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Doing Research is a clear introduction to the methods and techniques required

for research. It answers questions like: what does ‘doing research’ actually mean,

how do you design a research project, what steps do you have to take, how do
you collect data and what are the pitfalls?

Doing Research sheds light on the complicated process of research. It teaches

you research skills one step at a time. It discusses the theory based on the four
phases of applied and fundamental research: design, data collection, analysis,

and evaluation and recommendations. Many up-to-date examples are used to
establish the link to everyday practice.

This 5th edition has been completely revised. The various research steps are
presented in clear procedure guides, so that it is easy to see where you are in the
research process. Each chapter also has checkpoint assignments to test whether
and How

you have understood the theory correctly. You can find practical tools, tests and
answers to the checkpoint assignments on www.doingresearch5thedition.com.

Doing Research is suitable as an introduction for students in higher education,

of A hyW s

but it can also be used as a reference book for applied research.

Nel Verhoeven is an independent senior research

consultant. She advises and supervises fundamental and
Res lie p s
applied research projects. She also gives various lectures,

ear d

workshops and courses. She is the author of several 5TH
successful teaching methods in the field of methodology. EDI



ISBN 978-90-2442-475-7

9 789024 424757 www.boomhogeronderwijs.nl

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Doing Research

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For Jan Willem, Sharon and Sander

Doing research 5e druk.indb 2 29/03/2019 13:29:06

Doing Research
The Hows and Whys
of Applied Research

Nel Verhoeven

Fifth edition

Doing research 5e druk.indb 3 29/03/2019 13:29:06

By registering the unique activation code below you can gain access to the website
www.doingresearch5thedition.com. This code is strictly personal, and matched up with the
5th edition. After activation you will have access to the website for the duration of two years.
The code can be activated up to six months after the release of a next edition.

Layout of inside work: Textcetera, The Hague

Basic design cover: Dog&Pony, Amsterdam
Cover design: Haagsblauw, The Hague

© 2019 Nel Verhoeven | Boom uitgevers Amsterdam

Subject to the exceptions set out in or pursuant to the Dutch Copyright Act [Auteurswet], no part of this
book may be reproduced, stored in a database or retrieval system, or published in any form or in any way,
electronically, mechanically, by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means without prior written
permission from the publisher.

Insofar as the making of copies of this edition is allowed on the basis of Section 16h of the Dutch Copyright
Act, the legally due compensation should be paid to the Dutch Reproduction Rights Association [Stichting
Reprorecht] (P.O. Box 3051, 2130 KB Hoofddorp, The Netherlands, www.reprorecht.nl). For the inclusion
of excerpts from this edition in a collection, reader and other collections of works (Section 16 of the Copy­
right Act 1912) please contact the Dutch Publication and Reproduction Rights Organisation [Stichting
Publicatie- en Reproductierechten Organisatie] at P.O. Box 3060, 2130 KB Hoofddorp, www.stichting-pro.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means
without written permission from the publisher.

We have done our best to find all copyright owners of photographic and other material in this publication.
We ask anyone who believes that his or her material has been used in this work without prior permission
to please contact us.

ISBN 978-90-2442-4757
ISBN 978-90-2442- 4764 (e-book)
NUR 741


Doing research 5e druk.indb 4 29/03/2019 13:29:06

Subjects such as research methods and statistics are not the most popular
among students. Often they dread these courses: they are afraid that they won’t
understand the subject matter, let alone be able to apply it. They tremble at the
very thought of using formulas, and in their opinion they will never (again)
have to put research into practice. When I wrote the first edition of Doing
Research, I tried to lower this threshold to carrying out research and getting
to know stats. From the numerous reactions I received I could tell that I had
succeeded in my intentions.

The fifth edition

The fifth edition of Doing Research has been laid out differently. The reasons
for this are the changing landscape within higher education, the personal and
interactive approach to research education and the changing exit qualifications
for graduates. Whereas fifteen years ago the emphasis was on having as many
research skills as possible, and producing what to all intents and purposes is an
academic graduation thesis, nowadays the emphasis is much more on acquir-
ing skills and producing a professional product. Research skills still come in
handy in this respect. In fact, they are indispensable if the student is to produce
a good professional product. That said, the role and place of research skills are
evolving to become an instrument for addressing questions in practice. This is
a great place to have in tertiary education, if you ask me. And it’s the right place
too. It means having a different range of research skills, and for that the book
needed a new layout, one with many short chapters. Unlike previous editions,
each chapter deals with one subject only. The four phases of applied research
are still the guiding principle.

For the rest, much attention has been paid to case studies in this edition. Apart
from many new examples, the associated website has been changed.

New tools are available in this edition, both on the website and in the book. For
example, checkpoints are included in the chapters; these are short knowledge
questions that students can use to test whether they have understood the text
correctly. The book also contains procedure guides, which help to stick to the
right order and make choices while designing and carrying out research.

The new edition of Doing Research is even easier to navigate, and is hands-on,
with lots of infographics and visuals, and short, inspiring texts.

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Doing Research

The book is suitable as an introduction to research methods, but also as a refer-

ence work during internships and graduation projects.

Many thanks

Many people were involved in the compiling of all editions of this book. When
I wrote the first edition, Bob Bouhuijs of Windesheim Christian University,
Annete Bogstra of University College Utrecht and Jan van Leeuwen of Fontys
University Eindhoven all gave me advice. Jan Willem Zeijseink advised me on
Chapter 6 and Rika Verhoef did the same for parts of Chapter 7. For the more
recent editions, Peter Swanborn, Siep van der Werf of the University of Applied
Sciences Amsterdam, and Anya Luscombe all went through the text meticu-
lously and put forward their suggestions for changes. For the fourth edition,
Mirca Groenen gave detailed editorial comments and went through the words
for the index register with a fine-toothed comb. For the fifth edition, Desiree
Joosten-ten Brinke was helpful with advice about peer feedback. I am very
grateful to Lineke Oppentocht and Mieke van Dalen for the critical opinions
they gave me while I was writing the fifth edition. As a result, I have looked at
my texts with different eyes.

Many teachers took the trouble to complete a questionnaire about the book
and to provide me with their useful suggestions. Finally, I would like to thank
Esther den Hollander, Astrid van der Schee, Elsbeth Bouman and Gerdi Smit
for their quick and useful advice and of course for their unflagging support
during the writing process.

The field of ‘research methodology’ is evolving continuously; teaching this sub-

ject and developing material for lessons are too. Which is why I am always keen
to receive your comments and suggestions via www.nelverhoeven.nl.

Happy reading!

