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Paranoia Research Paper

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Version: Accepted Version

Statham, V., Emerson, L.-M. and Rowse, G. orcid.org/0000-0003-3292-4008 (2019) A
systematic review of self-report measures of paranoia. Psychological Assessment, 31 (2).
pp. 139-158. ISSN 1040-3590


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Paranoia can be conceptualised as consisting of a hierarchy of cognitions, ranging from

commonly experienced thoughts about less severe perceived threats, up to less common,

persecutory thoughts about extreme threats, which are associated with distressing psychosis.

This review systematically appraises self-report paranoia questionnaires validated for use

among the general population; the type of paranoia assessed, measurement or psychometric

properties, and subsequent validation with clinical samples are all considered. A systematic

literature search was performed using PubMed, Web of Science, and PsycInfo databases.

Study methodologies and measurement properties were evaluated according to COnsenus-

based Standards for the selection of health-based Measurement Instruments (Mokkink et al.,

2012). Twenty-six studies, describing the validation of nine paranoia-related questionnaires,

were identified. Questionnaires were reviewed in relation to the hierarchy of paranoia; with

two questionnaires assessing ‘low-level’ paranoia, four assessing persecutory thoughts, and

the remainder assessing paranoia across this continua. Questionnaires assessing the full

hierarchy of paranoid thoughts, alongside associated dimensions such as pre-occupation,

conviction, and distress, offer the most comprehensive assessment of paranoia in both non-

clinical and clinical populations. Of the measures which do this, the Green et al. (2008)

Paranoid Thoughts Scale had the strongest evidence for its measurement properties and is

therefore recommended as the most reliable and valid self-report assessment of paranoia

currently available. However, this review illustrated that generally paranoia questionnaires

lack high quality evidence for their measurement properties. Implications of these findings

for clinical practice and research are discussed.

Keywords: paranoia; self-report; questionnaires; validation; Psychometric; properties;

measures; assessment

Public significance statement

This systematic review identified nine self-report questionnaires that have been developed to

assess paranoia and were designed for use with the general population. An analysis of studies

that used these questionnaires suggested that the Green et al. (2008) Paranoid Thoughts Scale

has the best evidence for the reliability and validity of its test scores.


Paranoia has traditionally been conceptualised as a symptom of psychosis-related

diagnoses such as ‘Schizophrenia’ (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). However,

increasing evidence shows that as with other clinically-relevant experiences (e.g. obsessive-

intrusive thoughts; Berry & Laskey, 2012; voice hearing; Beavan, Read, & Cartwright,

2011), paranoid thoughts are also experienced by those without mental health difficulties.

Freeman (2006) reviewed studies assessing different types of paranoid thoughts, in general

population samples, over different time periods, and found varying estimates of the

prevalence of paranoid cognitions, ranging from approximately 2% to 42%. Data from a

large, nationally-representative UK sample has also found paranoid thinking to be associated

with a variety of difficulties, including poorer physical and mental health (e.g. anxiety, worry,

insomnia, suicidal ideation), reduced social functioning, lack of social support, and increased

use of alcohol and cannabis (Freeman et al., 2011). While there may be debate as to whether

these associated difficulties contribute towards the development of paranoia, or are a

consequence of it, they highlight the potential gains of the study of this phenomenon, both to

individuals affected by paranoid experiences, and to wider society.

What constitutes a ‘paranoid’ experience is often not well defined within the

literature. Bentall et al. (2009) suggest that paranoia occurs as a result of a combination of

cognitive biases (e.g. threat anticipation, jumping to conclusions, difficulty understanding

others’ mental states), and accompanying “emotion-related processes, such as anxiety,

depression, and self-esteem” (p. 244). Paranoia can also be conceptualised as a more stable

personality trait (often described as “suspiciousness”), that can vary between individuals and

within theories of schizotypy is associated with an increased vulnerability to develop

psychotic symptoms (Johns & van Os, 2001). Accordingly, examples of extreme paranoid

personality traits are associated with diagnoses such as ‘Paranoid Personality Disorder

(American Psychiatric Association, 2013). While paranoia may be associated with certain

“suspicious” personality presentations, this review focuses in more detail upon the specific

types of threat-based cognitions, thoughts and beliefs that could be described as ‘paranoid’.

Understanding the ideational experience of paranoia in isolation, rather than as part of a more

stable personality structure, accounts for the fact that paranoid thoughts can fluctuate from

moment to moment (Ben-Zeev, Ellington, Swendsen, & Granholm, 2010; Nittel et al., 2018)

and can decrease in response to psychological interventions (Freeman & Garety, 2014).

What makes a cognition ‘paranoid’ is often not well defined, and thoughts can be

described as ‘paranoid’ and ‘persecutory’ synonymously, when the meaning of these

descriptors may differ (McKay, Langdon, & Coltheart, 2006). Academic research often

focuses upon ‘persecutory’ thoughts, which are defined as explicit concerns about threats of

current/ongoing harm to oneself, enacted by an intentional perpetrator (Freeman & Garety,

2000). However, paranoia can be conceptualised more broadly as including thoughts relating

to an exaggerated and “persistent misconception of one-self as the target of another’s

thoughts or action” (Fenigstein & Vanable, 1992, p. 130), often described as ‘ideas of


Persecutory thoughts and paranoid ideas of reference are distinguished somewhat

from concerns about threats to society or wider social groups (e.g. broader conspiracy

theories) by the focus of threat to oneself. However, there is likely to be overlap between

these constructs. Ideas of reference more broadly could also be part of non-paranoid

psychological difficulties, such as the self-focused attention seen among socially anxious

individuals (Clark & Wells, 1995), or those with “grandiose delusions” (e.g. relating to

inflated sense of worth, or a special identity, Knowles, McCarthy-Jones, & Rowse, 2011).

This perhaps explains why paranoia and ideas of reference emerged as distinct facets of

positive schizotypy in Cicero and Kern’s (2010) factor analytic study. What distinguishes

paranoid ideas of reference from other self-referential thoughts may be how these thoughts

are appraised, and whether they are associated with assumptions of ill will, hostility, or

suspicious intent (Fenigstein & Vanable, 1992). Accordingly, questionnaires that only assess

ideas of reference include items that may have positive appraisals and thus would not

necessarily assess paranoia (e.g. thinking that people are waving at you - The Referential

Thinking Scale, Lenzenweger, Bennet, & Lilenfield, 1996), as well as those more related to

paranoia, which are likely to imply hostility,. In support of the importance of self-referential

thoughts within the construct of paranoia, Stefanis et al. (2004) also demonstrated that ideas

of reference load on to a paranoia factor, along with social anxiety and suspiciousness.

Freeman et al.’s (2005) hierarchy of paranoia provides a framework to organise these

different paranoid cognitions, and includes thoughts that are less explicitly persecutory (e.g.

ideas of reference), within a broad conceptualisation of paranoia. Freeman et al. (2005) order

their identified paranoid cognitions in a hierarchy according to the severity of perceived

threat, beginning with social evaluative concerns at the bottom (defined as interpersonal

worries, such as fears of rejection/vulnerability/the world being dangerous), followed by

ideas of reference, and finally persecutory thoughts relating to mild (e.g. people trying to

cause irritation), moderate (e.g. people going out of their way to get at you), then severe (e.g.

people trying to cause you significant harm) threats, at the top of the hierarchy. There are

other theoretical models of paranoid cognition, which generally seek to explain persecutory

beliefs in isolation and focus upon the origin and maintenance of these experiences (e.g.

Bentall et al., 2009; Freeman, Garety, Kuipers, Fowler, & Bebbington, 2002). Furthermore,

as previously discussed, there are schizotypy theories which describe ‘suspicious’ personality

traits (see Grant, Green, & Mason, 2018 for review) that may be associated with a greater

incidence of paranoid cognitions. Thus, the paranoia hierarchy is the only widely cited model

known to the authors that provides a structured account of the types of thought content can be

said to be part of paranoid experience, and it is therefore used to structure this review.

Subsequent studies examining paranoid thoughts from Freeman et al.’s (2005)

hierarchy have found that those from the lower hierarchy emerge as a distinct factor from

persecutory thoughts (from the upper hierarchy) within factor analyses (Green et al., 2008;

Ibáñez-Casas et al., 2015). Ideas of reference and social evaluative concerns are proposed as

being the building blocks for the development of more explicit persecutory thoughts, and thus

assessing both types of cognition alongside each other is argued to provide a more

comprehensive understanding of paranoid ideation (Freeman et al., 2005). Relatedly, many

studies find strong associations between paranoia and self-focused or self-conscious cognitive

styles (Combs & Penn, 2004; Freeman et al., 2012; Smári, Stefánsson, & Thorgilsson, 1994).

