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FM Global

Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets 8-7

January 2000
Interim Revision April 2017
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Table of Contents

1.0 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................... 2

1.1 Changes .......................................................................................................................................... 2
2.0 LOSS PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................... 2
2.1 Construction and Location ............................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Occupancy ....................................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 Protection ......................................................................................................................................... 3
2.4 Ignition Source Control .................................................................................................................... 4
3.0 SUPPORT FOR RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................... 5
3.1 Use and Characteristics of Baled Fibers ......................................................................................... 5
3.1.1 Cotton .................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.2 Jute ........................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1.3 Hemp and Sisal ..................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.4 Flax ........................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1.5 Wool ....................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.6 Synthetic Fibers ..................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Loss History ..................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Illustrative Losses ............................................................................................................................ 7
3.3.1 Cotton Warehouse Destroyed ............................................................................................... 7
3.3.2 Jute Torched .......................................................................................................................... 7
3.3.3 Finished Goods Heavily Damaged ....................................................................................... 8
3.3.4 Hair Lost ................................................................................................................................ 8
3.4 Fire Fighting ..................................................................................................................................... 9
3.5 Salvage ............................................................................................................................................ 9
4.0 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1 FM Global ...................................................................................................................................... 10
4.2 NFPA Standards ............................................................................................................................ 10
APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TERMS ..................................................................................................... 10
APPENDIX B DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ..................................................................................... 11

List of Tables
Table 1. Sizes and weights of cotton bales ................................................................................................... 5
Table 2. Bale sizes and densities of jute, hemp, sisal, and flax .................................................................... 6
Table 3. Ignition Sources in Various Baled Fiber Storages ......................................................................... 10

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8-7 Baled Fiber Storage
Page 2 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

This data sheet covers loss prevention recommendations for bailed storage of natural and synthetic fibers.

1.1 Changes

April 2017. Interim Revison. Information about the use of cement-asbestos construction was removed from
recommendation 2.1.3.


2.1 Construction and Location

2.1.1 Warehouses should be divided into sections of 10,000 ft2 (930 m2) by walls with a fire resistance rating
of at least 11⁄2 hours. Under conditions in which the following recommendations are followed, somewhat larger
areas are acceptable, particularly for lower piled storage. Under the most favorable conditions, up to 30,000
ft2 (2790 m2) would be acceptable.
2.1.2 Warehouses should be of slow burning or noncombustible construction.
2.1.3 Ventilation to clear away smoke is an important aid to manual fire fighting. Smoke vents are effective.
One square foot (9.3 dm2) of vent area for each 50 ft2 (5 m2) of floor area is an effective ratio. Spaced about
50 ft apart and arranged for manual operation from roofs, they will help clear smoke and permit effective
use of hose streams. Automatic vents should be adjusted to open at a higher temperature than the sprinklers
2.1.4 Floor drains or wall scuppers should be provided and the floor, pitched in such a manner as to drain
sprinkler water and hose stream water from the area.
2.1.5 The structural design and strength of the building should consider the additional load imposed by bales
saturated by sprinkler water.
2.1.6 Outdoor storage is not recommended, but if it is necessary, the following measures are recommended.
• Use first any bales stored outside.
• Limit outdoor storage piles to 500 bales per pile, with a clear space of preferably 50 ft (50 m) but not less
than 30 ft (9 m) between individual piles and between piles and buildings. Piles 10 to 15 ft (3.0 to 4.5 m)
high are convenient for handling and for weather covering. At the large outdoor storage of uncleaned baled
flax straw ordinarily carried at cleaning plants, locate piles at least 200 ft (60 m) from important buildings and
100 ft (30.5 m) from each other and from potential ignition sources. Limit pile size to 300 tons (272,000
kg) and pile height to 20 ft (6 m).
• Provide hydrants and well-equipped hose houses spaced at not over 200 ft (60 m) intervals. No part of
the storage should be more than 200 ft (60 m) from a hydrant. Provide water supply for hose streams
so that two or four streams can be used, depending on size and number of piles.
• Remove grass and loose combustible material in the vicinity of the piles.
• Prevent access of unauthorized persons by substantial wire fence, keeping the nearest pile at least 50 ft
(15.0 m) away from the fence wherever possible.
• Provide watch stations in the storage area, and schedule hourly visits by watchmen.
• Skid bales off the ground to provide ventilation and prevent excessive damage by ground moisture. Cotton
storage out-of-doors is subject to weather and mildew damage. A tarpaulin cover of sufficient size to cover
the tops, ends, and sides of each pile is satisfactory; it should be securely fastened down. Tarpaulins of
fire-resistive canvas are recommended.

