Literature Review and Research Methodology
Literature Review and Research Methodology
Literature Review and Research Methodology
Literature Review.......................................................................................................................2
Entrepreneurship education....................................................................................................2
Entrepreneurial Mindset.........................................................................................................2
Entrepreneurial Intention........................................................................................................2
Feedback Loop.......................................................................................................................2
Access to Finance...................................................................................................................3
Regulatory Environment........................................................................................................3
Social Networks......................................................................................................................3
Cultural Norms.......................................................................................................................3
Data Analysis..........................................................................................................................4
Ethical Considerations............................................................................................................4
Expected Outcomes................................................................................................................4
Literature Review
source of innovation, job creation, and economic development (Kongolo, 2010; Thurik,
2008). In order to combat unemployment and poverty, encouraging entrepreneurship has been
recognized as crucial in Kenya (Nelson & Johnson, 1997). By training people entrepreneurial
mindsets and skills, we can influence their aspirations and actions (Thwala, 2011). This is a
Entrepreneurship education
information, entrepreneurial experience, growth mindset, and community skills they need to
succeed as business owners (Neneh, 2012). Individuals can get a wealth of knowledge about
Opportunity discovery, business strategy, advertising, finance, and creative thinking are just a
few of these topics (Klein, 2008). Inspiring individuals to be proactive, adaptable, and risk-
Education in entrepreneurship equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to
launch successful firms (Cooper et al., 2004). By fusing academic study with practical
experience and social networks, it promotes economic expansion and the creation of new
Entrepreneurial Mindset
The phrase "entrepreneurial education" refers to a wide range of official and informal
threats, take calculated risks, and launch and manage their own enterprises. The education of
people's attitudes, motives, and concepts about entrepreneurship (Mukhtar et al., 2021).
Numerous studies have shown that getting an education in entrepreneurship increases one's
Entrepreneurial Intention
and increase the intention that one will do so. This theory is supported by the work of
researchers (Peralta, 2021). College students in China were more likely to establish their own
businesses if they were exposed to entrepreneurship education (Zhang et al., 2014). Similar
findings were found by Fayolle and Gailly in their study of entrepreneurship education and
the motivation to start a firm among college students in Europe (Fayolle & Gailly, 2015).
Feedback Loop
Individuals' Entrepreneurial Intentions, the feedback loop is an iterative process that lets
people keep learning and improving (Honig, 2004). As people do entrepreneurial activities
and gain real-world experience, they think about their past experiences and evaluate how
useful their entrepreneurship education was (Eller et al., 2022). Through self-reflection and
review, people can figure out their strengths and weaknesses as entrepreneurs and get
feedback that is helpful (Kaplan & Norton, 1996). The feedback loop could help
entrepreneurship, making sure that people get the best possible education and support for
Access to Finance
their ability to get funding (Bhide, 2000). Kenyan business owners who need expansion
capital continue to have difficulties in securing it (Gichuki et al., 2014). Access to finance is a
critical enabler of entrepreneurial activity, as shown by (Mwita & Joanthan, 2019). Giving
individuals the skills, they need to identify and capitalize on economic and commercial
possibilities is one way in which entrepreneurship education might help alleviate this issue
Regulatory Environment
The laws, rules, and regulations of Kenya have an effect on the business environment there.
When rules and regulations are favorable, entrepreneurs are more willing to take the plunge
(Ramachandran et al., 2009). In other words, this makes it less of a hassle to set up shop and
get to work. However, if regulations are too regulatory, it might stifle entrepreneurship
environment. To better understand how education might assist individuals navigate regulatory
examine the links between entrepreneurship education and the regulatory environment
Social Networks
The ability to quickly and easily have access to information, networks, and funding is a
crucial factor in the success of any social entrepreneurship (Holmberg-Wright et al., 2017). It
is possible that people's entrepreneurial aspirations and activities might receive help from
stronger social networks. By providing additional opportunities for individuals to meet each
other, collaborate, and get mentorship from more seasoned entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship
education can contribute to the expansion of existing social networks (Man et al., 2022).
education is crucial for understanding how education might increase a person's social capital
and hence their chances of succeeding as an entrepreneur (Kickul & Fayolle, 2007).
Cultural Norms
The likelihood of someone starting their own firm is influenced by their views on
entrepreneurship, which are formed by cultural norms and values. Cultural variables like as
risk aversion, shame associated with company failure, and gender norms can either support or
hinder entrepreneurial ambitions and behaviors (Katono, 2020). By teaching students to think
like business owners, providing them with role models, and highlighting the value of
diversity, entrepreneurship education has the potential to challenge and alter entrenched
entrepreneurship education and cultural norms is crucial for designing relevant and successful
Aspiring company entrepreneurs can benefit from having a mentorship. Mentors are
beneficial to entrepreneurs because they can introduce them to relevant networks, provide
them with sound advice, and share their own experiences (Thompson, 2002). Entrepreneurial
education programs that emphasize mentorship can have a more long-lasting impact on
participants' aspirations and behavior (Russell et al., 2008). More research has to be done in
Kenya to determine the best way to include mentoring into existing entrepreneurship
Long-Term Impact of Entrepreneurship Education
though there are not a lot of longitudinal studies that focus on the Kenyan environment, the
ones that do exist offer useful information. Njongeri looked at the long-term effects of
2015). People who went to school for entrepreneurship were more likely to start their own
businesses and keep them going over time than those who did not. This shows that
The positivist research theory guiding this investigation aims to collect empirical data that
questionnaire will ask respondents about their entrepreneurial education, aspirations, and
current entrepreneurial engagement. As part of the data collecting process, questionnaires will
be emailed to the selected participants, and their responses will be collected within a given
time frame.
Data Analysis
On the collected data, a proper statistical analysis will be done. Using descriptive statistics
such as frequencies, means, and standard deviations, the sample characteristics and key
variables will be identified. The correlation between entrepreneurship education and
statistical analyses. Correlation analysis will be used to assess the strength and direction of
relationships. Regression analysis will be utilized to discover the factors that influence
entrepreneurial intentions and actions. This analysis will shed light on how entrepreneurship
education has changed the entrepreneurial outcomes of individuals on long term basis.
Ethical Considerations
The research method will be undertaken with the utmost regard for ethical concerns. All
participants will be asked for informed consent to ensure they are aware of the study's goals,
their rights as participants, and the confidentiality and anonymity of their responses.
Participants' personal information will be kept confidential and used only for research
purposes. To ensure the ethical treatment of human participants, the research will comply
Expected Outcomes
One of the expected outcomes of this study is a greater understanding of the long-term
actions in the Kenyan environment. The study is predicted to reveal positive associations
it is envisaged that the study will identify key features and processes that affect long-term
education programs that promote Kenya's entrepreneurial development over the long run.
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