
4 g/2 ... 100 Hz
Factory setting
Electromagnetic compatibility
only for SITRANS TH400 PA
EMC noise voltage influence < ± 0.1 % of span
Sensor Pt100 (IEC 751)
Extended EMC noise immunity: < ± 1 % of span
NAMUR NE 21, criterion A, Burst Type of connection 3-wire connection
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH400, fieldbus transmitter
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH400, fieldbus transmitter
■ Dimensional drawings
Mounting on DIN rail
1 2
M4 x 30
3 6
4 + - 5
59.6 (2.35)
DIN rail adapter, dimensions in mm (inch)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH400, fieldbus transmitter
■ Circuit diagrams
+ -
2-wire connection 1) Internal 2-wire connection 1)
cold junction compensation
+ -
+ -
2 2
+ - 2
1 1 1
+ -
Voltage measurement
2 + -
1 +1 -
1 + -
1) + -
Programmable line resistance for the purpose of correction.
Measurement of mean value, differential and
redundancy with 2 voltage sources
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH320 (HART, universal)
■ Overview ■ Application
SITRANS TH320 transmitters can be used in all sectors. Its com-
pact size means that it can be installed in connection heads of
type B or larger. The following sensors/signal sources can be
connected over their universal input module:
2 • Resistance thermometer (2-wire, 3-wire, 4-wire connection)
• Thermocouples
• Linear resistance, potentiometer and DC voltage sources
With HART communications interface:
• The output signal is a load-independent direct current from 4
to 20 mA in accordance with the input characteristic, superim-
posed by the digital HART signal.
Transmitters of the "intrinsically safe or Zone 2 increased safety"
type of protection can be installed in hazardous areas. The de-
vice meets the requirements of the EU Directive 2014/34/EU
(ATEX), the FM and CSA regulations as well as other national ap-
• 2-wire head transmitter with and without HART communica-
tions interface
• Mounting in the connection head of the temperature sensor
• Universal input for virtually any type of temperature sensor
• Can be configured via PC, HART 7 or optional local operation
■ Benefits
• Compact design
• Flexible mounting and center hole allow you to select your pre-
ferred type of installation
• Galvanic isolation
• Test terminals for ammeter
• Diagnostics LED (green/red)
• Input monitoring
Wire break and short-circuit
• Self-monitoring
• Configuration status stored in EEPROM
• SIL2/3 (with order note C20)
• Expanded diagnostic functions, such as slave pointer, operat-
ing hours counter, etc.
• Special characteristic
• Electromagnetic compatibility according to DIN EN 61326
and NE21
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH320 (HART, universal)
■ Function
Without HART communications interface
For the SITRANS TH320 without HART functionality, parameters
are assigned with the PC. A special modem and the software
tool SIPROM T are available for this purpose. 2
With HART communications interface
• The SITRANS TH320 is configured via HART. The configura- nostics LED is green. In case of external errors, e.g. sensor short
tion can be carried out using a handheld communicator or, circuit or interruption, the LED flashes red; an internal error is in-
more conveniently, with a HART modem and the SIMATIC dicated by a permanent red light.
PDM configuration software. The configuration data is then
permanently stored in the non-volatile memory (EEPROM). An ammeter can be connected at any time for checking and
plausibility via the test terminals. The output current can be read
After correct connection of input and supply voltage, the trans- without any interruption, or even without opening the current
mitter outputs a temperature-linear output signal and the diag- loop.
μC1 μC2 4 ... 20 mA U, Iout
1 -2
Input Output
A/D Analog-digital converter μC2 Microcontroller, primary circuit
μC1 Microcontroller, secondary circuit D/A Digital-analog converter
U Supply Voltage
Iout Output current
1 Galvanic isolation 2 LED
3 Extension port
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH320 (HART, universal)
■ Technical specifications
General Thermocouples (TC)
Supply voltage1) 2) Input type
• Without explosion protection (non- 7.5 ... 48 V DC •B IEC 60584-1
2 Ex)
• with explosion protection (Ex i) 7.5 ... 30 V DC
IEC 60584-1
IEC 60584-1
Additional minimum supply voltage 0.8 V •K IEC 60584-1
when using test terminals •L DIN 43710
Maximum power loss 850 mW • Lr GOST 3044-84
•N IEC 60584-1
Minimum load resistance at supply (Vsupply - 37 V)/23 mA
•R IEC 60584-1
voltage > 37 V
•S IEC 60584-1
Insulation voltage, test/operation •T IEC 60584-1
• Without explosion protection (non- 2.5 kV AC/55 V AC •U DIN 43710
• W3 ASTM E988-96
• with explosion protection (Ex i) 2.5 kV AC/42 V AC
• W5 ASTM E988-96
Polarity protection All inputs and outputs • LR GOST 3044-84
Write protection Open circuits or software Cold junction compensation (CJC) Constant, internal or external over
Pt100 or Ni100 RTD
Warming-up time < 5 min
• Temperature range internal CJC -50 ... +100 °C (-58 ... +212 °F)
Starting time < 2.75 s • Connection external CJC 2-wire or 3-wire
Programming HART • External CJC, line resistance per 50
wire (for 3-wire and 4-wire connec-
Signal-to-noise ratio > 60 dB tions)
Long-term stability Better than: • Effect of the line resistance (with 3- < 0.002 /
• ± 0.05% of measuring span/year wire and 4-wire connections)
• ± 0.18% of measuring span/5 years • Input current external CJC < 0.15 mA
Response time 4 ... 20 mA: 55 ms • Temperature range external CJC -50 ... +135 °C (-58 ... +275 °F)
• Cable, wire-wire capacity Max. 50 nF
HART: 75 ms (typically 70 ms)
• Total line resistance Max. 10 k
Programmable damping 0 ... 60 s • Fault detection, programmable None, short-circuited, defective,
Signal dynamic short-circuited or defective
• Input 24 bit Note
• Output 18 bit The short-circuited fault detection
only applies to the CJC input.
Influence of change in supply voltage < 0.005% of measuring span/V DC
• Fault detection time (TC) 75 ms (typically 70 ms)
Input • Fault detection time, external CJC 2 000 ms
Resistance thermometer (RTD) (for 3-wire and 4-wire)
Fault detection, programmable None, short-circuited, defective, Type of connection 3-wire or 4-wire
short-circuited or defective Line resistance per wire Max. 50
Input current < 0.15 mA
When the low limit for the configured
input type is below the constant Effect of the line resistance (with 4- < 0.002 /
detection limit for short-circuited wire and 5-wire connections)
inputs, the detection of short circuits Cable, wire-wire capacity
is disabled regardless of the configu-
ration of the fault detection. • R > 400 Max. 30 nF
• R 400 Max. 50 nF
Detection limit for short-circuited input 15
Fault detection time (RTD) 75 ms (typically 70 ms)
Fault detection time (for 3-wire and 4- 2 000 ms
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH320 (HART, universal)
Fault detection, programmable None, short-circuited, defective, Design
short-circuited or defective
Weight 50 g (0.11 lb)
Maximum core cross-section 1 x 1.5 mm² (stranded wire)
When the configured potentiometer
size is below the constant detection Tightening torque for clamping 0.4 Nm
limit for short-circuited inputs, the screws
detection of short circuits is disabled
regardless of the configuration of the Vibrations IEC 60068-2-6 2
fault detection. • 2 ... 25 Hz ± 1.6 mm (0.07 inch)
• 25 ... 100 Hz ±4g
Detection limit for short-circuited input 15
Certificates and approvals
Fault detection time, wiper arm 75 ms (typically 70 ms)
(no short-circuit detection) Explosion protection ATEX/IECEx and
Fault detection time, element 2 000 ms
Certificates3) DEKRA 17ATEX0116 X
Fault detection time (for 4-wire and 5- 2 000 ms
wire) IECEx DEK 17.0054X
Voltage input A5E43700604A-2018X
Measuring range "Intrinsic safety ia/ib" type of protec- For use in Zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22
• Unipolar -100 ... 1700 mV
• ATEX II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6 ... T4 Ga
• Bipolar -800 ... +800 mV II 2(1) G Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6 ... T4
Minimum measuring span 2.5 mV Gb
II 1 D Ex ia IIIC Da
Input resistance 10 M I M1 Ex ia I Ma
Cable, wire-wire capacity • IECEx and others Ex ia IIC T6 ... T4 Ga
• Input range: -100 ... 1700 mV Max. 30 nF Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6 ... T4 Gb
Ex ia IIIC Da
• Input range: -20 ... 100 mV Max. 50 nF Ex ia I Ma
Fault detection, programmable None, defective "Intrinsic safety ic" type of protection For use in Zones 2 and 22
Fault detection time 75 ms (typically 70 ms) • ATEX II 2 G Ex ic IIC T6…T4 Gc
II 2 D Ex ic IIIC Dc
Output and HART communication
• IECEx and others Ex ic IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
Normal range, programmable 3.8 ... 20.5 mA/20.5 ... 3.8 mA Ex ic IIIC Dc
Extended range (output limits), pro- 3.5 ... 23 mA/23 ... 3.5 mA "Non-sparking/increased safety For use in Zones 2 and 22
grammable nA/ec" type of protection
Programmable input/output limits • ATEX II 2 G Ex nA IIC T6…T4 Gc
II 2 G Ex ec IIC T6…T4 Gc
• Fault current Enable/disable
• IECEx and others Ex nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
• Fault current setting 3.5 ... 23 mA
Ex ec IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
Update time 10 ms
Explosion protection CSA/FM for Can-
Load (with current output) (VSupply - 7.5)/0.023 ada and USA
Load stability < 0.01% of meas. span/100 Certificates CSA 1861385
(measuring span = currently selected FM18CA0024
range) FM18US0046
Input fault detection, programmable 3.5 ... 23 mA "Intrinsic safety ia" type of protection IS, CL I, Div 1, GP ABCD, T6 ... T4
(detection of input short circuits is
Ex ia IIC T6 … T4 Ga
ignored with TC and voltage inputs)
AEx ia IIC T6 … T4 Ga or:
NAMUR NE43 Upscale > 21 mA Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6…T4 Gb
NAMUR NE43 Downscale < 3.6 mA AEx ib [ia Ga] IIC T6…T4 Gb
HART protocol versions HART 7 "Non incendive field wiring NIFW" type NIFW, CL I, Div 2, GP ABCD T6 ... T4
of protection
Measuring accuracy
"Non incendive NI" type of protection NI, CL I, Div 2, GP ABCD T6...T4
Input accuracy See "Input accuracy" table Ex nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
AEx nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
Output accuracy See "Output accuracy" table
Rated conditions Note that the minimum supply voltage must correspond to the value mea-
sured at the terminals of the SITRANS TH320.
Ambient temperature -50 ... +85 °C (-58 ... +185 °F) All external voltage drops must be taken into consideration.
Ambient temperature for devices with -40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F) Protect the device from overvoltage with the help of a suitable power sup-
functional safety ply or suitable overvoltage protection equipment.
Storage temperature -50 ... +85 °C (-58 ... +185 °F) Additional available certificates are listed on the Internet at
Reference temperature for sensor cal- 24 °C ±1.0 °C (75.2 °F ±1.8 °F)
Relative humidity < 99% (no condensation)
Degree of protection
• Transmitter enclosure IP68
• Terminals IP00
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH320 (HART, universal)
Measuring ranges/Minimum measuring span
Input type Standard Measuring range in °C (°F) 0 in °C-1 (°F-1) Minimum measuring span in °C
Input type Standard Measuring range in °C (°F) Minimum measuring span in °C (°F)
B IEC 60584-1 0 (85) ... 1 820 (32 (185) ... 3 308) 100 (212)
E IEC 60584-1 -200 ... +1 000 (-392 ... +1 832) 50 (122)
J IEC 60584-1 -100 ... +1 200 (-212 ... +2 192) 50 (122)
K IEC 60584-1 -180 ... +1 372 (-356 ... +2 502) 50 (122)
L DIN 43710 -200 ... +900 (-392 ... +1 652) 50 (122)
Lr GOST 3044-84 -200 ... +800 (-392 ... +1 472) 50 (122)
N IEC 60584-1 -180 ... +1 300 (-356 ... +2 372) 50 (122)
R IEC 60584-1 -50 ... +1 760 (-122 ... +3 200) 100 (212)
S IEC 60584-1 -50 ... +1 760 (-122 ... +3 200) 100 (212)
T IEC 60584-1 -200 ... +400 (-392 ... +752) 50 (122)
U DIN 43710 -200 ... +600 (-392 ... +1 112) 50 (122)
W3 ASTM E988-96 0 ... 2 300 (32 ... 4 172) 100 (212)
W5 ASTM E988-96 0 ... 2 300 (32 ... 4 172) 100 (212)
LR GOST 3044-84 -200 ... +800 (-392 ... +1472) 50 (122)
Input accuracy
Basic values
Input type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient1)
Pt10 ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt20 ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt50 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt100 ±0.04 °C (0.072 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt200 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt500 Tmax. < 180 °C (356 °F) = ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Tmax. > 180 °C (356 °F) = ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F)
Pt1000 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt2000 Tmax. < 300 °C (572 °F) = ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Tmax. > 300 °C (572 °F) = ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F)
Pt10000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
Ni10 ±1.6 °C (2.88 °F) ±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni20 ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni50 ±0.32 °C (0.576 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni100 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni120 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni200 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni500 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni1000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH320 (HART, universal)
Input type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient1)
Ni2000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni10000 ±0.32 °C (0.576 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
±1.6 °C (2.88 °F)
±0.8 °C (1.44 °F)
±0.040 °C/°C (°F/°F)
±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu20 ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu50 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu100 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu200 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu500 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu1000 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
Linear resistance
0 ... 400 ±40 m ±2 m/°C (1.11 m/°F)
0 ... 100 k ±4 ±0.2 /°C (0.11 /°F)
0 ... 100% < 0.05% < ± 0.005%
Voltage input
mV: -20 ... 100 mV ±5 V ±0.2 V/°C (0.11 V/°F)
mV: -100 ... 1700 mV ±0.1 mV ±36 V/°C (20 V/°F)
mV: ± 800 mV ±0.1 mV ±32 V/°C (17.8 V/°F)
E ±0.2 °C (0.36 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
J ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
K ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
L ±0.35 °C (0.63 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
N ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
T ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
U < 0 °C (32 °F) ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
0 °C (32 °F) ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F)
Lr ±0.2 °C (0.36 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
R < 200 °C (392 °F) ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
200 °C (392 °F) ±1 °C (1.8 °F)
S < 200 °C (392 °F) ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
200 °C (392 °F) ±1 °C (1.8 °F)
W3 ±0.6 °C (1.08 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
W5 ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B2) ±1 °C (1.8 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B3) ±3 °C (5.4 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B4) ±8 °C (14.4 °F) ±0.8 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B5) Not specified Not specified
CJC (internal) < ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) Included in basic accuracy
CJC (external) ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
1) Temperature coefficients correspond to the specified values or 0.002% of Output accuracy
the input span, depending on which value is greater.
2) Accuracy of the specification range > 400 °C (752 °F) Output type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient
3) Accuracy of the specification range > 160 °C (320 °F) < 400 °C (752 °F) Analog output ±1.6 A (0.01% of the full ±0.48 A/K ( ±0.003% of
4) Accuracy of the specification range > 85 °C (185 °F) < 160 °C (320 °F) output span) the full output span/K)
5) Accuracy of the specification range < 85 °C (185 °F)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH320 (HART, universal)
Intrinsic safety (Ex i) / Non-incendive field wiring N Cu x (GOST 6651-94), 2-wire, define line resistance V78
(NIFW) / Increased safety zone 2 (Ex ec) / Non value in option Y51 and RTD factor x in option Y21
incendive (NI) (ATEX, IECEx, EACEx, CSA, FM, Cu x (GOST 6651-94), 3-wire, define RTD factor x in V79
NEPSI, Inmetro) option Y21
Electrical connection/cable entry Cu x (GOST 6651-94), 4-wire, define RTD factor x in V80
Without A option Y21
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH320 (HART, universal)
Options Order code
■ Dimensional drawings
Append "-Z" to Article No., add order code and, if appli-
cable, free text.
Ø 44 (1.73)
Device settings
33 (1.3)
Measuring range setting temperature input: Start of Y01
scale value (max. 5 characters), full scale value
(max. 5 characters), unit (°C, °F, °Ra, K)
2 1
2 2
Customer-specific programming in plain text (n-lines) Y09 ST
Long tag (device parameter, max. 32 characters), adhe- Y15
sive label EXT
Measuring point description (device parameter, max. Y16 1
32 characters), adhesive label 2
Input 1: RTD factor; e.g. factor "200" = Pt200, adhesive Y21
6 3 2
label 5 4
Article No.
Additional accessories for assem-
bly, connection and transmitter con-
figuration, see page 2/251.
Modem with USB interface 7MF4997-1DB
Modem with USB interface and 7NG3092-8KN
20,2 (0.8)
SIPROM T software
SIMATIC PDM parameterization See Catalog FI 01 section 8
Mounting rail adapter for head 7NG3092-8KA
(Quantity delivered: 5 units)
5 2
Connecting cable 7NG3092-8KC
4-wire, 200 mm (7.97 inch), for 1 Test terminal
input connections when using head
transmitters in the high hinged 2 Mounting screw M4
cover (set with 5 units)
Ordering example 4 Internal diameter of center hole 6.3 (0.25)
7NG0310-0BA00-0AA0-Z Y01 5 Lock washer DIN 6799 - 3.2 A2
Y01: -10 ... +100 °C 1(+) and 2(-) Output terminals
Factory setting 3, 4, 5 and 6 Input terminals
• Pt100 (IEC 60751); 3-wire connection
• Measuring range: 0 ... 100 °C (32 ... 212 °F) SITRANS TH320, dimensions and pin assignment, dimensions in mm
• Fault current
- Device error: < 3.6 mA
- Input circuit wire break: 22.8 mA
- Input circuit short circuit: 22.4 mA
- Input monitoring wire break and short-circuit
• No trimming of input and output (offset)
• Damping 0.0 s
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH320 (HART, universal)
■ Circuit diagrams
Input connection
2 3 3
9 9
4 4
8 5 8 5
7 6 7 6
4 3 CJC 3
I1 +
9 3 9 3
4 4
8 5 8 5
7 6 7 6
Voltage input 3-wire or 4-wire potentiometer
(unipolar or bipolar)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH420 (HART, universal)
■ Overview ■ Application
The SITRANS TH420 transmitter with two inputs can be used in
all sectors. Its compact size means that it can be installed in con-
nection heads of type B or larger. Due to its universal input mod-
ule, the following sensors and signal sources can be connected
in redundant operation (high input availability): 2
• 2 resistance thermometers (2-wire, 3-wire, 4-wire connection)
• 2 thermocouples
• 2 linear resistors, potentiometer and DC voltage sources
The output signal is a load-independent direct current from
4 to 20 mA in accordance with the input characteristic, superim-
posed by the digital HART signal.
The dual input mode also supports drift detection of the inputs,
whereby maintenance intervals can be more easily planned.
Transmitters of the "intrinsically safe or Zone 2 increased safety"
type of protection can be installed in hazardous areas. The de-
vice meets the requirements of the EU Directive 2014/34/EU
(ATEX), the FM and CSA regulations as well as other national ap-
• 2-wire head transmitter with HART communications interface provals.
• Mounting in the connection head of the temperature sensor
• Universal input for virtually any type of temperature sensor
• Connection of two independent input circuits for redundant
operation (high input availability)
• Input drift detection
• Configurable via HART 7
■ Benefits
• Compact design
• Connection of two independent input circuits for redundant
operation (high input availability)
• Flexible mounting and center hole allow you to select your pre-
ferred type of installation
• Galvanic isolation
• Test terminals for ammeter
• Diagnostics LED (green/red)
• Input monitoring
wire break, short circuit and drift
• Self-monitoring
• Configuration status stored in EEPROM
• SIL2/3 (with order note C20)
• Expanded diagnostic functions, such as slave pointer, operat-
ing hours counter, etc.
• Special characteristic
• Electromagnetic compatibility according to DIN EN 61326
and NE21
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH420 (HART, universal)
■ Function
The SITRANS TH420 is configured via HART. The configuration After correct connection of input and supply voltage, the trans-
can be carried out using a handheld communicator or, more mitter outputs a temperature-linear output signal and the diag-
conveniently, with a HART modem and the SIMATIC PDM config- nostics LED is green. In case of external errors, e.g. sensor short
uration software. The configuration data are then permanently circuit or interruption, the LED flashes red; an internal error is in-
2 stored in the non-volatile memory (EEPROM). dicated by a permanent red light.
An ammeter can be connected at any time for checking and
plausibility via the test terminals. The output current can be read
without any interruption, or even without opening the current
Input 3
μC1 μC2 4 ... 20 mA U, Iout
1 -2
Input Output
A/D Analog-digital converter μC2 Microcontroller, primary circuit
μC1 Microcontroller, secondary circuit D/A Digital-analog converter
U Supply Voltage
Iout Output current
1 Galvanic isolation 2 LED
3 Extension port
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH420 (HART, universal)
■ Technical specifications
General Thermocouples (TC)
Supply voltage1) 2) Input type
• Without explosion protection (non- 7.5 ... 48 V DC •B IEC 60584-1
• with explosion protection (Ex i) 7.5 ... 30 V DC
IEC 60584-1
IEC 60584-1
Additional minimum supply voltage 0.8 V •K IEC 60584-1
when using test terminals •L DIN 43710
Maximum power loss 850 mW • Lr GOST 3044-84
•N IEC 60584-1
Minimum load resistance at supply (Vsupply - 37 V)/23 mA
•R IEC 60584-1
voltage > 37 V
•S IEC 60584-1
Insulation voltage, test/operation •T IEC 60584-1
• Without explosion protection (non- 2.5 kV AC/55 V AC •U DIN 43710
• W3 ASTM E988-96
• with explosion protection (Ex i) 2.5 kV AC/42 V AC
• W5 ASTM E988-96
Polarity protection All inputs and outputs • LR GOST 3044-84
Write protection Open circuits or software Cold junction compensation (CJC) Constant, internal or external over
Pt100 or Ni100 RTD
Warming-up time < 5 min
• Temperature range internal CJC -50 ... +100 °C (-58 ... +212 °F)
Starting time < 2.75 s • Connection external CJC 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire
Programming HART • External CJC, line resistance per 50
wire (for 3-wire and 4-wire connec-
Signal-to-noise ratio > 60 dB tions)
Long-term stability Better than: • Effect of the line resistance (with 3- < 0.002 /
• ± 0.05% of measuring span/year wire and 4-wire connections)
• ± 0.18% of measuring span/5 years • Input current external CJC < 0.15 mA
Response time 75 ms (typically 70 ms) • Temperature range external CJC -50 ... +135 °C (-58 ... +275 °F)
• Cable, wire-wire capacity Max. 50 nF
Programmable damping 0 ... 60 s
• Total line resistance Max. 10 k
Signal dynamic • Fault detection, programmable None, short-circuited, defective,
• Input 24 bit short-circuited or defective
• Output 18 bit Note
Influence of change in supply voltage < 0.005% of measuring span/V DC The short-circuited fault detection
only applies to the CJC input.
Input • Fault detection time (TC) 75 ms (typically 70 ms)
Resistance thermometer (RTD) • Fault detection time, external CJC 2 000 ms
(for 3-wire and 4-wire)
Input type
• Pt10 ... 10000 • IEC 60751 Linear resistance
• JIS C 1604-8 Input range 0 ... 100 k
• GOST 6651_2009
• Callendar-Van Dusen Minimum measuring span 25
• Ni10 ... 10000 • DIN 43760-1987
Type of connection 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire
• GOST 6651-2009/OIML R84:2003
• Cu5 ... 1000 • Edison Copper Winding No. 15 Line resistance per wire Max. 50
• GOST 6651-2009/OIML R84:2003
Input current < 0.15 mA
Type of connection 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire
Effect of the line resistance (with 3- < 0.002 /
Line resistance per wire Max. 50 wire and 4-wire connections)
Input current < 0.15 mA Cable, wire-wire capacity
• R > 400 Max. 30 nF
Effect of the line resistance (with 3- < 0.002 /
wire and 4-wire connections) • R 400 Max. 50 nF
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH420 (HART, universal)
Fault detection, programmable None, short-circuited, defective, Design
short-circuited or defective
Weight 50 g (0.11 lb)
Maximum core cross-section 1 x 1.5 mm² (stranded wire)
When the configured potentiometer
size is below the constant detection Tightening torque for clamping 0.4 Nm
limit for short-circuited inputs, the screws
2 detection of short circuits is disabled
regardless of the configuration of the Vibrations IEC 60068-2-6
fault detection. • 2 ... 25 Hz ± 1.6 mm (0.07 inch)
• 25 ... 100 Hz ±4g
Detection limit for short-circuited input 15
Certificates and approvals
Fault detection time, wiper arm 75 ms (typically 70 ms)
(no short-circuit detection) Explosion protection ATEX/IECEx and
Fault detection time, element 2 000 ms
Certificates3) DEKRA 17ATEX0116 X
Fault detection time (for 4-wire and 5- 2 000 ms
wire) IECEx DEK 17.0054X
Voltage input A5E43700604A-2018X
Measuring range "Intrinsic safety ia/ib" type of protection For use in Zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22
• Unipolar -100 ... 1700 mV • ATEX II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6 ... T4 Ga
II 2(1) G Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6 ... T4
• Bipolar -800 ... +800 mV Gb
Minimum measuring span 2.5 mV II 1 D Ex ia IIIC Da
I M1 Ex ia I Ma
Input resistance 10 M • IECEx and others Ex ia IIC T6 ... T4 Ga
Cable, wire-wire capacity Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6 ... T4 Gb
• Input range: -100 ... 1700 mV Max. 30 nF Ex ia IIIC Da
Ex ia I Ma
• Input range: -20 ... 100 mV Max. 50 nF
"Intrinsic safety ic" type of protection For use in Zones 2 and 22
Fault detection, programmable None, defective
• ATEX II 2 G Ex ic IIC T6…T4 Gc
Fault detection time 75 ms (typically 70 ms) II 2 D Ex ic IIIC Dc
Output and HART communication • IECEx and others Ex ic IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
Ex ic IIIC Dc
Normal range, programmable 3.8 ... 20.5 mA/20.5 ... 3.8 mA
"Non-sparking/increased safety For use in Zones 2 and 22
Extended range (output limits), pro- 3.5 ... 23 mA/23 ... 3.5 mA nA/ec" type of protection
grammable • ATEX II 2 G Ex nA IIC T6…T4 Gc
Programmable input/output limits II 2 G Ex ec IIC T6…T4 Gc
• Fault current Enable/disable • IECEx and others Ex nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
• Fault current setting 3.5 ... 23 mA Ex ec IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
Measuring accuracy "Non incendive NI" type of protection NI, CL I, Div 2, GP ABCD T6...T4
Ex nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
Input accuracy See "Input accuracy" table AEx nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
Output accuracy See "Output accuracy" table 1)
Note that the minimum supply voltage must correspond to the value mea-
Rated conditions sured at the terminals of the SITRANS TH420.
All external voltage drops must be taken into consideration.
Ambient temperature -50 ... +85 °C (-58 ... +185 °F) 2)
Protect the device from overvoltage with the help of a suitable power sup-
Ambient temperature for devices with -40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F) ply or suitable overvoltage protection equipment.
functional safety 3)
Additional available certificates are listed on the Internet at
Storage temperature -50 ... +85 °C (-58 ... +185 °F)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH420 (HART, universal)
Measuring ranges/Minimum measuring span
Input type Standard Measuring range in °C (°F) 0 in °C-1 (°F-1) Minimum measuring span in °C
Pt10 ... 10000 IEC 60751
JIS C 1604-8
-200 ... +850 (-328 ... +1 562)
-200 ... +649 (-328 ... +1 200)
0.003851 (0.002139)
0.003916 (0.002176)
10 (50)
10 (50)
GOST 6651_2009 -200 ... +850 (-328 ... +1 562) 0.003910 (0.002172) 10 (50)
Callendar-Van Dusen -200 ... +850 (-328 ... +1 562) - 10 (50)
Ni10 ... 10000 DIN 43760-1987 -60 ... +250 (-76 ... +482) 0.006180 (0.003433) 10 (50)
GOST 6651- -60 ... +180 (-76 ... +356) 0.006170 (0.003428) 10 (50)
2009/OIML R84:2003
Cu5 ... 1000 Edison Copper Winding -200 ... +260 (-328 ... +500) 0.004270 (0.002372) 100 (212)
No. 15
GOST 6651-2009/OIML -180 ... +200 (-292 ... +392) 0.004280 (0.002378) 100 (212)
GOST 6651-94 -50 ... +200 (-58 ... +392) 0.004260 (0.002367) 100 (212)
Input type Standard Measuring range in °C (°F) Minimum measuring span in °C (°F)
B IEC 60584-1 0 (85) ... 1 820 (32 (185) ... 3 308) 100 (212)
E IEC 60584-1 -200 ... +1 000 (-392 ... +1 832) 50 (122)
J IEC 60584-1 -100 ... +1 200 (-212 ... +2 192) 50 (122)
K IEC 60584-1 -180 ... +1 372 (-356 ... +2 502) 50 (122)
L DIN 43710 -200 ... +900 (-392 ... +1 652) 50 (122)
Lr GOST 3044-84 -200 ... +800 (-392 ... +1 472) 50 (122)
N IEC 60584-1 -180 ... +1 300 (-356 ... +2 372) 50 (122)
R IEC 60584-1 -50 ... +1 760 (-122 ... +3 200) 100 (212)
S IEC 60584-1 -50 ... +1 760 (-122 ... +3 200) 100 (212)
T IEC 60584-1 -200 ... +400 (-392 ... +752) 50 (122)
U DIN 43710 -200 ... +600 (-392 ... +1 112) 50 (122)
W3 ASTM E988-96 0 ... 2 300 (32 ... 4 172) 100 (212)
W5 ASTM E988-96 0 ... 2 300 (32 ... 4 172) 100 (212)
LR GOST 3044-84 -200 ... +800 (-392 ... +1472) 50 (122)
Input accuracy
Basic values
Input type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient1)
Pt10 ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt20 ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt50 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt100 ±0.04 °C (0.072 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt200 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt500 Tmax. < 180 °C (356 °F) = ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Tmax. > 180 °C (356 °F) = ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F)
Pt1000 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt2000 Tmax. < 300 °C (572 °F) = ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Tmax. > 300 °C (572 °F) = ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F)
Pt10000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
Ni10 ±1.6 °C (2.88 °F) ±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni20 ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni50 ±0.32 °C (0.576 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni100 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni120 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni200 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni500 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni1000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH420 (HART, universal)
Input type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient1)
Ni2000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni10000 ±0.32 °C (0.576 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
2 Cu5
±1.6 °C (2.88 °F)
±0.8 °C (1.44 °F)
±0.040 °C/°C (°F/°F)
±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu20 ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu50 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu100 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu200 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu500 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu1000 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
Linear resistance
0 ... 400 ±40 m ±2 m/°C (1.11 m/°F)
0 ... 100 k ±4 ±0.2 /°C (0.11 /°F)
0 ... 100% < 0.05% < ± 0.005%
Voltage input
mV: -20 ... 100 mV ±5 V ±0.2 V/°C (0.11 V/°F)
mV: -100 ... 1700 mV ±0.1 mV ±36 V/°C (20 V/°F)
mV: ± 800 mV ±0.1 mV ±32 V/°C (17.8 V/°F)
E ±0.2 °C (0.36 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
J ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
K ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
L ±0.35 °C (0.63 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
N ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
T ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
U < 0 °C (32 °F) ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
0 °C (32 °F) ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F)
Lr ±0.2 °C (0.36 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
R < 200 °C (392 °F) ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
200 °C (392 °F) ±1 °C (1.8 °F)
S < 200 °C (392 °F) ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
200 °C (392 °F) ±1 °C (1.8 °F)
W3 ±0.6 °C (1.08 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
W5 ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B2) ±1 °C (1.8 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B3) ±3 °C (5.4 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B4) ±8 °C (14.4 °F) ±0.8 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B5) Not specified Not specified
CJC (internal) < ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) Included in basic accuracy
CJC (external) ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
1) Temperature coefficients correspond to the specified values or 0.002% of Output accuracy
the input span, depending on which value is greater.