2.2 Occupancy
2.2.1 Bales should not be stored above or in the same area with greige or finished goods.

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2.2.2 Heights of storage should be limited to assist manual fire fighting and enable sprinkler water to reach
the fire quickly. Storage height should not exceed 16 ft (4.9 m). The tops of the piles should be at least 18
in. (0.5 m) below sprinkler deflectors.
2.2.3 Piles should be limited to 500 to 700 bales. Cross aisles should be 6 ft (2 m) wide. Main aisles should
be 8 ft (2.5 m) wide. Bales should not be stacked in aisles during warehousing operations.
2.2.4 Some pile arrangements, such as three on end, are likely to be unstable and collapse in a fire. These
piles represent a serious exposure to other piles and should have either (a) a separation from height, or
(b) the sides fronting on other piles should be stabilized by interlocking bales on sides.
2.2.5 A partition with a minimum fire resistance rating of one hour should be provided between baled fiber
storage and areas used for other activities such as grading, bale tie repair, etc.
2.2.6 Baled oily fiber waste is subject to spontaneous heating. These bales should not be stored in baled
fiber storage areas.

2.3 Protection
2.3.1 Sprinkler system and water supplies should be capable of providing a density of 0.15 gpm/ft2 (6.0 dm3/
m2/min) over an operating area of 6000 ft2 (560 m2). Intermediate (212°F or 100°C) temperature rated sprin-
klers should be used for new construction. Sprinkler operation area may be reduced to 2500 ft2 (232 m2)
for wool storage. An allowance of 500 gpm (1895 dm3/min) should be made for hose streams. The protec-
tion recommended above is applicable to all storage heights up to 16 ft (4.9 m)
2.3.2 Provide yard hydrants and sufficient hose, shut-off nozzles, and other equipment to make at least two
large hose streams available at any warehouse section.
2.3.3 Small hose lines (11⁄2 in.) should be available to reach all portions of the storage area. Such small hose
may be supplied from: (a) outside hydrants; (b) a separate piping system for small hose stations; (c) valved
hose connections on sprinkler risers where such connections are made upstream of sprinkler control valves;
or (d) adjacent sprinkler systems.
Garden hose and nozzles can be used to advantage when extinguishing fires in individual bales. A hollow-
pointed probing nozzle to which a small hose can be connected to get water to the interior of a burning bale
can be used advantageously.
2.3.4 Organize and train a plant fire brigade, and instruct personnel in the burning characteristics of baled
fibers, fire fighting, and salvage. When a fire has been brought under apparent control, do not permit sprin-
klers to be shut off until all surface and shielded fire has been extinguished and there is no evidence of fire
other than smoldering within individual bales. Station a man at the sprinkler control valve to turn the sprin-
klers back on promptly. Also, have charged hose lines ready for immediate use.
2.3.5 When protection is in accordance with this standard, additional protection of overhead steel and steel
columns is not required.
2.3.6 Water supplies for fire protection should be available for a minimum of four hours.
2.3.7 Wet systems are preferred to dry systems because they are more reliable and easily maintained. A
sprinkler operation area penalty for dry systems should not be made.
2.3.8 Surface fires in baled fibers are usually not difficult to control, but speed of flame travel requires extin-
guishers having rapid, broad coverage rather than highly concentrated extinguishing power.
Extinguishers should be provided so the maximum travel distance to an extinguisher does not exceed 50 ft
(15 m).
1. Dry-chemical extinguishers using sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate base powders are
recommended. Dry chemical can rapidly control a surface fire on cotton, without requiring cleanup of equip-
ment to prevent damage. The extinguishing effect is due mainly to coating of the fiber with a fire retardant
powder. A smoldering fire, however, may result underneath the surface. This must be extinguished with water
or by allowing the smoldering cotton to burn itself out in a safe location.
Dry-chemical extinguishers are available in a wide range of capacities. However, the 10, 15, and 20 lb (4.5,
7, and 9 kg) units are most effective for textile applications.

