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Pre Intermediate Placement and Revision Test

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Questions and verb forms (15) ________ (write) to him but he moved and I
Put the words in the right order to make a question.
Example (16) ________ (not have) his new address.
job / learning / for / English / your / you / are? A Well, what about dinner on Friday?
Are you learning English for your job?
B That's fine. What time?
1. English/you/start/did/learning/when? A Is 8 o'clock OK? I (17) ________ (ring) Brian
2. tennis/often/play/how/does/she? yesterday to check the day, and I (18) ________
________________________________________ (ring) him again tomorrow to check the time.
3. do/doing/what/at/you/like/weekend/the?
________________________________________ B Well 8 o'clock is fine for me. I (19) ________
4. weekend/do/what/you/would/to/this/like? (come) at about 8 and I (20) ________ (bring)
5. dictionary/why/got/you/haven't/a? a bottle of wine.
________________________________________ A See you on Friday then!
6. much/put/my/coffee/sugar/how/did/in/you?
7. phoned/doing/John/when/what/you/were? Countable and uncountable nouns
________________________________________ Underline the uncountable noun in the following pairs
8. sandwiches/make/is/who/to/going/the? of words.
________________________________________ Example cheese/egg
9. radio/listening/does/enjoy/to/mother/the/ your?
________________________________________ money/pound meat/hamburger
10. live/Anna/where/was/child/a/did/when/ she? rice/potato flower/flour
________________________________________ loaf/bread song/music
job/homework luggage/suitcase
Tenses and verb forms food/meal furniture/desk
In the following conversation put the verb in brackets into
the correct tense or verb form. Articles
Example Put a, an, the or nothing into each gap in the story.
A Why did you go (go) to the seaside last Example
weekend? I had  dinner with the Queen.
B Because we like sailing (sail).
My Aunt Vanessa is (1) _________ artist. She lives
A (1)________ you ________ (know) Brian Bailey? in (2) _________ beautiful old cottage by (3)
B Yes, I (2)________ (meet) him two years ago _________ sea and she paints (4) _________ small
while I (3)________ (work) in Germany. pictures of wild flowers and birds. She doesn't like
(4)________ he still ________ (live) there? leaving
A Yes. He does. He (5) ________ (live) in Frankfurt. (5) _________ cottage, but once (6) _________ year
He (6) ________ (have got) a good job there but she travels by (7) _________ train to London and
at the moment he (7) ________ (work) in London. has (8) _________ tea with me at (9) _________
He's here for a few days and I'd like (8) ________ Savoy Hotel. At the moment I'm quite worried about
(invite) him and you for dinner. Can you her because she's in (10) _________ hospital, but
(9) ________ (come)? I'm sure she'll be better soon. I'm going to visit her
B Yes, I hope so. I'd love (10) ________ (see) Brian next week.
again! When I was in Germany we (11) ________
(see) each other quite often because his office
was near the school where I (12) ________
(teach) and so we sometimes (13)________
(have) lunch together. I always enjoyed
(14) ________ (talk) to him. I wanted 

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Below there are three dialogues. Put one of the words in Correct the mistakes
the box into each gap. In the following pairs of sentences, one is correct, and in
the other there is a mistake. Tick () the correct one.
worst lates more as(x2 funniest Example
t ) I have watched TV last night.
funnier than friendlier tastier like I watched TV last night. 
was what the most
1. I have lived in Chesswood for five years.
A I started a new job today, working in an office. I live in Chesswood for five years.
B Really! How did it go? 2. We moved here after my daughter was born.
A It was OK. I was a bit nervous. We have moved here after my daughter was
B What are the other people (1) _________?
3. I am a teacher since I left university.
A They're very nice. They seem (2) _________ than I have been a teacher since I left university.
the people in my old job, and the job is much (3) 4. I went to Bristol University in 1984.
_________ interesting. I have been to Bristol University in 1984.

B You worked in a shop before, didn't you? 5. I never went to Russia, but I'd like to.
I have never been to Russia, but I'd like to.
A Yes. Working in an office is better (4) _________
working in a shop, I'll tell you! That was the Time clause
Put the words in the right order.
(5) _________ job I've ever had. I hated it. Example
bath / I/ when / home / will / get / have / a / I
C We went out for a meal to Luigi's last night - you I will have a bath when I get home.
know, that new Italian restaurant.
1. hear/if/I/news/any/you/I/phone/will
D Mm, I know. What (6) _________ it like? ________________________________________
C It was (7) _________ best Italian meal I've ever 2. pay/as/you/I/back/soon/can/I/as/will
had, and it wasn't as expensive (8) _________ 3. you/feel/stop/better/if/will/you/smoking
Giovanni's, so I think we'll go there again. ________________________________________
4. car/Peter/enough/when/he/buy/a/has/will/
D Yes. Giovanni's used to be the (9) _________ money
popular restaurant around here, but then it started ________________________________________
5. problem/help/I/you/have/you/a/will/if
getting very expensive. ________________________________________
C And the service isn't (10) _________ good as it
used to be. Write questions about the words in italics.
D What did you have?
Somebody broke the window.
C Paul and I both had veal, but mine was cooked in Who broke the window?

wine and herbs, and it was (11) _________ than 1. They are talking about somebody.
Paul's. But he liked it. ________________________________________
2. Peter works for somebody.
D It sounds great. ________________________________________
E Have you read John Harrison's (12) _________ 3. Somebody hit Lilly.
book, "Going Round the World?" 4. Something smells awful!
F No. (13)_________’s it like? ________________________________________
5. Jeremy lives with someone.
E I think it's the (14) _________ book he's written. ________________________________________
I laughed out loud all the way through. 6. Mike and Polly are arguing about something.
F I didn't like "The Truth and the Light", the one that 7. Ssh! I'm listening to something.
came out last year. ________________________________________
8. Someone gave me £100!
E Neither did I. This one's much (15) _________. ________________________________________
F Can I borrow it? 9. Someone told me that Ann was getting married!