2) Accuracy of the specification range > 400 °C (752 °F) Output type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient
3) Accuracy of the specification range > 160 °C (320 °F) < 400 °C (752 °F) Average value Average of accuracy of Average of temperature
4) Accuracy of the specification range > 85 °C (185 °F) < 160 °C (320 °F) measurement input 1 and input 2 coefficient of input 1 and
5) input 2
Accuracy of the specification range < 85 °C (185 °F)
Differential mea- Sum of accuracy of input 1 Sum of temperature coeffi-
surement and input 2 cient of input 1 and input 2
Analog output ±1.6 A (0.01% of the full ±0.48 A/K ( ±0.003% of
output span) the full output span/K)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH420 (HART, universal)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH420 (HART, universal)
Options Order code Options Order code
Append "-Z" to Article No., add order code and, if appli- Append "-Z" to Article No., add order code and, if appli-
cable, free text. cable, free text.
Manufacturer declarations Device settings
Quality inspection certificate, 5-point factory calibration C11 Measuring range setting temperature input: Start of Y01
2 (IEC 60770-2) scale value (max. 5 characters), full scale value
(max. 5 characters), unit (°C, °F, °Ra, K)
Certificates for functional safety
Customer-specific programming in plain text (n-lines) Y09
Functional safety SIL2/3 (IEC 61508) C20
Input 1: RTD factor; e.g. factor "200" = Pt200, adhesive Y21
Device options label
PDF file with device settings D10 Long tag (device parameter, max. 32 characters), adhe- Y15
Without labeling of the measuring range on the TAG D41 sive label
plate Measuring point description (device parameter, max. Y16
Jumper plug set on device for write protection D81 32 characters), adhesive label
Jumper plug set on device for fault current > 21 mA D82 Input 1: RTD factor; e.g. factor "200" = Pt200, adhesive Y21
(instead of < 3.6 mA) (only non-SIL) label
External CJC types Accessories
Pt100, IEC 60751, 3-wire J02 Article No.
Pt100, IEC 60751, 4-wire J03 Additional accessories for assem-
Ni100, DIN 43760-87, 3-wire J05 bly, connection and transmitter con-
figuration, see page 2/251.
Ni100, DIN 43760-87, 4-wire J06
Input 1: TC
Modem with USB interface 7MF4997-1DB
Type C W5 V01
SIMATIC PDM parameterization See Catalog FI 01 section 8
Type D W3 V02 software
Type U V03 Mounting rail adapter for head 7NG3092-8KA
Type Lr V04
(Quantity delivered: 5 units)
Input 1: Potentiometers
Connecting cable 7NG3092-8KC
Potentiometer, 5-wire V31
4-wire, 200 mm (7.87 inch), for input
Input 1: RTD connections when using head
transmitters in the high hinged
Pt x (IEC), 3-wire, define RTD factor x in option Y21 V61 cover (set with 5 units)
Pt x (IEC), 4-wire, define RTD factor x in option Y21 V62
Ordering example
Pt x (JIS C1604-81), 3-wire, define RTD factor x in option V64
Y21 7NG0410-0BA00-0AA0-Z Y01
Pt x (JIS C1604-81), 4-wire, define RTD factor x in option V65 Y01: -10 ... +100 °C
Pt x (GOST 6651-2009), 3-wire, define RTD factor x in V67
Factory setting
option Y21 • Input 1: Pt100 (IEC 751); 3-wire connection
Pt x (GOST 6651-2009), 4-wire, define RTD factor x in V68 • Input 2: not configured (inactive)
option Y21
• Measuring range: 0 ... 100 °C (32 ... 212 °F)
Ni x (DIN 43760-87), 3-wire, define RTD factor x in V70
option Y21 • Fault current
- Device error: < 3.6 mA
Ni x (DIN 43760-87), 4-wire, define RTD factor x in V71 - Input circuit wire break: 22.8 mA
option Y21
- Input circuit short circuit: 22.4 mA
Ni x (GOST 6651-2009), 3-wire, define RTD factor x in V73 - Input circuit drift: 22 mA (active when input 2 is active)
option Y21 - Input monitoring wire break and short-circuit
Ni x (GOST 6651-2009), 4-wire, define RTD factor x in V74 • No trimming of input and output (offset)
option Y21
• Damping 0.0 s
Cu x (ECW-15), 3-wire, define RTD factor x in option Y21 V76
Cu x (ECW-15), 4-wire, define RTD factor x in option Y21 V77
Cu x (GOST 6651-94), 3-wire, define RTD factor x in V79
option Y21
Cu x (GOST 6651-94), 4-wire, define RTD factor x in V80
option Y21
Cu x (GOST 6651-2009), 3-wire, define RTD factor x in V82
option Y21
Cu x (GOST 6651-2009), 4-wire, define RTD factor x in V83
option Y21
Input 2: TC
Type C W5 W01
Type D W3 W02
Type U W03
Type Lr W04
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH420 (HART, universal)
■ Dimensional drawings
Ø 44 (1.73)
33 (1.3)
2 1
2 2
2 9
7 3
6 2
5 4
2 20,2 (0.8)
5 2
1 Test terminal
2 Mounting screw M4
4 Internal diameter of center hole 6.3 (0.25)
5 Lock washer DIN 6799 - 3.2 A2
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Compact and head transmitters
SITRANS TH420 (HART, universal)
■ Circuit diagrams
Input connection
2 9 3 9 3 3
4 4 4
8 5 8 5 5
7 6 7 6 8 6
4 3 + I1 3 +I1
4 3 I1
+ I2 + I2
9 3 9 3 9 3
4 4 4
5 8 5 5
8 7 6 8
7 6 7 6
+ I1 4
I1 I1
4 3 5 4 5 4
I2 I2
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR200 (4 to 20 mA, universal)
■ Overview ■ Application
SITRANS TR200 transmitters can be used in all industrial sec-
tors. Their compact design enables simple mounting on stan-
dard DIN rails on-site in protective boxes or in control cabinets.
The following sensors/signal sources can be connected over
their universal input module: 2
• Resistance thermometer (2, 3, 4-wire connection)
• Thermocouples
• Resistance-based sensors and DC voltage sources
The output signal is a direct current from 4 to 20 mA in accor-
dance with the sensor characteristic.
Transmitters of the "intrinsically safe" type of protection can be in-
stalled within potentially explosive atmospheres. The devices
meet the directive 2014/34/EU (ATEX).
■ Function
The SITRANS TR200 is configured over a PC. For this purpose,
Keep flexible - with the universal SITRANS TR200 transmitter the USB or RS 232 modem is connected to the output terminals.
The configuration data can now be edited using the SIPROM T
• 2-wire device for 4 to 20 mA software tool. The configuration data are then permanently
• Enclosure for rail mounting stored in the non-volatile memory (EEPROM).
• Universal input for virtually any type of temperature sensor Once the sensors and power supply have been correctly con-
• Configurable over PC nected, the transmitter outputs a temperature-linear output sig-
nal and the diagnostics LED displays a green light. In the case
■ Benefits of a sensor break, the LED flashes red, an internal device fault is
indicated by a steady red light.
• Compact design
The test socket can be used to connect an ammeter at any time
• Galvanic isolation for monitoring purposes and plausibility checks. The output cur-
• Test sockets for multimeters rent can be read without any interruption, or even without open-
• Diagnostics LED (green/red) ing the current loop.
• Sensor monitoring
open circuits and short-circuits
• Self-monitoring
• Configuration status stored in EEPROM
• Expanded diagnostic functions, such as slave pointer, operat-
ing hours counter, etc.
• Special characteristic
• Electromagnetic compatibility to EN 61326 and NE21
• SIL2 (with order note C20), SIL2/3 (with C23)
TC/RTD 2 3
µC1 µC2 4 ... 20 mA Uaux, Iout
5 6
1 Sensor such as resistance thermometer, 4 Electrical isolation Uaux Auxiliary power supply
thermocouple, resistance-based, 5 Microcontroller, primary circuit Iout Output current
sensor, mV sensor 6 Digital-analog converter Test Test terminals for temporary
2 Analog-digital converter 7 LED connection of an amperemeter
3 Microcontroller, secondary circuit
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR200 (4 to 20 mA, universal)
■ Technical specifications
Input Thermocouples
Resistance thermometer Measured variable Temperature
Measured variable Temperature Sensor type (thermocouples)
2 Sensor type • Type B Pt30Rh-Pt6Rh acc. to IEC 584
• According to IEC 60751 Pt25 … Pt1000 • Type C W5%-Re acc. to ASTM 988
• Acc. to JIS C 1604; a=0.00392 K-1 Pt25 … Pt1000 • Type D W3%-Re acc. to ASTM 988
• According to IEC 60751 Ni25 … Ni1000 • Type E NiCr-CuNi acc. to IEC 584
• Special type Via special characteristic (max. 30 • Type J Fe-CuNi acc. to IEC 584
points) • Type K NiCr-Ni acc. to IEC 584
• Type L Fe-CuNi acc. to DIN 43710
Sensor factor 0.25 ... 10 (adaptation of the basic
type, e.g. Pt100 to version Pt25 ... • Type N NiCrSi-NiSi acc. to IEC 584
1000) • Type R Pt13Rh-Pt acc. to IEC 584
• Type S Pt10Rh-Pt acc. to IEC 584
Units °C or °F
• Type T Cu-CuNi acc. to IEC 584
Connection • Type U Cu-CuNi acc. to DIN 43710
• Standard connection 1 resistance thermometer (RTD) in 2-
wire, 3-wire or 4-wire connection Units °C or °F
• Averaging 2 resistance thermometers in 2-wire Connection
connection for generation of average • Standard connection 1 thermocouple (TC)
• Averaging 2 thermocouples (TC)
• Differentiation 2 resistance thermometers (RTD) in
• Differentiation 2 thermocouples (TC) (TC1 – TC2 or
2-wire connection (RTD 1 – RTD 2 or
TC2 – TC1)
RTD 2 – RTD 1)
Response time T63 250 ms for 1 sensor with break
• 2-wire connection Line resistance can be configured
100 (loop resistance) Break monitoring Can be switched off
• 3-wire connection No trim necessary Reference junction compensation
• 4-wire connection No trim necessary • Internal With integrated Pt100 resistance ther-
Sensor current 0.45 mA mometer
• External With external Pt100 IEC 60751 (2-wire
Response time T63 250 ms for 1 sensor with break or 3-wire connection)
• External fixed Reference junction temperature can
Break monitoring Always active (cannot be switched off) be set as fixed value
Short-circuit monitoring Can be switched on/off (default value: Measuring range Assignable (see "Digital measuring
ON) error" table)
Measuring range Assignable (see "Digital measuring Min. measuring span Min. 40 ... 100 °C (72 ... 180 °F) (see
error" table) "Digital measuring error" table)
Min. measuring span 10 °C (18 °F) Characteristic curve Temperature-linear or special charac-
Characteristic curve Temperature-linear or special charac-
teristic mV sensor
Resistance-based sensor Measured variable DC voltage
Measured variable Actual resistance Sensor type DC voltage source (DC voltage
source possible over an externally
Sensor type Resistance-based, potentiometers connected resistor)
Units Units mV
Connection Response time T63 250 ms for 1 sensor with break
• Standard connection 1 resistance-based sensor (R) in 2- monitoring
wire, 3-wire or 4-wire connection
Break monitoring Can be switched off
• Averaging 2 resistance-based sensors in 2-wire
connection for averaging Measuring range Assignable max. -100 … 1100 mV
• Differentiation 2 resistance thermometers in 2-wire
Min. measuring span 2 mV or 20 mV
(R1 – R2 or R2 – R1) Overload capability of the input -1.5 ... +3.5 V DC
Connection Input resistance 1 M
• 2-wire connection Line resistance can be configured
Characteristic curve Voltage-linear or special characteris-
100 (loop resistance)
• 3-wire connection No trim necessary
• 4-wire connection No trim necessary
Sensor current 0.45 mA
Response time T63 250 ms for 1 sensor with break
Break monitoring Always active (cannot be switched off)
Short-circuit monitoring Can be switched on/off (default value:
Measuring range Assignable max. 0 ... 2200 (see
"Digital measuring error" table)
Min. measuring span 5 ... 25 (see "Digital measuring
error" table)
Characteristic curve Resistance-linear or special charac-
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR200 (4 to 20 mA, universal)
Output Certificates and approvals
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA, 2-wire Explosion protection ATEX
Auxiliary power 11 ... 35 V DC (to 30 V with Ex i/ic; to EC type-examination certificate PTB 07 ATEX 2032X
32 V with Ex nA) • "Intrinsic safety" type of protection II 2(1) G Ex ia/ib IIC T6/T4
Max. load (Uaux – 11 V)/0.023 A II 3(1) G Ex ia/ic IIC T6/T4
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR200 (4 to 20 mA, universal)
Digital measuring error
Resistance thermometer Thermocouples
Input Measuring range Minimum Digital accuracy Input Measuring range Minimum Digital accuracy
measuring span measuring span
2 According to
°C (°F) °C (°F) °C (°F)
Type B
°C (°F)
100 ... 1820
IEC 60751 (212 ... 3308)
Pt25 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.3 (0.54) Type C (W5) 0 ... 2300 100 (180) 2 (3.6)
(-328 ... +1562) (32 ... 4172)
Pt50 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type D (W3) 0 ... 2300 100 (180) 12) (1.8)2)
(-328 ... +1562) (32 ... 4172)
Pt100 ... Pt200 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.1 (0.18) Type E -200 ... +1000 50 (90) 1 (1.8)
(-328 ... +1562) (-328 ... +1832)
Pt500 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type J -200 ... +1200 50 (90) 1 (1.8)
(-328 ... +1562) (-328 ... +2192)
Pt1000 -200 ... +350 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type K -200 ... +1370 50 (90) 1 (1.8)
(-328 ... +662) (-328 ... +2498)
According to Type L -200 ... +900 50 (90) 1 (1.8)
JIS C1604-81 (-328 ... +1652)
Pt25 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.3 (0.54) Type N -200 ... +1300 50 (90) 1 (1.8)
(-328 ... +1200) (-328 ... +2372)
Pt50 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type R -50 ... +1760 100 (180) 2 (3.6)
(-328 ... +1200) (-58 ... +3200)
Pt100 ... Pt200 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.1 (0.18) Type S -50 ... +1760 100 (180) 2 (3.6)
(-328 ... +1200) (-58 ... +3200)
Pt500 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type T -200 ... +400 40 (72) 1 (1.8)
(-328 ... +1200) (-328 ... +752)
Pt1000 -200 ... +350 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type U -200 ... +600 50 (90) 2 (3.6)
(-328 ... +662) (-328 ... +1112)
Ni 25 ... Ni1000 -60 ... +250 10 (18) 0.1 (0.18) 1)
The digital accuracy in the range 100 to 300 °C (212 to 572 °F) is 3 °C
(-76 ... +482) (5.4 °F).
Resistance-based sensor The digital accuracy in the range 1750 to 2300 °C (3182 to 4172 °F) is 2 °C
(3.6 °F).
Input Measuring Minimum Digital accuracy mV sensor
range measuring span
Input Measuring Minimum Digital accuracy
range measuring span
Resistance 0 ... 390 5 0.05
mV mV V
Resistance 0 ... 2200 25 0.25
mV sensor -10 ... +70 2 40
mV sensor -100 ... +1100 20 400
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR200 (4 to 20 mA, universal)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR200 (4 to 20 mA, universal)
1 2 3 4
TEST 4..20mA
5 6 7 8
Made in Croatia
+ + +
8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5
8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5
4 3 2 1
S2 S1
+ + S2
1 (+) and 2 (-) Test terminals (test) for measurement of the output
+ -
8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 TEST +UB -
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR200 (4 to 20 mA, universal)
5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8
- +
2-wire system 1) 2-wire system 1) Cold junction compensation
internal/fixed value
5 6 7 8
5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8
- +
5 6 7 8
5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8
- +
4-wire system 4-wire system Cold junction compensation with
external Pt100 in 3-wire system
5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8
R2 5 6 7 8
- + - +
Generation of average Generation of average Generation of average value / difference
value/difference 1) value/difference 1) with internal cold junction compensation
Programmable line resistance for the purpose of correction.
+ A -
+ -
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8
- + R
U - +
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR300 (4 to 20 mA, HART, universal)
■ Overview ■ Application
SITRANS TR300 transmitters can be used in all industrial sec-
tors. Their compact design enables simple mounting on stan-
dard DIN rails on-site in protective boxes or in control cabinets.
The following sensors/signal sources can be connected over
2 their universal input module:
• Resistance thermometer (2, 3, 4-wire connection)
• Thermocouples
• Resistance-based sensors and DC voltage sources
The output signal is a direct current from 4 to 20 mA in accor-
dance with the sensor characteristic, superimposed by the dig-
ital HART signal.
Transmitters of the "intrinsically safe" type of protection can be in-
stalled within potentially explosive atmospheres. The devices
meet the directive 2014/34/EU (ATEX).
■ Function
The SITRANS TR300 is configured over HART. This can be done
using a handheld communicator or even more conveniently with
a HART modem and the SIMATIC PDM parameterization soft-
Robust and durable HART - the universal SITRANS TR300 ware. The configuration data are then permanently stored in the
transmitter non-volatile memory (EEPROM).
• 2-wire device for 4 to 20 mA, HART Once the sensors and power supply have been correctly con-
• Device for rail mounting nected, the transmitter outputs a temperature-linear output sig-
• Universal input for virtually any type of temperature sensor nal and the diagnostics LED displays a green light. In the case
of a sensor break, the LED flashes red, an internal device fault is
• Configurable over HART indicated by a steady red light.
■ Benefits The test socket can be used to connect an ammeter at any time
for monitoring purposes and plausibility checks. The output cur-
• Compact design rent can be read without any interruption, or even without open-
• Galvanic isolation ing the current loop.
• Test sockets for multimeters
• Diagnostics LED (green/red)
• Sensor monitoring
open circuits and short-circuits
• Self-monitoring
• Configuration status stored in EEPROM
• Expanded diagnostic functions, such as slave pointer, operat-
ing hours counter, etc.
• Special characteristic
• Electromagnetic compatibility to EN 61326 and NE21
• SIL2 (with order note C20), SIL2/3 (with C23)
TC/RTD 2 3
µC1 µC2 4 ... 20 mA Uaux, Iout
5 6
1 Sensor such as resistance thermometer, 4 Electrical isolation Uaux Auxiliary power supply
thermocouple, resistance-based, 5 Microcontroller, primary circuit Iout Output current
sensor, mV sensor 6 Digital-analog converter Test Test terminals for temporary
2 Analog-digital converter 7 LED connection of an amperemeter
3 Microcontroller, secondary circuit
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR300 (4 to 20 mA, HART, universal)
■ Technical specifications
Input Thermocouples
Resistance thermometer Measured variable Temperature
Measured variable Temperature Sensor type (thermocouples)
Sensor type • Type B Pt30Rh-Pt6Rh acc. to IEC 584 2
• According to IEC 60751 Pt25 … Pt1000 • Type C W5%-Re acc. to ASTM 988
• Acc. to JIS C 1604; a=0.00392 K-1 Pt25 … Pt1000 • Type D W3%-Re acc. to ASTM 988
• According to IEC 60751 Ni25 … Ni1000 • Type E NiCr-CuNi acc. to IEC 584
• Special type Via special characteristic (max. 30 • Type J Fe-CuNi acc. to IEC 584
points) • Type K NiCr-Ni acc. to IEC 584
• Type L Fe-CuNi acc. to DIN 43710
Sensor factor 0.25 ... 10 (adaptation of the basic
type, e.g. Pt100 to version Pt25 ... • Type N NiCrSi-NiSi acc. to IEC 584
1000) • Type R Pt13Rh-Pt acc. to IEC 584
• Type S Pt10Rh-Pt acc. to IEC 584
Units °C or °F
• Type T Cu-CuNi acc. to IEC 584
Connection • Type U Cu-CuNi acc. to DIN 43710
• Standard connection 1 resistance thermometer (RTD) in 2-
wire, 3-wire or 4-wire connection Units °C or °F
• Averaging 2 identical resistance thermometers Connection
in 2-wire connection for generation of • Standard connection 1 thermocouple (TC)
average temperature
• Averaging 2 thermocouples (TC)
• Differentiation 2 identical resistance thermometers
• Differentiation 2 thermocouples (TC) (TC1 – TC2 or
(RTD) in 2-wire connection (RTD 1 –
TC2 – TC1)
RTD 2 or RTD 2 – RTD 1)
Response time T63 250 ms for 1 sensor with break
• 2-wire connection Line resistance can be configured
100 (loop resistance) Break monitoring Can be switched off
• 3-wire connection No trim necessary Reference junction compensation
• 4-wire connection No trim necessary • Internal With integrated Pt100 resistance ther-
Sensor current 0.45 mA mometer
• External With external Pt100 IEC 60751 (2-wire
Response time T63 250 ms for 1 sensor with break or 3-wire connection)
• External fixed Reference junction temperature can
Break monitoring Always active (cannot be switched off) be set as fixed value
Short-circuit monitoring Can be switched on/off (default value: Measuring range Assignable (see "Digital measuring
ON) error" table)
Measuring range Assignable (see "Digital measuring Min. measuring span Min. 40 ... 100 °C (72 ... 180 °F) (see
error" table) "Digital measuring error" table)
Min. measuring span 10 °C (18 °F) Characteristic curve Temperature-linear or special charac-
Characteristic curve Temperature-linear or special charac-
teristic mV sensor
Resistance-based sensor Measured variable DC voltage
Measured variable Actual resistance Sensor type DC voltage source (DC voltage
source possible over an externally
Sensor type Resistance-based, potentiometers connected resistor)
Units Units mV
Connection Response time T63 250 ms for 1 sensor with break
• Standard connection 1 resistance-based sensor (R) in 2- monitoring
wire, 3-wire or 4-wire connection
Break monitoring Can be switched off
• Averaging 2 resistance-based sensors in 2-wire
connection for averaging Measuring range Assignable max. -100 … 1100 mV
• Differentiation 2 resistance thermometers in 2-wire
Min. measuring span 2 mV or 20 mV
(R1 – R2 or R2 – R1) Overload capability of the input -1.5 ... +3.5 V DC
Connection Input resistance 1 M
• 2-wire connection Line resistance can be configured
Characteristic curve Voltage-linear or special characteris-
100 (loop resistance)
• 3-wire connection No trim necessary
• 4-wire connection No trim necessary
Sensor current 0.45 mA
Response time T63 250 ms for 1 sensor with break
Break monitoring Always active (cannot be switched off)
Short-circuit monitoring Can be switched on/off (default value:
Measuring range Assignable max. 0 ... 2200 (see
"Digital measuring error" table)
Min. measuring span 5 ... 25 (see "Digital measuring
error" table)
Characteristic curve Resistance-linear or special charac-
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR300 (4 to 20 mA, HART, universal)
Output Factory setting:
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA, 2-wire with communica- • Pt100 (IEC 751); 3-wire connection
tion acc. to HART Rev. 5.9 • Measuring range: 0 ... 100 °C (32 ... 212 °F)
Auxiliary power 11 ... 35 V DC (to 30 V with Ex i/ic; to • Fault current: 22.8 mA
32 V with Ex nA)
• Sensor offset: 0 °C (0 °F)
2 Max. load (Uaux – 11 V)/0.023 A
• Damping 0.0 s
Overrange 3.6 ... 23 mA, infinitely adjustable
(default range: 3.84 mA ... 20.5 mA)
Error signal (e.g. following sensor 3.6 ... 23 mA, infinitely adjustable
fault) (conforming to NE43) (default value: 22.8 mA)
Sample cycle 0.25 s nominal
Damping Software filter 1st order 0 ... 30 s
Protection Against reverse polarity
Galvanic isolation Input against output 2.12 kV DC
(1.5 kVrms AC)
Measuring accuracy
Digital measuring error See "Digital measuring error" table
Reference conditions
• Auxiliary power 24 V ± 1 %
• Load 500
• Ambient temperature 23 °C
• Warming-up time > 5 min
Error in the analog output (digital/ana- < 0.025 % of measuring span
log converter)
Error due to internal reference junction < 0.5 °C (0.9 °F)
Effect of ambient temperature
• Analog measuring error of measur- < 0.02% of max. meas. span/10 °C
ing span (18 °F)
• Digital measuring error 0.06 °C (0.11 °F)/10 °C (18 °F)
- With resistance thermometers 0.6 °C (1.1 °F)/10°C (18 °F)
- With thermocouples
Auxiliary power effect < 0.001 % of meas. span/V
Effect of load impedance < 0.002 % of meas. span/100
Long-term drift
• In the first month < 0.02 % of measuring span
• After one year < 0.2 % of measuring span
• After 5 years < 0.3 % of measuring span
Rated conditions
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
Storage temperature -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
Relative humidity < 98 %, with condensation
Electromagnetic compatibility According to EN 61326 and NE21
Material Plastic, electronic module potted
Weight 122 g
Dimensions See "Dimensional drawings"
Cross-section of cables Max. 2.5 mm² (AWG 13)
Degree of protection according to
IEC 60529
• Enclosure IP20
Certificates and approvals
Explosion protection ATEX
EC type-examination certificate PTB 07 ATEX 2032X
• "Intrinsic safety" type of protection II 2(1) G Ex ia/ib IIC T6/T4
II 3(1) G Ex ia/ic IIC T6/T4
II 3 G Ex ic IIC T6/T4
II 2(1) D Ex iaD/ibD 20/21 T115 °C
• "Non-sparking equipment" type of II 3 G Ex nA IIC T6/T4
Other certificates EAC Ex(GOST) and NEPSI
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR300 (4 to 20 mA, HART, universal)
Digital measuring error
Resistance thermometer Thermocouples
Input Measuring range Minimum Digital accuracy Input Measuring range Minimum Digital accuracy
measuring span measuring span
According to IEC
°C (°F) °C (°F) °C (°F)
Type B
°C (°F)
100 ... 1820
60751 (212 ... 3308)
Pt25 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.3 (0.54) Type C (W5) 0 ... 2300 100 (180) 2 (3.6)
(-328 ... +1562) (32 ... 4172)
Pt50 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type D (W3) 0 ... 2300 100 (180) 12) (1.8)2)
(-328 ... +1562) (32 ... 4172)
Pt100 ... Pt200 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.1 (0.18) Type E -200 ... +1000 50 (90) 1 (1.8)
(-328 ... +1562) (-328 ... +1832)
Pt500 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type J -200 ... +1200 50 (90) 1 (1.8)
(-328 ... +1562) (-328 ... +2192)
Pt1000 -200 ... +350 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type K -200 ... +1370 50 (90) 1 (1.8)
(-328 ... +662) (-328 ... +2498)
According to JIS Type L -200 ... +900 50 (90) 1 (1.8)
C1604-81 (-328 ... +1652)
Pt25 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.3 (0.54) Type N -200 ... +1300 50 (90) 1 (1.8)
(-328 ... +1200) (-328 ... +2372)
Pt50 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type R -50 ... +1760 100 (180) 2 (3.6)
(-328 ... +1200) (-58 ... +3200)
Pt100 ... Pt200 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.1 (0.18) Type S -50 ... +1760 100 (180) 2 (3.6)
(-328 ... +1200) (-58 ... +3200)
Pt500 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type T -200 ... +400 40 (72) 1 (1.8)
(-328 ... +1200) (-328 ... +752)
Pt1000 -200 ... +350 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type U -200 ... +600 50 (90) 2 (3.6)
(-328 ... +662) (-328 ... +1112)
Ni 25 ... Ni1000 -60 ... +250 10 (18) 0.1 (0.18) 1)
The digital accuracy in the range 100 to 300 °C (212 to 572 °F) is 3 °C
(-76 ... +482) (5.4 °F).
Resistance-based sensor The digital accuracy in the range 1750 to 2300 °C (3182 to 4172 °F) is 2 °C
(3.6 °F).
Input Measuring Minimum Digital accuracy mV sensor
range measuring span
Input Measuring Minimum Digital accuracy
range measuring span
Resistance 0 ... 390 5 0.05
mV mV V
Resistance 0 ... 2200 25 0.25
mV sensor -10 ... +70 2 40
mV sensor -100 ... +1100 20 400
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR300 (4 to 20 mA, HART, universal)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR300 (4 to 20 mA, HART, universal)
1 2 3 4
TEST 4..20mA
5 6 7 8
Made in Croatia
+ + +
8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5
8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5
4 3 2 1
S2 S1
+ + S2
+ -
8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 TEST +UB -
Connection Plan 1 (+) and 2 (-) Test terminals (Test) for measurement of the output
s current with a multimeter
3 (+) and 4 (-) Power supply Uaux, Output current Iout
5, 6, 7 and 8 Sensor connection, see schematics
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR300 (4 to 20 mA, HART, universal)
5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8
- +
2-wire system 1) 2-wire system 1) Cold junction compensation
internal/fixed value
5 6 7 8
5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8
- +
5 6 7 8
5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8
- +
4-wire system 4-wire system Cold junction compensation with
external Pt100 in 3-wire system
5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8
R2 5 6 7 8
- + - +
Generation of average Generation of average Generation of average value / difference
value/difference 1) value/difference 1) with internal cold junction compensation
Programmable line resistance for the purpose of correction.
+ A -
+ -
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8
- + R
U - +
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR320 (HART, universal)
■ Overview ■ Application
SITRANS TR320 transmitters can be used in all sectors. Their
compact design enables simple mounting on standard DIN rails
on-site in protective boxes or in control cabinets. The following
sensors/signal sources can be connected over their universal in-
put module: 2
• Resistance thermometer (2-wire, 3-wire, 4-wire connection)
• Thermocouples
• Linear resistance, potentiometer and DC voltage sources
With HART communication interface:
• The output signal is a load-independent direct current from 4
to 20 mA in accordance with the input characteristic, superim-
posed by the digital HART signal.
Transmitters of the "intrinsically safe or Zone 2 increased safety"
type of protection can be installed in hazardous areas. The de-
vice meets the requirements of the EU Directive 2014/34/EU
(ATEX), the FM and CSA regulations as well as other national ap-
• 2-wire rail transmitter with and without HART communications
• Enclosure for rail mounting
• Universal input for virtually any type of temperature sensor
• Can be configured via PC, HART 7 or optional local operation
■ Benefits
• Compact design
• Galvanic isolation
• Test terminals for ammeter
• Diagnostics LED (green/red)
• Input monitoring
Wire break and short-circuit
• Self-monitoring
• Configuration status stored in EEPROM
• Expanded diagnostic functions, such as slave pointer, operat-
ing hours counter, etc.
