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General Interview Guidelines

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General Interview Guidelines

A. Organizational structure and environment of hospital:

1. How is the institution organized? Have formal charts have been drawn (organogram)?
2. Is there administrative board for regulating the hospital organization since its establishment? If
yes, what are its different components?
3. What are the goals and objectives of your hospital?
4. Do you prepare strategies to fulfill the objectives?
5. How do you prepare your strategies/plan?
6. How many people are currently working under this institute?
7. How is the attendance of the staffs monitored?
8. What is the process of recruitment, promotion and retirement?
9. Is there any provision of punishment for any illegal actions?
10. What are the major challenges for this institute?

B. Infrastructure and services provided by hospital:

1. How many buildings in the hospital?

2. How these buildings are divided for providing different health services?
3. How many departments, wards, beds are currently under this institute?
4. Number of Units/Departments:
5. Number of wards:
6. Number of Beds:
7. What are the different departments, wards and other services currently provided by this hospital?

C. Finance:

a) How many staffs are currently working under this department?

b) What are the roles and responsibilities of this division?
c) How is the budget planned in this institution?
d) What are the major sources of the budget (OPD services, IPD services, Academic activities and
e) How does the budget arrive? What is the basic procedure for that?
f) What are the major headings of expenses?
g) How is the monitoring and supervision done and by whom?
h) What are the major challenges faced by the department?
D. Logistic department (store and transportation):

1. How many staff members are there in the department?

2. What are the roles and responsibilities of the staff members?
3. Is there any system of training for the staffs?
4. What is the working hour of the staffs?
5. No. of rooms allocated and their functions.
6. What is the procedure for selection and quantification of products?
7. Is there a separate staff for inventory management? How is the inventory maintained?
8. What are the commodities stored by the department? For how long the stocks can be made
9. What is the capacity of the store? Is there any provision for safety stock and what is its capacity?
10. How are the various items stored? If any special method, briefly describe.
11. How are the collection, storage and dispatch of the materials done?
12. How is the quality of products monitored?
13. What are the channels for distribution of the items?
14. How are the expired/out dated items disposed off?
15. What are the safety precautions adopted by the storekeepers while handling the hazardous
16. What are the main guiding principles for logistics management? How do you demand and/or
supply them?
17. How is the information regarding logistics maintained and utilized? (LMIS)
18. How is the recording and reporting done?
19. Budget allocated for logistic department?
20. How is evaluation of the logistic system done? (Any specific indicators)
21. What are the challenges faced by the logistic department?
22. What are the future plans of this department?

E. Questionnaire for OPDs

1. When was this department established?

2. How many staffs are currently working in this department?
3. What is the working hours/ shifts of the staffs of in this department?
4. What are the roles and responsibilities of the staffs of this department?
5. What are the basic services provided by this department? Are there any other special services
provided by the department?
6. No. of rooms allocated for this department for its proper function:
7. How many patients visit this Outpatient Department on an average per day?
8. What is the procedure for getting services provided by this department?
9. How are the patients managed to wait there while they are waiting at department to get the
10. What are the major diseases/problems of the patients visiting this department?
11. How frequently referrals made from this department to other concerned departments (if
needed)? What is the referral procedure?
12. What is the average follow-up time period?
13. What is the method of sterilization/disinfection used by this department for maintenance of its
14. Does this department have Inpatient services? If yes, how frequently does patient get admitted?
15. What is the information recording system in this department? How this recorded information
is transmitted to higher concerned authority?
16. What are the challenges faced by the department?
17. What are the future plans of the department?

F. Questionnaire for IPDs

1. When was this department established?

2. How many rooms and beds are allocated for its proper functioning?
3. How many staffs are currently working in this department?
4. What is the working hours/ shifts of the staffs of in this department?
5. What are the roles and responsibilities of the staffs of this department?
6. What is the information recording system in this department? How this recorded information is
transmitted to higher concerned authority?
7. What are the basic services provided by this department? Are there any other special services
provided by the department?
8. What are the different infrastructures available in this department that are required for provision
of its services?
9. How many patients admitted in this Inpatient Department on an average per day?
10. What is the procedure for getting services provided by this department?
11. What are the facilities available for patient’s parties while they are at hospital looking after the
12. What are the major diseases/problems of the patients for which they are admitted to this
13. How many rounds are conducted by doctors in one day?
14. How frequently emergencies happen in this department?
15. How frequently referrals made from this department to other concerned department (if
needed)? What is the referral procedure?
16. How long does a patient have to stay at hospital on an average?
17. What is the patient’s discharge procedure after completion of the treatment?
18. What is the method of sterilization/disinfection used by this department for maintenance of its
19. What are the challenges faced by the department?
20. What are the future plans of the department?
G. Questionnaire for Emergency Services
1. When was this department established?
2. How many rooms and beds are allocated for its proper functioning?
3. How many staffs are currently working in this department?
4. What is the working hours/ shifts of the staffs of in this department?
5. What are the roles and responsibilities of the staffs of this department?
6. How many ambulances are available and are they accessible for 24 hours’ service?
7. How frequently emergency cases come to this hospital on an average per day?
8. How frequently emergency cases come to this hospital on an average per day?
9. What are the common types of emergencies that come to this hospital?
10. Is there any system of triage of patient and how frequently it is practiced?
11. Is there a trauma surgeon in this department? If available, he/she is available all 24 hours?
12. How frequently referrals made from this hospital to other hospital(s) (if needed)? What is the
referral procedure?
13. What is the mortality rate among the patients brought to this department?
14. How does this department collaborate with other departments of this hospital if needed? 15.
What is the information recording system in this department? How this recorded information is
transmitted to higher concerned authority?
16. What are the challenges faced by the department? 16. What are the future plans of the