Pre-Intermediate Placement and Revision Test page 2 of 5
10. Something has just crept across the carpet! 3. How long have you known Wendy?
________________________________________ How long have you been knowing Wendy?
4. We haven't made coffee yet.
We didn't make coffee yet.
Put the words in the right order.
5. He is waiting to see the doctor since 9.
1. world / is / English / the / all / spoken / over He's been waiting to see the doctor since 9.
2. since / has / nylon / 1932 / made / been 6. When did you buy your new car?
________________________________________ When have you bought your new car?
3. Mary's / invited / I / to / wasn't / party / why? 7. Mary isn't home. She's been to work.
________________________________________ Mary isn't home. She's gone to work.
4. will / when / be / new / the / bridge / built?
________________________________________ 8. I've run in the park, so I'm tired.
5. asked / car / design / were / they / to / new / a I've been running in the park, so I'm tired.
________________________________________ 9. I've run round the park three times.
I've been running round the park three times.
Second Conditional and might
Read the text about Jane. Then complete the 10. They already had their dinner.
sentences below. They've already had their dinner.
Jane's unhappy at home and unhappy at work.
She has a boring job and she doesn't earn much Opposites
Choose an adjective from the box. Write it next to its
money. Her boss says that he will perhaps give
her a pay rise next month, but he isn't sure yet.
She doesn't have a car and she goes to work on
generous well- pleased tidy quiet
crowded buses every day. She doesn't have a
flat, she lives in a small room above a noisy
beautiful interesting modern poor miserable
restaurant in the centre of town. She finds it
difficult to sleep because the restaurant doesn't
ugly _________ wealthy _________
close until after midnight. She thinks that she
will perhaps go and live with her friend, Wendy, annoyed _________ happy _________
but she isn't sure yet because she likes living on
noisy _________ naughty _________
her own.
mean _________ boring _________
Jane wouldn't be unhappy if she lived in a quiet flat. old _________ messy _________

1. Jane _______________ happier if she Irregular past tenses

_______________ a more interesting job. Here are 20 verbs. 10 are regular and 10 are irregular.
Write in the Past Simple and Past Participle for the
2. Her boss might irregular verbs only.
3. If she _______________ a car, she Past simple
Base form Past Participle
__________________________ to work by bus. appear
4. If she _______________ live above a
restaurant, she _______________ it easier to fall
sleep. feel
5. She might _______________ her friend forget
Wendy. improve
Present Perfect Simple and Continuous
In the following pairs of sentences only one is correct. Tick let
() the correct one. lose
1. I saw her five minutes ago. pass
I've seen her five minutes ago. pick
2. We are here since last Saturday. speak
We've been here since last Saturday. start
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Put the correct preposition into each gap. Used to or the Past Simple
Look at the profile of the singer, Andy Goodchild.
1. I've been reading a story ______ two girls who Complete the sentences, using used to where
possible, or the Past Simple.
travelled round the world.
2. I sold my car ______ £2,000. He used to live with his parents in Leeds.
He had his first guitar when he was six.
3. If that machine weren't ______ of order, I'd get
you a drink. Factfile on Andy Goodchild
Andy's highly successful solo career began in 1984.
4. Do you believe ______ UFOs?
He now lives in London with his wife, Suzy, and their
5. He said that she was too young to buy alcohol daughter, Trixie.
Andy tells us about his background.
and that it was ______ the law.
1959-80 Lived in Leeds with
Words that go together my parents
Write the correct combinations below. 1965 My first guitar!
1970-80 Bradford School
A B 1971-75 Wrote songs with a friend
called Keith
1. never A. story 1976-83 Played in pubs and clubs
2. wear B. a lift 1980 Started going out with
a girl called Mandy
3. wait C. the truth June 1981 Number one record, "She's
4. drive D. patiently mine"
1982 Toured the United States
5. tell E. weight 1983 Broke up with Mandy
6. detective F. a uniform 1984 Went solo
August 1985 Pop festival in Los Angeles
7. lose G. carefully
1. He _____________________________
8. give someone H. mind
Bradford School.
9. narrow I. concert
2. He _______________________ football for
10. get J. glasses
the school.
K. in
11. sun 3. He _______________________ songs with
a friend called Keith.
12. pop L. forecast
4. He _______________________ with
13. rain M. path
The Forwards.
14. interested N. heavily
5. The Forwards _____________________ in
15. weather O. ready
pubs and clubs.

1 ____ 6. In 1981 he _______________________ a

2 ____ number one record.
3 ____
7. He __________________ with a girl called
4 ____
5 ____ Mandy.
6 ____
8. The Forwards __________________ the
7 ____
8 ____ United States in 1982.
9 ____
9. Andy ________________________ in 1984.
10 ____
11 ____
12 ____ 10. He ________________________a pop
13 ____
14 ____ festival
15 ____ in Los Angeles the following year.

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