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8-7 Baled Fiber Storage
Page 4 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

2. Water spray can rapidly control a surface fire. For most conditions a garden hose nozzle on a 3⁄4 in.
(19 mm) rubber hose is effective. 11⁄2 in. (38 mm) hose and nozzles should be provided for storage areas.
3. Water pump tank and stored pressure water extinguishers are effective in extinguishing fires involving
small quantities of baled fibers. Water pump tanks are available in 21⁄2 gal (9.5 dm3) and 5 gal (20 dm3) capac-
ity. Stored pressure extinguishers are available in 21⁄2 gal (9.5 dm3) capacity. These units have short lengths
of hose. Spray nozzles should be provided to prevent scattering of loose cottons by the discharge.

2.4 Ignition Source Control

2.4.1 Electrical equipment should meet the requirements for Class III, Division 2 hazardous locations as
defined by the National Electrical Code. Exceptions are noted in this section and in FM Global standards
on electrical equipment in hazardous location and on the National Electrical Code.
2.4.2 Electrical wiring in a baled-fiber warehouse is subject to mechanical injury. Wires should be installed
in rigid metal conduit or electrical metallic tubing. The conduit or tubing should be mounted directly on the sur-
faces of walls, ceilings, or timbers and should not extend through space from beam to beam. Main feed-
ers supplying other areas should not pass through fiber-storage areas.
2.4.3 Spark-producing electrical equipment including switches, push buttons, fuses, circuit breakers, attach-
ment plugs and receptacles should be in dust-tight enclosures, NEMA Type V, Type IX or Type XII.
Attachment plugs and receptacles should have connections for the grounding conductors of flexible cords
and should be of the arc-confining type so designed that connection to the supply circuit cannot be made or
broken while live parts are exposed. The receptacles should be so located or protected that they will not
be subject to mechanical injury.
2.4.4 Motors will seldom be required in warehouses, except for elevators and stackers. All motors should
be totally enclosed and nonventilated.
2.4.5 In warehouses where electric stackers are used, the electrical equipment of the stacker should com-
ply with the requirements of electrical equipment Class III, Division 2 locations. In addition, special precau-
tions should be taken to protect all fixed-wiring, lights, switches, and attachment-plug receptacles in the
warehouse from mechanical injury by the stacker.
Stackers should be supplied through hard-service cord, Type S, SO or ST, with an extra conductor for ground-
ing the motor frame.
2.4.6 The use of traveling cranes, hoists, and similar material-handling equipment that incorporates bare-
contact conductors should be avoided. When used, the equipment should meet the requirements for Class
III, Division 2 locations.
2.4.7 Lighting equipment should comply with the requirements for electrical equipment Class III, Division 2
locations. Only fixed ceiling units or short pipe pendants with swivel joints should be used, and they should
be mounted for maximum protection from mechanical injury. Cord pendants should not be installed.
Incandescent lights should be in heavy-duty keyless sockets controlled by wall switches. Ordinary fiber-
lined brass shell sockets are not acceptable. The lamps and sockets should be enclosed in dust-tight gas-
keted glass globes protected by substantial metal guards.
Fluorescent lights of the open type (ordinary) may be used for overhead lighting. High voltage series cold-
cathode fluorescent lights should not be installed.
2.4.8 Factory Mutual Research Approved lift trucks should be used for baled fiber handling. All four types
(electric, gasoline, diesel, and LP gas) may be used, provided they are equipped with safeguards to qualify
them for use in Class III, Division 2 locations. A portable extinguisher, preferably a 21⁄2 lb (1.1 kg) dry chemi-
cal type, should be mounted on each lift truck.

