Model Sr620: Universal Time Interval Counter
Model Sr620: Universal Time Interval Counter
Model Sr620: Universal Time Interval Counter
Table of Contents
Functional Tests 61
Programming Front Panel Test 61
Self-Test 61
Programming the SR620 29 Trigger Input Tests 61
Counter Channel Tests 62
Communications 29 Rear Panel Tests 62
GPIB Communication 29
RS-232 Communication 29 Performance Tests 63
Data Window 29 Timebase Frequency 63
Accuracy 63
Command Syntax 29 Time Interval 63
Trigger Sensitivity 63
Detailed Command List 30 Trigger Accuracy 64
Trigger Commands 30 D/A Output Accuracy 64
Measurement Control 31 DVM Input Accuracy 64
Data Transmission 32
Binary Dump 33 Test Scorecard 67
Scan Control 34
Graphics Control 35 Calibration 69
Front Panel Control 36
Interface Control 37 Overview 69
Status Reporting 39
Calibration Commands 39 Calibration Bytes 69
Serial Poll Status Byte 40
Event Status Byte 41 Simple Calibration 70
TIC Status Byte 41
Error Status Byte 41 Complete Calibration 70
Trigger Input Calibration 70
Programming Examples 43 Clock Oscillator Calibration 71
BASIC and RS-232 44 Insertion Delay Calibration 71
FORTRAN/National Instruments 45 D/A Output Calibration 72
BASIC/GPIB/Binary Dump 46 DVM Input Calibration 73
FORTRAN/GPIB/Binary Dump 48
C/GPIB/Binary Dump 52
SR620 Circuitry
Timebase 79
Front-End Inputs 79
Trigger Multiplexers 80
Frequency Gates 80
Event Gating 81
Counting Channels 81
Fast Time Interval Logic 82
Time Interval Arming 82
Time Integrators 83
Analog to Digital Converter 83
Autolevel Circuits 83
Digital to Analog Converter 84
Unregulated Power Supplies 84
Power Supply Regulators 84
Power Supply Bypass 85
Front Panel Display PCB 85
WARNING: Dangerous voltages, capable of causing death, are present in this instrument.
Use extreme caution whenever the instrument covers are removed.
Functions Time Interval, Pulse Width, Rise and Fall Times, Frequency, Period, Phase,
and Event Counting.
Measurement statistics (mean, min, max, standard deviation or Allan
variance) and graphics are available in all modes of operation.
Range -1000 to +1000 s in +/- TIME mode; -1 ns to +1000 s in all other modes
Trigger Rate 0 to 100 MHz
Least Significant Digit 4 ps single sample, 1 ps with averaging
Resolution (((25 ps typ [50 ps max] )2+ (0.2 ppb x Interval)2) / N)1/2 rms
(((25 ps typ [50 ps max])2 + (0.05 ppb x Interval)2) / N)1/2 rms (Opt 01)
Error < ±(500ps typ [1 ns max] + Timebase Error x Interval +trigger error)
< ±(50ps typ[100ps max] + Timebase Error x Interval) (REL)
Arming Modes +TIME Stop is armed by Start
+TIME EXT Ext arms Start
+TIME EXT HOFF Leading EXT edge arms Start, trailing EXT edge arms
±TIME Armed by Start/Stop pair
±TIME CMPL Armed by Stop/Start pair
±TIME EXT Armed by EXT input edge
EXT arming may be internally delayed or scanned with respect to the EXT
input in variable steps. The step size may be set in a 1,2,5 sequence from 1
µs to 10 ms. The maximum delay is 50,000 steps.
Gate 0.01 seconds (1 period min.) for period measurement and 1 sample for time
interval measurement. Period may also be measured using externally
triggered internal gates as in frequency mode.
Error < ±(1ns x Frequency x 360 + 0.001) degree
Range 1012. RATIO A/B range: 10-9 to 103
Count Rate 0 to 300 MHz
Gates Same as frequency
Display 12 digits
Standard Option/01
Frequency 10.000 MHz 10.000 MHz
Type TCVCXO Ovenized VCXO
Aging 1x10-6/yr 5x10-10/day
Allan Variance (1s)(typ.) 3x10 -10 5x10-12
Stability 0-50° C 1 ppm 0.002 ppm
Settability 0.01 ppm 0.001 ppm
External User may supply 5 or 10 MHz timebase. 1 Volt nominal.
Operating 0 to 50° C
Power 100, 120, 220 or 240 VAC +5% -10%. 50/60 Hz. 70 Watts.
Dimensions 14" x 14" x 3.5". Rack mounting hardware included.
Weight 11 lbs
i Channel
0 External Gate
1 A input
2 B input
Variables i,j,k,l,m, and n are all integers.Variable x is a real number in integer,real, or exponential notation.
Commands which may be queried have a ? in parentheses (?) after the mnemonic. The ( ) are not sent.
Commands that may only be queried have a '?' after the mnemonic. Commands which may not be queried
have no '?'. Optional parameters are enclosed by {}.
LEVL(?) i,x Set channel i threshold to x volts. Only allowed in remote operation.
MTRG j Same as pushing MAN trigger button. In external gate or holdoff arming
modes n=0= start gate, n=1= stop gate. Otherwise n is ignored.
RLVL(?) j Sets the reference output level to 0 = ecl,1=ttl.
TCPL(?) i{,j} Sets the input ac/dc coupling of chans A and B to 0 = dc, or 1 = ac.
TERM(?) i{,j} Sets the 50 ohm terminator of input, also prescaler n=0= 50 ohm, n=1= 1
meg, n= 2 = prescale. Prescalers can only be used in freq and per modes.
TMOD(?) i{,j} Sets autolevel on/off. 0 = auto off, 1 = auto on.
TSLP(?) i{,j} Set the trigger slope to 0 = positive, 1 = negative.
MODE(?) j Sets the instrument mode to 0 = time,1 = width, 2=tr/tf, 3 = freq, 4 = period, 5
= phase, 6 = count.
SIZE(?) j Sets the number of samples.
SRCE(?) j Sets the measurement source to 0 = A, 1= B, 2= REF, 3 = ratio.
STRT Same as pushing start button.
STOP Same as pushing stop button.
Data Commands
MEAS? j Startts a measurement and returns the result when it is complete. If j=0 the
mean is returned, j=1 returns the jitter, j=2 returns the max, and j=3 the min.
XALL? Returns mean,rel,jitter,max,min of a measurement.
XAVG? Returns the mean of measurement.
XJIT? Returns the jitter of a measurement.
XMAX? Returns the max of a measurement.
XMIN? Returns the min of a measurement.
XREL(?) x Sets the value of the display rel to x.
XHST? j Returns section j of the histogram display as 4 byte binary integers.j=0 to 9.
HSPT? j Return the value of the point n on the histogram. j=1 to j = 250. Returns
9E20 if graph is blank.
SCAV? j Returns the value of point n (1 - 250) of the mean stripchart or the value of
scan point j. returns 9E20 if the stripchart is blank or the scan has not
reachedpoint j.
SCJT? j Returns the value of point n (1 - 250) of the jitter stripchart or the value of
scan point j. returns 9E20 if the stripchart is blank or the scan has not
reached point j.
BDMP j Binary dumps j points. Sample size = 1.
Scan Commands
ANMD(?) j Sets the DAC output mode of the mean and jitter DAC's to 0 = chart/chart, 1=
DAC/chart, 2= chart/DAC,3 = DAC/DAC.
DBEG(?) j Sets the delay scan start position to 1-50000 step sizes after the external
DSEN(?) j Enables the internal delay scan . 0 = delay off, 1=delay hold, 2 = delay scan.
DSTP(?) x Sets the delay scan step size to 1,2,5 x 10 -2,-3,-4,-5,-6. 1 x 10 –2 is the
maximum step size.
HOLD(?) x Sets the hold time between scan points from .01s to 1000 s in .01 s steps
SCAN Clears and restarts a scan.
SCEN(?) j Enables scanning. 0 = disabled,1= single scan mode 2 = repeat scan mode
SCLR Clears the scan.
SLOC? Returns the number of the last completed scan point. Returns 0 if no points
are complete.
SCPT(?) j Sets number of scan points to 2,5,10,25,50,125,250.
VBEG(?) j,x Sets the DAC output scan starting voltage. If scans are disabled or the step
size is zero the output is immediately set to the new voltage. Otherwise, the
voltage is updated at the start of the next scan.
VOUT? j Reads the current output voltage of DAC channel j.
VSTP(?) j,x Sets the DAC scan step size to x volts.
Calibration Control (NOTE: these commands are not needed during normal operation)
Quick Start
Use this procedure as a quick orientation to MEAN. The REL LED will turn on and the
the instrument's features and capabilities. If display will show a mean value within a few ps
you encounter problems, read the detailed of zero. An 'r' appears on the display to
discussions on operation or see the indicate a relative value.
troubleshooting section.
6) Press the DISPLAY down-key to show each of
the following:
1) Make sure that the correct line voltage has MEAN 0+-100 ps (The REL is set)
been selected on the rear panel power entry REL 500 us +-100 ps
module. JITTER 5-20 ps
MAX Erratic, but usually <100 ps
2) With the unit's power switch on "STBY", hold MIN Erratic, but usually <100 ps
the "CLR" key in the "DISPLAY" section down TRIG +-5 V per the three level knobs
and turn the unit "ON". This will return all of DVM Within 5 mV of zero.
the instrument settings to their default state.
The message, "SELF TEST PASS" should 7) Configure an oscilloscope for the X-Y display
briefly appear. mode with the horizontal and vertical inputs
set for dc coupling ( not 50 Ohms ) and 1 V/div
Note: The fan will not run until the unit warms sensitivity. If the scope has scale factor
up. The red LED labeled "CLOCK" in the displays, turn them "off", and set the 20 MHz
CONFIG section may stay on for a few bandwidth limit. Center the beam in the middle
minutes. The red LED's labeled "START" and of the screen and attach the inputs to the X-Y
"STOP" may blink if no inputs are applied. display outputs on the rear panel of the
3) Press the MODE down key once to select the
WIDTH mode. Press the source key twice to 8) Press the AUTO key in the SCOPE AND
select REF ( the 1 kHz REFerence ) as the CHART section to scale the display. If the
signal source. After 1/2 hour warmup, the DISPLAY REL is set, the HISTOgram of the
display should read 500 us +- 1 ns. If the pulse widths will be displayed with about 20
displayed value is outside this range see ps/div horizontal resolution.
instructions for running the AUTOCAL
procedure. 9) In the SCOPE AND CHART section, press the
display button to change from HIST to MEAN.
4) Press the SAMPLE SIZE up-key five times to Press the AUTO button to scale the display.
select a sample size of 500. This will slow the The scope will now show a 'strip chart' of the
display update rate to 2 Hz, and provide a mean values for each set of measurements.
more consistent MEAN value. Now select JITTER and press AUTO to
display a 'strip-chart' of standard deviations for
5) Press the SET key in the DISPLAY section to the scope display.
set the REL offset to the current value of the
Time Intervals between the A and B inputs may The SR620 will compute and display statistics for
be measured with 4 ps LSD, 25 ps rms resolution, sample sizes of one to one million . The mean,
100 ps relative accuracy, and 1ns absolute standard deviation or Allan variance, minimum
accuracy. Time intervals from -1ns to 1000 s or +- and maximum deviations may be displayed.
1000 s may be measured. Statistics are available for all modes of operation.
Displayed values may be offset by the REL for
Pulse Widths of either input may be measured. measurements relative to a previous mean value.
The start and stop thresholds are set separately.
The resolution, jitter, and accuracy are the same Scope Displays and Hardcopy
as for Time interval measurements.
The SR620 can display histograms and strip
Rise and Fall Times of either input may be charts on any xy scope. Histograms show the
measured. The start and stop thresholds may be distribution of values within a group of
set with 10 mV resolution. The 350 MHz measurements. Strip charts of the previous 250
bandwidth of the inputs allows measurements of mean values or deviations show data trends.
rise and fall times down to 1 ns. Hardcopy of scope displays may be made to
printers or plotters via rear panel Centronics,
Frequencies from 0.001 Hz to 1.3 GHz may be RS232 or GPIB ports.
measured. The SR620 will provide 11 digits of
resolution when a one second gate is used. Reference Output
Frequencies above 300 MHz may be measured on
either input using the UHF prescalers. NanoHertz The front panel REF OUT provides a precision
resolution is available in the x1000 display mode. 1KHZ square wave at TTL or ECL levels. This
source may be used for calibration, and is a
Periods may be measured with femtosecond convienent trigger for many types of
resolution. Period measurements are done the measurements.
same way as frequency measurements, except
the reciprocal of frequency is reported to the DVM's and DAC Outputs
Two rear panel DVM inputs allow dc voltage
The Phase between the signals on the A and B measurements with 0.3% accuracy on 2 or 20 V
input may be measured with 0.001° resolution. full scale ranges. The inputs may be displayed on
The phase shift between signals from 0.001 Hz to the front panel or read via the RS232 or GPIB
100MHz may be measured. interfaces.
The Count mode is used to count input Two DAC outputs default to output voltages
transistions during a gate. Count rates up to 300 proportional to the mean and jitter readings to
MHz will be tallied. drive analog strip chart recorders. The DAC output
voltages may also be set or scanned from the front
Arming and Gating panel of through one of the computer interfaces.
The SR620 Universal Time Interval Counter can perform an extremely wide variety of time interval and
frequency measurements. The SR620 is designed so that the values of virtually all of the important
measurement parameters are visible at a glance on the front panel. Setting the SR620 to perform a particular
measurement can be separated into three steps: choosing the measurement, choosing the output display,
and setting the inputs. The SR620 is different than most counters in that a "measurement" consists of from 1
to 1,000,000 "samples" and the SR620 reports statistical information on these samples. The SR620 can
report the mean , jitter, maximum , and minimum values found in a measurement.
* arming delay or scanning delay/gate may be used in this mode (see CONFIGURATION MENU and
ARMING sections). The EXT LED will flash if scanning is enabled.
** the gate time LED will flash if gate width multiplier is not equal to 1 (see CONFIGURATION MENU
and ARMING sections).
The SR620 can display statistical information pressing the "CLR" button. Normally the REL is
about the measurement of N samples. The set to the value of the mean when the "SET"
SR620 computes and reports the mean, standard button is pressed. However, the REL may be set
deviation or root Allan variance, minimum, and to an arbitrary value using the ZOOM feature
maximum values seen during the measurement. described in the GRAPHICS ZOOM section below.
The equation for the statistical functions are given Pressing the "CLR" button with the REL off clears
by: the display.
resolution. The maximum period measurable in that the data fits on the screen. In histogram
this mode is 1 s. mode the actual scaling of the graph does not
occur until the next measurement is complete.
In both period and frequency modes the statistical The scale may also be adjusted manually.
data is displayed with the number of significant Pressing the up and down arrow keys with the
digits allowed by the SR620's resolution. Using normal display on the 16 digit LEDs will adjust the
longer gate times increases the resolution. vertical scale on the displayed graph. In the
histogram mode , incrementing the vertical scale
GRAPHICS OUTPUTS past the largest value (200,000 / div) will change
the vertical scale to a log scale. To view the
In addition to the 16 digit LED display the SR620's scales on the LED display press the "DISP"
scope and chart outputs may be used to give the button. First, the cursor position (discussed
user alternative methods of viewing the data. below) will be displayed. Pressing the button
again will display the vertical graph scales in the
SCOPE OUTPUTS appropriate units. In the histogram mode pressing
the button again will display the horizontal scale
The SR620 may be attached to an oscilloscope and then the number of bins. The scales may be
operating in x-y mode to provide a graphical adjusted using the up and down arrow keys.
presentation of the output data. The oscilloscope When the REL is set the graphs are centered
should be set in x-y mode with sensitivities set to about the REL and, thus, very fine detail may be
1V/div and the SR620's x and y rear panel observed on a large number.
outputs attached.