H. Questionnaire for Operation Theater

1. When was this department established?

2. How many operating rooms are available there and are they allocated separately for each
3. Number of others (Engineers, Electricians, plumbers, security officers, ward boys):
4. What is the working hours/ shifts of the staffs of in this department?
5. What are the roles and responsibilities of the staffs of this department?
6. Are the operations performed throughout a week or specific surgeries performed on specific
day(s) of a week?
7. Is there separate pre-anesthetic checkup unit?
8. Is there separate pre-operative and post-operative wards?
9. How many operations performed on an average per day? What is the maximum number of
operations that can be performed per day?
10. What are the common types of operations performed in this hospital?
11. How long does a patient have to stay at the hospital after surgery on an average?
12. How do often surgical complications occur in this hospital?
13. What are the surgeries exclusively performed in this hospital?
14. What are the different sterilization/disinfection methods used in this department for
maintenance of its cleanliness and reduce post-operative complications?
15. What is the referral system for those surgical cases that cannot be managed in this hospital?
16. What is the information recording system in this department? How this recorded information
is transmitted to higher concerned authority?
17. What are the challenges faced by the department?
18. What are the future plans of the department?

I. Questionnaire for Diagnostic Services

1. What are the different diagnostic services available in this hospital? What are the infrastructures
provided for its proper function?
2. Are there separate departments for provision of these services and what are they?
3. How many staffs are currently working in this department?
4. Number of others (Engineers, Electricians, plumbers, security officers, ward boys):
5. What is the working hours/ shifts of the staffs of in this department?
6. What are the roles and responsibilities of the staffs of this department?
7. What are the common diagnostic tests performed in this hospital?
8. What are the special tests performed in this hospital?
9. What are the aseptic techniques employed for maintaining the sterility of the samples during
their collection?
10. What are the different methods of the sample disposal after completion of the test?
11. What is the information recording system in this department? How this recorded information
is transmitted to higher concerned authority?
12. What are the challenges faced by the department?
13. What are the future plans of the department?

J. Questionnaire for Nursing Department

1) When was this department established?

2) How many staffs are currently working in this department?
3) Number of sisters and staff nurses:
4) Number of student nurses:
5) Number of other staffs:
6) What is the working hours/ shifts of the staffs of in this department?
7) What are the roles and responsibilities of the staffs of this department?
8) What is the information recording system in this department? How this recorded information is
transmitted to higher concerned authority?
9) What are the challenges faced by the department?
10) What are the future plans of the department?
K. Questionnaire for Medical Record keeping department

1) How many staffs are currently working in this department?

2) Number of staff:
3) What is the working hours/ shifts of the staffs of in this department?
4) What are the roles and responsibilities of the staffs of this department?
5) What is the price and procedure of registration of the patient?
6) Is there use of any computer software for registration of the patient?
7) What is the information recording system in this department? How this recorded information is
transmitted to higher concerned authority?
8) What are the challenges faced by the department?
9) What are the future plans of the department?

L. Questionnaire for Pharmacy

1) When was this department established?

2) How many staffs are currently working in this department?
3) What is the working hours/ shifts of the staffs of in this department?
4) What are the roles and responsibilities of the staffs of this department?
5) What are the sources of the drugs and how they are stored and dispensed?
6) Is the storage capacity of this department sufficient to meet the demand?
7) What will be the method of disposal of the expired drugs?
8) Is there any role of the hospital drug quality control?
9) Is this pharmacy producing any own products and what are those products?
10) What is the information recording system in this department? How this recorded information
is transmitted to higher concerned authority?
11) What are the basic services provided by this department? Are there any other special services
provided by the department?
12) What are the challenges faced by the department?
13) What are the future plans of the department?

M. Questionnaire for Department of Community Program

1) When was this department established?

2) What are the infrastructures available for this department?
3) How many staffs are currently working in this department?
4) What is the working hours/ shifts of the staffs of in this department?
5) What are the roles and responsibilities of the staffs of this department?
6) What are the different programs conducted by this department?
7) What are the different services provided by this department?
8) Is this department actively conducting any research?
9) What is the information recording system in this department? How this recorded information is
transmitted to higher concerned authority?
10) What are the challenges faced by the department?
11) What are the future plans of the department?