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3.1 Use and Characteristics of Baled Fibers

3.1.1 Cotton
Cotton is used primarily for the manufacture of textiles.
Most United States mills use cotton grown in the United States. Bales of American cotton are of three types:
gin (country or soft), compressed, and export. Gin bales are used in cotton-growing areas where cotton is
delivered directly to the mill from the gin. Compressed bales are commonly used if the cotton is to be ware-
housed or shipped by rail for domestic consumption. Export bales are prepared principally for foreign
The weight of a cotton bale depends on the country in which it is ginned (Table 1). U.S. bales weight 500
lb (225 kg); 478 lb (215 kg) of cotton and 22 lb (10 kg) of burlap and bale ties. Their sizes will vary with the
type of bale.

3.1.2 Jute
Jute is used principally for carpet backing, burlap bagging, and low-strength twine and cordage. When
thoroughly wet, baled jute will absorb somewhat more than its own weight of water. Wet bales expand in
the direction from which the compression force was applied in baling, usually breaking the rope fastenings.
If piled solidly against a building wall, they are capable of pushing out the wall.
Wet baled jute heats spontaneously and must be opened and dried within a few days if serious deteriora-
tion is to be prevented. Fire does not penetrate a tight bale to any great extent but will continue to smolder
near the surface. Baled jute bagging or burlap has fire characteristics similar to baled jute fiber. The bales
are highly water absorbent but do not swell appreciably.

3.1.3 Hemp and Sisal

Hemp and sisal are used mainly for manufacture of cordage. These fibers include low-density (13 to 22 lb/ft3)
(210-355 kg/m3) bales of Manila, Wisconsin hemp, Panama abaca, istle, and Mexican, Cuban and Haitian
sisal. They also include African sisal and East Indian sisals such as Java, Sumatra and Cantala, in high-
density (30 to 40 lb/ft3) (485-650 kg/m3) bales. Bales of these fibers will absorb approximately their own
weight in water. They will expand but much less than jute. However, dangerous expansion may occur if the
tie ropes of high-density bales burst, which is likely when they become wet.

3.1.4 Flax
Flax straw is used principally in the manufacture of cigarette paper and is prepared from flax raised mostly
in Minnesota and its neighboring states. The prepared straw is free of any oxidizable foreign material that
could introduce spontaneous heating hazard. It is highly susceptible to fire, water and smoke damage. Loss
of value for making cigarette paper may be almost total.

Table 1. Sizes and weights of cotton bales

Approx. Cubical
Type of Bale Approximate Dimensions Average Wt. Content Approx. Density
(in.) (m) (lb) (kg) (ft3) (m3) (lb/ft3) (kg/m3)
Gin 56×45×28 1.4×1.1×0.7 500 225 41 1.2 12 195
Compressed 56×31×22 1.4×0.8×0.6 500 225 22 0.6 23 375
Export 57×22×21 1.4×0.6×0.5 500 225 15 0.4 32 520
Egyptian 52×18×17 1.3×0.5×0.4 750 340 21 0.6 36 585
Indian 50×18×17 1.3×0.5×0.4 430 195 9 0.3 48 780
Russian 38×29×24 1.0×0.7×0.6 470 210 15 0.4 29 470

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Table 2. Bale sizes and densities of jute, hemp, sisal, and flax
Approx. Bale Dimensions Average Wt. Cubical Content Approx. Density
(in.) (m) (lb) (kg) (ft3) (m3) (lb/ft3) (kg/m3)
Indian jute 18×20×48 0.5×0.5×1.2 400 180 10 0.3 40 650
Manila hemp 23×27×45 0.6×0.7×1.0 275 125 16 0.5 17 275
Wisconsin hemp 26×39×50 0.7×1.0×1.3 545 245 29 0.8 19 310
Mexican sisal 27×36×43 0.7×0.9×1.1 410 185 24 0.7 17 275
Java sisal- 20×24×41 0.5×0.6×1.0 450 200 11 0.3 40 650
Flax straw 16×18×44 0.4×0.5×1.0 142 65 7.3 0.2 19 310
Hindu jute 27×36×48 0.7×0.9×1.2 1,100 500 27 0.8 40* 650
* Also packaged in low-density bales at about 17 lb/ft3 (275 kg/m3).