Green et al. (2008) and Ibáñez-Casas et al. (2015) found that ideas of reference in

social situations (social reference thoughts) were the most commonly endorsed paranoid

thoughts among the general population, whereas persecutory ideas were the most commonly

endorsed paranoid thoughts among clinical participants. Nevertheless, both types of thoughts

were much more prevalent among individuals with persecutory delusions (PDs), suggesting

that the entire hierarchy has clinical relevance to paranoia (Green et al., 2008).

There may be also factors other than paranoid thought content that influence whether

these cognitions are clinically-relevant experiences. For example, paranoid thoughts that are

more frequent, distressing, and appraised with more conviction and preoccupation are more

common among clinical populations (Green et al., 2008; Ibáñez-Casas et al., 2015). Indeed,

Peters, Joseph, Day, and Garety (2004) argue that the distress, conviction, and preoccupation

associated with persecutory cognitions determine how ‘delusion-like’ they are. Alternatively,

Trower and Chadwick (1995) distinguish ‘poor me’ paranoia, where persecution is perceived

as unjust or undeserved, and ‘bad me’ paranoia, where persecution is perceived as a deserved

consequence of an individual’s actions. Research suggests that ‘poor me’ paranoia is more

common among those with psychosis-related diagnoses (Melo & Bentall, 2013; Melo,

Concoran, Shryane, & Bentall, 2009).

Much of our understanding of paranoia among both clinical and non-clinical

populations has been obtained using self-report questionnaires. Within these questionnaires

paranoia is defined and assessed differently, which is may have influenced endorsement rates,

and contributed towards the varying prevalence estimates for delusions and paranoid

cognitions in the general population (Freeman, 2006). As persecutory thoughts are more

common among clinical samples, and ideas of reference are more common among non-

clinical samples as opposed to those experiencing psychosis (Green et al., 2008; Ibáñez-Casas

et al., 2015), prevalence estimates are likely to be influenced by both the type of paranoid

thought content from the hierarchy of perceived threat (Freeman et al., 2005) that is being

assessed, and the population to which the questionnaire is administered.

Aside from within large symptom inventories (e.g. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality

Inventory-2 Restructured Form; Ben-Porath & Tellegen, 2011), there are no paranoia specific

self-report measures developed primarily with clinical samples. Rather, diagnostic interview

tools tend to be preferred (e.g. Composite Diagnostic Interview; Kessler, Andrews, Mroczek,

Ustun, & Wittchen, 1998). This preference stems from the historical use of diagnosis to

classify distressing psychotic experiences and also arguments (summarised by Bell, Fiszdon,

Richardson, Lysaker,& Bryson, 2007) that those experiencing psychosis may struggle to self-

report accurately due to holding unusual beliefs, experiencing cognitive deficits, or desiring

to minimise their experiences (e.g. due to stigma, as a defensive coping strategy). The

evidence for these arguments is mixed, and varies based upon the construct assessed

(Baumstark et al., 2013; Kim et al., 2010; Selton, Wiersma, & van den Bosch, 2000). For

PDs, Lincoln, Ziegler, Lüllmann, Müller, and Rief (2010) found a strong relationship

between self-reported and observed-rated experiences, whereas Liraud, Droulout, Parrot, and

Verdoux (2004) did not. However, a lack of association between self-reported and observer-

rated paranoia does not necessarily indicate that an observers are more accurate than those

self-reporting their experiences. Furthermore, self-report assessments have additional

advantages such as their ability to be distributed widely, with fewer resources required, and

potentially less impact of social desirability bias compared with a face-to-face interview.

The primary aim of this review is to critically evaluate existing self-report measures

that were developed to assess paranoia with general population samples. However, it is also

acknowledged that the inclusion of individuals with psychosis in the development and

subsequent validation of these measures is important, to evidence the construct validity of

scales and examine whether items are clinically-relevant. Indeed, not evidencing the clinical

relevance of items has been a criticism when assessing other constructs in the general

population, such as obsessive-intrusive thoughts (Berry & Laskey, 2012). Furthermore,

questionnaires validated clinically and non-clinically have greater potential utility. Psychotic-

like experiences that occur without significant distress or impairment increase the later risk of

symptoms that may warrant a clinical diagnosis (Hanssen, Bak, Bijl, Vollebergh, & van Os,

2005; Welham et al., 2009). Thus, assessing paranoia across clinical and non-clinical

populations could highlight variables that increase the likelihood of paranoia-related distress.

Questionnaires validated for use with individuals experiencing distressing paranoia could also

be used clinically within assessment or for outcome measurement within interventions.

In this review, we therefore aim to provide a critical appraisal of the measurement

properties of self-report measures of paranoia that were developed using non-clinical

participants, or a mixed clinical and non-clinical group. Additionally, studies validating

questionnaires with clinical populations, that were originally developed with non-clinical or

mixed samples were included. The inclusion of these measures therefore encompasses the

full continua of experience through non-clinical to clinical As well as evaluating the

measurement properties of these questionnaires, we aim to use Freeman et al.’s (2005)

proposed hierarchy of perceived threat, as a framework to categorise the construct of paranoia

that is assessed by each measure. Thus, the reviewed questionnaires relate to

conceptualisations of ‘low level’ paranoia, from the lower hierarchy (e.g. Paranoia Scale,

Fenigstein & Vanable, 1992), ‘persecutory beliefs’, from the upper hierarchy (e.g.

Persecutory Ideation Questionnaire, McKay et al., 2006) and paranoia constructs that span

the entirety of the hierarchy (e.g. Green et al. Paranoid Thoughts Scale, Green et al., 2008).


As this paper describes a literature review, no ethical approval was required for the


Search Strategy

The methods undertaken in this review were informed by guidelines in the Preferred

Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement 2009

(Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, & Altman, 2009). A systematic search using PubMed, Web of

Science, and PsycInfo databases was performed on January 4, 2017 (see Appendix A,

supplementary materials). Synonyms of terms for the construct of interest (e.g. paranoia,

suspiciousness, persecutory), population for questionnaire development (e.g. general

population, non-clinical, community), instrument type (e.g. questionnaire, scale, inventory),

and questionnaire properties (e.g. psychometric, reliability, validity), were used to search the

titles, abstracts, and keywords of publications. Papers containing keywords for comorbid

difficulties associated with paranoia (e.g. dementia, Parkinson’s) were excluded.

Initial searching identified 2432 papers. Firstly duplicate papers were removed from

the search results (n = 707), followed by articles which after abstract and title screening did

not meet the inclusion criteria (n = 1667). The full text of remaining papers (n = 58) was

screened, followed by an ancestry search of studies included after this stage. Database and

ancestry searching was used to find papers pertaining to both the original development and

subsequent psychometric validation of the identified questionnaires. A citation search was

also performed for studies documenting the initial development of each measure. The

screening and data extraction process was completed by the primary author.

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

The following inclusion criteria were applied: 1. Studies must describe a self-report

questionnaire rather than observer/interview-based assessments; 2. Studies must describe the

initial development of a questionnaire, or indicate within the abstract that the aim is to

validate the measurement properties of the questionnaire; 3. Studies must assess measurement

properties outlined by Terwee, de Vet, Prinsen, and Mokkink (2011), or complete item-

response theory (IRT) analyses (Kean & Reilly, 2014), or latent class analyses (Dayton &

Macready, 2006); 4. Included questionnaires must have a scale or subscale for the assessment

of paranoia or persecutory delusions. Furthermore, all questionnaire subscales must assess

constructs relating to paranoia or delusions. Questionnaires measuring a range of delusions

must have a specific persecutory delusion subscale, and present psychometric data relating to

this subscale specifically. Thus, in-keeping with the review’s specific focus upon the

assessment of paranoid ideation, paranoia subscales were not included if they were part of

larger questionnaires either measuring non-delusional elements of psychosis (e.g. voice

hearing, negative symptoms), other mental health difficulties (e.g. depression, personality

disorder), or personality traits; 5. In line with Freeman and Garety (2000), the paranoia

assessed must relate to fears of present/ongoing harm to the self (rather than to society, or

social groups); 6. Questionnaires must have been developed using at least a small proportion

of participants who were recruited from the general population; 7. Studies evaluating the

measurement properties of existing questionnaires (i.e. not the original development papers),

may include samples from any population (e.g. clinical/non-clinical/mixed); 8. Studies must

describe questionnaires developed to assess paranoia among adults (aged 18 +). However,

articles describing questionnaires originally developed with adult populations, then applied to

younger samples (aged 14 +), were included; 9. Articles must be published in peer-review

journals; 10. Full articles must be available in English.