The displayed graphs have a moveable cursor that
The SR620 can then display either a histogram of allows one to read the values of individual points
number of samples vs. measured parameter for on the screen. The cursor is represented on
the samples within a measurement, a stripchart of screen by a dotted line. The cursor is moved by
mean values for successive measurements, or a pressing the "DISP" button to display the cursor
stripchart of jitter values for successive position and using the up and down arrow keys to
measurements. In histogram mode a new graph move it about. The cursor x position is displayed
will be displayed after each measurement of N on the LED display ( in the correct units of s, Hz,
samples is complete, showing the distribution of etc.) for the histogram display and measurement
samples in that measurement. In the stripchart number for the stripcharts. Both the x and y
modes a new point will be added to the graph after positions are displayed on the scope screen.
each measurement indicating the mean and jitter
values for that measurement. The display desired GRAPHICS ZOOM
is chosen by pressing the select button below the
indicator LEDs. The data for all three graphs are The SR620 has a feature which allows one to
saved so that all of the graphs may be viewed by zoom in on any feature in a displayed histogram,
cycling through the three choices. The data, the this feature also allows the REL to be set to any
scale values, and the cursor position are all value desired. First, press the DISP button to
displayed on the scope screen. In the stripchart display the cursor position. Then, move the cursor
modes up to 250 points will be displayed. When until it is at the desired position ( or the cursor
the display fills up new data will start to overwrite value is the desired REL value if setting the REL).
the old starting from the left. The graph may be Push the "SET" button. This will set the REL to
cleared by pressing the CLR button below the the cursor position. Now, adjust the graph
PRINT button. horizontal scale to get the magnification desired.
If setting the REL value, note that the amount that
SCALING GRAPHS the cursor value changes for each press of the
arrow keys is determined by the horizontal
In histogram mode the vertical scale, horizontal histogram scale and that the scale may have to be
scale, and number of bins may be adjusted. In the adjusted to get the REL value desired.
stripchart modes the vertical scales may be
adjusted. The easiest way to scale the graphs is
to press the "AUTO" button to autoscale the graph.
Autoscale will automatically adjust the scales so
HARDCOPY OUTPUT faster than the printer can print them. A print or
plot may be aborted by pressing the "CLR" button
The displayed graph may be copied to either an under the PRINT button. Pressing and holding the
Epson compatible graphics printer or a HP-GL CLR button will turn off autoprint. If the message
compatible plotter by pressing the "PRINT" key. "print error" or "plot error" appears while printing or
The SR620 will continue to take data while the plotting please refer to the TROUBLESHOOTING
hardcopy is being generated. If a second print/plot section.
request is made (by pressing the button or a
programming command) before the current copy is CHART OUTPUTS
finished the SR620 will stop taking data until the
current copy is done. This is to avoid corrupting In addition to the scope outputs the SR620 also
the second copy as the SR620 only has a 1 deep has two rear panel analog outputs designed to go
graphics output queue.The output device (printer to analog chart recorders. One output puts out a
or plotter) is chosen in the CONFIGURATION voltage proportional to the mean of the
menu (see that section for detail). When using a measurement while the other output puts out a
printer the SR620 may be put into autoprint mode voltage proportional the jitter of the measurement.
by pressing and holding the PRINT key until the The output range is 0-8V corresponding to the 8
"AUTO" LED turns on. In autoprint mode the vertical scope divisions. The scale is the same as
SR620 will automatically print every histogram or a the scope scales. In the cases where zero is at
new stripchart each time the stripchart fills up. the center of the scope screen (the REL is set, for
There is no autoprint when using a plotter because example) zero will correspond to 4 volts output.
the paper needs to be changed. In autoprint mode The chart outputs may also be configured as
the speed of the printer may determine the general purpose D/A outputs (see
measurement rate if new graphs are generated CONFIGURATION MENU section).
Sample Histogram. The graph scales are 20ps/div in the horizontal direction and 10 /div
in the vertical. The REL is 500.000023 us and is at the center of the graph. This
measurement has a mean value 6ps greater than the REL and a standard deviation of
9ps. The cursor (dotted line) is at the REL and there are 46 events in that bin.
Sample mean value graph. Each point corresponds to the mean value from one
measurement. The vertical scale is 10 Hz/div. The measurements are relative to a REL
of 10.022176 kHz. The REL is at the center of the graph. The cursor (dotted line) shows
that measurement number 67 was 1.635 kHz below the REL.
Sample jitter stripchart. This graph shows the jitter associated with each measurement
above. The vertical scale is 10 Hz/div. The cursor is at measurement number 165 and
the jitter value there is 32.6 Hz.
The trigger levels are set by rotating the trigger The A and B inputs can be set to trigger on either
level adjust knobs. These knobs may have a full a rising or falling edge by pressing the "SLOPE"
scale range of ±5.00V, ±2.50V, or ±1.25V. The buttons. The EXT input can be set to rising edge
full scale range is set in the CONFIGURATION or falling edge by pressing the "LOGIC" button. If
menu (see that section of the manual for details). the EXT input is being used to supply a gate pulse
In all cases the trigger level resolution is 10mV the SR620 will use the time above threshold as
and the actual level may be displayed on the front the gate if POSitive logic is selected and the time
panel. The trigger inputs have about 40mV of below threshold as the gate if NEGative logic is
hysteresis and the trigger levels are corrected for selected.
this hysteresis so that the inputs will trigger at the
selected voltage independent of the selected INPUT TERMINATION
trigger slope.
The EXT, A, and B input may all be terminated in
The LED's above the trigger knobs will flash when either 1MOhm or 50 Ohms by pressing the
the input comparator triggers. The A and B inputs "INPUT" or "TERM" buttons. If the inputs are
may also be set to autolevel by rotating the knobs terminated in 50 ohms and the input signal
completely counter-clockwise. The "AUTO" LED exceeds ±6V peak the 50 Ohm terminator will
under the knob will come on and the trigger automatically be removed to prevent damage to
threshold will automatically be set to the midpoint the terminator. When this overload condition
of the signal. Autolevel will work for a signal faster occurs the 50 ohm LED will flash.
than about 10Hz and a duty cycle greater than
about 0.0001%. The autolevel circuit will not UHF PRESCALERS
change the trigger level until the input stops
triggering for more than 1/2 second. Then it will In frequency and period modes the input signal
try to reset the trigger level to a new value. The may be fed to the SR620's UHF prescalers to
red LEDs behind the words "START" and "STOP" measure signals between 40MHz and 1.3GHz. To
will flash each time the autolevel circuit tries to engage the prescalers press the "INPUT" button
adjust the trigger threshold. for the desired channel repeatedly until the UHF
LED comes on. The sensitivity of the prescalers
NOTE: in width and rise/fall time modes, which may be adjusted by adjusting the channel A and B
use only one input, the A trigger knob sets the trigger knobs. Setting the knobs for 0V or to
start trigger voltage and the B trigger knob sets the autolevel will set the sensitivity to maximum.
stop trigger voltage. Setting the knobs to 5V will reduce the sensitivity
to about 200mV rms. Both positive and negative TIMEBASE INPUT AND OUTPUT
settings of the knob have the same effect. The
sensitivity adjustment is useful because at A rear panel BNC outputs the SR620's 10MHz
maximum sensitivity the prescalers will self- clock. This output supplies approximately 1V pk-
oscillate with no signal input. With an input, pk into a 50 ohm load. Another BNC allows the
however, this is not a problem, but by reducing the input of a 5 or 10 MHz external timebase. This
sensitivity slightly these oscillations will disappear. input presents a 1 kOhm load to the signal. The
SR620 can then phase-lock its internal timebase
INPUT COUPLING to this external source. See the
CONFIGURATION MENU chapter for detail on
The A and B inputs may be either AC or DC using an external timebase.
coupled by pressing the AC/DC button. The
coupling is independent of the input termination DVM INPUTS
impedance. The EXT input is always DC coupled.
The SR620 has two rear panel DVM inputs.
REFERENCE OUTPUT These 1 MOhm differential inputs allow the
SR620 to measure DC voltages on either a 2V or
The front panel REF output puts out a 1kHz 50% 20V full scale range. The SR620 can either
duty cycle square wave synchronized to the autorange the inputs (default) or they may be set
SR620's internal 10MHz clock. This output may to a fixed scale. See the CONFIGURATION
provide 4V into high impedance or 2V into 50 MENU chapter for detail on setting the DVM
Ohms, or ECL levels into 50 Ohms. An example scales.
of the use of this output is to set the mode to
measure the time from REF to B. If a cable is then
connected from the REF output to B the cable
delay may be directly measured.
The SR620 Time Interval counter has a wide When REF is used as the Start source, the rising
variety of arming modes that allow the user great edge of REF is used when a positive slope is
flexibility in controlling the desired measurement. selected for the A input, and the falling edge is
The various measurement modes and their used when a negative slope is set. In this case,
respective arming modes are discussed in detail the threshold knob above the A input has no effect
below. on operation.
±TIME MEASUREMENTS (-1000s<t< 1000s) The EXT input requires about 10 ns setup prior to
the Start or Stop inputs.
In all of the ± TIME modes Starts and Stops are
armed simultaneously and so either a positive or Time intervals as a function of delay from an EXT
negative time interval may be measured. There is, trigger may be measured by using the internal
unfortunately, some ambiguity to this method of delay generator. The delay generator is triggered
arming. For periodic inputs there is no way for the by the EXT input. The trigger delay may be set or
instrument to know if the desired time interval scanned via the CONFIG Menu.
should be measured from the Start to the previous
Stop or to the next Stop. For example, if the Start
Time interval samples may also be armed by RISE and FALL TIMES
pressing the MAN key when in the EXT arming
mode. The transition time for an input may be measured
in this mode. Either the A or B input may be
WIDTH selected as the source to be measured. The
selected source is used as the input to both
Pulse widths may be measured in the WIDTH comparators. The threshold knob above the A
mode. The pulse source may be either the A input, input is used to specify the Start voltage threshold,
the B input, or the internal 1 kHz REF source. and the knob above the B input is used to specify
the Stop voltage threshold. The rise time of the
The Start threshold and slope are set by the input is reported if positive slope is selected, and
controls just above the A input. The Stop threshold the fall time is reported if negative slope is
and slope are set by the controls just above the B selected. Either slope key changes both
input. If the Start slope is positive, the Stop slope comparators' slope LED's.
will be negative, and the time from a rising edge to
a falling edge will be measured. These controls For example, to measure the 20-80% rise time of
are not used when measuring the width of the a one volt input, the A threshold would be set to
internal 1 KHz REF. 0.20 VDC, the B threshold would be set to 0.80
VDC, and the slope would be set to positive to
As pulse widths are always positive times, only the measure the rising edge. The 80-20% transition
+TIME arming modes are available. The three time of the falling edge could be measured by
arming modes for WIDTH measurements are setting the slope to negative and adjusting the
shown here. The trigger source may be either the trigger thresholds. Reported times are not
EXT input or the EXT triggered internally corrected for the finite bandwidth of the input of
delayed/scanned gate. the instrument. The inputs have a bandwidth of
about 300 MHz, and so the 10-90% transition time
of an infinitely fast input would be reported as 1.2
ns. When measuring 10-90% transition times, the
actual transition time may be found by:
the period of the A input. Then it would make one DELAYED ARMING MODES
measurement of the time interval between A and
B. The result, 360 x (250us/1000us) = +90.0000 In addition to the externally triggered arming
degrees, would be reported to the LED display. modes discussed previously, the SR620 has a
Phase readings are always displayed between - method of delayed external arming in which a user
180 and +180 degrees. adjustable delay is inserted between the EXT input
trigger and the arming circuitry. This delay may be
There are two gating options in phase mode: used in any of the externally triggered arming
INTERNAL and EXTERNAL. In INTERNAL mode modes. This allows one to arm a measurement at
the gate for the period measurement is a time other than when the external trigger arrives.
automatically set to 0.01s and the time interval This would be useful, for example, if one wanted
measurement to +time. In EXTERNAL mode the to measure the frequency of an oscillator as a
gate time is determined by the width of a pulse function of time from a sudden change in
applied to the EXT input. Two pulses must be frequency. The signal that causes the change
applied to the EXT input for each complete would be the external trigger and by adjusting the
measurement: the first arms the time interval delay one could measure the frequency as a
measurement and the second gates the period function of time.
measurement. The external arming pulses must
be separated by at least 15 ms. Additionally, one
may use the EXT input to trigger the 1us to 10ms
scannable gates in order to measure phase as a
function of time for repetitive events.
The SR620 has many control parameters that are with a "dumb" terminal. DO NOT USE THE ECHO
rarely , if ever, adjusted. These parameters are WHEN CONNECTED TO A COMPUTER,
set in the SR620's four configuration menus. The EXCEPT WHEN RUNNING A TERMINAL
configuration menus are accessed by pressing EMULATION PROGRAM!!
either the "SET" or "SEL" keys in the CONFIG
section of the front panel. The submenu selection An RS-232 dwell delay is available to interface to
line then appears and one may choose the slow computers. Each unit of delay corresponds to
submenu of interest by pressing the "SEL" key. about 2 ms of delay between characters. Add
The currently selected submenu name will flash. delay if you experience problems when using the
Pressing the "SET" key will then scroll through the SR620 via the RS-232.
lines of the selected submenu. Pressing the "SEL"
key will return one to the submenu selection Note: The RS-232 characteristics set here will not
line.The parameters displayed in each submenu affect the RS-232 port as used with a plotter. The
line may be adjusted by pressing either the "scale" port will transmit at 9600 baud, 8 data bits and no
or the "sample size" up and down arrow keys. The parity when used with a plotter.
appropriate keys will always be under the
parameter of interest. Pressing any other keys will Control Menu Items
return one to the normal data display. The four
submenus are: Line Default Display Comments
CONTROL MENU (ctrl) This menu is used to calibrate the instrument and
to select the source for the timebase.
The control menu allows the communications
interfaces to be configured. The GPIB address Calibration and Clock Source Menu
and RS-232 baud rates are set with this menu.
Line Default Display Comments
The first line of this menu will display the
characters received from the controller in 1 Auto cAL Press "START" key for
ASCII(Hex). The up/down keys in the SCOPE Autocal procedure.
AND CHART section may be used to scroll 2 cLoc SourcE int Select Timebase source
through the last 256 characters received. A period (int/rear).
after the right-most digit indicates the last 3 cLoc Fr -------- Specify Ext timebase
character received by the unit. frequency (5/10 MHz).
4 cALdAt 000 01947 Access to 180
The RS-232 baud rate may be set from 300 to calibration words.
19.2k baud. If the RS-232 echo is enabled, every
character sent to the SR620 will be echoed back The "Autocal" procedure is used to null insertion
to the sender. Use this only when using the SR620 delay differences between the start and stop
The output menu enables scope displays, selects The PRINTER PORT may be used as a general
the hardcopy device, sets the DVM scales, purpose digital I/O port. If a printer is to be used,
chooses a jitter representation, and sets gate and then this port should be setup as a printer port. If
trigger scales. the PRINTER PORT is not configured for a printer,
the message "Print diSAbLEd" will appear when
the PRINT key is pressed. When set as an output, oscillator step response, etc. The SR620 can, at
the port may be used as an 8 bit digital output port the end of each measurement of N points,
which is set by the controlling computer. When set automatically step either or both of its d/a output
as an input port, the controlling computer may voltages, and its external trigger delay (see
read the eight bits asserted at the input port. ARMING section).
Printer Port Pin Assignments The D/A scans allow measurements of timing,
frequency, phase, etc. versus an applied voltage.
Pin Name Function (Example: the frequency of a VCO as a function of
Voltage.) The D/A outputs may also be set to fixed
2 D1 Data bit I/O values in the range of +-10 VDC with 5 mV
3 D2 Data bit I/O resolution.
4 D3 Data bit I/O
5 D4 Data bit I/O Delay scans allow measurements of timing,
6 D5 Data bit I/O frequency, phase, etc. versus delay from an
7 D6 Data bit I/O external trigger. (Example: the frequency of a VCO
8 D7 Data bit I/O as a function of time after a voltage step is
9 D8 Data bit I/O applied.)
16 -INIT Printer initialization
1 -STROBE Byte output strobe Scan Configuration Menu
11 BUSY Printer busy
15 -ERROR Printer error Line Default Display Comments
14 -AUTOFEED +5V via 1 kOhm
17 -25 Chassis ground 1 ScAn EnA oFF Enable/disable delay and
voltage scans.
The "ScALE" line allows the DVM input ranges to 2 ScAn PtS 250 Set the number of point
be fixed to either 2.000 or 20.00 volts full scale. in a scan.
The default condition allows the DVM's to auto- 3 hoLd .01 Sec Set dwell time between
scale. points.
4 dA Src chrt chrt Set D/A function: strip
The "JittEr" line is used to select the chart or D/A .
representation for the jitter values. Either a 5 dA ---.--- ---.--- Set D/A voltage when
standard deviation (root of the mean squared configured as D/A
deviation, ie. rms) or the root Allan variance may 6 SteP ---.--- ---.--- Set D/A step size for
be displayed. voltage scans.