Uncleaned baled flax straw is of low unit value and is commonly stored out of doors in large quantities at
plants where it is cleaned and processed for shipment to the paper mills. Storage facilities for prepared straw
at paper mills are located indoors under sprinkler protection, although small quantities may be temporarily
stored in plant yards during peak seasons.
The size and density of bales of jute, hemp, sisal, and flax vary with geographical origin, as shown in Table 2.

3.1.5 Wool
The term wool refers to the hairs of the sheep, goat, rabbit, camel, alpaca, llama, vicuna, etc. These wools
are used to make fabrics and carpets. Wools are one of the least flammable of the fibers used in the tex-
tile industry. ‘‘Raw’’ wools are compressed into bales and stored in much the same manner as other fibers.
Loss experience indicates fires in baled wool are similar to those in other fibers; however, sprinkler operat-
ing areas are consistently less. Wet bales are subject to spontaneous ignition and deterioration. Wool bales
are not highly water absorbent. Recommendations for other fibers apply to wools.

3.1.6 Synthetic Fibers

Use of synthetic fibers is increasing in the textile industry. Data Sheet 7-1, Fire Protection for Textile Mills,
presents a more detailed description of these fibers. They are commonly stored in two forms. Continuous fila-
ments are wound on spools or bobbins and packed in corrugated paper boxes. This storage is covered in
the FM Global standards on general indoor storage and rack storage.
In the second form the continuous filaments are chopped into short lengths called staple. The staple is com-
pressed into bales, stored and handled the same as natural fibers. The bales may be wrapped with corru-
gated paper or plastic film or may be packed in corrugated paper cartons to keep them clean. The wrappings
do not adversely effect the fire hazard of the bales. When packed in cartons, protection should be as rec-
ommended in the FM Global standard on general indoor storage.
Loss experience indicates fires in baled synthetic fibers are very similar to those in natural fibers. Recom-
mendations for natural fibers apply to this form of synthetic fibers.

3.2 Loss History

The FM Global System has experienced approximately 150 fires in bale fibers over the past 15 years. Of
these fires, 60% were in cotton, 18% were in hemp, sisal, jute and flax, 11% were in wool, and 11% were in
synthetic fibers.
Where sprinklers were in service and piping not obstructed, the larger of the losses occurred where (1) cracks
in plank-on-timber floors of multistory warehouse permitted upward spread of fire, (2) finished goods or other
high valued materials were stored in the same fire area with baled fibers, or (3) sprinklers were shut off

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Successful fire fighting in all storage required smoke ventilation of the building and application of hose streams
to all surfaces of bales that were on fire. Individual bales must be removed from the building interior to per-
mit complete extinguishment. Trained plant emergency organization and good storage arrangement are vital
in preventing extensive fire spread. Automatic sprinklers proved to be extremely valuable in preventing exten-
sive damage to storage and buildings.