Articles were excluded if: 1. The questionnaires solely measured cognitive biases

involved in paranoia, or reactions to/appraisals of paranoid experiences; 2. Questionnaires

assessed paranoia solely in relation to another condition or difficulty - thus not assessing

paranoia distinctly, but its overlap with other constructs. For example, dementia, Parkinson’s

disease, substance misuse, learning disability, paranoid personality disorder, or depression.

Quality Appraisal

The COnsenus-based Standards for the selection of health-based Measurement

Instruments (COSMIN) protocol for systematic reviews of self-report questionnaires (Terwee

et al., 2011) was followed to appraise the measurement properties of questionnaires.

COSMIN definitions of measurement properties were therefore adopted, as were COSMIN

standards for how to appraise these properties. The COSMIN appraisal tool was developed by

systematically reviewing existing criteria for good measurement properties, following which

a multi-disciplinary panel of experts reached a consensus upon which properties to include

within the tool, and how their quality would be judged (Mokkink, Terwee, Patrick, et al.,

2010). Thus, the COSMIN protocol was deemed a comprehensive, systematically developed

framework, that was grounded in the knowledge of experts. Mokkink, Terwee, Gibbons et al.

(2010) evaluated the inter-rater reliability of COSMIN appraisal ratings and found 80%

agreement between raters on at least two thirds of items. Adjustments to the tool and manual

were made to address areas where reliability was weaker (Mokkink et al., 2012). The

COSMIN tool has now been applied within numerous systematic reviews aiming to appraise

the quality of questionnaires (e.g. Sutton et al., 2016; Wigham & McConachie, 2014).

To establish the quality of papers included in this review the quality of the

methodologies used to assess measurement properties was firstly appraised. The COSMIN

tool (Mokkink et al., 2012) appraises methodologies which assess different forms of

reliability, namely internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and measurement error; as well

as different types of validity, namely content/face validity, criterion validity, and construct

validity (includes structural validity, testing of hypotheses about related/unrelated constructs,

and cross-cultural validity). The responsiveness of measures and also IRT methodologies can

also be evaluated. The appraisal items used to assess each measurement property are provided

in the supplementary materials (Appendix B). However, items included how missing items

were handled, study samples sizes, and whether the unidimensionality of scales was

evidenced (e.g. for internal consistency). For each applicable appraisal item, studies were

rated ‘poor’, ‘fair’, ‘good’, or ‘excellent’. Following the recommended ‘worst score counts’

procedure, the lowest item rating was taken to represent the overall methodological quality of

analyses establishing that measurement property (Terwee et al., 2012).

COSMIN definitions of measurement properties were followed. For example, while

some studies claimed to evidence criterion validity by comparing clinical and non-clinical

groups on their paranoia scores, COSMIN defines these analyses as assessing construct

validity. If the methodology used to establish a measurement property was cited within a

different paper, where possible this was obtained and consulted for the required information.

The methodology for content validity was rated if a questionnaire was being validated for the

first time, or with a new population (e.g. a new culture or clinical population).

Once the methodological quality of psychometric analyses had been appraised, the

second stage was to appraise whether the psychometric findings themselves met the

recommended standards (e.g. internal consistency: Cronbach’s alpha ≥ .7). An

accompaniment to the COSMIN methodological checklist was used, covering the same

aspects of reliability, validity, and responsiveness (Terwee et al., 2011). Each measurement

property was assessed positively, negatively, or indeterminately. The standards required for

each measurement property, are provided in supplementary materials, Appendix C.

An overall rating for the strength of each measurement property, for each

questionnaire, was created by combining the methodological quality appraisal score for a

measurement property with ratings for the quality of the psychometric property itself.

Evidence was rated as either positive (+) or negative (-), and the strength of evidence in either

direction was rated according to the categories shown in Table 1.

Table 1
Ratings for the strength of evidence for each measurement property
Level Rating Criteria
Strong +++ or --- Consistent findings in multiple studies of good
methodological quality OR in one study of excellent
methodological quality
Moderate ++ or -- Consistent findings in multiple studies of fair
methodological quality OR in one study of good
methodological quality
Limited + or - One study of fair methodological quality
Conflicting +/- Conflicting findings
Unknown ? Only studies of poor methodological quality
Indeterminate I All included studies reported indeterminate findings
Note. + = positive evidence, and - = negative evidence. Indeterminate category created by the author.
Adapted from COSMIN website: COSMIN.nl
A second, independent researcher (postgraduate trainee clinical psychologist)

conducted the quality appraisal procedure for studies (n = 7) relating to three randomly

selected paranoia questionnaires. Quality appraisal was similarly conducted by combining the

appraisal of the study methodology with an appraisal of the psychometric findings reported to

obtain an overall rating. Inter-rater reliability for the ratings of overall strength of evidence

for measurement properties was good (Kvalseth, 1989), with a Cohen’s Kappa = .80.

Disagreements were resolved through discussion and consultation with COSMIN

recommendations (Terwee et al., 2012). Initial ratings were then adjusted if necessary.


Twenty-six papers were identified which described the measurement properties of

nine different paranoia-related questionnaires (Table 2): the Paranoia Scale (PS; Fenigstein &

Vanable, 1992), Paranoia/Suspiciousness Questionnaire (PSQ; Rawlings & Freeman, 1996),

Persecutory Ideation Questionnaire (PIQ; McKay et al., 2006), Persecution and Deservedness

Scale (PaDS; Melo et al., 2009), Peters et al. Delusions Inventory (PDI; Peters, Joseph, &

Garety, 1999), State Social Paranoia Scale (SSPS; Freeman et al., 2007), Paranoia Checklist

(PC; Freeman et al., 2005), State Paranoia Checklist (SPC; Schlier, Moritz, & Lincoln, 2016),

and the Green et al. Paranoid Thoughts Scale (GPTS; Green et al., 2008).

The remaining papers retrieved reported adapted versions of these measures or further

validated their measurement properties: PS (Barreto Carvalho et al., 2014; Combs, Penn, &

Fenigstein, 2002; Smári et al., 1994), PSQ (Huppert, Smith, & Apfeldrof, 2002), PIQ (Jones,

Fernyhough, de-Wit, & Meins, 2008; Van Dongen, Buck, Koole, & Van Marle, 2011), PDI

(Cella, Sisti, Rocchi, & Preti, 2011; Jones & Fernyhough, 2007; Jung et al., 2008; Lincoln et

al., 2010; López-Ilundain, Pérez-Nievas, Otero, & Mata, 2006; Peters et al., 2004; Prochwicz

& Gaw da, 2015; Rocchi et al., 2008; Verdoux et al., 1998), PC (Lincoln et al., 2010; Moritz,

Van Quaquebeke, & Lincoln, 2012), and GPTS (Ibáñez-Casas et al., 2015). Lincoln et al.

(2010) presented psychometric evaluations of both the PDI and the PC and findings were

considered separately for each measure.

For all nine questionnaires, the lead author reviewed the content of items and the

construct of paranoia that the authors of the measure claimed to assess. This allowed the

examination of how the themes of questionnaire items related to Freeman et al.’s (2005)

paranoia hierarchy and questionnaires were categorised based upon this model.