• Special characteristic
• Electromagnetic compatibility according to DIN EN 61326
and NE21
• SIL2/3 (with order note C20)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR320 (HART, universal)
■ Function
Without HART communications interface
For the SITRANS TR320 without HART functionality, parameters
are assigned with the PC. Available for this purpose are a spe-
2 cial modem and the software tool SIPROM T.
With HART communications interface
• The SITRANS TR320 is configured via HART. The configura- nostics LED is green. In case of external errors, e.g. sensor short
tion can be carried out using a handheld communicator or, circuit or interruption, the LED flashes red; an internal error is in-
more conveniently, with a HART modem and the SIMATIC dicated by a permanent red light.
PDM configuration software. The configuration data are then
permanently stored in the non-volatile memory (EEPROM). An ammeter can be connected at any time for checking and
plausibility via the test terminals. The output current can be read
After correct connection of input and supply voltage, the trans- without any interruption, or even without opening the current
mitter outputs a temperature-linear output signal and the diag- loop.
μC1 μC2 4 ... 20 mA U, Iout
1 -2
Input Output
A/D Analog-digital converter μC2 Microcontroller, primary circuit
μC1 Microcontroller, secondary circuit D/A Digital-analog converter
U Supply Voltage
Iout Output current
1 Galvanic isolation 2 LED
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR320 (HART, universal)
■ Technical specifications
General Thermocouples (TC)
Supply voltage1) 2) Input type
• Without explosion protection (non- 7.5 ... 48 V DC •B IEC 60584-1
• with explosion protection (Ex i) 7.5 ... 30 V DC
IEC 60584-1
IEC 60584-1
Additional minimum supply voltage 0.8 V •K IEC 60584-1
when using test terminals •L DIN 43710
Maximum power loss 850 mW • Lr GOST 3044-84
•N IEC 60584-1
Minimum load resistance at supply (Vsupply - 37 V)/23 mA
•R IEC 60584-1
voltage > 37 V
•S IEC 60584-1
Insulation voltage, test/operation •T IEC 60584-1
• Without explosion protection (non- 2.5 kV AC/55 V AC •U DIN 43710
• W3 ASTM E988-96
• with explosion protection (Ex i) 2.5 kV AC/42 V AC
• W5 ASTM E988-96
Polarity protection All inputs and outputs • LR GOST 3044-84
Write protection Open circuits or software Cold junction compensation (CJC) Constant, internal or external over
Pt100 or Ni100 RTD
Warming-up time < 5 min
• Temperature range internal CJC -50 ... +100 °C (-58 ... +212 °F)
Starting time < 2.75 s • Connection external CJC 2-wire or 3-wire
Programming HART • External CJC, line resistance per 50
wire (for 3-wire and 4-wire connec-
Signal-to-noise ratio > 60 dB tions)
Long-term stability Better than: • Effect of the line resistance (with 3- < 0.002 /
• ± 0.05% of measuring span/year wire and 4-wire connections)
• ± 0.18% of measuring span/5 years • Input current external CJC < 0.15 mA
Response time 4 ... 20 mA: 55 ms • Temperature range external CJC -50 ... +135 °C (-58 ... +275 °F)
• Cable, wire-wire capacity Max. 50 nF
HART: 75 ms (typically 70 ms)
• Total line resistance Max. 10 k
Programmable damping 0 ... 60 s • Fault detection, programmable None, short-circuited, defective,
Signal dynamic short-circuited or defective
• Input 24 bit Note
• Output 18 bit The short-circuited fault detection
only applies to the CJC input.
Influence of change in supply voltage < 0.005% of measuring span/V DC
• Fault detection time (TC) 75 ms (typically 70 ms)
Input • Fault detection time, external CJC 2 000 ms
Resistance thermometer (RTD) (for 3-wire and 4-wire)
Fault detection, programmable None, short-circuited, defective, Type of connection 3-wire or 4-wire
short-circuited or defective Line resistance per wire Max. 50
Input current < 0.15 mA
When the low limit for the configured
input type is below the constant Effect of the line resistance (with 4- < 0.002 /
detection limit for short-circuited wire and 5-wire connections)
inputs, the detection of short circuits Cable, wire-wire capacity
is disabled regardless of the configu-
ration of the fault detection. • R > 400 Max. 30 nF
• R 400 Max. 50 nF
Detection limit for short-circuited input 15
Fault detection time (RTD) 75 ms (typically 70 ms)
Fault detection time (for 3-wire and 4- 2 000 ms
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR320 (HART, universal)
Fault detection, programmable None, short-circuited, defective, Design
short-circuited or defective
Weight 122 g (0.27 lb)
Maximum core cross-section 2.5 mm² (AWG 13)
When the configured potentiometer
size is below the constant detection Tightening torque for clamping 0.5 ... 0.6 Nm
limit for short-circuited inputs, the screws
2 detection of short circuits is disabled
regardless of the configuration of the Vibrations IEC 60068-2-6
fault detection. • 2 ... 25 Hz ± 1.6 mm (0.07 inch)
• 25 ... 100 Hz ±4g
Detection limit for short-circuited input 15
Certificates and approvals
Fault detection time, wiper arm 75 ms (typically 70 ms)
(no short-circuit detection) Explosion protection ATEX/IECEx and
Fault detection time, element 2 000 ms
Certificates3) DEKRA 17ATEX0116 X
Fault detection time (for 4-wire and 5- 2 000 ms
wire) IECEx DEK 17.0054X
Voltage input A5E43700604A-2018X
Measuring range "Intrinsic safety ia/ib" type of protec- For use in Zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22
• Unipolar -100 ... 1700 mV
• ATEX II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6 ... T4 Ga
• Bipolar -800 ... +800 mV II 2(1) G Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6 ... T4
Minimum measuring span 2.5 mV Gb
II 1 D Ex ia IIIC Da
Input resistance 10 M I M1 Ex ia I Ma
Cable, wire-wire capacity • IECEx and others Ex ia IIC T6 ... T4 Ga
• Input range: -100 ... 1700 mV Max. 30 nF Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6 ... T4 Gb
Ex ia IIIC Da
• Input range: -20 ... 100 mV Max. 50 nF Ex ia I Ma
Fault detection, programmable None, defective "Intrinsic safety ic" type of protection For use in Zones 2 and 22
Fault detection time 75 ms (typically 70 ms) • ATEX II 2 G Ex ic IIC T6…T4 Gc
II 2 D Ex ic IIIC Dc
Output and HART communication
• IECEx and others Ex ic IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
Normal range, programmable 3.8 ... 20.5 mA/20.5 ... 3.8 mA Ex ic IIIC Dc
Extended range (output limits), pro- 3.5 ... 23 mA/23 ... 3.5 mA "Non-sparking/increased safety For use in Zones 2 and 22
grammable nA/ec" type of protection
Programmable input/output limits • ATEX II 2 G Ex nA IIC T6…T4 Gc
II 2 G Ex ec IIC T6…T4 Gc
• Fault current Enable/disable
• IECEx and others Ex nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
• Fault current setting 3.5 ... 23 mA
Ex ec IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
Update time 10 ms
Explosion protection CSA/FM for Can-
Load (with current output) (VSupply - 7.5)/0.023 ada and USA
Load stability < 0.01% of meas. span/100 Certificates CSA 1861385
(measuring span = currently selected FM18CA0024
range) FM18US0046
Input fault detection, programmable 3.5 ... 23 mA "Intrinsic safety ia" type of protection IS, CL I, Div 1, GP ABCD, T6 ... T4
(detection of input short circuits is
Ex ia IIC T6 … T4 Ga
ignored with TC and voltage inputs)
AEx ia IIC T6 … T4 Ga or:
NAMUR NE43 Upscale > 21 mA Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6…T4 Gb
NAMUR NE43 Downscale < 3.6 mA AEx ib [ia Ga] IIC T6…T4 Gb
HART protocol versions HART 7 "Non incendive field wiring NIFW" type NIFW, CL I, Div 2, GP ABCD T6 ... T4
of protection
Measuring accuracy
"Non incendive NI" type of protection NI, CL I, Div 2, GP ABCD T6...T4
Input accuracy See "Input accuracy" table Ex nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
AEx nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
Output accuracy See "Output accuracy" table
Rated conditions Note that the minimum supply voltage must correspond to the value
measured at the terminals of the SITRANS TR320.
Ambient temperature -50 ... +85 °C (-58 ... +185 °F) All external voltage drops must be taken into consideration.
Ambient temperature for devices with -40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F) 2)Protect the device from overvoltage with the help of a suitable power
functional safety supply or suitable overvoltage protection equipment.
Storage temperature -50 ... +85 °C (-58 ... +185 °F) 3) Additional available certificates are listed on the Internet at
Reference temperature for sensor cal- 24 °C ±1.0 °C (75.2 °F ±1.8 °F)
Relative humidity < 99% (no condensation)
Degree of protection
• Transmitter enclosure IP20
• Terminals IP20
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR320 (HART, universal)
Measuring ranges/Minimum measuring span
Input type Standard Measuring range in °C (°F) 0 in °C-1 (°F-1) Minimum measuring span in °C
Pt10 ... 10000 IEC 60751
JIS C 1604-8
-200 ... +850 (-328 ... +1 562)
-200 ... +649 (-328 ... +1 200)
0.003851 (0.002139)
0.003916 (0.002176)
10 (50)
10 (50)
GOST 6651_2009 -200 ... +850 (-328 ... +1 562) 0.003910 (0.002172) 10 (50)
Callendar-Van Dusen -200 ... +850 (-328 ... +1 562) - 10 (50)
Ni10 ... 10000 DIN 43760-1987 -60 ... +250 (-76 ... +482) 0.006180 (0.003433) 10 (50)
GOST 6651- -60 ... +180 (-76 ... +356) 0.006170 (0.003428) 10 (50)
2009/OIML R84:2003
Cu5 ... 1000 Edison Copper Winding -200 ... +260 (-328 ... +500) 0.004270 (0.002372) 100 (212)
No. 15
GOST 6651-2009/OIML -180 ... +200 (-292 ... +392) 0.004280 (0.002378) 100 (212)
GOST 6651-94 -50 ... +200 (-58 ... +392) 0.004260 (0.002367) 100 (212)
Input type Standard Measuring range in °C (°F) Minimum measuring span in °C (°F)
B IEC 60584-1 0 (85) ... 1 820 (32 (185) ... 3 308) 100 (212)
E IEC 60584-1 -200 ... +1 000 (-392 ... +1 832) 50 (122)
J IEC 60584-1 -100 ... +1 200 (-212 ... +2 192) 50 (122)
K IEC 60584-1 -180 ... +1 372 (-356 ... +2 502) 50 (122)
L DIN 43710 -200 ... +900 (-392 ... +1 652) 50 (122)
Lr GOST 3044-84 -200 ... +800 (-392 ... +1 472) 50 (122)
N IEC 60584-1 -180 ... +1 300 (-356 ... +2 372) 50 (122)
R IEC 60584-1 -50 ... +1 760 (-122 ... +3 200) 100 (212)
S IEC 60584-1 -50 ... +1 760 (-122 ... +3 200) 100 (212)
T IEC 60584-1 -200 ... +400 (-392 ... +752) 50 (122)
U DIN 43710 -200 ... +600 (-392 ... +1 112) 50 (122)
W3 ASTM E988-96 0 ... 2 300 (32 ... 4 172) 100 (212)
W5 ASTM E988-96 0 ... 2 300 (32 ... 4 172) 100 (212)
LR GOST 3044-84 -200 ... +800 (-392 ... +1472) 50 (122)
Input accuracy
Basic values
Input type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient1)
Pt10 ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt20 ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt50 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt100 ±0.04 °C (0.072 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt200 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt500 Tmax. < 180 °C (356 °F) = ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Tmax. > 180 °C (356 °F) = ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F)
Pt1000 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt2000 Tmax. < 300 °C (572 °F) = ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Tmax. > 300 °C (572 °F) = ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F)
Pt10000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
Ni10 ±1.6 °C (2.88 °F) ±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni20 ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni50 ±0.32 °C (0.576 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni100 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni120 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni200 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni500 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni1000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR320 (HART, universal)
Input type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient1)
Ni2000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni10000 ±0.32 °C (0.576 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
2 Cu5
±1.6 °C (2.88 °F)
±0.8 °C (1.44 °F)
±0.040 °C/°C (°F/°F)
±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu20 ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu50 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu100 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu200 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu500 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu1000 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
Linear resistance
0 ... 400 ±40 m ±2 m/°C (1.11 m/°F)
0 ... 100 k ±4 ±0.2 /°C (0.11 /°F)
0 ... 100% < 0.05% < ± 0.005%
Voltage input
mV: -20 ... 100 mV ±5 V ±0.2 V/°C (0.11 V/°F)
mV: -100 ... 1700 mV ±0.1 mV ±36 V/°C (20 V/°F)
mV: ± 800 mV ±0.1 mV ±32 V/°C (17.8 V/°F)
E ±0.2 °C (0.36 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
J ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
K ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
L ±0.35 °C (0.63 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
N ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
T ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
U < 0 °C (32 °F) ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
0 °C (32 °F) ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F)
Lr ±0.2 °C (0.36 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
R < 200 °C (392 °F) ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
200 °C (392 °F) ±1 °C (1.8 °F)
S < 200 °C (392 °F) ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
200 °C (392 °F) ±1 °C (1.8 °F)
W3 ±0.6 °C (1.08 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
W5 ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B2) ±1 °C (1.8 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B3) ±3 °C (5.4 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B4) ±8 °C (14.4 °F) ±0.8 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B5) Not specified Not specified
CJC (internal) < ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) Included in basic accuracy
CJC (external) ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
1) Temperature coefficients correspond to the specified values or 0.002% of Output accuracy
the input span, depending on which value is greater.
2) Accuracy of the specification range > 400 °C (752 °F) Output type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient
3) Accuracy of the specification range > 160 °C (320 °F) < 400 °C (752 °F) Analog output ±1.6 A (0.01% of the full ±0.48 A/K ( ±0.003% of
4) Accuracy of the specification range > 85 °C (185 °F) < 160 °C (320 °F) output span) the full output span/K)
5) Accuracy of the specification range < 85 °C (185 °F)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR320 (HART, universal)
Type of protection Cu x (ECW-15), 4-wire, define RTD factor x in option Y21 V77
General safety (non-Ex); A Cu x (GOST 6651-94), 3-wire, define RTD factor x in V79
CE, RCM, FM, KCC, EAC option Y21
Intrinsic safety (Ex i) / Non-incendive field wiring N Cu x (GOST 6651-94), 4-wire, define RTD factor x in V80
(NIFW) / Increased safety zone 2 (Ex ec) / Non option Y21
incendive (NI) (ATEX, IECEx, EACEx, CSA, FM, Cu x (GOST 6651-2009), 3-wire, define RTD factor x in V82
NEPSI, Inmetro) option Y21
Electrical connection/cable entry Cu x (GOST 6651-2009), 4-wire, define RTD factor x in V83
Without A option Y21
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR320 (HART, universal)
Article No.
■ Dimensional drawings
Additional accessories for assem-
bly, connection and transmitter con-
figuration, see page 2/251.
2 Modems
Modem with USB interface 7MF4997-1DB
Modem with USB interface and 7NG3092-8KN
SIPROM T software
SIMATIC PDM parameterization See Catalog FI 01 section 8 99
software (3.9)
Ordering example
7NG0320-0BA00-0AA0-Z Y01
Y01: -10 ... +100 °C
Factory setting
• Pt100 (IEC 751); 3-wire connection
• Measuring range: 0 ... 100 °C (32 ... 212 °F)
• Fault current
- Device error: < 3.6 mA
- Input circuit wire break: 22.8 mA
- Input circuit short circuit: 22.4 mA
- Input monitoring wire break and short-circuit
• No trimming of input and output (offset)
• Damping 0.0 s
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR320 (HART, universal)
■ Circuit diagrams
Connections Output and test connection
U -
+ A - +
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8
3 4
+ +
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR420 (HART, universal)
■ Overview ■ Application
SITRANS TR420 transmitters with two inputs can be used in all
sectors. Their compact design enables simple mounting on
standard DIN rails on-site in protective boxes or in control cabi-
nets. The following sensors/signal sources can be connected
2 over their universal input module:
• 2 resistance thermometers (2-wire, 3-wire, 4-wire connection)
• 2 thermocouples
• 2 linear resistors, potentiometer and DC voltage sources
The output signal is a load-independent direct current from 4 to
20 mA in accordance with the input characteristic, superim-
posed by the digital HART signal.
The dual input mode also supports drift detection of the inputs,
whereby maintenance intervals can be more easily planned.
Transmitters of the "intrinsically safe or Zone 2 increased safety"
type of protection can be installed in hazardous areas. The de-
vice meets the requirements of the EU Directive 2014/34/EU
(ATEX), the FM and CSA regulations as well as other national ap-
• 2-wire rail transmitter with HART communications interface provals.
• Device for rail mounting
• Universal input for virtually any type of temperature sensor
• Connection of two independent input circuits for redundant
operation (high input availability)
• Input drift detection
• Configurable via HART 7
■ Benefits
• Compact design
• Connection of two independent input circuits for redundant
operation (high input availability)
• Galvanic isolation
• Test terminals for ammeter
• Diagnostics LED (green/red)
• Input monitoring
Wire break and short-circuit
• Self-monitoring
• Configuration status stored in EEPROM
• Expanded diagnostic functions, such as slave pointer, operat-
ing hours counter, etc.
• Special characteristic
• Electromagnetic compatibility according to DIN EN 61326
and NE21
• SIL2/3 (with order note C20)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR420 (HART, universal)
■ Function
The SITRANS TR420 is configured via HART. The configuration After correct connection of input and supply voltage, the trans-
can be carried out using a handheld communicator or, more mitter outputs a temperature-linear output signal and the diag-
conveniently, with a HART modem and the SIMATIC PDM config- nostics LED is green. In case of external errors, e.g. sensor short
uration software. The configuration data are then permanently circuit or interruption, the LED flashes red; an internal error is in-
stored in the non-volatile memory (EEPROM). dicated by a permanent red light. 2
An ammeter can be connected at any time for checking and
plausibility via the test terminals. The output current can be read
without any interruption, or even without opening the current
μC1 μC2 4 ... 20 mA U, Iout
1 -2
Input Output
A/D Analog-digital converter μC2 Microcontroller, primary circuit
μC1 Microcontroller, secondary circuit D/A Digital-analog converter
U Supply Voltage
Iout Output current
1 Galvanic isolation 2 LED
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR420 (HART, universal)
■ Technical specifications
General Thermocouples (TC)
Supply voltage1) 2) Input type
• Without explosion protection (non- 7.5 ... 48 V DC •B IEC 60584-1
2 Ex)
• with explosion protection (Ex i) 7.5 ... 30 V DC
IEC 60584-1
IEC 60584-1
Additional minimum supply voltage 0.8 V •K IEC 60584-1
when using test terminals •L DIN 43710
Maximum power loss 850 mW • Lr GOST 3044-84
•N IEC 60584-1
Minimum load resistance at supply (Vsupply - 37 V)/23 mA
•R IEC 60584-1
voltage > 37 V
•S IEC 60584-1
Insulation voltage, test/operation •T IEC 60584-1
• Without explosion protection (non- 2.5 kV AC/55 V AC •U DIN 43710
• W3 ASTM E988-96
• with explosion protection (Ex i) 2.5 kV AC/42 V AC
• W5 ASTM E988-96
Polarity protection All inputs and outputs • LR GOST 3044-84
Write protection Open circuits or software Cold junction compensation (CJC) Constant, internal or external over
Pt100 or Ni100 RTD
Warming-up time < 5 min
• Temperature range internal CJC -50 ... +100 °C (-58 ... +212 °F)
Starting time < 2.75 s • Connection external CJC 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire
Programming SIPROM T and HART • External CJC, line resistance per 50
wire (for 3-wire and 4-wire connec-
Signal-to-noise ratio > 60 dB tions)
Long-term stability Better than: • Effect of the line resistance (with 3- < 0.002 /
• ± 0.05% of measuring span/year wire and 4-wire connections)
• ± 0.18% of measuring span/5 years • Input current external CJC < 0.15 mA
Response time 75 ms (typically 70 ms) • Temperature range external CJC -50 ... +135 °C (-58 ... +275 °F)
• Cable, wire-wire capacity Max. 50 nF
Programmable damping 0 ... 60 s
• Total line resistance Max. 10 k
Signal dynamic • Fault detection, programmable None, short-circuited, defective,
• Input 24 bit short-circuited or defective
• Output 18 bit Note
Influence of change in supply voltage < 0.005% of measuring span/V DC The short-circuited fault detection
only applies to the CJC input.
Input • Fault detection time (TC) 75 ms (typically 70 ms)
Resistance thermometer (RTD) • Fault detection time, external CJC 2 000 ms
(for 3-wire and 4-wire)
Input type
• Pt10 ... 10000 • IEC 60751 Linear resistance
• JIS C 1604-8 Input range 0 ... 100 k
• GOST 6651_2009
• Callendar-Van Dusen Minimum measuring span 25
• Ni10 ... 10000 • DIN 43760-1987
Type of connection 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire
• GOST 6651-2009/OIML R84:2003
• Cu5 ... 1000 • Edison Copper Winding No. 15 Line resistance per wire Max. 50
• GOST 6651-2009/OIML R84:2003
Input current < 0.15 mA
Type of connection 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire
Effect of the line resistance (with 3- < 0.002 /
Line resistance per wire Max. 50 wire and 4-wire connections)
Input current < 0.15 mA Cable, wire-wire capacity
• R > 400 Max. 30 nF
Effect of the line resistance < 0.002 /
(with 3-wire and 4-wire connections) • R 400 Max. 50 nF
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR420 (HART, universal)
Fault detection, programmable None, short-circuited, defective, Design
short-circuited or defective
Weight 122 g (0.27 lb)
Maximum core cross-section 2.5 mm² (AWG 13)
When the configured potentiometer
size is below the constant detection Tightening torque for clamping 0.5 ... 0.6 Nm
limit for short-circuited inputs, the screws
detection of short circuits is disabled
regardless of the configuration of the Vibrations IEC 60068-2-6 2
fault detection. • 2 ... 25 Hz ± 1.6 mm (0.07 inch)
• 25 ... 100 Hz ±4g
Detection limit for short-circuited input 15
Certificates and approvals
Fault detection time, wiper arm 75 ms (typically 70 ms)
(no short-circuit detection) Explosion protection ATEX/IECEx and
Fault detection time, element 2 000 ms
Certificates3) DEKRA 17ATEX0116 X
Fault detection time (for 4-wire and 5- 2 000 ms
wire) IECEx DEK 17.0054X
Voltage input A5E43700604A-2018X
Measuring range "Intrinsic safety ia/ib" type of protec- For use in Zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22
• Unipolar -100 ... 1700 mV
• ATEX II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6 ... T4 Ga
• Bipolar -800 ... +800 mV II 2(1) G Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6 ... T4
Minimum measuring span 2.5 mV Gb
II 1 D Ex ia IIIC Da
Input resistance 10 M I M1 Ex ia I Ma
Cable, wire-wire capacity • IECEx and others Ex ia IIC T6 ... T4 Ga
• Input range: -100 ... 1700 mV Max. 30 nF Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6 ... T4 Gb
Ex ia IIIC Da
• Input range: -20 ... 100 mV Max. 50 nF Ex ia I Ma
Fault detection, programmable None, defective "Intrinsic safety ic" type of protection For use in Zones 2 and 22
Fault detection time 75 ms (typically 70 ms) • ATEX II 2 G Ex ic IIC T6…T4 Gc
II 2 D Ex ic IIIC Dc
Output and HART communication
• IECEx and others Ex ic IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
Normal range, programmable 3.8 ... 20.5 mA/20.5 ... 3.8 mA Ex ic IIIC Dc
Extended range (output limits), pro- 3.5 ... 23 mA/23 ... 3.5 mA "Non-sparking/increased safety For use in Zones 2 and 22
grammable nA/ec" type of protection
Programmable input/output limits • ATEX II 2 G Ex nA IIC T6…T4 Gc
II 2 G Ex ec IIC T6…T4 Gc
• Fault current Enable/disable
• IECEx and others Ex nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
• Fault current setting 3.5 ... 23 mA
Ex ec IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
Update time 10 ms
Explosion protection CSA/FM for Can-
Load (with current output) (VSupply - 7.5)/0.023 ada and USA
Load stability < 0.01% of meas. span/100 Certificates CSA 1861385
(measuring span = currently selected FM18CA0024
range) FM18US0046
Input fault detection, programmable 3.5 ... 23 mA "Intrinsic safety ia" type of protection IS, CL I, Div 1, GP ABCD, T6 ... T4
(detection of input short circuits is
Ex ia IIC T6 … T4 Ga
ignored with TC and voltage inputs)
AEx ia IIC T6 … T4 Ga or:
NAMUR NE43 Upscale > 21 mA Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6…T4 Gb
NAMUR NE43 Downscale < 3.6 mA AEx ib [ia Ga] IIC T6…T4 Gb
HART protocol versions HART 7 "Non incendive field wiring NIFW" type NIFW, CL I, Div 2, GP ABCD T6 ... T4
of protection
Measuring accuracy
"Non incendive NI" type of protection NI, CL I, Div 2, GP ABCD T6...T4
Input accuracy See "Input accuracy" table Ex nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
AEx nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
Output accuracy See "Output accuracy" table
Rated conditions Note that the minimum supply voltage must correspond to the value mea-
sured at the terminals of the SITRANS TR420.
Ambient temperature -50 ... +85 °C (-58 ... +185 °F) All external voltage drops must be taken into consideration.
Ambient temperature for devices with -40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F) Protect the device from overvoltage with the help of a suitable power sup-
functional safety ply or suitable overvoltage protection equipment.
Storage temperature -50 ... +85 °C (-58 ... +185 °F) Additional available certificates are listed on the Internet at
Reference temperature for sensor cal- 24 °C ±1.0 °C (75.2 °F ±1.8 °F)
Relative humidity < 99% (no condensation)
Degree of protection
• Transmitter enclosure IP20
• Terminals IP20
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR420 (HART, universal)
Measuring ranges/Minimum measuring span
Input type Standard Measuring range in °C (°F) 0 in °C-1 (°F-1) Minimum measuring span in °C
Input type Standard Measuring range in °C (°F) Minimum measuring span in °C (°F)
B IEC 60584-1 0 (85) ... 1 820 (32 (185) ... 3 308) 100 (212)
E IEC 60584-1 -200 ... +1 000 (-392 ... +1 832) 50 (122)
J IEC 60584-1 -100 ... +1 200 (-212 ... +2 192) 50 (122)
K IEC 60584-1 -180 ... +1 372 (-356 ... +2 502) 50 (122)
L DIN 43710 -200 ... +900 (-392 ... +1 652) 50 (122)
Lr GOST 3044-84 -200 ... +800 (-392 ... +1 472) 50 (122)
N IEC 60584-1 -180 ... +1 300 (-356 ... +2 372) 50 (122)
R IEC 60584-1 -50 ... +1 760 (-122 ... +3 200) 100 (212)
S IEC 60584-1 -50 ... +1 760 (-122 ... +3 200) 100 (212)
T IEC 60584-1 -200 ... +400 (-392 ... +752) 50 (122)
U DIN 43710 -200 ... +600 (-392 ... +1 112) 50 (122)
W3 ASTM E988-96 0 ... 2 300 (32 ... 4 172) 100 (212)
W5 ASTM E988-96 0 ... 2 300 (32 ... 4 172) 100 (212)
LR GOST 3044-84 -200 ... +800 (-392 ... +1472) 50 (122)
Input accuracy
Basic values
Input type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient1)
Pt10 ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt20 ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt50 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt100 ±0.04 °C (0.072 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt200 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt500 Tmax. < 180 °C (356 °F) = ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Tmax. > 180 °C (356 °F) = ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F)
Pt1000 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt2000 Tmax. < 300 °C (572 °F) = ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Tmax. > 300 °C (572 °F) = ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F)
Pt10000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
Ni10 ±1.6 °C (2.88 °F) ±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni20 ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni50 ±0.32 °C (0.576 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni100 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni120 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni200 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni500 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni1000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR420 (HART, universal)
Input type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient1)
Ni2000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni10000 ±0.32 °C (0.576 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
±1.6 °C (2.88 °F)
±0.8 °C (1.44 °F)
±0.040 °C/°C (°F/°F)
±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu20 ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu50 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu100 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu200 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu500 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu1000 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
Linear resistance
0 ... 400 ±40 m ±2 m/°C (1.11 m/°F)
0 ... 100 k ±4 ±0.2 /°C (0.11 /°F)
0 ... 100% < 0.05% < ± 0.005%
Voltage input
mV: -20 ... 100 mV ±5 V ±0.2 V/°C (0.11 V/°F)
mV: -100 ... 1700 mV ±0.1 mV ±36 V/°C (20 V/°F)
mV: ± 800 mV ±0.1 mV ±32 V/°C (17.8 V/°F)
E ±0.2 °C (0.36 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
J ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
K ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
L ±0.35 °C (0.63 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
N ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
T ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
U < 0 °C (32 °F) ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
0 °C (32 °F) ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F)
Lr ±0.2 °C (0.36 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
R < 200 °C (392 °F) ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
200 °C (392 °F) ±1 °C (1.8 °F)
S < 200 °C (392 °F) ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
200 °C (392 °F) ±1 °C (1.8 °F)
W3 ±0.6 °C (1.08 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
W5 ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B2) ±1 °C (1.8 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B3) ±3 °C (5.4 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B4) ±8 °C (14.4 °F) ±0.8 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B5) Not specified Not specified
CJC (internal) < ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) Included in basic accuracy
CJC (external) ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
1) Temperature coefficients correspond to the specified values or 0.002% of Output accuracy
the input span, depending on which value is greater.
2) Accuracy of the specification range > 400 °C (752 °F) Output type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient
3) Accuracy of the specification range > 160 °C (320 °F) < 400 °C (752 °F) Average value Average of accuracy of Average of temperature
4) Accuracy of the specification range > 85 °C (185 °F) < 160 °C (320 °F) measurement input 1 and input 2 coefficient of input 1 and
5) input 2
Accuracy of the specification range < 85 °C (185 °F)
Differential mea- Sum of accuracy of input 1 Sum of temperature coeffi-
surement and input 2 cient of input 1 and input 2
Analog output ±1.6 A (0.01% of the full ±0.48 A/K ( ±0.003% of
output span) the full output span/K)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR420 (HART, universal)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR420 (HART, universal)
Options Order code Options Order code
Append "-Z" to Article No., add order code and, if appli- Append "-Z" to Article No., add order code and, if appli-
cable, free text. cable, free text.