7 dELAy Scan oFF Enable/disable delay
The "gAtE ScAlE" line will appear in frequency, scans.
period, and count modes. The actual gate time for 8 gAtE-StEP 1E-6 Set gate width and step
a sample is equal to the front panel "gate time" size
setting multiplied by the gate scale. For example, 9 StArt 0.000001 Set delayed gate start
with a gate time of 0.01s and a gate scale of 5E-3 position
the actual gate time will be 0.01s x 5E-3 = 50ms.
If the gate scale is set to other than the default of 1 The scan menu is used to set and scan D/A
the gate time LED will blink. Gate scales ranging values, gate widths and gate delays from an EXT
from 1E-4 to 500 allow 1ms to 500s gates. input. The scan menu allows one to compose a
graph on an XY scope of a particular
The "trig ScAle" line allows the setting of the full measurement ( frequency, for example ) vs. time
scale range of the trigger knobs to either 1.25, or voltage.
2.50, or 5.00 volts. This allows small trigger levels
to be set more easily. The resolution is 10mV in The first line of the scan menu is used to enable
all cases. This setting does not affect the trigger scans. Scans may be turned "oFF" or set to
level range over the communications interfaces. "SingLE" or "rEPEAt". In the "single" setting the
the SR620 will take one scan and stop. In the
SCAN MENU (Scn) "repeat" mode the SR620 will automatically reset
the scan parameters at the end of a scan and start
The SR620 has a scanning capability that allows another scan. In either mode pressing the
automatic measurement of VCO tuning curves, "START" button will take a single scan point, while
automeasure will automatically take a whole scan. Line 7 is used to enable delay scans. The
In the single scan mode automeasure will SR620's scanning delay is a programmable delay
automatically be disabled at the end of the single inserted between the EXT input and the sample
scan. Pressing the "RESET " button will reset and arming circuitry. These scans will, of course,
retake a single scan point and turning off require an external trigger and the arming mode to
automeasure will pause the scan. A scan may be be set to EXT. This delay may be adjusted in step
reset by pressing the "CLR" button in the "graph" sizes ranging from 1ms to 10ms with an initial
section of the front panel. When delay scans are delay at the beginning of the scan of between 1
enabled, the function of the EXT gate/arm input and 50000 step sizes. The delay will take one
changes dramatically, and so whenever the unit is step after each scan point (a maximum of 250
first turned on, scans will always be disabled. steps in a scan). For arming modes that require a
gate the delay will be followed by a gate of one
The next line of the scan menu sets the number of step size width (see ARMING section).
points in the scan. The maximum value is 250
points, corresponding to the horizontal resolution The delay enable may be set to "off", "hold", or
of the scope display. Scans with fewer points will, "scan". In the "off" position the delay is disabled
of course, be completed in less time. Each point in and the EXT input functions normally. In the
the scan contains data from the number of points "hold" setting the delay is enabled but does not
specified in the SAMPLE SIZE. step. This allows one to delay the EXT trigger by
a known amount. If one chooses "hold" and
Line 3 allows the dwell time (hoLd) to be set. The selects "repeat" scan the SR620 will function
dwell takes place at the end of every scan point to exactly as normal except for the delay between
allow time for the D/A values and the signal source EXT and arming. The "scan" setting will scan the
time to settle. The default dwell time is 10 ms. delay by one step size after each scan point.
Longer dwells may be set if required by the NOTE: the arming mode must be set to EXT for
system under test. the delay scan to function, otherwise the delay
scan is ignored. If the delay scan is enabled the
The dA Src line sets the source for the rear panel EXT led will blink.
D/A outputs (dA Src). The default setting for these
outputs is "chrt". The default function of the D/A The gate width and delay step size is set in the
outputs is as analog outputs to strip chart (chrt) next line. Gate widths from 1 us to 10 ms may be
recorders. D/A #1 outputs a voltage proportional set in a 1,2,5 sequence.
the the MEAN value of the current measurement,
and D/A #2 outputs a voltage proportional to the The gate start position is set in the last line of the
JITTER. The scale factors for these outputs is the scan menu. The start position may be set from 1
same as those set for the scope displays. The to 50,000 gate widths. The gate delay will be
default function may be overridden by selecting increased by one gate width after each group of
"dAc" instead of "chrt", allowing the D/A voltage to measurements (per the SAMPLE SIZE).
be set and scanned.
The next menu allows the D/A voltages to be set.
The up/down keys may be used to adjust the In this example, the frequency of a VCO will be
voltages from +-10 VDC in 5 mV steps. (If the plotted as a function of applied voltage. The VCO
source has been set to "dAc" and not "chrt".) The range is 1 to 6 VDC, and we want at least 200
D/A will provide a voltage as set, and the set points in the scan. The D/A #2 output will be used
voltage will be the starting point for each D/A scan. to control the VCO.
The step size taken by each D/A may be
programmed in the next line of this menu. The First, set the SR620 to measure FREQuency of
step size may be adjusted to any value from -10 to the A input with a 0.01 s gate. Select a SAMPLE
+10 volts with 5 mV resolution. For D/A scans, this SIZE of 1. Clear the DISPLAY REL and select
is the last menu line which must be set. If the step MEAN for the scope display. The rear panel output
size is set for 0.0V the D/A outputs will always be for D/A #2 is connected to the VCO under test, an
set to the programmed voltage. However, if the the VCO output is connected to the A input.
step size is not zero the D/A voltages will only be
reset when the scan is reset and the actual output In the CONFIG menu, SET lines 1 through 6 as
voltage will be that corresponding to the current follows:
scan point Vout = N*step_size + vstart.
Scan Configuration Menu for D/A Scan voltage on the x-axis, and the measured frequency
Example on the y-axis. Of course, hardcopy of the scope
display ( which shows the linearity curve ) may be
Line Display Function printed or plotted.
Now use the CONFIG section to setup the scan. Then press the "RESET" key in the SAMPLE SIZE
Press the "SEL" key to select the "Scn" menu. section to exit from the CONFIG menus.The
Press the "SET" key and use the SCOPE AND SR620 will compose a scope display showing the
CHART up/down keys to setup the scan frequency of the VCO as a function of time after
parameters as follows: the rising edge of the REF OUT. If the oscillator
stops, then the scan will stop. The "AUTO" key in
Scan Configuration Menu for Example the SCOPE AND CHART section may be used to
scale the scope display, and the "PRINT" key may
Line Display Function be use to generate hardcopy.
A pulse of 100 us
duration, delayed by 100
us from the EXT trigger,
was applied to the VCO
input of an RC oscillator.
The scan shows the
transient frequency
response of the oscillator.
This section provides a guide to understanding the SR620's specifications and their effect on the accuracy
and resolution of a measurement. First a little terminology-
The LSD is the smallest displayed increment in a measurement. The SR620 has a 4ps single-shot LSD and
thus the smallest amount that two single-shot time interval measurements may differ by is 4ps.
Resolution is the smallest difference in a measurement that the SR620 can discern. That is, the smallest
statistically significant change which can be measured by the SR620. Resolution is of primary interest in
comparing readings from the same instrument. The instrument resolution is limited by many things including
short-term timebase stability, internal noise, trigger noise,etc. Because these processes are random in
nature, resolution is specified as an rms value rather than a peak value. This rms value is the standard
deviation of the measured value. The SR620's single-shot resolution is typically 25ps rms. This number can
be improved by averaging over many measurements, or in the case of frequency and period measurements,
increasing the gate time. The single-shot LSD is always smaller than the single-shot resolution.
Error is defined as the difference between the measured value and actual value of the signal being measured.
The error in a measurement is of primary concern when the absolute value of the parameter being measured
is important. Error consists of the random factors mentioned above and systematic uncertainties in the
measurement. Systematic uncertainties include timebase aging, trigger level error, insertion delay, etc..
Systematic errors may always be measured and subtracted from subsequent measurements to reduce the
error. The SR620's absolute error is typically less than 0.5ns for time interval measurements less than 1ms.
Absolute error is of interest in determining how far a value is from the actual value. Often only the relative
accuracy (the difference between two measurements) is important. Differential non-linearity is a
measurement of the relative accuracy of a measurement and is specified as the maximum time error for any
given relative measurement. The SR620's differential non-linearity is typically ±50ps. That means if the time
interval is changed by some amount the SR620 will report that change to within ±50ps of that change.
Graphs 1 and 2 show the SR620's typical differential non-linearity as a function of time interval. Graph 1
shows the non-linearity over the time range of 0 to 11ns. The deviations are due to the residual non-linearity
of the time-to-amplitude converters. This curve repeats every 11.11ns- the period of the time-to-amplitude
converters. Graph 2 shows the non-linearity over the time range of 0 to 11ms. For times greater than 11ms
the non-linearity is dominated by the timebase error.
Graph 1: Differential Non-linearity for time Graph 2: Differential Non-linearity for time
differences of 0 to 11 ns. This shows the differences of 0 to 11ms.
residual non-linearity of the time-to-amplitude
The specifications of the timebase affect both the resolution and error of measurements made with the
SR620. A timebase may be specified by two parameters: its short-term stability and its long-term stability.
The short-term stability of an oscillator is a measure of the changes in the output frequency of the oscillator on
a short time scale- seconds or less. These changes in the frequency are usually random and are due to
internal oscillator noise, output level modulation,etc. These random changes in frequency affect the resolution
of the measurement just as other internal noise does. The short-term stability of an oscillator is usually
characterized by specifying either its Allan variance or its phase noise. The SR620's timebase short-term
stability is specified by its Allan variance. Specified values for 1 second gate times are:
The resolution of the SR620 is specified as resolution = ((25ps)2+ (time interval x short-term stability)2)1/2 rms
so for time interval greater than 125ms (standard oscillator) or 500ms (oven oscillator) the short-term stability
of the timebase will dominate the resolution limit of the SR620.
The long-term stability of an oscillator is a measure of its changes in frequency over long time intervals-
hours, days, months, or years. It is the long term stability of the timebase that will ultimately limit the absolute
accuracy of the SR620 and determines the calibration interval necessary to maintain a desired error limit.
The long-term stability consists of two components: oscillator aging and oscillator temperature response. The
aging of an oscillator is the change in frequency over time due to physical changes in the components
(usually the crystal) and is usually specified as a fractional frequency change over some measurement period.
Temperature response is due to changes in the oscillator characteristics as a function of ambient temperature
and is specified as a fractional frequency change over some temperature range. The timebase for the SR620
is specified as:
So, for example, with the oven oscillator 30 days after calibration the oscillator may have drifted at most 30 x
5x10-10 x 10MHz = 0.15Hz. Also, a worst case temperature variation must be assumed when evaluating the
worst case error. That is, for example, the optional oscillator must be assumed to be at worst 5ppb in error
because the conditions when the SR620 was calibrated are unknown.
The SR620 has a rear panel input that will accept either a 5 or 10Mhz external timebase. The SR620 phase-
locks its internal timebase to this reference. The phase-locked loop has a bandwidth of about 20Hz and thus
the characteristics the the SR620's clock, for measurement times longer than 50ms, become that of the
external source. For shorter measurement times the clock characteristics are unimportant compared to the
internal jitter (25ps rms) of the SR620. Thus, if the signal from a Cesium clock is input into a SR620 with a
standard TCXO oscillator the short-term and long-term stability of the SR620 will become that of the Cesium
+ (Esignal )
2 2
(E internal )
Trigger Timing Jitter =
Input Slew Rate
E internal = internal input noise ( 350 µV rms typical )
E input = input signal noise
If the trigger level is set to a value other than the intended value the time interval measured will be in error.
This error, trigger level timing error, is a systematic error that affects only the error of the measurement and
not its resolution. The SR620's trigger thresholds are set to an accuracy of 15mV + 0.5% of value. The effect
this has on the measurement is given by:
15 mV + 0.5% of setting
Trigger Level Timing Error =
Input Slew Rate
Graphs 3 and 4 show the effects of trigger timing jitter and trigger timing level error on resolution and error.
These graphs are applicable to all measurements, not just time intervals.
Graph 3: Effect of input noise on measurement Graph 4: Effect of input slew rate on
resolution. Averaging reduces the effects of measurement error.
The following equations allow one to calculate the SR620's resolution and error in the various measurement
modes. The SR620's typical specification are used in the following equations. For worst case bounds simply
replace the typical with the worst case numbers.
NOTE: The quantities added to calculate the SR620's resolution are independent rms quantities and must be
added in quadrature:
total = x 12 + x 22 + …
NOTE: "timebase error" refers to the sum of aging and temperature effects.
In the time measurement modes the measurement resolution and error are given by:
2 2 2 2
( 25 ps ) + (time interval × short term stability ) + (start trigger jitter ) + (stop trigger jitter )
Resolution = ±
Error = ± resolution ± ( timebase error × time interval ) ± start trigger level error ± stop trigger level error ± 0.5 ns
In frequency mode the measurement resolution and error are given by:
2 2 2
frequency (25 ps) + (short term stability × gate time ) + 2 × (trigger jitter )
Resolution = ±
gate time N
100 ps
Error = ± resolution ± ( timebase error × frequency ) ± × frequency
gate time
The SR620's typical single-shot frequency resolution as a function of gate time is shown in Graph 5. The
curves are for the standard oscillator, the optional oven oscillator, and an external high stability reference.
The input signal noise is negligible.
In period mode the measurement resolution and error are given by:
2 2 2
period (25 ps) + (short term stability × gate time) + 2 × (trigger jitter )
Resolution = ±
gate time N
Error = ± resolution ± ( timebase error × period) ± × period
gate time
In phase mode the measurement resolution and error are given by:
(25 ps) + (gate time × short term stability ) + 2 × (trigger jitter ) phase × period
2 2 2 2
Graph 6 shows the SR620's single-shot phase resolution as a function of frequency. The resolution may be
increased by averaging.
Resolution = ±1 count
Error = ±1 count
The SR620 Universal Time Interval Counter may expects and the values that it will return . When
be remotely programmed via either the RS232 or the unit is controlled by a computer, the echo
GPIB (IEEE-488) interfaces. Any computer feature should be turned OFF.
supporting one of these interfaces may be used to
program the SR620. Both interfaces are active at Front Panel LEDs and data window
all times: the SR620 will send responses to the
interface which asked the question. All front and To assist in programming, the SR620 has 3 front
rear panel features (except power) may be panel status LEDs. The ACT LED flashes
controlled. whenever a character is received or sent over
either interface. The ERR LED flashes when an
Communicating with GPIB error has been detected, such as an illegal
command, or parameter out of range. The REM
The SR620 supports the IEEE-488.1 (1978) LED is lit whenever the SR620 is in a remote state
interface standard. It also supports the required (front panel locked out).
common commands of the IEEE-488.2 (1987)
standard. Before attempting to communicate with To help find program errors, the SR620 has an
the SR620 over the GPIB interface, the SR620's input data window which displays the data
device address must be set. The address is set in received over either the GPIB or RS232
the CTRL submenu of the CONFIGuration menu interfaces. This window is the first menu line in the
and may be set between 0 and 30. CTRL submenu and displays the received data in
hexadecimal format.One may scroll back and forth
Communicating with RS232 through the last 256 characters received using the
SCALE up/down arrow keys. A decimal point
The SR620 is configured as a DCE (transmit on indicates the most recently received character.
pin 3, receive on pin 2) and supports CTS/DTR
hardware handshaking. The CTS signal (pin 5) is Command Syntax
an output indicating that the SR620 is ready, while
the DTR signal (pin 20) is an input that is used to Communications with the SR620 use ASCII
control the SR620's transmitting. If desired, the characters. Commands may be in either UPPER
handshake pins may be ignored and a simple 3 or lower case and may contain any number of
wire interface (pins 2,3 and 7) may be used. The embedded space characters. A command to the
RS232 interface baud rate, number of data bits, SR620 consists of a four character command
and parity must be set. These may be set in the mnemonic, arguments if necessary, and a
CTRL submenu of the CONFIGuration menu. The command terminator. The terminator may be
RS232 delay programs the time interval between either a carriage return <cr> or linefeed <lf> on
the SR620's transmitted characters if no RS232, or a linefeed <lf> or EOI on GPIB. No
handshaking is used. The delay is equal to 2ms command processing occurs until a command
times the setting and is usually set to 0 (no delay). terminator is received. All commands function
However, some slower computers may require a identically on GPIB and RS232. Command
delay. The RS232 echo should be set OFF if the mnemonics beginning with an asterisk "*" are
SR620 is connected to a computer. It may be ON IEEE-488.2 (1987) defined common commands.
if connected to a terminal or a terminal emulation These commands also function identically on
program. RS232. Commands may require one or more
parameters. Multiple parameters are separated by
RS232 echo and no echo operation commas ",".