Table 2

Paranoia questionnaires identified and evidence reported for their measurement properties
Author & Year Construct of # items Sample Paranoia subscales Measurement properties
location paranoia/PDs
Paranoia Scale
Fenigstein & ‘Normal’, ‘non- 20 Four different student IC. All samples ≥ .81
Vanable 1992 pathological’ paranoia. samples, n ranged R. r = .70 (n = 180)
[1] Suspiciousness/assumpti from 119 to 180 HT. Associations with measures of trust (rs ≥ .30 ≤
United States ons of hostility .32), experience/inward expression of anger (rs ≥ .45 ≤
of America reminiscent of clinical .51), outwardly expressed anger (r = .18*), belief in
(USA) paranoia, occurring control of others (r = .34**) and need for personal
independent of control (r = .29**)
psychiatric problems SV. 1-factor structure explaining 25% of the variance
(N = 581)
Smári et al. 1994 20 N = 30 IC. = .87
[2] Patients with HT. Associations with a feeling of being watched (r =
Iceland schizophrenia .27**) and scores on a clinician-rated measure of
diagnoses paranoia (r = .51**)
Combs et al. 2002 20 n = 191 (non- IC. non-Hispanic Whites, = .88, African-Americans,
[3] Hispanic Whites) = .79
USA n = 102 (African- HT. The two ethnic groups differed similarly on the PS
Americans) and clinical measurements of paranoia: African-
Students American students had significantly higher levels of
paranoia (for all comparisons p < .005)
Barreto 2014 20 N = 1218 Adolescent Mistrust thoughts (8-items), IC. ≥ .72 for subscales
Carvalho et high school pupils persecutory ideas (8-items), SV. 3-factor structure explaining 46.6% of variance
al. aged 14 to 22 self-depreciation (3-items)
Paranoia/Suspiciousness Questionnaire
Rawlings & 1996 Paranoia/suspiciousness 47 n = 264 (Sample 1) Interpersonal IC. = .87 (total scale, n = 297), ranged between
Freeman among the non- n = 297 (Sample 2) suspiciousness/hostility (12- 64 to .89 for subscales (N = 561)
[5] psychiatric population. Students items), negative mood/withdrawal SV. 5-factor structure (N = 561)
Australia (7-items), anger/impulsiveness R. r = .82 (n = 74)
(9-items), mistrust/wariness (6-
items), perceived
hardship/resentment (7-items)
Six-items had no subscale
Author & Year Construct of # items Sample Paranoia subscales Measurement properties
location paranoia/PDs
Paranoia/Suspiciousness Questionnaire
Rawlings & 1996 Paranoia/suspiciousness 47 n = 264 (Sample 1) Interpersonal IC. = .87 (total scale, n = 297), ranged between
Freeman among the non- n = 297 (Sample 2) suspiciousness/hostility (12- 64 to .89 for subscales (N = 561)
[5] psychiatric population. Students items), negative mood/withdrawal SV. 5-factor structure (N = 561)
Australia (7-items), anger/impulsiveness R. r = .82 (n = 74)
(9-items), mistrust/wariness (6-
items), perceived
hardship/resentment (7-items)
Six-items had no subscale
Huppert et 2002 n = 33 (patients with IC. Total scale ≥.85 for both samples
al. schizophrenia-related R. r = .67 (n = 23)
[6] diagnoses) n = 46 HT. Positive, statistically significant (p < .05)
USA (patients with correlations with scores on 9 different self-report
anxiety/depression) measures of anxiety and depression: rs ≥ .32 ≤ .73
Persecutory Ideation Questionnaire
McKay et al. 2006 ‘Persecutory’ ideation 10 n = 98 (students) IC. = .87 (students) and .90 (patients)
[7] n = 25 (patients with HT. Positively correlated with PSQ scores of students
Australia experience of PDs) (r = .85***) and clinical participants (r = .85***)
Correlation with observer-rated PDs among clinical
participants (r = .61***). Insignificant correlation
between PSQ scores and observed-rated PDs when PIQ
scores were partialed out (r = -.14), versus significant
correlations between observed-rated PDs and PIQ
scores with PSQ scores partialed out (r = .51*)
Jones et al. 2008 Reduce n = 183 (PIQ e- IC. ≥. 84 for PIQ-7 and PIQ-10 (paper and online
[8] from 10 questionnaire) versions)
United to 7- n = 188 (paper- SV. 1-factor structure, excluding three items from
Kingdom items version of PIQ) original measure, demonstrated with both samples
(UK) Students
Van Dongen et 2011 10 n = 269 (community IC. = .78 (community sample) and .89 (clinical
al sample) sample)
[9] n = 88 (individuals R. ICC = .82 (n = 38, community participants)
Holland with schizophrenia- HT. Positively correlated with self-reported positive
related diagnoses) psychotic symptoms (r = .51***), but removing
persecutory items from the comparison measure hardly
affected this correlation (minimal divergence), r =
.51***. Significantly higher PIQ scores among clinical

participants (U = 256.00**)
Author & Year Construct of # items Sample Paranoia subscales Measurement properties
location paranoia/PDs
Persecution and Deservedness Scale
Melo et al. 2009 Persecutory beliefs and 10 n = 318 (British Persecution beliefs and Analyses using combined British/Portuguese sample:
[10] the perceived students) deservedness beliefs relating to IC. = .84 (Persecution). For deservedness calculated
UK/Portugal ‘deservedness’ of n = 290 (Portuguese the same 10-items an ICC = .38.
persecution. students) SV. 1-factor structure explaining 42% of the variance
n = 45 (patients with (Persecution subscale). 1-factor structure (deservedness
PDs) subscale)
HT. Persecution scores correlated strongly with PS
scores (r s = .78***) and self-reported depression (r s =
.57***). Deservedness scores correlated moderately
with PS scores (r s = .28***) and self-reported
depression (r s = .35***). Significantly higher
persecution scores for patients as opposed to students
(p < .001).
CCV. ‘Substantially identical’ factor structures for
British and Portuguese samples independently
Peters et al. Delusions
Peters et al. 1999 PDs in the general 40 N = 272. (students 5-item subscale designed to SV. 11-factor structure explaining 59% of the variance
[11] population. Attenuated and researcher assess PDs. However, factor
UK versions of delusions acquaintances) analysis found three paranoia-
related subscales: persecution (5-
items), suspiciousness (3-items),
and paranoid ideation (4-items)
Items assessed on dimensions of
conviction, pre-occupation and

Verdoux et 1998 21 N = 444 (GP surgery One PD-related subscale: SV. 7-factor structure explaining 55.3% of the variance
al. [12] attendees) “suspiciousness and persecutory
France ideas” (4-items)

Peters et al. 2004 21 N = 444 (university Two items selected from each of SV. Select the two highest loading items from each
[13] staff, students and the three PD-related, factor factor identified by Peters et al. (1999) to create a
UK research analytically identified subscales shortened questionnaire
acquaintances) by Peter’s et al. (1999)

Autor & Year Construct of # items Sample Paranoia subscales Measurement properties
location paranoia/PDs
Peters et al. Delusions Inventory
Jung et al. 2004 40 N = 310 (community Initially identify “persecutory SV. 10-factor structure explaining 57% of the variance.
[14] sample) ideas” and “jealousy and However, they argue that the dominant factor suggests
Korea suspiciousness” subscales - do not a unidimensional structure (un-rotated explains 26% of
state number of items variance)
The authors later conclude that a
unidimensional scale is more

Jones & 2007 21 N = 493 (students) Dispute the existence of IC. Verdoux et al.’s (1998) suspiciousness and
Fernyhough previously established paranoia- persecutory ideas subscale ( = .50)
[16] related subscales López-Ilundain et al.’s (2006) paranoid subscale ( =
UK .26)
SV. Lack of “valid multifactorial structure”

López- 2006 21 N = 356 (community Factor analysis identified a SV. 7-factor structure explaining 53.7% of the variance
Illudain et sample) “paranoid” subscale (2-items)

Rocchi et al. 2008 21 n = 89 (outpatients Refer to a “paranoia dimension” For combined clinical/non-clinical sample: largest class
[17] with psychosis- of the PDI (4-items) found in latent class analysis (n = 140; 41.1%) related
Italy related diagnoses to a high probability of endorsing PDI items from the
n = 210 (community paranoia dimension

Lincoln et 2010 40 N = 80 (patients with Peters et al. (1999) original 5- HT. Positively correlated with observer-rated PDs (r =
al. [18] psychosis-related item PD scale .34***)
Germany diagnoses)

Cella et al. 2011 21 n = 400 (British) For combined British/Italian sample: latent class
[19] n = 400 (Italian) analysis identified a class (n = 330; 41.3%) associated
UK & Italy Community samples with endorsement of two items with paranoid themes

Author & Year Construct of # items Sample Paranoia subscales Measurement properties
location paranoia/PDs
Peters et al. Delusions Inventory
Prochwicz & 2015 40 N = 421 (community Initially identified subscales for SV. 14-factor structure explaining 58.68% of variance.
Gaw da sample) ‘suspiciousness’, ‘ideation of However, scree plot suggests a unifactorial structure
[20] persecution and body distortion’,
Poland and ‘ideation of persecution’ -
number of items not reported
The authors later argue for a
unidimensional scale
State Social Paranoia Scale
Freeman et 2007 Assesses the expectation 10 n = 100 (community IC. ≥ .84 for all samples
al. of harm from an sample) R. ICC = .74 (n = 42)
[21] intentional perpetrator in n = 64 (students) HT. Positively correlated with interviewer-rated
UK a recent situation n = 21 (those at high paranoia (r = .73***), GPTS scores (r = .41***), visual
risk of developing analogue paranoia (r = .59***) and character hostility
psychosis) ratings (r = .63***) in the community sample, and PS
scores in the student (r = .31*) and clinical (r = .44*)
samples. Negatively correlated with perceptions of VR
characters as positive (r = -.27***) or neutral (r = -
Paranoia Checklist
Freeman et 2005 Assesses paranoid 18 N = 1202 (students) Items rated on dimensions of IC. ≥ .90 for all rating scales
al. thoughts of a “more frequency, conviction and distress HT: Positively correlated with PS frequency (r =
[22] clinical nature” than the .71***), conviction (r = .62***), and distress (r =
UK PS .58***) scores

Lincoln et al. 2010 18 N = 80 (patients with Items rated on dimensions of HT. Observer-rated PDs positively correlated with PS
[18] psychosis-related frequency, conviction and distress frequency (r = .43**), conviction (r = .39**), and
Germany diagnoses) distress (r = .38**) scores
Moritz et al. 2012 18 N = 1899 ‘Unspecified suspiciousness’ (11- SV. 2-factor structure explaining 64% of the variance
[23] (community sample) items) and ‘psychotic paranoia’
Germany (5-items)
2 items had no subscale.