Nel Verhoeven
Ovezande, January 2019

Doing research 5e druk.indb 6 29/03/2019 13:29:06

Foreword 5

Instructions for using the book and website  11

Part 1 Design15

1 Why do you do research?  19

1.1 Research approaches  23
1.2 Rules for the quality of research  30
1.3 Research phases  37
1.4 Research report or professional product?  40

2 Choosing the subject  43

2.1 Finding a subject  44
2.2 Clients: you can’t always get what you want  47
2.3 Informed expectations  51
2.4 Group assignment: the division of tasks  52

3 The background to your research  55

3.1 Recognizing the reason  56
3.2 Writing the background using the 6W method  57
3.3 Data collection (during the preliminary research)  58
3.4 Logbook 67

4 Central question and objective  73

4.1 Asking questions: the central question  74
4.2 Sub-questions: useful or necessary?  79
4.3 Formulating the objective  83

5 Concept demarcation and model building  85

5.1 Concept demarcation  86
5.2 Models and assumptions  89

6 Research proposal  95
6.1 Looking back on the design process  95
6.2 Starting points for the research proposal  97
6.3 From central question to data collection  99
6.4 Compiling a research proposal  104
6.5 Time schedule  106

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Doing Research

6.6 Preparing the report  109

6.7 Assessing research proposals  110

Part 2 Data collection 113

7 Quantitative data collection methods  117

7.1 Surveys 118
7.2 Secondary analysis  121
7.3 Experimental research  124
7.4 Monitor 134
7.5 Combination of methods  135

8 Qualitative methods of data collection  139

8.1 Observational research  140
8.2 Interviews 146
8.3 Qualitative desk research   150
8.4 Case studies  156
8.5 Decisions, decisions: choosing the right method  162

9 Research quality  165

9.1 Reliability 167
9.2 Validity 169
9.3 Usability as a condition for validity  175
9.4 Usability 177

10 Sampling 179
10.1 Population and sample  179
10.2 Random samples  183
10.3 Random samples  186

11 Operationalization 191
11.1 Operationalization, what is it?  191
11.2 Designing questionnaires  194
11.3 Determining interview topics  203

12 Going into the field: conducting surveys and interviews  207

12.1 Practical considerations when collecting data  207
12.2 Digital data collection  211
12.3 Respondents and surveys  216
12.4 Interviews: working on rapport  222

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Part 3 Analysis233

13 Processing quantitative data: preparation  237

13.1 Preparing the analysis  237
13.2 Measurement levels of variables  244
13.3 The next step in the preparation: formulating
hypotheses 248

14 Quantitative analysis  255

14.1 Systematic approach to descriptive analysis  255
14.2 Percentages and frequency tables  258
14.3 Graphs of one variable  260
14.4 Summary measures  266
14.5 Cross tabulations  276
14.6 Graphs of two variables  279

15 Qualitative analysis  285

15.1 Software as a tool for qualitative analysis  285
15.2 Assumptions for qualitative analysis  288
15.3 Grounded theory approach  290
15.4 Thematic analysis  292
15.5 Tools for qualitative analysis  300

16 The quality of research results  303

16.1 Quality of quantitative analyses  303
16.2 Quality of qualitative analyses  309

Part 4 Evaluation and recommendations 317

17 Conclusions, discussion and recommendations  321

17.1 Drawing conclusions  321
17.2 Discussion 325
17.3 Research quality revisited  327
17.4 Recommendations and advice  332

18 Compiling a research report  339

18.1 Compiling a research report  339
18.2 Writing an executive summary  352
18.3 Writing tips  355

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Doing Research

19 Source references and references  361

19.1 Rules for citing literature  361
19.2 Source references in the main body of text  364
19.3 Guidelines for the reference list  367
19.4 Tools for managing changes and references  373

20 Presentation and evaluation  375

20.1 Presenting your findings  375
20.2 Assessment criteria for your research report  380
20.3 Communications about research: two examples  384

Index 391

Sources 403

About the author  413

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Instructions for using
the book and website
Read these instructions for use before you carry on reading this
book or looking at the website. Then you’ll know straight away
what a good method of working is, how the method is structured,
the help that the procedure guide in the book has to offer, what
the recurring components are in the book and what exactly you
can find on the website.

Is research new to you? How are you going to tackle it then?

You get the most out of this book and the website that goes with it, by doing the
following in each chapter:

1 Read through the learning objectives in the book;

2 Read through the whole chapter in the book;

3 Look at the answers to the questions on the website under in the ‘check-

4 Do the extra assignments on the website;

5 Check whether you have mastered the material properly by going through
the learning objectives again.

If you have finished all chapters of a part, you go to that part on the website.
You can then do the following:

6 Do the knowledge test;

7 Practice the concepts with the key concepts trainer;

8 Check out the research tools and the in-depth material.

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Doing Research

Method structure
The research procedure can be divided into research d
t 4 n antions On PDae
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phases Doing Research is based on four phases:

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1. Design

2. Data collection
3. Analysis


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4. Evaluation and recommendations co

That is why this method comprises four sections.

Each section deals with those topics that are important in the research phase
being discussed. In total there are twenty chapters divided into these four parts.
At the beginning of each chapter, you will find learning objectives.

Procedure guide
To help you find your way through the various
7 Quantitative data
collection methods
Select and put forward arguments to
substantiate quantitative data collection method:

stages of research, you can use the procedure guide

survey, experiment, monitor, secondary analysis

Qualitative methods of data collection

Select and put forward arguments to substantiate
qualitative data collection method: observation, focus groups,
group interviews and interviews, desk research, case studies.

in the book:
Research quality
9 Check reliability of the research design
Check validity of the research design
Check usability of the research design

• Procedure guide Part 1: p. 16

10 Demarcate the population
Draw a random or non-probability sample

11 Quantitative: Qualitative:

• Procedure guide Part 2: p. 114

- Operationalize definitions - Operationalize definitions
- Design questionnaire - Draw up a topic list

Going into the field: conducting surveys and interviews

12 Surveys: Interviews:
- Decide on type of interviews - Decide on how to conduct

• Procedure guide Part 3: p. 234

(self-completion, telephone, the interviews
oral, online) - Decide on the scheduling
- Set out the schedule of interviews
- Conduct interviews - Practice taking interviews:
(complete questionnaires) - Conduct interviews

• Procedure guide Part 4: p. 318

- Keep an eye on
the response rate

The chapters of that part are mentioned in the procedure guide. For each chap-
ter, you will find an overview of the most important steps that are discussed
in that chapter. At the end of each chapter, we show you a piece from the pro-
cedure guide, namely the chapter that you’ve just been through. This way you
always know exactly where you are in the process of doing research.

Recurring components
In each chapter of the book you will come across several set elements:

Examples Of the research design, analyses, results, conclusions, for instance

Checkpoints Knowledge questions concerning the dealt with subjects

Key concepts Most important concepts and their meaning

Overviews For instance, tips, checklists, characteristics of research methods

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Instructions for using the book and website

Example 1.13 Food bank

What experiences do volunteers and customers have of the handing out of food at the
food bank? One hundred and thirty volunteers and customers at the Utrecht Food bank
were given a written questionnaire. Of these, 39 were completed and returned. That is a
response rate of 30%. Are the results usable? Yes! Statistical generalization is not an abso-
lute must. For the food bank, the results are very valuable because with Utrecht Food
Bank can use them to improve the system they have in place for handing out food.

Checkpoint 5.1

Underline the following central questions in the concept-as-intended.

– What is the situation concerning burnout among Dutch people?
– Which factors influence Dutch buying patterns?
– What role does Twitter play in influencing voting behavior?