3.3 Illustrative Losses

3.3.1 Cotton Warehouse Destroyed

Complete destruction of a large cotton warehouse resulted from a combination of adverse factors: fire ori-
gin involved storage on both sides of an aisle; fire originated near the remote part in junction of two large dry-
pipe systems; delay in starting the fire pump; old sprinkler pipe having a low Williams and Hazen roughness
coefficient; abnormally dry exterior of compressed cotton bales; unfavorable wind conditions; and possi-
bly low water level in a gravity tank.
The warehouse had a concrete floor and wood-joisted saw-tooth roof. The compressed bales of cotton were
stored 6 bales high to 13 ft (4 m), two bales wide with a 4 to 5 ft (1.2 to 15 m) aisle between each double
row of bales. Water supplies were from a 100,000 gal (380 m3) gravity tank on a 100 ft (30 m) tower and a
manual starting engine-driven 1000 gpm, 100 psi (3800 dm3/min, 690 kPa) fire pump taking suction under
lift from a 100,000 gal (380 m3) below-grade reservoir. There were no connections to the public mains.
Bales were removed from the piles by driving a garret machine down the aisle, connecting chains to a bale
tie, and pulling the bale out into the aisle. During this incident, as a bale was being removed from a pile, a
metal bale tie broke and fire was seen to follow as the bale fell to the floor. Prompt alarm was given to those
nearby. Attempts were made to extinguish the fire by using dry-chemical extinguishers. However, the fire
flashed up and along both sides of the 4 to 5 ft (1.2 to 1.5 m) wide aisle. Before small hose could be used,
the fire flashed in east and west direction across the tops of the bales. The fire department was then called.
Small hose were put into use. The fire spread quickly and further attempts at manual fire fighting proved futile.
People and machines were evacuated and automatic sprinklers were reported to be operating. After some
delay, the fire pump was started. However, twenty to forty minutes later, the engine overheated and the pump
By the time the public fire department had arrived, flames were coming out between the joists at the top of
the walls. Hose, supplied from plant hydrants, could supply adequate water to reach the roofs. The roof
collapsed some time later and sprinkler control valves were closed. The fire department continued to fight
the fire with hose streams and kept it from spreading to other sections of the plant.
Approximately 7,400 bales of cotton were involved in the fire. The warehouse was essentially destroyed.
Investigation subsequent to the loss indicated very poor loss prevention planning. Dry-pipe systems were not
maintained and flushed properly. The fire pump driver had a past history of overheating. No inspections of
the gravity tank were made to check water levels. Available water supplies were determined to have been

3.3.2 Jute Torched

Approximately 1200 bales of jute were stored in a warehouse of corrugated iron on steel truss roof and
reinforced concrete walls. Bales of jute were stored to 14 ft (4 m) high. The building was protected by dry-
pipe systems. Water for fire protection was from three 100,000-gallon gravity tanks and a connection to the
public water system, with a static pressure of 84 psi (580 kPa).
There were no weekly inspection programs of the sprinkler control valves and no cutting or welding permit
An outside contractor was hired to enlarge a fire door between storage areas. A spark from a cutting torch
ignited the bales. The contractor’s employees unsuccessfully tried to extinguish the fire with nearby extin-
guishers. An employee of the building noticed the fire and called a supervisor, who promptly called the fire
department. Automatic sprinklers were operating when the fire department arrived. Up to ten hose streams
were in use at one time. Automatic sprinklers quickly stopped the spread of the fire.

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Page 8 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

Hose streams were used mainly to extinguish fires in the bales. There was no damage to the building except
for skylights broken by the fire department to vent the smoke. About 475 bales of jute were partially burned
or broken open. Fifty-eight bales were wet, but not broken, and 124 were undamaged. Salvage was reported
to be good.