When the RS232 echo mode is ON the SR620 will Multiple commands may be sent on one command
echo all characters sent to it , will send linefeeds in line by separating them by semicolons ";". The
addition to carriage returns, and will return the difference between sending several commands on
prompts -> and ?> to indicate that a command the same line and sending several independent
was either processed correctly or contained errors. commands is that when a command line is parsed
The RS232 echo mode is good way to become and executed the entire line is executed before
familiar with the commands that the SR620 any other device action proceeds. This allow
The TSLP command selects the trigger slopes of The AUTM command sets the auto measurement
the EXT, A, and B inputs. The parameter j = 0 mode. The parameter j = 1 sets the AUTO mode
selects positive slope while j = 1 selects negative "ON" and the SR620 will automatically start a new
slope. measurement of N samples when the old one is
complete. The parameter j = 0 sets the AUTO
mode "OFF" and requires an individual command
to start each measurement. It is recommended
that auto measurement be OFF if a computer is
being used to take data as this allows
synchronizing of the measurements with the desired values because changing modes may
returned answers. cause them to change.
The DREL command sets the display rel and is The SIZE command sets the number of samples
equivalent to the front panel "SET REL" button. in a measurement. The parameter x may be
The parameter j = 1 sets the REL, j = 0 clears the between 1 and 10^6 in a 1,2,5 sequence. The
REL, and j = 2 clears the REL and the results of SIZE? query returns a floating point number with
the last measurement, j =3 sets the REL to the one significant digit.
current cursor position.
SRCE (?) j
The SRCE command sets the source of the
The COMP command changes the arming parity measurement. The parameter j = 0 set the source
in ± time arming mode. This command is the same to A, j = 1 sets the source to B, and j = 2 sets the
as toggling the state of the front panel COMPL source to REF. Additionally, in frequency, period,
LED. and count modes j = 3 sets the source to ratio
(A/B). In phase mode the source is fixed and may
GATE (?) x not be set while in rise/fall time REF may not be
selected as the source.
The GATE command sets the width of the
frequency, period, or count gate to x. The gate STRT
width x may range from 1ms to 500s in a 1,2,5
sequence. If the value x is negative the gate is set The STRT command is equivalent to pushing the
to an externally triggered gate of width x. If the front panel START button.
measurement mode or arming mode do not
support gates an error occurs. STOP
returned is from the measurement desired. Also, terminator). There is no separator between
no other queries should be sent between sending successive points. If the rs232 interface is being
the MEAS? query and reading its answer. used an 8 bit data word must be chosen to
correctly transmit this data. The data returned is
XALL? binned into 250 bins- not the number set by the
front panel. This command allows one to rapidly
The XALL? query returns the values of the mean, read the entire contents of the histogram display. If
rel, jitterl, max, and min of the last completed the histogram is blank the illegal numbars -0 are
measurement. These numbers are returned as returned.
one string with the individual numbers separated
by commas. The numbers are floating point HSPT? j
values with up to 16 digits of precision.
The HSPT? query returns the value of point j of
XAVG? the current histogram. J has the range 1 to 250. If
the histogram is blank this query returns the illegal
The XAVG? query returns the value of the mean value 9E20.
of the last completed measurement. The number
returned is a floating point value with up to 16 SCAV? j
digits of precision. If the REL is set the number
returned is the REL'D value. The SCAV? query returns the value of point j of
the mean graph or scan point j. J has the range of
XJIT? 1 to 250. This query returns the illegal value 9E20
if the stripchart is blank, has not reached point j, or
The XJIT? query returns the value of the jitter of the scan has not reached point j. One way to read
the last completed measurement. The number back every point of a scan is to continually send
returned is a floating point value with up to 16 the command SCAV? j until a legal value results
digits of precision. and then move on to the next point. The number
returned is a floating point number with up to 16
XMAX? digits of precision.
Once in binary dump mode the SR620 will take DBEG (?) j
data and send it to the controller as fast as it can.
Binary dump mode is terminated when: the count The DBEG command sets the start position of the
expires, the front panel reset key is pressed, or internal delay scan. The parameter j is the desired
ANY command is received. Because of the last delay in units of number of gate widths. The
restriction, the BDMP command should always be allowable range is between 1 and 50000.
the last command on a command line. The binary
data taken in this mode is NOT buffered. The DSEN (?) j
SR620 will take a data point, wait until the
controller has read the entire point, take another The DSEN command controls the enable status of
point , etc.. Thus the maximum throughput may the scanning delay. The parameter j = 0 sets the
be limited by the controller. It is recommended that delay OFF. If j =1 the delay is set to HOLD, that is
some form of direct memory access transfer be , active but fixed in position. If j = 2 the delay is
used to maximize the transfer rate. set to SCAN and will step by 1 step at the end of
each group of samples. Note that the SR620
The binary data is return as a 8 byte 2's MUST be in arming mode 6,7, or 8 for the delay
complement binary integer. The least significant scan to be functional and that an external trigger is
byte is always sent first and an EOI is sent with required. (See the SCEN command.)
the most significant byte. To convert this number
to a number with the correct units the following DSTP (?) x
must be done: 1) Convert the 2's complement
number to signed integer form, and 2) multiply by The DSTP command sets the size of the scanning
a mode dependent scaling factor. The scaling delay's step. The range of sizes that may be set is
factors are given below. between 1us and 10ms in a 1,2,5 sequence. The
Examples of the binary dump mode are given in DSTP? query returns a floating point number with
the Programming Examples section of the manual. 1 significant digit.
HOLD (?) x
Scan Control Commands
The HOLD command sets the hold time at each
ANMD (?) j scan point when in scan mode. The hold time
may range between 10ms and 1000s in 10ms
The ANMD command sets the mode of the rear increments. The HOLD? query return the hold
panel DAC outputs. The parameter j =0 sets time as a floating point number.
output #0 to produce a voltage proportional to the
measurement mean value, and DAC output #1 to SCAN
produce a voltage proportional to the jitter of the
measurement. The parameter j = 1 sets output 0 The SCAN command clears the current scan and
to be a programmable voltage source and output 1 starts a new scan. The SCAN command
to be proportional to the jitter. The parameter j = 2 automatically turns on the automeasure mode.
sets output 0 to be proportional to the mean and This command should not be used if one wants to
output 1 to be a programmable voltage source. If j manually control the acquisition of data during a
= 3 both outputs are programmable sources. scan. One should use the SCLR and STRT
commands instead.
Binary Dump Scale Factors
The SCPT command sets the number of points in The CURS command sets the cursor position to j
a scan. The number may be set to one of 2, 5, 10, ( 1-250 ). If the graph is empty or the stripchart
25, 50, 125, or 250 points. has not yet reached point j an error is returned.
The VBEG command sets the DAC output scan The DGPH command sets the displayed graph. If
start voltage. The parameter j refers to the j = 0 the histogram is displayed, if j = 1 the mean
channel desired ( 0 or 1) and x is a voltage in the stripchart is displayed, and if j = 2 the jitter
range -10.00 to +10.00 volts. If the selected stripchart is displayed.
channel is not enabled to be a general purpose
output this command has no effect. If scans are GCLR
disabled or the selected channel's voltage step
size is set to 0 the output voltage is immediately The GCLR command clears the graphs. If a scan
set to x volts. Otherwise, the voltage is set to x at is in progress GCLR does NOT clear the scan.
the beginning of the next scan. The SCLR command clears both the scan and the
GENA (?) j
The VOUT? query reads the present output
voltage of the select d/a channel. This command The GENA command sets the graph enable
can be used to monitor the stepping of the d/a status. If j = 0 the graphs are turned OFF. If j = 1
outputs during a scan. the graphs are turned ON. Turning the graphs off
can dramatically improve the SR620's
VSTP (?) j{,x} measurement throughput (see details in the
Programming Examples section).
The VSTP command sets the d/a output scan step
size. The parameter j refers to the channel GSCL (?) j{,x}
desired ( 0 or 1) and x is a voltage in the range -
10.00 to +10.00 volts. If the selected channel is The GSCL command sets the scales for the
not enabled to be a general purpose output this graphs. The parameter j selects the scale to be
set according to the following table:
0 histogram vertical
1 histogram horizontal KEYS(?) j
2 histogram bins
3 mean vertical The KEYS command simulates the pressing of a
4 jitter vertical front panel key. The KEYS? query returns the
keycode of the most recently pressed key.
The parameter x is the desired units/division Keycodes are assigned as follows:
(example: for 100ns/div x = 100E-9). The scale
values are all positive numbers except that a Key keycode
negative value for the histogram vertical scale will
set the scale to log mode. An error will occur if an mode up 16
attempt is made to set the scale to an illegal value. mode down 17
This can happen, for example, for certain source 18
combinations of histogram horizontal scales and size up 25
bin sizes. size down 27
measurement start 32
PDEV (?) j measurement reset 34
display up 33
The PDEV command sets the hardcopy output display down 35
device. The parameter j = 0 set the device to set rel 40
printer while j = 1 sets it to plotter. clear rel 42
set graph 43
PLAD (?) j autoscale 41
display scales 22
The PLAD command sets the address of the GPIB scale up 20
plotter if a plotter is being used. Any address scale down 23
from 0 to 30 except the current address of the print 21
SR620 may be used. clear print 29
config select 28
PLPT (?) j config set 30
Ext slope 36
The PLPT command sets the plotter output port to Manual Trigger 31
either RS232 or GPIB. The parameter j = 0 set Ext termination 39
the port to RS232 while j = 1 sets the port to GPIB. A slope 37
A ac/dc 38
PLOT A termination 47
B slope 44
The PLOT command starts a plot or print. B ac/dc 46
B termination 45
PCLR ref level 19
set auto measure 50
The PCLR command clears any plots or prints in set autoprint 51
progress. clear automeasure 52
clear autoprint 53
The DISP command set the front panel display. The RNGE command sets the input voltage range
The parameter j controls the display as shown in of DVM input j ( j = 0,1). If k = 0 the selected
the following table: channel is set to autorange, if k = 1 the selected
channel is set to ±20V full scale, and if k = 2 the
j Display Codes selected channel is set to ±2V full scale.
The *WAI (wait) common command is a The ENDT command sets the RS232 end of
synchronization command that holds off all further transmission terminator. This terminator is
command execution until all in progress appended the the end of each answer and may
measurements/scans/prints are complete. This consist of up to 4 ASCII (decimal) characters. The
command ensures that a particular operation is default terminator is <cr><lf> and is obtained by
finished before continuing. An example of the omitting the parameters. The parameters j,k,l,m
usefulness of this command is ensuring that a are the decimal representations of between 1 and
measurement is complete before reading the 4 termination characters. For example, if it
answer. The command line STRT;*WAI;XAVG? desired that the termination be the characters
will start a measurement, wait until it is done, and carriage return and "E" the command would be
send back the mean value. ENDT 13,69.
The STUP? query returns the complete setup of the SR620 as a long string of numbers separated by
commas. All setup information except for trigger levels and d/a starting and step voltages is returned.
The meanings of the returned numbers are as follows: (when bits are packed into a status byte the bit
values correspond to those used by the normal mode setting command. For example, the AUTM
command with parameter j=1 turns on automeasure mode and automeasure bit (setup byte 1, bit 0) is 1 if
automeasure is on)
Status Reporting Commands The ERRS? query reads the value of the error
status byte. If the parameter j is present the value
(See tables at the end of the Programming of bit j is returned. Reading this register will clear
section for Status Byte definitions.) it while reading bit j will clear just bit j.
The *CLS common command clears all status The STAT? query reads the value of the time
registers. This command does not affect the interval counter status byte. If the parameter j is
status enable registers. present the value of bit j is returned. Reading this
register will clear it while reading bit j will clear just
*ESE (?) j bit j.
The $PHK command is used to exercise the The BYTE command set the value of linearization
printer port handshaking lines. The value of j (0 or byte j to k. Parameter j may have a value from 0
1) sets the state of the -init and -strobe lines. The to 129, and k may range from 0 to 255. NOTE:
query $PHK? reads the value of the busy line. this command will alter the calibration of the
SR620. However, running autocal will correct the
$POT? j
WORD (?) j{,k}
The $POT? query reads the dc voltage of the front
panel potentiometers (NOT the trigger level) in The WORD command sets the value of calibration
units of 10mV. word j to k. Parameter j may have a value from 0
to 51, while k may range from 0 to 65535. NOTE:
*CAL? this command will alter the calibration of the the
SR620. To correct the calibration the factory
The *CAL? common query runs the autocal calibration bytes may be recalled (see the
procedure. This query will return the following Calibration section).
status value:
byte enable register set) in their respective status 5 A Ovld Set by A input overload
registers is set. They are not cleared until the condition
condition which set the bit is cleared. Thus, these 6 B Ovld Set by B input overload
bits give a constant summary of the enabled condition
status bits. A service request will be generated 7 unused
whenever an unmasked bit in the serial poll
register is set. Note that service requests are only These bits stay set until cleared by reading or by
produced when the bit is first set and thus any the *CLS command.
condition will only produce one service request.
Accordingly, if a service request is desired every Error Status Byte:
time an event occurs the status bit must be
cleared between events. bit name usage
This status byte is defined by IEEE-488.2 (1987) These bits stay set until cleared by reading or by
and is used primarily to report errors in commands the *CLS command.
received over the communications interfaces. The
bits in this register stay set once set and are
cleared by reading them or by the *CLS command.
The actual time required to make a measurement of N samples is given by the equation:
So, when measuring short time intervals with graphs on and not in the binary dump mode, the SR620 has a
throughput of about 1000 samples per second.
There is some additional time required at the end of each group of measurements. This calculation time is
zero ( no graphic displays, binary responses) or 5 ms ( no graphic displays, ASCII responses) or 8 ms (active
chart outputs or scope display of mean or jitter) to 50 ms (scope display of histogram). If the SAMPLE SIZE is
greater than one, then statistics will be calculated, which will add 10-100 ms to the calculation time,
depending on the number of digits in the MEAN value.
The data acquisition rate to a computer will depend on the interface which is used and the speed of the
computer and its interface drivers. About 1400 measurements per second may be transferred to a computer
using a DMA (Direct Memory Access) GPIB controller to measure time intervals in the binary dump mode.
Program Example 1
IBM PC, BASIC, via RS232
In this example, the IBM PC's COM2: serial port is used to communicate with the SR620. The program sets
up the SR620 and then starts measurements and reads the results. Only pins 2,3 and 7 of the PC's port
need to be connected to the SR620.
10 ' Example program to start a measurement and read the result. This
20 ' program uses IBM Basic and communicates via the COM2:RS232 port.
30 '
40 ' set up the SR620 for 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity
50 OPEN "COM2:9600,N,8,2,CS,DS,CD" AS #1
60 '
70 ' setup COM2: for 9600 baud , no parity, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits
80 ' ignore cts,dsr, and cd
90 '
100 PRINT #1," " ' clear COM2:
105 ' clear TIC ,set to width of ref, 10 samples,automeasure off'
120 PRINT #1,"STRT;*WAI;XAVG?" ' start measurement, wait until done,read
130 INPUT #1,TIME# ' read double precision answer
140 PRINT "width = ",TIME#
150 GOTO 120 ' loop forever
To succesfully interface the SR620 to a PC via the GPIB , the instrument, interface card, and interface drivers
must all be configured properly. To configure the SR620, you must set the GPIB address in line 2 of the
"Control" CONFIG menu. The default GPIB address is 16: use this address unless a conflict occurs with other
instruments in your system. The SR620 will be set to GPIB address 16 whenever a COLD BOOT is done ( if
the RESET key is held down when the unit is turned "ON".)
Make sure that you follow all the instructions for installing the GPIB card. The National Instruments card
cannot be simply unpacked and put into your computer. To configure the card you must set jumpers and
switches on the card to set the I/O address and interupt levels. You must run the program "IBCONF" to
configure the resident GPIB driver for your GPIB card. Please refer to the National Instruments manual for
additional information.