Key concepts

Central question The central question that you aim to answer with your

Objective The objective, the function of the research, for the

researcher and organization or client

Six main features of case studies

– N=1 research;
– intensive/extensive and interpretative;
– the central question has to be suitable for a case study;
– natural environment;
– various data collection methods;
– interacting with the respondent(s).

The book as a reference work

Are you familiar with research? For instance, because you are at the end of
your study and you will be graduating, or because you work as a researcher?
Then you can use Doing Research as a reference work. The index at the back of
the book lists the most important terms used. You can also consult the process
guide for each section and chapter so that you consult the right information at
the right time during your research.

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Doing Research

You need the book’s website so that you understand and process the material
properly. You can access the website ­doingresearch5thedition.com using the
unique activation code on page 4 of this book.

The website is structured in the same way as the book: in four parts. Each part
covers the following aspects:

Answers – to the questions in the checkpoints

Extra assignments – questions with feedback so that you can check your

Knowledge test – a test per part with a final score

Concepts trainer – to test your knowledge per section on all key concepts and
many other concepts discussed in the book

Research tools – overviews, templates and checklists that you can use in the
various research phases

In-depth material – information on several topics if you want to know more

about them, for instance, on statistics topics

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Part 1

Doing research 5e druk.indb 15 29/03/2019 13:29:07

Procedure guide
Choosing the subject
Choose the subject
Conduct the intake interview
Discuss expectations with
supervisor and client

The background to your research

Formulate the background (reason)
Search for background information
Set up logbook

4 Central question and objective

Formulate the central question and objective
Formulate sub-questions

Concept demarcation and model building

Demarcate definitions
Design the theoretical framework
Model the assumptions about the results
Formulate assumptions about the results

Research proposal
Write and present the research proposal
Draw up a schedule
Process feedback

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Part 1
Part 1 of the Doing Research method is about the first phase of your research.
This is the design phase. What does that actually entail, designing a research
project? The answer is: all activities that lead to demarcating the research topic
(the domain), i.e., formulating the central question and objective and any
sub-questions that there may be. The contours of your research project become
clearer in the design phase. This phase not only clarifies the domain, the ques-
tions and statements about that domain become clear too. Apart from that, you
answer the following questions:
• What information do I need?
• Where should I look for that information?
• How do I get that information?
• What am I researching?
• With what objective in mind am I going to do the research?
• How am I going to research it?
• When am I going to research it?
• Who am I going to research?
• Which agreements will I reach about the final products that I have to deliver?
About the procedure and the communication? About the deadlines?

All important topics for this first research phase are discussed in six chapters.

Chapter 1 is an introduction. You learn what research is, what you need it for,
what the basic principles of research (methodology) are, and what characteris-
tics a good researcher and good research have. The chapter also discusses the
four research phases.

Chapter 2 deals extensively with the contacts with the client, and selecting and
determining a subject.

Chapter 3 is about the background to your research and what you have to do to
prepare this background: a bit of preliminary research. Here you will be given
a handy tool to help you write the background: the 6W method. In that pre-
liminary research, you will look for information about the subject you have
chosen. In this chapter you will get information about the options you have to
make your search easier, and you will learn how to use a logbook as an aid in
your research.

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In Chapter 4 you will learn how to formulate a central question and objective,
and what conditions they must meet. Here, we will also discuss why asking
sub-questions can be useful, how many sub-questions you can ask and what
the criteria for them are.

Chapter 5 is the chapter that discusses demarcation, the theory and model
building. You will be taught how to demarcate the subject of your project, how
to define the most important concepts and – again – how you can use prelimi-
nary research for this. You do this preliminary research to gather information
about previous research results, and to look for theoretical principles. You will
be taught how best to go about designing a research model. You are introduced
to the search procedure to find theoretical or model-based principles that you
can use. You then put together the theoretical chapter.

Chapter 6 is about your research proposal. The conditions that proposals must
meet vary according to the type of study. This chapter gives you a general over-
view of the various components that constitute a research proposal for most

If you go back a page, you will see the procedure guide for Part 1 of your
research: the design. This way you can see at which points in time during your
research certain parts are dealt with, and where you have to make important
decisions. At the end of each chapter, we show you a piece from the procedure
guide, namely the chapter that you’ve just been through.

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1 Why do you
do research?

After going through this chapter, you will know:

• why it is useful to learn more about research (introduction);
• what the basic principles of research (methodology) are (1.1);
• what the characteristics of a critical researcher are (1.2);
• the quality requirements your research must meet (1.2);
• which practical requirements your research must meet (1.2);
• what the various phases in a research project are (1.3);
• what role a professional product plays in your research (1.4).

Why this method?

During your study, you will regularly have to submit a research report and/or
professional product. But how do you do research? And how do you compile a
research report or professional product? This method teaches you how to set
up, carry out and assess your own research. It teaches you how to give a reliable
answer to a good research question. For that, you need knowledge, skills and a
certain attitude. This method tells you all about that. Finally, you will learn how
you can report on your research, and part the professional product plays in this.

Doing research
Doing research is the analyzing of a problem or a situation according to a spe-
cific phased plan. You do it using tools that have been developed for this. By
approaching the situation or problem in this way, you can answer questions
and solve problems.

Working according to a phased plan is a systematic approach. The tools you use
here can be compared with tools in a toolbox. Everything that you need is in
that toolbox. All you have to do is unpack it. Needless to say, you have to have
the right tools.

Why do you do research?

You do research to answer questions or to tackle problems. It makes no differ-
ence whether at a later stage you teach at a primary school or work at an archi-
tecture firm, or whether you get a job in engineering or commercial economics.
Wherever you are, there will be questions and problems that require an answer,
an answer that is best found by working according to a systematic approach.

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Doing Research

You will be able to provide an answer to these questions in your professional

field using the research skills that this method discusses.

Research doesn’t necessarily have to solve a problem, and a problem is defi-

nitely not always negative. Research may be used to take stock of things, if it
gives a clear overview of how things are organized. Then research is suitable for
research questions like: ‘How does ... work?’ Or ‘What are the characteristics
of ...?’ You may not always get an answer to your question straight away. But the
research may still be good. Bear in mind that ‘doing research properly’ doesn’t
necessarily mean that you can get the right answer; it means that you can ask
the right questions! In short: learn to be inquisitive!

Research is like a journey

Think of research as a journey. Along the way – from the start of your journey
until the end (your report/professional product) – you will come across sev-
eral forks, crossroads and side roads. These represent the choices you’ll have to
make during your research project.

You start with an idea for a project, or you have a question from your profes-
sional field. You elaborate this idea or question in greater detail, you look for
sources, you formulate the key question for your research and you make a plan.
You develop certain expectations about the results. You then start collecting
and processing information. You supervise the project throughout, and keep
an eye on the quality. Then you evaluate it, and finally you report on the results
and present your recommendations.

When you’re on a journey, you make similar choices. First you choose your
destination. Then you find out about the best way to travel, and you make a
plan. You plan your whole trip based on your expectations, with an expected
arrival time and a few stopovers along the way. You gather your information
about departure times, hotels, travel times and so on. During the journey you

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1 Why do you do research?

keep checking whether you’re still on the right route, whether you’re on time
and whether all the various parts of your travel plan are still on track. At the
end of your journey, you will know whether your plan was a good one. You look
back (evaluation) and you look forward (recommendations). You also assess the
quality of your journey. What went well, and what would you do differently or
better next time?