Author & Construct of # items Sample Paranoia subscales Measurement properties
location paranoia/PDs
State Paranoia Checklist
Schlier et al. 2006 State-adapted version of 13, 5, n = 1893 (community Sample 1:
[24] the PC assessing paranoia and 3- sample 1) SV. 1-factor structure for all versions
Germany “in the moment”, rather item n = 1966 (community RSP. Change effect size for 13-item, d = .17, 5-item, d
than as a trait version sample 2) = .19, and 3-item SPCs, d = .27
HT: All versions of the PC were correlated with trait
measures of paranoia (rs ≥ .47 ≤ .55) and measures of
social anxiety ( rs ≥ .42 ≤ .46). Within a regression, PS
frequency and distress scores were significantly
predicted by anxiety, anger, depression and shame, but
not significantly predicted by joy.
Sample 2:
IC: ≥. 74 for all versions
Green et al. Paranoid Thoughts Scale
Green et al. 2008 Assesses a hierarchy of 32 n = 353 (university Persecution (16-items) and social FA. On pool of 95 items. 2-factor structure explaining
[25] paranoid thoughts; from staff or students) reference (16-items) Items rated 49.7% of the variance (non-clinical sample). 16-tems
UK social reference thoughts n = 50 (individuals on dimensions of preoccupation, per factor retained
to persecutory ideas. with PDs) conviction, and distress IC. ≥ .90 for both samples on both subscales
R. ICC ≥ .80 for all subscales (n = 164, non-clinical)
HT. For both samples all GPTS scales were positively
correlated with other measures of paranoia (rs ≥ .35 ≤
.86) anxiety (rs ≥ .34 ≤ .49) and depression (rs ≥ .42 ≤
.60) Significantly higher scores for clinical participants
(p < .001)
RSP. GPTS change scores correlated with change
scores on interview-based paranoia measure (n = 30,
clinical sample)
Ibáñez- 2015 32 n =151 (community Persecution (16-items) and social IC: ≥ .90 for both samples on all subscales
Casas et al. sample) reference (16-items) SV: 2-factor structure explaining 61.7% of the variance
[26] n = 40 (patients with (non-clinical sample)
Spain delusions) HT. Positively correlated with PDI (Smaller correlation
with anxiety and depression measures. Higher scores
for clinical group**: cut off of 92 gives 97.35%
specificity and 65% sensitivity.
Note. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001, IC = Internal Consistency, R = Reliability, CV = Content Validity, SV = Structural Validity, HT = Hypothesis Testing, CCV
= Cross-Cultural Validity, RSP = Responsiveness. ICC = intraclass correlation coefficient. For FA explained variance is included in the table where reported.

The PS (Fenigstein & Vanable, 1992) and PSQ (Rawlings & Freeman, 1996) measure

commonly occurring paranoia among the general population, rather than so-called

‘pathological’ paranoia. These measures were deemed to best assess the lower levels of

Freeman et al.’s (2005) paranoia hierarchy. Conversely, the PIQ (McKay et al., 2006), PaDS

(Melo et al., 2009), PDI (Peters, Joseph, & Garety, 1999), and SSPS (Freeman et al., 2007)

assess persecutory ideas, from the top levels of the paranoia hierarchy. The PaDS also

assesses the perceived deservedness of persecution and the PDI assesses delusion-like

qualities of persecutory ideas (conviction, pre-occupation, and distress). The PC (Freeman et

al., 2005), SPC (Schlier, Moritz, & Lincoln, 2016), and the GPTS (Green et al., 2008), assess

paranoia across the hierarchy, including ideas of reference and persecutory ideation.

Quality Analysis

Methodological quality ratings for each paper are shown in Table 3, along with

ratings illustrating the overall strength of evidence for the measurement properties of each

questionnaire. A full breakdown of the methodological ratings can be requested from the


Many studies did not describe how missing data were handled. As this can be a source

of bias (Mokkink et al., 2012), such study methodologies were not rated better than ‘fair’.

Furthermore, the limited piloting of questionnaires meant that content validity and cross-

cultural validity methodologies were rated ‘poor’, and no good psychometric evidence for

these properties was reviewed. Methodologies for assessing structural validity and testing

construct validity hypotheses were relative strengths for many studies, and accordingly these

properties received stronger ratings. No studies assessed measurement error, criterion

validity, or used IRT. Only two studies assessed the responsiveness of a questionnaire to

measure change over time. Finally, no questionnaires included embedded validity indicators

to assess the accuracy of the self-reported experiences.

Table 3

Quality ratings for study methodologies and ratings for overall evidence for the measurement properties
Internal Reliability Content Structural Hypothesis Cross-cultural validity Responsiveness
consistency validity validity testing
Paranoia Scale Icelandic, Portuguese & African-American
Evidence for measurement property ++ - + -- ++ ?
Methodological quality of studies
Fenigstein & Vanable (1992) Fair Fair Good Fair Poor
Smári et al. (1994) Poor Poor Fair Poor*
Combs et al. (2002) Poor Poor Fair Poor
Barreto Carvalho et al. (2014) Fair Poor Fair Poor*
Evidence for measurement property - + I I ?
Methodological quality of studies
Rawlings & Freeman (1996) Fair Fair Fair Fair
Huppert et al. (2002) Poor Poor Poor Poor
PIQ Dutch sample
Evidence for measurement property + + ? I + ?
Methodological quality of studies
McKay et al. (2006) Poor Poor Fair
Jones et al. (2008) Fair Fair
Van Dongen et al. (2011) Poor Fair Poor Poor Poor

Internal Reliability Content Structural Hypothesis Cross-cultural validity Responsiveness
consistency validity validity testing
PaDS Portuguese sample
Evidence for measurement property P: ++ ? -- P: + ?
D: ? D: -
Methodological quality of studies
Melo et al. (2009) P: Good Poor Good Fair Poor
D: Poor
PDI French, Spanish, Korean, Italian, German, and
Polish samples
Evidence for measurement property - ? +/- - ?
Methodological quality of studies
Peters et al. (1999) Poor Good
Verdoux et al. (1998) Poor Fair Poor
Peters et al. (2004) Poor
Jung et al. (2008) Poor Fair Poor
López-Illundain et al. (2006) Poor Fair Poor
Jones & Fernyhough (2007) Fair Fair
Rocchi et al. (2008) CNR Poor*
Lincoln et al. (2010) CNR Fair Poor*
Cella et al. (2011) CNR Poor*
Prochwicz & Gaw da (2015) Poor Fair Poor


Internal Reliability Content Structural Hypothesis Cross-cultural validity Responsiveness
consistency validity validity testing

Evidence for measurement property ? + ? +
Methodological quality of studies
Freeman et al. (2007) Poor Fair Poor Fair
PC German sample
Evidence for measurement property ? ? + +/- I
Methodological quality of studies
Freeman et al. (2005) Poor Poor Fair
Lincoln et al. (2010) CNR Fair Poor*
Moritz et al. (2012) CNR Fair Fair*
SPC German sample
Evidence for measurement property + CNR I + I ?
Methodological quality of studies
Schlier et al. (2016) Fair CNR Fair Fair Fair* Poor
GPTS Spanish sample
Evidence for measurement property ? ++ ++ ? ++ ? ?
Methodological quality of studies
Green et al. (2008) Poor Good Poor Poor Fair Poor
Ibáñez-Casas et al. (2015) Poor Excellent Poor Fair Poor
Note. +++ or --- (strong positive or negative evidence), ++ or – (moderate positive or negative evidence), ‘+ or – (limited positive or negative
evidence), +/- (conflicting findings), ? (only studies of poor methodological quality), or I (quality not possible to determine). P = persecution subscale.
D = deservedness subscale. Although all papers were written in English, for some properties information needed to rate methodological quality was
contained in another non-English language paper. In such cases either no items in an appraisal section could be rated (CNR) or ratings were based on a
subset of items (*). Cross-cultural validity was rated for studies using measures in a different language or culture. Blank cells indicate where a
measurement property was not examined within a paper.