Once all the hardware and GPIB drivers are configured, use IBIC. This terminal emulation program allows you
to send commands to the SR620 directly from your computer's keyboard. If you cannot talk to the SR620 via
IBIC then your programs will not run.
Use the simple commands provided by National instruments. Use IBWRT and IBRD to write and read from
the SR620. After you are familiar with these simple command you can explore other, more complex,
programming commands.
Program Example 2
IBM PC, Microsoft FORTRAN V4.0, National Instruments GPIB Card
This example demonstartes using the SR620 via the GPIB. Microsoft's FORTRAN (for PC compatibles) is
used to program the time interval counter via National Instrument's GPIB interface card.
C Example program demonstrating programming the SR620 over the GPIB using
C the National Instruments GPIB card. The program sets up the SR620 and
C then starts taking data.
C This program is written in Microsoft FORTRAN v4.0. To use the National
C card the National device driver must be installed and the IBCONF program
C must be run to tell the driver where everything is. The program is compiled
C with the command FL /AL /FPa example2.for and the resulting object file is
C linked with the file MFIBL.OBJ (supplied by National )
C setup TIC
C start measurement
call ibwrt (sr620,'STRT;*WAI;XAVG?\n 'c,16)
C read answer
C continue forever
goto 100
Program Example 3
This example takes data in the binary dump mode and converts it into the correct units. This program is
written in IBM BASIC and uses a Capital Equipment Co. GPIB card. The CEC cards DMA input routine is
used to directly put the data into the PC's memory. All of the interface routines to the CEC card reside in
firmware on the card.
10 'program to test TIC binary dump mode- this program will binary dump
20 'samples from the time interval counter and convert the binary values to
30 'numbers in units appropriate to the measurement mode. The program
40 'demonstrates sending and receiving simple commands from the TIC. The
50 'program uses the GPIB interface and a Capital Equipment Co. GPIB interface
60 'card
70 ' This program runs in interpreted IBM PC Basic
80 DIM DAT%(16000),FDATA#(2000),FACTORS#(7),TEMP#(4)
90 DATA 1.05963812934D-14,1.05963812934D-14,1.05963812934D-14
100 DATA 1.24900090270331D-9,1.05963812934D-14,8.3819032D-8,0.00390625D0
110 FOR I =1 TO 7
130 NEXT I
140 DEF SEG = &HD000 ' base address of CEC card
150 INIT = 0:TRANSMIT =3:SEND = 9:ENTER = 21:DMA2 = 206 'CEC subroutine offsets
160 ADDR% =21:SYS%=0 'controller address
170 SR620% =16 ' TIC address
180 '
190 ' string definitions
200 IN$ = "IFC UNT UNL REN" ' clear interface
210 BD$ = "BDMP"
220 MD$ = "mode?"
240 EXPD$ = "expd?"
250 '
260 CALL INIT (ADDR%,SYS%) ' init CEC card
270 '
280 PRINT "Enter number of samples (<cr> to quit)";
290 INPUT "->",S$ ' get number of samples
300 SAMPLES% = VAL (S$)
320 IF SAMPLES% > 2000 THEN GOTO 280
330 ' setup dma parameters
340 '
350 MODE% = &H2105 ' dma mode
370 SEGMENT%=-1
380 C$ = BD$ + S$ ' TIC command
390 '
400 ' dma data into PC
430 OFS%=VARPTR(DAT%(1))
450 '
460 ' get mode so we'll know which conversion factor to use
470 CALL SEND (SR620%,MD$,STATUS%) : GOSUB 890
480 ANS$ = SPACE$(50)
Program Example 4
IBM PC, Microsoft Fortran v4.0, CEC GPIB Card
This example illustrates the binary dump mode via the GPIB interface using Microsoft FORTRAN. To use the
CEC card with FORTRAN a file called FORT488.OBJ (supplied by CEC) is linked to the FORTRAN program
C Program to test TIC binary dump mode- this program will binary dump samples
C from the time interval counter and convert the binary values to numbers in
C units appropriate to the measurement mode. The program also demonstrates
C sending and receiving simple commands from the TIC. The program uses the GPIB
C interface using an IBM PC with a Capital Equipment Co. GPIB Interface card.
C The necessary interface routines to this card are supplied by CEC and are
C linked to the program.
program bindump
integer*2 seg,count,mode,status,samples
integer*2 address,tmode,texpd
integer*2 data(0:19999)
real*8 fdata(0:4999)
character*30 command
character*40 rstring
character dummy
common /data/ fdata
call InitGpib ()
C set up TIC
command(1:30) =' '
write (command,100)samples
100 format ('BDMP',I4)
call TxGpib (address,command)
call TalkGpib (address)
seg = -1
C read data via dma
goto 10
11 continue
C *******************************************************************
C converts the binary data to real numbers
subroutine Convert (tmode,texpd,samples,data,fdata)
integer*2 tmode,texpd,samples,data(0:19999),sign
integer*4 words(0:4)
real*8 fdata(0:4999)
real*8 factors(0:6)
C conversion factors
data factors/1.05963812934D-14,1.05963812934D-14,
+ 1.05963812934D-14,1.24900090270331D-9,1.05963812934D-14,
+ 8.3819032D-8,.00390625/
do 10 i=0,samples-1
sign = 0
fdata(i) = 0.0D0
C get 8 data bytes
do 11 j=0,3
words(j) = data(4*i +j)
C get unsigned magnitude of word
if (words(j) .lt. 0)words(j) = 65536+words(j)
11 continue
integer*2 status
data str/'IFC UNT UNL DCL REN|'/
character*25 cmd
integer*2 status,address
character*30 command
character*70 tstring
character*2 temp
integer*2 status,address
integer*2 address,status,length
character*40 rstring
character*40 cmd
write (cmd,100)address
100 format ('UNT UNL MLA TALK ',I2,'|')
call TRANSMIT (cmd,status)
call StatCheck (address,status)
rstring(1:40) = ' |'
call RECEIVE (rstring,length,status)
call StatCheck (address,status)
C ********************************************************************
C checks gpib status and prints error message
subroutine StatCheck (address,status)
integer*2 address,status
Program Example 5
IBM PC, Microsoft C v5.1, CEC GPIB Card
This example illustrates binary transfer via the GPIB in C. The file MS-C488.h must be included in the source
file and the program must be linked to the file GPIB-L.OBJ. Both of these files are supplied by CEC.
/* Program to test TIC binary dump mode- this program will binary dump samples
from the time interval counter and convert the binary values to numbers in
units appropriate to the measurement mode. The program also demonstrates
sending and receiving simple commands from the TIC. The program uses the GPIB
interface using an IBM PC with a Capital Equipment Co. GPIB Interface card.
The necessary interface routines to this card are supplied by CEC and are
linked to the program.
This program is written in Microsoft C version 5.1. The header file for the
GPIB interface is ms-c488.h and is supplied by CEC.
To compile this program use the command: CL /AL /FPi /c bindump.c .
The resulting object file is then linked with GPIB-L.OBJ (from CEC) and
the emulation math library. (which doesn't assume a math coprocessor) */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ms-c488.h>
#include <dos.h>
void main(void);
void InitGpib (void);
void TxGpib (int,char *); /* function prototypes */
void GetGpib (int);
void StatCheck (int);
void TalkGpib (int);
void Convert (int,int,int);
int status,length,mode,count;
char recv[80];
/* the data from each point is stored in 4 consecutive array locations */
int data[20000]; /* up to 5000 points */
double fdata[5000]; /* data storage for converted data */
void main ()
char cmd[40],input[40];
int i,samples,seg,tmode,texpd;
static char *units[] ={"s","s","s","Hz","s","deg","ct"};
while (1)
/* read number of samples */
printf ("Enter number of samples (<cr> to quit) ->");
gets (input);
/* set up TIC */
sprintf (cmd,"BDMP%d",samples); /* set binary dump mode of n samples */
TxGpib (sr620,cmd); /* send command to TIC */
TalkGpib (sr620); /* make TIC a talker */
/* ******************************************************************* */
void Convert (int mode,int expd,int samples)
int i,j,sign;
unsigned int words[4];
static double factors[] = {1.05963812934E-14,1.05963812934E-14,
8.3819032E-8,.00390625}; /* conversion factors */
my_address = 21;
system_controller = 0;
initialize (&system_controller, &my_address);
transmit (&status, "IFC UNT UNL DCL REN");
/* ********************************************************************* */
void TalkGpib ( int address) /* makes device at address a talker */
char cmd[25];
/* ********************************************************************* */
void GetGpib (address) /* get an answer from device at address */
int address;
char r_string[40], temp[80];
To start, make sure that the power entry module Test errors 33 to 35 may be corrected by the
on the rear panel is set for the ac line voltage for "Autocal" procedure. To run this procedure, press
your area, that the correct fuse is installed, and the SEL button in the CONFIG section to select
that the line cord is inserted all the way into the "cAL". Press the SET button once choose "Auto
power entry module. The selected line voltage cAL". Then press the START button in the
may be seen through the clear window, just below SAMPLE SIZE section to begin the autocal
the fuse. procedure. This procedure may not be started until
the red CLOCK LED in the CONFIG section goes
When the unit is plugged in and turned "ON", the off, otherwise a cAL Error 01 will result. The
unit's model number, firmware version number, autocal procedure takes about two minutes to run,
and serial number will be briefly displayed. Then and ends with the message "cAL donE", the
the message, "SELF TEST...PASS" should be SR620 then returns to taking measurements.
briefly displayed.
If the UHF prescaler of channel A is selected when
If the unit displays no sensible message, the "cold the unit is powered off and then on again, the unit
boot" procedure may fix the problem. To do a "cold will display “TEST ERROR 34”. This error may be
boot", turn the unit off. Then, while holding the corrected by deselecting the UHF of channel A. To
"RESET" button in the SAMPLE SIZE section run this procedure, press input button of channel
down, turn the unit "ON". This procedure initializes “A” until UHF is not highlighted. Then turn the
the RAM and recalls all factory calibration values. power off and on again.
The "Autocal" procedure should be run after the
unit warms up. (See below) Other cAL Errors flag hardware problems per the
table below:
If the message "code error" appears it indicates
that the SR620's ROM has an error and the unit Cal Error Problem
should be sent back for repair.
1 Not warmed-up
If a Test Error message appears, you may be able 2 No trigger
to fix the problem with the unit's internal calibration 3-7 Start TAC
routines. 19-23 Stop TAC
Test Error Problem The Start and Stop TAC's (Time to Amplitude
Converters) are the circuits which perform the
3 Lost Memory analog interpolation between the 90 MHz clock
4 Cpu Error ticks. The autocal procedure sets the gain and
5 System RAM error linearizes the transfer function of the TAC's.
6 Video RAM error
17,20 Channel 2 counter
18,19 Channel 1 counter Error Messages
32 Frequency gate
33 Excessive jitter countEr oFL Time interval has exceeded
34 Insertion delay, Freq. 1000 seconds, or frequency
35 Insertion delay, Time exceeds 1.5 GHz, in x1000
mode period > 1s or
Any of these errors may be caused by a hardware frequency >1MHz
failure which will require repair. rAtio oFL Ratio result exceeds 1000
dividE by 0 Denominator = 0 in ratio
Test error 3 is usually "self-healing". The measurement
instrument settings will be returned to their default
values and factory calibration data will be recalled
from ROM. Test Error 3 will recur if the Lithium
battery or RAM is defective.
STOP LED No Stop within 20 s of Start Scope display problems are usually due to the set-
(this may not be an error, the up of the X-Y scope. Make certain that the scope
LED is just a warning to is in the XY mode, with 1V/div, terminated into 1M
indicate that the time interval Ohm. (The XY mode is sometimes difficult to
is large).Blink indicates B setup: some scopes have multiple controls which
input autolevel attempt. must be in the correct position to operate in the XY
mode. Please refer to your scope's operation
START LED No Start within 20 s of Stop manual.) A jumping or distorted display will result if
(+-TIME, this may not be an the scope is ac coupled. If the scope has cursor
error, the LED is just a read-outs, turn these read-outs "off" to avoid a
warning to indicate that the blinking display. A poorly compensated scope
time interval is large).Blink input will cause minor distortion of the display.
indicates A input autolevel
CLOCK LED Unit warming up or Ext The printer must be connected to the PRINTER
timebase error. See "cAL" PORT on the back panel. Plotters may be
CONFIG menu for timebase connected to either the RS-232 or the GPIB port.
selection. You must set parameters in the OUTput menu in
the CONFIG section to specify whether you are
WRONG VALUE using the printer or a plotter. If you specify a
plotter, you need to specify the Plot Port as GPIB
Verify the setting of the instrument by reading or RS-232. If you specify GPIB for the Plot Port,
each front panel LED. Is the REL set? Are a very then you need to set the plotter's GPIB address. If
large number of samples specified? Is the AUTO RS-232 is specified, the BAUD rate is fixed at
LED in the SAMPLE SIZE section turned "ON"? 9600. ( For more details, see the section on
Are the inputs terminated correctly? Have the CONFIG.)
slope, threshold, and input coupling been set
correctly? Are there multiple edges on your input GPIB INTERFACE PROBLEMS
due to cable reflections?
For proper operation the GPIB address of SR620
To gain confidence that the instrument is working must be set to match that expected by the
correctly, try measuring the WIDTH, FREQ, and controlling computer. The default GPIB address is
PERIOD of the REF. ( Refer to the Quick-Start 16, and so it is a good idea to use this address
instructions for step-by-step details.) To verify that when writing programs for the SR620. Any
the input section is working, use the 1 kHz REF address from 0 to 30 may be set in the CONFIG
OUT (set to TTL level) to supply a signal to the A menu. To check the GPIB address, press the
or B input and measure WIDTH, tr/tf, FREQuency, "SEL" key in the CONFIG section to select the
and PERiod. Measure the length of a cable in the "ctrl" menu. Then press the "SET" key twice to
+TIME MODE by connecting it between the REF view the GPIB address. The up/down keys in the
OUT and the B input. ( Select REF as the START SCOPE AND CHART section may be used to set
SOURCE, select positive slope for START and the GPIB address.
STOP, and set B's threshold pot for AUTOLEVEL.)
The SR620 will ignore its front panel key pad
EXCESSIVE JITTER when Remote Enable (REN) has been asserted by
the GPIB. This "REMOTE" state is indicated by the
The most common causes of excess jitter are (1) REM LED in the STATUS section. To return to
incorrect trigger thresholds, (2) noise or amplitude LOCAL operation (ie. to enable the front panel)
fluctuations on the input signals, (3) insufficient or press the "SEL" key in the CONFIG section.
excessive amplitude on the inputs, slow input Controlling programs may inhibit the ability to
signal slew rates, (5) improper slope selection return to LOCAL operation by asserting the Local-
(check the MEAN value to be certain that you are Lockout state (LLO).
measuring the correct time interval), (6) improperly
terminated inputs. A linefeed character is sent with and End or
Identify (EOI) to terminate strings from the SR620.
Be certain that your GPIB controller has been require two carriage returns for an end-of-
configured to accept this sequence. record marker. The "ENDT" command may be
used to set the end-of-record sequence. (The
RS-232 PROBLEMS end-of-record marker is that sequence which
indicates a response is complete. From a
The RS-232 baud rate, number of bits per keyboard, a single carriage return is the end-
character, and parity bit definition must be set in of-record marker.)
the "ctrL" section of the CONFIG menu. The
SR620 always sends two stop bits, and will 5) Answers are coming back from the SR620 to
correctly receive data sent with either one or two fast, overwriting previous responses before
stop bits. the computer can get them. To increase the
dwell time between characters, use the "WAIT
When connecting to a PC, use a standard PC n" command. The dwell time between
serial cable, not a "null-modem" cable. The SR620 characters will be 2n ms.
is a DCE (Data Communications Equipment)
device, and so should be connected with a 6) The RS-232 echo must be "OFF", otherwise
"straight" cable to a DTE device (Data Terminal all characters sent to the SR620 will be
Equipment). The "minimum" cable will pass pins echoed back to the source. (See the section
2,3 and 7. For hardware handshaking, pins 5 and on "Configuration Menus" for details on RS232
20 (CTS and DTR) should be passed. configuration.) The computer will most likely
Occasionally, pins 6 and 8 (DSR and CD) will be confuse echoed commands with the desired
needed: these lines are always asserted by the data.
2) 100MHz - 2 GHz synthesized signal generator The internal self tests test the functionality of the
such as Hewlett-Packard HP8642B. system RAM, the CPU, the video RAM, the two
internal counter channels, and the time interval
2) Precision DC voltmeter such as Fluke 8840A. calibration.