Manufacturer declarations Device settings
Quality inspection certificate, 5-point factory calibration C11 Measuring range setting temperature input: Start of Y01
(IEC 60770-2) scale value (max. 5 characters), full scale value
(max. 5 characters), unit (°C, °F, °Ra, K)
Certificates for functional safety
Customer-specific programming in plain text (n-lines) Y09
Functional safety SIL2/3 (IEC 61508) C20
Long tag (device parameter, max. 32 characters), adhe- Y15
Device options sive label
PDF file with device settings D10 Measuring point description (device parameter, max. Y16
Without labeling of the measuring range on the TAG plate D41 32 characters), adhesive label
Jumper plug set on device for write protection D81 Input 1: RTD factor; e.g. factor "200" = Pt200, adhesive Y21
Jumper plug set on device for fault current > 21 mA D82
(instead of < 3.6 mA) (only non-SIL) Accessories
External CJC types
Article No.
Pt100, IEC 60751, 3-wire J02
Additional accessories for assem-
Pt100, IEC 60751, 4-wire J03 bly, connection and transmitter con-
Ni100, DIN 43760-87, 3-wire J05 figuration, see page 2/251.
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR420 (HART, universal)
■ Dimension drawings
■ Circuit diagrams
Connections Output and test connection
+ U -
+ A -
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Rail transmitters
SITRANS TR420 (HART, universal)
Input connection
5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8
3 4 4
+ +
9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12
3 4
I2 mV
+ +
5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8
3 4
I1 I1
9 10 11 12
9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12
3 4 3 4 3
I2 I2
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF - Transmitter, 2-wire system and SITRANS TF - Field indicator for 4 to 20 mA
■ Overview ■ Function
The communication capability over the HART protocol V 5.9 of
the SITRANS TF with an integrated SITRANS TH300 permits pa-
2 rameterization using a PC or HART communicator (hand-held
communicator). The SIMATIC PDM makes it easy.
For the SITRANS TF with integrated programmable
SITRANS TH200, parameters are assigned with the PC. Avail-
able for this purpose are a special modem and the software tool
Mode of operation
Mode of operation of SITRANS TF as temperature transmitter
The sensor signal, whether resistance thermometer, thermocou-
ple element or or mV signal, is amplified and linearized. Sen-
sor and output side are electrically isolated. An internal cold
junction is integrated for measurements with thermocouples.
The device outputs a temperature-linear direct current of 4 to 20
Our field devices for heavy industrial use mA. As well as the analog transmission of measured values from
• HART, Universal 4 to 20 mA, the HART version also supports digital communica-
tion for online diagnostics, measured value transmission and
• 4 to 20 mA, universal configuration.
• Field indicator for 4 to 20 mA signals
SITRANS TF automatically detects when a sensor should be in-
The temperature transmitter SITRANS TF works where others terrupted or is indicating a short-circuit. The practical test termi-
feel uncomfortable. nals allow direct measurement of 4 to 20 mA signals over an am-
meter without interrupting the output current loop.
■ Benefits Mode of operation of SITRANS TF as field indicator
• Universal use Any 4 to 20 mA signal can be applied to the generous terminal
- as transmitter for resistance thermometer, thermocouple ele- block. As well as a range of predefined measurement units, the
ment, or mV signal adjustable indicator also supports the input of customized units.
- as field indicator for any 4 to 20 mA signals This means that any 4 to 20 mA signal can be represented in any
• Local sensing of measured values over digital display unit, e.g. pressure, flow rate, level or temperature.
• Rugged two-chamber enclosure in die-cast aluminum or
stainless steel
• IP66/67/68 degree of protection Power supply
• Test terminals for direct read-out of the output signal without Sensor SITRANS TH300 0000 8
breaking the current loop TC RTD 1 3 4
2 9
• Can be mounted elsewhere if the measuring point A D
μP Load
- is difficult to access D A
- has high temperatures
- experiences vibrations due to the process cell
- is to avoid long neck pipes and thermowells 7
• Can be mounted directly on American-design sensors 1 Analog-to-digital converter
• Wide range of approvals for use in potentially explosive atmo- 2 Electrical isolation
spheres. Types of protection "Intrinsically safe, non-sparking 3 Microprocessor
and flameproof", for Europe and the USA.
4 Digital-to-analog converter
• SIL2 (with order note C20), SIL2/3 (with C23)
5 Power supply
■ Application 6 PC/laptop
7 HART modem
SITRANS TF can be used everywhere where temperatures need
8 Digital display (option)
to be measured under particularly adverse conditions, or where
a convenient local display is ideal. Which is why users from all 9 Test connector
industries have opted for this field device. The rugged enclosure
protects the electronics. The stainless steel model is almost
completely resistant to sea water and other aggressive sub-
stances. The inner workings offer high measuring accuracy, uni- Mode of operation of SITRANS TF with integrated SITRANS TH300 and
versal input and a wide range of diagnostic options. digital display
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF - Transmitter, 2-wire system and SITRANS TF - Field indicator for 4 to 20 mA
■ Technical specifications
Input Thermocouples
Resistance thermometer Measured variable Temperature
Measured variable Temperature Sensor type (thermocouples)
Input type • Type B Pt30Rh-Pt6Rh acc. to IEC 584 2
• According to IEC 60751 Pt25 … Pt1000 • Type C W5%-Re acc. to ASTM 988
• Acc. to JIS C 1604; a=0.00392 K-1 Pt25 … Pt1000 • Type D W3%-Re acc. to ASTM 988
• According to IEC 60751 Ni25 … Ni1000 • Type E NiCr-CuNi acc. to IEC 584
• Type J Fe-CuNi acc. to IEC 584
Units °C and °F • Type K NiCr-Ni acc. to IEC 584
Connection • Type L Fe-CuNi acc. to DIN 43710
• Standard connection 1 resistance thermometer (RTD) in 2- • Type N NiCrSi-NiSi acc. to IEC 584
wire, 3-wire or 4-wire connection • Type R Pt13Rh-Pt acc. to IEC 584
• Averaging Series or parallel connection of sev- • Type S Pt10Rh-Pt acc. to IEC 584
eral resistance thermometers in the 2-
• Type T Cu-CuNi acc. to IEC 584
wire connection for the generation of
average temperatures or for adapta- • Type U Cu-CuNi acc. to DIN 43710
tion to other device types Units °C or °F
• Differentiation 2 resistance thermometers (RTD) in
2-wire connection (RTD 1 – RTD 2 or Connection
RTD 2 – RTD 1) • Standard connection 1 thermocouple (TC)
• Averaging 2 thermocouples (TC)
• Differentiation 2 thermocouples (TC)
• 2-wire connection Line resistance can be configured
(TC 1 – TC 2 or TC 2 – TC 1)
100 (loop resistance)
• 3-wire connection No trim necessary Response time 250 ms for 1 sensor with break
• 4-wire connection No trim necessary monitoring
Response time 250 ms for 1 sensor with break Reference junction compensation
monitoring • Internal With integrated Pt100 resistance ther-
Break monitoring Always active (cannot be switched
• External With external Pt100 IEC 60751 (2-wire
or 3-wire connection)
Short-circuit monitoring Can be switched on/off (default value: • External fixed Reference junction temperature can
ON) be set as fixed value
Measuring range Assignable (see "Digital measuring Measuring range Assignable (see "Digital measuring
error" table) error" table)
Min. measuring span 10 °C (18 °F) Min. measuring span Min. 40 ... 100 °C (72 ... 180 °F) (see
"Digital measuring error" table)
Characteristic curve Temperature-linear or special charac-
teristic Characteristic curve Temperature-linear or special charac-
Resistance-based sensor
mV sensor
Measured variable Actual resistance
Measured variable DC voltage
Sensor type Resistance-based, potentiometers
Sensor type DC voltage source (DC voltage
source possible over an externally
Connection connected resistor)
• Standard connection 1 resistance-based sensor (R) in 2- Units mV
wire, 3-wire or 4-wire connection
• Averaging 2 resistance-based sensors in 2-wire Response time 250 ms for 1 sensor with break
connection for averaging monitoring
• Differentiation 2 resistance-based sensors in 2-wire Break monitoring Can be switched off
connection (R 1 – R 2 or R 2 – R 1)
Measuring range -10 ... +70 mV
Connection -100 ... +1100 mV
• 2-wire connection Line resistance can be configured
Min. measuring span 2 mV or 20 mV
100 (loop resistance)
• 3-wire connection No trim necessary Overload capability of the input -1.5 ... +3.5 V DC
• 4-wire connection No trim necessary Input resistance 1 M
Sensor current 0.45 mA Characteristic curve Voltage-linear or special characteris-
Response time 250 ms for 1 sensor with break tic
Break monitoring Can be switched off
Short-circuit monitoring Can be switched off (value is adjust-
Measuring range Assignable max. 0 ... 2200 (see
"Digital measuring error" table)
Min. measuring span 5 ... 25 (see "Digital measuring
error" table)
Characteristic curve Resistance-linear or special charac-
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF - Transmitter, 2-wire system and SITRANS TF - Field indicator for 4 to 20 mA
Output Certificates and approvals
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA, 2-wire Explosion protection ATEX
Communication with SITRANS TH300 According to HART Rev. 5.9 • "Intrinsic safety" type of protection With digital display:
II 2 (1) G Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T4 Gb
Digital display II 2 G Ex ib IIC T4 Gb
II 1D Ex ia IIIC T100 °C Da
2 Digital display (optional)
In current loop
Max. 5 digits
Without digital display:
II 2 (1) G Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6 Gb
II 2 G Ex ib IIC T6 Gb
Digit height 9 mm (0.35")
II 1D Ex ia IIIC T100 °C Da
Display range -99 999 ... +99 999 • EC type-examination certificate ZELM 11 ATEX 0471 X
Units Any (max. 5 char.) • "Non-sparking and energy-limited II 3 G Ex ic IIC T6/T4 Gc
equipment for Zone 2" type of pro- II 3 G Ex nA IIC T6/T4 Gc
Setting: Using 3 buttons tection II 3 G Ex nA [ic] IIC T6/T4 Gc
Zero point, full-scale value and unit • EC type-examination certificate ZELM 11 ATEX 0471 X
Load voltage 2.1 V • "Flameproof enclosure" type of pro- II 2 G Ex d IIC T6/T5 Gb
tection II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T100 °C Db
Measuring accuracy
• EC type-examination certificate ZELM 11 ATEX 0472 X
Digital measuring error See "Digital measuring error" table
Explosion protection acc. to FM Certificate of Compliance 3017742
Reference conditions • Identification (XP, DIP, NI, S) • XP/I/1/BCD/T5 Ta = 85 °C (185 °F),
• Auxiliary power 24 V ± 1 % T6 Ta = 60 °C (140 °F), Type 4X
• Load 500 • DIP/II, III/1/EFG/T5 Ta = 85 °C
• Ambient temperature 23 °C (73.4 °F) (185 °F), T6 Ta = 60 °C (140 °F),
• Warming-up time > 5 min Type 4X
Error in the analog output (digital/ana- < 0.025 % of measuring span • NI/I/2/ABCD/T5 Ta = 85 °C (185 °F),
log converter) T6 Ta = 60 °C (140 °F), Type 4X
Error due to internal reference junction < 0.5 °C (0.9 °F) • S/II, III/2/FG/T5 Ta = 85 °C (185 °F),
T6 Ta = 60 °C (140 °F), Type 4X
Effect of ambient temperature
• Analog measuring error 0.02 % of meas. span/10 °C (18 °F) Other certificates IECEx, EAC Ex(GOST), INMETRO,
• Digital measuring error
Hardware and software require-
• with resistance thermometers 0.06 °C (0.11 °F)/10°C (18 °F) ments
• with thermocouples 0.6 °C (1.1 °F)/10°C (18 °F) • For the SIPROM T parameterization
Auxiliary power effect < 0.001 % of meas. span/V software for SITRANS TF with TH200
• Personal computer PC with CD-ROM drive and USB
Effect of load impedance < 0.002 % of meas. span/100 interface
Long-term drift • PC operating system Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP, 7 and Win
• In the first month < 0.02 % of measuring span 8
• After one year < 0.2 % of measuring span • For the SIMATIC PDM parameteriza- See section 8 "Digitalization and com-
• After 5 years < 0.3 % of measuring span tion software for SITRANS TH300 munication", "SIMATIC PDM"
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF - Transmitter, 2-wire system and SITRANS TF - Field indicator for 4 to 20 mA
Digital measuring error
Resistance thermometer Thermocouples
Input Measuring range Minimum Digital accuracy Input Measuring range Minimum Digital accuracy
measuring span measuring span
According to
°C (°F) °C (°F) °C (°F)
Type B
°C (°F)
100 ... 1820
2 1)
(3.6) 1)
IEC 60751 (212 ... 3308)
Pt25 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.3 (0.54) Type C (W5) 0 ... 2300 100 (180) 2 3.6
(-328 ... +1562) (32 ... 4172)
Pt50 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type D (W3) 0 ... 2300 100 (180) 12) (1.8)2)
(-328 ... +1562) (32 ... 4172)
Pt100 ... Pt200 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.1 (0.18) Type E -200 ... +1000 50 (90) 1 (1.8)
(-328 ... +1562) (-328 ... +1832)
Pt500 -200 ... +850 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type J -200 ... +1200 50 (90) 1 (1.8)
(-328 ... +1562) (-328 ... +2192)
Pt1000 -200 ... +350 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type K -200 ... +1370 50 (90) 1 (1.8)
(-328 ... +662) (-328 ... +2498)
According to Type L -200 ... +900 50 (90) 1 (1.8)
JIS C1604-81 (-328 ... +1652)
Pt25 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.3 (0.54) Type N -200 ... +1300 50 (90) 1 (1.8)
(-328 ... +1200) (-328 ... +2372)
Pt50 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type R -50 ... +1760 100 (180) 2 (3.6)
(-328 ... +1200) (-58 ... +3200)
Pt100 ... Pt200 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.1 (0.18) Type S -50 ... +1760 100 (180) 2 (3.6)
(-328 ... +1200) (-58 ... +3200)
Pt500 -200 ... +649 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type T -20 ... +400 40 (72) 1 (1.8)
(-328 ... +1200) (-328 ... +752)
Pt1000 -200 ... +350 10 (18) 0.15 (0.27) Type U -200 ... +600 50 (90) 2 (3.6)
(-328 ... +662) (-328 ... +1112)
Ni 25 ... Ni1000 -60 ... +250 10 (18) 0.1 (0.18) 1)
The digital accuracy in the range 100 to 300 °C (212 to 572 °F) is 3 °C
(-76 ... +482) (5.4 °F).
Resistance-based sensor The digital accuracy in the range 1750 to 2300 °C (3182 to 4172 °F) is 2 °C
(3.6 °F).
Input Measuring Minimum Digital accuracy mV sensor
range measuring span
Input Measuring Minimum Digital accuracy
range measuring span
Resistance 0 ... 390 5 0.05
mV mV V
Resistance 0 ... 2200 25 0.25
mV sensor -10 ... +70 2 40
mV sensor -100 ... +1100 20 400
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF - Transmitter, 2-wire system and SITRANS TF - Field indicator for 4 to 20 mA
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF - Transmitter, 2-wire system and SITRANS TF - Field indicator for 4 to 20 mA
Options Order code Accessories
Append suffix "-Z" to article no., add order code Article No.
and plain text, if applicable. Additional accessories for assembly, connec-
Customer-specific programming tion and transmitter configuration, see page
Measuring range to be set Y012)
Specify in plain text (max. 5 digits):
Y01:... to ... °C, °F
Modem with USB interface 7MF4997-1DB
3) Modem with USB interface and SIPROM T soft- 7NG3092-8KN
Measuring point number (TAG) max. 8 characters Y17
Measuring point description, max. 16 characters Y234)
SIMATIC PDM parameterization software See section 8
Measuring point description, max. 32 characters Y244) Also for SITRANS TH300
Labeling of measuring point plate only, specify Y224) Mounting bracket and fastening parts
in plain text: Measuring range
Made of steel for 7NG313.-..B.. 7MF4997-1AC
Pt100 (IEC) 2-wire, RL = 0 U02 5)
Made of steel for 7NG313.-..C.. 7MF4997-1AB
Pt100 (IEC) 3-wire U035)
Made of stainless steel for 7NG313.-..B.. 7MF4997-1AJ
Pt100 (IEC) 4-wire U045)
Made of stainless steel for 7NG313.-..C.. 7MF4997-1AH
Type B thermocouple U205)6)
Made of stainless steel 316L for 7NG313.-..B.. 7MF4997-1AQ
Type C thermocouple (W5) U215)6)
Made of stainless steel 316L for 7NG313.-..C.. 7MF4997-1AP
Type D thermocouple (W3) 5)6) U225)6)
Digital display1) 7MF4997-1BS
Type E thermocouple U235)6)
Connection board A5E02226423
Type J thermocouple U245)6)
For supply units, see Catalog FI 01 section "Supplementary components".
Type K thermocouple U255)6)
Type L thermocouple U265)6) Retrofitting not possible with Ex devices.
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF - Transmitter, 2-wire system and SITRANS TF - Field indicator for 4 to 20 mA
Article No. Options Order code
SITRANS TF field indicator 7NG3130 - 7 7 7 7 7 Append suffix "-Z" to article no., add order code
For 4 ... 20 mA signals and plain text, if applicable.
Click on the Article No. for the online Cable gland ½ NPT ADE 4F, Stainless steel D59
configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. (CAPRI 848699 and 810634) included
Test report (5 measuring points) C11 Additional accessories for assembly, connec-
tion and transmitter configuration, see page
Explosion protection 2/251.
• Explosion protection Ex ia according to E251) Mounting bracket and fastening parts
INMETRO (Brazil) (only for 7NG313.-1...)
1) Made of steel for 7NG313.-..B.. 7MF4997-1AC
• Explosion protection Ex d according to E26
INMETRO (Brazil) (only for 7NG313.-4...) Made of steel for 7NG313.-..C.. 7MF4997-1AB
• Explosion protection Ex nA according to E271)
INMETRO (Brazil) (only for 7NG313.-2...) Made of stainless steel for 7NG313.-..B.. 7MF4997-1AJ
• Explosion protection Ex i according to NEPSI E551) Made of stainless steel for 7NG313.-..C.. 7MF4997-1AH
(China) (only for 7NG313.-1...)
• Explosion protection Ex d according to NEPSI E561) Made of stainless steel 316L for 7NG313.-..B.. 7MF4997-1AQ
(China) (only for 7NG313.-4...) Made of stainless steel 316L for 7NG313.-..C.. 7MF4997-1AP
• Explosion protection Ex nA according to E571)
NEPSI (China) (only for 7NG313.-2...) Digital display1) 7MF4997-1BS
• Explosion protection Ex d according to E701) Connection board A5E02226423
KOSHA (Korea) (only for 7NG313.-4...) For supply units, see Catalog FI 01 section "Sup-
• Explosion protection Ex i according to EAC E81 plementary components".
(Russia/Belarus/Kazahstan) (only for
7NG313.-1...) Ordering example 1
• Explosion protection Ex d according to EAC E821)
(Russia/Belarus/Kazahstan) (only for 7NG3130-0AB10-Z Y01+Y23
7NG313.-4...) Y01: -5 ... 100 °C
• Explosion protection Ex nA according to EAC E831)
(Russia/Belarus/Kazakhstan) (only for Y23: TICA1234HEAT
Ordering example 2
Marine approvals
• Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd (DNV D01 7NG3130-0AC11-Z Y01+Y23+Y24
GL) Y01: 0 ... 20 BAR
• Bureau Veritas (BV) D02
Y23: PICA 1234 ABC
• Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (LR) D04
• American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) D05 Y24: HEATING BOILER 67890
Two-layer coating of enclosure and cover G10 Factory setting of the display
(PU on epoxy)
4 ... 20 m
Transient protection J01
Cable gland CAPRI ½ NPT ADE 4F, nickel- D57
plated brass (CAPRI 848694 and 810634)
Cable gland ½ NPT ADE 1F, cable diameter D58
6 ... 12 (CAPRI 818694 and 810534) included
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF - Transmitter, 2-wire system and SITRANS TF - Field indicator for 4 to 20 mA
■ Dimensional drawings
138* (5.43) 28
52 (2.05)
6 2
50* (1.97) (1.10)
80 (3.15)
117 (4.61)
237 (9.33)
8 5 4
68 (2.68)
120 (4.72)
36.5 (1.44)
72 (2.83)
105 (4.13)
1 Sensor connection (screwed gland M20x1.5 or ½-14 NPT)
6 Protective cover (without function)
2 Blanking plug
7 Mounting bracket (option) with clamp for securing to a
3 Electrical connection (screwed gland M20x1.5 or ½-14 NPT) vertical or horizontal pipe
4 Terminal side, output signal 8 Cover with window for digital display
5 Terminal side, sensor
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF - Transmitter, 2-wire system and SITRANS TF - Field indicator for 4 to 20 mA
■ Circuit diagrams
3 6 3 6 3 6
3 + - 6 3 + - 6 3 + - 6
4 5 4 5 4 5
4 5 4 5 4 5
+ TC -
3 6 3 6 3 6
3 + - 6 3 + - 6 + -
3 6
4 5 4 5 4 5
4 5 4 5 4 5
+ TC -
3 6
3 6 3 + - 6
+ - 3 6 4 5
3 6 + -
3 6
4 5 4 5
4 5
4 5 4 5
+ TC -
3 6 + -
4 5 4 5 3 4 3-W 5
4 5 4 5 4 5
3 6 3 6
+ - 3 + - 6
3 6
4 5 4 5
4 5 4 5
+ - R
+ -
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF - fieldbus transmitter
• Can be mounted directly on American-design sensors
■ Overview • Wide range of approvals for use in potentially explosive atmo-
spheres. "Intrinsically safe, non-sparking and flameproof" type
of protection, for Europe and USA
■ Application 2
The SITRANS TF can be used everywhere where temperatures
need to be measured under particularly harsh conditions. Which
is why users from all industries have opted for this field device.
The rugged enclosure protects the electronics. The stainless
steel model is almost completely resistant to sea water and other
aggressive substances. The inner workings offer high measur-
ing accuracy, universal input and a wide range of diagnostic op-
■ Function
• Polarity-neutral bus connection
• 24-bit analog-digital converter for high resolution
Our field devices for heavy industrial use
• Galvanic isolation
• FOUNDATION fieldbus
• Version for use in hazardous areas
• Special characteristic
The SITRANS TF temperature transmitter works where others
can't cope. • Sensor redundance
Transmitter with PROFIBUS PA communication
■ Benefits • Function blocks: 2 x analog
• For universal use as a transmitter for resistance thermometers,
thermocouple elements, or mV signals Transmitter with FOUNDATION fieldbus communication
• Rugged two-chamber enclosure in die-cast aluminum or • Function blocks: 2 x analog and 1 x PID
stainless steel • Functionality: Basic or LAS
• IP66/67/68 degree of protection
Mode of operation
• Can be mounted elsewhere if the measuring point
- is difficult to access The following function diagram explains the mode of operation
- has high temperatures of the transmitter.
- experiences vibrations due to the process cell The only difference between the two versions of the SITRANS TF
- is to avoid long neck pipes and thermowells (7NG3137-... and 7NG3138-...) is the type of field bus protocol
used (PROFIBUS PA or FOUNDATION fieldbus).
Input 1
Input 2
Optional inputs: Mean value
- Resistance thermometer Terminal temperature
Engineering units
- Thermocouple Diagnostic functions
- mV sensor Table linearization
Polynomial linearization
- Resistance-based sensors Process calibration
Ex power circuit
Input 1 1
converter CPU Communication Bus connection
Input 2
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF - fieldbus transmitter
System communication Thermocouple
According to IEC 584 Measuring range
Bus terminator PROFIBUS PA • Type B 400 ... 1820 °C (752 ... 3308 °F)
• Type E -100 ... +1000 °C (-148 ... +1832 °F)
Segment • Type J -100 ... +1000 °C (-148 ... +1832 °F)
2 coupler • Type K
• Type N
-100 ... +1200 °C (-148 ... +2192 °F)
-180 ... +1300 °C (-292 ... +2372 °F)
• Type R -50 ... +1760 °C (-58 ... +3200 °F)
• Type S -50 ... +1760 °C (-58 ... +3200 °F)
with TH400 PA
• Type T -200 ... +400 °C (-328 ... +752 °F)
According to DIN 43710
• Type L -200 ... +900 °C (-328 ... +1652 °F)
• Type U -200 ... +600 °C (-328 ... +1112 °F)
Bus terminator FOUNDATION Fieldbus According to ASTM E988-90
• Type W3 0 ... 2300 °C (32 ... 4172 °F)
Segment • Type W5 0 ... 2300 °C (32 ... 4172 °F)
External reference junction compen- -40 ... +135 °C (-40 ... +275 °F)
SITRANS TF Sensor fault detection
with TH400 FF • Sensor break detection Yes
• Sensor short-circuit detection Yes, < 3 mV
• Sensor current in the event of open- 4 A
circuit monitoring
SITRANS TF with TH400, communication interface
mV sensor - voltage input
■ Technical specifications Measuring range -800 ... +800 mV
Input resistance 10 M
Analog/digital conversion
Filter time (programmable) 0 ... 60 s
• Measurement rate < 50 ms
• Resolution 24-bit Update time < 400 ms
Resistance thermometer Measuring accuracy
Accuracy is defined as the higher
Pt25 ... Pt1000 acc. to IEC 60751/JIS value of general values and basic val-
C 1604 ues.
• Measuring range -200 ... +850 °C (-328 ... +1562 °F)
General values
Ni25 ... Ni1000 acc. to DIN 43760
Type of input Absolute Temperature
• Measuring range -60 ... +250 °C (-76 ... +482 °F)
accuracy coefficient
Cu10 ... Cu1000, = 0.00427
All ± 0.05 % of the ± 0.002 % of the
• Measuring range -50 ... +200 °C (-58 ... +392 °F) measured value measured
Line resistance per sensor cable Max. 50 value/°C
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF - fieldbus transmitter
Rated conditions Communication
Ambient conditions Parameterization interface
Ambient temperature -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F) • PROFIBUS PA connection
- Protocol A&D profile, Version 3.0
Storage temperature -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F) - Protocol standard EN 50170 Volume 2
Relative humidity
Insulation strength
98 %, with condensation - Address (for delivery)
- Function blocks
2 x analog
• Test voltage 500 V AC for 60 s • FOUNDATION Fieldbus connection
• Continuous operation 50 V AC/75 V DC - Protocol FF protocol
- Protocol standard FF design specifications
Electromagnetic compatibility - Functionality Basic or LAS
NAMUR NE21 - Version ITK 4.6
EMC 2014/30/EU Emission and Noise EN 61326-1, EN 61326-2-5 - Function blocks 2 x analog and 1 x PID
Immunity Factory setting
Design For SITRANS TH400 PA
Weight Approx. 1.5 kg (3.3 lb) without Sensor Pt100 (IEC)
Type of connection 3-wire connection
Dimensions See "Dimensional drawings"
Unit °C
Enclosure materials • Die-cast aluminum, low in copper,
GD-AlSi 12 or stainless steel Failure mode Last valid value
• Polyester-based lacquer for GD AlSi
Filter time 0s
12 enclosure
• Stainless steel rating plate PA address 126
Electrical connection, • Screw terminals PROFIBUS Ident No. Manufacturer-
sensor connection • Cable inlet via M20 x 1.5 or ½-14 specific
NPT screwed gland
• Bus connection with M12 device For SITRANS TH400 FF
plug (optional) Sensor Pt100 (IEC)
Mounting bracket (optional) Steel, galvanized and chrome-plated Type of connection 3-wire connection
or stainless steel
Unit °C
Degree of protection IP66/67/68 according to EN 60529
Failure mode Last valid value
Auxiliary power
Filter time 0s
Supply voltage
• Standard, Ex "d", Ex "nA", Ex "nL", XP, 10.0 ... 32 V DC Node address 22
• Ex "ia", Ex "ib" 10.0 ... 30 V DC
• In FISCO/FNICO installations 10.0 ... 17.5 V DC
Power consumption < 11 mA
Max. increase in power consumption < 7 mA
in the event of a fault
Certificates and approvals
Explosion protection ATEX
EC type-examination certificate ZELM 11 ATEX 0471 X
• "Intrinsic safety" type of protection II 2 (1) G Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6 Gb
(version: 7NG313x-1xxxx) II 2 G Ex ib IIC T6 Gb
II 1D Ex ia IIIC T100 °C Da
Conformity statement ZELM 11 ATEX 0471 X
• "Non-sparking and energy-limited II 3 G Ex ic IIC T6/T4 Gc
equipment" type of protection II 3 G Ex nA IIC T6/T4 Gc
(version: 7NG313x-2xxxx) II 3 G Ex nA [ic] IIC T6/T4 Gc
EC type-examination certificate ZELM 11 ATEX 0472 X
• "Flame-proof enclosure" type of pro- II 2 G Ex d IIC T6/T5 Gb
tection (version: 7NG313x-4xxxx) II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T100 °C Db
Explosion protection: FM for USA
• FM approval FM 3017742
• Type of protection XP, DIP, NI and S • XP / I / 1 / BCD / T5,T6; Type 4X
(version 7NG313x-5xxxx) • DIP / II, III / 1 / EFG / T5,T6; Type 4X
• NI / I / 2 / ABCD / T5,T6; Type 4X
• S / II, III / 2 / FG T5,T6; Type 4X
Other certificates EAC Ex(GOST), INMETRO, NEPSI,
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF - fieldbus transmitter
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF - fieldbus transmitter
Options Order code Accessories
Append suffix "-Z" to article no., add order code Article No.
and plain text, if applicable. Additional accessories for assembly, connec-
Customer-specific programming tion and transmitter configuration, see page
Measuring range to be set Y013)
Specify in plain text (max. 5 digits):
Y01:... to ... °C, °F
SIMATIC PDM parameterization software
Also for SITRANS TH300
See section 8
Measuring point number (TAG) max. 8 charac- Y15 4) Mounting bracket and fastening parts
ters Made of steel for 7NG313.-..B.. 7MF4997-1AC
Measuring point description, max. 16 characters Y234) Made of steel for 7NG313.-..C.. 7MF4997-1AB
Measuring point description, max. 32 characters Y245) Made of stainless steel for 7NG313.-..B.. 7MF4997-1AJ
Specify bus address in plain text Y254) Made of stainless steel for 7NG313.-..C.. 7MF4997-1AH
Pt100 (IEC) 2-wire, RL = 0 U026) Made of stainless steel 316L for 7NG313.-..B.. 7MF4997-1AQ
Pt100 (IEC) 3-wire U036) Made of stainless steel 316L for 7NG313.-..C.. 7MF4997-1AP
Pt100 (IEC) 4-wire U046) Connection board A5E02226423
Type B thermocouple U206)7) For supply units, see Catalog FI 01 section "Supplementary components".
Type C thermocouple (W5) U216)7)
Ordering example 1
Type D thermocouple (W3) U226)7)
7NG3137-0AB01-Z Y01+Y15+Y25+U03
Type E thermocouple U236)7)
Y01: -10 ... +100 °C
Type J thermocouple U246)7)
Type K thermocouple U256)7)
Y25: 33
Type L thermocouple U266)7)
Type N thermocouple U276)7) Ordering example 2
Type R thermocouple U28 6)7) 7NG3137-0AC01-Z Y01+Y15+Y25+U25
Type S thermocouple U29 6)7) Y01: -10 ... +100 °C
Type T thermocouple U306)7) Y15: TICA 1234 ABC 5678
Type U thermocouple U316)7) Y25: 35
For TC: Cold junction compensation: U41 Factory setting
external (Pt100, 3-wire)
For TC: Reference junction compensation: Y50
external with fixed value: specify in plain text • Pt100 (IEC); 3-wire connection
Enter special deviating customer-specific set- Y098) • Unit: °C
ting in plain text • Failure mode: Last valid value
Not possible with explosion protection Ex d or XP. • Filter time: 0 s - PA address: 126
Option does not include ATEX/IECEx approval, only country-specific • PROFIBUS Ident No.: Manufacturer-specific
approval. For specification on TAG plate, please select Y22.