Measures Assessing the Lower Paranoia Hierarchy

The PS (Fenigstein & Vanable, 1992) and the PSQ (Rawlings & Freeman, 1996) were

designed to assess ‘normal’, ‘non-pathological’ paranoia, and the items in the questionnaire

best reflect social evaluative concerns and ideas of reference within the lower levels of

Freeman et al.’s (2005) hierarchy. Items from both measures also go beyond the hierarchy,

assessing constructs related to paranoia, such as self-depreciation (PS; Barreto Carvalho et al.

2014) and anger/impulsiveness (PSQ; Rawlings & Freeman, 1996). Persecutory ideas from

further up the paranoia hierarchy are not assessed; described as “obviously psychotic”

(Fenigstein & Vanable, 1992, p. 131) and less relevant to the ‘normal’ population.

Rawlings and Freeman (1996) identified a 5-factor structure for the PSQ without

stating the explained variance. The factor structure of the PS was also unclear, with

Fenigstein and Vanable (1992) retaining a 1-factor structure, whereas with Portuguese

adolescents, Barreto Carvalho et al. (2014) retained a 3-factor structure. These conflicting

results could reflect methodological problems with the initial factor analysis of the measure,

or limited validity of scores across age or these cultures. Evidence for the cross-cultural

validity of the PS in Portuguese was poor, as studies did not conduct factor analyses to

replicate the structural validity of scores on the measure and used samples dissimilar to the

original development sample (Combs et al., 2002; Smári et al., 1994). The PS had evidence

of good internal consistency of its test scores and some mixed findings with regards to

construct validity (Barreto Carvalho et al., 2014; Combs et al., 2002; Fenigstein & Vanable,

1992; Smári et al., 1994). However, its test-retest reliability correlations were not adequate

(Fenigstein & Vanable, 1992). Test-retest reliability was evidenced for scores on the PSQ.

However, no other measurement properties were rated positively, which was often due to

methodological limitations (Rawlings & Freeman, 1996).


The PS (Smári et al., 1994) and PSQ (Huppert et al., 2002) were validated with

clinical participants, and the studies reported positive psychometric findings relating to

internal consistency, reliability, and hypothesis testing. However, methodological problems

meant that the quality of evidence for these areas was often rated poorly. Furthermore, there

was little consideration of how appropriate these specifically ‘non-clinical’ assessments were

for a clinical population, as arguably neither questionnaire could accurately assess the range

of potential paranoid thoughts experienced by those diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Measures Assessing the Upper Paranoia Hierarchy

The PIQ (McKay et al., 2006), PaDS (Melo et al., 2009), PDI (Peters et al., 1999),

and SSPS (Freeman et al., 2007) were designed with scales to measure persecutory beliefs,

reflecting the upper levels of the paranoia hierarchy (Freeman et al., 2005). Freeman and

Garety’s (2000) definition of ‘persecutory’ was utilised in the development of items for the

PIQ, PaDS, and SSPS. Alternatively, the PDI used a definition developed by experts (Peters

et al., 1999). However, some PaDS items appear to only ‘imply’ persecutory ideas (Melo et

al., 2009); it being questionable whether items such as “There are people that think of me as a

bad person” specifically assess a perception of being at risk of harm. The PDI rates delusions

on dimensions of conviction, pre-occupation and distress, whereas the PaDS also measures

how deserved persecution is perceived to be (Trower & Chadwick, 1995). While the

‘persecution’ scale of the PaDS had some acceptable measurement properties, the properties

of the ‘deservedness’ subscale are less evidenced, due to large amounts of missing data (Melo

et al., 2009).

The PDI has items to assess PDs, alongside questions assessing other types of

delusions (e.g. grandiose; Peters et al., 1999). Statements were worded to represent

‘attenuated’ versions of delusions, appropriate for general population samples. Although the

40-item PDI was designed with four PD items, Peters et al. (1999) identified three

components through factor analysis which relate to ‘paranoia’, covering a broader construct

than just persecution (e.g. suspiciousness). However, Peters et al. argued that they had not

aimed to “measure a limited number of well-defined subscales… but rather to sample as wide

a variety of delusions as possible” (p. 562).

Six further studies reported PDI subscales relating to paranoia (Jung et al., 2008;

López-Ilundain et al., 2006; Peters et al., 1999; Peters et al., 2004; Prochowitz & Gaw da,

2015; Verdoux et al., 1998), with a lack of consistency in the type and number of subscales

identified. Furthermore, Jones and Fernyhough (2007) demonstrated the inadequate internal

consistency of scores on previously identified paranoia subscales of the PDI, and reported a

better fitting unidimensional factor structure, measuring general delusion-proneness.

Similarly, while Jung et al. (2008) and Prochowitz and Gaw da (2015) initially extracted

factors relating to persecution, they argued that the first underlying factor for the measure is

highly dominant and suggested that a unidimensional factor structure is preferable. Finally,

although latent class analyses using the PDI identified a ‘paranoid’ class of participants, the

‘paranoid’ items endorsed by participants were not consistent across samples (Cella et al.,

2011; Rocchi et al., 2008).

Both the SSPS (Freeman et al., 2007) and 10-item PIQ (McKay et al., 2006; Van

Dongen et al., 2011) have evidence of construct validity and test-retest reliability for their test

scores. However, they were designed as unidimensional scales, without any assessment of

structural validity (Freeman et al., 2007; McKay et al., 2006). Jones et al. (2008) did show

that scores on a 7-item PIQ had good internal consistency and better fitted a unidimensional

structure than the 10-item measure.

The SSPS assesses state persecutory ideation in the moment (as opposed to

persecutory ideas over weeks/months) and was designed for studies where paranoia is

assessed in a virtual reality (VR) environment (Freeman et al., 2007). However, there has

been no assessment of how responsive the scale is to momentary changes in paranoia, which

is particularly important for a state measure.

Content validity and cross-cultural validity ratings were poor for all measures

assessing the upper paranoia hierarchy, due to methodological limitations. For the PDI, factor

structures were variable and the cross-cultural validity of scores from various European

samples could not always be assessed as papers with the data needed to appraise these

analyses were not available in English (German version; Lincoln, Keller, & Rief, 2009;

Italian version; Preti, Marongiu, Petretto, Miotto, & Masala, 2002).

Most measurement properties for the persecutory measures were established with

non-clinical populations. However, the PIQ was also validated with clinical participants

(McKay et al., 2006). Construct validity hypotheses for PIQ, PaDS, and PDI were also

supported, showing significant differences in scores between clinical and non-clinical

samples (McKay et al., 2006; Melo et al., 2009), and correlations with observer-rated PDs

(Lincoln et al., 2010; McKay et al., 2006).

Measures Assessing Paranoia Spanning the Full Hierarchy

Rather than focusing upon the lower or upper paranoia hierarchy, the PC (Freeman et

al., 2005) and GPTS (Green et al., 2008) assess a range of paranoid thoughts at all levels.

Freeman et al. (2005) did not establish an a priori construct for their measure, but based upon

their findings argued that the PC assesses the hierarchy of paranoid thought, from social

evaluative concerns up to persecutory beliefs. Green et al. (2008) later used this hierarchy to

structure the GPTS item generation.

The PC assesses paranoia on dimensions of conviction and distress (Freeman et al.,

2005), and the GPTS on dimensions of preoccupation, conviction, and distress (Green et al.,

2008). Factor analyses showed that both measures have a 2-factor structure (‘persecution’ &

‘social reference’; Green et al., 2008; Ibáñez-Casas et al., 2015; ‘normal suspicions’ &

‘pathological delusions’; Moritz et al., 2012). For the GPTS (Green et al., 2008), factors

mapped on to the lower and higher ends of the paranoia hierarchy. However, methodologies

were rated poorly for structural validity, internal consistency, and cross-cultural validity, due

to sample size limitations (Green et al., 2008; Ibáñez-Casas et al., 2015). For the PC, some

items from the ‘pathological’ factor did not reflect extreme persecutory beliefs from the

paranoia hierarchy, and were instead described as ‘clinically relevant’ because they are

bizarre and reflect ‘first-rank’ symptoms (Moritz et al., 2012; e.g. I detected coded messages

about me in the press/TV/Radio).