3) 2 equal ( less than ±1/2")length BNC cables. 1) Turn on the SR620. The model number, the
ROM firmware version number, and the serial
4) Epson compatible printer with PC compatible number should be displayed for about 3
cable (DB25 connector to Centronics seconds. Then the message SELF TEST
connector). PASS should appear. If a TEST ERROR
message appears see the TROUBLESHOOT-
5) 100MHZ or faster Oscilloscope. ING section for a description of the errors.
Test errors 33 and 34 indicate loss of
6) 10MHz frequency reference such as a Cesium calibration and may be fixed by running the
clock. Autocal procedure (see CONFIGURATION
MENU section).
Trigger Input Tests
These tests verify that the SR620's circuitry is
functional. These tests test the EXT, A, and B trigger inputs
and the REF output.
Front Panel Test
1) Set the SR620 mode to FREQ, source to A/B,
This test verifies the functionality of the front panel arming to EXT, Automeasure off (hold down
digits, LED's, and buttons. RESET button until AUTO LED goes off), and
display to TRIG to display the trigger levels on
1) Turn on the SR620 while holding down the the front panel.
"DISP" button. A single segment of the
leftmost digit should light. 2) Set the REF output to TTL and display the
output on a scope terminated into 1 Mohm.
The scope should display a 1kHz square wave
with 50% duty cycle. The signal should go 3) Set the B input to 50 ohms and verify that
from 0V to 4V. triggering now occurs between about 0 and
3) Set the scope to 50 ohms. The REF
amplitude should now be 2V. 4) Set the REF output to ECL and verify that
triggering occurs between about -1.8 and -
4) Set the REF output to ECL. The signal should 0.8V.
go from -1.8V to -0.8V with a 50 ohm
termination. 5) Set the B input to AC and verify that triggering
occurs between about -0.5 to +0.5 V.
EXT input
Counter Channel Tests
1) Set the REF output to TTL and connect it to
the EXT input. 1) Set the SR620 to TIME mode, A source,
+TIME arming, sample size to to 500,
2) Adjust the EXT trigger knob and verify the Automeasure on (press the START button
triggering starts at about 0V and stops at until the AUTO LED comes on) and display
about 4V. the mean. Tee the 10MHz rear panel output
to the A and B inputs using equal length
3) Set the EXT input to 50 ohms and verify that cables from the tee to the inputs. Set the A
triggering now occurs between about 0 and and B inputs to 50 ohms and the trigger levels
2V. to 0.0V.
4) Set the REF output to ECL and verify that 2) Set the A and B slopes to +. The display
triggering occurs between about -1.8 and - should read less than 1ns.
3) Set the display to jitter. The reading should be
A input less than 50ps.
1) Set the REF output to TTL and connect it to 4) Set the mode to frequency, the arming to 0.1s
the A input. gate, the source to A, sample size to 1. The
display should read 10 MHz ±35mHz.
2) Adjust the A trigger knob and verify the (9999999.965 to 10000000.035 Hz)
triggering starts at about 0V and stops at
about 4V. 5) Set the gate size to 1s. The display should
read 10MHz ±3.5mHz.
3) Set the A input to 50 ohms and verify that
triggering now occurs between about 0 and 6) Set the A input to UHF. The reading should
2V. be 10MHZ ±3.5mHz.
4) Set the REF output to ECL and verify that 7) Set the source to B, and the B input to UHF.
triggering occurs between about -1.8 and - The reading should be 10MHz ±3.5mHz.
Rear Panel Tests
5) Set the A input to AC and verify that triggering
occurs between about -0.5 to +0.5 V. 1) Attach the x and y scope outputs to an
oscilloscope in x-y mode. Set the scope input
B input channel to 1 V/div. Make sure that the
displayed picture is free of major distortion or
1) Set the REF output to TTL and connect it to anomalies. Minor distortion can be caused by
the B input. poorly compensated scope inputs.
2) Adjust the B trigger knob and verify the 2) Attach the printer to the printer port. Press the
triggering starts at about 0V and stops at print button. The printed graph should be the
about 4V. same as the displayed graph.
This test checks that the SR620 will produce the 3) Set the SR620's mode to Frequency, 1s gate,
correct result given a known input. This test does 1 sample, display to mean.
not check the accuracy of the 10 MHz time base.
4) Set the source to A, the A trigger level to
specification: 10 MHz ± .0035 Hz 0.02V, and measure the frequency at the
following frequencies: 0.1 Hz, 10Hz, 1kHz,
1) Set the SR620 to Frequency Mode,A source, 100kHz, 1MHz, and 10MHz. note: the 0.1 Hz
1s gate, 1 sample. measurement will take at least 40s to stabilize.
The frequencies should read:
2) Attach the rear panel 10MHz output to A,
terminate in 50 Ohms. setting Frequency Reading
0.1 Hz 0.1Hz ±20 µHz
3) Verify that the reading is consistent with the 10 Hz 10 Hz ±1 mHz
above specification. Record the reading. 1 kHz 1 kHz ±1 mHz
100 kHz 100 kHz ±0.01Hz
Time Interval 1 MHz 1 MHz ± 0.1 Hz
10 MHz 10 MHz ± 1.0 Hz
This test tests the accuracy of time interval
measurements. The resolution is also checked. Record the results.
specification: < ±1ns accuracy 5) Set the source to B, the B trigger threshold to
< 50ps rms jitter 0.02V, terminate the B input into 50 Ohms, set
the trigger slope to +, connect the function
1) Set the pulse generator to square wave, 4V generator to the SR620's B input, and
amplitude, frequency to 10 kHz. measure the same group of frequencies.
Record the results.
2) Tee the output of the pulse generator to the A
and B inputs of the SR620 using equal length 6) Attach the rf generator's reference input to the
cables from the tee to the inputs. SR620's 10MHz output.
3) Set the SR620 to time mode, source A, +TIME 7) Attach the generator's rf output to the SR620's
arming, 1000 samples. Terminate the A and B A input. Terminate the A input into 50 ohms.
Set the generator to 100 MHz and the output 5) Set the A trigger level to AUTO and the D/A #0
level to -2dBm. Measure the frequency. Set to 1V. Read the trigger level. Record this
the output level to +1dBm and the frequency result. The value should be 1.0V ±50mV.
to 300MHz. Measure the frequency. The
frequencies should read: 6) Repeat steps 2,3, 4, and 5 for channel B and
record the results.
setting Frequency Reading
100MHz 100MHz ± 10 Hz D/A Output Accuracy
300MHz 300MHz ± 30 Hz
These tests verify the accuracy of the rear panel
Record the results. D/A outputs.
8) Set the SR620's A input to UHF. Set the A specification: 0.3% full scale (±30mV)
trigger level to 0.00V.Set the generator to
300MHz with a -22dBm output level. Measure 1) Connect the voltmeter to the D/A 0 output.
the frequency. Set the generator to 1.3GHz at
an output level of +5dBm. Measure the 2) In the Scn submenu of the SR620's
frequency. The frequencies should read: configuration menus set the two D/A outputs
to D/A mode (not chart).
setting Frequency Reading
300MHz 300MHz ± 30 Hz 3) Set D/A 0 to -10.00V. Measure the output
1.3GHz 1.3 GHz ± 130Hz voltage and record the result. Verify that the
reading is -10.00V ±30mV.
Record the results.
4) Set D/A 0 to 0.00V. Measure the output
9) Repeat steps 7 and 8 for channel B. Record voltage and record the result. Verify that the
the results. reading is 0.00V ±30mV.
1) Attach the SR620 rear panel D/A #0 output to DVM Input Accuracy
the channel A input. Also tee this signal to the
voltmeter (note: noise from the voltmeter can These tests verify the accuracy of the DVM inputs.
produce false triggering of the SR620. A 1-
10uF capacitor across the inputs of the specification: 0.3% full scale
voltmeter solves this problem.).
1) Attach the SR620 D/A #0 output to DVM input
2) Set the SR620 to time mode. Set the A input 0. Attach the voltmeter so that it monitors the
to1 Mohm, + slope, and the A trigger threshold power supply voltage.
to 0.00V.
2) Set the SR620 display to DVM.
3) Set the D/A output to -1.0V and slowly
increase the voltage until the A TRIG LED 3) Set D/A output #0 to 0.00 V. Compare the
flashes. Record this voltmeter reading. The SR620 reading to that of the voltmeter. The
voltage should be 0.00V ±15mV. difference should be < 6mV. Record the
4) Set the A trigger level to 4V. Slowly increase
the D/A #0 voltage from 0 V until the A TRIG 4) Set D/A output #0 to 1.80 V. Compare the
LED flashes. Record this voltage. The SR620 reading to that of the voltmeter. The
voltage should be 4.0V ±30mV. difference should be < 6mV. Record the
Pass Fail
Functional Tests
Performance Tests
Time Interval
Accuracy -1 ns _________ +1 ns
Jitter 0 _________ 50 ps
Trigger Inputs
A Comparators
0.1Hz 99.980 mHz _________ 100.020 mHz
10Hz 9.999 Hz _________ 10.001 Hz
1 kHz 999.999 Hz _________ 1000.001 Hz
100 kHz 99.99999 kHz _________ 100.00001 kHz
1 MHz 999.9999 kHz _________ 1.0000001 MHz
10 MHz 9.999999 MHz _________ 10.000001 MHz
100 MHz 99.99999 MHz _________ 100.00001 MHz
300 MHz 299.99997 MHz _________ 300.00003 MHz
300 MHz 299.99997 MHz _________ 300.00003 MHz
1.3 GHz 1.29999987 GHz _________ 1.30000013 GHz
B Comparators
0.1Hz 99.980 mHz _________ 100.020 mHz
10Hz 9.999 Hz _________ 10.001 Hz
1 kHz 999.999 Hz _________ 1000.001 Hz
100 kHz 99.99999 kHz _________ 100.00001 kHz
1 MHz 999.9999 kHz _________ 1.0000001 MHz
10 MHz 9.999999 MHz _________ 10.000001 MHz
100 MHz 99.99999 MHz _________ 100.00001 MHz
300 MHz 299.99997 MHz _________ 300.00003 MHz
300 MHz 299.99997 MHz _________ 300.00003 MHz
1.3 GHz 1.29999987 GHz _________ 1.30000013 GHz
Trigger Accuracy
A 0V -0.015 V _________ +0.015 V
A 4V 3.965 V _________ 4.035V
D/A Accuracy
D/A #0 -10.0V -9.97 V _________ -10.03 V
D/A #0 0.0 V -0.03 V _________ 0.03 V
D/A #0 10.0 V 9.97 V _________ 10.03 V
DVM Accuracy
DVM #0 0.0V ∆ = -0.006V _________ ∆ = 0.006V
DVM #0 1.8 V ∆ = -0.006V _________ ∆ = 0.006V
DVM #0 10.0 V ∆ = -0.06V _________ ∆ = 0.06V
Note: The factory value for a particular calbyte 5) 10MHz frequency standard with better than 5
may be recalled from ROM by displaying the x 10-10 /day aging, such as a Cesium clock.
calbyte and pressing the "CLR REL" button. The
factory value for all of the calbytes may be recalled 6) 180 degree rf power splitter with less than a
by pressing the "CLR" button in the SCOPE and few hundred picoseconds phase shift between
CHART section. the non-inverting and inverting outputs (such
as Mini-Circuits ZSCJ-2-1).
Simple Calibration
7) 2 equal ( less than ±1/2")length BNC cables.
It is rare that the SR620 will need a complete
recalibration. In virtually all cases this simple 8) BNC cable of known time delay. Can be
calibration procedure will suffice. measured with SR620.
4) Set the slope to - and calbyte 12 (13,11) to adjust the coarse adjustment screw on the
1800. oscillator until the frequency is correct.
3) Calculate the value of calbyte 6 (7,5) as 1) Set the mode to time, arming to +time,source
follows: to A, sample size to 1000, and the triggers to
a) If the gain is less than 1 multiply the gain the midpoint of the input signals.
factor by 65536 and round the answer even.
b) If the gain factor is greater than or equal to 2) Tee the output of the pulse generator to the A
1 multiply the gain factor by 65536 and round and B inputs with equal length cables.
the answer odd. Terminate the inputs with 50 Ohms.
4) Enter the new calbyte value. 3) Set the A and B slopes to + and measure the
time interval. Adjust calbyte 28 until the
Autolevel Offset Calibration (For A and B only) answer reads 0.
1) With the input open, turn the threshold knob to 4) Set the A and B slopes to - and measure the
the autolevel position and read the trigger time interval. Adjust calbyte 31 until the
level. answer reads 0.
2) Divide the trigger level by 0.00488
3) Add this value to the calbyte. 5) Attach the non-inverting output of the power
splitter to A and the inverting output to B.
Clock Oscillator Calibration
6) Set the A slope to + and the B slope to - and
Note: Allow at least 1 hour warmup before measure the time interval. Adjust calbyte 29
adjusting the clock. until the answer reads 0.
1) Attach a scope probe to TP1 ( R305) in the 7) Set the A slope to - and the B slope to + and
right rear of the circuit board. Set the scope to measure the time interval. Adjust calbyte 30
50mV/div and 20ns/div. until the answer reads 0.
12) Set the A slope to + and the B slope to - and 2) Set the source to A .
measure the time interval. Adjust calbyte 37
until the answer reads 0. 3) Attach the non-inverting power splitter output
to A. Set the A slope to + and measure the
13) Set the A slope to - and the B slope to + and width. Write this down as W1.
measure the time interval. Adjust calbyte 38
until the answer reads 0. 4) Set the A slope to - and measure the width.
Write this down as W2.
14) Set the source to REF and attach the known
length cable from REF to B. 5) Attach the inverting power splitter output to B.
Set the A slope to + and measure the width.
15) Set the A and B slopes to + and measure the Write this down as W3.
time interval. Adjust calbyte 32 until the
known value of the cable length is shown. 6) Set the A slope to - and measure the width.
Write this down as W4.
16) Set the A and B slopes to - and measure the
time interval. Adjust calbyte 35 until the 7) Measure the period of the A input using a 1s
known value of the cable length is shown. gate. Write this down as T.
17) Set the A slope to + and the B slope to - and 8) Calculate the CHANGE to calbytes 41 and 42
measure the time interval. Adjust calbyte 33 as follows:
until the known length + 500us is shown.
calbyte 41 change = (W1 + W3 -T)/
18) Set the A slope to - and the B slope to + and (2*2.7126736111E-12)
measure the time interval. Adjust calbyte 34 calbyte 42 change= (W2 + W4 - T)/
until the known length + 500us is shown. (2*2.7126736111E-12)
Rise/Fall Time Mode: 9) Repeat steps 1-8 with channel B to get the
changes in calbytes 43 and 44.
1) Set the mode to rise/fall time , arming to +
time. Set both A and B trigger thresholds to Frequency,Period,Phase,and Count mode:
the same value.
1) These modes need no calibration.
2) Set the source to A and attach the pulse
generator to A.
D/A Output Calibration
3) Set the slopes to + and measure the rise time.
Adjust calbyte 46 until the answer reads 0. Offset Calibration:
4) Set the slopes to - and measure the fall time. 1) Attach a precision (better than 0.1% error) dc
adjust calbyte 47 until the answer reads 0. voltmeter to D/A #0. Select the Scn submenu
of the configuration menus. Go to the d/a
5) Set the source to B and attach the pulse mode line and set D/A #0 and D/A #0 to D/A.
generator to B. Set D/A #0 to 0 V.
6) Set the slopes to + and measure the rise time. 2) Adjust calbyte 16 until the meter reads within
Adjust calbyte 48 until the answer reads 0. 5mV of zero.
7) Set the slopes to - and measure the fall time. 3) Attach the voltmeter to D/A # 1. Set D/A #1 to
Adjust calbyte 49 until the answer reads 0. 0 V.
GPIB & RS232 commands support these Z80 is halted or has relinquished its bus to the
functions. Z8800, the beam is pulled off the screen by
current injected via D127.
(Sheet 4 of 16)
The Z8800 UART output is buffered by 1/4 of
U126 to send data from the instrument to a host U201 through U203 are used to read data into the
computer. The RS-232 received data is buffered processor. Read instructions which reference the
by 3/4 of U125 and sent to the Z8800 UART input. "data memory" will generate a port strobe to place
The Z8800 can set the bit -RS232CTS low to tell data on the processor's data bus.
the host computer that is okay to send data. The
RS232 bits DSR and CD are always high. The The seven LSB's from the Tick counter are read
signal from the host computer, DTR (Data by U201. This counter is called the Tick counter
Terminal Ready ), may be used to stop RS232 because it usually counts the clock cycles of the
data output if DTR goes low. 90 MHz timebase. It may also be used to count
events when in the COUNT Mode.