A research journey is not one-way traffic. You don’t only assess your own
research process. You also share your experiences with peers (fellow travellers);
by studying one another’s methods, you learn from one another.

You get tools from your ‘tool kit’

During your research project, you use a ‘tool kit’ with tools: assumptions,
instruments and instructions. These tools will help you to conduct your
research properly. They are the foundation for your project. Without a toolbox
with good tools in it, your research may fail.
Let’s go back to the analogy of research as a journey. The tools in the toolbox
would be your travel plan or the timetable. They guide you and give you some-
thing to go by. They make sure that you make the right choices at the right time.
Because just setting off on a journey (research project) is asking for trouble.

Research in steps
Maybe you don’t realize it, but if you have a problem or a question, you often use
research techniques to find the answer. Have a look at Example 1.1:

Example 1.1 The queue at the box office

A famous pop group is coming to town. They’re playing at Madison Square Garden. You
and your friends go down to the box office to buy tickets. The queue is around the block!
What if the tickets are sold out! You look at the queue and the number of people waiting
at the box office. You take the shortest queue.

• Your question is: how can you get to the ticket office in the shortest possible
• To answer your question, you observe the queues. Then you count the num-
ber of people waiting.
• You conclude that the waiting time will be shortest in the shortest queue.
• You go to the queue with the fewest people.

In the Doing Research method, you gain experience by applying the logical
sequence of each research project. You learn which steps you need to take for
each research project. The steps are the same everywhere: whether you are try-
ing to predict the waiting time at a box office, or you are trying to design a
complicated research project about the causes of a certain disease.

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Doing Research

Simple or complex
The example about the queue at the box office is simple. But if you’re doing
research for a client, there’s much more to it than that. Your research design is
generally much broader. Many people may be involved in the research project,
you will be conducting extensive and complicated analyses, you will be writ-
ing a detailed research report, and you will be presenting it to the client. Also,
quite often you have to make recommendations, or present a design, a plan or
measures. That said, whether research projects are complicated or simple, they
follow the same pattern.
If you want to learn how to do research, you have to do more than merely acquire
knowledge from a book. A book can teach you how to set up a plan, design a
research project or define a central question. You can also learn how to carry
out an analysis and how you compile a report and account for the findings. But
when you conduct research, you have to be able to combine the knowledge and
skills that you’ve acquired; you have to develop a kind of helicopter view of your
research. Doing research has much more to do with skill than with knowledge.
In brief, you have to get experience. You learn research by doing it.

Informal or systematic
Is anyone who makes a casual observation automatically a proper researcher?
No, not quite. When it comes to informal observations, i.e., in daily life, if you
are not really planning to conduct research, you may use your own frame of ref-
erence to draw your conclusions. That means that you subconsciously assume
that other people do the same as you, as Example 1.2 shows. Real researchers
don’t do that. They use systematic observation. In other words, they base their
observation on a phased plan, without having preconceived ideas about the

Example 1.2 Reflections on a vacation

The weather is great, it’s the end of August and you’re on vacation. You’re visiting London
and it seems like an excellent day for a boat trip on the Thames. Once on the boat you
see a group of young Oriental people. Complete with cameras and strange shoes, they’re
jabbering in what sounds like Japanese, but then it would, wouldn’t it? Must be Japanese
tourists, you think to yourself.
Are they really?
What you’re looking at is a group of first year students who have come to study at the
London School of Economics. It’s their introduction week.

Because you yourself are on vacation, you automatically assume that the young
Japanese people are too. You use your own frame of reference to draw your

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1 Why do you do research?

1.1 Research approaches

Practical considerations
You don’t do research in a vacuum. First you draft a research plan; you define
the central question; you check whether anyone else has researched the prob-
lem and what their conclusion was; you set a deadline and you draw up a budget
to see what is necessary (and available) for carrying out the study; you consult
your supervisor, your client, and your co-researchers. These are the practical
aspects of research.

Besides these practical aspects, there are other, underlying approaches that
can be used to classify research. This is known as methodology. Based on these
approaches, you can describe your research in various ways; they are the mark­
ers of the research. For instance, there’s a difference between fundamental and
applied research, between qualitative and quantitative research and between
induction and deduction. These are described in the following sections.

The Doing Research method is mainly about designing and conducting applied
research, but it is also important to know something about the theory under­
lying it. Knowing about these basic research norms is crucial for a good under-
standing of the function of research.

1.1.1 Fundamental or applied research?

In principle, and according to the science of methodology, there are two main
types of research: fundamental (empirical) research and applied research. Uni-
versity students are more often than not confronted with fundamental research,
like the research in Example 1.3. College students, on the other hand, mainly
carry out.

The main difference between these two approaches is the type of problem to
be solved. The questions raised in fundamental research generally answer
questions that aim at developing knowledge. So they are theoretical questions.
Applied research, however, is all about solving problems that have a practical
application, i.e., practical questions. Sometimes the theoretical question that is
answered turns out to be a good solution for a practical problem. In that case
fundamental research is also applied research.

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Doing Research

Example 1.3 Smoking addiction and the brain

Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances around. Neurobiologist, Taco de Vries,
does research into this kind of addiction, in particular into how the brain reacts to nico-
tine. He does this by first establishing what nerve cells in the front of the brain (the pre-­
frontal cortex) are involved in nicotine addiction. With that information, he can ascertain
in two ways whether nicotine addiction can be tackled: with medicine to combat a
relapse after stopping and with behavioral intervention, i.e., intervening to solve a prob-
lem. Taco wants to investigate the effect of these two methods on smoking addiction.

Source: www.zonmw.nl

The following section explores the difference between theoretical and practical

1.1.2 Theoretical or practical questions?

A theoretical question is a question that you answer using fundamental research

and that provides knowledge in the research. A practical question is normally
one that arises in daily life, from society. The answer provides tools that you
can use to solve practical problems. Applied research, therefore, is especially
important for society (externally oriented) and fundamental research is impor-
tant for science, for the research itself (more internally oriented, see Smaling,

Of course, it may well be that fundamental research tests a theory that can
also help to solve a social problem. For instance, fundamental research into the
shifting of sandbanks in coastal areas may well have social relevance if it leads
to better protection against floods. So the difference is not very clear: knowl-
edge questions can also be answered in applied research, and practical ques-
tions are also investigated in fundamental research.
Example 1.3 outlines a fundamental research project. The question in this
research is a fundamental one. The researcher wants to test the functioning
of the brain in those who are addicted to smoking. The question also has an
applied aspect to it, because the knowledge gained from this research may
improve ways to tackle addiction.
Example 1.4 shows two reasons for doing applied research. This is a topic that
originates in society (Highlands Sports Club). The aim is to improve the organ-
izing of a running event.

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1 Why do you do research?