The GPTS was designed for use with clinical and non-clinical participants, and

validation studies involving both groups provided some moderate evidence for its

measurement properties (e.g. reliability, hypothesis testing; Green et al., 2008; Ibáñez-Casas

et al., 2015). The PC was subsequently applied with a clinical sample, where Lincoln et al.

(2010) found a correlation between scores and observer-rated PDs. Lincoln et al. (2010) and

Moritz et al. (2012) reported that the German version of the PC has good measurement

properties. However, the cited papers were not available in English (Lincoln et al., 2009).

Furthermore, although Freeman et al. (2005) reported good internal consistency for scores on

the English PC, the unidimensionality of the scale is not evidenced, reducing the

methodological quality.

The PC has also been developed in to a state measure of paranoia (SPC; Schlier et al.,

2016); the 18 items were rephrased to ask how much they apply ‘at the moment’. Schlier et

al. (2016) generated 13-item, 5-item, and 3-item SPC scales, and demonstrated that the

shorter scales (5-item and 3-item) were more responsive to momentary changes in paranoia.

However, the data used were obtained from other studies with methodological limitations.

Furthermore, COSMIN guidance cautions that higher effect sizes do not always necessarily

indicate good responsiveness. The authors use effect sizes to demonstrate responsivity

without stating what the expected effect size for the interventions studied would be, making it

difficult to judge their appropriateness. Further comparison of change scores with other

measures would clarify that the SPC versions are appropriately responsive. All SPCs were

undimensional scales (although no explained variance was reported) with good internal

consistency. The 13 and 5-item measures were argued to encompass all levels of the paranoia

hierarchy, with the 3-item version having reduced content validity, but still capturing key

elements of persecutory thinking (Schier et al., 2016).


This review aimed to critically evaluate existing self-report measures of paranoia,

based upon the constructs of paranoia that they assess and their measurement properties.

While the review identified measures developed in non-clinical populations, their

applicability to clinical samples was also considered.

Nine questionnaires were identified, assessing paranoid beliefs relating to either the

lower or upper levels of the paranoia hierarchy, or encompassing the full hierarchy (Freeman

et al., 2005). A comprehensive conceptualisation of paranoia should include thoughts relating

to varying degrees of threat and consider associated appraisals and distress. The PC (Freeman

et al., 2005) and GPTS (Green et al., 2008) were the two measures fulfilling these criteria,

capturing social reference paranoid thoughts commonly experienced across the population, as

well as persecutory beliefs common among clinical samples, and endorsed by some of the

general population. Between these measures, when combining the quality of the

methodologies of analyses and the psychometric statistics reported, the GPTS has the most

evidence for good measurement properties among clinical and non-clinical populations

(Green et al., 2008; Ibáñez-Casas et al., 2015). It also is argued to have the most clearly

defined construct underlying its items. This review therefore concludes that on the basis of

current evidence, the GPTS (Green et al., 2008) offers the most valid and informative

assessment of paranoia. However, some psychometric findings (e.g. internal consistency,

structural validity) require replication with a larger sample.

The PS (Fenigstein & Vanable, 1992) and PSQ (Rawlings & Freeman, 1996) were

designed to measure ‘subclinical’ paranoia (analogous to the social evaluative concerns

described by Freeman et al., 2005), as opposed to persecutory beliefs from the upper

hierarchy. However, more recent research challenges the assumption that persecutory beliefs

are always associated with psychosis, showing that they are also endorsed by some non-

clinical participants (Green et al., 2008; McKay et al., 2006). By excluding supposedly

‘extreme’ paranoid thoughts, the PS and PSQ are unable to capture the range of paranoid

experiences among a non-clinical sample, and are even less applicable for those with

psychosis, who have more persecutory beliefs.

The PDI (Peters et al., 1999), PaDS (Melo et al., 2009), PIQ (McKay et al., 2006),

and SSPS (Freeman et al., 2007) measure persecutory ideas evident in the upper paranoia

hierarchy (Freeman et al., 2005). Researchers may assess persecutory beliefs in isolation, due

to their clinical relevance. However, ideas of reference, which are not assessed by these

questionnaires, may also be clinically-relevant if they cause distress and impairment. Some of

the persecutory questionnaires do assess appraisals of beliefs, such as perceived deservedness

(PaDS; Melo et al., 2009) and conviction, pre-occupation, and distress (PDI; Peters et al.,

1999). The measurement properties of the PaDS deservedness scale (Melo et al., 2009),

however, require further validation. Furthermore, the evidence reviewed suggested that the

PDI should be used to assess general delusion proneness, rather than PDs specifically.

Although only papers reporting paranoia-related subscales were included in this review, the

use of the PDI to assess general delusion-proneness is also supported by other factor-analytic

studies (Fonseca-Pedrero, Paino, Santarén-Rosell, Lemos-Giráldez, & Muñiz, 2012; Kim et

al., 2013).

The PIQ (McKay et al., 2006) does not assess appraisals of persecutory ideas, but has

more evidence for acceptable measurement properties with clinical and non-clinical

populations. However, further factor analyses are required to establish whether a 10-item or

7-item measure is preferable. Given the increasing popularity of VR studies the SSPS

(Freeman et al., 2007) is also a useful tool, but requires further evaluation of its


When measuring persecutory beliefs from the top of the hierarchy (Freeman et al.,

2005), prevalence rates are likely to be lower in the general population (e.g. PIQ; McKay et

al., 2006), whereas scores obtained using the PS (Feningstein & Vanable, 1992) and PSQ

(Rawlings & Freeman, 1996) may be higher. However, total scores from the latter measures

do not indicate the prevalence of paranoia specifically, as they include the assessment of

associated experiences (e.g. anger/impulsivity). Measures such as the GPTS (Green et al.,

2008) and PC (Freeman et al., 2005) therefore offer the best estimates of paranoia prevalence,

capturing the full range of potential paranoid thoughts.

The limitations of the reviewed questionnaires have implications for studies that have

used these measures. For example, by excluding the measurement of persecutory beliefs,

studies using the PS and PSQ in clinical samples (e.g. Smári et al., 1994; Craig, Hatton,

Craig, & Bentall, 2004) are unlikely to have measured a construct of paranoia appropriate for

this population. Similarly, studies identifying PDI subscales that measure specific types of

delusions, such as PDs (e.g. Jung et al., 2008), are using the measure in a way not intended by

its original authors (Peters et al., 1999). Studies using the PDI to report the prevalence of PDs

(e.g. Verdoux et al., 1998) may therefore not have assessed these experiences appropriately.

Finally, studies using the SSPS in VR settings (e.g. Freeman et al., 2015) have only assessed

persecutory thoughts, therefore not capturing potentially more commonly-occurring thoughts

from the lower paranoia hierarchy (Freeman et al., 2005). The SPC (Schlier et al., 2016) is a

state measure assessing a broader range of paranoid experiences, but requires further

psychometric validation (e.g. reliability, structural validity). As every measure reviewed

lacked high quality evidence for particular measurement properties, this should be considered

a limitation of all studies using self-report paranoia questionnaires.

Clinical Implications

When using paranoia questionnaires in practice, clinicians should consider that

measures assessing the full paranoia hierarchy (GPTS; Green et al., 2008; PC; Freeman et al.,

2005) will assess a greater range of service users’ experiences. Thoughts from the upper

section of the hierarchy may be experienced frequently, and thoughts from the lower

hierarchy still have potential to cause distress. Relatedly, measures assessing distress (GPTS;

Green et al., 2008; PC; Freeman et al., 2005) can highlight more troubling paranoid

experiences and evaluate distress reduction during therapy, which may be a better outcome

than reductions in thought frequency. The GPTS (Green et al., 2008) and PC (Freeman et al.,

2005) also assess appraisals of paranoid thoughts and could be used to assess the outcomes of

interventions which aim to target these (e.g. metacognitive therapy; Moritz & Woodward,

2007). Thus far, the GPTS (Green et al., 2008) has been used in randomised controlled trials

to assess the impact of various psychological interventions upon paranoia (e.g. Freeman et

al., 2017; Garety et al., 2017). However, the validity of findings from these studies could be

enhanced if there was better evidence for particular psychometric properties of the measure,

such as responsiveness to change.

The psychometric evidence for the reviewed measures suggests that when using self-

report paranoia questionnaires in practice clinicians should be mindful of limitations in their

validity. Of the measures assessing a range of paranoid thoughts, along with appraisals and

distress, the GPTS (Green et al., 2008) has the most robust psychometric evidence obtained

using clinical participants and is therefore the most recommended. The scope of this

questionnaire are makes it appropriate to assess paranoia among those with psychosis, and

those at risk of developing it, who may have fewer persecutory thoughts and less distress.