For customer-specific programming for RTD and TC, the start value and For SITRANS TH400 FF:
the end value of the required measuring span must be specified here. For • Pt100 (IEC); 3-wire connection
specification on TAG plate, please select Y23.
If only Y15, Y23 or Y25 is ordered and if the labeling is only noted on the • Unit: °C
measuring point plate, do not specify Y01. • Failure mode: Last valid value
For this selection, Y01 or Y09 must also be selected. • Filter time: 0 s
For this selection, Y01 must also be selected.
• Node address: 22
Internal reference junction compensation is selected as the default for TC.
For customer-specific programming, for example mV and ohm, the start
value and the end value of the required measuring span and the unit must
be entered here.
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF - fieldbus transmitter
■ Dimensional drawings
20 (0.79)
144 (5.67) 55 (2.17) 80 (3.15)
138* (5.43) b 100* (3.94)
52 (2.05) 28 6 2
2 50* (1.97) (1.10)
50 (1.97)
Ø 80 (3.15)
117 (4.61)
237 (9.33)
5 4
68 (2.68)
120 (4.72)
36.5 (1.44)
72 (2.83)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF - fieldbus transmitter
■ Circuit diagrams
+ -
2-wire connection 1) Internal 2-wire connection 1)
cold junction compensation
+ -
+ -
2 2
+ - 2
1 1 1
+ -
Voltage measurement
2 + -
1 +1 -
1 + -
1) + -
Programmable line resistance for the purpose of correction.
Measurement of mean value, differential and
redundancy with 2 voltage sources
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF320 (HART, universal)
■ Overview ■ Benefits
• Universally applicable as a temperature transmitter with gal-
vanic isolation for:
- Resistance thermometer (2-wire, 3-wire, 4-wire connection)
- Thermocouples
2 - Linear resistances, potentiometer and DC voltage sources
• Local operation of the temperature transmitter via display (sin-
gle chamber enclosure) or control keys accessible from out-
side (dual chamber enclosure)
• Rugged single or dual chamber enclosure made of die-cast
aluminum or stainless steel 316L
• Electronic compartment isolated (watertight) from terminal
compartment in dual chamber enclosure
• Degree of protection IP66/67/68 (1.5 m/2 h)
• Electromagnetic compatibility according to DIN EN 61326
and NE21
• Test terminals for direct read-out of the output signal without
breaking the current loop
SITRANS TF320 in dual chamber enclosure • Remote installation option:
- Measuring point is difficult to access
- Measuring point is subjected to high temperatures
- Measuring point is subjected to vibration through plant
- Long neck pipes and thermowells must be avoided
• Mounted directly on sensors
• Temperature transmitters of the "intrinsically safe protection
type, increased safety for zone 2, flameproof and dust-pro-
tected" type of protection can be installed in hazardous areas.
The transmitter meets the requirements of the EU Directive
2014/34/EU (ATEX), the FM and CSA regulations as well as
other national approvals, e.g. EACEx, NEPSI, KCs, Inmetro.
• SIL2/3 (with order note C20)
■ Application
SITRANS TF320 can be used everywhere where temperatures
need to be measured under particularly adverse conditions and
where a user-friendly local display is ideal. Which is why users
from all industries have opted for this field device. The rugged
SITRANS TF320 in single chamber enclosure enclosure protects the electronics. The stainless steel model is
• 2-wire temperature transmitter with and without HART commu- almost completely resistant to sea water and other aggressive
nication interface substances. The inner workings offer high measuring accuracy,
universal input and a wide range of diagnostic options.
• Universal input for virtually any type of temperature sensor
• Can be configured via PC, HART 7 or optional local operation
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF320 (HART, universal)
■ Function
Configuration Principle of operation
The communication capability over the HART protocol V 7 per- SITRANS TF320 as temperature transmitter
mits parameterization using a PC or HART communicator (hand-
held communicator). The SIMATIC PDM makes it easy. The input signal, whether resistance thermometer (RTD), ther-
mocouple (TC), or mV signal, is amplified and linearized. Input 2
For the SITRANS TF320 without HART functionality, parameters and output side are galvanically isolated. An internal cold junc-
are assigned with the PC. A special modem and the software tion is integrated for measurements with thermocouples.
tool SIPROM T are available for this purpose.
The device outputs a temperature-linear direct current from
The optional local operation on the device gives you the possi- 4 to 20 mA. As well as the analog transmission of measured val-
bility to configure the device's most important functions very ues from 4 to 20 mA, the HART version also supports digital
quickly. communication for online diagnostics, measured value trans-
mission, and configuration.
SITRANS TF320 automatically detects when a sensor should be
interrupted or is indicating a short-circuit. The practical test ter-
minals allow direct measurement of 4 to 20 mA signals over an
ammeter without interrupting the output current loop.
1 2 3
4 5
± 00000 °C
μC1 μC2
9 8
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF320 (HART, universal)
■ Technical specifications
General Detection limit for short-circuited input 15
Supply voltage1) 2) Fault detection time (RTD) 75 ms (typically 70 ms)
• Without explosion protection (non- 10.5 ... 48 V DC Fault detection time (for 3-wire and 4- 2 000 ms
2 Ex)
• with explosion protection (Ex i) 10.5 ... 30 V DC
Thermocouples (TC)
Additional minimum supply voltage 0.8 V
when using test terminals Input type
•B IEC 60584-1
Maximum power loss 850 mW
•E IEC 60584-1
Minimum load resistance at supply (Vsupply - 37 V)/23 mA •J IEC 60584-1
voltage > 37 V •K IEC 60584-1
Insulation voltage, test/operation •L DIN 43710
• Without explosion protection (non- 2.5 kV AC/55 V AC • Lr GOST 3044-84
Ex) •N IEC 60584-1
• with explosion protection (Ex i) 2.5 kV AC/42 V AC •R IEC 60584-1
Polarity protection All inputs and outputs •S IEC 60584-1
•T IEC 60584-1
Write protection Wire jumper (transmitter), switch (on
display) or software •U DIN 43710
• W3 ASTM E988-96
Warm-up time < 5 min
• W5 ASTM E988-96
Starting time < 2.75 s • LR GOST 3044-84
Programming SIPROM T and HART Cold junction compensation (CJC) Constant, internal or external over
Pt100 or Ni100 RTD
Signal-to-noise ratio > 60 dB
• Temperature range internal CJC -50 ... +100 °C (-58 ... +212 °F)
Long-term stability Better than: • Connection external CJC 2-wire or 3-wire
• ± 0.05% of measuring span/year
• External CJC, line resistance per 50
• ± 0.18% of measuring span/5 years
wire (for 3-wire and 4-wire connec-
Response time 4 ... 20 mA: 55 ms tions)
HART: 75 ms (typically 70 ms) • Effect of the line resistance (with 3- < 0.002 /
wire and 4-wire connections)
Programmable damping 0 ... 60 s • Input current external CJC < 0.15 mA
Signal dynamic • Temperature range external CJC -50 ... +135 °C (-58 ... +275 °F)
• Input 24 bit • Cable, wire-wire capacity Max. 50 nF
• Output 18 bit • Total line resistance Max. 10 k
• Fault detection, programmable None, short-circuited, defective,
Influence of change in supply voltage < 0.005% of measuring span/V DC
short-circuited or defective
Input Note
Resistance thermometer (RTD) The short-circuited fault detection
only applies to the CJC input.
Input type
• Fault detection time (TC) 75 ms (typically 70 ms)
• Pt10 ... 10000 • IEC 60751
• JIS C 1604-8 • Fault detection time, external CJC 2 000 ms
• GOST 6651_2009 (for 3-wire and 4-wire)
• Callendar-Van Dusen Linear resistance
• Ni10 ... 10000 • DIN 43760-1987
• GOST 6651-2009/OIML R84:2003 Input range 0 ... 100 k
• Cu5 ... 1000 • Edison Copper Winding No. 15 Minimum measuring span 25
• GOST 6651-2009/OIML R84:2003
Type of connection 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire
Type of connection 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire
Line resistance per wire Max. 50
Line resistance per wire Max. 50
Input current < 0.15 mA
Input current < 0.15 mA
Effect of the line resistance (with 3- < 0.002 /
Effect of the line resistance (with 3- < 0.002 / wire and 4-wire connections)
wire and 4-wire connections)
Cable, wire-wire capacity
Cable, wire-wire capacity • R > 400 Max. 30 nF
• Pt1000, Pt10000 (IEC 60751 and Max. 30 nF • R 400 Max. 50 nF
JIS C 1604-8)
• All other input types Max. 50 nF Fault detection, programmable None, defective
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF320 (HART, universal)
Potentiometers Rated conditions
Input range 10 ... 100 k Ambient temperature
Minimum measuring span 25 • Without local operation in -50 ... +85 °C (-58 ... +185 °F)
single chamber enclosure
Type of connection 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire • With local operation -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
Line resistance per wire
Input current
Max. 50
< 0.15 mA
• For transmitters with
functional safety
-40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
Storage temperature -50 ... +85 °C (-58 ... +185 °F)
Effect of the line resistance (with 4- < 0.002 /
wire and 5-wire connections) Reference temperature for 24 °C ±1.0 °C (75.2 °F ±1.8 °F)
sensor calibration
Cable, wire-wire capacity
• R > 400 Max. 30 nF Relative humidity < 99% (no condensation)
• R 400 Max. 50 nF Degree of protection
Fault detection, programmable None, short-circuited, defective, • Temperature transmitter enclosure IP66/IP67/IP68
short-circuited or defective • Terminals IP00
Note Mechanical construction
When the configured potentiometer Weight
size is below the constant detection • Single chamber enclosure 0.85 kg (1.87 lb)
limit for short-circuited inputs, the
detection of short circuits is disabled • Dual chamber enclosure • Aluminum: 1.3 kg (2.87 lb)
regardless of the configuration of the • Stainless steel: 3.3 kg (7.28 lb)
fault detection. Maximum core cross-section
Detection limit for short-circuited input 15 • Single chamber enclosure 1.5 mm² (AWG 16)
• Dual chamber enclosure 2.5 mm² (AWG 14)
Fault detection time, wiper arm 75 ms (typically 70 ms)
(no short-circuit detection) Tightening torque for 0.5 ... 0.6 Nm
clamping screws
Fault detection time, element 2 000 ms
Vibrations IEC 60068-2-6
Fault detection time (for 4-wire and 5- 2 000 ms
wire) • 2 ... 25 Hz ± 1.6 mm (0.07 inch)
• 25 ... 100 Hz ±4g
Supply voltage
Certificates and approvals
Measuring range
• Unipolar -100 ... 1700 mV Explosion protection ATEX/IECEx and
• Bipolar -800 ... +800 mV
Certificates3) IECEx DEK 19.0069X
Minimum measuring span 2.5 mV
DEKRA 19ATEX0106 X (Category 1)
Input resistance 10 M DEKRA 19ATEX0107 X (Category 3)
Cable, wire-wire capacity "Intrinsic safety ia/ib" type of protec- For use in Zone 0, 1, 2
• Input range: -100 ... 1700 mV Max. 30 nF tion
• Input range: -20 ... 100 mV Max. 50 nF • ATEX II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6 ... T4 Ga
II 2(1) G Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC
Fault detection, programmable None, defective T6 ... T4 Gb
Fault detection time 75 ms (typically 70 ms) • IECEx and others Ex ia IIC T6 ... T4 Ga
Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6 ... T4 Gb
Output and HART communication • EACEx Ex ia IIC T6 ... T4 Ga
Normal range, programmable 3.8 ... 20.5 mA/20.5 ... 3.8 mA Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6 ... T4 Gb
Extended range (output limits), pro- 3.5 ... 23 mA/23 ... 3.5 mA "Intrinsic safety ic" type of protection For use in Zones 2
grammable • ATEX II 2 G Ex ic IIC T6…T4 Gc
• IECEx and others Ex ic IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
Programmable input/output limits
• EACEx 2Ex ic IIC T6…T4 Gc X
• Fault current Enable/disable
• Fault current setting 3.5 ... 23 mA "Non-sparking/increased safety For use in Zones 2
nA/ec" type of protection
Update time 10 ms • ATEX II 2 G Ex nA IIC T6…T4 Gc
Load (with current output) (VSupply - 10.5)/0.023 II 2 G Ex ec IIC T6…T4 Gc
• IECEx and others Ex nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
Load stability < 0.01% of measuring span/100 Ex ec IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
(measuring span = currently selected
range) • EACEx 2Ex nA IIC T6…T4 Gc
• "Flameproof enclosure db" type of For use in Zone 1
Input fault detection, programmable 3.5 ... 23 mA protection
(detection of input short circuits is • ATEX II 2 G Ex db IIC T6…T4 Gb
ignored with TC and voltage inputs)
• IECEx and others Ex db IIC T6 ... T4 Gb
NAMUR NE43 Upscale > 21 mA • EACEx 1Ex d IIC T6…T4 Gb X
NAMUR NE43 Downscale < 3.6 mA • "Protection by enclosure tb" type of For use in Zone 21
HART protocol versions HART 7
• ATEX II 2 D Ex tb IIC T100°C Db
Measuring accuracy • IECEx and others Ex tb IIC T100°C Db
Input accuracy See "Input accuracy" table • EACEx Ex tb IIC T100°C Db X
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF320 (HART, universal)
Explosion protection CSA/FM for
Canada and USA
Certificates FMxxCAxxxx
"Intrinsic safety ia" type of protection IS, CL I, Div 1, GP ABCD, T6 ... T4
2 Ex ia IIC T6 … T4 Ga
AEx ia IIC T6 … T4 Ga or:
Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6…T4 Gb
AEx ib [ia Ga] IIC T6…T4 Gb
"Non incendive field wiring NIFW" type NIFW, CL I, Div 2, GP ABCD T6 ... T4
of protection
"Non incendive NI" type of protection NI, CL I, Div 2, GP ABCD T6...T4
Ex nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
AEx nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
"Explosion-proof XP" type of protec- XP/ CL I / DIV1 / GP ABCD / T6....T4
tion CL I / Zn1 / AEx/Ex d IIC T6...T4 Gb
"Dust-protected DIP" type of protec- DIP/ CL II, III / DIV 1 / GP EFG /
tion T6...T4
Zn21 / AEx/Ex tb IIIC T100°C Gb
1) Note that the minimum supply voltage must correspond to the value mea-
sured at the terminals of the SITRANS TF320.
All external voltage drops must be taken into consideration.
2) Protect the device from overvoltage with the help of a suitable power sup-
ply or suitable overvoltage protection equipment.
3) Additional available certificates are listed on the Internet at
Input type Standard Measuring range in °C (°F) Minimum measuring span in °C (°F)
B IEC 60584-1 0 (85) ... 1 820 (32 (185) ... 3 308) 100 (212)
E IEC 60584-1 -200 ... +1 000 (-392 ... +1 832) 50 (122)
J IEC 60584-1 -100 ... +1 200 (-212 ... +2 192) 50 (122)
K IEC 60584-1 -180 ... +1 372 (-356 ... +2 502) 50 (122)
L DIN 43710 -200 ... +900 (-392 ... +1 652) 50 (122)
Lr GOST 3044-84 -200 ... +800 (-392 ... +1 472) 50 (122)
N IEC 60584-1 -180 ... +1 300 (-356 ... +2 372) 50 (122)
R IEC 60584-1 -50 ... +1 760 (-122 ... +3 200) 100 (212)
S IEC 60584-1 -50 ... +1 760 (-122 ... +3 200) 100 (212)
T IEC 60584-1 -200 ... +400 (-392 ... +752) 50 (122)
U DIN 43710 -200 ... +600 (-392 ... +1 112) 50 (122)
W3 ASTM E988-96 0 ... 2 300 (32 ... 4 172) 100 (212)
W5 ASTM E988-96 0 ... 2 300 (32 ... 4 172) 100 (212)
LR GOST 3044-84 -200 ... +800 (-392 ... +1472) 50 (122)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF320 (HART, universal)
Input accuracy
Basic values
Input type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient1)
±0.8 °C (1.44 °F)
±0.4 °C (0.72 °F)
±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt50 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt100 ±0.04 °C (0.072 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt200 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt500 Tmax. < 180 °C (356 °F) = ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Tmax. > 180 °C (356 °F) = ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F)
Pt1000 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt2000 Tmax. < 300 °C (572 °F) = ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Tmax. > 300 °C (572 °F) = ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F)
Pt10000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
Ni10 ±1.6 °C (2.88 °F) ±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni20 ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni50 ±0.32 °C (0.576 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni100 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni120 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni200 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni500 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni1000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni2000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni10000 ±0.32 °C (0.576 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
Cu5 ±1.6 °C (2.88 °F) ±0.040 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu10 ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu20 ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu50 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu100 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu200 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu500 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu1000 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
Linear resistance
0 ... 400 ±40 m ±2 m/°C (1.11 m/°F)
0 ... 100 k ±4 ±0.2 /°C (0.11 /°F)
0 ... 100% < 0.05% < ± 0.005%
Supply voltage
mV: -20 ... 100 mV ±5 V ±0.2 V/°C (0.11 V/°F)
mV: -100 ... 1700 mV ±0.1 mV ±36 V/°C (20 V/°F)
mV: ± 800 mV ±0.1 mV ±32 V/°C (17.8 V/°F)
E ±0.2 °C (0.36 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
J ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
K ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
L ±0.35 °C (0.63 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
N ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
T ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
U < 0 °C (32 °F) ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
0 °C (32 °F) ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F)
Lr ±0.2 °C (0.36 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
R < 200 °C (392 °F) ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
200 °C (392 °F) ±1 °C (1.8 °F)
S < 200 °C (392 °F) ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
200 °C (392 °F) ±1 °C (1.8 °F)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF320 (HART, universal)
Input type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient1)
W3 ±0.6 °C (1.08 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
W5 ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B2) ±1 °C (1.8 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B3) ±3 °C (5.4 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
2 B4) ±8 °C (14.4 °F) ±0.8 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B5) Not specified Not specified
CJC (internal) < ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) Included in basic accuracy
CJC (external) ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
1) Temperature coefficients correspond to the specified values or 0.002% of Output accuracy
the input span, depending on which value is greater.
2) Accuracy of the specification range > 400 °C (752 °F) Output type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient
3) Accuracy of the specification range > 160 °C (320 °F) < 400 °C (752 °F) Analog output ±1.6 A (0.01% of the full ±0.48 A/K ( ±0.003% of
4) Accuracy of the specification range > 85 °C (185 °F) < 160 °C (320 °F) output span) the full output span/K)
5) Accuracy of the specification range < 85 °C (185 °F)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF320 (HART, universal)
Input 1, type CAPRI ADE 4F, stainless steel, cable inner diameter A12
7 ... 12 mm, cable outer diameter 10 ... 16 mm
Mounting cable glands/plugs
• Pt100 (IEC 60751), 3-wire B
• Pt100 (IEC 60751), 4-wire C Cable gland mounted A97
• Pt1000 (IEC 60751), 3-wire D Device plug for output, mounted right A98
• Pt1000 (IEC 60751), 4-wire E
Device options
Degree of protection IP66 / IP68 (not for device plugs D30
• Type B F M12 and Han)
• Type E G
• Type J H General approval without Ex approval
• Type K J Worldwide (CE, RCM) except EAC, FM, KCC E00
• Type L K Explosion protection certificates
• Type N L
• Type R N ATEX (Europe) and IECEx (world) E47
• Type S P Mounting system (only single chamber enclosures)
• Type T Q Pipe mounting kit for single chamber enclosure, stain- H06
Potentiometer, 4-wire R less steel 316L
Input 2, type Wall mounting kit for single chamber enclosure, stain- H07
less steel 316L
Without input 2 A
CJC configuration for TC
None CJC 0
Internal CJC 1
External CJC RTD Pt100 (IEC 60751), 3-wire 3
External CJC RTD Ni100 (DIN 43760-87), 3-wire 6
Material of non-wetted parts
Die-cast aluminum enclosure 1
Type of protection (Ex)
General purpose A
Intrinsic safety (Ex i) / Non-incendive field wiring B
Flameproof enclosure (Ex d) / Explosion proof (XP) C
Dust ignition protection by enclosure zone 21/22 L
(Ex t) / Dust ignition proof (DIP) / Increased safety
zone 2 (Ex ec) / Non-incendive (NI)
Flameproof enclosure (Ex d) / Intrinsic safety (Ex i) / S
Dust ignition protection by enclosure zone 21/22
(Ex t) / Increased safety zone 2 (Ex ec)
Electrical connection/cable entries
2x M20 x 1.5 F
2x ½'' NPT M
Local operation
Without local operation 0
Local operation (closed lid) 1
Local operation (lid with glass window) 2
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF320 (HART, universal)
Input 1, type CAPRI ADE 4F, stainless steel, cable inner diameter A12
7 ... 12 mm, cable outer diameter 10 ... 16 mm
Mounting cable glands/plugs
• Pt100 (IEC 60751), 3-wire B
• Pt100 (IEC 60751), 4-wire C Cable gland mounted A97
• Pt1000 (IEC 60751), 3-wire D Device plug for output, mounted right A98
• Pt1000 (IEC 60751), 4-wire E
Device options
Double layer coating (epoxy resin and polyurethane) D20
• Type B F 120 m of enclosure and lid
• Type E G
• Type J H Degree of protection IP66 / IP68 (not for device plugs D30
M12 and Han)
• Type K J
• Type L K Stainless steel Ex plate 1.4404/316L D42
• Type N L General approval without Ex approval
• Type R N
Worldwide (CE, RCM) except EAC, FM, KCC E00
• Type S P
• Type T Q Explosion protection certificates
Without input 2 A Wall/pipe mounting bracket for dual chamber enclosure, H01
CJC configuration for TC
Wall/pipe mounting bracket for dual chamber enclosure, H02
Without CJC 0 stainless steel 304
Internal CJC 1 Wall/pipe mounting bracket for dual chamber enclosure, H03
stainless steel 316L
External CJC RTD Pt100 (IEC 60751), 3-wire 3
External CJC RTD Ni100 (DIN 43760-87), 3-wire 6
Material of non-wetted parts
Die-cast aluminum enclosure 1
Enclosure made of stainless steel precision casting 2
CF3M/1.4409 (similar to 316L)
Type of protection (Ex)
General purpose A
Intrinsic safety (Ex i) / Non-incendive field wiring B
Flameproof enclosure (Ex d) / Explosion proof (XP) C
Dust ignition protection by enclosure zone 21/22 L
(Ex t) / Dust ignition proof (DIP) / Increased safety
zone 2 (Ex ec) / Non-incendive (NI)
Flameproof enclosure (Ex d) / Intrinsic safety (Ex i) / S
Dust ignition protection by enclosure zone 21/22
(Ex t) / Increased safety zone 2 (Ex ec)
Electrical connection/cable entries
2x M20 x 1.5 F
2x ½'' NPT M
Local operation
Without local operation 0
Local operation (closed lid) 1
Local operation (lid with glass window) 2
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF320 (HART, universal)
Article No. Article No.
Additional accessories for assembly, connection Plug and cable socket
and transmitter configuration, see page 2/251.
Plug Han 7D, plastic, straight 7MF7906-2AB
Modem with USB interface and SIPROM T soft-
Plug Han 7D, plastic, angled
Plug Han 7D, metal, straight, blue
HART modem with USB interface 7MF4997-1DB Plug Han 7D, metal, straight, grey 7MF7906-2AN
Thread adapter M20x1.5 (male thread) to ½- 7MP1990-0BA00 Plug Han 7D, metal, angled, grey 7MF7906-2AP
14 NPT (female thread) Plug Han 8D, plastic, straight 7MF7906-2EB
Thread adapter M20x1.5 (male thread) to G½ 7MP1990-0BB00 Plug Han 8D, plastic, angled 7MF7906-2EC
(female thread)
Plug Han 8D, metal, straight, blue 7MF7906-2EQ
Local operation
Plug Han 8D, metal, straight, grey 7MF7906-2EN
Local operation for temperature transmitter in 7MF7902-1AD
dual chamber enclosure Plug Han 8D, metal, angled, blue 7MF7906-2ER
Mounting system for local operation 7MF7902-1AS Plug Han 8D, metal, angled, grey 7MF7906-2EP
7MF7902-1AD in single chamber enclosure
Cable socket, plastic, for plug Han 7D 7MF7906-2BB
Mounting brackets (only dual chamber enclo-
Cable socket, plastic, for plug Han 8D 7MF7906-2FB
Cable socket, metal, for Han 7D blue 7MF7906-2BQ
Wall/pipe mounting bracket for dual chamber 7MF7900-1AB
enclosure, steel, 5/16-24UNF Cable socket, metal, for Han 8D blue 7MF7906-2FQ
Wall/pipe mounting bracket for dual chamber 7MF7900-1AC Cable socket, metal, for Han 7D grey 7MF7906-2BN
enclosure, steel, M8
Cable socket, metal, for Han 8D grey 7MF7906-2FN
Wall/pipe mounting bracket for dual chamber 7MF7900-1AH
enclosure, stainless steel 316L, 5/16-24UNF Plug M12 with cable socket, stainless steel 7MF7906-3AB
Cable gland, metal, non-Ex, M20 7MF7906-1AD Closed lid stainless steel precision casting, with- 7MF7901-2AB
out glass window, with seal NBR
Cable gland, metal, Ex-d, NPT 7MF7906-1BE
Closed lid stainless steel precision casting, with- 7MF7901-2AC
Cable gland, metal, Ex-d, M20 7MF7906-1AE out glass window, with seal FVMQ
Cable gland, 316L, non-Ex, NPT 7MF7906-1BH Lid stainless steel precision casting, with glass 7MF7901-2AG
window, with seal NBR
Cable gland, 316L, non-Ex, M20 7MF7906-1AH
Lid stainless steel precision casting, with glass 7MF7901-2AH
Cable gland, 316L, Ex-d, NPT 7MF7906-1BJ
window, with seal FVMQ
Cable gland, 316L, Ex-d, M20 7MF7906-1AJ
Ordering example
Cable gland, E1FX Tri-Star ½-14 NPT, CMP 7MF7906-1NE
Cable gland, ½ NPT Capri ADE 4F cpl., CuZn 7MF7906-1PE SITRANS TF320 (single chamber enclosure)
Cable gland, ½ NPT Capri ADE 4F cpl., stainless 7MF7906-1PJ 7NG0340-0BA01-0AF2-Z Y01+Y17+P10
Y01: -10 ... +100 °C
Y17: TICA123
Factory setting
• Pt100 (IEC 60751) in 3-wire connection
• Measuring range: 0 ... 100 °C (32 ... 212 °F)
• Fault current
- Input circuit wire break: 22.8 mA
- Input circuit short circuit: 22.4 mA
- Input monitoring wire break and short-circuit
• No trimming of input and output (offset)
• Damping 0.0 s
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF320 (HART, universal)
■ Dimensional drawings
90 (
129 (5.08)
64 (2.52)
166 (4.17)
4 (0.16)
25 (0.98)
49.3 (1.94)
25.3 (1)
81.9 (3.22)
132 (5.2)
237 (9.33)
38 (1.5)
22.5 (0.89) 60 (2.36)
120 (4.72)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF320 (HART, universal)
■ Circuit diagrams
Input connection
3 3
9 9
4 4
8 5 8 5
7 6 7 6
4 3 CJC 3
I1 +
9 3 9 3
4 4
8 5 8 5
7 6 7 6
Voltage input 3-wire or 4-wire potentiometer
(unipolar or bipolar)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF320 (HART, universal)
3 4 3
2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire RTD or TC (internal CJC or
linear resistance I1: Input 1 external 2-wire or 3-wire CJC)
I1 S1
Voltage input 3-wire or 4-wire potentiometer
(unipolar or bipolar)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF420 (HART, universal)
■ Overview ■ Benefits
• Universally applicable as a temperature transmitter with gal-
vanic isolation for:
- Resistance thermometer (2-wire, 3-wire, 4-wire connection)
- Thermocouples
- Linear resistances, potentiometer and DC voltage sources 2
• Local operation of the temperature transmitter via display (sin-
gle chamber enclosure) or control keys accessible from out-
side (dual chamber enclosure)
• Rugged single or dual chamber enclosure made of die-cast
aluminum or stainless steel 316/316L
• Electronic compartment isolated (watertight) from terminal
compartment in dual chamber enclosure
• Degree of protection IP66/67/68 (1.5 m/2 h)
• Electromagnetic compatibility according to DIN EN 61326
and NE21
• Test terminals for direct read-out of the output signal without
breaking the current loop
SITRANS TF420 in dual chamber enclosure • Remote installation option:
- Measuring point is difficult to access
- Measuring point is subjected to high temperatures
- Measuring point is subjected to vibration through plant
- Long neck pipes and thermowells must be avoided
• Mounted directly on sensors
• Temperature transmitters of the "intrinsically safe protection
type, increased safety for zone 2, flameproof and dust-pro-
tected" type of protection can be installed in hazardous areas.
The transmitter meets the requirements of the EU Directive
2014/34/EU (ATEX), the FM and CSA regulations as well as
other national approvals, e.g. EACEx, NEPSI, KCs, Inmetro.
• SIL2/3 (with order note C20)
■ Application
SITRANS TF420 with its two sensor inputs can be used every-
where where temperatures need to be measured without inter-
ruption under particularly adverse conditions and where a con-
venient local display is ideal. Which is why users from all
SITRANS TF420 in single chamber enclosure industries have opted for this field device. The rugged enclosure
• 2-wire temperature transmitter with HART communication protects the electronics. The stainless steel model is almost
interface completely resistant to sea water and other aggressive sub-
stances. The inner workings offer high measuring accuracy, uni-
• Universal input for virtually any type of temperature sensor versal input and a wide range of diagnostic options.
• Connection of two independent input circuits for redundant
operation (high input availability)
• Input drift detection
• Can be configured via PC, HART 7 or optional local operation
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF420 (HART, universal)
■ Function
Configuration Principle of operation
The communication capability over the HART protocol V 7 per- SITRANS TF420 as temperature transmitter
mits parameterization using a PC or HART communicator (hand-
2 held communicator). The SIMATIC PDM makes it easy. Two sensor signals, whether resistance thermometers (RTD),
thermocouples (TC), or mV signals, are amplified and linear-
The optional local operation on the device gives you the possi- ized. Input and output side are galvanically isolated. An internal
bility to configure the device's most important functions very cold junction is integrated for measurements with thermocou-
quickly. ples.
The device outputs a temperature-linear direct current from
4 to 20 mA. As well as the analog transmission of measured val-
ues from 4 to 20 mA, the HART version also supports digital
communication for online diagnostics, measured value trans-
mission, and configuration.