The SR620 is a DCE and may be connected to
PC's using a standard serial cable (not a "null The seven LSB's from the CYCLE counter are
modem" cable). read by U202. This counter is called the CYCLE
counter because it usually counts the number of
SCOPE DISPLAY cycles of an input when the unit is in the
(Sheet 3 of 16) FREQUENCY, PERIOD or PHASE Modes.
Rear panel outputs provide voltages to display Key presses may be detected as part of the LED
histograms and graphs on an XY oscilloscope. display refresh. A key press will connect a strobe
The xy coordinates are stored in a list in the 8Kx8 line to one of the four input bits, Kbrd_(0-3), which
static RAM, U117. This RAM may be written to or may be read at the input port U203. If there are no
read from by the Z8800. Access to the RAM is had key presses, all of the Kbrd lines will be low.
by asserting the -Busrq bit, at which time the Z80H
(U116) releases the data, address, and control The of input bits to U203 are:
lines to the RAM, and sets -Busak low, allowing
the Z8800's address, data, and control line to Print_Err Detects printer error
access the RAM via U114-116. Neg_Time Indicates a Stop before Start
-DTR Low if RS232 device is ready
The Z80, which is clocked at 8 MHz by the crystal Cal_En Jumper high to enable calibration
oscillator X102, is executing a short program
(which is also stored in the RAM) which writes xy
pairs to the two 8 bit D/A's. The program can DISPLAY CONTROL OUTPUT PORTS
refresh 3000 points 60 times a second. This (Sheet 4 of 16)
hardware configuration relies on the fortunate fact
that the Z80 instruction, Out(C),A , places the U204 though U208 are octal latches (74HCT374)
contents of the C register on the lower eight bits of which latch the data bus contents on the rising
the address bus, and the contents of the B register edge of the port strobe. Latched bits perform a
on the top eight bits of the address bus. This variety of control functions within the instrument
allows the Z80 to write 16 bits of data and are used to control the front panel LED
simultaneously to the two D/A converters. displays and lamps, as well as provide strobes to
read key press data.
The Z80 executes a halt instruction after
refreshing the XY display. The halt is ended by a U204 selects two digits and ten LED's for refresh.
Line_Cross interrupt which starts the next refresh Only one of the eight bits is strobed low at a time,
cycle. A wavering display is avoided by saturating one of the transistors in U210 or U211.
synchronizing the refresh to the line frequency. Should the port strobe to U204 become inactive,
the one-shot (2/2 U131) will disable the output
The quad op-amp, U121, provides -10.24 and +5.0 drivers so that no LEDs will be damaged. U206
Vdc references to the two DAC's, and converts and U207's outputs are set low to turn on
their current outputs to voltages. Whenever the particular segments in the even and odd digits. A
high bit from U208 will saturate a transistor in 6 CMP2_B/-A Selects B or A for Comp2
U209, lighting the corresponding lamp on the front 7 CMP3_E/-C Selects Ext or Int_Cal for
panel. Comp3
The front panel displays and keyboard are ADC, DAC, and MISC CONTROL BITS
interface to the main PCB via a 40-pin cable, (Sheet 5 of 16)
J201. Each digit is refreshed for 2 mS. Because
there are large current transients associated with U235 controls the analog-to-digital converter
the multiplexed displays, a separate +5 supply and (ADC) multiplexer, and digital volt meter (DVM)
ground return are provided for the LED's. source and gain. ( See sheet 12 of 16.) The table
below defines each bit:
(Sheet 5 of 16) Bit Name Function
U233 allows the processor to read various status 0 Adc_Mpx0 LSB of ADC multiplexer
bits from the front-end inputs. These status bits 1 Adc_Mpx1 Middle bit of ADC multiplexer
are defined as follows: 2 Adc_Mpx2 MSB of ADC multiplexer
3 -Adc_S/H Low to sample DVM input
Bit Name Function 4 -Adc_Gain Low for 2 VFS, high for 20 VFS
5 Adc1 High to select DVM1
0 -Bad_Clk Cold oven or bad Ext timebase 6 -Adc1 Low to select DVM1
1 -Ovld_A Overload to A's 50 Ohm 7 Int_Gaten High for internal gate enable
2 -Ovld_B Overload to B's 50 Ohm There are eight digitally controlled analog voltages
terminator used in the instrument. These voltages are
3 -Ovld_Ext Overload to Ext 50 Ohm supplied by one 12 bit digital-to-analog converter
terminator (DAC) which refreshes eight sample-and-hold
4 -Armed Ready to make a measurement amplifiers. ( See sheet 12 of 16.) U236 controls
5 Cmp_3ttl Flag for Ext Trig LED the DAC multiplexer and provides four other
6 Trig_2 Flag for B's Trig LED miscellaneous bits. The definitions for these bits is
7 Trig_1 Flag for A's Trig LED given in the table below:
The last four bits in the above table are latched by Bit Name Function
U231 and U232. Three of the bits are converted
from ECL to TTL levels by U230. All of the flags 0 Dac_Mpx0 DAC multiplexer LSB
may be set with very short pulses ( 3 ns ) and the 1 Dac_Mpx1 DAC multiplexer middle bit
flags are cleared after reading when Flagclr is 2 Dac_Mpx2 DAC multiplexer MSB
strobed by the processor. 3 Dac_Inh High to inhibit multiplexer
4 Sel_Cmp3 High to start delay on EXT rise
FRONT-END CONTROL BITS 5 -Int_Clk Low to use internal timebase
(Sheet 5 of 16) 6 Ttl/-Ecl High for TTL REF output
7 Sel_-Cmp3 High to start delay on EXT fall
U234, and the associated emitter followers Q210-
212 and U239, are used to control front-end There are 24 emitter coupled logic (ECL) level
relays. These relays select signal sources for the status bits available from three HC shift registers,
comparators, select ac or dc coupling, and control U237, U238 and U250. The outputs from these
the 50 Ohm terminators. The definitions of these ICs swing between -0.7 vdc and -5.2 vdc. Data
control bits is given in the table here: from the processor's MSB is shifted serially into
these registers by "Eclshf", and transferred to their
Bit Name Function outputs by the port strobe "Rck". The data, clock,
and load bits are level shifted by the resistor
0 -A_50 Low for 50 Ohm on A networks N213 and N214. The -0.7 Vdc supply for
1 -B_50 Low for 50 Ohm on B the shift registers comes from a transistor in U239.
2 -Ext_50 Low for 50 Ohm on Ext
3 -A_dc Low for dc couple on A These ECL level bits allow the processor to control
4 -B_dc Low for dc couple on B the mode of the ECL circuits which do the fast
5 CMP1_A/-B Selects A or B for Comp1 measurements. U237 and the LSB of U238 control
the Frequency, Start and Stop ECL multiplexers levels (-0.8 to -1.8V) to 50 Ohm loads to ground.
(see sheet 9 of 16). These multiplexers select the The rise and fall times for this output are about 2
signal sources to be measured. ns.
U250 is used to enable the portions of the front- An internal calibration signal, "Int_Cal", is also
end which are needed to do a particular driven by the resynchronized 1 kHz ECL signal.
measurement. For example, if the frequency of a This calibration signal is used to linearize and set
slow signal on the A input is to be measured, only the gain of the time-to-amplitude converters. The
comparator #1 will be enabled (Cmp1_En is high); calibration signal provides a linear ramp of about
all other comparators and prescalers will be turned 30 ns duration which is accurately phased to the
off as they are noise sources for this internal 10 MHz timebase. The linear ramp is
measurement. The bits Trig1_Pol and Trig2_Pol generated by discharging C222 with a constant
are set so that the latches in U232 are set by the current source. The constant current source is
selected input signal polarity. (This ensures that turned on by the 1 kHz reference signal. C222 is
the TRIG LED's will blink on the correct edge of passively recharged to +10 vdc by R226 and
the input signal. The edge which is used for R239. The FET source follower, Q228, provides a
measurement is selected by the ECL multiplexers low impedance output.
on sheet 9 of 16.)
The functions of the status bits provided by U238 (Sheet 6 of 16)
are detailed in the table below:
An internal gate generator is used to provide .01,
Bit Name Function .1 and 1 second gates for FREQuency, PERIOD,
PHASE and COUNT mode measurements. The
B Cnt/-f_ti High for COUNT mode gate generator may also be set for gates from 1 us
C -Int_Arm Low for internal arming to 1 s via the front panel configuration menu or
D -P_Time Low for positive time arming computer interfaces.
E -P/M_Time Low for +/- time arming
F Par/Hoff Parity and hold off control For non-delayed gates (including the front panel
selectable gates of .01, .1 and 1 s) the control line
More detail regarding the operation of these "-Clk_On" is set low which presets both flip-flops in
control lines is provided in the sections which U244 and so releases the clear to U241B. This
describe the ECL arming and counting circuitry. allows U241B to run as a divide-by-two which
provides 5 MHz to the clock input of 2/3 of U222,
1 kHz REFERENCE OUTPUT an 8254 counter/timer. This section of the 8254 is
(Sheet 6 of 16) programmed to divide by 100, clocking the 3/3 of
the 8254 at 50 kHz. ( For gates shorter than 100
A 1.000 KHz calibration signal is generated by us, the 2/3 of the 8254 will be programmed to
dividing the 10 MHz clock by 2 in U241A, and divide by 5. ) The 3/3 of the 8254 is programmed
dividing the 5MHz by 5000 in 1/3 of U222, an 8254 as a software triggered one-shot which sets the
counter/timer. The 1 kHz output from the 8254 is width of the internal gate. The output of the 3/3 of
also used as a real-time interrupt to the Z8800 to the 8254 is resynchronized to the 50 kHz clock by
time certain housekeeping functions, such as U245B, which provides the actual "Gate_Ctrl"
refreshing the front panel LED's. The output of the output.
8254 is a square wave which is re-sync'ed to the 5
MHz clock by U245A, a D-type flip-flop. The output This internally generated gate may be triggered by
of the flip-flop is translated to ECL by U550A and the front panel EXT input. A delay from the EXT
re-sync'ed to the 10 MHz clock by U311A, an ECL trigger to the opening of the gate may be set or
D-type flip-flop. The careful resynchronization is scanned from the front panel configuration menu
required to maintain very low jitter on the or via one of the computer interfaces.
calibration signal.
The dual flip-flop, U244, is used to start the delay
The driver for the reference output may be from EXT input. To understand the circuit
programmed for either ECL or TTL output levels configuration for U244, notice that if either flip-flop
by the bit TTL/-ECL. The driver has a 50 Ohm is clocked high then the Q output of U244A will be
output impedance which supplies 4V to high set high, releasing the clear to the divide-by-two
impedance loads, 2V to 50 Ohm loads, and ECL (U241B). Cmp3 is the comparator output for the
front panel EXT input. The control signals The output of this comparator is the timebase for
Sel_Cmp3 and Sel_-Cmp3 are used to select the all time interval measurements. U312 buffers the
rising or falling edge of the EXT input to start the 90 MHz clock to reduce crosstalk between various
delay. U244A will be clocked high by -Cmp_3 portions of the instrument. The inductors in each
going low if Sel_Cmp3 is set high, and U244B will tank circuit, L307,306,303 and L304 are tuned to
be clocked high by -Cmp_3 going high if Sel_- maximize the amplitude of the 90 MHz signal at
Cmp3 is set high. TP#1.
For delayed gates, the programming of the 8254's The 10 MHz square wave is converted to TTL
is quite different. In this case, the period of the levels by U309A to serve as the timebase for the
output of the 2/3 of the 8254 is set to the gate internal gate generator.
width, and the 3/3 of the 8254 is programmed to
go low for one clock cycle after counting down the The internal 10 MHz crystal oscillator (either U301
delay. Of course, the programmed delay must be or optional U303) may be phase locked to an
some integer number of gate widths. The firmware external 5 or 10 MHz reference. The external
supports gate widths (and delay resolution) from 1 reference is ac coupled and buffered by Q308 to
us to 10 ms in a 1-2-5 sequence. the Schmitt trigger U313A. U313B,C limit the
output to ECL levels, and drive one input to the
TIMEBASE ECL phase comparator, U315, an MC12040.
(Sheet 7 of 16)
The control line "Ext_5MHz" is high to lock to an
The standard timebase is U1A, a 10.00000 MHz, 1 external 5 MHz reference. When high, U314A will
ppm, TCXO with aging characteristics of about 1 divide by two, providing 5 MHz to the other input of
ppm/yr. U1A is powered by U301 which re- the phase comparator, U315. To lock to an
regulates +15 VDC to +5 VDC. U1A provides a 10 external 10 MHz reference, "Ext_5MHz" is low,
MHz sine output. and U314A will behave like a one-shot, providing a
10 MHz pulse train to the phase comparator. The
The optional timebase is U303, an ovenized 10 output of the phase comparator is filtered by the -6
MHz crystal oscillator with 5x10-10/day aging and dB/octave differential active filter (U316 and
2x10-9 stability over 0 to 50 C. This oscillator also associated R's and C's).
provides a sine wave output which is selected by
the jumper, SW301. When the optional oscillator is The filtered output of the phase comparator is
used, U301 regulates +15 VDC to +12 VDC. used to control the frequency of the crystal
oscillator when -Int_Clk is high. Otherwise, a dc
The selected timebase is ac coupled into, and voltage, V_Freq, sets the oscillator frequency.
buffered by, the emitter follower, Q306, which is (V_Freq may be adjusted in the CAL portion of the
coupled to the rear panel output via the 10 MHz configuration menu.) If the filtered output goes
tank, C324 and L305. This output provides a clean above +5 Vdc or below -5 Vdc, then the
10 MHz, 1 Vrms sinewave, into a 50 Ohm load. comparator bit "-Bad_Clk" will go low and the
The emitter follower Q307 buffers the 10 MHz sine processor will light the "Clock" LED on the front
wave into U304, an ECL differential line receiver panel.
configured as a Schmitt trigger.
The harmonic generator, U314B, creates a train of (Sheet 8 of 16)
pulses which are 5 ns wide with a pulse repetition
rate of 10 MHz. This pulse train has a frequency The front-end circuitry is used to discriminate the
spectrum which has equal amplitude components A,B and EXT inputs into ECL levels. The inputs
at 10,20,30, about 100 MHz. The matching may be ac or dc coupled (except for the EXT input
network, L307 and C328, resonates at 90 MHz to which is always dc coupled), terminated into 1 M
selectively couple the 90 MHz component into the or 50 Ohms, and compared to levels from -5 to +5
emitter of the cascode amplifier Q309. The tuned Vdc with 10 mV resolution. Input overloads are
collector load of Q309 (L306 and C326) provides detected (to protect the 50 Ohm terminators) and
the input to the four pole crystal filter. a UHF prescaler allows frequency measurements
to 1.3 GHz.
The crystal filter provides about 80 dB of
selectivity for the 90 MHz signal, which is
discriminated by U305, a fast ECL comparator.
The three inputs are nearly identical: reference sample and hold amplifier for C409. The
designations for channel A will be used in the comparator provides inverted and non-inverted
description that follows. outputs to the ECL multiplexers on sheet 9 of 16.