3.3.3 Finished Goods Heavily Damaged

Compressed bales of cotton were stored directly on the floor to a height of 14 ft (4 m) over 75% of the floor
area of the warehouse. The remainder of the building was occupied for the storage of finished cotton sur-
gical supplies in cartons on wood pallets to a height of 10 ft (3 m).
The warehouse was protected by an ordinary-hazard sprinkler system with 165° (74°C) temperature rated
heads. Arrangement was side-end feed on a dry-pipe system. The building was heated by gas-fired unit heat-
ers hung from steel roof joists.
A fork lift truck driver in a cross aisle noticed flames spreading rapidly across the top of the bale storage at
the end of an aisle. There had been no indication of anything unusual in same aisle 5 to 10 minutes earlier.
He drove to the center of the warehouse to report the fire. The dry-pipe valve tripped and sounded the main
alarm at the main plant. The driver and two other employees returned to fight the fire with hand extinguish-
ers but were quickly turned back by the heat. As they left the warehouse, the fire door closed automatically.
The plant fire chief arrived 15 minutes after the fire was first noticed and then summoned the public fire depart-
ment. The plant fire brigade promptly laid two 11⁄2 in. hose. The public fire department responded and used
one pumper and two 11⁄2 in. lines. Smoke was vented by breaking out windows at the eave line. Three large
holes were also cut in the roof about two hours after the fire was first started. Approximately 30 sprinklers
opened and succeeded in protecting the building. Hose streams were used for mop up.
No facilities for removal of sprinkler water had been provided. In fact, exterior doors were blocked by raised
concrete loading ramps installed inside the building. Removal of cotton bales could not begin until a hole
was broken through a wall to drain off about 2 ft (0.6 m) of water.
There were about 800 bales of cotton in the warehouse. Approximately 70% of the cotton was scorched or
burnt. The finished stock was wet and unsalvageable. Damage to the building was limited to broken win-
dows and some minor damage to the roof deck.
The apparent cause was ignition of lint and bale strands by a gas-fired heater. During the final stages of
bale removal, it was noted that bale storage was within 2 ft (0.6 m) of an open flame type gas-fired unit heater
along the north wall. This was the area in which the flame was first observed. Removal of gas-fired unit heat-
ers from bale cotton storage area was recommended.

3.3.4 Hair Lost

The warehouse was occupied for storage of baled hair, tula fiber (vegetable fiber resembling sisal), and coir
fiber (coconut fiber). Storage heights were up to 13 ft (4 m) and fibers were mixed. The building was pro-
tected by a dry-pipe system with an inoperative exhauster. A modern pipe size schedule was used.
A watchman making his rounds late in the evening noticed smoke in the warehouse. He promptly called
the fire department who arrived within minutes of their notice. The public fire department utilized several pump-
ers and a number of hose streams. The chief then requested that sprinklers be shut off to permit his men
to attack the fire. The automatic sprinkler systems had limited the spread of the fire and were controlling the
fire. Burning bales were then removed from the building and the fire extinguished about 4 hours after it was
first detected.
Approximately 139 bales of hair and fiber were burned and wet to varying degrees. Smoke-damaged hair
could not be salvaged as it was used for filling, for bedding, and furniture. Practically all of the wet fiber was
salvaged. Damage to the building was limited to about 400 ft2 (38 m2) of the roof which was severely charred
and required replacement.
The most likely cause was discarded smoking materials either by the plant personnel or itinerants. The fire
department had responded to several fires in the neighborhood when itinerants had forced entry into sev-
eral buildings for a night’s lodging.

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3.4 Fire Fighting

Baled fibers are all readily combustible, having generally similar burning characteristics, and require the same
safeguards and fire fighting procedures.
Fire will flash rapidly over the surfaces of bales, although somewhat more slowly over flax and wool than
over the other fibers. The flash is followed by slower flame travel at the surface, tenacious burrowing into the
pile between bales, and, except in high-density bales, penetration of the interiors of individual bales.
Firefighting efforts are complicated by dense smoke given off by the burning fibers. The storage area must
be vented. Firefighting personnel must wear self-contained unit breathing apparatus, ‘‘Air Packs’’, to per-
mit early entry and effective use of hose streams. Air packs are preferred to smoke masks as the masks use
a filter system which may become clogged with ash, fibers, etc.
Automatic sprinklers will prevent structural damage and, where piles are properly arranged and separated,
will normally confine the fire to the initial pile. They may not prevent extensive burrowing of a shielded fire
within a pile. Complete extinguishment usually requires removing smoldering bales outdoors where water
can be applied sparingly without opening the bales.
Once outdoors the bales should be separated by at least 5 ft to prevent kindling and spreading. The smol-
dering fires should be extinguished by digging out the burning fibers with a hook or by using a probing nozzle
and garden hose. Bale ties should not be broken. Broken bales may not be salvageable because of the dif-
ficulty in handling loose fibers. An unextinguished fire will quickly involve all the loose fibers.
At some baled-fiber fires the fire was thought to be extinguished or under good control. The sprinklers were
shut off without first having charged hose lines at hand and without stationing someone to open the sprin-
kler valve. Then the fire blazed up again.
In one case, the reflash was of such intensity that fire fighters were driven from the building, and indoor sprin-
kler control valves could not again be opened, resulting in severe damage to building and contents and requir-
ing 18 large hose streams for extinguishment.