Example 1.4 Highlands Sports Club (1)

For many years, Highlands Sports Club has held an international cross-country event.
Cross country involves running, not only on the roads, tracks and paths, but also across
fields and streams. The distances and the age categories vary. Every year, lots of volunteers
are involved in the event, and the race is broadcast on television. At the annual evaluation
meeting that follows, the question is always raised about what the participants, staff and
spectators thought of the race. The board wants to see the answer in figures. The board
also wants to know exactly what the
target group is for the competition in
terms of age groups. This will allow
them to keep the sponsors happy and
perhaps even attract new sponsors.
Not only that, the results of this eval-
uation can be used to improve the
organizational aspects of the event.
Research into the levels of satis­
faction among the three groups of
people is carried out.

Key concepts

Theoretical question A question to which the answers provide knowledge

about a subject (fundamental research).

Practical question A question to which the answers lead to the solution to a

practical problem (applied research).

1.1.3 Qualitative or quantitative?

Another distinguishing factor is that between qualitative and quantitative

research. There is an important distinction between the two when it comes to
choosing the research method you are going to use. That choice depends on the
central question of your research. That question decides whether you will opt
for qualitative or quantitative research.

The quantitative method is based on numerical information, i.e., figures that

represent objects, organizations and people. As researcher you assign a number
to this data: age in years, value from ‘1’ to ‘5’, gender in ‘1’ (male) and ‘2’ (female).
With this number, this value, you can make an objective measurement. You use
statistical techniques to process the attributes and to test assumptions about the
results. Statistical techniques are the tools used in quantitative methods, like
the method used on Example 1.5.

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Doing Research

Example 1.5 Highlands Sports Club (2)

A research plan is drawn up to assess the level of satisfaction among the cross-country
participants (i.e., the athletes). To gather the information, they decide to carry out a sur-
vey in which about 20% of the 2,500 athletes will be interviewed. They will assess levels
of satisfaction for a number of aspects (in other words ‘parts’) by ‘rating’ them. The back-
ground characteristics of the athletes themselves will also be recorded (gender, age etc.).
Their responses will be analyzed numerically (quantitatively), by comparing the various
ratings. Differences between the ratings will be compared according the various groups
as well, i.e., young versus old, men versus women and so on.

Some researchers favor quantitative methods because they prefer to rely on

numbers: figures lend them a feeling of security in the sense that they feel quan-
titative research is ‘more accurate’ than qualitative research.

When qualitative methods are used, the researcher carries out research in the
field, i.e., in reality. He or she is mainly interested in the meaning that a person
attaches to a situation or experience. The research subjects, i.e., the people being
researched, are studied in their environment as a whole. This is also known as
holism. This means that the experience is seen as a part of the person’s percep-
tion of their lives, and not as a separate, independent entity. This means that it
is interpretative in nature.
When you gather information for qualitative research, the methods you use
are open and flexible, and you can intervene when the unexpected happens.
The information is not recorded in numbers, but in every day language (Maso
& Smaling, 1998). In this approach, language is the tool of qualitative research
methods (see Example 1.6).

Example 1.6 Guest experience

Recreational attractions and parks are often evaluated qualitatively. During a short
interview, guests can be asked what they found to be the most striking, fun, irritating or
­boring part of their experience. These days, researchers often use tablets for this. Guests
are asked to write down a few sentences about what they thought of the park or attrac-
tion. The information is then analyzed qualitatively.

Some researchers view qualitative research results as less reliable than those
based on quantitative research. Other researchers believe that figures do not
offer enough insight into the issues at hand because the figures cannot reveal
the information underlying them. Qualitative researchers make a case for
methods that not only focus on the figures, but also listen to what the people
have to say (Wester, 1991). The parliamentary committee of inquiry method is
an example of this.

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1 Why do you do research?

Example 1.7 Parliamentary committee of inquiry

Imagine that you want to investigate whether there is any difference between non-verbal
aggression shown by children aged 6 and those aged 10 when they’re playing. You may
decide to observe the behavior of children in Grade 2 and those in Grade 5 during break
time, on two consecutive days. You make a note of what you see on an observation form
and then you compare what you have noted. This is qualitative research.
‘Committee of Inquiry’ is a misnomer, from the perspective of methodology at least,
because investigations of this type are actually qualitative. They are open interviews
involving a set number of people and experts, whereas if you conduct a normal survey
you present the respondents with a fixed set of questions.

Key concepts

Qualitative research Research not based on numerical information.

Quantitative research Research based on numerical information.

In Doing Research you learn about qualitative and quantitative methods because
they are both used. Obviously, the difference between these methods is in the
way in which you conduct the research, but also in the way you look at research.
The emphasis in qualitative research is on the meaning that respondents give to
a situation based on their own background, say the respondent’s context (and
the researcher, more on this in Chapter 16). In quantitative research the empha-
sis is on making phenomena measurable and on generalization, i.e., objectively
measuring characteristics and drawing a valid, general conclusion. The corre-
sponding context is not measured. Qualitative research often involves collect-
ing a lot of information about a few people, while quantitative research is not
so much (or at least less) about information, but about a large group of people

In a diagram, this looks more or less like this:

Qualitative Quantitative
Emphasis on meaning/context Yes No
Number of respondents Few Many
Data per respondent A lot Not much
Type of information In-depth Superficial
Objectively measurable (numerical) No Yes
Statistically generalizable No Possibly

Table 1.1 The characteristics of qualitative and quantitative methods

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Doing Research

Yet these two methods are not in opposition; instead they can supplement each
other very well so that a comprehensive answer to the problem is given (see
Doorewaard, Kil & Van de Ven, 2015). It’s not that clear cut.

Triangulation and the mixed method approach

If you want to approach a central question from various perspectives, then you
can use various methods to collect information, i.e., data. This is called triangu­
lation; this literally means ‘triangular measuring’. Example 1.8 shows you how
this works in practice.

Example 1.8 Timber frame construction

An engineering student carried out graduation research with a construction company

that uses timber frame constructions in its construction. He investigated how this
company could guarantee the quality of its product. Besides demarcating the quality
criteria, the student also investigated the state of affairs regarding quality control and
quality assurance at the company. He also gave them recommendations so that the
company could guarantee the qual-
ity of its construction products. He
­conducted the research using v­ arious
methods for each sub-question,
such as researching source material,
­observations and interviews.

Source: Geulleaume, 2016

Triangulation is used to enhance the quality of research, i.e., its reliability.

A special kind of triangulation is the mixed method approach (De Boer, 2016).
In this method, you choose a combination of (specifically) qualitative and quan-
titative data collection methods to answer your question. So the methods that
you use must include both qualitative and quantitative elements. Companies
and organizations are no longer only interested in the bare figures, they also
want to know what the background to these figures is. That is a good reason
to opt for a qualitative method alongside a quantitative method. That way you
shed light on the problem from several points of view. It enhances the validity
of the research results.

Key concepts

Triangulation Tackling the central question using various research


Mixed method approach Research that uses qualitative and quantitative methods.

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1 Why do you do research?