SITRANS TF420 automatically detects when a sensor should be
interrupted or is indicating a short-circuit. If the back-up func-
tionality has been selected in the primary value display, the
SITRANS TF420 automatically switches to the 2nd input without
interrupting the measured value; e.g. primary value input 1 with
input 2 as backup. The practical test terminals allow direct mea-
surement of 4 to 20 mA signals over an ammeter without inter-
rupting the output current loop.
1 2 3
4 5
± 00000 °C
μC1 μC2
9 6
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF420 (HART, universal)
■ Technical specifications
General Detection limit for short-circuited input 15
Supply voltage1) 2) Fault detection time (RTD) 75 ms (typically 70 ms)
• Without explosion protection 10.5 ... 48 V DC Fault detection time (for 3-wire and 4- 2 000 ms
• with explosion protection (Ex i) 10.5 ... 30 V DC
wire) 2
Thermocouples (TC)
Additional minimum supply voltage 0.8 V
when using test terminals Input type
•B IEC 60584-1
Maximum power loss 850 mW
•E IEC 60584-1
Minimum load resistance at supply (Vsupply - 37 V)/23 mA •J IEC 60584-1
voltage > 37 V •K IEC 60584-1
Insulation voltage, test/operation •L DIN 43710
• Without explosion protection (non- 2.5 kV AC/55 V AC • Lr GOST 3044-84
Ex) •N IEC 60584-1
• with explosion protection (Ex i) 2.5 kV AC/42 V AC •R IEC 60584-1
Polarity protection All inputs and outputs •S IEC 60584-1
•T IEC 60584-1
Write protection Wire jumper (transmitter), switch (on
display) or software •U DIN 43710
• W3 ASTM E988-96
Warm-up time < 5 min
• W5 ASTM E988-96
Starting time < 2.75 s • LR GOST 3044-84
Programming HART Cold junction compensation (CJC) Constant, internal or external over
Pt100 or Ni100 RTD
Signal-to-noise ratio > 60 dB
• Temperature range internal CJC -50 ... +100 °C (-58 ... +212 °F)
Long-term stability Better than: • Connection external CJC 2-wire or 3-wire
• ± 0.05% of measuring span/year
• External CJC, line resistance per 50
• ± 0.18% of measuring span/5 years
wire (for 3-wire and 4-wire connec-
Response time 4 ... 20 mA: 55 ms tions)
HART: 75 ms (typically 70 ms) • Effect of the line resistance (with 3- < 0.002 /
wire and 4-wire connections)
Programmable damping 0 ... 60 s • Input current external CJC < 0.15 mA
Signal dynamic • Temperature range external CJC -50 ... +135 °C (-58 ... +275 °F)
• Input 24 bit • Cable, wire-wire capacity Max. 50 nF
• Output 18 bit • Total line resistance Max. 10 k
• Fault detection, programmable None, short-circuited, defective,
Influence of change in supply voltage < 0.005% of measuring span/V DC
short-circuited or defective
Input Note
Resistance thermometer (RTD) The short-circuited fault detection
only applies to the CJC input.
Input type
• Fault detection time (TC) 75 ms (typically 70 ms)
• Pt10 ... 10000 • IEC 60751
• JIS C 1604-8 • Fault detection time, external CJC 2 000 ms
• GOST 6651_2009 (for 3-wire and 4-wire)
• Callendar-Van Dusen Linear resistance
• Ni10 ... 10000 • DIN 43760-1987
• GOST 6651-2009/OIML R84:2003 Input range 10 ... 100 k
• Cu5 ... 1000 • Edison Copper Winding No. 15 Minimum measuring span 25
• GOST 6651-2009/OIML R84:2003
Type of connection 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire
Type of connection 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire
Line resistance per wire Max. 50
Line resistance per wire Max. 50
Input current < 0.15 mA
Input current < 0.15 mA
Effect of the line resistance (with 3- < 0.002 /
Effect of the line resistance (with 3- < 0.002 / wire and 4-wire connections)
wire and 4-wire connections)
Cable, wire-wire capacity
Cable, wire-wire capacity • R > 400 Max. 30 nF
• Pt1000, Pt10000 (IEC 60751 and Max. 30 nF • R 400 Max. 50 nF
JIS C 1604-8)
• All other input types Max. 50 nF Fault detection, programmable None, defective
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF420 (HART, universal)
Potentiometers Rated conditions
Input range 0 ... 100 k Ambient temperature
Minimum measuring span 25 • Without local operation in -50 ... +85 °C (-58 ... +185 °F)
single chamber enclosure
Type of connection 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire • With local operation -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
Extended range (output limits), pro- 3.5 ... 23 mA/23 ... 3.5 mA "Intrinsic safety ic" type of protection For use in Zones 2
grammable • ATEX II 2 G Ex ic IIC T6…T4 Gc
• IECEx and others Ex ic IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
Programmable input/output limits
• EACEx 2Ex ic IIC T6…T4 Gc X
• Fault current Enable/disable
• Fault current setting 3.5 ... 23 mA "Non-sparking/increased safety For use in Zones 2
nA/ec" type of protection
Update time 10 ms • ATEX II 2 G Ex nA IIC T6…T4 Gc
Load (with current output) (VSupply - 10.5)/0.023 II 2 G Ex ec IIC T6…T4 Gc
• IECEx and others Ex nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
Load stability < 0.01% of measuring span/100 Ex ec IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
(measuring span = currently
selected range) • EACEx 2Ex nA IIC T6…T4 Gc
• "Flameproof enclosure db" type of For use in Zone 1
Input fault detection, programmable 3.5 ... 23 mA protection
(detection of input short circuits is • ATEX II 2 G Ex db IIC T6…T4 Gb
ignored with TC and voltage inputs)
• IECEx and others Ex db IIC T6 ... T4 Gb
NAMUR NE43 Upscale > 21 mA • EACEx 1Ex d IIC T6…T4 Gb X
NAMUR NE43 Downscale < 3.6 mA • "Protection by enclosure tb" type of For use in Zone 21
HART protocol versions HART 7
• ATEX II 2 D Ex tb IIC T100°C Db
Measuring accuracy • IECEx and others Ex tb IIC T100°C Db
Input accuracy See "Input accuracy" table • EACEx Ex tb IIC T100°C Db X
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF420 (HART, universal)
Explosion protection CSA/FM for
Canada and USA
Certificates FMxxCAxxxx
"Intrinsic safety ia" type of protection IS, CL I, Div 1, GP ABCD, T6 ... T4
Ex ia IIC T6 … T4 Ga
AEx ia IIC T6 … T4 Ga or: 2
Ex ib [ia Ga] IIC T6…T4 Gb
AEx ib [ia Ga] IIC T6…T4 Gb
"Non incendive field wiring NIFW" type NIFW, CL I, Div 2, GP ABCD T6 ... T4
of protection
"Non incendive NI" type of protection NI, CL I, Div 2, GP ABCD T6...T4
Ex nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
AEx nA IIC T6 ... T4 Gc
"Explosion-proof XP" type of protec- XP/ CL I / DIV1 / GP ABCD / T6....T4
tion CL I / Zn1 / AEx/Ex d IIC T6...T4 Gb
"Dust-protected DIP" type of protec- DIP/ CL II, III / DIV 1 / GP EFG /
tion T6...T4
Zn21 / AEx/Ex tb IIIC T100°C Gb
1) Note that the minimum supply voltage must correspond to the value mea-
sured at the terminals of the SITRANS TF420.
All external voltage drops must be taken into consideration.
2) Protect the device from overvoltage with the help of a suitable power sup-
ply or suitable overvoltage protection equipment.
3) Additional available certificates are listed on the Internet at
Input type Standard Measuring range in °C (°F) Minimum measuring span in °C (°F)
B IEC 60584-1 0 (85) ... 1 820 (32 (185) ... 3 308) 100 (212)
E IEC 60584-1 -200 ... +1 000 (-392 ... +1 832) 50 (122)
J IEC 60584-1 -100 ... +1 200 (-212 ... +2 192) 50 (122)
K IEC 60584-1 -180 ... +1 372 (-356 ... +2 502) 50 (122)
L DIN 43710 -200 ... +900 (-392 ... +1 652) 50 (122)
Lr GOST 3044-84 -200 ... +800 (-392 ... +1 472) 50 (122)
N IEC 60584-1 -180 ... +1 300 (-356 ... +2 372) 50 (122)
R IEC 60584-1 -50 ... +1 760 (-122 ... +3 200) 100 (212)
S IEC 60584-1 -50 ... +1 760 (-122 ... +3 200) 100 (212)
T IEC 60584-1 -200 ... +400 (-392 ... +752) 50 (122)
U DIN 43710 -200 ... +600 (-392 ... +1 112) 50 (122)
W3 ASTM E988-96 0 ... 2 300 (32 ... 4 172) 100 (212)
W5 ASTM E988-96 0 ... 2 300 (32 ... 4 172) 100 (212)
LR GOST 3044-84 -200 ... +800 (-392 ... +1472) 50 (122)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF420 (HART, universal)
Input accuracy
Basic values
Input type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient1)
2 Pt10
±0.8 °C (1.44 °F)
±0.4 °C (0.72 °F)
±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt50 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt100 ±0.04 °C (0.072 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt200 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt500 Tmax. < 180 °C (356 °F) = ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Tmax. > 180 °C (356 °F) = ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F)
Pt1000 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt2000 Tmax. < 300 °C (572 °F) = ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Tmax. > 300 °C (572 °F) = ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F)
Pt10000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Pt x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
Ni10 ±1.6 °C (2.88 °F) ±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni20 ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni50 ±0.32 °C (0.576 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni100 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni120 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni200 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni500 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni1000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni2000 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni10000 ±0.32 °C (0.576 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Ni x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
Cu5 ±1.6 °C (2.88 °F) ±0.040 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu10 ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.020 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu20 ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.010 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu50 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.004 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu100 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu200 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu500 ±0.16 °C (0.288 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu1000 ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Cu x Largest tolerance of neighboring points Largest temperature coefficient of neighboring points
Linear resistance
0 ... 400 ±40 m ±2 m/°C (1.11 m/°F)
0 ... 100 k ±4 ±0.2 /°C (0.11 /°F)
0 ... 100% < 0.05% < ± 0.005%
Supply voltage
mV: -20 ... 100 mV ±5 V ±0.2 V/°C (0.11 V/°F)
mV: -100 ... 1700 mV ±0.1 mV ±36 V/°C (20 V/°F)
mV: ± 800 mV ±0.1 mV ±32 V/°C (17.8 V/°F)
E ±0.2 °C (0.36 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
J ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
K ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
L ±0.35 °C (0.63 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
N ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
T ±0.25 °C (0.45 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
U < 0 °C (32 °F) ±0.8 °C (1.44 °F) ±0.025 °C/°C (°F/°F)
0 °C (32 °F) ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F)
Lr ±0.2 °C (0.36 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
R < 200 °C (392 °F) ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
200 °C (392 °F) ±1 °C (1.8 °F)
S < 200 °C (392 °F) ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
200 °C (392 °F) ±1 °C (1.8 °F)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF420 (HART, universal)
Input type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient1)
W3 ±0.6 °C (1.08 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
W5 ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B2) ±1 °C (1.8 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B3) ±3 °C (5.4 °F) ±0.1 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B4) ±8 °C (14.4 °F) ±0.8 °C/°C (°F/°F)
B Not specified Not specified
CJC (internal) < ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) Included in basic accuracy
CJC (external) ±0.08 °C (0.144 °F) ±0.002 °C/°C (°F/°F)
Temperature coefficients correspond to the specified values or 0.002% of Output accuracy
the input span, depending on which value is greater.
2) Output type Basic accuracy Temperature coefficient
Accuracy of the specification range > 400 °C (752 °F)
Accuracy of the specification range > 160 °C (320 °F) < 400 °C (752 °F) Average value Average of accuracy of Average of temperature
Accuracy of the specification range > 85 °C (185 °F) < 160 °C (320 °F) measurement input 1 and input 2 coefficient of input 1 and
5) input 2
Accuracy of the specification range < 85 °C (185 °F)
Differential mea- Sum of accuracy of input 1 Sum of temperature coeffi-
surement and input 2 cient of input 1 and input 2
Analog output ±1.6 A (0.01% of the full ±0.48 A/K ( ±0.003% of
output span) the full output span/K)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF420 (HART, universal)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF420 (HART, universal)
Options Order Code
Append "-Z" to Article No., add order code and,
if applicable, free text.
Cable gland included
Plastic A00
Metal A01 2
Stainless steel A02
Stainless steel 316L/1.4404 A03
CMP, for XP devices A10
CAPRI ADE 4F, CuZn, cable inner diameter 7 ... 12 mm, A11
cable outer diameter 10 ... 16 mm
CAPRI ADE 4F, stainless steel, cable inner diameter A12
7 ... 12 mm, cable outer diameter 10 ... 16 mm
Mounting cable glands/plugs
Cable gland mounted A97
Device plug for output, mounted right A98
Device options
Degree of protection IP66 / IP68 (not for device plugs D30
M12 and Han)
General approval without Ex approval
Worldwide (CE, RCM) except EAC, FM, KCC E00
Explosion protection certificates
ATEX (Europe) and IECEx (world) E47
Mounting system (only single chamber enclosures)
Pipe mounting kit for single chamber enclosure, stain- H06
less steel 316L
Wall mounting kit for single chamber enclosure, stain- H07
less steel 316L
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF420 (HART, universal)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF420 (HART, universal)
Options Order Code Accessories
Append "-Z" to Article No., add order code and, Article No.
if applicable, free text. Additional accessories for assembly, connection
Cable gland included and transmitter configuration, see page 2/251.
Metal A01 Modem with USB interface and SIPROM T software 7NG3092-8KN 2
Stainless steel A02 HART modem with USB interface 7MF4997-1DB
CMP, for XP devices A10 Thread adapter M20x1.5 (male thread) to ½- 7MP1990-0BA00
14 NPT (female thread)
CAPRI ADE 4F, CuZn, cable inner diameter 7 ... 12 mm, A11
cable outer diameter 10 ... 16 mm Thread adapter M20x1.5 (male thread) to G½ 7MP1990-0BB00
(female thread)
CAPRI ADE 4F, stainless steel, cable inner diameter A12
7 ... 12 mm, cable outer diameter 10 ... 16 mm Local operation
Cable gland accessories Local operation for temperature transmitter in dual 7MF7902-1AD
chamber enclosure
Dual hole insert included A20
Mounting system for local operation 7MF7902-1AD 7MF7902-1AS
Mounting cable glands/plugs in single chamber enclosure
Cable gland mounted A97 Mounting brackets (only dual chamber enclo-
Device plug for output, mounted right A98
Wall/pipe mounting bracket for dual chamber 7MF7900-1AB
Device options
enclosure, steel, 5/16-24UNF
Double layer coating (epoxy resin and polyurethane) D20
Wall/pipe mounting bracket for dual chamber 7MF7900-1AC
120 m of enclosure and lid
enclosure, steel, M8
Degree of protection IP66 / IP68 (not for device plugs D30
Wall/pipe mounting bracket for dual chamber 7MF7900-1AH
M12 and Han)
enclosure, stainless steel 316L, 5/16-24UNF
Stainless steel Ex plate 1.4404/316L D42
Wall/pipe mounting bracket for dual chamber 7MF7900-1AJ
General approval without Ex approval enclosure, stainless steel 316L, M8
Worldwide (CE, RCM) except EAC, FM, KCC E00 Mounting system (only single chamber enclo-
Explosion protection certificates
Pipe mounting kit for single chamber enclosure, 7MF7900-1AK
ATEX (Europe) and IECEx (world) E47 stainless steel 316L
Mounting brackets (only dual chamber enclosure) Wall mounting kit for single chamber enclosure, 7MF7900-1AL
Wall/pipe mounting bracket for dual chamber enclosure, H01 stainless steel 316L
steel Cable gland
Wall/pipe mounting bracket for dual chamber enclosure, H02 Cable gland, gray, non-Ex, M20 7MF7906-1AB
stainless steel 304
Cable gland, gray, non-Ex, NPT 7MF7906-1BB
Wall/pipe mounting bracket for dual chamber enclosure, H03
stainless steel 316L Cable gland, metal, non-Ex, NPT 7MF7906-1BD
Cable gland, metal, non-Ex, M20 7MF7906-1AD
Cable gland, metal, Ex-d, NPT 7MF7906-1BE
Cable gland, metal, Ex-d, M20 7MF7906-1AE
Cable gland, 316L, non-Ex, NPT 7MF7906-1BH
Cable gland, 316L, non-Ex, M20 7MF7906-1AH
Cable gland, 316L, Ex-d, NPT 7MF7906-1BJ
Cable gland, 316L, Ex-d, M20 7MF7906-1AJ
Cable gland, E1FX Tri-Star 1/2-14NPT, CMP 7MF7906-1NE
Cable gland, ½ NPT Capri ADE 4F cpl., CuZn 7MF7906-1PE
Cable gland, ½ NPT Capri ADE 4F cpl., stainless 7MF7906-1PJ
Dual hole gasket for 2 cables in cable gland 7MF7906-1WN
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF420 (HART, universal)
Article No. Ordering example
Plug and cable socket SITRANS TF420 (single chamber enclosure)
Plug Han 7D, plastic, straight 7MF7906-2AB 7NG0450-0BA02-0AF2-Z Y01+Y17+P10
Plug Han 7D, plastic, angled 7MF7906-2AC Y01: -10 ... +100 °C (32 ... 212 °F)
2 Plug Han 7D, metal, straight, blue
Plug Han 7D, metal, straight, grey
Y17: TICA123
Factory setting
Plug Han 7D, metal, angled, blue 7MF7906-2AR
• Input 1: Pt100 (IEC 751); 3-wire connection
Plug Han 7D, metal, angled, grey 7MF7906-2AP
• Input 2: not configured (inactive)
Plug Han 8D, plastic, straight 7MF7906-2EB
• Measuring range: 0 ... 100 °C (32 ... 212 °F)
Plug Han 8D, plastic, angled 7MF7906-2EC
• Fault current
Plug Han 8D, metal, straight, blue 7MF7906-2EQ - Input circuit wire break: 22.8 mA
Plug Han 8D, metal, straight, grey 7MF7906-2EN - Input circuit short circuit: 22.4 mA
- Input circuit drift: 22 mA (active when input 2 is active)
Plug Han 8D, metal, angled, blue 7MF7906-2ER - Input monitoring wire break and short-circuit
Plug Han 8D, metal, angled, grey 7MF7906-2EP • No trimming of input and output (offset)
Cable socket, plastic, for plug Han 7D 7MF7906-2BB • Damping 0.0 s
Cable socket, plastic, for plug Han 8D 7MF7906-2FB
Cable socket, metal, for Han 7D blue 7MF7906-2BQ
Cable socket, metal, for Han 8D blue 7MF7906-2FQ
Cable socket, metal, for Han 7D grey 7MF7906-2BN
Cable socket, metal, for Han 8D grey 7MF7906-2FN
Plug M12 with cable socket, stainless steel 7MF7906-3AB
Overvoltage protection
Overvoltage protection up to 20 kV, M20 7MF7906-3AC
Overvoltage protection up to 20 kV, NPT 7MF7906-3AD
Closed lid aluminum, painted 2x, without glass win- 7MF7901-1BB
dow, with seal NBR
Closed lid aluminum, painted 2x, without glass win- 7MF7901-1BC
dow, with seal FVMQ
Lid aluminum 2x coated, with glass window, with 7MF7901-1BG
seal NBR
Lid aluminum 2x coated, with glass window, with 7MF7901-1BH
seal FVMQ
Closed lid stainless steel precision casting, without 7MF7901-2AB
glass window, with seal NBR
Closed lid stainless steel precision casting, without 7MF7901-2AC
glass window, with seal FVMQ
Lid stainless steel precision casting, with glass win- 7MF7901-2AG
dow, with seal NBR
Lid stainless steel precision casting, with glass win- 7MF7901-2AH
dow, with seal FVMQ
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF420 (HART, universal)
■ Dimensional drawings
90 (
129 (5.08)
64 (2.52)
166 (4.17)
4 (0.16)
25 (0.98)
49.3 (1.94)
25.3 (1)
81.9 (3.22)
132 (5.2)
237 (9.33)
38 (1.5)
22.5 (0.89) 60 (2.36)
120 (4.72)
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF420 (HART, universal)
■ Circuit diagrams
Input connection
2 9 3 9 3 3
4 4 4
8 5 8 5 5
7 6 7 6 8 6
4 3 + I1 3 +I1
4 3 I1
+ I2 + I2
9 3 9 3 9 3
4 4 4
5 8 5 5
8 7 6 8
7 6 7 6
+ I1 4
I1 I1
4 3 5 4 5 4
I2 I2
Temperature measurement
Temperature transmitters
Field transmitters/field indicator
SITRANS TF420 (HART, universal)
3 4 CJC 4 +
I1 3 4 3 +
I2 I1 +
I2 +
Input 1 (I1) and/or input 2 (I2): Input 1 (I1) and/or input 2 (I2): Input 1 (I1) and/or input 2 (I2):
2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire RTD or TC (internal CJC or Voltage input
linear resistance external 2-wire, 3-wire or (unipolar or bipolar)
4-wire CJC)
3 I1
4 4 5
I1 +
3 4 I2
4 I2
Input 1: TC (internal CJC or Input 1 (I1) and/or input 2 (I2): Input 1 (I1): 5-wire potentiometer
external 2-wire or 3-wire CJC) 3-wire or 4-wire potentiometer Input 2 (I2): 3-wire potentiometer
Input 2: 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire RTD
Temperature Measurement
Temperature transmitters
Fiber-optic temperature measurement
SITRANS TO500, multipoint temperature transmitter
■ Overview ■ Design
The SITRANS TO500 multipoint temperature transmitter is lo-
cated in the control cabinet in a compact aluminum enclosure for
mounting onto DIN rails.
Temperature Measurement
Temperature transmitters
Fiber-optic temperature measurement
SITRANS TO500, multipoint temperature transmitter
Temperature Measurement
Temperature transmitters
Fiber-optic temperature measurement
SITRANS TO500, multipoint temperature transmitter
■ Dimensional drawings
250 (9.84) 130 (5.11)
140 (5.51)
+ CH3
110 (4.33)
■ Circuit diagrams
multipoint measuring lances
"Power" and "Status" LEDs STATUS
Channel 1
"Reset" pushbutton RESET
CH2 Channel 2
+ CH3 Channel 3
Connector power supply -
24 V DC CH4 Channel 4
Connector Ethernet RJ45 for LAN (TCP/IP)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature transmitters
Fiber-optic temperature measurement
SITRANS TO, multipoint measuring lance
■ Benefits ■ Integration
• Fast response to temperature changes Connection to SITRANS TO500 is made via single-mode patch
• Easy to install cable.
• Low space requirements
• Freely selectable sensor arrangement ( 20 sensors per mul-
tipoint measuring lance)
• Freely selectable measuring lance length ( 20 m/787 inch)
• Also suitable for high process temperatures ( 450 °C/842 °F)
■ Application
The SITRANS TO multipoint measuring lance is used for mea-
suring temperatures determined using fiber-optic Fiber Bragg
Up to 20 temperature sensors can be arranged on a multipoint
measuring lance simultaneously. Depending on the process, the
position of the sensor points can be freely selected; minimum
distance is 50 mm (2 inch).
■ Design
The SITRANS TO multipoint measuring lance consists of an op-
tical fiber to which the Fiber Bragg Grating has been applied
with a laser.
The fiber is surrounded by a stainless steel capillary.
The multipoint measuring lance is inserted into the measurement
environment in a thermowell on the process side, e.g. reactor,
Temperature Measurement
Temperature transmitters
Fiber-optic temperature measurement
SITRANS TO, multipoint measuring lance
■ Technical specifications
Input Displays and control elements
Measured variable Temperature Displays and buttons
Measuring system FBG sensors • Without
2 Working area 1 500 ... 1 600 nm Installation instructions
Response time (T0.9) Removal and reinstallation Extreme caution must be exercised
during transport, storage and installa-
• Multipoint measuring lance without < 2 s
tion if removing or reinstalling. The
multipoint measuring lance is irrevers-
• Multipoint measuring lance with ibly damaged at temperatures
thermowell, stainless steel, wall > 550 °C (1 022 °F).
thickness 1 mm; example:
- Outer diameter 3 mm 18 s
- Outer diameter 6 mm 43 s
Rated conditions
Ambient conditions
• Ambient temperature -20 ... +80 °C (-4 ... +176 °F)
• Storage temperature -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
• Operation Vertically extended or horizontally
(+1 K measuring error)
• Relative humidity 5 ... 95 %
• Condensing moisture Not permitted
Bending radius of the multipoint mea- > 500 mm (19.7 inch); briefly 250 mm
suring lance during transportation (9.8 inch)
and installation
Other conditions Avoid direct contact of the sensor with
aggressive and corroding chemicals
such as halogens, NOX and SOX
IP degree of protection (handpiece IP67
and multipoint measuring lance with-
out connectors)
• Bending radius > 60 mm (2.4 inch)
• Tensile force <5N
Weight 60 g (0.13 lb) + 2 g/m + 0.0044 lb/m)
Connectors FC/APC
Clean with a suitable cleaning agent
before connecting. Close with cap if
not in use.
Capillary material AISI 316L
Dimensions See "Dimensional drawings"
• Length 0.1 … 20 m (3.9 … 787 inch)
• Diameter 0.8 mm (0.031 inch)
Thermowell inside diameter (recom-
• Measuring lance < 2 m (79 inch) 2 mm (0.0787 inch)
• Measuring lance < 5 m (197 inch) 3 mm (0.118 inch)
• Measuring lance < 10 m (394 inch) 4 mm (0.157 inch)
• Measuring lance > 10 m (394 inch) 6 mm (0.236 inch)
Distance from last sensor to tip of 10 mm (0.39 inch)
multipoint measuring lance
Length of sensor point 6 mm (0.236 inch)
Positioning accuracy of sensor ±3 mm (0.118 inch)
Distance between 2 sensors > 50 mm (2 inch); smaller on request
Length FOC connection to the trans- 10 000 m (39 3701 inch)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature transmitters
Fiber-optic temperature measurement
SITRANS TO, multipoint measuring lance
SITRANS TO multipoint measuring lance 7MC7700- SITRANS TO multipoint measuring lance 7MC7700-
(coating: stainless steel) (coating: stainless steel)
77777 - 7777 777 77777 - 7777 777
Temperature Measurement
Temperature transmitters
Fiber-optic temperature measurement
SITRANS TO, multipoint measuring lance
Tag plate
Tag plate Y15
Customer-specific installation length (in m) Y44
Customer-specific length of the connecting cable (in m) Y45
Special versions
Description of the special version Y98
Reference/offer no. - application data sheet with sensor Y99
■ Dimensional drawings
Cable length
± 30 (1.18) 100 (3.94) Length of multipoint measuring lance
Ø 10
Ø 0.8
Pigtail with Handpiece Glass fiber in stainless steel capillary
connector (outer
diameter 10 mm)
SITRANS TO multipoint measuring lance with FC/APC connector, pigtail and handpiece; dimensions in mm (inch)
Temperature Measurement
Further accessories for assembly, connection and transmitter configuration
• Measurement inserts for SITRANS TS500 Measurement in- Connection and mounting accessories for SITRANS TH
serts: see SITRANS TSinsert.
• Connection heads type B for SITRANS TS500 (accessory re- Article No.
sistance thermometer) Mounting rail adapter for head transmitter 7NG3092-8KA
(order quantity: 5 units)
• Enclosure gaskets for SITRANS TS500
Connecting cable 7NG3092-8KC
• Connection heads type A and accessories for straight thermo- 4-wire, 200 mm (7.87 inch), for input connections
couples when using head transmitters in the high hinged
• Installation accessories for connection heads for straight ther- cover (set with 5 units)
Connection and mounting accessories for
field transmitter SITRANS TF
■ Selection and ordering data
Article No.
Transmitter configuration for SITRANS TH / TR / TF and Mounting bracket and fastening parts
SITRANS TS Made of steel for 7NG313. -..B.. and 7MP1110 7MF4997-1AC
Article No. Made of steel for 7NG313 . -..C.. 7MF4997-1AB
Made of stainless steel 304 for 7NG313. -..B.. and 7MF4997-1AJ
Modems 7MP1110
Modem with USB interface and SIPROM T software 7NG3092-8KN Made of stainless steel 304 for 7NG313. -..C.. 7MF4997-1AH
for; 4 ... 20 mA: Made of stainless steel 316L for 7NG313. -..B.. 7MF4997-1AQ
• With USB connection Made of stainless steel 316L for 7NG313. -..C.. 7MF4997-1AP
• For SITRANS TH100, TH200, TH320, TR200,
TR320, TF320, TF420 and TF, with TH200 Digital indicator for SITRANS TF1) 7MF4997-1BS
Modem with USB interface for all HART devices: 7MF4997-1DB Connection board for SITRANS TF A5E02391790
• With USB connection Lid, die-cast aluminum, without inspection window 7MF4997-1BB
• For SITRANS TH300, TH320, TH420, TR300,
TR320, TR420, TF320, TF420,TF in HART Lid, die-cast aluminum, with inspection window 7MF4997-1BE
SIMATIC PDM parameter assignment software for: siehe Kap. 8 Retrofitting not possible with Ex devices.
SITRANS TH300, TR300, TH400, TF320, TF420, TF
Temperature Measurement
Further accessories for assembly, connection and transmitter configuration
Lid gasket SITRANS TF320/TF420 single chamber 7MF7901-3AB Light metal, high spring flap, for thermowell diame-
enclosure as well as for SITRANS TS500 housing ter in mm (inch) (hole = thermowell diameter
AG0, AV0, AU0, AV0 +0.5 mm) (0.02 inch)
• 22 (0.87) 7MC2905-4AA
Connection heads type A and accessories for • 26 (1.02) 7MC2905-4BA
straight thermocouples
Installation accessories for connection heads for
Metal thermowells for straight thermocouples according to straight thermocouples
EN 50446 • Terminal base
Article No. • Terminal
X 10 CrAl 24, material no. 1.4762 • Sealing rings
22 x 2 mm ( 0.87 x 0.08 inch), • Washer
0.55 ... 1.10 kg (1.21 ... 2.42 lb), dished
• Stop flange
Nominal length/thermowell length in mm (inch):
• 500 (19.7)/520 (20.5) 7MC2900-1DA • Threaded sleeve
• 710 (28.0)/730 (28.7) 7MC2900-2DA
Article No.