The multiplexers chooses one or the other to
The inputs are terminated to 50 Ohms by the trigger on rising or falling edges of the input signal.
processor activating relay U401. Both poles of the
DPDT relay are used to reduce inductance. The TRIGGER MULTIPLEXERS
50 Ohm terminator is a 1/2 watt resistor, so the (Sheet 9 of 16)
average voltage should not exceed 5 Vdc. U407
detects the voltage at the input; if it exceeds - 5 Nine bits (FREQx,STARTx and STOPx) from the
Vdc, or if the RF (buffered by the emitter follower processor control the signal source to be used in
Q404 and detected by D403) exceeds +5 Vdc, time interval and frequency measurements. For
then the -OVLD_A bit is asserted. This bit is polled time interval measurements, U502 and U503 can
by the processor, which opens relay if an overload select either the A or B inputs ( either polarity ) to
is detected. The firmware will then blink the 50 form either the start or stop signal. The 1.000KHz
Ohm LED to inform the user that the termination CAL signal may also be selected. U501 can select
has been removed. from the same signals for frequency
measurements. If a frequency measurement is to
When the input is terminated into 50 Ohms, the be done, U502 and U503 will select Freq_Start
input signal is ac coupled to the prescaler, U403. and Freq_Stop from the frequency gating logic as
The prescaler has a 10 mV rms sensitivity and can the start and stop signals.
provide a divide-by-64 output for inputs up to 1.3
GHz. The input to the prescaler is limited to the FREQUENCY GATES
bias currents in Q404 and D402. Large positive (Sheet 9 of 16)
excursions will reverse bias D402, and large
negative excursions will turn off Q404. The The frequency gating circuitry is used to generate
prescaler is powered by Q405 if -Pre_A_En is low. a start and a stop pulse for time interval
This prevents outputs from the prescaler from measurement. The start pulse (Freq_Start) occurs
interfering in measurements when it is not needed. on the second transition of the selected source
The output from the prescaler is shifted to ECL after the frequency sampling gate is opened; the
levels by the emitter follower on its output. stop pulse (Freq_Stop) occurs on the second
transition of the selected frequency source after
The input signal is attenuated by R403 and R404, the frequency gate is closed. The circuit also
and compensated by C402. C402 is adjusted for generates Freq_Gate so that the number of cycles
good pulse response by viewing a step input at the may be counted. Dividing the number of cycles by
emitter of Q403 on 10 us/div. The attenuated input the time interval gives the frequency.
signal is limited by D404,405 and buffered by
Q401, a fast n-channel JFET, and by the emitter If the signal -Fast_Per is asserted, then the Start
follower Q403. The op amp, U404 adjusts the pulse occurs on the FIRST transition of the
drain current in Q401 so as to maintain dc selected source after the frequency sampling gate
accuracy across the Q401/Q403 pair. is opened; the stop pulse occurs on the FIRST
transition of the selected frequency source after
The buffered outputs of A and B are normally sent the frequency gate is closed. This allows the time
to comparators U408 and U418 respectively by between a single event pair to be measured. This
the relays U405 and U415. The relays are mode is not used.
configured so as to reduce crosstalk between the
A & B inputs. In the case of rise and fall-time There are four modes of gating: a fixed gate of 1
measurements, one input signal is sent to both us to 1s duration, gates which may be delayed or
comparators, which are set for the low and high scanned relative to and external trigger, an
voltage levels for the transition being measured. external gate of arbitrary duration, or gating to time
a single period of the input waveform.
The comparator U408 is operated in a Schmitt
trigger configuration with about 20 mV of For internally generated gates the bit Int_Gaten is
hysteresis. Since the input signal has been set high, and the gate is controlled by the bit
attenuated by 2x, this represents 40 mV of Gate_Ctrl. The Gate_Ctrl bit may provide fixed
hysteresis at the input. The comparator threshold gates or gates which are delayed or scanned
is set by the output of U406A which serves as a relative to and external trigger. The rising edge of
Gate_Ctrl sets U506A: the next rising edge of the and external gating. The event gate is open from
frequency source sets U508A high, and the the time U506A is set until U506B is set. The or-
second rising edge sets U509A, Freq_Start, high. gate, U507C, forms the Event_Gate which
Freq_Start is selected as the start to the time enables the event counters via the multiplexer,
interval counter by U502. The -Q of U509A also U504.
asserts Freq_Gate to allow the cycles of the
frequency source to be counted until Freq_Stop is For internal gates, Int_Gaten is set high and the
asserted. The falling edge of the Gate_Ctrl bit sets gate is controlled by Gate_Ctrl from the 8254
U506B. U508B and U509B are used to generate a counter/timers on sheet 6 of 16. The counter
Freq_Stop bit which is synchronous with the timers may provide fixed gates, or gates which
second rising edge of the frequency source after may be delayed or scanned relative to an external
Gate_Ctrl goes low. Freq_Stop is selected as the trigger.
stop input to the time interval counter by U503,
and is used to turn off the Freq_Gate bit to stop For external gates, the Par_Hoff bit is set high,
the cycle counter for the frequency input. and the the discriminated output of the EXTernal
input is used to clock U506A and U506B. The
To measure a single cycle of the input source, - polarity of the external gate is controlled by the
Int_Arm is asserted so that U506A & B will be Gate_Ctrl bit.
asserted immediately after the LOAD pulse is
removed. The first rising edge of the frequency COUNTING CHANNELS
source will set U508A and remove the reset to the (Sheet 9 of 16)
U508B. The next rising edge will set U509A, the
Freq_Start bit, and remove the reset from U509B. There are two gated counting channels capable of
The third rising edge will set U509B, the 250 MHz operation and a count capacity of 1016.
Freq_Stop bit. The time between Freq_Start and The gate and count inputs to the counters are
Freq_Stop is equal to one cycle of the frequency selected by the multiplexer U504. The selected
input source. input clocks a D-type flip-flop. This flip-flop will
count if the selected gate is high. (To count, the D-
To externally gate, the bit Int_Gaten is set low, input must see the inverted output of the flip-flop.
allowing the discriminated EXT input (Cmp3) to The XOR gate inverts the input to the D input
pass to the XOR gate, U430C. The Gate_Ctrl bit is when the gate is high.) The counter channel
now used to control the polarity of the EXT input continues with another ECL flip-flop, conversion to
which is to arm the unit. The frequency gate starts TTL level, and a 74F74 flip-flop. The output of the
when U506A is set by the rising edge of the non- 74F74 flip-flop is passed to a 74HC191 4-bit
inverted output of U430C, and the gate is counter (sheet 6 of 16) and on to the counter
terminated by the rising edge of the inverted inputs of the central processor.
output of U430C. (The bit Par_Hoff is high.) The
synchronization of the Freq_Start and Freq_Stop When counting events, the top counter counts the
bit works as described above for internal gating. Start_Mpx output, the bottom counter counts the
Regardless of gate width, at least one cycle of the Stop_Mpx output, and both counters are gated by
input will always be measured. the Event_Gate. In all other modes of operation,
the top counter counts the 90MHz_C ticks and is
If -Fast_Per is low, then the first stage of re- gated by the Time_Gate, and the bottom counter
synchronization is skipped, as U506A and U506B counts the output of the frequency source
will be set when the Load pulse is terminated multiplexer, U501, (to count cycles in the
which will cause U508A and U508B to be set. In frequency mode) and is gated by the Freq_Gate.
this case, the first rising edge of the selected
frequency source will set U509A (the Start) and The ECL counters are reset by the "Load" pulse,
the second edge will set U509B (the Stop). This and the CMOS counters are reset by the "-Reload"
mode is not used. pulse.
EVENT GATING Fast transition time TTL outputs which drive long
(Sheet 9 of 16) lines have 82 Ohm series resistors on their
outputs to improve the pulse shape at the end of
There are three modes of generating a gate for the line. A 4 V step at the source will launch a 2 V
event counting: fixed gates from 1 us to 1 s, wave. The line, which has a characteristic
delayed/scanning gates from an external trigger, impedance of about 100 Ohms, will provide a
100% positive reflection at the high impedance The flip-flop, U311B, saves the state of the
termination (into the TTL or HC device which synchronized stop bit prior to the last rising edge
receives the signal.) The reflection is then reverse of the 90 MHz clock. This will set the bit
terminated into the 82 Ohm resistor and the low "Neg_Time" high when the stop pulse proceeds
impedance output of the sending device. The the start pulse.
result is a logic signal with very little distortion at
the far end of the line. TIME INTERVAL ARMING
(Sheets 9 and 10 of 16)
(Sheet 10 of 16) There are several different ways that the start and
stop circuits may be armed. In each case, the
To measure a time interval, the 90 MHz clock is circuits are armed by removing the reset and by
counted for the interval between a start pulse and providing a high ECL level to the D inputs of the
a stop pulse. Each tick of the clock represents start and stop latches. The level at the D inputs is
11.111 ns of time interval. To attain a resolution of always high, except in the ±Time arming mode.
4 ps, the times from the start pulse and stop pulse The reset is set whenever the "Load" is asserted
to subsequent edges of clock are measured with 4 by the processor: the reset may be extended
ps resolution. The time interval is then (11.111.. ns beyond the end of "Load" in several ways.
x #clocks) + (Time from Start to clock)- (Time from
Stop to clock). For +Time and ±Time arming (internal arming), -
Int_Arm is set low. This will cause U506A
ECL flip-flops have the unfortunate problem that (Start_En) to be set when the Load line goes low
the propagation delay from clock to output will be (at the end of the reload cycle for the previous
affected if either the reset or data inputs measurement) removing the reset from the latch
arechanged simultaneously with the clock. In order (U604B) which is holding the start latch (U604A) in
to meet the stringent accuracy and jitter reset. U506B (Stop_En) is also set high when the
specifications for the instrument, it is necessary to load line goes low, and so the line "Start_En"is set.
use two stage resynchronization.
In the +Time mode, -P_Time is low, and so the
A rising edge on the ECL bit Start_Mpx sets the reset to U608B (which holds the stop latch in
start latch, U604A, asserting "Start". To avoid the reset) will not be removed until the start latch goes
possibility that the start pulse comes just as the high: in this way the stop latch is armed by the
reset to the start latch is released, the start pulse start pulse. The Stop_Mpx output is delayed by 15
to the start latch is delayed; the undelayed start ns of coax cable, to allow time for the stop latch's
pulse clocks U604B high, synchronously releasing reset to be removed. This allows time intervals
the reset to the start latch. In this way, the reset to from -1ns to +1000 s to be measured.
the start latch always precedes the clock to the
start latch by about 3 ns. For ±TIME mode arming, the "Load" pulse is
extended if a start or stop pulse was not
Once the start latch is set, the next rising edge of accompanied by a stop or start pulse while the unit
the 90 MHz clock will set U605A, and the second was converting or reloading. In this mode, -
edge of the clock will set U605B. The signal Start- P/M_Time is low, removing the reset from the
Ck is on from the start edge until the second edge latches U612A&B. The flip-flop U610A is a one bit
of the 90 MHz after the start signal. This 12-23 ns counter of start pulses: the U610B is a one bit
wide pulse will be integrated to measure the time counter of stop pulses. The output of the XOR
by which the start pulse preceded the 90 MHz gates, U611A&C will be high if a start was not
clock edge. accompanied by a stop. (The output of U611A is
delayed by a few nanoseconds to handle the case
The same scheme is used to generate a Stop bit that starts and stops are coincident.) The bit
and Stop-Ck pulse. A Time_Gate is also "Par/Hoff" is used to select the parity of the one-bit
generated: this bit is on for the interval between counters which will clock U612A&B to release the
the start and the stop, resynchronized to the 90 LOAD pulse. If either U612A or B is clocked low,
MHz clock. Time_Gate is used to gate the 90 MHz their wire-or'ed -Q output will set the D input to the
clock to a counter to measure the number of 90 start and stop latches high. Changing the Par/Hoff
MHz clock ticks in the time interval. bit will allow the compliment period to be
measured. U612A&B are preset by the "Load"
There are three basic modes for external arming: analog switch is turned on for about 7 us by the
EXT ±Time, EXT +Time, and EXT +Time with one-shot, U704A. Another analog switch, U705D
Stop Holdoff. In addition, each of these modes is released just before the signal is sampled: this
may be used with delayed and scanning gates. switch is used to discharge the capacitor of the
The arming criteria which applied in +Time and previous sampled signal. U703D buffers the
±Time also apply in EXTernal arming, except that sampled voltage to the ADC converter. The signal
the Start_En and Stop_En are not set when the to the A/D converter covers 2/3 of its 4096 bit
Load line goes low. If positive logic is selected for range with a Start_Ck range of 11.11 ns, implying
the EXT input, and the EXT +Time with Stop a resolution of 4 ps/bit. To maintain an accuracy
Holdoff is selected, then the rising edges of the and jitter commensurate with this resolution it is
EXT input will set Start-En, and the falling edge of necessary for the processor to perform some
the EXT input will set Stop-En. Note that stop empirical linearity corrections to the Start_Ck and
pulses are inhibited until the falling edge of the the Stop_Ck voltages.
EXT input.
The 7 us strobe to the sample and hold switch,
If stop holdoff is not selected, then the Par/Hoff and the processor interrupt request, Start_Int, is
line is low, and the Stop_En flip-flop (U506B) will generated by U704A, a dual one-shot. The one
be set by U505B when Start_En occurs. In this shot is triggered by the Start pulse, which is
case, stop pulses are not held off by the EXTernal converted to TTL levels by U707A.
TIME INTEGRATORS (Sheet 12 of 16)
(Sheet 11 of 16)
U805 is a 12 bit A/D converter. Each conversion
The time interval resolution of 4 ps is attained by takes about 100 us. Referenced to the buffer
measuring the duration of the Start_Ck and amplifier's output (U810A), the A/D has a full scale
Stop_Ck pulses. The descriptions of the two range of +/-5 V. A conversion is initiated when the
integrators are identical: circuit references will be processor writes to the A/D converter. Before
made to the Start_Ck integrator. starting a conversion, the processor selects the
source with the 1 of 8 analog multiplexer, U803.
The integrating capacitor, C701, integrates a Three latched bits, Adc_Mpx, select the source.
constant current source for the duration of the The ADC's voltage reference is 5.00 vdc from
Start_Ck pulse. The change of voltage change on U906, which serves as a voltage reference for the
this capacitor is proportional to the width of the entire unit. The A/D converter can digitize the
START_TO_CK pulse. Start_Ck or Stop_Ck voltages, the front panel
threshold pot positions, a selected rear panel
Before the unit is triggered, U701A, an operational DVM inputs or autolevel circuit voltages.
transconductance amplifier (OTA), precharges the
integrating capacitor to about 7 vdc. When the The isolated BNC's on the rear panel are buffered
Start is asserted, Q702 is turned off, and Q701 is by the differential amplifiers, U801C & D. The
turned on, turning off the OTA. At the same time, output of one of these amplifiers is selected by the
the constant current source (at the common analog multiplexers U802A & B. The selected
emitters of U702A) is switched from N701A to signal is buffered by U801B, which also amplifies
N701B, to discharge the integrating capacitor at a the signal by about 10 if the switch U802D is
constant rate. The discharge is stopped when the closed. The analog switch, U802C, samples the
Start_Ck pulse terminates. amplified output onto C805. The processor closes
the S/H switch for about 20 us prior to conversion.
The constant current source is maintained by Calibration bytes for offset and gain correction for
U703A & B which holds the voltage across R714 both channels are stored in ROM and RAM.
constant. The time to voltage gain coefficient is
calibrated by the dc voltage, Start_Gain. AUTOLEVEL CIRCUITS
(Sheet 12 of 16)
The integrating capacitor's voltage is buffered and
amplified by U703C. The amplified output will There are two autolevel circuits which output a
range from +/-3.33 Vdc (with some offset). This voltage between the peak and minimum levels
voltage is sampled and held by the analog switch, seen at the A and B inputs. The circuit references
U705A, on the polypropylene capacitor, C706. The will be given for the A input.
temperature control can provide 0 to 26 Vdc to the FRONT PANEL DISPLAY PCB
fan. (Sheet 16 of 16)
Thermal control of the fan speed has several The front panel display PCB holds 16 seven
advantages, including, quieter operation, longer segment displays (U1-16), 75 LED lamps, and 32
fan life, faster warm-up, and lower overall conductive rubber keys. All of the driver circuits
temperature coefficients for the instrument. are located on the main PCB (sheet 4 of 16).
POWER SUPPLY BYPASS The PCB is a double sided, gold plated, glass-
(Sheet 15 of 16) epoxy board. The gold plating is required for long
term reliability of the rubber keypad.
The 60 bypass capacitors for the +5, -5.2, -2, and
+/-15 Vdc power supplies are shown on this page. All of the LED's are refreshed for 2 ms with a 1:8
These capacitors are distributed around the PCB: duty cycle. One of the strobe lines, Stb0 to Stb7, is
they bypass portions of the power plane to the held high to refresh a pair of seven segment
ground plane (inside PCB layers). displays and a column of 10 LED lamps. The
particular segments and lamps in the strobe
Unused portions of IC's are also shown on this column are turned on by grounding the cathode of
page. the LEDs through a current limiting resistor on the
main PCB. During the refresh time for a particular
strobe column, the state of the four keyboard
switches in the column by be read by the
processor. The pn diodes in the strobe lines
prevent simultaneous key closures in different
columns from affecting the display refresh.