1.1.4 Inductive or deductive?

When you do inductive research, the theory is not known in advance. The
researcher’s objective, therefore, is to develop the theory as he or she goes along.
In formal terms, the researcher is looking for ‘empirical regularities’ (Tijmstra
& Boeije, 2011, p. 32). This means that he or she makes statements based on the
observations, i.e., the information.

Researchers who use inductive methods often (but not always) use qualitative
research in which they work from the ‘particular’ (the information collected) to
the ‘general’ (the theory to be developed). So inductive research is about devel-
oping a theory (see Example 1.9). Iteration (repetition) is a guiding principle in
this because it leads to a higher standard of results. This is the process that the
researcher follows: he or she gathers and analyzes the information and draws
the first conclusions. This establishes the kind of additional information that is
required. The researcher then goes on to gather and analyze new information.
In other words, he or she is using an iterative process. Each time the researcher
links the results to the results obtained previously and so a theory is formed.
More about this in Chapter 6.

Example 1.9 Social media

Suppose you are researching social media usage among students at a college in Michi-
gan. You collect information using interviews, you analyze the information and you dis-
cover that a degree of self-motivation arises. You go on to collect additional information
about self-motivation, you analyze the information once again and you draw conclusions
about the students’ attitudes to work. With these conclusions, you present a model for
the digitizing students’ attitude to work.

The opposite of inductive research is deductive research. In deductive research,

the researcher formulates assumptions on the basis of (existing) theories and
models. The researcher gathers and analyses information to assess whether the
theories hold water. In simply terms this means that you assess whether your
model (theory) is valid (is true) for the information that you have collected. This
principle is often used in quantitative research where the process goes from
‘general’ (the theory) to ‘specific’ (the information). Deductive research is there-
fore theory-testing.
So, in effect, induction and deduction complement each other: you develop a
theory inductively, and then you use deduction to check whether the theory is
true (see Example 1.10).

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Doing Research

Example 1.10 Bloom’s taxonomy

Bloom’s revised taxonomy (Anderson, Krahwohl & Meyer, 2001), for instance, describes
various cognitive competency levels. Based on this theory, you develop assumptions
about the cognitive competency levels when deploying social media in tertiary educa-
tion. What you are actually doing is applying a theory to a new subject. You gather infor-
mation and analyze it to see whether the theory holds for your subject.

Now, you may be under the impression that researchers who use inductive
research don’t have any expectations. That is not entirely true. Based on their
knowledge and expertise, researchers have certain expectations about their
research findings, but in inductive research these expectations are not based on
a model or theory, whereas they are in deductive research. Thyme and Boeije
(2011) call this an exploratory hypothesis. You test an exploratory hypothesis
using a qualitative method.

Key concepts

Inductive research Theory-developing research.

Deductive research Theory-testing research.

Checkpoint 1.1

– Which methods of data collection were used in the examples for the research:
a. into nicotine addiction (Example 1.3)?
b. at the Highlands Sports Club (Example 1.4 and 1.5)?
c. into guest experience (Example 1.6)?
d. in the parliamentary enquiry (Example 1.7)?
e. into the customer buying patterns at the gardening center (below, Example 1.11)?
– Suppose you do research into student satisfaction at your college. You conduct inter-
views with students and lecturers, you design a survey and the analyze findings from
previous research into student satisfaction. Which approach have you chosen to
answer your central question?

1.2 Rules for the quality of research

There are rules (criteria) for the quality of research that all researchers stick to
– regardless of whether they are doing applied or fundamental research. That is
what this section is about. Chapter 9 will discuss these rules in detail.

First and foremost, there are rules about the researcher him- or herself. This sec-
tion starts with that. Secondly, there are quality criteria for conducting research

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1 Why do you do research?

and interpreting the results. In applied research, it is called methodological

soundness (Andriessen & Butter, 2016). Some methodological rules apply more
to quantitative research, while other criteria are applied in qualitative research.
This will be indicated in the explanation of the various rules. Finally, there are
practical criteria, such as, the feasibility, efficiency and usability of the research.

1.2.1 Characteristics of a critical researcher

Researchers differ from those who are not researchers in three respects: their
attitude, knowledge and skill.

A (critical) researcher can be distinguished by his or her attitude. That attitude
must be objective. That is to say that the personal preferences of the researcher
must not influence the research. Your own personal opinion of the situation
is not what it’s about. This kind of objectivity is not always possible. After all,
researchers are people too, with their own views and opinions. This may be
a problem in qualitative research in particular, because these researchers are
often involved with the people or groups they are researching.

That is why it is important that you as a researcher strive for openness in your
research, that you are open to comments from your peers, and that you are
accountable for your findings. This attitude is important in fundamental and
scientific research. If your research findings are contradicted by other research,
it’s not because your research was inferior, it’s because the findings were refuted.
This means that your research may be the first in a series of thorough analyses.
The research is ongoing, evolving. This scientific attitude is important because
it will reinforce your research findings.
In Section 1.2.2 on ‘falsifiability of statements’ you can find out more about the
openness of research.

Are you doing applied research? Then having a research-oriented and critical
attitude is also important. You learn to look at your own research critically,
from a ‘distance’. You also learn to not just accept other people’s research as
true, but to examine it critically. This critical, research-oriented attitude may
stand you in good stead later on in your profession. It could be, for instance,
that certain measures may benefit the management of an organization, so that
the organization is distracted from the true problems. This may not necessarily
be the result of conscious decisions; often organizations have no idea where
the root of the real problem lies. Independent research can shed light on the
real issues, ensure that good solutions are developed to address them and that
these solutions are effective. And that they are independent of the opinions and
objectives of those concerned.

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Doing Research

Obviously you can’t apply research methods if you don’t know what they
are. Knowledge of methods is and always will be an important part of doing
research. And you can’t avoid this in Doing Research either. Knowledge about
research methods, on the other hand, is consistent: you always need to know
which research methods are out there, what criteria they use and what the pros
and cons are of applying a particular one.

Alongside knowledge about methods, you will also need to know about the
subject you intend to research. This is the kind of knowledge that you have to
acquire or freshen up each time. You can look for information on the subject;
you can read about it.

You polish the skills you need for research by actively going out and doing it. You
become familiar with all the aspects of research, step by step, through examples
and cases. Then you learn how to apply this knowledge. That knowledge is not
only about the theory of doing research. It also contains a whole lot of ‘recipes’
that you can use when it comes to stats, software and so on. And about ‘tricks’
that you have to learn. For instance, how to select a research group, how to enter
data into a software package, how to conduct a test, interpret analysis results,
or create a diagram.

Example 1.11 shows you how you can use a diagram to show buying behavior.

Example 1.11 Radar diagram of a gardening center

A gardening center wants to gear its purchasing policy to suit customers’ buying pat-
terns. The buying behavior of certain products is analyzed for a whole year. This is what a
diagram showing buying patterns looks like in Excel:

Sales gardening center

Dec Feb

Nov March
Oct Apr
trees & bushes
Sep May

Aug Jun

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1 Why do you do research?

1.2.2 Quality criteria for carrying out and interpreting research

Below we discuss quality criteria for carrying out and interpreting research.