• 1 000 (39.4)/1 020 (40.2) 7MC2900-3DA
Terminal base without terminals for base thermo- 7MC2998-1AA
X 18 CrN28, material no. 1.4749 couples; 0.06 kg (0.13 lb)
26 x 4 mm ( 1.02 x 0.16 inch),
1.25 ... 2.20 kg (2.76 ... 4.85 lb), dished Terminal for base thermocouples; 0.01 kg (0.02 lb) 7MC2998-1BA
Nominal length/thermowell length in mm (inch): Set of sealing rings (100 units) for the lid of the con- 7MC2998-1CA
• 500 (19.7)/520 (20.5) 7MC2900-1EC nection head; 0.01 kg (0.02 lb)
• 710 (28.0)/730 (28.7) 7MC2900-2EC Set of washers (100 units) for the terminal base; 7MC2998-1CB
• 1 000 (39.4)/1 020 (40.2) 7MC2900-3EC 0.01 kg (0.02 lb)
X 15 CrNiSi 25 20, material no. 1.4841 Stop flange, adjustable, from GTW
22 x 2 mm ( 0.87 x 0.08 inch), For thermowell outer diameter 22 mm (0.87 inch); 7MC2998-2CB
1.05 kg (2.31 lb), dished 0.35 kg (0.77 lb)
Nominal length/thermowell length in mm (inch): For thermowell outer diameter 26 mm (1.02 inch); 7MC2998-2CC
• 1 000 (39.4)/1 020 (40.2) 7MC2900-3FA 0.32 kg (0.71 lb)
CrAl 205 (Kantal AF), material no. 1.4767 Threaded sleeve, gas-tight up to 1 bar (14.5 psi),
adjustable, material no. 1.0718, with seal;
22 x 2 mm ( 0.87 x 0.05 inch), 0.40 kg (0.88 lb)
0.55 ... 1.10 kg (1.21 ... 2.42 lb)
For thermowell outer diameter 22 mm (0.87 inch), G1 7MC2998-2DB
Nominal length/thermowell length in mm (inch):
For thermowell outer diameter 26 mm (1.02 inch), G1 7MC2998-2DC
• 500 (19.7)/520 (20.5) 7MC2900-1HA
• 710 (28.0)/730 (28.7) 7MC2900-2HA
• 1 000 (39.4)/1 020 (40.2) 7MC2900-3HA
Flow Measurement
Siemens FI 01 · 2021
© Siemens 2020
Flow Measurement
Product overview
■ Overview
Application Description Catalog Software for
page parameterization
SITRANS FM electromagnetic flowmeters – Pulsed DC magnetic flowmeter
Designed in robust IP67 polyamide enclo- Transmitter MAG 5000/6000 3/31 SIMATIC PDM
sures for compact or remote mounting. • Superior signal resolution for optimum turn
19", back of panel and front of panel enclo- down ratio
sure program. • Comprehensively self-diagnostic,
for error indication and logging
• Multi-lingual display and keypad interface
Designed for the general industry environ- Flow sensors MAG 1100 and 3/48
ment. MAG 1100 HT
The obstructionless performance of the • Metering tube DN 2 ... 100 (1/12 ... 4“)
MAG 1100 is unaffected by the suspended flangeless design.
solids, viscosity and temperature chal- • Corrosion-resistant AISI 316 stainless steel
lenges. housing.
• Highly resistant liner (ceramic or PFA) and
electrodes fitting most extreme process
• Temperature rating up to 200 °C (390 °F)
• Ex Approval: ATEX, FM
Specially designed for the food & beverage Flow sensor MAG 1100 F 3/56
and pharmaceutical industry. • AISI 316 stainless steel enclosure
• Hygienic seal, 3A and EHEDG
• Easy to clean
• Supplied with connections according to
your specification
• Ex Approval: ATEX, FM
The MAG 3100 series with its flexibility in the Flow sensors MAG 3100 and 3/78
choice of liner, electrode and flange material MAG 3100 HT
allows the measurement of even the most • For a wide range of pipe dimensions:
extreme process media. DN 15 ... 2000 (½ ... 78”)
• Wide range of liner and electrode materials
• High-temperature version for application
with temperatures up to 180 °C (355 °F)
• High-pressure solutions
Flow Measurement
Product overview
■ Overview (continued)
Application Description Catalog Software for
page parameterization
The SITRANS FM MAG 3100 P sensor is Flow sensor MAG 3100 P 3/82
designed to meet the most common • For pipe dimensions DN 15 ... 300
specifications within the chemical and (½ ... 12")
process industries.
• Fully welded construction that is extremely
rugged and can withstand special process
conditions using extreme measurement
• Approvals for hazardous areas: ATEX, FM,
• Comprehensive self-diagnostic
for error indication and error logging
• Temperature resistant up to 150 °C (302 °F)
Designed for all water and waste water Flow sensor MAG 5100 W 3/91
applications in water plants and industrial • Metering tube DN 15 ... 1200 (DN 2000)
applications. (½"¨ ... 48" (78“))
• Hard Rubber or EPDM lining
• Integral grounding electrodes as standard
• Increased low flow accuracy for water leak
• Drinking water approvals and custody
transfer approvals , OIML R 49, MI-001 and
PTB K7.2
The SITRANS FM100 is an electromagnetic Flow meter SITRANS FM100 3/104
flow meter for measuring and monitoring • Connection ½”, ¾”, 1”, 2”
small and medium flows.
• Flow- and temperature measurement
• IO-Link communication
• Dosing function with external control output
• Flexible usage in different applications due
to two individual configurable outputs
• Bidirectional measuring
• Robust stainless-steel design
SITRANS FM electromagnetic flowmeters – High-power AC magnetic flowmeter
Designed for heavy-duty applications like Transmitter Transmag 2 3/109 SIMATIC PDM
pulp & paper stock over 3%; heavy mining • Magnetic flowmeter with a very strong
slurries and mining slurries with magnetic pulsed AC magnetic field
• PROFIBUS PA or HART communication
• Comprehensive self-test function
Designed for heavy-duty applications like Flow sensor MAG 911/E 3/109
pulp & paper stock over 3%; heavy mining • Metering tube: DN 15 ... DN 1000
slurries and mining slurries with magnetic (½" ... 40")
• Metering tube liner: Hard Rubber, Linatex,
Soft rubber, PTFE and Novolak
• Integral smartPLUG for storing of calibra-
tion values
• Multi-lingual display and touchpad keypad
• Only remote version
Flow Measurement
Product overview
■ Overview (continued)
Application Description Catalog Software for
page parameterization
SITRANS FC mass flowmeters
Designed for a variety of liquid and gas Flowmeters FC330 3/176
applications in the process Industry. (Dual tube design)
Measurement of mass flow, density, • DN 15, DN 25, DN 50, DN 80, DN 100 and
temperature and fraction. DN 150
• Flow from 70 ... 860 000 kg/h - water
• Pipe material: AISI 316L or Nickel-Alloy C4
Flow Measurement
Product overview
■ Overview (continued)
Application Description Catalog Software for
page parameterization
Designed for low flow applications Flowmeter MASS 2100 and FC300 3/203
with transmitter FCT010 or FCT030
(single tube design)
• MASS 2100: DI 1.5, DI 3, DI 6, DI 15
• FC300: DN 4
• Flow from 0.1 ... 5600 kg/h
• Pipe material: Stainless steel AISI 316L/
1.4435; Hastelloy C22/2.4602
• Accuracy, typically:
- Flow: down to 0.1 %
- Density: down to 0.0005 g/cm3
• Liquid temp./pressure: -50 ... +180°C
(-58 ... +356 °F) / Up to 410 bar (5946 psi)
• Approvals: ed according to ATEX, IECEx,
c-UL-us, CRN, PED
SITRANS FCT070 can be connected to all Transmitter SITRANS FCT070 3/164
Coriolis type Sensors FCS300; FCS400; • Easy integration into automation process
MASS 2100 and FC300 DN4 control as TIA portal and PCS7
FCT070 can be used for machine builders • Cost effective integration of Coriolis flow
and in the process industry plants. The meters for PLC controlled machines
meters are suitable for measuring on liquid
and gas. With ET 200SP ST & HF the • SITRANS FCT070 is a ET 200SP technolo-
SITRANS FCT070 can be installed decen- gy module and can combined with all other
tralized in small stations, with fast communi- SIMATIC ET 200S SP ST & HF modules
cation to the control room. • Fast and trouble-free communication be-
The faceplates for TIA-Portal and PCS 7 tween the flow meter and the PLC through
offer the direct full remote access to the flow digital data communication with up to 10
meter. ms update rate
• ATEX Zone 2 FM Class 1 Div 2 approvals.
• Included advanced batch functionality
without additional modules.
SITRANS FS Inline ultrasonic flowmeters
SITRANS FST030 Inline is designed for all SITRANS FST030 transmitter 3/329 SIMATIC PDM
ultrasonic flow metering. FST030 is released • For SONOKIT up to DN 3000 and more
for water application on SONOKIT up to all
pipe sizes in dual path • 1 or 2 path option
• Analog output and relay
• FDK085X6329 - HART
• FDK085X6366 - Modbus
Flow Measurement
Product overview
■ Overview (continued)
Application Description Catalog Software for
page parameterization
The main application for SONO 3300 SONO 3300/FUS060 3/268 SIMATIC PDM
ultrasonic flowmeters is to measure the • ATEX-approved
volume flow of:
• Water and treated waste water • DN 50 … DN 500 (2” … 12”) steel pipes
• Hot water/cooling systems • PN 10 ... PN 40 or class 150 ... class 300
pressure rates
• Flow 0.3 … 3 200 m³/h
(1.3 ... 14 089 GPM)
3 • No pressure drop
• FUS060 transmitter for separate mounting
• Signal cables from sensor to transducer
are highly protected from aggressive envi-
ronment by stainless steel pipes
The main application for SONO 3100 SONO 3100/FUS060 3/273 SIMATIC PDM
ultrasonic flowmeters is to measure the • DN 100 ... DN 600 (4" ... 24")
volume flow of:
• Water and treated waste water • Pipe in carbon steel
• District heating systems • Transducers can be replaced under
• FUS060 transmitter for separate mounting
• ATEX-approved
• Measure of all liquids less than 350 Cst,
conductive or non-conductive
• No pressure drop
• 1-track, 2-path; 4-path on request
• Special material on request
Installation of one, two or four transducer SONOKIT 3/282 SIMATIC PDM
sets in existing concrete or steel pipes. • FUS060 or FUS080 transmitter for separate
Typically installed in pipes with large mounting
diameters or in hot/cold water applications
• DN 100 ... 3000 (4 ... 120")
• Control and display unit
• Temperature of medium: -20 ... +200 °C
(-4 ... +395 °F)
• Installation on empty pipes or pipes under
pressure (hot-tap installation)
• Standard 1-path or 2-path
(4-path on request)
Battery or mains-powered ultrasonic FUS380/FUE380 3/292 SIMATIC PDM
flowmeter for use within water-based district • FUS380/FUE380: DN 50 ... 1200 (2 ... 48")
heating, cooling systems and utility.
• FUE380: Approved for custody transfer
The FUS380 can also be used for water according to MID MI004 (according to
irrigation systems. EN 1434 Class 2, OIML R 75)
SITRANS FUS380/FUE380 are designed to • FUS380/FUE380: Red brass or painted
work with the SITRANS FUE950 energy carbon steel flanges and metering tube.
calculator. AISI transducers
• Water temperatures 2 … 200 °C
(35.6 ... 392 °F)
• Battery or mains-powered
Universal thermal energy calculator for SITRANS FUE950 3/311
district heating and cooling applications. • Battery or mains-powered
• 24 periods memory
• 2 ports for plug-in modules as data output,
extra input, M-Bus, RS 232/RS 485, current
• Complete set with temperature sensors
and pockets
• MID heating approval, PTB K7.2 cooling
approval, MI004 type approval
Flow Measurement
Product overview
■ Overview (continued)
Application Description Catalog Software for
page parameterization
SITRANS FS clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeters
SITRANS FS clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeters SITRANS FS230 3/322
provide highly accurate measurement while • Suitable for virtually any liquid, even those
minimizing installation time and with high aeration or suspended solids
maintenance expense. These dedicated
flowmeters are suitable for a wide variety of • Hydrocarbon functions are ideal for appli-
liquid applications, including those in the: cations carrying crude oil, refined petro-
• Water Industry leum or liquefied gas
• Wastewater Industry • Choice of single and dual path versions to
• HVAC Industry
• Power Industry
suit your operating conditions and require-
• Processing Industry
• Hydrocarbon Industry • Easy installation; no need to cut pipe or
stop flow
• Minimal maintenance; external sensors do
not require periodic cleaning
• Easy to read display with intuitive menu
• Hazardous area approvals for ATEX Zone
2, IECEx Zone 2 FMc Class I Div. 2
SITRANS FS220 basic is a fast-to-install SITRANS FS220 3/344
clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeter for accurate • Easy installation during process condition,
measurements with minimal maintenance. no need to cut pipe or stop flow
Based on latest technology, this flow meter
is ideal suitable for applications like: • Minimal maintenance; external sensors do
• Water Industry not require periodic cleaning
• Wastewater Industry • No media-contacting parts, no wear, no
• HVAC Industry pressure drop, no energy loss
• Power Industry
• Process controls • Wide turn-down ratio, very sensitive in low
flow condition
• Optional WideBeam technology ensures
high performance
• Compatible with all previously fielded tran-
sit time sensors
The thickness gauge can be used in any Thickness gauge 3/357
field application where there is a need for The hand-held micro-processor controlled
flow measurement. Including but not limited gauge is designed to measure the thickness
to: of various metallic or non-metallic pipes.
• Water and waste water
• Energy measurement • Materials include steel, aluminum, titanium,
• Oil and gas industries plastics and ceramics
• Measurements shown in millimeter or
• Simple-to-read 4-digit LCD display
• Weights 150 g (5.3 oz)
• Battery operation for 250 h
SITRANS FX Vortex flowmeter
Measurement of steam, gases and liquids SITRANS FX300 3/361
in: • Flange DN 15 … DN 300 (½" … 12")
• Chemical
• HVAC / Power plants • Sandwich DN 15 … DN 100 (½" … 4")
• Oil & Gas • 2-wire device 4 ... 20 mA, with integrated
• Food & Beverage temperature and pressure sensors for
• Pharma compensation
• HART communication
• Medium temp.: -40 ... +240 °C
(-40 ... +464 °F)
• Medium pressure: up to 100 bar (1450 psi)
• Hazardous area approvals: FM, CSA, ATEX
• Compact or remote mounted transmitter
Flow Measurement
Product overview
■ Overview (continued)
Application Description Catalog Software for
page parameterization
Very versatile and flexible for use in many SITRANS FX330 3/379
process applications. Flow sensors • Integrated pressure and temperature com-
combines flow, pressure and temperature pensation
measurement into one user-friendly, two-wire
device. • Temperature compensation for saturated
steam included as standard
• Measurement of saturated steam and su-
perheated steam • SIL2 certified according to IEC 61508
Edition 2
• Heat metering of steam and hot water
• Use in hazardous areas
3 • Measurement of consumption in com-
pressed air systems • Integrated reduction of nominal diameter
for space-saving and economic installation
• Evaluation of Free Air Delivery (FAD)
• Exchange of electronics without loss of cal-
• SIP and CIP processes in the food, bever- ibration and configuration data
age and pharmaceutical industries
• Gross and net heat calculation to support
• Measurement of conductive and non-con- energy management
ductive liquids
• Remote version with cable length up to
• Safety-related measurement in SIL applica- 50 m (164 ft)
tions (SIL2).
SITRANS FVA variable area meters
Measurement of flow of liquids and gases, FVA250 3/395
also highly suitable for corrosive media, high • All-metal variable area meter with various
temperatures and high pressures. float materials
• Connections: DN 15 ... DN 100 (½" ... 4")
• Temperature of medium: -20 °C ... +300 °C
(-4 ... +572 °F)
• Optionally available with analog output or
Flow Measurement
Criteria for selection of flowmeter
■ Overview
Criteria for selection of flowmeter This section of the field device catalog includes the following in-
struments for measuring flow:
Each method for measuring flow has specific properties, and
each flow measuring point is characterized by specific require- • Electromagnetic
ments. The table shown below compares the properties of the • Coriolis mass flow
various measuring instruments and thus provides assistance in • Ultrasonic
selection of the optimum device.
• Vortex volumetric- and mass flow
• Variable area meter
• Orifice plate
Measurement principle Electromagnetic Coriolis Ultrasonic Ultrasonic Vortex Variable area Orifice plate
(inline) (clamp-on) meter
Medium Liquid Liquid or gas Liquid Liquid or gas Steam/vapor, Liquid or gas Liquid, vapor,
(conductive) gases, liquid gas
Nominal size DN 2 … 2000 1.5 … 150 mm DN 50 ... 3000 6.4 mm ... DN 15 … 300 DN 10 … 100 DN 10 … 1000
(0.08” … 78”) (0.06” … 6”) (2" ... 120") 9.14 m (½" … 12") (0.4” … 4”) (0.4” … 40”)
(0.25" ... 360") G½” … G3”
Temperature range °C (°F) -40 … +200 -50 … +180 -20 ... +200 -40 ... +120 -40 ... +240 -20 … +300 -200 … +500
(-40 … +392) (-58 … +356) (-4 ... +392) (-40 ... +248) (-40 ... +464) (-4 … +572) (-328 … +932)
Max. pressure bar (psi) 160 (2 320), Up to 410 40 (580) Unlimited 100 (1 450) 100 (1 450) 315 (4 569)
optional higher (Up to 5 950)
Accuracy % ± 0,25 or ± 0,4 ± 0,1 or ± 0,15 ± 0,5 … ± 2 0,5 ... 1,0 % of ± 0,75 … ± 1 ± 1.6 ... ± 2.0 ± 0,5 … ± 2
flow, for veloci-
ties greater than
0,3 m/s (1 ft/s)
Repeatability % 0,1/0,2 0,05 0,25 0,15% of flow, for 0,1 0,5 0,5
velocities greater
than 0,3 m/s
(1 ft/s)
Dynamic response 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:25 1:10 1:6
Start-of-scale value m/s (ft/s) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0,1 (0.33) 0 (0) 0,4 (1.31) 0,2 (0.66) Re > 500
2,0 (6.56)
Full-scale value ± 36/120 Re < 108
• For liquids m/s (ft/s) 0,25 … 10 10 (32.8) 10 (32.8) ± 12/40 10 (32.8) 3,5 (11.4) 3 (9.8)
(0.825 … 32.8)
• For steam/vapor, m/s (ft/s) Approx. 300 ± 12/40 80 (262.5) 60 (197) 50/25
gases (1000) (164/82)
Measured values
Volume flow • • • • • • •
Sound velocity • •
Sound amplitude • •
Density • •
Mass flow • • • •
Bidirectional measurement • • • • •
• For custody transfer • • • •
• As batching system • • •
• In viscosity range mPa·s 0,1 … 100 000 0 ... 100 000 0 ... 350 0,5 ... 2800 0 … 10 0,5 … 100 0 … 10
(cp) (0.1 … 100 000) (0 ... 100 000) (0 ... 350) (0.5 ... 2800) (0 … 10) (0.5 … 100) (0 … 10)
Power supply Mains or battery Mains Mains or battery 90... 240 V AC, 2-wire non 2-wire
50...60 Hz, 15 VA
or 9 ... 36 V DC,
10 W
Flow Measurement
Criteria for selection of flowmeter
■ Overview (continued)
Communication solutions
Fieldbus H1
SITRANS FM MAG 5000 • 1) 2) 4)
SITRANS FM MAG 6000 • 1) 2) 4) 5) • 1) 5) 6) 7) • 1) 5) 6) 7) • 2) 4) 5) • 5) • 1) 5) 10)
SITRANS FM MAG 6000 I • 1) 2) 4) 5) • 1) 5) 6) 7) • 1) 5) 6) 7) • 2) 4) 5) • 5) • 1) 5) 10)
1) 2) 4) 5) 1) 5) 6) 7) 2) 4) 5)
SITRANS FM MAG 6000 I Ex • • •
3 SITRANS FM TRANSMAG 2 • 1) 4) • 1) 6)
SITRANS FM MAG 8000 • 1) 3) 10) 11) 12) • 14)
SITRANS FUS060 • 1) • 1) 6)
SITRANS FUS080 • 1) 8) 12)
SITRANS FX300 • 1)
SITRANS FX330 • 1)
SITRANS P DS III • 1) 2) • 1) 2) 7) • 2)
Differential pressure and flow
1) 8)
Supports SIMATIC PDM CT versions are not approved with communication modules.
2) 9)
Supports AMS All wall mount models
3) 10)
Supports Siemens Flow Tool RS 485
4) 11)
Supports HH275/375 RS 232
5) 12)
Pluggable add-on module IrDA (Infrared)
6) 13)
Profile 2 Connected to ET200M PROFIBUS interface
7) 14)
Profile 3 Only with 7ME6810
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
■ Overview
SITRANS FM electromagnetic flowmeters are designed for mea- High-powered flowmeters are used for difficult applications
suring the flow of electrically conductive mediums. where other flowmeters cannot stand up to the task. This flowme-
ter can handle liquids and heavy slurries in industries such as
The full SITRANS FM program consists of three different types of mining, cement and pulp and paper.
flowmeters making Siemens unique in that it covers all possible
applications where electromagnetic flowmeters are a suitable
Modular pulsed DC flowmeters cover all ordinary applications
within all industries. The wide variety of combinations and ver-
sions from the modular system means that ideal adaptation is
possible to each measuring task and application.
SITRANS FM products
Battery-operated water meters (fully electronic) are the perfect
match for drinking water applications like network distribution,
revenue metering and irrigation where mains power is not avail-
able. In addition, it complies with the MID (EU) and OIML R 49
water meter standards and has the MCERTS certificate.
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
■ Benefits ■ Application
Electromagnetic flowmeters are suitable for measuring the flow
of almost all electrically conductive liquids, pastes and slurries.
A prerequisite is that the medium must have a minimum conduc-
tivity. The temperature, pressure, density and viscosity have no
influence on the result.
The main applications of the electromagnetic flowmeters can be
found in the following sectors:
• Water and waste water
• Chemical industries
3 • Pharmaceutical industries
• Food and beverage industry
• Mining, aggregates and cements industries
• Pulp and paper industry
• Steel industry
• Power; utility and chilled water industry
Greater flexibility The wide variety of combinations and versions from the modular
• Wide product program system means that ideal adaptation is possible to each measur-
ing task.
• Compact or remote installation using the same transmitter and
• USM II communication platform for easy integration with all
Easier commissioning of MAG 5000, 6000, 6000 I
All SITRANS FM pulsed DC electromagnetic flowmeters feature
a unique SENSORPROM memory unit which stores sensor cali-
bration data and transmitter settings for the lifetime of the prod-
At commissioning the flowmeter commences measurement
without any initial programming.
The factory settings matching the sensor size are stored in the
SENSORPROM unit. Also customer specified settings are down-
loaded to the unit. Should the transmitter be replaced, the new
transmitter will upload all previous settings and resume mea-
surement without any need for reprogramming.
Further, the "fingerprint" used in connection with the
SITRANS FM Verificator is stored during the initial sensor cali-
Easier service
Transmitter replacement requires no programming. SENSOR-
PROM automatically updates all settings after initialization.
Room for growth
USM II the Universal Signal Module with "plug & play" simplicity,
makes it easy to access and integrate the flow measurement
with almost any system and bus-protocol and it ensures the flow-
meter will be easy to upgrade to future communication/bus plat-
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
■ Application (continued)
Please see Product selector
on the Internet, because some
constrains might be related to
some of the features:
http://www.pia-selector. FM100 MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG 8000/
1100 1100 HT 1100 F 3100 3100 HT 3100 P 5100 W 5100 W 911/E MAG 8000
7ME6010 7ME6110 7ME6120 7ME6140 7ME6310 7ME6320 7ME6340 7ME6520 7ME6580 7ME5610 7ME6810
Water/waste water
Chemical •
Pharmaceutical • XX XX XXX XX XX XX X X X
Food and beverage XX XXX X X X X X X
Mining, aggregates and cement XX XXX X X XXX X
Compact • • • • • • • • •
Remote • • • • • • • • • • •
Constant field (DC) • • • • • • • • •
Alternating field (AC) •
Battery-operated constant field •
DN 2 (1/12") •
DN 3 (1/8") •
DN 6 (¼") •
DN 10 (3/8") • •
DN 15 (½") • • • • • • • • •
DN 25 (1") • • • • • • • • • • •
DN 32 (1¼”) • 2)
DN 40 (1½") • • • • • • • • • •
DN 50 (2”) • • • • • • • • • • •
DN 65 (2½") • • • • • • • • • •
DN 80 (3") • • • • • • • • • •
DN 100 (4") • • • • • • • • • •
DN 125 (5") • • • • • • •
DN 150 (6") • • • • • • •
DN 200 (8") • • • • • • •
DN 250 (10") • • • • • • •
DN 300 (12") • • • • • • •
DN 350 (14") • • • • •
DN 400 (16") • • • • •
DN 450 (18") • • • • •
DN 500 (20") • • • • •
DN 600 (24") • • • • •
DN 700 (28") • • • • •
DN 750 (30") • • • • •
DN 800 (32") • • • • •
DN 900 (36") • • • • •
DN 1000 (40") • • • • •
DN 1050 (42") • • • •
DN 1100 (44") • • • •
DN 1200 (48”) • • • •
• = available, X = can be used, XX = often used, XXX = most often used
Not suitable for wastewater applications
Only in combination with DN 32 adapter A5E02054637, A5E02218297, FDK:083G2120 and FDK:083G2160
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
■ Application (continued)
Please see Product selector
on the Internet, because some
constrains might be related to
some of the features:
http://www.pia-selector. FM100 MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG 8000/
1100 1100 HT 1100 F 3100 3100 HT 3100 P 5100 W 5100 W 911/E MAG 8000
7ME6010 7ME6110 7ME6120 7ME6140 7ME6310 7ME6320 7ME6340 7ME6520 7ME6580 7ME5610 7ME6810
Size (continued)
3 DN 1400 (56")
DN 1500 (60")
DN 1600 (66") • •
DN 1800 (72") • •
DN 2000 (78") • •
Process connection
Wafer design • •
Sanitary process connections •
Flanges • • • • • • •
Pressure ratings1)
EN 1092-1 PN 6 • •
EN 1092-1 PN 10 • • • • • • •
EN 1092-1 PN 16 • • • • • • • • •
EN 1092-1 PN 25 • • •
EN 1092-1 PN 40 • • • • • • • • • •
EN 1092-1 PN 63 •
EN 1092-1 PN 100 •
ANSI B 16.5 class 150 • • • • • • •
ANSI B 16.5 class 300 • • •
ANSI B 16.5 class 600 •
ASME B 16.47 class 150 •
AWWA class D • • • • •
AS 2129 table E • •
AS 4087, PN 16 • • • • •
AS 4087, PN 21 • •
AS 4087, PN 35 • •
JIS B 2220:2004 K10 • • • •
JIS B 2220:2004 K20 •
Flow error ± 0.2 % of rate • • • • • • • • •
Flow error ± 0.4 % of rate • • • • • • • • •
Flow error ± 0.5 % of rate •
0.1 % • • • • • • • •
0.2 % • •
Grounding electrodes
Grounding electrodes, incl. • • • • (•) •
• = available
Pressure may be limited by the liner material chosen.
Of actual flow for v ≥ 0.5 m/s (15 ft/s) and conductivity > 10 μS/cm
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
■ Application (continued)
Please see Product selector
on the Internet, because some
constrains might be related to
some of the features:
http://www.pia-selector. FM100 MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG 8000/
1100 1100 HT 1100 F 3100 3100 HT 3100 P 5100 W 5100 W 911/E MAG 8000
7ME6010 7ME6110 7ME6120 7ME6140 7ME6310 7ME6320 7ME6340 7ME6520 7ME6580 7ME5610 7ME6810
Liner material/max. temperatures
NBR: 70 °C (158 °F) •
EPDM: 70 °C (158 °F) • • •
Soft rubber: 70 °C (158 °F) • •
PTFE: 100 °C (212 °F) •
PTFE: 150 °C (302°F) • • •
PTFE: 180 °C (356 °F) • •
Ebonite: 95 °C (203 °F) • •3) •
Linatex: 70 °C (158 °F) • •
Ceramic: 150 °C (302 °F) • •
Ceramic: 200 °C (392 °F) •2)
PFA: 100 °C (212 °F) •
PFA: 150 °C (302 °F) • • • •
Novolak: 130 °C (266 °F) •
Stainless steel • • • •
Hastelloy C • • • • • • • • •
Platinum • • • • • (•)1) •
Titanium • • •
Tantalum • • (•)1) •
Ceramic coated stainless steel •
Ceramic coated Hastelloy C •
Flange/housing material
Carbon steel • • • • • • •
Stainless steel/carbon steel • • • •
Polished stainless steel • • • • •
Custody transfer
Cold Water – MI-001 (EU) • •
Cold water approval - •4)
NMI 10 (Australia) •4) •4)
Chilled water pattern approval - •4)
PTB K 7.2
OE 12/C 040 (Austria) •
Chilled water pattern approval
KIWA water approval • •
Bureau Veritas •
Lloyd's Register •
• = available
Only for PTFE
Ex sensor: 180 °C (356 °F)
70 °C (158 °F)
For verification submit Product Variation Request (PVR)
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
■ Application (continued)
Please see Product selector
on the Internet, because some
constrains might be related to
some of the features:
http://www.pia-selector. FM100 MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG 8000/
1100 1100 HT 1100 F 3100 3100 HT 3100 P 5100 W 5100 W 911/E MAG 8000
7ME6010 7ME6110 7ME6120 7ME6140 7ME6310 7ME6320 7ME6340 7ME6520 7ME6580 7ME5610 7ME6810
Approvals (continued)
3 Hazardous areas
ATEX – 2 GD (Zone 1/21) • • • • • •
IECEx Zone 1/21 • • •
FM Class I/II/III, Div 1 •7) •7) •7)
FM Class I, Zone 1/21 • • •
FM - Class I, Div 2 • • • • • • • •
FM - Class I, Zone 2 • • • • • • • •
CSA Class I, Zone 1/21 • • •
CSA - Class I, Div 2 • • • • •
NEPSI Zone 1 • •
EAC Ex • • • • • •
3A •
EC 1935:2004 •
European food contact material
Drinking water
WRAS (WRc) • •2) • •
ANSI/NSF 61 (US) 7) •3) • • •
ACS (FR) • • •
Belgaqua (B) • • •
DVGW-W270 (D) • • •
KIWA (NL) • • •
AS/NZS 4020 (AU) • • •
CRN (Canada) •8) • • • • • •
FM Fire Service •6) •6)
(class number 1044)
MCERTS (GB) •4) •2) •
EAC (Russia, Belarus, and • • • • • • • • • •
CPA (China) • • • • • • • • • •
VdS •5)
Verificator compatible •1) •1) •1) •1) •1) •1) •1) •1)
• = available
1) Only in combination with MAG 5000 and MAG 6000 transmitters
EPDM liner
Only EPDM with Hastelloy electrodes
EPDM or PTFE liner with AISI 316 or Hastelloy electrodes
Only valid for DN 50 to DN 300 (2" to 12")
Sizes: DN 50, DN 80, DN 100, DN 150, DN 200, DN 250, and DN 300
(2", 3", 4", 6", 8", 10", and 12") with ANSI B16.5 Class 150 flanges
Only DN 15 to DN 300 (½" to 12") with MAG 6000 I Ex, compact mounted
Only PFA liner
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
■ Application (continued)
Please see Product selector on
the Internet, because some
constrains might be related to
some of the features:
http://www.pia-selector. MAG 5000 MAG 6000 MAG 6000 I MAG 6000 I Ex MAG 6000 + TRANSMAG 2 MAG 8000/
Safety barrier MAG 8000 CT
7ME6910 7ME6920 7ME6930 7ME6930 7ME6920 7ME5034 7ME6810
Water/waste water XXX XXX XX X X XXX
Chemical X XX XX XXX X X 3
Pharmaceutical X XXX XX XXX X X
Food and beverage XX XXX XX X
Mining, aggregates and cement XX X XX X XXX X
Compact • • • • •
Remote • • • • • • •
Constant field (DC) • • • • • •
Alternating field (AC) •
Battery-operated constant field •
Enclosure transmitter
Polyamide, IP67 • •
Die-cast aluminum • • •
Stainless steel • •1)
19” rack • • •
Front panel mounting • • •
Panel mounting • • •
IP66 wall mounting • • • • •
Flow error ± 0.2 % of rate • • • • •
Flow error ± 0.4 % of rate • •
Flow error ± 0.5 % of rate •
0.1 % • • • • •
0.2 % •
HART • • • • • •
PROFIBUS PA • • • • •
FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 • • • •
DeviceNet • • •
Modbus RTU/RS 485 • • • •2)
Encoder interface module •
(Sensus protocol) for
Itron 200WP radio
GSM/GPRS module •
Batching • • • •
• = available, X = can be used, XX = often used, XXX = most often used
IP68 enclosure
Modbus RTU also as serial RS 232
Of actual flow for v ≥ 0.5 m/s (1.5 ft/s) and conductivity > 10 μS/cm
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
■ Application (continued)
Please see Product selector on
the Internet, because some
constrains might be related to
some of the features:
http://www.pia-selector. MAG 5000 MAG 6000 MAG 6000 I MAG 6000 I Ex MAG 6000 + TRANSMAG 2 MAG 8000/
Safety barrier MAG 8000 CT
7ME6910 7ME6920 7ME6930 7ME6930 7ME6920 7ME5034 7ME6810
Power supply
24 V • 1) • 1) • • •1)2)
3 115 V - 230 V • • • • • • •2)
Battery •
Custody transfer
Cold water - MI-001 (EU) • • •
Cold water approval - •
NMI 10 (Australia) •5) •5)
Chilled water pattern approval •5) •5) •5)
PTB K 7.2
OE12/C 040 (Austria) • •
Chilled water pattern approval
KIWA water approval • •
ABS • •
Bureau Veritas • •
DNV-GL • •
Lloyd's Register • •
Hazardous areas
ATEX - 2G GD (Zone 1/21) • (•)3)
IECEx Gb Zone 1/21 •
FM Class I/II/III, Div 1 •4)
FM Class I, Zone 1/21 •
FM Class I, Div 2 • • •
FM Class I, Zone 2 • • •
CSA Class I, Zone 1/21 •
CSA Class I, Div 2 • • •
UL/C-UL-general safety • • •
NEPSI Zone 1 •
EAC Ex • •
FM Fire Service (1044) • • •
KCs (South Korea) • • • • •
EAC (Russia, Belarus, • • • • • • •
CPA (China) • • • • • • •
VdS • •
Other national approvals, see • • • • • • •
Verificator compatible • •
• = available
12/24 V AC/DC
Main power with battery backup
Only sensor in hazardous area
Only with sensors sizes DN 15 to DN 300 (½" to 12") compact
For verification submit Product Variation Request (PVR)
For more national approvals please check our internet page
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
■ Application (continued)
Practical examples of ordering
SITRANS FM compact installation SITRANS FM remote installation
+ = + =
MAG 6000 MAG 3100 MAG 6000 compact Wall bracket MAG 6000
transmitter sensor mounted on a
MAG 3100 sensor 3
+ =
Sensor 7ME6310-3TC11-1JA1
Pipe size DN 100
Liner Soft rubber MAG 3100 2 × cable MAG 3100 remote
Electrodes SS 316
Flanges EN 1092-1, PN 16
Sensor 7ME6310-3TC11-1AA1
Transmitter MAG 6000, Polyamide, 115 … 230 V AC
Pipe size DN 100
Accuracy ± 0.2 % ± 1 mm/s
Liner Soft rubber
Supply 230 V AC
Electrodes SS 316
Flanges EN 1092-1, PN 16
MAG 5000/6000 transmitters, sensors and communication
modules are packed in separate boxes, the final assembly takes Transmitter 7ME6920-1AA10-0AA0
place during installation at the customer's place. Accuracy ± 0.2 % ± 1 mm/s
Supply 230 V AC
Wall mounting kit FDK:085U1018
Cable kit with sensor A5E01181647
cable and electrode
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
■ Technical specifications
Flowmeter Calibration and traceability
To ensure continuous accurate measurement, flowmeters must The calibration follows the ISO 4185 performing calibrations
be calibrated. The calibration is conducted at Siemens facilities under two methods: Static Weighing and Reference meter.