If the GPTS is used clinically to track change over time then collecting further data

about clinical and non-clinical norms on the scale could help to establish levels of clinically

significant change, as has been done with measures such as the CORE-OM (Barkham et al.,

2001). As there is an increasing emphasis upon the distinctiveness of different psychotic

experiences (Bentall et al., 2014), there is likely to be value in further validating paranoia-

specific questionnaire for use in interventions that specifically target these experiences.

Clinicians may wish to use measures other than the GPTS for specific purposes. If

persecutory ideas specifically are an individual’s primary difficulty, the PIQ (McKay et al.,

2006) could be used, and is the persecutory measure most validated with clinical samples.

Clinicians might also wish to assess the perceived deservedness of persecution, and could

therefore use the PaDS (Melo et al., 2009). However, they should be aware of the limitations

of using these measures, highlighted in this review.


The questionnaires favoured in this review were based upon (GPTS; Green et al.,

2008), or resulted in (PC; Freeman et al. 2005), the development of Freeman et al.’s (2005)

paranoia hierarchy. The hierarchy is one conceptualisation of paranoia, and adopting an

alternative definition may have influenced the conclusions of the review. However, Freeman

et al.’s hierarchy is currently the most comprehensive model of paranoid cognition, with

other research often failing to distinguish paranoid and persecutory beliefs (McKay et al.,

2006). If there was a richer discussion within the academic literature about how thought

content can be defined as ‘paranoid’, this would have perhaps enhanced the appraisal of the

paranoia constructs within questionnaires. The Freeman et al. (2005) model itself could also

benefit from a more detailed definition of the levels of the hierarchy, such as a more thorough

discussion of what constitutes a ‘social evaluative concern’ and how this relates to paranoia.

Indeed, the lower parts of the hierarchy may be considered inappropriate in the assessment of

paranoia due to the overlap with other difficulties (e.g. anxiety). However, the prevalence of

social reference thoughts among paranoid samples (Green et al., 2008) and the strong

association between persecutory thoughts and self-consciousness (Combs & Penn, 2004;

Freeman et al., 2012; Smári et al., 1994), indicates the close relationship between the lower

and upper paranoia hierarchy. Moreover, the authors’ focus upon paranoia in the general

population indicated a need for a broad and inclusive paranoia model.

The exclusion from the review of personality and psychotic symptom measures with

paranoia subscales is a limitation, as researchers may wish to use these subscales in isolation

to assess paranoia. However, it is argued that questionnaires which are focussed purely on

paranoia and delusions are likely to have a more tightly-defined construct of paranoid

ideation, whereas broader measures may lack this. Scales specifically designed to assess

paranoia will also provide more psychometric data relevant to the assessment of paranoia,

whereas broader measures may report properties of scales that include non-paranoid items.

Within this review some measures did take items from other questionnaires assessing a range

of constructs (e.g. the PSQ included items from large inventories of psychiatric symptoms

and schizotypal personality). The inclusion of questionnaires that integrated items from

schizotypy scales may also present a direct conflict with the aim of the review; to focus upon

paranoid cognitions, as opposed to personality structures. However, this relates to a wider

discussion about whether one can distinguish an item assessing a suspicious personality trait

from an item assessing a paranoid thought.

Non-English papers were not accessed, limiting the ability to thoroughly evaluate the

cross-cultural validity of some questionnaires (e.g. the Korean PaDS; Ko & Kim, 2016; and

the Iranian GPTS; Abdolmohammadi, Mohammadzadeh, Ahmadi, & Ghadiri Sourman,


2016). Furthermore, unpublished papers were also not included in the review, which may

have led to some publication bias.

The search strategy used within this review resulted in papers only being included if

their study aims clearly referred to the validation of measurement properties of a

questionnaire. This strategy is recommended for systematic reviews (Terwee et al., 2011),

due to challenges identifying wider studies systematically, and to exclude studies without

specific hypotheses about reliability or validity. However, it also meant that some

psychometric data may have been missed if it was not part of the central aims of the study.

Thus, despite some of the identified measures being widely cited (e.g. the original PS paper,

Feningstein & Vanable, 1992, is cited over 500 times), often a very small proportion of these

papers were included within the review. The lack of eligible studies could be a reflection of

the small proportion of studies that provide subsequent validation of the measures, which

may indicate the need for researchers to more routinely assess the measurement properties of

paranoia questionnaires that they use.

The COSMIN protocol for systematic reviews was followed for the initial database

search procedure (Terwee et al., 2011). However, the COSMIN protocol also indicates a

second subsequent search, including the names of instruments found in the initial search,

along with terms for measurement properties and the target population. While this second

search was not completed, a citation search was instead performed and deemed satisfactory in

achieving the same outcome. All published papers that cited the original development articles

for questionnaires were thus included in this review.

Most studies included in the review were appraised poorly on particular COSMIN

items (e.g. not reporting missing data, not piloting items), meaning that properties were rated

‘fair’ or ‘poor’, even if other criteria were met at a ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ level. This masked

some of the variation between studies methodological quality. Those reviewing other self-

report measures have described COSMIN criteria as overly strict (Burton, Abbott, Modini, &

Touyz, 2016). However, evaluating measurement properties in accordance with gold standard

recommendations facilitated a higher quality systematic review and the methodological

weaknesses identified illustrate areas of improvement for future research. Furthermore, while

COSMIN provided a useful evaluative framework, the critique of the measures within this

paper extends beyond this by reflecting upon the implications of psychometric findings, even

if the methodologies used did not always meet the highly stringent COSMIN criteria.

Future Research

This review has highlighted a need for further validation of the existing paranoia

measures. Future studies should do this using rigorous methodologies recommended by

COSMIN (Mokkink et al., 2012), to ensure that the reviewed studies’ limitations are not

repeated. Studies could also employ IRT analyses to assess questionnaire properties. IRT

could be used to examine whether, in line with Freeman et al.’s (2005) hierarchy of paranoia,

clinical and non-clinical participants respond differently on items assessing different types of

paranoid cognition (e.g. persecutory, social reference). With regards to the development of

new paranoia questionnaires, authors should also pilot items with experts with professional

and lived experience of paranoia, to ensure that the content reflects realistic paranoid

experiences. Given arguments that it may be difficult for those experiencing paranoia to self-

report these experiences (Bell et al., 2007), when developing paranoia questionnaires in the

future it may be beneficial to consider including embedded validity indicators.

Obtaining more evidence for clinical and non-clinical norms on some of the most

psychometrically valid paranoia measures such as the GPTS (Green et al., 2008) would

increase their clinical applicability. Evaluating the measurement error of this tool would also

enable estimates of reliable clinical change to be developed. There have been increasing

efforts to design and evaluate interventions designed specifically to target paranoia or PDs

(e.g. Freeman et al., 2016). Increasing the quality of psychometric evidence for paranoia-

specific measures could allow the tools to be used in research evaluating such interventions,

and arguably lead to a more reliable and valid assessment of changes in paranoia.

To further investigate the value of assessing paranoid thoughts relating to varying

degrees of threat, future research could assess thoughts from lower down the paranoia

hierarchy in clinical populations. Studies could examine the distress associated with these

thoughts and compare them with persecutory beliefs, higher in the hierarchy. Furthermore,

building upon findings using observer-rated tools that non-distressing paranoid beliefs are

predictive of later paranoia-related distress and psychosis (e.g. Hanssen et al., 2005; Welham

et al., 2009), self-report questionnaires could be used longitudinally to examine the role of

frequency, content, and appraisals made about paranoid thoughts in this process. For

example, persecutory thoughts that are appraised as preoccupying and convincing may be

associated with an increased risk of later psychosis.

As indicated within the limitations section of this review, future literature reviews

could be conducted to include the paranoia subscales within broader measures of schizotypy,

personality, or psychopathology. It would be of particular interest to compare how paranoia is

conceptualised and assessed between these scales. For example, are items to assess a

paranoid cognition actually distinct from items that measure a paranoid personality trait?

Other reviews could also extend their scope to include measures that assess threats of harm to

wider society (e.g. conspiracy theories). While this review focussed upon paranoid ideation,

paranoid imagery is also prevalent among those with PDs (Schulze, Freeman, Green, &

Kuipers, 2013), and considering how best to assess this is also of interest. Furthermore,

although cognitive models conceptualise psychotic experiences as intrusions into awareness

(Morrison, 2001), no measures have assessed the process characteristics of paranoid thoughts,

and whether they do arise intrusively.



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