Research is generally judged by the reliability of its results. The reliability of
research has to do with the extent to which it is free of random errors. These
are deviations in your research that are not verifiable, ones that are caused by
unknown factors. Clients often use research results to make important deci-
sions, or to determine policy. It must therefore be of good quality. Random
errors in research can affect the reliability.

Research that another researcher carries out in the same way should lead to the
similar results. So the research can be replicated. There should also be agree­
ment among the researchers about the findings of the research. That is why it is
important for the researcher to have an independent attitude (Section 1.2.1); he
or she must view the research objectively, regardless of the results.

Reliability plays an important role in both qualitative and quantitative research,

albeit in different ways. Chapter 9 discusses this criterion at length.

Falsifiability of statements
One objective of research is to get results about things that are observable in
‘reality’. A subject, question or assertion must be falsifiable. This means that you
can’t make assertions like ‘angels exist’ or ‘Manchester United is the best’. These
are assertions that cannot be proven, that cannot be verified through testing.
They are speculative (not based on facts) and subjective (it’s your opinion). The
point of research, quantitative research in particular, is to make assertions that
can be tested.

The aim of research is to be refutable. This means that it should be possible

to confirm or refute (reject) an idea or assumption. This has consequences for
the way in which you formulate the subject, question or assumption of your
research. There can be no confusion about the people or objects under discus-
sion, about the time and place that are relevant to the research, or about the
terms and concepts that you use to describe them. In short, the subject must be

It must also be public. A statement cannot be confirmed or refuted if you keep

it to yourself and are not prepared to listen to feedback on the subject from

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Doing Research

Making assertions in public means that they can be tested, that research
based on the same design can be repeated in another situation. This means
that research can be replicated. This replicability of research is therefore crucial
when it comes to assessing the reliability of research.

The ‘falsifiability of statements’ criterion mainly applies to quantitative research.

The information content of your statements must be optimal. This is another
aspect that is linked to the falsifiability of your assertions. To be able to verify a
statement (i.e., for quantitative research: the verifiability criterion), it needs to
be accurately formulated, you need to know what it is you are about to research,
when and with whom. This is why it is important that you describe your sub-
ject accurately (Scheepers, Tobi & Boeije, 2016; Swanborn, 2010, pp. 243-244;
­Swanborn, 1987, pp. 35 et seq.). You have to be sure you indicate:
• the situation that you are referring to;
• the boundaries within which your research applies;
• the groups involved;
• the period that is relevant to your research;
• the ‘domain’ of your research, i.e., the whole ‘area’ that is relevant to your
research, and all the elements that your research involves. The larger the
domain, the more informative your statements will be.

The ‘informativeness’ criterion mainly applies to quantitative research, but it’s

popping up in qualitative research more and more these days.

Internal and construct validity

Validity has to do with the accuracy of the research results. Simply put: you
need to be certain that the research doesn’t have any systematic errors. These
are errors that cannot be put down to coincidence. There are various kinds of
validity (more on this subject in Chapter 9). If you are able to draw the correct
conclusions from your results, then your research is internally valid.
Construct validity has to do with ‘measuring what you want to measure’.

External validity
What would happen if we went about making statements about situations
without researching them? What if we made rules without evaluating them?
Imagine if the shops stocked things without finding out beforehand if they
sell. What if people were given medicine without investigating what the effects
might be and whether they are the right drugs for the sickness that ails them?
Imagine if we went by what they have to say in the papers about certain groups
of people, and dealt with these people harshly without investigating the facts of
the matter first.
Researchers don’t go about things in this way: they work differently. Based on
their results, researchers want to be able to make assertions about as many

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1 Why do you do research?

­ eople or situations as they can. They analyze a specific part of ‘reality’ and
make their statements based on that. If these statements have been verified
accurately, and according to all the criteria for this, then they can be considered
valid for a larger group or other situations: they are generalizable. This gener-
alizability forms the external validity of the research, a special kind of validity.

There are roughly two kinds of external validity (see Example 1.12):
• By statistical generalization, we mean that statistical tests (quantitative) are
used to assess whether results are generalizable or not. So it’s technical.
• In qualitative research, researchers will try to get results that are comparable
to results from similar situations, i.e., theoretical generalization (­Scheepers
et al., 2016, p. 268).

Example 1.12 Generalizability

Applied research may be carried out within one department of an organization, because
that department has an issue that needs to be researched.
It is not necessary to apply the results to the whole organization, but they may be relevant
to similar departments, even though the study was not conducted in those departments.
The results are generalizable in terms of their content.
It may also involve applied research because the organization as a whole has issues that
need to be researched. The sample for the survey is a randomly chosen and representa-
tive selection of staff, and the results are valid for the entire organization. They are statis-
tically generalizable.

External validity is important to both qualitative and quantitative research,

albeit in different ways.

Key concepts

Reliability The extent to which the research is free of random errors.

Validity The extent to which the research is free of systematic


1.2.3 Practical criteria when conducting research

There are also several practical criteria that all types of research must meet.

Research must be efficient. This means that the costs should be in proportion
with the results, and the schedule should be feasible.

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Doing Research

In line with this, research must be feasible. You must have a big enough team
of researchers, be able to approach your sample, collect and analyze data and
report on time.

A general consideration that is particularly relevant to applied research is that
it should be usable and relevant to practice (Andriessen & Butter, 2016). Many
of the criteria mentioned are open to discussion, usability is not one of them.
There is no point at all in doing research that has no practical application. No
one needs research that goes straight into the dustbin. Example 1.13 describes
an investigation at the Food Bank in Philadelphia. Despite the fact that only a
third of the volunteers completed the questionnaire, the comments that volun-
teers gave are useful for the Food Bank.

Example 1.13 Food bank

What experiences do volunteers and customers have of the handing out of food at the
food bank? One hundred and thirty volunteers and customers at the Philadelphia food
bank were given a written questionnaire. Of these, 39 were completed and returned. That
is a response rate of 30%. Are the results usable? Yes! Statistical generalization is not an
absolute must. For the food bank, the results are very valuable because the Philadelphia
Food Bank can use them to improve the system they have in place for handing out food.

Key concepts

Usability The extent to which research has practical relevance.

Checkpoint 1.2

Which quality aspects were not taken into account sufficiently in the following studies?
– A company that produces baby milk pays for research into the effect on toddlers of
vitamin D in this milk.
– The voting behavior of a panel is followed during election polls. The results will be
validated on all voters who are entitled to vote.
– Research among students of the Fiducia Student Fraternity shows that students
don’t rate organized activities highly. But only five students took part in the survey.

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1 Why do you do research?

1.3 Research phases

When you’re designing and conducting research you are constantly asking
questions, for example:
• What am I going to research?
• Why am I going to research it?
• Who am I going to research?
• How am I going to do my research?
• Where am I going to do my research?
• When am I going to do my research?

You don’t only ask yourself these questions when you start researching, when
you’re busy designing your research. During the research, too, you continually
ask yourself questions. You stop along the way and check your progress. You
look back, and then forwards. Are things going according to plan? Are you on
the right track when it comes to the content? What was the issue again? Are you
on schedule? Are you within the budget? Sometimes you have to stop in your
tracks, reconsider your whole research project, talk to your client or go back to
the drawing board. Your findings are paramount because the organization you
are doing the research for has to be able to use them. That is why you go over
and over again this process of ‘marking time’, looking back and forwards and
moving on again, like a cycle (see Figure 1.1).