with traceable instruments referring directly to the physical unit Providing a measurement uncertainty of ±0.1 %.
of measurement according to the International System of Units
(SI). Siemens accredited laboratories are recognized by ILAC MRA
(International Laboratory Accreditation Corporation - Mutual
Therefore, the calibration certificate ensures recognition of the Recognition Arrangement) ensuring international traceability
test results worldwide, including the US (NIST traceability). and recognition of the test results worldwide.
Siemens offers accredited calibrations assured to ISO 17025 in A calibration certificate is shipped with every sensor and cali-
3 the flow range from 0.0001 m³/h to 10 000 m³/h. bration data are stored in the SENSORPROM memory unit.
Flowmeter uncertainty
MAG 5000 with MAG 1100, MAG 1100 F, MAG 5100 W, MAG 3100, MAG 3100 P
and MAG 6000 with MAG 1100 (PFA), MAG 1100 F (PFA)
[±% E]
Flowmeter uncertainty
V: Flow velocity
2,6 E: Meter uncertainty as a percentage of measured value
2,4 v ≥ 0.1 m/s (0.3 ft/s) --> E: ± 0.4 ± 1 mm/s *
v < 0.1 m/s (0.3 ft/s) --> E: ± (0.25/v) % of measured value
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [m/s]
0 3.3 6.6 9.9 13 16 20 23 26 30 33 36 39 [ft/s]
MAG 6000 and MAG 6000 I with MAG 1100 (not PFA), MAG 1100 F (not PFA), MAG 5100 W, MAG 3100 and MAG 3100 P
[±% E] Flowmeter uncertainty
V: flow velocity
E: meter uncertainty as a percentage of measured value
v ≥ 0,1 m/s (0.3 ft/s) --> E: ± 0,2 ± 1 mm/s *
1.2 v < 0,1 m/s (0.3 ft/s) --> E: ± (0,125/v) % of measured value *
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [m/s]
0 3.3 6.6 9.9 13 16 20 23 26 30 33 36 39 [ft/s]
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
1000 20
10 0 10
DN N80 500
20 D 50
65 DN 5
40 2
5 DN 100
25 50
2 DN
15 0,5
1 20
10 0,2
DN 0,1
0,2 0,05
DN 2
1 0,02
D N3 0,01
0,02 2 0,005
0,01 0,2
0,005 0,1
0,05 0,001
0,002 0,0005
0,001 0,02
0,0005 0,01
0,005 0,0001
0,0002 0,00005
0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,3 0,5 1 1,5 2 5 10 m/s
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
Potential equalization
The electrical potential of the liquid must always be equal to the
electrical potential of the sensor. This can be achieved in differ-
ent ways depending on the application:
• Wire jumper between sensor and adjacent flange (MAG 1100,
MAG 3100)
Install in vertical pipelines with upward flow direction if measuring • Direct metallic contact between sensor and fittings
abrasive liquids
(MAG 1100 F)
Inlet and outlet conditions • Built-in grounding electrodes (MAG 3100, MAG 5100 W)
• Optional grounding/protection flanges/rings (MAG 1100,
min. 5 x Di min. 3 x Di MAG 3100, MAG 8000)
• Optional graphite gaskets on MAG 1100 (standard for
MAG 1100 High Temperature)
• MAG 8000 installed in plastic or coated pipes: two grounding
rings to be used.
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
0.75 50
0.60 40
0.45 30
0.30 20
0.15 10
Without grounding electrodes in non-conductive pipes use grounding V = 8 m/s
ring(MAG 1100 use graphite gasket) [25 ft/s]
0.075 5 V = 7 m/s
MAG 1100 F grounding via process connections. MAG 8000 0.060 4
[23 ft/s]
grounding see the section about MAG 8000. V = 6 m/s
0.045 3 [20 ft/s]
Vacuum V = 5 m/s
[16 ft/s]
0.030 2
V = 4 m/s
0.015 1 [13 ft/s]
V = 3 m/s
[10 ft/s]
0.0075 0.5
0.0060 0.4 V = 2 m/s
[6 ft/s]
0.0045 0.3
0.0030 0.2 [5 ft/s]
V = 1 m/s
In order to prevent damages of liner when operating meters under [3 ft/s]
0.0015 0.1
vacuum please take note of the information "Operating pressure" given in 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
section "Technical specification". d1 /d2
Ambient temperature
Ambient temp.
C° (F°)
Reduction in nominal pipe diameter MAG 6000 I/MAG 6000 I Ex
60 (140)
The flowmeter can be installed between two reducers (e.g.
DIN 28545). Assuming that at 8° the following pressure drop 50 (122)
MAG 5000/6000
curve applies. The curves are applicable to water. 40 (104)
30 (86)
20 (68)
10 (50) Temperature
of medium
0 (32)
50 75 100 125 150 C°
(122 167 212 257 302 F°)
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
System information
Note for MAG 8000: Note for MAG 1100 sizes DN 2 and DN 3:
• The media conductivity must be ≥ 20 uS/cm • Empty pipe detection is not available
Note for MAG 5000/6000 CT:
• Empty pipe detection is not available
Remote installation
Standard cable
of medium
5 100 200 300 [m]
Special cable
of medium
50 100 200 300 400 500 [m]
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
SITRANS FM Verificator
■ Function
All electromagnetic flowmeters are based on Faraday's law of in- SITRANS FM diagnostics
The diagnostic functions are all internal tools in the meter:
UM = B · v · d · k • Identification in clear text and error log
UM = Measured voltage induced in the medium perpendicular • Error categories: function; warning; permanent and fatal er-
to the magnetic field and the flow direction. The voltage is rors
tapped at two point electrodes. • Transmitter self-check including all outputs and the accuracy
B = Magnetic flux density which permeates the flowing medium • Sensor check: coil and electrode circuit test
perpendicular to the flow direction.
• Overflow
v = flow velocity of medium
d = internal diameter of metering tube
• Empty pipe: partial filling; low conductivity; electrode fouling 3
SITRANS FM Verificator (MAG 5000 and 6000)
k = proportionality factor or sensor constant The SITRANS FM Verificator is an external tool designed for
MAG 5000 and MAG 6000 with MAG 1100, MAG 1100 F,
Sensor MAG 3100, MAG 3100 P or MAG 5100 W sensors to verify the
entire product, the installation and the application.
The goal is to improve operation, reduce downtime and maintain
measurement accuracy as long as possible.
The SITRANS FM Verificator is highly advanced and carries out
the complex verification and performance check of the entire
flowmeter system, according to unique SIEMENS patented prin-
ciples. The whole verification test is automated and easy to op-
erate so there is no opportunity for human error or influence. The
V UM system is traceable to international standards and tested by
B WRc (Water Research Council).
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
SITRANS FM Verificator
■ Function (continued)
1. Transmitter test The verification of the sensor magnetism is a “boost” test of the
magnetic field coil. The test ensures that the magnetism be-
The transmitter test is the traditional way of on-site testing on the haviour is like the first time, by comparing the current sensor
market and checks the complete electronic system from signal magnetism with the “fingerprint” which was determined during
input to output. initial calibration and stored in the SENSORPROM memory unit.
In the “boost” test the verificator changes the magnetic field in
certain pattern and with high voltage to get quick stable mag-
netic condition. This unique test is fulfilled without any interfer-
ence or compensation of surrounding temperature or intercon-
necting cabling.
3 • Changes in dynamic magnetic behaviour
• Magnetic influence inside and outside the sensor
• Missing or poor coil wire and cable connection
Transmitter test
The test certificate generated by a PC contains:
Using the excitation power output, which is generated to drive • Test result with passed or failed
the magnetic field of the sensor, the verificator simulates flow
signal to the transmitter input. By measuring the transmitter out- • Installation specification
puts the verificator calculates its accuracy against defined val- • Flowmeter specification and configuration
ues. Test includes: • Verificator specification with date of calibration ensuring
traceability to international standards.
• Excitation power to drive the magnetic field
• Signal function from signal input to output
MAGFLO® Verification Certificate
• Signal processing – gain, offset and linearity
Customer: MAGFLO® Identification:
• Test of analogue and frequency output Name TAG No./Name 0
Address Sensor Code No. 7ME634
2. Insulation test Sensor Serial No. 057701H142
Transmitter Code No. 7ME692
Phone Transmitter Serial No. 109418N080
Email Location
disturbance within the coil circuit and then looks for any “cross- Digital Output
Frequency Range
Verificator Details (083F5060)
talk” induced in the flow signal circuit. By generating dynamic Time Constant N/A
Volume/pulse 1.0 l/p Serial No.
disturbances close-coupled to the flow signal, the flowmeter is Pulse width 0.51999998 sec. 94683
Device No.
tested for noise immunity to a maximum level: Pulse polarity Positiv
Software Version
Totalizer 1 value before test 819442.93213 l
• EMC influence on the flow signal Totalizer 1 value after test 819458.92334 l PC-Software Version 5.01
Totalizer 2 value before test 693.87579 l
• Moisture in sensor, connection and terminal box Totalizer 2 value after test 693.88145 l
Cal. date 2015.10.26
It is mandatory to have the Verificator returned to the factory
Sensor magnetism test once a year for check and re-verification.
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
MAG 5000/6000
■ Overview ■ Application
The SITRANS FM flowmeters are suitable for measuring the flow
of almost all electrically conductive liquids, pastes and slurries.
The main applications can be found in:
• Water and waste water
• Chemical and pharmaceutical industries
• Food and beverage industries
• Power generation and utility
■ Design
The transmitter is designed as either IP67 NEMA 4X/6 enclosure
for compact or wall mounting or 19" version as a 19" insert as a
base to be used in:
• 19" rack systems
• Front panel mounting IP65/NEMA 2
Transmitter MAG 5000/6000 compact version (left) and 19“ insert version • Panel mounting IP20/NEMA 1
• Wall mounting IP66/NEMA 4X
The MAG 5000 and 6000 are transmitters engineered for high
performance, easy installation, commissioning and mainte- Several options on 19" versions are available such as:
nance. The transmitters evaluate the signals from the • Transmitters mounted in safe area for Ex ATEX approved flow
SITRANS FM sensors type MAG 1100, MAG 1100 F, MAG 3100, sensors (incl. barriers)
MAG 3100 P and MAG 5100 W.
• Transmitters with electrode cleaning unit on request
Transmitter types:
• MAG 5000: Max. measuring error ± 0.4 % ± 1 mm/s (incl.
• MAG 6000: Max. measuring error ± 0.2 % ± 1 mm/s (incl. sen-
sor, see also sensor specifications) and with additional fea-
tures such as: “plug & play” add-on bus modules; integrated
batch functions.
■ Benefits
• Superior signal resolution for optimum turn down ratio
• Digital signal processing with many possibilities
• Automatic reading of SENSORPROM data for easy commis-
• User configurable operation menu with password protection
• 3 lines, 20 characters display in 11 languages
• Flow rate in various units
• Totalizer for forward, reverse and net flow as well as additional
information available
• Multiple functional outputs for process control, minimum con-
figuration with analogue, pulse/frequency and relay output
(status, flow direction, limits)
• Comprehensive self-diagnostic for error indication and error
logging (see SITRANS FM diagnostics)
• Batch control (MAG 6000 only)
• Custody transfer approval: MI-001 for cold water, PTB K 7.2
and OE12/C 040 for chilled water
• MAG 6000 with add-on bus modules for HART,
FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1, DeviceNet, Modbus RTU/RS485,
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
MAG 5000/6000
■ Function
The MAG 5000/6000 are transmitters with a built-in alphanu-
meric display in several languages. The transmitters evaluate Transmitter
the signals from the associated electromagnetic sensors and
also fulfil the task of a power supply unit which provides the mag- min. 230 Ω
net coils with a constant current.
Further information on connection, mode of operation and instal-
lation can be found in the data sheets for the sensors. PC/
Displays and controls
Operating and
Operation of the transmitter can be carried out using: display panel
3 • Control and display unit
• HART communicator
HART- Coupling
• PC/laptop and SIMATIC PDM software via HART communica- Communicator module RS 232
• PC/laptop and SIMATIC PDM software using PROFIBUS or
HART communication
Modbus communication
Master + term.
PROFIBUS PA communication
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
MAG 5000/6000
■ Technical specifications
Mode of operation and design Display Background illumination with alpha-
numeric text, 3 x 20 characters to
Measuring principle Electromagnetic with pulsed constant indicate flow rate, totalized values,
field settings and faults; Reverse flow indi-
Empty pipe Detection of empty pipe (special cated by negative sign
cable required in remote mounted Time constant Time constant as current output time
installation) constant
Excitation frequency Depend on sensor size Design
Electrode input impedance > 1 x 1014 Ω Enclosure material
Input • Compact version Fiber glass reinforced polyamide;
Digital input 11 ... 30 V DC, Ri = 4. 4 KΩ
• 19“-insert
stainless steel AISI 316/1.4436 (IP65)
Standard 19“ insert of aluminium/
• Activation time 50 ms steel (DIN 41494), width: 21 TE,
• Current I11 V DC = 2.5 mA, I30 V DC = 7 mA height: 3 HE
Output • Back of panel IP20/NEMA 1; Aluminium
• Panel mounting IP20/NEMA 1 (prepared for
Current output IP65/NEMA 2 display side); ABS
• Signal range 0 ... 20 mA or 4 ... 20 mA plastic
• Load < 800 Ω • Wall mounting IP66/NEMA 4X; ABS plastic
• Time constant 0.1 … 30 s, adjustable
Digital output • Compact version See dimensional drawings
• Frequency 0 ... 10 kHz, 50 % duty cycle • 19“ insert See dimensional drawings
• Pulse (active) 24 V DC, 30 mA, 1 kΩ ≤ Ri ≤ 10 kΩ,
short-circuit-protected • Compact version 0.75 kg (2 lbs)
(power supplied from flowmeter) • 19“ insert See dimensional drawings
• Pulse (passive) 3 … 30 V DC, max. 110 mA, Power supply • 115 ... 230 V AC +10 % -15 %,
200 Ω ≤ Ri ≤ 10 kΩ powered from 50 ... 60 Hz
connected equipment) • 11 ... 30 V DC or 11 ... 24 V AC
• Time constant 0.1 … 30 s, adjustable
Power consumption • 230 V AC: 17 VA
Relay output • 24 V AC: 9 VA, IN = 380 mA,
• Time constant Changeover relay, same as current IST = 8 A (30 ms)
output • 12 V DC: 11 W, IN = 920 mA,
• Load 42 V AC/2 A, 24 V DC/1 A IST = 4 A (250 ms)
• 24 V DC: 8.4 VA, IN = 350 mA,
Low flow cut off 0 ... 9.9 % of maximum flow IST = 4 A (10 ms)
Galvanic isolation All inputs and outputs are galvani- IST= 4 A (250 ms):
cally isolated For solar panel please securestable
current supply
Max. measuring error
(incl. sensor and zero point) Certificates and approvals
(for detailed accuracy specifica-
General purpose • CE (LVD, EMC, PED, RoHS)
tions see "System information")
• UL (c-UL-us)
• MAG 5000 ± 0.4 % ± 1 mm/s
• MAG 6000 ± 0.2 % ± 1 mm/s Hazardous area • FM, CSA
- NI Class I Div. 2 Groups A, B, C, D
Rated operation conditions
Custody transfer • Cold water: MI-001
Ambient temperature • Chilled water
• Operation • Display version: - PTB K 7.2 (Germany)
-20 ... +60 C (-4 ... +140 F) - OE 12/C 040 (Austria)
• Blind version: Marine • ABS
-20 ... +60 C (-4 ... +140 F) (only for remote version with • Bureau Veritas
• Custody transfer (CT) version MAG 5100 W, DN 50 ... DN 300) • DNV-GL
-20 ... +50 ºC (-4 ... +122 ºF) • Lloyd's Register
• Storage -40 ... +70 C (-40 ... +158 F°)
Others • CPA (China)
Mechanical load (vibration) • EAC (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan)
Compact version 18 ... 1000 Hz, 3.17 g RMS, sinusoi- • KCs (South Korea)
dal in all directions to IEC 68-2-36 Communication
19“ insert 1 ... 800 Hz, 1 G, sinusoidal in all Standard
directions to • MAG 5000 HART 5.2 optional
IEC 68-2-36 • MAG 6000 Optional as add-on modules:
Degree of protection • HART 5.2
• Modbus RTU/RS 485,
Compact version IP67/NEMA 4X/6 to IEC 529 and • FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1
DIN 40050 (1 mH2O 30 min.) • DeviceNet,
19“ insert IP20/NEMA 1 to IEC 529 and • PROFIBUS PA
EMC performance IEC/EN 61326-1 (all environments)
IEC/EN 61326-2-5
Display and keypad
Totalizer Two eight-digit counters for forward,
net or reverse flow
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
MAG 5000/6000
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
MAG 5000/6000
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
MAG 5000/6000
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
MAG 5000/6000
HW key On request
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
MAG 5000/6000
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
MAG 5000/6000
■ Dimensional drawings
Transmitter IP67/NEMA 4X/6 compact polyamide
6 (0.24) 71 (2.80)
155 (6.10) 133 (5.24)
13 (0.51)
Ø8 (0.31)
240 (9.45)
178 (7.01)
71 (2.80)
Ø12 (0.47)
155 (6.10)
Ø8 (0.31) 3
102 (4.02)
13 (0.51)
30 (1.18)
155 (6.10) 50 (2.0)
170 (6.70)
Transmitter compact mounted, dimensions in mm (inch) Transmitter wall mounted, dimensions in mm (inch)
Transmitter, 19" IP20/NEMA 1 standard unit
14 (0.6)
193 (7.60)
2.8 (0.11)
Dimensions in mm (inch)
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
MAG 5000/6000
120 (4.72)
146 (5.75)
90 (3.54)
90 (3.54)
13 (0.51)
22 (0.86)
Dimensions in mm (inch)
Transmitter, wall mounting IP66/NEMA 4X, 42 TE
13 (0.51)
146 (5.75)
90 (3.54)
90 (3.54)
22 (0.87)
13 (0.51)
339 (13.35)
Dimensions in mm (inch)
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
MAG 5000/6000
197 (7.75)
144 (5.67)
140 (5.51)
Dimensions in mm (inch)
Transmitter, front panel mounting IP65/NEMA 2, 42 TE
294 (1.57)
144 (5.67)
Dimensions in mm (inch)
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
MAG 5000/6000
163 (6.42)
144 (5.67)
117 (4.61) 218 (8.58)
132 (5.20)
57 (2.24)
Dimensions in mm (inch)
Transmitter, panel mounting IP20/NEMA 1, 42 TE
269 (10.59)
253 (9.96)
223 (8.87) 218 (8.58)
132 (5.20)
57 (2.24)
Dimensions in mm (inch)
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
MAG 6000 I/6000 I Ex
■ Overview ■ Design
The transmitter is designed for either compact or remote instal-
lation in non-hazardous or hazardous areas (compact mounted
transmitter to be ordered together with the sensor).
■ Function
The following functions are available:
• Flow rate
• 2 measuring ranges
• 2 totalizers
• Low flow cut-off
• Flow direction
• Error system
• Operating time
• Uni-/bidirectional flow
• Limit switches and pulse output
The SITRANS FM MAG 6000 I/MAG 6000 I Ex de transmitter is • Batch control
designed for the demands in the process industry. The robust
The MAG 6000 I/6000 I Ex de is a microprocessor-based trans-
die cast aluminum housing provides superb protection, even in
mitter with a built-in alphanumeric display in several languages.
the most harsh industrial environments. Full input and output
The transmitters evaluate the signals from the associated elec-
functionality is given even in the Ex version.
tromagnetic sensors and also fulfil the task of a power supply
unit which provides the magnet coils with a constant current.
■ Benefits Further information on connection, mode of operation and instal-
• Full range of Ex-rated flowmeters with intrinsically safe rated lation can be found in the data sheets for the sensors.
input and outputs
• For compact or remote installation Displays and keypads
• HART, FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1, DeviceNet, PROFIBUS PA Operation of the transmitter can be carried out using:
and DP, Modbus RTU/RS485 add-on communication modules • Keypad and display unit
available • HART communicator
• Superior signal resolution for optimum turn down ratio • PC/laptop and SIMATIC PDM software via HART communica-
• Digital signal processing with many possibilities tion
• Automatic reading of SENSORPROM data for easy commis- • PC/laptop and SIMATIC PDM software using PROFIBUS or
sioning Modbus communication
• User configurable operation menu with password protection
- 3 lines, 20 characters display in 11 languages
- Flow rate in various units
- Totalizer for forward, reverse and net flow as well as much
more information available
• Multiple functional outputs for process control, minimum con-
figuration with analogue, pulse/frequency and relay output
(status, flow direction, limits)
• Comprehensive self-diagnostic for error indication and error
• Batch control
• MAG 6000 I NAMUR: compliant with NAMUR NE 21, NE 32,
NE 43, NE 53 and NE 70
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
MAG 6000 I/6000 I Ex
■ Technical specifications
Mode of operation and design Design
Measuring principle Electromagnetic with pulsed constant Enclosure material Die cast aluminum, with corrosion
field resistant Basic Polyester powder
coating (min. 60 µm)
Empty pipe Detection of empty pipe (special
cable required in remote mounted • Wall mounting Wall mounting bracket enclosed for
installation) remote version
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
MAG 6000 I/6000 I Ex
SITRANS FM Transmitter MAG 6000 I 7ME6930- Operating instructions for SITRANS FM MAG 6000 I
Remote with standard wall mounting bracket, local 2 BA77- 1 7A7 Description Article No.
display, die cast aluminum
• English A5E02083319
Click on the Article No. for the online • German A5E02210835
configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Supply voltage All literature is available to download for free, in a range of lan-
guages, at
Standard transmitter: 18 ... 90 V DC; 2
115 ... 230 V AC, 50 ... 60 Hz
Standard transmitter (NAMUR): 18 ... 30 V DC; 3 Communication modules for MAG 6000 I
115 ... 230 V AC, 50 ... 60 Hz (All standard outputs can still be used) 3
Ex transmitter: 18 ... 30 V DC 4
Description Article No.
Ex transmitter: 115 ... 230 V AC, 50 ... 60 Hz 5
HART (only for MAG 6000 I/Ex) FDK:085U0321
Ex transmitter (NAMUR): 18 ... 30 V DC; 6
115 ... 230 V AC, 50 ... 60 Hz Modbus RTU/RS 4851) FDK:085U0234
Standard sensor: FM Class I, Div 2, CSA Class I, 0 PROFIBUS DP Profile 31) FDK:085U0237
Div 2 DeviceNet1) FDK:085U0229
Ex sensor: Hazardous area (ATEX 2 GD; 2 FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 A5E02054250
FM Class I, Zone 1; CSA Class I, Zone 1)
1) Not for Ex versions
None A Operating instructions for SITRANS F add-on modules
HART B Description Article No.
PROFIBUS DP Profile 3 (not for Ex version) G • English A5E03089708
Modbus RTU/RS 485 (not for Ex version) E PROFIBUS PA/DP
FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 J • English A5E00726137
Cable gland entries • German A5E01026429
Metric 0 Modbus
½" NPT 2 • English A5E00753974
• German A5E03089262
Further design Order code
Please add “-Z“ to Article No. and specify Order FOUNDATION Fieldbus
code(s) and plain text • English A5E02318728
Tag name plate, stainless steel (specify in plain text) Y17 • German A5E02488856
Tag name plate, plastic (self adhesive) Y18 DeviceNet, Englisch A5E03089720
Special version (specify in plain text) Y99
All literature is available to download for free, in a range of lan-
guages, at
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
MAG 6000 I/6000 I Ex
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
MAG 6000 I/6000 I Ex
250 (9.84)
220 (8.66)
18 ... 30 V DC; 115 ... 230 V AC
248 (9.76)
Spare PCBA
MAG 6000 I Ex (NAMUR), A5E31426877
18 ... 30 V DC; 115 ... 230 V AC
Spare PCBA for use with Ex
sensors with increased safety e
(for Ex sensors: 7ME6110,
7ME6120, 7ME6140,
7ME6310, 7ME6320,
7ME6340) Ø 80 (3.15)
(for 7ME6330 > DN300)1)
MAG 6000 I Ex d A5E01013127 1) SITRANS FM transmitter MAG 6000 I with wall-mounting bracket,
115 ... 230 V AC dimensions in mm (inch)
Spare PCBA for use with ATEX
sensors with increased safety e
MAG 6000 I Ex d A5E01013340 1)
18 ... 30 V DC
Spare PCBA for use with ATEX
sensors with increased safety e
Spare pcba for MAG 6000 I Ex produced after 12/2012.
Please use online Product selector to get latest updates.
Product selector link:
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
Flow sensors
MAG 1100 and MAG 1100 HT
■ Integration
The complete flowmeter consists of a flow sensor and an asso-
ciated transmitter SITRANS FM MAG 5000, 6000 or 6000 I. The
flexible communication concept USM II simplifies integration
3 and update to a variety of fieldbus systems such as HART,
FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1, DeviceNet, PROFIBUS DP and PA,
Modbus RTU/RS 485.
■ Benefits
• Sensor sizes: DN 2 … 100 (1/12" … 4")
• Compact wafer design meets EN 1092, DIN and ANSI flange
• Corrosion resistant AISI 316 stainless steel sensor housing
• Highly resistant liner and electrodes fitting most extreme pro-
cess media
• Temperature rating up to 200 °C (392 °F)
• Hose proof IP67/NEMA 4X enclosure rating
• Designed that patented in-situ verification can be conducted.
Using SENSORPROM fingerprints.
■ Application
The main applications of the SITRANS FM electromagnetic flow
sensors can be found in the following fields:
• Process industry
• Chemical industry
• Pharmaceutical industry
• Water treatment like e.g. chemical dosing
■ Design
• Compact or remote mounting possible
• Easy “plug & play” field changeability of transmitter
• Simple on site upgrade to IP68/NEMA 6P terminal box
• ATEX 2G D version
• FM Class I Div 2
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)
Flow sensors
MAG 1100 and MAG 1100 HT
■ Technical specifications
Version MAG 1100 MAG 1100 HT (High temperature)
Measuring principle Electromagnetic induction Electromagnetic induction
Excitation frequency (Mains supply: 50 Hz/60 Hz) DN 2 … 65 (1/12“ … 2½”): 12.5 Hz/15 Hz DN 15 … 50 (½" … 2"): 12.5 Hz/15 Hz
DN 80, 100 (3", 4"): 6.25 Hz/7.5 Hz DN 80, 100 (3", 4"): 6.25 Hz/7.5 Hz
Process connection
Nominal size
• MAG 1100 (Ceramic) DN 2 … DN 100 (1/12" … 4") DN 15 … DN 100 (½" … 4")
• MAG 1100 (PFA) DN 10 … DN 100 (3/8" … 4")
Mating flanges EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501), ANSI B 16.5 class 150 and
300 or equivalent
EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501), ANSI B 16.5 class 150 and
300 or equivalent