N. Questionnaire for CSSD

1. When this department was established?

2. What are the infrastructures belonging to this department?
3. How many staffs are currently working in this department?
4. Number of staff:
5. What is the working hours/ shifts of the staffs of in this department?
6. What are the functions of this department?
7. What is the method of sterilization or disinfection of the materials bought from different OPDs
and wards?
8. Which technique is used to determine quality control?
9. What are different instrumental and material sets prepared by this department?
10. What happen to the lost/damaged/unused materials?
11. What is the information recording system in this department? How this recorded information
is transmitted to higher concerned authority?
12. What are the challenges faced by the department?
13. What are the future plans of the department?

O. Questionnaire for Laundry

1. When this department was established and what are the main objectives of its established?
2. What are the infrastructures available for this department?
3. How many staffs are currently working in this department?
4. Number of staffs:
5. What is the working hours/ shifts of the staffs of in this department?
6. What are the roles and responsibilities of the staffs of this department?
7. What are the techniques of the sterilization/disinfection of the clothes and other materials and
how they are cleaned?
8. What is the information recording system in this department? How this recorded information is
transmitted to higher concerned authority?
9. What are the challenges faced by the department?
10. What are the future plans of the department?
P. Questionnaire for Maintenance department

1. When this department was established?

2. What are the different infrastructures under this department?
3. How many staffs are currently working in this department?
4. Number of staff:
5. What is the working hours/ shifts of the staffs of in this department?
6. What are the functions of this department?
7. What is the information recording system in this department? How this recorded information is
transmitted to higher concerned authority?
8. What are the challenges faced by the department?
9. What are the future plans of the department?

Q. . Questionnaire for Library department

1. When this department was established?

2. What are the different infrastructures under this department?
3. How many staffs are currently working in this department?
4. What is the opening hours and what is the working hours/ shifts of the staffs of in this
5. What are the functions of this department?
6. What kind and how many books and journals are currently available?
7. Who are the users of this library? What is its maximum capacity and what is the average number
of users per day?
8. How many books and for how many days a user can borrow the books from this library? What
is the method of recording this information?
9. How new books and journals are purchased? How the books are maintained later on? 10. How
this recorded information is transmitted to higher concerned authority?
11. What are the challenges faced by the department?
12. What are the future plans of the department?

R. Questionnaire for IT department

1. When this department was established?

2. What are the different infrastructures under this department?
3. How many staffs are currently working in this department?
4. Number of staff:
5. What is the working hours/ shifts of the staffs of in this department?
6. What are the functions of this department?
7. Is there use of any computer software for the intra-hospital networking?
8. Does this department use any online backup system for storage of the hospital related
information? If not, what is the backup system?
9. What is the information recording system in this department? How this recorded information is
transmitted to higher concerned authority?
10. What are the challenges faced by the department?
11. What are the future plans of the department?

S. Questionnaire for canteen

1. When this canteen was established?

2. What are the infrastructures belonging to this department?
3. How many staffs are currently working in this department?
4. What is the working hours/ shifts of the staffs of in this department?
5. How raw materials for food preparation are purchased?
6. At what time foods are provided to its consumers and what is the procedure for getting food?
7. Which technique is used for quality control of food?
8. What is the method of sterilization or disinfection used for cleaning utensils?
9. How waste materials produced from canteen are handled?
10. What is the information recording system in this department? How this recorded information
is transmitted to higher concerned authority?
11. What are the challenges faced by the department?
12. What are the future plans of the department?

T. Questionnaire for interview with executive director/medical superintendent

1. What is your introduction on brief?

2. What are goals, vision, and mission of your hospital? How will you be going to achieve them?
3. How do you ensure your organization delivers the best care, for every patient, every time?
4. How do you demonstrate the value of the services you deliver to the various constituencies:
business, government, insurers, and patients?
5. Talk about any collaboration efforts you’ve spearheaded with other provider organizations,
physicians, businesses, or insurers to improve the community health status.
6. What mistakes have you made in dealing with the medical staff? How have you learned from
those mistakes?
7. Talk about a time when you encountered a staff member with an entrepreneurial spirit within
your organization. Were you able to create opportunities to use it for the benefit of the hospital?
8. How do you make sure that the goals of your organization are aligned from top to bottom?
9. How do ensure results are measured in real time?
10. How many people have you fired? How do you go about it?
11. How do you keep up to date on new laws and regulations to ensure compliance?
12. Discuss your experience with creating employee recognition and rewards programs.
13. Discuss your efforts to promote disease prevention and wellness.
14. How would you define a successful administrator?
15. Describe a time you had to compromise your ethics.
16. If I called a member of your current staff and asked them to tell me about you, what would
they say?
17. In prior positions did you have budgeting responsibilities? If so, what was the size of your
operating budget?
18. Tell me about a time when you had to deal with an irate physician. What happened? 19. Tell
us about a high-level innovative idea/change that you implemented. Was it successful?
20. How do you ensure your organization is keeping up with the continual advances in medical
21. What do you do when trying to solve a problem and you are confronted with contradictory
22. If I were to call members of your board, how would they describe your relationship with them?

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