Research has a fixed structure throughout the process. It consists of several

research phases. That applies to fundamental and applied research alike. All
researchers, students and teachers go through these phases. At the end of all
these phases, the researcher will answer the main question of the research.
Often, questions are not only answered, new ones are raised, which can then be
answered in a subsequent study.

This section shows what such a fixed structure (also referred to as a research
cycle) looks like and how it produces a research report as well as a professional

Research cycle

1 Design
The most important objective in this phase is that you achieve a proper objec-
tive and central question. If you don’t do this properly, you run the risk that
your research will become unwieldy and you won’t be able to draw clear and
usable conclusions.

The next step is to design your research, showing how you intend to address the
question, which data collection methods you will use to do so, how much time,
what you’ll need, and who will be involved in your research. You also specify

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Doing Research

which research instruments you’ll be using. Finally you specify how you are
going to analyze the information, and which method you will be using for this.

Taking clients into account

In applied research you have to take your clients into account. Perhaps there
is already a research question, a problem, an intervention measure or a diag-
nosis, and the client wants you to work on it. That said, often the problem still
needs to be demarcated and turned into something you can work with. You
may do some preliminary research for this. This involves talking to experts at
the organization, reading documents, attending meetings and so on.

2 Data collection
After you have finalized the design, you go on to conduct the research. This
is when you go about collecting the information that you need to answer the
research question or questions. There are many strategies for this, depend-
ing on the number of subjects (people, objects, organizations) that you will be
researching, the nature of the question (does it lend itself to qualitative or quan-
titative research?), and the time and budget available.

3 Analysis
You then go on to process and analyze the data that you have gathered. As is
the case in Phases 2 and 3, there are several methods to choose from when it
comes to data analysis, both qualitative and quantitative (for numerical infor-
mation), depending on the kind of data collected. This will be discussed later
in this method.

4 Evaluation and recommendations

At the reporting stage, you look all the way back to the beginning: what was
it that you were researching, which methods were used, did you manage to
answer all the questions using these methods and, if so, what are the answers?
What recommendations can be made? Are there any other opportunities for
research? How can we evaluate the research project? Is it good quality research?
Or are their issues to do with the content and/or research design? After that,
you write your report.
Generally research is completed once you’ve written the report and presented
your findings. But these findings may also lead to follow-up research. This may
be relevant if the questions that remained unanswered can be addressed in the
new research project. Or your research may be the first in a series of projects,
as part of a tracking study, for example. (This is when information is collected
over a period of time, to do with developments in the area under investigation.
See Chapter 7.)

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1 Why do you do research?

In Figure 1.1, there is a diagram showing the four phases of research. A part of
this book is dedicated to each phase.

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Figure 1.1 The research cycle showing the research phases

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Doing Research

1.4 Research report or professional product?

Once you have completed all the phases of the research, you round the project
off with a report that gives an account of the research methods used, and in
which you present the results (Phase 4). But that is not the whole story. You
can also summarize these results in an instrument that will be useful for the
client. In other words, a professional product. These professional products vary
depending on the discipline, subject and central question. It may comprise rec-
ommendations, a plan of action, a treatment plan, a proposal for measures or
recommendations. If you are study engineering, your research may provide
advice when using certain kinds of sustainable insulation materials. If you’re
an accountant, your professional product may consist of a new system for pro-
cessing financial data. If you are a nurse, then your recommendations may be
about implementing a treatment plan.

So it is important to ask yourself how the research will be used. What is the
role of your research? Its purpose? Will you be writing a report about it, or
will you use it to give advice, or to present a design or plan of action? Nowa-
days ­clients and internship companies are more likely to ask for a professional
product rather than a research report. This does not detract from the fact that
research is an essential part of your project. But in the final phase of your pro-
ject, when you draw your conclusions, there will be another element: the pro-
fessional product.
The choice between a research report and a professional product is actually
not that important. What is important is to realize that the journey you take is
roughly parallel and that you have to use the same toolkit, the same research
skills in the process.
In short, the results are different depending on your professional practice,
regardless of whether you produce a professional product or only a research
report. But the method used, the controls, the technique, analysis and justifica-
tion are the same. These are the phases of your research project. So the cycle that
you go through to arrive at a professional product is the same as for a research
report (Figure 1.1), the difference being that a product follows the evaluation.

Checkpoint 1.3

– Example 1.14 shows you how a study among volunteers is planned. Which research
phases do you recognize in this example?
– What could the end product be here: a research report and/or professional product?

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1 Why do you do research?

Example 1.14 Volunteers society

The Greendale Volunteers Society wants answers to the following question: how can the
Volunteers Society attract volunteers from the surrounding municipalities? A researcher
compiles a questionnaire with several practical questions for the volunteers they already
have. The questions are about background characteristics, like age, gender, level of edu-
cation, and about how they spend their time and what motivates them. The researcher
uses a scale that has already been used to measure motivations for volunteering
(­Lindeman, 1996). This motivation scale is the result of the preliminary research that the
researcher conducted. The scale consists of statements that relate to social contacts, car-
ing for o
­ thers, the satisfaction it gives and the contribution to society. The volunteers
interviewed indicate to what extent they agree with the statements. This gives insight
into their motivation to help as volunteers. The results help the Volunteer Society to
organize a campaign for attracting new volunteers.

Source: adapted from www.vrijwilligershuis.nl


Go to this book’s website.

Test your knowledge based on:

– the answers to the questions in the checkpoints
– the extra assignments with feedback
– the concepts trainer
– the knowledge test

Handy tools:
– research tools: checklists, questionnaires and templates for setting up a logbook
and a research proposal

Doing research 5e druk.indb 41 29/03/2019 13:29:10

Doing Research is a clear introduction to the methods and techniques required
for research. It answers questions like: what does ‘doing research’ actually mean,

how do you design a research project, what steps do you have to take, how do
you collect data and what are the pitfalls?

Doing Research sheds light on the complicated process of research. It teaches

you research skills one step at a time. It discusses the theory based on the four
phases of applied and fundamental research: design, data collection, analysis,

and evaluation and recommendations. Many up-to-date examples are used to
establish the link to everyday practice.

This 5th edition has been completely revised. The various research steps are
presented in clear procedure guides, so that it is easy to see where you are in the
research process. Each chapter also has checkpoint assignments to test whether
and How

you have understood the theory correctly. You can find practical tools, tests and
answers to the checkpoint assignments on www.doingresearch5thedition.com.

Doing Research is suitable as an introduction for students in higher education,

of A hyW s

but it can also be used as a reference book for applied research.

Nel Verhoeven is an independent senior research

consultant. She advises and supervises fundamental and
Res lie p s
applied research projects. She also gives various lectures,

ear d

workshops and courses. She is the author of several 5TH
successful teaching methods in the field of methodology. EDI



ISBN 978-90-2442-475-7

9 789024 424757 www.boomhogeronderwijs.nl

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