3.5 Salvage
Baled fibers are subject to heavy fire and water damage. The salvage on partially burned bales is usually
low. Water-soaked bales ferment and mildew with evolution of heat and loss of essential properties unless
they are opened and dried quickly. The amount of loss will depend mainly on the amount of fiber in a stor-
age section, size and height of piles, adequacy of aisles, adequacy of sprinkler protection, efficiency of fire-
fighting efforts, and speed and effectiveness in handling and drying wet bales.
In properly arranged storage, fire is normally confined to the pile where it originated. However, salvage of
burned bales in this pile will be low, usually less than 25%. Sprinklers will operate somewhat beyond the con-
fines of the fire, in most cases wetting down the piles immediately adjacent to the burning pile. Opening and
drying of a moderate number of wet bales before deterioration occurs is not a serious problem at most plants.
The cost of handling and drying will range from 20 to 30% of the value of the wet fibers, and overall sal-
vage will approximate 60 to 70% of value.
On the other hand, where piles are too large, too high, inadequately separated, or otherwise improperly
arranged, damage will be correspondingly greater. The fire is likely to spread and be very difficult to break
down and bring under control. Salvage in piles directly involved may range from zero to about 20%. Sprin-
klers may operate throughout the area, wetting down the entire storage. Overall salvage of wet bales may
be 50% or less of value.

©1999 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.

8-7 Baled Fiber Storage
Page 10 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

Table 3. Ignition Sources in Various Baled Fiber Storages

Commodity Ignition Source % of Fires Involved
Sparks from bale ties 42
Unknown, probably sparks from bale ties of fire-packed bales 26
Cotton Defective lift trucks 14
Miscellaneous: cutting and welding, electrical and mechanical faults, 18
smoking and spontaneous ignition
Incendiarism 20
Unknown 20
Spontaneous ignition 10
Cutting and welding 10
Mechanical and electrical faults 20
Miscellaneous 20
Incendiarism 21
Smoking 21
Hemp, Sisal, Jute, & Flax Electrical faults 17
Cutting and welding 17
Miscellaneous 24
Electrical faults 28
Sparks from bale ties 17
Spontaneous ignition 11
Synthetic fibers
Smoking 11
Unknown 11
Miscellaneous 22

In any arrangement, prompt starting of salvage operations increases the salvage dramatically.


4.1 FM Global
Data Sheet 2-7, Installation Rules for Sprinkler Systems Using Large-Drop Sprinklers.
Data Sheet 2-8N, Installation of Sprinkler Systems.
Data Sheet 7-1, Fire Protection for Textile Mills.
Data Sheet 8-0, General Storage Safeguards.
Data Sheet 8-1, Commodity Classification.
Data Sheet 8-9, Storage of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and Plastic Commodities.

4.2 NFPA Standards

NFPA 231, General Storage
NFPA 231C, Rack Storage of Materials
NFPA 231E, Baled Cotton Storage


Baled Fiber Storage: storage of fibers in large, compressed packages or bundles, wrapped in burlap or plastic
film using metal or plastic ties.

©1999 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.

Baled Fiber Storage 8-7
FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 11


April 2017. Interim Revison. Information about the use of cement-asbestos construction was removed from
recommendation 2.1.3.
January 2000. This revision of the document has been reorganized to provide a consistent format.
May 1998. This data sheet was converted to electronic format.
This data sheet was issued originally in March 1974, superceding information contained on pages 69-18
and 69-22 through 69-25 of the FM Global Loss Prevention Handbook.

©1999 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.

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